THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUNE 16. 1904. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Lake Strikt Edii tod W 11 Gittr Cora Situaliou. INCREASE . IN NORTHWEST ACREAGE Loral Cash Market WKboat Grain to N Bar nod 811 Receipts Only Is Cars Cora' U Stronger. OMAHA. June 13, 1904. The Ink strike In considered to be ended. On line of steamers has Riven its agents orders to hook cargoes and it is thought all of the lines win he booking by the end of the week. The rat has not weakened yet, but shippers expect It to do so as anion aa more ships ere running. The end of the tleup does not come suddenly, as many lumber and other vessels have been carrying at high rates. The opening of regular navigation should demonstrate Just what Is the eastern demand for corn. It haa so far clouded the situation and corn rann will see this trouble settled with pleasure. The private elevators In Chicago promise to turn out h large amount of con tract corn In the next two weeks. They hav stocks of 4,.V;4,uuO bushels to work from. They are preparing for the export ing of corn which they expect when the price gets down to that basis. Mennwh'lo they are working out their good stuff. The weather seems favorable for wheat In all sections', but a trifle cool for corn In some states. The rains have not ex tended south enough to effect harvest work which Is In full bleat In Texas and Okla homa. An Illinois miller says the wheat prospects In southern Illinois are much better than expected and farmers who looked for very light crops now say 50 or 75 per cent. The wheat Is heading and Ail ing well. The wheat acreage In North Dakota la reported to he 7 per cent larger than last year. In Minnesota 2 per cent, and In South Dakota 1 percent larger. Hax In these states Is estimated 40 to 45 percent less .than Inst year. The Iowa weekly crop bulletlr. reports good progress. The range In prices of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close Tuesday and today were as follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. Tues'y Wheat , July 81 82 n 81 A 81A Svpt 73 73 73 73B 73A Oats June ..- 4fiB 4.r.A July 45 4ft 45 48 B 45A Sept 43 4314 43 434H 43 B Dec 3714 37 37 37B 37B Corn June 40 B 4ft B July ,..,. 37 88 874 3SB 37A Sept 31 a 31 B A asked. . B bid. Local Cash Grain Market. Cash business was again limited very greatly by the lack of receipts. The farm ers are sending In nothing, bix cars was the total. Wheat in the poorer grades was off somewhat and the better qualities of corn were up as much as 3 cents. Re ceipts and shipments were: Wheat, 4 cars In; on week ago, 11 cars and 21 out. ' Corn, 2 cars In and lo out; one week ago, 21 cars in and 24 out. Oats, none; one week ago, 7 cars In and 1 out, WHEAT No. 2 hard, 86c; No. 3 hard, 82 85c: No. 4 hard. tKXjj 75c. CORN No. 2, 46c; No. 3, 4434Kc; No. 4 . 404f43c; No, 2 yellow, 47c; No. 3 vellow, 45j46c; No. 3 White, 4ticj NO. 3 white, 44 416c. OATS-No. 8, 88c; No. 3 white, 41c; No. 8 white. 8!(fi40e; No. 3 white, 3StfH0c; standard, 40c. . . . .. Notes from the Exchange Office. Omaha stocks 'of grain in public -warehouses: Wheat, 82,086 bushels; corn, 145, 429 bushels; oats, 27,909 bushels. Omaha con !Cctcorn amounts to 90,720 bushels. Of this 23,039 bushels Is In Merrlam & Holm Qulata house and 67,687 bushels in the Luton elevator. Exchange visitors were B. H. Whitney of Mlnnewpolls and E. A. Holden of Burr. Omaha inspections of grain were 13 cars. Six cars of wheat graded No. 8 hard and 1 car No. 4 hard; 4 cars of corn graded No. 3 and 2 cars of oats No, 4 white. Grain Market Elsewhere. Closing prices of grain today and Tuesday at the markets named were us follows: CHICAGO. , .... . .. Closed- Wheat Today. Tues. July v 85 B 84B September 80A 8nA Corn ' ' July 48B 48 September 49A 48A - KANSAS CITY. Wheat 'July 75a, 74 A September 70 io-A Corn July A.i 46 45B September 44 A 43B ST. LOUIS. Wheat July 83 83 vrjioiuuvi .... ovJ3 01 Corn July 47 46 September . 47 MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat 1 July 93 D3B September 8u 81 A DULUTH. Wheat July 93H 93B ' September 81B 81 NEW YORK. Wheat July 91B 91 September 84 84B CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and Closing Frlces 01 Board of Trade. CHICAOO, June 15. Improvement In ex port demand caused nrinness In wheat today, the July delivery closing with a gain of c. Corn Is up Vc. Oats are Off a Provisions are unchanged to 6a higher. I Initial quotations here for July were down 'c to 4jo, to 841f84c. After selling at 8bc, July closed at 85c. Clearances ot wheat and tliour were equal to 57,300 bushels. Primary receipt were 255,100 bushels, compared with 311.3UO bush els a year ago. Minneapolis, Dulutu and Chicago reported receipts of 1B cars, gainst 137 cars last week aDd 264 curs a year ago. A general commission house demand with only moderate offerings caused firmness in corn. July opened a shade lower to a shade higher, at 4o to 4o, sold between 40 and 4tte, and closed at 48c. l,ocul receipts were 29 cars, with 21 01 contract gradel Oetfi were steady. July opened o lower, at 3so, ranged between 39'tc and 8c. closing at 8irc. Local receipts were 111 cars. 1 Provisions were easy at the start. The market closed at about yesterday's final September pork being up 6c, at SU66; lnrd was unchunged, at 86.90. and rlba were up 2c. at 17.35. Estimated re ceipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 56 cars; corn 1i.'ar?: oaU- " cn hoga, head. The- leading futures ranged aa follows: ' Artlcles.1 Open. Hlh. Low. Close. Tesy. Wheat a July b July a Sept b Sept July Bept Oats June July Sept Deo lire! July Kept Sept 85ff K4;l Kltf 804jSO M 85 85 85 i 84 85 84 K 81 8J 82 " SO 8V 80 48 47 48 48 4484. 