THE OMAHA DAILY PEE: TUESDAY, JCLY 5, 1901. 4 r r r Y vSOOS TAKE DOUBLE-nEADER Tlilenden goalp Pa' Boji Twice on the ; Fourth.. , BLUNDERS LOSE BOTH OF THE GAMES Pfelster rasa Twelve laavaa la tha First Gaaa alclt, Saw glab- Hti 'Earn t la the Becead. owa'a band of Sioux celebrated Fourth of July at Vinton Street park yesterday morning and afternoon and came out of the firework and powder smoke with two of Pa's. best scalps In their belts. Omaha lost a double-header and . saw the Bis; Chiefs of the tall-end locality load two victories Into their canoes and make ready to embark with more If If is possible. But la says It shan't be possible, so there you are. Omaha lost both mii through blunder Inc. Dusty Miller gave the last one away in the twelfth Inning as though it had been aa aspired street car transfer. Omaha's Are errors In the first game, which, barring the mistakes, was a good one, give an Idea aa to how It was cashed in. The crowds at both game were large and enthusiastic. When Howard made his home run in the afternoon the air was heavy laden with powder smoke and the roar of artillery sound UMm U bombardment of Port Ar thur. As the firing died down, the cheera of the 3.500 fans who didn't bring their can nons along Bounded as It may. If the Japs enter that besieged city. Bloux City established a record for Itself by making its first winning in an extra inning game. If Omaha established any records nobody knew anything about It or would oar to know. . Pitchers Battle Goes to KoilaL The loss of the morning game la to be bemoaned and not without reason. It was a battle between pitchers. In which Koatal won out by holding Omaha down to three hits, but most of all because his support was not wanting at critical times. On the other hand, when Pfelster needed aid moat, there was no help at hand. That was In the ninth inning, when the Bloux copped out tv victory which they had no earthly right to do. While the Visitors culled seven hits from Pfeiater's firing line with the ex ception of the ninth, there were no two in an inning. Not only that, but Pfelster struck out thirteen men, coming within one of the Westsrn league record of fourteen laat year, made by Pop Kyler of Denver, and aa good aa the 1303 record of any league for that matter. Each team came in for a run In the Brat Inning. After that there waa great base ball, steady and olean. The aixth brought another run for Pa's proteges. In the eighth Fleming reached the first station on Dolan'a second error and scored on Maryott's hit. Two hlta for the Sioux and two errors for Omaha decided things Jn -the ninth. Pf elate allowed a pair of y". singles at tha wlndup and made an error himself. Not on of tha runs made was earned. Score: BIOUX CITT. . . . '. .. AB. R. H. O. 13 A. 0 0 4 1 S 0 0 l.awier, ir ., a Fleming, cf...., Kreemer,' aa. ..,, 6 Measerley. lb... t Maryott. 5b 4 Metcalf, rf ,, I Kelly, lb 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 Anderson, o.... 8 1 Koatal, p............. 4 0 .. Totals..... 17 4 1 n U I OMAHA. ' AB. R. H. O. A. E. Carter, rf 4 10 10 1 Howard, lb 4 0 0 1 1 0 Miller. If , 4 0,0 0 0 0 Welch, of . 4 0 0 1 0 0 F4;te.::n::'58 & l Bhlke, lb , 1 0 0 0 2 0 Oondlng. lb............ I 1 ' i 10 0 0 Pfelster, p 1 0 0 0 4 1 Totals....:., 30 I I -M 10 "I 'Kelly went out attempting to bunt third strike. - Bloux City .....1 M t H t 1 M Omaha 1 0000X00 0-1 Two-base httat Kelly, Oondlng. Sacrifice 1 hlta: Fleming, Freemer, 1 Kelly, Carter, - Howard. First base on balls: Off Pfelster, a; off Kostal, 1 Left on baaea: Omaha, t; Bloux City, a, - First base on errors: Omaha, 2: Bloux City, 4. Struck out: By Pfelster, 'It; by Kostal, 1 Double play: Maryott to Meaeerley. Times: 1:36. Um pire: Carruthers. Afternooa Game. Willie Shakespeare philosophised and said, ' "What's in a name?" Now tf the venerable- man of letters could ever have lived to watch the throwing of Pa's new acqul altlon. Quick, be might have thought a third time before Jotting down that pretty speech. There Is Irony in the name of Quick and no mistake Ha proved so slow ' at peddling the hall that the Susans were credited with alx stolen baaea In tha after noon cam. Of these Lawler abducted two tvo! probably would have pilfered home had not Messerly interfered with Frees, which prompted Bobby Carruthers to call the runner out. It wag a good battle for eleven Inning yesterday afternoon and anybody's game up to the twelfth. Then It waa that Messerly hit, but that wouldn't have been half bad If it hadn't been for Dusty Miller. With two men out Kelly knocked a pop-up to Dusty and the .afore said . Miller promptly dumped . It on tha ground and im Indians won the game then and there. It waa all over In that one moment and 4 be fans started home almost ' without sitting out .the last half. Up to that point it waa pretty base ball ' Aside ' from his lack of vivacity, Quick pitch, fairly good ball. To be sure eleven hits v made by the Susans, but at that he struck, out sight of them. Jarrott, too, . pitched bis usual Habana filler quality and five hits was the best accounting that Pa's troupe could give for, the dosen acta Wednesday will be ladles' day. .Score, second game) ' 8IOUX CITT. AB. R. H. PO. A. R Lawler, If 8 0 1 t 0 0 Fleming, cf I 0 1 3 0 0 Freraer. as i t 0 1 3 4 1 Measwrly, lb 1 17 0 0 Maryott. 2b fi 11 1 ( 1 Metcalf, rf... ...8 1 1 2 0 0 Kelly, lb ,. 0 2 0 2 0 Anderson. ........... .0 0 8 1 0 Jarrott, p 6 0 1 0 4-1 Totals. 47 0X U 24 18 "2 OMAHA. AB. R. H. PO. A. F. Carter, rf... .5 0' 0 1 0 0 Howard. tb I l , 1 0 7 0 Miller, If 4 0 0 2 0 1 Welch, cr i 0 11 0 0 - Dolan. .... 8 1 1 0 10 Freeae, c 0 0 10 0 0 Shlpke, 2b 4 0 0 2 4 1 Oondlng, lb .....4 0 0 17 1 0 Quick, p ,. 4 .0 10 4 0 Totals 41 2 i S4 17 "i Anderson hit by batted ball; went out. ' Messerly Interfered with catcher and . trawler went out. Sioux City ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1-2 'Omaha 0 0 000200000 0-2 Two-base hit: Maryott. Three-base hit: Welch. Home run: Howard. Stolen bases: - l,awler (2. Fleming, Messerly, Kelly (U), Miller, Dolan. Sacrifice hit: Oondlng. Farned rune: Sioux City, 1; Omaha. 1. First base on balls: Off Quirk, 4; off Jar rott. 2. Left on bases: Sioux City, 14; Omaha, 1 Struck out: By Quick, 8; by Jarrott. 4. First base -'by errors,: Bloux City, : Omaha, 1 Double plays:' Shirks to Oondlng, Jarrott to Kremer to Messerly. Time; I , Umpire: ' Carruthers. ralerade Teaaas' !Bak Evti. DENVER. July 4. Colorado Springe ie- Talued the lead by Wlatiliig the ft rat game Denver captured the eecoiul game, which s warmly cunK-sted .fir eleven innings, tach team won by the asms sours, 2 to 1 Score: By bunching hits In the seventh Inning Colorado ttivluaa won ths llrsl game B'-ore: R H IS Psnver s 1 . 