THE OMAT?A f)AILY PEE: RATtTTIDAY. JUNE IP, 1904. SPECIAL NOTICES . Advertisements lor ' tkeee ! rill fee- taltea til IX a, lor the eeealaer edltlea mm aatll 8 p. as. get 4b Moralni aad gandar edltlaa. RalM, 1 1-te a nnrl llret laaeMton. I a word thereafter. RethlaaT takes for lees than 20 for (he flrat laaee. (lea. Theee adrertlsenaeat s asast e ran coaseeatlvely. Advertisers, by reqaestla m Seres rheclc. eaa siave aaawera dreeeed to a a a sabered latter la aar f Tha Raa. Answers aa adSreaeed wfll ba delivered oa vraaaatatlon at MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Life B!dr, Omaha. Business Shorthand, Touch Type- writing, English. Mail lessons in al branches. Catalogue free. B 221 CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. Phllbin 160e t ai nam aud up p. Union nation, 'lata, la aud 16e. R 1 TRY KELLT g TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. 8539. R 224 nOf I ) SILVER, NICKEL Plating. WWLWi-uuia Co.. laua luiuiv. 'lal, Om. R 224 CITY BA VINOS BANK pay 4 par cant. R-3iS EAGLE Loan Office; rallabla, acoommodat Ins; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 1621 N. 18. Tel. int. a-aa EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. moving snd storage. 214 ti. 14th. Tel. UN. H 232 PUBLICITY DESIGNS - WHEATON. In the Bee Bids. R SKIN pain tins. 8. H. Cola, 1102 Douglas. H SPECTACLES. O; examination free; 10 days only. U. 8. Opticians, 808 N. 16th. R !37 STANDARD Filters Huber. Tel. KM. 1801 F arnam. R 651 J22x PERFIELD Piano Co., Be Bids.: no In terest; honest values; easy tarma. Tel. 70L ( B 228 H. W. M'VEA, Plumber. 1124 N. 18th. Tel. 1747. R-MQ pACTP w want avary paperhsnger In f0 1 Li Omaha to Know our "Snow Flake" paste; guaranteed strictly flrit claaa. Factory in charge of tha man who made Lincoln paata famous. INEBR. STEAM PASTE CO., Thona 1760. SOC N. 18th. R 425 BICYCLES! BICYCLES! OMAHA BICYCLE; CO., 16th and Chicago. BARGAINS Uncalled for aulta and correct trouaera, 1617 Farnam, upatalra, room t, Aak (or Forman. vR M384 I I'M IPC Stammering- and Stuttering. IwUIxC J. Vaughn. Ramge bid.. Omiht R M392 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 111 8. 11TH. 'PHONE 164. Why carry your soiled linen? Our w a gone call and deliver asms. BUla collected monthly. R 222 J2 SHETLANDS FINE black pony, aafe (or children: pony trap, almost raw. 42d and Center. Phone Ash, 17,042. R-M381 19x . BUSINESS CHANCES ABBOTT-COWAN Co., 1st Nat. Bk. Bldg. can set you In or out of business. Y-44S SHOLE8-ARMSTRONO CO. T23 N. Y. Lit. Tel. 48. . Y 244 WHEN you want to buy, aail or exchange your property or business quick, aee J. H. Johnson, 641 N. Y. Life. Phone LZgTO. CMflVP PRIXB OF HASTINGS to cl t?mVjrU gar. CuehliigftGauvreau.qlstb. Y-M333 Jyl I WOULD Ilka to correspond with a few responsible men who can Invest $600 or more In an honorable and highly profita ble enterprise. Don't waste lime writing v unleea prepared to invest at leaat $500 If found aatlafaotory. L. B. Kuhn, Molina, 111. Y-M102 Us FOR BALE Book and stationery business, involo about $U00; beat paying business in Black Hills; reaaon for selling, change In business. Address J. F. Carwil, pead wood, it. D. Y-M297 Jy It FOR SALE Telephone Una (oloa corpora tion) ownlns and operating sixty-one miles, supplied with guaranteed toll 'phonea now earning over 11 per oent an nually on selling price of property, Thle can b doubled by adding new 'phonea ap plied for. Splendid opportunity, gtlt- Sdged investment, growing country. M. . Oreevy, ea bids., Omaha. . Y ICS . PRUO stock for aala: one ef the best bav ins dru atorea In weatern Iowa: aaah sales last year. 112.000. without a Dermic r or run particuiurs aaareaa r, u, nox ui, umana, rweo. i-mjw m TOR SALE Book and stationery business, Invoice about $3,00; best paying business in Black Hills; reaaon (or selling? change in buainaaa; Address J. F. Car wile Dead wood, 8. D. Y-M2W7 Jyl4 UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. $M0 a month easily made to take up tha freateat paying proposition In tha ooun ry; experience not necessary; -aome. thing new, legttlmata, clean; no gam . bllng. mining, patent stock-or long-drawn-out affair; no canvasnlng; personal Inter view only granted. Don't call unless you have $luu to Invest. See J. H. Coloney, Merchants hotel. Y M348 lis FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS HORSES for sale: Id-hand harness and ve hicles eheap. Moloulor's Utiles, 601 at. 18th P-278 A NEW runabout top bussy t Uade for driving horse. Cl N. Uth. P Sit VETERINARY DENTIST J. W. Boquet, alt S. 14th. ... F-M701 J2 Dr. W. C. Langdon. VETERINARY HOS P1TAU oontmouloua, up-to-date. Mil N.ll, P WW JaCU if A M rmade Runabouts, Phaetons, etc., al UN Uat LOW EST poealbla prices. Also painting, trimming, repairing and rubber tires. Wat. PFlFFEH (phone 11741), I'JJ Leavenworth. All work OUAHAN1EED. THE FROST BAND, or tlrea. on wagon wheels stlok. 14th and Leavenworth. P 71 HAMBLETONIAN STALLION BANNOCKBURN. Standi 164 hands high. Weighs over 1.100 Iba. PED1UREB a red by a grandson: first duni m srunddaughter of Hainble tonlan loth. I will race him against an stallion in Nebraeka, wagon and drivel weighing no less than 1U Iba. BANNOCK BURN Is tba surest breeiier I ever saw. He will stand (or stock at 4U21 N, ltith Bt. and R. R. tracks, Omaha, A. THOMF. BEN. P-M'.4 BLUE-GRASS pasture (or horwea and cat tie; good witter. Harry F. Clarke, Belle vue, South Omaha. 