THE OMAHA DAILY EEEs TUESDAY. JUNE 1sr190. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET emand Good for All Kind of Grain, but Supply Light. FARMERS TOO BUSY TO COME TO TOWN B.e.erta froaa Oafalde Are Bullish and Stlaelated by Continued Rata la the loalhttMt Wkat ' i . Belt. . OMAHA, June n, 190. Quiet prevailed gr-neraily In the grain markets today, especially no at Chicago. . gnoa d'm"nJ fr all line of gTaln on the lorjU exchange prices ruled stronger as a general thin. If the receipt were to be had they would bring good values on this market. Ail houses want rrain of all kind, but the farmers are too busy with the field work to load cars these days. Bullish reports of continued ralne In the outhwe?t, with the prospect of more water within the next twenty-four hours, too, had a tendency to advance prices. At Chicago, however, these bullish re ports, though powerful, were not able to withstand the opposite Influences of dis interest and feeble demand, and the result was that the market wa weak and prices lower. . , Wheat opened sfronirer on this market with a good demand and better values were maintained. Corn and oats held firm, but dealing In these grains as well aa In wheat wss very limited. "Every day la a Sunday now," said Floyd Campbell, "but work days are In sight," and Mr. Campbell told the exact situation. Reports from a prominent Northern Pa cific official Indicate that the prospect In the territory of the northwest Is better this season than ever before and In fact mav be the best on record. The condition of grow ing erope In that section Is generally satis factory, says another source. More rain In Nebraska and other states of this section and southwest la the fore osst of the weather map. In addition to the heavy rains In the eouthweet up to 7 a. m. Sunday morning the weather map shows general and heavy rains tn the southwest for the laat twentv-four hours. Pout hern Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Okla homa and Texas were most affected. There seems to be eager demand for new wheat wherever It Can be had. Two cars of No. 3 Indian Territory wheat sold at $1 06 In St. Louis and buyers of new wheat are much In evidence. A car of new wheat sold at Kansaa Cltv for 90 cents st auction. Ten cars In all of No. 2 hard were received at St. Louis and reported to be of fine quality. The advancement "of prices at Liverpool and London well demonstrates what not a few grain men have predicted, that Eu ropean buyers will watch the harvest time on this side with more than usual Interest because of the extra demand occasioned by ths war In the far east. Bullish reports here gain Impetus under such conditions and have great stress In the making of the prices across the pond. Liverpool grains opened strong on Amer ican advices of rains In the harvest fields and large Russian shipments. Wheat opened strong and closed d higher. Corn opened d higher and closed from d Mrher to d lower. The range In prices of Omaha grain for future .delivery and the close today and Saturday were aa follows: Closed - Open. High. Low. Today. Bafy Julv .. 79 80B 7SA 0B 90 B ,. 74B 76 B 74B 75 B 74B ..72 B 73 B 72 B 73 B 73 B Sept Deo. Corn- Jura 46B 4 4fT 46B 4rtB July ...... 4A 4W.R 46 46A 4A Sept. ...... 43V4B 43iB 4.1B 4314B 43B Deo. 8!B 88 B 38B 88B 38 Oet June . 41 Bo41 B 41 B 41 B 41 July 87 88B 87 8R 88 Bept. SI B 81 B 31 B 31 B 31 A asked. B bid. . Omaha Cash Market. WHEAT Nominal : No. J bard, 85e: No. 3 Iisrd. sfXgflfks; No. 4 hard, 6KS7Bc. CORN Nominal: No. 2. 47Sj.48c: No. S. 4c; No. 4. 44SH4c; No. 3 yellow, 47fc4c; No. 3 yellow, 4vfr47o; No, 3 white. 47tj4ic; No. 3 white, 46tfNc - - OATS Nomina!; No. 2. 40c; No. 3, 889 8c; No. 4. S7Sjc: No. 2 white. 41c; No. 3 white. 8939Hc; No. 4 white, S73So; stand ard, 41c.k . Receipts of Osaaba Market. . ,-.,!' In. Out. Wheat. bu.-.. . a i Corn,u o . s Oats. bu....... 0 0 Grata Market Elsewhere. ' Closing prices of grain today and Satur day at the markets named were aa follows: CHICAGO. Closed Wheat-- Today. Bat July ., 86 85 September , 80B 81B Corn .. July m 47B 47B September 48A 48B KANSAS CITY. IWbeet , July 75 75 September .V 71 71 W Corn July CB 45iB September 43 43 ST. LOUIS. rWheat i July 83 83 September ., &1A 81A Corn July ........ 47 A 47 A September , 40A 46A MINNEAPOLIS.. Wheat- July D4UA MUA epiemter 82b &:B DULUTH. Wheat- July 93B 93UB September ..t.. S2HB S2B NEW YORK. Wheat July WMA 60SA September t&H 86 Corn " July . M 64 Notes of the Grata Market. Local cash sales of grain: Corn, No. 3, t cars, at 46c v Thirteen cars .of corn were reported In the New York expert sales today. Visiting grain men at the exchange yes terday were Henry Roberts of Arlington, H. L. Alden of Raymond and H. I. Kohlf of Oretna. , C. C. Cowell, sr.; president of the Orowell Lumber and Grain company of Blair, waa a caller at the Grain exchange today, Mr. Crowell but recently returned from Cali fornia, where he spent the winter. The Nebraska-Iowa Oraln company will begin construction of their proposed mam moth elevator at Olbaon within a few day. Bids are being received. The elevator will be on the line of the B. & M. It will have a capacity for 100,000 bushels, beside great storage tanks. HEW YORK- GKXEHAL MARKET ajaotatloas of the' Day, Varloas - Commodities. NEW YORK. Juna 27.-FLOUR-Rec-elpts, 21 4.U60 barrels; exports, 6,970 bar rels. Market without feature and ruled dull; winter wheat .patents. Hi ft. 16; winter straights, 3.7ou4.86; Minnesota patent, ti'ua.3u; winter extras, l2.fcia,4.IM; Minnesota bakfirs, f4.o&3.Ik; winter low grades. 13 lu4 h. live nuur, study; fair To good, 64.uxt4.JI; choice to fancy, Huo-tf corn meal, steady : yellow western. 3l.l0LU; city, tl.12ml.j6; kiln dried, Uw IfJ IK. RYE Nominal; No. 1 western, VOc; nom inal. BARLEY Slow ; feeding, 460 It New York; malting, nominal. WHEAT Receipts, 44,200 bushels; ex torta 8.000 bushels; spot market easy: No. 1 red, nominal, elevator; No. 8 red. 3108 r. o. b. afloat; No. l nortnern, uuiuth V'V, .. w. V .IIU-I) ' W . a.m. .a, mvilliu.... nominal, f. o. p. anoat. 'News from abroad and the west proving- .leas bullish wheat experienced moderate weakness all day, with July leading under presure of new , wheat. Western crop .conditions were bet ter, ine market closed H''Ve net lower; . July. toi'Jtc. closed at fc-'i ; September, thQf -lc, closed .at tfc; December, 4 16-lcti8.".4e. closed at 86c. " CORN Receipts. fl.?.5 bushels; exports. 174.U1 bushels; spot market easy; No. 2, 64V elevator and Mo 1. o. b. afloat; No. 3 yellow, Uc; Ne. 8 white. 64VkC. Option market was dull and nominal here, clos ing Sc net lower; July, tssy !3 "o, closed at 63Sr; September closed at 63'c. OATS Rwelpts. 6S.0W bushels: soot mar ket easy; mixed oats. 26 to 32 pounds. 4j0 c; nMiuiai wiuie, tu to a.- pounas. t.vj. clipped white, 34 to 40 pounds. SKd ' lie. HAY Steady; shipping, 75c; good to choice. 