Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1904, PART I, Page 11, Image 11

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Isirioti Marks 8tia Ftt from a
Export Basil
WH Ca an lag lb Mm
UgaJ late JUyJraj
- rl W A T , . -a -am
T7i seaboard reports Uitim loeuia of
Tt. taken for export. 1.4 ver pool ad
vanced today, the mui for tblt
.UUSUI miu me imm .auatraiiaa emp
menta. Which amounted ta nnl luA feu-h.
la. talk of smaller lndtn skrptnenta Uuls
, a axiiaoled and report ot tinfa-
wejauoer in fuiiuna BJia argentine.
Taking- for a, beaia th September wheat,
which la the lowest poeslble baala now, $b
difference between Cbloago and an export
Rric to Liverpool 1 from 1 to 4 rati o
a. 1 northern and of f cents on No. I
hard wheat The- July difference it of
course too large to bo considered. The Llv
arpool seiptemlvsr basis la 7o lor No. 1
northern and 78e far No. 1 hard la Mm
u v.-juuatx
Chicago Friday aold t,VX No. 1 northern
X 9c abova the oM July la store. OtUy
limited amount could bava been aold at
thai ngure. but 9e abova Uia July waa bid
for larger lota Trenton, Tex- reports tba
' rst niv wheat aold the- today. It being
fifteen load a which scaled at 6 and aold
at we. uanaa. Tea., report Ma milia
inrri lumi iu us wneai (tnuiif la at
trora Rio to 8o. . -. .
Kanaaa City at this th-ne last year had
oontraoted to atoll 1,000,000 bu. of wbaat for
future ahipmanta. Kow It la rumored an ooo
bu. have been aold, but no cash handler
en flrura how thla can be dona at pnami
prteeav. The Kansas City market looka for
liberal nantltlea ot new wheat by July 11
The pit bellavea tba bit longa la July at
tha various marketa have begun to liqui
date thetr holdings. Tha principal weak
aeee Friday waa due to eojllng. , ,
Tha rang In price of Omaha -grain for
future delivery and tha clone Friday
and today were aa foilowa:
Open. High, low. Today)FrLl'y.
July tOM
Juno July 464
Sept. 44
July M
72- . 7A
44HR VMti
46HB , 4MA -WiA.
44 . 48Vt 44 A
.... .... MA UViB
.... .... 41HB 4H4B
38)4 88 H A
u b u a
A asked. B bid.
Local Cash Grata Market.
Receipts wera amaller than Friday, being
(our oara of corn only. The aalea made
wera at the prices ruling for tha laat three
days. LooaU caah men do hot expect much
Improvement until aoma time after tha flnt
weak In July. Tha Nebraeka farmer haa
Kent In all the corn ha haa to Bend until he
la aura hla orop will be good. Chicago haa
till good recelpta, but locale expect the
para la drop on next week there because
Iowa and llllnola are much the same aa
Nebraeka. Recelpta and shipment were:
Wht None: one week ago, 4 . oara In.
Com 4 care In and care out; one week
ago, 23 and 1 car. Oata None; one week
agtx T oara In.
WH$AT-No. J hard. 86oj No. I hard, 83
Mc: No. 4 hard, T.ian6c. 1
CORN No. L iWifri No. 8. 44H845He;
Na 4, 4(Xff43c! N, 1 ellow.47: No. yel
low, ta4o; Nd. i White, 46c No. I white,
oStV-No. 1, 8Hc; No. i white, We; No.
S white, 8H-3H4o; No. I white, Vt24uc;
Utndard, 4tHo.
Rataa from tba Exchange Office.
Omaha atocka of grain In public ware
houaea: 'W heat, 82.0M buahela; corn, 146,428
buahela; oata, tl.tut buahela, Omaha con
tract corn amounta to 90,726 buahela. Of
thla 3.038 buahela la In Merrlam ft Holm
milet'a houae and 67,487 buahela In the
Union elevator.
M. M. Bewail of Haetinga waa an exchange
' Omaha Inapeotlona of grain were 1ft cam.
; Of wheat cara gradod No. t hard and of
; com 4 oara' No. J. 1 car No. t yellow and
V I ear No. t white. Of oata I oara graded
No 4 white, .
O rain Market Iciaewhere.
CloaUig - prloaa . of . grain Friday and
today ati the marketa named were aa foi
lowa; . . . . .
. , . .. CHICAGO..
.' . . . closed.
Today. Friday,
e t e M B4 A
7ViA, 7HA
September ,
?J Wheat-.
r July
43 HA
. September
' '' . ST. LOUIS.
2 July
?" Corn
u uiy
fft July
b( Wheat-
-' July
. Stptember
-. Wheal-
. July
.: . Ssptember
88A 99
V raatarea of tba Tradlac aad Cloaln
Prloea aa Beard ot Trade.
- CHICAGO. June li.-Praclialty peVyoct
weather 'cunaitioiik" for We Viatuing ah J
affaitiweetlng of wheat eauaed-Weakneaa 1A the
i market- tor that eereal today, but otivwlrlg
' aiiorte' reaulted 1n a recovery; ihtu
: flgurea Jar .July ware unchanged from yep.
. tenia y' a cluaelng quoin liuna Cern la down
-r fee. Oata are -ott KuHo. Froviawne. ahow
r'A material ararlatluiur. i .
Onot the nuint. atrikrng over-ulglit
I : elia&gee affecting the wheat market a. waa
-.- the decided advance In prlcra at Liverpool.
Under thn Innuaac of firm cUbioa the' mar
4.,ket here opened etrong, July beiny up HtJ
S at tia to a4u4, There waa, nuwevor,
. . much reallalng. Aa a reault July euaed off 4,tH)4Hu. After working tip again to
.i4Ho the price atartad on a gradual decline,
Tha low point waa reached at Uo. The
oloae waa at 84tio4c. September ranged
between tHq and 7W4'7Tc, and closed at
70'7rHc. Clearancea of wheat' and flour
were eual to lug.uuv buahele. frtniary re
retpta were fHi,M waahele, compared with
tai.7W buahela a year ago. Mlnneapolla.
lulutbj and Chlcaa-o raoorted recetnta nf
'l cura, agalnat UQ cara laat week and
Ia4 cara a year ago. x
- am porting Influence on the corn market
' at the aturt. On the decline In wheat the
' aeinng OI corn Itu-reaaed caualng a weak
undertone. The market cluaed near tho
vw wuij- v.vnfi iniuit lower to
Ho higher at 48N,!uHVe to 48o, aold be
- tween 4H0 and 4'o, cloalng at 4c. Lo
ral receipte were Me cara with 38 of con
, tract trade.
Belling of oata followed the weakneea of
other gralne. After opening a ehade
higher at tUe, July aold oft to Sko and
cluaed at 86 c. Local recelpta were 84
Trading In provlalona waa almoat at a
i. elanrtatllT. '' Prlcea were barely eteady. ttep.
, ;t mhfr pork cloaed SHeo lower at 81185:
,lard. waa unchanged at 8697H; rlba were up
' JHo at 87.48. Eallmated recelpta for Moh--'days
Wheat, caraj aorn, 44tf cara; oata,
84 rare; hga, 40,000 head.
The leading (uturea ranged aa foilowa:
'Articles. Open. Illgh. Low. Close. Tee y.
V rrhea
..y 'bJUly '
K4tl 844i;!s6ifrV4
!84H! IB. 84KHHV4
8lH80tifl 81
a ipL
b Septv
. Corn
V P f
41 1 4JV4
81 Til
II 87h'
It to
U 76
it en it 88
UK 11 UM
I 80
I 87H
e sa
T 30
T 40
1 a old. b new.
. Cash quotation! ware as follows:
' FLOl.'R-Qulet and easy; winter pst
'nta,.44 6uHle86: atralghta, 84Xh4.40; miring
patenta 84 "ii4 7u; atralghU. 04iof
lakers', 82 eimJ 90. , '
WHEAT No. I spring, KHto; No. 3. 85A
82c; No. I red. Wctill OO. T w
SEKD-Fla. ei U 11.01; No, north-
vtrn, fJ ftrte pMtre timothy, 8U3; davet,
cnntrai graaa. 10 .
CRN No. JL t4ri No. 1 yejlow. KV.
(UTe- Xft, t tl4iue; No. I while, 3Cf
RTl-Ifa, t fe.
HinUI-4ood feedlrai 8SSc; fair to
CDrtice maltlna. 4M4a.
