TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1904. 13 GRAIN MD PRODUCE MARKET Quickening of Interest Doubtless Due to Suspension in Trade. OPENING STRONG AND SCALE ADVANCES nles r Heldere of Jaly Oral Cava . Benetton aad Lower Prices rol law the Brial Ball Ia. OMAHA. July 1, 1104. Todajr was tha last for the principal mar "J. tna country before Tuesday, which firohably accounts for the quickening of ntereet. Tha market started out strong frenerally on more wet weather conditions n the south. Within the ftrat half hour July wheat jumped to 8 cente at Chicago. Solng higher than It has been for aeve.al ays. But tha strength waa short-lived and realizing sales by holders of the July (rain caused a reaction and lower valuta. On thia market corn and oats felt the weakness considerable. It la learned that tha longa here became not a little appre hensive of their holdings and liberal otters to sell brought lower prices In those two (Trains. Late In tha session on professional man lpulatlon wheat was offered by J. E. Van Corn of tha George A. Adams company at M cents, but finding this offer had little affect on tha market. Van Dorn, who Is aaid to ba 60,000 bushels short of July wheat, quickly bid that grain up to 80 cents. Cash values for grain at tha Omaha mar ket want lower by a cent In wheat and a ball cant In eorn. Oats held firm and re tained yesterday's values. While cloudy weather Is predicted for Missouri, Nebraska and Kansas and heavy rains are reported from tha last state, a prospect of fair weather generally lent pressure In reducing values at Chicago. There were no oon tract deliveries In wheat and oats at Chicago, but 8,000.006 bushels of corn were delivered. No deliveries of July were made at Omaha today. The fact that there seem to be no stocks to make a sell ing pressure probably saved figures from a serious break. Kansas City reports that conditions In Kansas are serious. Mora rains have de layed harvest to a great degree snd It Is thought by conservative dealers that the yield there will be 76.000,000 bushels at the outside. This Is considerably leas than waa ejipected a week ago. There waa an absence today of the big demand for earn and oats which has been a feature of the local market for the lsst week and sellers outnumbered buyers on tha floor today. Those who are short In the two coarse grains seem Inclined to defer covering until later In the month. Tha range of prices for future deliveries and ,the close of tha Omaha market today and Thursday were: Tha ran re In prices of Omaha' grain for future delivery and the close today and Thursday war as follows: . Cloeel High. Low. Today. Thur. Wneat July Sept Pec Corn July Sept .... Deo. Oste- July Bept A askedt Oa Onen. , 79HA 81 B 7HA 81 B TOHB , 74HA 78 B 74HA 75 B 74V4 74 A 74 A 74 A 74 A 74 B 46HA VMA 434A 43V4A S8A 88HA SHA HA S7HA S7HB SI A B bid inb SI A SI A SI A a Cash Market. 4SUB 43iB 38B 3HB SI B WHEAT Nominal, lo lower; No. 2 hard, 823640 ; No. S bard, 783o; No. 4 hard, 64 74c. CORN Nominal. He lowar; No. 2. 48 7o ; No. S, 44HS46Hc: No. 4 42H43Ho: No. 8 yellow. 46H'o147c; No. S yellow, 45fr4iSe; No. S white. 46846Hc; No. 8 white, 44H35c. OATS Nominal; No. s. 8939Hc: No. S. 87H38c: No. 4. 8037c; No. 3 white, 40c; No. S white, WTMio; standard, 3ixa-i9c; No. 4 white. 8ftiQic. O rata Market Elsewhere. Closing; prices of grain today and Thurs day at tha markets named were as follows: CHICAGO. Closed .Wheat- Today. Thur. July 86HB 86HB September I 81H 81)4 Corn July .. 47H 47 September . 48A 48VfcA KANSAS CITY. Wheat July - T6H 75B September 71H 70A Corn July .7 4BHB S Beptembar .; 44A 43 ST. LOUIS. Wheat- July 87B 85' Beptembar xH Corn July 46KB 46 September 46, 4C MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat' Juiy September BSVi 634 93H tmUL sIts at DULUTH, Wheat July KHB September ...... . . ' HB NEW YORK. Wheat July -. .. 89H 19 Beptembar 8614 & uorn July B bid. A asked. , Mates ef tha Grain Markst. No cash sales ware reported at tha Omaha Grain exchange today. . No dealings in December oats war ap parent today at Omaha. Twenty cars of grain were Inspected here yesterday as follows: Wheat No. 8 hard, X; corn. No. t. IS; No. S. 2; rys. No. 8. 1. Smaller Argentina shipments and strength til cargoes caused a steady opening; at Liv erpool today at Hd higher. July wheat closed Hd higher; September. d up. July corn unchanged and September Hd higher. CHICAGO i GRAIN AND PBOVISIOIV- Featares of the Trading aad Closing; Prices oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO, July L Antagonistic opinions a to the damage In tha southwest by rain were practically identical with yesterday's final figures. Corn la up H- Oats show a loss of H. Provisions are loHo higher. At the start a ateady tone prevailed In wheat ha a result of firm cables and bullish news from the southwest. September was unchanged to a shade higher at 8H481o to 814c After September had touched 81o a weukening of the market carried tha price down to 80Tiiilc. Final figures on September were at SmSlo, a net loss of feo for the day. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 238,400 busbela Exports for ths week, according to Bradstreet's, were 1,128,000 bushels. Primary recelpta were 262,800 buahels, compared with a holl jflay a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 834 ears, against IBS cars last week. The corn market waa strong early. A noticeable feature was the strength of tha new crop futures, both Deoember and Jan uary being taken by soma of the leading Interests. Cool, wet weather waa the prin cipal bull factor. September opened at 4NH fj ISHo to 4Sc, sold between 48o and 48o and cloaed at 48c Local recelpta ware 264 cars, with 84 of contract grada Tha feature of trading In oats was the liquidation of July and a decline of from 1 to 3 cents In tha price of the cash article. September opened Ho higher at 82Hc, ranged between 81o and 8.'i)3ZUc and closed at tlHo. Local recelpta were 166 cars. The provision market was strong under the Influence of an active demand from shorts and packers. A strong hog market was mainly, responsible for the Improved demand. At the close September pork was up 204i22c at 13.SW13.36, September lard was up lf&i&o at 87.27H and ribs were 1X? 12H0 higher at r7.727.?6, , Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 11 cars; oorn, 86 cars; oats, 177 cars; hogs, 10.100 head. Tha leading futures ranged as follows i Artlcles.1 Open. High. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat a July b July a Sept b bept. Sept. Dec. Kept. Deo. St pt. Sept. Sept. Oct. I H 7W HjBiH 84 86K64 B6 84 2 t iiU H SlW.SOfti 81Ss 48to(iI 4f.l48S4TH 4H U 46HI i 46&46W 874 as rr r 3251 82ii U'ViU 11 85 II 00 13 8?U II 9?H U 14 U 10 I U U'Vil U X 7 M I T K T 00 T 12H 7 20 1 T 80 T 80 I T T, J T 32HI T 47H T K 7 6 7 7R IHi T 7 T82V4 T76 7 70 T 80 I .... 