6 HOI'S Dull; state common to choice Jflm, fcxtiSf-c; 1S02, 2Sfl2c; olds. al4c; Vu rlho coast SHu3oc;.la, u-T)c; olds, jI4c. VKOVISIONS Beef, firm; family, $0 VHf 10 bii ; mrr-t, IfiomtiH &O; beef hams, :n &i. iAOO; packet. In iahj W; city extra lmtla luvs. lli Ho-aia VI. Cut meats, steioly; l-l.Med bellies. iS⪼ plrkled shnuldera, KunV; pUkled hams. t"y UK-. Iard. firm; uiun !era1. 1JU; iffluod steady; uilnnt. i j: Houta Amrl tT 75: w.m- pound, 6w. 1'vik, biiu, fatnily, tltuuf It 5": short clear. WSofllS 60; meso, tl 33 fJ 14.76. HIDE Steady Oalvestott 20 to R pounds, lc: Oll.-ornla, 21 to 25 pounds, lc; Texas dry 24 to M pound, Me. 1.KATHPH yulet; acd. nKZc. WOOL Steady; domewtio flece, S"JrS2e. TAKLOW-gulet; city, 44c; country, ,l'Vfe 8tly: domestic fair to extra. 3V&5Uc; Japnn. nominal. Hl.TTFR-Urm: creameey, common to extra, 11Sc; state, dairy, common to extra, 1V,f 17c. CI-IKESB Irregular: state, full cream, small, white and colored, 8c; large, white ind colored, 7iSc. EOOS-Irres;ular: western extras, 17H0 Wc; extra prime, 17c POlLTRY-AUve. easy; western spring chickens. lc; fowls, 11c; turkeys, 12c; dressed, easy; western hroUera, l0C522o; fowls, llHo; turkeys. 1415o. CHICAGO OHAUI AI PROTIf tONf Featares of the Tradlag aad Cloalag Prices os. Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Juna 27 Liberal world's ship ments and favorable returns lrom tne southwestern harvest fields had a weaken ing Influence on the wheat market today. At, the close September option was down Vjo from Saturday's final figures. Corn Is unchanged. Oats are up a shade. Pro visions shew a loss of lo to 2& cents. The sentiment In the wheat pit waa bear ish from the start. Opening quotations on September Were unchanged to a lower at to 18c. Commission houses were fair sellers of July, but offerings of September were light. The selling apparently allayed In the minds of many traders fears that the marketing of the new crop would be surely delayed by wet weather. The market closed weak and near the low point, final figures on September being at after the price had touched 8oc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 44,400 bushels. The amount on passage decreased l.TM.Ouu bushels and the vUible supply l.fiwl.OOO bushels. Primary receipts were Htv9,100 bushels -compared with 45,.00 busheli a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chi. cagu reported receipts of 2t9 cars against 31 cars last week and 343 cars a year ago. The corn market held up remarkably well considering the weak undertone of wheat. The market cloced almost precisely at Sat urday's final quotations. September openel a shad lower to a shade higher at i&Vt to 48c, sold between 4HH and 4S4i&44c and closed at 4itjIc. Local receipts war 424 cars, with 37 of contract grade. Trading In oats was light. After opening unchanged at 81c, September sold between 3l and 81'4c, closing at alV;tc. Local receipts were 126 cars. Provisions were affected by liberal re ceipts of hogs and lower prices at the yards. A ahade higher of trading was liquidation of July holdings. Shorts were fair buyers throughout the day. At the close September pork was off 25c at 313-M, September lard was down 10'S12V4e at 87.121. Rloa were off laHc at 37.60F.tS2. Es timated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 2 cars; corn, 6U cars; oats, 213 cars; hogs, 18,000 head. The leading future ranged as follows: Artlcle Open. Hlga, Low. Close. Sa-fy. Wheat a July b July a Bept. b Sept. Corn June July Sept. Oats June July Sept. Dec. Pork July Sept. Lard July Sept, Ribs July Sept. ! I, MVf I fSVfcl 87C87H 87 !8t! 851 ltt 801 80 47H 47H 47W4: 48iai 47H 474i 4T ...J 4 st 4A 81 32 8SVi SH 884!3R4 SIKlI 317AI SlVil xi,81WT, 3242.1 82 824 12 96 f 12 95 f 12 70 f 12 72HI 13 20 I 18 25 I 13 00 I 13 Kft as 7 00 1 7 00 7 17HI 7 20 4 92H 6 92H 7 liVi 7 12Vi ? 06 23 7 62H 7 38 I 7 35 1 7 KS I 70 7 72 7 80 I 7 62H1 7 77 No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: FLoUrt Dull,, but steady; winter pat ent, KMj4.tjo; straights, M.304.40; spring patents, 4. 304.70; straights, 4.fkai.Zu; bakers, f2.ooai.M. WHKAT Mo. 2 spring, 936197c; No. 3, 88 95c; No. 2 red, 9t"tt9c CORN No. i, 4&Wc; No. i yellow, 48 48Vc. OATS-No. X tOSAlc; No. t white, 89 4ac. rye-No. 2, esc BAULK I-Good feeding. 3235c; fair to choice malting, ZQr2c. 312D No. 1 flax. 11.01; No. 1 northwest ern, 3107; prime timothy, 22.92; cKver, contract erade, 110.75... . .. . PROVISIONS-Mess pork, per 1bl.. llj.70 (12.76. Lard, per 100 lbs., 38 .80fc.2H. Short ribs sides (ioo', 37.267.87; short clear sides (boxed). 37.27.60. . Following were the- receipt and ship ments of flour and (rain: itecaipts. (Shipment. ....... 13.9C0 , 11.800 TB.yiO 17.40U .......460,600 ' 124,800 149.100 63,900 , 1.000 ...... 33.200 Flour, bbls.... Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bvl.. ...... Rye. bu Barley, bu On the Produce exchance todav the hut. ter market was steady; creamery, 13VilSc; dairy. llHClte. Eggs, steady; at mark, cases included. 14til4c - Cheese, steady, 7 ec. , St. Loala Grata a ad Previsions. ST. LOUIS, June 37. WHBAT-Lower; No. I red, cash, elevator, nominal; track, new, 31. 01 1.06; old, L07(L0S; July, 87c; September, eVho No. 3 hard, 8SaSi. CORN Lower; No. 3 cash, 47o; track, 60c; July, 4tc; September, 40iu4tH4c. OATS-Weak; No. 2 cash, 41c; track, 41 A2c; July. 7c ; September, . ilc ; No. i white, 44o. FLOUR Firm for old; red winter pat ents, (4.85(86.00, speolal brands 1026o higher; extra fancy. 34.40()4.60; clear, 33.7oga.60. , SEED Timothy, steady, J.4otti75. CORNMEAL-Steady, 82.76. BRAN Dull; sacked, eawt track, 84Se&o. HAY-Steady; timothy, f8.0G$14.G0; prairie, 15.004(10.00. IRON COTTON TIE3-820. BAGGING M,c. HEMP TWIN15-6C. PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing, 312.72. Lard, lower; prime steamed. 36 26. Bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts, 38.87! clear ribs, 38.50; short clear, 38.6J. POULTRY Fair demand; chickens, 8o; springs. 13 15c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, ?c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Unchanged; creamery, 1418c: dairy, 10(;15o. EGOS Steady, 13o, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 17.000 .ono Wheat, bu i,. .16.00 44,000 Corn, bu , 19.00 16 000 Oats, bu.... 63,000 82,000 Kansaa City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS CITY. June 37. WHEAT Steady: July, 76'976He; September, 109 71c; December, 71 c; cash. No. 3 hard, 8c: No. 3. tV56Vic; No. 3 red. W.0o; new, 91c. CORK Lower; July. 46o; September, 4.Tti(44c; December, tec; cash. No. 2 mixed. 474tic: No. 3, 4(48c; No. 1 white. 47Hc: No. 3. 4t;ifi47u. OATS No. 2 white, tile; 3to. J mixed. 39c. HAY Weak; choice timothy, 3lO.00ll.00; choice prairie, 88 0066.60. RYE Steady; No. 3, 64c. BUTTER Creamery, li16c; dairy, fancy, 12c. EGG8 Steady; Missouri and Kansaa. new. No. 3 whltewood cases Included, 13c; case count, 1-Vjc; cases returned c less. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu..... 24,POO . IS .400 Corn, bu 31.200 16.000 Oats, bu 1,000 ' 1,000 Visible 'apply of Grain. NKW YORK, June 27. The visible supply of grain Saturday. June 26. as compiled bv the New York Produce exchange, la as fo. lows: Whest. 