Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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    . 51
J PI J mfk The most popular frnit dessert. Get the illus
bkb U tratrni booklet at demonstrator' a booth, main
JrfTIlyin 1 beautiful colored pictures of appetite-making
leil-0 desserts and no lfsa than 4fl recipes, any one of QCn
which you can charm your table with 3 package.. faWu
WIGGLE-STICK "TH lln tatt blew tm lion utr "
Bny ft Wlggle-RUck from our dmnonstrator (haaeinent). We are
sure you will be perfectly MtlxflM with the work It
doe. It'll last the average family over three ' . n
months. It' a wonderful product and a Godsend I E lf
In its way. Price .11
And 50 Centa la Little Green Stickers.
Bennett's July Clearing Sale is a Hardy Annual
It breaks out In full and Irresistible force Tuesday morning, July 5th, 8 a. m,
UNDERSTAND! There's nothing brought into stock to admit ot any special warrant or excuse tor starting
this ROUSING IUIY CLEARANCE SALE. Every Item brought under the sweep of our hommered down prices is
. IN THE FACE OF THESE LOUD SPEAKING FACTS you simply cannot afford to pass up these GENUINE,
advantages for securing FRESH, KEWGOQDS. There's nothing stale, there's nothing old, there's nothing lobby
In Bennett's July Clearing Sale. Everything "iust out ot the box," and the prices chopped to pieces.
Copyright Book
Below Cost
Late Copyright Books handsomely
bound In cloth-best book pnper-such as
The Virginian,
Dorothy Vernon.
. The Choir Invisible,
When Knighthood "Was to Flower,
The Cardinal's, Bnuff Box,
Calumet K,
The One -Woman, etc., etc
These books sell regularly
tor a dollar and a half our
Special preparations made for Tues
day morning's rush In our Grocery
Dept Big bargains all along the line.
SI wcrth Green
trading SUrapi
with each o. th3
New Tork Full Cream '
Cneese pound
Jar Purs Strained
Honey .'..... L n
Found package Bennetts 7flfi
Capitol Coffee - ,J.
Ttiree pac
ackages TJneed
Kl tH "
Two pounds Evaporated
Three-pound can "fable
Two-ounce bottle
$7 wcrth Green Trading
Stamps frea with tba
above SI 33 purchas- of
first-c!as3 groceries
. 3orth Green.
Trading Stamps
with each sack
Flesh Country Butter, Cn
per lb ..
Bennett's Capitol Creamery, 22f
per lb ....,V. .
Medium Sour, v C
pint ...A... (i6
Chow Chow. in
i WW
Bmnll Sweet.
8et Mixed,
Fro Uortis
A Qreat Sidewalk Sale
Mondaj all day or until
stock is closed out. The
most varied and the very
Largest Stock of Fourth of
July Merchandise ever sold
"at retail in Omaha.
Reman Csndlss, Golden
Shower Candles, Balloons,
Torches, Whlrl-Wlnds,
Salufes,Batferies, Booms,
Rockots, Torpedoes,
Blanks, PlstoIs,Revolvers,
Horns, Blow-Outs, Flags,
Bunting, Festooning,
Canes, Novelties Every
thing for the Fourth.
On the Sidewalk Monday.
Hundreds of clever labor
saving devices, large and
small and more or less orna
mental,, and every one of
them with a tale of utility
and absence of expensive
ness peculiarly its own.
3.50 American Washer 2.93
68c Willow Clothes
'Basket 49o
6-ft. Step Ladder....... 396
Unique llat Hack for..,19o
6-hook Hat Racks ...... .9q
Globe Wash Board .'. .'. . 1 5f
Wool Duster. 8c
Wood Faucet ...... . ... 6c.
VVood Coat Ilolder .4o
Wood Spoona ,...3c
Rattan Carpet Beater 9o
5,000 photo frames In black
and gold, with single and dou
ble openings for cabinet photos.
