7 V . . rnn omatta patlt dee: TntrasnAY. jxryE so, iooi. IilOMAS SAYS POLICE LIED renitlot) Attorney AooriMt Offloen of Ferhtrj in Denniaou Case, SMYTH SAYS UICKITS WARRANT IS VOID V , ' . v Ha4 He Farts a Which - Imm the KitrJI" ' ! . Papers la the MTrnmrtit of th Thomson cane yeetan-dar morning Elmer E. Thomas, one of the attorney tor. the respondent, met the Inevitable by declaring that the police offi cer who testified' for Dennlson "dellber UJr lied." x- ' Ed P. Smith, ef counsel for Dennlson, had stated to the court that there no chance for thpoltce officers to have been mistaken that their testimony could not be attacked unless by the assertion that they deliberately committed perjury. ibv Smith said these police officers were not looking for "salve;" they did not want the court to disregard their evidence and give a reason for so doing that (hey were mistaken. He declared that if the court decided the question of facts In rolved without giving credence to the testi mony of the officers It would brand them as perjurers. When It came to Mr. Thomas' turn to peak he readily accepted the challenge of the other aids and declared that the po lice officers had not been mistaken, but had deliberately lied on the witness stand. ' "The alibi for Dennlson was put up for the attorneys on the other side," said Mr. Thomas, "and they have put It through in court" Tbe argument of the case was opened soon after o'clock by C. J. Smyth, who poke for the Den neon side until 10:30, after which hit associate, Ed P. Smith, talked for an hour and a quarter. At the time of the noon recess Mr. Thomas had the floor. f Declares Mickey's Warraat Void. Mr. Smyth opened his argument T07 at-, tacking the sufficiency of the warrant Is sued by Ooverner Mickey for the arrest of Dennlson. "The warrant,'' said he, "Is veld upon its face, for .It doea not set forth that the existence 'Of tbe jurisdictional facts was, shown to the governor. The governor of Nebraska does not say in the warrant that It aa been shown to him that any crime . merely states that the governor or lowa has stated to him that the offense has been committed and this petitioner has been Indicted for It.. The warrant to be valid must how that It has been proved to the governor of Nebraska that the person charge with the crime has not only been Indicted, but that he la a fugitive from Justice. There was no competent evi dence before Governor Mickey that this man Dennlson was even charged with crime ' In Iowa, for the copy of the In dictment presented to the governor was ot certified to, as required by the federal law which applies to practice In this state." Qwotes Authorities Point. Mr: Smyth read a number of authorities In support of his contention that the war rant was ' insufficient and voldi -He also . argued that the affidavits presented In the case at bar were inadmissible and read the statutes 'enumerating the cases in' which affidavits may be accepted. After devoting an hour of his time to the tflafillflslnn at th llLvr vtnlntA. Mr flmvth briefly reviewed, the evidence in the case. He pointed out that the .testimony given by former Chief of -Police Beavey did not ' necessarily oontradlct the evidence of the police officers as to the alibi. "The memory of Mr. Beavey," sajd the ' lawyer, "was apparently defective and hi evidence as to dates was not sufficiently definite to controvert the testimony of the police officers who ; shadowed Dennlson. ' Mr. Finkerton, - In ' his deposition, did not state positively when the surveillance of ' Dennlson ' began, tint merely Implied; that It might have been-after he wrote his letter to' Superintendent Weber . connect In Dennlson. with the case. It -wam lu.t as reasonable to Infer that the surveillance - ef Dennlson began 'before Superintendent Weber wrote the i report to Plnkerton f which drew from the 4atter a letter brder- .