'Phone lied -662. P-3c 11 LARGE frame barn tor rent. 12 8. lth. P-UM2 19 FOR SALE cheap, horse and buggy; leav ing city. Apply 4124 Nicholas hi P-MJ72 llx WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD, the ANT1Q PARIAN, Id N. Y. Lite, paya blgtiiai price (or buoka. lei N SEX be OND-H AND rubber t'red buggy; must i mnii . ..nilii inn: I"N) dawn, balance In pitying mining stock. Addrexs K 43, bee Oftice. N-MJ24 19s FIVE TO TEN aoree o( orchartl land with in 10 nilla of Omnhu. Addrcaa, stating price and particulars, G 1), 1 (Thee. - N-M'iH 2!s WANTED At once, s gnod second-hand E bas, silver-plated; "phone or addrnaa F, U. Yaaael. aladlaon, NeU i MJ6i 1$ WANTED MALE HELP A TEN WEEKS' SUMMER SCHOOL st the OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th and Douglas, optns Monday morning, June 20. Publio school children and those desiring s busi ness course. Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy or Penmanship, should Send for puxtiuulsra at once. AUUHiuttH KoHlUtOUQU BROS. at aa! WANiED FOR U. S. ARM Y Able-bodied uuiuai nea men peiweeu ages ef II and Jo, Viuaens of bmlea btaies, oi guo4 Cnuiacicr unu tempeiatc tiauus, Wuo can speak, .tin and write ,uliau. or in lurniallon appiy to KecruiUi.g uilicei, Ula sua tougias ouk, Omaita, or iincolu, Neb. at Atiai WANTED Wason teams to haul dirt from grades at 26th and Poppleton Ave. Inquire on work. D. M. Owen CO. b M274 WANTED, two carpenters; 26c an hour; ateady work. Aduress Joa. Snlasinger', cou tractor, Yutan. Nsb, B Miwe $70 permanent salary with commission for energetic people; special, desirable work; state age. Southern Guaranty Investment Co., Sioux City, la. B M2e2 Ux WANTED 26 men to work on brick yard and tenders on brlrk buildings. Deshler Brick Yard Co., Daahler, Neb. B 11228 TWO heat appearing young salesmen for tobacco concern; $16 s wees and all ex penses. An experienced office clerk. An insurance agent on salary and com misHlon. An experienced bookkeeper. A salesman for wholtawe grocery com pany. A drug salesman. Western Kef. & Bond Assn., 140-841 N. Y. Life. B-S68 17 miTIITU (Iff T T , V Wanted, sports and amusements for same. yuu rrna oporung .committee, nerman, Neb. B M310 1 RELIABLE, energetic msn for general agent to sell our new accident and sick nras insurance. You can easily make from $160 to $JU0 per month. Writs home office Wankers Accident Insurance com pany. Dee Aloinea, la. B M337 21 WANTED Competent night miller, imme diately ; goou wages ana eieauy position to good mant no booxer wanted; give references. Fairbury Roller Mills, Fair bury, Neb. B MS47 Ux WANTED An experienced delivery msn for a grocery concern, - ana s grocery clerk st once. Western Ref. 4t Bond Assn., 610-841 N. Y. Life. B 8617 WANTED Everywhere, hustlers to tsck ' signs, aistriDute circulars, sarapien, etc; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Advertis ing Bureau, Chicago. B M27t 18x WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; to aistnoute circulars, aav. matter, tacit signs, etc: no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. B M377 12x ARB YOU SATISFIED With your present position or salary? If not, write us for plan and booklet. Ws have openings for managers, secretaries, advertising men and talesmen; also tech nical, clerical and executive men of all kinds, high grade exclusively. Offices In twelve different cities. HAPGOODS (In corporated), tit Chemical bldg., St. Louis BROKTCRS wanted to sell tressury stock for further development in legitimate gold mining property; liberal commissions to right parties; references required. Ad drees W, P. O. Box $07, Missoula, Mont. B M376 24x WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS. Canadian offlos, 16th and Dodge, C AIM O. K. American, German employment efflce: oldest, most reliable in umana. 1624 Dodge. C 177 J20S WANTED Girl for general housework. mis jaaaiaon ave. w outs WANTED Experienced second girl; refer ence required. Mrs J, 1 Kountse. zt South 89th street C M7U WANTED At once, middle-aged woman se cook ana housekeeper: imaii family. zi 8. 88th Ave. ' C-KM WANTED Girl for general housework; no . washing, tut wortnington Place. u sa i a WANTED, s competent laundress on Mon day ana rueeaay eacn wees to wash and iron in private family. Apply st 1814 8. 82d ave. GM3tf 1 , WANTED Girl for general housework. w mo. zin ave. c ao ux WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED) Sewing In families. N 64, Bee omee. a aso xux SITUATION wanted by s printer; sober: willing to worn; soutneasiern jNeoraaka preferrjd. . P. O: Box 673, Auburn, Neb. AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents in every county to solicit subscriptions to Trliu TWENTIETH CENTURY e'AKMEU; stead yemployment with sesured good In come; agents in the country wltn horse and buggy especially desired! Canvassers make easily (oO to (100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building. Omaha. J 214 WhAlAColo Portrait to Agenta, best sf YVllUlCdalC work sruaranUad. at mlcsa to suit. GEO. HOLMES. 218 North lth. J-M268 20 WANTED Hustling agent In every town to ecu our paiemea ciomeeiine stretoner. Address, with stamp, Mouser Madgett, Hastings, Nob, J Mill BOOKMEN I have s proposition and ter ritory which is particularly adapted for summer work, if intereatea write stat ing experlonce and records.