0 1 0 0 01 8 i Colo. Spring.... 1 1 n 11 ( 0 i 4 1 iJalUWe). Ltettver, Cable,- Uvaullec aid - I I,vrlsj Colorado Springs, MeNeely and Baerwald. Score afternoon game: R-H.K. Denver ....0 00001010 1-2 7 2 Colo. Spgs.O 000001100 0-2 2 2 Batteries: Denver, Hoatetter and Lucia; Colorado Springs, Vllleman and Baerwald. Dee Melaea Takes a Pair. ' ST. JOSEPH, July 4. Des Moines won both this morning's and afternoon games by a score of to 2 In the morning, while the latter proved a shutout for St. Joseph by a scons of 7 to 0. Looss playing wis conspicuous throughout both games, with a number of rank errors resulting In runs. Scores , R H E Des Mnlne 4 0 0 0 0 1 2 1 0-4 1 i St. Joseph 0 0 2 0 0 O'O 0 0-2 8 2 Batteries: Maupln and McConnell, Mor rison anu lowne. R.H.E Des Moines ....0 0 2 0 2 0 0 1 07 0 at. joaepn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 s Batteries: Chinn and McConnell, Lelfleld ana ciarae. taadlag ( the Teams. Played. Won. Lost P. C. Denver 60 37 2J .617 Colorado BDrtnas .. M 83 21 .611 Omaha 4 61 81 81 .ii"U Des Moines 22 84 . 485 St. Joseoh f9 27 31 .4 Sioux CUT 6 20 3 .83 Games today: Sioux City at Oman, Des Moines at St. Joseph, Colorado Springs at Denver. GAMES I THE NATIO.-fAL LEAGIE New York Takea a Doable-Header from Philadelphia. NEW YORK, July 4. Although outbatted ten hits to eight. New York defeated Phil adelphia this morning with ease. Atten dance 8,724. Score: KKW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. H.H.O.S.E. R.H.O.A.B. Rr'sn'k'a, ef. Tkontaa, ef., Browne, rf... Iwvlln, tb... McOnn, lb.. MtrtM, If.... tahlen, M... Olitxrt, it)... Bower, e Taylor, p.... Totals Oleuon, lb.. Luah, rf. 1 10 Doyla, lb.... t Roth, e MaOee. It.... t Hll, lb t Hulswltt. at. t "lrka, p.. 1, t Tltoa 4 8 n it 1 Total t It 14 7 1 Batted for Sparks in the ninth Inning. New York 2 0 2 0 O 0 0 0 -4 Philadelphia . 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 01 Two base hits: Dahlen, Bowerman. Sac rifice hit: Dahlen. Stolen bases: Devlin, Browne, Mertes, Gilbert, Doyle. Double plays: Dahlen, Gilbert and McOann. Dah len and McOann. 8 nark a and Oleaaon. Left on bases: New York, 7; Philadelphia 11. First base on balls: Off Taylor 8; off Sparks. 8. First base on errors: New York, 1; Philadelphia, 2. Hit by pitcher, Taylor, 1; by Sparks. Struck out, by Tay lor, 2; by Bparks, 4. Wild pitch, Taylor. Time, 1:46. Umpires, Carpenter, and John son. New York won its eighteenth straight victory this afternon, defeating the PhTla delphlas In a one-sided contest. Attendance 22,113. Score: NXW YORK. ' , PHILADELPHIA. R.H.O.A.B. I R.H.O.A.B. Mecornrt, ef t 1 t 0 0 Thomas, cf... 1 1 t 1 t unm i n, cr 1 v S 0 Oleaaoa. lb.. 1 1 1 0 Brown, rf.. t Devlin, tb., t MrOana, lb.. 8 Mane. It..,. 1 Dana. (a..,, t Dahlen, aa... 1 Ollbart, lb... 3 Warnar, s. ... 1 let 0 Luih, rf 1 1 t 4 VDoyle, lb.... 0 it v o Horn, e... I J t o,Moo, tr... tit 0 Hall. Ib-M 8 t 8 1 HulawlU. 1 8 1 10 t Barry, - lb. 17 1 0 Mitchell, . Math' n. p.. 0 1 t 1 0 , p t t t 0 M al .U II n It I Amea, Totala 8 4 84 17 8 ToUla New York ........;.3 1 1 1 0 0 2 0 211 rniiaasipbla ,.0 000010022 Two base hit: Bresnahan, Mertes, Dah len. Three baae hit: Thomas, Bresnahan. Sacrifice hits: Matthewson. Double plays: Hall, Doyle and Barry, a Left on bases: New York, 6: Philadelphia, 4. First base on balls: Off Matthewson, 1; off Ames, 2. TTirat Ham mi mrr-nri XT A Struck out: Matthewson, 4; Ames, 1. Hits era Aiaiinewson, 1 in seven innings. Time, 1:66. Umpires, Carpenter and Johnstone. Champions Take m Pair. PITTSBURG, July 4. In the morning game Pitcher Welmer of- Chicago wss dis abled by a batted ball and waa carried off the Held. Score: riTTBBURO, - CHICAGO. R.H.O.A.B R.H.O.A.B, Leach. 8b.... 1 1 I tlail. H t I Beaumont, of t Clark, If..,. 1 Wagner, aa... 1 BrW'Id. lb. t Bebrlnf, rf.., 1 Rltchay, lb., 1 Phelps, ..., 1 Miller, p 1 0Caay, lb 1 olPhanoe, lb... 1 OjalcCartiiy. tt. t l.t 1 11 3 I t It Jon, ft t Bran, lb t Kllng, e t William. . Weimar, p... t Corrldoo, p.,. t 1 Totala 7 It It 18 0 Totals ..... 8 I 14 It 1 10 10'-) 0 2 0 0 0-2 Pittsburg 0 0 0 7 Chicago. ........0 0 0 0 Two-base hits: Wagnar Rltchey, Casey. Three-base Stolen - base: Wagner,- Double plays: Sc oring to Bransneld: - Bransneld to Wag ner. First base on balls: Off Miller. 1: off Corrldon, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Cor- naon, l ncrucx out: ay weimer, 1; oy Corrldon, 2. Time: 1:20. Umpire: O'Day. Both pitchers were hit hard In the aft ernoon game, but Pittsburg got more long hits into the crowd (which counted for three bases) at the right time. Attend ance, 12,276. Score: riTTSBCRO. R.H.O.A.B. CHICAOO. R.H.O.A.B. Laach. tb.... I I I I I Stasia, rf. Caeey. lb. 1 Beaumont, ef 1 Waa-nar, aa.. I Chance, lb.., McCarthy, of Jonea. rf Tinker, rf.... Bfnaf'lt. lb. J Bebrlnt. rf. ..1 r.ltahay, lb.. 1 Clarke, If.... t Smith, e 8 Lynch, p 1 t Ever, lb Kllng. ... t aa. t ... t William, Brlst. p. Total 11 It 17 U t Total ... I 11 84 11 1 PlttsbuVg 1 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 11 Chicago 210020 1-4 Two-base hits: Leach, Wagner. Brans field. Three-base hlta: Leach, Clarke, Wag ner, Bebrlng (2), Lynch, Blagle, Chance, Jones. Sacrifice hit: Kllng. Stolen bsses: Leach, Wagner, Smith. Chance. Double plays: Rltchey to Smith; Wagner (unas sisted) r Blagle to Kllng. First base on balls: Oft Lynch, 6; off Brlggs, 7. Hit by Itched ball: clagle, Evers. Struck out! y Lynch. 4; by Brlggs, 1. Time: 2:10. Umpire: O'Day. , , , Divide at Boston. BOSTON, July 4. Boston's strong hitting won the morning game from Brooklyn. Attendance, 2,828. Soorei BOSTON. . BROOKLYN. R.H.O.A.B. I R.H.O.A.B. Oeler, ef lilt a Dobbe. cf.... t 1 t t t Tanner. lb. 8 1 uaaalar, el... V 1 0 Dillon, lb.... 0 t O'LuBilar. rf... t 1 ti Bhrkr4. If. 1 1 Vi Bbb, 1 t ('Jordan, tb.... t Camay, rf... 1 Cool.y, if.... t Ab'l'chlo, aa. 1 Dal'h'nty. lb t Raymer, in... t Naedham. ., 1 Plttlngar, p.. t MoCorm'k. lb t Umaa. t rontn, p.... t Rltlar ' t ToUl t I It II 9 Totala .. 