Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 01, 1904, Page 8, Image 8

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"maha Takes Fourth Game from Million
, aires, Splitting Series "Even. .
Game Wttl " Pl'trhera Look Like
Afroanatii, Repairing Tno on a
Bide to Finally Prod nee
' at t-'lnlsk.
The ball (fame which BOO fan bors wit
ness td t the Vinton street lot yesterday
ifternoon will prov a rival tor Monday'
fourth of July celebration, four ways from
Iho deuce. Omaha won and broke even
n the scries With the Boycotters from
.Sherman Hell's neat of 'war. The score
)ne ha tea to tell It 14 to T.
But before the game hit the toboggan
Horry Welch ditTywhul' In olden times
made frenzied fans pack off the diamond
on their backs' Such gladiators as big Ia
llrouthera. Tip CNeil et aL- Harry banged.
out a home run when three men were on
Just how the affair came off beggars de
scription, but it Is enough to say that
.he stick' handlers fractured the . hori
zon with long; ' drrveak on several occa
sions. Once, too, when Jamesey Kyan
jatted In Bacrwald'a .turn Bobby Car
ruthers . had to think' twice with his
knowledge cap on before he decided that
Baerwald was but and Ryan could bat
igaln. 'Already Jamesey had gone out on
i fly -to. Welch and the play robbed the
Jmaha fielder of a putouL .
Colorado Springs made each nd every
one of Its seven tubs In just one inning
ind that was the fourth. If was then that
Companion contributed his share to making
the show an-overwhelming defeat of Pa's
boys. The Boycotters made Ave clean hits,
three of them good, fcr two ,b;isea.- Com
panion then literally went up in the air
and pitched the ball Into the solar plexus
of the next two men at but. This sort of
thing forced in one run. In the- mean,
while Howard made -a beautiful error and
during the swatfes". whim was enxuins- th
Chance of Pitchers.
Pa stopped tho fui by putting McCarthy
In the box and. thingswent .differently after
that. McCarthy had been relieved becauso
of bad behavior In two games rooently and
he now saw-4 "chance -for'1 revenge. He
took" It by winning out. ) Of. course, the,
othere helped him in a large measure.
Harry Welih . brought 'the crowd to its
feot In th fourth and If the game had
stopper; rtgb: 'then and there It would
have been dramatic.'. But tho anti-climax
1 rarce was what spoiled it all. With three
men on baaek 'and, two ' outs "Harry, ma
, bye," went to bat Two, strikes were on
him, but he had blood in Mils eye. A sec
ond Jater It was all .over but marking down
Jhe runs. The ball went over tho right
iiold fen anb the-baseir wore clean.
After the Springs' men tidii squared tht.i
account to their satisfaction in the fourth
Dennis too" 'up Companion's . burden nnd
.started tho uphill climb. At that Scopec, i
went in heap. .He put-a deht in two bat
tors' ribs, gave four their transportation to
first and praotloally forced In two 'rtlns
before KJ'a.i dispWwi hjrn" wlt-i McNeely.
Oinaha muA five runs during the epldeml-J
and added three Irt troVmth and -two
In the eighth;, easily coming' joff with, the
spoils without the business end ' of the
ninth: . '. ": ' 1 . '.' " : '
Colorado Bprjngs went Horn last night
badly crlppisl arid wtlf nftf pltc-fiefs-ori Ice
jamesey :ifan aocsu t. rann 'tire cx
playing Utf Ver a douhle-teadcr ' on the
Fourtn' a. Utile -bit, and aftur yesterday's
exhibition he certainly hat the sympathy
of Omaha fandom. Score; ' '" , ',:',.:.
. .' ';. omaha,
, . . A3. R. ' H. PO. A. F.
Carter, rf. .;.;.... 4 2 8 10 0
Howad,' 2b.. .;.........- 1 vi) 0 '1 - 1
Miller, if.. .... ..2 4 . 2 0 v 0 0
Welch, cf., 4 3 -2 2 0 0'
Tolan, es. ..4 11 7 3 1
Thoms, lb,"..nt ..... .4 3 ' 0 U' 1 01
Shlpke, s..At.b...t...4- - 2 '0 4 i
Uondlrjf, c. ;.. ...' 0 E 1 0
Companion! p.. ........ .1 1 v o 0 -2- 1
McCarthy, p 3 0 0 0, 0 0
Totals ........;....- . M ' " '"5 12 4
coiAjiLAUC si'RiNaa
" AtV, R. H. 0
N111, 2b ...a '1 1 r 2
Orsham, 3b apd rf,...s
KahU.3b ....2 0 1 1 0 ,0
Totals 3S ? l a II I
Ryan batted In wrong order, putting
Bnvrwsld out.
