Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 15, Image 15

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Mr. Brown.
Tou won't And any trouble In locating
that nam la the Omaha directories. Al
ready there la a Brown Mock In town and
Brown county and a Brownsville In the
state, and If the young man who came over
from Ames, la., about ten days ago will
only keep up bis Ack this lint of stations
named Brown will be Increased wonder
fully. Up to date he has only pitched three
frames for Omaha, but as he has won all
three we have no way of telling: Just how
he does act when he losea He hasn't offi
ciated at a losing game for so long that ha
can't tell when It was, and he aays he
doesn't see any reason why he should
chnnge his sysetm now. He's a tall, rangy
young man, with a college air, which
means that lie doesn't know how to sleep
standing up, and has about nineteen dlf
, ferent kinds of curves In his repertory. His
arms are like bars of spring steel and he
can't spell the word tired. Last Sunday he
capped his two-htt shut-out game against
Pes Moines by striking out the last man up
In (he ninth Inning on three pitched ball.
Kelly the Umpire gave It as his private
opinion at the close of the game that
Brown Is the And of the year. "I've stood
behind 'em all.- said Kelly, In that rich,
melodious language he and Papa Bill know
so well how to speak, and which Jerry
Howard Is anxious to have made the om
clal language of the British Parliament,
"and none of 'em's got anything he halnt.
Tie's the goods." And that ought to settle
It And you don't want to forget that
Kelly had seen some pitching that after
noon besides Brown's. Cushman was put
ting the ball over the corners with a de
termination that Isn't very often encoun
tered In a ball game, and he would have
won If Brown had not pitched Just a little
bit btter. It was as fine an exhibition of
pitching as any one would care to see. And
behind the pitchers were the fielders, all
working like well adjusted machines, so
that the game had a quality as nearly per
fect as Is ever likely to be pulled off In the
west ...
And maybs the fans didn't enjoy It. Borne
of them are talking about It yet, and they'll
be out at the park thta afternoon bv the
thousands to see Brown change the Rocky
Mountain Man-Eating Grizzlies Into the
tamest sore of Ring-Tailed Monkeys, make
em climb the pole, and pull the pole up
after 'em. Omaha la beginning to play ball
again, and In company with St. Joseph will
be wrestling for the top place before very
many day The Mountaineers have about
had thoir day, and the real scramble for
the top has Just begun. It will be a pen
nant race from now till the wlndup. If the
Denver and Colorado Springs teams can
hold their places In the league. Attendance
out there han been so bad that It could
( hardly get worse. One of the St. Joseph
games at Denver last week was witnessed
by elirhty-seven paid admissions. The Den
ver . papers allege that It Is Tebeau's per
sonal unpopularity that Is responsible for
this. If this Is true, It would be a good
plan for the other teams to Insist on Te
beau selling out, for several buyers in Den
ver are willing to take the team oft his
hands. As It Is, It Is costing him a nice
little bit of money to hold onto the fran
chise there. Ifs good property, but with
popular management would be a gold mine.
Attendance at all the valley towns Is In
creasing, as the race gets closer, and this
part of the circuit promises to pay very
well. It la only In ths mountains that tha
business has suffered. Part of this Is due
to the general depression that exists In
Colorado, the outgrowth of the labotxUe
turbancee. When the mines In Colorado
are shut down the state is pretty, nearly
closed out.
Followers of the Omaha team win find
much consolation in the figures showing
the performance of the team up to date.
While the three pitchers' battles In which
the team took part last week had a very
depressing effect on the bnAtlng averages
of the sluggers, some of the boys who
have been a little further down the ladder
have turned their eyes toward the top,
and are looking up In the column very
hopefully. One of the best signs Is the
wave of reform that has swept over one
Nick Carter. He has cut out his fool
habit of dropping flies, and Is now covering
the right garden in the grand style that
made him such a favorite here In the days
gone by, and In addition is hitting the ball
with great regularity. Two weeks ago he
was slipping along. Just over the .200 mark.
Now he has jumped It to .238, and one more
week like the last will see him up among
the big; ones, where he belongs. All the
Omaha outfielders took a brace about the
time they left Denver, and are playing the
game as it should be played. Welch hasn't
been landing his hits as often as he did,
but Miller has been corking 'em regularly, ,
and' so has Jack Thomas. This latter
Send Your Name If You Are Sick
We Will dive Every Sufferer from Stomach Trouble, Indigestion, Catarrh, Constipation. Lung Affliction
or Asthma a Full Sized Bottle ol Hllks Emulsion. It Is Our Proof to You That This Oreat
Remedy Will Cure It Shall Co st You Nothing.