- Ing that a watch be kept over Dennlson." ! The Pollock deposition was next taken up. the attorney arguing that It did not oontradlct the alibi evidence given, by the -'police officers. Mr. Smyth said that Pol lock did not swear positively that Dennlson called on him at the Millard hotel -until about two weeks after the robbery, at a time when the shadowing of Dennlson by the Omaha polios had been discontinued. Oatlawed hy statutes. A . Ed. P. Smith opened his argument by citing the statutes of limitation qf the state of Iowa and contending that they had barred the Indictment of Dennlson. Then Mr. Smith paid his respects to a ouple of local newspapers which he said , had taken'Jurlsdlctlon In the case tnd had already decided It against Dennlson. "According to these newspapers, which recognise no law, every witness produced here for the respondent has been a para gon of virtue and truthfulness, while all ef the witnesses for Dennlson have been stamped aa lineal descendants of Ananias." Mr. Smith dealt at length on the testi mony given by the police officers declar ing that it must not be disregarded by the ourt unless the court wished to stamp the witnesses as deliberate and wilful perjur ers. ' "If the court la to make a rule to dis credit the evidence of police offlcera," said the lawyer, "then seventy-flvs per cent ef the criminala tried in this room must be acquitted." There has nof been a particle of oral testimony, given here to oontradlct the "', evidence of the police officers. The only thing Introduced . against this evidence Is the hotel register from Davenport and this eomes into court without any proper Iden tification. In regard to the Dennlson name en thla register we have the preponderance mt evidence to prove that It was not written by Mr, Dennlson. Six witnesses havs tes tified, that in their opinion It Is not ths genuine signature of Dennlson while only three witnesses have expressed an opinion the ether way," Thosaas Fee-la. He meaveaslhlllty. -' Mn, Thomas opened his remarks by say . tng that the technical objections raised by - Mr. Smyth to the warrant had been waived by an entrance Into the hearing of the case on Its merit' These objections, he argued, I . could be made only on demurrer before ths hearing, but he did not pursue the argu- Calnf lor Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Txmt lt yourself in this man' place, but keep a .bottle of this remedy in your home. It it certain to be needed sooner or Liter ami when that time comes you will need it badly; you will neea it quickly. Buy it now. It may save life. imm fca ot kibhoea Saturday UNi J 35 $6 37' Choke Trimmed and Bankrupt Stock ot A. Steam This is the biggest millinery sensation of Che - season. Right' in time for Fourth of July you can buy a stunning new up-to-date hat at less than a third its Value. Trim med with popular new small floweTs some entire flower drowns chiffon, maline, etc., dainty summer shades - also " fashionable street hats worth $5.00, Q Yl f6.00 and $7.00 W Thursday will go at Untrlmmed Hats all the leading shapes your ohotoe, at ..... 