Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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T. M. 0.' A. Working Hard for ZStndi for
Hew Building.
Aaaaclatloa Oatarawa Pveeeat loem-
iitiiii wm nt iM"Hw
, . , Ilaad. ,
General gecrttarv Charles Marah of tha
local Young Men Chrlatlao association la
making a quiet effort to ralsa fund for tha
purpose of securing a permanent homa for
tha association. Efforts have been mad
la tha paet to raise money for thla purpoae,
but a aufllclent amount waa not eubacrlbed.
Now A. L. Bersqulst, one of tha director
of tha association, ha started tha con
truction of a brick building at Twenty
fourth and L street, which ha la willing
to leas to the association providing ault
able arrangement ara made by tha tlm
tha foundation ara completed. Mr. Marh
U out on a fetlll hunt for S00 to bind tha
bargain and tbua aecur new and commo
dious quarter for tha aaaoclatlon.
Thoaa who hav bean approached by Mr.
Karah appear to favor tha plan, and it I
understood. tbat quite an amount of tha
lum needed haa already been pledged.
A present room ara entirely Inadequate
thpaawha ara Interested In association work
hope to ea tha project go through. With
new apartment In the Bergqulat block
thera would ba a good sized gymnasium
on tha ground -floor and increased bathing
facilities. Tha ize of tha reading room
and parlors would also ba Increased. A
determined effort 1 to be made to raise the
necessary funda within tha next week or
... Few Aeaiaeat Reported.
Considering the amount of fireworks ex
ploded In South Omaha Monday very few
accidents occurred. ! he only one of Im
portance waa the'accldental ahooUng In the
face of Roy Bloomfleld, the 9-year-old aon
of Harry Bloomfleld. Twenty-fifth and M
streets. .The youngster waa standing
directly behind Sol Klein when the latter
drew pistol loaded with blank cartridge
and fired. A portion of the charge struck
the lad in the face and for a time blinded
Ills left eye. Dr. Davis dressed the burns
and picked out a portion of the powder.
Last night they boy was getting along all
right. When Klein fired the shot be did not
know there was any one standing behind
Mm. At first It waa reported1 Klein had
fired point blank at the boy and the police
thought It best to detain Klein until an in
vestlgatlon was mad. Klein put up a
'bond of $500 and was released.
Life wa made miserable for motorman
by the placing of torpedoes on the tracks.
Boys would start In laying a train of tor
pedoes at Twenty-fourth and t, streets and
when cars came along there was a constant
fuelled until motors turned the oorner at
Twenty-sixth and N street.
Chief Brlgga and Captain ShieMa agreed
last night that it wa thequletestFourth of
July Jield Jn BoutJt Omaha in a long time.
Only three vagrants' were arrested. Very
few Intoxicated . persons were seen on the
streets. During . tha afternoon hundred
boarded cars for the resort and the down
town, street were almost deserted during
the laie afternoon and early evening.
Republican Rally Wednesday.
Wednesday evening there a meet
ing of the Rooeevelt-Fairbank Republican
club of Bouth Omaha at Jorgeneon' hall,
Twanty-flfth and N streets. The committee
on constitution and bylaws wtn report
and the chance are several other com
mittee will be ready to hand In reports.
Every member of the club Is urged to at
tend this aesslon and all thoae Who desire
to Join, ars gives a cordial Invitation.'
1 Taljc Batldlaga To.ignt. . .
Thf evening the Board of Education wfll
meet in regular monthly session and take
up tha matter .or new buildings. It prob
ably will decide thla even lag whether an
addition shall . be built to the Lincoln
chool or an ' eight-room building con
structed In the -neighborhood of Twenty
second and H streets. Plan for tha ad
dition have been drawn and were submitted
ta the board some time ago. Bond of
the contractors who are to Install the
heating, ventilating and plumbing at the
new high school will be presented for ap
proval, secretary Laverty said last even
lug he did not think that the board would
take any action on the election of Janitor
or the ruling or vacancies In tha teachers'
" 1 Moxle's Anniversary,
Juat a year ago yeeterday Moxle Ter
rell eaoaped -from the city Jail and has,
, ., , v .
b s-na-ammsanaai ' '
Djr Cutloura After th
' Most Awful Suffering
Ever Experienced.
tad Many Remedies Failed
to d a Cent's Worth
of Qood.