If you are a sufferer from any of the
above a mictions you cannot afford to lg
noro tlila offer to give you a tree bottlo
of Milks Emulsion. We have positive
proof that Milks' Emulsion has never
failed to cure absolutely any affliction
urlslng from a disordered condition of
tlio membranous linings of the throat,
bronchial tubes, lungs, stomach and in
tent! nes. All we ask Is that you give
us your name and tell us of the com
plaint from which you gutter. We will
Iiy your druggists for tho remedy and
take our chances of your continuing the
treatment. You are more vitally in
terested In Milks' Emulsion thun we
ui-c. With us your failure to accept this
free offer is but an obstacle preventing
the uooouipUshiuent of our detrmlnatlon
to supply every sufferer with a bottle of
Milks' Kniulslon, while to you It ineaus
tho almost certainty thut your present
til health will continue lmfonnitely.
Since money Is not a consideration, you
cannot afford to Ignore this Invitation.
Send us your name on the following
oouion after rending all of this article
nnd we can convince you more thor
oughly than words can that your health
will quickly improve as a result of our
advice. "
Cream tha Best U.dlcina
Tlio mucous lining of jour mouth.
throat, lungs, stomach and Intestines Is
continuation f the skin which pro-
young man is just getting around to do
what is reasonably expected of him play
the grenteM game at first In the league,
and shine among the hard hitters. He was
considerably discourage a little while back
over his Inability to hit safely. He stuck
to his work and now seems to have the
safe spots pretty well located. At kny
rate he got eeven hits in four games dur
ing the week, and that is doing pretty welL
Johnny Qondlng. too, got ashamed of see
ing his name down below the .200 mark,
and booeted out a few during the week.
Just to get on the right side of the line.
If Johnny will only persist in this, he'll
not lose any friend In Omaha. The team
average at the bat slumped eight points,
due to the fact that pitchers and fielders
combined 'against Dolan and Welch, but
the fielding average stepped up another
nMch, and both the figures are still quite
respectable. Here are the statistics, up to
and including the game of Friday:
AB. R. H. Av.weeh
Freese 43 4
.849 .STB
Dolan im 19
.8o .841
Miller 3S5
Howard 1X5
Welch lt
Brown 11
Thomas 174
Bchipke 161
Carter 181
McCarthy 41
Onndlng 128
Companion 40
Pfclster 28
.231 .81?
220 ,22
.2"t .185
.IM .125
.107 .125
....1.497 20H 393 .262 .270
A. E. TC, Av. Week.
IS 0 18 1-000 1.000
10 0 U 1.000 1.0K)
49 6 240 .975 .980
19 14 461 .970 .968
2 99 .939 . 9b
1 6 76 .5.14 .926
37 2 43 .929 .914
30 J SI .921 .914
122 18 219 .918 ..'
H 16 159 . .9!4
Pfeister 0
Brown 1
Gonulng 1SS
Thomas 428
Welch 91
Miller 64
Companion ... 2
Mcuartny .... o
Hownrd 79
Bchipke 55
Preeee t
Dolan 123
8 7 74 .905 .e-tf
130 28 iil .900 .900
6 1 90 .900 .889
Carter 76
Totals 1,168 526 114 1,808 .937
It is announced that a race meet. In
which bicycles, motorcycles and automo
biles may be entered, will be held at the
Omaha Driving park on next Sunday aft
ernoon at 8 o'clock. Louis Fletcher of 1622
Capitol avenue and Dave Sehults of the
Omaha Bicycle company are to the pro
moters. A similar event was given last
June on the same track, and Judging from
the Interest already evinced In the forth
coming races, this year's meet will be an
exciting one. Several expert trick bicycle
riders have been engaged for the occasion
and It la believed that this feature will
add test to the meet. Entry blanks are
ready and may be had on application. The
list of races already assured are as fol
lows: Bicycle Races One mile boys' race, two-
mile open and three-mile handicap.
Motorcycle Ohe mile standing start and
five-mile flying start.
Automobile Three miles, 4 to 8-horse-
power machines; and five-mile raoe, free-for-all.