McCarthy substituted for Companion In
th fourth. '
McNer-iy substituted for Scopec In the
fifth Inning.
K:ihl substituted at third, f!rahsm to
rls-htlield, Baerwald retired to the sixth.
Omaha 0 0 4 0 6 0 t 2 -H
Colo. Springs 0 0 0 7 S 0 0 0 7
Two-bus hits: Flake Thornton. Rad
Cllffe, Bhipkn, Miller (2)', Welrh, Polan.
Home run: Welch. Sacrifice hits: Dolan
Gondlng. Karned runs: Omaha. 4: Colo
rndo Hprings, 3. First base on balls: Off
Companion, 1; off McCarthy. 3; off Scopec,
6; off MrNeely, 1. Left on bases: Omnha.
4; Colorado Springs, . Tlrst base by er
rors: Omaha, 2; Colorado Sprinps, 4. Stru-k
out: By Companion. 2; by McCarthy, 2: by
Kcopec, 3; ny MOeeiy, a. nounie rinjs.
lnlan to Thomas (2), Thornton to aa
cllffe. Hit by pitched ball: Miller, Nlll,
Bcopec. Carter.. Howard. Time: 1M- Em
pire: Carruther
Ions Play Wlntilna Game.
SIOUX CITY, la., June 30.-8loux City
won today. on Its merits-in a. good, snappy
game, a reversal In form from that of yes
terday. Pitchers for tho teams worked
hard and the fielding was excellent ' Score:
. R.ll.K.
Sioux City 2 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 8 1
Des Moines ....0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 02 I 1
Batteries: Sioux City. Cadwallader and
Kelly, Lleneld and O. Clarke.
DesTrr Wine 1 Dead Kaay. .
ST. JOSEPH. June 80. Dlehl's wild throw
to second In the sixth Inning allowed two
Denver men to wore, losing the gamp for
St. Joseph today by a score of tf to 2. Score:
Denver 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 6 6
BL Joseph 0 0 01 0 0 1 1 S 12 5
Batteries: Denver, Hostetter and Lucia;
St. Joseph, Dlehl and McConnell. .
Standing 'of the Teaaia
Played. Won. Lost- P C.
Colorado Springs 51 . 32 l .6?8
Denver 67 85 22 . .617
Omaha 67 i . 28 .DOS
St. Joseph 66 2t 2H .473
Des Moines .-..62 29 3:1 .
Sioux City 64 17 87 .215
Games today: Omaha at Sioux City, St.
Joseph at Des Molnea
Minneapolis Needs a Place to Stop and
Cool Off.
MINNEAPOLIS, June 80. Minneapolis
made It four atralght today from Kansas
City, Stlmmel holding the visitors to lour
hits, while Isbell was batted freely. At
tendance, 300. Score;
changed Outfielder J. O'Nell for Outfielder
Al Selbach of the Washington team. Sl
bach has ben under suspension or Inuif
ferent playing. Loral base hall men be
lieve the change will improve the work
of both men.
VanBnreo, rf 0 4 0 C
Nanco, If 0 J 0 t
3. SullHan. IbO 1 I 4 1
Hyu, lb 0 111 1 II
Hutlvr, .,... 114 14
Kotbfuu. cf.. 1 0 1 0
boonar, it... 0 0 I 1 4
lam, U.... S 4 14 4
laboll, p, 0 4 4 4 4
Malonrr, rf.. 1 i t 4 C
McNIch'U, lb J I 4 1 0
BulllTaa, of.. 1 4 (
I'ou.ler, It.... 1 t I 4 4
Weaver, e.... 4 4 4 1 01
Htarnatle. lb. 1 III 0 0
Vox, lb 4
Uyier, ra 1 1 I I 0
Ulimiurll, p.. 1 2 4 4 0
Totala t 10 27 U v Telala I 4 24 14 1
Minneapolis 1 6 0 0 0 10 0
Kansas City 0 0 0 0 2 O 0 0 02
Home run: Coulter. Sacrifice hits: D.
Sulllvun. Fox, Maloney, Sllmmel. Stolen
basi-n:' MviNichOls, ' Coulter. Wild pitches:
Btimmel, 1; Isbell, 1. Hit by pitched ball:
By stlmmel, 1; by Isbell, 1. Struck out:
By Stiinmel. 4; by Isbell, 1. Double play:
Kynn (ui agisted). Left on bases: Minne
apolis. 5; Kansas City, 4. Time: 1:45. Um
pire: Ra use-wine. '
Two (ininca eit Indianapolis.-.