PROaio.sto-MM rortt. per bM, 811 10
Ili. . Lard, per loo lb., llTSfi"
bort rib xidee t1oo). IT.OfMT-Sfc; ahctt
CJmu- a!da fboxedk 87.40&7.1&.
Kecvlpta and ahlpmente yeeterday at thla
marxel wera aa louowa:
Rereirt. Shlnnienta.
FliMrr. bbla..
Wbeat, bu..
Corn, btx.....
2S vi looao
,..8!4X0 IM.H
U1.0 f7AX)
Mta. bu.
Rye, bu, t.4..... .' (.mo
Barley, bil ........ 41 4 3O0
On the Prodiioa exrJiange todAy tha hut'
lTe; dairies, 1lHn-. Efrga, eay, at
mark, raaea Included, 1S 1410. Cheeaa,
eaay, r'C
(eaatatloaa of tha Day aa
Commodltlea. '
NEW TOnK, June 18. -FLOUR Reoelpta,
13,467 bbla; ex porta, 11,844 bbla; market dull
and barwly eteady; winter patents, 86.00$
.; winter au-aighta.; Viinne-
anta patent, 84.SWyo.Sj; winter extras, 1.116
Uf.ou; Mmcoflota bakera, w.7txg4.'Ju; winter
low gradea, $3.1501 Rye flour, quiet;
fair ,lo good, 84.uu2,4.8f ; choice to fancy,
CoHN MEAL Steady; yellow western,
tl.K'-S'l.U; city, I1.U&1.15; kiln dried, 83.00
U 10.
RYB Nominal; No. t weatern, 70c.
BARI.HY-Dull; feeding, 46iio If New
York; malting, nominal.
WHEAT Receipt, 19.000 bushel; exporta,
IM40 buahela; spot market barely steady;
No. I red, nominal, elevator; No. I red,
8107V f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Du-
luth, tl.Otrtt f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Man
Itoba. nominal f. o. b.
li i. o. o. an
afloat. Option
opened higher and closed
c net mutter at
lc nt decline In July; July, Wl")t4c;
closed. 88it,c: September. 84424 3-ltc; olosed.
84c; December, 8484HC! cloaed, 84c.
CORN Receipts, I6.MB buahels; exports,
14.332 buahela; epot market quiet; No. 1,
Mc elevator and Mc f. o. b. afloat; No.
1 yellow, 66Hc; No. 1 white, 56c. Option
market waa neglected and nominal, closing
unchanged; July cloaed, 63"4c: September,
closed M4c; December, cloned 60He.
OATH Recelpta, M.600 bushels; exports, 24.
780 bushels; spot market, quiet; mixed oats.
38 to 23 pounds. 46 47c; natural white, 30
to 83 pounds, 49.goc; clipped white, 36 to
40pounds, Hfi'iSc.
tallow tuii; city, 4i4c; country, 4v
RICE Quiet; domestic
fair to extra,
V.v1c! Japan, nominal
fltoady; shipping, 76c; good to
choice, 95c.
HOPS Firm: state common to choice
1K4, &k&36o; 1902, 134rtfic; olda, UGHa; Pa
cific coast 1903. 24&30c: 1802. MMc: old.
4IDF8 Steady; Galveston 80 to 28 pounda,
fc: California. i to K pounda. 1901 Texaa
dry. 94 to 30 pounds, 19c. .
LBATHBR steady; acid, zsrzoo.
WOO Iv Steady; fleece, 28ffl32c.
. RKKP Flrmt . family. 39.6010.00: mess.
iH.0o 60; teef hams, 820.6O4iX2.0O; packet,
t'J.Oi.60; city extra India mess, 313.000
16 00, Cut meata, steady) pickled bellies.
7TNie; pickled ahouldera, W. picmea
hnma, 910c. Lnrd, quiet: western ataamed,
1719; refined, steady; continent, 87.11; South
America, 7.&o; compouna, aiq-ac. rora,
firm) family. 314.00: short clear, 8i3.a6
14. TS: mess. 814.iSoiil4.80.
J? U JL 15. rva li inn. , vinuvi ....... .v
extra, l.Vail8c; atate dairy, common to extra,
1SW17C; weatern raciary, common to enow.
llSuc: western Imitation creamery, com
mon to choice, lJlio. ,...
CHEE)SiS Firm; atate full cream, small
colored, 7iftle; 'small white, 6Vfl'74"i large
colored, (uc; large white, Q7e.
KOGS QuTet and eleadyt western extra
selected, 17H4j.l8c: flrsU, 16V4ffnc.
POULTRY-AllVe, weak: western prlng
chickens, lRifflOc; fowl!, UHo; turkeys, 12c i
dressed, easy; western broilers, 232uc
fowls, 12c; turkeya, i4yuo. . ....
St. Loala Grain aad Irovlelo".
ST. LOUIO. June 18. WHEAT- Firm :
No. 1 red cash, elevator, nominal; track,
$1.06; July, 824c; September, 7UT4i30o; No.
t hard, 884390C. -
coHN'-tjteaay ; no. caan, nc; imcn,
484Hc( July, 4cj September, 46d464c.
OATS Dull: No. I caah, 41o: track. 4iHc;
July, 87Hc; September, 30c; No. 2 white,
FLOUR Dull and unchanged. Red win
ter patenta, 84.80flH.i0; special brands, 10
e higher; extra fancy and straight. 84.850
4.40: ilear. 83.70fl8.80.
PHUD-riMVlli r Bteaov: 2.eua.iv.
tXIKN MHJAL-Steadyt 8140.
hRAN-Steady: sacked, east track, JWe.
HAY Dull and Quint; timothy, 87009
14.50; prairie. 8.10ifl0.
HtMr TWlNUXo. '
PROVISIONS Pork, higher; jobbing,
818.67. Lard, higher; prime eteam, 34.30.
ftenftn. ataaIV' boxed extra shorta. 88.00:
clear ribs, 88.U; short clears. 88.2H.
POULTRY Btrong; cnioaeus, w.
springe. 14lo; turkeys, 13c; ducks, o;
gvese, 8c. ' ' .
BUTTem Steady; creamery, 14llc
dairy. 10U16o. ... .
EGOS Steady at Iif. case cotint.
neceipts. aujpineni.
Flour, bbla.
Wheat, bu....
Corn, bu
Oata, bu
Kaaaaa City Grata aad Provlalaaa.
Steady; July, 74c September, lOiOHo;
December. ItK'a'Wc: oaah, No. 1 hard.
mtVOci No. 3, h(a3Tc; No. i red, tLOOttl.02;
No. 3, Dunsiio. .
CORN-Bteady; July, tBVic: September,
48IM.0: December. WHc: caah, No. 1 mixed,
6ij61c: No. 3. 4JHlHci No. 8 white, 60
bile. No. 3. ttWqwo.
OATS-No. 1 white, 3V44Sc; No. I mixed,
41 o. '
BUTTEK-creamery, 10.100; uairy,
ECK9 Steady; Missouri and "Kanaaa new
wn whlt.wfwt eaaea Included. Mo:
case count, livc; caees returned. He leea.
HAt-8teady; cboloe timothy, I1A.60;
choice. 88.a6i88.76. ' .
RYB-steady no. .
Recelpta. Shipment a.
Wheat, buahela........ 20,fc ,
Corn, bushels ! '.
Outs, buahele '..:.r... 3.WQ 4,ou0
' ' "' MlinSeVlte rata -Markets
July, tc; Sepemlies, WOTHcedem-
northern. 8Hf;No. nor th'rn.Jlc
..FLOL'it-rirJtOsaiaota. .34.96.oS; second
pafente, $4 KUI fi . first cleare, 83:03.40
eecond clears. 11 40. ' '.
BRAN-814.40., ..... 4 .......
V,.' 1 . .
lfllwaakee Grain Market. ,
lower; No. 1 northern, Sc; No. 3 northern,
RYK weak; no. i, ivwizc.
11AIILEY Dull; No. 3, (Be; aample 8619
CORN-la lower; No. t. 48H9c; July Ho
Liverpool Grata Market.
eaay; No. 1 California, 6a id. Futures, (lull;
July, 6e24d; September, s 8d.
CORN Spot, eaay; American mixed, new,
4s4V4d American mixed, old, 4a 14d. Fu
tures, dull; July. 4s4Vd; September. 4s 2M-
Dalatb Grain Market.