8 3 14 I I Ratted for Cronln in ninth.' Boston .2 0 1 0 0 1 I 0 M Brooklyn 1...0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 02 Three-base bits: Tenney, McCormlck, Babb. Home runs: Tenney, Needham Stolen basee: Carney Abbaltlchlo, Dele hanty, Galer. Double play: Carney to Neeaham. First base on balls: Off Plt tlnger, 2. Hit by pitched ball: By Pll tinger, 1. Struck out: By Plttlnger, I; by Cronln, S. Time: 1:68. Umpire: Emails. Brooklyn won the afternoon game easily, butting Wllhelm out of the box In the fourth Inning and hitting Fisher hard. At tendance, 3,316. Score: . BROOKLYN. BOSTON, R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. Dobbe, ef.... 1 1 I 4 Dillon., lb... 1 lllto! Oelr, of t t 1 t t T.on.y, lb., t 1 11 8 t Carney, rl... tills Cooler. .If.... t I t t t Luailay. rf... lllto tttierkard. If. t MM Babb, aa 1 8 14 0 Ab'ichlo. . . t 1 8 3 t Dal'h'nty, lb. t t 4 I t Jordan, lb... t t I 1 1 McCona'k. lb 1 1 I 4 1 Haymar, lb., t 1 t 4 1 Needham, e.. t t 4 I Wllhalm, p.. t t t t t ruber, p 1 I 1 t t Totals 1 7J i 1 Rltler, t 1114 0 Pool, p 114 4 0 Total. It It 17 II II Pool out On a foul bunt third strike. Brooklyn 1 3 2 2 0 0 0 2 0-10 Boston 0 0000000 11 Three-base hits: Shreckard, McCormlck. Sacrifice hit: JdoCormick. Stolen baaea:. Hitter (2). Babb. LunUey (2). Double plays: McCormlck to Jordan to Dillon; McCormlck to Dillon: Pelehanty to Tenney. Flrat on balls: Off Fisher. 1: off Poole, 4. Hit by pitched ball: By Flaher, 1. Struck out: By Wllhelm, 2; by Fisher. 2; by Poole. 1. Passed ball: Needham. Hits: Off Wllhalm, 8 In four Innings; off Flaher. 8 In five In nings. Time: 1 MSt. Umpire; Emslls. Claetaaati Mia Oae. ST. LOUIS, July 1 Owing to rain this afternoon ths St. Louis Nationals played but one gams with Cincinnati. The Cln cinnatla won by a score of 7 to 1 Sanders was batted from the box in the firsL Cin cinnati mads six hits and Bva runs. Dun leavy finished out in fair shape. Attend ance, t.buo. Score: '- CINCINNATI. I ST. LOUIS. R.H.O.A.B. I R.H.O.A.B. HuKdna. lb. 1 1 4 4 t Fatrall. lb... 1 I t t t K.H.r. lb.... 8 8 4 t tiKaanaea, rf.. 1 8 1 t t Doulin. It.... 1 1 t t HKiy, lb., i I II t t B.ymour. cf.. 1 I I I tiSmeol, ef.... t 1 t 1 t Dolan. rf.. . Ill brain, aa t t 1 4 1 Su.ial.ldt. U I il 0 turciay, II., Mill Cvrroraa. aa. t 1 3 4 tj burita, lb ... t t i t t t. blM. e 114 1 naartuaa, S .. 1 t I I I Walker, p... 1 t I 1 llh.a-l.ra, P. I I I I I IDualaavy, p.. I 1 t 8 I Totala T 11 n II U Total ..... 8 7 It It I Cincinnati I 10800000-7 St. Louis 1 0t5 11100-8 Xwo-oaae tUts; Farrsll, Duoloavy, Sey mour. Sacrifice hits: Dolan, Hugprtne, Bteinfeldt. Double play: Fsrrell to Hraln to Beckley. Stolen bass: Dolan, Hit by pitched ball: By Walker, Burre. Baae on balls: Off Dunleavy, 8; off Walker, t Struck out: By Dunleavv, 2; by Walker, 2. lft on baaea: St. Louis, t; Cincinnati, in Hits: Off Sanders. 4 (In one Inning); oft Dun leavy, 7 (In eight Inningw). Time: 1:46. Um pires: Moran and Zlmmer. ttsadlaa of tb Teasas. Played. Won. Lost. P.Ct. New York M 48 it .750 Cincinnati ..61 84 .' Chlcaro 63 87 28 .687 Pittsburg 63 85 2. - .&M St. Louis 62 81 81 .V") Brooklyn 68 27 41 .S97 Boston 64 25 .41. .873 Phllsdelphla 61 . 16 44 1 .240 Games todsy: Chicago st Plttsbur;. Cin cinnati at St. LouIk, New York at Philadel phia, Brooklyn at Boston. GAMES 11 THIS AMERICAN LEAGIE! Hard Hitting la St. Loals-t lerelaod Caatest. CLEVBIAND, O., July 4 St. Louis won the morning game by a score of 12 to 0, the contest being characterised by hard hitting and by Brilliant fielding. Attend ance, 10,391. Score: ST. Lot' IB. i CLBVELAND. R.H.O.A.B R.H.O.A.B. Barken, u... i i i t nick rf. Hemnhlll, cf. t Jon, lb.... 1 Hulamen, rf. 1 i 1 I' Lush. If..... t I Bradley, lb. 9 Ualola, ... UIH . v. Hlrkman. Ib. Pado'en, lb... I Wallace, aa. . i tugdn, c... 1 Petty, p..... t Br mil, e Hay, tt Siovall. lb.. Joaa, p Ha P Total .11 II It II 1 TntaH It II 17 14 7 Bt. Lou 1 0 4 0 0 4 0 2 1 1-11 Cleveland 2 0 .0 0 0 6 0 0 310 Earned runs: Cleveland, 4; St. Ixula, 2. Innings pitched: Joss, 6; Hess, 4. First base on errors: Cleveland, 1; St. Louis, 2. Two base hits: Bradley. Bemis, Wallace. Bay. Three-base hlUi: LaJole, Lush, Wallace. Sacrifice hit: Bay. Stolen base: Flick. Double plays: Bay to-Bemls. First baae on balls: Off Joss, 1, oft I'elty,' 2. Left on bases: Cleveland, 8; St. Louis, 7. Struck out: By Joss, 2; by Hess, 1; by Pelty. 8. Wild pitch: Pelty. Time: 3:00. Umpire: Con nolly. Score: Cleveland won the afternoon game from Bt. Louis by hitting Glade hard and often In the aeventh and eighth Innings, Hill's error also helping. The batting of LaJole and the fielding ef Bay were features. At tendance, 7.9sl. Score: CLEVELAND. I IT. LOUIB. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. Flick, rf Luah, If. I 1 1 1 I Borkett. If., t 1 1 I I t Hemphill, of. t 1 4 0 0 Jonas, lb.... 1 1 t I 1 1 1 1 brad lay, ii::. Lalole. .... I I Huvlaman, rf I Hickman, 4b. I Bamla, e I Bay, ef Sloven, lb... I I Hill. Ib. 1 Padden. Ib... t I Wallace, aa... t 8 8 1 Kahoe, e... I t Moore, p I 1 1 Glade, o... . t 1 w Tota I 18 87 It I1 Total ... Cleveland 0 0 0 1 0 St. Louis 0 0 0 1 0 . 4 It 14 10 I 0 4 4 2 10 0-4 First base on errors Cleveland. 2; Bt. Louis, 2. Two base hlta: Hickman, Moore. LaJole, Wallace. Three base hits: Hickman, Lusn. Sacrine hits: stovall, Hemnhlll, Hill, Pndden. Stolen bases: Bradley, Padden, Wallace. Double play: Bradley (unassisted). First base on balls: Off Moore, 2; off Glade, 4. Let on bases: Cleveland, 8; St. Louis, 8. Struck out: By Moore, 2; by Glade, 6. Wild pitch: Moore. Time; 1:66. Umpire: Connolly. Boatoa Plays Better Ball. WASHINGTON. July 4. The local team was outbatted and outflelded. Attendance, 6,000. Score: BOSTON. I WASHINGTON. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. stahl, ef.. 114 1 Co'ih'l'n. Ib. I t I I I ColIlD. lb... Freeman, rf. 1 Parent, a..,. 1 telbach, If... 1 LaChinoe, lb. 1 r.rrla, lb.... I 110 Moran, aa..., t- t I e a Ctdy, ef... I I I llDonovan, rf. 0 8 t I, O'Neill, If... I I t 0 McCorm'k. Ib t 0 I ' I 1 1 I 1 1 1 t'J. Buhl. lb.. 1 I 11 yarrall, Olbaon, 1 O'Klttredge, o. 1 I e.orto, p. v 3 t Total ..... t 11 34 It l Total! ..... 1 10 IT 14 t Boston 2 0-0011120-8 Washington 0 0 10 10 0 0 0-2 Two base hits: S. Stahl, Coughlln, Far rell, Bel bach. Three baae hits: ,J. Stahl,, Freeman. Stolen basee: Orth, C. Stahl, Parent. Sacrifice hits: Kittredge, C. Stahl. Double plays: Ferris and La Chance (2). First base on balls: Oft Orth. 2: off Gibson. 2. Hit by pitched ball: Orth (1). Struck out: By Orth, 2; by Gibson, 1. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Dwyer. Boston won the afternoon game from Washington, 6 to 2, owing to Young's ef fectiveness with men on bases. The feature was the batting and fielding of Collins. At tendance, e,uuu. tjcore: BOSTON. 1 WASHINGTON. R.H.O.A.B. U '. t u.n iil 0. Stahl.' il. t I I 0 Cougl'n. lb.. 1114 0 Oollln. Ib... 1 III I'Orth, cf I 1100 Freeman, rf.. 1 8 10 tiCaeatdv, ...! 0 10 1 Parent, ... 