Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1904, PART 2, Image 9

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    Daily Bee.
PART 2 Pages 9 to 16
1 fin lac and llsl thread rt
sleevnless and short sleeved 4
worth up to 26o on aaJa fiat- 1 II C
urday at each
50c Umbrella Pants 25c
Fin lisle thread trimmed -
with linen torchon lec
ail sizes ,
39c to 50c Corset Covers 25c
Lac and embroidery
oiled In handling
the greatest value yet
offered at
trimmed sllsrhtly
. 25c
Get them
they last
P'r'n-' "v- uurentirestocK
fW Fl Panama
lVJJ far TTatu worth 1111
to $10.00 QQ
choice Tia 3 O
Men'si boys' and children's straw
Hats, worth up to 75c, clearing
sale price
Great Furniture
iisessesssfsjssi i P.JJJ3n
Iron Folding Bed like
out, very strong-, RCA
nicely finished, j.t V.fJ
' 6-drnwer
1.85 Musio 'Rack like - 7
""' . ' I fill i
Luminous Appreciation of the Kidnaoei o
Peidioaria and Varley.
Occasionally poba th Rick and oo
(. cors 'th Poor wltk th Loot
Sum Exploits of the
If ever brigandage was credited with
aelng a praiseworthy calling and lucrative
position it is Morocco which may claim
this unusual distinction.
RaisoulU. th bandit chief, who is the
not only worshiped as a hero, but he dis
tinguished himself also as a champion of
th poor and down-trodden population, who
look up to him as their greatest benefactor
of th present and the probable deliverer
In th future.
Brlgandag In Morocco Is as old as th
period of history sine European nations
bvoam closely Interested In that country,
and probably older. Th capture of Chris
tiana for ransom had apparently always
been a chariahed oooupaUoa of the bandits.
As far back, a 17 th Englishman,
Thomas Benton, who had been himself a
aoaptlv In Morooc for a numbtr of years,
toft 13XB. th half of his fortune, for th
ransom ef British oapliv in th land of
th Moors. In th reign of Sultan So lima n,
I7M-182X European nations at last suooeaded
la baring th autocrat sign a treety that
th Moorish government would abstain tn
th future from any participation In th
capture of Buropeanaand simultaneously
abolish Christian slavery In Morocco.
At th and of th reign of Abder Rahman,
l&lt three Christian merchants were led
Into captivity and a hug sum of money
was demanded for their liberation. The
Spanish consul, Senor Darman, had in oon
e que ace an altercation with sum- re
sponsible official. Th latter, after having
grossly Insulted thoconsuL was struck In
Darman was subsequently decapitated by
a mob aiul the captives were never beard
of again. This was foUowed by a rupture
of diplomatic relations with Spain for a
short time, but nothing more serious eo
eurred, Th Saltan's Tyranny!
The present sultan of Morocco claim to
b th thirty -sixth in descent from Fatl
SAah, th daughter of th Prophet This
authority, granted by tradition. Is absolut.
and cannot b modiaed sven by th opin
ions of th 'learned, as Is th .oas In
He Is a young and pleasur seeking mon
arch, always la need of money to sus
tain his harem with th numerous wives,
snd a luxurious court surpassing In splen
dor all those before him. He has slso
so army estimated at about SO.eOO, Includ
ing a militia. The army la trained and
partly commanded by French, English and
Italian officer, who ar royally rewarded
for their trouble.
Th tax levied en the people are In I
eotta.uoe, exorbitant, but th sultan is j
)Bmm IIP- f- t 12.00 Iron Bed like out. f 7C children....
s " jJJia-j . Full size, at. .sw g , . . J
5.60 Iron Bed like out, braia rod on T fl C f f"" II j J) I .in j J , J TS
head and foot end. Any color or else ''" ' " ;
i : 7 '
r 1 ' i . . . . t . ... , .u- i tm... I in tVi.. rnlna. and a fearful loss of llfs en. I
Corset Specials
Straight Front Prince Hip Corset with
hoe exporter regular Tfcvaluee
$1 no Batlat Corat designed for ateut figures
Tape Girdle tn white, ptnk and blue
st ....-......... ........ ....-...... ...a
La Marguerite
Genuine whalebone filled made of the flneet
proved aiytee lor au ngure ranging in
down to
Great Values
in Our
Drug Dept.
