20,' TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, 1904. IT FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE v D. V. S HOLES COMPANY la N. T. Life Bids. Tel. 48. SPECIAL BARGAINS $1,260. Near 24tb and Leavenworth sts., ( room cotttge, gotxl repair inside, sewer, water and gas. Walking distance. tJ) cash, balance monthly. BNAP. 11,700. Near d ana Lafayette ave., Brnili v I'arlc, 7 rooms, 1 stories, sewer, water ana gas, fruit; lot 4xl26 feet; VaW nh.nn $2,(00. Near Cm and Izard sts., 7-room. 1-story nous, strictly modern, good repair. Must be sold tlua week. offer. (2,(00. box ni feet, 7-room house, modern except furnace, east front, In moat desirable part of Hanscom Place. The biggest snap ottered. $2,800. Near v.1 and Burdette ta., 1V4 block from Walnut Hill car linn, 7-room, 2-story, strictly modern house, full lot, fine shade, perma nent walk. Splendid Dargaln. (0,600. itnii Davenport at. We have re duced the price for immediate sale of this property; consists of I . . loom, atrlctly modern, 661132-foot t lot with fine shade trees, House In good repair, walking distance of tie High school and postofflce. You can skirmish the town for six months and you can't buy anything as cheap as we are offering this property at. If you don't think ao, make the round of all the real estate offices and If you can beat it we will pay for the ahoe leather. 16,000. In West Farnam district, fine. It room, nearly new house; beautifully arranged, atrlctly modern, latest architecture, oak finish, fine floors, elegant cemented basement, beauti ful (0-foot lot, permanent walk, paved street, 2 blocks from the car. 3 Owner expects to leave the city f only reason for selling. This la gilt edge. It will suit you if you look at It. Ill South 31st at., Hans com Place, H block south of Paclnor street car line. The best modern constructed 10-room house in this district. A choice location. Booms are large, flue reception hall, beautiful Inte rior, hard wood finish, polished floors, 2 fine brick mantels, lot 60x 160, permanent walk, paving paid. Good barn; everything, In fact, choice and first olaas. Owner ex pects to leave the city. Willing to enow the house any time. Want you to look It over. VACANT 1700. 60x121 feet, Locust, near 10th at il.WX. 86 feet, east front on 24th south west oorner Emmet; One trees. $1,200. 74x124 feet, southwest corner Uth and Spencer sts. 11,000. 40x140 feet, east front,' Uth and Clark. tl.no. by xi 40 feet, east front, Uth and Clark. ' $1,(00. 46x13 feet, on 17th at., 200 feet north of Farnam. SNAP. - $3,250. 60x100 feet, north front on Dewey ave., between Stth and 40th. A big nap. Location choice. $2,200. 60-foot lot, south front, Harney, just east of $6th. $4,000. 60x166 feet, on JTth St., opposite Wattles and Cowin homes. SNAP, ftZGO. 2Hxl66 feet, east front on 88ta ave., H block north of. Farnam. SUBURBAN HOMES. $3400. In Benson, 2 blocks from the ear, .4 blocks from the oenter of village,' three 100-foot lots, corner, three street frontages, 6-room house, full I sis Daaement, good wen, small out' buildings. 10 large apricot trees loaded with fruit; 16 bearing apple treee, same number of cherry and plum trees, lots of shads, mulberry, walnut, etc, abundance of small fruit and grapes, chicken house and yard, fine lawn and ornamental shrubs. Get into the band wagon quick 11 yon want tms place. ACRES. 10, M, (0, 290 sores fine land, one mile southwest of Rlmwood park. Prloe, $126 par acre, investigate uus quioa. RE 2 ACRES IMPROVED. Fine two-acre tract west of the Leaven worth St. car. about 85 bearing fruit trees. five-room cottage, large barn, etc Prloe oniy ii.aw; aauu down ana osianoe on very easy terms. Bemls. Paxton Block. RE 934 24 F. D. WE AD. (-room cottage, near 20th and Seward fits.; property rent (12.00 per month, (monthly payments), $860.00. . 16M Douglas. , ' REM92S 28 W. H. GATES. 617 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 1294. 6-room house and nice grounnds only 1650.00. East front, lot 60x100; cherry trees; J blocks from car line. Mutt be sold this month. Terms, 150 cash, balance $8.50 per month. 6-room modern house, up-to-date, good order. On west Farnam sireet; been asking $2,500.00, but if can sell within few days will take $2,000.00 spot cash. A nice acre ground on 30th street, facing Miller Park, for $1,050.00. 64x132 on Bristol, near 26th; pav ing and permanent walks, $750.00; room for two houses. RKt SHRIVER, 102$ New York Ufa Bldg. Has 500 houses for sale, located In all parts of the city, at prices ranging from $jo0 to (6,000. Borne, of them can be old on small payment down and balance (uouthly. Have some fine residences In Ilanacom Park, Kountse Place and West Farnam districts very cheap. Bee my list before buying elsewhere. REV-S04 $6 (-ROOM cottage, on lot with double front age, In Bemls park. Price, (2,8u0. -ROOM cottage, on 100 feet ground, within stone-throw of Joslyn residence. Price, $2,$u0. HAVE a fins Investment near Han soom park; will net W per cent on $ctUUO; can be bought way under; 18 rooms, all modem; double house. Make an offer, SEARS & LEWIS, $21 NEW YORK LIFE. KB 60$ 26 SUMMER BARGAINS Two residences, close In. one of 9 rooms, one of rooms; to be sold within the next thirty days; line locations and both bar gain h; see us at once it you are in the market. Cottage of 7 rooms, modern except fur nace, hue location In north part of city, Bear 24th St. Price, $2,700. On South 11th, near Hickory. 