1 Opening Frame, rep
ularly 23c, sale in.
price C
2 Opening Frame, re;,
ularly 21k-, sale If,
price IOC
Double Green Trading
Stamps on nbore sales.
Hugo Chinavaro
Our China Department will
be wonderfully attractive dur
ing July sale. It will include
everything odd and new goods
that we do not wish to carry
longer on account of arrival of
new fall goods. This clearing
sale will be so strong and so ef
fective that wo will be in shape
by August l to start the fall
campaign with the finest, most
attractive line of all new china,
lamps, cut glass, etc., all fresh
from the foremost potters of the
It is imnORRlhlft to ennrnorn, nil
xou- must call and see them -they will
be a rcyelatlon to economical buyers.
Mason Fruit yar .
Caps, per doz. . 24c
AND 42.(1) - IN LITTLE
One Gallon Crocks
at.. . ... .10ft
Great Clearance Sale all this
week. It will pay you to invest and
lay it away for future use.
See what we offer for 10c 8c, 6c
and 3c
5 IsirwbsissriSI
Bennett's pure Gum
Fruit Jar Rubbers,
per doz... .... .0c
CELAIN, nice, pure white, nice, ' C (tt
now embossed shape, 1U0 pieces.., Qay
Large Whit Bowls and r -
. Pitchers. i . 3 C
July Clearing Sale in the
Dry Goods Section. A Very
Few of the Very Man?
Great Bargains IVe Are
Offering in. Our Great July
Clearing Sale.
Heavy Russia Crash T6weling worth 10c yard
while they last yard . . .1. . . . . . (jq
36-inch Brown Sheetiug only yard ..4o
36-inch Bleached Sheeting only yard , fcV. . ,0o
Best quality Kid Dress Cambric yard ....... Qo
Ueavy Checked Apron Gingham ynrd Qo
Extra fine 10c Percale only yard 7o
Extra fine White Bed Spreads, worth f 1.00, only. . . . OOo
20c extra heavy full bleached Towels each lOo
21-pound Feather Pillows, worth 85c each.. ..4o
75c Bleached Table Napkins dozen SOo
Imported Black Goods, worth $1.50 and 12.50 yard. . 7$o
Navy Blue Mohair Dress Goods, worth $1.00, only. . . QOo
$1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 qualities Fancy Shirt Waist
Suit Silks only yard .....0Oo
50c Plain Taffeta Silks yard 2Qo
Women's Wash Waists worth 75c, 89c, 98c, al at. . 486
Women's Wash WTaists, worth $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and
$2.00, all go at each OSo
Women's Wash1 Suits, worth $3.75, $4.50 and $3.00,
all goat -
Women's Wash Suitsworth. $5.50, $6.50, $7.50,
all goat 4f0
Women's Tailored Suits, worth $10.00, at
Women's Tailored Suits, worth $11.90, $12.50 and"
$14.50, all go at w. . .v. ; O.OO
Women's Black Silk Coats will go at about half price.
Women's Hofase Wrappers, worth $1.25 and $1.50. . ?8Qo
Women's Fine; Taffeta Silk Petticoats, worth $7.50, .41.90
'Women's Wash, Walking Skirts, $1.25, 95c and. . . . 7QQ
Fine Wash Goods, worth 15c to 75c yard, at 25c,
v 15c, 12ic, 10c, 7fc, 5c and ; ,.3b
Black and Colored Lace Gloves and Mitts wrist and
elbow lengths, worth 75c, $1 and $1:75 pair, at GOo
July Cloaranco of Odds and Ends in
Shoos for Evorybody
300 Pairs LadieB' Tan Vici Oxfords, light and I HQ
soft worth $2.50 for I U u
And $3.00 in "S. & II." Green Trading Stamps.
We Close All Day
1,500 Pairs Misses' and Children's Oxfords and Kflf
Slippers, from 1.50 to wUU
And $3.00 in "S. & II." Green Trading Stamps
with each pair.
1,570 pairs Men's', Boys', Youths' and Little Gents'
Canvas Shoes, from $1.50 75 C
And $3.00 in "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps
with each pair.
