THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: TITtTRSDAY, JUXE 30. 1004. CRAlXAxn Pflnnrr f mapkpt tivi vvu if&AlJV liaU A wd Still Strong for All Grain, trat TFlDEDOES NO MORE THAN HOLD ITS OWN Material Revival la Bay-las; aad feUJasj AaUrlpated Before Feorth f Jalr, Which U Expected a Ead Uell Seaseau OMAHA, June 29, 1904. Thr wu everything U mske lor a null snaritct yesieraay, uui, strange 10 say, me (Tact was tail but llttia neie, although Chi cago Onalora and speculators war qui it I'J.i?1. ,n c.u' 1at. aitr easing oft alter the opening, began an abcent at Chi cago lata in tne morning ana advance wera rapid tor a tlma.''L0n"na .' ""on f(,r all grain, f"i,Je'P'" re light. kilevator men want grain stuns, out there imna to u.. llttia response to the call, aa the farmer are paying more attention to the growing crop than anything that they may have In more. The market ws dull again today and win In all probability continue ao tne re. auscttaiton which. It looked for after the x oiirtn. Grain; Jut about held their own here to ly and deala were acaaty. but one casrt wfrportd' cr no- whiu o la. at 2140. Thursday la the laat day for the buyera of July grain, but ao far at concerns Omaha there vu no aeramble of shorts to To'rr.Voe?1 b dlfferent thln . At Chicago the liquidations followed the opening and buyera were few. Aa the cell, era have a month to deliver their grain, the seemed to reat ey at the outaet and with the prospect of another day before them. Then came the bullish reports from almost every direction, specially from the southwest, and prices went up. Statistician Jones estimates that winter Wheat thla year will be 67,000,000 bushels under the yield of 13 and that Kansas out side of the Inssea will yield by 7i.0OO.OO buahn la as ft train t from 84.000,000 to 87.0O0.ou0 pusneia estimated by Secretary Coburn of the Kansas Agricultural board a few days go. This, together with the report of statistician Bnow, which Is extremely detri mental to the wheat and grata, worked for higher prices at Chicago. Beeid these, private advices state that there ha been far too much rain In Kansas and that the wheat In Missouri la ready to cut, but too wet for harvesting. Complaints of ruat are henrd from a few sources. Mln T4lilll5LxtO0k of wheat show a decreaae of $46,000 bushels for the last four days. There U every Indication that July deliv eries will come late in the month. . , waainer map, too, lent Its strength In bulling the market; for July and Septem ber rose In sympathy. More rains are re ported In the west and southwest during the past twenty-four hours, with general precipitation In Kansas, but of a light nature except at Wichita. A fourth Inch ot 'V,rVw""- experienced at Kansas Cltr ?rn.L''Lt howere in Nebraska, Iowa and North Dakota. Heavy rain at Duluth. The forecast, however. Is for fair weathsr In this state, and that factor worked to hold prices at Omaha on a level. Statistician Snow's report of the grain situation announced today says: "Continued heavy rains in Missouri val ley damaging, wheat and corn prospects. Klvers put of their banks In eastern Kan sea making the third flood of the season. Corn Is only a few Inches high and lost In weeds where It should be ready to lay by. Bottoms are under m arA Ammm-m. K yond repair. Missouri and Illinois corn al most aa late. Position of crop Is serious if hot, dry weather attends taasellng In The range In prices of Omaha grain for future delivery .and the close today and Tuesday wer as follows: Closed Open. High. iow. Today. Tu'day. TV nenv Julr gnA SOMA 79 A 79A 79 A 75B 74 2 0 74 A 74B 74A 72B 72 7ZB 72B 72A Bapt. .... Dee. Corn June July Sept Deo. Oe t - June July Sept , 4B ' B 46B '48B 4B 41 B 4B 4 40 B 4fi 43B 43B 43B 43B 43B 38B 3B 8B 38B 3SB , 41 B , 7B . 81 B B bid, 41 B 41 B 41 B 41 B fB 87B 38B. 88B $1 B 81 B 31 B 31 B A asked. Wheat In the Missouri valley Is over-, ripe and fields are too wet to harvest. Much -wheat Is down and tangled; fair yields if could be secured; as It Is, esti mates must be lowered. Oats crop heading short and yield disappointing." Receipts m Omaha Market. ' ' In. Out. wheat, cars 1 4 Corn, cars 4 2 Oats, car .. 1 j Omaha Cash Market. WHEAT Nominal: No. hard, IMMBo; No. I bard, 7Bo3-; No. 4, KfjToc. CORN Nominal ; No. i, 4tiU47ei No. S, 4B'i46c: No. 4, 4S4c; No. 2 yellow. 47'A 47-,c: No. I yellow. iSfrici No. white. Sjtto; No. I white, 4646Hc OATS Nominal; No. 2. 8IXS39Hc; No. S, rWaMc; No, 4, 3W7ci No. 2 white, 40c; No. I white. Mtr.'WUc; standard, 9&3q: Qrala Market Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Tues day at the marksts named were as follows: CHICAGO. Closed Wheat Today. Tues'y . July tl&S September slkB toa Corn- July 47B 47A ' September Wheat July ....... . Beptember Corn July September Wheat July September Corn . July ....... i& 4WA KANSAS CITT. K 74B 7oA 7(HtB 45H 43!, ST. LOUIS. t2 46S 46 82SA s0i4 4AB 46 September MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat- July September Wheat July - September 834A KHB S1HB tOlt DULUTH. MHB U B 82 B NEW YORK. Wheat- July September Corn July Bbld. A asked. 89HB K)H 63 Hotes of the Orala Market. J. M. Ohslund of Wahoo was In Omaha ' " I a. C Thompson of Chicago waa a oaller at the grain exchange today. Liverpool wheat spot Inclined to tyd lower at the opening on the weakness of Ameri can markets yesterday and rains in Ruasla and the Argentine and corn advanced H1 higher. The market closed with wheat H to :id lower and July corn 14,d higher and September Hd lower. gt. (.till Orala aad Prorlsloas. ST. IX)UIS. June It. WH EAT Higher en delayed harvest; No. i red, cash, ele vator, nominal; track, new, tl.Oe: old, 11.08; July. aavtnw'c; September. b0SCu1c; No. I hard, i;'uJ2o. COKN Firm; No. I cash, 7ic; track. eur4w',e; July, 46H'ne; September, 46o. OATS-Hlgber; No. t cash. 41o; track. 41V; July. 7ViC; September, tie; No, i white, ia. ' FLOt'R-Morket steady; red winter pat ents, t47KM; extra fancy and straight, Rfc-ifiTO; clar, ts.va4.10. OOHNMKAL Steady, fc.7. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, 84ffre. " HAY Heavy; timothy, la.O043l4.Oo; pwlrle. aOmlJiaOO. ' . ' IKON COTTON TIES lie, BAOOINU W. HUMP TWINBJ-W,5a PHUVIBIONw - I'ork. lower; Jobbing. JIJ Sijsi. Ird.. unchanged; prime steamed, .Bacon (boxod). steady; extra shorts. M.25: clear ribs. t 7V; short clear. Vt.bii. POULTRY - Turkeys, lower; chickens. 8He; springs, 13aliuj turkeys, 12c: ducks. 10; jreeae, 10. BUTTKR-Steady; creamery, 1418Uc; dairy, 1'xbI4o. fcuOS-fiieady; 130, case count. ... Receipts. Shlpmanta. r!?" " " lltwo Wheat bu 4S O1O 60.or) Corn, bu 1S.0iii Gla bu. ts.wo' 44,000 Kaatst Cltr Orala mm Prail.l... ft KANSAS CITT. June 18. WH BAT Firm ; il"ly. f'o; September, 70V:; Decemlx-r, I rWJi cU No. hard. 80c; No. I, fcjw '0 1 r,d' n'w ttei ol tlOO; Nu. t. it rtio. CoitX-FIrm; July. 4Bc; September, So; Ierembr, Sc; cash. No. mixed. rf4o: No. I, 4Sc; No. while, 4do; No. I 47vH4No. OATs-b..dy; No. t wblta, 4H,oj No. KTPV Nominal. (M. ' UGu-lriai AUsswurt nd Kansas stock, 4 ew No. I whltewood cases Included. Me; V,ount. lic; aea returned, He leea. HA.