THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: TJItTRPDAY, JUNE 23. 1004. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Flour If ills Cloud by Light Demand from All nrotioji - GATES SAID TO RULE IN JULY CORN kxeporta of rioe Crop aa Early Har. vest Cnt Fron Soath aad Ihwnt-Wlifit Strong aad Offerings Light. OMAHA, June 21, 1WI. Reports from Chicago are to the effect that all the local flour mills at that point are cionea down this week on account of a very Hint oemsnd for flour from all direc tions, cine mill expects to start 'Ihunday on a ruh order.. It Is said John W. Gates h hean rrerl. lted st different time with bi-lng the prin cipal In the July corn deal and rumors are afloat that he propoees to take all the corn cnerea ior July delivery snd psy lor It. This would- mean a squeeaa for the July snorts, ttecoiiecttons of the ustes cam paign of which put the July price to 11 cents, save the shorts a jar and Induced lot 01 covering. St. Louis reports say the crop Is in fine condition In Southern Missouri and that many binders are hard at , work. The harvest la expected to be In full blast by the end of this week. C. IL Spenoer says jveDraasa nas promise or a very large winter wneat crop. Kansas City reports wheat is being harvested as far north ss ths first tier of counties In Ksnias. Chi cago advices are to the effect that the rrowa in corn is very nervous. It does not seem to know lust whin it la in Jniv Wheat is very strong with light offerings. eume ui me recent sellers are good buy ers today. Local traders In the Chicago pit are selling wheat short, which causes a decline, but as soon as they stop these tactics it is thought the market will again advance. Some very strong news is ruining a to wneat conditions in southern and southeastern Kansas. A number of traders seem to believe that, as has hap tened before, the low price on wheat will , le made when the new crop starts, and the movement and Dries will a,lvnr- innih.F Attention Is called to the fact that millers have had hard work to get their orders Sited during the last six months and that they will rush Into the market as soon as the new wheat begins to arrive to fill their Mns. A large quantity of poor flour Is re ported as arriving In the eastern markets, wnicn is mougnt to be due to western mili ars cleaning the rafusa from their Mne .nrf grinding wheat which should have been sejecieo.. The range In prices of Omsjia grain for pmuiv unlivery ana tne oiose Tuesday and were as follows: Closed Low. Today. Yes'y Open. ... 7 .... 73 .... 46 .... 4 .... 43 .... 88 . .... 41 .... 37Vi .... 81 High fvVheat July ., Sept. . Corn ; June ., i July , j Sept. , Dec. . Dats 1 1 June , 1 Julv . 79 73H 44 46 43 38 41 SI 79W 73 4r4 4W4 43H ta 41V4 HI 31 ;73-;4 48 . 4f4 43 as , 41 18 ' 7354 46 4M4 43 X 41 38 31 31 Looal Cash Grata Market. ,' WHEAT No. 3 hard. 84Q85C. nominal; (No. 8 hard, 0a3c. nominal; No. 4 hard, Mt'75e, nominal. , CORN No. i 47(STHo No. 8. 46(?48c; No. ,f, 4244c; No. 2 yellow. 47&47Hc; No. I yel low, 464Hc; No. 8 white, 47&47ttc; No. t White, 45&460. ' OAT8NO. 8. 40e: No. 8. 8 Ho; No. 2 vhlte. 41e; No. 8 white, 89H&40VsC; No. 4 hlte, xo39c; standard. 41a. Notes of the Market. f Omaha inspections of grain were 1 car tf No. 8 corn and 1 car of No. 4 white i gats. Of the total docreasa of 8,131.000 bushels of ; Wheat for the week over half came off .the lakes, which declined 1,143,000 bushels tto 481,000 bushels. There Is a decrease of r8.t.000 bushels at Fort Williams and one f 71,000 bushels at Port Arthur; these .two points having 2,781,000 bushels, com irarad with 1,917,000 bushels one year ago. The total supply at American points and nn the lake Is now 13,163,000 bushels, com jyared with 16.136 000 bushels last year. The fconly increase of any. consequence for the (week were 100.000 oushels on the canal xana sis,uw ousneu- at uunaio. . Receipts of Omaha Market. . in. out Wheat , , 0 , S 'Corn .i... f t ,,OaU . .......... Grata Market Elsewhere., Closing Drlcee of a-raln todav and Tnu. Cay at the markets named were as follows:- ... - ; CHICAGO. tl ' Closed Wheat-A - ;. M Today. Tuesday. . yuijF eM BJifg&o WDLemmr .......... iu'a 79T4 Corn . July ....... September IWheat-. July September Corn July ....... September .:........ 4ha 48 KANSAS CITY. 74HB 7WA 46HA 431iA ST. LOUIS. , 82H 80 47 4 M1N N HAPOL1S. 2H &0HB 74H .70V4 46T4 4SJ4 Wheat-" July September Corn July ....... ) Umber Wheat-' July September 82s 47 I 47 1 92 DULUTH. .Wheat July .. September 0iU NKW YOKK. Wbeat L -July September A asked. ' B bid. 89H 84 RBW YORK GENERAL MARKET Aaetatloaa of the. Day oa Varloes CoBuaodltles. ' NEW YORK, June 22.-FLOUR Receipts 11,000 bbls. ; exports, 11,64 bbia; market teady but yulot. except on choice grades; winter patents, ocy6.0; winter tralghts, 84.7&im4.IM); Minnesota" pat enta s4.laXfii&.te: winter extraa M.3&&4.IM: Minnesota bakers. l3.G6ti3.i)5: winter, low grades, I3.16ti3.70. Rye Hour, steady; tair to good, Howu4.26; cboloe tu fancy, e.w. . CORNMUAL Steady; yellow western, tLlOuLU; city, ll.Uial.lS; kiln dried. W.0l5 ' RYE Nominal: No. 8 western. 70a -BaKLKY-Hiow; feeding, toc, c. t f., New York; malting, nominal. WHEAT Ueooipi. none; export, 60,W0 du. ; spot maraet easy; ro. x rea, H.UiW. f. o. b., afloat; No. 3 red, nominal, ele vator: No. 1 northern Duluth, tl.OlVs. f. o. b., al oat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b afloat: options except st opening. wheat acted nulla Arm all day on very light offerings, small western receipts and a aemana ironi snorts closing ni un I changed. July. RVWI l-3c, closed &c; BeDtember. MUMc, closed 841-16c; Decem ber, t4'y84Sc closed B4UC. CORN Kecelpts, 67.7J& Lu.; exports, 16,900 hu. ; spot market steady; No. i. 66c; No. 3 wtilte, wVt; option msrgei openea sieaa ler, later weakened ami then rallied with wheat, closing net unchanged; July closed &IS.C. BeDtember. 637Jiu4'Ac; closed 63 'ac. OATS Receipts 1430 bu.; exports, 23.9H0 bu.; spot market iuiet: mixed, X tu 13 pounds, 4M7 4o; natural, 80 to 83 pounds, 4va4lH;; clippod white, 36 to 40 pounds, (xxif 63c, option market was unusually active ana strong at nrsi, uui isier ram on, closing So net lower; September,. S7Hrf S84kC. clniwi! tTUO. HAY Steady shipping, , 75c; - good to choice, 9to. HOPS Steady; state, common to choice. J, utxo: i I3n(-w; onis, rgic; clflo cuaat IM, tiu-Mo; 19o3, 23J6c; old, r)4o lJlDKW8taady; Galveston SO to 85 pounds, J8o; Call.'ornla, 91 to 25 pounds, 19o; Texas Oi Yt ' 10 pounas, 9C. I.EATHE.Hr-Jult; acid, m3f0. W001-Hts.dy: fleece. 28flJio. TALLOW Jlrm; city, 4',c; country, i ec RICE Quiet: domefctlo fair to extra. , PROVISIONS Beef, Arm: family, f 9 .50 10 00; mess, 88 OiKiWI W: oeef hams, iJO.btJ 8800; packet, t.outiy.60; city, extra India mess. l3 0uu 15 0O. Cut meats, steady; pick led Denies, iw-c; puaiea snnuiatirs, hc; pickled )ms. 9'jlOc. Lard, firm; western teamed. 