THE OMAITA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1904. 7 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Present Cooditiini All T 1 Towtrd Lowtr BepWmbtr OtU. MANITOBA GAINS MljCH IN ACREAGE for Look Ba4 la Kansas Laxal . Cask Market Still Tied Ip for Laack of Grata. OMAHA. June 1. "I look for lower September Mia," said a prominent speculator. ''The crop In grow ing well, but the cash oats are Arm and the July oat are strongly held. The higher July get the lower September oats will go In the end, (or the high price of the early future will attract so much oats to Chicago the market will he flooded. It will stimulate the country buyers to pay fancy prices and when people find out what the September la really worth a big break win come. The estimate of the Northwestern Grain Dealera' association which has Just met In Winnipeg Is bearish so far, as acreage is concerned. Manitoba and the northwest la sTlven 1 430.411 acres, which Is an In crease of 6 per cent over laat year. Oata n wuin-iru 11 j,j,ik)u, an increnBe in rrMC of ft & rwr Mnt mnri hurlv !a"l? hMft. an Increase of 1 per cent. The general con- anion or tne crop is excellent. ' Kansas City quotes Manager Flacke of me Midland Elevator company or that place, as very bullish on corn. He has Just been, for a trlD over the Union rlno through Kansas and says be has never seen tne corn so backward or so weedy. Such opinions are said to be numerous In the southwest. The Minnesota crop sum mary for the week finds the weather has been very good for all grains, but corn, and too cool for that a-ritin. Barton county. Kansas, renorts hard wheat cuttlnaT beaun there and promises new wheat for shipment July l. ine riuselan government report shows cold and drought have seriously damaged grain in some sections. - Especially Is this true of the winter crops. One of the large growing- districts Is from uu satisfactory to bad. The seaboard reports 2m),0iX bushels of wheat sold for export- mostly Manitoba and 4.0Q0 bushels ot corn New York reports the export of 30,000 bushels of No. I hard winter wheat Other shippers say winter wheat can only go abroad now at a loss of 8 cents, and the shipments were made to effect July con tracts. The range In prices of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close Wednesday and today were aa follows: Closed . Open. High. Low. Today. Wed y. wneas July ...... Kept Corn June July Sept. Dec. ..... Oats June July Sept. ..... 73 7314 73HB Wi 4f WB 4BB 46i 46Z 4fi'i 46 B 44 43 444A 38V4 38HB 37V4B 41 40 41 B 40 B 384 374 38R J8i4B 31 S0? 81 B 31 B A asked. ' Loal Cash Grain Market. No receipts was again the reason why very tittle business was done about the sample tables. The 'brokers were ready to buy, but little. If anything, was on tap from first hands. Receipts and shipments were: Wheat, 7 cars In und 2 cars out; on week ago, and 11 cars. Corn, 1 car In; one week ago, 12 and 27 cars. Oats, 1 car in: one week ago, u cars ana i car, WHEAT No, 3 hard. 86c; No. 3 hard, 82 C5c; No. 4 hard, tbielac. ' CORN No. 2. 47&4?M,c; No. 3, 44H46Hc; No. 4. 4043c: No. 2 yellow, 47c: No. 8 yel low, 4fS4c; No. 2 white, 46o; No. S white, 44Hfo45V4e. A KT A'V a. OT71W A" W, at W III V7t 111! , 11 V. I white. 89H40Vu; No. 1 white, SBfcSOc; standard, 40. , Notes from the Etekaag office. Omaha stocks of grain In pubtlo ware houses: Wheat, 82.0S bushels; corn, 145,429 bushels; oats, 27,9utt bushels. Omaha con tract corn amounts to fo,724 bushels. Of -this 23,031) bushels Is In Merrlam A Holm nuist'a house and 67,687 bushels In the Union elevator. L, Cortelyou of Muacatelle, Kan., waa an axohange visitor.'. - Omaha inspections of groin were seven cars. One car of wheat graded No. 3 hard and one car no grade. Of corn, one car graded No. 2, three cars No. 3 and one ,-car no grade. ( . - , ... Oral Market , Elsewhere- L Closing prices of grain Wednesday and 'today at the makets named were as fol lows: . . CHICAGO. ' ' Closed . Wheat ' ' Today. Wed. i July 84S4A. 85 B ; September 7B 8oA ,Cqrn v ' July 4A 4S4B September 48i.A 48ViA ,! , K1N8AH CITY. July 74 73V September 70 A 70 Corn . July 46HA 45 September 44 B 44 A ST. LOUIS. Wheat July 87 83 September 80B 80B Corn July 47 A 474 September 47 B 47 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat , July 93 93 V . September 80 80 , DULUTH. Wheat ' . , . July 93 93B September 80 8IV1B NEW YORK. "Wheat July 91 B 1B . September 84 B 84 'HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET (kaotatloas at the Day Various , Commodities. : NEW YORK, June 16.-FLOUR Receipts, 16,733 bbls.; exports, 1,612 bbls.; sales, 4T.3UO btils. The market was barely steady, with light Inquiry; winter patents, 36.10 66.40; siratglua, H.BCfoo.Ou; Minnesota put. tnti, $o.(Mitj.3t; winter extras, 3-.3i.G40O; Mlrxesota bakers, 33.8584.10; winter low grades, f.154; Rye flour, quiet; fair to choice, 4.(W4.25; choice to fancy, 4.25nf 4.60. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western, tl.10ijjl.12; city, ti.lmhtt; kiln dried, U.W 64 lo. RYE Nominal; No. t western, 75c, nom inal. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 4o, C 1. f., 'New York; malting, nominal. WHEAT Receipts, lll.OuO bu. Spot mar ket eaay; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red. 11.00, f. o. b adoat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 11.03, f. o. b., adoat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, nominal, f. 6. b., afloat. Aa open ing decline In wheat due to foreign selling, lower cables and a bearish Price Current report, was followed by a strong advance, with shorts large buyers of July. Bullish Ruaal&n crop news had an Influence on the rise, but later liquidation developed and sold off, closing 6o net lower. July, 91tf? fliVkC, closed at Sic; September &J7fe(8c, closed at 84o; December, S3 ll-lije4:)c, closed at Mc. CORN Receipts, 47,300 bu. Spot market quiet; No. 2, boo, elevator, and 66o, f. o. b., ' atioat; No. 2 yellow, 6Wc; No. 2 white, ! 6ic Options were generally firm again on amall receipts, and with the west clos ing partly o net higher. July, 6a4Vo, closed at 64c; September closed at 64 to. OATS Receipts, M.ouO bu.; exports. 7.911 Tiu. Spot market dull; mixed, iai to tl lla., r4hh47o: natural white. 8u to 82 lbs., 4.tfWc; 'clipped White, 36 to 40 lbs., 614) Mo. ' T 11AV rtteady, shipping, good to choice, 86c. - H0'8 Steady; state, common to choice. lt4, it4t3i; lwti, 23y'.'c; olds, 84'14c; PaclHo coant, UwWc; iJ'UJbc; olds, HsUc. ' HIDEtt Steady; Qalvestuu. HO to 26 lbs.. 