14.C2.000 bu; decrease, l.31. 000. Corn. 5.4S4.000 bu; Increase. 315,001. Oats. 4.777.000 bu; decrease, ltW.000. Rye, M4.01P0 bu; decrease, 46,000. .Barley, 1,212,00) bu; decreaae, 79.0U0. Minneapolis Grata Market." MINNEAPOLIS. June 27 WHEAT July, JSftWHe; September. Me; December, Ve; on track. No. 1 hard, 95c; No. 1 northern. 94c; No. 3 northern 91c. FLOUR First patents, 35.OO06.1O: second patents, 34toj6 00: first clears, 33.46&3.60; second clears, $2.46. . BRAN In bulk. 314.50; shorts, 316-50. Mllwankeo Grain Market. MILWAUKEE June 27. WHEAT Mar ket lower; No. 1 northern. WU'Jdc; No. 3 northern. &3V'fic; old July, tiic. . RY Hi Weak; No. 1. 67 e. BARLEY Dull; No. 2. (3c; sample, 36S tOto. ( nRN-eteady; No. 3. 484o; July. vmTo. Liverpool Grain Msrket. LIVERPOOL, June 17 VHEAT-8pot. nominal; No, I California, no siocff; fu tures, quiet; July, 6a 4d; September, 6s 4d. CORN Spot, American mixed, new, eay, 4s 4d; American mixed, old, easy. 4a (d; futures, quiet; July, 4 September, 4s id. Dolath Grata Market. DULUTH. June 27. W 1 1 EA T To arrive. No. 1 northern. 92-; No. 2 northern. 9Hc; on truck. No. 1 northern. Zc! No. 3 north ern. e: July, .'; Heptemoer. iie OATo To arrive and oa track, 4w NEW YORK STOCKS ASD BONDS Eopei of 0per tort Discouraged j a List less and Sluggish Market DEMAND FOR STOCKS FAILS TO DEVELOP LiOto Flaetaatlona Were I -a are 1 4 an Totally Indifferent, hot Growth la teen la the Movement of Merehanlse. NE7W YORK, June 37. There waa hop and some expectation In the circles of pro fessional operators in stocks that the new week opening would witness an expansion of the dealings and broadening of Interest in the market. The market proved even more listless and sluggish than usual. But the new demand tor stocks failed to de velop and the disappointment csused prices to orop after the opening. The latter fluctuations were languid and totally Indif ferent. Railroad officials In their custo mary weekly discussion of traffic exprefsel a feeling of encouragement tor the first time In many weeks, and professed to see some sctual growth of the movement of merchandise. The lake competing lines were an exception, the reopening of lake navigation wnh settlement of the strike serving to turn back some traffic to the water route which was diverted to the railroads during the strike. But officials of western and southwestern railroads as serted that the stagnation In business seemed to be passing. Reports of gross earnings for the third week of Juna showel a majority of Increases over last year. Reports of rain over Sunday in the win ter wheat belt were received with dltatla taction, but the weakness of the wheat market deprived this news of any great influence In the stock market. Attention In financial circles Is very keenly alive, however, to all developments throwing light on the condition of the crops. The heavy loan expansion by the banka laat week was a good deal discussed notwith standing the present redundancy of the money market. A bank suspension In Saratoga, although placed in the usual "unimportant" class had its usual effect In chilling sentiment aa an individual In stance of a prevalent general condition. Price changes proved to be entirely In significant and the market was heavy. There was an appreciable Investment demand for high grade bonds, but the price movement was Irregular. Total sale par value 32,056,000. United Btates 2s declined and the old 4s regular advanced per cent on call. Following was the range of prices on the Stock exchange yesterday: Sales. High. Low. Close. Atchison 9,600 73 72 72i do pfd B. & O do pfd Cnn. Pacific Central of N. J Ches. St Ohio Chicago St A do pfd Chicago Ot. Western C & N. W C, M. St St. P do pfd Chicago T. St T do pfd.... C, C, C. St St. L.... Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Del. St Hudson Del., L. St W D. A R. O do pfd., ex-dlv Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley..... do Pfd 111. Central Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd I St N Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Minn. St St. L M.. St. P. ft a Bte M. do pfd Mo. Pacific M-. K. St T do pfd Nat'I R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central.... Norfolk St W do pfd.;.............. Ontario St V?. Pennsylvania ,. P., C, C. Sf. L..T. Reading , do 1st pfd.... do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd i At. L. & 8, F. 2d pfd St. L. 8. W do pfd So. Pacific Bo. Railway do pfd Texas St Pacific ToL. St. U St W do pfd Union Paolflc do pfd Wabash do pfd W. St Lake Erie Wis. Central. do pfd Mex. Central. ........ Adams Kx American Ex U. . Ex Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper Amer. Car P do pfd Amer. Cotton Oil.... do pfd Amer. Ice do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil... do pfd Amer. Locomotive... do pfd.. Amer. Smelt St R... . do pfd Amer. Sugar Ref.... Anaconda M". Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel St I Con. Oas Corn Product.. do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electric...,; Inter. Paper do pfd....y. Inter. Pump do pfd Nat l Load No. American People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman P. Car Republic Bteel. do pfd...' Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal St X V. S. leather do pfd, U. a Realty do pfd V. a Rubber.. do pfd V. a Steel do pfd Westlngh. E1.. ex-dlv. 700 96 96H 35 2,900 80 79 '1900 123 123 79 91 123 , JIH a. 804 .. .. 8 78 200 14 13 13 800 170 170 170 7.100 143 142 142 177 100 16 IS 200 16 15 100 20 1.090 165 20 156 100 1,200 100 60 23 68 69 23 68 108 200 100 100 83 132 18 86 18 100 43 600 110 1,000 148 400 77 8,700 108 '"l6 66 200 123 2,300 92T4 "'200 87 300 87 XM116 100 1 66 87 12,800 261 2.600. im : .. 9.800 47 "i.m in 600 20 10O 06 26 26 115 116 46 800 100 22 24 100 ' 87 14,100 100 200 200 88 93 ; 100 190 190 6,700 600- 100 100 36 100 teno 1,200 83 83 64 64 97 MV 126 126 48 47 193 193 23 156 156 11 11 67 67 9" 80 85 86 9S 98 tri tii i .6 78 78 36 36 80 80 6 6 69 . 6K 16 16 64 73 48 2!) n 66 23 164 11 67 28 72 s 70 1 216 1 40 15 76 85 65 1,600 100 400 200 800 100 800 300 100 100 400 "200 . 200 400 200 1.600 9,800 7 twvt 1H 10 ' 9 9 66 65 65 154 Western Union.. 88 Total sales for the day. 163.600 shares. Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON, June 27 Call loans, per cent; time loans. Iff per cent. Official closing of stocks sno hon1s; AteklMS adj. 4s.. im Mei. Csntral 4s.. Auhlsoa de pfd Booa A Albsnr.. Bostoa A Mla... UciSiii '.lt4 .. ritcliburf !. .... ka Central N. T . N. H. A H Ptrs JUroudUs ... I'oloa Paoiae tin. Args. t'lum da pfd Amer. Tube Amor. Iu(r da rid Am. T. A T Aisar. Wooll .... da Did .. SI WMtlnc. coamol . .lulSt Advaiilur , .. W Allouss , .. 1!S Amslsunatod .... ..I Amsrlcsa Zls ., ..!. Atlantic ..144 J Bingham ..H Cal. A Hacla . .115 Cantaanlal .. 1 Copper Hans ..lit Daly Waal It 1 t SSi 7 M tki to 4. 