- W. F. Hal lam, Jenifer Building, Washington. D. C. J-MSaO 18x LOST LOBT Gold watch fob and blue enameled frat, cln on black silk ribbon, st Audi torium or on Farnam car Thursday night. Return to U. S. Nat l bank. Lost 31 17s LOST Party who picked up Waterman ruumain pen ai umana commercial bans Tuesday forenoon will please return to Bee office. Lost 122 LOST At Missouri Valley, gold hunting- case watcn, vvaitnam movement, lib eral reward If returned to Ralph Peters, 1113 So. tad at. Lost 362 17 LOST Psokoge of muaic; reward. E. M, jonen, s Hamilton. txjai mj,4 is PRINTING PRlNTINCi ' 1 UlgU Grade Work. 1 viipc 1 a n f CrotuT-e block, corner of LYNUo I AU 16th at. and Capitol Ave. KRAMER A CHANDLER, QUICK PRINT ERS litis arnam. 10 aeuver woi wnen promised is our hobby. M24 Printinrr Job printing. Ileet work in city, rnilling ouarauued. liiUCnpltol Ave. -441 J. M. 8IRPLES8, reliable printer, estab lished 12 years, tuf So. 11th St., Omaha. M2iJ)14 WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED r.ouee or Hat, family of three adulta, until September 1. Auureaa, wits full parUcu.ara. L ei. Um At MX THEATRICAL roui'le, no children, want suite or o ini shea rooms wittun to oio as ( business center. Addreas K 12, lies Offiee. K M22 lux LADY In government employ wanta an airy, cool room, witn or wunout uoara, in private (ainllv having no small children. Addreas. Hating price and references. Q 43. Re Office. K-MM0 21x LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED P. MEI.CHIOR, machine works Uth and noaara. at svajyiv B. E LAWRENCE, 17(4 Lvenwnrth; 'ohone Lloil A4-oJ)l Bee Want Ads bring best returns That's why The Bee prints the most paid want ads. . Put your ad in Sundays Bee and get a BOOK FREE. Your choice of 20 titles. FOft RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, lath Chicago. E fua DKWEY, European hotel, lllh snd Farnam. E 2S $1. PER WEEK, Doran house. 422 S. 19th. E 270 VIENNA HOTEL, lull Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cats, private dining r.; open nights E 2(1 NICE furnished rooms, Ird floor. 1420 Dodge. E 2,i THE FARNAM, Uth snd Farnam Sts. E 271 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN ine t. hat nam; luxuriously turnished rooais and smoking parlors; appointments hrst class. U0 S. Uth St., opposite Millard hotel. E 2,4 TWO nice cool rooms; modern; very res. vonauia. iuq in. lila, ts ia TWO south frjnt modern, reasonable; uoaru optional. rnone A2m. x taas. E 14 JylO FOR THE SUMMER Elegantly furnished iiuuneaeeping rooms, mooern, tnciuaing 'phone. 414 Georgia Ave. E J17 LARGE front room: light housekeeping iienniiiau, unu caiiiornia. Hi nsa ix 1 LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms; mod ern, f hone. 41a N. 20th. E M330 19 PLEASANT front room; modern. 'Phone amy, iui uougias E M3ia 1 NICELY frnlshed front rooms; modern; pnone. us 0 Zia. E A1J67 24 NICELY furnished front room; modern; Bui. uuuaeaeejjing n aesirea. znis ou Mary's. E M364 1 SOUTH front room. Bl7. E M365 24 NICELY furnished south room; 'phone. NEWLY furnished cool rooms; east front; vuaiuff uistance; see loem. bie a. mi. E M381 24x LARGE furnished room; modern. 'Phone u io. win.. u M368 xx CENTER HOTEL. 60o, 76c, $1. 210 N 17th. FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Furnished, cool, outside rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel, leih snd Chicago. F 27a THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge, 'phone 6; nice, light, airy rooms; ensuites and ingle rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en tlre lengthy of building. YH4 BOARD ft room, $4; meals, 16o. 1612 Dodge. F-2J7 O. M. K. TEL. 611. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. F M3l Jell FURNISHED rooms snd board, $4. 260$ St Mary's Ave. F-M430 Je20 NICELY FURNIBHED rooma and board, i strictly modern, rates reasonable. 1617 ' Cass. F-M680 J21 NICE, clean room on bath room floor, first clnss board and accommodations. 232 Harney. F-7M FURNISHED rooms snd board. 706 8. 18th. F M8U7 lHx UTOPIA Desirable rooms snd board. 1721 Davenport F M8B3 Jy LARGE front rtom. 'Phone B 22f5, 1S12 Chlcsgo. . F M328 x , LARGE south front room; board. 'Phons A 1804, 2418 Cass. F-M131 21x SUITE of desirable modern furnished rooma with first class private board, In large modern residence in Kountze Place; paved street; 16 minutes ride from post Office, fine lawn, shade, private entrance, telephone: will rent unfurnished If de eired. ttll Wirt st 'Phone 3975. F M124 19 FURNIBHED front rooms; roard; new management. 1811 Dodge. F M326 II FURNISHED front room: board, light housekeeping permitted. 613 N 2ifh. F M362 19x SINGLE room snd board; 'phone F32I1, ro7 Farnam. F M363 20 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THREE very desirable rooms for light housekeeping. Tel. Ws. 821 N. 23d. ' ti M874 F5UR unfurnished rooms; private house: modern, light housekeeping allowed. 2408 n vitTT la FOUR unfurnished rooms; private hall; modern; light housekeeping. 24f Case. O M369 19 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1U9 Farnam U Ju6 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman ft McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Q 264 FOR SALE Several scholarships in s tlrst-claas standard school in Omaha, comprising complete course In business, shorthand snd typewriting. Inquire at ee i-iuuw. FOR SALE Will sell at a dlsoount a schol. arshlp in one of the best Omaha business colleges Address F 16. Bee, Q Maul TELEPHONE poles; long nr timbers; cheap chicken fence. 