INDIANAPOLIS, ' June 30.- Indianapolis
took both games of a double-header from
Tele 1o today. Attendance, 1,800. Score first
iNiiiANApoLis. ' '1 Toledo'.
R.H.O.A K. R.H.O.A.E.
Pwandar. If.. 1 111 0 Frlablt, cf....O I t 0 0
M.ptocn. I 4 4 4 llRurna, lb..... 1 I 110
McCretry, ct. I I S 1 Lae. rt 0 I I 0 1
Dalninsrr.- lb 0 1 f 0 1
Monta'crr. rf 1 0 4 4 4
Dicker, lb..,. 1 . 1 14 0 0
Carr. l 110
Ha) don, 0.... 11110
Martin. 2b.... 11110
Phillips, p..f. Ill 10
Uonoaaa, If. . 4 1 I S . 0
Urouthara, 8b 0 0 I 1 4
Sweenaf, aa. . 4 1 1 1 0
Brown, e 0 1 1 4 4
VS atoll, p.... 0 0 4 4 1
New York Keeps Ip Its Ion W lsslag
NEW YORK. June SO. Mathewson re
turned to the game today and pitched so
well for New York that Boston was shut
out. Attendance, 2,000. Score:
R.H.O.A E I R.H.O.A.E.
Braanahan, cf 1 1 1 4 4 rirlrr. cf 0 1 I 1 0
Browne, rf... 4 1 11 0 Tannay. lb...e 1 0 0
Iwrlln. lb.... 4 14 1 4 ('annul, If... 0 I 0 0 4
MrGann, lb.. 4 1 14 1 4 Ah'tlrhlo, aa. 4 4 ( I I
Mtrtaa. If.... 4 0 1 4 4 Dlabanty. lb 4 4 3 0 4
llahlan. as... 4 4 14 1 Hayniar, Jb .O 14 14
Gilbert. - lh.... 0 14 1 0 I arnay. II.... 0 10 0 1
Hawerman, e. 1 1 I t 4 Neadham, C..4 0 I 4 0
Mathewaoo. pl 14 1 0 PlUlDier, p.. 4 4 4 t 4
.' Totala t I It II l' Total! 0 T 24 14 I
New York ....0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 8
Boston 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Two-base hits: Gilbert. Mathewson. Ueier.
Bowerman. Sacrifice hits: Tenney, Hay-
mer, Dahlen. Mathewson. Stolen bae
Mcuann. Double plays: Abb.ittlchlo . K
Tenney; Gelor to Delehanty; Browne to
Liahlen: Uahlan to UHbert to McUatin
Plttlnger to Needham to Tenney Left on
bases; New York, 4; Boston. 1. First base
on balls: Off Plttlnger, 4; off Mathewson
2. First base on errors: New York. 2: Bos
ton, 1. Struck out: By Plttlnger, 3; by
Aiatnewson, 4. Time: i:iu. umpire: John
stone. Chiracs Winn at St. I.nnls.
ST. LOUIS. June 30. The St. Louis Na
tlonal league team, again escaped a shut
out. by a narrow margin at the linnd of
me t'nicago team todav, the visitor win
nlng, 6 to 1. Welmer pitched for the Chi
eagoans and the south paw was so effect
Ive that St. Ixiuls made but three hits off
his delivery. Taylor was hit at the right
time and was given poor support in the
neia. Attendance, Z7,uw. tscore: .
R.H.O.A.E. H.H.O.A.E
Stasia, If 0 0 0 4 Firtell. Sb...O 1 4 f. 1
Caeey. lb 0 4 1 4 0 Shannon, rf.. 0 0 I 0 4
fhenoe. lb... I 111 1 0 Berkley. lb..O 0 10 0 0
Mccartby, CI. 0 1 1 0 0 ct 0 0 10 1
Jnnea, rt 0 1 4 4 4 Brain, as.T..l 1114
Kvera, lb 110 1 1 Barclay, If... 0 0 10 0
Kilns, a 1 4 4 1 0 Burke, lb 0 0 1 0 1
Tinker. aa....O 4 11 O Orady, c. 0 0 110
Weimar, p.... 0 111 0'Taylor, p 4 4 4 4 0
Total I 17 12 l Totala 1 I 17 11 I
Chicago .1 2 0 0 0 1 0 1 0-5
St. Louis 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01
Earned runs: Chicago, 2. Two-base hits:
Chance, Brain. , Three-bane hit: Chance.
Sacrifice hits: Kllng, Tinker. Shannon,
Burk. First base on balls: Off Taylor, 1;
off Welmer, 2. Struck out: By Taylor, 1;
by Welmer, 6. Left on bases: St. Louis,
S; Chicago, 4. Time: 1:30. Umpire: O'Day.