; About five years ago I was troubled
with aora hands, so sore that when I
would put them in water the pala would
very nearly set me craxy, the akin would
peel off and the flesh would get hard
and break. . , 'there would be blood flow
lav from at least fifty places on each
hand. Word could never tell the suf
fering I endured for three) years.
tried everything that I waa told to use
for fully three years, but could get no
relief. I tried at least eight different
doctors, bat none of them seemed to do
me any good, aa my bands were ai bad
when I got through doctoring aa when
I first began. I also tried many reme
dies, but none of them ever did m one
coat 'a worth of good, I was discour
aged and heart-sore. 1 would feel to
bad morning when I got up, to think
1 had to go to work and stand the pala
for tea hours, and I often felt like giv
ing up my position. Before I started
to work morning X would have to
wrap every finger up separately, ao
a to try and keep them toft and then
wear glove over the rag to keep
the grease from getting on my work.
At night I wool! have to wear florae
ta bel la fact, I had to wear glovea
a4 ta tlm. ' fiat thask to Cattaora,
V. great of all great akla cur,
AAer doctoring for three rears, and
emending much money, a toe. box of
Call our Otauatat ended all my offer.
Inge. It ba two yaara alae I used
any asd I don't know what aor nanda
re now, and never lost a day's wore
WkQe asbar CatAcure OtaUn."
V-Uimt0JoeTy fit., Tranton, V. J.
not been sa In this vicinity since. Mem
bers of the police force who remembered
Moxle'e hasty exit from the Jail were
Joshing Jailer Fowler yesterday. Moxl
wa on Of the bent known colored lad In
the city and waa well known to the police,
a he wa so frequently getting Into
trouble. When Moile was arrested last
July he waa put In for lifting a pocket
book fie found loose In a room at one of
the rooming houses on Twenty-sixth
street. On the morning of the Fourth
Jailer Fowler wanted someone to clean up
in the Jailer's office and he turned Terrell
out to do the work. While Fowler was
answering the telephone the negro dropped
hi broom and made a dash for liberty.
He wa nearly out of sight when Fowler
reached the' sidewalk and started after
him. As far as the police here know Moxle
Is still running.
Blar Doings Tonight.
Tonight lodge No. 154, Fraternal Order
of Eagles, will hold a aoclal session for the
purpose of celebrating the passing of the
tOO-memberahlp mark. ' There Is to be a
brief business aesslon and then a pro
gram will ba rendered. There la to be
vocal and Instrumental muslo, recitations,
etc. Refreshments will be served. As the
present hall at Twenty-sixth and N streets
Is far too small, the securing of larger
quarters may be talked over In an In
formal manner.
Rew Jem Crasher.
. A new Ice crushing machine has Just
been Installed at the Omaha Packing com
pany'! plant and will be placed In opera
tion this morning. This crusher break
large chunk of ice the size wanted to be
used in refrigerator cars. The - new ma
chine la placed on a runvay so that car
may now be Iced much more rapidly than
under the old system. Work on the -new
loading platform at this plant Is progress
ing nicely, but It will be two months be
fore the platform and Icing sheds are com
pleted,' Levy Ordinance Tonight.
When the city council meets In regular
session thla evening the annual levy and
appropriation ordinances will be Introduced
and after being read In blank will be re
ferred to the proper committee. June claims
pertaining to Imprcvementa, will be called
order to prepare the. claims to be allowed
the finance committee will meet at the
clerk's office at t o'clock thla afternoon.
Borne other matters Of Importance, mostly
pertaining to Improvements will be called
up for consideration.
Maarle City Ooaalp,
Nathan Johnson is reported to be se
riously ill.
