TTIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TnURBHAT, JtTNE 30, 1904. 9 i i . r f 1 7 P0ST0FFICE NOTICE . )" au p. , winatji i 1' ' ' p. m. (conntcUni mel ! 1 Jondavs at :u; p. m.). Q-i rtTA KiCA Br rail to Naw i taence bv iMmr. closes i Sundays at 1100 p. m. and ititu closes nere Orleans, end enee By itwmtr, closes at thin office 5 S'ly. escept Bunday, at II J p. ' I p. m., feundays At 1:W fa. I") W p. m. (connecting mall clo ra. and m. and oses hers IfiatH wxia rs at iWJO . ra.) R4?iatord nail clo see at p. m. previous aaelils MaUIs, Forwarf at Over- la a 4 Dally. Tli schedule of closing of Transpacific auaiie is arranged on the presumption of ' ' taSelr uninterrupted' - overland transit to tort of Bailing. The final connecting nafl (eapeptrtig registered Tranapacltlc - Alalia which cloae p. m. prevloua day) cloae at the general poatoffloa, New York, " a follows: . . PHIUFflNB IttATfDS,' la Ban Fran- claco, cloaa at ' p. m. Juno 26th for deapatch per U. 8. Tranaport. CHINA and JAFA.V, via Seattle, cloaa at 130 p. m. June 26th, for despatch per a. a. tnnwt Maru. Tahiti and uakquesas ISLANDS, via ro Francisco, closa at :3n p. m. June ftn for despatch par a. a. Mariposa. CHINA and JAPAN .via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C, close at 1:30 p. m. June ,. 2ih for 'despatch per a. a. EmprMi of China, (Merchandise for V. B. Postal ABeooy at Shanghi oaanot be forwarded ..' via Canda. . CHINA, JAPAN Bad rHIUPPINE 18 LAND9, via, Tacorna, o:ose at :J0 p. ra. July 1st for despatch per a. a. Colcnaa. HKW ZEALANU, AUSTRALIA (except Wast), NEW CALEDONIA. SAMOA, ,. HAWAII and PU1 ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, cloae at 6:3( p. m, July 2d for despatch par s..s. le.rra. (If the Cunard Steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand doSs not arrive In time to connect with thla despatch, extra malls -closing at kM a. m.L :30 a. m. and 6:10 p. m.j Sundarssat 4:4 a. m., a. m. and i , ;0 p. m. will be made up and forwarded .- until the, arrival of the Cunard steamer), HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PLNR 1BLANIX3, via Ban Franrlaco, cloaa l at p. ra. July 4th for despatch per i a. a. Korea. HAWAII, JAPAN, CHINA and PHILIP PINK ISLANDS, via San Francisco, cloaa .at . p. m. duly th for despatch per av aj Uaello. . -' HAWAII, via flan Francisco, cloaa at 6:80 'V p. to. July 11th for despatch per a. a. Alameda. ' ' FIJI ISLANDS, ''AUSTRALIA (except Weat), and OTW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, cloae at : p. m. July Uth for deapatch par a. a. JJANClSjRIA' arid BA3TERN SIBERIA at present forwarded via Russia, Instead of via Japan, the usual route. . NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia, ta forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via Ban Francisco, and oertaln places In the Chinese Provinces of Yun nan, Kuelchow, Miechwan and Kwangsl, via British. India the quickest routes. ' Philippines specially, addressed "via Can ada" or "via Europe" must be fully pre- paid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is for warded Via Ban Francisco exclusively. . , '. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, ' Postmaster. Poet Office, Ne York. N. Y. June 24,' 1904. I .. , Oi M. E Tel. 611 .MESSENGER AND BAQOAQE. ' 1S1J Farnam Street. ffTSM OBTC -TtAJR BAGGAGE THERE ON TIME. ' , ','.. "- ' M761 , ': RAILWAY TIME CARD n i j. - i - - - IIIIOI gTATl6H lOTB AMD MAftCY. Chlcaro, Back laland at Paelae, t '. .-.! maa. i 1 l ::.! .' '(H . law. Arrlva A CTiinan Sayllalit United a I D am I Chlcaaa Uaylisht Looal iVNia a (:M aai , Cbloaaa , Eipnaaa .... ....... bit ! via a (ill an ,vr Hoiaaa im a M am kU :M ta .Uklcaaa yaat Bvraaa a ia ,a 14 m WEST. yookr' Moantaln LiaiHaa .a 1:M am a l:M aa Uncoil, Colorado Bprlnaa, Oaa- I - -nr. raabia aaa wast I N pm a I its' aa Cbloaso, Mllvranataa at St. PaaL. Cbteasa Daylight .. t:U ask all ill a ' ,f bloats Fast IKprass a t.t.Hrm tvaruu4 tamltaa a (: a a l it aa 1ms Uoiaaa Cipraas ......a t:t aa a(:Ufa ' laioa facile rb OrarUn4 UmlU4 ,...j l: ut a l: a ba rut Mill 4lMia tl Hia Vba Caularnla Kxprasa ....... tM pat Tka AtUstia (yaaUl , at:Maa 'Tba FartlaparVhtmsa, , fcysaCa I J aaa. a a.M aa fba AUaaUo KxpraM T;M fa Tka' Colorado Spools! - all; pa a l:M aa ' Tka-Ckloaan Spool: a 1:4 aa i Undolo, UoaUloa Butoawbarg ' Biproas. ......V. l:4 bU: ra Csiaabos Laaal b I.M M tliHia llllaola Central. Cklaac Biprea AIM tea al:ti pa Ckioai. Hiaoavaalia .A M. . Ualta4 n a T 44 pa l: ta MlasaasoUa IU Paul Bz...,b t:W am. bio .14 pa Caloas Hotavratara. . rut Caioaca ...... 1:4 aa. a I4i aa Wal caioaas ,.,.,iujta ItaU ... , a 4:11 pel a !; Uktaboaia ao4 Taxas lrrai...a ( M fca aU:4k aa JJwuaat tt y ........... ..a aa ai4:(i pa llliu Cbioase .....a 4.0D aa ill:) pa Limliad Ckioaaa ................ a 4:4 aa a 4:14 aa rul Chtaaaa ......a I :a0 an a l:te bjm ,Uoal Chia( a 4,44 la UmoI lloux Uty s 1:44 pa ttM u Htal a 4:14 pa a 1:04 aa t. raal 4' ipraar a :M aa fast Mail ' a I.M pa Local aioax city ; a 4:a sa a 4:44 aa ttoriola a Boaostool a 4:4 aa -114.44 aa Llaooia aa4 beoa riaa ., 4 4:44 aa blu.M aa loadvooa, Hot Bpriaaa aaa Uaoola a.; " a 1:44 pa a 1:14 pa iaaor aaa - wronui &iiro..w vm a a:ia io llaaUoaa, uparlor and Albioa. .b I :to a k 1:14 sa Utaaaart Paalne. "it. Loals lUpraa all:4l aa a 4:44 pa aaaaaa City ai' si laala Ba. prooa :...v all:44pa a T-44 aa World fair tooolal al:4a UIMta Caleaaa Clraat W'aatera. U paal MliuiaapalU Ida- , IU4 , Al:a4pa at:Uaa l. taai MluaaapeUa Ba- proas 4 t:44 aa a 4:H pa Caicate Iiialtaa ' ...... ...a 4:o pa al9:44 aa Calaaaa Ifiipi .a 4.4 aa a 4:is pa Wabash. it. tools "Oaaaoa aall' ' Ex.. a 4:44 pa a I.M aa 4aj IsarU'a fala .....A I.a4 an a l:wi pa UUi Uua Caaiiaii BiuSa a 1:14 ta a 4.04 pa BURXISQTOR TAi:iOH lOTM at UAS0.1 CUta(S I4arllataa at taiaey. Laata. v Arrlta. ralaaga paola tlMta a .M pa Cluuaas Vaatikula fipraia ..,.a 4:w pa a 1:44 aa taicaao Looal a 4:14 aa all: pa toloato LuuiU4 a ; pa a14pa Paal Mall 1:4 pa Kauaaa Cty. it. Joacph a p. UlhUta. Kavaaa City Day Kifroaa a 1:14 aa a 4 o pa SA. loala flyot , .a 4 - aa all.wt aa siaoaaa city Kiaat Kapcea ....! pa a t.ti aa ttatuattoa i tiltauiirl itlvar. . , tkyBvara, itoaUloa a Llnoala ..a 4.4a aa bll:44 pa - piowaaaa a&uroas- a k.oo aa a 1 .40 pa 4ouvor idaaat a 4.1a pa a 4. oft aa liiaa faliia a .fasot. aoua4 4ta.aU:14 pa a I n pu, v.orado Voaubuioa 4lyor a 4.4u ia tJuooia rau atail i:ft1 poi - ald:u4 ya luit Crook A fUUsaeiua......b pa bio. 4 u Iwiixroo a M.'tao aoiniaa , a l oo pa 1 1 II ta feauatoe a paotas. ouuoUaa ........... . WUDSIKR UKPOlwuni ak WGUSTKH Ulaaaarl PaclBo. ' . ' ' baftTa. ' Arrira, Hbraaka laea via Wsaplag iwatar M kt:14pa all: a pa liieai St. Paul,. Ulan. A. Uaaha, wlo City Paaaooaor 4 M aa fc 1:1 pa oua Cliy Paaaaaaor .a 1.04 pa ail J aa aij.d vooal ......k 4.44 va k 1.14 aa a Sain. - a lalli aioant iuudar. 4 dally oatoat gatuiaay "4 daily aaaoat alaadaj. OCUAN BTlAIUaUIl'S. 4VNC410H LIMB V.. B. , HAll. ' TEAMBHlra. MW TORK. !0KPONlJllUr AKO OUAgOOW. YORK, 010RA1.TAS AND MATLXI. Buportor' akromawdatloaa. Bioallaat oulolaa Tka ttliv oeaotdorod. Ilaoia aau.iwrt al- ooaoouaora oarornuy oooatdorod. or roaad-trlp kotwooa No York aad loetua. Bniiua. Iriah aod all pruiolpal Bcaudiaarlaa aod eoutui.otai polau at auraotlva ratea koad lur Book a4 Toora. - irar Uckoia a (ouoral lutaraaliaa apu U " local aoat ( lko Aacbae Liaa. or la n&MUKHSON aaoa., yum'l Aaouia. Cki LBOAL TVOTICEi. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. NotUa U hereby given that aealtsl bids will La received by the Board of Educa tion of tke a-hooi district of the city of vvt Point. Cuming county, NeLraaka, unUl 1 o dock In the afternoon of the Jlh Oay of July. ISot. for the erection of an l.lltlort to the school building of aald dia tri t aod for certain. altrrationa to the Old building. Plana and apaclllcationa may la pfotx at the ohce, of the secretary, S. 11 ? (.nnpon.-West Point, Nb or at the f .".,- vt ihe architect.. John Latvnaer. 4 J 4.4 le l.ullillna. Omaha Nel n 4 tr juti to. VM. Th auureaatful Mddvr he required to enter Into a guoU and -lent lond for the comulolliin i.f ih- k aicorrtlna to rontract and tn 1 r all timterlitls lisfrd knd labor employed y hlrn 'I'll board rrnrvos Uie rltilit to r'l Any r.nd all bids, Hy order of tha lioard ( taucatlon. P. M. Wixmiw. .Atuat; Prtsldei.t. .J- 1. THOMPSON, . . Bacretary. Dated thla SJth'day pf una. 1W "" M-otJylst NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA COUNCIL MIROR MEMTIOX. Davis aella drugs. Leffert'a glasses fit. Btockert sails carpets. Tha Fauat cigar,-I cents. For rant, new storeroom. !- trlslh St Big Una fire works, Morgan ft Dlckay. Tel. 134. Case Stora Blua Ribbon ber. Buy Hafer lumber. Ha will treat you right. ' ' ' . Fire works. Fire works', Morgan ft Dickey Pictures for wedding gifts given special attention. Alexander's, lit Broadway. No matter wnat others figure, get HaferB prices on lumber. C. Hafer, 'Phone 2u2. Bugar has advanced. Still wa give 1 lbs for ll."A. U. P. Tea Co., 404 fl way. Phone 7M Lacqueret makes old furniture Hew. Pic tures framed. Borwlck, 221 Main. Tel. ALU Abe Lincoln Relief corps wlU meet In regular session Friday afternoon In Orand Army hall. J. P. Bnyder, arrested for' peddling phony Jewelry 'on- the streets withdut a license, drew twenty days on bread and water. Marie Peterson, 1R2 Third avenue, was jquarantlned fOT.scllrlet. fever, yesterday by the health authorities., A building permit was Issued yesterday to Lllea ft Pennell for a tl.T0X one-and-a-half-story frame cottage en North. . Second street. Arthur T. HofTraayen la noma from' Chi cago, where he has bean flor several months, under medical treatment .Ha Is somewhat Improved In health. Ernest Mlnnlck and Mrs. Sophia Jenkins, both of this city were married yesterday by Rev. O. W. Snyder