10 0 I1 Donovan, rf.. 1 lilt Belbaeh, If... t 1 4 I tO'Nell, If.... 0 I j t I Lachanee, lb. I 1 I t t McCorm'k, Ib 1 I II I Ferrl. tb.... t 0 I 1 IJ. stahl, lb.. I lilt Doraa, e 0 111 I Clarke, 1110 Young, p 1111 0 Fatten, p.... toil I ToUl 6 13 17 11 ll Total ....."l It IT W "l Boston 1 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0-6 Washington 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 02 Two base-hits: CoUlns (2), Freeman. Coughlln. Stolen baaea: Coughlln, Dono van, McCormlck. Sacrifice hltr: Col'.lns, 2. Double plays: Collins to Ferris to La Chance, Collins to LaChance, Coughlln to Stahl to Caseldy, First base on balls: Oft Patten, 1. Struck out: By Patten, 4: by Young, 4. Ieft on bases: Washington, 4; Boston, 4. Tlmo: 1:40. Umpire: Myer. Detroit Takes a Pair. , CHICAGO, July 4,In the morning game Detroit bunched hits and won easily. 'At tendance 2,870. Score: . DBTROIT. . CHIOAOO.' R.H.O.A.B. I R.H.O.A.B. Barrett, cf... I t I I olDvnlon, tb.. 0 0 I 0 Moinijra, li. 1 l l e Jones, cr I 0 I I I Carr, lb t I I I Ot Callahan. 110 Oi Callahan, If. I I 0 0 Crawford, rf. I I I 0 t'Orean. rf, Low. Ib I 1 t 4 o Da via. aa.. ... 0 I I t 0 ... 0 ft I 1 t uramingar, I 1 I 1 I Donahue, lb. 1 1 I 1 0 t Tan ah' 11. lb. 0 a A t Bueiow, e.... oil Donovan, p.. 0 0 0 1 0 McFrlal, e. 0 I 4 I 0 O'Leary, aa.. t 1 t 1 0 Altrook. p.... 0 0 110 Total I It 37 t ll Tol I? II "l Detroit k I 1 0 II 11 0 1 M Chicago .....0 0 H 0 0 I 0 ft 2 Left on bases: Chicago, ( Detroit, 6. Two-base- hits: Callahan (2), Barrett. Kill tan. Three-base hits: O'Leary, Crawford. Sac rifice hit: Mclntyre. Double play;. KlUlan to Lowe to Carr. Struck out: By Patter son, 4; by Kllllan, 6. Bases on balls: Off Patterson, 1- off Kllllan, 1. Hit by pitched hall: Dundon. Tlme: 1:40. umpires: O'Laughlln and King. I Backed up by perfect support Donovan held the locals to one hit and a single run' in the afternoon, making three atralght defeats for Chicago. Attendance, lO.ftJO. Score: ' DETROIT. , CHICAOO. R.H.O.A.B.! R.H.O.A.B. Barrett, ef... 1 I 4 I 0 Dunlon, lb.. 0 0 I I 1 Mclntyre, II. 1 H I slJonea, ef 1 1 t t I Carr, lb till 0. Callahan. It. 1 I 0 0 Crawford, rf. 1 110 o'Oreen, rf 0 110 Lowe. lb.... 0 111 0 Davit, aa 01 131 Cremlngar, Ib t 0 I t Donahue, lb. t t 11 t t Wool, e t . 1 7 I 0 Tan'eh'll, Ib t I 0 t I Kllllan, p.... 1 111 I Sullivan, e... t 0430 O'Leary, .. lilt 0( Patterson, p.. I 1 0 I I Total 110 17 I ll Total ..... I "l rf 10 "l Detroit .....3 0001100 1-4 Chicago ..' 0 00000010-1 Left on bases: Chicago,. 1; Detroit, 4. Two-base hit: Gremlnger. Three-base hits: Donahue, Mclntyre. Sacrifice hit: Bueiow. Stolen baae: Lowe. Struck out: By Alt rock, 1; by Donovan. 4. Bases on balls: Off Altrock, 1; off Donovan, 1. Time: 1:28. Umpires: Q Laughlln and King. New York Makes it Two. ' PHILADELPHIA, July 4-The locals eVuld not hit Chesbro In the morning game. Attendance. 14.823. Soore: ' NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. Douih'ty. II. I I M ' Hansel. If... I I I Kealer, rf... 1 1 I 0 Oi Bruce, cf-rf.. 0 1 t 0 0 William, lb. 1 I 7 0 Davl. lb t I I 1 I Anderson, lb. 1 8 18 1 oiricxaring, ei. v i o I I 1 OiL. Cross, tb. 1 I I 1 1 I o Seybold. rf-lb 1 1 I 0 S I Murphy, lb.. Mill Elberfeld. . Ill Full, ef Ill Conroy, lb... Ill UcOulre. ... 114 Cheabro, p... 1 t 1 1 0 4 t M. Croa. a., I 1 I I 0 Power. .... I t I t 1 Hanl.r. p.... till! Total I It 87 17 I I Noonaa t t t I t ToUl I 7 17 13 3 'Batted for Powers in ninth Inning. New York 0 8000000 4-8 Philadelphia 0 000000122 Two-hale hits: Dougherty, Williams. Three-baew hits: Anderson, Conroy (2). Sac rifice hit: Fults. Stolen bases: Murphy. Left on baaea: New York. 4: Philadelphia. 6. Baae on balls: Off Chesbro, 1: off Hen ley, I. Hit by pitched ball: L. Cross. Struck out: By Cheabro, 4; by Henley, 6. Passed ball: McOulre. Time: 1:41. Umpire: Sheridan. Griffith outpltched Waddell In a game marked by few hits on either side. At tendance, 17.0UU. Score: , NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. K H IJ a a I It H U.A E Douih'ty. K. I I I I 0 Hartsel. It... 1 I I I 4 kealer. rf ... 1 111 0 Pickering, el I 1 1 I I William. Ib. I I M li Bruce, rf I 1 3 I I Anleraos. lb. 1 1 11 I I L Croat, lb. Klberteld. . t I 8 4 0 Seybold. lb.. 1 I 1 I I Fults, ef I I Murpny. ... I 3 t'oeray. Ib... till OjM. Crosses.. I t 1 3 X klelneer, a., till 'Power. ....! till OrlSiB, p.... I til ti Waddell. p.v. till ToUl. .....1 " IT 11 1' TeUls ..... 8 8 nil "I New York 0 0300100 1-8 Philadelphia 8 0 4 1 0 3 0 0 13 Two-base hits: Keeler, Conroy. Hartsel. Tbree-baae hit: Anderson. Home run: Wil liams Maorlflce hits: K ell her. Kletnow. Lvublo plaisi Muriliy an4 bjlntiA jilxtt' feld. Williams snd Anderson fi. Left on basel: New York, t; Philadelphia, 3. Hit by pitched ball: KlWy. Strork out: By Waddell, 8; by PrlrTlth. (. Wild pitch: Waddell. Time: 1:40. Umpire: Bheiidan, . . Slaadlna- ef the Tea ana. Played. Won. Lost. P.Ct. Boston 62 40 27 .645 New York 61- .3 t .63 Chicago- .'....47 8S tti .W2 Phllsdniphla 61 8i 28 .6.'5 Cleveland .......68 .31. 27 .634 St. Louis ..59 !! 11 .468 Detroit 62 fT SS .4S8 Wsshington ,....40 11, 48 .1x3 Oamea todsy: ' St. Ionls at Cleveland; Detroit at Chicago; New York at Phila delphia; Boston at .Washington. rfclragoas Mot. Maay. CLINTON. Ia..' July 4 -(Special "Tele grsm.) Cllnfon won sgsln from the Chi cago Athletics by a score of 8 to 6. Score: Clinton 1 0 2 0 0 0 8 8 0-8 7 2 Athletic 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-6 4 4 Batteries: Clinton Olrsch, ' Uhl and Smith: Athletic. Bubner and Taylor. Struck out: By Oirsoh. fi; by Uhl, 3; by Bubser, 3. Umpire: Scrlbner. GAMES 15 AMERICA ASSOCIATIO Olmsted Makes New ffrlkeoat Record la Association. TOLEDO, O.; July 4. Olmetcd' established a new record In the American association today by Striking out twelve men. Attend ance, 1,000. Score:- COLUMBl'l.' f ' , "TOLEDO. R.H.O.A.B R.H.O.A.B. Davl. rf ... 4 I 0 4 Friable, cf... 10 111 Wrlelay. lb.. 1 I I I 01 Burns, lb.... I 1 Lae, rt t 1 Hr'thera. lb.. I t Delnlnger, lb I t rrtatall. )f. ., 0 1 I I 1 I t t 110 T 1 0 til 111 I 1 1 i a a Frtel, lb... 1 I 0 1 Ol Klbm. lb.... 0..0 II t i Clymer, rf.. I 01 I f Martin, If..'. 1 0 1 I 0 Brldwell, . 1 1 1 r-t weeney, a.', t t Yeager. ....! 1 11 1 (iRxillng. ..t 0 Olmateed, p.. I 1 0 I tj Weals, p t t - - - - r - - - Total I 11 tt 10 U Total .....1 I 17 11 I Columbus .....0 0 1 6 0 1 0 1 00 Toledo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Left on bases: Columbus, 6; Toledo,' 6. Two-base hits: Burns, Wrlgley (2), tll (2), Yeager, I)tvlp. Stolen bases: Davis (2), Brldwell, Kihm. Double play: Wrlglcy to Brldwell to Kihm, Sweeney to Burns to Delnuiger. Based on balls: Off Olmsted, 3; off lnlg, 3. Struck out: By Olmsted, 12: by Wcinlg, 7. Hit by ball: Frlel. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Klein. Columbus won the afternoon game by bunching hits On Deerlng In the ninth. Peering s home run In the seventh and Bridweil's fielding were the features. At tendance, 1,600. Score; . COLUMBl'S. , TOLEDO. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. Davl, rf Wrlgley, tb. Frl.l. lb.... Kihm, lb..., Clymer, cf. ., Martin, It..., Brldwell, a Yeager, e... Hlckey, p... ToUl 0 110 ol Friable, cf... 0 I 1 0 I 1 I J ? t 1 I I 0 4 0 Burn, tb.... 0 1110 Lee, rf I I 1 0 0 brouther. Ib I 0 1 1 A Delnlnger, lb 1 I 11 1 1 Relsllng, If., t 1 I 0 I Sweeney, .. 1 1 I I 0 Heading, e... 1 1 t I I Lundbloom, p 0 0 0 I I Deerlng,. p... 1 1 0 0 0 1 I l o i I 17 14 0 ToUl I 10 17 11 1 Columbus 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 36 Toledo 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 04 'Left on bases: Toledo, 6; Columbus, 6. Two-base hits: Burns, Clymer, Yeager, Wrlgley. Three-base hit: Delnlnger. Home runs: Deerlng, Frlel. Stolen bases: Deln lnger. Base on balls: Off Hlckey, 2; off Lundbloom, 2; off Deerlng. 1. Struck out: By Hlckey, 4; by Lundbloom, 2; by Deer lng, 3. Hits: Off Lundblom, 2 In 4 innings; off Deerlng, 7 In 6 Innings. Double play: Brouthers, Sweeney and lyelnlnger. Stolen bases: Delnlnger, Wrlgley, Kihm. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Klem. Millers Are Shot Out. MINNEAPOLIS, July 4. Oyler wss In jured before the opening of this morning's game and Starnagle took his plsce. Leslie wsnt to first. The catcher made a sorry figure at short, his errors, with those -of McNlchols. and an inability of the Millers to hit Blagle, accounting for the shut-out. Attendance, ,7,000. Score: BT. PAUL.' i,,. MINNEAPOLIS. , R.H.O.A R.H.O.A.B. Jones, cf..... 1 11 I 'OiMalonay, rf.. t t I 1 0 Jackson, rf.. 1 1 I I 4 McNlchols, lb 0 till Wheeler, Ib. 1 I I I o! Sullivan, ef.. 0 0 I t 0 O'Brien, aa.. 1 4 t 4 llCoultcr, If... 0 0 10 0 Kelly, lb.... 0 3 ll- i. O Weaver, o.... 0 till Marcan. lb.. 1 1 4. 8tarnagl,. ss t 0 4 14 Cllngman, if. 0 1 0 0 01 Fox, tb 0 1 1 I 0 PVarceT e l l.ti'-l MIl, lb.... I I 0 0 Blagle, p,... 1 0 ,, 0iThoma. p... 0 0 0 1 0 Total 7 10 17 Jl ll Total t I 17 10 1 St. Paul i. :.J.l 0 0 0 0 0 6 2 -J Minneapolis .....'.!.'. :0V'0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Stolen bases: Jackson, Wheeler. Two base hits: Weaver, Jo&es., Three-base hit: Cllngman. Double plays: 'O'Brien to Mar can to Kelly, Msrcaji. to Kelly. Base on balls: Off Thomas, J EJ Struck ont:- By Blagle.J by ThJfiriMra- Time; l:3&v Um pire: Bauswlne. During a downpdur of rain In the third inning of the afternoon game St. Paul scored four times crl' two errors and four hits. Attendance, 6,800. Score: IT. PAUL 4v: MINNEAPOLIS. R.H.O.A.B.I R.H.O.A.B. Jonea. 11 t. I 4 Maloney, , rf .. tt 110 1 Jackaon, rf..l 0 1 0 t McN'e'laa. Ib fi 1 1 1 0 Whealer, tb.. 0 1 8 1,0 Sullivan, ef., 0 110 0 O'Brien, a., t 0' 1 I 0 Coulter, If.... 0 10 0 0 Kelly, lb I 0 t 0 1 Weaver. .... 0 0 7 0 0 Marcan, tb..l 1 1 I' Rurnagl. lb 0 Oil 0 1 Cllngman, If. 1 ,1 10 0 Fox, lb 10 0 I 0 1 1 0 1 Sullivan, c. 1 '1 7 1 6 Oyler. a. ..Ill Cbaob, p. 0 I 1 I 0 Ford. p.. 0 LmIIS I t 0 0 0 ToUl I 7 17 1 1 . ToUl . .. 1 7 14 7 I St. Paul Minneapolis ... ..0- 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 -6 ..0 0001000 01 First base on balls: Off Ford, 1; off Chech, 2. Struck out: By Ford, 6; by Chech, 6. Wild pitch: Ford. Hit by pitched balls: Oyler. Wheeler. Double play: Maloney to - Weaver. Time: 1:17. Umpire: Bauswlne; A ' Ontplay 'the Colonls. LOUISVILLE. July 4.-Indlanapolls de feated Louisville In the morning game by superior all around ' playing. Newltn re placed - Fisher after he first Inning and kept the local batters guessing. Egan struck out nine men, but was batted hard with men oq bases. ' Attendance, 2,300. Soore: ... . . ., .... INDIANAPOLIS. I . LOUISVILLE R.H.O.A.B. i R.H.O.A.B. Iwandar, If.. 1 I I 0 1'Karwln, rf... till! Magoon. .. 1 I I I i:H.llman. If. 1 1 0 0 McCrwary, of. 1 I I 1 OiHart. cf...... 1 1 0 t M fg-mr. rf I 8 1 0 -0 Arndt. lb.... 0 1 t 1 0 Dicker, lb.. lb... 1 1 18 0 0 Dextar. t 0 10 1 0 Carr, Ib 1 3 11 0 Draahaar. tb. 1 0 0 I 0 Whit, lb.... 1 0 11 0 1 Heydon, c... t 1 I 0 0 Martin, Ib... 0 14 11 Qulnln, .v0 1 I 1 t Plabar. D 0 0 t I 0 Kgan, s I 0 14 1 Nawlln, p.... 1114 Cl'ttchrlvar .... I 0 I I 0 Total .....l It TT 1 ll'ToUl .....4 4 17 11 I Batted for Egan In ninth. Indianapolis Q 0,8 4 1 0 0 0 08 Louisville 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-4 , Two-base hits: McCreery, Cerr. Three base hits: Hart, Newlln, Qulnlan. Home run:. Carr. Stolen base: -Heydon, Sacri fice hits: Fisher, McCreery, Dickey. Bases on balls: Off Egan, 1; off Newlln, 1. Struck out: By Egan, 8; by Nawlln, 1 Hit by pitched balls: By Heydon, 2; by Csrr, 1. Double play: Carr to. Martin to Dlekey. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 8; Louisville, 6. Hits: Off Fisher, 2 in one Inning; off Newlln, 4 In elgnt Innings. Time: 1:65. Umpire: Hart. Louisville defeated Indianapolis this after noon In a batting .contest- Both Allemang and Campbell were batted hard. ' A heavy rain storm just before the game kept the attendance down. Hart's batting waa a feature. Attendance.,8,000. Score: LOUISVILLE. I INDIANAPOLIS. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. Karwln. rf... t I I 0 0 Wander. If... J 0 10 0 Hallroan,, If. 0 110 0 Magoon. ... till Hart, cf I 4 8 I 0 McOiaary, cf. 1 I 1 0 Arndt. lb.., till 0 M'otg'm'y. rf 1 I 4 1 I Schrl.var, .. 1 I I 0 0 Dickey, lb... 0 I 4 0 I Brahr, Ib. 0 I I I 0 Carr, Ib 110 0 1 Whit, lb..,. 0 8 1 0 0 Perry,, e 0 1 I 0 Qulnlan. a . 1 1 I 1 o! Martin, tb... 1 tilt Campbell, p.. I I I I llAllamang, p.. 0 t t I 1 Croml.j ., 4 a ,ToUl 11 fl 37 13 ll . I Total 4 11 IT t 4 'Batted for Allemang In ths ninth. Louisville 0 0 8 8 2 1 2 0 011 Indianapolis 0 1O2OO10O4 Two-base hits: Hart 2,. Three-base hltai Hart, Bran hear. Stolen base: Arndt. Sac rifice hits: Hart, Magoon. Base on balls) Off Campbell, 6: off Allemang, 2. Struck out: By Campbell, 1; by A'leniang, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Dickey, Campbell. Left on bases: Louisville, 10; Indianapolis, - 13. Double play: Montgomery and Berry. Time: 4:00. Umpire: Hart Divides with Milwaukee. KANSAS CITY, July 4-The home team divided a double-header with Milwaukee here today. In the first game Strtcklett let Kansas City down with three hits, shutting them out. The second game was a pitchers' baltla between Isuell and Cur tis, resulting In a voctory for the home team. Attendance, I, Out). Score, first game: . . MILWAI KKB. - KANSAS CITY. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B Bi on, rf lilt ova Burea. rf I I 0 I I Ichaafar, a.. I 1 4 ll.Nanc. If 0 I I 0 0 O Brian, lb... tilt lfn-llivaa. Ib. I I I I 1 Clark. Ib I I I I 0 Ryan, o I I 7 I Psunell. If... t t 1 I ; Hill, ef I I I I 0 Henuhlll, cf. I I t I O Hotafgaa, lb. t t 10 0 0 Batania. lb. 1 I IT 1 Bunu.r, lb... I till Spaer.' 114 1 S'Lewsa. (a.... t 1 I I I llrlcslstt. p. I I t I v. Durum, p... I III! Totl ...;." 14 ITU ll Total i IT 14 1 Milwaukee 0 0 1 8 0 1 0 0 0-6 Kansas City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 00 Earned runs: , Milwaukee, 6. Two-base hits: Lewee, Clark ii). Sneer. Sacrifice hit: Pennell. Stolen bases: Stone, BJisefer. lH)Ubl plays: Bonner to Lewee to Both fusa Strtcklett to Clark to Bateman; lie. Io nian (uuaaalated-. Laft on baaaa; Kausaa City. 6; Mlwaukee. in. Btruck out: By DuxUaoi, 8, ty Mulcalstt. 4, ium oa halls: Off Durham, t: off Strtcklett, 1. Time: 1:25. Umpire: Holllday. Soore, second game: , ) KANSAS CITY. I MILWAt'KEE R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B, Van Baren. rf 1 1 1 S I Stone, rf..... I 1 I I t Nance, If 1 1 Srhasfer. .. I lilt Sulllvaa, Ib. I 1 II o Brlen. lb., t lilt Bran, lb t I 10 I Clark, Ib 1 I 1 I I Hill, ef till lPannell, If... I I 1 0 I Butler, e 1 1 I I ol Hemphill, cf. I I 1 t I Bonner, Ib... lilt Bataman. lb. I I 10 I I Lew, aa.... till 0 mattery, .... 01714 Istoeli, p ttl tlcurtla, p t I I 4 Totala I I IT 14 ll ToUl ..... 1 I 14 11 i Kansas City 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 -l Milwaukee 0 1 0 ft 0 0 0 0 01 Earned run: Kansas City, 1. Two-base hit: Lewee. Stolen bsses: Bonner, Hemp hill.. Left on banes: Kansns City, 4; Mil. waukee. 7. Double plsy: Clark to Bate man. Struck out: By lsbell, 7; by Curtis, 7. Bssea on balls: Off lsbell. 2; off Curtis, 2. Wild pitch: label). Passed ball: Slat terv. Hit by pitched ball: Hemphill. Time: 1:20. Umpire: Holllday. tandlaa of the Team. Played- Won. Lost. P.Ct. Columbus 9 45 24 .6o! Bt. Paul 70 43 27 ' .611 lnilirvllle 73 41 32 .52 Milwaukee 68 37 SI .544 Indianapolis ;."1 M 3i .o7 Minneapolis 67 31 30 41 Kansas City 65 31 44 .3J Toledo 67 21 40 .313 Games today: Milwaukee At Kansal City, St Paul at Minneapolis. ORIGIXALS TAKE BOTH GAMES Hitherto . lavlaelble Creameries Are Defeated. LINCOLN. July 4 (Special.) The Lee-Glass-Andreesen Hardware company's Originals brought their strong team and defeated the celebrated Lincoln Creameries two games today. In the first game the hardware men started their run getting early. Bradford led to second, Whitney hit safe, Tsylor walked, Mlnlkus Rlngled, Sof felder struck out, Deneen drew a base on four wide ones, Crelghton hit safe, netting two runs. Adams retired tl)e side on a fly ball to third. There was nothing doing on either side until the fourth, when the Originals piled tip four more on an error and four hits. The Creameries scoTed In the fifth on two hits, a sacrifice and a passed ball and again In the eighth on a single by Bender snd a two-sticker by Rhoades. The second game started off with two runs for the Originals and win ' . 1 .. .1 . . . ,L 1 . I .1 . .. ii i-u iiv me uuiicriiiaann m me iuuiiii After that there was nothing doing until the tenth, when a single by Bradford and two-Rackers by Lawler and Whitney gave the Originals two runs and the game. The locals go to Omaha next Sunday, the 10th, and play the Originals at the Vinton Street uark. The score: Bcors, first game: - L. O. A. ORIGINALS. I LINCOLN R.H.O.A.! R.H.O.A.B. Bradford, lb. Lawler. as... Whitney, If.. Taylor, rf. ... Mlnnlkus. Ib. Baffelder, lb. Deneen, cf.... CralKhton. e. 1 0 4 01 Bender, rf... 110 0 0 111 OlRhoadea. sr.. 0 1 I 3 0 lit O Rteen, lb 0 0 1 6 1 0 10 OlT'na'ndA lb-p 0 0 11 0 0 1 0 1 01 Wilson, ,... 1 1 I I 0 0 11 0 0 Fenlon, If.... 0 110 1 0 110 Hamlll. ib...' 10 4 10 1 11 1 0 Bennett, cf... 0 1 '0 0 0 I 0 I 0 P. A' mi, p-lb 0 I 0 I 1 N. Adam, p. 1 Totala I 11 17 It ol ToUl I I 17 10 I L O. A. Originals... 8 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 18 Lincoln 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0-2 Earned runs: L. O. A. Originals 8. Double plays'. Deneen to Crelghton, Khoades to Hamlll to Townsend. Two-base hits: N. Adams, Bender, Bhoades. Three-base hlta: Lawler. Bases on bulls: Off N. Adams 1. off P.. Adams 4. Struck out: By N. Adams 9, by P. Adnms 8, by Townsend 2. Passed balls: Crelghton (2). Sacrifice hits: Bradford, Lawler, Hamlll. Time: 1:40, Um pire: Fox. ' Score, second game: L. Q. A. ORIGINALS. LINCOLN. I R.H.O.A. I ft. I I I I R.H.O.A.B. Bradford, Bender, rf.... 0 Rhoades, as. . 0 1 0 1 0 I I Lawler. as... 1 1 I I Whitney, If.. 1 I 1 0 Steen. Ib 0 Taylnr, rf... 0 0 I 0 Miantku. Ib. I 1 I 0 BaKeldar, lb. 0 0 10 1 Deneen. cf... 0 I 1 1 Cralghton, .. I 0 4 1 Boully, p 0 0 0 4 Townsend, lb 1 0 11 Wilson, o.... 1 0 7 Fenlon, If.... 0 Hamlll, lb... 0 Dennett, cf . . 0 Morse, p I 1 I 0 I 0 I 1 1 Total 4 t 10 17 ! Total V.... I 1 10 It I L. O. A. Originals. 2 000 00000 2-4 Lincoln 0 00200000 02 . Earned runs: L. O. A. Originals 3, Lin coln 1. 8tolcn bases; Whitney, Bender. Two-base hits: Bradford, Lawler. Whitney, Deneen, Bender, Fenlon. Three-base hit: Fenlon. Struck out: By Scully 3, by Morse 6. Passed bail: Crelghton (1). Time: 1:30. Umpire: Hermann.! Janlors Divide at Plattsmonth. PLATTSMOUTH, Neb., July 4.-Special Telegram.) The Union Stock Yards Juniors of South Omaha opened - their season's playJng here today wtttr-v.deubia-header. The morning game Was played on wet and muddy grounds and the playing on both sides was ragged. The nine Was unable to keep on Its feet. The home team won by the score of 9 to 8. Neither pitcher was hit hard, but errors were numerous. Score: R H E Plattsmouth ,; 2 ' d 0 0-9 7 4 Juniors 0 p 6 1 1 0 0-4 6 7 Batteries: Plattsmouth, Graves and Snyder; Junior?, Caughey ' and. Bonner. Struck out: By Graves, 9;' by Caughey, 4. Bases on balls: Off O raves, 3.- Umpire: White. The afternoon game 'was played before a large crowd and was the best exhibition of ball on the part of the Juniors, played here this season. They-not only played an er rorless game, but played with a snap that won the crowd. Quinn's pitching waa the feature, he allowing but four, hits and striking out eight men, and did not allow a run. Mlllett did the heavy batting for the Juniors. McCane and Wllklas for the home team were both wild, allowing a total of eight bases. The Juniors won easily and scored at will. Score: R H E Juniors ........3 4 0 2 0 2 1 2 2-16 10 6 Plattsmouth ...0 00000000 0 4 11 Batteries: Juniors, McCans, Wllklns and Monroe; Plattsmouth, Qulnn and Brown. Struck out: By McCane, 4; by Wllklns, 4; by Quinn. 