17.36: refined, steady: continent. 87, 40; South America, 87.76; comiiound, tt swto per lb. Pork, firm; family. (14 00; short clear 3it 76: dm, 114 26ul4 76. HITTTKK Firm; creamery, common to extra, liulHc; state dairy, common to extra. lVilbc. CHEKSE Firm: state, full cream, small, white snd colore, V 7'utV; large white and colored. 7"i(Vc. Eorirt Steady to firm; western extras. ar'Tlie: nrsts, lew"?. I'.ii'l.TRY Alive, wesk: weetern spring ' rhltkens, l-j; fowls. 12c: turkrys. V.'c. Trvsd, w.ak; western broilers, il c; fowls. . llHc; turkeys, iwimi, Dalath Grata Market. rrtmi, Minn.. June n-WHEAT-To fcrrlve. No. t northeru, .u; Nu, i nortb- ern, 90So; on track. No. 1 northern. 2Sc; No. I northern, WV; July, 2c; Septem ber. 90'e. OA is Op. track. 40Hc;- to arrive. 41c. CHICAGO OR AIM AND PROVISIONS Prices Board of Trade. CHICAGO. June 32 Bullish forele-n croo reports on the condition of wheat offset bearish advices of the domestic situation. As a result prices were practically Identl. oal with yesterday's final figures. Other cereals are down a little, corn 4c; oats. ana provisions l"c to mc. at the start sentiment In the wheat pit wss about evenly divided InfllvMunl minlallnni nn July were unchanged to Se lower. Septem ber unchanged to a shade higher at .8 vi 8oo. The conflicting elements that entered Into the situation were the small receipts snd a bullish Prussian crop report as opposed to excellent weather In the southwest snd a bearish crop report from lows. For a time ths bears gained the ascendency and a quite general disposition to sell was manifested, resulting In a slight decline, July easing off to 4'gJI414c, and Septem ber to 7&c. Then the sentiment in the filt suddenly changed, and under the man pulatlon of a few local bulla there wss a quick rally. On this upturn July advanced to and September to MHIfSOV.o. The final figures showed almost no change from yesterday's closing prices. July closed at a gain of He at 84'4jC September wss un changed at 797ec. Clearances of wheat and flour were etual at 158,600 bushels. Primary receipts were 259,800 bushels compared with 270,4oft bushels a year ago. Minneapo lis, Duluth snd Chicago reported-receipts of 188 cars, against 164 last week and 144 cars last year. At the Immediate start the com market showed a little downward tendency. The close was steady with July a shade higher at 48V4c, after ranging between 4 and 4Nc September opened a shade to hSSc lower at 4oV to 4oi sold between 4M4o and 48',c. and closed at 48iV34io. Local receipts were 14S cars with 18 contract grade. Small receipts and a bullish crop re port had a steadying effect on the oats market. July closed unchanged at SSMiC; September opened unchanged to a shade higher st aifcajHo, sold between 11 82c and UMr, closing at 32 o. Local receipts were Ss cars. Provisions were weak. The market closed near the low point, with September pork down 2c, at 112.10. September lard was off lttri2o. Ribs were down 10124c at $7.62. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 31 cars; oats, 96 cars; hogs, 21,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artloles.l Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat a July b July a Sept. b Sept. July Sept. Oats- WW 81',, 81H,81WH 79 81 48 48HfH 4JV 48! 48!48 48. 48.48i48(3 June July Sept. Dec. . 41 40 8 82 82 18 02 13 30 7 02 7 26 7 65 7 75 39V4fl4 3H 38 89 33 1 82 31J32 32? Pork-. July Sent 1198 13 16 18 00 13 77 18 08 6 96 I 713 7 40 760 11 80 U 10 13 Z7H Lard- July. SeoL 7 05 7 86 7 50 97 T 15 T U Ribs July Sept. 7 47HI 7 62 , 7 42' 7 2! 7 72 No, 3, a old. b new. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Dull but steady: winter patents. 84.664.66; straights. 84.3ow4.40; spring pat ents, 84 304.70; straights, 83.90.00; bak ers'. 82.50fui.90. WHEAT No. 2, 3396c; No. 8, 866c; No. 3 red. 989o. CORN No. 3. 4846!ac: No. 1 yellow. OATS no. x, utffUHc; mo. wmte, 44c. RYE No. 3. 663. BARLEY Qood feeding, 84 40c; fair to choice malting, 42Q64C. Btttl' Max, no. 1, i.oi; ro. i norxie western, 8107; clover, contract grade, 110.76; prime timothy, 82 92. ritUYiaiuria siess pors, iwr um., e. iv rl2.80. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 8.92'S.95. Short rihs sides, (loose) 87.2637, short clear sides, (boxed) 37.2Sft7.60. Receipts and shipments at this market today were as follows: Receipts. Shipment". Flour, bbls..... 27.700 11,700 Wheat,' bu 45.900 26,600 Corn, bu 6S5.400 62,700 Oats, bu 226.300 63,300 Rye. bu i 7,000 1.800 Barley, bu 89,600 .' .,8,800 . nn the Produce exchange today the but- tar market wns ateaxlv: creameries. 3Wfi 17c; dalrlea, U16c. Eggs, ateady at mark cases tnciuaea, iff'itc. vaevse, rasy, 7&0. t, Loeta Grata and Provisions. ' ST. LOUIS, June 32. WHEAT Lower; No. 1. red, cash elevator, nominal; track, 81.03y1.06; No. 3 hard, 89692a; July, 83c; September. 80o. CORN Firm; No. 3 cash, 48c; track, 4,4c; July, 47e: September, 4c. OATS Steady; No. 3 cash, 41c: track 42frt2Vtc: No. 3 white. 46c: July. 87a bid; September, 81c bid. FLOUR Steady, with demand Improving; red winter wheat patents, H-sviw.w; spe cial brand, MXft26o higher; extra fancy, 34.85g'4.60. SrifclJ Timothy, steady; 81.5O3.70. CORN MEAL Steady; 82.40. ; BRAN Dull, unsettled; sacked, east track, 84i6c, HAY Dull: timothy. 88.0ftffl4.00; prairie, 85.e 10.00. - IRON COTTON TIES 82c BAQOINtl 6c. ' . H KM P TWINE Q. PROVISIONS Pork, lower: Jobbing, 118.80. Lard, lower; prime steam, 86.30. Bacon, steady, boxed extra shorts, 83.26; clear ribs, 8860. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 8o; springs, 14-2 16c; turkeys, 13c; ducks. So; geese. Se. BUTTEIv Dull; creamery, 14318o; dairy, lOfflRc. EOOS 8teady 18c, case count. - Receipts. Shipments. Floury bbls. A... 5.000 ,000 Wheat, bu. 14.000 , 86,000 Corn. bu. .......11.000 8S,0n0 n. . K.i . M ono ' 33,000 Kansas City Grain aad. Provisions. KANSAS CITY, June ' 32. WHEAT Weak; July, 7474e; September, 70c; December. 7070c; No. 3 hard, S6frjc; No. 8, k2(386c; No. 1 red, 8100; No. 8. ixVaOKc. CORN Lower; July, 46c; September. 43,o; December, 39c; cash, No. 3, 46o; No. 8, 49c; No. 3 white. 494Hc; No. 3, 4&'849c. OATS Steady No. 3 white, 41c; No, 3 mixed, 40rf4lc. HAY Choice timothy, I10.004J10.60; Choice prairie, 8S.OOQ8.50. RYE Steady at 640. BGOS Firm; Missouri and Kansss, new, No. 3 whltewood casss Included, 13a; case count. 12c; rases returned, o less. BUTT tit-Creamery, Wl&e; dairy, 12o. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 84,800 4.800 Corn, bu 26,600 18.4(0 Oats, bu 6,000 18.400 Philadelphia Prodeee Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 32. