Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20

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rill W takea ill 19 as. las tk
! aaltlosi aad statu 8 t. aa. fa
She msral and alar
Rates, 1 l-2e a wor4 Beat laserllea.
la worel thereafter. Nathla taken
Inw less than 2e lor tha Brut Inser
tion. These aa'Tertleeaseale saast ka
rnn aoasecotlTely.
Advertisers, ky resjaeatlasr !
Iere4 tkMk, caa kuva a
rrir to a ambered letter In ear
( Tba Be. Answers bo addressed
rill be delivered on nrmilnllnn of
The Summer School
Is Now Open .
( Every day la an enrollment day.
large claas will begin tomorrow.
Join it!
, Bubjecta of every day uae ara our spe
ajalUea. Bookkeeping. Stenography, Touch Type
writing, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Bualnesa
Forma, eta.
No amount of other education will suffice
lor a lack of business training.
We are specialists In our Una.
, We have the largest, finest and most com
plete equipment of any school in Omaha, to
aUy. .: BOYLES
. K. T. Llf Bid, Omaha, Neb,
CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H.
Phllbln, 1606 Farnam and Upp. Union sta
tion. Tela. 784 and 107a. R 225
r iai
f.OI SILVER, NICKEL Plating. Om.
VJwLU I'laling Co., 15utl Harney, Tel. 2U16.
) R-8.8
CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent.
R 229
EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accomodat
ing; all buslneas confidential. 1301 Douglas.
R 230
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 1621 N. 16.
Tel. 1779. R 231
EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. moving and
storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel. 1156. , R 232
tha Bee Bldg. R 235
BION painting. S. 'H. Cole, 1801 DmigUis.
SPECTACLES, II; examination free; 30
days only. U. 8. Opticians, 3o8 N. 16th.
R 237
STANDARD Filters. Huber. . Tel. 8913.
1301 Farnam, R 6W J22x
PER FIELD Piano Co., Bea Bldg.; no In
terest; honest values; easy terms. Tel.
70L - R-239
H. W. M'VBA, Plumber, 1124 N. 26th. Tel.
3747. R-140
PAQTP We want'evary paperhanger In
'""'I'' Omaha to know our "Snow
Flake" paate; guaranteed striotly first
claas. Factory In charge of tha man who
made Lincoln paste famous.
'Phone 370. 80 N. 18th.
R 125
OMAHA BICYCLE CO., lfiin and Chicago.
R M3uf
BARGAINS Uncalled for suits and correct
trousers, 1617 Farnam, upstairs, room 6.
Ask for Forman. R M8S4
If" I I DP Stammering and Stuttering.
lUiC 3. Vaughn. Ramge bid . Omaha
11 T WtruQ
R MSi.2
111 S. UTH. 'PHQNE 254. .
Why carry your soiled linen? Our wagons
call and deliver aame. Bills collected
.monthly.1 R 222 J29
FINS black pony, safe for children; pony
trap, almost new. 444 and Center. 'Phone
Ash. 17,042. R M381 19x
We write Are Insurance. KENNY REAL
-EST. dc INV. CO., 300 Bee Bldg. ,
. . - RM40t 26
Manufactures paate for all purposes.
'Phono A 2661 2310 Cuming St.
R-MS48 17
TEL. B8108.
Life, pays lighest price for books. Tel. 3036.
N 243
SECOND-HAND rubber tired buggy; must
be In good condition; ISO down, balance In
paying mining luck. Address K 43, Br
Offlos. N M324 19
FIVE TO TEN acres of orchard land with
in 10 miles of Omaha. Address, stating
price and particulars, U 33, Bee ofhoe.
N-M3i8 22x
WANTED At once, a good second-hand E
bass, silver-plated; 'phone or add rem F.
it. Yeasel, Madison. Neb N M382 11
OYLMER, palmist. Til N. 23d. TeL B-S248.
av ii
YOUR fortune told by the most reliable
clairvoyants. Send blrthdate, dime and
stamp, i'rof. Carl Rollin. 490 N. Clark
St., Chicago. 8 461 19x
iiua. MOBKUA, Clairvoyant; your past,
present and future revealed; don't fail U
call and see her; she Is superior to all her
followers.. Hi N. 15th. 8-40 19x
BUSINESS MEDIUM. 718 N. 17th st.
K 11.600 U) a year Inaome Insured If you
buy 8 sharea (acres) In our 4,(i0-ci'e
rubber plantation In Mexico. Small
monthly payments. Dividend are earned
befure pavmenta are completed. We cul
tivate rubber exclusively. Finest locs
tlon; best transportation facilities. Write
for prospectus. Conservative Rubber
production Co., 130 Parrott Bid.. Kn
Francisco, Cal. -MM 1h
W A NTED Sewing In families. N M. Bee
limit A w
SITUATION wsnted by a printer: sober;
willing to work; southesslern Nebrsska
pre! err J& P. O. Boa 6.1. Auburn. Neo.
Ten Weeks Summer School
at the
Omaha Commercial ' College
17th and Douglas Sts.
JUNE 20, 1904.
ADVANTAGES 1. Reduced rjtes of tuition. 2. Select courses of study.
3. Chance to make up lost grade. 4.' Chance to Increase speed In shorthand
and on the typewriter. 5. Beginning classes In all departments. (1. Opportun
Ity to secure position. '
FOB WHOM Public school children who have fallen behind or who desire
to make an extra grade and all who desire to specialize In English, Normal or
Business branches; also Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship or Telegraphy.
la Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy and Penmanship. A
great specialty Of all public school branches.
