Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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flcisi' Get lmti TtitA
fi.bJL.i TUf.tio CUT TO BZ fcir,. BwY
Hivaa.J When t'ou 'runted by Plead.
!- jUlktr uad sister and tkltt
Oloutn I'riMnlx to Nut
Itcpt-at t'le Act.
Tl. tearful jilt i.iirg ir a. wM-jW".!
niulko. uuU a al.T. th jtp:t.l proni-j
oi a uikiraotad U y and ti.o tariur yr.
pUi,y ol a tiaYnuug n;m ur, 1 h! mn
IfifciiU, pruLauly savcJ one 'muh
joutu from the p..nlu.,U:uv end hl f.m
Uy roui aiiauia and
Toe siory la one of imjortur.e, r. -iessne,
adventure aiid. lo.e a id the tniv
lltig mana woiii.n lilend to easily i
heroine. la abort, aha Duoefcii Af .d t
her own and the tiat,Jug niun Uv tio.ii
the bullet of -the yotuu a reioiver. 'fha
youth, havtnf loat hU poaiUoa,by hico
he aided In the .upport ol hla mother,
became deaperate and dacuied to aUopl
f tha nr..r ,h. ,i.h..v,iin t.r h. ho.
deoiared never acaln to
upon thla aocupaUon.
loon wttH favor
A nbjht of two aco a youn woman and
,.. " " . , . -
a, er aentleman escort wera returning from with friends and 'whlla lai.urety
walking an Casteliar atrsei . between
Twenty-nrat and Twentieth, they were
accosted ky a, footpad weaMng a black
cloth mask tied over. his faoe through
wblok eyelet halea wera cut and wara com
mahded to hold up tlnlr nina TI.e
couple being taken somewhat ky surprise,
obeyed tha command, and the ' robber
poking the pistol Into tha young woman's
faee, ordered tier to stand closer to the
man and both were told to cougb up tbelr
valuables. t -j L - ;
Whlla tha footpad's attention waa mo
mentarily diverted to - the young woman
her eaoort graaped tha plst6I hand of tha
robbor, tha young woman sprang at him,
aelied him by the throat, premed tha rob
ber to tha ground and held him down with
her kneed while her eaoort wrenched, tha
pistol from hla hand, badly lacerating one
of his own, hands In the scuffle.
Bay OaawceV for Air.
The Inexperienced robber gasped for
mercy as well a ha could with . tha
woman's tightening grasp on hla throat.
She finally released her boid and tearing
the mask from tha young raaa'a) taoa. they
permitted him to regain his feet. Ha waa
dlsoavered ta bo a mere boy. It er 17 years
of age, and under oorar of hla own re
I volrer, waa ordered to tell who ha waa.
k Tha young woman's escort' was strongly
tempted ta kill tha fellow, but tha young
I woman pleadod for him on acoount of his
youth and hla aaeuranoea that thla wad
4 , his first attempt at wrangdolng.
f Tha boy began crying and between hla
) -Voba, told thera that he lived with a wtd
-., awed' mother and aiater on Williams street
"and (that they were people of the highest
respectability. At tha suggestion of th
ww umiiuiiii &v Muwuipmuy
the young robber to hia noma and aider
tain If hla atory waa true. - Tha mother
and sister wore rowaed from bed and tha
U The letters of Miss
1 1 1 , -- - " 1 '
v -'v r i r- ' -
ture is printed above, and Miss Claussen,
prove beyond question that thousands of
cases 6f inflammation of . the ovaries and
womb , are annually cured . by the use of
Lydia E.4 Pioildiam's Vegetable Compound
' Da Mrs. Piwkham t -Gradual lose of strength and nefre forc
told ma Borrw i hinfc wan ra-lically wrorit with rruv . I had severe shooting
pains throujht tin y'lvi" orsratui, cratupK tvl extremo irritation com
pelled in to sek nitiu'ul tuivu-o. The. kx?tir t hat I had ovarian
trouble and uUt-ration, uivl advised an ovr:ition. I strongly objected to
thift and (lecii't'd to try I..vd!a 12. Pinkliatir Vfr'tablo Compound.
