TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEEt MONDAY, JULY i, 1904. Ribbons SOc Ribbons, per yard 5c. The Ribbon from the Boston Store toc-k were all In perfect shape, but we ran not add to our own immense tock, ao will close out the entire lot at one prloe j our choice per r-r6 , 5c Come early Tuesday morning If yon Want Ribbon. Rpmember those who come early get the first choice. ' . 5c is the price 25c to 50c the value. Boston Store Embroideries Not a yard wLI go Into general tock the entire line on sale t-ryard ... 5c Ladies' Furnishing Bargains Cloves From the Boston Store Stock KID GLOVES in all sizes and all the newest shades, 75c, $ 1.00 and O Qr 1.50 values, sale price pair. BILK GLOVES 00 Most fashionable shades, all sizes, worth up to 75c sale price, per pair . . . Wash Goods from the Boston Store, Council Bluffs. These Figures Will Tell for Themselves. 'Goods that the Boston Store sold at 10c, 12 1-2c and 15c will go at 1c yard. , . ..,,, Cambric Linings, - Lawns; Dimities, Or- rami lea In lonar 'and short lc lntha yard , Goods the Boston Stdre sold al 10c, 12 1 "2c, 15c and 19c yard, 5c. 1wna. Dimities. IBe Satlnea, IBe Ptquea. Jto Percalee, i Inchea wide; Wto Scotcb Olnghams and (roods that the . . QC ; Boston Store sold up to 19o yard w thit th Boston Store sold , W WJ SUMS mum-m - - forcaf 7 wc. 'imported Kmbrcldered Bwlases. Hatistea Imported Oxford Bu.tings. flquea. Organdlea every anaao yC and color til at on. prlc. ' UOOuS inariiic doivsi iuiyw and 75c yard, 10c. t-lnch double-ol4 Imported Bilk Embroid ered BwlaiieB, worth 75c yard Imported cnu r.initinnii wrirth Ma ' varn Flirured . Ulnshama and Percales and Madraaes worm 6Uo yara an wiu me this sal. at ! "w Extra Specials. Ten ' yards to a Customer. Pmi. In In 12. noon. wa will Sell . 10O Lawns at '8' Trom t 6 11 s. m. w. will aell Scotch 2Tc Olnghama. dark colors, at ,..." From 1:80 to I p. m., we will se'.l PJO Mercerised Linings double-fold ;.3tC at from 2:30 to 4 p. m. we will sell ahort lrh nf all wnnl Dreaa Good worth from 16o to IS.op per yard . . 25C P03T0FFICE NOTICE URUQUA.T and PARAQUAT, per s. s. Onova: at :30 a. nw (supplementary 10:80 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA. OftEYTOWN and COLOMBIA, tiiant r'muuk. ajid Masdalrna Dep ta, per a. s. Alleghany (mull for Coata Kfca rnunt h. dlr.cmd "per a. e. All'ghany"; at 9 X av m. (supplementary V);s a. m.i lor or, THOMAS; 6T. CKOIX LK1CWARD and (viNI)WAaD HSLAJs'Dri, BKlTIfali. PU'IVH and FRENCH GUIAXA, per s. a. parlma. tniall for Or.nada and Trinidad must b. directed "per s. s. Parlma"); at lu a. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Morro Caatla. via Havana; a.i jv a. m. ur uivuaua, TRINIDAD and CIllDAD BOLIVAR, pr a. armada; at at xi.si p. in, lor v,ua. per a. s. curuyDa, via Mutansas (mail n.u.t be directed "per s. a, Curityba ') Matla Forvrard.d uverl4t Ete-, eevt Traaapaeiae. CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes st this offlc. daily, except Thursday, at 11:30 a. m. (in. connecting maus cio. ner. oa ' Mondays, WrdnetUays and Saturdays). MKXICO CITY Overland, unless specially addreMed for de.palch by steamer, clox.4 at this omea dally, except Sunday, at IM p. m. (lid to.J p. m. ounaaya ai i;w p. m. and 10.10 p. m. HEWFOITNULAND (except Pavcle-Post Malls) ly rail to North Sydney, and thence by steam.r, closes at this omoa 4ally at S.SO p. m. (connecting mails close bsr. every Monday, Wednesday and Sat JaiacA By rail to Roe-ton, and thence by st earner , ciosea at this office at :80 p. m. Tuesday and Friday. V1QUELON liy rail to Roeton. and thence by steamer, closes st this offlc. dally at BELli'k.'pUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA RjT rail to Nvw Orleans, and th.nr. by steamer,, closes at this offlc. dally, except Sunnafc at II 30 p. m. and ' iv.3u p. in.. Sundays at l.uo p. ai. and . TARTAR IS A TARTAR Soft, spongy, sensitive rums result from tartar accumulation. It snou Id be removed at once by your dontlst an4 thsrealier pre. vented by the use e( GOZO'DONT TOOTH PO'.VDEtl and lis ccmptcment. SOZODOlfT liquid. The Powder Is sllrhtly abrasive, la abso lutely (res (rom. grit and acid, and Is Just the thing tor those who have an inclination iW ths nlc.ilea o( svery-dk til. . .v VOKMSi LIQUID, HjWUtR, rASTsV THE RELIABLE STORK. Boston Store Hose Supporters We cannot give them away, but wilt do the next thinsr to it when we m sell them Tu end ay all I. f lit Bids Buporters black, - I. white and fancy at pair 75c Pad Front Buporters t - I Or pair Regular Round Oarters per 21c pair ., ... Two packagea of Tina c for ,w 85 packagea Hair Plna Rp for i 7c Venetian Skirt Binding Op per yard Ladles' Linen Collars each r ' Pocketbooks gg Purses 2C at w Corsetsl Corsets! Corsetsl The entire Boston Store stock, all the standard makes in every conceiva ble style and color, goods that sold from $ 1.00 to $5.00 dirided into two great lots. for O C . OQn this sale, at " 9c 250 to.50O LADIES' HOSE AT 12 JO AND 190 Newest shades and patterns fancy lace and lisle thread 1 Z ic-19c CHILDREN'S HOSE-Plain and fancy colors, all sizes worth up to 50c, at, pair .......... 121c-15c Ladies9 Underwear ( 250 TO 390 JERSEY RIBBED VESTS, DC-COO doaen of them 111 fine lisle thread, fancy yokes and silk taped Boston Store Price ( 25C to 30c, o at ;. C 250 TO 800 KNIT DRAWERS, 12ViC Umbrella style with deep ruffles of knit lnce Boston Store price, 25c to 80c, at Ia2V 250 CHILDREN'S KNIT DRAWERS AND VESTS, 10O-Lace tfl , trimmed and good value at Boston Store price, 25c Tuesday, at. . IUC 890 TO 500 CORSET COVERS, 15C Lace and embroidery trim-1 mod, all sizes, Boston Store price 30c to 50c, at 1C fl LADIES' DRAWERS, 400 Fine cambric.' lace and embroid- A Q ery trimmed, well worth t, on sale Tuesday at T'aC $1 AND $1.25 LADIES' SKIRTS, COO-Em broidery and lace f ' trimmed, beautiful garments, Boston Store price $1 to $1.25, at. . 0 C Voiles. Etamlnes, -Mohairs. Suitings, Tailor Ooods and every Imaginable color and . black good that the Boston Stor. sold as high as $3.00 per yard JC will go at a-OC Bosfoil Store' Dress Goods sold In the Domestic Room. Black Drees Goode, 40 Inches wid., sold by Boaton Store at 75o Henriettas, sold by the Boston Stor. at 3ic..:. Black Brllllantlnes, aold by the Boaton Store at 4Bo 12ic 25c M-ine'h Brlllla'nttne, In black, blue and navy, . BOld by th. Boaton, Store at $1. 47 1.000 other good things in dress goods at from on.-thlrd to one-tenth of their actual value. " . libston Store, Council Blulfs, Stock of Linens and Domestic will be sold at one-half the regular price. Blenched sheeting full 111 Inches wide Boaton Store price 26o yard our IQc cut sale price per yard. IS yards Bleached Muslin sold by the Bos ton Store at lOo yard we will sell 15 yards during this great sal. , ,0Q Olnas Toweling linen finish 1H Inches wide in blue and red check sold Al 'e ' regular at o our price, yard Turkey" Red Tnble Damask Boston Store sold at 36o yaYd our cut sale IQic price-per yard Narkins pur. linen regular value will go on aale at per ftQr' Ubren O-JV Half Bleached Table Damask guaranteed pure linen resular 65c vilue on AOlr special sal. at p.r yard White goods, such as Lawns, India Llnons, Dimities, Check- Nainsook, Lac. Stripe, etc aold from 15c to 36c yard. fic . cur sale price, lOo, 7tto and 110:30 p. m. (connecting mail cities here Mondays at 10:30 p. m.V , COSTA RICA By rail to N.w Orleans, and thence by Bteamer, cio.ea 11 im. onic. dally, except Hunday, at 11:30 p. m. and 110:30 p. m., Sundays at (1:00 p. m. and (10:80 p. m. (connecting mail closes her. Tuexlava at 110:30 D. m.). Reglat.rd mail closes st p. m. previous day, Traaspaclfl. Mails, Forward. Over- land Dally. The schedule of closing of Transpacino malls is arranged on the presumption of their unlntarrupt?4 ov'Atland transit to port of sallln. The final connecting malls (excepting' registered Transpacific malls which close p. m. previous any) close at th. general pvstuffls.. New York, ' as follows: CHINA. JAPAN and PHILIPPINE! 