8f5 83 mt 82 12 70 18 02 I ss 7 1 7 7 4 7 10 No. t. a Old. b New. FI.Ot;R Market quiet and steady: winter patents. 84 6u4 M; straight, M.KwH : si ring patents 14 8014.70; straight, t3.9 4.30; t,k,.rs, 82 6018.20. WHKAT-No. 3 spring. 8G9o; No. 8, No. 3 red. 9cj11 00. COHN-Nq. 2. 470; No. 8 yellow, 490. OATS-No. 8, 8iVc; No. I white, 42a. J'VH-No. t 4c li-i-OS-No. 1 has, 81.01; No, 1 north- weetnrn, 81 07H; prima timothy, 810; clover, contract grade, 110 76. H RLE. ,.ooii '- edlng, 30-!36c; fair to choice malting. 4?'9'fi2c PROV1HIONS Wees pork, per bbl., 8119S 14 00. Iard. per 100 lbs.. f7.10itf7.12H. Short libs sides (loose), 87.267.60. Short dear sides (boxed, 87.267.60. Following were tha recelpta and ship men's of flour and grain: RecetrM. Shipment Flour, bbls U0 17.400 Wheat, bu 16.000 4.00 Corn, bu 2M.2O0 4.0p Oats, bu 140,700 161,200 Bye. bu tmo Bariey. bu 14.600 2.000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creamerlea, 13H4) lc; dairies, 12&lc. Esrirs oy; at mark, , cases Included, 14&l4c Chseae, strong, 6ii6iVic jikw York gehkrai. market aaotatloas of the Day o Tarloaa Commedltles. v NEW TORK, July -FI0UR-Rc',, 14.188 bbls.; exports, 10.2O5 bbls. Mar ket was dull but steady; Minnesota patents, 84.K6.H; MinneLLJlaXr.r",i?2 15; winter patents, 84. )6.20; winter straights.. 84.65fi4.80; "t" "ii BR 3 80; wlnier l"w grades, 831&360. Rye flour, quiet; fnlr to good, 84.K4.26; choice to fancy 84 SV&1.70. CORNMBAL Steady; yellow western. 8104.13; city. 81.12&1.U.; kiln dried. 83.00i RYE Nominal; No. I western, 70c; nom- BARLET-Slow: feeding. 46Hc if New York; malting, nominal. WHEAT Market steady; No. 8 red, nomi nal In elevator; No. 1 northern Duluth, 31 0OT4, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b.. afloat. Optlona alow, closing at a partial Ho decline; July. 84S9Ho. cloelng at 8Hc; September closed at 864c: Deoember cloeed at S&Ho. COKN Receipts, 88.776 bu.; axporta. JB.Sta bu. Spot market ateady; No. 3, 63Ho in ele vator and 630, f. o .b., afloat; No. 3 yel low 66H; No. 3 white, 64Hc. Option mar ket waa neglected all day and closed un changed to Ho net higher; July closed at 64Hc; December closed at 60Hc OATS Receipts, 67.600 bu.: exports. 830 bu. Spot market easy; mixed oats, 24 to 83 lbs., 434&c; natural white, 80 to 82 lbs.. 4KH947HO; clipped white, 84 to 40 Jbs., 489 Slo. HIPFS Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 26 pounds, 18c; California, 21 to 28 pounds. 13o; Texas dry, 24 to 30 pounds, 14c. LRATHER Quiet ; acid. 23T26o. WOOL Steady: domestlo fleece, S&Bc. TALLOW Quiet; city, " 4Ho; country, 44'4Wc. RICE Steady; domestlo fair to extra, 1abc; Japan, nominal. HAY Steady; shipping, 76c; good to choice. 96c. HOPS Dull; state common to choice 1903, 26 36c; 1902, 2326c; olds, 9trt4e; Pa ciflc coast 1903, 4i30c; 1802. 231260; Olds, 9414c. PROVISIONS-Beef. firm! family, 88 60(9 10 60; mess. 88.0mS8.&0; beef hams, 220.601; 22.00; packet. 89 009.60; city extra India mess,. 818.OO018OO. Cut meats, steady; pickled" bellies. 88 OOjM .50; pickled shoulders, 36.60; pickled hams, 39.0O10 .00. Lard, firm; western steamed, 87.40; refined, firm; con tinent, 87.45; South America, 88; compound, 86.82HS4.12H- Pork, quiet; family, 814.000 14.50; short clear, 81S.6o16.00; mess, $14,260 14 75. BUTTER Easier, with sales of extra creamery In the street on the basla of UHo; creamery, common to extra. 13318o; state dairy, common to extra, 1317o. CHEESB-Market easy; state full cream, small, colored and white, H38Ho; large, colored and white, 6H6c. EGOS Steady to firm; western extra se lected. IslRHc; average prime, 1717Hc. POULTRY Alive, steady; southwestern spring chickens, 16c; fowls. He; turkeys, 10c; dressed, firm; western broilers, 14&22o; fowls, 11 Ho; turkeys, 14l&o. at. Loals Grata and Provisions, ST. LOUIS. July 1. WHEAT Higher; NO. new, ber 48,ifi49c: Julv. 4&Hc: Sentember. 4Ca OATS Weak; cash, 8Hc; track, 40itf40Ho; July, 87Ho; September, 80o; No. 2 white. 44Ho. liOUR Dull; red winter patents. 24-860 6.00, with special brands 1026c higher; extra fancy, S4.4034.60; clear, 3.70S.0. SEEDS Timothy, ateady at S2.40v4.7S. COKNMEALf Steady, R76. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 80c. HAY Dull; timothy, S8.0O14.00; prairie, 85.0o10.00. . v... . . ... IRON COTTON TTES-42a; i - BAGGING 6Hc. , HEMP TWINE 84.00.' : 1 ' PROVISIONS Pork, higher; lobbing, 312. 97 H- Lard, higher; prime steamed, 84.60. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, .88.26; clear ribs, 88.87H; short clear, 88.60. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 8Hoj springs, 13(8 16o; turkeys, i3o; ducks, 7o; geese, 8c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1418 He; dairy, 1014c EGGS Steady; UHo, case count. t Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls...'. 3,000 6,000 Wheat, bu 18,000 21,006 Corn, bu 18.000 28.000 Oats, bu. 4X000 , 17,000 Kansas City Grain and visions. . KANSAS CITY. July L WHEAT Mar ket higher; July, 7Ho; September, 71 HO TlHc; Deoember, nk&no; cash, No. S hard. 81Gac; No, S, K88o; No. 3 red. old, SlinofL No. 8, Soeyio; reoelpta, 28 oars. CORN Firm; July. 46Hc; September, 44H fJ44Hc; December. 8Ho; cash. No.' 2 mixed, ScKo. 8. 4SHi4o; So- whits, 48Ho; No. "OATS-Weak; No. t whits, 4142o; No. 2 mixed, 88o. ' BUTTJsJR Creamery, IS 16c; dairy, 12o. EGGS Steady ; Missouri and Kansas, nsw, No. 2 whllewood casea included, 18o; case oount. 12 He; cases returned, He less. HAY Steady: choice timothy, 819.031ff.60; ohoice prairie, 88.00Hi.60. RYE Steady; No. 2, Mo. , Reoelpta. Shipments. Wheat, bu . 22.400 18,400 Corn, bu 11.200 14,800 Oats.' bu 4.000 X0O0 Minneapolis Grain Marlut. MINNEAPOLIS, July 1 WHEAT Close: , Z red, caan, elevator, nominal; iraoa. r, ri.OlHrold, 81 08; July, itfifco; oeptem . 80H: No. 3 hard. 904 82o. VT t3. a.. XT n -U ITUai aai air FLOUR First patents are quotable at 84.90-a6.00; second patents, S4-"0P4-I0; nrst dears 83.4603.66; second clears, 82.46. BRAN In bulk. tliM. Vlsthle Sapply of BreadstasTs. LIVERPOOL, July 1. Ths foUowlngr are . i. . . i.. n K...(iiffa ant nrovislons here: Flour. 41,000 sacks; wheat. 1,908,000 centals; corn, 709.000 centals; bacon, 10,600 boxes; nams, s,uw ou, nuu1uoio, w boxea; butter, l,w nunarea wwiai; cuiki, 44,u0 boxes; lard, ,8oO tierces ol prime west ern steam and 2.840 tons of other kinds. Milwaukee Grain Market. uirnritivirn Jnl 1 WHKiT Market steady; No. 1 northern, 88c; No. 2 northern. 86uwio; old juiy, wbk. RYE Market, steady; No. 1, JTtWSo. BAR IKY Market, dull; No, 2, 8io; aanv "c'ORNS" lower No. 8, 48948c; July, 47HJH7HO. IJverpool Grata aad Previsions. LIVERPOOL, July l.-WHEAT-Spot, nominal; Futures, steady; July, 4s id; September, 4s 6d. , CORN Spot, American mixed, new, aulet, 4s 4Hd; American mixed, old, easy, 6d; futures, quiet, July, 4s 4d; Septem ber. 4s 2d. Dwlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. Minn., July L WHEAT To arrive, Np. 1 northern, We; No. 2 northern. 