I norm found. tlui't my judgment whs . correct, and that all the rood
thiiif said atmit this m?di;ine wt ro Iruo, und day ty day I felt less
paio ant inereav-d tl to. The uUwwition soon healed, and the other
complication! disurnnMivd and in eleven wt:lw 1 was onoe more strong;
and vigorous ii'id iieitVt tly welL . ,
"My heart lost tliuak.s use sent to you for'tlic pront good you hav
d nio mvT" Sincerely youi'K, JUus Maku.rbt Iikklkt, 276 Third bL,
.Milwaukee, Wis. ,
fllss Claussen Saved from a Surgical Operation,
ryerMnwrrvr,- ' DIR MTv, PlNXHAMl Jt UfOllW tO met
f :'.'','f'V till the ein!oienit ntf tliiit I have read of the va
I f f fydl K. Piiikiiaiu'ai'omiNiiaid do not expr
f ' '-i t' 3 on-half of the virtu the irivat medicine its
iM sceH. i
fruitKn. oirmtiona cont me. If tiie vrmen who are sufferinr, and
the tiocton lo not help them, will.try, Lydia H Pinkhaui'a Vere
tahle Ctnnpoiind, they '.fill not ba disappointed with the result.
Hiss Clara '.U. Clauhsxm, 1307 l'enn bt, Kansas City, Mo.
AkMa f rOftfflT if -e eannot lwvrMk araaoee IkeerlctMl Ueure aad elgaetares ai
n 1 1 1 1 1 1 ata tm imQtls aktaa ui m " kMUM imm.
CfJUUU . Aoo a. i-M.tL$L 4rs, ara. kLeaa. .
trtr u admitted to the bouse. Tk
mother and alstef were confounded at the
Mory of tha boy, who an trade to tall
of hi attempt at highway robbery, and
tk mother and aiater tearfully pleaded
with hla .captors to let him go. aa the
could not survive tha disgrace of t
inTltable penalty of hla crime.
Lot tfce Bar Go free.
Tha aiater added her entreatlea, stating
that aha wn employed In a , responsible
I (vhltt(ju In one ol the leading etor.a Of
! d o .11 ., -.4 ,1.. h.., I.
a wf!l kii'jwu traveling man. agreed ta
let I'.f tinier drop on londliion mat tua
hoy KtmuM meet him at tUe Ui.loii siktlon
at ihe. t;ext day for a further talk,
jl , imwaver, retained ioweslon of tha
Li.urol evnlvrr, "which al a flve-tl.ot
( .fn-oaliler wvapvn ar.d fuil louUtJ.
Thn y was nn ho ml at th .folntrd
hour, Mi nu.iy, with hi, tiiroit trill bearing
the rr, icl.i- of ttv le er.te trip uf th
yntji b woitirn, th'iroiij-My nxitie, uid f'o.l hia nimiiiimi tliut l.e aoulii over
hrr-H.;i4-r lvl hii hi:i:t anil uprlht lifo.
Ho rl-iinic-il that u to a couple c!'vmonl?
s-'j'rm ha 1 le; eJniiiycd a nu( r.gir
a;i''.t!,' bit) to Li true, but
i "'"it h.iJ lo hi Jub. - Ha euys he
i td io uike up highway robonry
u """ rel-l: eacliequar.
! 11 w" hold up
j nut ""l' th CoUP' ak"uil '"f?
ol-Ir aobpla.Uo be knew would
j U,B XacMy u'e "T ,n""'
Ti brarriing man icogi ifceu Hit boy as
i " 7 , "
i u t inekfcaner, ai.a us Uo tiua Iw leuve trie
. . V, . 1. In nbtill IV
I . . ,,,,
j , C "
! ,
uuia train, he gve the
nj lit' wounl ktvip a wtch
on him aad tne aiiauieii u via . on iruui
ho&eS.y Jioreulter would reu!l ii lils being
aueaied and held to unawer for higiiway
robbery and Its auejiutvui p.i.iuvtea.
AnaoBBoamenta of lie Theaters.
At tha Beyd theater thla evening the
Ferris Block company will repeat 'The
Charity Ball," one of the most popular and
successful plays It has yet put on. The
same piece will be given at a matinee and i
evening performance on tomorrow. lie-'
ginning with a matlnea on Sunday, the
sixth week of tha season will start with
"Master and Man," a pleasing melodrama.