10c Lai. dLLI LJ La Oa Maii Floor, Front Bargain Square $1 Slippers and Oxfords, 98c 6(fo pair ladies' hand-sewed fine vici kid and natent colt skin three straD sandals 3 ' militarj heels and opera heels also a lot of ladiesr hand-sewed vici kid oxford ties all made to retail at ? 2.00 and $2.50 a pair all sizes and all widths, at, pair New style waists, made in cool, summery' materials, new sleeve . r all sUes a hundred patterns i ': basement at each. Shirt Waists t ciUBtei-s oi iuokb, prettily pieatea, m g Ojfr wy dainty and stylish tlzMC at. jBtylish Waists HI; . iaoe ana emoroiaery irimmea, wellest waists for summer at..,. Idtea Shirt Walsrt Suits, . O Bn I new wash materials, special"""' I Ladiei? Svmmer Underwear Ladies 15c Underwear at 5c Ladies' and children's fleevelesa vests, very light weight for summer wear, Thursday at each ...... ... . . ...T 25c Underwear at 10c Ladies' and misses' sleeveless and wing . sleeve vets, plain and (anoy oolors, some silk mercerized, ' ' wortn zoo eaon, at. ,60c summer underwear at 12Ho ahd 15c I all over lace lisle and Ir.lr i lace trimmed-t 1311 W lOW ; J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS, BOSTON STORE ' . ' AKE ONE WITH YOU for your friend durlns; vacation as a souvenir of Omaha. We mean one of our spoons a handsome spoon 41.26, tl.60 to 12.60 with building In bowl of Auditorium, post office, water works, Omaha Indian chief. South Omaha Hog- or Steer, with emblems of the state on handle. See il.em before you e"o. iok for the name. . iS. W. Lindsay, Jeweler. ".l i . - .-. Doajjlaa St. DR. BRADBURY '506 . y Painless Extraction DENTIST. . Without Gas-. ' -Filliaf.......:.30c m Gold Crowns, $2.50 up Brfdjre Work $2.B0 up ' Lad Attendant' ' ment at length, remarking that Mr. Brome would discuss the law points Involved. Mr, Thomas Insisted that' no burden - rested upon the respondents in this case; that It was Tom Denntsoa's case and therefore It was up : to Dennlson to rebut the prima fade case set . forth In the warrant "All we have to do." he declared. "Is to throw upon his case some doubt." Mr. Thomas "then entered upon an elabor ate analysis of the evidence given by the police officers to establish an alibi for Den nlson. He pointed out small discrepancies In the testimony of the different witnesses and declared theae indicated deliberate per jury. - After reading from the record to ahow how positively- the - policemen swore to small details, he exclaimed: . "When a 'man will swear positively on trifling . matters. It puts a badge of dis honesty on his testimony." ' "Mr. Smith has : said," continued Mr. Thomas, "that the alibi wltneases cannot be mistaken; that they have either told the truth or deliberately tied. We accept Mr. Smith's statement ' We say the wit nesses, who attempted to put up this alibi have jled. Anyone who Is familiar with alibi testimony knows that It should be carefully scrutinised." Bill Hea6aeae-a Totter, i -Lasy livers and sluggish bowels cause i headaches. Dr. King's New Ufa Pills re- j move the cause, or no pay. .Only 2Sc Vot sale by Kuhn A Co. , Cheap Roead Trl Rates for Vaeatloa Trips , From Omaha via Chicago Great ; Western Railway. SUM to BL Paul or Minneapolis; 11660 to Duluth, Superior, Ashland or Bayfield. Equally low rates te all summer resort points In Minnesota. Tickets on sale every day to September Ml Good to return to October Cu Two. magnlfloently . equipped trains each way dally via shortest Una. Tor further Information apply te B. D. Parkhurst, Oenetal Agent. Kit Yarnim St.. Omaha.. Neb. . ' 'v Mem Waatee fer Harvest The Btate Free Biaploymeret bureau, at Labor temple, 1423 Dodge street. Is In need of several hundred men for Kansas har vest. Low rates.