8. Bases on balls: Off McCane, 4; off Wllklns, 4. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Ellis. Wahoo Wlas a Pair. WESTON, Neb., July 4. (Special Tele gram.) Wahoo today won two games, the first being a thlrteen-Innlng contest, where Anderson won his own game by striking out eighteen men and bringing In the win ning run a two-base hit In the thirteenth, and in the second game Yarrnan pitched elegant ball, with perfect support behind him. A large crowd of 900 people saw the games. Score first game: R.H.E. Wahoo 0 10000000000 12 18 4 Prague 0 00000100000 0 1 8 4 Two-base hits: Anderson, 2. Batteries: Wahoo, Anderson and Smith; Prague, Donalo and Frahm. Struck out: By Donalo, 10; by Anderson, 18. Earned runs: Wahoo, 2. Time: 1:36.. Umpire: Albright. Score second game: R.H.E. Wahoo .1 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 06 7 0 Buunders 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0ft 7 4 Batteries: Wahoo, Yarman and Johnson: Saunders county, Hlckel, Williams, 6cott and Hall. Struck out: By Hlckel, 2; by Yarman, 6. Time: 1:12. Umpire: Roy Acker. Sehayler Wlas Both. SCHUYLER, Neb., July 4:-(Speclal Tele gram.) Schuyler's celebration was de lightfully pleasant and satisfactory. ' The Columbus band supplied splendid music and a lttrge delegation came down from there. Edward Maggl of Albion delivered a splendid oration. Tha hose team race and athletic contests were enjoyable. There was no disturbance of any sort. No acci dents. The Genoa Indians and Schuyler decidedly Interesting. The forenoon game was won by Schuyler by a score of 12 to 1, not being largely attended. In the after- The best hand processes as well s the finest grapes. are used tn m&King gyrm rrrr Champagne. The proper fermenting and aging of & champagne is a delicate matter. You cannot maKe good wine by machinery. Each bottle is inspected every day .for months. When it comes to yourtable is a perfect champagne. Old-Worid W Processes W.J noon an Immense crowd wns at the park. The game wns not interesting at any stage, proving markedly disappointing. 1 ha score: Schuyler .'. 4 2 112 112 lj Indians...., 1 0303000 17 Batteries: SVhuyler. Dwork and Beaulleu; Indians, Pruyne and Fulmer. Struck out! By Pruyne, 4; Dwork. 4. , Regents Wis at Baarraft. BANCROFT. .Neb. July 4 (Special Tel egram.) fifteen hundred peoph- en w the Omaha Regents win from Bancroft today by a score of 6 l 1. Frank Donahue, for the Regents, pitched ' wonderful ball, get ting fifteen Strike nuts and allowing hut three hits. The team supported' blm per fectly mid not a Bancroft he saw first base till the sixth Inning. Score: R H E Regents ...!7...1'2 0 1 2 0 0 0 04 18 6 Bancroft 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 01 8 6 Two bne hits: N. Kill, Rueklln. J. Don ahue. Strike outs: By Donahue, 15; by Bucklln, 6: by Farley 3. Pane on balls: Off Bucklln, 8. Batteries: Regents, Dona hue and Claire; Bancroft,. Bucklln, Farley ana larrenu Omaha Victor Yanqulehril. FREMONT. .Neb., Julv 4.-(8pecll Tel egram.) The Pohl A Shephsrd ball team outplayed the Omaha Victors at every point today, slamming Hlnton's curves all over the Held. . Daum played a steady game. Soore: . . R.H E. P. & S 0 0 0 6 1 1 8 6 -15 2 19 Victors 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 7 I Batteries: p. A S.. Daum and Carroll; Victors, l'enton and Scrlebs. EVE1TS OK THIS HISSING TRACKS Colonial Girl Plalshes Third in Raee at Hanthorae. CHICAOO, July 4. Colonial Girl, winner of the. World's talr handicap at St. Louis, waa defeated at Hawthorne today by Mc tiee and Bad News. McGeer finished a nose In front of Bad News after a hard drive through the stretch. Colonial Otrl was third and pulled up very tired. The track was good. Results: First race, six turmngs: Grand, 99 (Rob blns), 2 to 1, won; Frenchman. SC (Living ston), 7 to 1, second; . Watermelon, 1U0 (Heed). 12 to 1, third. Time: l:15fc. Second race, one mile: Exclamation, 106 (Henry), 8 to 1, won; Jerry Lytich. 109 (Oil phantj, 8 to It second; Merry Pioneer, 1(6 (C. Kelly). 8 to 1, third. Time: Third race, one mile: Ananias, lu (Heed), 9 to 1, won: Dalvay, 102 (Mclntyre), Hi to 6, second; Miss Crawford, 104 (Aubuchon), tf to 1, tliird. Time: 1:414.. Fourth race, one anu one-eighth miles: McUee, '107 (Larson), 64 to 1, won; Bad News, 10V (Kelly), 2 to 1, second; Colonial Ulrl. 109 (Pollaki.. to 6, third. Time: 1:64. Fifth race, one and one-half miles: Ros mond, 99 . tO'Regan), 6 to 1, won; Major Mansir, 100 (Henry), 13 to 6, second; Ima Uufour, 86 (Greentieid), 4 to 6, third. Time: 2:36. Sixth race, five furlongs: Miss Innez 110 (Hofller), 6 to 1. won; Klaxman. 110 (Hel goaen), 13 to 6, second; PlnKerton, 110 (Otis), 13 to 1, third. Time: 1:01V KKW YORK, July. 4. Major Daingerfleld at 20 to 1 won the long Inland handicap, one mllo and a furlong, at Bheepshead Bay today. The Major had to be ridden out to beat the favorite. Highball, by one and u haif lengths. Results: First race, the Independence steeplechase, about two and a half miles: Fox hunter, 148 (Hay). 6 to 2, won; Redpath, 138 Veltch, 16 to 1, second; Whlnersy, 136 (O'Donnell), 3U to 1. third. Time: Second race, six furlongs: Leonidas, 122 (Redfern), 6 to 1. won; Lord of the Vale, 118 (Shaw), 40 to t. second; Hamburg Belie, 111 (Hlldebrand), 2 to 1, third. Time: 1:12. Third race, the Vernal, five furlongs: Tradition,-107 (Travers), U to 6, won; Fancy Dress, 107 (Redfern), 6 to 1, second; Chrys ltls. 12 (O'Neil), 3 to 1, third. Time: 1MW- Fourth race. Long Island handicap, one and one-eighth miles: Major Daingerfleld, 120 (Mratln),20 to 1, won; Highball, 115 (Odom-, 8 to 6, second; Hurst Park, 120 Shaw). 7 to 1, third. Time: 1:53. Fifth race, one mile, selling:- Palmbesrer, 99 (H. Phillips), 6 to 1. won; Dick Bernard, 98 (Travers), 2 to L second; Gay Lothario, 100 (E. Walsh). 16 to 1, third, lime: 1:8944. Sixth raoe, one mile, selling: Old England. no . ... . a . , . t 'V, n 1 1 ii I r. OA i T Vo ll ravels;, o v , wuii. v. . ..... . . u ... , -. - Jones), 12 to 1, second; Hello, 106 (O'Neil), 4 to 6, third. Tlmt: 1:384, Seventn race, nanaicsp, one muo anu a quarter: The Cricket. 