-ho4ce timothy, 810.0ii10 ; choice prairie, I.g0v4.ta. . . . . Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 2l." 18?0 Corn, bu , 18.0"0 Oata, bu , f.OUO a, CHICAGO GUAM AD PROVItlO?ll '"atarea ( the Tradlagf aaal rieelsg Prices Baarel ( Trade. CHICAGO, June .- Rejiorfs of damage by ralna In Kaneas and Missouri furnished the strength here In wheat. September finished with a gala of SHe. Corn Is ud Sc, nets msde an advance of VkU'ic and provisions show a loss of 2V87Hc. Initial quotations on September were a shade lower at OHc. The market closed strong end near the high point, final ngnres on rptemer being st 81VC, sfter the price had touched SISfiKlHc. Clearances of wheat end flour were equal to 19.J64 bushels. Pri mary receipts were 212.800 bushels, com pared with 7.lno bushels a year sgo. Min neapolis Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 208 ears, against 16 last week and 180 a year ago. - The market for rilatunt deliveries nf corn closed strong and at the high point. Sep tember opened tmchanged to a shade lower st 4HUc to 48i,.48V. eold between 4S'4c and 4V?ic and closed at the top. Local re ceipts were 172 cars, with U of contract grade. A stesdy tone prevailed In nets. Septem ber opened unchanged at Win, sold be tween ane and 82c and closed at aa4324a Local receipts were 82 ears. Provisions were easier on general liquida tion. Covering by shorts caused a mod erate recovery, but closing prices were lower on all products, September pork being down 7H5 at I12.82'. September lard and rlba were each oft Zc at 7.0fc and 17.60 re Bpectlveiy. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 12 care; corn, 261 cars; oats, 11 cars; hogs, 27,000 head. The leading future 'ranged as follows: Articles.! Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. I Tes'y. Wheat a July b July a Snpt. b Sept. Corn June July 8-pt. Oats June July Sept. Doo. Pork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Ribs July Sept. 84 KVMW,85fc;84rt7i n ft Sl t2 82 4 80 8ina 47H 47 47Si I 47S 47T,4t,1 f 40i 40S I 8KS . 8H'4 22 fH 21 12 52 U 6ft 12 &2t 12 W 87Mr 8TV4 T 08 7 074 7 22V4 7 27H 7 80 7 62H l4ST4C-)i4SH'8lt, 48Vi I 4fW4 404 8 P 82Vk 32W 12 (VI f 12 80 U 87VI 12 80 12 40 12 70 t 87' 7 OS 6 80 TOO 7 74 70s 7 27HI 7 90 7 &2il 706 No. 2. a Old. b New. FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $4 B&9 4.AE: straights, t4.t0ft4.40: spring patents, 2804.70; straights, U.iwMlO; bakers', $2,60 WHEAT No. 2 spring, 887e; No. 1 prlng. 8&fi(o; No. 2 red, 88cfl.0. CORN No. 2, 47.e; No. S yellow, 49fl48He. OAT8 No. 2, H$48c; No. t White, 29 42Ho. RITBJ-NO. t, 4e, B A RLE Y Good feeding, 036c; fair to choice malting, 42G2c. SEED No. f flax. 8101; No. 1 northwest ern, 2107. Prime timothy, 22.92H. Clover, contract grade, 110. 76. PROVI8ION8-Mesn pork, per bbl., I12.M t?.12.66. Lard, per 100 lbs., Short rlhs sides (loo-el S7.12Va4T7.2S. Short clear sides (boxed), $7-2697.60. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipt. Shipments. Flour, bbls 80.i0 18,100 Wheat, bu 24.000 ll.too Corn, bu 64,300 163,800 OnU, bu 22J.&.10 84.800 Rye. bu 8. 000 8,3110 Barley, bu 29,800 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 13Vip 174c; dairies, JlVfrffUc. Kggs, firm; at mark, canes included, 144j14o. Cheese, ftrm,7VMr 8 Vic. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the - Day oa Various Commodities. NHW TORK, .Tune 29. FLOUR Receipt. 14 845 bbls.; exports. 2,852 bbls.; market fea tureless, with light receipts; Minnesota patents, t4.8SQ5.10; Minnesota bakers, 83. 6f 8t; winter patents, I4,t0&.20; winter straights,' 84. 864.80; winter extras. $3.86 8. 80; winter low grades, $3.1!a3.60. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, $4. 002-4.26; choice to fancy, J4.86e4.70. CORNMBAL Steady; yellbw western, $1.1043)1.12; city, 81.LKjl.16; kiln dried, 83.00J 8.10. RTE Nominal; No. I western, Wc; nom inal. BARLEY Slow; feeding, 46HO it New Tork: malting, nominal. WHEAT Receipts, 8,800 bu. Spot, market Irregular; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator: No. 2 red, $1.07, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.01 S, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. In op tions, apart from steadiness, forenoon wheat developments were unimportant. The close waa firm at He net advance; July, 88 1-ltVft 8970; closed at Stc; September, MH'3SVc; closed at 86S-ltic; Deuember, 84ltfS6Vc; closed at 88Vc CORN Kecelpta, 40,850 bu.. Spot market easy; No. 2, 63c, elevator, and 63440 afloat; No. 2 yellow, 66c; No. 2 white, 64c. Option market opened steady and then declined on account of the weak cash position here, fol lowed by later rallies with wheat, closing unchanged to Uo net higher. July, hUc; closed at 68H0; September, fc&68fcc; closed at 6JiC OATS Receipts, 72,800 bu. Spot market easy; mixed oats, 28 to 82 lb.. 44464c : natural white, 80 to 22 lbs., 47B4$; clipped white, 3 to 40 lbs., 48&&2c. HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 26 pounds, 18c; California, 21 to 26 pounds, 180 ; Texas dry, 24 to 80 pounds, 14c. f.EATHEH Julet; add, 23250. WOOD-Steady; domestlo fleece, 28(ff82e. TALLOW Quiet; city, 4Vo; country, 4V44V4c RICE Steady; domestlo fair to extra, tV4ffC4c; Japan, nominal. 11 AY Steady; shipping, 76c; good to Choice, 86c. ' HOPS Dull; state common to choice 1902, 2C636c; 1802, 23(f2c; old, B14c; Pa clflo coast 1802, 24ia3oc; 1802, 22&&c; olds, 8ial4c. PROVISIONS-Beef. firm: fsmlly, $8 60 1060; mess, $8.0n)8S0: beef hams, $W6(Ki 22.00; packet. $90Oil9.R0; city extra India mess, 813.00(2216.00. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 85.7508.25; pickled ahoulders, $8.60; pickled hams. $9. 00910.00. Lard, easy; western Steamed, t7.20; refined, easy; con tinent. $7.26; South America, $8; compound, 85.87VrfM.12V4. Pork, quiet; family. IM-Wof? 14.80; short clear,, $18.60(816.00; mess, $14. 26 14 76. BUTTER Steady; creamery, common to extra, IftirriSVic; state dairy, common to extra, lSu'17c. OHEKlh Steady ; state full cream, small, colored and white, 8W3$c; large, colored and white. 74(&V4c. EGOS Firm: western extra selected, 189 ISHc; firsts. 17(ffl7Vc. POULTRY Alive and dressed, steady god unchansed. Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA. June . BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, I8V1O. extra nearby prints. 19c. KGOS-Mrm and He hlghsr; fresh nearby, 19c, loss off; fresh western, 18c; fresh south western, lHo: fresh southern, 17c. C'HKESK Firm and active; New York full creams, choloe to fancy, 8V39c; fair to good, 8a8Ho. Mllwaakee Orala Market. MILWAUKEE. June 29. WHEAT Mar ket Vo lower; No. 1 northern, 970 j No. f northern. 