Groat Salo of Glofhos Wringers
318 Guaranteed Clothes Wringers every one finished with
pure white rubbei on sale Tuesday morning, Hardware Section.
No more tempting offer in strictly guaranteed Clothes Wringers
ever came your way before. Reap the advantage now.
"Daisy" Clothes Wringer, warranted l64
And 10 worth "S. A II." Green Trading Stamps.
"Crescent" Clothes Wringer, warranted 2il0
And 1 10 worth "8. & II." Green Trnding Stamps.
"Rival" Clothes Wringer, warranted 2i34
And $10 worth "8. & H." Green Trading Stamps.
"Relief Clothes Wringer, 3 years guarantee 2sT4
And $10 worth "S. & H." Green Trading Stamps.
"Novelty" Clothes Wringer, 3-year guarantee. . '.2,79
And $10 worth "8. & II." Green Trading Stamps.
"Keystone" J3 Clothes Wringer' See 3.20
And $10 worth "8. & H." Green Trading Humps.
"Royal" Clothes Wringer, 6 years guarantee. . . . 3.49
And $10 worth "S. ft IL" Green Trading Stamps.
Remember, you get $10 worth Green Trading Stamps with any Clothes
Wringer sold Tuesday y
til f
We place on sale 77? men's pure, fancy
Scotch Mixtures and Worsted Suits
value to $18
ue to $18 Q
r B II iir
And Double Green Trading Stamps. I
dozen Wire Goat Hang- (() p
s, worth 2?c, go at Woh
And fifty cents worth of "S. & IL" Green
Trading Stamps. s
Introduction of Annual tery and Appro
priation Ordinances Very Soon.
ria is to Presaat Thaaa t Caaaell
litidar rreBlna, Which Will OItb .
Flaaace ComnUtte Week (
Make Estimates.
An Important feature of municipal legis
lation Is about to oome up. That la the
introduction and .passage of the annual
levy and appropriation . ordinances. The
law provides that th mayor and council
ibust make the annual levy between July 1
and 11 of each year. Both the levy and
appropriation ordinances now are being
drawn by the city' attorney and
presented to the city council at a meeting
to be held Tuesday evening. The finance
committee then will bave a week In wbtoti
to go over the records and ascertain Just
how much money remains In each fund
and make an estimate of the amount
needed to cary on the city government for
another year. After the total has been
arrived at the number ot mills to be levied
will be decided upon. As there Is now a
Dyspepsia er Indlgestta, properly
named, Is Paralysis of the Stomach.
When you have water-brash, (eel
ick at the stomach, have gat or wind
on It, or (eel as though you had a ball
or heavy weight In the pit o( the
stomach after eating, end the nerves
end muscles ot that organ cease to
act and digest your food, that stop
page in. the process of digestion, to
call It properly, la Paralysis of the
Stomach, and should be treated as
such. It Is perfoct folly to assist the
stomach with dyspepsia remedies and
stimulant to, dissolve the undigested
food. Yoa may get relief, but at th'a
nest meal you suffer again. Tde
proper treatment Is to build up the
worn out muscles and nerves of, the
stomach so that It can do its. ' own
work without assistance, and r6t only
digest the food yon eat toda but to
morrow aad forever after; tjm Is done,
, by the use ot Dr. Chase's Blood and
f ooa ana uver rood, which
have an immediate action on the
nerves and muscles, Ifhat Control dl-
Th pr1ca f the Blood and
Nerve Food, ea cec ts; the liver rood
25 cents. Book tree.
Sate mm iitM4 kf Mre'SXU
Ja Prsa C Vsaaa Rekj
balance In every fund, It Is given out posi
tively that tbe 1904 levy will not amount to
more than f mills, and an effort will be
made to cut tt.