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 18c; extra nearby prints, lite. EGOS One-half cent lower; fresh nesrby, lie. loss off; fresh western, 18c; fresh southwestern, 17c; fresh southern, 16a. CHEESE Firm and higher; New Tork full creams, choice to fancy, new, twt te; New York full creams, fair to good, HJ8C. Milwaukee Orala Market. MILWAUKEE, Wis.. June 32. -WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, 974i98c; No. 2 northern, 96fj 96c; old July, 8oa asked. RYE Weak; No. 1, 68o. BARLEY Dull; No. 8, 63c; sample, 360 60c. CORN One-half cent higher; No. 3. 48 Co; July, 48 o. Minneapolis Orala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., June 33 WHEAT Close: July, .'Vc; September, 80HSc; December. 80&M)c; No. 1 hard, 94c; No. 1 northern, Wtc; No. 3 northern, 91c. FLOUR First patents, 4 9Ml6.0; second patents. 84 (u4 96; Arst clears, 81403.60; second clears, 13 40. BRAN In bulk. 814.60; shorts, 115.60. Liverpool Orala Market. LIVERPOOL. June 38 WHEAT Spot, No. 1 California, as 6d; futures, easy; July, I 8d; September, lis 8d. CORN )Hit, easy; American mixed, new, 4s 6d; American mixed, old 4s 6d; futures, dull; July. 4a d; September, 4s 3d. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. June 32. 8 EED Clover, rash, 86.10; October. 86.72H; prima alslke, fs SO; August, 8v6l bid; prime timothy, 81.46; Sep tember, 81.47. Peerla Market. PEORIA, June tt-CORN-Flnn: No. 3, 47c; No. 4 42! Coffee Market. NEW YORK, June 33. COFFEE Ths market for futures opened ateady st un changed prices to a drellns of I points. Sales were reported of 63 5uu bags. Includ ing July st 6.7ti6.6r; September. ! t u?M'i October, 61uc; December, 4 January, Mk March, 4m4SSi May, 7&rtSc. Knot Rio steady; No. t Invoice, mud, Arm; Cordova, o. SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Firm in ths Faot, of Eiouiir MINOR SPECIALTIES LEND SUPPORT Caaadlaa Paclfle Groap, a PTosalaemt Example, ts ta Deasaad Beth la the Lecel Markets aad Abroad. NEW YORK, June 21 The most note worthy feature about today's market wss Its Armness in face of excessive dullness. The dullness approached stagnation at considerable periods. Prices were- held even with demand so scanty as to be Improbable for most of ths day. A number of minor stocks and specialties gave some sympathetic support to the msrket's strength. It wss unexplained in the news. The Canadian Pacific group was a prominent example and was in de mand both here and In London. There wss a large accumulation of Consolidated Out snd of the rights to subscribe to Its pro jected bond issue. A rise In refined su gar was held to account for the firmness of the refineries stock. An ssaortment of unusually Inactive and low-priced railroad stocks msde rather sharp advances, with out explanation. These various movements were not slmultsneous. The Metropolitan Traction group made some recovery from yesterday's depression, the publtcetion of the poor esrnlngs statement sppsrently ending the selling movement. The most effective sympathetic Influence in the mar wet was the continued Armness of United Btstes Steel preferred. The continued quietude of Southern Pa cific was also In favor of the market. The May ststement of net esrnlngs of the Pittsburg. Cincinnati. Chicsgo A St. Louis wss considered of good sugury ss showing a retrenchment of operating expenses more than sufficient to offset the decline in gross earnings. The decline of Northwest em's gross esrnlngs for May was a dis agreeable contrast. Ths quick subscrip tion for ths Burlington bond Issue and the sale of the Rock Island notes made a good Impression. The accumulation of stocks In the last hour proved the most Important of the day, but the result on prices wss moderate and a slump of over four points In Chicago Great Western preferred "A" unsettled the advance and made the clos ing Irregular. The tone of the bond mar ket continued Arm. Total sales par value 32.485,000. United States bonds unchanged on call. Following was the range of prices on the Stock exchange yesterday: Bales. Hirn. low. wiose. ...12.800 72 72 72 Atchison do pfd ... 3.6110 96 95-a 96 80 60 80i Baltimore A Ohio .. 2,600 oo pra Canadian PaclAo 6.100 Central of N. J Chesapeake A Ohio.. 400 Chicago & Alton 100 do pfd Chicago Q. W 200 Chicago 4V N. W M0 C, M. 4k St. P 8,300 do pfd 800 Chicago T. & T 100 do pfd 100 C. C. C. A St. L .... Colorado Southern .. 700 do 1st pfd 200 do Id pfd 400 Delaware A Hudson.. 1,000 Delaware, L. A Vf Denver A Rio Orande .... do cfd 90 4 123 123 123 160 81 78 13 170 143 177 15 70 15 48 81 88 81 88 14 14 170 170 143 143 177 177 6 6 16 15 l&H 16 4t 4S 20 19 156 156 Erie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Hocking Valley do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central do pfd K, C. Southern do pfd L. A N Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Rv 1,800 23 33 131 18 31 43 109 149 181 18 20 41 109 148 700 ,700 3.800 900 4.600 111 110. Minneapolis A St. L. M., St. P. A 8. St. M. 4.100 do pfd 1,600 Missouri Pacific 6,600 Missouri. K. A T do pfd 900 N. R. R. of M. pfd.... 200 New York Central.... 3,300 Norfolk A Western.. 300 66 123 93 66 do pfd - .... Ontario A Western.. 1.400 26 36 Pennsylvania ., 11.300 115 115 P.. C, C. -A St. L. v.; x.. i Reading 3,900 47 47 do 1st pfd . 100 81 81 do 2d pfd 40 66 66 Hock Island Co........ 100 a 20 do pfd ,. 300 64 64 St. L. A B. r. 2d pfd. Ct. L. Southwestern., lno 11 13 do pfd 100 39 19 Southern Pactflo 7,600 46 46 Southern Railway.... 800 21 30 do pfd 800 86 86 Texas A Pacific...... 400 22 31 T.. St. L. A W do pfd Union Paclfle do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling A L. K.. Wisconsin Central do pfd , Mexican Central... Adams Express .., American Express U. 8. Express Wells-Farvn Ex... 16 '4 100 (.600 100 105 ICS Amal. Copper 8,800 60 American C. A F.... 300 17 do pfd- American Cotton Oil.. 300 25 do pfd., American Ice 3oo 6 do pfd 300 26 Amer. Unseed Oil .... do pfd Amer. Locomotive.... - ) 19 do pfd 100 83 Americsn 8. A R 1.600 63 do pfd 800 98 Amer. Sugar Refining 810 127 Anaconda Mining Co. M0 71 Brooklyn R. T 6,800 49 Colorado 'F. A I .' 700 81 Consolidated Gas ....13,300 197 iom rnraucu do pfd Distillers' Securities.. General Electric. International Paper.. do pfd International- Pump.. do pfd National Lead North American ..... Paclfta Mall Peoples Gss , Pressed Steel Car..,. do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tennessee C. A U. S. Leather do pfd V. B. Realty do pfd U. S. Rubber 66 66 81 162 151 11 11 67 67 100 1,100 700 36 86 'ino 80 ' io- l.flflO STi xq l.OuO 60 69 do pfd U. 8. Steel f .800 9 do pfd 16,700 66 ml wesungnouae isieo.... II Western Union 300 87 87 I Total sales for the day, 208.000 shares. Boston Stock Unotntlons. BOSTON, Juns 33 Call loans,' 23 per cent; time loans, ap4 per cent, umciai closing oi siocas ana oonas: Atcataes adj. 4a. 4o 4 M. Central 4s.. AU'hlaou .' do pfd Boitoa A Albaar. tlHIWaatlns. common .. . 