'JSc; California, tl to 25 lbs., lc; Texua (dry), 24 to Su lbs.. 14o. LEATHER Steady ; acid, ' WOOL Firm; domestic fleece, VaQSia. TALLOW Steady; city, 4c; country, 44o. HICK Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3 'dSc: Japan, nominal. . PEANCTS Firm: fancy, hand-picked, ec; f other domestic, 8K,ni',o. I I PKOV181UN8-Pork. steady; family, $9 M t it 10 60; mess, 6H WHrtx.60; beef hams, 3J0 0iX(r i.1.60 packet. 3it.WM;9.nO; elty. extra India ' inees, 813 omjlc . Cut meats, steady; 'pickled bellies. fci.7597.S0; pickled shoulders, Ifc oo; pickled ' bsius. ft Ou'ii 10 U0. Iird, , steady; western stesmed, $7 lo; refined. ;iult; continent, $7 16, bouth America, 37 bo; 5 compound, 5.iM)6.8;."4. pork, drm: tanilly, . U uo; short clear, 1J.SC 14.76; inesn, ln.00 "mijirt. . i BUTTER Steady ; creamery, common to 'extra, l.t-MSc; state dairy, common to extra, 13'dl7c; western factory, common to choice. Wo;lSc; western Imitation cream ery, rominon to choice, 13l6o. CHKb.HW. Klrm: stale, full rrejam amitll colored, 7l!Hc; small white. large colored 1, 6i7Tc; large white. 'U'e. wmiern extra, l?aio; Dl'Stk, loSI 17c Kil Lirv 'in.,. .j .. steady, unchanged. ' Tulad Seed Market. ..TV Tr!: Jun '"-BEEUB tnover, cni.h, August. (U.K. Prime timothy, $1.46; Sep temberj L47 . . . CHICAGO GRAM AMD PROVISIOJfg Peatares at the Trading; aaa Closlag Prlees on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, June l.-Oanadlan reports of a large Increase in acreage were Influential today In weakening wheat. Final flguree on July were o below last night's close. Corn Is up a shade. Oats gained c, and provisions iGrZl'V. Initial quotations on July were down 0 c at 4e to 84c From 854c July stead ily receded to Mc. The close was at 84o. September closed at 79ic. alter ranging be teen 7SHitiTo and 8oV. Clearances of whest and flour were equal to l7.e0 bu. I'rlmary receipts were 314.HO bu., compared with Z, bu. a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 266 cars against 14e last week and 264 a year ago. Com prices held firm. The market closed at about yesterday's final figures, July opened unchanged to o lower, at 48o to 4ic, sold between 4o and iWo and closed at 48uMflc.. Local receipts were 160 cars, with 4o of contract grade. Oats . were strong. July opened un changed to o lower, at H0 to 89o, ranged between 8o and SOHc, closing at 39o. Local receipts were 68 cars. Provisions were active and strong on an urgent demand from shorts. Small receipts of hoes was one of the main factors of the situation. The market closed well to ward the top. with September pork up 12c at 112.87. September lard was up 10c, at 17.00. Ribs were 1WJH higher at $7.40 7.47H. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 23 cars; corn, 7 cars; oats, 89 cars; hogs, 19.0W head. The leading futures ranged as follow!: Artlcles.1 Open. Hlgh.j Low. I Cloie. I Yse'y. Wheat a July t J uly a Sept. b Sept. Corn June July Sept. Oats June July Sept Dec Pork July Sept. Lard July Sept. Ribs. July Sept. r 8RSl'(r84.; 8R 85 85 62 84 81'q2 60'8 81 81 80 79aJ 78 48 4 49 4!4 4Str 48 4 I 48 I 41 39j 9i 39 59W.iaU.I 32jS3lg'. 82 32 a2Hi32i' 12 47 12 65 12 80 12 47 12 72 12 65 12 40 12 66 72 90 13,80 S80' 86" is- U 67! 80j 6 87 9 80 6 1 00 7 W 7 27V 7 47V 1 38 7 62 7 22 70 62 40 7 36 ) No. 2. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were aa follow: . K LOUR Quiet and easy; winter pat ents, 84.704.80; strslghts, I4.40&4.60; spring patents, H-30a 4. 40; straights, t3.WKi4.30;1 ba kers. WHBAl-No, 2 spring. 2ig95c; No. 8, 86 92c; No. 3 red, 31.0101.02. CORN No. 2, 4sc; No. 2 yellow, 6151c. OATS No. 2, 4142c; No. 3 white, 41 43c. BARLEY Good feeding, 8641c; fair to choice malting, 44Q64o, SEED Flax. No. 1, 31.01; No. 1 north western, 31.08; prime timothy, 32.76; clover, contract grade, 110.75. PROVlaiONS Pork, mess, per bbl., 312.60 mtM. IJird, per 100 lbs.. $1.77 Short ribs, sides (loose), $7,004)7.26; short clear sides (boxed), 37.00iS7.86. Receipts and shipments yesterday at this market were aa follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 64.200 25,300 Wheat, bu.. 43.000 27,800 Corn, bu 351.800 610,100 Outs, bu 123.SO0 92,400 Rye, bu 4,000 Barley, bu 46,000 6,600 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady: creameries, 18 17c; dairies. ngl8c. Eggs, easy; at mark, dairies. llV4316c. Eggs, weak; at mark, cases Included, 1414c. Cheese, weak at 7,j8o. St. Loals Grata and Provlsleaa, ST. LOUIS. June 16. WHEAT Lower; No. 2 red, 46c, elevator, nominal; track, 31.08 1.06; July. 8Zeii3c; September, c; No. 3 hard, 8&30o. . CORN Lower; No.' 2 cash, 47c; track, 48c; July. 47c: September, 47c. OATSWeak; No, 2 cash, 41c; track. 42 Vic; July, 87c; September, 81c; No. i while, 44Vso. FLOUR Moderate and unchanged: red winter patents,. 4.804.0; special brands, iodine higher; extra fancy and gtratght, $4.3o!i4.50; clear, 33.70S3.80. . bt,h-l-Timothy, fc.DOO)2.70. CORNMFJAL Steady. 32.40. BRAN Dull and heavy; . sacked, east, track 86c .... .. .. HAY Dull and unchanged; timothy, 27.00 4J14.O0; prairie, $.( Hi.00. , IRON COTTbHliES-Mw ;"-Jt BAGQINO c. , . ' " HEMP TWINE c. - M PROVISIONS-Pork, " higher; Jobbing. 312.65. Jjard, higher; prime steam, 36.20. Bacon, higher; boxed, extra 'shorts, 28.00; clear ribs, 38.12; short clear. 38.62. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 8e; springs, 14416c; turkeys, 13c; duoks, 8c; geese. 3c. BUTTER Slow; creamery, 1418o; dairy, 10fifl5c. EGOS Steady at 18c, case cotint. ... Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6.0uO 6 ono Wheat, bu 7,000 43,000 Corn, bu 84.000 47,000 Oats, bu 26,000 Sl.OuO Kansas City Grata and Previsions. KANSAS CITY, June 16. WHEAT Steady; July, 74e;" September, 70&c; De cember, 70c. Cash: No. 2 hard, 5c; No. 3. Wo1c; No. 2 red. 31.02QL08; No, 3, 97(3 11.00. Receipts. 13 cars. CORN Firm: July, 46c; September. 44c; December, 3i74(S38c. Cash: No. 3 mixed. 60cNo. 4, 4Sc; No. 2 white, 60c; No. .3. OATS Steady; No. 3 white, 414242c; No.' 3 mixed, 40-ti41c. BUTTER Weak; creamery, 18l6c; dairy, 12c. ' EGGS 8teady; Missouri and Kansas, new. No. 2 white wood cases Included, 13c;' cose count, 12Vc; cases' returned, c less. HAY Choice timothy, 310.5OCill.00; . choice prairie, M 2&S8.60. . ' RYE Firm; No. 2. 64e. v.. ReL"Pis' flhipments. Corn, bu 4.0 lo,0n Oats, bu 3.000 4.000 Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, June 16. WHEAT-July. 3Vi&S3c; September, 80i0Ho: on track: No. 1 northern, 84c; No. i northern, KUo. FLOUR First patents, 35.0065.10; second patents, 4.0y6.O0- first clears, 83.60(23.60; second clears. 