On Thursday night tha good old southern
drama, "The Belle of Richmond," will be
put on for the second half of tha week.
Tha theater la very coal and comfortable,
and offers the most attractive place in the
city to spend an evening.
Card of Thaaki,
To our kind friends and neighbors, wa
wish to extend our sincere and heartfelt
thanks for the many offering of friendship
and also for tha beautiful lleral offering
especially the K. O. T, M-, the M. W. A.
NO. LOWS, tha C. O. F. of South Omaha,' and
tha employee of the power house, who so
kindly assisted us In tha recent death of
our beloved son and brother.
- ' Ftro Heaie Completed.
Tha new fir engine station at Twentr
seventh and Jones streets, designed by W.
T. Melsner and built by V. J. Crerdon
Sons, ha been completed and accepted by
the Board of Publlo Works. It cost about
tl6.0b. Chief Salter Will move the hook
and ladder company No. 4 of eight men
Into It within a week, or as soon aa .certain
fixtures are applied. The company1 will
welcome the change, as heretofore Ita hab
itation baa been a cmapiaaiea
transformed from a barn.
Merkley, whose pic-'
"Dv-da Mkh. Pinxham: It seenw to me that
he valus
ie really
know lURt n siivea uiv mo ana a
want to ivo the credit whme. it belongs. 1 suf
U red with ovMaiantrouMf fur live yMi-s, had thres
I'li.itk'iiH Hitd b)K nt h und redd of dollar on doo
tor :.nd indicln but this did not ours m
tditmUL' , '
"However, -what doctors and medicines failed
to do, Lt.Ia 1 PlAkbam's Tejretable Com
pound tj'd. Twnty bottles restored me to per
ifci liu JlU and I fel sure that had I known of ita
al ue tNjfore, and let the doctors alone, I would
have been snared all the pain and expense that
Frio'.ion Otttsd Btwet Officer, faeartrom
t nd DanpMt Otst Btroagrt.
one Arrests and other releases him
SaadslrosB Ckargea Defeodaat with
gtaylag la eporflag Resort am
Appeals Casa to tha '
District Ceort.
The arrest of OUo liernnart by Officer
Bumlrtrom Tuesd.y for beir.g an Inmate Of
a huiito of til f une :i lid for which tiernl.arv
waa tli'.t-d J-'O and ciibIs In police court
tVeUn esrt;.y. t)Hf BiucUU a commotion
amniiK I'ollO" i.'tnclala.
Ui;riil'.iirt, Wnr Iij.h hro.i a retted before,
onco mi tlio ctiiit'ite "i" petit inctny, and
Bgi'ii a !!-! ripijK rhnructer, was llrsi
a-irf xt-fi by t.flioor Sji:diroiH MoiiJay.
Sniiiistroiu 8i Urn k.uii.f of a sporting
rrport li-rlaril tiiat t'.i i ;nurt spent live
vo-kH In her i'lacv. jointf tlieie about t
o'llfiK in tl.e moi'iiitig Riitl staying till 1
or 2 o'clock in Lie aiternoon.
Tut liiy iii'iri:iiib5 6..ilsti'out appeared In
the i-jiice court to give hla evidence, but
as there seemed little likelihood of that
pariltuiar cm jo beir.g called lot some time,
he was excused for a short time.
'I w-a absent about three minutes," aald
B.iidstroni, 1 und when 1 returned I found
the cave dlatnUsed .wlihout bearing my
evitienttf. 1 1c uiitd that Sergeant Demp
sy hud handed tne ch:ue to Judge lierka
with the leuuirk. Well dismiss this.
Judge.' 1 buoitu to City Prosecutor Lee
about It and lie diattly filed another
huh. ml, ilnraii g Utinliart with the aama
offense. 1 airtsied him the (tail morn
ing, and while tai.ii g him to the police
tiioii, I was lon-ed to usa my hands
on him, as' he tried to tight me and kick
me In the stomach. He also threatened to
kill me. Shortly after 1 had arrested him
the second lime, I learned ha waa re-
1 leased by signing his own bond, by Ber-
goant tempsey, ; wno is aouna aviu
during the absence of Captain Mostyn."