71 .101 Adv.murs . 41 iaIIoimi , . 71Si'Aaialsmmat4l , MSi Amaricaa Sine (111 .141 Atlantic Bostoa ft Mln iu HHifhia BoUoa Bloated lSlaiCai. ft Haela... riuhburs S'd 1M Oantaaalal Mm. Outral tH Cppr Bang . N. Y , N. H. ft H..1M pair Woat ..... Fare Marquette 14 Demlnlea Coal ,. Vuloa feoise rra'rreaklln Amer. Arse. Ctaem... It's Oreucr do sfd 11 Ule Horele l . H' . 41 . . 44 . It . I : 15 lair, Pneu. Tube.... IH Meet. Mlulog ... amer. tuier , .iri nicnisea Se fit Amer. T. ft T.... Amer. Woolea ... do eld Pomlnloa I. ft I. Ed l ton glee. Ilia. Ueaeral Biectrte . Mass. Kleotrle ... da s'd Him. Ou ..ui iMotiiek 41 ..IMH'Moot. Coel sad Coke 4 1044 old DonlBloa .. II ... 14 Oeneola ... IVi Parrot ...Mt Qular ...141 Isiiaeaoa ... It 4, Tamarack .... ... It Trinity ... u'll, I. Mlalog. ...iMe v. a. oil u o II It) t nlted rrutt Vnlled Shea Mack., a il'Uk ::::::: 13 4S, do ptd xf iviotona ., V. I. Steel 14 Wleoaa ... do p(d WoUeriae Bid. Tl New Tork Mlalasr Steeks, NEW TORK. Juns tt The followln g are the closing prlcee on mining stocks Uim Cam lUtlle Cpiat .X.. Alice j Hreeoe &4 Brunevlck Coe T I'oauetook Tanael .... I Cue cel. ft Va 1 hora ailr 1 Irea surer 174 U4.lile Cea 8 iOntarls Ophlr rkoeoti : Potoel Safasa Isiarra Noveda . Itmall Neaes .... Standard . m ..64 .. II .. I .. II ,. 44 ,. M .104 Foreign Flaaaelal. IX)NrON, June 33 The amount of but. lion taken into the liank of England on bai- anra lolav WSS U.0l. PA RiX, June C Three per cent rentes f7f 7c for the account Exchange on Lon- Ann -At fnT rhecks. I BERLIN, June U. Exchsnge on London, 30m 89f for checks. L'lscount rates, short bills, l per cent; three-monrhs' bills, 3 per cent. New Tork Money Market. VON'FY On call. essy. l'Slt tier cent: closing bid, 1; ottered, IV Time loans easy and dull; sixty and ninety days, 'iiiM per cent; six months, 8. PRIME MbMt-A.MlLlS KAl'KK-SVMJ-41 D4?r cnt STERLING EXCHANGE Btesdy, with artuHl buines in bankers' bill at 34.(7.2 641730 for demand and at 34. KtSOfM 86.16 for to-day bills; posted rates, 84.86 and 84.60; commercial bills, 84 8o?4.8oVt. 81LVER Bar, tc. Mexican dollars. 4Sc. ..... BUNDS oovernmeni, steaay; ranroaa. Arm. The closing Quotation on bonds are as follows: V. rof. ta, reg..l4,' Manhattaa e. f. 4e...lo4H do coupoa i-..i. i antral 4S m do la. res l' 'do lat Inc II do too poo 1"4 :Mlnn. ft St. U 4a... K4 do saw 4a. ref 114'M . K. ft T. 4e do couBoa 1SS 'So u II do eld 4a. rf....l N. R. R. of M. e. 4a. T4"j do. couBoa lo?''N. T. C. a. ISki toi Atchlaon gea. 4a ltVN. 1. C. f. la lltH do adj. 4a 41 I No. Paclflo 4a 104 Atlantic C. L. 4a M I do la T4 a. ft O. 4a 1MVN. W. e. 4a S944 do ma K4 O I. L. 4a ft par.... ttV4 Central et Oa. la. , Pnn. ennv. 1 Mo lat Inc 14 R4ln( gen. 4a 11 rhae. ft Ohio 4Sa-. l'l4 t. b. ft I. M. e. a n Cklcaso ft A. IVi.... 7t .St. U ft S r. tf. 4a. II v C. B. ft O. a. 4a.... M4 St. L. S. W. la 144. C. M. ft Bt. P. I 4e..l aeaboard Air Llae 4a. a ft N. W. e. ta....)!1 So. PaclAo 4a I3 C, R. I. ft P. 4a.... to. Railway U 11T do col. aa ?S Taiaa ft P. la 11H C C.C. ft St. U t 4a. T . St. U ft W. 4.. 1a4 Chlcase Tar. 4a 71 ll'nloa ractRe 4 1061 Con. Tobaoce 4a 414' do conT. 4a .. 19 W Colo. A So. 4a Wit'. I. Steal Id ta 7o P. ft R. O. 4a UD a'abaah la 117 Brie prior Ilea 4.. ..109 do leb. B I" do (an. 4a ,W. ft L B. 4a 0 P. W. ft D. C. Is.. 104 ;Wla. Central 4a 1 Hocklnt Val. 4Sa....liM4,Colo. F. 1. e. la., at LAN. unl. 4a 101 Bid. OBered. Bank Clearings. OMAHA, June 22. Bank clearings today, 81.0a2.9it3.06, a decrease of 91.e,.0 from the corresponding day last year. OMAHA VYHOLKSALB MARICETS Condition of Trnde nnd (notations on Staple and Fancy Prodnce. EGGS Receipts, liberal; market, steady; fresh eandled stock, 14&lic: case count, 13a LIVE POULTRY Hens, c: roosters. according to else, 6 6c; turkeys, 13c; ducks. etflyc; gfese, c; Droners, iizvc. BUTTER Pscking stock, 11c; choice to fancy dairy, 13tol5c; separator, 17c. FRESH FISH Trout. 10c; pickerel," 8c; pike, loc; perch, 7u; blueflsh, 12c; whlteflsh, 14c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, green, 26c; lobster, boiled, 80c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 30c; halibut, 10c; orappies, 12c; roe shad, fl.OO; buffalo, 8c: white bass, lie; frog legs, per doa., Sao. BRAN Per ton, 319.00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. 87.60; No. 3, 87.00: medium, 16.50; coarse, 16.00. Rye straw, 86.60. These prices are for huy or gooa color ana quality. xemana lair and receipts light. ORANGES Navels, choice, large size, 83.00; fancy navels, all sizes. 83.50; Mediter ranean sweets, choice, all sixes, 33.0u3.26; Jaffas, all sixes. TROPICAL -FRU1T8. LEMONS California fancj, S70-300-S60, 83.7bM.26; cho'ce, 83.60fi3.76. CALIFORNIA FIGS Pel 10-Ib. carton. 60c; Imported Smyrna, 2-.rown, 12c; 6 ctown, 14s: 7-crown, 16c. BANANAS Per medtum-sixed bunch, 82.004j2.60: Jumbo, 82.764J3.2S. DATES Persian, per box or 30 pkgs.. 32.00: In 60-lb. boxes, ,5o per lb.; Oriental stuffed, per box, 82.40. riNKAiTLiss-in crates or 24 to 42, per crate, 83.0U3.26. FRUIT8. STRAWBERRIES iMlissourl, per 24-quart oase, 81.60&1.66; Oregon Hood rivers, (2.00. BLACKBERRIES Arkansas, per 24 qts., CHERRIES-Callfornla, Royal Ann or Tartarian, per. Doa, L 9vtfl.1t; southern, per 34 qts., 31. 2o. Gooseberries 26-qt. case, 81.6O. PEACHES Texas, per 4-basket crate, 81.00; Calitornla Alexandra, per box. 11.26. PLUMS-Californla Clyman, 81.36. APRICOTS Calitornla, 11.60. CANTELOUPE ieftB,. per crate, 83.509 WATERMELONS-Per lb., crated. loi each. &oc, . - - VEGETABLES. POTATOE8-Colorado,-i.i; Dakota, per bu., tlJO; New Texaa Red stock, in sacks, per lb., 2c. NAVT BEANS Pef bti:, 83.152.J6. -N10NS Bermuda oer &u-ib. crate, 82.00; Louisiana, in aci4, -por lb., 2c CABBAGE California, per lb.. 32c CAULIFLOWER Per ooi., 75c. CUCUMBERS-Per dox., 60t. TOMATOES Texas, 4-basket crates, 81.26. RADISHES Per dos, bunches. HOC. Lettuce Top lettuce, per dos., joc TURNIPS Southern, per dos.. 25c. . BEETS Southern, per dos., 2oc. CARROTS Southern, per dos., 26c. PARSLEY Per dos.. 250. BEANS Wax, per ou. box. 83.00; per it -ou. uiiiKBi, . ai.uo. otnDE, per ou. box. 00; per -bu. box, 11.00. SPINACH rer bu., home grown, 8V240c. ISPiPini'S Per line kitnnh.. aAn GREEN PSPPERS-iPer -basket crate, 82.00. SQUASH Florida summer, per doa., 76c. PEAS Per bu. box. 31.00. EGG PLANT Southern, per dos., 31.50. MAPLE SUOAR-Oiilo, per lb.. lOo. HIDES No. 1 green, 4c; No. 3 green. 6c; No. 1 salted. 7c; Nc. ! salted, to: No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 9 veal cslf, 13 to 15 lbs., 6 vie: dry salted. 81 12c; sheep pelts, 244j7c: horsehldes, 31 60-82.60. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twlnr. full cream, 11c: Wisconsin Young America. 12c; block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 13 o; Wiscon sin llmbergzr, 18c. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shall, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 8 herd shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, largs, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., Itlc; peanuts, per lb, (c; roasted pesnuts, hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per in., loc: nara snn. uc; snen barks per bu,, $2.00; black walnuts, per pu., 11.2a, Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL. Juns 22. COTTON-Spot In limited demand. Prices I points higher; Americsn, middling fair, 6.46d; good mid dling, 6.22d; low middling, tf.OKd; good ordi nary, i.94d; ordinary. 6.74d. Futures opened steaay ana closed steady. American mid dling, g. o. c snd July, 6.67d; July and August. 6.91d; August and September, 6.76d; September and October, 6.40d; October and November, 6.26d; November ana December, K . T ......... V. .. n n .1 Tnn,.ar 1111. 1 . . ary and February, 6.16d, and February and March. 6 1M NEW ORLEANS, June J2.-COTTON Futures stesdy. June, 10.66 (tio.tjfic: July. 10.74ai0.76c; August,-10.41fl0.43c; Septsmber, lnD.ioc; uctooer. n.ioTtf.fic; novemrjer, .44'a9 46c: December. 9 44'l46: January. SKaSMc. Spot firm. Sales, 2,350. Ordi nary, 8c; good ordinary, 911-lCc; low mid dling, 10 6-160 ; middling, 10c: good mid dling, U 3-16c; middling fair, 11 7-16c. Re ceipts, 1,323 bales; stock, xu.its Dales. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. June C OILS Cottonseed quiet; prime crude nominal; yellow, 2hVc) ntc. fetroieum, easy; rinnea new I or a, 37.96; Philadelphia and Baltimore. 17.90; bulk. 85.00. Turoentlne, dull. 664i.")t4c. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good, 83.10. SAVANNAH. Oa., June 22. OILS Tur pentine, steady, 62o. riODin r II in, . v . a--uv, f ,, rj, 32.70; F, 31.76; d, $2.80; H, $3.00; I, $3.30; K. $3 40; M. $3 66; N, $3.90; W. Q., 4.26; W. W.. $466. OIL CITY, Pa.. Juns 31 OILS Credit balances, $157 Certificates, no bid; ship ments, 63.362 bbls.; sverage, 66,927 bbls.; runs, 83.903 bbls.; average. 74,106 bbls.; shipments, j.ima. si,i onis. ; averags, 721 bbls.; runs, Lima, 76,829 bbls.; avsrsge, 17,496 bbls. i agar aad Molasses. wnr VfiftV June Rninin . firm; fslr refining. 8 7-16c centrifugal, M test, SI-16C; moiaaaes sugar, 4 4-iuc; ronned, ateadv. NEW ORLEANS. June 3t-SUOAR-Btronr; open kettle, 3ii3 8-16c: open kettle centrirugal. H)J"r; cenirirugai wnues, 4 fi-4c; yellows, 264 16-16o; seconds, 3 MOLA88E8 Nominal; open kettle, 304 Z6c; centrifugal, lutyidc. byrup, nominal, 2t4(26c. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. June 23. DRY GOODS The market has been Improved to a certain extent by the announcement of a reduction of half a cent In American prints, msny fearing a mora radloal cut. Other lines are mors or less Irregular with offers below sellers' Ideas being generally made. Metal Market. BT. LOUIS. June 22 METALS Lead, dull at $4-10; speller, dull at $4 80, t. Jnaeph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, June 22 CATTLE Re ceipts, 80O head; market 10c lower; natives, $4.2641.40: enws and heifers, $1.6W6.36; stock. era snd teedera, $8 .OxtJ 4 65. HOGS Recrtpte. head; market steady; IlKlit. $5.06.12; medium and heavy. R OTWtrtS t-- SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8 857 hMd; market stead la lio, lower; Spring lambs, $7. OMAUA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattl Baotip i Kot io EeiTj, tnt Mritt Salad Vary Slow and Wk. HOG l ARRET HELD NEARLY STEADY Light Ran of Ikets aad Unki and with a Good Local Demand Both Western Grneeers aad Cora fede Sola Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, June 33, 1904. Receipts were: Cattle.Hogs. Sheep. Official Mondnv 1 6..140 4.61 Ofncial Tuesday 4,7t"J 11.663 3.M unicial Wednesday 8.037 U.ooa wu Three days this week.. 9.643 3S.707 9.9"1 8a me dava buit week B 497 1.7X2 Snme days week before. .10,9 80.750 6,275 same three weeks ago. .10,478 .n Same four weeks ago.. ,.11.467 87.6.(7 1L675 Snme days last year 14.007 89.700 9.667 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. Ths following tabls ahows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep st South Omaha for ths year to date with comparison with Isst year: 1904. 1903. Inc. Dec Cattle... 442,617 4S.SU 86,794 Hogs l,2H5,7ii 1,179,2.9 106.417 Sheep 678,808 646,119 183,664 Average prices paid tor ngs et soutn Omaha for ths last several dss with com parison ; Date I 1904. 1903.1902.1901.1900.18. 11893. June June June June June June June June Juna I... 3... 8... 4... 6... ... 7... 8... 4 53 3 $ TV. 3 BAI 4 31 4 4M,! 4 49, 07 7 07 f 13 a t 70 4 38 3 65 3 69 4 11 I 90 e 4 01 11 4 J4 4(3 I 861 t '16 ( 77 J 16j 7 30 I 71 ( 70 $ 71 4 83 4 91 1 K!t 6 16 4 94 3 681 4 01 4 WH 4 6He I 80 6 86 6 0 03 I 991 7 18 6 1 4 S I 02 1 A7i X H I 781 $ 60) in 4 6!), 4 74' 4 78 4 81 4 84 4 11 6 10 3 61 8 69 3 91 .Inn m lit 7 26 7 3i 7 S3! 7 361 7 811 e 6 83 1 3 M 3 84 e 3 71 3 79 3 77 3 90 3 63 3 60 a 3 80 8 81 3 72 June 11... I 1 t on a 3 37 June 12... June 1.4 4 92 6 07 e 4 86 3 64 3 66 3 64 8 62 June 14... i 81 4 861 4 9I June 16... 4 81 i 98 6 86 June II 4 87 6 01 7 14 e 6 83 ( 8 4 96 June 17... June 18... 4 14 92 I 00 $ 94 6 97 7 23 7 26: 3,63, 3 64 3 71 3 69 3 66 June 19... June 20... June 91 . 6 94 I 88 8 5 9: 6 06 7 41 6 89 4 94 4 83 07! e S 83 7 43 6 91 June 23... 06 5 S9 t 0U Indicates Sundsr. The official numbei 0 cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs, sueep. ii see. C. M. A St. P. Ry... 3 18 Wabash 1 1 28 3 65 10 23 T 'i 3 8 168 Mo. Pacific Ry U. P. system C. A N. W. Ry F.: E. A M. V. R. R.. C, St. P., M. A O.... U. A M. Ry 89 C, B. A Q. Ry 6 K. C. & St. J C, R. I. A P., east.. 7 C, R. I. A P., west.. 1 Chicago Gt. Western. 3 Total receipts 136 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing ths num ber of head indicated: Buyers. Cattle Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 248 1.359 1M KiS 2.416 796 617 3,112 1,124 691 3,814 160 795 S7 10 99 71 123 191 70 16 12 17 268 ... 