32 46. BRAN In bulk, 315.00; shorts, 316.00. Mllwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, June 16 WHEAT Weak: No. 1 northern, W'lHvc; No. 2 northern, 86 (j87c; old July, 86Vic RYE Lower; No. I, 78o. - BARLEY Dull: No. 2. KSc: samnle. t703n. COKN-Msrket o higher; No. J, 48tj60c; July, 48iH8o. . JL t Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL. Juna 6 WHEAT Snot. eusy: No. 1 California, 6s 7d; futures barely steady; July, 6sld; September, 6s 2d. CORN Spot, quiet: American mixed, 4s4Vid; American mixed old, 4s6d; fu tures, dull; July, 4s4d; September, 4 2d. rtulatk Grain Market. DULUTH, June 16. WHEAT To arrive; No. 1 northern, 93?j4c; No. 3 northern, 9lV0!c; on track: No. 1 northern WVifcWo; No, 8 northern. 91WK2c; July, 93c; Sep tember, 80c; to arrive and on track, 84c. - Peoria Market. PEORIA, III., CORN Quoted firm to higher;. Na X. &c; No. 4 lie. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, June 16. COTTON Spot, dull; prices 16 points lower; American mid dling fair, tf.72d; good middling, 6.58d; mid dling, 64Ad; low middling, 6.34d; good ordi nary, aaod; ordinary, tJ. Futures opened easier and closed steady: American mirt. dllng, g. o. c, June, 6 Jod; June and July, .2od, July and AukusI, 8.14d; August and September, 6.93d; September and October, 6.Md; October and November, 5.30d; No vember end December, 6.24d; December and January, 6.21d; January and February, 6.2w1; February and March, 6 'Ml. NEW YORK, June 14. COTTON-Futurea closed Dajilv steady: June. 11.18c: Julv 11 Wc; August. lo.Soc; September, 9 98c; Oc tober, 9.ic: November. 8.63c; December, 9.5hc; January, 9 Mo. Spot closed dull, 10 points lower: miunung uplands, izc; mid dling gulf l-'ic. bales, 20 balea. ti -r Tiririfl T,, n. i cottoki and uncharged; middling, llc. flalea, none; receipts, none; shipments, none; slock, IV 630 tmles. NEW ORLEANS, June 18. COTTON Futurea steady: June, 11.29c; July, 11. Sac; Auirust. lu.tiifri 10.70c; September. 6 78S1i;!'c: October, 8.x4!4,c: November, 9 Sn-iUXlic; Iecemler. .37i.3c; Jsnuary, .459.4Sc. Spot, steady; sales. 400 bales; ordinary. 9c; f-xd ordinary, 10 6-)6c; low mlitdling, ulS-liV; middling, good middling, 11 13-ltic; iiilu.lUns fair. 131-lbc. Reoeipta, 16 Ules; slot k, 127,814 bales. Philadelphia Prodoeo Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 14.BI'TTER Steady; extra western creamery, lec; extra nearhv prints, 1SH. EHJ8tner; trrnh nearby, lc lose ofl"; freh weblern. lb 'i ; fr-ii aoulhweatsrn. IJ'ilKc; fr-h southern, loylfic. CHtKtsKi r Inn und In better aemana; New V oi k full cr-iiit, ciioit e to fancy, . a ' ir r.. t m NEWYORK STOCKS 1KD BONDS Propoted Preferred 8 ack lung of Union Ptoiflo TJniaUUi Market ADVANCES ON LIGHT TRANSACTIONS Oplalona Mixed Oer Relative Bene- ata t Bardena ot the Issae at genrltlee hy Harrlasaa Lines. -NEW YORK, June 16. Speculative sen timent continued much unsettled touay by tne proposed preierred stock . issue by i..,t,irn i-acltic. The feverish tone of Union Pacilia and Southern Pacific In the early dealings kept traders out ot the general market and those two stocks al most monopoliser tna trauma- "'"J settled down to aoout last nlgnt's level h market tiwk nn a better tone and was inclined to an advance slowly on light transsctions. Opinions ware mixed over the relative benefits of burdens to Union Pacific and Southern Pacltlo of the pre ferred stock issue. Union Pacific's double role of stockholder and creditor of South ern Paclilc la the principal cause of con tusion. ... As creditor Its advances to the subsidiary are to be paid off by a portion ot the new preferred stock and by the proceeds of the subscription. As stockholder the claims of Southern Pacific stock upon earnings are to be superseded by the 7 per cent rights of the new preferred stock. Union Pacltlo was somewhat erratlo In the early dealings in accordance with these uncer tainties regarded benefits to accrue. The stock sold under last night at one time. There was less contrarity of opin ion over the effect of the plan upon South ern Pacific ana traders were inclined to sell that stock. It did not become known until late in the day that a privilege of retiring the preferred stock at 115 from July, 1905, to July, 1910, waa to rest In the company. There was an active demand for Southern. Pacltlo 4s In the bond de partment. Southern Paciflo preferred when Indued sold on the curb at 121 and the rights to subscribe at par at 8i-t. Theie was very little In the general market. The ad vance In Consolidated Qaa was on the ex ecution of a large single order and was not explained. The reduction in the dividend rate of Lake Erie & Western preferred and the poor showing of quarterly and semi-annual net earnings by the Vander bllt railroads were not stimulating factors, hut ih market lenored them. The tone of the market was Indeterminable through out end the closing was heavy and below the best. . Some of the active speculative bonds made the market irregular by their de clines, but the market was generally (Ira. Total sales par value 31.770,OUO. United States 2s. the old 4s registered and the new 4s advanced ana the old 4s, coupon, 1 per cent on call. The quotations yesterday on the New York Stock exchange were: Sales.Hlgh.Low.Close. Atchison ..V 8,800 72 71 71 do pfd 400 94 94 94 Baltimore St Ohio 7,9u0 D0 79 80 do Pfd v ' ! Canadian Pacific....... 1.900 120 119 119 Central of N. J......... ..... .. 11. Chesapeake & Ohio 31- Chicago & Alton , 88 do pfd W4 Chicago Gt. Western. 600 13 13 13 Chicago A N. W 100 170 no in C.. MS St. P.V. 6,000 142 141 142 do pfd 1" Chicago Term. & T do pfd 14Vi C C., C. A St. L Colo. Southern 100 16 16 15 do 1st pfd do 2d pfd 19 Delaware & Hudson.. 500 156 156 154 Del., Lack. 4k West 271 Denver A Rio Grande JO do Dfd 8vVl Erie. .. 3.300 24 28 23 24 68 36 28 68 36 do 1st Pfd ............. 200 oie 34 67 do 2d Pfd 100 Hocking Valley ..... do pfd Illinois Central Iowa Central ........ do pfd K. C. Southern, bid. dn rfd 100 81 81 HI 500 130 129 129 guv In IS IB 100 83 33 '46" 109 V, 147 33 20 89 HW 147 77 113 43 63 117 ' 92 16 8rt 35 115V, . 55 86 300 40 Louisville & Nashville 1,900 100V1 Manhattan L 800 147 Met. Securities Met. St. Ry 1,000 113 Minn. & St. Louis...:. 100 44 M., St. P, dc-8. 8- M, .f ft. iii' 44 do pta Missouri Paciflo 1 43,000 Mo., Kan. A Tex 100 do pfd 2.300 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. ino N. Y. Central 6.700 Norfolk & Western... 