99 (Phillips), 12 to 1, won; Leader, 112 (Hlldebrand), 4 to 1, sec ond; Carbuncle, 111 (Redfern), 2 to 1, third. Time: 2:06. ST. LOUIS, July 4. A large holiday crowd attended the fair- grounds race to Bottled beeri, at well food prodnCU, rt) often adnl tarated with chemical prrservstivei, etc., which lor awkil keep them from souring:, but are injttrioug to tha itomach. A. B. C BEER it guaranteed to be abvOuMty par and free from any adulterant whatever. It i never ezpoaed to the air (which is germ-laden) but U brewed, fermented and aged for eight months in air-tight compartment, then piped in tin-lined pipe direct to the air-tight bottling machine, whtrt it is bottled, acaled, pasteurized and packed for hipnent. A. Tha only beer bottletl mmehuMfy ac tKa Brejwary, therefore the only bottled beer that can be absolutely guarantee.. The American Brewing Co., St. Louis, U. S. A. . II. May & Co., Wholesale Dealers. I ! I ai ii ,.a Above' all Other things, we strive to save ths thousands of young and middle-aged men who ar plunging toward the grave, tortured by ths woes of Nervo-Sexual debility, the result ot youthful habits, excesses, etc. W have evolved a special treatment for Nervo-Sexual debility and special weakness that Is uniformly success ful In cases Where success wit before by other doctors deemed Impossible. If you are drifting tn a sea of sickness hoals of chronic Invalidism, you should stop drifting. Whatever may be your, ailment, get help from the ablest snd most experienced specialist. If your sy sight Is failing, go to a reliable optician or uoullat. If your hearing la defec tive, consult a competent aurist. If a bad tooth Is distressing you, engage a. skilled dentist.' Or, If you sre burning with a fever, or shaking with chills, tell your troubles to a family physlrian. They can do vou more good then wt can. for we do not treat such complaints nor pretend to cure them. Hut If you have a serious disease arising from or having It seat or origin In tit stxual . ytem If Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impjteacy, Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, ' . Kidney and Urinary Diseases, or nny allied trouble ara depleting your manhood if this I your unfortunate condition, you should avail yourself at one of our aervlces rOV'll TAIION IDFF '( Hours-tarn, tol, m. Sunday. 10 to 1 only. IsViuillrtslUil ISLL if ytm cannot call writ for symptom blank. STATE r.lEDIGAL INSTITUTE I JOS Faurnarn St.. But IJtfi day." Just before the first rsce a heavy rain fell which made the track very muddy. Results: First race, five furlongs, selling: WTllow. dene, 108 (W. Watson), 8 to 1. Won;. Fay Templeton. II (Mclyaughlln), 4 to 1. seeotid; Franco, 101 (Nlool), I to L third. Time: 1 04 Second rsce.f. six furlong, aelllng: Even ing Star, K (Troxler), 6 to I, won; Pottci, lo (D. Austin). 6 to I. second; Sid Silver, 12 (Howell), 16 to 1, third. Time: 1.18. Third rsce, one mile and seventy yards, selling: Nettie Regent. M (U Williams). 16 to 1, won; Lady Fonson. 87 Oi. Ander son), I to L second; Western Wslters, "3 (J. Hennesay). M to 1, third. Time: 1:60V Fourth rsce, one mile snd three-sixteenths, Independence handicap: Monte bank. 98 (Lindset), It to 1, won; Tsby Tosa lit tw. Wstson), t to 1, second; Fnre hinl, 93 (Nlcol). 6 to 1, third. Time: 2:04, Fifth raoe, six furlonga. mirse: F.laatlc, . 124 (Dale), I to 6, won; Floral Wreath, 110 tKoley). 8 to 1, second; Clesr the Arena, 101 (Nlcol), 3 to 1. third. Time: 1:17. Sixth race, one mile, purse: .First Mason, 110 iW. Wstson). 2 to 1. won; Fred Leppert, 94 (Nlcol), 4 to 1. second; Hsrmskis, 87 (Rlce, even, third. Time: 1:44. Seventh race, one mile and an eighth, sailing: Caithness. 96 (Stovall), 8 to 1, won; Sella Knight. 96 (11, Anderson), 6 to 1, sec ond; Boaster. 104 (J. Conway), 4 to 1, third. Time: 1:00. " Bl'FFAlX), July 4 Results at Fort Erie: First race, seven furlongs: I'anetla. 10 to 1, won; Florisel second, Benfonso third. Time: 1:2H. . ... Second race, flv furlongs: Itaaka, 4 to L won; Odalette second, Annie Chapman third. Time: 1:08. ' Third race, six furlongs: Albula; even, won; Benvollo second. Morning Star third. Time: 1:15. Fourth race, the Canadian Sportsman handicap, one and one-sixteenth miles: War Whoop, 4 to 6, won; Wire In second, Zarko third. Time: 1:47. Fifth race, four and a half furlongs: Sandy Andy, 4 to 8, soon; The Thrall sec ond Mairela Mackev third. Time: 6.M1. Sixth race, one and' one-eighth miles: Harbor. 8 to 1, won; Prof. Nevill second, port Warden third. Time: l:Hi Seventh race, steeplechase, full course! i Nltor, 8 to 1, finished first but was disqusll fled; Trenck the Mere. 6 to 2, won first money, Valentine second, Rip third. Time: 3:61. RAIX9 MAKE MARION TRACK, HEAVY Fear Events on the Card All Wow, ia Straight Heats. CEDAR RAPIDS. Ia., July 4. (Special Telegram.) The Marlon races opened with what was called the Marlon derby. There were about 8,0(0 people In attendance and the races were fairly well contested, though won In straight heats. There were four events on the card, and the track was heavy, which prevented good time. Sum maries: Trotting. 2:26 class: rv Axphal (Pettis) i Ill W. J. Lewis (Cunningham) 3 2 2 Winkle (Waterman) 6 2 8 Bodnga Girl (McCollOtighr..'...'..'..;.,. 3 I 4 Belle Cyclone (Thompson)... . ,,. 4 4 7 Fox O (Grager), 0 2 2 Watson (Proctor) ............ ...,..l.... 8dr Getta Phars (Deryder)'.... .10 10 Ladv on Time (Hamilton). 7 7 6 Ladv Almoneer (Blorte-. .awk. 4 4 4 Time: 2:244. 2:24S, 2:22W-. ,'. Pacing, 2:30 class: ' ' Harry W (Kllcoln).. .......1 1 1 Miss Terrace (Hanson).........,.,.....,. 2 2 4 Guy Moore (Spurl). ....... ...,.. 4 10 2 Lyda (Brent) w...- 4 2 BBC (Caturna) ..,.;....... 246 Ina Barondale (Maesey)... 8 11 4 - Red Hllas (Ballwlnt) ',............10 7 10 Roxle S (Yerger) . 11 J U Alcott (Llllie) .4. .;,;.. ). J I 8 Cassle R (Hartley),.' I I I Lena 8 (Phlnney). .. ...I.... ,.... ....... 898 Time: t:l4. 2:22'A. 3;17.. , Pacing. 2:15 class: ... Castlewood (Thomaa) .........k ,.1 1 J Vysant Star (Lent) w v 2 2 2 Barney L (Donnelly).. i 4 2 3 Oamont (Thompson) 3 4 4 Betty Walter (Alln).... ! S ! Harry -C. jr. (Lany).. . 4 Times 3:17, 2:16M,, 2:17. Marion Derby, rannlng, 'eleven-slxteentha -of a mller Hlmenla (Jack) won, Selma (Wells) second, Bunrlso (Relley) third. Tlmei LrHi. . i .. , . . Fifty-Kin oa Energle. LONDON, July 4. A dispatch to Lloyd's . from Stornoway gives the number of the Norge'g survivors on board the Ener gle aa flfty-nlna. V - . " How to Judge Beer PURITY raMtdMt) to Hoi tt In molt ' Iroitlad Beat a, Bacania tKair preaarvation ! geinad thrcrvTil cemical aiuWtrtton. B. C. fo nm It doe not stimulate temporarily, but restore permanently. It allay tha irttalion of the delicate tissue sur' rounding the lag and unduly expanded seminal glands, contracting them to their normal condition, which stop night emissions, dries up day drain and prevent prematuremess. It tone, up. and strengthens the blood vessels that carry nourishment to weakened and wasted parts, restoring them to ' lull power, sise ana vigor. and dlaesss. toward the rock and nii 4th St.., Omaha, Nt. IS I