Mayor Koutsky is now engaged In pre
paring a statement of the condition of the
various funis up to date, but this cannot
be completed until after Tuesday night,
when the council will allow a number of
claims. With the balances In the funds,
the finance committee can make estimates
of the cost of each department and make
the levy accordingly. When the levy ordi
nance Is completed the fund to be derived
from- taxation will be divided among the
various funds by the passage of the ap
propriation ordinance. A valuation ot about
10.mjO,000 will bS the basis of the compila
tions by the finance committee.
At the Iftectlng of the council on July U
the finance committee will present the levy
and the appropriation ordinances, and the
Judiciary1 committee will recommend the i
adoption. After a second reading a special, I
meeting will be held about the middle f
the week for the final passage ot tb,
ordinances. The fiscal year closes on .Au
gust t
Ksteadlnar Gas Maims.
Local Manager Davis of the Oma'ha Gas
company secured permits yesterjy.y front
the city engineer tor the eztenrjn of gas
mains on L) street from Twenty-seventh to
'Twenty-eighth streets, on Bystreet from
I Twenty-seventh to Twen'.v-elghUi. on
Twenty-fifth from H .o I .streets and on
Twenty-seventh from J tty'L streets. Plpo
for the laying of these toalns are on the
ground and the work A to commence on
Tuesday. Other en teutons are contem
plated by he gas ompany, but no addi
tional work will, te taken up until the
mains mentioned jov are laid and service
connections made
. . Pariae; Estimates. ,
July 10 City .Clerk Glllln will advertise for
bids for the paving of O street from Twen- ,
ty-secoud street west to Twenty-sixth
street Tlje petition Is now being published
and mwjt run for twenty days In order to
give property owners an opportunity of
filing ..protests and also to pvrmlt signers
to ( petition to select material. It la
un'Jerstood block brick will be chosen, as
tljet ieems to be the choice of a majority
At the property owners.1! This paving. In
cluding Intersections, will cost about 111000.
Arrangements also are being made for the
paving of Thirtieth street from Q street to
T street As soon as this petition has been
published twenty days bids will be asked
for. Brick Mock will be used on this street
end work Is te commence as soon as the
contract oaa be let Engineer Deal makes
a rough estimate that the paving and curb
ing of this street wUl cost about 4.00
' Saertata6at McLean Refers. "
J. A. McLean, superintendent of publlo
Instruotloa, retarned from Bt Louis at
noon Saturday. He want to attend the
National Teachers' association convention.
All 'of the seesloos ef the association, said
Mr. McUsaa. were iaeld Inside the fab
grounds. Taken aa a whole he considered
, the eOavenUoe a yery euoecaaful ens.
Among the South Omaha teir.chers who at
tended the convention weVs Martha Camp
bell. Elisabeth Hayes, "Ruth Ferguson.
Pauline Winter, Mabel Thomas, Genevieve
Maddox, Martha Wlddh and Elsie Mont
gomery. Tarda Cl, Uenday.
There will be no. selling or buying at the
Live Stock exchange Monday and the yards
practically will iM closed. As Is usual on
holidays attention will be given all stock
arriving. Tha packers will keep only
enough men at work to maintain steam in
the boilers, ah of the banks here closed
Saturday afternoon and will not reopen
until Tuesday morning. The city offices
will be closed all day and many of the
business houses will not open at all, while
a fev -win stay open until 10 a m. At the
pos'xjfnce the usual holiday regulations will
be observed.
Hoosevelt-Falrbaaks Clab.
Chairman P. J. Tralnor of the committee
on constitution and bylaws of the Roosevelt-Fairbanks
olub, said last evening mem
bers of his committee were working on the
matter and wonld be ready to make a .re
port to the club some time this week. As
matters stand now the president of the
club, B. E. Wilcox, will not call a meeting
until this committee Is ready to report It
Is thought that a meeting will be held
either on Thursday or Friday evenings of
this week. Those who have signed the
membership rod display a great dear of en
thusiasm and express the hope that every
republican. In the city will Join the club
during the summer, so as to be able to do
some good work when active work In the
campaign commencea
Maarlo City Gossip.