Bernkart Has no Prooerty. ,
As far aa can be learned Bernhart has
no property and his Is about the only case
at the jail where a man la allowed his
liberty while a charge Is hanging over his
head without either a cash fcond or a bond
signed by some property holder. To add
to tha Irregularity of the proceeding there
waa nothing on tha books to show that ha
had been releaaed.
Wednesday some people visited Chief
Donahue and asked that Officer Sand
strom be suspended for using undue vio
lenca In arresting Bernhart, a request
Chief Donahue at once refused aa ridic
ulous. There Is soma talk that the matter
will be laid before the Board of Fire and
Police oommlsalon " and charging Sand-
strom with hitting Bernhart without provo
cation. Sandatrom saya ha will be glad
to aeo tha matter thoroughly probed. This
Is tha first time auch charges hava been
coupled with hia name1,
lava Chief Ordered It
When aeked whr.t he knew about the
matter Sergeant Dempsey saldt
"I ordered Btrnhart dismissed because
Chief Donahue told me to do so. I men
tioned thla order to City Prosecutor Lee
and I cannot understand Bandatrom's
statement about Mr. Lee being Ignorant
about It. And aa for allowing Bernhart
to alga hla own bond I did this on my own
responsibility and I felt safe that, ha would
appear when wanted. Tha man tild toe
ha had just got a Job and 1 did not want
him to lose It by keeping him In JalL"
''Why Wak hot' this' transaction marked
on the polloe register, aa la usual in tha
other cases?" waa asked.
"I cannot tell." aald the sergeant! "that
la tha desk sergeant's work.
"Do you know any reason why Chief
Donahue told you to dismiss tha case with
out giving Sandstrom a chanoa to put for
ward hla evidence T" waa the next ques
"I am not responsible for what Chief
Donahue doea," waa tha response, "but I
hear that Bernhart had accused Sandatrom
of having a woman In a resort, making the
aocuaatlon to Chief Donahue, and perhapa
the chief thought that Sandatrom exer
cised a little personal Ill-feeling In arrest
ing tha man."
Chief Donahue waa asked If ho gave
Sergeant Dempsey an order to dismiss tha
I'No," answered tha chief,, "I did not. 1
told Dempsey ta Investigate the eaaa thor
oughly and If ha thought tha case worthy
of dismissal to dismiss It."
Bernhart haa appealed the case to tha
district court on tha decision rendered by
Polloe Judge Berka.
tovna umn't suit sale:.
JT. I. Brasidels as Sena -Asseasee at
Extraordinary Clothlnar Eveat
for Satnrday, Jane M.
$10. SIS, . P7.60 SUMMER SUITS AT tl.
A great manufaoturer'a atock of young
men'a and amall slse men's high grade
summer suits, bought by us -at an absurd
price, will go4on sale Saturday. Theaa
suits are in ngee from IS to II years,
Saturday tha sale begins.
I. LABRANDEI8 SONS, Boston Store.
Seetloas of I'nloa PaelSa Desla-nated
I'nder Rodlstrlctiag Plaa Re
oeatly Put la KsTeet.
The official . circular making several
ohanges In the divisions of the Union Pa
cific which were announced in The Bee
several weeka ago, baa been issued. Tha
changes will be eftecUve July 1.
Under the new order tha line from Grand
Island to North Platte will be known aa
the western dietrtct of tha Nebraska di
vision. Die Line from Cheyenne to North
Platte will be attached to the Wyoming
dl,aloa and will be known aa the eastern
li.irkt of that division. The Cheyenne
F.itwllna line will be known as the middle
, di-trkH tf the Wyoming division and the
Eui m Hue-Green lUver line aa the western
district. From Junction City to Ellis, Kan..
will bu known as the western district of tha
jilwuua division and from Kills to Cheyenne
Wells (not Including Ulua) will be attached
u, ll.e euaivrn district of tha Colorado divi-
s,un. caKiey to l uunvnie, via uoioy, not
ir-ii.dlng PluinviUe, will be attached to tha
Culuritdo division and known aa tha Colby
branuh. Sullna to I'lalnvtlla will bo known
k tlia Plalnvllle branch of tha Kansas di
vision. x
tlamoad Birthday Ringa, Kdholm, Jeweler.