Two new cases of smallpox were, reported
at tha health office yesterday. .
Pork Butchers' Tnion No. S3 will meet
on Wednesday evening for the purpose of
electing officer.
Juanlta Council No. 12, D. of P., will hold
a public Installation of officers at MasoiUo
hall this evening.
Dr. T, H. Ensor arrived from El Pao,
Texas, yesterday and will spend a few day
here visiting hi .family. -
Mis Mary Rose and her sister Jennie
leave today for Spirit Lake, Iowa, where
they will spend the summer.
Peter Henry of Chicago arrived here yes
terday to take charge of some of the build
ing contracta awarded to George Parks
A Co.
Lost Gold watch, ladle also, with silver
fob, between Twenty-sixth and C streets
and Twenty-fourth and M streets. Reward
for return to Bcarr'a drug store.
II. ' E. Newman, formerly a member of
the police force here, but now located
In Kansas, la spending a day or two in
the city with friends.
The plcnlo given by the Bunday school
of Lefler Memorial church at Vista Spring
park yesterday wa greatly enjoyed by
those who .attended.
Six Vandalla-Penmsylvanla Through
Train to the East.
leave St. Louis dally aa follows: "The
Keystone Express," 1:44 a. m. ; "The
New Tortt York Limited," 1:80 noonr"The
Ohio and Virginia Express," 12:46 p. m.j
"The Pittsburg Special," 1:15 p. m.J "The
New Tork Express," 11:85 p. m.; all via
Indiana poll and Columbus; ."The Logans
port and Fort Wayne Express, " 8 KM p. m.J.
via Columbia City and Fort Wayne For
further Information consult J. M. CHES
BROUGH, Assistant General Passenger
Agent, St Louis, Mo..
Announcement of th Theater.
Thi afternoon ' and evening at the Boyd
theater the Ferris ( Stock company will
give again th ever aucoeaaful and popular
melodrama, "Under Sealed Orders." This
piece has been one of tha moat popular
the company has yet offered. Beginning
on Thursday evening and continuing until
after the Saturday matinee, the bill will
be "Way Out West," one of Mr. Fen-la'
great suocesaea. Mr. Dlok Ferris will come
down from Minneapolis' to assume the lead
ing role.
Annual Convention Commercial Law
Leasa of America,
West Baden and French Lick Spring.
Ind., July 25-29.. Th Chicago Great West
ern railway will on July Z2 to 26, inclu
sive, sell round trip ticket at one fare
plua $2.00 to West Baden and French Lick
Springs. Ind. Ticket good for return un
til August 11. For further Information
apply to 8. D. Parkhurst, general agent,
lil3 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb.
One Good Ararament.
I that the scenery along the line of the
Erie railroad 1 unequallled for beauty and
charm. There are MANT OTHERS. Three
fine trains dally to the east. Excursion
ratee. Free stop-overs at Niagara Falls,
Chautauqua Lake and Cambridge Springs.
5S6 RallWay Exchange, Chicago, for book
lets of Bummer Toura, special Chautauqua
Lake low-rate excursions', etc .
Cannot Be Overdone.
Niagara Falls, the most magnificent of all
spectacles, never grow commonplace. Let
your aummer tour to th east Include
Niagara. The Michigan Central' Vacation
Tour for 1904 gives Yull information re
garding routes and rates. It will ba found
a great help in planning the summer holi
day. Addrea. with three red atampa, O.
W. Rugglse. O. P. at T. A., Chicago.
Paint la Illinois, Wisconsin
and Michigan.
Th Chicago Oreat Wesern Railway will
sell special round trip -tickets at very
low ratee to point in Illinois, WUConaln
and Michigan. Tick sis limited to Ootober
C For further Information apply to 8.
D Parkhurst, General Agent, lili Farnam
st, Omaha. Neb.
International Convention.