801 Douglas Q M257 HOO, Poultry, Lawn, Farm and Railroad Wire Fence. Wire Works, 611 S. 16th St Tel. 150. ,. Q-M2i Jy8 2D-HAND safe. Swans, Hatter. 114 8. lath. Q 26V Y WE RENT ewlng machines, 76c week. We repair and sell parts for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machines from $6.00 to $10.00. ' Nebraska Cycle Co., 'Phone 1661. corner 1Mb and Harney. . W 2oJ ' MY diamond ring, cheap; In pawn at Dia mond Loan Omce, 14ol Douglaa; they'll show you. " Q 2ti3 FOR SALE New and second. hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon, Uaum iron Co., Unuliu. Q 204 SODA fountain. Richmond, Derlght Co., 13u3 Farnam. W 727 Je2l FOR BALE Solid oak snd mahogany top bank or cashier's fixture. In good condi tion, at a bargain. Address C. C. Rose water, room iM), Bee building. Qe24 THE lsrgeat etock of DOG COLLAR FUR NISHINGS, WHIPS, SWEAT PADS, AXLE GREASE Slid HARNESS OIL LhEBSINoB in the stele of Nebraska at the STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO. J. a. Bteeelng, prop., 82y-331 N. 26th at, South Omaha. UNION SHOP. Q-M4 f OR BALE Cheap, a hue Somnbr gland piano, slightly ud: eaay terms if de sired. J. C -Auton, Fruuont. Neb. Q-WK77 J21 FOR BALE thtup. Ink' barrels. Apply rress room. Bee building. Q M724 k STEOER & SONS' Piano, In splendid con dition, only been usiid a short time; will 'Sell at s big bargain. Addreas, N S3. Bea. Q-89i 10-HOR8E power bol'er and engine cheap; ued $ months. The Hardle Company, Kearney, Neb. Q-M167 J11 FOR BALE Cheap, numbering machine, book reot, copy holder and letter acale. all In first-class condition. Inquire of E. PI Zimmerman, 111 N. Y. Life Bldg., care N. T. Life Ins. Co. Q-MlTf FOR SALE Second hand piano, upright, at 140 No. 13d at Q M37I p WANTED TO BORROW WANTED To borrow $300 to M, home money, at 7 per rent, on residence; Omaha property ; security suuls. Address M M, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FLORENCE BOL'LEVARD. Choice, east-front lots, nesr two ear lines, with water, gas, sewer, large native for est trees, front on boulevard, 100 feet wide; kept up by Uie srs board; no paving or aldewal Ux. Price only $800. LoU limited. HARRiboN ft MORTON, S12-91J N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. . , RE 821 HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE ON MONTHLY PAYMENTS 430S Fa trick ave. 6 rooms $1,360 1 Pinkney st I rooms 0 13U Emmet St., 6 rooms 9" m Emmet st, 6 rooms 800 S Larimore St.. $ rooms " 84t Sshler St., 6 rooms 1.000 84I16 Sahler St., 8 rooms K0 Si-V Boyd St., 6 rooms 0 4T37 No. 27th St., 6 rooms 8W 4ft"S Hamilton st, 4 rooms 1.1U0 4f.24 Franklin St.. .7 rooms 1.100 4107 Dodge st., 7 rooms, modern 2.6'M) rm Bo. ith St., 6 rooms 1,800 1623 Canton St., 8 rooms 1.1 110 61 H Pierce St.. 8 rooms ttt) 612 Paclllc St.. 1U arrea. new house.... 1.6"0 2J07 So. 27th St.. 2 lots. 1 rooms 750 2X17 T St.. South Omaha. 6 rooms 860 2618 A St., South Oman. 4 rooms 660 Terms: $160 to $2S0 cash, balance monthly. THE O. F. DAVIS CO. COS BEE BLDG. RE31I 17 TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS I FOR A ROUND TRIP TO THE ROSEBUD EVERYTHING PAID. We pay your railroad fare. We furnish you sleeping cars. We furnish you beds while on the ground. We guarantee good meals. We make your papers and give you legal advice. This assures you that you will get through registration without error and without personal discomfort or loss of time snd money. COME AND SEE US. Gas Belt Land Co. -114 First Nat'l Bsnk, Omaha, Neb. RE 108 ACRES. Nesr Omaha and South Omaha, choice snd sightly, tract oi 146 acrea owned by eastern client. Thla desirable property could be sold to great advantage by sub dividing into 10-acre tracts, land across the road having sold as high as $200 per acre. It la the owner's desire to close out this tract to one purchaser at ouce and price has been reduced to $110 per acre. This Is your opportunity. W. Farnam Smith & Co. 1320 Farnam Street BE-fcti THE ROSEBUD Reservation la open to settlement, bend do cents to Kathman k Keller, Boneateci, S. D., for information and large map showing topography of country. " RE 287 TWO brand new cottages, modern except furnace; cno $1,800 and the other $2,4a0. 8H1MEK ft CHASE, Builders of Modern Houses RE 714 FOR SALE 20,000 acres or the finest wheat or grass land in southwestern Kansas; soil rich black loam and level; price, $40,000, or will sell In lots of 160 acrea for $2.60 per sere. Addreas J. P. Chapman, 41a Main street, Canon City. Colo. . RE-S84 lux PRICE TODAY, 2,50. Rev. Dillon, who leaves the city, offers his beautltul, modern home today at mis sac rliice price; part down, balance easy. 4316 Grant at RE 306 DC AI I C Buv" 411 4 Be,la houses, lota terms and lands. RE 30$ 17 SOME FINE CHANCES TO MAKE , GOOD MONEY ON INVESTMENTS NQTHING' SURER THAN REAL ESTATE , ALL BARGAINS $12,000 For wmi tee i, taige urick build ing, three stones, uuee hats, two Small buildings, costing twice uie amount asaao to buna; annual rental income, t,o per year; aouuuaul room to bund 1 or 4 wore buiiuing. 