9014c; on track No. 1 northern, 9Hc; No. l northern. 0Ho; July. 82Hc September, 81Tc. . . . .. OATS On tracg ana xo arrive, two. Feorla Grata Market. PEORTA. IU.. July 1. CORN Firm ; No, 8. 4fc; No. 4. 42S'42HO. , . . WHISKY On the basis of 8U8 for fin ished goods. Philadelphia Prod see Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 1. RUTTER Firm; extra western creamery. 1TH EGGS-Firm; western, 17H CHEESE Firm; 7wo. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O., July L SEEDS Clover, cash. 14 10 bid: October, 86 90 bid. Prime alslke, 8 40. Prime Umothy, 31-46; Septem ber. 31.47H. i i Oils and Rosin. NEW TORK. July 1. OILS Cottonseed, Arm; prime crude, nominal; yellow, Doo. Petroleum, easy; refined New York, 87.96; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 87.00. Tur pentine, steady at 6otHo. rc HIN yulel; strained, common to good, 21 lstfrl3 96 SAVANNAH. Oa.. July L-OILS-Tur-penttne Arm at 6Sq. -v ROSIN Firm j A. B. C. l2.e7Wrt.70: p, I2.72V2 75: E. 31T7Hrt80: V. 8!.iH2 : (1 If 87Half: H. 8JO7HgS10; C. T, 83 60; I 33 .66; M 83.80; V. 88.87H0Oi W. rf. 84.40; W. W, 14.78, CosTea Market. NEW TORK. July l.-COFFEB The market for futures opened steady at a de cline of 6 points. 8a.loe were reported of 8o mO b.is. Including July at 6.8uc; August, 6c; September, 6o4-10c: lecember 4 a) i4ic; January, 4 6ue; March. 4 61 toe; Kiay. li.soc. Biot Rio st-sdy; No. 7, luvulce, 7o; mild, steed CurOuva, t434&. SEWYORK STOCKS AND BONDS Speculation in Metropolitan Traction Feature of Trading. OTHER STOCKS SHOW SOME SYMPATHY Calon and Senthern PaelSo Semreoly Stirs oa Reports of May Hot Esralags, Whleh Are Re- NEW YORK. July 1 Some excited spec ulation In the Metropolitan Traction stocks waa ths feature of today's market and saved It from the lethargic condition on the eve of a three days' holiday, other New York stocks showed some sympathy as they always do with one another. Amer ican Car Buffered a loss of 1H as a result of the passing of Its dividend. For the rest the only movements of Importance were among active specialties. Prlres ruled generally above last night, but the day's fluctuations In some of the market leaders were not above H. Call money failed to get above 1H per Cent during the day. Union and Southern Pacific scarcely stirred on reports of May not earnings which were regarded as fa vorable. The acrton of New York stocks in the . last hour effected the general market. Sales of bonds were 31.260.000. A combination of olroumstances has made this week one of the dullest In the stock market for many years past. The most obvious cause for this was the decision of the stock exchange authorities to dose the exchange on Saturday aa wall as on Mon day, July 4. Another special factor In the current small dealings Is the crusade by the exohango authorities to prevent - ar bitrage operations between the board room and outside markets. The summary re moval of telephone communications of a number of firms from the floor of the stock exchange served aa an admonition to the whole membership to refrain from this kind of trading. Stress has been laid also on the political outlook In Intermlnate con dition, toe government's report of crop con ditions and the extreme conservatism ex isting in all business -and enterprise and acourately reflected in the stock market. Showings of railroad earnings are mixed but the average of gross earnings for June is somewhat better than last year and traffic officials have expressed hopes for future business with rather greater con fidence. The reports of net earnings for May, however, .nave made poor compari sons with the previous ear and retrench ment in operating coat la counted a vital necessity for improving the net return. Such retrenchment has continued at vari ous points, reports pointing especially to cutting down of working; forces on the Pennsylvania system. ' . The broad demand for bonds has moved many long dormant Issues, but the usually active list has been moderately active and has included some higher price movements. United States 4s have declined H. and the old 4s regd. have advanced H per oeot on call during the week. Tha quotatlona on tha New York Stock exchange yesterday were: Bales.Hlgh.Low.Close. Atchison 2,700 72H 72 72H w iiu ,,,, mjv wn Baltimore dt Ohio.... TOO 60H do Dfd - Canadian Pacific Central of N. J Chesapeake 4 Ohio.. Chicago dc Alton...... do pfd Chicago Great West.. C. Sc N. W.. C, M. as St. P 1700 143H do pfd 200 178H v. i. at a , do Dfd... r . a. . V. , V . . v, IK PL ... . Colorado Southern... .... do 1st pfd A 1 .1 ..I uv w viu 4. 93 K 79 is 800 U6 '66 'sin loo 13H KM 170 14 OH 1814 170 14H liSH a set oeeee oases 6444 SOSO so aae St) Dei St Hudson.. AXllVeat) "ioi ........... DUV 600 1,000 200 too D.. L. dc W, ii s n, is... ..... de pfd jene do, 1st pfd.. ao zu pia..r Hocking Valley ... do pfd Illinois Central .... Iowa Central do pfd K. C. South do pfd Louisville at Nash.... 1.700 Manhattan L 4,700 Metropolitan Sea 6,600 Met. St. Ry ..68.900 Minn. St. L 100 Minn. St, P, 8. Ste M. 100 do pfd 200 Missouri Paclflo M K. dc T do pfd Nat. R. R. of M N. T. Central... Norfolk c W , do pfd Ontario eV Western.. Pennsylvania , P.. C, C, ds St. L..... Beading . do 1st pfd.., , do 2d pfd , Rock Island Co........ do pfd , St. L. a T. 3d pfd St. Louis a W , do pfd , 8,600 17H 166H 166 es 23 68 132H UH 42H lioa 160H 84 H6H ess 4 23 68H 181 18H 4 110 149H 79H 111 44 Pfd. ' 1,800 100 200 800 100 124 124 116 66 16 86 iii" 66 7!66o 26 26H 6,800 116 116 li 700 47 '46 ' 'ioo 'iffi 'in" 00 20 20 100 66 46 Se.e e.s'to 'esse 100 U 11 l406 "47 "44 L000 21 21 'ioo '22 '22 200 24 M 100 87 87 7,400 88 88 sees eeeo tu eoo Km so OS eoo , oeeas 'ioi' '16 is 'ioo '"7 "7 49 VhL 26 19 82 66 97H 127 do pfd.. Texas tc Paclflo. T.. St. L. at W.. do pfd Union Paclflo... do pfd Wabaah do pfd W. A L H Wisconsin Central.... do nfd Mexican Central Adams Express .... Amerclan Express V- ,8- Express Wells-Fargo express Amalgamated Copper. 7.000 60 Amer. C. V.,.,. 1,600 16 do PM 600 71 American Cot. Oil do Dfd American Ice 100 do Dfd BOO Amer. Linseed Oil American Locomotive. 1.100 ao pra goo Amer. S. 4k R 4.400 do pfd 900 Amer Sugar Ref 400 Anaconda Mining Co. Brooklyn K. T 21,400 Colo F. eV I ino Consolidated Gas 4,6u0 Corn Products do pfd Distillers Sec Oeneral Electrio International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd ., National Lead... North American Paclflo Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car.. 109 220 220 Republto Steel ..- do pfd 100 Rubber Goods 100 do pfd Tenn, C. t 100 TJ. 8. Leather 30O do pfd 800 IT. a Realty 200 do pfd .... V. B. Rubber 800 do pfd too TJ. S. Steel 1.IW) do pfd 4,600 Westlnghouse Else... Western Union Total sales for ths day, 94.700 shares. 