Baptlat Toung People' Union of America,
Detroit, Mich., July 7-10. The Chicago
Oreat Western railway will on July 6 to
f, Inclusive, sell round trip tlcketa at one
fare plus S cents to Detroit. Mich. Tickets
good for return until July 11 For further
Information apply to B. D. Parkhurst, gen
eral agent, 1514 Farrtam street, Omaha,
Neb. .
Hoaaosookora Rata to north Dakota,
Bvery Tuesday until October Si th Chi
ang e Oreat Western railway will sail rouad
trip ticket to point In th above named
tat at a groat reduction from the usual
far, Tor further Information apply te
Oao. F. Thomas, general agent, 1511 Far
nan street Omaha, Neb,
MAW to Chtoaaro,
' Th Chleago Oreat Weatara railway will
an special round trip ticket to Chicago
at 04.0. Ticket good for return until Oo.
tobo St For further Information apply
to B. D. Parkhurst. general agent, l&ll
Farnam streot, Omaha, Neb,
Union BtocK Yards aloes, osempt from
Uaatloo fv t dlYlaend. B. 3urn Jr.,
tl, T, life Lid
Long List of Minor Casualties as the Eerult
of "Patrlotism.,,
Noise Is Mad by Tonnar an Old at
th Expense of Eye, Fingers
and Other Menken of
th Body.
The deafening din from all sort of not
making contraption -Monday was suf
ficient evidence that not only Young Amer
ica, but Older America, Including boy and
girls, men and woman, bellev that the only
way to let their pent up patriotism have full
way 1 to punotur hole in the atmosphere.
The noise began Saturday and kept up with
Increasing vehemence until last night, and
then only diminished because the supply of
ammunition became exhausted.
Despite the tact that the chief of police
Issued speolflo orders against placing tor
pedoes on atruet car track, old street car
men declared that never within their mem
ory had they known of such a general
practice of thi nuisance. At time th re
peated explosions of torpedoes along th
track a th cars whirled along resem
bled the rapid fire of a QaUlng gun. This
was general over the city.
Boy Leaes aa Eye.
Artie Waybrlght, 16 years of age, living
with his uncle at Sixth and Jaokson streets,
lost hla left eye yeaterday afternoon at
Eleventh and Davenport streets. The po
lice aurgeona attended the injured youth,
who was celebrating the day with a can
of powder. A fuse bad been attached to
the can. Waybrlght thought the fuse had
gone out
Tony Vanous, jr., th 16-year-old son of
Tony Vanous, patrol conductor at th
city jail, shot a hole through hi left hand
yesterday morning. The injured boy was
attended by Police Surgeon Holm.
While in the second-hand store of M.
Wright, Twelfth and Douglas streets, yes
terday afternoon, Elmer Wlmmer received
severe powder wound in the faoe, the re
sult of th discharge of two blank cart
ridge fired 'by Wright Wright was ar
rested on a charge of aaaault and battery.
Wlmmer wa taken to hla room at th
Metropolitan hotel, where Dr. McPheraon
and Holm attended him.
Z. Carnman, 6 year old, lie In 4 critical
condition at Bt Joseph' hospital with a
fractured skull. Young Carnman waa show
ing his father's horse what a real national
holiday is like when the animal retaliated
with a vicious kick.
Blow a Finger OaT.
Jo Clrianl of 706 Bouth Sixteenth atreet,
a -year-old boy, wanted to aee If a revol
ver would work if the mussls was placed
against his hand. The revolver worked all
right and so did the police surgeons. The
boy'a finger was nearly blown off.
Leon Qreenberg of 419 South Tenth street,
13 year old, wished to see If he could catch
a "chaser." Ho extinguished the chaser and
had the police surgeon attend to hi hand.
A young girl named Bailey shot herself
in the hand with a blank cartridge near
the corner of Dodge and Fifteenth streets.
Dr. Hall attended the case.
Henry Hammeck, 806 South Seventeenth
avenue, received a serious wound on the
back of hi hand from a pistol shot fired by
himself yesterday morning. Nearly all of
the arteries of the hand were severed and
there waa some - fear last evening that
tetanus might enaue.