-, Wages S1.M to R.00. board and lodging. Shipments made Thurs day and Saturday. . , , v Voartk ( Jelr Kaewralea Rates. Via the Northwestern Line. Excursion tickets will be sold at low rates to points on the' Nortnwestorn system - within ' tiw miles of Omaha, July . 1, I and 1 good re turning untU July 8.' Inclusive. Apply to city offiocs. 101-1WJ Fsrnam street. Gold, beada,, JkOikoUH Jewis , np55a53 Bit Sale of "JT'J i Ribbons f m Street hats from the & Co., 712 Broadway N. Y. Flowers Large most popular varieties at.... bunches of 10c 8 mm- lie Ladies' Shirt Waists '75c Waists at 25c, In basement 25c at 69c Made wilh lace trimming, at 95o Made with aew berthas, 95c Wash Rhlrt Waist Suits I-rettleat new pleated skirts. 3.98 5c 10c Bilk r laoe, and ribbed vests, plain and all over also extra rue vesta 25c pants, at ... Famam TEL. 1766. Fourteen Years iCamt Location We positively remove nerves from teetb with out tbe least particle of pain. Plates $2 up. Open Sundays 10 to 12 AA.iJL'S-Hr a a r-euftf evAntM Fizz! Boom!! Bang!!! Hurrah! for the aiorlous.4th Be sure to come to headquarters for your Fireworks, Flags, Lanterns and Qeneral Celebration Qoods. Here are some halr-llfting bar gains for early orders: Blank Cartridge Pistols, Br for 23 blanks. Blank Cartridges, U. M. C. make, 4 boxes . Cartridge Canes, with ammunition, for 5c does, 5c 3 Ifirge packAges Torpedoes, nana m&ae, every one perfect, X pkgs. for Red Mandarin Fire Crackers, !K4 importation, R- per pack.. tJW Full and complete assortment of Bky Kockata, Roman Candles, Mines, Bnake Nests, Dragons, etc., all at special prices. rfeJinpsrlalHalrRgZERsralcr Tha Standard Hair Colorinr i .yVl TOT oraj or UlMchM Balr, u a oleui, 1 dnmhi. and putwitlr luumleM Hii VoXotiut. A nr natun.1 ahn. UttlQC , T...T ... . A - .....JT r. a tLljZr tUmpl. ot hair colvna tree. . Yxvuf 'r HiuM. aaud tui Pmnpbl.1 i UTEflAL CntiMICAl. KJU CO.LUW.U.lC.tevYrb SCHOOLS. BOYS' SUMMER REVIEW SCHOOL A Summer Rerlew School for condi tioned Eighth Grade pupils will again be conducted at the T, M. O. A. Un usual success last year. Elgbtb Grade work a specialty. Opens July 1st Register now. Tat a MUlofTM at tbe Oldest sal Iars;est (I Mllitarr aeaeei w u. iVJGntvjortli Mtlttarf Seheel la turn Mi41. Wt, .ddrw Military Academy, JUeite.ala 3C 0M AH AThursday we expect iDihsl LJLs U U S THE FOURTH OF JULY Monday Is the Glorious Fourth and Wo Close All Day, . Send yver week-end orders early begin Thersday, eeattan Friday and Inlih sp Sntnrday. WR CVOiB ALL DAT MOB DAY. BIO SinF.WAIJC BAI.B rsnER THH AWHI1IO, 16TH AHD Hilt-KB1-OP FOl'RTH OF JULY MERCHANDISE!. THE GREATEST FIRE WORK. SALB EVER HELD 171 OMAHA IATTRDAV AHD MOTTOAY. Fan Attractions ARABIAN PLAITED FANS For Fan Bonnets, and silk hand-painted t(o ' fans from Japan all at...... ........ "V TOKIO FOLDING HAND-PAINTED FANCY C FANS the very latest at Uv TARABOLS Special offering Thursday morning about two hundred parasols, all colors, new shapes fl C worth up to $2.00 at ; Muslin Underwear. FIVE CAKES OF NEW GOODS JUST PUT ON SALE Corset cotltr at $1.45, fl.25, 98c, 89c, Q 75c, 69c, 150c, 35c, 55c and C DRAWERS, at $1.45", $1.25, 98c, 75c, 50c, 45c, 35c and 'Jv CHEMISE, $2.90, $2.75, $2.00, $1.75, $1.48, C $1.25, 98c, 75c, 50c, 40c and .,....s-JC GOWNS, $2.90, $2.50, $2.10, $1.95, $1.75, Cl $1.48, $153, $1.00, 75c, 50c, and OJ C CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' WASH DRESSES. EXTRA i VALUE THURSDAY. J Ages 1 to 4 years, 98c, 69c, P 50c, 89c,1 and ..DC Ages 6 to 14 98c, 89c, CH-ra 69c and... 3UC SPECIAL DISPLAY OF JAP KIMONAS short and long on Thursday. Some of them are perfect works of art. Jell-O America's , most populart dessert preparation demon strated oil main floor. The cutset re sults of Jell-O ma rlpulatlon dlfplay ed. Fruit of any Xind ingenloui-ly In sinuatod in the mold Looks pretty, tastes exquisitely. Three 2 Re packages .... Jell-O Ioe Crpam Powder ' Moilly good two OEr packages ...."-'w Photo dippllee, Kodaks, Os rneru, Solntlona, Film Packs, Monnts, Albnms, eterythtngT tn Pkotoarrapnle Apparataa at tbe rla-ht prices. An enthusiastic amateur, who never took a photo In his life until he took it with a camera he bought of us Saturday, submitted speci mens of his work to our camera man Tuesday. Our camera man pronounced them wonderful and di vides the honor evenly between the amateur and the camera that he bought at BENNETT'S. Call and see us . 8. B. SECTION, MAIN FLOOR. Bennett's the men's shoe store of Omaha. MeiVs ,tan Blucher Oxforcjs;.:.... 2.50 MenVtan Blucher Oxfords, E.Tay....3.50 Men's patent Colt Oxfords, lT7...... 3.50 Boy' patent Colt Oxfords 2.50 Little Men's Patent Colt Oxfords ..... 1.25 Butter 18c Pound Butter Just received, an Country Butter 50c Korth of Green Trading Stamps with each pound pound , GREEN TRADING STAMPS EVERY TIME. IBE GREAT LUIOPF AHEBIG TWO WAYS EAST BY WATER The Northern Steamship Company will operate steamship North West between Duluth and Buffalo and steamship North Land between Chicago and Buffalo, calling at intermediate points of interest. Largest and most luzjirioaa boats oa fresh water. Cuisine first-class. I Uarnmhlit North I-And ManuUilp North Wrt Tor full paithmlars apply to anr tlcM II. A. CHERRIEB, O. It Is No when traveling" to hare to tarn every thing upside down to) And what you are looking- tor. Let us sell you at JO per eent Discount a suit case or grip, arranged so that there la a plaoe or everything. , Omaha Trunk Factory. Telephone 1058 1209 Farnam i SCHOOLS. Brownell Hall. OmaKsL. A home school for young women of purposs. Academic and College. Prepara tory Course. Certificate adiulta to Vassar, Wellealy, Mt. Holyoks, Smith. University of Nebraska and University of Chicago. Exceptional advantages In muslo and art Well equipped gymnasium and generous provision for out-door sports under profes sional director. Bend for illustrated oatalogue. Address, MIUS MACRAU. FrlnolpaL B y EES ACADEMY. ESTABLISHED 1MW. Seeks the patronage -of dlscrtmlnatlng parents and admits boys of good character only. , For Sworlptlv. heok full lnl(rntt, .adraM Celaael K. W. V. BLKfciS, Savevl ss.t, 17 Vort Bl.es. M, Me. fair weather, variable winds. A New RICH COOKED RIGHT, SERVED RIGHT BY OUR EXPERT DEMON STRATOR O N MAIN FLOOR. . COME TRY IT. immense quantity, of fresh to reduce this stock ire offer La. uuer 18c ... . . ft TnUKSDAY OFFER ONLY. ft Inm Imtm Ohlcaso 8.turd.r. Duluth TiMatara- .