18 82 64 9 127 a 49 80 193 short bills, 4 per cent; three months bills, r7 per cent. PARIS, July- 1. The general tone of the Bourse was generally Arm today. Inter national stocks advanced. Russian Im perial 4s closed at 91 66 and Russian bonds of 1H04 at 6.06. Three per cent rentes, 98f 80c; exchange on London, 26f 16o for checks BCIIXES9 OP ASSOCIATED BANK! Clearlagrs of the Great Commercial Centers' of Coaatry. NEW YORK, July 1. The following table, compiled by Hradstreet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities fot the week ended June 80, with tha percent age of Increase and decrease aa compared with the corresponding week last year: CITIEa Clearings.) Inc.1 Deo. New York , Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg San Francisco .., Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City New Orleans Cleveland Minneapolis , Detroit , Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee , Providence ..v.... Buffalo , Indianapolis Bt. Paul Los Angeles ...... St. Joseph , Denver Columbus Memphis .......... Seattle , Richmond , Washington Savannah Albany , Portland, Ore...., Fort Worth Toledo, O Salt Lake City ., Peoria Atlanta ...'. , Rochester Hartford Nashville Des Moines Spokane, Wash.., Tacoma Grand Rapids .... New Haven Dayton Norfolk Springfield. Mass, Worcester , Portland, Me Augusta, Ga Topeka Sioux City Syracuse F'vansvllle Birmingham Wilmington, Del. Knoxvllle Davenport , Little Rock Wllkesbarre Fall River Macon Wheeling, W. Va, Wichita Akron Chattanooga ..... Springfield, 111..., Kalamaioo, Mich. Youngstown Helena Lexington Fargo. N. T. New Bedford7..... Canton, O Jacksonville, Fla, Lowell Chester, Pa Greensburg, Pa.. Rockford, III Blnghampton .... Springfield. O.... Hloomington, xu. Qulncy, 111 Sioux Falls, S. D. Mansfield, O Decatur, 111 Jacksonville, 111.. Fremont, Neb.... tHouston tGalveston (Charleston, S. C. Cedar Rapids ... Totals. IT. S.. Outside N. Y.. :::t ..r. 31.0X0.8?4.SK6 166.41'2.91 120. 6M. 931 97.207.927 46.167. 46 87.6K7.37B ZS.0K9, 2(1. 440. 987 26.470.600 17.797.SA8 12.lS6.0fiS 12,010.18 11.492,817 6.618.906 9, 664. 664 6,864,700 6.324.306 6,939.9001 6,437.263 6. 276.36 6,710. 4K9 6.619 484 4,200.660 3.424,601 4,090,200 3.4H6.4S2 4.436,709 4.628.289 8.637.666 1496,846 1971.872 3,910,690 3.6S8.992 1760.001 1746.682 1,904.808 3,039,81.1 2.600.670 1184.686 1.973,242 1,873.478 1,816.670 1.824,023 1,731,660 1,8S6,644 1,396,676 l.Sttf.842 1.477,361 1,046. Ml 1,403.616 1,0X6,667 799,163 1 091. 166 1,070,620 1,006,007 1.176.247 1.177,863 L167.6S9 661,877 600.662 907.133 611,263 237.180 623,269 996,031 670,100 704.824 486,822 420.168 463.207 603,642 662.812 897,739 812.607 460,000 720,782 410,112 481,8146 866,2211 293.764 411,7001 869,219 273,8841 281,367 204,766 169,9911 196,838 223,746 122,897 8,684.800 7,415,000 744,429 860.8951 I- 31.821.648.018 741,US,Z9 8.1 7.7 10.0 12.3 46 82.6 72.8 6.1 21.3 13.2 18.8 28 6 18.4 27.4 84.2 26!8 4.8 i.7 86.0 80 6 17.7 3.4 8.6 7.4 14 8 8.3 23 3 26.8 12.1 'rri 28.8 ...4. 'i:i 16.0 27.6 11-6 16.2 11 4 8.7 24.8 '24J 80.2 a.o "t'.i "i'.i 8.7 n.i I. 1 41.6 86.8 17.7 86!7 19.1 14.4 9.S 17.8 8.4 'rr'.k 23.8 10.0 81.0 67.8 83.7 86.8 22.6 2.4 "i'.i 42.2 80.4 "i'.i 89.7 18.6 "s!s 21.8 23.9 4.8 1.4 II. 8 26.4 16.9 6.1 27.7 27.4 18.2 83.7 8.7 'ii'.i 20.8 18.0 CANADA. Montreal Toronto ............... Winnipeg .... Ottawa Halifax Quebec Vancouver, B. C...... Hamilton London, Ont St. John, B. C Victoria, B. C . Totals, Canada... 19,263,934 14.671,4841 . 6.212.229 1,682,410 1.618,103 1,638.109 1,681,148 882,181 734.022 918,806 604.796 I 48,601.1721 11.01 7.21 13.4 84.1 6.0 6.0 4.1 39.3 13.1 14.3 . 2.1 6.6 tNot Included in totals because contain ing other Items than clearings. fkot Included In totals because of no com parison for last year. Hew Torlc Honor Market. NEW YORK. July l.-MONET On call, very easy at 1H1 per cent; closing bid, "prhPIniU paper-hh STBRLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bin. at klTlOg 4.8716 for demand and at '"r 60-day bills; posted rates, 4.8&j4.8&, com- mSSvft"W: Mexican dollar., ONDS Government, ateady; railroad, The cloelng quotations on Donds are as ronowa: ........ ... ,M ,...lo41' sianDsnsa v. s- w ....... 200 8O0 200 100 800 100 200 100 2? t? 167 166 12 11 69 69 M 87 28 20 87 27 97 97 26 26 41 14 i 6H sevt 41 16 'is" so 6 66 fe K4 do eoupoa ...104 o Is, rsg lo coupon JJJ 4. s.w 4s, rsg IMJl do eoupoa to sid 4a rtf J do coupoo ........1 Atchison n. 4s W do adj. 4s Atlsntlo C. L. 4s JT B. O. 4s 1 do IVis . r, ...1 t n a. 110 do 1st Ino 7414! Chn. Ohio IHlu.l Chicago A A. V... 1 C., B. A ft- s. 4s. . t c! M. 8.P. g 4s.. 107 -C. A N. W. . 1S..JMT C, R. I. P. 4s.... 4 do sol. ts 4 CCC. St. L. f. 4s.. 10014 Chlcio Tsr. 4s... 1 Con. Tobaoco 4s 414 Colo. 4k So. 4s..... S1i D. R. U. 4s W Erie prior lln 4s... M.M-w fMitnl 4s... 4S do 1st ino 1 "Minn. A St. U 4s. M M., K. 4k T. 4S-... si 'do s N. 8. . of M. 1 M, Y. C. 3H.... H "N. J. C. . M....U1 'No. PsoUVo 4s 104 do Is "tt M a W. a. 4s I0OU. O. S. U 4s A par... 1 Psnn. oonv. IHs.... M RMdlns ass. 4s..... 9 St. L. 1. M. S. N..UD- Bt. U A S r. If 4s (ISs St. I S. W. Is.... 6 Sr.hoard A. L. 4s.... So. PsclOo 4s So. Rallwsr 6s. lit T.ia. A P. Is 11H T., St. V. A W. 4s.. tlH Union Psclfio 4s unit do conv. 4S n S. Steal Id Is.... 14U Wstash U 11114 An d.h. B II 10 ..n. 4s W. A U . 4S SI V W. A D. C. ls..30HtlWls. Ontrsl 4s lVk HoVkln. Vsl. 4Hs...l(WK!oio. Pasl a 4 .1. 4. m. ttai. 4s...-.iuo . Ex-Interest. Bid. Ex-lnUrest and bid. J Boatoa Stoek teaotatlens. nion,rw T.ilw 1 TS, 1 1 ln.nl DUOiV11, wu. -" - cent; time loans, 8x8 per cent. sloslng or St. ocas anu wmu. Atchison adl. 4s.. A- Central 4s.... London stock Market. LONDON. July 1. Closing: sr. T. Centra!.... Consols, SMasy do seont ., Asseonds Atohlsos ....... do pfd ,. N MS .. .. n Rsltlmors A Ohio.... tl Csnsdlss Psclfls ...,11 Chss. A Ohio.., rhkso ot. w C, n. A St. P TMBMrs .- D. A R. O ... ds p(4 Brto e let pM . ds Id pfd . Illinois Central Lovla A N.h M-, K. A T .. 14 ..11 .. im .. 8144 .. To .. 4 .. so .. M ..ms la ..Ut .. ii 6ILVKR Bar. firm. 264 d ner ounce. MONEY 1HW2 per cent The rate of discount In tha open market for short bills Is vt per cent; for three nutnUia' bills. 1 16-lCi par cent. Norfolk w ds pfd Ontario A W.... Ponnsrivsnla ... Rand lllnss Rsdln. do 1st pfd.... s Id pfd.... se. asiiway . so pfd ... go Pmlflo .. Union Pselfts 4a pfd ... C. S. Steol... do pfd ... Wahaih do pfd ... Sis.nl.h 4s .11 ,. .. n ,. 14 41 ,. 