The usual entrance fees are assessed and
attractive prises are offered for thevarious
races. Louis Flescher says he will make
an attempt to break last year's Omaha
motorcycle mile record of 1:41. At the close
of the regular events tha winners of the
motorcycles and automobiles will be pitted
against each other, a praotloe that has met
with much success In eastern races this sea-
It Is quit astonishing what an appetite
the racing-matinees at tha Bpragua Street
track have developed among Omaha horse
men for their favorite sport, and It la an
appetite, like that other one that makes
things hike, .In that the mora of the bike
hum they get the more they seem to want.
The matinees proper are held every other
Saturday. Not satisfied with this, tha
Driving club has Inaugurated a aeries of
informal races to take place on tha Hans
com park speedway every alternate Satur
day. The road there Is In splendlA condi
tion, and with a mile straightaway for the
fast ones) to reel off there la no end of good
sport In sight. These speedway races as
now arranged are entirely informal and
open to all horse owners, whether they are
members of the Driving club or not. The
wisdom . of the move in this direction Is
already shown, for several owners of good
speedy animals, who have heretofore been
of the Impression that the Driving club
was only for semi-professional performers
and that a horse must be bred In the pur
ple to be In the running at the Driving
club, have .come to the speedway meets,
found out to the contrary and Joined the
club Instanter. The speedway Is a good
place to catch the racing fever, too, and
while the show is hardly equal to that at
the track It is well worth the time of any
body who Is at all interested to go and see.
Testerday was the date of the second of
these meets and if the attendance con
tinues to Increase In the same proportion
tects the outside of the body. When
your hands are chapped, or your lips are
cracked, you use some soothing lotion,
such as cream to soften and heal the
affliction. You would never think of
applying the strong, acid nostrums to
your sore hands or chapped Hps that you
take into your stomach for your Internal
Ills, and . that is Just why you and
thousands of others are chronically suf-
fcring from asthma, bronchitis. Indiges
tion, dyspepsia, catarrh of tha stomach,
constipation, etc.
When the mucous membrane is af
flicted, either as the result of colds or
abuse in diet, it is unable to perform its
functions, and, therefore, the secretions
of the membranes are cut off or Im
paired, and thus your food la not di
gested and the air you breathe does not
properly supply the requlreiiuU of
your lungs. The uasty medicine you
have taken will not cure a esse like
this, and you know it from experience.
Why not apply the remedy to your en
ternal organs that you know will cure
the soreness of the skin? Milks' Emul
sion is as soothing to the membranous
lining as cream to .the lips. It im
mediately heals the afflicted parts and
restores them to normal conditions, so
that all the secretions are produced and
health la loeTltable.
as Indicated yesterday the famous
"Brighton road" parade will have to get
out of tha books.
Tha latest and most seasonable organi
sation that has been sprung on the publlo
Is a swimming club. This, it IS anderstood.
Is to be formed this week with headquar
ters at Courtland beach, where a program
of ell kinds of acquatio stunts are to be
srranged for. Few Inland cities offer bet
ter opportunities for this sort of thing than
does Omaha with Courtland beach and
Lake Manawa. Moreover, this sport Is one
of the most Interesting In the summer list
when the contests are conducted In the
proper way and for all there Is In them.
If the promoters of the new club go at It
right the venture should prove a winner.
And the tennis tournament at the St.
CrMx courts goes merrily on. Tomorrow
night will probably see the finals played
and a winner landed. The new courts have
proved to be all that was expected of them
for fastness and have proved again that the
best Is none too good when It comes to sat
isfactory remi Its. This, like every other
tourney of the kind, has proved full of sur
prises. Some of the men who were expected
to do the fancy work have fallen down
good and hard, while some of those who
didn't pretend to be any great shakes have
surprised themselves and everybody else
by the work they have done. Ovltt, from
whom much was expected on account of
his previous record, has proved a disap
pointment, owing to lack of practice. He
has three separate and distinct serves that,
when he docs get them over the net, fur
nish food for very serious reflection for his
opponents. One is a snaky cut, another
a straight and terrific volley ball and tha
other a back bound that It is almost Im'
possible to Judge. But on account of hav
Ing played less than half a doxen games
this season before he went Into this tou ma.
ment Ovltt has been unable to deliver the
goods. His placing, While frequently bril
liant, has oftener been of a decidedly medi
ocre quality and unless a player can serve
to place to good advantage he might Just
as well wait until he goes end gets a repu
tation before he enters any tournament.
for all the fnst returning in the world
won't save him. The trouble is that he
has to do half the serving. So Ovltt has
had to take a seat in the wings tempo
rarily. He should not feel In the least dis
couraged by his failure to make good In
this tournament, for anybody who knows
the game at all can see with half an eye
what he has got up his sleeve when he
gets his hand In again.