18- LANDS (specially addressed onlyl, via Seattle, close at (:30 p. m... July td, for dispatch per a a. gnawmut. Ill I1P1V CltlMl mryA PHIt.IP. PINK lSLANDa, via Ban Frandsco, close at :90 p. m., July 4Ui, for despatch p.r 8. e. Korea. HAWAII. JAPAV. CHINA snd PHILIP PIN IS ISLAND!), via Han Francisco, close at t:30 p. m. July ytn lor aeapatcn per s. s. Gaelic. HAWAII, via Ban Franclaoo, close at (:W p. m. July UtU for despatch per. s. s. A'ameia. FIJI ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA (except W.et). and NEW CALKj)ONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, U. C, close at :30 p. m. July loih for despatch par a. a Aorangl. CHINA and JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, cloa. at 6:iio p. m., July 18th for dispatch per a. s. Empresa .of India. (Merchandl. for U. 8 postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). NKW ZEALAND. AVSTRALIA (exc.pt Wnt NEW CALKIONIA. SAMOA, HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Francisco olos. at (:S0 p. m., July 23d for dl. patch per .. s. Sonoma. If ths C'unard Bteamer carrying th. British mail for New Zrslitnd doe. not arrive In time to ' connect with this despatch, extra malls cloolng at 30 a. m , . a. m. and S:30 i. m.; Sundaya at 4:30 a. m., a. m. and (.SO p. m. will b. mad. up and forwarded until ths arrival of ths Cunard st.am.r). PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Sao Fran rtspo. rluse at (.So. p. m., July H7th, for despatch r V. H. Transport. TAHITI an.1 MARQUESAS ISLANDS, Via Hun Francisco, close at (.30 o. m., August th for dispatch pr s. s Marltosa. MANCHLKlA and KA8TERN S1HER1A at prewnt forwarded via Ru.ala, Instead of via Japan, th. usual ro.uls. NOTKt nieas oth.iwl.e addressed. West AuHtrslla Is forr1J via Europe; New Zulanl via fclnn Kranrlwio. and certain pldce. In ths Chines. Provlncea of Tun nan, Kuril how, birrhwta and Kwangnl, vIh Rrlil.li Iti'lln the tilckeot rout.a. plilUiplur. sp !.iUy addiMSfMl "via Can. a-aa" ot "vUi Iburoy." Btust be full pio Tuesday's Bargain Entire stock of the well known - f Boston Store, Council Bluffs, la. Purchased by us at an extremely low-price, will be placed on sale at our store Tuesday morning. This stock has been well and faborably known for years as one of the largest and best assorted stocks of high grade dry goods in western Iowa. Tuesday you can buy these goods at a small fraction of their actual worth. ' Don't Fail to Attend This Sale. Millinery $6 and Taffeta Boston Store Women's Capes, at.... ...r , $1.00, $3.00, $5,00 FLANNEL DEPARTMENT Extra heavy Shaker Flannel Boston An , Store prlc. lOo our pries "w Extra tin. grade .Cheviot Shirting Boston . Sore price ISO our Extra heavy Bed Ticking, fancy stripes Boston Store price 12V4c our p rlce , M LA f t paid at the foreign rates. Hawaii is for warded Via San Francisco exclusively. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Post Office. New York, N. T. July 1, 1904. , . ECHOES OF THE ANTE RCOSJ -Woodmea of the World. IT. S. camp No.. 229, Woodman of the World, held .a , largely attended meeting Thursday svening in Patterson hall, Sev snteenth and Pouglaa streets. . Qv.r sixty ware present The new orchestra of ths camp gav. Its first entertainment, under th. leadership of Herman W. Stewart. Refreshments war. served and fifteen n.w applications for membership war. received This camp will meet th. first and third Thursdays oftach month and each meet ing will be enlivened with muslo by . the camp orchestra. Omaha-Seymour camp No. It la organis ing a