A splendid opportunity to spend ten
us or write for particulars. Do not miss
next ten weeks of your time.
WANTED FOR U. S. ARM Y Able-bodied
unmarried men between ages of 21 and
'to, citizens of Lnited Suites, ot good
character and temperate liaoita, wno cn
speaK, read and me English, t or in
formation apply to Kccruiting officer, lain
and iJouglas ots., omaua, or ilncoin, xseb.
B Mla4
WANTED Wagon teams to' haul dirt
uuin imutii at ma ana ruppieion Ave.
Inquire on work. L. M. Owen Co.
B M37,
170 permanent salary with commission for
energetic people; special, desirable worK;
slate age. cSoutnern Guaranty Investment
Co., Sioux City, la. BAlM U.
WANTED 25 men to work on brick yard
and tenders on buildings. Deamer
Brick ard Co., Desnler, Neb. B MW)
Wanted, sports and amusements for same.
Address bporung Conunlliee, Herman,
Neb. B M310 3
RELIABLE, energetic man for general
agent to sell our new accident and sick
ness Insurance. You can easily make
Irom lluo to 3u0 per month. Write home
office Bankers' Accident Insurance Com
pany. JJes Moines, la. B M337 21
WANTED Competent night miller, Imme
diately; good wages and steady position
to good man; no boozer wanted; give
references. Falrbury Roller Mills, Fair
bury,, Neb. B Mi47 18
WANTED Everywhere, hustlers to tack
signs, disirioute circulars, samples, etc.;
-no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis
ing Bureau, Chicago. B M371 lSx
WANTED Men everywhere; gcod pay; to
aisiriDute circulars, anv. manor, iacc
signs, etc; no canvassing. Adv.
Bureau, Chicago. B Ju.3iT ltx
With your present position or salary? If
not, writs us for plan snd booklet. Wa
have openings lor managers, secretaries,
advertising men and salesmen; also tech
' nlcal, clerical and executive men of all
kinds, high grade exoluvlveiy. Offices In
twelve different cities. HAPGOODS (In
corporated;, Via Chemical tydg.. St. LtnMa
BROKERS wanted to sell treasury stock
for further development In legitimate gold
mining property; liberal commissions to
right parties; references required. Ad
dress W, P. O. Box 307, Missoula, Mont.
B M376 24x
WANTED Cook. Chicago house. Valentine,
ei. ; can hold section ot land ana sieaay
work. P. H. Winterstoe, prop.
B-M500 23X
Do you know' where it isT Wa do. Wa
have openinga fur high grade men of all
kinds executive, technical and clerical
paying from 11,000 to 110,00 a year. Writs
tor plan and booklet. Offices In twelve
cities. HAPOOODH incorporated), W
Chemical building. St, Louis. B
CIVIL Service examinations will soon ba
held for railway man clerks, stenog
raphers, postofflce and custom house po
sitions, bookkeepers, observers and many
others. We Instruct a large share of
those appointed. Information and gov
ernment questions free. Columbian Cor
respondence College, Washington, D. C.
' a B
A POSITION Now open: manager. 13,000.
Technical, 12,600. .Write for free list of po
sitions. Business Opportunity Co., 1
Union Square. N. Y. B 411 19x
WANTED everywhere, people to copy let-
. . i .lm& t n A ru turn tn
L I. . L jiuiiiQ. aAiw
us. Good pay, materials sent free. No
mailing or canvassing. 'Enclose addressed
envelope for particulars and wages we
pay. Guarantee Co., Dept. 389, Philadel
phia. Pa. -
120.00 WEEKLY easily earned (position per-
manenw aisinouung wnui.i., 7
send 4c for particulars. Commercial Ad
vertising AssociaUon, Philadelphia Pa.
WANTED Men to learn barber trade by
short ana praoiicai meinou; it wr-i
completes; tools given, board provided,
positions waiUng. Call or write, Moler
Barber College, 130J Douglas St.
li M 13 Z4X
CIQAR salesman wanted; experience un
necessary; gooa pay. fcrnumw v.u.,
tlon "J,,f New York. B 122 19x
WANTED Ten men in each state to travsl.
tack signs and dtainouie circulars una
asmples of our goods; salary 190 per
month; 3 per day for rxpenses. Kuhl
vian Co., Dept. B-l, Atlas block. Chicago.
B 440 lx
WE WILL pay any man IRS per month and
nil iravfiina rxiirust-n. bulii o .
R R fare, hotel bills, etc., to take or
ders for the greatest, portrait house In the
world. Your salary will be guaranteed
end paid to vou weekly If preferred. Ad
dress R. D. Martel, Dept. 348, Chicago. 111.
B 434 19x
RELIABLE, energetic workers to distrib
ute circuiarsi samples nnu .uvtiusmi
matter; good pay; no canvassing. Co
operative Advertising Co., New York.
YOVR ehaftoe for good position and salary
Is as good as others. Study electricity,
mechanical or stehm enlne"-n hoe
by mall. Wa have helped thousaads. 80
ptige bulletin mailed free. E.ecincai Lu-glnet-r
Institute, New York. B
WANTED Two men to travel In Nebra.ka.
Advertise and collect; ISO month'y snd
all expanses to begin: ndvancement. Pelf
addressed envelope for reply. F. Gluts,
31 Dearborn. Chicago. B-469-llx
WANTED Man to soil old line life insur
once. Write or call. 322 Bee Bldg.,
Oinnha. B-48S 11
MAN of good appearance. 122 Pee Bldg.,
Omaha. B H 19
WANTED Experienced advertising so"lcl
tors. Ktira' McArdle, Arllgtun block,
1S11 Dodge St. . , , B MI Si 10
WANTED Experienced cssh salesmen,
men of sbllltv onlv will b considered.