at St.. John s Eng lish Lutheran church parsonage.. . . - Tuesday, September 6, has been desig nated as ''Old Settlers' day" of tha carnival and street fair to be held In Council Bluffs. September 6 to 12. A special program will ba arranged for that day. Tha Board of Park Commissioners will meet In adjourned session this evening to allow tha bills and monthly payroll so that its employes may have their money In tttna to enjoy the Fourth of July. Harold Egbert was sentenced to twenty days on bread and water yesterday morn ing by Police Judge Scott for being drunk and disturbing the peace. Charles Lang don, arrested with him, was given tsn days on tha lama diet Secretary TToutman la sending out no tices announcing business of special Im portance to come up for consideration at tha regular meeting of Council Bluffs lodge of Elks Friday night. It is desired that every member who can be present. Ellis Cass, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Cass of Washington 'avehue. was married last evening to Miss Delia Brown at tha home of the bride in Shelby. Mr. Cass and his bride, who Is a sister of Mrs. W. H. Klllpack of this city, will make their home In Peoria 111., where Mr. Cans Is In tha em- Sloy of a large agricultural implement rm. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Anthony hava ar rived In the city and taken up their resi dence at 604 Mynster street They were married last Satu-day In St Louis, Mrs. Anthony being fo:merly Miss Bertie Mark of New Holland, O. Mr. Anthony oomea from Canton, O., to Council Bluffs to as sume the local management oi ons of th implement houses. Tha people of Underwood hava arranged for a big celebration on July 4. There will be a long program of sports and addresses, tha day closing ! with dancing and a dis play of fireworks. Attorney John M. 1 Gal vln, J.P Montgomery,- Kav. Henry De Long and Rev. Harvey Hostetler of this city ara booked for addresses. A number of Council Bluffs people ara planning to spend the holiday there. , NTT. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night F6S7,' Woman Btraok by. Eaglna Mrs. Alice Palen, living at 1319 Avenue J, was struck yesterday afternoon by an Illi nois Central switch engine at tha Avenue Q crossing and unless It should develop that she was hurt internally escaped with nosmor 'serious .injury, than a numbtx of ttrulseav-." stsa.t. ' ' Mrs. Falcri. -whdMs liartl -of hcartftg. was Walking along the track on her way horn when struck. . Engineer Walters, In charge of the switch engine, says he rang his bell and shouled to the woman, and she. started as ha thought to, .step frofo between the rails. : She did more toward the outer rail and this probably eived her from being crushed under the wheels, as tha engine when It struck; her threw her clear of the track. When picked up Mrs. palen was un conscious, but she came to in a short time. She was removed In the police ambulance to her , home and a physician summoned. Tlie woman was badly bruised and com plained of being, hurt Internally, although no bones were fpund to be broken. ' Mrs. Palen, It is said, met with a similar accident a few years ago while walking on the tracks of the Northwestern railroad. She Is a young woman and the mother of three children. ' I Matters la District Cairt. The paper In the $15,000 personal Injury damage suit of Mareellus Spaur against the Illinois Central RaJJroad company were filed In the district court yesterday.. Spaur, who was employed by the defendant com pany as car repairer, alleges that on De cember IS - last ' he had ' three ribs .broken, a lung punctured by a broken rib and his left arm broken by a car truck which he was assisting loadfng on a fiat car, falling on him. The Injury to his lung he aaeers has resulted In chronic pleurisy. Mrs. Jessls , Egbert filed her petition In her suit, to recover $1,000 from Beth. May, a Broadway saloonkeeper, whom she al leges sold her huibahd, Harold Egbert, In toxicating liquors, thereby Inducing him to spend all of his money for drink Instead of using It to support her.', Mrs. Anna Irlck commenced a replevin action to recover possession from Hiram Carter of a horse and buggy on Whlf h she held a 'chattel mortgage and which she alleged Carter was about to remove out of the state -to South Dakota. ' . : . Uarrlasre Ureases. . Licenses to wed ; war Issued Yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. . . . ' Age. Lnule Johnson, Council Bluffs. 2 Tena Nelson, Council Bluffs 21 George Walker, Council .Bluffs.'.;.;...'