(wt or writ Am 220 S. Clark St., Chicago. Fun MI jtfi Every Day Is Bargain Day at "The Big Store." QOTD TIIR RF.I.IABI.R STOItB. We are Closing Out the Entire Skirt Stock of L Holstein & Co., 3rd Ave., NewYdfk Overproduction and lack of funds push ed this flro- to the wall. an& w secure their entire shirt stock at . A 33 l-3c on the Dollar. Skirts, Skirts, Skirts Etnmlnfs. Sicilians, voiles, silks, wash skirts, all kinds of fabrics and stylish de signs, In both walking and dress lengths. THK OREATR8T BARHAIN8 TFTT OF FKHE1) Panamas, Sicilians, briniantinos and etamlne sklrtn, newest dnnlgna, with pleated flounce, manufactured to eel! at . .4.98 BBAimPl'Ii VOIM3J DRES3 PKlttTS. K 90. Trimmed with JO and ljf rows of taffeta bands, manufactured ,-to eoll at I12.M and 115.00; o nn special price i O.VU HANDSOME WALKING SKIRTS, $i(8 In plain colors, fancy mixtureschecks, plaids, etc.. In all the moat popular fabrira, worth 17.50; no special price aS.VO MI88E8- GKIRT8-The greale-t values we have ever shown, 200 of them, in all sizes and colors; your 1 fktt choice Thursday, I3.W, $2.98 I.VO $6.00 TO $7.60 WASH WAISTS, $2.50-8llk. organdlea, llnena, lawns, trimmed with fine laoe embroidery -nl Insertion, the most exquisitely beautiful garment ever shown in Omaha at " fz rv the price eta. Oil NOBBY WASH WAISTS, C Latest styles in ursnniiirs, oauste, lawns, vestlntrs, etc., embroidery and lace trimmed, worth $2.00, $2.60 and $3.00; CIK our price for Thursday Vufc Thursday Wall Paper Specials. Bargains! Bargains! On all lines of paper. We carry a complete line of all the newest patterns from the ordinary white blanks to the best heavy embossed frilts, and our jprfces are the lowest. For Thursday we are making extra special Inducements on all Unes. . Paper worth 8c and so per roll, 5Jc White Blanks, .:. Oc per roil Headquarters for the Large Juicy Seedless Dozen, 12c. Large, Larae lulcv. aweet Oranaes. per doa....l3o Florida Bananas, per dos 10c California White Figs, per package 6o OROOKRIES! GROCERIES ONE MORf) DAY BEFORE IN VRNTORY. THESE PRICES FOR TOMORROW ONLY. 48-lb. tacks High Patent Minnesota Flour , $120 10 bars Best Laundry Soap 26o Hand picked Navy Beans, per lb.. 8o Good Japan Rice, par lb Stto Fanoy Crisp GingergrVV- P1" lb o The very best &oda, Oyater, Butter or Milk Crackers, per Jib , , to Force, Vlgr, Vim, X. Celo, Neutrlta or HAVE YOU AVOErv Yonr Summer Vacation May be most agreeably tner resorts and fishing The Excellent fast train service to nesota and Wisconsin Lake ure grounds via tbe Chicago Two trains dally to St. Paul, Minneapolis and Duluth, giving ready access to Lake Mlnnetonka, White Bear Lake and other Northern Summer Five fast daily trains to all lines east. Special low rates .Tickets and full Information on appHciUoa. Ttotot tfflcM: OHM. Y? VIA Illinois Central R. R. Round Trip Rates From Omaha .., Detroit Mich., on sale July 6 to 7 ,.. . . tl0.25 Atlantic Olty, N..J., On sale July 0 to 10 j . 134.00 Cincinnati. Ohio, on sale July 15 to 17. . 122.75 French Lick Springs, InL. on sale July 23 to 28 820.15 Boston, Mass., on sale August 11 to. 1 3. t33.1Q Tickets to points below on sale daily until September Uuth. Return October 31st Montreal, P. Q $33.00 Buffalo, N. T 127.15 Put-In-Bay, Ohio 122.00 OUauUuqua Lake Points. 