Apply to K-rklo, 1621 rarnsm St.
, B-MK9
lt PER WEPK and expenses to s hust
ler to distribute s'iniples and collect for
innnii'acturt-e In Nebraska; expenses sd
vsnted; sslry psld weekly. Adv. Dept.,
7 Btsr Bldg., Chicago. B 464 l!)x
WA NT ED Person of good sddreas to
travsl for manufacturer in Nebraska; ax
perlrnce urniMvuinry: snlsrv and ex
penses pld weettlv: chance for advance
ment. Send addresard envelope. Iunt.
I.. 6t Dearborn, Chicago. B St 19x
WANTKI'v-feret1c man to manage office
fr larae luHmifncturlng company; salary.
II S"0 iir annum and extra profits; must
furnlnh 11 10 cash and good referencea.
Sl'iiMtrlntendent, 12th and Johnson sta.,
Chicago. B
weeks most profitably. Call and see
a golden opportunity to Improve the
MAN to act as district manager for old
line life Insurance company. Address
N SI, Bee. B 487 13
WE have filled a large number of positions
the past week and, still have openings
for capable men and women as loilows:
2 tobacco salesmen.
2 male stenographers; must be first-class.
1 salesman for bar fixtures and hotel
I lumber salesmen.
1 paper salesman.
i grocery salesmen.
1 lady for office work; must be & good
Western Ref. & Bond Assn., 840-841 N. Y.
Life. B-690 19
TRUSTWORTHY person, each district, to
superintend business for wholesale houso;
120 paid weekly; expense money nd
vanoed; position permanent; experience
not essential; this is no deception. Ad
dress Manager, 800 Como Bldg;, Chicago.
B-482 19x
DETECTIVES Every locality; good sal
ary; experience unnecessary. U. 8. De
tective Agency. Milwaukee, Wis.
B-47S 19x
WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or
woman to work In Nebraska, represent
ing large manufacturing company; salary
140 to 190 per month, paid weekly; ex-
Sei.ees advanced. Address, with stamp,
. H. Moore, Omaha, Neb. 481 19x
enced men preferred or men of good ad
dress and ability an excellent proposi
tion, to introduce our custom snlrts to
business men; details on application;
large, attractive line; populor prices. An
awer with references. Cadillac Shirt Co.,
Detroit, Mich. B 477 19x
WANTED Man living outside of Omaha
to manage branch ofnee; each four
counties; salary, 11,000 per year. Cash
bond required. Address Tapestry Paint
Co.. Chicago. 111. B 627 19X
WANTED Experienced carpet layer. Nona
other need apply. Enquire Supt. People's
store. B-623 19
WE need competent people to take good
positions. Do you wan to better your
self? Son us. Western Ref. Bond
Assn.; 840-841 N. Y. Llfa. B-591 1
WANTED Manager for a local concern;
must Invest soma money; good pronoil
tlon. N 06, Bea Office. B MOOS 19
WANTED, a tailor or hushelman to do
cleaning, repairing and pressing. P. O.
box 630, Spearflah, S. Dak. B M025 Jyl8
WANTED, non-union railroad tele
graphers. Apply room 10. Victoria hotel.
B M620 20x
WANTED, young man to represent us, not
afraid of work; one who appreeita earn
ing a year's salary In seven month; a
hustler will aet there; our line sells It
aelf to drug1st. cigar, grocers and gen
eral stores. 20th Century Cigar Co.. De.
trolt, Mich. . BflO 19 x
WANTm in peleklavars. Ap' W!-lt-ham
Bros.. 19 Scott St., CounC' Vnra.
' -AM V)
80 GIRLS. Canadian office, 16th and Dodge.
C M4
O. K. American, German employment
office: oldest, most reliable In Omaha.
1524 Dodge. C 177 J30x
iii .i i .i
WANTED Girl for general housework.
1618 Madison avt. C M379
WANTED Experienced second girl; refer
ence required. Mrs. L. L. Kountse, 423
South 39lh St. C M788
WANTED At once, middle-aged woman as
cook and housekeeper: small family, 218
S 38th ave, C 303
WANTED Girl for general housework; no
wm thing. 834 Worthlngton Place.
C-387 23
WANTED, a competent laundress on Mon
day and Tuesday each week to wash and
Iron In private family. Apply at 1916 S.
82d ave. C-M3ho 1
WANTED Girl for general housewerk.
082 N. 26th Ave. C 860 lx
WANTED A competent second girl. Mrs.
Marsh, 806 Pine. C 388 20x
COOK and second girl: good wages. Apply
third house south of Country club.
C 386 20x
LADIES to do piecework at their homes;
we furnish all materials and pay from
7 to ili weekly. Send stamped envelops
to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St.. Chicago.
C 466 19x
LADIES $30 thousand, writing short let
ters; send direct to us, particulars,
stamped envelope. Flesh Food Co., Dept.
130, Milwaukee, Wis. . C 442 19x
WANTED Ladles to learn halrdressing,
manicuring or facial massage. Short and
practical method; all work done free; til
to 115 weekly paid graduates; positions
guaranteed, diplomas sranted. Call or
writs, Moler College, 1301 Douglas Ht.
C M427 24x
WANTED Woman second cook, 130.00 per
month. Dish washer, 11100 per month.
Address Commercial Hotel, McCook. Neb.