33 V, :::::: 1 1 i 4 4M 4 11 MSi U U 44 30 It :h 11 .. It Domlntoa Coal .. U 'A .. list Oraarr .. 1ts In Roraln ... .. 4 Maaa. Mining . ,.1V Michigan ..1M Mohawk ..IUH'DmI. C. A C. .. 10 Old Domlntoa .. 7Vlaaola rtomlnlon I. A S T14 rarrot Ed.aoa fclac. Hill MVk Qulner Omaral Klartrl .U4 iBhanaoa . lVSi Trinity . Tl ill. g. Mining.. . ! I'. 8. Oil .!'. ,ltah . Wii virtorla . iWlaona . t WoWartne . Hi Maaa. Elactrl ... da ptd ......... Maaa. liai t'nltad Fruit t'slted Bhos Mack. da pfd V. 8. steal da pfd Bid. Kevr York Mlalngr Storks. , NEW YORK. June 37. The follomlng are the closing prices on mining stocks; Adans Cos S ruirla V.TZ Alu ('v ir Ivl BrMC rkoanls li Comal i- k Tu:. it .... T ll'otvat 1 ran. tal Va 10 iSarag 14 Mors fllrar IM .'rra Navada H Iron U6 ISmall Htao M Laadiilia Tea I Siaadard J Uitla t'bl'f 6 Offerad. Kaw York Money Market. . NEW YORK. June 27. MONEY Oo cell, very easy at 161 per rent; lowest, 1 per cent: rullna rate. IV per cant; last loan. 41 per eeul, tUoslng bid, 1 per ceiUj offered St 1 Pr cent; time losns easy; sixty and hlnety days, l per cent: six montha, 33 per cent; prime mercantile paper, jw.itH per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady. With actual business In bankers' bills st 14 8730 4 8736 for demand and at $4 8f. V-j 4 HMO for sixty-dav bills; posted rates, 84 8 and 3486; commercial bills, 34 8i. SILVER Bar. 6Sc; Mexican dollars, 46c. BONDS Govern men t. Irregular; railroad, irregular. The closing quotations en bonds sre as follows. V. S. ntf la, rag HMt Vanhattaa e. g. 4a... 1W de eoepna f1 Mea. onirat 4a 4e da la. r- 1'V do 1st tnc IS da eoenaa ..1"4 Nina. St U 4s.... d saw 4a, tHl l"H M . K. A T. 4 S d eonftm lS da ts I do old . rrg P414 f g. R. of M. e. 4a. r7 do, csupoa l1 a N. T. g. 14a laovt Altaians g-n. 4s 10:4 No. PaelSe 4a li d ad,. a M I la 74 Atlantic C. U I N. W. e. 4s 1" Bel. A Obi 4a .lt-Vo. . L. 4a A par... do tt Pnn. eoav. I'a Central of 0. .... 11" Reading gaa. 4a 10. 4 do 1st isr 7Va St. U A I. M. e. ..lirt rkas. A Ohio 4Ha....U St. L A B F. fg. 4a. Chicago A A. 1-- 8t L. 8. W la H C, B. A Q. B. a... tl Be hoar A. L. .... 4 C. M. A St. r. t 4a.. 10 So. Pad tie 4s n4 C. A N. W. e. 7s...l.'H So. Raltwar S H7 C, R. I. P. 4.... 41 Ta A P. la ll do as 7S T.. St. U ft W. 4a.. To CTC. A it. L. g. 4l..l(V'rnlon PaoUe 4a lf Chicago Tar. 4a T do coot. 4s Con. Tobacco 4s V. 6 Steel Id 6a.... T3 Colo. A So. 4a kl IWabaih Is 111 D. A R. O. 4a 10V o deb. B , Mn Ert prior lln 4s. . . .10." W. A &. K- 4 K" do gen. 4a M4Wls. Central 4 tos P. W. A D. C, U....K.P, Colo. Fual c. H It Hocking VaL 4a....li9jl London toek Market. LONDON. June 27.-Clos1ng: Conaola, itiooer... t 1S1;N. T. Central... .114 . V . sf . 14 . " . V"A . 14 . 41 . t4 . U . 17 a 4S . to . 1 . 10 . t.7 . 14 . MS . 7 do account .... 'J Norfolk a w... .... Mt go pU .... H Ontsrte A W... .... '1a PennarUanla ... Anaconda t. Atchison .... do pfd Baltlmor A Ohio S2 .Rand Mlnas ..... Canadian Padde 12S, Reading Cbea. A Ohio. la do lit pfa... Chicago Ot W.. C. M. A St. P DBers D. A R. O do pfd Brio do 1st pfd... do Id pfd... Illinois Central Loula. A Naab. 14 I do Id pfd. .l.ygo. Railway . If' do pfd .... . lli So. Paclflo ... . ISIVinloa Pacl 4 MVa do pfd V. S. Steal.... ds ptd .... Wabeah do pfd .... ... aa ...Mo ...118 ... llt M., K. A T... Spanlah 4a ttTT.VCD Mli.j4 Mtr mince MOVKY-SkM mr cent. The rate of disco. ml In the open market for short bills la 2 per cent; for three months' bills 2 8-16'.(2 per cent. Wool Market. BOSTON. June 27. WOOL There Is a steady market fcr domestic wool. The sentiment prevails that the new wools must bring high prices in order that the buyers may clear a profit on the new clip. Some choice lots have recently been disposed of at record values. Receipts of new gradea are heavy dally and are increasing. Pulled and territory wools) are quiet, and foreign f rades are also . Inactive, though 111 in. eadlng quotations follow: lerrltory, Idaho, fine, 17(&18oi heavy line, 14tjlac; line medium, 17318c; meduim, 18i&.9c; low me dium, 1819c. Wyoming, fine, 15al6ic; heavy fine, 1416c; tine medium, lie; low medium, 20tff21c. BT. LOUIS, June . 27. WOOL Firmly held; medium grade.1, combing and cloth ing, MfMc; light line, lbvqlSc; heavy fine, 12f(il6c; tub washed, 20f6iic. LONDON, June 27. The lists for the fourth series of-wool auction sales were closed today with the following amounts: New South Wales. 40,686 bales; Queens land. 12,781; Victoria, 81,529; South Aus tralia, 3,293; West Australia, l,6t.2; New Zealand. 82,012; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 48,137. Forty thousand bales of Cape of Good Hope and Natal and 67.600 bales of Australasian were forwarded direct to spin ners, leaving the amount available for the sales 130,000, including 9,000 held over from the third serlea. . Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, June 27. COTTON-Spot In limited demand, prices 8 points higher; American middling (air, .4tjd; good mid dling, 6.32d; middling, 6.22d; low middling, 6.08d; good ordinary. 6.96; ordinary, 6.74. Futures opened steady' and closed steady; American middling,- g. o. c, Juna, 6.10d; June and July, 6d; July and August, 6.94d; August and September. 6.77d; September and October, 6.4od; Ootober and November, 6.30d. NEW ORLEANS, June 27.-COTTON Futures steady; June, 10.75c, bid; July, 10.85 tfpl0.88c; August, 10.55ri0.56c; September, 9.81i&9.82c; October. .61'&9.62c; , November, s.oiigv.aic; uciouci r -o.u.'iif , , nuriiiunip 9.49a9.50c; December, 9.49(0.5Oc: January, 9.5f!&S.57c. Spot, firm; sales, 4,600 bales; ordinary, 8c; good 'erdlnary; 9 13-16c; low middling, 10 7-16c; middling, 11c; good mid dling, 116-16c; middling fair, ll5-16c. Re ceipts, 1,064 bales;nstock, 97,365 bales. . - NEW YORK, Jttm r COTTON-Bjlbt closed steady, 20 bofnts higher; middling uplands. 11.25c ; middling gulf. 11.50c. Sales, 1,220 bales. . ' ' ' GALVn-STON. ' June- 17. COTTON Steady, 10c. ' ST. LOUIS. June' 27. COTTON Steady; middling, llo. Sales 'none; receipts, 63 bales; shipments, -60 - bales; stock,, 12,704 bales. ,( Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 27. METALS-There waa another sharp, decline in the London tin market, with spot closing there at 117 12s d and futures at 117 6s. The local market, responding to the foreign decline and the continued slackness of trade de mand, lost part of its late recovery also, closing at 325.62(8:26.12. Copper was slightly lower in London, closing at 56 16s for spot and 5613s9d for futures. The local mar ket held steady however, with Lake quoted at 312.62fl2.75; electrolytic at tl2.25Q12.62, and casting at 31 2.1? 12. 