Tlekot kealoera Doolnre They Will lot
o Governed ky Mow
Blnoo tba ordinance recently passed by
tha city council to regulate tloket scalping
has beoome' effective by the time limit in
which the mayor could hava signed It ex.
airing. It a probable the railroads will an
aounoo that stop-overs will bo allowed on
World's fair tickets within a few daye.
Tha Biatter win probably be taken up at
tho neat mooting of tha local paawnger
association and arrangements made to
grant atc-p-overa.
It ta understood that local ticket scalper
have declared they wUl not be governed
by tho provlslono of tha ordlnaaoa, but
will take tke matter In la court a&d fight
It to tha bitter and. v The ecalpera assert
that If tha ordinance aa paased Is enforced
It would result In driving thera out of
Plnns Ereetiosi of Five-story Strae
tare Wkere Allea Broa.'
BalldlaaT Stood.
Authority for the construction of a not
able Improvement to the wholesale dls
tlict was secured by the F. L. Ames es
tate for the construction of a five-story
brtrk warehouse at 908-14 Jonea street, on
tho slta of the building occupied by A'l-n
Bros., destroyed by fire last Thanksgiving
The structure Is to be S$xl32 feet In tJze.
Thomas H. Klmha'l I the arc! Itect nd
C W. Partri'ls the builder. The cost Is
eMIma'ed to he t6j,H'0, and work will be
gin It. I!fO S
Tji,-fj( i-,. Varn-'Mv 1 1 t;k'-n out a per
mit for a 11,000 frame dwelling at 2t31 Tem
pi' on uticet
Poarterai Cents Knocked Off of Tariff
from Baltimore to Mis
soarl River.
A rate of 10 cents per hundred on canned
goods has ben announced by roads not
Htrtlrs to gulf rufes from Baltimore to the
Missouri river. The rcgulnr rate is M cents
per hundred. Owin,g to the fart that much
lower rates than 44 cents have been made
vIh the giilf, the llnrs rurnlng via Chicago
hve' been practically cut out of the busi
ness. The Baltimore 4 Ohio Is the eastern
riid which has nnnounced Itself as a piirty
to the new Tat, and It is understood that
all western lines not Interested In gulf
business have announced that they will bvi
parties to it. The now rate becomes ef
fective June 27 and expires July 1
Doable Charge Filed Against Man
Who la A censed of Shooting;
Officer Halterman.
' Frank Swltala of 2425 South Twenty-ninth
street, has been arraigned In police court
on Information died by Assistant County
Attorney Weaver, charging the defendant
with shooting with Intent to kill and with
intent to wound, there being two counts In
the Information. Swltala is charged with
Shooting Officer Halterman last Tuesday
night when tha patrolman waa arresting
the defendant. Halterman received a
wound In the right cheek and ear, the bullet
passing through into the helmet.
Swltala waived examination in police
court and was bound over to the district
court. The bond waa placed at $2,800.
Jaly Fourth Excursion Ilntee via Rock
Island System.
East of Missouri river, one and one
third fare for round trip between stations
within 200 miles.
West of Missouri river, one fare plus 50
cents for round trip between all points
on Rock Island and Frisco systems.
Tickets on sale July 1, t and 4. Return
limit July i. For further Information call
at 1823 Farnam street; or Union station.
1123 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb,.
Attention, Lady,. Maccnbeos.
All members of HolUster hive, No. Zl, are
requested to meat at hall, Continental
block, Friday, at,l p., m,, Juno 24, to at
tend the funeral of. X6y.: Rose Huston,
which will be held fromnChrtstlan Taberna--ole,
corner of Scott aad Mynster streets,
Council Bluffs, la. ; i . .
By order of commander.
Atlnntlo City Exeurslone Via, Taa
dalla-Pennsylvaala Lines.
An opportunity to visit Atlantic City on
excursion tickets Is offered at reduced
fares during July via Vandalla-Pennsyl
vanla lines account Imperial Council, No
bles of the Mystic Shrine. Consult J. M.