ROUND trip tickets free to Lake- Manawa,
"onrt'ard Beach and Krug Park to
boys and girls of energy. Address Omaha
Novelty Amusement company. Lock box
sos. Mia ax
IF TOU wish to earn money by writing
short stories or by acting as news oorra
smndenl. address United Press Syndicate,
833 Postal building, Indianapolis. Ind.
s C 462 19x
WANTED, a competent servant, small
family; good wagea. 2106 Douglas street.
WANTED, good cook. 1120 Park svenue)
BRASS and aluminum casting, nickel plat
ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co.. 41
N. Main St.. Council Bluffs.
Nebraska Business College
A. C ONU, A. M., LLB., Pre. A. J. LOWRY, Prlrt. 17th tnd Harney Sts.
Wa ara pleased to announce that nego
gagement of Prof. A. A. Zlmmer of Naahu
Shorthand and Typewriting department of
We are free to say that ProT. Zlmmer w
strictly from a basis of quallflestlon, fltne
three Institutions, being the first nonor m
Gait College. Canada. After this he spent
for his life work, and has nine years' exp
office work. For more than a year he was
Co., and this experience, together with his
Institution a prestige In this community ne
No pains or expense has been spared in
teacher, and ons who has been In a busin
what Is expected of the student on taking
Prof. Zlmmer, who Is to assume the resp
department of the N. B. C.
Tha following are a few extracts from the many letters of n0"'m",".1,rf:
celved; "His excellent scholarship and earnest efforts enabled him to graduate
highest In an unusually bright class of over ninety students. Thomas Carscad
den, Pres. Gait College. , '
"Mr. Zlmmer has been In the employ of the American Express Co. and I hava
the best of opinions as to his ability In everything pertaining to a Ve"Ph "
duties. He has exceptional ability. Is of Irreproachable character, thoroughly hon
est, efficient and faithful." S. Patrick, Agt., A. Ex. Co.
"Prof. Zlmmer Is a perfect dlclpllnarlan-none better. In the face of
determined opposition, more than twice aa many students enrolled In the Shorthand
Department this last year as during any former year." Chas. Helpel, Prln., Nashua
Bus. Coll., Nashua, N. H. N
To be under such a teacher In Shorthand and Typewriting means everything
to the student. If there Is such another teacher In the west we have no Know'dga
of him . You csn make no mistake In selecting a school that employs none but tha
best teachers to be found east or west. Sich a school Is tha
The school that secures positions for Its graduates.
Apply for catalogue finest ever published by a business collage.
WANTED Canvassing agents In even
county to solicit aubscilptions to THE
steady employment, with assured good
Income; agents In the country with horse
and buggy especially desired. Canvassers
make easily W to lluo per month. Ad
dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau,
Bee building, Omaha. J 213
UhnlpC-jla Portraits to agents; best ot
VVIHJlCidlC work guaranteed at prices
to suit. GEORGE HOLMES. 918 N 16th.
J M26S 20
WANTED Hustling agent In every town
to sell our patented clothesline stretcher.
Address, with stamp, Mouser & Madgett,
Hastings, Neb. J-M316
WANTED-Hustltng agent In every town to
en our paienieu ciuwiuniuie ucicuw,
Address, with stamp, Mouser & Madgett,
Hastings, Nob. J-M31H
BOOKMEN I have1 a proposition and ter
ritory which Is particularly adapted for
summer work. If Interested write stat
ing experience and records. W. F. Hal
lam, Jenifer Building, Washington, D. C.
J-M380 18x
CANVASSERS to sell Automatic Screen
Door Catchers; make big money; exclu
sive territory; sample postpaid 25c. Auto
matic Catch Co., Chicago.
J-4S3 19x
16 TO 110 dally. Wanted, bright women
agents t,o travel and appoint local agents.
Salary and commission. Something
wanted by all women. Korectlv Co.,
664-69 Dearborn St., Chicago.
J-462 19x
OUR MEN make 13 to 110 per day fitting
glasses; our 24-p. free Eye Book tells all
about It. Write Jacksonian Optical Col
lege, Collage Place, Jackson, Michigan.
I J-457 19x
AGENTS ISO to 150 weekly profits. We
send proof, read In dark, name plates
numbers and signs. Send for sample.
Your name on a postal will do. Wright
Supply Co.. Englewood, 11L
J-458 19X
126 WEEKLY to hustling agents. We start
you in business and make you Indepen
dent; outfit preiiHld. Address Woman's
Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. ,
J 474 19x
NEW YORK'S Awful Steamboat Horror.
Complete story; fully Illustrated; big
book; 60 per cent commission; send 10c
quick for outfit. IllfT Co., Chicago.
. J-620 19X
NEW YORK Steamboat Fire Disaster;
greatest horror of the age; 1,200 souls
plunged Into eternity; awful suffering;
terrible agony; the whole nation stands
appalled at death's great harvest; com-
filete story told by survivors; largest and
est book; only 11.50; 66 per cent profit
to agents; credit given; freight paid; out.
fit free; send 10 cents for postage. Clark
son Cooper, Como Bldg., Chicago, 111.
J-468 19x
AGENTS WANTED Free goods, postpaid,
for trial snle; big profits; quick seller,
Stevens-Durham Co., M uncle. Ind.
J 439 1x
AGENTS wanted to sell our 11 bottle Sar
sapaiilla for 36c: best seller; 200 per cent
profit; write today for terms and terri
tory. F. R. Greene. 116 Lake St., Chicago.
J 438 19x
MINUET Skirt and Waist Holders offer
largest profits, easiest sales; exclusive
territory; sample free. Wheeler Bald
win, Chicago. J 491 19x
AGENTS are making 13 to 18 dally selling
our patented "New Idea" Shears, cut
lery and kitchen specialties; goods guar
anteed. U. B. Cutlery Co., Fremont, O.