chorus of flYty voices tor It. enter tainment purposes. ' Omaha-Seymour camp No. 1 will send a team and officers to St. Louis to participate In the international prise drills there during fraternal week. Th. contests will enlist the skill of all th. leading Woodman of th. World teams in th. country and ths Omaha (Mm intends to carry oft on. or mora of th. prises. Tba carnival arrangements sr. rapidly approaching completion and will be undaH Charge of Alpha camp. The dates for the carnival are fixed for the first or second week !n Atiguat. It Is the determlrutlon to Improve on th. last Woodmen carnival both In. th. Iin. of entertainments and at tractions. The whol. work of th. carnival will devolv. upon Alpha camp, bseause of Omaha-Seymour camp being engaged In preparing for the national prise drill con test t St. Louis. i Alpha grove No. I is considering the pro ject of a big picnlo about the middle Of this month. Committees havs been ap pointed to make arrangements therefor and due announcement will be made of the date and place. Ilearrew ef H...I, Tb. n.w lodg. recently organised at Saratoga hall will five a lawa aoelal swat AYD Startling Values $2.00 Trimmed French Sailors...... 25c $1.00 Bunches Flowers.... 5c 25c Sun Bonnets.....: . 9c Sc Black Straw Braid. 2c 5"0c Black Satin Flowers .....10c $1.00 Infants' Silk Caps.... .". 25c $1.00 Untrimmed Leghorns f 39c $150 Black Ostrich plumes. SOc $350 Trimmed Hats.................. 75c $.00 Chiffon Hats;..:............ $1.98 $10.00 Pattern Hats $2.50 wgam ic Bargains Boston Store and L Holstein & Co. Stocks Suits, Skirts. Waists, Wrappers at one-third to one-fourth regular price. ALL THE BOSTON. STORE WOOL SUITS In etamines and cheviots, worth up to $30 in two lots at $10 and . . . 5.00 ALL THE BOSTON SjORE WASH SUITS that sold up to $10.00 ' your choice . . . . .'i . ;. . . . . . . . . . ... . . .............. 3.90 ALL THE BOSTON STORE WALKING SKIRTS that sold at $6.00, $7.00, $8.00, $10.00, at 2.50 Boston Store line Sicilian skirts that soid at $10, choice .4.90 Boston Store merceri2ed underskirts $2.00 values, at 49c The entire Boston Store stock of $1.00 Wash Waists at 29c I $1.25 Children's Dresses . . . 39c $7 Jap Silk WTaists. . .2.50 I $1.50 Women's Wrappers . . : 39c Waists, worth to $10. 2.90 1 $2.50 Women's Wrappers 98c Extra heavy Cotton Flannel Boaton CI c Store prloe 12o our prlc. uj JUnch wide extra good value Cream Out- Ing Flannel Boston Store price fil n lSo our nrlc. vrjw ur prlc. Drapery Cretonne Boston Store lOc price JOo our price avrw ea N Friday evsnlng, July S, at the home of Mrs. Hlmss, n.sr Twenty-fourth and Ames streets. Mel.ra Woodmea mt Smertca. The Foresters of camp No. 120 will Join In the celebrations on the Fourth of July at the Malvern (la.) Chautauqua. They will participate In ths competitive drill there with ths drill team of Council Bluffs camp No. 171. The Foresters and their friends will lsavs Omaha at 7: Monday morning for Malvern. 'i Modern Woodmen week at Bt Louis Dromlaes to bs a big affair. The week will begin wtth September 4. There la to be a national, encampment of Foresters and It Is expected that fully 4,000 of the uniformed rank of Woodmen will be there. The ex position management has put up a purse of 18,000 to be paid out In Forester and band contests. Thes. drills will be judged by officers of th. .United States army and under conditions snd restriction similar to thoa. at th. Indianapolis encampment. The Omaha lodges will be repreeeoted at the drills with Its prise drill team. The record for May was sixty-five new cstpps chartered and 7,t62 benefit certifi cates written. Mrs. E. . D. Watt,' supreme oracle of the Royal Nelghbora of America, has been making a tour of the Paclfle coast states the society. Ths reports of Increased mem. b.rshlp coming from that section indicate that her work has been