Postponed Ganiea.
At New York Philadelphia-Brooklyn
game called at -the end of tne second in
ning on account of darkness.
Standing of the Teams.
. Played. Won. ' Lost.
New York SO -44 16
Chicago .-. bg , 37 21
Cincinnati ........... 6X .35 2:i
Pittsburg. .....'. 69 ' 31 28 .
St. Louis : 68 28 30
Brooklyn 63 25 38
Boston 63 24 . 38
Philadelphia 60 13 43
Games today: Chicago at St. Louis,
uuiimii i -insDurg, lioston at New
Brooklyn at Philadelphia.
P. C.
' .1197
Baerwald,, rf,..... ... ...2 .
Ryan. It,... .),,,.. ......4
Thornton, 'b...,...,..4
Jllske. cf.
Radcllfte, ss..
Herman,, C. ............. .4 . 1 0
Seojiee, p....,v... ,.1. , 1,0
MeKeely,, p ; 0 0
A. K.
0 0
0 ,
0 I
' ""1 A'il k Jfr
4 ' , ' 4 . 1 . - A
14 b.
-m. fosteh co;
Totals 11 16 17 14 3 Totala.. .... 1 I 14 4 I
Indianapolis ...1 0 1 2 0 0 -0 7 U
Toledo ......0 000010 0 0 1
Bases on balls: Off Phillips, 1; off Welnlg,
2. Struck out: - By Phillips; 3: by Welnlg,
7. Hit by pitcher: Dickey. Two-base hit:
Frslle. Thres-baae hit: Heydon. Sacrifice
hits: Swandsr, Heydon. ' Frfsbie, But ns.
Stolen bases': McCreery,-' Montgomery,
Doncvan. Left on bases: Indianapolis, 6;
Toledo, 8.. Time:. 1:36. . Umpire; Hart. . -,
Score second game: i
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Saratider. 1I.. 0 0 1 0 0 Prlabla-. rf . ..0 1 1 0
M.fooT. aa...0 lit 0 Burna, lb..'...l 1410
Mccraar, -rr. v a v u ue, ri . i i v.
Monts'ary,' rf 4 Sil O 0 Delnlnger, lb 0 1 4 1 0
Dicker. , lb... ! 1 1 0 Donovan, It. . 0 110 4
Carr, lb 1 111 4 Brotithera, lb 0 1140
Berry, e 0 2 14 0' Sweeney, aa.. 4 14 I 1
Martin. Ib.... 0 0 11 l.Brown, ...... 0 4 1.44
Nawlln. p.... 0 1 4 S 0 Crlatall, p..., 0 1114
Totala.. 1. 1 127 14 ll ToUla 1 111 II I
Dickey out on bunt strikes. l
Indianapolis 0 '0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2
Toledo 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
. Bases on balls: Off Newlln. 2; off Crls
lall, 6. Struok out) By Newlm, 8; by Cris
tall, 2. Wild pitches: Crlstall (2). Hit by
f ltche.':,. Magoon. . Sacrifice hit: Donovan,
loublo play: Newlln to Dickey. Stolen
base: Bwander, Left on bases: Indian
apolis, 9; Toledo, 7.- Time: 2:00. Umpire:
Lostarllle Wlai Twice.
COLUMBUS, June 30. Columbus and
Louisville played two games today and the
visitors won on both by timely batting.
The fielding of Kervan and Hart in the
first game was a feature. Attendance, 4,296.
Score first game:
. a.H.o.A.M
Kerwln. rf... 0 16
Hallroaii, If.. 0 1 1 I 0
Ha.-t, of 0.0 4 0 0
Arndt. lb 10 00
Itoxter. c 0 0 4 0 0
llrashear, 2b. -1 1114
White, lb.... 0 l v u
Qulnlan. as.. 1,04 8, 01
Wrlslit, p.... 1 4 0 10
Datla. rf.,.,. 0 0 1 0 0
Wrlgley, lb.. 0 I 1 0 0
Krlei. lb 4 114 4
Kihra. lb".. 0 14 0 0
(firmer, rt..,. 4 0 14 0
Martin, If.... 4 4 10 0
BriDwell, aa 4 0 1 I
Yasser, ..., 4 4 4 1 0
Climated, p... 0 0 0 I 0
Totals 4 7 17 o . Totala...... 4 4 17 10, 0
Louisville .". :....0 0 0 9 0 0 4 0 0-4
Columbus 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00
Sacrifice .hits: - Kihm, Hallma-n,. White.
First base on balls: Off Olmsted. 3. Two
base hits: Kerwln, White, Brashear. Hit
by pitched ball: Yeager. Struck out: By
Olmsted. 7: by Wright, . Time: 1:40. Um
pire: Klem.