49 48 49 48 411 41 89 39 3H 3! 82 81 3Jr3L' 8J 82 83 .82 12 57 II 30 1 3 40 13 35 13 80 1 i: 12 66 13 SO 80 6 70 ( 72 8 75 97 6 86 6 90 6 W 7 25 ' T 15 T 20 7 15 7 42 7 30 7 35 7 3 41 ), 89 S- 8-' 11 80 1156 70 871 T 15 7 SJ No. 8. a Old. b New. Cash quotations were as follows: LOl'K Qukt stid eusy; winter pat ents, 84 O'jt so; straights. 34-40(fi4 6O; spring patents, ft SIKJ4.40; straights. 83.90104. 30: ba kers. '.!. 65 ((3.30. .WHEANo ' "Pr'XK. 2t!6c; No. 8. 85 83c; No. 2 r.-d, ll.Hlwl.uj. JvORNNL- 2- 'i No- yellow, 6oc. OATS No. J, 41'U41c; No. 3 white, 41'43e. BAKLKV Good feeding, 364j41c: fair to choice mulling, 4iii4o. BtlKD No. 1 flax. 8101; No. 1 northwest ern, 81.08. Timothy, prime, :'.9!i; clover, contract grade. 110 75. PKOVISION8 Mt-ss pork, per l.hl , 812 35 CU 40. Lard, pef 100 lbs.. 8i T(i6.T0. Short litis, sides tlooH"k i.umi.ii; llol t cit-ur sides (boxed), 37.00ii7.25. Receipts and shipments esterduy at thU market were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls Oxi 41.7i) Wheat, bu 53.i 5'..10 Corn, bu 5trj.0 S't.w.l Oils, bu 232, (H) ' Jt7,4"il hye. bu 4. (0 l.iiiu barley, bu 3o.8nt 4.7i . On the Produce exchange today the but. ter intti ket -h may ' ceuineris, J3!!?1; Call Its, llylto. weak; at mark, cases included, 14Bl4e. Cheese, weak at 7. 8c, NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of the Pay oa Varleas Commodities. NPW YORK. June 15-PIQt.R-Recelpts, 11.733 bbls ; exports. 3.4 bbls. The mar ket showed fthsence of buyers and was dull. Winter patents, 85.10 tir. 40; straights, 34 8M6.00; Minnesota pet 4 ents, 85.o9j.35; winter extras, 83.3i'4 00; Mlnx.esota bakers, 83.8o64.10; winter . low grades, 83 153 80. Rye flour, quiet; fair to choice, 34.004.25; choice to fancy, 84.269 4.60. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western, tl .liiftl.12; city, 81.124JL15; kiln dried, 82.96 3 10. RYE Nominal; No. I western, 75c, nom inal. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 4c, C. L f.. New York; malting, nominal. WHEAT Receipts, 48,000 bu.; spot, easy; No. 2 red, nominal, elevator; No. 3 red, 31. " f. o b. afloat: No. 1 northern. Du luth, 31.03 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard, Mani toba, nominal f. o. b. afloat. Wheat closed Vc net higher. Julv. 90S91e; closed 91 c; September, M'MSc; closed 84c; December, 83 I'M 8-lc; closed 84c. CORN Receipts, 40.S50 bti.; spot, easy; No. 2, Mc elevator, and 55c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 5e; No. 2 white, 56c. Op tion market was generally firm, the close showing iJc net advance. July. 6364c; closed 54c; September closed 54c. OATS Receipts, 79.5"0 bu. ; spot market, steady; mixed oats, 26 and 32 pounds, 4.V3 47c; natural white, 30 and 32 pounds, 4!ij 5c; clipped White, 36 and 40 pounds, Bltf) 53c. HAY Steady; shipping, 75c; good to choice, 9r5. HOFS Steady; state, common to choice, 19o3, 26fc:e; I2. S3f2r; olds, 9ffl4c; Psclflo coa?t, 19o3. 24430c; i2, Z3f26c: olds, 9tfl4c. H1DK9 Steady; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 18c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas (dry), 24 to 30 lbs., 14c. LEATHER Steady; acid, 2325c. WOOL Firm; domestle fleece, 2832o. TALLOW Steady; city, 4c; country. 4ff4c. RICE Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 3 &To; Japan, nominal. PEANUTS Firm; fancy, hand-picked, 6c', other domestic, 3H(!j6c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; family, 8950 fl0 50; mess, 88.0WS .50; beef hams, 820 .0019 21.50; packet. 39.00&9.50: city, extra India mess, 8l3.0u16 00. Cut meats, steady; rJekled bellies, 3 .7537.2S; pickled shoulders, 86.50; pickled hams, 39.0010.00. Lard, firm; western steamed. 17.05; refined, steady; continent, VM; South America, 87.60: com pound, 85. 7545.75. Pork, firm: family, 3U0ft; short clear, 13.3G14.75; mass, 314.00 15.00. POl'LTRY Alive, easier;- western springs. lKiSZOc; fowls, 12c; turkevs. 12c. Dressed, firmer; western fowls, 1212cj tiirkevs 1415c. BITrEH-Easier; creamerv, common to extra, 13S18c; state dairy, common to extra, 13ffi 17c. CHEESE Firm. EGGS Weak; western extra, nHQlSc; firsts, 16ai7c. St. Loots Grain and Prorlslons. ST. LOUIS, June 15. WHEAT Firm; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, nominal; track, 31.00 1.06: July, 83c; September, 80c; No. 3 hard, 8691 c. CORN Higher; No. S cash, 47c; track, 47648c; July, 47c; September, 47c. )ATS Weak; No. 2 cash, 4ftc; track, 42c; July, 37c; September, 30c; No. 2 white, 44c. FLOUR Dull and unchanged; red win. ter patents, 84.80iS4.90; special brands, 10(g15c niKner: exira lancy ana sirajgni, w.ztxtf4.tu; clear 83.7(VR3.80. Timothy, steady. 32.50(32.70. v ikinmi!.al Bieaay, i.40. BRAN Lower; sacked, east, track, 80 tj85c. HAY Dull and heavy; timothy, 37.00 14.50; prairie. 86.on10.O0. IRON COTTON TIES 82c. BAOOINO 60. HEMP TWINE 6c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher: Jobbing, 812.40. Lard, Higher; prime steam, 36.10. Paron, higher; boxed extra shorts, 37.87; clear ribs, 88.00; short clear, 88.60. POULTRY 81ow; chickens, 8c; springs, 14(fT16c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 8c; geese, 8c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 144fl8c; dairy, lOfcHo. . . . Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 4.0(0 14,000 Wheat, bu 18.000 76,000 Corn, bu 46,000 67,000 Oats.'bu ; 28,000 66,000 Kansas City Grain and Prorlslons. KANSAS CITY, June 16. WHEAT Mar ket steady; September, 70c; December, 7('c; cash. No. 2 hard, 88B9c; No. 3. 