1,300 91 ft 36 116 56 91 1 30 86 116 65 do pfd Ontario & Western... Pennsylvania P., C, C. 4c St. L..v Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Rock Island Co do pfd St. L A S. F. 3d pfd, 8.200 26 25 26 6.800 115 114 115 DC ,.10,500 47 46 66 20 64 '28 45 20 84 '22 '86 84 14 :::t: 47 81 6tt 20 64 46 " 28 45 400 1,300 1,300 tl 64 St. Louis S. W do pfd 400 Southern Paciflo.. ,...113400 Southern Railway ... l.luO do pfd ." 300 28 4H 21 85 '23 '87 Texas & Paciflo .. T., St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd Wabash do pfd Wheeling & L. E.. .. 300 .'44.'i00 22: 85 5 87 92 161 84 27 7 226 181 103 200 49 17 70 24 88 700 300 35 16 Wisconsin central do pfd Mexican Central Adama Ex American Ex United Statea Ex a... Wells-Fargo Ex Amal. Copper 1,800 Am. Car & Foundry,. do pfd 100 Am. Cotton OH loo do pfd ... 49 17 70 iHVi 49 17 70 24V4 Am. Ice do pfd Am. Linseed Oil do pfd ' Am. Locomotive ..... do pfd Am. Smelt eV Refng. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng..... Anaconda M. Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A Iron.... Consolidated Gaa ... Corn Products 200 100 26 7 26 24 19 82 63 t 126 72 X 29 SSr . 100 .. 200 . 1,100 ,. 800 liblioo 82 63 82 58 98 Ub UN 126 48 200 Vs .10,600 193 190 67 200 29 20 20 200 152 161 150 100 11 11 . 10 do pfd Distillers' Securities.. General Electric International Paper... do pfd - International Pump... do pfd National Lead North American Pacific Mall People's Gaa Pressed Steel Car do pfd Pullman Palace Car... Republic Steel do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd Tenn. Coal 4 Iron.... U. S. Leather do pfd U. .8. Realty do pfd U. B. Rubber do pfd U. S. Steel do pfd Weatlnghouse Else..,. , Western union Total sales for the day, zvB.buo snares. Boston Btoek ttnotatloaa. ... .tm T . . 1, toll 1 . . i , 11 i Mr cent; time loans, 34 per cent. Official Closing r siocaa mm ut'uu. Atrblwa a41 ,.1M Waxing, eoamoa Advoitur Alioaes ,. 14 . 1 ,. IH ? .. aosg , 46a .. 14 . II .. M .. au .. T :: i .. I '4 .. II do U Mm. Ceotral 4s AlcaUoa ...t.... do pM Barton A Albaar Uoatoa Milne. Bootes IS lamed ritohtwrl pt4 .. 1. t .. 40 .. Tl .. IW ..140 ..It ..1611 ..m Auaalgaouted .... Aaiarlcaa Xt&O .. Atlantic tUttKham Cat. Hocla tantaoalal 44 Copper Maaee ,. N. Y , N. H. . Pm Maniualta j I nlun loieo 'H Ara n. Ar. Cbem... do r im.r Pnau. Tube .. W Italy Waat Itomlolna Coal .. rraaklla Uranay lala Borala Iliia. klliilna Anxr. Sugar . .114W MlcuUaa do PId " I w kM, T.I t Tal...l M"t. ot ao Co a A mar. Woolaa 10H!il Pomioloa list ao pf4 i" "" DuBimoa I. ... farrot Edlaoa Blae. Illam. .IMfciVlulaor Oasaral Blaetrlo ....IH Hnanooa Maaa. Elactrlo H Timtracl .... to u e n ado plil 1 s. Miaing Maa icbnaeug was . v. 011 .... lua iiiaa l:att aaoat Mack Victoria do pfd W II. g. atawl do (i Mtk Wlnoua aalvorlae .... gear York Moner MaVhet. NEW YORK, June 16. MON IFT On eall. eaay; hlicheat, 1 iwr cent; lowest. 1 pot c-nt. ruling rate. Ik. prr rent; laat l'Mui, 1 per retil; cloajitg bid. 1 per cent; otfer-d 1 k. et 'I 1 rrm luana at.. I mmA .if 30 ' 70 600 21 20 20 .. r. 84 , 25 1,000 97 9 97 400 27 26 26 - 69 212 :::: ::::: ::::: 100 15 16 15 78 S? 6 79 300 69 69 59 100 16 16 15 . 1.5O0 9 9 9 . 4.4U0 64 64 64 154 87 sixty and ninety days, 2 per cent; six monthft. fMA per cent. PAPER Prime mercantile, 8VrB4 PT cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Easy. with actual business In bankers' hills at 24.s7a 4 8725 for demand and at 34 SfiJo for elxty day bills. Posted rates, 34 86iiji4.8. Com mercial bills. 4.864.85. SILVER Bar, fcVic; Mexican, dollars. itONDS Government, strong; railroad, lr reanilar. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows tl. 8. raf. ta. rag. .1H do coupon ....lH do la. ret do eoupoo 14 do now 4a, reg....M? do eenpoa 13?S do eld 4a. rag. do, coupon 1074 Atralaoa gon. 4a ...lU1 Atchlaon adjat. 4a ,. l Allantlo c. L 4a ... KH Man. era. gold aa....!' Met. Tagtral 4a do lat lno V gt u 4a M., K T. 4a do tnda ... ... ... t ... 1H N. R R. ot Mei. e. la 74 N. T. C. ga ma..inot i. c. g. M i:;j. Northern so. 4 14 do la TIUj Baltimore aV Ohio 4a. K'-'- N. . w. e. 4a ... im do ma S44 O. . I. 4a a sartle. H4 canirai oi ua. M....iya. rann. cone. ava . do lat tne 74 ttaanlng s. 4a 10uH C. a O. 4 Ha J(tt C. a A. IH ns C. B. A Q. now 4a.. H Ft.U. a I M e la in m.u a s r. rg.,4a u St. b. g. W. lata.... C.,M. A St P.gon. 4a 1 Saaboard A. L 4a... 4 C. A N. W. con. 7a.lKT4 Pouih-rn Pas. 4a .... tl 0., R. I. A P. 4a.. 1 Pomh.ra Rr. ta ....U7 oo col. a -, ! ai. a pao. lata.. ..Ill C..C..C. A it.L. X 4a W4 T , St. I,. A W. 4a... TO C. T. 4a 7! Vnlon Paclso 4s ....10H Con. Tobaere 4a .... 4Ia do conr. 4a 9 coi. a Houtnern 4a.. wx'i' s. steal Ind h. . 744 O. A R. O. 4a MHlWaba.h lat W4, Erie, prior llan 4a.. do deb. B ........ M r.m gen. 4S a w. a I,, b. 4a an Ft. W. D. T. lat.lm;wia. Central 4a .... H hocs. vaner ka ..i-y-v,oio. r. a I. e. la., n LAN, anISad 4a..l01l Offered. London Stock Market. LONDON. June 16. Closing: Conaola money P0S4 do account K4 Anaoonda 3 Atchlaoa 7J do p 4 17 B a O is Canadian Pacltlo ... C O l C. Ot. Waatorn 1S C, M. A 8u P.... 146V, rB-era 19 D. R. o iOfe ' do pfd 7: Erie , jc, do lat pf4 ........ (ii do ind pfd fcta Illinola Central L. X liiv. N. Y. Central ., ..11IH n. a w do pfd O. A W Pannajrlvanla .... Rand Mlnaa Reading do lat pfd .... do Ind pfd .... 8outbern Rr do pfd Southern Paciflo Union Pacltlo .... do ptd U. 8. steel .... do pfd Wahaah do pfd ......... .. tl .. 10H .. tilt .. 41 .. US .. 114 .. .. .. 94 Va .. 17 j it. c. t ioA'epanian aa SILVER Bar. firm. 2a4ad ner nunce. ,.Ki ' U Spanlah 4a .. ai MONEY lVs per cent. The rate nf dincmint in the nnen market tor short bills Is 2 per cent; three-months' bills, 21-4Guj2 per cent. New York Mlalnaj Stocks NEW YORK. Juna 1.-Tha followin g are the closing prices on mining stocks Adams Con .. SO Ontario ..171 ..1K6 .. 10 .. .. II ., II ,. 15 ..ivu Alloa .. it .. 10 .. t ,.10 ,.131 ,.176 I ,. 6 Ophlr Phoenix Poloal Savage surra Nevada flmall Hopaa .. Standard Breeea Comatock Tunnal . Con. Cal. A Va.. Horn Silver Iron Stiver Leadallle Cos .... Little CBlot Forelara Financial. BERLIN. June 16. Exchanae on London. 