Biz powder burn case were treated - ry
Dr. S. B. Hall In the neighborhood of
Leavenworth and Sixteenth yesterday;
They-war., of varied degrees -of aeverlty,
but none of them' particularly serious and
were about squally divided between ' face
and hand wound. '
Thanah and Eye. ' -
The 10-year-old son of A. P. Tukey, 2641
Chicago street, lost part of his thumb in a
misunderstanding with a torpedo cane.
A Lincoln boulevard resident has. con
tracted a good, healthy doctor bill a a re
sult of getting one eye ton close 'to a
Fourth of July flash of powder. H may
not lose the eye, Dr. Porter thinks. .
A small boy of th same diatrhtt failed to
disconnect hi hand . from an exploding
cannon cracker In time enough to prevent
him from carrying the hand in a allng for
a week or ten days, If nothing more serious
Sunday evening a young woman living on
Twenty-fourth street near Hamilton was
badly hurt about her hands by the prema
ture- explosion of a blank cartridge.' It la
possible she will lose a finger.
A North Omaha man whose name could
not be learned, waa treated by Dr. Blahop
for a badly lacerated, finger that ha had
partly shot away.
A hoy named Matthews, living at 63?1
Florence avenue, will have to use a cane
and a crutch for a week or two until hi
ankle heat from a pistol wound that he In
flicted upon himself.
oaao Mamoles Cases,
Dr. M. Pauline Klussman report a bad
case of Injury resulting from powder ex
ploslqn on Military avenue, near Twenty
second street. The unfortunate victim is
a 13-year-old boy, but she did not learn
hi nam, though attending the case.
A 7-year-old child on Leavenworth
street, near Twenty-sixth street, was badly
hurt about the face and hands by the' ex
plosion of a small can of powder. The
burns were severe.
A 12-year-old boy, near Sixteenth and
Locust streets, had a hand severely hurt
by a blank cartridge pistol.
A boy named Kato, living near Eleventh
and Davenport atreeta, had a hand badly
lacerated by the explosion of a cannon
Dr. A. K. Detwller reports several minor
casea of powder burns and Injuries , with
toy pistols. None of them ara serious.
Two cases of toy pistol wounds, the vic
tims being boys, are reported from the vi
cinity of Fortieth and Cass streets, with
Dr. Bomers as attending surgeon.
The vlolnlty of Lake and Twenty-fourth
streets contributed one case to the list of
casualties In a boy with a badly wounded
hand through a misunderstanding between
himself, a toy platol and a blank cart
ridge. Dr. Davla attended the case.
A young woman, who did not wish her
name made public, was badly hurt while
riding on a merry-go-round at Courtland
beach yesterday afternoon. Bhe was lean
Ins out from th car and waa struck In
th face by a post and her race badly
jacerated. She waa taken to Dr. Alex
ander' office, on Nicholas street near
Twenty-fourth, and her Injuries dressed.
A boy, toy pistol and a prematurely ex
ploded blank cartridge gar Dr. Alexan
der a Job at Twenty-fourth and Nicholas
it wn.1, make you rraowo.
As a strengthening tonic in declining
health, or during oonvaleooenoe the great
value of Horsford'a Add Phosphate Is
recpgnlsod by the medical profession every,
where. It uourishos and strengthen th
hungry nerves. Improves th appetite and
induce restful sleep,
Horsford'a Acid I'horphat supplies th
natural "and necessary element (th
trengthrglvlng phosphates) of th nerves,
bone, musolo and brain; In faot every
tiasu of h body. A deficiency of the
phosphate mean general physical weak
ness. Insist on having Horaford'S Acid
Phosphata,tba groaUsl af all toalog and
nerve faed.
atreeta yeaterday evening. Tha boy I not
seriously hurt
Dr. Plerr Colon Morearlty wa ' called
to attend a c of a little girl who was
badly hurt, but It 1 thought her Injury
la not serious, Tha exact location of the
unfortunate accident and tha name of tha
parti ea could not be learned.'