fruitful of great results. And, by the way, Mrs. Watta Is an' Omaha woman, living at Bat Lake strset ' . Jaator Wwedna.a. The ritual for the new branch of the Modern Woodmen of America, which la to be known as the Patriotio Order of Junior Woodmen, waa approved by the executive eouncll at the June session and blanks and printed matter are new being made ready, preparatory to commencing the organise Uon pf n.w camps of Juniors. Head Consul Talbot ta the supreme guardian; plreetor George W. Rellly, supreme vloe guardian; Head Clerk Hawea, supreme treasurer; Editor F. O. Van Galder, supreme secre tary; Colonel S. R. Davis, supreme Instruc tor. Tht exscutlv. council, consisting of Hsad Consul A. R. Talbot. Head Clark C. W. Hawse and Dlrsotora George W. RU:y, aad adiUeeulCa aUus to U lateteet M, Feast in BED SPREADS. White Honeycomb Bed Bpreads hemmed ready for use handsome Marseille, pat" terns full alae Ho.ton Store . zlQc price 11.00 our prlc. : w Fine Fancy Honeycomb Be4 Bpreads re- - veralble snd can b. used on either side - large alze Boston store price $2 Qftc E. E. Murphy, Colonel C. O. Saunders, Hon. C. J. Byrns and R. R. Smith, are the governing board, and. will direct affairs of the society. Every Junior is to be uniformed and the new organisation will prove a splendid advertising branch of the Modern Woodmen. It will give the young people a "society" where they can meet for drills and parade. Those between the ages of 11 and U are eligible to membership. Tribe ( Bern Har. Omaha court No. 110 held a very success ful literary entertainment and box social In Its ha'J, Seventeenth and Douglaa streets, last Tuesday night July ( ths officers of this court will be Installed by the degree team of Jewel court, Council Blulfs. It Is announced as Important that every one who desires to be transferred from other courts to this new court should make ar rangements st ones. Every officer elected has been urged to be on hand next Tuesday night for Installation. At ths recent triennial held by the so preme tribe of Ben Hur a,ll of the old Officers were unanimously slscted and votes of confidence were given enthusiastically endorsing their management The Tribe of Ben Hur has over 76,000 members. At the recant session of ths supreme tribe of Ben Hur the laws were changed so hereafter all new certificates, except In ease 'of death from accident, will be "scaled." In other words, a member still pays the regular assessment on $1,000 In surance, but If be dies within six months his beneficiaries would be paid only S300; after six months and before one year, 1360; from twelve to eighteen months, 1600; from eighteen months to two years, 1750, and after two years ths full fl.000 would be paid. Plainly stated, It Is simply making a higher rate for the first twe years' mem bership. Masoale. Arrangements era now wall under way for a special convocation of the thirty- third degree Masons; to be hold at St. Louis during the World's fair early In the fall. This will be the first time thst ths consistory has ever been held outside the supr.ms consistory at Washington and was authorised st the last triennial con sistory. The session will last several days and will be the means of calling together tX. asadicf BcotUsb rite Masons of the Depl 3) O) f iin iiii TUB REUABLH STORE. Notions From the Boston Store. 1,000 yards of Thread for . ... 5c Two spool of Klng-'a fcx-yrd Thread or five spools of regular Sto-ysrd at Bpool Cotton for Machine Sewing Silk .... 