7 rooms, city wattr in kitchen, full lot; price $1.SW0; If taken thla week $1,800 will buy It. On Onuit, close to 24th St., (-room house, full lot, nice fruit; a great bargain at the price, $l,uo; owner moved away and we Will submit offers. 'In good locations, nice homes at $800, $1,000, $1,300, $1,400. $1,600. Fine, close In corner, excellent for brick flats. Price, $6,000. Ou Douitlas et., opposite Omaha club, 44 ft. at $u6 per ft iArge corner lot near Hanscom Park, Dux 160 ft Price, (1,800. , -Amer Soth and Bancroft, 182x100 f., ,&; 4intl00 ft.. (miOl On (5th tit., near Burt, price $900, W, FARNAM SMITH & CO. 13J0 Farnam Street. - RB-054 26 NEW (-ROOM COTTAGE, (-room cottage entirely new, oil finish, woodwork, hard, plaster, nice porch, level lot, fine shade tret, all ready to move into, located near 24th and Ames ave.; only short instance from both Sherman ave nd North 24th at. car. Price only $1 (00; (oo down and balunce same as rent, 1 his la your chance to get a nloe bonis reasonably. Bemls, Pax ton Block. RB (36 16 TWO brand sew cottages, modern exoept furnace; (' W and the other $2. tea, BlilMkR C11A6U. Sulkbsrs iU Madera Ai. ftJaV-m Bargains. New Houses Just Completed Or ZTth avenue, H block south of Lake, 6 room cottars, has 4 rooms and bath on first floor and two large rooms and store room on second floor, fine, open nickel Filumblng, lays high and sightly, east ront. Prloe, $2,310, Can arrange easy terms. On 2A1 street near Saratoga, new 5-room house, ( rooms on first floor, 2 rooms and bath room on second floor, fine shade trees, good location. Price, $l,7oO. This is a bargain. On Manderson, 6-room house, ( rooms and reception hall on first floor and $ bed rooms and bath on second floor. House Is strictly all modern, on paved street, big ' trees, fine location. Price, $2.W0. Easy terms. Oil Myrtle avenue, Bemls park, between 3Sd and 24th, 7-room house, strictly all mod ern, full cellar, cemented, fine location. Price, $3,0no. Others in different localities. Call and get list. Cheap Home. 5250 For a Lot. or for 51,200 Extra we will Build you a hew 6-room cottage at 28th and Bnh ler. If you 'want one see ue quick. You enn't beat this. Good lots at this price limited. Close to car, school, etc. , Bluff View . Addition Lots. are the best offered In the north part of the city (300 cheaper than other lots in same locality. Only a few left for (600. This addition corners on Kountse Place at Plnkney and Sherman avenue, where the bandstand was during the exposition; 2 houses started hist week. Don't fall to look over this addition before you buy. If you haven't the cash we can arrange terms or will build a house for you. Sales man on the ground Sunday with plats. Acres Close to a Big City like Omaha are sure to advance. Let us show you some decided bargains. . 10 acres one mile from Ruser's park, (1.060, 6 acres Joining Hlrt sheep ranch, BoutU Omaha, only $750. 10 acres south of South Omaha, $800. 10 acres one mile south of Benson, on main road with 4-room house, 60 fruit trees, 2t grapevines now In crop, owner will give up Immediate possession, (2.(00. 1 S acres right in Benson, 2 blocks from car linn fine land, nnlv 1 1.000. f acres 6 blocks from car In Florence, fine land, only $900. 62 lots, together making 10 acres, i miies from Fort Omaha, $1,600. 4 acres, Belmont Park add., $760. 2ft acres west of the Field club and Just off of Center street, lays fine, $075. Hastings' & Heyden, 610-611 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE- ti 4 Rosebudders" Avoid the Rush I If you contemplate registering for a Rosebud homestead you had better regis ter with us and make your contracts for transportation, meals and legal assistance at once. Otherwise you will be wiser and sadder when you get done. We make wholesale don Is for everything and are in shape to take care of you. but we don't want to handle a mob at the last minute. If you want to go with us and save some money, make your contracts right away. We are rushed now and must close our July 4th Excursion Before June (0th at 6 O'clock P. M. Twenty-Five Dollars for a : Round Trip to the Rosebud. EVERYTHING PAID. We pay your railroad fare. We furnish you sleeping cars. We furnish you beds while on the ground. We guarantee good meals. We make ou. your papers and give you legal advice. This assures you thatV you will get through registration withdut error and without personal discomfort or loss of time and money. COUPON. ' This coupon Is good for one dollar to apply on our $25.00 contract If presented at our office on or before June 80th, 1904. OA8BELT LAND COMPANY, 214 First National Bank Bid., Omaha. Neb. BE- HOW TO MAKE 59,000.00 LOOK LIKE $16,000. We have a property within easy walking distance of business portion of city, built four years, In good repair, yielding a 6 ' per cent net Income on $16,00o, which oun be bought this week for $3,000. K. C PETERS & COMPANY. Ground Floor Bee Building. K&-617 26 BRICK BLOCK 1NVE8TMENT. Desirable iO-room brick block on choice corner lot, about 8 blocks from city hall. This property oan be had at 6,GoO. A de cided bargain, and with good opportunity of enhancing In value and Income. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE-936 26 NEW HOUSES 8320 Harney, 8 rooms, all modorn; fine re ception hall, mantel, elecirlo light and gas, cement walks, fine cellar, nluo lawn; a dandy for $4,M0. M0 Park ave., a beautiful 6-room, all mod em .house, furnished In quarter-sawed oak, electrlo light and gas; fine lot $6,750. Two vacant lots on Davenport street, near (4th street; owner wants to get an offer. 60x150 On Lafayette ave., clt water, etc 60x140 ' On Parker street, one block to car $400. THE BYRON REED CO. 212 8. 14th street. RE F. D. WEAD. 8-room modern house and barn, 954 N. 25th. 7-room all modern brick building and barn, with $ lota, nloe home, south part city $40.00. 1524 Douglas. D-tCT 26 VACANT LOTB near MILLER PARK. Lots full slxe, adjoining and overlooking Miller park, on paved street to Florence; street car facilities. Price $100 to $U0; $6 down and balance $5 per month. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE ( 26 A BIG SACRIFICE Owner leaving city on areount of health, and will sell home, consisting of ( .rooms, all modern. Including furnace; house newly null. led and in good condition; one block from Dr. Mercer's fine residence,' price (Jf"0; immediate possession. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & CO. (th Floor, N. Y. Life BMg. RE-44 26 A BARGAIN. $-room modern, near 44th and Farnam sts., worth H.oou. price tins week li.uu. O. C. OLSEN, 1704 Farnam St. RE 60$ 26 tat ACRES of choice farm land two miles west or city limits on west i.Aavnwurtn street road, must be sold out at once and we are Inatruoted to make price of $U6 fer aura fur quick aaloa. fee us for tur ner itarticulars. R. C PETERS & COMPANY, , , Ground Floor Ik BullJ(1J THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. . HOUSES AND LOTS. 6- room modern oott(re and full 60-foot lot, east front, on 28th street near Too pleton avenue, 12.200. 2 9-room houses, corner lot, In Hanscora Tlace, room for two more houses. Trice, $3,om). 2 houses ami 50-foot lot on South 17th, near Castellar street. Trice, $1,000. 7- room bouse on Cass street, near 10th street Trice, $2,500. 2 cottages on Chicago street, between 25th and 20th streets, $3,500. S-room modern frame house on Hamilton street, near 27th street. Trlco, $2,000. Dbuble brick house, corner on Cass street, splendid Income property. Call and see us for special price. ACRES. 20 acres near Florence car line. A great big bargain, $2,000. 52 acres northwest of Florence, very choice, $75.00 per acre. 20 acres northwest of Florence, next to J. E. Kelby's farm, $S0.00 per acre. 6 acres on the hill near the Lantry House. Trice, $2,000. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, New York Life Building. W. H. CRARY, MANAGER REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT RE SHIMER & CHASE. Builders of Modern Houses. Many more people would build homes If they did not dread the bother. There Is a way to avoid this have Bhlmer eV Chase build It Oct our booklet showing cuts of modern houses. v TWO NEW ONES. $2,460100 South part of city, 's rooms, modern except furnace, brand new house, parlor, dining room, halls, papered, de sirable neighborhood. x (1. (00.00 South front, on car line, 6-room cottage, new and convenient; you cannot beat it. We have others neartng completion that are very desirable. . TWO KOUNTZE PLACE HOMES. $5,000.006 rooms, oak finish downstairs, splendid repair, choice location, every thing modern, good barn, permanent walks, near Boulevard. Owner anxious to sell. (4.600.008 rooms, all modern, permanent walks, barn, near car; owner leaving city; must sell. Don't fail to call and ask about other property if the above should not suit you. SHIMER & CHASE. 1609 FARNAM ST. OROUND FLOOR. Tel. 2422. RE SARPY CO. FARM 820 acres of very choice farm land, 280 acres seeded to timothy and clover, 30 acres best of alfalfa cutting i tons per acre, good 6 room house and horso barn for 1 head, cow barn with stanchions for 20 cows, new corn crib, large tool house nnd buggyshed. chicken house, new hog house 2xi, all buildings newly painted and roofed and In first-class repair, tubular wall, new steel windmill, two large tanks, 2 miles of Page wire fence, all on new oak posts, farm all fenced, large feeding yard with self-feeder and feeding troughs, running water, plenty of timber. 6 miles from Oretna, 6 miles from Ashland, (70 per acre. Will consider some good Income property In Omaha as part payment. " "R. C. PETERS & COMPANY, I Ground Floor Bee BulldUig GOOD BARGAINS IN NEW HOUSES. In West Farnam, on 40th near Podge, new 6-room striotly modern house, east front, fine, (3,600. . Comer Mth and Hawthorne Ave,, new swell 6-room strictly modern house, block and half oar line, tine location, $3,260. On lAfayette, near (6th, new 6-room all modern house, lot 60x170 feet, fine loca tion, only $2,800. On- Locust bt., near 18th, nearly new all modern 6-room cottage, good location, near Sherman Ave. car line, only $2,500. On South Uth St., 6-room cottage, nearly ,new, all modern but furnace, (2,600. Many other bargains in houses and vacant lots all parts of the city. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. T. Tel. 1781. RE SOUTH OMAHA SNAPS $4,000 12 acres on West I St.. good 8-room house. fine Improvements, 1 acre in grapes, two acres In fruit, trees; land alone nearly worth the money, $900 6-roo'm house and one acre of ground In Good Luck addition. No city taxes. . $900 4-room house and small store room, splendid location for local trade, good lot, 2uth and Z sts. $1,000 5 acres of choice land in South Park; price goes up July 1st. i $300 A few choice acre lota In South Park, on Paptliion car line; also a few on West 4 Street. We have 100 houses and lots -In South Omaha for sale on ensy terms. We write tire Insurance. We are South Omaha agents for Mid land Guarantee and Trust Company ab stracts of title. N. P. DODGE & COMPANY, 2612 Q Street. South Omaha. . re- HAVE A NEW HOUSE WITHOUT THE WORRY AND CARE OF BUILNINC A party having just finished a home con sisting of reception hall, parlor, second parlor, dining room and kitchen on first floor, I sleeping rooms and bath on second floor, oak finish, nice arrangement, high ceilings, porcelain tub, closet, modern flumblng, first-class furnace, barn, east ront lot, paved street, permanent walk, choice location. Owner tins changed busi ness location and will sell now at $4,600. - R. C PETERS & COMPANY, Ground Floor Bee Building. RB-Hs 26 The owner of the following properties aks to have them converted Into money or Interest bearing securities: $2,600.00 for the three-story brick building. No. 1734 a 13th St.; rental, (47 60 per mo. $3,8u0.00 for the 8-room modern house, No. 1623 Uthrop St.; asphalt paved St., per manent sidewalk and all special Improve ments pal J. $3,200.00 for the 9-room modern house, No. 2112 Locust St. $4,200.00 for the 10-room modern house, large barn, lot 86x140 feet, N. W. corner 2id and Lake Sts.; small cash payment on each place will be accepted, balance long; Urns, easy payments. GEORGE & COMPANY. 1001 Farnam St. RE (57 26 VACANT LOTS NORTH OF BEMIS PARK. Choice vacant lots north of Pemls park $160, $250 !. I4"0. and (AuO. Bemls, Paxton Block. RE 940 20 Building Is a Sure Index Of a City's Growth. Real Estate in a Growing City is a Sure Investment. Now is the time to buy i?i Omaha, SNAP We are Instructed to sell an elegant, all modorn, 9-room house, located In Keuntze Place, near 22d and Wirt. Owner has left city and Is open for offers within the next ten days, so don't let this get away from you. Be sure and ask us about this, as it will be sold very cheap and on easy terms. Price, (4,600. ASK US ABOUT TERMS ON OUR NEW HOUSES AT 24TH AND MANDERSON. THEY ARE THE MOST COMPLETE NEW HOUSES IN OMAHA TODAY SWEET & BEST, Tel. 1472. Room 613, N. T. Life. RE 922 26 Garvin Bros. Com'l Nat. Bank Bldgf 1604 Farnam St. HOUSES ' $3,600 Just listed, a new, 7-room dwelling, modern plumbing, bath, electric lights, furnace and cemented cellar, with lot 60x148 feet, situated near 31st and Leavenworth street. If you want something good, new and up to date, investigate this. , $1,360 A good, 7-room house with lot 30xU'7 feet, Bouth front on paved street, near 28th and Franklin streets. $1,260 Corner 80th and Douglas, with house renting $14, room for two houses on balance of lot $1,600 If sold soon 2610 North 19th street, an 8-room, modern house' rents $17.60 per month. $1,000 A 7-room house with lot 60x130 feet, at 2416 Blnney street, Just west of Kountse Place and North 24th street car line, ON EASY TERMS 7502221 North 26th street, 4 rooms. t)U 3721 Ohio street, ( rooms. 1900 2424 Burdette street, 6 rooms. 11,260 2916 South 17th street, 7 rooms. 1,600937 North 26th street, rooms. SEE US IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL REAL ESTATE. RE 831 26 ELEGANT COTTAGE HOME. S rooms, city water, gas, lot 66x132, on South Side boulevard, 4-ft, . terrace, cement walks, cement stairs to yard, fine shrub bery, shade and fruit trees. If you desire a neat home you should see this. . Bemls, Paxton Block. RE (39 26 F. D. WEAD. ' 7-room modern house and barn, 27th, near Caldwell-$2,600.oo. 1624 Douglas. RE 624 24 IN BEMIS PARK Brand new 6-room house, well built, south front, fine reception hall, everything up-to-date; prlc $3,000. PAYNE, BOSTW1CK & CO. (th Floor, N. Y. Life BMg. RE-941 !6 FOR SALE ONE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE HOUSES IN WEST FARNAM DISTRICT. , $3,330. New, 6 rooms, strictly modern and up-to-date; exceptionally well built and con veniently arranged; has hot water heat, fine mante: (wlth gas grate, double floors, etc. paved street; corner lot: south front, and near car line. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. RE 66826 A FINE HOME A flne home In Walnut Hill, 8 rooms, mod ern. Lot 40x160, 1 block from car. Nice neighborhood and suited In every way for a home. $2,500 MILLER. & MALONE, $24 Om. Nat. Bank bldg. Tel. 1802. RE-4H 26 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION TO Oklahoma, Texas and Pecos Valley, New Mexico. Improved and unimproved farms, good soil, abundance of water for Irrigation, splen did climate, in the Pecos Valley for from (16 to (ao per acre, in northern Texas from (4 to (J per acre. Why not Join one of our excursions which leaves on the FIRST and THIRD Tues days of each month T Write for our FREE booklet pn the south west and information concerning lands and special homeseekers' rates. AGENTS WANTED. C. I TALMADGE, 61( Qulncy Bldg., Denver, Cnlo. UE H4$ 26 $2,250 For a 6-room house, bath, enameled tub, toilet, wash basin, new gas fixtures throughout, fine cistern with pump in kitchen, cellar, good burn, ground 76x140, good neighborhood, PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. 6th Floor, N. T. Life Bldg. RE 612 26 FLORENCE BOULEVARD. 6002 Is an S-roem, all modern house, oak finish downstairs; owner leaving city; must sell this week; value $6,000; make an offer of $4.(00. Act quickly, Harrison & Morton, 912-tlS N. Y. Life. Tel. $14. RB-664 GEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam St. 'Pbone 766. HOMES FOR SALE $1.800.00 for 4312 Grand Ave.. 6-room house, newly painted and papered. In first class condition, city and cistern water In kitchen, cemented cellar, luil bearing fruit treea, all kinds smal'. fruit farm and good out buildings; IIS feet south frontage; high and sightly and only one block from school and church; a desir able suburban home. $1.660.00For 1551 N. 18th St, 7-room two story house, city water, sewer snd gns, In walking distance, line shade; terms. $2,100.00 For 2626 Decatur St., 7 rooms, mod ern except furnace, well built, con veniently arranged. $2,160.00 for 1111 N. 18th St., 7-room house, modern except furnace, in good condition, walking distance from U. P. shops and postofflce; rents for $22.60 per month; a safe Investment. $2,260.0o For (021 Chicago St., 7-room cot tage, modern except furnace, on asphalt paved street, all special taxes paid In full; owner says price will be raised to $2,600.00 June 30, 1901 $2,600.00-For 626 N. (2d St., (-room house, modern except furnace; one-half block from car; owner leaving city and says make us an offer. $$,000.00 For S. W. corner Corby and 19th Sts., 8-room brick house, modern except furnace, In first-class con dition, good barn, 81 feet frontng on asphalt paved street; all special taxes paid in full. $3,000.00 For 1814-1R20 Clark St. two de tached cottages of 6 rooms each, having city wutcr, sewer, gas, in side closets, cisterns; sre well built and always occupied; rent for $32.00 per month, $6,000.00 For 2fi67-2im Dodge St. nnd 111 S. 27th St.. three detached houses, newly painted and In good condi tion; a desirable renting Invest ment VACANT $ 250.00 For 60x127 feet, south front, on Franklin. Just west of 29th St. $ 600.00-Only, for 60x128 feet, south front, on Pratt St., beginning 100 feet west of 25th St.; flne shade and sur rounded by new houses. $ 600.00 to (850.00 for lots on Bristol St., with paving and permanent side walks paid for. $3,600.00 For 90x132 feet, eaot front, on $7th St., Just north of Farnam St. 2 COTTAGES and LARGE LOT near GREAT WESTERN TERMINALS. 2 oottages renting for (16 per month, lot 60x168. Price only (1.600; half cash. Bemls. Paxton Block. F. D. WEAD 6-room cottage, on Dorcas, near 15th St. $1,200.00. 1524 Douglas re 926 26 NEW DWELLING In Hansoom Park district, containing S rocms, with latest up-to-date plumbing, combination gas and electric fixtures, po lished floors, flne reception hall, cellar under entire house, with cemented bot tom, laundry sink, hot and cold water, everything up-to-date; price-$3,600. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO. 6th Floor. N. T.Ufa Bld NEW HOME IN BEMIS PARK. 7-room, all modorn, having porcelain tub, modern piumomp, ii electric light and gas, cement basement, south front lot, one-half block from street car, $8,000. R. C. PETERS & COMPANY, Ground Floor Bea BuUdet6 n N. P. DODGE & CO. HOUSES 401 N. 80th, 7-r., modern 41.600 1,400 2,2b0 403 N. SOtn, -r., moueiu 819 N. 4d, 9-r., modern 912 N. 4 2d, 8-r modern 2,260 2,000 2,500 2.500 2,000 , 1,800 2,500 $.000 m 4,200 1.400 2902 Blondo, 10-r., lots, corner. 2616 Hamilton, 10-r., modern.... 2008 Cuming, B rooms, iuu iui 2601 Decatur, 6 rooms, 4 lots... 19"? a. 77th. 6 rooms, modern... 1320 Park ave., 8 rooma 1838-42 N. 22d, 3 houses 2912 Grant st., 6 r., barn 2117-19 Izard St., 4 houses 817 N. 48th, 8 rooms and barn... . 10 ACRES North of Krug Park, near Benson, line garden and orchard land $2,000 25 ACRES All Improved, all kinds of fruit, 1 houses, 1 mile west of Fort Omaha nA VlnrancA par line! finest subur ban place on the market, price... '...$6,600 N. P. DODGE & CO. i 1614 FARNAM RE WOULD YOU LIVE IN WEST FARNAM? H so. why not own your home? Here is I chance to purchase a house completed June 16, built of the best of material and workmanship, having 10 rooms, reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, billiard room, six sleeping rooms, bath rooms and storerooms, first floor finished in oak, sec ond floor in hard pine, cement basement under whole house, large lot, permanent walks, paved street, on 38th avenue, for (6,iju. A bargain. Ask us to show you this property tomorrow. R. G PETERS & COMPANY. ' Ground Floor Bee Building. RE 919 26 $6,600 for an all modern 9-ruom home. 1622 Geor gla Ave.; large lot; all Specials paid; line hot water heating plunt and best plumb ing. ' $5,260 for an all modorn S-room home, 1017 S. (0th Ave.; tine location among home owners, $2,400 for an all modern 7-room home, 926 N. 27tu Ave.; rents for jlu.oo per montn. 