Blackberry Cordial Rr
per bottle
4711 White Roe Glycerine Soap 12c
Colgate's Shaving Ssap
coke .........
Williams Shaving Soap Rc
Eastman's Crushed Roses and Violet Tal
cum Powder, 1 IOC
per box ...
Florida Water IOC
per bottle
Clearing Sale
eoltd oak Chiffonier like. . ., . CftQ
- ..u. A QC
always busy dealing with th slaveholders-
tn procure soms new beauties for his
seraglio, and hs cannot very well afford
to be disturbed by such trifles ss ths fail
ure of crops or the dying of cattle. As
usual, if an sxtra sum of money is needed,
hs at first bleeds his Jewish subjects, some
400,00 In number, and after exhausting this
source of Income, h sends out his minions
through th country to collect the taxes
that are overdue.
The cruelty and barbarity meted out to
ths Impoverished population for the non
payment of taxes are atrocious.
According to th English weekly news
paper Magbrib-kl-Aska, which sppears In
Morocco, thousands of Moors from ths
cities' aud Arabs from ths villages desert
their homes as soon as tidings reach them
ef th approach of th tax collectors. They
ties to the mountain passes and ths river
bsnks of ths greet Atlas, where they can
hlds from their tormentors.
The Atlas, or th Dyiin of Pliny, from
which flow all th rivers of th country.
Is almost an unknown region to ths mod
ern geographers. All ths Information
gained from ths charts Is rsthsr vegu
end guesswork, for no explorer of note
has ever dared t penetrate to those wilds
and pay them a studious attention. It Is
known, however, that there hss always
been ths retreat of outlaws, who .defied
th government by withdrawing to almost
Impregnable shelters.
Ralsonll Fld from Taxes.
Balsoull was en ef the sultan's victims.
He halls from a vtllags north of Mogsdor,
and he was ons ef a company sf wretch
wh deserted their homes) from fear ef
being tortured for nonpayment of taxes.
This happened In 1894, and shortly after
Ralsoull' headed ths same band 'for the
object of preying upon travelers In crder
to satisfy their hunger.
Although Ralsoull Is an Ignorant and
Illiterate Mussulman, like ths great ma
jority of his countrymen, he soon devel
oped exceptional abilities as a leader. He
also quarreled with a chief of another
roving band, whom he slew, and united
both bands under his own leadership.
Th two Spanish newspapers of Moreaoe
seem to know a great deal of Ralsoull
activities sines hs became a bandit chief.
For nearly three years Ralsoull, tor oer
taln reasons, operated under an aaoumed
name, robbing right and left, and sJa-sys
outwitting the soldiers or polios whe were
dispatched for his capturs. .
After this some officials dlsooverd that
th brigand sent regularly sums of money
end supplies for th maintenance of th
remaining member of his family, In bis
native village. Ralsoull was Immediately
notified that his seoret was out, and un
less hs wished to have bis family unmo
lested by th officials he must say for
their protection. Ralsoull naturally eoin
plied with this requeet, bet hs swore te be
Shortly after his work of organisation
commenced. H began by either slaying
or frightening off th chiefs of other banda.
and thus uniting them under his nils. His
superior skill brought ale many other
brigands under tls command.
On night he and a chosen party of his
followers, armed to ths teeth, rod. Into
th town -of the hated official who dared
t exact tribute from Ralsoull, and after
murdering them, he took awsy UiUr young
1 -"v Jr, I
R ' . "
25c Men's
at 8',c
In string and bows new
est deslens and colors
worth 25c Saturday ...
or without
lies 20c to
materlaJa, In the most ap
price irom iu.w 'p Si I
....... ..........
