f) i i i f if l i i Jp"v, 7 A mi fri i vck V dust i i NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANT AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Tax.Coamluioner O'ffall Cites Out tag -. Total oa AuMtmeat TOTAl ' INCREASED OVER A MILLION VoaroV'of Rarrlaw Will Begin Ma tas n' lions Today; and "Will Sit Eight Day , to . Hear Com .''? i plaints. Commissions O'NsU' haa completed his ilgurts Jot tha city taxes tor 1904, and today ths'i Board o Revlaw will mwt at Mil N atret to raoalra oomplatnta. Tha board will remain la session from 9 a, m. until 1p.m. each day until June M. After that data no complaints will ba received and tba council will proceed to make a levy an the valuation returned by the board. As tax commissioner Mr. O'Nell 1 chairman- of the board, while M. Ma berry and J. M. Toblaa are the members appointed, by the mayor and city treas urer. .Whon the . board meets this tnorn lrtgoos aftha appointive motribers will be named as secretary, A clerk la also al lowed the board. As abown by tba figures turned in by the tax commissioner the valuation la being gradually , increased. - . Last year Fitzger ald, then tax commissioner, turned in a valuation of tl7.fi63.166. This year the val uation is placed ' at l,0O3,4O5. For 1903. on a valuation . of $17,663,000, the council made a levy of VA mills, which brought Into the city treasury about 1166,000. This year with an Increased valuation the levy may ba less, but as the city Is growing so rapidly, with a consequent Increase In ex penses, the levy may not fall below 9 mills. This matter has not been consid ered at all by tho mayor and council, aa there Is nothing definite to be known until the Board of Review , completes its work. Then the revised valuation will be given and the levy made upon the returns of the board. . ' - Following . are . tha figures for the big corporations as returned by the commis sioner, with the totals i Union Stock Yards company Meal. fcrsnnai. xoiai. 190J.. .$1,177,000 . $1,030.0UO llKei 3,114, :u6 U7,7b Cuduhy Packing company 14 67Mu5 .6M.00O iW.OUW ' fcJi.UW Armour & Co. 19U3 601,000 828,000 Uui UOMXIO fcih.OuO wilt and Company 1903 4fX,000 4C4.0OO 1904 " 4M.0OO 474.009 llHmmond Packing company 1903 JC,00 18,000 19u4 Sao.uoo Onmha Packing company 1903 216,000 8,000 . IM ;.... 147,000 H2.W0 1,091.000 I,lu6,0u0 1,120.000 1,144,(M0 9o2.000 9oo,0u0 $18,000 VO,OUO 4KS.O00 Totals 1908.W.SS1.OOO Totals 1V04. 4,IU9,14 $1799,000 $8,180,000 1,907, H7 e.!,U00 Personal.- WIS. 1904. Omaha Street Rail way.. $ Omaha Water company Omaha Oas company.... Omuha KIpc L,t. Co Railway companies Nebraska Telephone Co. 176. uu) lfxi.OO 13.',chi0 80.0UO $75,000.00 6S6.0U0.00 1UO.000.00 167.6(H). 00 W0.0aj.80 90,000.00 Totals 11,699 610 2,3irt.62.80 Total of all property assessed: 1904. Personal $ 8,fi72.as5.Tl Real 10.990.7KO.00 $ 6.8S7, 890.68 12.106,615.00 Totala $17.6ta,liS.71 $19,003,405.58 Mayor Appoints Committees. At last night's meeting of the city coun cil Mayor Koutaky named two Important committees. The flrat was on redisricting the wards. This committee Is composed of Councilmen Adklns, Klewit and Quee ns n. For the purpose of looking Into the cost and advisability of purchasing voting machines the mayor appointed Councilmen Klewit. McCralth and Martin. These com mittees will have all the time they want to make Investigations and report back. The Judiciary committee reported favor ably on over two dosen sidewalk ordinances And these ordinances were read for the aecod time. Another meeting of the council will be held tonight when these crdlnanocs will be passed. Mayor Koutsky ff Common soaps ft only cleanse ; Lifebuoy Soap U does more disin- jjj fects. In " Laun- If Ndry'aVToiletW eize, yy njr comes dourn, obedient to The lau? of gravitation; Thi common cracker soaks it up. And causes aggravation. wKcfi s one tpf Jbesf reasons everybody snoud . i fit. moisture, and odor progf Is In favor of Improvements of thla kind and stated lost night that he would sign the Improvement ordinances as rapidly as they passed the council. Preparing for Doable Tracks. , Tho street railway company is preparing to lay double tracks on Missouri avenue from Thirteenth street west to It . street and on l street to Twenty-fourth street. Poles are being set now for the trolley wires, Missouri avenue la -forty feet from curb to curb- and the double tracks