85ft 87c; No. 2 red, 31.02t.03; No. 3, 7c81.01; receipts, 10 cars. CORN Steady; July, 45c; September, 44c; December, 39c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 49H 650c; No. 3, 49fSH9c; No. 2 white, 60c; No. 3, 49c. OATS Steady ; No. i white, 41iff42c; No, ! mixed, 4o. RYE Steady: No. 2, 46c. HAY Uwer; choice timothy, 310.50U.OO: choice prairie, 38.25. BUTTER Creamery, 13915c; dairy, 12c. EGOS Firm; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2, whltewood cases Included, 13c; case count, 12c; cases returned, c less. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 8,000 20,400 Corn, bu.. 8.800 1,200 Oats, bu 4.000 1,000 Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, June 16. WHEAT Spot, ensy; No. 1 California, 6a 7d; futures, steady; July. 6 ld; September. 6s ld; September, 6s 3d. CORN Spot, quiet; American mixed, new, 4s 5d; American mixed, old, 4s 6i!; fu tures, quiet; July, 4s 4d; September, 4s 2d, Visible Supply of Corn. NEW YORK. June 15 Owing to a mis take In the receipts of Chicago private elevator stocks the Bradstreet visible sup ply of corn shows an Increase of 1,128,000 bu. Instead of 878,000 bu., aa Issued yesterday. Toledo leed Market. TOLEDO. O.. June 15. SEEDS-Clover. cash, 36.16; October, 35.72. Prime alslke, 36.25; August, 36.66. Prim timothy, 81.46; September, $1.47. - - Peoria Market. PEORTA. June 16. CORN Firm to 0 higher; No. I, 46c; No. 4. 42c. Wool Market. BOSTON, June lS.-WOOL-The Interest In the local wool market is now centered In the new domestic goods, which are con stantly arriving from the west. Pulled and territory wools sre quiet. There Is little In. terest In foreign grades. leading quota tions follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX and above, 3334c; X, 20&21C; No. 1, 82c; No. 2, 31((2c; fine unwashed, 2243 23c; one-quarter, three-eighths and one-half blood, un washed, 26tc26c; fine unwashed delaine, 84&36e. Michigan, X and above, 26327c; No. 1. Hii30o; No. 2, 28g'29c; fine unwashed, 219 22c; one-quarter, three-eighths and one half blood unwashed, 25jj2tic; fine washed delaine, 31iS32c. Kentucky, Indiana .etc three-eighths and one-quarter blood, fc 2c; braid, 22&23o. Idaho, line, Wul&c; heavy fine, 144i16c; tine medium,, 17iffl8c; medium, 18iJlc; low medium, Uai9c; Wyoming, fine, 15K&16e; heavy fine, 14S15cj fine medium, lWtll.c; medium, igCu'JOc: low medium, 2k9 21c; Utah and Nevada, fine, 15gn6c; heavy flue, 134) 14c; fine medium, 16Col7o; medium, liiilrtOc; low medium, lH'cZlc; Dakota, fine, lM(.16c; fine medium, 16ii,16c; medium, 194J 2tc; new medium, Montana, fine choice, 18fil9o; fine average, 1718c: fine medium, choice, 18g-19c: average, 1617c: staple, 19(6 30c; choice, 1920c. ST. LOl IS, June 15. WOOL Steady; me dium grades, combing and clothing, 18 23c: light fine, 15(8i8c; heavy fine. DifflSc; tub-washed, 21S:c. Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, June 15. COTTON Spot, moderate business done; prices 'unchanged; American middling. .64d. The salea of tha day were 6,000 bales, of which 200 bales were for speculation and export and In cluded 4,500 American. Receipts, 2,000 bales, ho American. NEW ORLEANS, June 15. COTTON Futures barely steady; June, 11.640 bid; July, 11.64c; September, .83C(i84c; October, .4r.t(,.4c; November, 9 S8c; December, 8 38 9.39c; January. 45-S9.46C. Spot, quiet and easy; sales, 150 balea; ordinary, 80: good ordinary, 10 1l-16c; low middling, 11 5-16o: ml'J'JIJng. llc: good middling, 13 816c: middling fair. 12 7-lbc Receipts, 1,585 bales' Stock. 127,873 balei. ' oaies, NEW YORK, Juns 15.-COTTON-FU-tures Plosed barely steady; June. 1113c: July, 11.2Sc; August, 10.90c; September 10 03c; Ootolwr. 3.67c; November. .55c; De cember, 9.6c; January, 9.61c. Spot cloaed quiet, 80 points lower: middling uplands 12.10c; middling gulf, 13.36c; sales, 46 bales. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails. NEW YORK, Jun 15. EVAPORATED APPLES Th market Is meeting with less export attention. Common are quoted at 4u5o. prime at 6c, choice and 6-u6o and fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prunes sre quiet and show little feature, with quo tations ranging from 2o7c, according to grade. Apricots are In moderate demand and firm. Choice are quoted at 9ulon extra choice at 10'(il0n and fancy at 11 fcl3c. Peaches are In light supply on spot and firmly held. Choice ar quoted at 7(0 7V extra ihoica at 7'fl!c and fancy at i10c. Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA, Jun 15. BUTTER Steady; extra western creamery, 18c; extra ititrhv prims, 19c. EUtiS Fli 111 on all freah offerings; fresh nearby and western. 19c; fresh southwest ern. ISc; fresh southern. 7c. Clltl-Str-blesay under Utr inquiry, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Union Ptcifio Develops Unexpto'td !) mand in thi Muket SOME REALIZING FOLLOWS DAY'S NEWS Heavy Deallags Cover Wld Range la th Retaadlac Scheme. NEW TORK, June 15. Th heavy de mand for Union Pacific which developed yesterday betore the market closed was conspicuously In evidence again this morn ing and was again suylemented by sym pathetic strength In Southern Pacific. The movement In these stocks dominated the whole market and the news developments regarding them were taken to explain the recent movement of the market In general, so that soma realising in the general list followed the day's news. Th early sur mises over the ground of the heavy deal ings In the Pact tics covered a wide range, Including a Southern Pacific refunding scheme and an Incidental settlement of the whole