Great Ready Made Garment Sale
L hoi stein & Co., Third Avenue,' New York, $M,633 Stock of
Never before In the history of Omaha have women's ararments been aold at such
thirty days. Your money cheerfully refunded If you don t find them the best -values
L. Holateia A Co. Silk and Wool ' :
Suits f.1.
Newest styles, most exquisite designs, In
voiles, etamlnes, figured taffeta and Peau
de Sole elaborately trimmed manufivc-
tared for this season's trade and worth
up to $3o.OO your choice U Q(
Saturday JJ
I Hol.teln A Co. Msht Weight
Coats f.2.08.
Bilks, Peau de Boles, coverts, and light
weight coverts, both loose and tlgnt
barks, braid trimmed all the new spring
styles worth up to $12.00 choice Saturday
ofany garment in the 298
L. Holstel A Co. Children's Wash
Dresses H)e.
Never before In the history of merchandis
ing In Omaha have such values been of
fered In this city. All the new wash ma
terials, all colors, trimmed with lace and
embroidery. Don't miss seeing them.
Saturday's special fQc
price uv
L. Holstela ft "Co. Women's Rain
The finest line we have ever shown. New
est styles, best materials, worth from
$10.00 to $16.60 choice fi QQ
Saturday '
L. Uolstein St Co. Walking
Less than the cost of material. 1.500 gar
ments In etamlnes, brllllantlnes, Sicilians,
Panamas worth up to $8.00 your money
refunded If you are not perfectly satisfied
that they are the best value In the rlty.
I See them Saturday, 2 QQ
wives and daughters and disappeared. Al
though he was soon followed by a. large
force of soldiers he succeeded In evading
his pursuers. At another tuns hs gavs ths
soldiers battls and defeated them with
great loss.
Raisouli's fame grew, and he gained also
th name of being a friend of the poor.
He began by distributing large sums of
money to the needy of his immediate
neighborhood and by attacking only ths
rich and well to do, who had become In
famous for their oppression of the poor.
Gar Plunder to Poor.
He once robbed a rich caravan which was
on Its way to ths Sahara and then he dis
tributed all ths plunder, amounting to
about $10,000, to th starving population
of three villages suffering in consequence
of a crop failure.
Officials who dealt leniently with ths
people he never molested some of them
he even rewarded with presents. But en
those who were known as tyrants bs
wreaked his vengeance ' In a moat cruel
manner. He ones cut off ths ears and nose
of a governor and abducted his beautiful
daughter because th official had an old
man flogged for not being able to pay his
The popularity and power of Ralsoull in.
creased In such a measure that hs even
threatened ths sultan himself.
In ths last two, years RalsoulJ's actions
gained for him a Urge following among
ths highest government offloiala, Many a
time, therefore, the sultan had. by soms
way or other, to oomply with the powerful
brigand's requests, who demanded that cer
tain men fill responsible positions. This,
of course, incensed ths sultan, but he gave
way to the bandit's wishes rather than bs
disturbed in ths serenity of his oriental
It is claimed en the part ef the sultan's
enemies that the monaroh had an under
standing with Ralsoull, whe undertook to
help him against the warring pretender. It
is claimed that because of Ralsonll ths pre
tender and his followers had to retire and
suspend active hostilities for ths present.
But ths sultan, as It seems, did not keep
all his promises to Ralsoull, and In order to
b revenged he kidnaped Messrs. Perdl
oaris and Varley, demanding for their lib
eration a largs sum ef money, ths putting
In oflloe of . many of Raisouli's friends and
th recall ef the troops from ths bandit's
field ef operations. New Tork Times.
The Bee Want Ads are the Best Business
Whoa Ther 1 a Kir la Dnrkto
An old member ef th fix department
was talking about soms of ths big fires be
had fought In his day sod hs remarked!