25. Lead was steady and unchanged at $4 JO'S 4.30 In the local market and at 11 10s In London. Spelter waa a shade higher in New York, closing at 34.80tu4,90. although London re- forted a small decline with spot at 22. ron closed at 61s 3d In Glasgow and at 42a 9d In Mlddlesboro. Locally Iron was quiet: No. 1 foundry northern is quoted at 314.5ivS16.00; No. 2 foundry northern at 313.76 fcl4.26; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 oundry southern soft at 313 26613.75. Pig Iron warrants are weak at 39 00. ST. LOUIS. June - 27. METALS Lead, dull, 34.10. Spelter, firm, 34.66. Foreign Pinnaetal, LONDON, June 27. Money today waa scarcer. Considerable Japanese caah waa reported to have been taken off the mar ket. Discounts were Arm. Business on the Stcck exchange waa stagnant. Consols were quiet Americans opened dull. Rus sians were weak. Japanese hardened. Im perial Japanese government 6s of 11K4 were quoted at 96. The amount of bullion taken into the Bank of England on bal ance today was 131.000. Bar gold, 77s 7d; American eagles, 76s 4d. BERLIN, June 27. Exchange on London, 20m 40 pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 3 per cent; 3-month bills, 3 per cent. PARIS. June 27. Three per cent rentes, 97 f 75o for the account; exchange on Lon don, 25f 0o for checks. ingar and - Molasses. NEW YORK. June 27.-SUQAR-Raw, firm; fair refining, 8 7-1 9c; centrifugal 86 test. 8 15-16c; molasses sugar, 3 3-16c. Re fined, firm; crushed, 6.65c; powdered, 6.05c; granulated. 496c NFjW ORLEANS, June 27. SUGAR Strnne; open kettle, 2fft3 8-16o; open kettle centrifugal, 8?iflc; centrifugal white, 4c: yellows. 84.4 6-IS0; seconds. 2fiaSc. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 201? 25c; centrifugal, lm&l&c. Syrup nominal at 2u4i2oc. Philadelphia Prod nee Market. PHILADELPHIA, June 27. BUTTER Firm and In fair demand; extra western creamery, 18o; old and nearby prints, 19c. EflOS Steady and in fair demand; fresh nearby, 18c, loss off; fresh western, 18c, loss off; fresh southweatern, 17c, loss oft; fresh southern, 15c, loss off. CHE13SE-8teadv; New York full creams, choice to fancy, 8ao; New York, fair to good, 8&8c. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June 27. COFFEE The market for futures opened ateady at an ad vance of 54010 points. Sales were reported of 13,000 bags. Including July at 5.7v5 80o; September, 8.00i6.0Gc; December, 6.36(u6.40c; March, 6.80c; May, 6 a5c. Condition ot the Trenanry. WASHINGTON, June 27.-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 3150.UVl.OuO gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available caah balance, 3161,134,806; gold, 163,433,249. Elgin Better Market. ELGIN. III.. June 17. BUTTER Ad vanced c a pound on the Board of Trade today, selling at 17c. Sales in ths dis trict were 93,600 pounds. Peoria Grain Market. PEORIA, June W.-cORN-i-Quoted steady; No. 3, 46c: No. 4. 41 -42c. WHISKY-On the basis of 31.28 for fin ished goods. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O.. June 17. S E EDS Close : caah, 3H10; Ot tober. 36 77 bid. Prime al Bike. 3 30 bid; Auguxt. o 0 bid. Prime timothy, 31 45; September. 31 47. Bank t'learlaas. OMAHA. June 37. Bsnk clearings for to day. 31.3t6.8nlr.07. a decreaae of 8U.m.6 from the corresponding day last yeayr- mix LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Very Light and Prioet Showed Some Improvement. HOG MARKET EASED OFF A LITTLE LIboratf Ran ot Bheep and Packers Made (00 of Opportunity to Tako OM Ton to Plfteen Cents, Which .Leaves Prices Well la Lino. SOUTH OMAHA. June K. 1J04. Receipts were: cattle. Hogs. Shep. Official Monday 1.819 3.44 .M Same day laat Week..... 1.904 6.340 4.1 Same day week' before.. 2.610 6.274 3-1 Same three weeks sgo.. I. SOT 8.0o 4,MJ Same four weeks sgo.... 2.3-V) ' 6.4JO 761 Same day last year 3.967 7.367 8,710 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date with comparison with Issl year: 1904. 1903. Inc. Dec. Cattle 44 577 i.8T4 39.791 Hogs 1.3i2.1KJ J.i33.672 88.610. Sheep 636.370 6uX960 123,410 Average prices paid tor iwgs at South Omaha for the laat several da with com parison; Date I 1904. 11903. 11302. 11901. 11900. 11S03. 11393. June June June June June Juns June June June 4 63 931 6 70; 4 1 I 4 r. 4 1: 4 ti V 401 3 04 4 4f 4 4t 07 i 9 4 Ml 7 13 6 70 I 6 4 64, 4 63' 4 86 6 161 Jl t 71 6 70 671 k li 7 4 33 7 30 15 4 91 3 6' IN 4 4 4 SH-tt sl 4 6f 4 74 4 78 I 4 81 4 84 7 18 4 K 3 (80 I 02 6 10 a t 601 in Kb, tJ 6 OS i 9 7 31 3 61 June 10. June 11. June 12. June 18. 1 26 I S3 6 ill 6 89 3 6 3 96 I 8 7 3 I 00 7 33 492 4 S; t 37 1 R4 6 07 a 7 86 7 31 6 86 t 71 379 177 3 90 3 63 8 W 3 80 81 8 "2 73 8 68 3 69 a 162 June 14. s 01 1 I 66 4 R&i 1 SA June 16. June lo. !5 47 4 891 641 3 62 6 01 724 6 831 ( M 6 92 ft k! 4 96 June 17. June 18. 4 91 4 92 (00 6 07 6 941 6 97 6 94! 6 881 7 231 7 36 7 33 7 41 7 43 a I 03 6 06 4 94 4 93 3 63 I 64 3 7l! 3 69 June If. June 20. June 21. ( 81 June 12. June 23. 6 0V 6 06 ei2 6 15 5 141 6 83! 8 V 6 93 6 9 6 93, 6 91 6 WM 6 13 a j 617 8 6 8 63 6 771 7 49 June 34. June 26. 6 67 6 67 7 69 7 67 7 511 8 62 8 fi.1 June 2i. 6 70 ( 66 6 10 t 03 Juns 27. 7 62 3 641 Indicates Sundsr. The official number of cars of stock H'ees brougt in today by esch road was: C. M. & St. P 1 t .. 1 18 - ii IS 43 1 3 9 00 .3 'i nl 16 48 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific Union Paclflo 34 C. St N. W 3 F.. E. M. V 16 8., St- P., M. St O.... B. St M. Ry. C, R. I. & P., east... 1 C, R. I. St P., west.. 1 Illinois Central .. Chicago O. W.... Total receipts .... 78 The disposition of the dsy's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 132 1.613 Swift and company 394 1,786 256 Cudahy Packing Co 333 1,474 1,443 Armour St Co 241 2,198 2,5ol Armour Co., Sioux C'y .... ws Vanrant A Co 66 W. I, Stephen 4 Lewis untierwooa zi Hamilton 4 Rothschilds 283 L. F. Husi 40 Klngsn St Co 271 .... Wolf Murnan 68 Sam Werthelmer 8 Lelghton St Co 244 Root H4 Haggerty 61 Other buyers m .... .... Totals . 1,980 8.278 4,493 CATTLE- There was art exceedingly light run of cattle here this morning ana a lajge percentage of those that dla arrive con sisted ot feeders, so there were only about forty cars of steers and cows on sale that would do for killers. Owing to the fact that packers had to have ?resh supplies the market waa a little better so far aa the more desirable grade were concerned. . The market on comfed steers could be quoted generally 6l0c higher on the good to choice grades. Common and grassy cat tle, however, were more or less neglected In spite of the light receipts and showed llrtl.. nr no Imm-ovament In Drlce. It IS very evident that packers are not at all anxious foe grassy snd warmed-up cattle at this time, even tnougn tney are paying rather low prices for them. The row market could be quoted strong to a dime hlgner on the better grades oi cattle, but the medium kinds ana grassers were slow sale and no more than steady. SalesmeA were complaining that it wag hard to iret even a bid on the Inferior kinds and for that reason the morning was well advanced before everything was disposed of- ... The market on Duns toiiowea mucn ins same course as steers and cows. Cornfeds that were at all desirable were strong to a dime higher, while grassers were only Steady, veal calves saoweu nu particular change. There was a liberal run of stockers and feeders, considering the slie of the total receipts, bdoui 20 cars oeing on amu. a food proportion of them -were Idaho and tah hay feds. The demand was not par ticularly brlak owing to the limited demand from the country, but still the market could not be quoted anything but ateady on good stuff, with - others slow. Representative sales: BEEF 8TEERS. No. I.... l.... 1.... I. ... 