The young men of tt.e St. Croix club
have thus early in the existence of fhelr
organization come to a realization of the
fact that half the pleasure of the pos
session and enjoyment of anything nice
comes from sharing it with somebody
else, especially if somebody else happens
to be a crowd of nice looking girls. That's
the reason why, now that the club has
got such splendid tennis courts and so
many of them, that they have decided to
start a tournament for -the women of
their acquaintance and offer some hand
some prizes to the winners If the girls will
only come and play. The members of the
club are all of the male persuasion, but
one of the objects of the organization was
to provide a place where both sexes might
enjoy the game and the tournament idea
has been adopted as the best means of
getting the thing started.
"Can we turn the trick with tha sailors
from St. Jo7" Is the question now worry
ing tha Manawa tars. They think they
can, and as yet no ona has had the nerve
to put up good money that they have got
another think coming. Tha St Joe boat
will arrive In this neck of the, woods next
Wednesday, and the . races take place
Thursday, Friday and Saturday afternoons.
Their boat has recently been put through
an elaborate christening, with, all the side
effects, and named "The Lotus," after the
Lotus Tacht club, which It represents.
It la a boat built In EL Joe and Is the
style, of boat called a "skimming dish"
or "sidewalk boat," twenty-eight feet over
all and six feet six Inches beam, carrying
850 square feet of salL The crew of "The
Lotus" Is composed of Charles Bobbins,
tiller; Dr. George Northwood, main sheet;
W. R. Lang. Jib sheets, with the fourth
man not named. The local boat, to defend
the Manawa Challenge cup, has not yet
been picked. The deciding trial races were
to have been held last week, but two of
those calm, still, quiet summer days played
havoo with the plana The races were
started both days, and it was nip and tuck
between the Argo and the Manawa, as
long as the winds condescend to blow,
but It was one of those weak and tired
breezes that would first favor one boat
and then relent and favor the other, neither
race being finished in the time limit By
tonight the defending boat will have to be
selected, wind or no wind. The Argo's
crew Is John McAllister, tiller; Al Stevens,
main sheet; Paul Cooley Jib sheet, and
Carl Weston, backstays and light sails,
the first two being the owners of the boat
You will like Milks' Emulsion because
it tastes good. It does not upset your
stomach like cod liver oil and Its flesh
bulldlng and strength-creating proper
ties are far superior to that nauseating
medicine. Yon will know that this is
an absolute fact If you will accept our
generous offer. We want to give you a
bottle of Milks' Emulsion and at the
same time a list of prominent persons,
some of whom you probably know, who
hove been cured by this groat remedy.
How to Get a SO-eent
Bottle Free.
We want you to take Milks' Emulsion
for any affliction of the mucous mem
brane. We will give you the first BO-cent
bottle. In accepting this free offer you
do not obligate yourself to us, beyond a
promise to faithfully follow out the di
rections, printed on the bottle. Fill out
and mall this coupon to us:
19 Ohio St., Terra Haute, Ind.
Gntleimn: I accept your generous
offer to send me a free fifty-cent bot
tle of your remedy. I shall take the
remedy myself and will follow the di
rections faithfully. I have never taken
Milks' Emulsion.
leros i i i i iii i'i iiiiiiiihb i
Complaint - , , , .........
Street and No, .........
City .....
County , Btate.
This coupon must first be sent to ths
Milk' Kniulslon Co., Tetre Haute,
lnd., and not to the local druggist-
Bold at drag department of tha Boston
fluid per day. Most people drink too little to
flush the body of its waste. The result is bad
blood, nervousness, disease.
Then the doctor says "Drink More;" and he
knows this advice to be worth more than
That's one reason why pure beer is good for you.
It leads you to drink more. And the beer is
also a food and a tonic. But the beer must be pure,
Schlitz beer is brewed in absolute cleanliness and
cooled in filtered air. It is aged for months
so it will not cause biliousness. '
That's why doctors say "Schlitz." Ask for the
Brewery Bottling. ,
Phone 918, Jos. Schllts Brewing Co., '.