84V4ic: old, July. 86Vc. RYE Steady; No. 2, 87&c. BARLEY-Dull; No. 2, Sic; sample, 2242 CORN-Steady, No. $, 48V49Vci Ju'. iTo bid, . Mlaaeapells Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 28. WHEUT-July, 83 W"; Beptember, 81c; December, 7Hc; on track. No. 1 hard, 5c: No. northern, 84c; No. I northern, 91iT92Vc. FLOUR First patents, $4.9!)ii.0l: aecond patents, $4.Wty4 80: flrst clears, UMi.U; Second cleara, $2.46. HKAN In bulk, $14.60; shorts, $15.50. Liverpool Grata aad Pravlaloaa. LIVERPOOL. June 29,-WHEAT-Spot, nominal; futures, easy; July, es 8 'id: Sep temher. s 4Hd. CORN Spot, easy; Amertoan mixed, new, 4a 4d; American mixed, old, 4s td: futures, quiet; July, 4a 4d; September, 4s 2d. Delate. Grata Market. DULUTH, June .-WHEAT-To arrive, No. 1 northern, 82c: No. 2 northern, 8iSc; on track. No. 1 northern, 92V; No. 8 north ern. "VH July, fc.'Se: Septsmber, 82c. OATaV-On Uaik and to arrive, 40c Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, June SEEDS-Clover. cash, 88 10; tH-tober, $6 tUVt I'rlnie alalke, bid: August. $1 Prima timothy, $1.45; September, $1.47 S. Peoria Gralo Market. . PtOBIA, HI., June 21-CORN-SUady: tio. 2. 45.-: No.' 4. 4i . . , WHISK T-Oa tUe LasU of for Un label! gooUa. SEW YORK STOCKS ASD BONDS Market Tries to Make s Kew Record for 'Cxaaperating Listlessnest. MUCH HOPE BEING STAKED ON FUTURE Next Oorornmeat Crop Reaort o Estimate Will Have aa ortaat Kgect la Form Im- lag Optaloas. NEW TORK, June . The principal In terest attsching to today's stock market was the question whether It would score a new low necord for dullness. Large trans actions in such a stock as Phoenix Mining have the record In actual number of shares transferred, but when It Is considered that the a ha res are of a par value of $1, thus requiring a transfer of 10,000 shsres to equal a transaction in a single full share lot ot an ordinary stock, the eecurlty of the rec ord Is seen to have been achieved at small outlay, it is scarcely rair to attnouie inp nt u sluggish fluctuations In such narrow tra-J- ' CupV,. '. ing 10 coiiaiawauou 01 euuii - - the country's crops, the course of business and prosperity as a whole snd as a baro meter of events of so prodigious a charac ter to come. The present market can only hPi accepted as an Index of profound uncer tainty and lack of conviction over the fu ture course of events and decisive develop ments re awaited to dissolve the uncer tainty. The next government crop report, due July 10, with the first government esti mate on the corn crop, may have an lm- fiortant effect In forming convictions and is early appearance after the coming holi day adds to the Indisposition to make com mittments until that period has panned. July 1 disbursements are to be apparently close to the high record and It Is expected that a large temporary demand for loans may remit. But no present anxiety over the money market can be conjured up. In fluential buying of Southern Paclilo and Union Pacific had a sustaining effect In the general market. Trade reuorte of the Anthracite traffic were more conservative than has recently been the case. Erie's re ductlon In operstlng cost for May was favorably regarded, but this and other mixed showings of railroad earnings was without Influence on prices. 80 was the re sumption of dividends on Lehigh Valley after an eleven years' Interval. The rise In the Metropolitan transactions pulled prices up slightly and held them to the closing, which therefore shows slight gains as a rule. Bonds were dull and Irregular, but with an investment uemanu 1,1, many dormant Issue. Total sales, par value, tl,82.i,l0). United States bonds wets unonanged on call. Following was the range of prices on the Stock exchange yesterday: Bale. HI s-h .Low.Close. Atchison ... do pfd Baltimore & 4.9(10 72" 7Z 1,300 86 96 90V Ohio. 600 7U 79K do pfd Canadian Paclflo .... Central of N. J Chesapeake 4 Ohio.. Chicago it Alton .... do pfd Chicago O. W Chicago & N. W C. M. Bt. P do pfd Chicago T. & T do pfd C, C., C. A St. L.... Colorado Southern... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Delaware & Hudson.. Delaware, L. & W.... Denver eV R. O...... 100 91V4 81Vi 91V 4,200 124Va U4V 124V4 ltu 80 1 200 38 87V4 (( 13V4 1U9 142 177 Vi 15'2 69 , 18 48U 20 155 27Q ii 6XV1 23 64 82 131 Vi 18 It 42 109 14X 78 110 42 ' tw 123 92 lli 86 86Vi H6k 66 86 26 115 68 46 82 67 20 C4V 44Vi 10 28 4S 20 $6 22 24 mi 80 93 16 84 14 228 186 104 49 18 71 28 1,800 142 200 178 178 S00 100 IS i 4VJ 2 20 100 900 166 166 Vi 100 100 20 89 68 86 !9 $IH do pfd Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central .... do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. & N Manhattan L.... Met. Securities 1,600 700 200 800 122 181 .. 100 .. 800 ,. 800 600 21 2f 42V4 42V4 V4 109 48-J4 148 .. 2.600 Met St. Ry 16,600 111 Minneapolis & St. L M . Bt. P. 4k S. St. M. 800 do pfd 200 Missouri Paclflo ...... 1,600 Missouri, K. 4k T.... 100 do pfd , N. R. R. of M. pfd..-... Sew York Central , orfolk 4k Western do pro Ontario 4k Western. Pennsylvania P., C. C. & St, L... Reading m 4.800 S.606 600 200 400 26ii 116 HbVi 47" 46 82Vs S-'Si 87V4 ' 67V4 20Vk do 1st prd do 2d pfd...-. Rock Island Co do pfd St. L7 & 8. F. 2d pfd.. St. L. Southwestern.. do pfd i66 iivi ivk Southern Paclflo .... 4,800 Southern Railway.... 200 do pfd 100 Texas 4V Paclflo 100 T-. St. L. & W do pfd Union Paclflo 7.700 do pfd . Wabash 100 do pfd .... Wheeling & L. E Wisconsin Central. h. 100 do pfd .... Mexican Central .... 1,800 Adams Express .... American Express ... .... U. 8. Express ... Wells-Fargo Kx Amal. Coppei ......... 2,100 47 KVi- 86 22 4 21 85 'i2 88'' 15 88 V4 16 e . I 16 'iii 49 HIV? 494 16 American C. , F.... 2.600 do pfd American Cotton Oil. 100 da nfd save 3c 88 American Ice do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil do pfd Amer. Locomotive . 100 . 100 '. L600 . 100 . 600 26 .... 21 18 18 83 83 64 64 88 96 128 128 19 83 64 97 127 48 194 do pfd American S. & R..... do pfd Amer. Sugar Refining 1,100 600 Anaconda M. uo Brooklyn R. T 1,600 voioraoo r. at a,.-.. Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities.. Oeneral Eleotrlo International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd National Lead North American Paciflo Mall Peoples Oas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel ........ do pfd Rubber Oooda do pfd Tennessee C. 4s I..... V. 8.-Leather do pfd U. S. Realty do pfd U. S. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Westlnghouss Elec... Wetrn TTnlon Total sales for the day, ist.iuu snares. Bostoa Stock ttaotatloaa. BOSTON, June 29. Call loans, 2itT34 per eent: time loans, 2(34 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: AtehlaoB sdi. 4s.. . VI iWaatlng. common .lollilAdvanture . MH AIlou.i . lt Amalsamata4 .... .. tt " 1 .. .. 44 ..455 .. I'4 .. t:k .. M .. 40, t 1 .. I .. 1 .. 4 .. .. 40V4 .. 