"But the most Interesting fir Is always
a blase In Darktown. If you want te see a
lot of excited people you Just ought to get
into the midst of a small eonflagratlon In
Darktown at night. Th negroes begin te
empty houses of their contents for blocks
around. That Is fun enough, but th real
fun commences when they try to get their
goods back into their house, for it Is a
sort ef grab gams, everybody taking every
thing they can get hold of. I'U bet that
after a or In Darktown ther isn't a
houss la ths neighborhood of th blass
that was furnished like It was befor the
fire." Atlanta Constitution.
Th Bee Want Ads Ar th Best Busloe
Aden's Furnishing Bargains
-French Balbriggan Underwear
The entire stork of an overloaded mill not a garment '
In the lot worth lees than 60c and up to $1.00 25C
Handsome Mohair Shirts
With or without collars the best values In khe city ORc
worth up to $2.00 Saturday special at vjw
Madras and Percale Shirts
With separate collars the best values In the city
worth up to $1.00--Satunlay
Suits, Skirts, Waists, Wrappers, Etc.
$1.50 trimmed white Duck
and Pique Hats, - fk
for ladies and tySC
M mW Sf
Many Human Lives Lost Amid Scenes of
Appalling Horfor.
Accidents Dn to Hsmia Agencies
Present a Melancholy R cord
Fix as a Destroyer Head
the Uat,
Only the historian, whose delving among
musty records has made him familiar with
th past, can extract vn a gleam of
solace from th recent tragedy which cost
ths lives of more ttuw 800 of the passenger
of the General Blooum. From his records
this historian can still assure us of ths
familiar fact that worse accidents have oc
curred with greater loss of Ufa And yst
Instances of larger fatillty,. In accidents
due to human agency rather than to some
rcnvulslon of nature, are far to seek. Ths
earthquake that overturned Lisbon killed
SQiOOO people; Mont Pelee rolled up an
squally largs list of victims, while ths rush
of waters that engulfed Galveston brought
death to more than 6,000.
But In th list of accidents which, like
th burning of th General Blocum, are due
to visible agency th primary position in
point of destruction belongs to th Are
which en December 8, 1863, suddenly swept
through the crowded Churoh of the Cam.
panla In Santiago, Chill, where hundreds
of women and children were celebrating ths
last day of th "Month of Mary,' and de
stroyed mors than 2,000 of them. Caught
In ths crowded church, without proper ex
its, the worshipers were cremated, and
tho. publlo indignation which attended ths
catastrophe was so violent that the church
was raxed to the ground.
Of natural convulsions. New Tork has,
fortunately, little to fear, but of th acci
dents which belong particularly to a great
city Its record is long and melancholy. On
water there have been at least two fatal
accidents rivalling In a measure that of
last week, while on shore ther have been
countless fatalities, stretching all the way
from accidents like that rear-end oolllsion
In th Nsw Tork Central's Park avenue
tunnel to tfie grat fir on th Ho bo ken
piers, whsn ths North river was filled with
burning liners.
Excursion Disasters .
Of th accidents In ths waters of th
greater New Tork, ths first of great Im
portance occurred on July SO, 187L This
day, a pleasant Sunday, brought out the
usual number of excursionists to the
beaches, and ths Staten Island ferry line
was obliged to put on th Westfleld for an
extra trip. Laden with passengers, this
boat had moved well into tho stream, when
It was suddenly shaken by a terrlflo ex
plosion. Its pilot houss was hurled into
ths air, great beams were twisted and bent,
and Beany of its passengers who were amid
ships were blown into th air by ths ex
plosion. Many fell Into the water others
fell back on the wrecked portion ef the
boat, from which clouds of steam poured
forth. Of the., passengers soms were
(.drowned, mors wsrs burned and scalded te
25c Men's Fancy
Hose at 8lc
In blacks, tans, blurs and
fancy stripes the great
est value you ever saw at. ,
Ladies' extra- quality
bkirts with double ruffles, worth 1.00 ;n
' to ?1.25, Saturday DVC
75c to $1.00 Children's Dresses50c
Fine White Dresses with fancy yokes of lace and em
broidery, ages 1 to 4 years, worth 75c to EZ f
$1.00, Saturday , OUC
low prices as we will offer for the next
In the city.