8,000 or luOxtuo feet, witn fine, k-room house, all in una repair; rental in come per year, el.bbu; good location, 'inis price is very reasonable. fl00 Lot 06x132. It has lour 4-room flats. In good repair. Tiiey are always rented and orlng 1984 per year. 2,300 Ten-room house, Slat and Mason; rental. it4 per year. LOOK Tiild If IMMEDIATELY. 1.200 Nine-room house, 22d and Popple ton ave., near new freight depot. SNAP. 2,800 Double frame house, between 8th and 10th on Hickory; rental, UoO per year. 1.100 For a S-room cottsge, with city water, gas and sewer connections, on . 24th, olocn south of Leaven worth. LOOO Four-room house and kitcueu, city water in bouse, near 83d and Parker, M block irom car line. Have got one of the best bargains that cau be oiiered in the northwest part of the city, considering six grounds and buildings and especially the location. If anybody wanta a SNAP in the next few days, kindly call for price and torms QUICKLY, as the owner Is VERY ANXIOUS to sell. SOME GOOD PLACES TO BUILD A beautliul acreage lot overlooking the Country cluu golf grounds and Krug paik; can be subdivided into 6 lota 6ux02i. This can be bought at A BARGAIN. I also have elegant lots hi Benson, cloif to street cars; lots are 60x127 and can Is bought at Slbo to $226 each. Will build 4 houae on any of the lota that may be pre ierrd AT COST. J. A. LOVGREN 886-7 Paxton block. RE US ACRES IN BENSON Desirable Tracts for Country Horns Ten acrea, with btailng fruit, all nicely seeded to allaifa, ll.Oov.OO. Five acrea, some fruit, three blocks from ear, $l,2OU.0O. Two acrea on pavement s fine garden tract, $650.00. Benson Si Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. RE-J41 FOR SALE In choice location, one block from car line, ground 72x136, with elegant lo-room residence on corner; cost $12,ouO to build; hot water heat, paved streets; also - V-room modem houae on samer grounds. In good condition, all for $11,600. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. RE M342 19x IRRIGATED LANDS on Union Paeino in Nebraska and Wyoming, $16. Uinta Irri gation CO., Omaha, Neb. RE U633 J21 A MAP OF ROSEBUD raaervatlon for the asking. Write or call for one today. Gas Belt La ml to., a jnrai nai. nank bldg.. Omaha, Neb. RK-2M I-ROOM house and lot Inquire . a. John son, M B. 26th RE M669 lax FOR SALE A good B-room house snd lot, ittxl41. 1U14 So. 27th St.; neat place. $1,306. See owner. RE 364 18x DO YQU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell s farm or ranch tall the farmers snd stock raisers about lu The bast way to raaoh them Is tbrwugh THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Thle agricultural weekly goes to K.oM homes of farmers and stock raisers, so if you have s good place of land to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The eoet ot an advertiaemant la ama.ll 8 canta per word In small type or $2.(4 per utcu U Ml la Urge type. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE BEST THING OFFERED. Fsrnsm st business property psylng $1,800 per annum. (Can make long lease). Price $20,500 for quick sale. Average taxes for I years. Including 1904, $382.34. Harrison ft Morton, 812-U3 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. ; . BE-860 cilA6-Williamson Co., lat Floor U. 0. bk. uidgH ttiv i4 111 us. your property. Baker Bros Eng. Lu, , RE 2e FOR RENT HOUSES THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. peck, move and store it. H. goods. Storehouse, 1120-24 N. lktn. omce, lallft Farnam. let. nwl-Dbl. D 244 PAYNE-BOSTWICK ft CO., choice houses, Wil-6u3 New York LUe Blag. Phone loi. D 2e HOIJSFS,n Part ' the city. The ilUUOCOo. V Davis Co, 6o Bee Bldg! D 2Su WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ft Stor age Co, Tel. 14M. Utiles 1211 Webstar st D-2S1 HOUSES, Insurance, Ringwalt, Barker bk. . D-2kl HOUSFS !n u Dart ot e city. R. C. D UM FOR RENT No. 1641 Park ave., opposite park, modern brick dwelling, I rooms; Srlce, $40.00 per month. Inquire at lilt S 2d st. X M. Richards D-M764 1948 a 11th, 7-room, poroelaln bath, gas, lawn, $20. D M "o 10-ROOM house, near 28th snd Fsrnsm. only J32.50. Bemla, Paxton block. . D 441 FOR RENT The nine-room resldenoa at the corner of S8th and Farnam; modern In every particular. Inquire at 1608 Har ney street, Omaha, Neb. D 616 2664 Harney St., good 8-room modern brick, walking distance, $36.00. OARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. D M-767 NEW HOUSES 417 N. 18th. 8 rooms, $46.00. 638 So. 24th st., brand new modern brick of 8 rooms, $40. 0C. GARVIN BROS.. 1604 FARNAM ST. D-M-768 7-ROOM cottage and barn, close in, $20. 611 N. Y. Life. Sweet ft Best Tel. 1472. D-320 TO LET, FURNISHED. DURING July and August, very desirable 10-room modern house; west Farnam dis trict; best references required. W, FARNAM SMITH ft CO., 1320 Farnam. D M371 CENTRAL, good condition, 1-r. cottage, 220 No. 23d. D M370 FOR RENT Elegmnt 8-room modern house. Dest location, isw. Thomas urennan, is. Y. Life building. D 275 FOR RENT Eight-room modern house. No. 8406 Center St., with bam. $26. W. H Thomas, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg. D-M34S lffx FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1612. snd the second floor 1608-10 Howard. W. H. Bus tun an, 1 443 IF A GOOD light la needed, we can show you a north tront office on the fifth floor a splendid room, at the moderate price of $2o. R. C. Peters ft Co., ground lloor Bee building. 