controversy over the transconti nental field of railroading. The more defi nite formulation of the reports dashed the speculative ardor, especially that of South ern Pacific holders. The reports were with out explicit official sanction, but credence was given to those pointing to a determina tion lo provide for an Issue of 31O0,000.0iO of Southern Paclflo preferred stocks with 7 per cent dividend privileges, the proceeds lo be used for retiring the floating indebt edness of the Southern Paclflo company and for other purposes. Of th total amount authorised the Im mediate Issue of 340,000.000 of the preferred stock was said to be Intended. With the publication of this plan Southern Paclflo promptly ran off sharply under offerings of very heavy blocks of stock. There was some heaviness In th coalers from the outset and they were rather prominent In the later weakness with the repetition of rumora of federal proceedings against the coal combination. The foreign trade statement for May showed a large falling off in exports of domestic products, partly mitigated by the total export figures, but an accompanying Increase in the Im ports reduced the trade balance In our favor for the month to 39.293,847, compared with 821,854.954 for May of last tear. A transfer through th sub-treasury by telegraph of 32.130,000 to San Francisco la believed to represent the proceeds of the Japanese loan to pay for Japanese govern ment purchases on the Pacific coast. Bank ers connected with tha loana are emphatic In the aasertlon that not one dollar of the proceeds of tha loan is destined to find Its way back to Japan. The selling to realise In the latter part of the day left the day's changes on the side of losses. Bond prices showed Irregular changes, but a good absorptive demand continued evident. Total sales par value, 31,910,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Tha quotations yesterday on th New York Stock exchange were: Salea. High. Low.CIoss. Atchison 1,900 7i 71 71 do preferred 2,800 94 9t 94 Baltimore & Ohio .... 7,100 80 i9 79 do preferred 91 Canadian Pacific .... (,40i) 119 119 119 Central of N. J 100 161 161 ltil Chea. & Ohio 700 31 3u 31 Chicago & Alton 38 do pfd., ex-div ?s Chicago G. W 600 13 18 13 Chicago & N. W 200 169 169 168 C, M. A. St. P 22,800 143 142 142 do preferred 100 17i 177 177 Chicago Term. & T... 200 6 6 6 do preferred 4oO 14 14 14 C, C, C. A St, L 68 Colorado Southern.... 100 15 16 15 do 1st preferred 100 49 49 48 do 2d preferred 200 19 19 19 Del. & Hudson 400 156 154 154 Del., Lack. & West.. 200 270 270 271 Denver ft R. 0 200 70 70 70 do preferred 200 70 70 70 Erie 4,200 24 23 23 do 1st preferred 1,600 59 6H 68 do 2d preferred 300 35 34 83 Hocking Valley 67 do preferred 300 80 80 80 Illinois Central 800 130 130 129 Iowa Central 3o0 17 17 17 do preferred 33 K. C. Southern 2 do preferred 89 Louisville ft Nash.... 400 109 108 10s Manhattan L 6,300 148 147 147 Met. Securities 9n0 79 79 78 Met, Street Ry 9,000 114 112 112 Minn, ft St. L 100 43 48 48 M . St. P. A 8. 8. M. 800 62 ' 62 63 do preferred 100 120 .120 117 Missouri Paclflo 3,400 92 91 91 Mo., Kan. ft Tex 800 16 16 16 do preferred 3,400 87 36 86 N. R. R. of Mex. pfd 8 New York Centraf ... 1,800 116 115 115 Norfolk ft Western... 600 66 66 60 do preferred 85 Ontario ft Western.. 6,000 36 26 25 Pennsylvania 19,700 115 114 114 P., C. C. ft St L ..... 68 Reading 18,100 47 46 46 do 1st preferred gi do 2d preferred 600 67 66 66 Rock Island Co 3,400 21 2o 20 do preferred 700 4 64 63 St. L. ft S. F. 2d pfd. 100 46 46 4.1 St. L. Southwestern 11 do preferred 100 28 28 28 Southern Paclflo ....137.PO 48 45 46 Southern Railway.... 1,000 1 21 21 do preferred 800 86 84 84 Texas ft Paolflo 1,200 21 21 21 Toledo, St. L. & W... 800 23 23 22 do preferred 100 86 86 87 Union Pacific 110,700 88 86 87 do preferred 1 200 93 92 92 Wabash 200 1 6 16 16 do preferred 1,600 85 84 84 Wheeling ft L. E 200 14 14 14 Wisconsin Central ... 100 17 17 16 J AYfl AT A,.. Mexican Central 2,600 i . ( Adams Express 225 181 American Express , U. S. Express Wells-Fargo Exp Amal. Copper 8,600 60 103 203 49 49 Am. car & l oun do preferred Am. Cotton Oil do preferred American Ice do preferred Am, Linseed Oil do preferred' Am. Locomotive 16 100 70 70 70 100 25 26 24 88 ioO '26 '26 26 24 ... i9u do preferred 400 88 ' 82 82 Am. emeu, cr nrnn,, i,o"u n d.1 tt.l4 do preferred 1.800 98 98 98 Am. Sugar Refining.. 6.400 127 126 126 Anaconda Mln. Co.... 200 72 72 72 Brooklvn Rapid T.... 11,800 48 48 48 Colo. Fuel ft Iron I'M) SO 30 29 Consolidated Gas .... 1,100 190 189 ' 189 Corn Products 200 10 10 10 do preferred 6x Distillers' Becur J91 Oen'l Eleo. ex-dlv.... 1,000 163 151 161 International Paper H do pfd., ex-dlv 66 International Pump 80 do preferred 70 National Iead 1,700 21 31 21 North American 100 85 85 84 Pacific Mall 100 24 25 35 People's Gas J.400 97 97 97 Pressed Stee Car .... 300 27 26 26 do preferred 200 70 1 70 69 Pullman Pal. Car 312 Republic Steel 200 6 6 It do preferred 41 Rubber Gcods is do preferred 75 Tenn. Coal ft Iron..., 600 36 84 84 U. S. Leather 6 do preferred 1O0 79 .79 79 V. B. Realty 4( 6 8 do preferred 20 6ft 69 69 U. 8. Rubber 400 17 16 16 do preferred 65 U. 8. Steel 1 300 9 9 9 do preferred 12,000 65 t 64 54 Westlnghouse Elec 154 Western Union 37 Exp. rights. Total sales for th day, 475,200 shares. I , Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON. June 16. Call loana, 2(ff3 per cent; time loana, 3fp4 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bondst AtohtioB aoj. 4s H4 Westing, common .. Tf .. 1 .. 14 .. ft .. ii ' .. 