3c Bldlng Bros.' la the beat on the mar ket you can buy 100 yards Tues day ror for Kleinert's Best Socklnett Dress Shields' for AOc. Advertlned In every magaslne In the coun try at 25c, SOc and 85o will ba , l()r sold during this sale at per pair.... ,uw This Includes Black and White Silk Shields. Silks from Boston This stock consists of plain black TAFFETAS plain colored silks for linings and dresses, neat waist suits. All Silks on Sale at One Half and Less Than One Half Price. The high grade of these sijks, the im mense quantity and the low prices at which they will be sold, makes this the GREATEST SILK SALE OF THE AGE. LARGE QUANTITY SILKS - 1 C 1X31 N" -HANDSOMB BILKS- & m In all colore-tnat Boston Store sold for I f C Hundreds Tf yards Boatoa Store sold 'lC 60C-WH1 so at ' , at Ho and tl OCj-for , w All the Plain Colored Ta ff eta from the Boston Store Stock Including besj brands and qualities in nearly every shade JP flX , you will easily recognize these fine silks as the kin.d that al- jD 1 ways retails at 75c, 85c and $1, on sale for J? SILKS TOR SHIRT WAIST SUITS M g NEWEST SILKS FOR SUITS m g that are simply elngant, all were marked , m f A lot the Boston Htnra hnd Ju.t f by Boaton Store to sell for $1.0- m received and war. marked to c'.l up to on sale at w l.6-all re at( w SPECIAL LOT BLACK SILKS in neat figures, B. S. price 50c only 15c SPECIAL LOT 19-inch taffeta, B. S. price $ 1.00 on sale .......... ......49c SPECIAL LOT 24-inch black taffeta, B. S. price fl.25, on sale ...,59c SPECIAL LOT 27-inch black taffeta, B.-S price fl.35, on sale .....69c SPECIAL LOT 36-inch black taffeta, B.( S. price $1.50, on sale ............ CSc SPECIAL LOT 36-inch black peau de soie, Boston Store price $2, at 1.00 :Dres Goods - From the Boston Store. In securing the stock of fine wool Dress Goods from the Bos ton Store we find the largest and most complete assortment of the -latest" styles in Mohairs, Brilliantines, . Sicilians, voiles, Crepes and Etamlnes, Broadcloths, Venetian and Tailor Suiting the largest and best part of their stock was Wool Dress Goods. All go on sale Tuesday morning and continue tin ail ciosea out, . A few of the great bargains we offer Tuesday 42-5n. white and cream Mohair, Boston Store price, 69c, oura.39c 52-in. black, blue and brown Sicilian, extra high finish Boston Btore price 98c our price J ....... . . .45c 54-ln. black and blue Sicilian extra heavy weight and finish. Boston Store price $1.25 our price ...... . . . . ; .75c 45-in. Sicilian, in black, blue, brown, green, tan and red extra high silk finish Boston Store price $1.25 our price 69fl Voiles, London Cords and Etamlnes, in black and colors, In the new fancy and plain weaves, one of the best and latest styles Boston Store price $2.00 per yard our price . .99c 48-in. Silk Warp Chiffon Voiles, black and polored Boston Store price $2.50 our price ' ..v $1.25 Broadcloths, Venetians and Tailor Suitings, in heavy widths, medium, wejghts, and light weights Boston Store price $2.00 . bur price ;$i.io We find a lot of short lengths,: plenty for waists, skirts or chil dren's wear, in all kinds of goods,-ll colors and black, ranging in price from 75c a yard to $2--All go on sale Tuesday . . . .B0c Be sure and see this line of choice good:J before you make your selection of dress goods. t' United States, with others from Canadian and European Jurisdictions. Vesta chapter, O. E. B.. held a delightful lawn adcial at Twenty-first and Leaven worth streets Thursday, svening. Ths at tendance was quite large and the weather all that could be desired. Refreshments of Se cream end cake were aerved, and the easurea of ths event were further en hanced with charming music. Nebraska lodgs No. 1, blue lodge, has de cided to continue Its regular meetings dur ing ' the summer. Instead of taking the usual vacation until the cooler season ar rives. ' The reason being that much work la to be done In all ' three of the degrees, owing to the rapid increase in membership. flaaghters ef Rcbekab. Ivy ledge No. S3 will install Its new offi cers Wednesday evening, July IS, at Ita hall in ths Patterson block, corner pf Seventeenth end Douglas streets. A num ber ef hew members will also be taken In the Sams evening by