4 .. U .. eov. .. It ., .. A .. to J? :: .t5 .. .. do 4a Max. Central 4a... Au-blaoa do sfd Boat on A Albany.. Bo.ton A Main. Bnaloa EierataA . ritchburg pfd Umm. ('antral . iAnwrlcan Zioa .141 .11 .1M Atlantlo Blnthara C.I. Hecla.... Cantanalal Copper Hangs ... ...1M ... t! N Y.. N. H. aV M ,..1H ... J ... u Dalr Waal Iwmlnloa Coal . Kraoklla para Marquatte ... I'aloa ParlOa Aeer. Ara. Caaat... Ua Brixr do pre .urai Aaiar. fnau. uba 4Maia. Mlalnf ... Amar. Sugar 124 Mlchlgaa do pfd "7 Mohaek A mar. T. T ISHi'alout. C. A O... Amar. Woolen lost. Old Dominion ... do pfd Oaoeole PorolnUa I. A 7 Pairot Kdiaoa Blac. ll....I8tU Qulacf Oanaral Blactrlo V-i ShanooS Maaa. Elaotrl 14 ITamaraok do pld M4) Trtaltr ; Uaaa. Oaa V- 8. Mining.... t'nltad rmlt V . Oil tin l tad Suoa kUak.... .(Hah de pld 4 virtoHa D. g. Steal Winona , e pld Mti Wolvarlae Bid. Forelgra Flaaarlal. LONDON, June 19. The amount of bul lion taken into the Rank of England cn balance today was 128.0uO. In the -narket today discounts were weak. Operatora on the Stork exchange were largely occupied with the conclusion of settlement. The tone generally waa cheerful. Consols opened dull, but grew firmer, home rails responding. Americans opened Irregular, became liatlees snd healtatlng and fioard (inlet. Grand Trunk fell sharply on the May revenue returns being extremely dis appointing;, the Increase bIi a taut $;oo,ouo W4 67 MV4 124 12Vi 16Vl ltiVi - .... 72 48 4X,i .... 29 184 194 .... io2 .... 22 '600 I60" 154 163 .... 21 ' BOO 69 68 69 ' SO 72 200 19 19 19 85 24 100 97 97 97 ;;' v.'.'. 70 inn si 218 217 200 8 8' 6 100 41 41 40 '..;; v.'.'. 77 84 900 8 8 8 n) 80 79 80 600 6 6 f 600 69 68 6b 100 1H lii 16 400 68 86 65 700 9 9 9 1.700 66 66 66 164 below the expeolalons The stock rallied snghtle Ister. imperial Japanese govern ment s of 1904 were quoted at 94 BERLIN. June 2S Hueines on the bourse today waa quiet, with a tendency to be irregular. Canadian Pacific advanced. Exchange on Iin1or, 20m 4"pfg for eherka Dlacount rates: .Short hill. 3V, per cent; three months' bill. 8 per cent. PARIS. June 29 Prices on the bourse today were firm at the opening, but later became healtatlng Russian Imperial 4S closed st 91.78 and Ruaalsn bonds of 1904 st 608. Three per cent rentes, 87f 80r for the eeeount. Exchange on London, ffif 20o for checks. New Tork Moaey Marketr NEW YORK, June 2.-MONET-On calL very easy; hlglieat. t. 1 per cent: loweet, 1 per cent; ruling rate. 1 per cent; last loan. 1 per cent; rloelne bid. 1 per cent; of fared at 1 per cei t;, time money, easy) sixty snd ninety days, 2 per cent; six months, SfJ per teift; prime mercantile PPr, 2'ft4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy, with sr. tunl business In banker a' bill at 84.871ix9 4.8716 for demand 1t st 84.8510 for sixty day bills: posted rites, 84. 66 and $4 8: com mercial bill. $4.85 SILVER Bar, 66; Mexican dollars, 4ftc. BONDS Govern m nt, steady; railroad. Irregular. The closing quotations en bonds are as follows: ..rut LAW onl. 4a mm . .1 4 MankatUn a. g. 4.. .104 ..1U t M.i Caniral 4a ..IK Minn. A St. L. 4a.... M ..lll'l a , K. A T. 4a H't. dn la i Tvs ..Hl'i N. R. R. of M. e. 4a. Tf ..107, N. Y. C. g. 1WH ..101", N. J. C. g. a lS4tt .. I No. Pseiao 4 !3 .. 1 o a ..i(4' N. A W. a. 4a 1M .. 84. I). It L. Ii t ear.... I74 4 a . res do' ooueon 4s sew 4, rf. 89 coupon ell 4a, R... do, coupon Atchison sn. 4a. do adj. 4 Atlantic C. L. 4a. B. O. 4a do IVti Central of rla. Sa HO1. Penn. conv. I4a es4 do 1st ln 74 , Reading can. 4a loOli Oiaa. A Ohio 4m....l"'4 St. U A 1 M. c. ia .loK Chlcage A. .... 7 St. U A 6 f. fg. aa. U C, B. Q. n. 4a.... M at L. S. W. U 44i C. M. A Bt. P. g 4a.. li Saa board A. U 4a... si C. A N. W. a. Ti...n74(So. Par I Bo 4a n C., R. L A P. 4a.... Po. Rallwar la 114 do cot. 4i iri Taiaa P. la 11T4 rco. di It. L. s, 4a.. 1"! T., St. L. A W. 4a.. fOSa Chicago Tar. 4l. T4 i Union paclflo .104 Con. Tobaoce 4a..., Colo. A Bo. 4a D. A R. O. 4a Erla prior llaa 4s.. do gen. 4a P. W. A P. 43. la., Hocklns Val. 4Ha-, Offered. ' , 41t, do conr. 4a.. 3VU. S. Steal M ..101 Wabaah la .11714 . 47 . 04 , ttVs ..looU d dab. B W. U I 4a.., 10JSI Wla. Cafttral 4a. ,UulColo. Fual c. la.. Loadon Stock Market, LONDON, June J9.-Closlng: Conaola. money K)t-l 14. T. C antral Ill do accouat Anaconda Alrhlaoa do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian Paclflo .. Chea. A Ohio Chicago Ot. W C, M. A St. P DeBeera D. A R. O do pfd Brie : do 1st pfd do td pfd , tfe . 4W i , 1H Norfolk A W I1H do pfd it) Ontatla A W M Pennavlvante 4'H Rand Mines 10 147H,Rdlng 14 81Sl do Irt pfd 41 14 do td pfd I4U; .144 :So. Rallwar 'H W'4' do pfd tTSi 3ttt 8o. Paclflo 47(4 Tu ittnlon Pacic 0V S4141 do pfd ltu C. 8. steal 10 M dn pfd 184 iWahaah :R5 8S4 , tnva Illinois Central Loula. A Naah.. Ul do pfd kL, K. A T 17 Igpanlah 4a ..... Ex-dlvldend. SILVER Bar, dull. 26d per ounce. MONEY 2ft8 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 per cent. New York Mlnlngt Storks. NEW YORK, June 28 -The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con Mttle Chief .. I ..sno ..170 .. tt .. 7 .. 14 .. It) .. II .KM Alice Rreece 'Bmnawlok Con . Coraatork Tunnel Con. Cel: V.. Horn SIlTar iron Bllrar LeadTllle Coa .... Offered. . iS . 14 . IS . 7 i AM .Vi . I Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Holoal lavage - 8larr Nevada Small Hopaa .. aitndard . Bank Clearings. OliAHA, June 28. Hank clearings for to. day, $1,187,891.10, a decrease of $87,360.86 from the corresponding- day last year. OMAHA WHOLESALE! MARKETS condition ot Trade and teaotatlona -on Staple sad Faery Prodace, EGOS Receipts liberal; market steady; fresh candled stock. I4(jd6cj case count, 13a. LIVE ruuL'i'RY liens 8c; roosters, according to sire, 6c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 8tc: geese; 6c; broiler laUlSc. . - ttUTTER hackingn siock, lc; choice to fancy dairy,. liiaUc; acparatorr lfiftiilAo. , J-RESH FISU-Trout. 10oj pickerel, 8c i pike, Wc; perch, 7c; bluellsh, 12c; whlteflsh, 14c; salmon, 14c; Tedsnapper, lie; lobster, n-r- n O."-,. . ln.a,AM ,...(,.,, . k.illkuJ. lie;, 14c; black bass, 20c; halibut, locj crappies, lie; roe anan, 31. uo; Duriaio, &c; white buss, Ho; frog legs, per dos, 35c. BRAN Per ton, $18,00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association! Choice No.' 1 upland, $7.60; No. 2, $7.00; medium, 86.60; coarse, 86.00. Rye straw, $5.60. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, . cholcr large size, $3.00; fancy navels, all slses, $3.60; Mediter ranean sweets, onolce, all sizes, $8.00&H26; Jaffas, all sixes, $Z7a43.00; Valenciaa, all sizes, $3.60(0)3.76. LliMONlf-Californla fancy, 270-300-890, $3.76(&'4.25; choice, $3.60ig3.75. CALIFORNIA FIQH-Per 10-lb. carton, 60c; imported Smyrna, 2-crown, 12c; 6 crown, 14c: 7-crown, 15c. BANANAS Per medlura-slzed bunch, Ktotftf liO: Jumbo, $2.75ija.2J. DATES Persian, -per box of 80 pkgs., $2.00; in 80-lb boxes, 6c; per lb. j Oriental stuffed, per dox, $2.40. PINEAPrUSS In cratea, of 24 to 42, per crate. $3.00. ' FRUITS APPLES Green, per -bu. box, 76c. RASPBERRIES Per 24 qts., $160; per 21 pts., $1.60; red raspberries, per 24 pts., $2.6). BLACKBERRIES Arkansas, per 24 qts., $2.00. STRAWBERRIES Colorado, per 24-qt. case, $2.60. CHERRIES CaJifornla, Royal Ann or Tartarian, per box, $1.60; home grown, per 24 qts., $1.26. v GO09BBERRIE8 Per 24-qt. case, 11.26. PEACHES Texas, per 4-basket crate, tOc: California Alexandra, per box, $1.15. PLUMS California Clyman, $1.35. APRICOTS California, $1.6A CANTELOUPE Texas, per crate, $3.60a 2.76; California, per crate, $6.60. WATERMELONS1 Per lb., crated, le; each, sojftoc. CURRANTS Red. and white, per 24-qt. case, $1.26. i VEGETABLES. POTATOES New Texas Red stock, In lacks, per lb., 2c. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.1601.26. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate, $2.00; Louisiana, in sacks, per lb., c. CABBAGE California, per lb,, 2C CAUI.IFLOWER-Per dos., 75c. CUCUMBERS-Per dor. 60c. TOM A TO K8 Texas, 4-basket crates, 80c. RADISHES Per dos. bunches. 20c. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per dos., $00. TURNIPS Southern, per dog., 25c. BEETS Southern, per dos., 26o. CARROTS Southern, per do., 25c. PA R8 LEY Per dox.. 26c. BEANS Wax., per bu. box, $1.00; per -bu. basket, 76c; string, per bu. box, $1.00; per -bu. box, 76c. i SPINACH-Per bu home grown, 8540c. ASPARAGUS Per dos. bunches, 40o. GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-baaket crate, $2.00. SQUASH Florida summer, per dog., 76c PEAS-Por bu. box, $1.00. EGO PLANT Southern, per dos.. $1.60, CELERY Kalnmaioo. per dos., 36c. MISCELLANEOUS. MAPLB SUOAR-Ohlo, per lb., IDe. HIDES No, 1 green,. 8c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 3 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., Be: No. 2 veal calf, 13 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry salted, Ritl2o; sheep pelts, 2427c; horsehldes, $1.602.50. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America. 12c: block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wiscon sin llmbcrarer, 13c. NUTS Walnuts, Io. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 3 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. t hard shell, per lb., 12c; fiecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 0c; peanuts, per lb., 8ci roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, 12fl3c; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c: almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell. 13c; ahell barks, per bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu., 81.26. Evaporated Applea and Dried Frwlts. NEW YORK, June5 29 EVAPORATED APPLES For future delivery the market continued to show weakness with common quoted at 4fi64c, prime at 6'36c, choice st 0'Ui'c ana rancy at io. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes show no material change. Quotations range from 3o to 6c, according to grade. Ap ricots sre uiU'hsnged. with choice quoted st 9loc. extra choice at 10Vttl0a and fancy at UQl3c. Peachea also ruled steady at present prices. Choice sre quoted at 7 4j7i.Jp. xtra choice at 7S8a and fancy at 8tfl0e. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June 28 COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at an advance of 6U11 points snd closed stesdy at an advance of Ion JO points, with sales of 27.0uO bags. Including July at 6 80o; Sep tember. a.uru41.1k..; October 6 20c; Decem ber. 6.a7i6.40c; March, .m4J0v; May, 6. ton. The cloning advance waa also encouraged by a cable from Rio eetltnatlng the receipts at Brazilian polms fur Jul at lea than half of last year's. OMAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle BeOelpta Moderate and Best Gradei Steady, Others Weak. HOGS BROKE FIVE TO TEN CENTS Bhoeg. Reeelpts Kot Excessive, bat Owlsg to DaU Ceadltloa of Mat tost Market la ko Bast Prlees Coatlnae Dowavrsrd Coarse. BOCTH OMAIIA, June 59, Receipts were: csttle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Mondsy 120 S.4.-4 4.6O0 8rflola! Tuesday J.fos, 12.877 8.J46 fflclal Wednesday 1.4tO 8,000 . 1.7.6 Tbre days thij week.. t.l S.Xll ll-6?4 Same days Inst week.. 8.843 28.SM 8.f"l Same days week before.. 9.4S7 32.428 1.72 Some three weeks ago.JO.rt 3i7fiO 6.2T6 Same four weeks sgo. ...10,478 88.S37 $.776 Some days last year 12,891 29.520 8.870 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following- table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep-at South Omaha for the year to date with comparison with laat year: l04. 1Sm8. Inc. Deo, Cattle 4o0.844 4S0.S41 88.4M How 1.844.068 L241.0.8 lifl.080 Sheep 816,804 86S.870 138.884 ...... Averane prices paid tw tiuKS at Bout Omaha for the last several days with com parleon; Data 1804. la.18u3.lS01.18O0.1898.18. June June June June June June June June I... I.. a.., t:; a. .., a... a... 4 68 8 83 a 07 i 89 la I 76 I 8 T01 4 881 4 21 4 11 4 0) 4 1$ 4 4X s 4 88 a as 7 u a 7o a $69 i 18 t so mi 4 83 4 81 1 88 I 4 63 a u a Til 4 84 8 OS) 4 01 4 , 7 U; -I ' k 7 4 Hil I 7 8 M 4 Hki a oif $ 80 187 I 91 8 9$ 8 8. a $ 71 8T8 a n $9 8 63 8 84 a 8 84 a at il I71 3 64 a &$ ! 61 8 63 I 60 June 6 86 8 On 8 08 t 89 t 21 6 10 June 10, 4 74' 4 78 4 81 4 84 7 28 7 3'i a 83 8 Dl a a oo 4 82 4 feh 4 86 8 69 June 11.. a $ 57 8 4 June 11... June 18.., June 14... June 16.. June 14.. June 17... June 18... June 18.., June iw... une 21... una tt... June 23.., June 14... June 26.,, June 28.., June 27.., June 28... June 28... 7 83 7 6 1 811 a 89 6 o; 6 86 a si a mi 8 64 4 81 4 8?U 6 881 aw 4 8S 6 01 7 24 a a 83 I kit 4 86 $82i 5 V4 a 9i 6 84 t 88 a a 88 7 -U a Ml a oe 4 94 4 83, 3 631 a 7 24 1 43 7 41 7 43 a 2 a4J 00 07 a sd a i a m a a 3 a 89 8 Ui 8 71 $491 ! 0ul t 12l 6 ltt f J4t ao4 6 m 3 a TYi 7 49 a is $ j: a 621 6 67 6 17 $ 70; a 66, a 6 (81 7 t 7 67 7 61 a n a io a oa s n 4 99 i a 63 i 7 62 a i a 87i a so 7 66 i as Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars ot stock brougt in today by each road waa: Cattle, Hogs. Bheep. H'aae C, M. & St. P. Ry.... 1 16 Mo. Paclflo Ry t 1 .. .. Union Paclflo System 10 22 $ .. C, 6t N. W. Ry 1 6 F., fi. & M, V. R. R.. 17 88 X 1 C, St. P., M. 4k O. Ry a 11 B. & M. Ry 38 82 4 1 C B. A Q. Ry 1 8 .. .. K. C. Bt. J 7 .. .. .. C, R. I. & P., east.. 1 ' 1 .. C, K. I. t P., west.. .. 8 .. Illinois Central , $ .. Chicago U. W i 4 Total receipts .93 148 II 2 The disposition of the tlay'a receipt waa as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Omaha Packing Co 254 1,351 Swift and Company 660 2,296 888 Cudahy Packing Co.... 681 8,6u3 98 Armour 4fc uo zoo 3,1 Vtf Swift di Co., K. C 150 Armour 4V Co., Boo City 1,000 Carey A Benton 23 Hill 4V Son 24 Hamilton & Rothschild.. 