0 719 S. 9th St., Omaha, Neb.
The Beer That Made Milwaukee famous.
The Manawa is owned by B. W. Dixon.
It is manned by Lou Clark, tiller; Arthur
Oboley, main sheet; Harry Tukey, jib
sheet, and Lawrence Brinker, backstays
and light soils. The two boats are very
near a match, and every race a neck and
neck finish. Which will be selected 1 How
old Is AnnT That's the committee's busi
ness. Both of the home boats are thirty-
one feet six inches over all, while the
boat from down the river is only twenty
eight" feet, and as there are no handicaps
in this class, this will give our boys a
great advantage, as It means more buoy
ancy and a longer water line. The pre
paratory gun will be fired about S:S0 each
day and the starting gun five minutes
later. The best three out of five, with
flying starts. A dinner will be given the
visitors on Thursday evening at the lake
and on Friday evening a dance at the Boat
club. This is the top-line event of the
season for the sailors and they plan to
make the best of It next week, but they
need wind, and the more the better.
The combination of that new and beauti
ful Beaton cup and the recently inaugur
ated classification of the players of the
festive garni of "gololoff" at the Feld
club hasn't don a thing but start some
thing. The members are falling over each
other in their efforts to get proficient at
the game, and the air is so full of chal
lenges that the gambol on the green has
every characteristic of a six-days go-as-you-please.
Already some of the top
notchers have had the conceit taken out
of them by being beaten by some of the
eommon herd of every-day players. Among
them Is little Harry Morrill. Who stood
at the head of the whole bunch and who
Jack Sharp got after and pullled off his
little pedestal with great ease and aban
don. But Harry's smile wouldn't Come off,
and the next day he challenged and won
from Johnny Murphy, thus crawling back
Into his little niche In the first flight. Two
or three of the scores made in the first
day's play for the Beaton cup made tha
bogey score very uneasy, and the present
Indications now are that the new order of
things has put so much ginger Into the
wlelders of the club that by fall every
man bn tha links will have became a
One of 'the new automobiles of the past
week Is the Haynes-Apperson, which the
Powell company has lust delivered to Joe
Cudahy. It Is a big one and a beauty
of the Tonneau style. It- Is colored a
rich green, and with the handsome and
elegant equipment, la proving one of the
kind that people turn around to take
another look at D. C. Bradford's swell
Locomobile is another one of the fast ones
to show up within the past few days.
As a matter of fact, they are showing up
every day or two now; and In this con
nection, what's the matter with the forma
tion of that club that so much has been
said and so little done aboutT Ask any
of the scorchers and they tell you that an
organisation will be perfected "in a few
days now," Just the same as they did be
fore the frost was out of the ground last
A. P. Fleming, secretary ef the Los An
geles Auto club, delivered an address re
cently in his home city In which he made
some sugggeatlons for chug cart drivers
that are well worth the consideration of
chauffeurs everywhere. Here are some of
Always keep to the right-hand side of the
street. In turning corners to the left be
sure to keep at least fifteen feet from
the left-hand curb. Make the extreme de
tour to the right. Make a full stop before
turning In the street and wait until traf
fic will not be impeded by moving at right
angles with other vehicles. Do not use
the horn too frequently. It's object Is
not to clear the street for the rapid pas
sage of an automobile. When roads and
pavements are wet run very slow, not to
exceed six miles an hour. In crossing
orowded corners in the down town dis
trict do not exceed a speed of two miles
an hour. No Inexperienced chauffeur
should attempt to operate a machine In the
down town district. Novloea should get
their first experience elsewhere. If you
meat a frightened horse, stop, turn off
your engine, go ahead and lead the horse
fast. This practice will greatly reduce
he number of frightened horses, as well
as the projudlo. against automobiles. In
approaching grade crossings of railroad
anywhere come to a full stop. There are
many tracks about every city on which
high speed oars are operated. You can
better afford to stop than to take chanoea.
Treat ever pedestrian as if you were one.
Rumember that every man who drives an
automobile is supposed to be a gentleman,
no matter what the attitude of other occu
pants of the street or road may be.
The worm has turned at last. The boys
at the county building allow they can
stand the jibes and taunts of the haughty
city employes no longer and will challenge
them to a game of ball this week regard
less of consequences.