initiation. Ivy lodge Is growing very rapidly and all the members seem to be taking' an Increasing interest In ths work. lal.a VeteraaB' t'aloa. Division Commander D. M. Havsrly has just issued general order No. 1, whereby bs appoints the division stsff, which Is as fol lows: Colonel Jonathsn Edwards, chief of staff; Colonel J. Francis Hopper, assistant adjutant general; Colonel W. G. Tempi, tonassistant quartermaster general: Colo nel Fred J. Etter, assistant commissary general; Colonel Hugh Hunter, assistant Inspector general; Colonel W. S. Shoe maker, assistant Judgs gttvooata general; Colonel John H. Berger, assistant muster ing officer; Colonel W. H. Christie, assist ant surgeon general; Lieutenant Colonel James W. Thompson, chaplain; Lieutenant Colonel J. W. Cress, Lieutenant Colonel C. L. Harris, Lieutenant Colonel Fred W, Simpson, Lieutenant Colonel John II. Webb, Lieutenant Colonel Leo Grter, Lieutenant Colonel H. . O. Chapman, alds-de-oamp. Under the amendment to the constitution, adofted at the seventeenth national en campment, eligibility to motr.ber.hip In tbe order Is extended- to every honorably dis charged union veteran of good record, and tbs membership Is no longer confined merely to men who have been present oa son particular occasion, as In tattle,, and Men's Furnishings. Men's and Boys' Shirts 80o Newest pat tenia, best materials, all alaee and shades worth $V00 to 'tft-$1.50-at T JJC Men'a Undershirts and Drawers In best Pea Island cotton worth 50c, 75r and 08c garment at 89c 25c 2.V and W)c Suspenders t( 10c and IUW 60c and 75c men's leather 1 P Belts 25c pure linen Initial Hand- . frt. kerchiefs lUVi SOc men's Fancy llose ' 10c Ueavy Work Shirts Both men'a and boys' worth np to 08c your choice during this sale 3 J) (J Store Stock AND PEAU DE SOIES, fancy silks for waist and shirt the question of battle-presence Is not asked. Headquarters of this department has been established at SIS Brown block, Omaha, and all communications, requisitions and reports must be eent to this addrsss (per capita tax Included) for Inspection and ap proval. . Knights of the Maceabs.a. Omaha tent No. 78 met Thursdsy even ing with about 100 sir knights In attend ance. Three candidates were Initiated and seven were reported In rsadlnsse for Initia tion at next regular review. A review of the work for the month of Jun showed more progress during the month than for any month during the year and the tent has pledged Itself , to keep the good work up throughout the summer. Bee Want Ada produce the beet results. Will Makes RaarMws. The pure, rich blood, made by Dr. King's New Life Pills. They promote beauty. Give clearsJcln, rosy cheeks. 26c, For sale by Kuhn sV Co. Disorder, of tbe Bowels Amoasj' Chlldr.a. - During the summer months children are subject to disorders of ths bowels and should receive the most careful attention. As soon as any unnatural looseness of the ' bowels Is noticed Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy should be given. This medicine has never been known to fall and always gives prompt relief. All goods sold at Hubermann's jewelry store guaranteed as to price and quality. Bee Want Ad V are the Best Business Boosters. Criki'i Palmitis flai. The wonderful tonic medicine that remnrag gll conseelloa and dleae from vital orf.ua. tfMees and blood. On. tableapoouful. cue. a d.r, liuuiedlatrlr relieves and absolutely euros loilisesiloa. FiutuieDi'T. Oonstlpatloa sad Catarrh ol tbs Muoou. alenbranes. It Is B pos itive specine tor Consented IJtt and Kidneys and luflsuiuiatloa of bladder, tones fche Appe tite and Nervous Sysuato. awl yurMles and urkibes the blood. tMi.euty-flve eruie at Drug Swires for a lerre bniLio. s.ual dollar sits, but a trial l.i.liil be Brut Ire. arid prepaid to er icut of IMS i .iir lio nsmis it sud sr'ir. i .t I; uliu t )) viuiiMUuwiw, iiaks t..w. ChVfce LA