J 490 19x
1100 WEEKLY easily made writing health
and accident Insurance; old established
company; experience unnecessary. Write
Royal Fraternal Union, St. Louis, Mo.
WE start you selling diamonds; don's
fail getting our liberal ofTer; 15 daily
sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse,
N. Y. Mention paper. J 430 19x
AGENTS make money selling dome
shaped perforated skillet covers; pre
vent greasy stoves; big seller; catalogue
free. American Novelty Works. Read
ing, Pa. - J-431 19x
AGENTS "New York Excursion Boat
Horror;" 1.200 dead; complete story told
by survivors ami eyewitnesses; 100 illus
trations from photographs; 600 pages,
7HxlO; price 11.80: selling like "wild fire."
Best terms, credit given, freight paid.
Send 10c In stamps for outfit and In
structions. Kuhlman Co., Dept. 6, Chi
cago. J 426 19x
BIG MONEY In squabs; tnev sell for $2 to
$6 a doiun: cheaply raised In only four
weeks; writs for our free book about this
rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co.,
281 Atlantic. Ave., Boston, Mass. J
WANTED Men and women to sell coffees,
teas, spices, etc. .to the family trade In
communities of from 1,000 to 10,0(10 popula
tion; only such ss want permanent em
ployment need apply; cash commission
paid: energetlo persons can make big
weekly earning. For further particulars
address Bodenhelmer Coffee A Tea Co.,
St. Louis, Mo. J
SALESMEN on commission enrnlng hun
dreds of dolars selling our fireproof paint
to merchants: one minute test with
pocket sample secures order from most
skpetlcal. Salamander Paint Co., 203
Franklin Ave.. St. IOuls.
profits. Pershing Mfg. .Co., South Bend,
Ind. J
LATEST agents' novelty; tape measure,
beautiful design, different colors, length
40 Inches; looks like a book; everybody
wants one; sample 15 cents. Century
Novelty Co., Dept. A, Detroit, Mich.
J 614 19x
, .
PROFIT 110 a day selling PHcurslon Boat
Horror, by survivors and rescuers. Most
thrilling snd rlful story ever told.
Over 1.UO0 lives lost. Glorious record of
heroism. 400 r"ges; 100 Illustrations,
many taken while boat burning. Only
1160. B-st terms; outfit free; send 10c
for postage snd make big money quick.
(Yimmerelal Supply Co.. U16 W. Harrison
St., Chicago. J-618 1X
tlatlons have just been dosed for tha an-
a. New ' Hampshire, as principal of tha
this Institution.
as selected from about forty applicants.
ess and true merit. He Is a graduats of
an of a class of ninety In the far famed
two years In making special preparation
erlence as an Instructor and In practical
In the employ of the American Express
other superior qualifications, will give this
ver before enjoyed by sny school.
securing a college man, , an experlencea
ess office and "knows from doing" Just
nosltion. Such ara the Qualifications of
onslbllitles of prlnclpat ot the Shorthand
bew to hat; do away with hat pins. Send
tor terms, also our uustratea caiaioguo.
Fair Mfg. Co., 336 Wis. St., Kacine, Wis. .
J 450 l&x
CREW ORGANIZERS to travel; 26 com
petent men; lao weekly; sell merchant
and consumer. Address N 49, Bee.
J 471 19x
AGENTS WANTED "New York's Awful
Excursion Boat Horror." told by sur
vivors and rescuers. Most pitiful and
horrible disaster ever known nearly
1,000 men. women and children dead full
account of thrilling escapes and heroism
400 pages, 1U0 Illustrations form photo
graphs, many made while the boat waa
burning. Price 11.60. First agent sold
69 books In four hours. Demand enor
mous. Best terms. Credit given, freight
paid. OUTFIT FREE. Send 10c for post
age, act quick. Monarch Book Company,
Dept, R. Chicago, 111.
, J M593 21 x
TRAVELING SALESMAN, by large whole
sale house, to sell general stores In Ne
braska; position permanent. P. A. Wat
son. Sales Manager, 66 Fifth ave., Chi
cago. 467 19X
SALESMEN wanted who can sell "blue
sky;" bewitching. . enticing, winning.
Merchants buy quick, make money, are
satisfied. Commission; expenses ad
vanced to those with successful record.
New. 1400 weekly being made. Specialty
Dept. 357, P. O. Box S6o, Chicago, 111.
466 19X
SALESMAN Brainy, pushing, capable
drummer, specialty pieferrea, for Ne
braska country merchants' trade. Will
pay competent man 1300 month; none of
our salesmen paid below 12,XW. Address
S. Redlleld, Houser block, St. Louis, Mo.
449 lKx
A HIGH-CLASS manufacturing company,
with established trade, can use a few
good, responsible traveling men to sell
a Una of metal beds, ladders, .lawn
swings, etc., on liberal commission; to be
sold by photograph. If you answer this
state territory and give references. Tha
F. H. Earl Mfg. Co., Piano, 111.
i 446 19x
SALESMEN John Sexton & Co.. Importers
of teas and coffees and wholesale grocers,
16 to 23 8tate St., Chicago, want experi
enced, honest, energetlo. high-grade men
to sell farmers and other large buyera.
We are the largest grocery house In
America engaged In this business and the
originators of honest and modern meth
ods of conducting It. We handle the
finest goods and guarantee quality and
quantity of every artlole; no capital re
quired; exclusive territory given, In
which an established trade insures fine
Income. We are FARMERS' HEAD
QUARTERS In Chicago. 444 19x
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line. High commissions with
ertvanc of 1100 monthly. Permanent po
sition to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.,
Detroit, Mich. 418 19x
SALESMEN Standard article for side line.