L. Holsteln ft Co. Fine Drees and
. Wnlking Cklrta 7.m.
The very best garments manufactured. Tn
French voiles, fine Kerseys, Irish tweeds,
Scotch cheviots, etc. Tour choice of this
tremendous stock of 1,700 garments, worth
up to $15.00, J on
- L. Holsteln ft Co. Entire Stoek of
Wonei'i Waists Divided Into
, . Three Great Lotsi
LOT 1 Lawn Waists, tn whlto and colors,
L. Holsteln & Co., price $1.00
.rce . 39c
LOT 2 Beautiful Waists, In white and col
ors, lace and embroidery trimmed, worth
up to $4.00 choice ' Qr
Saturday OW
LOT J Jap and China 811k, Taffeta and
Lawn Waists exquisite garments that
are worth up to $7.60 O Sf
Saturday's prloe t.JJ
Money Saving Specials.
$1 60 Lawn and Percale Wrappers, J,QQ
From 8i30 Till BtOO A
$1.26 Black Mercerized Under
skirts, at
From 0iOO Till ti30 A. M.
$1.00 Lawn Wrappers, 39c
" " From ' ISO Tin ' i oioo" A.'."mV
Women's Lawn and Calico OSr
Xlmonas, at sSO'fc
From TiSO Till K0 P. M.
Women's Lawn and Percal Wrappers,
worth up to $L60, limit of 2 to CQr
a, customer, at
We are the Leaders In Low Prices
Shoulder Steak, per lb Stto
Chuck' Steak, per lb 8V4o
Round Steak, per lb . 10V4o
Sirloin Steak, per lb 12Ho
Lamb Legs, per lb, m...m.......10o
Lamb Roast, per lb ............6c
Lamb Stew, per lb Mo
No. 1 Hams, per lb 10c
Fancy prepared Boiled Ham, per lb ISa
Cottage Ham, boneless,-per lb...'. ..10c
Leaf Lard ...7o
Spring Chlckerfs, per lb.... -...26c
Boiling Chickens, per lb: .n. 8c
death by the escaping steam. Divers re
covered thirty bodies from the harbor, snd
ths total death list wss above eighty,
while more than 120 were injured. Investi
gation revealed the -cause of the accident
to have been a defective boiler. Following
the oa'tastrophe, the press of ths day was
filled with clamors for the more careful
Inspection of steamers, ths proper regula
tion of passenger craft, and other com
ments, strangely like those heard at the
present moment. Ths national government
undertook an Investigation, while the local
authorities were busy for days placing ths
responsibility and recovering the bodies.
But it is ths Scawanhaka holocaust, which
happened on Juns 28, 1880, that most strik
ingly recalls ths fearful tragedy of last
woek, not merely because it occurred at
almost identically ths sams place In the
East river, but also because In lncfdent It
Is strangely similar. Ths Scawanhaka was a
pleasure steamer plying between Glen cove
and the city, and en th day of th acci
dent was on Its way to the former place,
carrying a considerable number of well
known merchants of the city.
Fatal Hesitation f Pilot.
Just as ths Scawanhaka passed through
Hell Gate, several of Its crew noticed
flames coming from Its engine room. One
man ran on deck, crying "Fire!" Others
sndeavored to prevent a panla The cap
tain, C. P. Smith, from the pilot house, re
peatedly encouraged ths excited crowd.