343 Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Cudahy, from K. C Armour, Sioux City Vansant A Co W. I. Stephen Hill A Himtxinger Hamilton A Rothschild.. L. F. Husa Klngan A Co. Wolf A Murnan 8. A 8 Root Haggarty Other buyers Totals 8.073 tl.sX 2.617 CATTLE There were not as many cattle here today as srrived yesterday, but In Chicago the receipts ran ahead of the esti mate, so that packers wers again bsarlsh and prices went still lower. Trading wss slow and it was rather late before a clear ance was made. ' ' The market on corn-fed steers could prob ably best be described by calling It ateady to a dime lower. The choicest grades were about steady In some esses, and In others even those were a trifle lower. There was nothing strictly prime . on ssle, however. The less -desirable cattle were generally a dime lower and when- It came to the warmed-up and grassy cattle It was very hard to get packers to even make n bid on them. It wss not so much a question of prices as one of dlaposlng of them at any figure. Packers do not want these thin, warmed-up and grassy cattle; as they kill out so poorly that they are expensive In the beef, even though bought at a low figure on the hoof. The cow market was also slow and weak. Anything desirable In the way of dry-lot stuff was about steady, but the common kinds were slow and lower. G raisers and canr.ers were extremely slow sale, as buy ers would simply take one look at them snd ride on, saying that they did not want that class. The prlcea paid were even lower than yesterday, but the market is so uneven that It Is hard to tell Just how much lower It Is from day to day. All but the choice cattle are all the way from 50o to 81 lower than at the high time last week. Good dry-lot bulls were about steady to day, but grsss bulls were slow and weak. Veal calves held sbout steady. There were a good many Blockers snd feeders on ssle this morning, snd as the demand was limited, the market was slow and wesk. There were some Oregon and Idaho cattle on sale wnicn largely for feeders. Common were very hard to dispose of. tlve sales: had to go otock csttle Represents No. 1 to 1 u 14..... II 14 15 17 It ta IT 15 It K 14 M 4 tl I 10 4 64 1 U..... 14 1 1 11 8 I 12 1 14 At. Pr. No. A. Pr. ...1111 I 40 ...1111 I 14 ...1213 4 40 .1004 . TS1 . 444 .1011 .1100 I 71 I 71 4 04 4 10 4 ! 14 M 10 14 17 M 14 0 14.. A. to SI 10 II I to 44 14 I II It...., 61..... II 14 10 14 .1177 4 40 1S44 I 45 I 44 .1014 4 W .1160 ...1044 4 40 ... 51 4 40 ...11J6 4 44 ... 440 4 It ..1144 I 44 ..1144 I 40 ..1114 I U ..Ml 144 ..lilt I 44 ..1147 I 40 .1110 4 40 1081 4 40 toil 4 .144T I 44 , mil 4 44 ...1317 4 44 4 74 I 70 I 70 I 71 I 40 I 41 I 44 I 00 4 no 6 40 04 104 I 00 ...1101 . .,ll ...1124 ...1400 ...1S74 ...ll4 ...1414 ...1341 ...1411 ...1171 ...1401 1224 4 00 1110 1004 I 04 I 10 1110 1031 14 I 14 11M I 10 I 14 list lilt I 14 I 40 1044 1114 I 44 101 I 40 COWS. .. 444 .. 4M .. 4ul .. 4W ,.1110 8 00 1 :s I 40 1 74 1... I::: 14... to!!! ..ltM 4 n 470 8 74 1141 I 74 1134 ..... 431 194 1141 )M0 1414 14M I 44 4 00 1 75 I 40 ..1041 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 44 4 14 Mt I 04 ...1100 ...107 ...1110 ...1047 I 14 I 14 I 41 I 40 .....1100 4 44 1M 4 40 410 I 40 ..1140 I 40 1207 1414 4 (0 4 40 ..1040 ..1140 I 40 I 40 I 16 11 It io'.'.!'." ..12V0 4 74 .1340 4 40 10. 1141 4 80 COWS AND HEIFERS ... no I k HEIFERS. ... 411 I 10 f 411 1 41 41 I 3a 1 44 4 10 644 ISO 1 441 I 34 14 701 4 40 I It I , 46 174 Ml 4 1 4 v? 4 U 411 I 4f. 06 8 4 BULLS. 4... 1... .1441 8 14 1.... 1.... .1144 4 04 .1140 I 40 .14J4 4 14 ....1144 8 H .... IK IK ....1440 4 44 ,...1470 4 04 1... .1410 .MM .1140 .1400 I 10 1. 1. 4 44 4 44 4 44 I... ana 4 80 CALVES. 140 I 44 140 I 4i 110 I 00 114 4 44 .10 4 40 1.. 40 44 4 re a... 4 14 I.. STAGS. 4 4S , 114 114 I 14 I 40 .1414 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 14... SB... 11... 1... 16... 14... 44 4 oo la. Ill 4 40 1100 4 14 I. 144 I 00 KW4 I 10 II 6 10 , 414 4 44 14 IU47 414 4 16 14 1144 STEERS AND COWS. 444 I 14 II 114 144 I 44 17 411 ait a 00 I 34 I 44 4 14 4 40 8TOCKER3 AND FEEDERS. 474 I 44 4 41.1 I 46 ... 11... 11... II... 14.- 171 41 I 40 I 14 144 I 1 I W IB 41 I It 11 414 4 40 40 I 1 OREGON. M ...1.r. 1060 8 66 HOGS There was quite a liberal run of hoars hare this morning, but the market held U0 In quite satisfactory condition. Packers were Inclined to be a little bearlah, but salesmen held on for steady prices, and tn the majority of oases sueoeeded In getting thsm. There was perhaps a weak SOt or IW Wl ...... ... ure.i- aV.le loads Pity have sold 2o lower, but the market waa right around sti-sdy, with trading quits active. Practlrally every thing was dlaposud of by ths mid. lie of the foronoon and there was very little chengs la the market trvm aUMrt to fluisU. n,s bulk of the hogs went from 85.05 to IS.In. with choice from 86.10 to ii 2o. The list ht snd common kinds sold from 8S.nb down. There wsa quite a demand torisy from shippers for good-weight hogs, which helped out the market on that class to 3ulte an extent, and the fact that they Id not take the light snd common kinds enabled packers In some cares to buy that class a little loir - Representative sales: No. At Pr, Sh. Ne. A. Pr. Sh. 44 114 .. I 44 74 !4 li I t7t 44 HI U4 4 44 77 Ill .. 4 0H 44 14 40 4 44 41 144 44 I 0714, 41 144 140 4 0 47 141 144 4 7 44 144 14 6 40 CI 141 .. 4 47 74 144 40 4 4 47 HI 40 I 4H 44 i1 IS I at 4t 141 40 4 07 v 70 1!0 m 4 04 44 (41 .. 4 01k 44 ill 44 I 04 44 147 140 4 07 40 If .. 1 04 71 141 40 4 07 71 138 10 I n 40. 11 100 I 47(e 71 1.1 44 I 0H 14 314 170 I 07 V, 40 114 144 4 47 V, 44 l4 t"0 4 071, 44 K4 40 I 01K 44 11 144 4 07V 74 Ill 1K I OS, II SM .. I 47t 74 Ill 10 I 01S 74 VI .. 4 97 74 107 110 I C1'4 49 1 141 10 I 07 71 Ill 40 4 01 41 10 144 4 07 44 104 .. I 01 (4 141 40 I 07 44 Ill .. 102 74 241 1M 107, 74 4 100 I 02 41 1!4 ! I 07 40 121 40 I 04 74 1.11 10 I 07 44 J 10 40 I 04 HI 131 1S 101 41 114 ..1 04 70 1.14 170 101 14 114 It 4 Of. 1 214 40 I 47 II 114 140 I 04 41 164 .. 107 71 110 . .4 0 14 t'l .. I 01 41 124 II 14 Ill .. 107 61 Ml 44 I 44 141 40 I 07 V, 44 M 40 4 . ti 227 M I 01 71 334 40 I 04 t Ill 14 I 01 41 120 40 I US II Ill .. I 07 H 71 I 40 I 04 17 144 .. I 97 41 117 40 I 94 74. ...... .116 MO 17 41 114 ..4 03 67 210 40 1 07 74 II .. 4 04 47 til 40 I 14 11 121 ..4 0 61 171 .. I 10 140 114 110 I 06 40 141 .. I 14 74 1.10 .. I 04 44 141 .. I 10 14 231 140 I 04 41 4 140 4 10 140 Ill 40 I 04 70 2 .. I 10 41 125 ISA OS 41 .l .. I 10 67 114 124 I (4 16 1.14 40 6 10 14 120 110 04 41 K-4 40 I 14 71 125 .. I 06 "I.. SOS .. I II 44 127 120 I 04 11 141 ,. i 10 47. ...... .234 40 6 94 41 144 .. 1 10 14.. ......147 .. 1 04 44 261 140 114 44 lit 94 I 04 70 117 140 4 10 41 134 .. 4 OS 74 144 0 I 10 13 144 40 04 44 1M 140 I 10 44 144 40 I 06 67 16 .. I 19 47 1.14 44 I 04 64 141 130 I I 70 244 104 1 04 44 274 .. ill', 44 Ml loo 6 06 44 171 90 I 12 70 117 49 I 06 76 170 100 I 12 Tl ill 14 4 06 40. 347 .. Ill M 110 10 I 08 41 170 40 I II 70 111 10 I 09 67 lot .. I II 71 lit 10 I 49 13 147 .. I 11-a 47 114. .. ( OS 44 S7I .. 4 II 74 121 ... 1 04 II I4 49 111 ll .304 144 I 04 41 ll 40 I 12 71 244 40 I 04 44 .114 10 6 14 41 Ill . . I 06 44 206 .. I II 44 til 110 I 0ft M 107 10 I IS 2M 40 OS 49 117 .. I II 16 l:l 80 I 04 Ml ., i II II 121 40 I 04 n 1.4 .. I II 11 139 44 I 07 tl 119 tO I II 44 Ill .. 107 at Ml ..114 71--. 33t 110 I 07 i SHEEP There were only about 7 cars of sheep and Ismbs reported this morning and the demsnd wss sufficient to take everything on sale at good, steady to strong prices. Buyers were all out early in the morning and It was not long before every thing In sight was disposed of. A string of Oregon yearling lambs snd sheep sold for 85 and some Oregon wethers brought 84. 