1 have some choice cheap lots. HENRY F. DA1LEY, 'Phone F324t. 601 Bee Bldg. RE 892 24 F. D. WEAD. Neat S-room modern cottage, 2 blocks west of Kountse Place, easy payments $1,600.00. 1624 Douglas. RE 025 26 BARGAINS. 80 ACRES ON MILITARY ROAD, $6,800. 7( ACRES NEAR GRBTNA, $5,600. KOt'NTZBJ PLACE HOUSES AND LOTB. a W. COR. 1STH AND CABS, $3,600. 2720 DECATUR. 9 ROOMS, $3,600. 215 a DOTH AVE., MODERN, (2,400. 60 FEET, 13TH NEAR CENTliiR, $1,260. 1D1A vt onj tar i ft aft laUV i-t DA., f i.yv, LOTS ADJOINING KOUNTZEJ PLACE, (360, JOHN N. FRENZBR, OPP. OIJD P. O. RE 961 26 FARM FOR SALE. . Only miles from South Omaha, H mils from station, several passenger trains each day; 100 acres of choice upland, well Improved; flne orchard, all kinds of fruits; buildings on sightly east slope; Just th place fur a fine auburbsn home. Be it and you will want it. HENRY, F. DAI LET, Phons F-8244. 601 Bee Bldg. RE 893 26 FREE HOMES. In western Nebraska under the Klnkald Act. Cheap railroad lands In the same district; only one-tenth cash. Ask I'nlon h-acinc Liana Agency, zzz aoum ism m., Omaha. RE 864' 26 Bargains in Farms. The following latins are lor sulo lor canh or uiue, or wilt excuange (or lmprovm rental properly in onmhu or eouin uniHna; win exchange lor general mei chanoise stocks In r oraKn or Iowa, if ou mean uuMneas we will pay all your expenses co see the bind: No. 1 iw acres, two mnts and a half from Curtis, on 14. M. Ky., ot wlucn ao acres ale lik cultivation; in a Bond body, m good neignoornoou; m) acres fenced In pasture, the cultivated luua being level ana pantuie laud toiling ; all good sou, witn line Improved (urinj on coch rlild. Price, ii.&u; half caan, balance ou time, to suit purchaser. No. X lOu acres, four miles from Curtis. Neb., on ii. At M. Hy., ot which 46 acres are in cultivation; some more couKl be cultivated in Same body of land, balance roiling; in gooa neignuornoou; impi oveil iNrtns on eacn side or it; ail gooj sou. Price, $1,200; half cash, balance ou time, to suit ourchaHcr. at b mr cent. No. 3 16u acres, four miles Horn Curtis and four miles irom Aloorelicid, Neb.; about 60 acres in cultlvAiion in out hotlv. balance rolling, and good huy or grass land; good sou; improved farms adjoin ing; good neighborhood. Price, $1,2H; half cash, balance ou time, to suit pur chaser, at 6 per cent. No. 4 1) acres, of which about 50 acres are in cultivation, one mile and a half from Moorelleld, Neb., .on U. & M. Hv., In good neignDornooo; govja soil; balance of uuid lolling, and good grass land. Price, (l.tioiij nan caan, balance on tune, to suit pur chaser, at 6 tier cent annual interest No. 6 liiO acres, two miles and a hiilf from Moorelleld, Neb., and three-fourths of a mile from No. 4 and cornerlna- with No ( above described; all rolling, but good soil, and good Dasture land, none in cul tivation. Price, half cah, balance on time at per cent interest, payable annually. The owner of above land lives In Omaha anu will exchange It for clear, Improved rental property In Omaha or South Omaha on a fair cash bavls. Above prices good only till July 1. lw. and on condi tion that same are not sold prior thereto uy me owner or otners. No. 6 Improved farm, 160 acres; 90 acres in cultivation, including 7 acres in alfalfa, 70 fenced in pasture; good shade, thrifty timber for fuel and fence oosts: In Nuck olls county, three and one-half miles from railroad town; house one ami one-half stories; stable and granary, new wind mill, 80 young fruit trees: IS acres sown to Engll.sh blue grass for meadow. This Is land known as "school land" under contract for deed from the state, on which is due (1.006 in 19" or 19i and can be extended ten or fifteen years if Ue sired, with Interest at 6 per cent per an num: no taxea. lrlcn. I4.KU0. No. ' 7 Improved farm, 160 acres; 20 acres fenced in pasture, 140 acres In cultivation; good neighborhood, ( miles northwest of Nelson, In Nuckolls county, Neb.; gently rolling; all sown to winter wheat; 1904 crop reserved. 1'rlce, 5,6uu; mortgage, (1,6K, drawing interest at 6 per cent, live years to run. , No. 8 80 acres, all in cultivation and all lencea, three miles rrom Bostwlck, Neb. and rlx miles from Superior, Neb.; no In cumbrance. Price, (2,400. NO. 9160 acres, of which ISO are in culti vation, rolling, five miles southwest of uuiae Kock, Neo., in Webster county, Neb. Price. (4.000. No. 10 Improved 190 acres, six miles from Hioommgion, Franklin county, Neb.; 130 acres in cultivation; in good neighbor hnru trnrA mnt ..I .... n I Vx.... ...... m ........ , auvu i , , vicm v ' i iii..uii.,i ..it,. . , proved farms on each sldo of It. Price, il.OOO. No. 11 Improved 80 acres, of which 40 are in cultivation and 40 in grass; all ot it can be cultivated; good soil, gently roll ing; In good neighborhood, five miles from Ayr., on B. & M.. and three miles from Koseland, In Adams county. Neb. Prloe. (2,400; mortgage, (1.000, drawing 6 per ,An, nun V. ...... .1 .. .1 A., a ...... ...i.i, , mi i.vj r a i' iivi' .i ii. v j rm . No. 12160 acres, three miles south of Greelv Center. In Greelv county. Neb. 40 acres In cultivation; rolling, good clay soil; in good neighborhood; improved' farms on each side of It. Price, $3,200; no Incumbrance. No. 13 For sale, 8. W. corner Park and PODDleton. 100x160: one ten-room house. leased for one year from June 1. 19f4. at (40 per month and water rent; and one 8-room, new house, rented for one year rrom May l, iikh, for i: per montn ana water rent. Price, (9,000; will take H cash and mortgage, to suit purchaser, at 6 per cent. Must be sold. . No. 142916 Shirley St., seven rooms .and hath: modern except furnace: south front. 50x100; five rooms downstairs, two rooms UDStalrs. Price. 12.760 net. No. 16 For sale or trade. 644 64th Place. Chicago, in., one block irom boulevard at Kngiewood; l rooms, modern, rramo, and barn. 37Axl20 ft.: gas and hot-air fur nace. Want to trade for Omaha property. Price, (4.600. There Is a mortgage of iz.ooo. which will be taken up by owner; rented ror per montn. BITSIN'ESS CHANCES. FOR TRADE (8,000 stock of clothing and rr s TurnifningR; win traae lor farm wl nln 15 miles of Omaha. WANTED TO TRADE A good Nebraska farm for general store In Iowa or Ne braska. No. 16 Three brick flats. 23d snd Douclas. now rented for (120 per month and water rent. This Is a bargain: price, lln.ooo. There is a mortgage on the property ot $8,000, which can be paid off if so de sired. OMAHA REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS CHANCE AGENCY. 406 New York Life bldg. 'Phone $762. , RE 891 26 SOUTH OMAHA ABSTRACTS. The Midland Guarantee and Trust Com pany, bonded abstracters, have more ab stracts issued than any other abstract company In Nebraska. We have opened an office at 2512 Q Street, bouth Omaha, where you can leave your orders and abstracts. N. P. DODGE, JR., PRES. RE- FREE HOMES. In western Nebraska under the Kinkald Act. Cheap railroad lands In the same district; only one-tenth casn. Ask union Pacific Land Agency, 222 South 13th St., Omaha. RE 864 26 TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS FOR A ROUND TRIP TO THIS ROSEBUD EVKHlTlilNG PAID. Ws pay your railroad tars. We furnish you sleeping cars. We furnish you beds wnlls on the ground. We guarantee auod meals. We make your papers and give you legal advice. This assures you that you will get through registration without error and without personal discomfort or loss of time and money, tuuis and u&m ua. Gas Belt Land Co. 214 First Nat'l Bank, Omaha. Neb. RE-306 PRICE TODAY, $2,550. Rev. Dillon, who leaves the city, offers bis beautiful, modern home today at this sao rlilce price; part down, balance easy. 4316 Grant St. KL j ACRES IN BENSON Desirable Tracts for Country Home. Ten acres, with bearing fruit, all nicely seeded to sjfalfa. $1,U.00. Flva acres, some fruit, three blocks from car, $1,200.00. Two acres on pavement, fins garden ..km. ar.fcn iv, , V. VUW.Wi Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton liiock. RE (43 FOR SALE Two modern cottages, West Farnam St. district, only eacu. Thomas Brennan, Room 1, N. Y. Life Buig. RE-M5 THE ROSEBUD Reservation Is open to settlement. Send 60 cents to Ratlunan A Keller, ttonesieul, ti. D., for Information and lurge map showing topography of country. Kb. 2S7 680 ACRES, flne pasture land, one mile from splendid town .of $,0uo, about on;- ' halt good tillable land; In splendid tame grass country; (.Ifc.uO per acre; want smaller farm or Income property. Iilland P. Lockwood, Kansas City, Mo. RE-841 26 THREE GREAT BNAPS-Wldow must sell 2101-4-6 North ZDih Ave.; large six-room houses; two blocks from Lake street car; good und cheap homes; ll,0"O earn. N. L. Trimble, 1216 Farnam St., Second Floor. RE 362 id BUILDING IXT FOR SALE. C4C.00 On Franklin at., near 29th st: size 00x127 feet. Ueorge Co. UK-Mian 26 CS.A8 Williamson Co.. ujVWd. K1L & 111 us. your property. Uakr Uros. Eng. Co. tU-fcW II New Houses II Just Completed (-room house on Manaeron street, Jut west of 24tli, where the big trees are; uil modern, strictly up to date, near car, n paved street. Price (2.W0 (-room house on Ames ave. between i4th and 20lh streets, on paved street, fenced, line location, all mouern. Ft Ire .',iJ 6-room house on 27lh ave.. Just son' It of l.ake, east front, modi rn, high ground,, fine view, half block of car. 1'rlce.. (J,30 ( cash, balance monthly. 6- room house. Just completed, modorn, on 21'd street and Saratoga, price (l.HiO $-room cottago in Florence, on car line, Just been built, large lot Price (l.(-30 7- room new house In Demi l ark, on Alyr tle ave., between Sid and Stth. half bloik. from car line, flne location; houne is strictly modern. Price 2,!M HASTINGS & HEYDEN, - 610-511 N. Y. Lite Uldg. 'Phone flOS. RE M i'3 2K LOTS NEAR HIGH, SCHOOL We have a south-front lot on Chicago street. Just Di.nl of 21lh; good paving anil permanent sidewalk. Also a west-front lot on 2,ith. just north of Chicago. We a.