Score second game: - .
, R.H.OA.B.I H.H.O.A.E.
Kerwln, rf..., 1114 4 Davla, if 4 114 1
Hallman, If.. I I I 4, O Wrlflay, lb.. 1110 0
Hart, cf 0 1 1 0 0 Prtel, 3b 4 4 1 1 0
Arndt. lb 4 111 0 Klhm. lb..... 4 1100
BchrleTer. o.. 4 4 1 1 0! lymer, ef . ., U 1110
Braabear.X lb.. 0 111
Ijexlar. 2b... 0 I I
White, lb.... 1 1 11 1 0
Oulnlan. aa... 1 0 14 1
Dobanoon, p. 1 14 4 0
Martin, If ... 0 1 1 C 0
Urldwall,,aal. .4 I 1
linon. a 4 I I 4 1
Yaagar 0 4 4 0 4
Olandon, p... 4 4 4 4 4
' l.PZAV
Wlit-fl a go'od smoke can be had? AQ the
boys are avnd If you waU h'Uie crowd you will
e that they are all after tho Monugram.
ta Cigar. . ' "lJt great:" .-"Ask any deatr.
'. '!-' " --"T-1" , - ",. . -t ',
. - - ...
Totala 4 4 17 14 l ToUla 1 14 17 7 I
Batted for Qlendon In ninth.
Louisville .7.0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4
Columbus '. 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 .02
Stolen bases: Kihm, Kerwln, Hallman,
Bchriever. Sacrifice hit: Wrlgley. First
base on balls: Off. Glendon, I; off Bohan
non. L Two-base hits: Hallman, Arndt,
White, Bohannon. Three-base hits: Wrlg
ley, Bridwell. Hit by pitched ball: Klhm.
Struck out: By Qlendon, 4. Passed ball:
Bchriever. Wild pitch; Olendon. Time:
1:17. Umpire: Klein. . .
Urrore Coat St. Iaal bune.
ST. PAli'U June 3u..-Cuatly errors and
the bunching of hlt.v cost St. Paul the
game today. Attendance, 680. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Slooe. rf I I I 4 4 Jonaa, of 4 I I 1 4
Bthaefer, aa.. I 1 t 4 liJackeon, rf... 1 1114
HUnen. lb ... 1 I 4 I 4 Wbeclar, lb..l I 4 I 1
Haupbia, lb. 114 1 vU-bei.-b. If 0 4 2 4 0
l'enuell, If. ..0 1 I 4 0 Keller, lb....O 14 4 4 p.. 11 0 1 Marian, lb... 4 4 4 1 4
Bateman, lb. 1 4 11 1 o lineman, aa. 4 I 1 4 1
iMuihanr, of 4 1 I 1 ol fierce, a . 4 4 7 1 I
ieer. 1 4 4 '4 ilstagla, p 0 10 1 0
I ;orbeU. p.... 4 14 11
"Totals I 10 17 11 ,J
ToUla 1 14 17 11 4
Milwaukee 0 1 2 0 2 0 1 1 2 v
Su Paul ...i 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 02
Two-base hits: Kelley. Cllngman, Jones,
Marcan. Baorlflee hits: Schuefter, Hemphill,
O'Brien, Pennell. Stolen bases: Hemphill
2). Base on balls: Off Hliicklctt, 3; off
Slitgle. 3; off Corbett, 3. Struck out: By
fctrickletl. 7; by rllagle, 6; by Corbett. 1.
Wild pitch: Stricklett. Passed ball; Pierce,
lime: 1:40. Umpire: Holllday.
Stavadlaa- mt the Tea in a. '
v oiumous 64
St. Paul 06
Milwaukee 64
Loulsvilie 44
Indianapolis 64
Minneapolis 42
Toledq b-
Kausas City 41
Games today: Toledo at Indiuhapolls,
Louisville at Columbus, 8t. Paul at Mia-ueapolls.
41 ' 23 .641
40 26 .614
36 , 2V .617
97 81 ' .644
34 32 .615
W 33' ' .4JJ
21 41 .33
14 42 .' .311
- norkaaad la a Wlaaer.' '
NEWMARKKT "England, Jane Rook
sand, rltlUnn by SlaliiT, won tu Prlncras
uf U ali a stakes of lu.uuli luveroignt at the
Newmarket first of July uivetinH toduy.
Saltiiotre was mooud and William ltufus
ihiid. -. , r
Srlbaek Goes Bojatoa.
' BOSTON. June 30. It was announced, to
day thai the Buston Ami;rl,can have ex.-
After Seven Innlnwa Philadelphia
Slaekens Pace and Boston Win.