20m 41pfgB for checks. Discount rates, short bills, per cent; three-months' bills, 3Ve per cent. Trading on the bourse touay was stagnant and prices were weak on yesterday's New York advices. PAKlH. June 16. Prices on the bourse today were steady; trading was feature less. Russian Imperial 4 closed at 90.20. LONDON, June 16. The Tate of discount of the Bank of England was unchanged today at 3 Der cent. Money waa plentiful in the market today and there waa a mod erate demand. Trading on the stock ex change was quiet, but the tone was mostly steady. Consols were' cheerful and closed easier. Home rails were benefited by the favorable trafflo returns. Americans opened weak on the announcement of the proposed Issue of preferred stock of the Southern Paciflo railway. The market was Inactive at below parity and closed irregu lar. Foreigners were firm on Paris sup port. The amount of bullion taken Into the Bank of England on balance today, 78,00O. . . BOMBAY, June 1. The Bank of Bom bay has reduced 4ts bank rate from 4 to I per cent. . Bank Clearings. OMAHA, June 16.4-Bank clearings for to day, 31,357,167.38, a decrease of 393,663.80 from the corresponding day. last year. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS Condition of Trade srnd Quotations on Staple and Fancy Prodnee. EGGS Receipts, liberal market, steady; fresh stock, 14c. 'o... LIVE POULTRY Heps, 8c; rooster, according to size, 64jc; turkeys, 13c; ducka, 8to9e; geese, 6c; broilers, 17(jj'20c. BUTTER Packing stock, lie; choice to fancy dairy, iaai6c; separator. 17fil7V4c. FRESH FISH Trout. lOo; pickerel, 8c; filke, lOcr perch, 7u; blueflsh, 12c: wbiteflsh, 4c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, 11c; lobster, green, 26c: lobster, boiled, 80c; bullheads, lie; cattish, 14c; black basg, 20c; halibut, 10c; crapples, 12c; roe shad, 81.00; buffalo, 8c; white bass, 11c; frog legs, per dox.. 35c. BRAN Per ton, 318.00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. 38.00; No. 2, 37.50; medium, $7.00; coarse, W .O. Rye straw, 36.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, large size, 33.00; fancy navels, all sizes. 33.60; Mediter ranean sweete, choice, all sixes, 3a.0t4M.i5; Jeff as all sizes. 2. 76.00. LEMONS California fancy, ' 270-300-360. 83.75(01.25: cho'ce. i3.6(K&S.7ii. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lb. 60c; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown, crown, 14c; 7-crown, 16c. i BANANAS Per medlum-alsed t2-OU2.60: jumbo, 32.753.25. carton, 12c; 5- bunch, UAitM Persian, per box of 30 32.00: in 60-lb. boxes, 5c per" ib.j Oriental Stuffed, per box, 32.40. PINEAPPLES In crates of 24 to 42. per crate, 33.50. . i FRUITS. ' ' STRAWBERRIES Missouri, per 4-nuart case, 31. 60$ 1.66; Oregon Hood rivers, 3i0a bLACKBERRlEa Arkansas, per 24 JU., CHERRIES California, per box, 3L503 GOOSEBERRIES 26-qt. case, 31.60. PEACHES Texas, per 4-baskei crate, 3126. CANTELOIJPE Tesaa, per orate, 33.50 WATERMELONS Per lb., crated, lc: each. &yuuc. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, H.2U; Dakota, per bu., $1.20; New Texas Red stock, in sacks, per lb., 8o. . NAVr BEANS Per bu., $2.162.26. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate, $2.00; Louisiana, In sacks, per lb., 2c. CABBAGE California, per lo., 2HQ24ic. CAULIFLOWER Per dox., 90ci$1.0 CUCUMBERS Per dog., 50u TOMATOES Texas, 4-taaket crates, $1.75. RADISHES Per doi. bunches, 20c. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per do.. 80c. TURNIPS Southern, per dox., 45c. BEETS Southern, per doi, 45c. CARROTS Southern, per dox., TSo. PARSLEY Per doa, 4oc. BEANS Wax, per bu. box, $2.50; per -bu. basket. $1.00. String, per bu. box, $.'.00; per -bu. box, 85c. SPINACH Per bu., home grown, 3540c. ASPARAGUS Per dox. bunches, 40c. GREEN PEPPERS-Per 6-basket crate, $2 00. SQUASH Florida summer, per dox., 76c. PEAS Per bu. box, 31.0c, MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twlnr. full cream, 11c: Wisconsin Young America, 12c: block Swiss, 16c; Wisconsin brick, Uc; Wiscon sin Umberger, 13c, MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. ' HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c: No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs., 9Vc; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry salted. 8'al2c; sheep pelts, Zi'U'c; horstifdes, $1.OB260. , NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 1 soft shell, Pr lb., 18c; No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb., loci peanuts, per lb, 4c; rossted peunuts, per lb. 8;; Chill walnuts, lijUHc; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c: herd shell, 13c; shell barks, per bu., $2.00; black walnuts, per bu.. $1,115. . Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK, June 18. EVAPORATED APPLES The market Is quiet but steady, with supplies moderate. Common are quoted at 4'U6c; prime, 6c; choice, 63 6c; fancy, 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes are In moderate demand, but coast advices report a rtrmer tone to futures and prices are steadily held. Quotations range from 8j5. Apricots are in light demand, but there is no ressure agninet the market and prices are maintained. Choice are ?uoted at 8Hal0c: extra choice, 10Va'&lvc; anoy, lKfililc. Peaches are firm, and for f iture delivery and unchanged on spot. Choice are quoted at 7t7VaC; extra Choice, 7VMi&c; fancy, irVvaiuc. . CoaTeo Market. NEW YORK. Juno 16. COFFEE The market for futures opened steady at an ad vance of 6 Hjlnie. bales were reported of 87.U0 bags, one f the beet day's bualnexs In some time The tra nonactions lriclul4 June at 6Kj6 9fc; iM-pieiler. 6.11. H 'am; (X'tnher, 6i"c: lwcrtviber. 6Ac; Adaicb, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Bast Grades of Tat Cattle Steady, Othtri Slaw ail Lowac HOGS MOSTLY A NICKEL HIGHER Rot Enoagk Sheep and Lambs In Sight to Make a Fair Test of the Bltea tlon, hot Good StotT Conld Safvly Be 4k noted Steady. SOUTH OMAHA, June 16, 1904. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 3,670 6.471 123 Official Tuesday 3.720 13,546 1,077 OrtK-iai Wednesday 3.1W lJ.vli K1 Official Thursday 3,773 12,829 1.KA1 Four Cays this wek.. 13,270 45,17 3,1'.'5 Sunn days last week...l3.3W 41,(61 9.79H Same days week before.. 12, 301 45.321 4,5-9 Same three weks ago,.18.3Hl 46.9J7 Il.tW Same four weeks ago... 13, 726 66.172 U.992 6ame days last year 24,653 48,843 4.759 RECEltTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows tne receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dale, wlUk comparison with last year: 1904. 191. lno. Dec. Cattle 431,b4i 4M.X47 Utu4 Hogs l,2kMa 1,U4,! tl,0A4 Sheep ti,S&0 fc,,MO 131,470 Average prices paid tor hogs at South Omaha for toe laat several days with com parison: Date 1904. 1903.19O2. U01.1900.1899.1S98. June June June June June June June June June 1.. 3.. .. 4.. 63 6 931 6 701 4 68 4 831 3 60 4 U 4 12 4 03 4 10 48 4tsi 07 7 07, I 99 I 13 3 66 3 59 I 70 S BO I1 ?l 6... lt 77, 7 20 t 15, 7u 6 71 a 9i 1 Mi 4 53, 4 0Tl .. 7.. 8.. 4 94 8 66 4 01 H til U I 60) I 87 bli 3 Hi I 1 4 9 eeWl $80, e I 78 6 02 6 0H 9 4 t7ki 5 so 6 Oj 6 03; 7 31, 7 26 7 m June lo. 6 83; 8 bu 3 98 June 11.. June 12.. June 13.. June 14.. Juna 16.. June 16.. 