Sample Is small; commissions liberal.
The Trojan Mfg. Co., Station O. South
Bend, Ind. 4l7 19x
SALESMAN wanted. Two flrat-clsss trav
eling salesmen capable of presenting the
merits of a straight business proposition
In a convincing manner. High-grade spe
cialty men worth 13,000 to 15.000 per year.
Salary or commission. Address N 48,
Bee. U
WANTED Two experienced salesmen for
Nebraska; from factory to "merchant; es
tablished house: permanent position to
right man. Address N 60, Bee. 433 19x
once, Ave first-class men: permanent: re
liable house; liberal running expense ac
count. Tha E. M. Arthur Co.. Detroit,
Mich. lx
WANTED Hat salesman: experience not
necessary; to Sell the Plymouth II men's
hats from sample; make $30 per week, be
your own boss and live at home. Write
for samples. The Plymouth Hat Co., 860
South State St., Chicago, 111. 471 l9x
mnn to fill vacancy July 1: established
Cleveland house; general mercantile trade;
high commissions and $25 waeklv. W. 8.
Merle & Co., 90 Prospect St., Cleveland,
O. ' 478 19x
WANTED Two traveling salesmen; 171
per month and expenses. Los Angeles
Cldsr Co., St. Louis, Mo. 478 19x
SALPSMAN Large. 'well advertised house
good man to soil patent medicine to drug
snd general stores. Addrens Medicine,
Msrx Bldg., Chicago. 463 19x
WANTED Skillful scheme sslesmnn; re
taller wins out and Is pleased; office or
road position; nothing equal to It: 1200.00
.per week can ba made: can ba used as a
very profitable side line: samples light
and furnlhed on references; eorrenond
erea confidential. Address 211 rrlcey
Bide-.. Chicago. 467 1ht
FURNISHED house or flat; family of three
adults; until September 1. Address, with
full particulars, L 66, Bea. K doilx
THEATRICAL couple, no children, want
suite of furnished rooms within 10 blocks
of business center. Address K 11, Bee
office. K-M324 10x
LADY In government employ wants an
airy, cool room, with or without board, In
plrvate family having no small children.
Address, stating pries and references. G
43, Bee office. K M830 tlx
WANTED To rant furnished room, mod
ern, closn In; stitta price and particulars.
Address N 64, Bee office. 887 21x
IF you have a good room' to rent for a
esfoon or billiards In this city or else
where, write us. Wa will make no charge
for finding you a good tenant. Have
numerous applications on file Tha Bruns
wick Halke Collender Co., J7-4 Bo. loth
St., Omaha. K-M629 26
WANTED, furnished room near slt and
Chicago, by lady, for a few weeks. Ad
dress O 20, Bea office. K 633
ROYAL HOTEL European, 16th & Chicago.
E 264
DEW BY, European hotel, 13th and Farnnm.
E 269
11.26 PER WEEK, Doran house, 422 8. lth.
E 170
VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fins rooms,
ladies' cafe, private dining f; open nights.
E 271
NICE furnished rooms, Ird floor. 1420 Dodge.
THE FARNAM, 19th and Farnam Sts.
lira Cliatn.iin; luxuriously furnished rooms
and smoking parlors; appointments first
class. 110 to. 13th St., opposite Millard
hotel. ' J iJ4
TWO nice cool rooms; modern; very rea
sonable. 1426 N. 17th. K 418
TWO south front modern, reasonable;
board optional. Phone A1I63, 34 Cans.
L .1. IvlJ,
- ' J
LARUE front room; light housekeeping
permitted. 1901 California. K M329 l9x
ern. Phone. lo N. 20th. B M330 19
PLEASANT front room; modern. Thone
A 2089. 1821 Douglas. E M323 19
NICELY frnlshod front - rooms; modern;
phone. 611 8 22d. K MJ67 M
NICELY furnished front room; modern;
light housekeeping It desired, zms bi
Mary's. E M364 11
SOUTH front room. B1979.
E M365 24
NICELY furnished south room; 'phone.
2ife s 19th. mtrn w
NEWLY furnished cool rooms; east front;
walking distance; sea tsem. Bis b. vn.
Er M38t 34X
LARGE furnished room; modern. 'Phono
lit) ro. zstn. e ot.toj iux
CENTER HOTEL. 50c, 76o, $1. 210 N 17th.
E M361J17
NICELY furnished rooms, modern, 'phone.
jjougias. n. tuu idx.
NEAT housekeeping rooms. 2201 Douglas.
Hi M4SS aux
class rooms and accommodations; prl
T? 1 1 nhAn .In rU a n.rtl.a '
sonable; references; 4 car lines to exposi
tion or 15 minutes walk. write or can.
Mrs. Wm. Mehl, 6037 Bartmer, St. Louis.
FURNI8HED rooms for World s fair vis.
ltors: nrlvate family: best residence sec
tlon of St. Louis; 10 minutes to fair
grounds. Mrs. Andrew Kyan, mo
Pherson At., St. Louis. 13484 19x
VERY desirable room for gentleman, pri
vate, telephone, etc. Ill So. 25th at.
E-622 19x
THREE Dleaaant. partly furnished rooms
morlnrn: ran be arranaed for housekeep
ing; adults only; references required. 201
ivoolwortn ave. a-twi ix
TWO elegant furnished rooms, modern.
702 S. 17th St. E M581 21x
LARGE south front room, modern. 1120
Douglas. -Mttii-zi
Two front rooms, modern; gentlemen
preferred; references. 2215 Cipltol Ave.