will take up about fifteen feet of the middle of. tha roadway. Thla work la being done with the expectation of extending the Thirteenth street line with double tracks to tha end of the line at the southern city limit a All of the poles for a double track havo been aet on South Thirteenth street from Dominion street to Missouri avenue and only a apeii or good weatner la wanted for the track laying. . Improvement Bonds Accepted. City Clerk Olllln received a letter yes terday from Spitaer A Co.. Toledo, stating that they expected a favorable report from their attorney In Cleveland on the issue of $69,000 improvement bonds for the paving of Railroad avenue. Tha Bpltiers go on to atata that they are now having tha bonds printed and that tha blanks will be aent here, soon for signature. On thisJasue J.he city receives a premium of $600 and tha bonds run for twenty years with Interest at the rata of S per cent. In regard to the paving of Railroad avenue City Engineer Beal says that he Is ready at any time to set the stakes. All be wants Is a notifica tion from the contractor that work Is about to commence. It Is thought that the work will atart next week. Mass Meeting; Tonight. Thla evening a mass meeting is to ba held In tha council chamber for the purpose pf hearing reports of committees appointed to ascertain the cost of a alte for a city hall building and the probable cost of such a atructure. When bids were first opened for sites on Saturday the lowest was $1,600 and the highest $12,000. It was decided to allow two verbal biddors to put their bids In writing. All of the five propositions will be submitted to tha meeting tonight and If a decision Is reached the mayor and coun cil will be requested to call a special elec tion for the voting of bonds for the pur chase of a alte and the construction of a building. Workmen Elect Officers. Lodge No. 66, Ancient Order of United Workmen, met Tuesday night and elected these officers: John Ballard, master work man; Herman Steinberg, foreman; David Whitney, overseer; C. W. Miller, receiver; C. M. Rih, financier; J. C. Jordon, re corder; Charles Cbasa, guide; Albert Spear, trustee. Maeller Will Build. Frits Mueller has secured plana for a two story brick building to be erected at the southwest corner of Twenty-sixth .and O streets. The building Is to be twenty feet In width and eighty-two feet In length. It is estimated that the completed build ing will cost $12,000. Stakes for the grading have been set and work on the excavating Is to commence today. Other buildings In the same neighborhood ara progressing rap Idly. Christian Charch Building. Ground was broken yesterday for the new Christian church 40 be erected at the south east corner of Twenty-third and I streets. The building to be erected at this time will be of brick, 40x60 feet. A lot adjoining baa been reserved for future use, when it la expected that an addition may be built. Considerable money has been raised for the building fund and while the members of the church do not expect to complete the struc ture at once, a atart is to be made with tha idea that sufficient funds will eoon ba raised to carry on the work. Tha plan now la to have the church ready for occupancy by the end of tha year. Rev. Leander Lane, who baa been tha pastor of tha church for soma time, will tender his resignation shortly and leave for California, where he expecta to reside. 80 far the trustees of the church have not selected a pastor to succeed Rev. Mr. Lane. riyan Will Bava Yon Money. An unusual opportunity to buy clothing and dry goods at money-saving prices Is offered South Omaha people in Flynn's Juno sale. Ootids you do not need are not cheap at any price, but this is a chance to buy Just what you want and what you need and In any style you want at less money than the same goods can be purchased In a regular way anywhere else. Ho trouble to show goods at Flyrm's. Ma-glo rily Gossip. Fred Frushsrd has gone to Colfax, la', to vialt friends for a few weeks. Wesley Ollllland, 816 North Twenty-third streelrepurts the birth of a sun. Mylea K. Welsh has gone to Excelsior Springs, Mo., (or a two weeks stay. Mrs. Florence Moore and daughter Sara Have gone tu Illinois to vimt Irlnuds. The women of the Baptist church will serve lea cream at jiigniana park tl evening. ... Mrs. E. D. Crooks of Cherokee. Ia.. la here vU.tlng at the home of Jtunea Matte, K-t