10 ..... Squires A Co 398 sol uegan 1 H. & 8 65 .., Root 26 ..... Haggerty ' 12 ..... ..... Other Buyera 140 Total 2,136 10,721 $.273 CATTLE There waa r.ot an exceanive run of cattle here this morning, out sup plies In Chicago were rather large and re ports from that point not very lavorable to the aelllng interests. At thla market, how. ever, there waa comparatively little change In prices, although trading waa not vary active. The market - on beef steers ' could be quoted steady to a little lower, with trad ing rather slow. The more desirable grades sold without much trouble at steady prices and as . high aa $6.20 was paid for two bunches of cattle. Thla would Indicate that choice steers are nearly as high as they have been at any time. When it came to the medium and common cattle today the market was dull, as packers seemed to be Indifferent as to whether they got any cat tle of that kind, and prioes were undoubt edly a little lower. Several oars of cattle arrived rather late In the morning end they were fully as hard to dispose of aa those that came In early. . There were Very few cows and heifers) In the yards today and in fact there were scarcely enough with which to make a fair test of the market. The more 3i sir able grades commanded stronger prlcee, whether corn-feds or graasers. The me dium to common kinds, though, were slow sals, ths same as usual, but still even those brought fully as good prices as they did yesterday. Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold at just about the same prices they did yes terday. There were not enough stockera and feed ers in sight with which to make a teat of the market. It was very evident that the demand waa limited, owing to the fact that country buyers were scarce. The ten dency of prioes was downward rather than otherwise. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 10... I. ..i 7..., J..., 4... I. .., 86..., U..., 1... 1... 10... ai... i... it... 14... II. .. 14... 10... a... lo... n... 14... it... 11..., II... 24..., II..., At. Pr. .... 471 I 70 .... U0 4 00 .,,.1444 4 00 ....104T 4 00 ....loll 4 II ....1260 4 10 ....nil 4 m ....10H4 I 00 ....1360 I 00 I so .,..1044 I 00 .... Ml I M ....ll 6 10 .,..1077 I 10 ,...1140 I 10 ,..,110 I It ....IMS I 10 ....mi I M No At. Pr. .1140 I DO ll 10 It II..... 1 1314 a 40 1U64 I M 1081 1169 I 10 I 46 II.... It.... II.... 71.... 17.... 1.... 14.... 10.. .. 1111 I 41 1341 41 1270 I I'l 134 I 70 1240 8 T 1240 I 71 1161 I 74 1347 ao 1144 I M 1160 SO 1100 I IS 1417 I IS 1407 95 141 1 00 M. 'I: i. to. 17. ft. 1. 14., 170 I IS 11K ....laiio ..,.1290 ....toil I II I lb 40 I 44 1611 a 00 1134 4 10 1 10 I 15 ism If. tl. 1610 1121 20 4 10 izi e eu "'l . STEERS AND HEIFERS. ..1311 I 60 711 4 00 8 101)4 l 417 4 16 11 111S I It ........ HI 4 ao 15 law u BlliUKB tOWD f .... II.... 721 1 W II. tao 4 SO 1011 4 44 19... ..1011 6 14 cows. 1 II 1 1 I I ,1::::: i i i i t ii 8 f 8 ... t4 1 M 4. ..11U .. 761 . .110 ..1O40 ..1070 I 41 I SO I 40 I IS I M 111 ... 71 1.00 ... 770 I 10 ... 100 I 71 ... I as ... Ill I 40 .:::: 1:::: ..10&I ...1OT0 ... tat ... 140 ... Ill ,..uu ...1001 I so i 76 I 00 .100 4 M 8 i.. 0. Ml 4 00 ....lioo ....1230 ....1171 .... 124 ....llud ....1101 4 M 4 10 4 IS I II I IS 4 t 4 IS 4 SO ...1110 I IS ...114 I as ...1044 I 45 HEIFERS. I io l I SO I SO 144 448 71 I Of 4 18 711 I SO BULLS. rro itio llliO 1560 140 J I 40 1 I 00 1 I 50 1 I SO CALVES. I oo 8 I IS I ..1450 4 II ..timo 4 20 ..1440 4 M .. 4 40 1... 4... II... I... I... 170 Ml ,160 I 10 , 144 I SO 145 S 2t ma 1 11 I 110 I to STAGS. nut 4 ts BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. us 1 10 18 W 1 feeders. 12 feeders. A. Armltage Montana. 876 4 00 it steers.. ..110$ duo 4 28 2 stsers....U10 J. Knocha Montana. 4 20 4 76 406 11 feeders 1001 4 00 30 steers.. ..1082 44 slers. ...U47 4 76 $ 76 23 feeders.. 1068 I 80 W. Tatt Mont. 8 76 17 feeders. . 650 a 80 23 steers.. ..11.SJ 102 steers. ..1040 Turner A Tromwell Mont. 78 steers. ...1084 4 00 18 feeders.. 867 4 IS HOGS There waa a more moderate run of hogs here today than yestsrday, but re port from Chicago were very bearish, and prices suffered at all points. The general market here could be quoted 643 lOo lower, packer wanted to get their drove a dime lower; the salesmen wouldn't take oft that much and gradually packers raised their bids. Trading was rather slow all day but still a clearance was made in fairly good season. Ths bulk of the good weight hogs sold at $0.02 and $&., with the lighter loads from $5.00 down. The rholce heavy hogs sold largely from $6.07 to 86.12. The lat end of the market was verv slow and at noon there were still a few loads In first hands. The , feeling wus woaA rstlitr than otherwise, aa packers hal their more urgent orders filled. Repre sentative .sales: No. At. k. Pr No. Av 8h Tt. to 145 ... 4 fi aa 2M en 5 s ti 1M I M 2? ao S OS 74 Ill l:o I ea M t?a ia I 03 74 f4 aa m a nl l I as 11 loe 40 I 00 2 rl lt.0 I as 77 10 I a TO IU' 40 I OS TI ! ... I 00 74 til f I S 14 14 44 I "4 40 2-4 10 I 04 4 ( ... I 00 71 Ui 40 0 a 1M ... I 40 T7 Ill 120 I OS 7 "4 ... 4 00 14 14 SO as 71 Ill ... I 4 il J?e r.i o8 I J.M 120 I 024 U 124 40 I " 4A 204 40 102V, Tl Ill SO I as a lofl 120 I 02V, 74 rti ... m M 121 44 lt' 70 II ... It U K ... I 02', 41 Ill ... I tie 41 t-1 SO I S3V 43 !l ... I 01 .15 1KI . . 102', 44 2:.l 144 It II 1"! 144 I 02V, IS 211 (0 I 41 r"4 100 I o;v, T5 7M too I OS 17 t 40 I Ml 12 S 1" 04 ii ;n ... t f-.v, a jI 4 lot 44.. !M 40 108 V, 77 1"! ... 106 aa 121 so I ot, 71 IM io I 44 224 140 1 02 V, II 244 SO OS 7.., IMI Sf I 02V, Tl 141 . - 104 Tt.. 120 ... S 02V, M Jl 1M S 01 M 210 10 01V 71 12 120 I OS 74 ,..t"l ... 01'4 e SSO I I 01 7 I7 ... 1 0T-, 134 ?4 ... 1 "S 71 22 .:. C?v, 21 2k3 40 I OS 11 U7 140 I 02V, II 14 ... I 06 137 ill 110 I K't 70 S44 40 I OS II tvj an I 02V, 50 247 to S OS Ill ISO lots 0 114 40 I 05 14 t, ... 102V, M 164 140 4 OS 71 HI 140 S Ot 44 1)3 140 1 J It ...1.11 ... 105 14 171 M I 04 47 2 at 140 I 04 t.4 140 ... I 47V, 70 146 ... I 17 161 So I 07Uj 7 227 ... ( 06 45 1st 40 I 01 47 246 10 I 0 17 ITS Ml I ,1'4 14 221 . . 0I 14 143 40 I 07v( 76 Ill 120 04 141 140 I 07', in ;i to I OS 47 146 art I 0'v, 17 147 ISO OS 54 tal SO 107V, TT 121 SO OS 57 Hi ... I 07V, 71 241 an OS 43 2M 40 07V Tl 127 40 I OS 4 173 ... 10 4t HI 41 I 01 14 176 ... 10 4i ii7 140 nr, 4i rri ... I 11 Tl 147 110 I 05 71 2 4 ... I 10 44 22f ... 5 OS 17 17T ... I 10 44 40 t 05 1 177 144 If 74 til 110 I OS 51 70 ... 10 4 221 ... ns II 21 ... I 10 1 Ill 40 4 04 71 ITI ... I II 70 124 120 I OK II 244 ... I 10 11 Ill 40 01 40 171 . . I 1IV 44 (41 11 01 0 100 114 I II SHEEP There were only a few more than half as many sheep and lambs her this morning as arrived yesterday, but evi dently there were enough to meet the re quirements of the trade. Reports from Chicago have been very bearish all the week snd the trouble seems tu come from the bad condition of the mutton market in the east, which, of course, limits the demand fur the live stock. As compared With the latter part of last week prioes on sheep have suffered a decline of about lVi)40o. This loss, however. Is no greater than at other points, so that prices here are still well In Une with other markets. Trading was rather slow today snd It was late before everything was disposed of. A string of Wyoming wethers weigh ing 198 pounds, sold for $4.06 and Idaho ewe sold for $3.70. ISO, $1 weateru ewe Av. Pr. 80 3 60 94 3 70 60 400 li 4 10 sod Idaho ewes 64 western lamb 23 Idaho wethers 886 Wyoming wether ... .... 