-e authorized to sell boUt of thess lota very cheap. A. P. TUKEY & SON. Board of Trade oKlg. RE 737 27 BEST THING OFFERED. Fat nam St. business property paying $1,(00 per annum. (Cnn make long Inn). Pries $20,600 for quick sale. Average taxes for $ years. Including D04, (3S2.(4. Harrison ft. Morton, (U2-8U N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. RE-SG9 , I20-ACRH FARM near Loup City, Neb.J good cultivation, good buildings, with tock only (U.nuO. J. Kruszka, 825 KtU ave., Milwaukee, Wis. KE M7i 26x FOR EXCHANGE-If you want to ex. change any kind of real estate or business In any part of the countrv, send a de scription with price; give choice of loca tion. This kfflco will outline a practical plan for quickly making a transfer to , your entlro satisfaction. The only firm ot its kind In the United States incorpor ated for the purpose of doing Interstate trading, having associate reprcsettatlves in all states. Our method Is Indorsed by clients everywhere, interstate Hrokeraira Assn., 218 S. Rroadway, Los Angeles, Cul. RE 33 20 SECTION of flne grass land In Nuckolls Co. Neb.; price M per acre. Hss to be sold by July 16. I. King, Superior. Neb. RE-486 2 ' 820 ACRES of nice land, 1' miles from station, 7 miles from town of (,iCK), M i acres cultivated, balance can be culti vated, 6-room house; In southeastern Kansas; price $36.00 per acre; want town" Sroperty and oash. Hlland P.. Lockwood, :ansas City, Mo. RE 842 2i WE handle real estate. KENNY REAL EST. & INV. CO., 800 Bee bldg. RE M915 I AT YOUR PRICE, IF REASONABLE. Make me an offer on 621 8. 26th ave.; new modern house of eight rooms; my price la . (4,-00, Also on the nine-room modern house on 424 and Davenport, two blocks west of Jos lvn's; all furnished In hardwood, with oak floors; see lt today; Just completed. Ed O. Hamilton, 211 B. 17th. RE 088 26 ONE or more acres lust outside city limits, near Krug park, $00 fruit treea, acre of strawberries, good house, barn and other' buildings. Investigate. Address O 18, Bee. RE 104 lx MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bll.s that have accumulated during the winter it might be an advantage to you to secure . money from us and pay them and then-t. pay us In weekly or monthly payments.,, until you get out of debt. 'we loan osv . furniture, pianos, live stock and other' cnatteis anu ws maae iobiib to saiarisn people upon their own agreement to re pay. Our rates are as low as any and a great deal lower than some. Our service Is aulck and without publicity. If you have' ealt with us and are pleased, tell others, and If you are displeased, tell us. .' Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., tit Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2?95. ' (Established 1892.) $06 South 16th St. X $; MONEY LOAN Fboenlx Credit Co., m Paxton Llk. x-wo LOANS, ON SALARIES, Il,lAllUKF PIANOS. IJVE STOCK, ETC. PAYMENTS AND RAT'rM TO fi'OIT YOU,- RELIABLE CREDIT CO. ,: 307-208 PAJlTuN JJl. Tn-L. liil. - xai;dj 3 P. C. YEAR, FROM $100 to )o,0uu loaned on your personal note at ( PER CENT PER YEAR. All good loans wanted. Call or writo and get j my system. W. L. Eastman 4k Co., 1UMT Farnam, Omaha. x' it.. DON'T BORROW MONEY On Salary, Furniture or Pianos UNTIL YOU SEE US. If you can call, write us or telephone 1607, and wo will send agent to explain and . arrange loan at your residence. "" J. A. HUT'TON CO., 614 Paxton Block. MONEY LOANED BALARIED . PEOPLB and others with security; easy paymunts; largest business in 'i principal titles." Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce v Bldg. X-K42 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Fo ey , Loan Co., 1M4 Farnam St X iti SALARY and collateral loans, Temulctoo, 'A'i Bee Bldg. Tel. 2U04. X 341 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, homos, cows, etc. ' C. F. Reed, 819 U. Wtb. X-846 V MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLK. X-M4D2 7 BEE FULLER, 425 Paxton HIk., for loans on watches, diamonds and Jewelrv. X (01 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low irates. W. IL , Thomas, First Nat l Bank BlUg. Tel. K.4S. ' W-fcyJ 4 TO S P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton block, W 2U8 PRIVATE uionoy. F. D. Wead, 1(20 Douglas W WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co., UU Farnam st W $00 MONEY TO LOAN, Payne Investment Ct W-801 WANTED, real estate loans and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co.,, Bee bldg. W-ji $ per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. 1 We would like a few farms. Ws would, like to muke a few loans, $1,000 to $10, Os on farms In Douglas or adjoining counties. F. D. WEAD, 1624 DoukIhs st W-718 tt WE loan money. KENNY REAL EST. ss INV. CO., JUO Bee UtQg. W Ml13 2 FINANCIAL A $1,600 A YEAR Income Insured If jrou buy 6 shares (acres) in our n.iioo-acre runoer plantation In Mexico. Small monthly pay ments. Dividends are earned la-fore pav ments ar completed. We cultivate lub ber exclusively. Finest location;- best -transportation facilities. Write for proa-, pectus. ConnorvHtlve Rubber Production Co., 820 Purrutt Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. -66 2tiX WANTED TO BORROW $l,6o, 6 years at 6 per cent; good first inortKHKe security given. Annrens ( 14. Be omce, Mb74July$