E M008 20
NICE, bright, well furnished rooms. $8 and
$10. 2211 Douglas. EM606 31
TWO large front rooms, suitable for offices.
624 So. 16th. E M607 10
SUITE front rooma. newly furnished, mod
ern; gentlemen prererrea. 17ft ie'ven
worth. E M608 20
SPLENDIDLY furnished apartment of
.wa .l.Anln. r fm ttlnlnir rnn m IrttrVtnn
and bath; rent reasonable. No. 8 Davldge
iilK., cignteenm ana
FOR RENT, front, airy bed room. Inquire
1134 N. 18tn. K 63 iJX
FOUR furnished rooms for light house
keeping, with modern Improvements. 818
S. 26th St E M598 tl
ONE double south room: ons slnrle room.
'Phone 1535, Mrs. C. Frederick. 621 S 18th.
B-M613 $1
SUITE of elegantly furnished rooms, south
and east exposure, cool, nest tame Board.
quiet, refined neighborhood, convenient to
city and all car lines, all modern con
veniences; rates reasonable. 'Phone. 511
8. 2Zd. ' MtHft Z1X
N'V'TT furnished, south-front room. 613
B. lfith. E M215 19x
F'""N"ISITED frnnt rooms, cool. 1f Doug
las. E M202 lPx
LARGE front room, with slcove: also
small room, porch and lawn. 62 N. ?oth.
H MR56 lx
NICELY furnished front rooms, wodern.
??n Csllfornln. V, MRSfl 19x
FURNISHED, cool, outside rooms, with or
without board. Midland hotel, 16th and
Chicago. F 176
THE MERRIAM, 25th and Dodge 'phone
86; nice, light, airy rooms; cnsultes and
single rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en
tire length of building. F 276
BOARD 4 room, 14; meals, 16c. 1619 Dodge.
O. M. E. TEL. 611.
F MjW Jell
FURNISHED rooms and board, $4. 2009 St
Mary's ava. F M430 Jelo
NICELY FURNISHED rooms and board:
strictly modern; rates reasonable. 1617
Cass. F-M680 J2l
NICE, clean room on bath room floor; first
class board and accommodations. 2323
Harney. F 783
FURNISHED rooms and board. 706 8. 18th.
F M907 18x
UTOPIA Desirable rooms and board. 1721
Davenport. F M863 Jy9
LARGE front room. 'Phone B-22S6. 1812
Chicago. F M331 tlx
LARGE south-front room; board. 'Phona
' A-19M. 2411 Cass. F-MS31 21x
SUITE of desirable, modern, furnished
rooms, with first-class, private board; In
large, modem residence In Kountse Place;
paved street; 15 minutes' ride from, post
office; fine lawn, shade; private entrance;
telephone; will rent unfurnished If de
sired. 2018 Wirt st. 'Phona t76.
F-M324 It
FURNISHED, front rooms; board; new
management. 1816 Dodge. F M126 19
FURNISHED front room: board, light
housekeeping permitted. 613 N 20th.
F-M361 ltx
SINGLE room and hoard; 'phone F324L
2707 Farnam. F M363 30
FOR RENT-NIcely furnished, airy room
for two ladles; modern; one block from
Farnnm cars; breakfast If desired. 8509
Dodge. F-611 lflx
WANTED Young man room-mate, with
board; references required. 2510 Dodge
st F-689 21 x
FIRST-CLASS table board, $3.60 per week.
211 South 2Uth. F M6t 26
FRONT parlor, modern, board, toil Dong
las. 'Phona FJ428. F M610 tl
LARGE front rooms; also single room,
'Phons 3940. Walking dlstsnce f'2l
Dodge. F-M61J to
LARGE eool rooms; elegantly furnished;
modem: SUMMER RATES. Phone ll.
620 8. 19th. F-M614 tl
LARGE front aloovs room; other rooms;
board. tl08 Douglas. F M016 21
NICELY furnished large parlor. with
board; modern conveniences; walking dis
tance; rates reasonable. t20 Hrney st.
F 216 19x
BOARD snd room for two. prtvnte family,
modern house, large lawn, fine shads;
references. N 19 Bea. F MVXilUx
FURNISHED rooms, with
ences. 818 8 SBth
bosrd refer
K til if
THRHTE very destrshle rooms for light
housekeeping. Tat. tt4. VH N. $3d.
O M87
FOUR unfurnished rooms; private house;
modern; light housekeeping allowed 340S
C'asa. U M177 18
FOUR unfurnished rooms: private hall;
modorn; light housekeeping. 240 Cass.
QM369 19
FOUR unfurnished rooms modern con
veniences, light housekeeping. 2.!?4 North
llh. O Mire 19x
ONE suite unfurnished rooms; 1110 Dodge.
O. C. Ilcdlck. 1617 Farnam. G M696 19x
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, 2411
Cass. G M.2 19x
ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght 1119 Farnam.
100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman &
McConoell Drug Co.. Omaha. g-2.0
FOR SALE! Several scholarships In a
first-class standard school In Omnha,
comprising complete course In business,
shorthand and typewriting. Inquire at
Bee office. vj-5:
FOR SALE Will sl 1st a discount schol
arship In one of the best nmaha business
colleges. Address F 16, Bee.
Q M901
cheap chicken fence.
long fir timbers;
901 Douglas.
Former This
Price, Week.
1 DOMFPTTC 1 8.00 1 4.00
arm 14 00 ll.Oo
1 8INGER, new Imp. 1000 18 00
1 HOUSEHOLD 20.00 10 09
1 UNION 10.00 8 00
1 WHITE 10 00 8.00
1 WHITE 10.00 1.00
OIBHS 6000 80.00 .