Chesbrough, Assistant General Passenger
Agent, Bt Louis, Mo., for partlculara.
Do Hot Walt tntlr Ton Seed It.
The eeaaon is. again at hand when diar
rhoea and dysentery are prevalent. Do not
wait until some of your family la taken
with a violent attack, but be prepared. A
bottle of Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy at band when needed haa
saved many a Ufa. Procure it at onco.
Finest Cut Glass. Edholm, Jeweler.
' Fourth of July Raton.
Tha Illinois Central will sell excursion
tickets to points within 200 miles of Omaha
at rata of faro and one-third for the round
trip. Tickets on sale July I, I and 4, good
for return until July 6. Tickets at 1401
Farnam atroet '
Mecca Court, No. IS.
Tribe of Ben Hur, will give a Shirt waist
party Friday evening, June U, at Its hall.
Sixteenth and Harney streets. Refresh
ments. Admissslon, 11 cerits.
Steamship tickets from all European
porta at half the usual fates. Call or
write P. H. Phllbln, 1S0S Farnam street.
IS K. Wedding Rings. Edholm, Jeweler.
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and death have
been reported to the Board of Health dur
ing the twenty-four hours ending at noun
Births Tony A. Touna, 1711 Smith Fif
teenth, boy; William Oroeby. 26 North
Twenty-fifth, boy; O'istav ' Anderson, KH
Charles, girl; Mike Kotch, 125S Hmith Fif
teenth, girl: W. M. Knlnmala. D"" South
Twenty-third, rlrl; William Owen, 2164
Ponth T" irtv-nrtti. noy; feter Meinn,
Bouth KlfThteenth. rlrl; W R. Rnsr'lt, 1122
Stn'tth Twon tv-eirMh. srlrl : Robert C.
Pmesrfcw Ciflfnrnla, rlrl.
Death Henry .MoKeon. 7l Hickory, 40.
McDERWOTT Alice, Thursday morning,
June "3. at the residence or her parents,
fr?3 Clark street.' i
Funeral Saturday morning- at 1:30 o'clock
from residence, to St. John's Collegiate,
Twenty-fifth and California streets, at I
o'clock. Interment at Holy Sepulcher.
ALLENBPACH-J. A.. Wednesday, June
22. after prolonged Illness.
Funeral notice later. ,
SB . ' . 1 , 1 1 . --O
Tired, Tired
Tired. That one word tells
the whole story. No rest.
No comfort. No particular
disease. Just all tired out.
Fortunately, physicians know
about Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Thty prescribe it for ex
haustion, anemia, depression,
general debility. ' mlX.
No matte whit alls you nor what
medicine you take, you cannot let well
If your towels srs constipated. Cor
rect this st ones by Uklnf Ayer's Fills,
just so pill each night Theaa are S
tret 4U g tbo Sarsaparilla.
Vtesssl ACAkUtCU-r9a.stsna
; 1
M vI f
Xm hull,,. '!uaig1j "'"f,,!.,. '.
tMtmmt P'-.llpBaelgpga-gai
iLa-'" ' W ii null ' am n urn m m r is
s mmm .
1.1 It i il El HII w
St. Loul3 and return
an l v oac is on sal
8t. Louis and return -
St. Louis and return
Chicago and return
Chicago and return one way via. St. Louis,
on sale every day
Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo and return.
on saio every aay
Milwaukee and return on sale J une
20, 2landii2
Atlantic City and return-on sale
July O and IO
Buffalo and Niagara Palls and return,
on sale dally
Cincinnati and return- on sale July io, 16
and 17 :
Detroit and return-on sale July e, o
Indianapolis and return-on sal June S3
and 27. ,
HotSprings, S. D. and return-
on sale every day ,
Mackinac Island and return,
on sale dally ,
West Baden, Ind., and return,
on sale July 22 to 20
French Lick, Ind.,
on sale July 22 to
On the theory of the
dealer who, during an
extremely cold snap last
winter, closed Lis store
snd placed a sign In front
reading, "Closed on Ac
count of the Heat, one
would wear a homespun
suit "on account of the
Certainly no other fab
ric Is ss porous os styl
ishly cool and, withal, as
wonoorfully wearful.