27.1.5 Chicago $20.00 Chicago (via St Louis one way 122 80 Charlevoix, Mich $2425 Windsor, Ont 821.50 Quebec. P. Q . 838.85 Mackinac Island. Mich. 820. 25 Toronto 827.15 Correspondingly low rates to many other points In Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Ontario and New York State. Attractive tours of tbe Great Lakes yla rail to Chicago or Pu luth and steamer. ' Before planning your trip, call at City Ticket Qfflce, No. 1403 Faruam Bt, or write , W. II. BRILL, Dist. Pass, Agt., Omaha, Neb." v. 0 tmtrmm mrvrkmm rsissas nrsssurr-n I Every Day I Is Bargain Dar at "The Dig Store." OREAT I "JDtTTBMEJNT WOMTIN WA8II WAISTS, In oolors aud white, others askyou $1.00 for them;, . lQc our price Thursday ORANP CLKARINQ 9AI.B-WOMKN 8 WASH DREH.SES MTST 000ir custom Is to clean up ail Waeh dreeeee before the Fourth of July, snd we will do so this yer if baigaln prices are any Inducement to the public. I 1.1'tO SflTS ON HANT, AtJ FTNTffl OAR M KNTS Will go Thursday In I O lots at 4 9S, J3.9S :,....fvtJ 1MN'T FAIL, TO BETH THBM. HANDWOMW WOOtr Sl'ITS 6ueh VAlueg were, never before offeree at the price. Pon't ml is seeing them. 12 $S.0n, $760 and " .... H'14 EXTRA 1NT1 'CTTMETNTS Women's Inwn and calico wrappers, light 1QC and dnrk colors, at zL $2.00 moire underskirts , . Sfv at $3.00 women's wrappers, light i .. f Rf colors, nt ) FHOM f TIM 9fW A. H. 750 VOM FIN'S LAWN AND ..23c r3 Un it of one to a customer. '. rjj fRON i.V TILI. 13 A. M. $1.00 children's wnsh dieeses. ' - AOc Faer worth 80 Pr roI , . 4iC All other grades at proportionate prices. COME AT ONCE. DO NOT MISS THIS 6 A I.E. for Fresh Fruit Fourth. Highland Lemons, Per Egg-O-See. per package ,......T0 Laj e bottles Pickles, any kind you want t0 1-1 b. cans assorted Soups, any kind rY s l-IK cans Fancy Alaska Balmoo. ........ 1 -1 1 v. tiarkun beat Cornstarch. i... ........ The best bulk Laundry Staroh. per lb..l? tnttl Q .rl 1 1 oA U a m ' MP . Tl .....A PUTTER! BUTTER!! BUTTERI!! The very best Creamery Butter, tailing 1 finer made, per lb ......v....,....- Oood Country Butter, per lb..., 13V FREE! FREE 1 ! FRET31II A nice cold drink of WW1 Cherry Ph phate or Root Beer In Urooery iHpk V A TRUNK? (; la your Orln or Suit Case in at shape L. to travel in aeceni comyeuay. IF NOT-ere Is the place to secure the very best article at the very lowest price. We carry on elegant line of Trunks in all stride and v.ry txt make rangUuf iti price from $2.76 up to ra0.oo. Our line of Suit Cases and Grips Is unequal d In variety or price. We take a back seat for nobedy on .tbesa lines of goods. See them. SUIT CASJ-S In all .e beet stylos and materials at from Jl. 60 to P6.0O. GRIPS THAT WILL GIVE YOU ITFItV ICB All sty ies and materials from tOc to $16.00. Don't fall to see our line before buying- BROS. spent at the cool sum grounds reached by North-Western Line the Black Hills, the Iowa. Min Retorts and scores of other pleas North-western Railway. Resorts. Chicago make connection with during the summer, 1401 - 1403 finia $1. DEI. CHEAP EXCURSIONS Cambridge Springs, Pa. $27.15 St raul-Mlnneapolli. . . .(12.5(1 Duluth-Superlor 115.05 Alexandria, Minn., 115.25 Walker, Minn., (leech Ike) 417.10 Rice Lake, Wis.. ...... tIS.OO Wlnnepeg, Man...;.... $35.(j( Watervllle, Mlun tlij.htt Madison Lake, Minn. . . j ()., Bplrit I-ake (Okobojl). . . .t9.(, Waterloo, lowa f ,f Cherokee, Iowa..... ftG-ba ai i j1 rri 3 r M P 1 - u r