As soon as hs saw 'ths sxtent of ths firs
hs turned th boat for Ward's Island,
then changed his mind, fearing to attempt
grounding, and mads for ths Sunksn Mead
ows, so frequently mentioned In the ac
count of ths recent accident
Meantime the flame swept rapidly over
the steamer. Passengers ons after another
felt their clothes catch fir and ' leaped
overboard. But Captain Smith, burned but
undaunted, held his plao at the wheel
until the steamer grounded and then
leaped overboard. Meanwhile women and
children were burned to death, exactly as
they wsrs en the General Blocum. For
tunately, In this instance th life preserv
ers proved sound and there was time to
serve 'them v out From all sides passing
craft hastened 'to the assistance of the
passengers. On yacht that ran alongslds
was capsized by the rush of people.
After the accident Randall's island pre
sented the sams appearance as North
Brother Island last week bodies were
washed ashore there; divers brought up
ths bodies ef children. In one Instanns a
mother and child, the mother's arms still
sbout her baby. At ths morgues precisely
ths sams scene as occurred last week took
place. As a result of the good condition
of th llfs preservers, ths speedy beaching
of ths steamer and th absence of a panla,
the loss of life was far less than on ths
General Blocum. Thirty-two bodies wsrs
recovered and thirty were subsequently re
ported missing, making a total of sixty
two, less than a tenth of that caused 'by
th recent disaster.
Faasns , Theater Vires.
Prior to th recent horror, th accident
which was attended with ths greatest loss
of llfs in this vicinity was ths burning of
th Brooklyn theater, which for many
years was regarded as th worst catas
trophe In the annals of th city. This hap
pened on the night of December S, 176,
when the theater was crowded. Suddenly
the cry of "Fire I" was raised; a panle
resulted; women and children were buried
Bargains in Skirts
lace and embroidery trimmed
Ladies' Kayser Silk Gloves, in
all shades, at
$1, 75c, 50c
Ledles Silk Lane Mitts and
Gloves 12 to lfr-button
lengths at $1.00 and
Ladles' Lisle OIovos In all
shades Point Paris stitch
ing at 60o and...
A beautiful line of Sflk Folding Cloth Fans
trimmed with silk laoe and s
spangles with Ivory stick I 1 f1
at $1.00, 76c and.... CVfW
Buy your shoes for the Fourth of July
rA A.l.n. 1 .... .4 . . . -
v. . . . . u, .v.. v.iVomi uul, iur spot oasn,
4t)0 pairs misses' and chllds' patent 2
jtrap sandals. These slippers are good
$1.2o and $1.00 values. On sale &rk.
Saturday, 7Ko and OVC
Women's $1.85 Tan Goat Oxfords, high or
low school heal, Qg
Women's $2.00 Chocolate Vlcl, school tzn
"cm, HI CJVr
Misses, and chllds' Roman 6-strap in.
Sandals, at $1.50, $1.25, $1.00 and...... OvC
Women's $3.00 and $3.60 Tan and 4 fgz
Black Shoes, at I.vO
Men's $3.00 and $3.50 Black Vlcl or
10 bars any brand Laundry Soap, for.... 25c
Jello, Fruit Puddlne, Bromangelon, Jel-
lycon, per package 7o
The very best soda, oster, butter or
milk crackers, per lb 6a
The best corn starch, per package...... 4o
1-1 1?. package Imported macaroni 8Vo
Large bottles pickles, any kind you
want 8VC
Larg bottles chill sauce, or tomato
catsup M....V.. eo
Fancy bottles stuffed or plain1 olives.. 8c
-lb. cans jotted or devilled bam Shio
'-lb. cans potted beef . $Ho
-lb. cans potted or devilled tongue.. 7Vto
1-lb. cans assorted soups, the best ?tyo
4-lb, cans Peerless dried beef bo
3-lb can Boston baked beans...,. to
1-lb. can fanoy Alaska salmon So
In the ruins, and a fearful loss of life en
sued. Curiously enough, the papers of the
following morning gavs no suggestion of
the extent of the disaster and even ex
pressed the hope that no lives had been
lost But tho next day, when the firemen
began to dear away the debris, the extent
of the holocaust became apparent The
whole body of the theater was filled with
the dead, and 286 bodies were taken out
Of these only 217 could be identified. The
remainder wers burled under a circular
mound In Greenwood cemetery and the
city of Brooklyn raised a monument te
their memory. '
But, fearful as was ths Brooklyn dis
aster, it pales before the recent holocaust
which happened at the Iroquois theater In
Chicago last December. On the afternoon
of December SO this theater, newly opened
and believed to be one of the finest" and
most modern In the country, was crowded
with an ' audlenoe numbering more than
2,000, and largely consisting of children a
circumstance which closely resembles the
situation on ths General Slooum. . The de
tails of ths tragedy are familiar a suddsn
burst of flames, an effort on the pert of
ths actors to check the panic the failure
of the asbestos curtain to work, and then,
as the flames were driven out by explo
sions, ons wild, frantlo rush for ths nar
row doors all these Incidents wers but re
cently recorded. When the panlo was over
and ths relief came, Chicago was dassd by
ths sxtent of ths catastrophe.