DtTLTTTH. June U. WHKATTo arrive:
No. t northern, 3ici No. I northern, too.
On .track; No. 1 northern, M'io; No., I
northern, 0Vc; July, tZc; September,
OATS To arrive and on track, tie.
Toledo Seed Mark-
TOLFDO, O.. June 18 SEED Clover,
rash, 8A.15; October, 15.72V; prime alslke,
loan August, 8U; prime timothy, fl.46
September, 81.47V.
' Peoria Market.
PEORIA, June 18. CORN-Steady; No. t,
46Hc; No. 4. 4:. '
WHIHKT On the basis ot 8138 for fin
ished goods
Cattoa Market.
quiet l prloee four points lower; American
middling fair, 868d; good middling, 8.44d;
middling, 34d; low middling. .iinJj good
ordinary, 6o4U; ordinary, i 86 1. Futurea
opened quiet and cloaed vary ateady: Amer
ican middling, g. o. o., June, llOd; June
and July, s.iod, July and August, 4. old;
August and Boptemoer. f t4d: September
and Octolver. 6.44d; October and November,
t.36il; November and December, 8.18d; De
cember ad January,; January and
Fehruary, 6 ltd : February and March, 6 lod.
BT. LOf'lS, June U.OTTON-Nomlnal.
Ve lower: middling, llftc; ahlpmenta, 1
bale: slotk. 13.649 baiea.
Nliw Y6RK. June U-COTTON-Fu-ture
cloaed ateady; June. 10 87c; July,
10,o; Auguat lO.etic; aWplember, 98c; Oc.
lober, 9 42c; November, l.wk-; December,
aoc: January, 9 die. Spot cloaed quiet:
middling uplanda, 11.70c; middling gulf,
U96c. Sales. 7M balea.
rum res stea'ly; June. 10 tic; July; ll.aiet
Oguat. .rtl46c; September, 7u9 71!c;
Ovluber. 9 4u43c: Noveajber, 9 b9.40C
December. 8 JVj isc; July, 8 43 46c. Spot,
ateady; salea. 1.160' balea; ordinary, C;
Joed orjlinarv. 3 16-14c; low middling,
l i-lc; pilJJUng, llo; aood middling,
11 f-l-i middling fair. 11 ll-lc; revelula.
I,8v2 baUa; etook, 1U,63 bulca.
final End ot tbi VMk'i TraoMotltDi Bgi
BuiniBf Iaflqtnoa.
Freedom fraaa Preaaare la tha Harrl
saaa teearltlea Nalleves tha es
era! List Craam Lagglag
NEW TORK. June 18 Final transac
tions of the wee in the aiock market
hardened prloee a trine, but tue deiinga
were email and without aignlncance. Ine
fever in Bouthern Pacino suueiued and ine
freedom from pressure of that atock re
lieved the general list from the ay in pa
lilalia sagging tendency preeent since me
preferred, atock issue was announced.
Weather In the crop regions continued fa
vorable and the money supply Is so ample
for all-demands that there is little preasure
upon the market in the abaenoe of any
positively bad developments. Southern
PaclflO' made a languid recovery and then
loat practically all or it-just ai the oloae.
An increase of 3U1.000 in Missouri i'ael
Acs gross earnings for the second week
in June may explain the recent advance
In that atoox, but It had little etteut on
toduy'a movements. Amalgamted Copper
gained a point on the strength of the re
port! of large sales of copper, both for
domestic ana export account. The very
coneervatlve tone of the mercantile agency
revlewa aa to the general course ot trade
had a repressive enact on the speculation
In stocks.
The Increase In the bank surplus con
firmed pretty closely to expectations and
revealea no Change In conaltions existing
for some time past, and was little notlceu.
The holiday in London added to the dull
ness of the trading.
Total eales of bonds par value, 1806,000.
. a no ueaimga 111 me limn iiinrae, nave
been rather larger this week and the price
auctuations wiaer, giving tne maraet an
appearance of greater animation.
The relative advantages or disadvantages
to I'nlon Pacific, the parent company, and
td Southern Paciflo were eagerly canvassed
and with varying effect on those two
Current criticism waa Inclined to at
tribute a prior advantage for Union Paciflo
In the plan which Union Paciflo s control
of Southern Paciflo made it responsible for
Southern Pacific's large floating Indebted,
ness to the parent company for advances,
for Improvements and union Pacific's 390,
000,000 of Southern Pacific stock made the
parent company a beneficiary both of the
new atock subscription privileges and ot
the proceede of the eale. On the other
hand Its large holdings of Southern Pa
ciflo make It a large sharer in any disad
vantages td that company.
The Arm undertone of the market was at
tracted by the promising condition of crops
which had favorable weather conditions
during tha week. A favorable outcome of
the year's crop is universally considered
the essential factor In the future of the
market. Reports of railroad earnings for
the week and official oplnlona on the pros
pects for improvement did not offer much
encouragement to buy atocka. The passage
of the dividend on the Minneapolis A St.
Louis common and the reaucuon or tne
dividend on tha Lake Brie ds Western
preferred together with poor showings of
net earnngs ior ine jum qutnnr inuui
estimated of the Vanderbllt railroads were
leading incidents In this fleld. Their effect
on the stocks Immediately affected was
small. The ending of tha atrlke of vessel
men on the great lake .waa gratifying to
market sentiment..'
A matted Improvement In the Investment
demand for railroad bonds la reported by
varloua authorities, enly partly reflected
In the actual dealings on the stock ex
change. Municipal bonds also . ahare In
thla improvement which la partly due to
the anticipation of ' July flrft profit dis
bursements. The quick subscription to
the $10,000,000 New York Centrsl debenture
bond Issue made a good impression, y.
S. 2a, old 4a registered and the new 4a ad
vanced H and the old 4a coupon 4 per cent
An ..all ifiirlria tha week. -
The quotatlona yesterday on the New
York BtoCK exenange were;
Salee.Hlgh. Low. Close.
lUlinn 3.400 7 n4 72
do pfd 0 HH 94tf 94H
Baltimore 4 Ohio 8uQ - K 80
,4a wifA 91
Canadian Paciflo 900 120-4 1I0H 1H
Central bf N. J
Chesapeake A Ohio
Chicago aV Alton....
oo pld
Chleaao Ot. Western. -800
Chicago N. W ' 100
C., M. St BU P 1.100
do pfd ...v.
Chicago Term. A T
ao pia ...
a. a. c. a st. L
Colo. Southern
do 1st pfd
do 2d pfd
Delaware A Hudson..
Del.. Lack. A West -Denver
A Rio Grande
do pfd
lo 1st pfd
do Id pfd
Hocking Valley
do pfd
Illinois Central
Iowa Central
do pfd ,
K. C. Southern
do pfd
Iku1b. A Nashville....
Manhattan L
Met. Securities
Met. St. Ry
Minn. A St Louis
M.. St. P. A B. 8. M..
dd pfd
Ifllaaourl Paciflo
Mo., Kan. A Tex
do pfd '.
MR u nt Mm. nfd. .
N. V. Central WO 111 116H I164
Norfolk A Western... iov k k
ao pta .
Ontario A Weatern... 180O 2R 25
Pennaylvanla 1,100 116H US
P., C. C. A St. L.....
Reading ".,:,.v!. 4.000 47 464
dr. Iat nM
do 3d pfd I. 64
Reck Island Co eoo' 2ivt .21
UU ViU e ae " !
st. l: a s. f. td pfd
St. Louis S. W
100 64
da nfd
21 -2
Southern Paalflo ....
onthern Railway .1
so pro.
Texaa A faclflom....i
t.. St. X. A Vi
10J) 21-4
ao. pro
Union Paciflo '
4,900 '
do pfd . ..'
do ofd
Wheeling A L. E
Wisconsin Central ..
do nfd
Mexican Central .....
"466 "fvi "ii
Adama Ex '.
Amerloan Ex
United States EX
Wella-Fareo Ex
Amal. Copper 14,700 60 484
Am. Car A Foundry .....
do pfd too 71 K
Am. Cotton OH '
do pfd
Am. Ice
do pfd
Am. Linseed Oil..... ..... .....
do pf d
Am. Locomotive
do ord
Am. Smelt. A Retng..
dd pfd
1.100 IHS 99 98
800 110 1264 lwfi
3,106 '48 "v
Am. Sugar Refcg
Anaconda M. Co
Brooklyn R. T
Colo, Fuel A Iron
Consolidated Oak .....