1821 STORE ROOM, 617 S. 16th St Inquire of Clark Powell, 1616 Capitol Ave. I $43 A $10 office In the Bee building carries with It all of the conveniences and advantages in the way ofhent, light. Janitor service, all night und all day and Sunday elevator service. t $10 office le now vacant. Call st ouce. R. C. Peters ft Co., ground floor. Hue building. 1821 FINE NEW STORE BUILDING, 1406 Douglas street, 22x122, first floor With skylight In roof; swell front; fine ce mented basement; the two upper floors are 23x80 each; atalrway from street: near all car lines; fine location. Will rent floors separately. ' THE id CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., 1506 DODGE STREET, I-M38S A PHYSICIAN or dentist will And s ohoiee of two desirable rooms In the Bee build ing: Room 604 is divided into a good-slsed wait lng room and a private office. It Is cl' rectly in front of the elevator. The prloe Boom 116 Is likewise divided. It Is on the second floor and has s very pleasing ap proach from the broad corridor facing the court. The pri,oe Is $16 per month. R. C. Peters ft Co.. ground floor. Bee building. i sa MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY, If you are annoyed by numerous small bill that have accumulated during the winter It might be sn advantage to you to secure money from us and pay them and then ' pay us In weekly or monthly payments until you get out of debt We losn oa furniture, pianos, live atock and other chattels snd we make loans to salaried people upon their own agreement to re pay. Our rates are as low ss sny snd s greet deal lower than aome. Oar service Is 3ulck snd without publicity. If you hsve ealt with ua and are pleased, tell others, snd If you sre displeased, tell us Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., Ill Board of Trade Bldg Tel. R8C. (Established 1892.) 106 South Uth Bt. X-U7 MONEY ' LOAN Phoenix Credit Co., 423 Paxton Blk. LOANS. ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, ETC PAYMENTS AND RATE'S TO SUIT YOU. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 807-306 PAXTON BLK. TEL. 1411. X-M7M 3 P. C. YEAR FROM $100 to $j,ouO loaned on your puiauuttl note st 1 PER CENT PER YEAR. AU good loans wanted. Call or writo and get iny system. W. L, Eastman ft Co., 110$ arnam, Omaha. don t burrow money On Salary, Furniture or Pianos UNTIL YOU SEE US. If you can call, write us or telephone 1GU7, and we will send agent to explulu end arrange loan at your residence. J. A. HUTTON CO., 614 Paxton Block. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLB und olheie with security; easy payment; largest businesa In 49 principal cities Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce bldg. X-HKi CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans. Foley Loun Co., lit4 Faruain St X 341 . SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, 212 llee Bldg. 'iel. 2904. X-lll MONEY loaned on pianos furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Keetl 819 8. Utji. X-4 MONEY FOR SALARIED PFlPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON B1-K xMtB FLORISTS HESS ft SWOBODA, 1411 Farnam. U HENDERSON, 16l Farnam. Bend for price Hat of cut flowers and plants Al.KRFD DONAUHUE. JH-. lf Farnam. 'lal. PERSONAL ACCORDION AND SUNBURNT PLEATING. RUCH1NG. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND BAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLbATING CO. 200 DOcGLAS mC TEL. 1336. U MW 31 DR. ROT, Chldropody. R. I ft 1, UOt Fajrnam DETECT1 VE Capt Cormack. sH Krb"5h OIOCK. Tel. A2&3Z. i MUSICAL Thos. i. Kelly, voice. Vfvltlge UIOCH. - Acco ordoon pleating, oheapeat, best, quick t Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17th and Douglas. es TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. PHONE 1&30. U 4l T- a a t -v . Tal. (61. rAN I ( JK I I J AA Cleaning, Dyeing - ... -w tut So. loin. L all VIA VI." wsy to health. 860 Bee Bldg. ' li i4 PIANOLAS for rent; 1 months' rent al lowed o:t purchase. Schmoller ft Mueller, r arnam. ei. TIT It o.mi .n .1 kl k.,ka 720 B 13th t u 14 STEIWWAY jjlanos are gold exclusively by tichmoiler ft Mueller, Ull sarnarojB nprminio W'ks Up-to-dste clean- uermania om,, ui s. u Kj-y- "PAPA says he cen's snake 'em off" Hute nn'a v. Vmtmnt uimi.u Kvealaas: al most Invisible. Huleaon Optical Co., Ill B. isth Bt, rexiou blocs; laciory n ji premises m CP7CM A tjulckly cured. B. J. Scsn LLiun nolL 601 War. noiL fiol War Block. u nana M AH NPT1P treatment baths. M R. u e rf'o EXPERT piano moving, lowest prices Schmoller ft Mueller, 1311 Fern. Tel. 162s, BALLOON ASCENSIONS Furmsned by the reliable Sam Murphy uanoon to., xwu Miami si. Tel. mv. U-M664 ADVICE TO MEN Don't pay 10c for s cigar wnen you can ouy our hhjinij GUAM for 6c the best cigar ever put on the market for the prloe. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., manuiacturera, 14o4 iougias. jtit Dressmaking. Miss Sturdy, 2601 Davenport. u log Da C. H. DeLONG, DentUt, 962 Bee. Tel. B-3246. u m j ye DR. SLABAUGH, Dentist N. Y. Life U'clg. XI 4U CONCESSIONS FOR SALE Wiener, Neb. big railroad! circus, hoeo race open to the world, three companies of state militia ..1., . 