. Another Girl Hart,
Hasel Burnett, aged 18, living at 2C0
North Nineteenth street I suffering from
a badly torn hand, occasioned by a toy
pistol discharging a blank cartridge. Dr.
Hobbe I the attending physician.
The 1-year-old son of Owen McCaffrey,
t2DI Harney street received a painful and
dangerous powder burn fromtbe prema
ture discbarge of a toy cannon yesterday
afternoon. Dr. Paul Grossman rendered
the necessary medical attendance.
Dr. Grossman report that a young man
named Newman, living on North Seven
teenth atreet had a thumb and Index fin
ger badly torn by the deadly toy platol
and blank cartridge during the afternoon,
and that two unknown young men called
at ' hla office during the day for treat
ment for powder burn resulting from their
exuberant enjoyment of the glorious
Former Throws a Fit and th Latter
Blow Vn.
Th explosion of a gaa etov and a mad
dog aoar enlivened the Fourth In tha vi
cinity of Thirty-fifth 'and Dodg atreet.
Th noise made by the atove waa terrific
and beat anything In the . cannon or fire
cracker line that the most enterprising boy
In the neighborhood produced. Oaa had
filled "the oven and when the hired girl at
the home of Robert Cuscaden, th violinist
touohed a match there waa a blase and a
report and a general . demoralization of
kitchen utensils. Th girl got off with a
scorched arm and a fit of hysterics, but
the dinner was prepared on another stove.
The alleged mad dog was a fluppy be
longing to P. C. ' Ileafey, which evidently
had a passionate desire to recognise the
anniversary of the nation's independence.
The dog ran up on the porch of a neigh
bor and frightened a child, chewing up
a parasol In the meantime. Then other
children became Infected with the excite
ment which was spread to snxlous mother
and fathers busy setting off fire crackers.
In a few minute something Ilk a panto
wa created and meanwhile the dog con
tinued to act foolish. Finally a policeman
wa summoned and h chased the canine
for several blocks through front yards and
over porches, much to the consternation
of the householders. Eventually the pup
was cornered, but a board of strategy de
cided that It should not be shot but
merely Incarcerated and liberated only on
good behavior,
Two Men in th Hospital a th Resnlt
of Whisk and Combat
tvenea. Three cases of s,ssault which th pollc
believe to be the result of much and Inju
dicious drinking occurred Monday and
two of the assaulted persona were taken
to Clarkson hospital. ,
The most serious caeewas that of Ed
ward Button, a buggy washer in the em
ploy of Bett's Barn at Fourteenth and
Capitol avenue who' said he was stabbed
by Charles Gaskell, a former dishwasher
at Billy Houston's restaurant. Button said
that Qaskell accused him of being the cause
of his dismissal from the restaurant and
then knifed him. ' Gaskell, who was most
phenomenally drunk ' when " arrested, told
th polio that "he had cut old Button up
good an' plenty," but was too Intoxicated
to say why he did bo.. ' Though the skin
was badly cut no interval organs were in
jured. - ' y""':.. " ." ''
Petr Fay of ' Beytn'o4iv Howa, and Carl
Johnson Of Thirteenth And Capitol avenue
were another couple to get together with
disastrous results to pv'th. Fay 1 rail
road man and was in An unconscious condi
tion when taken to the polloe station and
aa Johnson was very 'drunk and refused to
say anything but profane words the polloe
are still In the dark aa to how th quarrel
started. - Fay possesses several bruises
about the head and a breath which sug
gested whisky. Th attending doctor said
that his unconsciousness was due more
to the drink than tha blow he received.
A. Alexander, a peddler living at 143t
Bouth Thirteenth street waa assaulted by
two unidentified men on Bouth Twenty
Ninth street yesterday afternoon, because,
he said, he remonstrated at the men play
ing tricks with his horse. Alexander's pro
boscis was swollen to four times its nat
ural proportion and his left eye loomed
unreal. The police have been unable to
apprehend the .men.
Constant Clanging at Midnight
'Avon Slnmborer (or Mile
Around Dandee.