Corn Products
do pfd
Distillers' Securttlea..
General Electric
International paper...
do pfd .
International Pump...
do pfd
National Lead
North American
faclflo Mall
eople'e Gas
Pressed Steel Car
300 97 97
no ira
Pullman Palace Car
Republlo Steel
do pfd
Rubber Qooda :
do pfd ,
Tenn. Coal A Iron....
U. B. Leather ,
do pld
U. S. Realty
dO pfd
U ( Steel H
do pfd fcO 6414
Weatlnarhotise Klec
Western Union 104 87 87
Total aalea for the day, 74.800 shares.
Clearlngf Maaaa Areragei,
NEW TORK. Junt ll.--The statement ef
average of tne clearing houae banka Of
thla city for the week shows- Loans, tl .
(41 i; Increase, 7.6ti too. Deposits. 81.
I?101l&o0; liicresae, 112.781. hjO. Clrculstloo
. 76l.8n0; Increase. 8k4 Leaal tenders,
h3(.7UO: Inereas. 81 77I.0U0. Bpecla, 8'.,
l4.0; Increase, 14 723 too. Reaerve, 6J1,
8 000; Increase, W.062 800 Reeerve required.
JK),6vi,l; lacreaaa, V.l&t.tX. Surplus, tie..
800 80T4 80H 80
100 88 18 I7H
18H 184 1IH
1604 16914 168
14SV 142H 14
eeaee aeeee 64
eeeea eeeee eeaee f
a eeeea W)
100 48 48 47
"266 164H 164" 164H
"406 '23T '23H 23i
100 6S t (8
200 36 86 Wi
"166 'hi' si4 8H4
100 18 18V4 18
100 40W 40 404
(OO 109 10914 1004
600 VM 1W4 146
600 764 764 74
1,100 112 in ins
100 44 44 42
..... 62
10 118 118 118
600 81 91 81
eaa eeeea, eeeee
878; Incresse. 13.807.4. Ex-United States
di' posits, 44,'Jl).OM; Incresse. 83.33.700.
3Tw Yark Moaey Market.
NEW TORK. June 18 -MONEY On "call,
nominal, no loans. .Time loans, easy and
dull; alxty days. I Pr cent; ninety days,
f per ceh; "it months, 3 por cent.
tual bueinesa id bankers' bills at 34 4730
for demand and at 34.KUMN .8mr for sixty
days' billa Posted- rates, 84.80483; com-m-rcUl
bllla 84.344fl4.86.
SILVER Bar, 66c, Mexican dollars.
H()NT3 Oot-ernmeht. stead-; railroad.
Tne closing quotations boada are aa
V. a.-W ta. rc..le Mthhattan e. s. .. .IM
to emipna krt. i.ntrtl 1m 41
e is, r- 114 do tat Inc.... liv
44 ronpoa 14 Miaa. St. L 4a... H
aa do 4a. r... .IS h.. k. A r. 4 .... H
4e caupns 1 ? H ! M. tl ?'
e 014 4s, rf ...t''4 N a. It. of at: e. 4. tH
, teusoa iat "N. T. c. s. tt....lo'.j
tohlon sa. 4i lelMi N. J. 0. i U I3tv,
-oa . 4s !. .o. rsalBa 4s 14W
Atlaatlc C. L 44.
ia at T-V
141 N. A W. e. 4l M
J4 O. g. L. 4a par...
lit iPran. cost. Ista
74 Rndlns 44
10fH 'St. L A I. t. I ta.l'l
M. A O. 4 i,
4n IV,! ,
Oniral ef Oa. 4a.,
io ltt Ine
ChM. Ohio 4H4
thlnM A A. !Vt4.
"i " u. a s. r. rs. 4. u
C . B. A Q. n. 44.... M"4 ,8t. L. S. W. 14
N 4 I P. 8 4i..I" -n4io4n A L 4a
O. A N. W. . 7....I'H Se. Pacta 4s
C, R. I. A T. 4a.. ii ISe. Rallwar ia
So col. la T.n, A raclOr la.
. t
' i
. MH
. Ml
. x4
C..C .0. A St.U i 4a 4
at. l a w. 4a.
Oilcaae Tcr.
.. ti i nion Pacing 4a
.. 42M do conr. 4r
.. 14 V . gtaai 2 a..,.
..10 Wabth ll
.. 14 do . B..
.. w. a l b. 44
iwi. rcairai 4i
..l" Colo. P. A I. 4. 8.
Coo. Tobacco 4a...
Colo A 84. 44....
D. d R. O. 4a....
Krla 4n. 44
Brla prior llaa 4a.
P. W. D. C. la.
Hocking Vl. 4V4.
LAN. anl. 4a...
Bid. "Offered.
Boston Stock (isolations.
BOSTON, June 18. Call loans, 2Q3 per
rent; .time loans, 8l per cent. Official
closing of stocks ana Donas:
Atchlion ad. 4a I01S4
do 44 '
Wealing, common
Amancaa glno ...
. 71
. 1
. 40
. 4
.. 7V4
. "
M,i. Central 44 .... K
do pfd
Bo.toa A Albanr
Boton A Main.
PnHon EIT4t4 .
Pltchburg pld ...
Maa. Cantral
.140 Atlantic
.141 bingham ..
.1(0 leal, a Hacla
1S6 Cnl.anll
,U 1 " .i .
. nt
N. Y., N. K. A H..1I4
Per Marquetta 77
'Tm .over nans ....
ualy waat
Dominion Coal ...
. ti
. i
union ractnc
r.H Krinklln
Am,r. Arga. Cham... 13 ti
do srd
lala Royals
Mala. Mlulag
Mich I ran
imn. Pnau. Tuba..
Amrr. ftugar li
.. is.
do pfd
Amr. Tel. A! Mont. Coal and Cok 4
Amr. Woolen ,.11 void Dominion
do Pfd T5' Otceola
. II
. 40Va
. 4Vk
Dominion 1. A 1 7H Parrot
Bdiaon Elac. lllu.
JSS iQuIncr
. 41
General Elactrlo .
Mata. Klactrle ..
do pfd
Maaa. tMa
United Prdlt ....
160H Shannon
II I Tamarack
71 Trlnltr
. 10
. J
KttU. 8. Mining
V. 8. Oil
Inltad 8hoa Marh.. 44
' '
Victoria ..
Winona ..
do pfd M
V. S. steel
do pfd ' 64
Bid. "Asked.
. I
. 44
Mew York Mlnlna Staeka.
NEW YORK, June H-The following are
ins cioaing pncee on mining a loc as l
Adama Cm 10 Llitls Chief
Alio 10 Ontario
Urvecs 14 lOphlr
Comatock Tunnel .... I Potoal
Con. Cal. A V4.....1W tavags
Horn Bllrer ........ 41 I'l.rra Nevada
Iron Stiver UO Small Hopaa ..
Lcedvltle Con 3 IdUuidard
1 '. . Porelin Plnanalall.
t" A tl T Q T.m. C tlA nM .V.. . r
w ...i.j .... a. . .... u.i UUUI 3Q
today were firm, an abundance of money
...pnlnln. m t .mr. V. In . M . . n . . U v.
....... . u JHI1U17IIVO 1. 1 1 1 yi ' i f 1 1
" " nuMwi iiii-iit,i , tiuseu a.1 vu.uo.
Ruaslana of 1904 were quoted at 601. Three
vrrr veni rvnien, vti ouo tor tne account.
.tixenange on ixmaon, xsr uc for checks.
RERUN, June ll Business on the
wuibu iuub vvaa lainrr uuil. DViatt IB
vorlte stocks developed strength. Bx
change on London, 10m 40pfg for checks.
Discount rates, short bills. 2 ser cent;
mrco xiioiiins uuis, s i-iamat, per cent.
Bank Clearings for the Week.
OMAHA, June 18. Comparative stato-
menr-oi oanx clearings lor the week:
i 1904. 1903
Monday $1,366,060.40 $1,841,176.80
rueeaay 1.430,098.68
Wednesday l.M.oSt 94 1,411,280.91
Thursday 1.367.167.38 -1.450.731.18
Friday ;. 1.27.0fl6.69 1.84I,070.8
eaturaay ....t ,i,isi,047.63 1,374.476.06
A decrease of $382,6.6.21 from the corre-
sponaing week last year.