4 li 4 81 4 84 4 81 6 91 3 3 71 $ 79 3 77 3 90 6 99i 6 07 a 1 33 f 3t 7 81 a S 89j 4 Vi 4 IXi 167 8 64 3 66 3 61 3 6J t 81 4 85! 4 89, C 98 6 01 6 So 4 87ji 7 24 4 96 Indicates 8unday. The oiticlal n umbel of cars cf Stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. A St. P 2 24 Missouri Pacific 7 3 Union Pacillo system . 16 24 C. A N. W 8 11 F., E. A M. V 38 61 C, St. P., M. A 0 8 11 B. & M 83 40 C, B. A Q 7 6.. K. C. A St. J 4 1 4 C, R. I. & P.. east 16.. C R. I. & P., west 1 ,. Illinois Central 2 2.. Chicago Great Western 1 .. Total receipts' ...121 183 4 The disposition of the day a receipts was aa follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 225 1,713 .... 6wlft and Company 621 2.574 2?I Cudahy Packing Co 608 ,2,914 15 Armour A Co 876 3,928 824 Omaha, Kansas City .: 628 Cudahy, Kansas City.... 108 .... 229 108 6 31 62 I 87 ""i 206 Armour, Sioux City 1,251. Vansani A Co W. I. Stephen Hill A Bon Livingstone A Root L. H. Meyers Sol Degan S. A 8 Layton A Co 436 172 M. Hagarty Other buyer Totals. 1787 12,988 1,331 CATTLE. Cars. D. Davis, Dedham, la. Mil 1 I. Davis, Dedham, la. Mil 1 J. D. Bherer, Grlswold, la. Q..... 1 II. E. Mardsen. Red Oak. Ia. Q 1 j. E. Maxwell, Knobnoster, Mo. Mo. P.. 1 J. E. Melvln. Skldmore, Mo. K. C 1 CATTLE There (was not an excessive run of cattle In slant this mornlnx. but ackers did not taae hold with a great eal of life. They were Inclined to be particular what they bought and seemed to be anxious only for the better grades. The general market could be quoted steady to a little lower. uood, neavy, wen fattened cattle soia without much trouble at steady nrlces and aa high as $6.26 was paid. Thene choicer bunches were picked up In fairly good mason, but when it came to the less de sirable cattle the market was rather slow with the tendency of prloes downward. Some salesmen thousrht thev Anally cot yesterday's prlcea, while others were-quoting It as much as 6&10c lower In extreme cases. Considering the comparatively amall number of cattle on sale, the morn ing was well advanced before a clearance was maae. ' The cow market showed very little change from yesterday, so far as the bet ter grades of dry lot stuff was concerned. Everything of that kind was sold In good season at Just about steady prices with ?esterday. The commoner kinds of corn eds, though, were a little slow and a trifle lower. Graasers were very slow sale and considerably lower than yesterday. None or tne pacaers seem to want tne graasers and buy them only when they have to In order to get their necessary supplies. The market on bulls was oteady, except In the case of something that showed the effects of grass, which was a little lower. Veal calves sold in Just about the ime noicnes tney aid yesterday. There were not enouirh stockera iM feeders In sight to make much of a test of the market, but at the same time it waa very evident that the demand was limited, so that prices could not be quoted any more than steady on good stuff, with the oommoner kinds dull. Representative sales; BEEF STEERS. . No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. 1 845 4 00 II..., 104 ( Ut 1 430 4 16 M an 14 1068 4 40 It 11 us H 4 3 4 SO 40 120g f M 3 4 44 66 1148 70 1 U0 4 76 to 1191 70 3 410 4 T 11 117B I 70 3 4 75 II 1044 6 74 t 746 4 T6 4 Hit ( 76 T 10H7 I 10 M 1144 I J 34 UU t 10 It 1171 6 tl . 7 171 I It 14 1(144 I ao II Ml IK 17 1113 M M 1171 I M 84 Ut4 6 H 4 711 I 16 ' 17 14(6 I M 0 1130 W 7 U.H H II n6 I M II HOT I 40 M 1146 6 40 14 1144 I 40 I Ml I M II 1441 I 10 ' tl .....1271 t M 1' 1111 I IS 7 142 ( IS II 1604 t M IZtl I 00 N 1321 t 00 ' 4: .,12111 00 17 1397 00 10 ,...1381 ( M M U4I . j 00 46 13HI 06 II 1511 i M 1 1844 I 40 II 10U4 I 40 16 1044 W 6 1111 I 60 T M0 i 60 10 141 I 60 II 1071 6 10 1 11UI I at tt 06 I 64 tl 1311 I 10 11 ,.11M I 10 II 1111 I 40 i i4?o an STEERS AND COWS. 16 HI 4 40 IT 741 I 15 12. Ill 4 II XI Ill 6 ....... Iinir.,....-, t 1070 4 10 II , HOT I 40 II Tut 4 M 1194 I 61 II 104(1 I ia li .131,0 t 76 tl ,KI I 40 10.. 1410 M ,J TV O. 1 It 3 14 14 ISM I K 1 1040 I 10 17 Hat so 1., 440 1 36 1 10al 4 00 1 SoO 3 10 t 46 4 00 14 in t 10 Z J..... Id 4 00 10 IN ID 1 170 4 00 1.,,,, aau a av a.,. nxu 4 z& I..... mi t 60 10 mm 4 ti 11 110 1 40 1 16U0 4 16 t 1UM w - a aao 4 10 It MT I 15 1 100 4 M I MO a ia a..,,. 11U4 4 45 10M I 16 1 M0 4 60 loll I 60 3 1040 4 60 1 1101 I 40 I..., 1430 4 10 1 11IMI 3 40 1 1320 4 60 4 1330 I 40 11 1061 4 70 1110 I 40 T 1107 4 TO 14 10S I 70 1 1S40 4 41 6 1IH1 a IB a. iio 4 45 T ion I II 1 l:io 4 76 1 s0 I T6 1 1240 4 Tl 1 120 t II ) lftal 4 10 1 1170 t 71 T im a u IT HO J Tl I lino 00 ,0" HEWERS. tl 461 8 DO t 131 4 00 t 44a I o ll MI 4 00 1 1040 I Tl 1 1(120 4 00 10 416 1 16 1 1410 4 SO 1 iftau a wi i iiao 4 00 !..... Ill 100 1 tOOO 4 14 1 IV 26 I 00 t 1X40 4 a 1 41 I OS 1 1110 4 II 4 TIT I 16 1 ...lua 4 44 4 744 I 15 M0 4 60 6(4 I 40 1 1710 1 41.0 I 60 1 740 4 lo l 40 t Tl 1 130 4 10 1 IW "Wi; u" 1011 I Tl 1 lino 4 91 1 44 I 41 1 146 4 U 1 74 t I 1 l'KW 4 vt 1 -..1610 I 76 1 1740 4 45 1 ....1144 4 34 1 11,44 I 6 1 .....lau 4 H 1 laiio 4 b 1 14M W 1.. 1 1461 4 64 i!W i 64) I laud 4 10 L Alj v ca I W IM. 1 14 I M I lno 3 II 6 IM IN I 16 4 6 I t0 I 60 1 ll I 00 t I IU It il lot I II I 60 1, lao l si a i' I aw STOCK EK8 AND FEEDEK8. t 6 't I 40 1 340 I 7 I. I 44 II.., 4i7 t 6 C 6 I tt I (14 44 44 IT 6 434 IH HOGS Receipts of hogg were quite lib- m I u,n ,1.1. M.llln, I LI ( - . . scored another advance. Trading was not very active, as packers did not like to pay the prices asked, but they all wanted sup plies, so that hogs kept moving toward the scales and the bulk of the arrivals waa dis posed of In fairly good Season. The most of th good-weight nogs sold from 34 85 to 34 80, with choice from $4 nn to 35.(10 and a top at $5.06. The lighter and lea desirable hogs sold from M S-'U. down. These prices were fully a nickel higher than yeMerrlnv, particularly on the better grades. The common kinds, the same ss usual, were more or less neglected and salesmen found It hard In many Instances to get the full advance on that class. The close of the market was rather slow with the feeling, if anything, weaker, as packers had their more urxent orders tilled. At noon there were a few loads in first hands that arrived late. Representative sales: No. A. ill. TT. Nn. A. Bit- tT. 17 ...' 4 61 0 4 I7V4. ax 147 140 4 7 131 t l0 4 ITVi 75 16 140 4 70 71 Ml 140 4 7(4j 75 It ... 4 T7 -74 IM SO 4 7u, SO .16 ... 40 TT til rt 4 174 74 17 ... 