.... Jeannetta T. Buchanan, Council Bluffs. .22 Ernest Mlnnlck, Council Bluffs' tl Sophia Jenkins, Council Bluffs!: 17 Owen M". Jones,' Council Bluffs U Jennie M. Emery, Council Bluffs WESTERN IOWA COLLEGE . Summer ' term now open. Students en tering every day. Second Grade. First Oracle. State Certificate- work. Review cUuisea In tihorthaiid. Bookkeeping, Type writing, also beginning classes la all sub jects. Write or call tot Information. E. P. MILLER, Pres. , Masoale Tekaplo. tpkaa 614. LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN. ; ll Paarl St.. Council Bluffa. re4 7. E.1S. YII'bSLOV'S : scoTK!::a syrup aaa baasftd by Million cf Mothers for that eluklmn oibile TaoLkJua for or rtftyYaaja. i It luouaa tke ehild, sultana kha guaik. allay i all pain, auras wlud. euUtk aaa Is Ikie baoi i 1 Yvjnedy for dutrrhaia. i a ifjarr it -at-j y k ertrn a Bomje. BLUFFS LARGE CROWD AT POOR FARM OrertaxM the Hospitality Protlded j the Board of SuperTieori. COMFORTABLE HOME FOR UNFORTUNATES Fallr Oa Thoaaaaal People Inapeet Balldla aad Farm ta Reipoase ta lavltatloa Issaed by tha Coaaty Board, The throwing open of the new poor farm 'near McClelland yesterday attracted nearly tOOO people a crowd for which the Board of Supervisors was entirety unprepared, but none the less thankful, ,as it showed the pubtlo was Interested in the Institution. From .the city oyer 409 persons went The Great Western, which provided a special train, sold 423 tickets at the local depot, while farmers and their families drove to the farm, from all parts of the county. Chairman Baker of the Board of Super visors counted no less than ISO vehicles of every description standing In the fields of the Institution. The supervisors and County Auditor In nes had prepared lunch for between 160 and 300 persons, but this was quickly dis posed ot by the early arrivals from the country districts and by the time the crowd from Council Bluffs reached the farm there was not even a crust of bread left. The Council Bluffs contingent reached he farm about J:80 and arrived home at 6 o'clock. The supervisors . had provided carryalls to" convey their visitors from the depot nt McClelland to the farm, about a mile distant, but they proved entirely Inadequate for the crowd and all but a few had to make the trip both ways on foot Good Home (or Poor. The consensus of opinion of those attend ing the opening yesterday was that Potta wattamie count has provided a most com plete and- wonderfully comfortable home for Its dependent poor. The building, while plain,- Is substantial and thoroughly equip ped with everything neoessary tor the care and comfort of Its future Inmates. The main building, which Is of brick, with cement trimmings, has a frontage of 10$ ,feet and a depth of thirty-three feet, with a wing on the east side 46x36. The building stands on a knoll, facing the west and overlooking the road, from which It stands back about 400 feet It Is two stories In height with a basement under the large dining halL The dining hall, wbioh is directly back of the main entranoe, practically divides the building Into two parts, one of which will be occupied by the male inmates and the other by the women. On the left of the entrance hall Is a large reception room, while on the right are located the office and private .offloe, of the superintendent On each side of the first floor is a large sitting er recreation room, ' on for the woman and the other for the men. The building contains twenty-five bedrooms, de signed to accommodate two or three per sons aach. There are five bathrooms and three stairways. In the wing are located the kitchen and the cold storage room. Back of the mam toirlldfng tn the angle formed, by th wing Is the boiler house and laundry,, the latter being on the j second floor. This building la 26x30 feet Adjoin ing the boiler, house on the northwest Is the pump house, where a large engine draws the water from an artesian well 260 feet deep Into a large pressure tank. The acetyllne gas plant Is located In a brick cava about 100 feet east of the main building. ... - The building, Including the plumbing and heating plant, , cost upward of $26,000. Messrs. Cox ft Bchoentgen of this city ware the architects, while Wlckham Bros, were the contractors for th buildings. Blxby St Boa for the plumbing and fitephan Bras, for the heating plant The farm comprises 160 acres and the su pervisors expect that the institution wlU be practically self-supporting. John Knox Ot Garner township Is superintendent ' ' ' Heady to Itart Library Balldln. At the special meeting of the Library board last night Contractor Cullen In formed the trustees that he had the ground ready and waa prepared to go ahead with the building of the Carnegie library and would like to have the building staked out as located by the board. At the sugges tion of Presidont Bohrer, L. P. Judson will be employed to do this work. Representatives of two flrm manufactur ing hollow building tiles were before th board with a proposition to substitute the tile In place of the common brick used la the backing of the wallsi Th board ex pressed itself as disinclined to make any changes tn the original specifications, but will refer the matter to the Chicago archi tects. The question of placing books for the accommodation of the