1IULJ m.111 MuvA I Inl m a V iim. will be encampea, giving anil ana snam battle; the First Regiment band will furnish the music with seventy pieces. For concessions apply to committee, A. J, Wert, chairman. U M244 1 PARTY who nicked no Waterman fouh tain pen Tuesday forenoon at commercial National bank will please return same to nee otuce. u ui PAI('EYE8 carefully examined free of VV ESMcharc-e: glasses accurately fitted ir necessary, ur, nicnaras, uo D. mm, opp, Boston storet U M348 18 10 IMPERIAL OVAL PHOTOS & FOR ff1 AA THE WILLIAMS STUDIO LVA 1407 FARNAM ST. U M326 Jyll . When You' Write . 'to Advertisers remember It only takes sn extra stroke or two of the pen to mantlon the fact that you ssw the sd In The Bee. WANTED A merry-go-round to locate for the season or 1904 at Arlington pars, Ar lington. Neb. I com at once; grand Fourth of July celebration there this year; chance to make aome money. Address Arlington Park association, Arlington, Meo. TJ MS36 11 ROSA was married seven years ago; can't answer balance now: win seep corre spondence confidential. Len. . . , TJ M336 18x WANTED Woman to make balloon ascen sions Apply to Murphy, Courtland Beach. U M34 It WILLIAM BAGGET, eon of Frederick Bagget, write to your brothers and els ter, 1825 Lorain St., Cleveland, O., for information Of advantage, u maiv inx MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tail. Sherman ft MoConnell, Omaha. 414 PR. PRIES treats euoeeasfully ell diseases sna irregularities ot women, irom any eauae; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries. Witt Dodge at. Omaha. , 828 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs Gsrdels, 2214 Charles Tel. A 26 18. . -I PRIVATE: horns during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. Dr. King, top floor. 606 N. itn St. Tel. KX. PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopfed. Mrs. Dr. King, 606 .N. 16th, Id floor.; tel. SR69. MSJl Jyl4 PRIVATE home during confinement: babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 1st avc.Council Bluffs.Is.Tel.771 -426 MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. Flr.t Nst'l Bsnk Bid. Tel.bej. 4 TO I P. C. money. Bemla, Paxtonblock. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wesd, 1610 DpugM WANTED, city loans snd wsrrsnts W. Farnam Smith ft Co.. 144) Fgrnam st W 100 MONEY TO LOAN, Payne Investment Co. 101 WANTED, reel estate loane snd warrants R, C. Peters ft Co.. Bee bldg. W-JW1 pec cent loans Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. W 101 USTE0PATHY Johpson Institute, 611 N. Y, Life bldg. T. 1664 227 DR. GRACS PEEGAN. 832 N. Y. Life. Tel 2686. - MRS. JOHN R. MU8ICK, Osteonsthlc Phy slcisn; offiee, Douglas block. Tel. 2621. . -034 Dr. Farwell, specialty ne-voua diseases. e4 Paxton. HI SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN SANT'S school, 717 N. Y. Life. 266 FACSIMILE letters, envelopes addressed. Boyleg college. 401 CLAIRVOYANTS QYLMER, pahnlit, Til N. ltd. Tel. B-1248. S-332 BUSINESS MEDIUM, Tit N. 17th at B MDiejyvx LAW AND COLLECTIONS B F MOREARTY, Alt'y., 417 Paxton. Tel. A-2J. 20 JOHN M. MACFARI.AND. New York I-lfe bldg., rooms 804 snd 111. Tel. 166. -21 PATENTS AND PENSIONS H. J. COWUII.L Patents. No lee unlets auUMHtaful. tU S. lath. Omaits. Tel. I'M. THIS FOR THAT WILL trade sewing machine for type-' . writer. Neb. Cycle Co., 16 th and Hsrney. i-lla-. 10-IN. DISC records taken in exchange for new records Columbia Phonograph Co., 1621 Farnam. Z-333. WHAT have you to exchange for a planoT PerfleM Piano Co., Bee bldg. Tel. 701 PHOENIX bloyele to exchange for some of the money you pay the street ear com pany. Louis Flescher, 1622 Cspltol ave. Z-336 WEBER piano, slightly used, trnde fOf horse and buggy. Room 7, Bee Mlg Tel, IF THERE le nothing In this column yoti want, put sn sd. In snd you will r on get It. Z-lSl , IF YOUR old furniture flon't suit, we win exchange new for It. Tel. 771. Z M811 ' $ AUTOMATIC RKOINA musle box. fancy case, to exchange for piano or pianola. Address K 11. Bee. Z-MIt PHAETON snd surrey for exehonre 1"1S Farnam. Z 827 J 4 FINK ll-nlee dlnrng room set: cost t7e "wi win aeii or TXwn-; onrnin. r-n, -i -prise Furniture Co., 102 S. 14th. Tel tm. Z 70 'rVILL exchange second hand phonograph records for others In good condition. N 84, Bee office, B-M222 READ this. 120 sere good land to ex change for something ef equal valt-ev Don't ned the land and want to deal with you Price, $4,800. Chas. B. Hall. Or chard, Neb. Z 247 .; FOR HALF! OR EXCHANGE A fine mill inery etock, In s good lows town. Ad dress N. M. Bee. Z M H FOR SALE or trade for property: Utook of muiinery sna nxturea, good location; wisn to leave city. Addreas M, Use office, Council Bluffs. ZM3S4 10. SEE FULLER. 428 Paxton Ttlk., for loans on wstohes, diamonds and Jewlrgj ' P0ST0FFICE NOTICE. " - j, t . (Should be read dally by all Interested, ss changes may occur st sny time.) Foreign mails for the week ending JUf)4 It, 1804, will olose (PROMPTLY In all caseaj at the General Postoffice ss fol lows: Parcels-Post Malls cloae one hour earlier than closing time ihown below. Parcels-Post Mulls for Germany close at ' I p. m. June 11 snd 20. , Regular arid Supplementary Malls close at foreign station toorner oi west ana Mar. ton streets) half hour later than closing time shown below (except that Supple mentary Malls for Europe and Central America, via Colon, cloae one hour later st Foreign Station). Traatsatlaatlo Malls. SATURDAY ath) At s. m. for EUBOPW per s. s. Philadelphia, via Plymouth en-,4-Cherbourg (mall for Liverpool, Scotland and Ireland must be directed per s. s. Philadelphia")) at 8:80 a. in. for Europe, per s. a. Campania, vis