4 0 17 130 10 4 74j T 0T tOO 4 SO M ltd 140 4 17(4 41 tie 40 4 SO Tl J VI 30 4 17 '4 14 r9 10 4 SO II 135 too 4 17V ml tn ... 4 M ll ::t tan 4 m, 74 ll 40 4 W Tl tfT 0 4 17 II .s 115 S IN II 144 IM 4I74 lit ... 4 10 ' Ml 1 4 74 74 170 00 4 SO 40 234 14 1714 T Ill 1X 4 J4 T 327 120 4 17(4 Tl s04 ... 4 I34 47 IM) ... 40 10 lit ... 4 121 41 t!7 63 4 PO 71 1"4 10 4 (4 :4 If.l ... 40 1 130 140 4 ll ft 44 40 4 M 61 I ... 4 I3V4 Tl t37 40 4 10 II W4 40 4 13V) 6 341 HO 4 M 71 Ml 4 1 4T Ml SO 4 M 17 WI 10 4 16 T4 ?J1 IN IM Tl ,..t3i 130 4 16 14 ..341 ... 4 0 10 Ill ... 4 M TC 121 M 4 10 M 121 SO 4 II Tt 1.11 10 4 10 4 110 ... 4 14 Tl til ... 40 a U 130 4 6 17 Ml tOO 4 K) 71 317 40 4 W " tt? 140 4 M 16 321 to 4 ao Tl 145 ... 4 r 41 til 14 4 aa . ll 44 K 4K 74 Ill 140 4 6 11 331 M I M 41 Ill 10 4 66 " 1 IN 14 311 10 4 6 IN 64 124 t4V 4 a 10 4 N at 3( 40 4 kl !t 40 4 N 76 tiaj ... 4 6 Ml too 4 10 14 145 ... 4 U 40 4 10 a4 in ... 4 al 4 10 7 3J N I li f 7 IN IN TJ 126 13 4 44 4 J37 M 4 tO 44 381 140 4 U I J' 4 tO 11 340 KuO 4 46 44 347 40 4 tO 7) in 0 4 la M 1,3 tOO 4 tQ Tl 324 140 4 16 M 130 4 M 110 ."ll. Tl. . .121 to 40 63.:.:.:. ..i4 .,: m 74 321 It 4 H I0 4 K 44 331 a) 4 16 J J" 40 f 74 32 . . 4 aa ,:" 4M M l. . .66 M 4N i tro :.: lu s; jw 40 116 ... aaa J4S 4N al 4.14 A ,71 vi.. .160 110 4 N 1 131 130 4 I7V ; "J" 76 Ill llo 4 ijvT 40 4 N il i:i ! ii. . ii twi 40 4 to " ' . ' 1 ia . Ta yi ia a .Ti. 31 10 4 0 44. too 4 17(1 ,B ' 4 M4 ' Ml ... 4 671, 61. .141 to 4 IIV4 It.... TO.... TO.... TS.'... ...Ml 40 4 12 M ...146 ... 4 12(4 1 ...Ml ... 4 I! ...151 10 4 11 14 ' ' 17 47 141 10 4 IT 14 Ill N 4 I7N4 4 161 10 4 47 4 14V 4 i; 70.. Ill 130 4 I7V4 73 141 ao 4 I7U II. ia ... 4 35 to 373 ... 4 ti 44 SKI ... IN j4 au 4o 4.7 J J" IS-: s? 1M S::::::::K g 3 tl 80 4 15 IV... .....1101 ... 4 7li " 321 60 4 17 tiO ... 4 87 " 130 40 I 17 W 14 40 4 17 u. 44. 147 ... 4 IS 11 62 0 . .S.16 ... 6 On ..! ... I 00 ...ZM 130 I 00 va : r. 'o 86.. .115 ... I OS lav a aivk 11 .h?E?rTn.ore WM n0 change in the fSfPa..',Uutttlon thl morning, as most everything reported was consigned direct to local packers. The same as has been . t.her.e wa" a brlBk demand for anything at all good and prices could be quoted fully steady on such kinds. There TL I punch of drive-In lambs on sale that had been on grass and grain. They were only in fair condition and gold for Xq.jO Quotations on clipped stock: Good to & 2 nSmb'' W-W'W: ' t food lambs, if -SS'SS1 .'.ood to hoice wooled lambs; fair to good wooled lamba. $.0O44 Sk,11.1? choloe yearlings or wethers. iiliPi ,alr i Kooi yearlings or wethers, l4.764jS.O0;. good to choice ewe. $4.25jAE4); fair to good ewes, K004yl.25. Representa tive sales; No. 231 western lambs tiM western lamba Av. .. 73 . 67 Pr. 6 10 6 26 CHICAGO LIVE 8TOCKv MARKET Cattle Steady to Mow Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Hlsther. .J?lCA?' June 16.-CATTLE Receipts, b.oiiq, head; market steady to slow; good to PilU'r "teerB- 36 J6I&6.66; poor to medium, 34.6tkij6.85; stockers and feeders, $3.u04H-76; I, ;v,TX-vv','w' I'eiiers, 4u.ouiyVU.40; canners, f1!56,?:' bull84 2.o4.BO; calvta, UooW 6.J5: Texas-ted steers, $5.0iK&o.60. . HOGS Receipts today, 23,ouu head; esti mated, tomorrow, 18,000 head; market 6c higher; mixed and butchera, $4-864j.lo; good !?.Sh-ice .h'avy' to.ouj.76; rough beavy, $4.8O4j3.0O; light, H6O4JU.06; bulk of suits $4.lMi5.10. SHEE AND LAMBS Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady to luc hlarher me 10(615c higher for lambs; good to choice w5.the 4-763,o-is6: weBtern Bneep, $4.50411 6.00; native lambs, $5.0orat!.6o; western Jambs. t.Outj'7.00; spring lambs. $5,0047.65. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS PITV l.iiu ia PlWT u n.. ceipts, 4,8o0 head, including' 1,700 southerns; aoi upeneu airuna; ana ciosea steady to 10c lower; export and dresseu beef steers, $6.76036.40; fair to good, W.6tj-j.6o; western fed steers 14 Ak'.ift mc .lni.l.... n .1 $2.7644.7); southern steers, $3.2j45.75; south ern cows, $2 i!54j4.00; native cows, $2.2.i&H.a; native hellers, $3.004jj.3o; bulls,; ralus t : fJv?,A tA ' . HDl.(UllMAlntfl 0 rwwi (- e- 1" . ' v ,v yj ii tan , mni KC(, no iiiRiiei. iop, oo.tiz; duik or sales, 4.S54 4.8iV4; heavy, $4-964115.02',,; packer. $4.S54ifi.0oj SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,600 head; market steady to 10c lower: native laiuuo, ao.axB (.uu; western lambs, xs.Z64VT.00; ieu tun, iu-d.iu; x exas tciippeai year lings, $4.76&5.6o: Texas (clipped) sheep, $4.ii5 4i4.i"6; stockers and feeders, $a.UXu4.0O. St. Lomls Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. June 16 fATTlJBoMlni. 12,000 head, Including 8,600 Texans; market steady to strong; native shipping and ex- -wi iTCiB, a.ouiu'Q.o ureaaiMi neer and butcher steers. S4.6utj6.2S: steers under l am pounds, $4,0004. Su; stockers and feeders. $3.8044.60; cows and belferg, $2.S64j)5.26; can ners, $1.50&2.6o; bulls, $2.6o43.3o; calves, $5.00 66.76; Texas and Indian steers, $3,0040 6o; cows and heifers, $3.75413.76. uu iteceipta, b.suu head; market 610o hitlher: plus and llahls. 34.16d'4.lsJ: nirimn i4.so4i5.00; butchers and best heavy, $4.904y .16. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,000 head: market steady: native muttons tiu &6.00; lam Da. $4.7607.00; culls and bucks, stockers. $2.60422.80. New York Live Stock Market. . v..v, .una nw, ite Alnta aa liaait all . No trading In live cattle. Feeling, steady. uaoies unchanged. Exports, none. , . . . . , ncau, very 111119 d,ini mur.k,,t lower; good to ehoice veals. calves, slow; city dressed veals, 64rtiWc per HOGS Hwcelnto. I,aa7 head; none for sale alive; nominally steady. SHEEP AND . LAMBS Receipts, 6,600 naMti: inn mMw ciwja iui.. irv., r.n lower; others, 26c off; medium to prime ai.wiijo.ov, cuna, ao.uu; sneep, u.wxi 6.00: yearlings, nominal. Stork ta Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock iui ii miM. (iniiuiimi western cities yesier dn V Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 2.670 6.271 .V'S South Omaha Chicago , ... 6.0K0 23,000 6,0uo ... 4.SO0 9,0.10 4,000 ...12.000 6.600 4,0) ... 917 6.059 iii ... 200 3,000 ...26.687 62,830 14,146 Kansas City , Bl. 1OU1S . St. Joseph Sioux City Totals t. Joseph Live Stock Marked. ST. JOSEPH. June ill PATT1.K.. ceipts. 917 head; market steady; natives, 14 '., Jt fjf .nw. nA hmlfA. L.,... ' stockers and feeders, $2.75414.26. HOGS KecelptM, 6,0r,6 bead; market 6c higher; light, $4.82'4ri4.92; medium and nnvy, en.oi xitj.w, SHEEP AND LAMR8 Receipts, 823 head; market steady to strong. leas City I.lva Btoek Market. BIOL'X CITY. Ia., June 16 -(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, too head; mur ket steady; beeves. $4 6M1 00; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.. 