45. There wss very little local stuff on sals, though a bunch of yearling lambs sold for 86- 26. Quotations for fed stock: Good to choice lambs. 86.0O$r.6O; fair to good lamba. 85.50ii6.00; good to choice yearlings or weth ers, 85.0OJt6.25: fair to good yesrllnge or wethers. 84,7MT6.C0; good to choice ewes, l4.2Mi4.60; fslr to good ewes, $4.0034.28. Representative sales: No. Wt. Pr. 896 Oregon grass wethers 102 4 45 1004 Oregon grass . yearling lambs and wethers $9 600 154 Oregon grass yearling lambs -and wethers 83 8 00 CHICAGO LIVE S.OCIC MARKET Cattle Twenty-Five Coots Lower Hogs Steady Sheep Lower. CHICAGO. June 22.T-CATTLE Receipts, 23,000 head. Including 720 Texans; market 15 r2nc lower; good to prime steers, 35.6041 68; poor to medlu-n. 34.50gS.40; storkers and feeders, 82.5uS4.60; cows, 31.55(94.00; heifers. 82.005.26; canners. $1.502.60; bulls. $2.0004.26; calves, $2.60.50; Texas-fed steers. $4.606.26. HOGS Receipts, 28,100 head; estimated to morrow, 26,000; market steady: mixed and butchers, 85.166.80; good to choice heavy, 8o.SiVfii5.42Hi: rough heavy, 3R.15i&fi.SO; light, l5.lfltfr5.JO: bulk of sales. 85 2f.fi6.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 16,000 head; market steady; lamba, steady to lower; gooa to choice wethers. I4.ovo.3; fair to choice mixed, 84.OfKtjM.75; western sheep,. 84.SU4j6.60; spring lambs, 84.603,7.50; western e lipped lambs, 86.004.40.. ' Hew' York Live Stock Market. NEW ' TORK. June 22. BEEVES Re ceipts, 2,028. head; market for prime dry fed steers about steady, all othera 10 15c lower, and very slow; bulls 15225c off; me dium and good rows ftufilSo lower; thin cows steady; steers, $4.604.60; stags, $4.0C& 4. mi; Duns. ij. cnoice dry red, 14.60; cows, $1. 75i7J4.10. Cables steady. Shipments, $.800 Quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 4.466 head: market for veals firm to shade higher; buttermilks steady; veals, 84.0o.00; buttermilks, 83.00 4j3.60; dressed calves Arm; city dressed veals. 6io per pound; country dressed. 6c. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,450 head: market for sheep slow; heavy and medium 860 lower; prime sheep barely steady) good to prime lambs steady to strong; medium and common dull and lower; sheep, 13.00)4 50; no prime light sheep sold; common to prime lambs, 35.260 7.25. ' HOGS Receipts, 6,700 head; market higher; good to prime state hogs, 35.709 o.ou. Kansas City Live Stoek Market. KANSAS CITY, June 22. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,7X head, Including 1,400 southern ers; market steady to slow; choice export and dresaed beef steers. 35.75u6.40: flr to ?ood, $4.2fi(S6.60; western-fed steers, 84.25!iJ .00; stackers nnd feeders, 83.0CK&4.7O; south ern steers, 83.00ij'5.50; southern cows, $2. 00 4 ou; native cows, iz.ourgd.&u; native neirers, 83.00tsa.40; bulls,. I3.00ij4.26; calves, $2,600 4-26. HOGS Receipts, 9,700 head; market steady: tot). 86. bulk of sales. $5.0042)5.15: neavy, n.iwiv.zzi; pacaers,; pigs and llft-hts. t4.4e-u6.07U. SHEEP ' AND LAMBS Receipts, $.500 head; market 1015o lower; native lambs, $5.O0S4).8O; western lambs, $6.0O3'6.80; fed ewea. $4.50ifre.00; Texas clipped yesrllngs, $4,754(6.40; Texas clipped sheep, $4.o0J4.5, tockers and feeders. $3.0u84.00. Bt. Louis Live Stock Market. RT LOUIS. June 23. CATTLE Receipts. e KiVk V ... .1 (nnlnillnv 1 F..V1 t.i.nt' mnrkat slow and lower; native snipping una export eteors. lf.0O!a.6S: drensed beef and butcher steers, $4 25 40; steers under 1.000 lbs., $4 00 34.00; stockers snd feeders, S3.uuvi zb: cows and heifers. 82.2fvfio.16: canners. 32.00m3.5O: bulls. $3.00(34.05; calves, W.OofcS.OO; Texas snd Indian steers,'OU. io; cows anu neuere, tS7RW.176. HOOS Receipts. 11.000 head: market slow n ine.r- nlars nnd arhta. 14 26'(io.(ft: nack- ers. $5.COf6.15; butchers and beat heavy, $5.10 06 80. bhiticP AND I. A MRS Recelnts. 9 600 head: market lower: native muttons, B&iiJ 4.75; lambs, &.(IUJ7 B: cuus ana ducbs, k b 626; Blockers, $2.3.00; Texans, $3.20J 4.86. ajoux C ity Live Stock Market. DIOtJA v 41 I. " " . , . ... - . v I , . V D.n.ln(. X1A h.ali mar. grain i y n i i ... . . ...... - fiet steady; beeves, $4.5tY(i.00; oows. bulls and mlxen, tz.oo; stocsers inn rc-onre, o.w 4 00; calves snd yearlings, $3.onM.S6. lit Kia rteoeipia. . nni, ii"'i steady, selling at $4.95-36.20; bulk, $5.05-65.10. toek la Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yester day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. .. 8.0B7 11,6x5 3.M ..2.1.O.") 2.1"0 16.t0 .. 6,7"0 9,700 8.600 .. 710 11.000 9.5"0 ., 3o0 6H 8,367 .. 300 6,200 . .88.787 73,887 84,638 South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . St. Louis St. Joseph ... Sioux City .... Totals... Wool Market. -r., ..-r.v-.-.T - 9 wnniThra la a steady maikst for domestic wool. The sen timent prevaiia mi i " bring high prices in order that the buyers may clear a profit on the new clip. Some choloe lots have recently been dlxposed of at record vslues. Receipts of new grades are heavy dally and are Increasing. Pulled and territory wools are quiet and foreign grades are also Inactive, though linn. Leading quotations follow: Territory, ldahe. fine. !7'al; heavy fine, 14fel5o; fin medium. liftf-Ao; medium. 1XW1SV; low me dium. lfMHsc. Wyoming, fine, 16-aoIIVm hesvy fine, 14$16c; tine medium, lie; low medium. 2v'11c. ST. LOUIS, June tt-WOOL-FIrm and active; - pietilum grades, combing and olothlng, lxia 24'-c ; light fine, 14 o Ilk:; heavy fins, lal6c', tub wkUed, 2o4j3ec. , Evaporated Applea aad Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. June 12. EVAPORATED APPLES The market Is quiet for old crop supplies, but prices sre steady; common, 4Vui(c; prims, 6'lo; choirs, 6u4Vti; '"CALIFORNIA PRIED FRUITS-Prunee srs quiet, quotations ranging from 2V) 54,0. u!ordlng to grade. Apricots seem a shade eaaler; rhnioe are held at WoUm; extra ch.u.-i Vili 10V-; fancy, Uul3c. Veguliet) firm with, supplieg small and wnl! held; choice. "07c; extra choice, THtc; fancy, 9t4il0c. Metal Market. NEW TORK. June 32 -METAI-9 Tin showed Improvement at home snd abroad, although there waa no material Improve ment In demand. London quoted spot at 111 17s Sd snd futures at avll6 7s 6.1. I.n callv the market closed with spot quoted st irS.6n4i2S.7F.. Copper wss a shsde lower In London, cloning at 56 7s 6d for spot snd W s for futures. The local market held ateadv. lake 812.sr4jdriJ.7i: electrolytic. $12 60 bl2.6iH; casting. $12.1iVyal2.. Marder la Sew Tork. NKW YORK. Juno . Krank FJhanon. a bartendnr. hecaua his persistent nropossls of marriage to Mrs. Rridget Lee. who Is proprietress of s saloon In Hrookiyrt. were refused shot and killed her today. He then blew out his brain. Bee Want Ads bring the best return. REAL ESTATR TR4SSFERS. Deeds filed for record Juno 22. 