At the entrance bodies were plied in tiers,
while many who sat in their seats wers
suffocated. Over 600 . bodies wsrs taken
from ths theater, in ths largsr part those
ef children. In many eases fearfully crushed
In the struggle for Ufa Ths sffeots of ths
Chicago disaster were felt ever the world,
and in every civilised country there was
Instant notion by public authorities to pre
vent a repetition.
Charity Baser Disaster.
A similar disaster, resulting In fewer
deaths but far-reaohlng In Its effect be
cause many of it victims belonged to ths
greatest families In Europe, happened at
ths charity baczar in Paris in 1897. This
bazar was devoted to charity, and num
bered among its patrons and patronesses
ths leaders of ths Cathollo and conservative
noblesse of France. A fire caused by ths
Ignition of ether used In a klnematogrfcph
suddenly swept the. baa, fllledwlth luflam
able material; there was swUd and dis
graceful panlo, men,, women and children
struggled to escape. Over 160 wers killed
and scores injured. Ths Duchess d'Alencon,
sister of ths empress of Austria, was
among ths victims, and the death list num
bered scores from ths best known famll&s
of Franc.
Th most fatal of all theater catastro
phes occurred In Vienna on December S,
188L In ths destruction of ths Ring theater
nearly 1,000 lives wers lost, and 680 bodies
were recovered from ths ruins. The burn
ing of the Grand Ducal theater at Karls
ruhe, in Baden, eoet 100 Uvea Ths first
great theater disaster in America, ths
burning of ths theater at Richmond in
1811, caused the death of seventy-flv per
sons, smong them ths governor of the
state and many members of old Virginia
Among ths othsr disasters in waters ad
jacent to Nsw York ths most extensive
was that which destroyed ths Hoboken
docks in 1900. Several great occin liners
wer consumed by tb flumes and drlfteJ
Ladies' Hosiery
Fine lisle thread Hose In fancy lacee
and drop stitch In black and colors
worth 89c to 50c special C 'A
Saturday at, 1VC
One lot of ladles'
fancy colors
Hose In plain and
your choice Saturday
Fast black heavy ribbed Hosfr worth
tip to 25c pair v
Saturday special lvIC
The finest lot of
Suit Cases we ever
bad in our store. 0
All styles. '
Prices. I
Worth up to $10.00. A great assortment-
3.50 and 4.98
Brooks Bros.' $3.00 and $3.60 Turn or Welt
Sole Oxfords, patent kid, . a nil
patent calf or vlcl, at I30
Men's Sample $2.60 and $3.00 1 fZf
Oxfords, at I.O
How are you feet coming on this hot
weather? Buy a Grover fits like a glove
and easy as a stocking.
Sole Omaha agents for the STETSON,
for men, and the ULTRA and GROVER
shoes for women.