128 4 05 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle and Hogs Five to Fifteen Cent Lorrer and Sheet) steady. CHICAGO, June S9. CATTLE Receipts, 22,000 head, 2,000 head Texans; market 10 16o lower; good to prime steers, $6.406.56; poor to medium, $4.6o&6.4n; stockera snd feeders, $2.604i4.3o; cows, ll.SOtfft.ttO: heifers, $2.00&&.00; csnners, $1.604?.!. 60; bulls, $1.76W 4.86; calves, $2 &0&S 70; Texas fed steers, $4.60 (16.IO. HOGS Receipts, 28,000 head; estimated to morrow, 25,000 head; left over, 3,293 head; market 6&10C lower; mixed and butchers, $8.KXfi6.80; good to choice heavy, $&.25gi 6.32; rough heavy, $6.065.20; light, $6.10tf 6.26: bulk of sales, J5.1MB.26. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts, 15.000 hend; market for sheep steady, for lambs strong; good to choice wethers, $4.2611,14.90; fair to choice mixed, $3.264r4.26: western sheep, $3.Sfy4.D0; native Iambs, $3.5087.10. New York Live Stock Market. NEW YQRTC, June 29. BEEVES R celuts. 2.798 head: market good fo choice steers stesdy to 10c lower, others loifjlScoff; bulls and cows, 1052dc lower; steers, f 4.2&SJ 6.60; stags, $4; bulls, $2.764.10; cows, 1.60t 4.00; extra fat western, $4.30. Cables quoted live cattle lower at 10ftl2c; tops, 12c, dressed weight; shipments, 8 bead cattle and 4,200 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 6,711 head; market Slow and 25c lower all around; veals, $3,604$ 6.76; few sold early at I6.81K&6.90; butter milks, $2.6033.00: mixed calvts, $3.2634.00; dressed calves weak; city dressed veals, bii 80 per lb.; country dressed, Wi8c. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,211 head; market for sheep demoralised, but few wanted; good tq choice lamb ateady to firm, others slow to lower; sheep, $2,609 4.00; culls, $2: lambs, $4.75(57.75; culls, $4. HOGS Receipts, $.674 head; market teady; good state, 16.76; mlxeu western, 5.2w8.40. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, June 29 CATTIJE Re ceipts, 6,000 head, including 1,800 head southerns: market steady to strong; rholce export and dressed beef steer, $&.60ii6.40; fair to good, $4.26&8.60; weetern fed steers, $4.00416.80; stockers and feeders. $2.76(114.76; southern steer, $2.7MV6.00; southern cows, $1.76(&a.76; native cowe, $2.00S4.ftO: native heifer. $3.006.36; bulla, $2.50&4.26; calves, $2.604.60. HOGS Receipts, 8.800 head; market 60 lower; top, $5.20; bulk of sales, 38.fl0iijr6.16; heavy, $6.106.20; packers, $5.0035.16; pigs and lights, $4.60i66.07. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.000 head; market steady; native lambs, $4.7648 6.60; western lambs, $4.75fJ6.60; fed ewes, $3.754.60; Texas clipped yearlings, $4.00-3 6.10; Texas clipped sheep, $3.754.60; stock ers and feeders, $2.6003.60. St. Louis lAm Stock Market. 8T. LOUIS. June 29. CATTLE Receipt. 7,000 head, Including 6.000 head Texan; market steady to lower; native shipping and export steers, $4.6004.26; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.26i'6.16; steer under 1,000 lbs., $4.0008.00; stookers and feeders, $3.003'4.3S: cow and heifers, $2,2646.26; can ners. $1. 5002.00; bulls, $2.804.26; calves, $4.00 66.76; Texas and Indian steer, $2.85(36.60; cows and heifers, $2.60cu'J.60. HOGS Receipts, 9,000 head; market Blow, dull and lower; pigs and lights. $4.20&6r4) packers. $5.10if6.26; butcher and best heavy, $6.!6S.40. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 5,000 head; market dull and slow; native mut tons, $3.75'(j4 26; lambs, $4.00$5.7&; cull and buck, 13 0"i4.O0; stooksra, $2.6O3.10; Tex an, $4.00(4.50. St. .Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, June 29. CATTLE Re ceipt, . 1,044 head: market stesdy to 10o higher; natives, $4.S6fi4.88; western heifers, $1.50680; stockers and feeders, $3.004.66. HOGS Reoelpts, 6.326 head; markst 6(3 Ta lower; light, $5.04j6.10; medium and henvy, $5.10f? .30. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, $4 head; market active and firm. Blonx City Live Steek Market. BIOUX CITY, Ta., June 29. (Special Tele. fram.) CATTLE Receipts. 800 head; mar ot steady; beeves. $4.oV(l6.00; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.76u6.00; stockers and feeders, $3.000410; calves and yearlings, $3.00Q3.H9. HOGS Receipts, 6,300 head; market fully So lower, selling at $4.85(.10; bulk, $4-K4 a.oo. . Stock In Slgtht. ' Following were the receipts of live stock for to six principal western cities yester day : Cattle. South Omaha l,4no Chicago 22,0i1 Kansas City $.800 St. Ixjuts 7,000 Bt. Joseph 1,044 Bloux fit 800 Hoars. Sheen. 9.000 1.T78 jR.ono 8.300 $.000 8.000 6,000 8.3'J.l S B.3O0 6OM Jvm Total ....37,644 .. .'.Metal Market. NEW YORK, ' - June 29. METALS Tin was a little lower in London, where spot closed at 117 and futures at 116 17s td. The local market, responding to the foreign declines and the continued Indifferent de mand, waa also lower, closing st 8J&.60i9 26.76. Copper was also easier abroad, clos ing at 68 13s kd for snot and 68 Us 3d for futures. Locally copper was unchanged. Ike Is quoted at $l2.fc12 .76, electrolytic at $i:.6?il2.62 and casting at $U.124H2.26. Lead was a snad higher in London, clos ing at 11 1". The local market was stesdy at $4 26. Spelter was unchanged at 22 In London, hut advanced slightly in the local market, closing at $4.H6&4.90. Iron closed at 61a 3d In GlaHgow and at 42s 6d In Middlesborough. Locally iron was un changed. No. 1 foundry, northern, Is quoted st $146offl8.0n No. 2 foundry, northern, at $13.7614.20. No. 1 foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, at $13 261(13.76. ST. Ill'IS, June 28 METALS Lead, steady, $4.10. Spelter, firm, $4.78. Waol Market. BOSTON, June WOOf,-The market Is strong snd active: advances looked for. Pulled wools are quiet, the old grades be ing about disposed of. Territory wools are firm and in foreign wools there Is Utile trade. leading quotations ara: Idaho fine. 17'jltic; heavy fine. 14'ulic; tine medium., 17 filc; 'medium. lHtfJiao; lf" medium, l&Vji 18c. Wyoming fine, 1M'i1c; heavy fine, I4'ril5c; fine medium, l.i)7c; medium. 13 fc'Jic; low medium, toii1o. Nevada fine, 16VtU'l6o; heavy fine, li!jl4o; fine medium. 16'flKc; medium, lltnv; low medium, 18 (fi2e. Iiak'iia fine. liVuliio; fine medium. 17 Ulu; medium, low medium. 2m 21c Montsna fin choice. lMJOe; flna sr. ersge, 17ft IN?: fine medium choice, l420c; average Ktiisc; staple, 30tj31c; medium choice, 0fc-'lc. . T. jtciS. June 29 WOOIa Firm; me dium grades, combing and clothing. lsl I4.-; light fine, ifnyisc; heavy nne. liCl; tub washed, HG9c. fattest Marlnrt. LIVERPOOL. Jun -4 p. m -4!OTTOM Spot, quiet! price 23 points lower: Amer ican middling fair, 4-d; good middling. 614d; middling, $.04d; low middling. 8.80d; food ordinary, 6.76d; ordlnsry, 6.6tkl. Fu ur opened quiet and cloeed steady; American middling g. o. c: June. I Jld; June aad July. 6.81d; July and August. 6 76d: August and September, 6ld; Pep temher and October, 6 34d; October and No vember. 5.21d: November and December, a.lftd; December and Jannajv, 5.13d; Jan uary and February, 6.12d; February and WNKW ''ORLEANS. June COTTON Future, ateady; June, 10..t5c hid; July, 10 .4(jln 49c; 8eptemler, lt 2r; October. 