' . -Imports aad Exports
NEW YORK, June 18. Export of specie
ftom New York for the week were $(130,833
gold and $11,600,000 silver. Imports of specie
curing tne ween were gota and ill,-
ova aurvr.
Wool Market.
BOSTON. June 17. WOOL Pulled end
territory wools are quiet. There le little In
terest in loreign grades. Leading quota
tions follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX
ana anove, Kxoato; A, amnc; no. 1, 8ac; No.
a, auuKxc; nne unwaaned, iUtQic; one-quarter,
three-eighths and one-half blood, un.
washed. 2ftii36o: flue unwashed - delnJne
$436c. Michigan, X and above, JtvaCTo;
No. 1, 29(8 3oc; No. 2, 2R'ti29o; fine unwaalied,
, 1 '.TlO ., . ...... . I. .. .
,u-w-v, ujic-iuaiiQi, nil co- vis 11 ma lanu une-
half blood unwashed, &STKc; fine unwashed
delaine. 8KB 32c. Kentucky, Indiana, oto.,
three-elghfhs and one-qunrtef blood, 26H
mo; Draiu, umtc, laano, nne. lu-tfiso; heavy
flne. l; line medium, 17l318c: medium.
lE-f.l4uM.lnM n.1li.n. 1M1A.. II.' .... . . I a '
t", '".. .I..IU1U..., xo.u.jmj, Tuiii.iis, line,
16H&16c; heavy fine. 14i&'15c ; fine medium,
16(517c: medium, l!ra20c; low medium, fc-fy
Aic; uiEtn aiiu nevauB, line, jo-a'ioc; nsavy
Ane, 13gi4c; flne medium. 10&l7o; medium,
lMfiOc: low medium. ltft21o: Dakota, fine.
ltnyjiec; flne medium, WdilWc; medium, 199
20c; new medium, Wi'Mc; Montana, fine,
ncoico, iswiic; nne average, lvwisc; nne
medium, oholco, lSUc; average, 1&&174;
staple, imXc; choice, l&iffla.
BT. LOUIS, June 18. WOOL-Steady;
medium gTaaea, commng ana clothing,
uwkc; ngnt nne, nxuisc; Heavy nne,
12(i,16c; tub washed, tK&aAtc. ,
tngrar and Halaaaea.
' K'JTW YORIC. June' lil)ITniRC.
firm l ' fair retlning,'' 3Hc ; centrifugal, ti
test, ati-tuc-, motusses sugar, iftc. rts
flned, steady; No. 6, 4 60c; No. 7, 4.4&c; No.
, 4.40C1 NO. , 4.3dc; MO. 10, 4.300; NO, . 11,
A, 1.Wli A.W. AO, VmIUW. ,0. V,
4.1oc; confectioners' A, 4.75c; mould A. 6.25o;
cutloaf, 6.60c; crushed, 6.60c; powdered, 6cl IbV. I IK.
MOLASSES j'ul; New Orleans open
kettle, aood to choice. 31fe27c. -
Strong; oben kettle, 243 3-18o; open ket
tle ceniruugai, iifloftc; centrirugal whites,
4'-;tf4c; yellowa, 3VtH6-19c; seconds, iS9
MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 10
25c; centrifugal, 10&16o. Syrup, nominal, W
Oils and Roaln.
NEW YORK. June 18. -OILS Cottonseed.
Quiet; prime crude nominal; yellow, 29taut
ivq. j-eiroieum, eaey; rennea iew lorn,
17.96; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.90;
uum, fo.w. a urpeniinv. uuil, oo(0oo.
ROSIN Eaay; atrulned common to good,
SAVANNAH, Ga., June U.-OILS-Tur-pentlne,
firm, 62c.
ROSIN-Bteady; A, B, C, $148: D, 12.70;
ti io: r , .'.oo; u, w.w: tl, ti.w; i, 13.30;
K, $3 40; if. $3.15; N, $3.86; W. Q.. $4.30
W. W.. $4 66.
OIL CITY. Pa . June 18 OIT J4 rMi
balance, $1.67; certificate, no bid; no runs
or anipmeuia reponeo.
Evaporated Apples aad Dried Fralra.
Ai'PIES The market shows no further
change Choice are quoted at 4ft6!o; prime
at 6145r; choice at 66c; fancy at 7c.
Show a somewhat bstter ton. allhenk
demand continue light. Price range from
Jfi3,o, according to grade. Aprlcota are
111 light eupply end firm. Choice are quoted
at 94&10c; extra choice. 10SttK)c; fancy.
afev. a-voLctice an iiiiuj cnuice quoiea
at Tc; extra choice, 738c; fancy, 9j
Dry Goods Market.
NEW YORK. June-18. DRY nnnno
Total Imnort of dry aooda and nr.i
merckandlaa at this port for the week end
Ins today were valued at $11,131,046.
The dry good market enda the week
Suletly, with buyer showing no particular
eslre to operate except In conservative
?uan titles for Immediate requirements. No
urtner revisions in prices have been re
ported and littls change la expected In the
Immediate future. P.. J m aa . v I. . ,
Steady, fair demand; extra western cream-
err, isc ; extra nearoy prima ira.
EGG f4 Steady, dull; fresh. nae.rbr. liUr
loss off; frah western. lSdjUWci fresh
southern. lSiffldc, loss off.
uriiti'.iBr-i'irm, iier aemsne: rew
orx, iuii cresms. inwiiai xo iancy, new.
I'StVkc; New York, full creams, fair tv
good, hew, ftfreVtc.
... - i-
I.ondea ttoek Barbaage. ,
IINDON June 18 The Stock exrhanv
Is closed today. Bar silver quiet at 26 9 lid
Mr ounoa. Money, 14I'1 per cent: !!.
Kiunt rata, abort bills, iva par c4uu-r Uttee
uoulua VuM, 4r cett ,
Bait CiU Hig'rl 8tady for tin Wtek
bat Otbdft Mooa Lowic.
hee Reeelpte very Light tee Week
and No Cbange la Market Taok
Place Western Oraeaera Rx
acted Tb'U - Conelntf "Week -
8dTTH OMAHA, June lWOOli
Recelpta were:, ;
Cattle. Uod.Vi4p.
Omclal . Monday " a,g,
.0 e,71 L3
M 13.46 A. Hi?
0 L'.ali' Jt
uncial i ucsday
Otilclai Wednesday .
Omcial Thursday 1.7V1 l,itr. !.'
Ofllcial Friday UieS ' 7,6w ' dud
OURial Saturday v....-.i. iSs l
OUtial Baturday(
total thla weekV.
Same craye iHSt werk . . . . , ,lo.6li te.fc'''i
Same days week hrYore.i6.0MI -,9S T.i
came tmee Weeke ago. ...14,641 tin.wi u.iu
name tour weeks ago ...'.16,191 72,4!) 14,7-'?
game days last year 29.hU 7o.a'i3
The following table ahow tile' receipt
of cuttle, hogs and sheep st South timuna
lor the ear to uste wltn comparison with
last year: lsei4. loos. inc. Dec.
Cattle 43i.?4 4U.647 28,673
Uogs 1,d7.01 1,160,049 100,97a .,
Sheep 639.0U2 &Jii.33 UulMI .,
Average prices paid iuC nogs at South
uitntna lor tna last aeveral day a wltn com
Date j 1304. l!W3.lO2.l0Ll9O.18a9.18tS
4 63 I 6 93i
4 4sH 4 07
4 44,i 6 9
4 641 6 H6
I ( 701 4 81
I 07f M 631
7 13 I 701
2 601 4
3 661 4 12
I 6 4 0J
4 U
June 4
June 6...
June ...
June 7...
June 8...
June 9...
.tune lo...
June 11...
June 13...
June 13...
June 14...
June 16..
June 18..
June 17...
June 18...
. . J ... I , !
I i s ill
7 20
6 16
7 181
1 M
1 3ol
1 791 4 9l
S Ti 4 94,
3 6S
I 4 63 6 77
I 6S 4 01
DA-, I
t 78
4 or
I 40) t 87
8 all J si
3 i-J 13 M
4 t 40
6 03
4 ttirk s SO
6 lot
4 It ,, t u-
6 8.1
6 91
6 8U,
6 86
I 61
4 1
I 00,
1 3 oe
7 33
7 3t
7 81
4 92i
4 M
I 571 i
I 441 t 71
4 81'
4 S
4 85
3 66 3
4 81
4 87;
6 86
4 S9
2 64t 2 77
i 01
7 4
6 88
I 88
1 6J, 3 90
4 91! i 941
7 21
6 03i
I 631 3 63
I 8 W
4 92i 6 97
Indicates Sunday. . at
The ofllcial nuinbei of cara of .-atock
Drought in today by each road waa:
M. at BU f. Ry 1
Wabash 1
Mo. Pao Ry 1 ..