14 .. n ::::: p s se 10 ITH " tau n Perelsn FtnaaelaL LONDON, July 1. Rates for money were aaay in the market today and auppllea were abundant. Discounts were weak. Tha tone of the stock exchange was opti mistic Tha Cape Colony loan of Ii6.0u0.0u0 floated yeaterday did not affect the mar ket. Consols were In demand; home rails receded slightly; Americans opened Idly steady and hardened Irregularly ; prices closed steady; Japsaieae goveriinmut 4s were quoted at 9tc. HiCHl.lN. July 1. Price, on ths Bourse were firmer today. Exchaniie on London, rva i skpfss lor checks; oUsouunl raits. do pf Boatoa A Albany Boston A slslns. Boston Blsvstsd ... FItchburi pfd ..... Hex. Central N. T.. N. M. A H Ptrs MaraustU ... Union PsclOo Amsr. Arss. Chsm. do pfd Amsr. Pnsu. Tube.. Amor. Sussr ' do pfd Amsr. T. A T Amer. Woolsa So Bid Dominion I. A S. O.u.ral Klsctrts ....167 Mais. Rlooirta An nM 71 Haas. Oa I'nltad Prnlt id Unltad Shos stack... do pfd V. A Btesl do fd 11 -dividend. M .101 . II .. MH ..144 ..14 ..141 ..1M .. Ik lSOVl 11 U 71 , 4 lit lta utv , 10 . I Wastlns. lAdvonlure Allouoa AnuUsamatsd .... Anwrican sine Atlantis Blnsnaas r.i a Haols Csntenntal Copper Ran.s Daljr Wast Dominion Coal Pranklla Orsncr Iain Rorale Maaa. Mlnlas ....... Michigan Mohawk Mont. C. A C Old Dominion ...... Oscaoia Parrot ,. Qulnoy . Shannon ........ T.maraok ........... Trinity u, s. Mislns u. a. on lttUtah lost 'Victoria I Winona KHWsUsrtas per clal n 1 . I 41 ? , 14 ,440 . , 42 81 . 41 2 , T . I I , 40 . 1 . II . 40 . Ja , w i . 17 . 4 , 81 . . H : i ii Saw Tork Mining; Stoeks. NE7W YORK, July t Ths following are ths closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Cos Alice Braaos .... Braaawick Cos ..... Comatock Tunnal ,.. Con. Cal. A vs. Horn Silw iron St Ivor Leadrtll Cea ... S . M . II . 6 . t .106 ...14 ...lit Uttls Chtat Ontarte Ophlr Pheanta Po4oal savage Starrs NsTada Ssiall Bopas .. Standard . I J 11 U M . . . , .. M Bank dearlaars. OMAHA July L Bank clearings for to day, 81.296,434 99. a decrease ot 8127.436.46 from the corresponding day last year. Vl.lkl. I...I a 4 IIaH.. . NEW ORLEANS, July 1-Secretary Hes ter's statement of the world s visible sup ply of cotton shows a total of S.Ai2.28 bales, against 2 1jo.x8 bales last week. Of this t,ha total of American cotton Is 1.U6LM bales, against l.U4J bales last Week. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Roceipta of Gattlo Extremely Light, but Tnding Slow, with Prices Weak. HOGS GENERALLY A NICKEL HIGHER a Light Ran of Bheest, bat Demand Waa Also Llsalted aad Walls Good StaC old Aboat Steady Others Were Slow and Weak. SOUTH OMAI1A. July 1. 1L Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Slirep. Official Monday 1,&0 v4 4,ouo Offlcial Tuesday 2.si U.iil 3,-'4j OfflcliU Wednesday il.ulo 10.93 i.boi Omclttl Thursday 2,036 10;i ii.bio Ollicial Friday ..V 662 8.778 1.6S6 Five days this week.... 8.6F9 62,178 16.U1 Same days last week.... 11,624 4S.O7 ll.Sil Sunie days week before.. 13, 4t iti.Ki 3. old bums three weeks ago.. 14.1 49.18 lo.li'J iSame four weeks ago... .U.m 66.99 6. Same days last year 16,741 49.9 10.: US KhAiBlVl-a FOR THE Y.KAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oinuiia tor the year u data wlm compurisou who lust year: l&ol. I9u8. Inc. leo. Cattle 464,o47 4M.965 44,oi4 Hog a l,3tu,4ol l,2ul,l!i4 102,24 Sheep 3ui,jUl ooH,6J0 lA4,9tl Average prices paid Iwi- :iuss at South Omaha for the last several days with comparison: Data U04. 11808. 11803. 1101. 11800. 118S9. 11888. Juns 17... June 18... June 18... June 80... June 21... June 22... June 28... June 84... June 26... June 26... June 27... June 28... June 29... June 3d... Juiy 1... 4 81 H I 00 I 07 Otrfcl 6 00s 6 121 6 161 6 lev,) 6 liH 6 06 6 6 84 6 87 I N 88 e 6 831 8 771 6 Di 6 67 6 70 8 66, I 5 661 6 66 6 60f 7 23 7 26 7 83 7 41 7.U 7 9 7 69 7 67 7 611 7 62 7ta 7 61) 1 04 6 83 u I n ss 91 6 sUi 6 83 t 99' 6 93 6 91 6 87 t 89 S3 I 06 4 84 4 83 )9 V 6 17 6 10 6 03 6 11, 4 99 4 991 8 631 8 61 8 M 1 Si 8 71 I 8 8t 8 69 8 81 i i n. i l 8 t4i I 71 8 62 s a 63 3 64 a 66i 8 en a t a 73 8 66 a 68 a 8 61 3 63 8 60 3 60 a 6i stock 85 Indicates Sunday. Tha ofllclal number of cars of brought in today by each road waa: totUHo.Sa'p.H'ses. C, M. 4k St. V. ilj Wabash Missouri Paclflo Ry Union FaclUc Bystem.... C. A N. W. Ry...... F., E. & M. V. R. R C, St. P.. M. & O. By.. B. & M. Ry C. B. & Q. By. C, K. I P. By., east. C, R. I. A P. By,, west Illinois Central Chicago OL Western.. 14 a ii a 86 16 23 6 ' 4 a I 8,037 2,190 2,366 T76 680 Total receipts 84 132 7 41 Ths disposition of the day's receipts was as followa, each buyer purchasing ths num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle, Hogs. Sh'p. nmki Packlna CO si i.oio Swift and Company Jl Cudahy Packing Co 63 Armour A Co... ............. 138 Cudahy Pack. Co., K. O.... 193 Armour & Co., Sioux City.. ... HUl tt Huntzinger 16 H. F. Hamilton 10 L. F. Uuss 8. A 8 J. J. Root Other buyers " 69 Totals 7a,,J9of CATTLB There was a very light run of cattle here thia morning, but Judging from the way packere acted there was a sutn olent number on sale to meet the require ments of the trade. None of them seemed to care whether they got any fresh Bup plies or not and as a result trading was slow with prices weaker. The market on corn-fed steers could best be described by calling it very slow and weak to a dime lower. - Something strictly choice may not have sold very much lower, but such kinds were very scarce and the general run of cattle were around a dimo lower As compared with the close of last week Tthe market is about 1020c lower the greatest decline being on the class of catUe selling from 85.25 down, as such kinds come In competition with the southern grass . cat tle. The least decline Is on the choice well fattened cattle, but even those are a little l0fhe supply of cow stuff this morning was small and prices did not show a f of change from yesterday. In fact there has "bSeS scarcely' any fluctuations during the week a. rece PU have - been so llgbl that the aemano Tr. and th. Sifference from the close of last week. Bulls veal calves and stags all sold in luft abot the same notches they did yes Receipts of stockers and feeders were so taWmornln. that It could not be -aid that a tesi i " h h.n verv .mSranhe wwi and while best grades smau mi . ,iuv others are aTonwPMd weak." .0 sales: Ke. II 11 14... 18.... At. Ft. ..'1030 I 16 ..till i M ..1.166 6 7 ..Ull I N a. Pr. No. ... IM 8 M 1 ... m t ii 61 ...1014 4 10 40 ... 70 4 M It STEERS AND HEIFERS. -im 4 -cows. S4S 1st 8 11 8 .a 4 liua l id t eo , a ....ioio i m a..........ltau a uw J 1110 4 04 8 M 1 11M 4 M , 4....M...... JJ2 i ... " in m a 1011 i:u:lv....u im HEIFERS. 1 10 i 8 1 tt 1 1 71 I , .. a aa 1 . " CALVES. .. IM 1 4 s . a. ' 4 M 411 141 1040 , 1410 . 144 , to .... 601 8 Tl 4 H ,.1TM I II ,1UI 4 00 .1110 4 M ,.140 I 00 ,. IM IN .100 I 60 ,.14M 1 . .hn here this morning and prices again improved. The advance at thia point amounted to lust about a nickel, and while tudlni not particularly active still about everything waa disposed of by U rr . - . i th. market was rather slow. The bulk of the hogs sold from 16.10 to 86.16, with the choicer loads largely from 86.15 to 86.20 and from that to 86.26 for fancy. The light smd com mon loads sold from 86.10 down. This ad vance carries the market pearly back to where it was on Monday of this week and a shade etronger than a week ago. As com- narea witn a jrn .,v . .. . . too lower and about 82.50 per hundred lower than two yeara cvsv. awv""-""' No. Av. II 1 tl 17 It ill M HI T4 IM 14 HI 1 HI II M0 M 4 14.. II.. II.. U.. u.. 11.. In. .... ..,.111 ....ll ....110 til ....rtt ....116 ....in ,.i ..in ..101 II.. II.. 11.. II.. 1.. II.. II.. 44.. It.. TO., 10.. SO. II.. tl.. IM U Ill TO ill Pt. ... 