Monday the city offices will be closed all
u Harry M. Wells Is reported on the sick
The Lotus etnb enjoyed an outing at
Lake Manawa Thursday evening.
Julia Jonte Is visiting friends In High
land county, Ohio.
Miss Mabel Jackson has gone to Port
land, Ors.i to vlilt relatives.
Miss Ethel McMillan has gone to Iowa
to visit friends for a few weeks.
- C. A. Mllner has gone to Malvern, la.,
for a visit with relatives and friends.
Miss Martha Innee of Kansas City vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. John Caughey Isst week.
J. B. Smiley will leave Monday for Chi
cago to look after some business matters.
Miss Jessie ttobeson left yesterdaw for
Colorado, where she will spend the sum
mer. ,
Hive No. IS, Ladles of the Maccabeea,
will give a picnic at Courtland beach on
July 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Salmon, Twelfth
and J streets, announce the birth et a
(laughter. v
Mra K. D. Munshaw has returned from
Chicago, where she visited friends for a
few weeks.
William Haley left yesterday for Bone
steeL, B. D . where he expects to spend
several weeks.
The Woman's Christian Temperanoe
Vulon will nift with Mrs. E. II. Towl on
Tueedsy afternoon.
Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Behind! are now
nicely located In thalr new home at Twn-ty-thlrd
and 11 streeta
Mr. snd Mra T. B. Scott have gone to
fUoux t uy to spend a evnpie of das wlla
their sou, Frank stoott
ruty-ene Wtte were reported a4 y.e
city clerk's office during June. Twenty-one
Wereboys and thirty girls.
"Christian Patriotism" -will be the topic
of Rev. Dr. Wheeler's sermon at the Pres
byterian church this evening.
The local lodge of Eagles will hold a so
cial session at the hall. Twenty-sixth and
N streets, on Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ahrens, who bave
been the guests of Mrs. R. A. Gibson, left
last week for their home in California.
' I. N. Shevlln, formerly located at the
yards here, but now In Bt. Joseph, Mo., is
In the city for a few days visiting friends.
Mra H. G. Klddoo, who recently under
went an operation at an Omaha hospital.
Is reported to be getting along very' nicely.
Mrs. George Boynton, Twenty-fourth and
L streets, has returned from York, where
she visited friends for a couple of weeks.
A neat sum was realized by the Epwortii
league from the salo ot Ice cream and soda
at Melcher's Friday afternoon and even
ing, i
Hev. Dr. Wheeler's toplo at the First
Presbyterian church this morning will be
''The BeauUful Life." Mrs. Richmond will
Kay Schamp and Mlas Nellie Oldaker,
both of South Omaha, wer,e married yes
terday afternoon by Hev. - Dr. R. L.
Pork Butchers' union. No. S3, will meet
on the evning of July for the purpose of
electing oftlcera All members are urged
to be present
Harry Trumble, one of the tellers at the
Puckers National bank, has returned from
Jl three weeks' visit with relatives in Mich
gan and Ohio.
The Woman's Foreign Missionary1 society
of the First Methodist Episcopal churon
Will meat with Mrs. Marsh Wednesday
Upchurch lodge. No. S, Degree of Honor,
Jill bold an Important meeting Wednesday,
uly 6. All merrfbers are urgently re
quested to attend.
W. J. C. Kenyon, general manager of the
Union Btorlc Yards company, is spending
a oouple of days at Ogalalla, the guest of
W. A. Paxton. Jr.
Rev. Leandnr Lane will preach his fare
well sermon to the congregation of the
Christian church at Workman temple this
forenoon at 11 o'clock.
Sanitary Inspector Frank Jones visited
four dairies in Barpy cuunty yesterday
and found all In good condition. These
dairies furnish milk to residents Of South
Only two teams are at work on the grad-
Bad Blood
S. I
Pimples, rashes, eczema,
boils, headache, nervousness,
debility these are some of
the results of Impure blood.