residents of th west ern part of the city In the Union Christian church building on Broadway and Thirty fifth street, as requested by the trustees of that church, was referred to the commit tee on administration. ' Trustee Galvin . called attention to the crowded condition of tha room containing th-government books and reports, and th question of providing additional ahelf space for this department of the library was re ferred to the Committee on administration. Trustee Stewsrt resigned as secretary of the board and Trustee Baird aocepted th position, .which Is an honorary one. It being the last meeting at which Trus tees Bender and Scott would be present, their terms expiring July 1, appropriate resolutions extolling their services were adopted. Plumbing aad heating. Blxby ft Bon. Raal Estate Traasfers. These transfers were reported to' The Bee June 29 by the Title Guaranty and Trust company of Council Bluffs: Treasurer to B. E. Smith, eutlot I. Mill add. t. d $ Charles E. Reynolds and wife to.' Julia C. Ohlendorf, part lot t In O. P. lot M, w d Robert O. Co and wife to Julius Nla- aen, lot 6, block 3, Hancock, w. d.. John Phillips estate to Henry Da Long, lot 11. block 17, Hall'a add., p. d.... Isaac M. -Smith to Bopha Marcus, lot -11, block 13, Beers' sub., w. d. ....... Bulomlne Ia to Mary Henderson, lot 13, block 3, iTtuUmaa's Id add., w. d. Luella V. Babb and husband to 8. C. Foots, lota . 7, block li4, Crescent City, w. a.?. C. D. DilUn and wife to John Chria- tlanaen, parte aw1 rieU and nwU ae' UV-77-41. w. d Eight transfers., total Gat Oaa lllaa Meat. Prospects of spending- tan days In the city Jail and -subsisting on a diet of bread and. water stared Mrs. Mary A. Allen and Mra. Myron Reynolds In the fare for sev eral hours yesterday. They ware' before Judge ..Bcott In police court charged with calling one another unparliamentary names and otherwise fracturing tha peace of tha community In which they reside. As tha evidence showed that both woman ware about equally to blame, Judge Bcot, sen tenced them both to ten days en bread and water. Mrs. Allen, who was proven to have slapped Mrs. Reynolds, he also fined $B and costs. The women' were locked up In one of the upper rooms In tha city Jail and at noon were served with a meal of bread and water. After being thus given an opportunity to sample bread and water diet Chief Richmond, at the suggestion of Judge Scott read the warring women a, lecture and allowed them to go home. The chief assured them that if any further com plaint was made against them they would be made to serve out the sentence. Kalahts ei Ciliakai Oranlse. CEDAR RAPIDS, la., June 29. (Special.) '-Sunday was a great day for tha Roman Catholics of this part of the country. The occasion was the installation of the new Cedar Rapids council No. 909, Knights of Columbus. There were almost BOO visiting knights in the city, special trains being run from an ths surrounding towns and some from Davenport, Burlington, Des Moines, Chlesgo, Ne York, Buffalo and Boston, Including officers of the natlonat body. The day startid with a celebration of high mass and concluded, with a grand banquet There was a class of eighty-five taken Into the order and the Sisters of Mercy served dinner for the visitors. The new Inter urban electrlo line between Cedar Rapids snd Iowa City was opened with an excursion of tha JCnlghta of Columbus and almost 600 passengers Were registered. The road Is now completid and the prospects point to a most successful run of business. Railway- Emplaye la Mlaslaa. CBDAR RAPIDS, June 29.-(Sptctal.) Friends and relative of Carl Slecher are much concerned about his whereaboute. He left home Saturday morning and has not been heard from slncl Before leaving he remarked to the barber who shaved him that it would be the last time for a long time that he would shave him. He was an employe ot the Rock Island shops and a few weeks ago lost h!s wife and has been quite despondent since that time, hence friends think that something msy have happened to him, ' i Pleads Guilty to Murder. SIOUX CITY, la.; June 29.-Walter Wil liams plead guilty today to th murder of Orville Johnson April 6, and was sentenced to fifteen year in prison. Both man v. ere negroes. DEPORTED MEN ARE AT DENVER Contingent Intended for Colorado Springs Are Taken to the State Capital. DENVER, June 26. -Thirty-nine men who were deported from Cripple Creek last nlht under military aicort arrived in this city today, Joining the colony of exiles al ready established here; This colony num bers over 300 men and they have organised a local union affiliated" with the Western Federation of, Miners. It was General Bell's Intention to debark the thirty-nine men lait night at Colorado Springs, but aa the authorities of that1 city strongly protested the train was forwarded to Denver. , ,J! ' , -. TJp to date 188 men have been forcibly de ported from Cripple Creek district by the military. in addition hundreds fled to avoid arrest and -Incarceration. About sixty union mlfieri'against whom. It Is said, criminal charge wtll ta fijed are still in the custody of the rifllltary at Cripple Creek and Victor;1 . i - -A Deat Btyrr. Malaria. Electrlo Blttera ' iflll and ' expel malaria disease germs, will , prevent .typhoid. Ind cure fever and ague, or no pay. Only 60a For sale by Kuhn A Co. MICHIGAN MOB SHOWS FIGHT (tosses to aVyncrh ' Prisoner and slsts Possa Called try the .SharlS Re- BOOTH HAVEN, Mich., June .