4 M 10 6 46 40 I M IM I 0114 140 I II ... 110 41 I IS ... I 1 4 I IS ... I 1 Nil ... 6 10 ... 6 10 M0 I II 40 6 10 is a 10 M6 1 111 140 I 10 .tl SO I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 4A 111 U0 I II ..111 40 I II M ..)l ...IK ...fit ...111 g 1111 40 I UVi .. 6 IIS I 11 0. II.. 71.. II.. 94.. 14.. 4.. 44.. 11.. 14.. M-. 11.. 14.. TT.. tlR 140 I 121L 111 IM I 111 llVa ... I 1IH 40 I 11 ... I USa 11 I 11V, to uti ,141 800 I II a mis I li I 11 ..HI ..111 ,.lai ....131 ....151 SO l:. 110 I 11 m lav a iz uo . .121 ..IM ,..ll ,..IM ,..144 ..IM ...111 I 11 I 11 kl 40 I It 40 I II 10 I 11 .. I 11 I 11 No. Av. So. rr II tat ... Ill W. Ml M I 11 Tl HI 110 I 12 Tl 1.11 10 6 11 Tl 10 I 11 Tl Ml 10 I 11 0 Ill ... IT IT ISO ... I IT 64 Kl 10 I 11 TO 141 ... I IT Tl Ml M I II I 18 ... I II 44 184 10 I II M. 14 ... t 18 4 If.4 I 11 17 171 ... I II 41 Ill ... I II r iiT ... I il 44 161 ... I II Tl 140 40 I 16 M Ill ... II 147 UO I II M 1S ... I II 14 Ml IM I II 4 no 10 I II 10 141 ... Ill 71 121 IM I II 14 1ST 110 I II 41 151 4 I II 7 t!T ... I II T Ill M I II 40 141 ... Ill TT Ill 140 6 II Tl 141 M I II TO 141 M 111 M H4 ... I II 7 l ... I II a 144 SO I II 7 140 40 I II 44 Ml 44 I II II IM ... I 17 II ixt M I 10 II Ml ... I M 41 IKO ... I 10 o ;..174 ... I to 14 I4 ... I It II tit ... lilt, II "4 0 I II i in ...iu snaiur-'iiiira . ,i . jihi m . . .uw. sheep tiers this morning, but ths demand was rather limited. The more dtwirable grades could be quoted steady, but tha commoner kinds wsrs slow, packers ap parently not caring for anything but good stuff. The Idaho awes aud yearlings that sold for 8380 and 84 26 yesterday brought the same money today, and that, was about the only good test of the market that was mads. For the week it is rfs to quote the gen eral market about 44wo lower all around. Thia dtclins though Is no greater than at other markets and the pi Ices now beliuj paid are quite satisfactory. Quotations for grass sheep and Iambs: Qoud to choice yiurlliiga, 4.i".il -, fuir to good yearlings, M5094.B; good to choice wethers, Htn"u4.Jo; fair to 7 od wethers, 83j4j4.on; good to choice ernes, 83 &ot3.l; fair to good ewes, 8 2j?3.50; good to choice lambs, i" 7i: fair to good lambs, 86.00 f6.50. Representative salea: ro. 28 Nevada awes I western ewe 10 western culls 30 western yearllnga II IdHhn cull ewes... 11 Idaho ewes X Idaho ewes 75 Idaho yearllnjrs... 1K7 Idaho yearlings... 366 Idaho yearling... Av. .. W ..ISO .. 66 .. -9 .. 89 ..m ,.iot .. 79 .. 79 .. 79 Pr., 8 50 3 73 8 75 - 4 75 860 3 so 8 DO 4 W 4 JS 42S CHICAGO IJVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady, Hogs Five to Ten Cents Hla-her and Sheep Steady. CHICA(K, July l.-CATTI.B-Recelp, l.fifln head. Including 100 Texans: mnrket steady; good to rrlnie steers. 8S.4n'(jS ,V; Foor- to medium. 84.6i)ff6.2S: stockers nnd eeders. 83.2MM.60; corns. 81.764.80: heifers. 82.uHi4.76; earners. 31 I5ff2 60; bulls, K.(Kt 426; calves, 2.50g6.7j; Texas fed steers, 83 S(VfM 25. Hi HIS Receipts, 17.000 hend: estimated tomorrow. lO.W; market S'o'lOe higher: mixed and botchers 85,WiS45; good to choice heavy, 86.3nfi6.47H; rough henvv. 86 SS5K: "Kht" 'S-351 bu,k ot ale8' s'llEKP AND IVMBS Receipts, 4.000 head: mnrket steady; good to choice weth ers, 84.2,VfrB.O0: fair to choice mixed. 83.2Mr 4 00: western sheep, 83.6074.60; na'tve lambs, 83.607.60; western lambs, 83.006.76. BTew Torlc I.lve Stock Market. KEW TORK, July 1. BEEVES Receipts, 8.380 head; market prime and choice dry fed steers ateady, others l&20c lower; bulls demoralized and 1j9ic lower; cows easier, except thin cows; bulls, 83.76fjr3.60; cows, 81.80.jM.0O; cables quoted live oattle steady at HH12a, tops 12HC per lb., dressed weight; refrigerator beef higher at hH 10o per lb.; exports tomorrow, 697 cattle and 6,716 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 330 head; buttermilks, steady: veals, 34.0O4f6.00; buttermilks, 32. 00; dressed calves, steady: city dressed veals, 64i3c per lb.; country dressed, 6f)8o. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.178 head, market for sheep dull, lambs firm and higher; sheep, K-WoMOO; choice wethers, 84.2&(3J4.88; culls, 81.752.00; lambs, fr0P45.85; culls. 84.74. , HOGS Receipts, 2,268 hend; market for Pennsylvania and state, 86.76. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, July 1.' CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,800 head, including 700 southerns; steady to weak: choice export and dressed beef steers, 86.ogi40; fnr to good. 34 tMt 6.60; western fed steers, 8 4 00fff?.10: stockers and feeders, 32 75fM.76: southern steers, 83 00 f'5.00' southern cows. 32.0OQ.I 76: native cows, !.0O?H60; native heifers. 33.00&6.25; bulls, 82.50(94.25; calves, 8204.76. HOOS Receipts, 5io head; market Be higher; top, 86.26; bnlk of sales. 35.05I3&.20; heavy, 86.15fri6.26: packers, 85.0uiS6.20; pigs and lights, 84.6036.12H. BHE10P AND LAMBS- Receipts, 1JO0 head; market steady; native lambs, 3l.7T?f 6.60: western lambs 84.75.f6.50: fed ewes, 83604.26: Texas clfpfd yearlings, 84.00.9 4.76; Texas clipped shocp, 83.&0a4.2&; stock ers and feeders, 82.5ftg3.60. , St. Ixnls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, July 1. CATTLE Receipts, 1,200 head, Including 640 Texans; market dull, steady: native shipping and export steers, 34.60iii6.25; dressed beef and butcher steers, 84.00(16.00: steers under 1.000 lbs., $3.804jo.66; stockers- nnd feeders, 32.50M.OO; cows and heifers, 82.25P6.26; canners, ll.6(va 2.00; - bulls, 32.75Q4.15; calves. 33.00Cf6.25; Texas and Indian steers. 83.00(S4.7&: cows and heifers, 32.60t33.25. ritjws rteeeipts. 4,ioo neno; strong;: pisrs and lights, 34.26rS6.30; pnekers, 85.206.35; butchers and best heavy, 8f.30tf?i6.46. SHEIEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 800 head; market steady: native muttons, 32.75fgM.00; lambs, 84.26fa.00; culls and bucks. tl.50fa 4.00; stockers, 82.262.75; Texans, 82.75S4.25. St. Joseph, Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Julv 1. CATTLE Receipts. 623 head; market steady; natives, 84.40(6.36; cows and ncirers, ii.idU&.zo; stockers and feeders, 33.00ifM.65. HOGS Receipts, 6,736 head; strong to 60 hla-her: light. $5.05(06.20: medium and heavy. 85.12VVfT6.25. SHhil'f AND LAMBS Receipts. 1.026 head; market steady. Blonx City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. July 1. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 head; mar ket, steady; beeves, 34.6Vii6.85; cows, bulls and mixed, 82.76 4.70; stockers and feeders, ta.00fir4.10; calves and yearlings, 32.753.70. HOGS Receipts, 4,400 head; market, 6o higher; selling at 84-9685.15; bulk of sales, 5.065.10. ., Stock In Slarht. Following were the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yester day: South Omaha.. Kansas City... Chicago St. Louis St. Joseph Sioux City Totals .. 852 .. 1,800 .. 1,500 .. 1,200 .. 622 .. 100 .. 6,074 Hogs. Sheep. 9.379 1.836 6.000 1.600 10,000 4.000 4,000 800 6,736 1,026 4.400 88,616 9,162 'Wool Market. BOSTON. July 1. WOOL The market Is strong and active; advances looked for. fulled wools are quiet, the Old grades be ing about disposed of. Territory wools are firm and In foreign wools there Is little trade. Leading quotations are: Idaho fine, T7ftl8o; heavy fine, 14'tjl5o; finr medium, 17 fc"lKc; medium, lftglPc; low medium, 18j lc. Wyoming fine, 16Hf(j;16Ho; heavy fine, 14315c; fine medium, 17'il7o; medium, 19 UMc; low medium, 2Wu'21o. Nevada fine. " -1. J u 7T 1 ii m ' . lino, iu.iu, una ill jiuiii. -U(18c; medium, lHHti20c; low medium, IS tlio. uuKota nne, lbftfioc; nne medium, if &18o; medium, U20c; low medium. 20(9 average, 17'al8c; staple, 20ffi21c; medium Choloe, 2021o. Rearardlng the wool market the Commer cial Bulletin tomorrow will say: The business in wool tnis week la tne second largest In the history of Boston. Conservative estimates are 315.000.000. The American Woolen company has bought mil lions of pounds of territory, Oregon, Mon tana and medium fleeces. Ths smaller con sumers have also been buying. Staple Oregon and Montana sold at 19 cents; Val ley uregon at zo cents ana cnoice Ken tucky medium at 30 cents. Tha best class of fine territory has sold on the scoured basis of 60 cents. Ths market Is Arm, buoy ant and advancing. Foreign markets tend upward, Antwerp advancing o cents on cross breds this week. At the London auction sales opening uext Tuesday an ad vanoe in prices Is almost certain. Ship ments of wool from Boston to date from December 81. 1903. are 104,114,062 pounds, against 112,429.376 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to date are 133, 148,170 pounds, against 118.851,426 pounds for the same period last year. ST. LOUIS, July 1. WOOL Steady and In fair demand: medium grades, combing and clothing. 18ffl04H light fine. ltVrjn9o; heavy fine, 12315o; tub washed, 2033c. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, July l.-COTTON Spot In Increased demand, prices 14 points lower. American middling fair, 6.20d; good mid dling, 6.06d; middling, 6.96d; low middling, t.82d; good ordinary, 6.68d; ordinary, 6.4M. Futures opened quiet and closed stead rr American middling, g. o. c, July, 6.77d; July and August, 6.7ld; August and Sep tember, 6.68; September and October, 6.34d; October and November, 6.21d: November and December, 6.16d; December and Janu ary, S.14d; January and February, 6.18d; February and March, 6.13d; March and April, 6.13d. NEW YORK, July 1. COTTON Rpet closed steady; middling uplands, 10.86c; middling gulf, 11 10c; sales. 8.660 bales. ST. LOUIS, July 1. COTTON Nominal; middling, lOSic; salea, none; receipts, none; shipments, 64 bales; stock, 13,440. NEW ORLEANS, July 1 COTTON-Fu-tures steady; July, ltf. 32i 10.34c; August, 10iaH'10.13c; September, 8.614i9.62c: October, 9.25fn9.26c; November, t 'n9:ac; December, 9.2ttif9.26c; January, 9.80fU9.32c. Spot quiet; salea, 1,060 bales; ordinary, 8 8-16c; good ordinary, 9Ho; low middling, 10Vc; mid dling, 10 11 -16c; good middling, llo; mid dling fair, 1114C; I Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 1. METALS Tin was atrnnar at home and In London, closing at 118 2a 6d for both spot and futures In the London market, wniie locally spot was quoted at 325.87Vi2t.12,t- Copper waa un rhanared in New York With lake OUOtrd st H2.12V.ffLl2.2S: electrolvtlo at iVib'i 12.62H. and casting at 312.12H(312 85. The London copper market was a trifle higher at 54 16s for both the spot and fulure rosl lions. Lead also aiignuy aavancea in xmdon, closing at 11 10s and remained quiet here at 4.25&4 36. Spelter waa firm at 84.86ii4.90 in the local market with busi ness quiet. London was also unchanged at 22. Iron olosed at 61s 6d In Glasgow and at 45s 4Ud In Mlddlesboro. Locally Iron was quiet; No, 1 foundry, northern. Is ?uoted at 814 60 16.00; No. I northern at I3.76if 15 26; No. 2 foundry, southern, and in. I foundry, southern, soft, at 813.2f'( 13 76. Exports of copper for the month, according to the New York Metal ex change, were m 179 tons so far for the year, against 63,837 tons for ths same period a year ago. ST. LOl'IB. July 1 METALS Lead was stuady at 14.10; spelter, firm at 84.60. tgtr and Molasses. NEW YORK. July 1. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair reluilng. 4 7-Kc; tenirii hkh! 96 test, llu-luu; uiola&sus sugar, tt-n,c, re fined, firm: crushed, 8.76c; powdered. 6.10c granulated, 8c. NKW ORLEANS, July 1. HUOAR Mar ket strong; open kettle, 2i3 8-lrtc: open kettle centrifugal. S-ciSSc; centrifugal whites, 4V?4Vc; yellows, 3g4 8-16c; sec onds, ?H''i;i"ic. , MOLASSKS Nominal; open kettle, V9 26c: centrifugal, lOuloo. Byrup, nominal, 204J-26C. OMAHA WHOLESALE! MARKETS Condition of Trnde nnd Qaetatloas oa Staple and Fancy Frodace. EGGS Receipts libera'.; market steady fresh candled stock, 14V; case count, 13c. LIVE FUIJLTR V Hens, tHo; roosters, according to size, 6c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, Jc; geese, 5c: broilers, ltKjibc. BUTTER Packing stock. 11c; choice to famy dairy, 12ul4c; separator, 16.jjl!o. FRESH HSlt Trout. 10c; pickerel, 8c; flke, loc; perch, 7c; blueflsh, 12c; wiiteflsn, 4c; salmon, 14c; redsmipper, lie; lobster, . . I ....... . V. . . 1 1 . . 1 ia. knllhuJ. lie; calfln, 14c; black bass, 2uc; halibut, 10C crapptes, lie; roe snad. li.iv; Dunaio, e; white bass, lie; rog legs, per dog, 8Jc. BRAN Per ton. 31900. HAY Prlcea quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. 17.50; No. 2, 17.00; medium, 86.60; coarse, 36.00. Rye straw, ii.'aO. These prices are for hay of good color snd quality. Demand fair and recelpta light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, large also, 83.00; fancy navels, all sixes, 83 .50; Mediter ranean aweets, cnoice, all sites. 83.0043U.26: J a (Tub. all slr.es, 82.753.00; Vaisnclas, all sites, 83 oottt'3.75. LEMONS-Callfornla fancy. 170-300-360. 83.725; choice, 83.ioOo.75. caukiknia ius per 10-iD. carton, 60c; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown, 18c; 6 crown, 14c; 7-crown, 15o. BANANAS Per medlum-slaed bunch, 82.0112.50; jumbo, 32.7643.36. DATKS Persian, per box of 80 Tkgs., 82.00: In 60-lb boxes, 6o; per lb. Oriental stufTeil, per Dai, 12.40. PINEAPa xJtS In crates, of M to tt, pes orate, 83.36. FRUITS. APPLES Oreen, per H-bu. box, 760. RASPBERRIES Per 24 qts., 82.60; par 14 pts., 3160; red raspberries, per 84 pts., 82 80. BLACKBERRIES Arkansas, per M uts.. 82.00. 