Queens town; at 8:30 a. m. for BELGIUM direct per a. a. Zeeland (mall must be dliected ''per s. s Zealand"); at 8:80 a. m, fer SCOTLAND direct per s. g. Anchor la (mall must be directed "per s. -s. Anchorla"). After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic mans nttmea aoove, addi tional supplerrientnry malls are opened onv the piers of the American, English, French) snd German steamers, snd remain open until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Malls fop loath CfeeUral Asaorlcea West ladlea, Bta. SATURDAY. (18th). At 7:10 a, tn. tos NEWFOUNDLAND, per s S Bllvlal st la, m, for BERMUDA, per s. s. Trinidad; st $:80 a. m. (supplementary 8:30 s. m.) to . CURACAO snd VENEZUELA, per e. e. Maracalbo (mail for Colombia must -be directed "per s. s. Maracalbo") :st It, m. for PORTO RICO, per s. s. Ponce, via San Juan; at 1:80 s - m. (supple mentary 10:80 s. m.) for FORTUNE; ISLAND, JAMAICA, COLOMBIA, except Cauoa and Magdalens Dep'ta, per s. s. Slbrla (mall for Costa Rica must be dj-. reoted ''per s. a. Sibria"); st 10 a, m. for CUBA, per S. s. Mexico, via Havana: a: f p. m. for ARGENTINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s s. Egyptian Prlnee. . . Halls Forwarded Overlaad, Ete Bia opt. TrsuasaaelSe. CUBA Vis Port Tampa, Florida, closes at. this omce aaiiy, except Tnuraaajr, at s. m. (tha connecting ualle close here on Monrlivi. Wadnaaditva and Sal'irdays). MEXICO CITY Overland, unleea sptoiallr sddressed lor deapatcn oy steam"-, cieewe at thU office dally, except Sunoay, st 1:10 p. m snd 10:10 p. ss. Sundays st IM p.' in and 10:80 D. m. ....: NEWFOUNDLAND texcept -ir l-Pest Malls) uy ran to iorin nygnw. thence by steamer, eloses st this oflloe dally at 6:30 u. m. (connecting mails oioaa here every Monaay, Wednesday and Sao JAMAICA By rail to Boston and thence by steamer, cioaea a, una omce at M r, . . , ., - IT.I.IaU ' ' ' MIQUeSlON By rail to Boston, snd thenee ny steamer, cioaea at wim wutcv u a -flA n m. c,.. BELIZE, PUEltfO CORTEX snd GUATE MALA By rait to isew uneana, aqs thence by stearoei, closes at this office dally, except Sunday, at 11:80 p. m. and (10:80 p. m., Sundays st 11:00 p. m. aad 10:80 p. m. (connecting naa closes hare londsys st il0:8o n. ra. COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, end lllBIIKf WW SJVasri iii:s , wvwv. e v mmtr veuvw . dally, except Sunday, at 11:10 p. m. aad . 110:80 p. m., Sundays at (1:00 p. m. and 110:80 p. m. (connecting mall closes her . Tueadftva at D. m.l. tk.. fcta aaSauaMaaa InaSa at 4 thla- SlaVLsaaSa IRKGISTERED MAIL closes st 6:00 p. m. previous oay. . Traaspaelfle Malls Farwarseot Oval laaS tally. The schedule ot dosing Transpacific malls la srrsagea on the presumption ti ineir uninterrupted overland trans.t to port of sailing. The final connecting malls tx cept registered Tranapaclrto tnaiis whloS close 4 p. m. previous day) cloae at Khe mnkril unatoffia. New York, aa followa: Hawaii, j a fan t china sod the phil- 1PP1NE ibLAJNDB. via ban rancisco, close st 6:30 p. m. June 17th for de'palvh ier s. s. Coptic. FIJI ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA (except west), ana new t, Ai-EJ-iuistA, vis Van couver and Victoria, B. C, close st M txa. Juns JUh, for despstcU per s S, oana. HAWAII, via Ban Franolaco. close st 4;34 p. m. June 20, lor deepatcn per s. a, Alameda. " 1 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS, via Ban Fran olaco, cloae at 6.30 p. m. June 2th, for dckDatch uer U. S. Transport. TAHITI and MARQUESAS 1 d LANDS, via ban irranoisco, cloae at e:v p. m. vune 2,tb for despatch per s. s. Marlpuea. HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA and Fa 1 LIP- fiNU ISLANDS, v,a Han r ranclsco, cioae st 6 10 p. ra., June 27th, for despatch per a a ifarea. CHINA 4iii JAPAN, via Vancouver .and victoria, B. c, close at :so p. m. 4 use 28.b, tor despatch per s. s. Empress cf Chins. (Meruhandlse for V. ti. Postal Asency at shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canadu). NEW ZEALANO. AUSTRALIA (except West), NEW CAVEDONIA. BAMUA, MA- WA1I snd FIJI ISLANDS, via Ban Fran cisco, close at 4:30 p. m. July 2d, for despatch per s. s. blorra. (If Uio t'unnt steamer carrying British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to con nect with this despatch, extra mails clop- lng st 6:30 s. m., 1:20 s. m. and 6:30 n. ut.;, Sundays ut 4:80 s. m.. It. in. snd 6:80 p. . m. will be made up snd forwarded unill MANCHURIA and EASTERN BIBERlX at present inrwaraea via nuaaia, insteaa r via JanalT. tha UKUal route. ' NOTE I'nleaa otherwise addressed. West Australia la jorwarat-o via erurope, ana New Zealand vis San Franelsoo, and car- . tain places In the Chinese provinces of ' Yunnan, Kualchow, Ssechwan and Kwangal, via Brltlah India the qulckert rvutes. PMIIpplnes specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Europe" must b fully prepaid st the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Frsnclaoo exclu sively. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Poataaaater. Post omee. New Tort. N. T. June 10, 1W4. RAILWAY TIME CARD JSIOH TATTON 10TH AID MARC.; Chicago, Reek Islaad ft Paclfle. Ar' Lea ye. arrive, f rtileage Darllrht Ualt-4 ...... . I ft sal ( i ,ari i ant liva a i v mm mm. DIMao tiuny bll l pm a 6 14 mm !- Mulnn KipraM 4 M iai bU MaiS Cklcaga fut Kayetaa a 8.4 sw tlM WEST. seaay MMUIe ladw4 1aa a $44 at