If the man or men, boy cr boy, who rang
the fire bell at Dundee for several hours,
Intermittently, while the glorious Fourth
was budding Into bloom, bad fallen into
eom of th hand that were outstretched
for them it ia a safe bet that Omaha would
have had a Fourth of July dlsaater to re
cord that would have been well worth "the
About midnight, as near as a tired, mad
victim could relate ft, thla nuisance set in.
Dundee people of course thought that their
growing little village wa burning up and
they poked their head out of th windows
to smell th amok. Not being able to
get a sniff or to see the flame, most of
them lay back In a vain '. effort to resume
their alumbera s But a large number of
the men And boy Jumped Into their clothea
and tore for the flrehouae. '
The, atory goes that when they got there
the bell ceased ringing and th marauder
had gone. But either the would-be fire
fighters did not tarry long, or the maraud,
ars defied them, for certain It ia that the
hell cut looee again on Its patrlotio clang
ing and It kept It up off and on for aev
era! hours. This has been testified to by
people In Dundee and for miles around.
Many living on Walnut Hill and all over
ths west end declared that they could hear
the provoking dtngdong of thi unwelcome
liberty tocsin as clearly as If It had been
attached to their alarm clocks, which by
th way had been puropsety put Off watch
because "tomorrow Is a holiday."
Violates Premise of Marriage and
Skips When Girl's FMhev
Goes His Ball.
Aooordlng to th potto station records
John On born of Thirty-fourth and Boule
vard I a fugitive from justice,
Saturday morning Oaborn waa arrested
on a statutory charge preferred by Mile
Oard on behalf of hi 17 year-old daughter
Mary, of Twenty-seventh and Franklin,
street. Promising to marry tha young
woman, Oaborn was released Saturday
afternoon on a bond of $500 aigned by hlm
aelf and hi prospective father-in-law, Oa
born left Saturday night and has not been
seen lno
A few. hour after the arrest of Oeborn
last Saturday morning. Mile Oard called
at tb city jail and talked with th young
man and Captain Haa. Oobora waa wear.
Inf hie working cloth who arrlstsd, and.
thla,- together with hi pro mis to marry
Mlaa Oard, worked on th aympathy of th
glrl'a father, who did not want Oaborn to
stay in jail over Bunday and Monday.
Oard promptly signed a bond .for Oaborn'
release, although Captain Has advised him
that It would bo the better coyrs to see
hi daughter married befor th young
man waa released.
"After making th complaint Oard want
to the station and almost begged for th
release of Oaborn," says Captain Has.
"Oard told m h had known th young
man for many year, and he now thought
he would do the -right thing according to
hi promise In the ballroom."
This morning Oard wnt to th station
and told Captain llax that Osborn had
"ditched" him. And now Oard la out a
prospective son-in-law and hi Interest In
the bond.
Degree Toara of Modern Woodmen
Takes Prise at Malvern Com
yetltlve DrtlL
The degree team of Omaha carry) No, 120,
Modern Woodmen of America, added fresh
honors to Its credit by winning In a Com
petitive drill at Malvern, Ia., on the Fourth.
The contest was fkrt of the celebration
given at Malvern In connection with the
Chautauqua there and was open to Modern
Woodmd)i teams only. Teams from Omaha,
Council Bluffs and Red Oak, Ia., eonv
peted, Omaha being adjudged first. Council
Bluff second and Red Oak third. A cash
prise of 150 was awarded to the winners
and f25-to the second best About thirty
members went to Malvern and some-were
accompanied, by their wives. They , say
nearly 8,000 person were gathered at Mal
vern.' Qolnt for Chamberlain's Colic,
. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. ,
Don't put yourself in this man' place,
but keep a fcottle of this remedy In your
home. It 1 certain to be needed sooner
or later and when that time cornea you
will need it badly; you will need it
quickly." Buy it now. It may aave life.
Price, 26 cents; large six, 60 ccata.