41 .. Wii .. o .. t :: .. .. It. .. 40 .. 4 .. 11 .. .. 14 .. M :: .. 10 .. M .. t .. I .. Tl da 4 .too Advoniurs Mi. Cntrl 4i. Atrtaisaa do pld Boatan A Albsnr Bottos Main. Ballon BlsraUd rittbburg pta .. tix. L:ntral ... . w . tit . Ht .140 .14IV4 .141 .U4S Aliouas Amalgamated .. Americas siae Atlantic Bingham (i. ft Heels... Centeaalal Copper Rang .. ' I Daly Wsat N. Y., N. H. ft U...1M Frs MsrqucUs .... I'nloe fsiiAe Amor. Ant. Chenw do Dfd Tl Dominion Coal nslrranklla 11 unmuuy U Jaie Borale .... 4 Maae. Mining .. Aur. Paou. Tube.. Amr. sugar do pro. Am.r. T. A T.... Imir. Wools ... do pfd Domlntoa I. At. Edlaoo Klac. Ills Gnrl Ktactrto . Maa. Elwtrto ... do pfd Maw. Uaa tnltad fruit .. .int Micnigaa ...lM'tlMoheok ...MaVMoat. C. ft C ... 10 Old Domlnlos .. ... Ui Oaceola ... 1' Parrot Uulney ...Ill stiannoa ... 11 (Tamarack ... 14 Trinltr ... at St'. . Mining... ...lOTSi II. 8. OH liiHod Shoe stack . 4V leh do pfd Victoria .. V. a. fiieel Winona .. .. ItWlWoiverlae 'HI Kew York Money Market. NEW YORK. June 16. MONEY On call, easy; highest, 1 per cent; lowest, 1 per cent; ruling rate. 1 per cent; last loan, 1 per cent; closing bid. 1 per oent; offered ft 1 per seat; Hue louj, easy pd dull; alxty and ninety days. 2 pr cent; six months bills. S'tJ 3 per cent PRIME MtKCANTILK PAtER 384 ThTrlLINO EXCHAN(?K-F.asy. with ac tual business In bankers' hills at 34.872IK9 4 8726 for demand and 3t MJf,-,,4 8539 for sixty davs. Posted rates. 34.(,84.S8. Commer- rlAl hills 4S64.8f. SILVKK-ltor, 6o-c; 4c. HOND8 Government, irresmlftp. Mexican dollars, steady; railroad, The closing quotations on bonds are as tl. g. rl. fa, reg ..-1M Manhattan e. g. 4s. do coupon antral 4s.... do la. rg I, n i Inr do eoupos I'1 I Minn a 8t. U 4s. da new 4a, reg U-'H.M . K. ft T. 4s.... In couDnn IStVa do In . u . MV4 TT do old 4a, reg 10 ,N. R. R. of M. . . t4H do coupon 10T In. y. C. g. I4jl IK AUblaoa gn. 4a N. J. r. g. as 1-11 do adj. 4a ' No raciSd 4a IMS Atlsntle C. U 4a K do la Tl B. ft O. 4s 1024 K A W. . 4s M14 do JViO O a L. 41 par M Central ot Oa. la....!'1 Penn. conr. I4a P do lat Inr 73 Kc llna sen. 4a 100 rhea. ft Ohio 4',. !"" 8t. 1.. A I. M. c. (a.. Ill Chicago A A. Ia.... " St. L. St i F. fg. 4a. I24j C, B. ft Q. n. 4a.... ."' ft I, 8. W. la 13 C M. A St. P. g 4a., H Seaboard A. L. 4a.... C. A N. W. c. 7 12i So. Paolllo 4s II C. R. I. A P. 4a.... t So R. ll.i, 6a 117 do col. ft 1 Teiaa A P. .la Ill C.C.C. ft St. L. g. 4s. T.. 81. L. A W. 4a.. 70 Chlcaxo Ter. 4a in union racmc ts nmtj Con. Tobacco 4a 42 Colo. A So. 4a "4 D. A R. O. 4a Brie prior Hen 4a.... do gen. 4a r. W. A D. C. 1 10 Hocking Val. 4a. . . .l'4 U A N. unl. 4a 101'A Offered. do cone. 4a 94. 1'. 8. Steel Id 4s 74 Wabaah la HI do deb. R a W. A U K. 4a H Wla Central 4a Colo. F. ft I. e. Is.. TO' London "fork. Market LONDON. June 15. Closing: Conaola, money N. Y. Central... Norfolk ft W.... do nfd .119 .. S7H . ,. ! i. iS . 10 ,. 14 H ,. 41H . ,. 12 . IT ,. 4I-4 . I9S4j . W do aceount so1. Anaconda Alchlaon T4 . do pfd 17 Baltimore A Ohio.... I24 Canadian Pacific Chea. ft Ohio ilS4 Chicago Ot. W 14 C . M. ft Bt. P 14f.V DeReera IS1 D. ft R. O to do pfd 72 Erie U do let pfd i'- do Id pfd IT Illinois Central 1S3H tjoula. A N'aah 11214 Ontario A W PennarlTanla ... Rand Mine Reading do lat pfd.... do id Did ... So. Railway .... do pfd Bo. Pacific Union pacific ... do nfd TJ. 8. Steal do ' pfd MV. Wahaah 17 do nfd M UK M., K. A T V Spanlph 4a . fel I.VFBU-Rnr' niilRt KMM ncr ounce. MONEY 2&'2 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2fr2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 per cent. KeTr York Mlnlngc Stocks. NEW YORK, June 15. The following are tne closing prices on mining stoegs: Adams Coa to Little Chief Alice Breeca Brunawlck Con .. Coraitock Tunnel Con. Cal. ft Vs.. Horn Sliver Iron Silver Leadrllla Coa ... .. 2C .. 10 .. 14 .. I ..114 ..W ..17 .. I Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal Ha vase Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard ...I7S ...170 .:. t ... ... 11 ... II ... II ...106 Foreigrn Financial. LONDON, June 16. Rates for money were fairly steady In the market today and considerable sums changed hands for meet ing calls. Discounts were easy. Business on the Stork exchange was quiet. The tone generally was good under the lead of consols and on easier monetary conditions. Home rails were fairly Arm. Americans opened firm, Improved fractionally, were In fair request and closed with a good tone. The feature of foreigners was the demand for Japanese securities. PARIS, June 16. The tone of the bourse today was llrm, Internationals and Indus trials showing a general Improvement. Russian Imperial 4s closed at W.20. Rio Tlntoa gained 14f. The private rate of dis count was 1 per cent. BERLIN, June 15. Prices on the bourse today were somewhat stronger on yester day's New York advlcea. Marine stocks partly recovered upon a statement of Herr Ballln, director general of the Hamburg American line, that the rate war will not affect his company's dividend. Exchange on London, 20m 41pfg for checks. Discount rates: Short bills, 1 per cent; three months' bills, 3 per cent. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK, June 15. OILS Cottonseed, steady; prime crude, nominal; prime yel low, 28c. Petroleum, quiet; refined New York, 88.06; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 88.00: in bulk, 86.10. Turpentine, quiet; re fined, 66(fc55o. t -. ROSIN bteady; strained, common to good. 83.10. . . . SAVANNAH, Oa., Jifne 16. OILS Tur pentine; 63c. -"'r ' . ROSIN-rirm; A, BC; D, 32.70; P, 82.83; O. 33.00; II, 83.10; I, 33.32: . K, 83.42: M, 83.70: N, 83.90' W O, S4.20; V W, 34.UOiS4.66. OIL CITY, Pa., June lsT-OILS Credit bal ances, 31.6U; certificates, no Md; shipments, 78,786 bbls.;. average, 67.984 bbls.; runs, 9?,309 bbls.; average, 74,668 bbls. Shlpmenta, Lima, 87,801 bbls.; average, 61,332 bbls.; runs, Lima, 87,376 Ibis.; average, 66,160 bbla. Sugar and Molaaaea. NEW YORK, June 16.