1904, as fur nished by the Midland Ousrsntee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Pee: George P. Davis and wife to Abram Ruliln, part or lot 18, block 1. Mil lard Place t 3.300 John Davlln to Sarah Volkmeler, 4 acres In northenst corner ot tne eVa seU nwW 7-16-13 3 Swan Anderson to Fred H. Kent, lota I and it, uisen s suo , i J. L. Flke et si. to Joseph snd Anna Kryrl. lot in, block 9, Kountse s 4th sd 1.800 Howard H. Pileetly ct al. to Anna D. Delaware, lot 18, block 7. Kllby place o Hugh 8. Thomss to Joshua P. Brown, Int t block 4. Florence 150 Omaha Mercantile company to Jasss W. Jennings, lot e, cam pisce i Edward Whitman A Co. to Eugene J. Sullivan, lot 28, block 1, Armstrong a lt ad 1000 Eugene J. Sullivan and wife to Lucy C. Whitman, lot 28. block 1, same... 3,000 George Parker Milne to Fannie 1'e.rKer Ainne; iois if ana o, uiui-e. v, Bedford nlace 1 Joshua P. Brown snd wife to Hugh 8. Thomas, lot 15, block lis, worenoe.. v John A. Caves and wife to Walter C. Fletiry. part or lots u ana iz, oiock -1 H.nith Omaha 1100 Soren Chrlstensen to Soren Jensen, sVi swH 19-16-10 6.000 Elenor 8. Dally and husband tn Ksth- erlne A. Burke et al, part oi lot a, block 12, city a-500 Updike Commission Co. GRAIN AND TROVISIONS. Buslnsss bandied promptly In all market Office, (63 Bee Building. Telephone Wis. O. W. t'PDlKE. MANAGER. Ten free trips to the Worlds Fair. Sao coupon on page two. GOVERNMENT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR BOILER HOI-'SH. . ... 1 1 . . 1 1 . . . . -i ....... . , . f h. Tnte- DUIirir., U.U. . -rj. ......... v. - - - - - - - rlor, OflVe of Indian Affairs, Washington, v. h lit lutu AnuiM nmrwianla.-en dorsed "PropoVals for Poller House, etc.,' uenoa, ienruaai. iiurrwru vv... mlssloner of Indian Affairs, Washington,, D. C. will be received at the Indisn Offlre 21. 1904, for furnishing snd delivering all ...... I. .. .. .1 I.. Unr wm I ...I n necessary niiiiuin wiu w. .-j......, construct and complete a boiler house, ..... .. ...v. t.i if ntnlna holler. enarlnn. dynamo, etc., at the Oenon. Indian School, X' ..l. -., -1. r. In mirint ficeopdanre with the plana, specifications, and instructions to bidders, which may be examined at thla Office, the offices of the "Improvement Bulletin." Minneapolis, Minn:; "ConBtruc tlon News," Chicago, 111.: "The Bee," Omaha, Neb.; the "Nebraska State Jour nal," Lincoln. Neb.; the "Globe-Democrat," St Louis, Mo.: the Builders and Tradere Exchanges st Omsha, Neb.: Milwaukee, Wla; Bt. Paul, Minn.; at the Northwestern Manufacturers' Association. 8t. Paul, Minn.; the Commercial Exchange. Des Moines, Iowa; at the tl. a Indian Ware houses. 602 South Seventh St., St. Louis, Mo.: 265 South Canal St., Chicago, 111.; 8)6 Howard St.. Omaha, Neb. ; and 119 Wooster Bt. New Tork City; and at the School. For further Information, apply to W. H. Wlnslow, Superintendent Indian School,, Genoa, Nebraska. A. C. TONNBR, Acting Commissioner. Jel.B.a.rMo.Jy2,.7., RAILWAY. TIME CARD, . NION STATION 10TH AND BfARCY. Chicago, Rock Islaod aft Paclfle. AST. ... teera. Arrive. m.i r-i v. I ta e 1 U era Chlcase DarlisM Uioal f,! S? " ! ?! Chic. so greM bl!:!iE? Mil. Uea MOID suprees ...,,.......;-r " Chicago Fast Kipress ..........a 8;40 pis 4 141 WEST. Rooky MounUls Limited ...... s t:80 sat 1 14 Lincoln, Colorado Springs, Pea- Tar, PtmMs as a 1:80 pot Sl ot Union raelac. Tee Ovarian Umltad s l:4 sat a 6:08 The rt Mall ...s 1.40 li t) The California Cipresa a 4:10 pis ........ Ts Atlaall Bpeeial J;f The Portlana-Chicesa gpaalel. A 8:89 pal 6 10 Th Atlantlo Eipreae a!I Th Celerado 6pacla all ill pm a 4 Th Chieaso Special SI; Lincoln. Beatrice a Stromaburf BjMpreea ...B4 pra bll 41 Columbus Lseal 6 6:0 sm h :el Chicago, Milwaukee ek St. Pa el. CBIcaio Prll" .11-11 Chlcese fast Bapress J J J V Overland Llsilui it!!; ? !'! De Molna Itapreas a 1.44 ai 11 1! Illinois Central. Chloaso Enpreaa .......a T:80 pax alt:W Chicago. eUoueapolU A Bt Chicago eb Kortbwostera, rat Cbloaso .a 1:44 Us a I M Local Chicago all:IO ao ........ Hell a 1:14 pat S 1:44 Oklahoma and Texas eUpreea... I Jl pel all 4 it Paul a 1 40 au. a 0:4 Uayllgnt Chioeso a J oO am all 40 Limited Chioaga a I J Dt a 114 rat Chicago a I i4l Looal Chlcase a 4 X4 pat Local Bloua Uly Sfii"" ' ! Jf Fast M. Paal ....a 3:18 P a lit t. rmul klxpraas a 1:44 rut kail S 140 Local Bless City s 4 00 sat alia KolrlolS Bon.ote.1 " M4:M Lincoln and Loag Pla h 3Ji ata tun. 44 l.dood. Hoi prlng " LlacolB S 1.40 pm s 111 CaVuir end Wyomlm sUpree.. I 40 pet 1:14 HasUagsTsusBrtor aad Alhloa.. 1:44, pm k 8:14 Mlaaonrl Paoltlo. L Loel tUpreea ........... ...al0: sm SIM .Cl.?....,,!?..!r..ut4.p- .T:a weria's Fair BpecUl l- P HIM Chicago Great Wostoesv Bt. reel MlhsaapeUs Urn- Ited s 4:40 pm a Till gl. Past A MtaaeapeUS - preaa ' Chicago l.lmlle a 4:44 pm SiO.44 Chleasa Upr ' 441 sm s 4,4 (Vabaab. (t Loaia "Canaoa Ball' XU.41 1 W pm s 1:14 Mew Worl,. Fair s t 4 aa s 4 0 Local Irom CosiuiU lUsgs 8.44 am s I 44 ata Put Pm m a pm m kJI pm m am pm pm Pm am oi pm ata P pm am pm m PIRLINGTOH STATION lOTH aft HAIOI Chieaso, Bai-ltogtoa at lAaiaey. eeve. mmim. Chicago Special ji 1 Mi am a I 44 pm ri...-A VMUh.lM Kaeeaea ....a 4:04 am a 1:44 am Chicago local a J U am aU:44pm Chicago Liauiea e e.e w e r Faat Mali " - Kansas City, St. Joseph at Co. Blaifs. Kansas City Day Bspross a I 11 sm a t aj pa u Loan Fljrar a 1.44 sm all: am x.oaea i lia Nlaht sUsrea ... aUi pm S 1.41 4m Uurllagtoa ok MUaoort BJver. Wiawra, Beatrlae Uneels. ,.s site am U:S4 pa Maeraeaa kaiiraes a 4.4 m al.4pia beaver Ltmllo 4 4:14 pm a 4:44 am Slack Hill A Faaat Bosod gU.aU.M pm a :4 a Colorado Vestibuied Fler a I 44 im Lincoln Fast Mali hi At pa aii.tepa Fort Vruuk A flaUamoath ....4 1. 14 pm til M aa keiwta A Facia Jiuicile ..a 1:44 pm 4 4-1' aa ktallatti a Faoia eaaeuoa ..a 3.44 as , WEBSTER DEPOT 1TH aft WKB8TEH Mlssoarl PaelSo. Leave. . Arrtra Mabmska Local, via Waeeiog .Water S 440 pm all It sa Chicago. St. Pool, Mloa. aft Osuaha. Tela City Faeaeoser St. 4 am II pa 4. out cur Feaseoser s I 0 put all. am Oakland Local 1:41 pa - I.M aa a dally. Batwrdar. k dsily eioept Banday. a dally aaoeiH Mouses. d dally except OCEAN TsSAMBHirg. AMCMOR UHS V. a. MAIL BTgAMSMIFA HgW TOka, LOMDOMPgAAT , AMD OLABOOW, HgW YORK. OIBAALTA AND MAFLIA Baperlor aocommoeetloaa. gaaelleot euialeo. Th ou.(et et peaeangera aerofallr eoaeldored. Blbgi or rouu4-4rlp ticket betvaea Na York ead Bewiao, Begllab, Irlah and all pnaelsel Seadlnavlaa and conlioanuil polota at etlraotlve relao. aMkd luf Boot of Tutus- For tieketa or saaeael luloriaeuoa to u ieeal aaaal el the Anther Lino, or to MAKpiaUSOri ItAUB., bee I seis (klcaee. He.