Extra salespeople engaged to serve you
Large, Juioy, seedless lemons, per dos. 12e)
Large, Juicy, sweet oranges, per dos.. 12a
1- lb. package California white figs.... 6o
Large Florida bananas, per, dozen.... loq"
Good oountry butter, per lb .'.124i
The very best creamery butter, per lb. . iOo
Adjustable hard wood screens , !9o
2- burner gasoline stoves $2.28
Hs-lnch screen doors 69
Gasoline ovens SI. 2$
Warranted garden hose, per foot 8o
12-quart blue and whits enameled " ' '
. water pall S9a
Hard wood Ice chest $4 U5
22 blank cartridges, In box, for fa
8-quart Rococo and Majolica water "
pitchers tfa
Embossed, lined decorated fruit plates. 10o
Fins blown engraved water tumblers. 6
down the North river wreathed In Samea
this holocaust Ths burning of the Lex
ington In Long Island sound in 1837 cost
160, Uvea Forty-three years later the Nan-
ragansett, making the same run to Eton-
lngton, collided with the Stonlngton, a
sister steamer, and lost thirty-four of Its
passengers. As recently as June 14, 1901, :
the Staten Island ferryboat Northfleld sank
after collision and six lives wers lost
x Oa th Deep Sea. . ,;
IVr th. In.. r Ufa nr. .h. ..n --- V'
collision, firs and accldenfTthere Is no end.
Among the mors disastrous of recent accl-'
dents is the sinking of LaBourgogne, after
a collision off Sabls island. This was at
tended with great loss of Ufe, largely '
caused by a disgraceful panlo. Ths Elbe
Ml MiMnniN In mIIIah f.
British coast In 1896, and the year before;
the British battleship Victoria, rammed by ;
its consort, ths Camperdown, went down '
with 430 on board, Including Vice Admiral ..
Trvnn and twnntv-twA AfflnAre. fW thm T-
lantry of ths crew Mr. Kipling has written
in his poem dedicated to " 'Ef Majesty's
Jollies," which describes ths manner In;'
which ths marines went through a drill -
while ths boat was sinking. The worst
marina disaster of recent years in Ameri
can waters was the loss of the Portland.
a steamer plying between Boston snd Port-' -
land. Me. This boat sailed from theformer
port on the night of November 27, 1S98, In
ths midst of a fearful blizzard, and was ' .
never sighted. Portions of Its wreckage
cams sshore some weeks later. It carried .
129 persons.
, U - I A . .1
abroad there have been none of recant
years which compare with ths disaster to- ;
the General Blocum. Ths sinking of the .'
Primus, a Gerrosn excursion steamer, on
the Elbe river, on July XI, 1902, cost lit
lives. The loss of the British excursion
steamer Stella, which struck a reef while
running through the ohannel islands in a
fog on Maroh SO, 18S8, resulted in the drown
ing of ths captain and 104 passengera Tb
Ika. an Austrian pleasure boat, went down
near ciumo in is ana uiiriy lives were .
lost moreign supervision or pleasure boats,
as of transportation lines generally. Is
much mors strict than in this oountry, and
h. In 11. , V, -n. . V. . 4. . A
.in. iiH . iiw .in uu,ii kwiu.u. auwitt"
tngly much less-New Tork Tribune. '.
All tm m Snarl Again.
Mr. Maklnbrakes had been Introduced to
one of the delegates to the national con- ,
ventlon. t '
"Delighted to knew you, Mr. Smith," he
said. "I suppose you people are going to
nominate a president before you go home, .
This Is a esse, though, where the npmlna- .
tlon Is already made. AU you dtgegatea
wlU have to do will be to ratify It Any ,
set of yahoos, you know, could meet and ,'
do that Just is well as not that exsotlyJ
either, becsuse they might take a notion
to be independent enough to er what I m
driving at, of course, Is the Idea that it's
a cut and dried affair which It certainly
Isn't unless because there must naturally
be some men of . senss In a convention
like that, or else they wouldn't I don't
mean anything personal, you know and .
yet, if I were a delegate, I presums I'd
be as big a fool as as well r how ar
the crops out you way, auyhowl" CJi
cago Tribune,