Medical authorities agree
that impure blood can be
made pure and rich. Your
doctor will tell you about
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ajiu,
Bad blood follows constipstlon, and
constipation follows a sluggish liver.
Ayer's Pills ars liver pills. They pre
dues natural daily movements in a
natural way
Steads. .. A C aTIt C0 Lm lUsa
t ?;uth Twenty-fourth street. The
city officials want to see this work pushed.
matter? tvfiSS0' " Mk,1 to hur
Coartlaad Beack Offers a Treasen
eoasly Strong; Bill for the Poarth
aad Today. '
Courtland Beach' will present a bewilder
ing line of attractions for tbe
glorious Fourth. Cannon will roar and
fireworks will .hiss and splutter to ths
contentment of everybody. The Thurston
Rifles and the GatUng gun seoUon of the
"Fighting First Nebraska" wlU give a
realistic bit ot the battle in which they
engaged while guarding the Manila water
works. The troops will go Into camp early
this morning and remain over for several
days. y
Over 100 amusement" features will be
shown absolutely free of charga Among
the many may be mentioned Oscar and Slrt
Norln. Swedish high divers, who will make
their initial appearance before Courtland
beach patrons this afternoon. They dive
from a tower 13) feet In ths air Into but
three feet of water. At night they set
fire to themselvss and dive into the ' same
waters, which have been made a seething
caldron ot flame by the use of aaptha and
gasoline, which burns freely while floating
on the water. Mr. and Mrs. Norln are
under engagement for the entire summer
at Courtland. -They wUl safeguard the
lives of all bathers, patrolling the feeaoh
during the bathing period day and night
Trlxle, the smartest horse in the world,
will give her inimitable performance dur
ing the week, afternoon and evening. Prof.
Bam Ulurphy will allow himself to be shot
out of a mammoth cannon which will be
suspended from his ISO-foot balloon, made
expressly for this occasion.
Nordln's Concert band of forty pieces.
Including soloists from all parts of the
country, will occupy Us bandstand re
cently built In the lake east of the pa
vlllon, where It will render a long program
of airs appropriate for ths day. In the
care Becker's lady orchestra, consisting
of eight handsome women, will appear.
On tbe Na 1 platform Prof. .Ritchie, the
iron-Jawed man, will give a remarkable
performance of strength snd endurance.
One of his feats Is tha bending of a twenty,
four-foot iron rod, one and five-eighths
inches in thiokneaa, with his teeth, with
the assistance of twenty-four men, twelve
of whom dangle from each end of the bar
free of the ground. On tbe No. I platform
the Old Plantation quartet will present an
entirely new" repertoire of songs of the
southland. The New Tork All Star Vaude
ville company will be seen In a long hit
of novelties In their mammoth tent below
the bowling alleys. Gypsy Rose's camp
of palmists and fortune tellers are a re
cent acquisition to the big list of attrac
tions at Courtlsnd bearh. Among the old
familiar attraction still retained the
merry-go round, the roller coaster, shoot
ing alleys and towllng alleys, bahy knife
raoaa Ferris wtssl and tha hundrsd and
one customary attractions of the sort seen
at a summer, resort The bathing beach
Is one of the grest features ot this resort,
and will "doubtless prove a valuable ad
junct to the Sunday and Fourth of July
pleasures, of the many, thousand patrons.
Fifteen hundred bathing suits of all slaes,
for both sexes, 'snd COO dressing rooms
ars at the pleasure of all. A fleet of 160
boats snd steam and naptha launches are
ready for all calls. Those who care for
an exclusive place tor picnicking bave a
seoluded grove far from the madding
orowd at their disposal. Refreshments of
all sorts may bs had at both the pavilion
and the cafe.
Everything at Courtland beach is abso
lutely and unequivocally free of all charges.
Courtland beach is only a twenty-minute
ride from Omaha, end but ten minutes fur
ther to South Omaha and ths fare from
any point In either town Is but I cents.