L'nlon Paclile System 7
C. A N. W. Ry
F., K 4 M. V. R. R 19
C, Bt. P., M. O. Ry.... 7
R. & M. 'Ry 27
K. C. A St. J , 1
C. R. I. & P. Ry., east 1
C. R. I. A P. Ry., Wet 1
llllnola Central 4
Chicago Oroat Western 1
Total receipts 81 1
The disposition of the day's receipt was
Sa louowa, eacn buyer purcnasing tne num.
er of head Indicated:
Buyers Cattle Hogs. Sheep.
Omana Packing Co von
Bwlfe and Company I 1.3J0
Cudahy Packing Co l.M.
Armour A Co 1.99s
Bwlfe A Co., fromi K. C .. Hi
Klngan 191
Totals ; 2 6,335 149
CATTLE-'llje're were practically llo cat
tle on Bale thla morning with which to
make a test of the situation. For the
week receipts ahow a very slight decrease
aa comparea wiui last waeK, ana as com
tmred with the correaoondlnr week of lust
year there Is a decrease of about 16,000
head. In other words, the supply this
week has been less than half as large -us a
year ago.
Corn-fed steers have made up the big
bulk of the offerings and the quality has
been good, on the whole. In spite of that
fact and the moderate receipts, the ten
dency of prloee haa been downward, .owing
to a break In prices at other markets,
where the supply seemed to be in advance
of the demand. The choice grades of
steers, however, have shown very little
change for thn week and may be quoted
ateady to a sl)Ade lower. As compared
with, the high time the middle r.f this
week, though, even the choice cattle are
66 10c lower. The fair, to good Cattle have
suffered to quite an extent and are. 101J21-C
lower than the close of last week, while
common and warmed up cattle are a'
Quarter lower, and ' those showing' the
effects of grass are - In some caaiea evert
lower than that. All the packers, the same
as usual at this time 'of the year," are
afraid to take hold of the arrass cattle.
even though they can be bought at a low
figure. Good to choice corn-feds may be
Quoted from 36.90 to 68.26: fair to good
65.15 to $6.90. and common to fair, ?roin
$4.50 to UTOO. '
The cow market haa also - Bettered to
some extent. The same aa with steers, the
good to choice dry lot cows and heifers
are about utaady for the week, or possibly
lust a shade easier. By such klnd.i is
meant those thut sell from 84.60 to 35. Si.
and something fancy In the way of heifers
might bring $560. Fair to good dry lot
cows or such as sell from $4.00. to $4.66 are
a little lower, about ltowo. . (irasaers are
unevenly lower, the decline ranging from
2f.4r60c. and In extreme cases even more.
The hulk of the grans cows aro now sell
ing irom to 63. 30, witn gooa to 0 noire
from 88.40 to $4.00. It is no new experience
at this time of the year for packers to
aiscnminate- against grins stock, as it
very aeldom . kills out satisfactorily, and
consequently they buy it at a low figure.
It Is so hard to Judge the way they will
kill out that price are very uneven. Can
ners are also-lower for the week and sell
mostly from 32.00 to 32.76.
Good dry lot bulls have been In rood de.
mand all the week and -are fullv ateadv.
Buch kinds sell froai $4.00 to 4.6d, fair to
gooa kj.40 to h.u. -ine latter Kina are a
trifle lower for the week. Orass bulls aro
h round 60o lower for the .week . and. sell
lnra1tf -fmm t2 76 tA.. .13 VS ... a n.t. Hfilnirr,
grades from. $2.26 to $2.7a.', Vfeal halves have'
liui ruuwu iiiun iiiuugc,. uufi prra urir-i-n.
Ing from ts.00, to $6.60, Wltl-rcuaaoc0alonally
toj at.-3o.76. V ,'
Very few stockere and 'feeders'' have ar-
tlvcd this week land but very fewhitve
een wanted. eVarmsre seem tqehaee -been
tot. busy -with iheir crops to-spend time
buying stoj'k cattle. Anything chdlc'e Is
probably about steady for the Weekrbut
otner are aim ana lower, uooa to.piipio
fraaee aeu from to, iuir to ..gooa
torn $3.60 to $3.75 and common kinds from
$3.60 down.
Representative sales:
. AT. Pr, .fio. .At. lr.
.1110 I W 1 .1430 6 90
,.1179 I U 1 1106 3 14
.mi -l ti
1., 120 4 4 .
HOOS There was a moderate run fiere
today and salesmen tried to advance prices
a little ana tney succeeaea to eoine extent.
Packers, .though, were very much opposed
to pay more money for their droves and
would not do It except In caee of the choicer
trades. Such kinds could be quoted steady
o strong, but the. less desirable Hogs wore
no more than steady and not very active
at that. The hog kept, moving toward the
acalea, though, ao u . good clearance waa
made by the middle, of the forenoon. The
bulk of the hogs sold from $4.90 to $4.96,
with choice mostly from 84 94 to $5, with a
toD at IV oS. The light and common loads
sold from $4.87 down.
tor the wee receipts nave been about
normal. There la a alight Increase over
last week, but a small aeureaae a .cwni-
parod with the same week ot laat year.
The tendency of price ha been upward
and a net gain of about 103loe ia noted.
Since the fliat of the month price have
advanced about 40c per hundred and are
at the highest point since April. Aa com-
ared with a year ago tne market is about
l car hundred lower and about 12.30 tier
lain urea tower man two yeara ago. itepro
sentatlve aalea: '
At. Ik. rr.
,1M 100 4 711
.171 40 4 10
At. h- Pr.
,..111 10 4 Hf
...irr 144 4 4:4
...40 ... 4 lit
...L0 . 10 .4 It
14 ...
... 4 ai-
40 4 44
140 4 14
40 I 7
110 4 I7
...2Ua 10 4 n1
...til 40 '4 4IS
. .tul
. .147
71 ...
,.rri 44 4 4IS4
..140 ... 4 ii
. M 110 4 live
..III ... 4 IIV.
..141 44 4 KISS
.14 110 4 4114
..T ... 4 44
..16 44 4 44
..t4 80 4 44
..III ... .4 44
..led 84 4 M
4 44
4 40
4 44
4 4
4 44
II. i
it.... toe 4 to
..IU 1W 4 40
..iSI 140 4 40
.134 140 4 40
...IU IN 44..
.. 1-1 iu In .,
...14 840 4 44 44.,
...IK ... 4 40 II. i
at 4 M
14 J44
iai i
... 4 I
4 40
. JT
-.474 ...
,.bl 44
.104 1
4 40
4 44
44 ....iK
41, ..P, i4
13. ..J.14
4T.. ft
10 un
a jt
41. .244
4 44
4 44,
4 44 .
4 i4
4 I1
4 T',
.114 44
i.4 40
4 l!V4
,JU .,..,Ni
..11 4 4 !'
- 4 rm
piO I 40
ad.......l4 ; 4 1
J. .ill 44 4 H'i 41 2H
114 V.4 4 4444 ... an
ft 4 I 44
J4 lit IN
4 4441
40 4 l
44 I 414
40 i IA
144 '4 4i4
1 74 1-4 4 4 rf4 IT rrt 44 I e
71 HI ... 4 Ml 44. JT ... I 44
4 tl 4 4 41-, 41 "4 ... j4
H. .... ... 4 lt 44 tit ... 144
4M4 ... 4 4t4
SHEKP There tm only one ear of heep
reported thla morning and that waa con
signed direct to a local packer, so there
was ho test of the market. For the week
rctelpts have been very light for even thle
lime of the yonr. As compered with laat
wtek the eupply hna been little more thun
a third as Isrg and as compared with the
seme week pf laat year there la a decrcaati
of about 2,07)0 head:
Owing to this extremely light run there
is very liltle to be snicf of the market.
Everything that had any kill to it wns
picked up in a hurry at steady to strong
prices, as . there was nothing like enough
stuff in slant 'to supply puckers' more ur
gent .requirements.
' t'orfmiisslon men Are looking forward to
next week bringing oulte an Increnjie In re
celpts. Several shipments of range sheep
nre reported on the way nnd It in claimed
thut they will arrive, in good conditio.