10.... .... 14.... U... It.... II. ... 87.... I.... 3.... It.... 4.... 14.... 4.... 1.... I.... I.... .... 1.... 6.... 8.... 1.... I.... 4... I.... 4... 3.... 1.... !.... I.... 1.... 1.... 4... I.... .... 4 ... 1 ... 3.... 1.... I. ... II. ... .... ' A. ...1000 Vt. No. At. Tr. t 00 14... 1... U... M... M... 17... 31... 17... M... 47... ....lttt I (0 ....12 HO 8 7 1 70 ,...141t I 70 ....ISM 6 70 ...103 4 50 ...1110 4 10 ...1071 4 10 ...1177 6 00 ...106 I It ... Tat 6 35 ...1041 8 10 ....1S57 ....10Q ....1307 ....iesi I It 1 10 1 00 ..11(1 I V 1 to 00 6 M ....lit I 40 ....1MI .1064 I 48 U. .1421 STEERS AND HEIFERS ,...1410 4 U II .... O0 4 10 14 464 I 00 401 I 40 M0 100 140 I 0 M0 I 00 70 I CUWB. a. tU a. 7 a. Ml a. IM ..1060 ..loao ..1064 .. Ill 1 t 1 1 1 I t 06 I II I li 3 40 iit 46 1 44 I SO I 64 4 00 4 10 4 II 4 U I 00 I 00 8 00 1 1100 1 10HO 10 lioo 11 mi Hi 111 111 I 71 HEIFERS. 401 1 14 I . 196 . 470 41S 661 710 604 417 I 16 11 3 M 10 i... t U I I 00 ,100 IK . 731 I 40 1 M , mo 4 is , 7M 4 80 Ul 3 40 BULLS. M0 t M 1 8 M 4 00 4 M . MS I 1 I 46 1 I IS 1 IK 1.. ..1020 ..la0 .1400 . tuo . lit .1440 4 M .1760 4 II CALVKS. . Ill las iso I M I. 116 130 4 60 1 sa 10 I 00 I 00 110 tn 1 10 IM IN 1H IM 140 6 00 IM I IS IZI I II M IM ,110 4 00 ,100 4 18 . 100 4 SI 140 I 10 130 I 10 114 4 60 1. MO I 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 771 I 10 474 I M 4I 4 00 Ill 4 M 141 4 li 4..... 600 I 00 I.. M 474 It) I.. 1 7t0 8 14 I-. 4 IBS I M 11.. It 41 I 46 84. . II 1S4 I M UTAH. 40 cows 983 t 40 6 cows 908 I 60 C. W. Angsgard Utah. 1 cow... '...1300 3 00 15 steers.. ..1096 8 60 43 cows.....lu23 3 611 2o8 steers.. ..lot 4 06 j. L. Armstrong Idaho. 2 feeders.. 10X9 IX 2 feeders.. 1056 4 10 64 feeders.. 1089 4 10 . HoOS There was a liberal run of hogs here tnls morning for a Monday, and as supplies at other points were also heavy, the tendency of prices waa downward. Chicago was quoted early steady to 60 lower and the decline here waa juat about 2c. Packers started In bidding mora than 2c lower, but salesmen would not take the prices offered and packers finally had to raise their bids. Trading was not partic ularly brisk, as packers were slow to bid the market, but still the bulk was dla posed of In good season. On the extreme close the feeling was weaker, aa packers had their more urgent orders filled, and aa a result the tale arrivals did not sell to quite as good advantage. The bulk of the good-weight hous went from 36 12 to 35 15 with the choicer loads from 85.16 to 85 t" Ths light, common kinds went from 35.10 UOWn. IV.rpra,aaWlla.WW HIW N 11... It... 17... 41... 71. .. 16... 61... 11.. 17... II.. M... AT. IT. Sh. NO. AT. Pr. in. 40 6 12 ... I li ..1!1 ... .100 ... ..IM ... . Urt 44 ..111 10 ..! ... .. 4 40 .. I 10 .. I 1 44 6 10 10 I 10 .. I 10 11... 4... 61 .. 41 . 14... ..mi . 17 ..lt4 ..144 110 I li ') I ii i4t in 1 11 .U4 .r I II . i;o .124 ll I 10 i ti 40 I 11 I I II M I IS M I II .. I li ..111 44 8 1 ,.i . U4 .141 .. la ..III ..ill ..HI ..lul ..! M 1 10 14. 74. M. 10. t 10 to I 10 4 4 1 !L. ... 7... 44... 71... 11. a. (I... s. .. 1... ... 117.. 71... M... M... It... K... M... M... in... 14... It... 7... 17... II... 7... 7... 77... M... M... 71... M... 71... 71... li... 81 77 lt I II 76 JJ4 IM I II 7 141 ... I II T0 ... I 16 17 777 an I li M o 10 I IS tl .HI ... Ill IS SM tot 8 II 11 ... IJ SI V- M I IS II !0 I 1". 4 141 ... I li 43 IT M I IS 11 in ... I 11 r in im 1 it Tn Ml IM I 16 am rs . . I 11 IS ITS 14 I 17 61 ,11 10 I 17 I SAI 1K I 1TV 64 10 40 I U4, M 147 ... I 171 IT 11 80 I I7 M 2S ... t nv 64 ?M 1X1 IN 5 Ml IS IM 44 II HI I in so l ... lie II IM ... I US f trr ... 1 ih ii mt im s its 11 IK M I IIS 44 Ill ... I IIS 47 170 M IIS ..Ill .. t7 . ?n ..;: ...:4t . t?4 ..tit . .540 ..HI ..IJ7 ..141 .117 ..l:l ..ITT . IM ..rn .141 14 I 1? I ?1H I !?-, I l!4 an I MM 4 ... I Ut .:. 1 !iv- t I lis sn I li1 lie 1 1? lie 1 tt ... I lt4 M 6 ll' an I 11 M I H't O. I liv sia 1 us . no 1 11 IN t 11H IM 111 ..IM IM ... ..r7 i 5 25- 6 IIS 114 ..its ..l4 a ii - ...HI 1i I lis Sf .14 I t!4 ..111 ..11 ..111 . -Ill 10 I 11' so I 11V IM I l.V i:n a ii iinlaLi lucre waa quite a liberal run 01 shtep here tin morning for the time of year anu most of mem vere western grjas eis. packers all stemed to be anxious lor supplies, but al the same time they warned to buy them lur less money, owing to the break in prices last week at oilier mar ket points. The decline heie today amounteo to about 10jifc and in extreme cases the commoner kinds suffered even mure than that. The market was rather alow, owing to the lat-t that salesmen old not like tne Idea of taking off quite that much. PricesNhere, however, are still well In line with other points. A string ot Idaho yearlings sold tor 84.85 and Wethers H.Jo. Some western Nebraska lambs brought 14.30. Very few . corn-feds arrived and most of those that were offered were lacking in quality. Some yearling lambs were of fered, though, good enough to bring 33.35. Quotations lor fed stock: Uood to choice lambs. 36.0036.50; fair 10 good lambs, 35.5o46.00; good to choice yearlings or weth ers, 36.0vti3.26i fair to good yearlings or wethers, 34.76'j5.0O; good to choice ewes, 34.264.50; fair to good ewes, $4.l34.26. No. Av. Pr. 12 western cull sheep 9'1 2 T5 65 western yearlings 73 4 26 3 western cull sheep 1... 80 160 246 Nebraska lambs 67 1(0 342 Nebraska lambs 69 4 60 16 western- cull ewes 78 2 00 96 western lambs 67 3 26 228 western ewes 73 3 25 7 spring lambs' 42 3 60 13 western wethers 77 3 76 66 Idaho wethers 103 4 35 376 Idaho wethers 104 4 36 375 Idaho wethers 102 4 36 415 Idaho wethers 92 4 40 144 Idaho yearlings and sheep.. 94 4 45 198 Idsho yearlings and sheep.. 80 4 46 301 Idaho yearlings and sheep.. 96 4 46 360 Idaho yearlings and sheep.. 77 4 46 243 western lambs and yearlings 61 4 60 875 Idaho yearlings 82 4 85 881 Idaho yearlings 82 4 86 216 fed western iambs 77 6 85 8 spring lambs 62 6 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Ten Cents Higher, Hogs Five Cents LOTrer and Sheep Steady. CHICAGO, June 27. CATTLE Receipts, 17,000 head, including 1,000 Texana; strong to 10c higher; good to prime steers, t6.6m& 6.65; poor to medium, 4.60g5.60; stockers and feeders, 32.264.60; cows, n.GO04.6O; heifers, t2.00-ij-6.2o; canners, Il.b0ff7.60; bulls. 32.0OiS4.26; calves, 32.60Q6.25; Texas fed steers. 34.806.26. HOGS Receipts, 17,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 20,000; left over, 2,283; market opened 60 lower, closed with a decline and recovered; mixed and butchers, 35.26i36.40; good to dtiolce heavy, 36.3tva6.46; rough heavy, $8 156.80; light, 36.2066.32; bulk of sales, 35.26U6.35. 