BOSTON. June 30. Rv arnrlnr Ihrha e-iina
In the last two innings when Waddell
nmnBiOT,- coston won a seernintlv lost
game from Philadelphia today. Attend
ance, 2,317. Score: . '
. u, . R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Btahl, rf....; 114 0 0 Hartzel, If... 1110 0
Colllnl, 3b... 0 10 1 0 Urine, ef 1 s J ft A
Freeman. rf..4 0 I 0 0 Hoffman. rf..O 1 1 0 0
Panent, aa....O 1 4 1 0 L (To mi, 8b.. 0 1110
O Neil, !(.... 0 0 0 0 Seybold. lb...l 17 0 0
LaChaace, lb. 1, 1 0 0 Murphy, 2b.. 0 1 10 o
ferrla, lb.... 0 111 1 11. Crnai, aa.. 0 1 4 0 0
t'rlsar, c 1 17 1 0 Powera. c ... 4 0 4 0 0
Young, p.... .1 lot ojWaddell. p... 0 0.0 4 1
Totala 4 1 17 I ot Totala I S2S l4 1
One out when winning run was made.
Poston 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 14
Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 1 0-1 03
Two-base hit: Parent. Three-base hits:
M. -Cross, Hartsel, L . Cross. Sacrifice
hits: -L. Cross, Ferris. Base' on balls: Off
Young. 1; off Waddoll; 2. Struck out: By
Waddell..6; by Young, 1. Time: 1:48. Urn
plre: Sheridan. v ..i - .i v-. iv
-' Postponed Games.; '
At Detroit Detroit-Cleveland 'game post
poned; rain. - , .
At New York Washington-Hew .York
game postponed; wet grounds.
At Chicago Chlcago-St. Louis game
postponed; rain.
Standing; of the Teams. ,
Played.Won. Lost. , P.C.
Boston 68 37 21 .G38
New York .'....50 4 22 , . .60
Chicago 63 3? 23 ,ii7
Philadelphia '..67 ' 81, M - . .D-i4
Cleveland 63 " 28 25 . 5L'8
hi. Louis 54 20 ' 2o ' .ibl
Detroit 67 . 23 34 ,401
Washington 65 10 46 .182
Games today: St. Ixiuis at Chicago;
Cleveland at Detroit; Philadelphia at Bug-
ion, wasningiun at jnsw xora.
TT fjw
4lfcSga t'rf sT??-. Kl
1 N D'l CAT I O N
ULliLL. lll."h'HI II if I ) rtj jLT
i ii 1 1 1
Prione 1260 To
r a case-
'.- , . , x
' .1,:
Highball Wins the Spendthrift Stakes
at Sheepahead Bay.
NEW YORK, June 30. The , American
derby winner,. HlRhball,. with Odom up,
easily won the Spendthrift stakes for 8
y ear-olds, one mile and a furlong, ut
Bheepslieud Bay today. This Wus his first
winning mount at the meeting. Five favor
ites -won and the books were very heavy
losers. Results:
First race, ix and a half furlongs: In
gold won, Gold Saint second,-Auditor third,
lime: 1:19. .
Second race, one mile: Beldame won, Lux
Casta second, Hortensia third, i Time:
Third race, steeplechase, full course:
Lavator won. Grandpa second, Graceaw iy
third. Time: 5:uU.
Fourth race, tho Spendthrift - handicap,
mile and a furlong, Higiiiinil won, ostrich
second. Thistle Heather Shird. Time: 1:0-1.
Fifth race, five and u half furlongs: Hut
Shot won, Torclielll . second, Dajidelloii
third. Time: 1:08.
Sixth rare, live and a half furlongs on
turf, selilny: 'Tramoter won, Virgo second,
Liltle Buttercup third. Time:- l:ti7t.
ST. IjOI'IS', June 3t'. Kcaults:
First rate, four and a half iuiIoiiks, sill
ing; Black Art won, Swedish Ixid second,
Garrett Wilson third. Time: 0:5:i4.
(Second race, six fui-longH, aelrtng: Goody
Two Shoes won, Mlsi Manners, aeconj,
Alice Turner third. Time: 1:21. -
Third race,- five furlongs, selling: Red
Iaf won. Dishabille second, Aseliua third.
Time: 1:05.
Fourth race, one mile, purse: Dave Sum
mers won Colonel Ballantyne second, Bes
slu McCarthy third. Time: 1:48.
Fifth race, six furlongs, Milling: EClio
Dale won, Orient second, Mordella third.
Time: 1:1.