8 3-ic; November, 8.J-1'.r8 36c; Doceraber, 8. .14 4j9.S.V; January. 8.4itnt.43c Piot. quiet and steady; salea, 7M) bales; ordinary. 6 8-lc: good ordinary, c; low middling. lor; middling. 1011-lAc; good middling, 11c; mld- "ivif 'LOUIS0" June 29 -COTTON-ulet nnd lower: middling, 10,c; sales, none; re ceipts, 93 bales; shipments, 186 bales; stock, 11.6!'4 hales. . NBW YORK, Jun 29 -COTTON-Fu-tures closed qulef and steady: June. lO.-e; July, 10.2Hc; August. 10 J7c; September. 9 ti7c; October, 8 5Kc; November, 9 4Rc; Oecember. $62c; January. 8.6ic: February. 9 67c; March. 8.59c. Spot closed steady; middling uplands. 10.85c; middling gulf. 11.10c! -sales, 876 bale. Oil and Itoala. ' NEW YORK, Jnn t9.-OIIA-Cttonseed. Ann; prime crude, nominal; yellow, S'i 81c retroleum, easy; refined. New York, $7.96; Philadelphia nd Baltimore, $7. Tur pentine, steady at 6VifWtc. ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good, $2 96. SAVANNAH. Oa., June t.-OIL-Ttir-pentlne, firm, 62c. Roaln. frm; A, B. t, b!L,i:ci5TaJune 29.-OILR-Cred,t balances, $1.67; oertlflcates, uo bids; ship ments, 64,10 bbls.; average, 04. 1X.1 bbls.; runs, 99,(4 bbls.: average, 76,243 bbls.; ship menu. Limn, 81,861 bbls.; average, 83,W bbls.: runs, Lima, 80.046 bbls.; average, o, 85 bbls. . , . asrar aad Molasses. NEW YORK, Jun .-fU'GAR Raw, Arm; fair refining-. 8 7-16c; centrifugal, 9t test, 315-18c: molaaa sugar, $$-loc; re fined, firm; No. 6. 4.80c; No. 7. 4.66c; No. 8, 4 6rtc; No. 4.46c; No, 10, 4.40c; No. 11, 4.86c; No. 12, 4.80o: No. 13, 4.26c: No. 14, 4.20c; con fectioners' A, 4.86c; mould A, 8.360; cutlonf, 5.7ic: crushed, 6.70c; powdered, 5.10c; granu lated, 60; cube. 6.8Rc. - - . NEW ORLEANS, June 29. -SUGAR Strong; open kettle, 2B3 8-lc; open kettle, centrifugal. 8-f8e: centrifugal white, 4 fi4o; yellows, 844 8-lc; seconds. 8o. Molasses, nominal; open kettle, 2oli 26c; centrifugal, 103 16c Syrup, nominal, 20 tJXC. ' ANNUA It MEETING Qraad Ledare Benevolent and Protec tive Order of, Elk. Clnolnnatl, O., Jijly 18-23. The Chicago Great Western railway will, on July 15 and 17, inclusive, sell round trip tickets aUone fare, plus $2.26, to Clnolnnatl, O. Ticket good for return until July 23. For further Information apply to B. D. Parkhurst, General Agent, 16l2 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Special Train to Bt. Loals. To accommodate the number of persona arriving; in Omaha en th lata train the Wabaah ha arranged to run- two special trains, Omaha to Bt Loula, one July 4, one July 8. Thes 'train will leave Omaha Union station 8:30 p. m., Council Bluffs Transfer station 8:45 p. in.. irlvlng World fair station and Bt. Loula early the following morning. Train will con sist of baggage, coach, chair knd sleeping car. All local agent can sell you through from your station, routing you via the Wabaah. For berth and other Informa tion call at Wabaah city office, 1601 Farnam street, or address HARRY K MOORES, Q. A. P. D., W 'wen R.- R , Omaha, Neb. Imaerlal Coaaell Noble of the Myetlo brine,' ' Atlantic City, N. J., July 13-18. Th Chicago Great Western railway will, on July a and 10, cell round trip ticket at one fare, plus $2, to Atlantlo City, N. J. Ticket limited to July 22. On return trip stopovers will be allowed at Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. For further In formation apply to B. D. Parkhurst, Oen eral Agent, 1612 Farnam street, Omaha. Neb. ...... REAL E STATU TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record June 39 as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street: Lissle J. Westerflsld and husband to Sherman R. Cox, part of lot 17, block 113, South Omaha ,. $3,000 Joseph G. Prlchard and wife to Nannie R A 1 wine, part lot 13, Ha was' add.. 2,500 Carl P. Petterson et al to Matilda C. Walling, lot 3, block 7, MoCormlck' add '. CO John H. Dumount and wife to William R. Watson, part of lot 9 and 20 and trip between said lots in subdlv. of block A, Reservoir add.,.., M0 Mary Lubbe to William A. Ehlers, lot 2, Lubbe' subdlv 1 Mary L. Janaen to Frank W. Car mlchael, lot 1 io 24, block B, Halcyon Height .' 1 Henry Frank et al, trustee, to Henry Pahl et al, trustees, lot 10, block S, Marsh' add 2 Hanora Goggan to Thomas Ooggnn t '. al. lot a and part of lot 7, block 89, city :. 100 Harrison H. Bowes to Anna Wain, lot 4. block 6. Boggs & Hill's 2d add..., 1,100, Anna Wald and husband to Margaret I.. Bowes, part lot 9, Preston & Wil liams' add 1,000 Sheriff to Anna Homellu, lot L block 8, Patrick 2d add 100 Fannie Friedman and husband to Samuel Snyder, lot 9, block a. Al bright' annex to South Omaha 1 Updike Commission Co. 'QRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Business handled promptly In all marketa Office, 662 ll Building. Telephone 2468. ft. W. UPDIKE. MANAGER. Ten free trips to the Woria Fair. Sao coupon on page two. ' . - ' GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BOILER MOUSE. Boilers, etc. Department of the Inte rior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C., June 36, 114. Sealed proposals, en. dorsed "Propoaals- for Boiler liouae, etc., Genoa, Nebraska," addressed to the Com mlnaloner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C will be received at the Indian Ofnco until two o'clock p. n. of Thursday, July tl, 1804, for furnishing and delivering all neoeasary materials and lubor required to construct and complete a boiler house, with plumbing, piping, boiler, engine, dyname. etc., at the Genoa Indian. School, Nebraska, in strict accordance with tho plans, specifications, and Instruction to bidders, which may be examined at thla Office, the offices of the "Improvement Bulletin," Minneapolis, Minn:; r'Construc tlon News," Chlcsgo, 11.: "Th Bee," Omaha, Neb.; the ' Nehraaka State Jour nal," Lincoln, Neb.; the "Globe-Democrat," HI. Loula, Mo.; the liulldera and Tvfcdcr Exchange at Oniaba. Neb.: Milwaukee. Wis.; St. Paul, Minn.; at the Northwestern Manufacturers' Association, St. Paul, Minn.; the Commercial Exchange, Des Moines, lows; at the U. B. Indian Ware houses. 802 South Seventh St., St. Louts. Mo.; 266 South Cansl St., Chicago, III.; KI5 Howard St.. Omaha, Neb. : and 118 Wnoster St., New York City; and at the ficliool. For further Information, apply to W. If. Wlnalow, Superintendent, Indian School, Genoa. Nebraska. A. C. TONNKR, Acting Commissioner. J21-23-28-23-30-Jy2-s-7-9 LEGAL NOTICE. SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Board of Library Trusters of Carroll, Iowa, until noon of Mondny, July 18, 19o4, and opened at 2 o'clock of sume day. for the erection of a library building. Plana snd specifications msy be seen at the orhVe of the architect, Mr. Thomas H. Klmtmll, Omaha, Neb., or on application to the aecreiary, Mrs. William I., t'u inert lertson, Car roll, Iowa. Certified check for llooqo, a guarantee, to accompany, en right re served to relect any and all bbls, (MHH. WM. L.) RlTU O. CL'LHKRTSON, J30d7tM Becreury.