6HEEP AND LAMBfl-Recelpts, 18,000 head; market steady; good to choice weth ers, 34.266.00; fair to choice mixed, 83.603) 4.60; western sheep, 33.60Q4.76; native lambs, $4.0007.00; western lambs. 34.006.26. ' Now York Live Stock Market. NEW TORK, June 27. BEEVE8 Re ceipts, t,937 head; prime steers firm to 10 cents higher; others steady; bulla and cows steady to 16c lower. Steers, 84.10 fjti.50; bulls, 3ij4.25; cows, 11.604.00. Cables quoted live cattle and sheep steady. Ex ports tomorrow, 760 cattle, 1,046 sheep and 2,400 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 6.649 head. Market for veals, 26 cents lower: buttermilks, 26 to 86 cents off. Veals, 33.50e.00; tops, 3625; buttermilks, t2.763.26; dressed calves weak; city d reused veals, f6.00i?9.00. Country to 8 cents per pound. SHEEP- AND LAMBS Receipts, 16.9M head. Market tor good sheep about steady; other slow to lower; heavy sheep not wanted;- . prim lambs firm to a shade higher; medium and common slow, closing weak. Sheep, I2.764H.76; culls, 1&.00&I.W; lambs, .15. 0061.86; two cars extra, 37.76; culls, 34 60 HOGS Receipts, 11,783. Market steady to strong; state and Pennsylvania hogs, 34.70 (6.80 St. Loala Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, June 27. CATTLE Reoelpts, 3,600 head, Including 2.000 Texans; steady to- strong and 10c higher; native shipping and export steers, 34.853.66, the top being for strictly fancy; dressed beef and butcher steers, 34.60i7j4i.26; steers under 1.000 lbs., 34.OMg4.00; stockers snd feeders, 33.OOiB4.50; cows and heifers, 32.26&S.46, the top being for com fed heifers; canners, 31.60S2.00; bulls, 32 6C(fi3.78; calves, S3.0C6.60; Texas and Indian steers, 32.76(a6.60; cows and heifers, 32.75(83.75. HOUS Receipts, 3.600 head; market fairly steady on best, others 6c lower; pigs and lights, 34 2566.10; packers. 36.10fgS.2S; butch era and best heavy, 35.2.VP6.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 head; market strong and active; native muttons, 83.50ift4.50; lambs, 14.264460; culls and bucks. 2.(X44.75; stockers,, 2.00S3.10; Texans, 34-0034.85. Kansas Clly Live Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY, June 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 7,800 head. Including 3.000 southerns: choice export and dressed beef steers, 16.60 66.40; fair to good, 4.256.60: western fed steers, 34.2Mi6.90; stockers and feeders, 33.60 ij4.75; southern steers, 32.76ift6.00; southern cows, ll.tWfi3.50; native heifers, 33.60415.40; bulls. 82.604o4.26; calves, 82.2534.60. HOGS Receipts. 6,000 head: steady to 5c lower; closed strong; top, 36.80; bulk ot sales,; heavy, 3o.l0g6 .30; packers, (6.1006.25; pigs and lights, $4.5036.20. SHEEP AND- LAMBS Receipts, 4.000 head; market steady to 10c lowet-; native lambs, 84.75iji6.60; western lambs. 34.7664.60; fed ewes, ll.iWijH.eO; Texas clipped yearlings, 34-60t&5.26; Texas clipped sheep, HtkKfjb.KO; stockers and feeders, 33.00(54.00. took la Sight. Following were the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yester day: . , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha.. 1.919 8,464 4,500 Chicago 17,000 1?,00 18,000 Kansas city ', i.uou i,uo at a.500 t ban . 1 non St. Joseph.... 1.842 4.654 931 Sioux City 400 3.000 Totals ,.42,461 41.601 80,431 St. Joseph Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH, June 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,842 head; market steady: natives, t4.S4.41.35; cows and heifers, 11.6006.26; stockers and feeders, I3.fl0t3i4.t0. HOU4J Receipts. 4.654 head; weak to Re lower; light, 36.0006.22; medium and heavy, 3S.17'tJ5.30. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 931 head; market steady. Sloax City Live Stoek Market.' SIOUX CITY, la., June 27. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 400 head; mar ket strong; stockers steady; beeves, 34.507f) 6 00; cows, bulls and mixed, 33 OO&o.OO; stockers and feeders, $3.0043-4.10; calves and yearlings, 32.7Mf3.85. , HOUSj--Reo,lpts. 3.000 head; market 80 lower, selling at 35.0046.16; bulk, 33.O6J6.10. . .' ' Oils aad Rosin. NEW YORK, Juns 37. OILS Cottonseed, firm; -prime crude, nominal; yellow, 81c. petroleum, easy; refined. New York, 37.94; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 17.00. Turpen tine, quiet at 66ib66a - ROSIN Quiet; strained, common to good, 82 90. 1 SAVANNAH, June J7. OIL Turpentine, firm at 63o. ROSIN Firm; ' A, B. C, 3268: D, 12.70; E, $2 76; F. 32.80: O, 12 86; H 3 00; I, $3 30; K, 33.40; M, $3.65; N. $3.90; W. Q, $430; W. W. $4.65. OIL CITT, June'l7.-O.L8-Crdlt bal ances, $1.67; oertlllcates, no bid. Shipments, 111,004 bbls.; average, 66.290 bbls.; runs, 13X.2H2 bbls ; averagt, 75.944 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 123,660 bbls.; average, 3.&4) bbls.: runs, Lima, 120,597 bbls.; average, 69,641 bbls. Evaporated Apples anil Dried Frslla. NEW YORK. Juns 27. EVAPORATED APPLES The market shows no change, either In prices or In general trade con ditions: common are ouolnd at 4GVc; prime. 6tifc; choice, 6fttic; fancy, 7e. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRl'ITS Some business Is reported In prunes for October delivery on the basis of 2c for ths four sizes f. o b., the coast. Ths market for Hpot supplies continues quiet, with prices rim King from o to 6c, according to grades. Apricots are quiet snd unchanged; choice are quoted at 9'ul0c; extra t-hoire. lVO"10c: fancy, ll'tliac. Peaches appear somewhat'. unsettled, owing to rather con tradictory advices from the coast as to futures. Choirs- sre quoted st ?$?c; extra choice, 76'?; fancy, " lV-10c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. June 17 DRY GOODS The market evidences of Improvement ttere manifest and. although buyers are nut I. nvlug. there are certain Hues on which they are willing to orerate a little freely for current dellverv, but sre unwilling to anticipate their requirements. The out look, however, seems to be more favorabl" than for some time and mors business Is expected next week. Oat All A W HOIE4A1.B MARKETS Condition of Trade and 4aotatleas on Staple and Faney Prod nee. EQ03 Receipts, liberal; market, steady'. fresh candled stock, Hjloc; case count, 13c. LIVfc POLLTRX-Hens. 8c; rooster, according to slse. to; lurkeya, 13c; clucks, tijiv-; geeee, to; broilers. 164i8c. BUTTER Parking stock. He; choice to fsney dairy. lMtl4c; sepoiator, 17iJJl8c. FRESH FISH Trou. 10C; pickerel. c; flke, liic; perch, 7c: blusflsh. lie; wlilleflsh, 4c; salmon, 14c; ndsnapper, 11c; lobsier, freen, .tic; lobster, boiled. 30c; bullheads. Ic; cattish. 14c; black baaa. 10c; halibut, liic; crapple. 12c; roe shad, $1.00; buffalo. c; while bass, lie, frog legs, per dos., two. BKAN-Per ion, $1801). HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale IValers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. $7 60; No. 2. 