1 NEW HOME 50.00 10.00
Nebraska Cycle Co.
'Phono 1668. Manager.
' W-
HOO. Poultry, Lawn, Farm and Railroad
Wire Fence. Wire Works, all 8. 16lh St.
Tel. 1690. U M268 J) 8
2D-HAND safe. Swarts, Hatter. 114 8 13th.
Q 269 Jyl
Sewing machines, 76c week.
Wa repair and sail parts
for every machine manufactured.
Second-hand machines
from $6.0u to $10.00.
Nebraska Cycle Co.,
'Phone 1661. Corner 16th and Harney.
t is 63
MY diamond ring, cheap; In pawn at Dia
mond Loan Oiflce, 1401 Douglas; they'll
show you. Qibt
FOR SALE New and second-hand auto
mobiles. F. W. Bacon, Baum Iron Co..
Omaha. W 364
BODA fountain. Richmond, Derlght Co..
1303 Farnam. Q-.27 Je21
FOR SALE Solid oak and mahogany top
bank or cashier'a fixture. In good condf
tlon. at a bargain. Address C. C. Rose
water., room 100. Bea building. Q-824
THE largest Stock Of DOG COLLAR FUR
DRES1NOS In the stafi of Nebraska at
J. G. Blessing, prop., 329-Wl N. 25th St.,
South Omaha. U.NION b.-P. Q-M896
FOR BALE Cheap, a tine Sohmer grand
piano, slightly used: easy terms If de
sired. J. C. Acton, Fremont, Neb.
Q-MU77 J21
FOR SALE Cheap, ink barrels. Apply
press room, Bee building. Q M724 x
STEGER & SONS' Piano, In splendid con
dition, onl" been used a short tlmfj will
sell at a bij bargi 'n. Address, N HJf Bea.
10-HORSE power boi'.er and engine cheap;
used 5 months. Tha Hardle Company,
Kearney, Neb. Q-M1U7 Jyll
FOR SALE Cheap, numbering machine,
book rest, copy holder and letter scule,
all In first-class condition. Inquire of 10.
E Zimmerman, 811 N. Y. Llfa Bldg., cara
N. Y. Life Ina. Co. Q M171
Second hand piano, upright, at 140 No. 33d
pt, Q M378 20
FOR BALE, cheap. two-saated surrey,
canopy top, good condition; must be sold
at once; numbering machine, book rest.i
oorv holder and letter scale; all In flist
class condition. Inquire of E. E. Zlmmer-
man, SU N. Y. Ufa Bldg., care N. Y. Ufa
, Ins. Co. Q-M179
FOR SALE Alt the fixtures used by
Omaha Tea Coffee Co. and E. T. Smith
& Co. In their grocery-bakery-meat mar
ket and coffee roasting departmenta.
Apply on the premises, 1407 Douglas St.
Q 406 ltx
FREE to ladles. Bend 2c stamp for a lOo
package of Rubber 'Mending Tissue.
Mends wearing apparel without sewing.
Charles Walthall &, Co., Cincinnati. O.
' Q 418 ltx
1 t
WOULD vou like soma hand carved furnl-.
ture at 'low prices? Address, N 61, Bea.
Q M668 21x
OFFICE desk. $5.00; also small letter press;
Bargain, inquire s.i o. iu m.
. Q M568 30
FINE milch Jersey cow for $33. 2562 St.
Mary's avenue. 1828- -20x
FOR BALE, Smith-Premier typewriter,
cheap. Address Ol Bee.. Q-M.fi21-.20x
COMPLETELY, new furniture, four-room
eosy cot tags on car line; lawn and trees;
pries $300. Address N64 Bee.
1 O-MfiSS-Mx
HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholsssls, re
tail. BUeraiun a aiucoiiucji. umuu.
PR. FRIES treata successfully all diseases
ana Irregularities ol women, irom any
cause; experienced and reliable. Addreas,
with stamp, Dr. Prlaa, 1611ft Dodge st,
PRIVATE hospital during confinement;
l ...I - . . . , , ..1. '.'Ill .KUI.
lei. A2618. -2a
PRIVATE home during confinement; babies
adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, 6u6 N. 16th, 3d
Poor. ; tel. 3569. M333 Jyl
PRIVATE home during confinement: bnbles
adopted. 1 ne uoou rmiunrupii osniiarium,
T28 1st ave., Council 626
DR. W. HUTCHINSON, Specialist of
woman and children: 80 years' practice.
Office, 2206 Cuming. Residence telephone,
S6U6; Office, 3667.
LADIES Chlchesiers English rennyroyai
Pills ara tha best. Safe, reliable, lake uo
other. Bend 4o stamps, for particular
'Rllsf for Ladles," In letter, by return
mall. Ask your druggist Chlobestsr
C hemic I Co.. Philadelphia. Pa.
LADIE4 When In read aend for free trliU
or our never-iajiing reuindy; reller quick
rnd safe. Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee,
LOST Party who picked up Waterman
luunmui yen si umana commercial oana
Tuesday forenoou will please return to
Bee office. Lost 32
LOST-Parkage of muste, reward. E. M.
Jones, 3848 Hamilton. Ixjt-M374 18
LOST, a white and black Holsteln cow.
nriurn to jik d. ann. 1 ci.
Lost J1 10
LOST Fox terrier, whits except which Is
evenly marked; wore collar and tag. He.
ward If returned to IL I. Gannett, m ti.
bd Ar lal Mi32 tlx