The Imported Home
spun requires extra care
In tailoring requires .Jhe
kind of rare that charac
terises MacCarthy tailor
ing. And It requires talented
tailoring to put perma
nent shape Into skeleton
lined suits. 1
But we do It
MacCarthy noms-spun
Suits $M) to $35.
MacCarthy Tailoring
4JO . leti t .
Meat door to
Wsbaab Ticket,
rbeae ISSI.
To regain loat strength and vitality
or for nuralng mot here or convales
centfor a tonlo or beverage during
the spring and summer than
It Is properly aged and pasteurised.
One trial la all we ask. Order a case,
either quarts or pints. A email glass
ful occasionally will soon bring de
sired results and cenraiescense.
Sold on Dial and Bsftl Cora.
Fred Krttg Brewing Co.
Omska's Model Brewery.
Tele heae 420. ( OMAHA.
A Mans Straw Hat
The exact style of this picture
for $1.00.
The greatest hat value of the season,
takes place here tomorrow. For one
dollar we will sell a man's straw hat,
that every hat store in town are asltv
ing $1.50. These are fine and new,
in 1904 shapes, all sizes and dimen"
sions, in split straw or sennit braid.
- Tickts good In chair cars (aeatg
overv Monday in June ,
on sal. July to 6,
I ..... ,,
- on sale every
- on sale every .
and return,
I can give you all the latest Information about excursion rates and furnish, free. Il
lustrated booklet about all excursion resorts. See me or write about your vacation trip.
City Passenger Agent. 1502 Farnam St., Omaha.
St. Louis,
Mondays ....
St. Louis, daily....
St. Louis, July 2 to
iTumc cttt gnd return-
On sale July 8 and Itt.
aosToif and rtmu
. On sale August IX, Xt and IS.....
Chicago and tot urn (one way rls St Louis)
On sale ersry day
nifCiitSATi and return
On sale July 15, 16 snd IT
Detroit and roturn
On sale July 5, 6 and 7
Indianapolis and return
Ou sale June 20 gnd 27
lolisvillb nnd nturn
, On sale August 12 to 13 ,
Many special rates to Mlchlgan.and Canadian
New World's Fair Trains
7:45 A. M.
8:00 A. M.
7:33 P. M.
7;00 P. M.
tlUW P. M.
6:43 P. M,
7:00 A. VL
7:10 A. M.
Lv. Oms is Arr.
Lt. Cesncil Blsffs Afr.
Arr. WsM's Fair Statlos Lv.
Arr. SI. Lsuls Lv.
All Wabash Trains run to World's Fair Station, saving time, much
troubls and extra car fare.
For beautiful World's Fair folder and all Information call at City
Office, 1001 Farnam, or address
Gen. Agt. Pass.
Dr. Wilkinson's Bye, Hur, Nose. Throat Clinics
A CLINIC A place where many are treated at email fee. Treatment at
operations for Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness, Adenoids often cause of rnoui
breathing and deafness in clilldten. Jll-illiaped Noses, Chrotilo Sore Throat,
ralglas, Enlarged Tonsils, Growths ta Nostrils, Polypi, etc. Cleft Palate, Hare.l
Hunnlng Ears, Noises in Ears. Crosa-Uyee straightened by operation. AffectM
of Tear lJunt., Headaches due to eye or
voloe, irritable Coughs, Hay Fever, ote.
to 11 m. No charge for examination of
Suv a uiuH ! u
Oldest tntf Largetl
tliltirf Sohesl
ff a
$20 00
97 1 C
pi ,1J
$l) 25
' C1Q A C
...r' eeOJ
'. CIA J. ft
, ,,,.piU.T'
ffl ic
, ,,pJUJ
fflA ftF
C Of ft ft
,tp-te WW
SM Trips
6 ....$11.75
...... $22.75
points sold dally.
8:20 A. M
0:00 P. M
8:03 A. M.
7:45 P. M.
7:30 P. hL
8:45 P. Mi.
0:15 A. SI.
0:00 A. M
Dept., Omaha, Neb.
nasal catarrhal causes. Affections of t
S a. m. to I p. m. Sundays, 10 a, I
Loslnsrtoo, SSo.