-SUOAR-Raw, Sulet; fair refining, 3o; centrifugal, 96 test, 27-32C. Molasses sugar, 8c. Refined, quiet; crushed, 6.60c; powdered, 6c; granu lated 4 90c ' NEW' ORLEANS, June 16. SUGAR Strong; open kettle, 2fr3 6-16o: open kettle, centrifugal, 3j3c: centrifugal whites, 3jj 3c; seconds, 23c. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 20 26c; centrifugal, lO&l&c. Syrup, nominal at lo4j25a OMAHA WHOLESALES MARKETS Condition of Trade and notations on - Staple and Fancy Produce. EGOS Receipts, liberal; market, steady; fresh stock, 14c. LIVE POULTRY Hens, 80; rooster, according to else, 66c; turkeys, 13c; ducks, 8&9c; geesa, 6c; broilers, lTtj-'Oc. BUTTER Packing stock, lie; choice to fancy dairy, 18 16c; separator, 17&17o. FRESH FISH Trout, 10c; pickerel,' 8c; pike, lvc; perch, 7c; blueflsh, 12c: whltefish, 14c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, lio; lobster, green, 2tlc; lobster, boiled, 30c; bullheads, 11c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 20c; halibut, 10c; crappies, 12c; roe shad, 31.O0; buffalo, 8c; white bass, 11c; frog legs, per dot., 860. BRAN Per ton, 319.00. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 38.U); No. 2, 87.60; medium, 37.00; coarse, W .0, Rye straw, 85.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choice, large size, 33.00; fancy navels, all sizes. 33.50; Mediter ranean sweets, choice, all sizes, 8tf.outfjKj.ii6; Jaffas all sizes, 32.761(3.00. LEMONS California fancy, 270-3OW60, 83.76((i4.26; choice, 33.6n83.75. CALIFORNIA FldS-Per 10-lb. carton, 60c; imported Smyrna, 2-crown, 12o; fe ci own. 14c; 7-crown, lie. PANAN AS Per medlum-slied bunch, 82 Uug2.50: Jumbo, 82.7&I&3.26. DATES Persian, per box of 80 pkgs., 32.u0j in 60-lb. boxes, 60 per lb.; Oriental stuffed, per box, 82.40. PINEAPPLES In crates of U to 42, per crate, 83.60. ' FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Missouri, per 24-quart case, 31.50fol.u6; Oregon Hood rivers, 32.00. liLACKBERRlES Arkansas, per 24 qts., CHERRIES California, per box, 31.60O OOOSEBERRIES-26-qt. case, 31.60. .Ji5-'" Ta, per 4-baaket crate, 81.26. CANTELOUPE Texas, per crate, 82.50 2.75 WATERMELONS Per lb., crated, 10; each, 8UU40O. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, 31.20; Dakota, per bu., 31.20: New Texas Red stock, in sacks, per lb., 2o. NAV'jr toEANS Per bu., 82.162.26. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate, $2.00; Louisiana, in sacks, per lb., 2c. CABBAGE California, per lb., 22c. CAULIFLOWER Per dox., 80cfiil.OO. Cl Cl'MBEHS Per dox., 5(io. TOMATOES Texas, 1-basket crates, 81.76. RADIBHES Per dox. bunches. 20c. LETT I'CE Top lettuce, per do.. 80c. Tl.'RNIPS Southern, per dox., 46c. BEETS Southern, per dog, 46c. CARROTS Southern, per dox., T6c. PARSLEV Per dox., 40c. . BEANS Wax, per bu. box. 82 60; per -bu. busket, 31 Ou. String, per bu. bux 8-'.00; per -bu. box, 66c. SPINACH rer bu., home grown, 35340c. ASPARAGUS Per dox. bunches, 40c. GREEN PEPPERS-Per 6-basket crate, $ SQUASH Florida summer, per dog., 76c. PEAS-Per bu. box. 31.0C. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, 11c: Wisconsin Young America. 12c; block Swiss, 16c; WlHcoiislu brick, Uc; Wiscon sin limbergr, 13c. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb., 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 8 green, $c: No. 1 salted, 7c, No. 2 aalted, 8c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 13 lha., 9c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry aalted. 8fil2c; sheep pelts. Mii-7c; horsehldes, ll.&04i!6u. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c; No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 hurd shell, per lb., lie; pecans, large, per lb., Uc; small, per II)., 10c; peanuts, per lb, 6c; roasted peanuts, per lb, 8:; Chill walnuta, 12M13c; Urge hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard aheil, 13c; shell barks, per tm., black walnuts, per bu., 81.2a, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET cttera Gentrgllr Tirt to Tib CsnU Lower, Best Oow6 Etc id-. HOGS WEAK TO FIVE CENTS LOWER Very Paw thee aad Laaaba oa Sale, at wlta Liberal Demand F,ery tblasT Changed Haads la Harry at Good Steady Prices. SOUTH OMAHA. June 16. 1904. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 2.670 .il .3 Official Tuesday 3.7a Ui 1.0.7 otncial Weunesday u.ou o Three days this week.. 9.4n7 32.428 Same days last week. ...10.U69 W.Ioo S.une days week before.. 10.4 .8 33.V27 Hiinie three weeks ago.. 11. 46? 87.n37 Same four weeks ago. ..11. 374 41.6(4 72 6.7j 3.776 11.614 9.119 3,613 ....a. 1 u uu j o . j jn I .... ,,V,INI H , , V, w RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last year: 19u4. lssjj. inc. Dec. Cattle 4-',8.3 44. .ft. J ls,SUl Hogs 1,230,230 1,1119,387 120,843 Sheep 667,017 636.133 130,25 Average prices paid for hogs at South Omaha tor the last several days with com parison; Data I 1904. 11903. 11902. 11901. 1900. 11899. 11898. June June June June June June June June June I 4 63 I I 481 I 4 64 6 931 6 07 7 07 8.701 ( 701 4 8SJ 4 83, 3 601 4 21 8 66 4 12 8 6 14 03 Si. T "A I 4 II) 9 BO I I lOi 6 ;ii 6 70 6 1 D l 6.781 6 83 6 911 6 89 6 85 6 81 6 86 4 83 4 9li 4 94 4 .i (02 6 iui 6 0", I I W I VI I eW I 4 63 6 77 6 16 a 01 -3 661 4 01 3 9 . .1 ea 3 60 3 87 3 tll 4 Hi 4 06-JSI 1 I 10 I 4 b 5 SO June lo.. 7 2 7 Sol 3 99 3 98 June 11.. June 12.. June 18.. June 14.. June 16.. 