-An at tempt has been made to lynch Charles l. Allison, a well' known cttlsen and Bunday school worker, who. was arrested yester day on th 'charge of assaulting 4-year-old Edith' Secor. A crowd surrounded the city hall, where Allison had been taken, and several demonstrations wera made. . .The demonstration' continued during the evening and early today fifty cttlsens went to the door,' demanding admittance.' They shouted that they.iwere prepared to break down the door and lynch the prisoner. The officers on guard telephoned tor ' help. A posse which the sheriff had sworn In ar rived soon after and a fierce fight ensued before the mob 'Withdrew. - Many were severely Injured, but It ia not thought there were any fatalities, The ' prisoner was spirited away and taken to Paw Paw. The "th try day test" is the best test for' butter, and only, a small proportion of the butter marketed, stands t. "-'" It is hard to maintain uniform excellence veek after week, from one year's end to another. Butter that never varies in quality, that always has the une delicious flavor, is a good brand to insist on hzvini---tphen you find it. If all butter yrza like this, there would be no need for butter testers. All we ask for Meadow Gold Butter, is that you Ute it. ., A one housewife remarked "it al- ways has a 'more-ish' taste that brings one back for another package." Ask your dealer for it Sold only in airtight packages. (I' ADVANCE PRICE OF LUMBER Dm MoineB Dealeri Antioipatu Aotion of the Mill Owner. . , PROTEST ON DRAINAGE OF CLEAR LAKE Governor Oaaalii to Addrvea ' Big Meetln on Evening Before the , Repablleaa State Xoaalaat Ingr Convention. (From a Staff Correspondent). DES MOINES, June 23. (Special.) The lumber dealers of Dei Moines announced today that they would riot be Able to fill orders at prevailing prices Indefinitely and that the quotations on lumbar by tha dealer were withdrawn several days ago, so that it Is not known whst prloes will be announced In the ' future. Pending a meeting ot the Southern Lumbermen's as sociation In St Louis, where all effort will be made to do something to change condi tions In th lumber trade, the Des Molnca and Iowa retail lumber dealer will make quotations good only for a day or two at a time. They state that they have' no doubt of an advance of from 10 to IS per cent In price on all common grades of lumber very soon, and say that this Is due to th fact that the mills have been losing money because of overproduction ' and a cutting of rates In the -east. As a large portion of the lumber business of the state Is done ont of Des Moines by th large Jobbers here, this Is taken to mean a general Increase In price all' over the estate and elsewhere. The situation Is having a depressing effect on building oper ations. , - j Gnard Regiment Filled. Adjutant General Byers returned front Ames this morning, where he mustered IK a new company of the Iowa National Guard, again completing tha Yull list of companies. This la Company O. Fifty-fifth regiment taking the place of Qlenwood In that regiment Forty-five men were must ered In. It,waa desired that a company be located there, because Jt Is the ' home of General Lincoln, the oolonel of the regi ment Protest Against Lake Drainage. The state officers today received numer ous protests by wire and letter from resi dents of Cerrb Gordo county In relation to the proposed drainage of Clear lake, one of the finest and largest bodies of Water In the state. The officials of the county contend that the lake has overflowed Its banks and lias spread beyond the meah dered lines, and that gaslight drainage of the lake will release a vast amount ot good land lying near the west end of the lake. The residents near the lake, who have made of It a summer resort, protest against any lowering of the water as a method of ruining the lake for fishing and boating. The state officials have taken no definite action aa yet. Muck Criminal Business. The Polk county grand Jury, which has been In session since February 1 last, has made an unequalled record ot Investigation and Indictments. The grand Jury has re turned 130 Indictments ahd Ignored fifty one charges brought before It. "Of the In dictments found many of the persons ac cused were placed on trial at once and . In only one case was a verdict of not guilty found by the petit Jury, ' Railroad Plans. It was stated