w street. U. W. Ill by f Dead wood. & D., waa In the city yMUrdny. the guest of City giueer llariuau xwai. Harry Tn.mil.le. one of the tellers at the -fie wny Jbuy I s a three weeks' vacation. While away he will visit friends at Adrian, Mich., and at Cleveland. O. The fire department waa called to the home of Dr. Aberly, Twenty-fourth and L streets yesterday afternoon to put out a small blaze caused by the explosion of a gasoline stove. f 00,000 CLOTHING STOCK. Big Snrplns Stock of S. II. Marks A Co., New. York, Bought by Bran dels at Sons, On Sale Saturday. Summer Bolts at S and flO. These suits were bought at a tremendous sacrifice they comprise some of the finest garments ever offered at a special sale. S. H. Marks A Co. put out only tba higher grades of men's clothing. We will aell all the. $10, $12 and $15 aults at $5; all the $17, $20 and $22 suits at $10. Sale begins Saturday, June 18. J. L. BRANDEI3 & SONS, Boston Store. Photos, 6O0 and up. 131$ ftraatn street. MRS. HIGGS FOUND NOT GUILTY Jury Acquits Postmistress Accused of Falsifying Ber Aeeonnts with - -1 ...... .1 - Government. .- ... , Tha case of Mrs. Ruth T. Hlgga, post mistress at Holly, Neb., was given to tha Jury at 4:45 laat evening. She was on trial In the United States district court on tha charge of falsifying jbor reports aa post master for the third quarter of 1303, with a view to profiting thereby. The evidence disclosed that Mrs. Hlggs was visiting a daughter, in Montana, during that entire quarter, and that the report had been made out by tho assistant postmaster during h.. .hLnM hut iHti Bhn ilffn. It An hor return nrMiimlntf It tn tiA nnrrppt. The f amount Involved was $12.93, lees $3.71 tor the month of September, 1903. It was held by the district attorney that the receipts for .he month of September could not have been $12.98. but that the correct amount waa $3.71, as tallied by the postmasters at at Rushvllle and Pine Ridge, between which two points the small postoffice of Holly is located. The compensation of tha postmaster at Holly ia based upon the number of- cancelled postage stamps at that office. Tha Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Photos, 60c and up. 1312 Far nam street. Marriage Meeaaes. Up to noon, June 18, the following eouples had been licensed to wed: Albert M. Wheeler. Fremont 23 Grace D. Well, Waterloo 19 Byron Bartlett. Walnut, Ia 21 Delia Ber gin, Walnut, la 18 George Johnson, Omaha 21 H.yra Hansen, Omaha 31 1S-IC Wsddlng Rings. jLdualm. Jeweler. Buys Out Mrs. Dnvles. James M. Shelley of Kansas City has bought the millinery stock of Mrs. R. H. Davies, 1611 Douglas street. Mr. Shelley will continue the business formerly con ducted by Mrs. Davies and says he will maintain the name high standard with which the business has been Identified. Mr. Shelley comes to Omaha highly recom mended as a business man and a hustler. E6ZEM-R' sets the ami on fire. No disease causes so much bodily discomfort, or itches, burns and sings like Eczema. Beginning often with a slight redness of the skin it gradually spreads, followed by pus tules or blisters from which a rummy, sticky fluid oozes, which dries and scales of! or forms bad looking sores and scabs. It appears on different parts of the body but often-. est upon the back, arms, nanos, g BlMx i my d-ty to wrlt fcnd M legs and face, and is a veritable yon know what m. 8. p. baa dona for ma. 1 havo at timea esneciallv at suffered 'Ith Cbronlo Xosema for over fifteen torment at timca, cpc.iy ...... k... ,..t ai nf.. night or when overheated. at to get cured. Have used selves and wi The cause Of Ecremo is too and aeveral klnde of blood medloine, have iiicuuKw iA treated by tha best dootors la tha city, but acid and general unhealthy con- not aet relief. My log waa in a terrible oond not get when I dition 01 the Oiooa. me tern- 7 . iVti j , i j aia targe oottiea and now tnere ia not a epot oa fying itching and burning IS my leg or any other part of my body. Ifeellika produced by the overflow w- t Tj,,.p- "NMEBY. . through the glands and pores 01 Thomas St., St. Loula, Mo. 0 . of the skin of the fiery poisons with which the blood-current is over-loaded. While external applications, such as washes, soaps, salves and powders are .at a u a I i . on terrifying symptoms disappears. Book charge for medical advice. J7.X ? IV Suit Casts ml 'r5a1 I I,on't T an Inferior