Omaha Union Entertains Visiters aad
Besses la a Very Pleasing;
Local union No. 19. Journeymen Horse
shoers, tendered a smoker and entertain
ment to the visiting delegates attending ths
International convention new In session
here. The funotlon was held at Labor
temple and tne various exercises were ex
ecuted with eclat and good cheer. All the
master horseshoe rs of Omaha, South Omaha
and Council Bluffs were sent Invitations to
the event and many of them accepted. Ths
purpose of Inviting tbe employers was to
promote a better feeling of fraternallsm
between" ths employs and employer.
President Lynch of the local union
started ths Are at 9 O'clock and the other
members fell to with alacrity and cigar
smoke. . Short addresses were mads by
Edward Qulnlan of Philadelphia, the newly
elected International president! H. 8. Mar
shall of Cincinnati, Pat Lally ef Boston,
John Fltspatrick of Chicago, Rhody Ken
aehar of Denver, George Rlner of St Paul,
John Manson of Pittsburg, Tint Sullivan of
San Francisco, James Sexton of Brooklyn,
for the Journeymen, add Morris Hlnchy,
Will Queenan and Frank Murphy for the
master horseshoe rs.
The sentiment of the addresses was the
promotion of a better understanding be
tween master and Journeyman aad various
suggestions wsre made with a view to
Improving the raft
The Eagle quartet released several pleas
ing melodlea cigars were passed and in
cinerated, lunch of the right sort was
passed erodnd and ebsoured by the guests,
red pop and other well known liquids were
distributed end- appreciated and a four
round friendly setto between Kid Boyd,
the colored wonder of Council Bluffs, and
Joe Glenn, the pale-fared whirlwind bt
the Qate City, closed the program.
evening when John Barnett, who has been
In charge ot the special night force, was
mads the recipient of a box of fine cigars
given by his staff. The token was given as
a testimonial ot the appreciation of Mr.
Harrietts ability as a leader. Douglass B.
MoCary acted as master of ceremonies and ,
the following assisted in the wresentstton:
William Faulkner, Charles McDonald. R.
C. Palmer, Lou Platner, William Wheldon,
J. C. Myers, R. Haver, J. R, Bllsh. Wil
liam Sargent, J. Peterson and J. W.
Thompson. Mr. Barnett responded with a
few remarks after he recovered from the
Tell This ta Tear Wife,
Electrlo Bitters cure rentals complaints,
surely snd safely; dispel heedacbea baok
aches, nervousness or uo pa. Mo, For
sals by Kulin Co.
All Around ftolek Work.
A game of quick passing and' some
quicker police work landed seven persons
In Jail Isst night. The first pass was exe
cuted when Blella Rmlth passed a tlO bill
from the vest pocket of Herman Grander
of Pender, Neb., up her sleeve while the
latter person had her on his knee. ' The
money was then passed to Olne Illgby of
Twelfth and Chicago streets, who got
scared and passed It to Lon Carter of
Eleventh and Capitol avenue, who In turn
was quickly passing It away to a friend
through the medium of a crap game when
ths police srresled hint. Besides these four
three other girls were arrested ss state's
Though Carter had only possession of the
money a few minutes he managed to loss
H of It over the dice. The whole transac
tion, from the time of the theft till the
seven were lined up before the desk ser
geant's desk, only lasted half an hour, and
the captures were chiefly brought about
through tne efforts of Officer Dan Baldwin,
who took charge of ths case.
Cigars for Barnett.
The nlrht work that hoe ten In vegrue
for two months past in the offu-e of .Count r
Treasurer Fink was brouaut te a etuee Ut
Speaking of Quality f
Just Open
Bottle of
Tl V
s a 1 1 1 r srs iim
s.M is It's a vrr
touie er ks IM
bsis ta Viwr U-
tl. Oitw Winter roe
t ass ef rr
keaJts - U smJi
4 ,tu l.stii. Sfsrr
UM stum..
eiitz tait-viTiBj,
ONs-hnoa.) Tsnle
Til EUtz Ent . Ca,
1 -.rus rnjt