411475 00; stockers and feeders, $3.of(i4 .00; veurllngs and calves, $3.A04j2 8. HOGS Receipts, 8,0"0 head; market 8iil0c higher at $4.7ii4.90; bulk, $4.8oru4 K5. Metal Market. NEW TORK. June 16-METALS-Tln turned easier again today, with London cabling a decline of L's d to a.118 16a for pot and of 15a 10 AMlk 6s for futures. Lo cally prices were lowered to $:!S.0iku W.60 for spot. Copper advanced 6a In liniioti, with spot cloning at AM 7s 6d and futures at wi 6a. I.wally the market was unchanged, with dike quoted at $l2 624j, electrolytic at $12 6041 12.t2 and rsaliiig st t'1 U') 12.26. Iad was unchanged at $2 4(xrP4.!t0 in the lo cal market, while In Ixmrion there waa a decline of 2s 4.1 to 11 tin 3d. B.-wlter waa unchanged hers at $4 N64j4 87. At London U was also unchanged at 15 2oa. Iron waa unchanged at 61a 6d In Ulnagow and at 4Js In hllditlcaboroiiKii. 1 lir l"Cil market was oulrt No. 1 foundry northern I quoted at tU'" No 2 foundry northern at I foundry southern, soft, st $l3.2&jj'13.;6. Vg Iron warrants are weak st $(. ST. IAU.'I", June 18 -MrrTAIJ Lead, dull at $4.10; pelter. dull at II'. NEW YORK. June 16. MKTAI.8 Lead and copper quiet and, unchanged. Oils aad Roaln. NEW YORK, June 18. OILS Cottonseed, steady; prime crude, nominal; prime yel low. ZKVu'Jiv. I'etroleum, quiet; refined New Voik, $7 96; Thllud. lphltt and Rultl more, $7.f; in hulk. $6.10. Turpentine, quiet' refined, 66H?"t- KOSIN Steady; strained, Common to good, $3.10. ' - . SAVANNAH, (la., June 16.-OILS Tur prr.tlne. firm, S2c. ROSIN-Flrm; A. P, C, $2 TS; P, 12 E. ?.; P. $2.P: O, $iM; H, $3.06; I. $3.30; K, ft 4o; M, $3.65; N. $3.86; W. G.. $4.15; W. W.. jt ii. till, CITY. June lft.-OII,fl Credit hal Sfces, $1.59; certificates, no bid; slilvmients. 87.628 bbls.; average, fcS.Mo bbls.; runs. 102. 891 bbls.: average, 7t,7'JO bbls. : shlpiuents, Uma, 84,131 bhls.; average. 63.5JO bll.; runs, Lima, 81,217 bbls.; average, 5t,'X bbls. agar aad Molasses, NEW ORLEANS, Juno W.-St'OAR Strong; onen kettle, J(fiS 3-lio; open kel tie centritiiKnl. .I'c ; centrifugal whites. 4'Y4V; yellows, 3'y4 6-li.c; seconds, i' tj3Nc MOLASSES Nominal: oven kettle. I Sc; centrifugal, 10jil5c. Syrup, nominal. CONDITION OF IRON MARKET Marked Decrease ia Output la Pre dicted by an Ohio Trade Jomrnal. CLEVELAND. June 16. Discussing mar ket conditions, the Iron Trade Review, In Ita current Issue, says that restriction In pig Iron production Is still under way and midsummer promises to show a marked falling off from the high point reached In April, when funace output was at the rate of 19,000,000 tons a year. In addition the closing of two Bessemer steel plants Is announced and the open hearth plant at South Sharon, Pa., Is to go out. Decreasing consumption of Iron and steel Is plainly reflected In the June 1 statistics as well as In the news of the week, and the recent curtailment, with the exception of one furnace In the Chi cago district, has had no rotation to the restricted movement of ore on the lakes. The strike as a factor In the Iron market is no longer to be considered. Its com plete collapse tin come and before the end of the week a - large fleet will be under way. Against about 7.000,000 tons of Iron ore brought down at this time last year, the present season's movement has been less than 100,000,000 tons. Parker May Get Indian Territory. DURA NT, I. T.. June 16. The territorial executive committee was In session all morning outlining preliminary work of the democratic convention; which is to elect six delegates to the national convention at St. Loula. There wan difficulty In agree ing upon temporary officers and the con vening of the convention was delayed. It seemed certain that If Instructions were voted they would be for Parker. The Hearst followers had lost strength since yesterday. Tornado In Cuba. NEW TORK. June 16. A tornado, ac companied by unprecedented rain, bus canned great damage about Santiago de Cuba. The land lines between ' Havana and the Santiago end of the Island have been blown down and cable communication has been Interrupted for forty-eight hours. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record June 16, as- fur nished, by the Midland Guarantee & Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for The Hoe: Smith 8. Caldwe'.l to Nellie H. Caldwell, part tax lot 13, 22-15-13.. $ 1 Henrietta M. Caldwell to Victor B. Caldwell, part tax lot 13, 22-16-13.. 1 Victor B. Caldwell to Smith Cald well, part tax lot 13, 22-16-13.... 1 Smith S. Caldwell to Nellie H. Cald well, part tax lot 18, 22-16-18 , 1 Edward D. Jones and wife to John KHkelson, lot 13, block 1, Halcyon Heights 200 Mattle E. Shelly and husband to Sophia M. Davis, part Iota 23 and 23, block 8, Hanscom Place 17,600 Pioneer Townslte company- to Mloh- ( . ael Mueller, lots 4 and S, block 3, Bennington 160 Oaborn P. Perley and wife to Mary Hershman, lot 12, block 4, Arbor Place ' 3tO Marie Louise' Flsette and husband to Margaret E. McDonald, lot 6, Redlek's 2d add , 8 600 Margaret E. McDonald to Marie Louise Flsette, part nwV iifrVi 6-15-13 6,500 Patrick Murray to Mary A. Hlnton, part tax lot 84, 10-15-13 2,200 Oflva Nelson to Frank H. Garvin, part lot 19, block 1, Armstrong's Ut add 1.075 Tukev Land company to Matilda Nor'lander, lot . block 11 Clifton Hill '. 850 Frank W. Carmlchael to Carle A. Somes, lots 23 and 24, block 16, Halcyon Heights 500 Ferdinand Hansen and wife to Callesen, lot 10, block 2, Drexet's sub 1.G50 Northwestern Mufual Life Insurance company to Howard Kennedy, lot 8, block 1. Henry A Sheltnn's add.. 6,000 Adelaide A. Ralcom and husband to John B. Shlppen, lot 24, Archer Place 1,360 Frank L. Williams and wife to Geo. . E. Reck, lots 8 and 10, block 6, Matthews' sub. to - Albright's Choice COO Horace A. Cameron and wife to Rob ert S. Trimble, part lots 49 and 60, Reese Place 3,700 Gfrc Best of Everything The Only Double Track Railway to Chicago Only $20.00 to Chicago and Return Every Day front June Igt Only $13.00 to Chicago ond Return Juas 16-20. Oood Till Jung 29th. Iiin.iaii 1 City OffiC4ss 1401-1403 FARNAM ST. OMAHA ' TEL. 924-t&l V I.EUAL NOTICES. NOTICE OK THE HOARD OK EtJI'ALI Z4TION OF Irtd'GLAM COl'N TY. All complaints must be filed liefore this board on or Ix-fors June 'ii, 14, and lor the accommodation of thoae who are un able to appear during the day the uttlce C the county aaaeaaur will lie open evenings from 7 80 p. ni. until In n. in. (Signed ) H. K. M i" Chairman.