article. If you do you'll have to buy N ' ' sfTVm '" within a year or two. Take advantage of our die. l-mmrrPU I count sals and get a grip or suit ease that will laat a life- I ' ilfrL time and always look well for leas than tha cheap I i Zlr' Y ST,,'a wlu cot vou- Bend for catalogue. I L iinATT BOARD'S SIDE OF THE STORY Whj Ak-Sar-Ben Wrat to Milwukea for Lithograph. Work. SECRETARY DHL OFFERS AN EXPLANATION Omaha Flrnte Bid on Work and Were Abovo Flgnrea Submitted by tho Prlntera of Mil waukee. OMAHA. June 15, 190t-To tha Editor of Tha Bee: I notice in your paper of this evening certain statements regarding the Ak-8ar-Ben poster as having been made to you by Mr. J. B. Redfleld, secretary of tha Klopp-Bartlett company of this city. Among other things that will not stand the light of facts he said: "When wa learned of the Intention of sending this work out of Omaha I wrote to Mr. L'hl for our com pany and' also Wrote tha governors asking for the privilege of submitting bids, but this was not allowed me." I wish to say In this connection that Mr. Redfleld never did write me. but did submit the following bid to the board of governors, the first paragraph of which says, "Replying to your inquiry" 1 OMAHA, Neb., June 4, 1904. Knights of Ak-sar-tten, city: uentiemen Kepiylng to your inquiry lor price on Ak-Sar-tten hanger for 1904, as per sketch submitted we are nleased to auote you the following price: Five thousand, S cants each; additional, Bfe cents eacn. speculations as ioiiows: Stock Size 14xl of best four-nlv T card board. Colors Card to be run in red. blue, creen. yeuow, Diaca, Drown ana grey. Delivery We will guarantee to make de livery sixty days from data of order pro vldlng there la no delay In you O. IC-lnx prooi. We will submit a colored proof for your approval and will reproduce sketch sub mitted by you. in addition to above we win put one patent hanger fastener at top of each card. On account of the severe criticism on for mer hangers we will be pleased to srive this matter our special attention and assure you a nrst-class lob In every respect. We trust we may be favored with your oraor ana beg to remain yours very truly, J. B. Redfleld. Please note that this bid calls for $$75 for 10,000 on four-play cardboard. This bid was received by the board prior to the letting of the contract and with the bids from the Rees Printing company of thla city and the Gugler Lithographing company of Milwaukee were opened at the board meeting June t and final action taken on June 13 at a regular board meeting, whioh, by the way, was by the other eleven members of the board, as well as myself. and It Is an Insult to the Intelligence of the other eleven members of the board for any one to claim that I bold their actions in the palm of my hand. . The Gugler Lithographing company bid is aa follows: MILWAUKEE, June 4, 1904.-Mel TJhl, secretary Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben: Dear Sir We shall be Pleased to furnish you 6,000 hangers or posters, executed In seven printings on nve-ply board, size hxzz, at cents each, or 10,000 at g cents a piece, sub- ect to be reproduction of your sketch, with etterln surrounding: it. arranged in effec tive manner, of which we would submit de sign lor your approval, win give you a first-class job in overy respect and hope you may consider our proposition favor ably. Price Includes suspension ring or cord. Yours truly, - THE GUGLER LITHOGRAPHING CO. . h Per Greibling. Please note that this bid calls for $600 for 10,000 on five-ply board. ,The Reea Printing company bid la1 aa follows: OMAHA, June 6, 19M. Mr. Mel TJhl, Chairman Advertising Committee Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben: Dear Sir In reply to your Inquiry of Saturday we are -pleased to auote you 5,000 hanger cards, size 14x22, lithographed In seven .colors, on , heavy board, $425,' additional' "BjooO will 'be worth $300. iours truly. REES PRINTING COMPANY. Per Colvin. Pleaee note that thla bid calls for $725 for 10,000. One reaaon why the board gave tha con tract to the Milwaukee bouse Mr. Redfleld gives In his bid, "on account of aevera criticism of former hangers"; another rea son Is their bid was the lowest Please give thla aa much prominence aa your article of tho 16th. Youra respect fully, MEL TJHL, Secretary of tha Board. Gold Beads. Edholm, Jeweler. - $ls.M OMAHA to CHICAGO and Back ' via ILLINOS CENTRAL R. It, June 18, 17, IS, 19 and 30. City Ticket Office 1402 Farnara 8L, or write W. H. BRILL. D. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Presentation Watches. Edholm, Jeweler. ' Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health during tha twenty-four hours ending at noon, Thurs day : Births William H. Ferryman, 1S05 Mason, boy; Fred Koch, 26 South Twenty-third 5lrl; Irvln J. Doyle, 2til5 Burdette, boy oseph Tousen. 4&J6 Jackson, boy; Anthony Cosgrove, 1111 North Eighteenth, boy: Gates H. Rheam, 1919 South Fifteenth, girl Deaths Fanny B. Scott, 712 South Six teenth, 21- Timothy Foley, 2615 South Eleventh, SL Bankers Union Business. A meeting of the directors of the Bank ers union was held yesterday afternoon tn their room In the Paxton block, at which a great deal of routine business was trans acted. Among other things, Ezra E. How ard of Edgar was appointed to fill the va cancy on the board. Arrangements were perfected for the appointment of a number been oould relief. Mr log waa in a terrible condition atarted tha use of 8. 8. B. Have taken Booming ana cooling mey aa not enter into me Diood Itself or touch the real cause of the disease, but S. S. S. does, and purines, enriches, and strengthens the thin acid blood and cleanses and builds up the general sys tem, when the skin clears off and Eczema with all iU on the Skin and its diseases free. No f SPtXtflO CO; A TLAMTA, CAm Grips it 20 Par Cent Discount. of agents of the union throughout the stat to work up btistnesa for It and have a general eye to Ita interests. Rules re garding the reinstatement of members not In good standing were drawn up. and approved and a report waa made aa to the present membership and financial atandlng of the organisation. To Get Rid of a TrouwTeaomo Cora. First soak it In warm water to soften It; then pare It down aa closely aa possible without drawing the blood, snd apply Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice dally, rub bing vigorously for five minutes at each application. A corn plaster ahould ba worn for a few daya to protect It from the ahoe. As a general liniment for sprains, bruises, lameness and rheumatism. Pain Balm Is nnequaled. Hi (f , (iit . A stairway runs two ways up stairs and down stairs. Something like the 8 button Double Breasted Sack Suit styles In the summery vest-less suits, that run to both long and short men. Make the first look broader. Add height to the appearance of the second. But If these styles are not truly tailored My! what frights I MacCarthy tailored means truly tailored. $20 to $35. MacCarthy Tailoring Company, t4Joe A UU SL. Next door to Wabash Tioket Offlea, Psoas I SSI. I ft unununnunnuuunnuBnnnnnunnuni j nm sm mimm nun i snrnilW " " . .' - f--1 10 Splendid Summer Stories1 100 Superb Illustrations 30 Pictures in Color 16 Portraits of Society Beauties 22 Separate Titles ) An Ideal number of the Ideal American Periodical "A 35-cent Magazine for 15 cents" For Sale by your Newsdealer The July number of the METROPOLITAN M I c. ia- HERE'S A FEW ITEMS That should interest every woman tomorrow It's a case where you can save money on the little things! Read every word carefully. LADIES' VESTS Ladies' fine soft cotton, silk finished, low neck, sleeveless rests, full taped 19c value . Irtp Special price each r..... COMBINATION SUITS Ladies' fine quality, lisle combination suits, low neck, sleeveless, full silk taped, with umbrella shaped lace trimmed drawers 75c values 1C Special price ., kV MUSLIN SPECIALS, CORSET COVERS Ladies' extra good quality muslin covers, wltB square, round and V shaped, necks nicely trimmed with lace and embroidery perfectly shaped and Cn finished Special , QOWNS 79c find quality muslin gowns, cut extra long and wide, all beautifully trimmed with fancy embroidery and tucked yokes, in high, square and low necks, 7Q regular dollar value at ... . . ......... - JS LADIES' BELTS Beautiful variety of new styles of ladies' belts, in silks and leather, black and white, with nickel, oxidized yf.fl, and gilt buckles, specially priced at ........ ..Of SPECIAL LADIES' NEW HAND BACS Big lot of ladies' latest style bags, made with fancy trim med frame, in gun metal, gilt or nickel, fitted with purse and card case, made of genuine goat skin AJJ . leather black and brown AG A2INE AC XL and tan S1.50 values saw iauijfUfiia'aiujwjiiLHBiu"j SAuaasvajm r