Sixth race, mile and aevunty yards, sell
ing: Orpheum won, Ijidy Alatchless sec
ond, Dr. Kier third. Time: 1:63.
CHICAGO, June 30. Results:
First race, seven furlongs:. Swetle won
Freeslas second. New Mown Iliw -third.
Time: 1:31 V. r
, Second lace, six furlonga: Van Ness
won, Glassful second. Mayor Johnson third.
Time: LlSty.
Third race, mile and seventy yards:
Sweet Tone won, Federal second. Freck
n van third. 'Time: l:4S)i.
Fourth race, one mile: M.Ote won,
Ocean Dream second, Kxclamatlon 'third,
nine: 1:43.
Fifth race, mile and a sixteenth; Creole
Jim won. Black Wolf second, Rosamond
third. Time: 1:61.
Sixth race, rive furlongs: Hands, arra
Won, Michael Byrnes second. Cigar Lltfhtor
third. Time: 1:02.
' ' With the Bowlers.
On the Omaha Bowling association alleys
last evening the Armour league teams
made the following scores:
1st. 2d. 3d. Total.
Shanahan UH PS 142 , 4i7
lAughlin 126 lit 167 411
Melons 162 114 116 33
Stone ...v 164 116 4n2
Burson ...
Brown ...
Myers ....
t.' hum lee
660 667
1st. 2d.
&0 M
6S6 1.713
3d. Total.
104 8S7
14.' 3hl
1:9 - 4i0
lb6 4li
6bi. hm
3d. Total.
131 . 4o0
146 J71
122 - 814
167 4u2
' Totals 48ti 4!4 666 I.63T
Tonlghl will finish tho first half of the
ten weeks' series in the Armour league.
Carter's Stars have the lead in the first
half by a good, margin, '
Good- HaclasT at Cedar HajiMa.
CEDAR RATIOS, la., June SO (Bjh-cIhI
Tslegrata.) Tfv4 couciudlntf. fXuy ui the
Cedaf Rapids ' races- proved the most in
teresting of the meet.- There were three
races. Including the unfinished 2:30 pace.
and in the 2:20 pace seven heats were neces
sity to decide it. i ntv-sttenaance was not
so farce as Wednesday, but the races were
as good. Summaries:! c ' '"
racing, 3:30 class, (unnnisnea): . ; . '
Lyda (Brent) .... 7.t ..?...'!. 1
Bessio K tMittenVT...t;v,..,.., t
Harry Vf (KllconV ... 3
Jim K (Yowell) . ds
Red Hylas tWlckerBharaJ ...,.ds
Pacing, 2:10 class: -Baby
Kid fBlyd) ...fl 1 1
Allerlses (Erbacher) 2 2 3
Hazel Patch (Flack) s i
Lady Knipp (Whitney) 2 4 4
Time: 2:13. 2:14, 2:1414.
T'nclnff o-on nlftss:
Fremont S (Dursted) i.... 8 6 6 1 T 1 1
Cresance (Biyd) . 114 7 6 4 2
Radio M (Williams') 6 4 1 4 6 .2 3
Jerry G (Fychane) .-, 6 & b t 1 8 4
Pat C (.Williams) 2 7 2 3 8 ds
Fred H (Robare) 3 3 7 4 ds
Juanaetta (Stables) 4 2 8 2 2 ds
Frank K (Wllkersham) .... 7 8 8 ds
Time: 2:16; 2:17, 2:18 2:20, 2:31,
' 2:21 r- '
brand Island Eaay Winner.
. km. tot wn Mh Time 30 ftnnplnl
Telegram.) Grand Island played all nround
Wood River today. Score: Jf-IZ H
Grand. Island.l 2 0 .8 1 1 0 4 -12 10 3
Wood River.. 0 00 1 0000 1 28 9
Batteries: Kombrir.V, Honnold and
Scliiuter; Longenecker and Glade.
Novelty waist plus, Edholm, Jeweler.
Ilaron Speck Von Stersberg Declared
Doctor ol ,C11I , Law. by
Southern Vnlveralty.
8EWANEE, Tenn., June 30. International
interest attached to the commencement ex
ercises of the University of the 3outh today
by reason of the presence, of Baron Speck
von Sternberg, the German ambassador to
the United States. The ambassador made
the commencement -address -and received
the honorary ,degree of doctor of civil law.
Colonel E. C. Gorgai, ,U. .8. A., now in
oharge of the sanitation of the i Panama
canal ttrlp, and an alumnus of the uni
versity, received the ' degree of dJctor of
science. -. ' I
The commencement procession was
formed!n the open, .the faculty and stu
dents In cap and gown marching to. the
chapel where Baron von Sternberg was
given an enthusiastlo welcome.