1 3 8j 3 67 3 64 l 3 71 7 33 4 K 4 86 I so 7 31 4 861 3 96 8 79 3 64 8 77 4 89 Indicates Sunday. The official nuniuei of cars of stock brought in today by each rond was: Cattle. Hogs 8h p.II'ses. C, M. St P. Ry 1 is Wabash 4 3 Missouri Pacific Ry 20 3 Union Pacific system.... 19 35 1 1 C. & N. W. Ry 1 2 V., E. & M. V. R. R..., 51 66 .. 1 C, St. P., M. & O. Ry... 10 11 .. 1 B. ot M. Ry 29 32 C, B. & y. Ry 8 2 1.. K. C. A St. J 1 2 C, R. 1. & P. Ry., east. 16 1.. '., H. 1. & P. Ky west 8 Illinois Central 4 Chicago Ureat Western .. 6 .. .. Total receipts 153 179 8 3 The disposition ot tho uay's receipts was aa follows, each buyer purcnaslng the num ber of head indicated; Buyers. , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omana Packing Co 445 1.745 Swift and Company....... 776 Cudahy Packing Co 743 Armour ft Co 785 Armour A Co., Sioux City .... W. 1. Stephen 8 Hill & Huntxlnger 6 L. F. Hues 5 8. & S 252 Root 17 Bulla & K 17 Haggerty 16 Other buyers 123 8.046 8,796 2,9o9 9U0 121 271 Totals 3.193 12,463 392 CA11L.E There was a fairly lioeral run of cattle In sight tills morning ana the wire euge seemed tq be on tne market. Repcrts trora otner points were none too lavuraule to the selling interests and showed plainly that packers wanted to buy their supplies for less money. Trad ing here was rather slow and tne morn ing well advanced before tne bulk was disposed of. 'ine beef steer market was generally 62iluo lower. Packers started out to buy tneir supplies a uime lower, but they an seemed to want the good, heavy cattle and as a result sucn kinas were not In all cases a dime lower, and in some Instances were right around steady. Light cattle and those that were not strictly tat, or a little lacking in quality, were generally a dime lower, rega'rulesa of weignt. Trading was rather slow, as salesmen aid out. line the laea of seeing prices go any lower, and besides that, ouyers took their time about bidding. There were a number of choice loads included In the offerings as will be seen from the sales below. There were only a tew cows and heifers on sale and the better grades of dry lot cows and heifers sold without much trou ble at about steady prices. The commoner kinds were slow and a little lower. The market on grass stuff was very uneven and salesmen bad a hard time to dispose of that class at any price. Buyers were very indifterent about taking them and their bids were considerably lower than yesterday. Bulls were if anything a little lower, but veal calves did not show much change. There were not enough siockers ana feed ers in the yards to maae a market, but the demand Is limited, owing largely to the fact that farmers are too busy with their crops at this time to pay much attention to buying stock cattle. Good stuff can probably be quoted steady with others dull. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. I 1 U I 18 1 , t 14. ...T II I I 17 1 3 1 4 11 I 10 It II tl 17 II 14 II 17 II II II 16 II II 4 1 H II 10 0 II 10 I.,... to II 10 tl 11 Is 14 I n 1 8 1 4 I I I I 4 1 II 7 I I 3 I I I I t I I I It 11 10 8 4 I I , te 1 A. Pr. No. At. Pr. 1146 I 70 tio 4 16 7 It 16 XM rM 101 1011 170 176 141 176 1060 loao toil 110 1320 0 56 til 141 loit i ltnl 1111 1121 11U 1011 1170 1101 101)4 1044 1IJI 1170 1U 101J 1200 1160 1171 .....l!a mi 1110 im 1123 1160 .,..,1170 1S7 1170 4 16 4 60 4 40 4 16 4 46 4 71 4 76 4 16 4 86 4 86 4 16 4 86 I 00 i 00 6 10 i 10 I 10 6 16 6 16 6 10 ( 44 I 40 I 40 I 60 I 60 6 60 I 60 6 60 I 60 I 61 6 66 I M I 10 I 10 I 10 6 40 6 40 6 40 6 IS I ta 6 46 I W I 46 I 46 6 70 111! 1267 , 1464 1070 1041 1141 1143 linn , 1031 18H4 1174 1707 mi , 1220 1344 1431 1244 121S 1140 1200 1171 ltkl ......1430 1411 1261 1336 , 1261 1404 1404 148 1111 1341 1611 11H 1470 14K7 1411 , 1414 1324 1470 , UU 1660 14i 13:4 1401 I 70 6 70 6 70 i 70 6 70 ( 70 I 76 6 76 I 76 I 71 6 76 I M I 10 I 10 i 10 I 16 I 16 t 66 6 86, 6 10 I 10 6 0 ( M 6 M ( M I W 6 10 I to t 10 t 10 ( 16 i 16 I 16 I 15 i 00 4 00 06 I 10 6 10 I 10 I 10 I 16 I 11 I 16 16 II... 17... 16... 11.... !l... 10... 11... it... 21... 15... ... 11..., 1 i 11 II I: 70 14 II 41 1 14 41 I tl II la 1 10 11 61 tl 40 16 i II 11 14 43 40 I it .till 6 7 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 197 4 74 14 1144 7U 4 If 6 M S'lEEKS AND COWS. 1017 4 40 4 46 I 00 I M 14. .1001 . 160 .102 I 14 I 41 I 46 141 ..... 760 UW 00 136 4b4 ol M W6 740 140 -...UU m 1116 id 1011 I'O M) 134 1074 W,4 I'M 1144 loot 5 II... 11... COW8. I 16 1 .... KIO .... 177 .....11U .... 700 ....1!0 .... 464 ... .10114 .... tht .....1170 .....1120 ....101 ....1034 ....1101 .... 171. ....1170 ....HOI ....1010 .....1256 .....1430 ....1136 ....1107 ....12a 1404 1 M I to 4 00 4 00 4 14 4 10 4 10 4 H 4 16 4 31 4 16 I 44 4 40 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 10 I 40 4 16 4 46 4 71 4 K I 16 I 16 1 16 1 II I 10 1 60 I 40 1 16 M I 10 I II I K I 16 I 60 I 60 1 60 f I 16 1 44 I 46 I II I 71 J 76 11'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 11!!!'.!!! 10 11 I 10 3 M .1011 COWS AND HEIFERS. lit I 111 I. 1031 4 11 HE1FEKS. 764 , 416 , 4W 770 Ifil 111 , 714 I 64 I.. 121 7k4 144 ..... 160 174 IM 1010 1110 1K.0 1210 Uo0 1111 I1K 1116 1204 1460 IttO 1024 1100 1740 I 44 I 14 4 40 4 64 4 76 i 40 I 44 I 44 I 60 I 10 I 44 1 14 I 70 4 04 4 II 4 10 4 40 4 64 4 60 4 66 4 14 (... I... 4... II... I 76 1 40 I 46 I 64 4 60 1., 1 BULLS. 