Dyllgbi Kid
Over the Alleghenles at this season of the
yaar is very- enjoyable. When you go
east ask for tickets over the Pennsylvania
Short LltvM. Try tha Pennsylvania Lim
ited, leaving Chicago dally at p. m. No
finer train runs. Thos. H. Thorp, T. P. A.
Penn. Lines, Omaha, NeU. will give you
further information.
Doctors Say
body requires ten
M. E. Fredrickson
15th and C-pltol Avenue.
OA- -r
& "ii'.
Every man, for safety'?
take should wear an
Safety devices save innumerable
lives. They are imperative to man's
welfare, but won't save trouble
when not employed.
O-P-C suspensories are another
invention for safety in the strain and
speed of modern business life. They
not only afford safety and protec
tion, but furnish comfort ana relief
from strain where trouble is liable
to occur at any time.
The strong, healthy man seeds an
O-P-C to maintain his strength and
vigor; the vitality suff eer to aid him
back to robust health. An O-P-C
suspensory means safety and satis
faction to every man.
O-P-C suspensories are sold by
nearly all druggists. No doubt
your druggist has them. We assure
you it willbe to your interest to in
sist upon the O-P-C If your dealer
will not supply you, send to us.
No. a O-P-C, lisle, li.oo; No,
O-P-C, silk, $1.50.
" The Mark of tha Master' an
interesting booklet, giving reasons
why every man should wear an
O-P-C suspensory, sent free npoa
Bauer ft Black
sSs TweartyWIfth it., Cblcase, D.S.A.
Will Car. the) FoUowiasr Symptom.!
Pains In th. side, back, under the ahoul
derblade, smothering sensations, palpita
tion of th. heart, a tirtnl feeling In the
morning, a poor appetite, coated tongue,
blotvhea and plmplea. to days' treatment
2&u. All druggists.
For Menstrual Suppression .7
. kw: hosM. St.
SolS I. Omaha ? SkOTK.
glasses of
It's Up to You
to Save Your
You can save from $10.00 to
$75.00 on these bargains. We are
closing out everything In the buggy
line, and the
Goods Must-Go
Regardless of
Cost Price.
A guarantee back of every ve
hicle made by Columbus Buggy
Co., Moon Bros. Carriage Co. and
Watertown Carriage Co.
Buggy Department la Basement
We must hare the floor space for
The Grrwtt 8ystam of
Tratnaportaulo4k In Amortesi
la oocapoMd of
"Big Four
ptrrsauad a lakh ebai
These linea eperate
through the
Csaawstlaej with all Stosaahle Lsms
to sad treat NrwYerk. Best.a.
BaJtissM, PhUsowpliU sad Norfolk
iftop-ov.ra allowed on all tlok.ts at
L Louis. Niagara Falls, Lake, Washington,
tX. C, and ether points.
General Passenger Agent,
Chief Assistant Gen. Pass. Agetrl
Broadway aa4 Chestnut at.,
Evory Woman
, U liMOsix til ana sVkhim kaow
tvbuiil ih wondcrrai
MARVEL whirling Spray
a naw mm arrtaa.. ituac
Iwm ani Hurlutn. float--Sat.
tMoai couvankmt.
raw n,M tor tt.
If da nanrtui auooif til
SI 4ht al., atatl ao
tibr. bttl ima: aiaiu a fa
Lllaurausd book- mU. ft fflv
full itamculara and rtuioli In-
Valll.lil lo ladlaa St A H a. t, tOk.
i rk mm, a. w k ark.
For sale tjr
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W .sf
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Trrr th. raturn of that rovtbfal (Mllng of bub-!
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NHlt, UMk t frot rwuuu unUt, ntU imu,
iMMlltr Mi th. but WBbuualag sooH
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M, an (ha rwaoc aaa Mia m for aooUtf and
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tar ts a faw waaka, rasarelaas as aa, r thai
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BIAS Datran, afloB., . In aa anmarkad aualep.
tha Aaatar will at mo Ml r. tha racolpt. as
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ha. aat kaw t aompoani tham so that an? wal(
sua . ear klaiaatf t. hla awa, hooa wtthaut. ba
Ins anSar .bUsatloaa to any ona It aoata yu aoth.
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DMA HA. HMJt (alaunoa. tU,