8TRAWBERKISS Colorado, per 34-O.t. case, $2.50. CHERRIES California. Royal Ann or Tartarian, per box, 81.60; homo grown, per 24 qts 81.25. otiosKHKKKiES-f er Z4-qc case, gi.zo. PEACHES Texas, ner 4-basket crate. 90c; California Alexandra, per box, 3100: Texas Albertas, per 4-basket crate, 81.86, PLUMS California Clyman, It 36. APRICOTS-Californla, 31-60. CAN'I'ETXIITPIO Texas, ner crate. t2.E0il 176; California, per crate, 86.60. WATERMELONS Per lb., crated. 1A: each. 80f(f40c. CURRANTS Red and white. Per xo-ot. case, 31.25. VEGETABLES. POTATOES-New Texas Red stock, ia sacks, per bu., 81.00. INAVY BEANS Per bU., X2.16(3'Z.2B. ONIONS-Bermtida, per 60-lb. crats, (100; Loulslnna. in sacks, per lb., 2Hc. CABBAGE California, per lb 2o. , CAULIFLGWER Per dos.. 76c CITCUMBERS-Pter dos., 60c TOMATOES Texas, 4-basket orates, 80S. RADISHES Per dot. bunches, 20c. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per dos.. 300. TURNIPS Southern, per dos.. 26c BEETS Southern, per dos., 26c CARROTS Southern, per dos., 26c. . PARSLEY Per doi., 2fic. BEAN'S Wax., tier bu. box. 81.00: Tier ta bu, basket, 76c; string, per bu. box, 83.00; per H-bu. box, 75c. BfisAtM-fpr ou., nome grown, wxqisuo, ASPARAGUS Per dos. bunches, 40c OREEN PEPPERS Per 6-baakst crate. $2.00. squash Florida summer, per aoa., 7oc PEAS Per bu. box, 31. 00. EGG PLANT Southern, per dos.. 11.60. CELERY Kalamasoo, per Aoa, Ha MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. HIDB:s No. 1 areen. 6c: No. 8 green. So'. No. 1 salted, 1c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal can, 8 to n ins., c; io. z veai can, 12 to 16 lbs.. 6Uc: dry salted. 8312c: sheen pelts, 24fiJ27c; horsehldes, $1.6O2.50. CrlciEiSl!; vviBConem twins, iuii cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss. 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13Hc; Wlsoon sin llmborger, 13c. NTTTR Walnuts. No. 1 soft ahell. Dor lb.. 15c; hard shell, per lb 14c: No. 3 aoft shell. per 10., 13c; ino. I nara snenper ii fiecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 0c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, 1213He; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb 16c: hard shell, 18c; shell-. bkrks, per bu., 82.00; black walnuts, per bu., 1.26. l Bvaporated Apples and Dried Pralts. NEW YORK. July L EVAPORATED APPLES The market shows firmness. minted at 4(06V4o: Drlmo at? 64i⪼ choloe at 66Ho: and fancy at 7o. Prime fruit for futuredeUvery is offered at 6c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Futuro f runes are still offering from sources at' o on the four size basis f. o. b. the coast.. The spot market is quiet end unchanged with quotations ranging irora i-c m oyho according to grade. Aprloots are attract ing some attention for future shipment, but are quiet on spot. Choice are quoted at 9HQ'loc; extra choloe at 10410Ho; fancy at lli13c. Peaches remain quiet with choice quoted at Y(ffo; extra onoice av 7H8c; fancy at 9HW0c. SUPREMEvCOURT SYLLABI .j 13421. Martin against Abbott. Appeal from Lancaster. Affirmed.. Barnes, J. 1. One who purchases real estate from a defendant In an action brought to re- . cover dower, after a decree of the district court In favor of such defendant and while the case la duly pending In this court on. appeal with actual notice of the plaintiff's claim of dower, takes bis title subject to ucn claim. 2. In sunn a case where no supersedeas bond Is provided for by statute and nona Is filed, the decree appealed from will not protect a purchaser who takes the title with actual notice of Its condition and of the pendenoy of the appeal. 8. Parker asalnst Courtney. 21 Nebraska, 605, is modified insofar as It seems to con nict Wltn tne opinion nereiu. 13456. Scaoe against Wayns County. Er ror from Wayne. Reversed. Letton, C. 1. The provisions or seption u, arucie i of the Constitution allow a person whose property has been taken for a highway net only the fair market value of the land actually taken, but also such additional damauea as accrue to the remainder of the tract oy reason of the opening of the road. 2. Where a highway Is laid out by which a tract of land Is divided Into two parts, the depreciation In . value, if any, of the entire tract, after deducting any special benefits which may accrue by reason ot the opening of the road, la a proper ele ment of damage. 8. The rights of tha owner of land over which a aectlon line extends are the same with reference to the assessment of dart. agn for the location ot a highway thereon as those of the owners of other real estate. The statute muklng all section lines publio roads merely diupenses with ths necessity of a petition and other formal proceedings before the county board Is authorised t open the road. 13463. Richards s gainst Hasklns. Error from Harlan. Affirmed. Duflis, C. Division No. 8. 1. One holding adverse possession of land' which ha has enclosed does not abandon such possession by his failure to have It occupied by a tenant or otherwise, tor a reasonable space of time, no other person making claim to the property or taking fosaession during such nonoccupatlon, ana here being no evidence of any Intent on his part to abandon his possession and claim to the land. , 134S0. Glllman against Toplnka. Appes-I from Box Butte. Reversed Inst. Ames, C. 13482. Brown against Reed. Error from Boone. Affirmed. Letton, C. 1. Where an adequate remedy exists at law equity will not assume Jurisdiction. 2. Evidence examined and held to sustain the findings and Judgment of the district court. 13516. Huffman against Rhodes. Appeal from Custer. Appeal dismissed. Holcomb, C. J. 1. An order Is not final when the sub stantial rights of the parties Involved In the action remain undetermined and when the cause la retained for further action. In such a case the order Is Interlocutory. When no further action of the court Is required to dispose of the causa pending the order becomes final and from which an appeal or proceedings In error Will lie. 2. The order and rulings of the trial court In the case at bar set out In tha opinion, held to b interlocutory snd not final. 8. An Interlocutory order or ruling may be reveraed and vacated at a subsequent term by the same court without compliance with the provisions of section 602 et seq. of the Code relating to the vacation and modification of Judgments and final order at a term subsequent to that In which rendered. 4. Section 678 of the Code of Civil Pro cedure dors not give the light to have re viewed by tiie supreme court on appeal the decisions made by a county court in the settlement of the estate or s person deceased, but such declnlon ran be here reviewed bv error pro. eedlngs only. Whaler et el agitlnst Kitchen et el, 61 Neb., 829. 13522. American namaior t oinpsny agair AiiieiK'Hn U. a- t. i ouipany. IHinasier. Arcir Bee Want Ads T. ( ouipany. Error f rnied. Anus, C. J