Officers Chosen and Papers Read at
- Convention Belnjc Held at
- - ; - iv. t
y St. Joseph.
ST.? JOSEPHY"Mo.. ' June 30. At today's
session ef ; the National Young People's
union officers -for the ensuing year were
elected as follows:
T. T. Lowmun, Pittsburg, Pa,, president;
Miss Rose Clark, Lincoln, Neb., Recording
secretary; John. A, Crawford, St. Joseph,
Mo., press secretary; F. R. McArthur, New
ten, Kan.. . treasurer.
There were -papers and discussions by
Rev. J. A. Burnett. .Monmouth, III.; Rov.
W..W. Lawrence, Bcllevue, Pa.; Rev. P. A.
Baker, Columbus, O.; Rev. James Law
rence, Lawrence, Kan.; Rev. J. W. Ash
wood, St. ' Louis, and Rev. Fred Elliott;
Waterloo, la,.
Deleicatea to Spring-Held Convention
Desire Demoerats to Act First
on Nomination.
TOPEKA, Kas.. June 30. Secretary John
Curran says .150 Kansas populists will
leave Kansas City Saturday evening over
the Rock Island road for the national con
vention at Springfield III., on July 1th,
via St. Louis. The Kansas crowd favor
a recess until after the democrats take
action In St. Louis. ' Kansas has eighty
nine delegates, the largest number of any
state. - -
Mr. Curran has received word from Lin
coln that the Nebraska populists favor W:
V. A'lon ' of that st,ate for president and
Thomas II.' Watson of Georgia for vice
Will Make Von tree! Yoona.
Electric Bitters are a marvelous tonlo
and work wonders for a weak, run dowa
system. Try them.. Only COc For sale by
Kuhn 4 Co.
Freight Office Closing" Time.
On Saturday afternoon the local freight
offices of the roads centering at Omaha will
remuin open until 2 o'clock, on account of
Mouday Ming a holiday.
to. -; i-;-.
How to Judge Beer
An infalliMo fcvKcatiort of V
. .- body, age and excellence,
of lrewuvg IMtarial.
K solid, creamy foam is the invariable
indication of pody, age and excellence of
brewing material jn beer. Unless the
. best grades of bifley and hops, selected
. with extreme care, are need In sufficient
quantity, brewed so as to give the beer
th nrnner strength and Ody. and alter-
i .
ward the beer is thoroughly ripened and crd, it cannot
bow the solid, crnamy foara alway found in tn famous
"Tba only ber kcttled exclualver at the Drwvery
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We are living in an age of special-
Ism; an age when success can only be
attained by the concentration of every
thought upon' the unswerving pursuit
of a slnglo object. We are precisely
such specialists. ,Thls accounts for the
difference between suocess and failure
In trie treatment and cure of diseases
of men. The physician who tries to
explore and conquer ihe whole Held of
inedkliio and. surgery becomes pron
, dent , In no l artu-ular branch. Wo
have confined ourselves entirely to a
single class of dlKeas.'S and their com
pllralttins and mastered them. We do
not a-ni.r our lueultles, out corrcon-
and weaknesses peculiar to men, spend
lug thousands of In researches
and evolving a special sj'ptem of treat
ment that is a uuh'k. safe and certain
cure for ail skin, nervous, blood and
private diseases.
Our name has been a household
synonym throughout the west, for over .
a quarter of a century for remarkable
skill and ability in the treatment and
cure of this class of troubles so prev
alent among men.
If you are drifting In a sa of sick
ness ami disease toward the rocks and .
shoals of chronic Invalidism, ou '
should stop drilling, and com tilt the
eminent siM-elallsts connected with the
once, before it is too late. .
tratu them i n our particular specialty.
We have made a life study uf diseases
Onr lucrrii Is Ih result af superior Unonleilife valued by S rear;
of roairlaalliiaa atsily and experience. There la nothing doubtful or
raperlmeatal about our Ireatme'nt. We tnow the effect of every
ntedlelue Me use. -Far twenty years we have been curing Vartronele,
Rapture, Hydrocele, stricture, IJlood I'olaen Iftj plillla), skin Diseases,
lllolrlira, Surra, Loss af Manly Vlicor, I naatural Habile, Drains mf
Lusaes, Wasted air t'ndereloped I'nrla and all I'rlvata and Uenltro
l .-lnarr IMseases'.of Men. ( , ' (
Prueili TITini tPTC If you cannot rail write . for symptom blank.'
liUlldUL lallU" rntC oflfoe hours a. m. to I p. m. Sundays, jw to 1 only,
1304 Farnsni St., Bit. I3tli an J 14th iret, Onaa, Neh.