authoritatively today that the Minneapolis ft St Louis road has named as one of the conditions to tu granting trackage right to the Rock Island road be tween Des Moines and Gowrie,.that the Rock Island shall give It trackage from Knoxvllle, la., to Oskaloosa, Ia., over Its Washington division. The purpose of the Minneapolis ft St Louis road In Mklng this concession Is to lessen the cost to It of con structing the link between the recently ac quired Dee Moines ft Fort Dodge road and the allied Iowa Centrsl line. ItMs the pur pose of the St. Louis road to connect with the Iowa Central at Oskaloosa through Des Moines so as to afford It an outlet for grain and stock shipments from points oil, the Fort Dodge llne and access to coa4 fields not now reached by the Fort Dodge road. ' . ' ' ' To Organise at Club. Governor Cummins' flrs(. public utterance following the national convention will be delivered at a, meeting ot the Polk County Republican club -to be held the night ot July 19, the even of the next state con vention. . The executive committee of the Polk County Republican club' called upon the Beatrice Creamery Co., lOTH AMD MOWAU STS. governor this forenooti and concluded ar rangements tor the meeting. He will be th principal speaker, according to present plana Efforts will b made to secure other Breaker of prominence from outside the state, but It Is most likely that the speak rs will al) ba prominent lowana . . At the same tim and place the 'final touches Will be plaoed wpott th organisa tion of a oevelt and Fairbanks march Ifig club. As a matter of fact the club la practically alreed. organised and every member' of the Polk County Republican olub will belong to tie marching club. . e. I Pew . Corporations. r' There was filed ''with the .secretary of state) the articles of Incorporation of th Battle Creek Opera Houae company, capi tal . $10,000; the ' Kerriherd company. Red Oak, capital $26,0; th HolUngaworth Coal company, Des Moines, capital $36,000. and th Stanhope ft Grllten Telephone company of Hamilton county, capital tl.MO.. A Cnaaiaten Heater. . Buoklen's Arnica , Salve, the best la th world, cure cuts, corns, burns, bolls. ul For ears, SOT a and pile, or no pay. sal by Kuhn A Co. - 260. ;,, HYMENEAL. , . ' Maveratoek-fhlelds. The "leafy mbnth of June", has brought no prettier weddltfg ".than . that at the residence of .Mr. and' Mrs. William H. Shields at 2124 Blnney street yesterday aft ernoon at 8 o'clock. ' It was the marriage ot their daughter Edith arid Mr. Charles B. Haverstock ot Council Bluffs. Th Wed ding teremony Was performed by Rev. T. J. Mackay of All Saints' Episcopal church and was "witnesses by the members of ths two families and a few fntlmate frienda Miss . Theda Bereshetm, cousin ,' of the groont, pet-formed the pat tt rldg' bearer In a very graceful ntfnner. Miss Ida Morse and Miss Nellie layoen were the1 ribbon bearers and Mis Conine Lease! presided at th piano, rendering 'the wedding march from "Lohengrin '.- After partaking of a bountiful dinner Mr. and Mr. Haverstock departed for a. tour of thfe weeks among, th northern lakes. They will be at home afttr July 20, at 3114 Blnney for the Immediate ftltur. . " - Mortoa-WMte.' SEWARD. Neb., June . Bpeclal.)-The marriage of Miss Alice Constance Whit of Seward and Mr. Clyfl Walter Morton of -Bakersfieldi Cal., occurred! this after noon at the home of Mrs. M. A. Cham bers, grandmother ot the brflle. ttev. T. U. Leavltt or th Congregational church pronounoed th ceremony. The brld I one of Seward's nloit popular girls ahd a tal anted musician. They left Immediately for St. Louis. .They will b at home at Bakersfleld, Cal., after September 1. '' "ICeene-McCiary , .- '-. . NOKFOLk, Neb., June .f(BpclaL At 4 w'clock thl. afternoon Miss Miry Edith McClary of this city was married to Mr. Louis Marf Keone of Fremont Th cere mony waa performed in Trinity Episcopal church by th rector, Rev. J. C. 8. Weill. The' young couple departed t I o'clock for th west ever the Northwestern rotd. They will gpend i few day in )he Black Hills before returning ta Fremont,.' " .'. Two Churches I'nlta. . SIOUX FALL6, S. D., June 89. (Special Telegram.) The theory of churota oonsol Idatlon, which for some time has been a matter of discussion throughout the coun try, Is to be given a practloal lest as th result ot action taken here thl evening, when the official board of th local Chris tian church mad a proposition to the Free Baptists to unite the two congregations and 'churches. This Is the first step In this direction taken' lit South Dakota, : Jnly Foarth Ekearaion nates via Reek . Istaa gyateaa. East of ' Missouri - river, one ahd ne thlrd far for round trip between station within 200 mile. ? . ... j , West of Missouri river, one tar plus 10 cents for round trip between, all points on Rock island and Frisco systems. Tickets on sale July 3, $ and- 4. Rsturh limit July t. For further Information call at 1321 Farnam street er Union station. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D..P. A.L JJ2s Farnam Street, -Omaha, Neb. i" ' " iit-. '' '''' '. ' Bnaeial gammer Tourist Rater to B4. . Paal Aha Minneapolis... On. July 14 to 18, Inclusive, the Chicago Great Western railway will Bel) rdUnd trip tickets at tlO.TS from Omaha to fit. Paul and Minneapolis. Ticket good for rettirn until August B. For further information ap. ply to S. D.'Parkhtiret, 3eneral Agent, 1SU Farnam street, Omaha, Nfb. . ' . .. Foarth of Jky Bxenrslon. On and oneithlrd tar., for the round trip for all stations, on 'the Chicago Great Western railway within too miles. Tickets On sale July 2 and 4, inclusive. Good to re turn July I. For further Information ap ply to S. p.. Parkhurat, General Agent, 1612 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. :.. SSJ i i . 4 1 . 4 - a B0RAX0L0QY The principle of the Boraxoloist is, when you do anything always look iforthe best way.1 Just as there is a best way to darn socks or to make jelly, or" to solve a mathematical problem, so there is a best way to do housework or wash thinM. Use Borax to wash aishes," to 'clean v woodwork, to wash clothes it doesn't matter what it is that is to be " washed you can do it easier .and quicker and better by add- ing a little Bora 'to thb water. Borax has a bower 'to cleanae that wnl as tonish you'. , Imitations are . worthless and injurious. Get pure BOHAX. .,. ,20-MULE-TEAM BRANt) Borax is pure. For sale by Druggists and Grocers in and 1-Jb; packages.' j'" - . Tht famotu "AMERICAN GIL" PICTl'RFJ FREE to purchaacra ol "W Mi.U-Ta, m " Boras. At atom or sent tor dua i r ana it. ia uann. At (tore or sent for BOX TOP PrJ6c Coaat Bora Co New York, CUcaco, liaa PariBc Ca Frindna 4-n - . . Jn,iiimia " .. ae-Mule-Taam Oar Trade Mark, DO NOT NEGLECT THE HAIR Why? Because the hair a well a -th body need to be fed and cleansed. . 7n hktr beaotaei dry and harsh, aod will gradually die.' Is a clear, delicately perfumed Hulr Tool snd Will make the hair srow, euro dandruff and atop falling hair, It makes the hair soft, light and fluffy. The purahaar will be pleased with a I5CEHT BOTTLE Bad. also be convinced of Its merit. Do no aeeept a substitute at a hltcber price, as we guarantee HAIRINB trt be the Hair Tonie in tbe world, regardless of the cost Prlct, 15, 40 and 75 Cutis a Battlt (By icbU. $ cent "extra for postage.) . ! DEAL'isrnEiT CO., TBnfff Ometimmtt , HEW TOR Drug Sale Co.. Chicago, aeoeral bales Agent For aJ" iloen'lr nr.? lefcaeter'a Cat Prleo Bawc ejtore, 0a. US an4 Chloaaa BW. . . , ; SEARLES SEaPJ.ES ' Omaha. Nob. CURES SUARANTEEX - Qulokar 4ml far LE88 MONEY than' other - ' SPECIALIST. curea all special dlaeate f uea kitiaey, bladiar w.a .llaaaaaa waaa.a mauTb, tongue, tnroat'nair and ayrew lulling out) disappear completely vver. Vvlcosi Vilai -"wSltVf;. ting, pain or loa ot time- Never faUa Wutukant cute; la the-world. .,;.'. ' Weak, mm Uti aVW..TS5 daiiuiky, eaily Sauliaa. . lack- at lgor aad airetigtb. ' r TraaUnant byrJiali. J years OF gUC- canur LL, pbIctic ut OHAiiA. ttar. gar ai 14 Lk aad ya-ajgiaj. . . "WhCan Curia YesklSiar - v - t It Is the iimplest thing in the world to be eured of nervous debility and Lack ot vital power if only you have the good sense to place your caae la the. right hands, - In Tatrolt tliere la a deetor-atpaciallat, li. C. Rrxynor by nsme, whom wa know to. have Vitality and lite It Is really a marvelous cure a prescription that wa siurerely bailave will cure any case ot uexuai waakneaaV enlarge ment of tha proBticie, iuaiaxs, prematurliy, strloture, vital d:llne, Inability, eta. It Biakes old men hava (lie functions of youth and young men again vigorous and full ot vitality and lire. It is reniivii roarveiuee cure ftr weak men at all sgea'snd If you would like to have this prescription you have sim ply to write tbe discoverer. Or. JH. C Ksy- Sor, 233 Luck tuildlng. Detroit, Mich., and e will end it. to. you free of charge In a perfectly plain a ad a-ivelope. The pre scription Is to keep a d do with ss you please and 1.1 ere Is no charge ahatever attached to it. Bust f nil w .re positive It will cure ou xu.'wrlte at the tector at the above address. CttartM L4MS TlUM AJl Otbrg. , DR. ITIcCREV SPECIALIST. "iraaifarw! DISEASES OF ' MEN ONLY ' " Artedlcal Bxpart. 34) yesws SapsrWaaa, IB Vwrsts 'C J Naarty , (ata CmL ""aMsaiaisBir- l.. U4MWK Hraraa.1 lea raaofc laat, Haa i.a. DakaUlf. i aia m antra au fa aa all lanas mi tkrmmu Bluaan, . Traataaau4 r aaU. Call ar wrlla. - 1 g4Bas avar MB HUIt, gauss. Ha. Tfi WIN ANDWCrjSErX. Ut . rjBlgaiforaaaatara ,.,A I i.etaarsM,lafiaaiiaatUa. lunaaJ 1 irrliatlaa. .r alocraltuaa of a l el l aieraa, mm t imirtia. . . tSialMa. aa ao4 aatrtn. EvAMCnISiCmC. er saiaaaooa. 1 4 4y 4i nosHaBB, ar ml la alala rataa 1 M or 4 BaailM M A. 4aaUat saaaata iiaaast. TWENTIETH -CENTURY FARMER gakaortbo How. 3 r tl0laTl,4 i -