Sale of
Regular price $20 to $30
Every Busines Suit Roes for ,.....$15
Every Outing Suit eoes for ...$15
Every Rain Coat (ladie$;ornien's)33J off
ery& .25 S off
Every Pair Odd Trousers 33s off
This sale for cash only ,
, This is our regular stock and there is no
reservation on the articles advertised. .
1417 Farnam Street
Bt Louie and return, tlcketa good In coache and chair O fl C ft
care (aeata free), on sale July 11, 18 and 25. ...2UiUU
Bt Louie and return on aale July II (
2 to 6 .... 1 1 e I U
St Louie and return on aale In (1A
Chicago and return on aale AA flfl
dolly M .CUbUU
Chicago and return one wax Tie Bt Louie AA A A
on aale dally aCCeliU
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return on If FA
eale daily I feUU
Atlantic City end return on rale July 0 AI An
and 10 ............ UfeUU
Buffalo and Niagara Falle and return-. . gym a
on aale dally .............. akfalU
Cincinnati and return on aale July 18, .; . A A Wf
16 and 17 aCaCalO
Detroit and return on aale July I ft A I?
5, 0 and 7 ... Ui&O
West Baden, Ind, and return on sale Aft AP
July 22 to 25 .......h. U.I)u
French Lick, InL, and return on
22 to ZO....,
jtioi ispnnga, . ana return on saie im an
dally ,.. Ua4U
Mackinac Island and return (via boat from Chicago) At .
on aale dally , tUta.ll
Bayrte-w, Charlee-volx, Harbor Springs and Petoakey, jCh and
return via boat from Chicagoon eale Mia Af
dy i. .CQiZU
; I can give yon all the latest Information about excursion rat
' and t ornlsh, free, Uluatreted booklets about el excursion reeorta. Bee
' me or write about your excursion trip. ,
Fur a oauuugu ut a
tt ft f $ a ft
Oldest indtirjTwt, f 'IPjI
m.iiii.Vt..i us WW Ml
. 1 A a .
Three Rain Coat
' specials
' .
Tomorrow we are going to sell one hundred men's high
grade cravenctte coats at a great saving in price. They are
a lot that, we bought way below the regular price. The
minute you see these genuine rain-proof coats you'll recog
nlze them as the same quality sold by the exclusive haber
dasher at 40 per cent more. We have divided the purchase
In three lots at 8, $10, $12 at each price there is a saving:
of 25 to 40 per cent
imimn ,iipt-ih im i mmmmrm im;
MSsssBSt aaMsMSkasar BBBaBBSBjaaVaasBaaiLsBak'"''"
What To Eat fc2S5
Bead for toopy. W en or COO a year.
Rellahl KeautKAVtkola, Tab SotrMA
Jesta, Foam. CWver Teaata. A good
mena to cngnum yvar mssra ana-
manta. roll of naval
The bn R-attk BaOakta aw Yr'
vmM he kssltaiw aa hp4a sr asatM
var nilai al taia vr rm
Wassjaagana a, anal Faith A
eale July
City Pttssngtr Agent,
1502 Farnnn St., Omcha
1 El ACi-tur,
BIB teniwirtowJlo.
$10 $12
milium hi ii n iii i;wMniiigy
A the witty eon of Erin
aid, "Folne worBs butter no
Promise don't ' make per
formance. , Twould be easy for us to
sav that thla '
making 136.00 suits far
128 $30.00 made-for-you. suits
for $25125.00 suits for 20
together wfth W00 and 17.00
trousers for I&.0O W.00 tijus.
ers for $6 110.00 tr rr lor
7 and then turn round and
fall to perform tvimt we
But th hard part of it
would be to ever again in
duce you to give u an order.
We've GOT to do at. w ay
wa dot
MaoCarthy Tailoring
1 4-je a. tU St.
ftxt deor t -'
Wabash Tleket OflUa
Pfeena I Ml. ' '
Phone UB
10' Cjew U
AlwaxsCall Fot
assssnaJJ , m Wlgaaa
eLii aa r Vrrl t'I
Uaaalta, aebrasaa.