37.00; medium. $6.56; coarse, $4 00. Rye straw, 35.50. These prices are for bay of good color and -quality. lmand fair and receipts light ORANGES Navels, choice, large site, $3tW; fancy navels, all slivs. 33. tO; Medlter. ranean smeeta choice, all sixes, $3.0"a'i-a6; J afTae, all sites, $2.7663.00: Valentos, all slice, $3.603 76. TROPICAL FRUITS. LKMONS California fanes, r0-300-30. $3.7S4ji4.26; rho'ce. 3.1 5"33 75. . CALIFORNIA F1QS Pel 10-lb. 1 carton. 60c; Imported Smyrna, 2-.rown, . 12c; 6 ciown, 14?; Krown, loc. BANANAS Per medhim-sUed bunch, $2wx.ilJii: jumbo. $2.in1.2t. DATES Persian, per box of 30 pkga.. $2.00; in 80-lb. boxes to per lb. Oriental siunea, per dux, sj.u. PINEAPPLES In cr crate. 33.00. crates of 24 to 43, per RASPBERRIES Per 24 qts., 32 60; per 2t pis., $1.60; red raspberries, per 24 pts., $2.60. Arkansas, per 24 qts., $2.00. STRAWBERRIES Colorado) per 34-qt. eaae, $2.60. CHERRIES California, Royal Ann or Tartarian, per box, $1.60; home grown, per 24 qts., $1.26. OOO8EBERRIE8 Pef 2i-qt. case, $1.26. PEACHES Txa. per 4-buaxei ciuta, 90c; California Alexandra, per box, $1.16. PLUMS California Clyman, $1.36. APRICOTS California, 31.50. CANTELOi;PE Texas, per orate, $2,609 WATERMELONS Per lb., orated, lfcc; each, 3oi40c. VEGETAB-E8. POTATOES Coleraa, $1,211; DakoU. pr bu., 3120: New Texas Red stock, in sacks. per lb., 2c. NAVf BEANS Fer bu., $2.16!tr2.28. ONIONS Bermuda, par 50-lb. crate, $2.00; Louisiana, In sacks, per lb., Jo. CABBAGE California, per lb.. 232a CAULIFLOWER Per dox., 76c CUCUMBERS-Per dor, 60c. TOMATOES Texas, 4-basket crates, 90c, RAUltSHES Per doc. bunches, 20c LETTUCE Top lettuce, per dos., 80c. TL'RNIPS Southern, per dos., 25o. BEETS Southern, per dot., too. CARROTS Southern, per dox., 26c. PARSLEY Per dos., 25c. BEANS Wsx, per bu. box. $1.00; per bu. basket, 76c; string, per bu. box, $3.00; per -bu. box, 76c. SPINACH-Per bu., home grown, 86$40o. ASPARAQl'S Per doz. bunches. 40c. GREEN FEPPERS-Por 6-basket crate, $2.00. SQUASH Florida summer, per dos., 76o. PEAS-Per bu. box, $1.0C. . EGG PLANT Southern, per dog., $1.50. miscellaneous: MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo, per lb,, lOo. HIDES No. 1 greer., 8c, N'o. 2 green, Bet No. 1 salted, 7o; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6o: dry salted. lfl2c; sheep pelts. 24W27c: horsehldes, $1.60fti26O. CHEESE Wisconsin twine, full cream, 11c; Wisconsin Young America,! 12c; block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brtcl 13c; Wiscon sin llmbergsr. 13c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, pet lb., 16c; hsrd shell, per lb,, 14c; No. 1 soft shell, par lb.. 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, lsrge, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb, 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb. 81; Chill walnuts. 12fli!c: largo hickory nuts, per lb., 11c: almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c: hard shell, ISo; shell barks, per bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu., $1.1. A; . ' . ' . Saratoga Bnnk Falls. SARATOGA, N. Y.. June 27.-The First National bank of Saiatoga was not opened for business today. A notice, signed by National Bank Examiner Van Vrankenand posted on the door, stated that at the re quest of the directors and by 'order of the comptroller of the currency the bank was closed. A run on the Cltlfens' National bank, which was begun Saturday, wns continued today by the smaller depositors. Neosho Oat of Banks. CHANUTE. Kan., June 27. Coatlnued heavy raina have sent the Neosho river out of lis banks for the fourth time this spring, flooding the lowlands and causing a suspen sion of work In . greater part of the oil district. It Is believed that the damage to oil interests will te heavy. Former Senator Is 111. MILWAUKEE, June 27. Former United States Senator John L. Mitchell la suffer. ng from Intestinal cancer and Is said to be In a serious condition. - , - REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record June 27 as furnished by ths Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Be: Mnry Moran and husband to Joseph Mnran, lots 46 and 69, Nelson's add..$ 1 William A. Roush to Hrvey J. Orove, lots 17 to 30. block 28, Benson 1,400 John A. Crelghton to Lewis 8. Reed, part nw sw section 8-16-13 t Axel Meyer and wife to Lewis 8. Reed, part same 1,230 Axel Meyer and wife to Percy E. Owynne, part ne se section 7-16-13 1.000 Esther Rosenberg et al to Richard Seay. part lots 27 and 28, .block 18, Or chard Hill 625 Joseph Novotny to Frances Z. Splvak, part lot 2. block 15, Brown park.. 00 Maria C. Pyke to Frances Z. Splvak, lot 17, block 12. Brown park. 1,000 Lirtie J. Westerfleld ana husband to Theodore TePoel, lot 18. block JU3, South Omaha 3,500 Mary E. Lane and husband to Charles G. Keller, lots 14 and 17, block 4, Halcyon Heights 1 Frank G. Parsons to William O. Ure, part se nw section 6-14-13 2,117 Mary E. Barrett to Prink Parrett, lot 11. block 1, South Omaha View add... 800 Ellen M. Summer et al to James E. Dewey, part lot 6, block 9, E. V. Smith's add 400 Harvey J. Grove snd wife to Francis A. Evans, lots 17 and 20, block 26. Benson ., 1,150 8umuel L. Laird to George M. I-nlrd, part of lots 20 to 25, block I, Cowell'g add to Crelghton Heights 1 H. B. Van Camp to Mary E. Kelkenny. lot 13 and other property in Oak Hill 1 GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BOILER ; HOUSE, Boilers, etc. Department vof the Inte rior, Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, June 16. 1904. Sealed proposals, en dorsed "Proposals for Boiler House, etc., Genoa, Nebraska," addressed to the Com -mlusloner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C., will be received at the Indian Omce until two o'clock p. m. of Thursday, July 21. 1904, for furnishing and delivering ull neoessiry materials and labor required to construct and complete a boiler house, with plumbing, piping, bo41er, enginu, dynamo, etc., at the Genoa Indian School, Nebraska, in strict accordance with tho (lana, specifications, and Instructions tn ildders, which may be examined at thla Office, the offices of the "Improvement Bulletin." Minneapolis, Minn;; - "Construc tion News," Chicago, III.:, "The Bee," Omaha, Neb. j the "Nebraska State Jour nal," Lincoln, Neb.; the 'GlobeiDemorrat," St. Louis, Mo.; the Builders and Traders Exchanges st Omaha, Neb. I Milwaukee, Wli; St. Paul, Minn.; at the Northwestern Manufacturers' Association. St. Paul, Minn.; the Commercial Exchange. Lea Moines, Iowa; at the IT. 8. Indiun Ware houses. 601 South Seventh St., St. !out. Mo.; 245 South Canal St., Chlcsgo, 111.: Kl'i Howard St.. Omaha, Neb.: and 119 Wooster M., New York Clly; and at the School. For further Information, apply to W. II. Wlnslow, Hiierliitendeiit, Indian School, Genoa, Nebraska. A. C. TON NEK, Acting Commissioner. . JSl-23-26-2S-30-Jy2-5-7-9 Updike Commission Co. ORAIM AND PROVISIONS. Business handled promptly la alj markets Office. 663 Bee Building. Telephone to. a. w. upuiKK. UANifyn. Ten tree trip to the Woria'g Fair. 8 to coupon on page two.