Quotations on clipped atock! Oood ta
choice lamba, Hfii.M: fair to good I am ha,
I6.5ci.i6 00; good to choice wooled lamb.
lG 604 7; fair to good wooled lamb. k0"
4.60: good to choice yearlings or wether4,
!o-Q0ii.!n; fslr to good yearlings or wethers,
4-76.'i; loo; good to choice ewra, $4 24j4.4,
Mr Jo food ewe,. $4.0041 4.26.
Cattle lloW,. Hoga. thep and Lamba
Steady and tterelpte Goad.
CHICAGO, Jifn 18. CATTLE Recelpta
I. stio head. Market Blow; good to prime
steers, l&.T&fy 6.60; poor to tne. Hum, 4.6'tf
5 601 stockeia and feeder. $2. 754 4 71; cows,
i2.0094.6tl; heifers. I2.0otu4.76; canncrs. 2.00i
i 40 bulla, 4J.0O&4.60; on Ives. $2 60d6 6o;
Texas fed steer. Jl.tel56.i5; gra.'sers, $2.10
63 36.
HOGS Receipts. I.OhO head; estimated
Monday, 80,000 hend. Market steady; mixed
and butchers', $4. Wa 5.20; good to choice
heavy, $5Hfi6.t2: rough heavy. I4.85'd6.10;
light. $4 .866.15: bulk of sales, $o.oVq6.15.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.000
head. Market steady; lambs, stesdy; good
to choice wethers,vj4.75(fc6 26; western Bhcep,
I4.6oifi6.00; native lambs, $6.00f5.60: western
lambs, tti.0fra7.00; spring lambs, I5.0oiii.ho.
Kansas City live Staek Market.
ceipts, 400 head, Including 100 southerns.
Market steadv; choice export and dreaseal
beef steers, $5.753t.40; fair to good. 34 25W
5.60; western fed steers. $4.26(i!.00; stockers
and feeders. $3.00414.70; southern steers, 13.00
j5.60; southern cows, li'.rtvtM.OO; native
fowl, I2.00t)i4.26; native heifers. 13.00-u6.40;
bulls. $2.6op4.t6: calves, $2.6ttb4.60.
HOOS Receipts, 8.200 heed. Market wsa
SteAdy; top. $5.02; bulk of sales. $4,&$!C0;
heHvy. M.iHS n-ti; packers, $4.861i6.O0; pigs
and' lights, It S-ai lS.
SHEEP AND LAMRS-Recelpts. 600
head. Native lambs. $5.0nff8.78: western
lambs. $5.0OH.76; feeders. $4.26-116.16; Texas
clipped yearlings, H.60trjS,35; Texas ollpped
sheep, J3.40C84.tD; stockers and feeders, $3 00
4j4 00. '
Recelpta for the week: Cattle, 17.000 head;
bogs, 49,400 head; aheep, $0,000 head.
St. Loals Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. June ll.-CATTLE Receipts,
5,000 head. Markot steady; native' shlppln
and exports, $6.86tT6.65; dressed beef and
butchers', $4.90$6.90; steers under l.OuO lbs.,
$4.004.05; stockers and feeders, $3,269-4.60;
cows and heifers. $2.26424.26; canner. $1.60
42.60; bulls, $2.7Mf4.00; ciltM. 4.005.60;
Texas and Indian steers, $3.00$6.$0; cowg
and heifers, $t.7M2S.76.
, HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head. Market about
steady; pigs ana lights, $4.I52f4.VO: packers
$4.x2i6.00; outchera' tuid best heavy, $4.9.4f
6.16. . -
head. Market steady to Btrong; native mut
ton. $3.ft074.75; lambs. I6 0O4iTF0; cull and
bucks. $2.26f00; stockers, J2.2M3.25; Trx
ans, $3.0!S4.78,
Xew VVk Mve Stock Market.
celpts i 16 head; nothing doing; feeling
steady; dreaded beef, steady at 810c; ex-
rorts, 7,102 head cattle. 600 head of sheep
nd 6,640 quarters of beef; calves receipts,
none; no trading; fc-ellnff about steady;
city -dressed veals, slow at SifQHc.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,884
head; market slow; sheen, about steady;
food to oholce lambs, fee to 30a lower;
en cars unsold; sheep sold at I3.0oty5.00;
cull. $2.50; common to choice lamba, $6.00
67.80; dressed muttons, slow at 71J'J14o per
pound; dressed lambs, weak at 104714c.
HOGS Receipts, 2,342 head; market
Stonx City Live Stoek Market.
SIOUX CITY, June 18. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE--Rerp!pts, 100 head; mar
ket, 60 higher; beeves, l4.6Oftu.00; . cows,
bull and mixed, $3.0016.00; stockers and
feeder, 13.004(4.00; yearlings and calves, $3.00
HOGS Recejpt,- 1500 head: market, 60
Jilgher; selling at $4.6&tg5.00; bulk of sales,
4.86-84.90. . ,
St. Joseph Live Stock Market,
ST. JOSEPH; ' June 18. CATTLE Re
ceipts' 146 hend. Market steady.
HOGS-Recelpts. 8.492 head. Market was
steady; light. 34.864.97; medium and
heavy. f4.f2H-!7S.o5. ra
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts, 10 head.
Market firm; wethers, $0.40.
Stock, In Sight.
Following are the recelpta of live stock
for the aix principal western cltlea yester
day: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 34 6.329 549
Chicago 1,800
Kansas 'City 409
St. Louis 6,000
3 tM
St. Joseph 146 I 402
Bloux City 100 3.600
. .7.480 27,621 I.9j9
Condition of Trade and Quotations on
Staple and Faaey Prod ace.
EGGS Recelpta, liberal; market, ateady
fresh atock, 14o.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. 8-4o: rooster
accordlug to alae, b436c; turkya, 13c; ducks,
a9c; gfcese, 6o; broilers, 17i&'20c.
ts utter Packing atook, Uo; choice to
iancy dairy, lataiftc; separator, 17e.
FRESH FISli Trout. 10c: Pickerel. He
Pike. 10c 1 DerCh. 7c: bluaflah. lie: whlteflsh
,l4c salmon,. ,14c; redsnapper, Uc; lobster
arctvu, tap; ,;oueior, oouea,. sue; bunnends
Ut; .oavtOsh, ,c; blftck baes, 20c; halibut,
10c; crappies, Uc; roe shad, $1.00; buffalo,
$c; whltej bftaf. Ho; frog Jegs, -per dog., 30c.
BRAN Per ton. 319 do.
'HAY Price quoted by Omaha Wholesale
lWMers aasoetatian: t'holoe No. 1 upland,
$S-00! No. X. (7.60: medium. 17.00: ivaaraw. M IA
Rye straw, Ji.60t These price are for hav
of. griod color- and quality. Demand fair
ana receipta light,
ORANGES Navels, chbloe, large else,
$3.00; fancy navels, all slses. $8.50; Mediter
ranean sweets, chnlcte, all slses, $3.0003.26;
luff,. .11 -I . m ?rv4 l.l
LEMONS California fancy, 270-300-S60.
4-t"tf.aD; crio'ces, xl-dP3 . t a.
California figs Per lo-ib. carton,
uc; importeo ctmyrna, s-crown, Uc; I
crown, 14c; 7 -crown, 16c.
BANANAS Per medlura-alaed bunch.
mv.pvj jumuu, ea.fO.B.
DATfA Peralan. ner rw, i,r an r,u.
33.00: m eo-iu uoxea, 60 per lb.: Oriental
gtutred. per box, 12.40.
PlNEAfPLLB In crates of 24 to 42, per
Vsa(BJa ai.4a4
STRAWBCRttlEB-Miasourl, jer St-ouart
ai.w-i.TO, ti rs'Jii nooa n vers, xi.oo.
mlACKBERRISB-Arkaiiaaa, per 24 qts.,
CHERRIES California au kn. 41 tsn
, V..wW
upOBEBERRirn-26-ql. case, $1.60.
Pb.ACHE Texaa, per 4-baaket crate,
CANTELOITPR T... v.r r.. t uvn
" -
WATERMELONSPer lb., crated. l4e;
POTATOES Colorado, $1.20; Dakota, par
hit 41 Oil. k.' - n . . . 0 .... -. v. . .. .
y aw.
NAVY llEANS-Per bui. llALdll n
ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate, $3.00:
Louisiana, In sacka, per lb., $c.
CABBAGE 4'allfornla, per lb., 2(324o.
Lauuiwnbir-rtr aoa, tvcvll.ui'
CUCUMBERS Per dog., 60c.
TOMATOES Texas. 4-b4kt orate. $1.26.
RADISHES Per dot. bunches, c.
LETTUCh-Top lettuce, per dog., lOo.
TURNIPS Southern, per dog, 460.
BKKTa-Southern, per doa, 46c.
CAB ROTS Southern, per dog., 76c.
PA RflLEY Per do., ilc.
BEANS Wax, per bu. box. K 60: tier
-bu. baaket, $1.00. String, per bu. box.
iluo; per -bu. box, 66c. '
SPINACH I"er bu., home grown, 85Q40O.
ASPArtAOl'S-Per dox. bunches, 40c.
URL1CN P.PPKRS-pr - baaket crate,
ByuABH-Florida aummer, per doi., 76c.
t'EA-Per bu. box, $l.0t.
CHFE8E Wlacdnaln twine full araim
.v. n lawiiaiii avung jaznanca, ue mooa
Swiss. 16c: Vtlacoualu brlok. 13c: U'la.u.n.
Sin Umberftar. 130,
fiar-l.E t UU a K Qblo, per lb., 10c.
IIDESNo. 1 green, 60; No. I groan, $c;
No. 1 Salted. 7c, No. I ltd, to; No. 1
veal cult. $ to 13 Iba , Vc; No. I veal calf,
U to II Iba . 6c: dry aalted. 8dl2c: aheeD
pelta, mu'l'c; iiorgahidea, $1 60tvi2 60.
NlITB-Walnul. No. 1 soft ahall. par lb.,
16c; htrd hrll. per lb., 14c: No. 1 soft hll,
per U., 13c; No. I hard hU, per lb.. 12c;
pecan, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb..
10c; jjeanuis, per id, ac; rosstea peanuts,
per lb. It; Chill walnuts. 12tul3c: large
LiCk6iy natal,' pet 'lb., 11c; almonds, soft
aheli per Hv, IV; hard Vben, IScj ahell
barka, par bu. aUoaY; black Walonta. Jr bik '
Metal Market.
marketa were generally dull and feature
less, with tin heavy In the ahstnee of
demand from consumers. Thre Is a fslr
Inquiry for lead and spelter and the tune
of these markets la stesdy. Copper, qtilet;
leke, $12 24&12 75; electrolytic, $12 HX0 12 -';
casting, Il liVtf lilV Tin, 26.7ilT- .
Led. $.u-4.3ii. Spelter. 34.754 87. Iron,
nominally unchanged; warrnt 0.
ST. lAllMS. June lS.-METAI-1-aad. un
changed at 1110; spelter, unchanged at
Cosfee Market.
market for future opened ateady. Sale
were reported of I9i baga. Inoludlng
Julv at 06c; September l6fl30c: No
vember, 6c; December, 4.46-0t6vlc; March,
4 86ti90c; May. I9.i7c.
Other t'ltanfrtes Say Protnlnent Gen
eral Are Kat Itasslaaa' '
and Jap.
(Copyright. 1904, by Press Publishing -Oo.)
PARIS, June It-CNew York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram ) Nearly All
European writers, are making persistent
efforts to rob the Japanese general of
their hard earned laurels by publishing
all aorta of unfounded statement concern
ing them and their origin. None of these
writer aeem willing to give the Japanese
any credit for their aggressive campaign
agalnat the Russians. '
The latest efTort of these writers ap
plies to General Kurokl. They have cir
culated the report that he Is not a Japanese
at all by blood, but that he la the natural
son of a Frenchman named Currlque. They
aay further that all hla military genius Is
due to his French blood. - -
One writer cays General Stoeesel, the
Russian defender ot Port Arthur, Is of
Swiss parentage and that the Russian
general, Rennenkampf, Is a German.
One need not be surprised If the Bel
gians lay claim to Qeneral Oku.
Man Wbt Canaht Tom Horn After As
sailant nf Lincoln Morrison. ' '
CASPER, Wyo, June 18. (Speolal.) Joe
LaFors, the celebrated deteotlv who
trapped Tom Horn, passed through here
yesterday enroute to the Lost Cabin coun
try, where ho will attempt .to run down
thn men who shot Lincoln Morrison, the
Cnnper sheepman who, while seated on
the tongue of hla aheep, wagon watting
for hla companions to prepare their bed,
waa wounded by an oasassln hidden be- J
hind a chimp of bushes on the opposite
side of tb guloh. The shooting oocurred
northwest of Lost Cabin
Numerous conflicting reports regarding
tb shooting ara In circulation. One re
port I lo the effect that young Morrison
shot himself, and that he admitted this
a few hours after he was wounded. It Is
now said that thla report was started by
the cattlemen who engaged the aeaaasln
to murder. Morrison.
Bhertff Webb, has returned to Caspar and
aaya ha found the tracka of the man' who
did the shooting, and of the Borne on
which ' ha made hla escape. The atari il
followed the trnll for a considerable dis
tance, but lost It again. There la no doubt
In the mind of the officer that the shoot
ing of Morrison was done by persona who
wished to got htm out of the way.
Word from Thermopolla states that Mor
rison la recovering rapidly from the afreets
of hla wound, which, at tha time of tha
hooting, was believed to be fatal. .'Mrs.
L, L. Moore, mother of the wounded young
man, haa not withdrawn the .offer of re- .
wards aggregating fl.OOO for the body of v
tha would-be murderer dead or alive.
Huron Colleare Commeneement.
HURON, S. D June 18. (Special.) Com
mencement 'exercises for -Huron college
cloaed Thursday evening with an able ad
dress by Rev. George N. Lurcock, D.' t)
ot Oak Park, III., after which diplomas
were conferred. Twenty-slk person re
ceived diplomas. Ot theae thirteen were
from the normal department and the re
mainder being from the buslneaa depart
ment, five of whom aro from the short
hand and! eight from the commercial de
partments. A declamatory contest for the
Thomas Moynard prlxe took place Monday
evening, Mis Ethel Andrew winning flrt
and Miss Hortenso F. Crnssmun second.
Soven young ladles competed for the prise.
17. Farnam Smith
& Co.
1320 Farnam St, Jcl. 106
. v We buy '.and sell.Soutti '
OmahaUnto'ii Stock
Yards Stock.'
Ttie' Merchants
National Bank,
of Omthi, Nob.'
U. 1. eyeattwt'
Capital sod Surplus, $400,000
eU SUtm, rra. MM- B. tyoot, . tm.
UrriMMAKB.Ulkiar. run 1. lAsiiLTorii Aisi C ,
aei4ve aaeaajat s4 taaka. ssem 4ee.e
atlaas, Srsa aa teeavMaals a taiao M
tanas. ...
forelsa kcohMsa heustit an sal.
Letter, mt Crelll isaaa. valtoMe la all
fuu at Iks wee-k. ,
,wn amiu an linav rjnirwi aa
fllaetlane aaaAa freaaptlf a4
We raiaial aeeveaMaaaaa
$60 Buys MOO Shares
of Sunset GolJ Stock
Tou mar get a life Itioome by Investing lu
Sunsot ut 6: per sluvre, par ralue ILoOi
2 Oreat Oold MtUa producing gold daily.
10 Oold Mine to supply them. ItfltveiaL
pictures, free, , '
tssKT: fot4-. toaPiir, ,
lauurford F. Hutler, Secretary,
Fifth Floor, Mack block. Denver, S4o.
Updike Commission Co.
Bustnase handled promptly to all mark
Offlc. 661 See Building,
Telephone SiteV
Tea tree trip to Ui World's Fair. 0)
coupon on p( two.
Oold Field, ahowtng B1g Crv4v Johnana
Crk or Tellow Pine a ud irhunde' Mouor
taln Districts; also lucatUin ef S'ata waguax
road and all the leading mining cntcpsnTaa,
Mauled free to all to terra ted. Addreaa
81'WK'I AlFllCAN' 8,1 1'.li A NOIL., LA
liroadway, New Yurk.
$10 per trrorrth fmr 70 months win ytald $104
per year for lifetime. WrlLa tuday fus ln
furma lion Tropical Fruita ,
oTESLiin sKccau'ngis iroitF-asr,
Exchange Building. aTHassiL. Ouaa.