1IM 1114 Ill aw lloo 1430 1140 lalO ISaO 1H7 1277 1410 1941 14W 1710 170 144 110 140 441 ... I I 14 I...... 1 II I H I 10 I 00 1 04 I 40 I 14 I 10 1 II I 10 I 14 I 14 1 II a ii CALVES. I 04 1 4 71 4 78 I 04 I 16 I 16 i It 1 at I 04 I II 4 00 4 04 4 a 4 04 no 164 136 134 174 lit ;; I 4 74- 0 iw 4 78 6 03 6 99 4 81 0; 4 84 4 M 6 98 I K I 1 114 I 16 1 1H I 64 1 lao 6 64 1 114 I 64 4 141 I 64 STAGS. 1 1M4 I 26 1 1610 4 II i 1114 4 40 1 1440 I H STOCKERS AND FEEDEKS. 1 60 I W 1 713 I 7S 1 444 1 64 1 6M I M 1 17 I 60 1 14 I t 1 71 I i4j I Iti IM I lot I 66 11 647 4 06 HOUB Receipts of hogs were quite lib eral at all points this morning and aa a result prices weakened a lltne. At the start packers were bidding fully a nickel lower, but salesmen would not cut loose and the early sslen were largely !nuc lower than yesterday's average. Packers seemed to have liberal orders to till and aa the morning advanced the market gained in strength, so that the general market Is only about 2c lower than yesterday. The bulk of the hogs was disposed of In good season, but It was a little late before a clearance was ninde. The bulk of tha hogs sold from 34.77 to 84 86, with choice loads largely from 34.85 to 34 90, with a top at 34 96. The light and commoner loads eold from 34.76 down. Representative sales: No. At. Sh. rr. Jv'o. At. 8h. Pr. 11 Ill ... 4 14 M 160 W 4 66 4 101 ... 4 7S 60 2'0 ... 4 6 M 181 180 4 78 66 261 44 4 15 74 137 64 4 75 1 131 SO 4 15 71 fnO 120 4 76 f7 5114 140 4 66 41 Ill 124 4 75 tl 247 144 4 16 16 171 ... 4 76 64 247 ... 4 15 71 M0 100 4 75 41 240 ... 4 65 17 ll 144 4 77 0 mi 10 4 15 II 20 120 4 n II 20 ... 4 17V, 67 15 ... 4 77 ' 10 25 ... 4 0 14 1X4 ... 4 77Va 64 o4 ... 4 40 61 M4 M 4 77, 15 274 ... 4 14 46 101 ... 4 77 S 61 1'l 140 4 SO II Ill ... 4 77V, II Hl SO 4 0 II Ill 124 4 77V, 40 S" W (M 12 204 10 4 77 V, 16 f 180 4 75 Ill 40 4 77V, 41 24 ... 4 M 71 3o0 10 4 77V "71 1K1 ... 4 76 76 2"4 40 4 77 V, 76 116 120 4 71 77 101 44 4 77 V, M 146 ... 4 75 77 114 44 4 77 46 261 10 4 77V, 71 226 ... IN 10 101 ... 4 774j 71 .60 4 K I Ill ... 4 77V, 61 Ill 44 4 M 0 124 110 4 77 V, 46 134 40 4 14 71 IM ... 4 10 7 214 110 4 80 143 146 160 4 B0 61 217 ... 4 10 131 146 240 4 10 74 111 ... 4 14 20 140 1H0 4 10 TO 121 40 4 14 10 l-o 120 4 W) II !0t 40 4 10 71 221 ... 4 80 71 241 10 4 80 6 2.16 H tin 10 117 ... 4 M 70 214 144 4 64 U 224 ... 4 10 t) 240 ... 4 64 11 ..117 44 4 10 71 228 80 4 64 44 Ill ... 4 10 II HI 140 4 10 78 .231 160 4 40 71 Ill 44 4 64 47 Ill 80 4 80 14 231 4 80 74 231 140 4 84 10 262 1 24 4 10 4! 234 W 110 II 213 ... 4 80 78 123 40 4 84 71 213 ... 4 80 17 2L' 10 4 80 71 131 10 4 84 83 124 ... 4 10 78 241 ... 4 80 71 Ill 84 4 84 74 215 14 4 80 78 104 120 4 80 78 124 ... 4 64 1.1 201 ... 4 14 Ill 40 4 84 74 Ill ... 4 80 77 130 ... 4 14 61 131 ... 4 80 70 237 110 4 80 44 ...224 ... 4 84 68 224 ... 4 MVfc 46 314 ... 4 10 12 244 44 4 81V, 70 120 40 4 80 15 231 ... 4 62V, 48 148 40 4 80 46 215 80 4 82!, 61 116 130 4 14 62 131 ... 4 85 19 224 . 84 4 80 10 240 80 4 86 78 Ill 14 4 14 43 288 14 4 85 40 224 ... 4 80 86 264 1 20 4 86 78 121 10 4 Ml 17 241 80 4 86 M 211 10 4 80 80 143 10 4 86 13 221 10 4 84 2f. 80 4 86 44 240 140 4 82V, 61 S66 120 4 86 61 260 140 4 82V, 71 26 80 4 85 68 242 ... 4 12 V, 19 230 ... 4 15 74 246 ISO 4 12V, tl 248 ... 4 15 76 237 1(4 4 82 '4 IS 2l4 ... 4 87V, 41 246 40 4 12V, 66 284 80 4 90 46 142 104 4 82V. 14 298 ... 4 K) 42 141 ... 4 (2Vt 70 294 64 4 an 14 134 120 4 81V, t0 301 ... 4 I3Vi 75 240 10 4 12V, 48 103 120 4 I2v, 44 191 80 4 62V, 19 310 ... 4 86 77 234 60 4 82V, 10 Ill 14 4 16 8 224 40 4 12 'a SHEEP There were only Just a few odd bunches of sheep and lambs in the yards Una morninsr and ihev were Dicked Up In a hurry at good, steady prices, outside ot a bunch of ewes that sold for 85.10 there was nothing offered that could be called good, but still they all sold without diffi culty. Packers are comulalnlna that they are unable to get enough block to nil their oraers ana say tnat they are to lay strong prices for good stuff. vjuotauons on cupped siock: uooa 10 choice lambs, 8ti.00iig6.tiu; fair to good lumbs, I5.6huvo.Ou; . good to choice wooied lambs, 86.6uSii.76; fair to good wooied lamns, 3.0K( 6.60; good to choice yearlings or wethers, 85.0oiuM.25; fair lo good yearling or wethers, 14.75a6.00; good to choice ewes, 14 2. 44.o0; fair to good ewes, H.UU(04.2j. Repceaenta tive sales: iNo. Av. Pr. 1 western buck 110 2 00 116 western ewes 89 3 00 7 western ewes 1U2 8 00 3 western wes 76 3 0J 1 western buck 140 4 UO 1 western ewe 80 4 6o 9 western cull ewes 86 8 26 90 western ewes 101 6 10 42 western lambs 66 6 25 4 western ewes 132 6 25 . 9 western wethers 102 5 65 6 western lambs 78 6 25 9 western lambs 62 6 60 1 western ewe .100" 8 29 36 western ewes and bucks 115 3 25 81 western ewes 115 6 00 10 western yearlings 70 6 00 10 western ewes , 128 6 00 6 western wethers 116 (60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle and Hogs Steady to Lower and Receipts Good. CHICAGO, June 15. CATTLE Receipts, 21,000 head; market steady to 15c lower; good to prime steers, 86.764j4l.70; poor to me dium, S4.7o4j6.66; stockers and fueders, 83.00 4 1.75; cows, 31.754.o; heifers, tJ.60o.26; earners, 31.75i&a.76; bulls, 82.60.B4. 75; calves, So.004jo.26; Texas-fed steers, 35.0O6o.5O: dis tillery, Sti.0Uig6.30. HOOS Receipts, 33,000 head; estimated to morrow, 26,000; market steady to 6c lower; mixed and butchers, S4.8d4iu.06; good to choice heavy. S4.96fe6.12; rough heavy, S4.76(i4.95; light. S4.io4l6.U; bulk of sales. S4.904j6.O5. BtiEEr" ANJJ UAJHBS Receipts, 18,0U0 head; market steady: lambs steady; good to choice wethers, S4.75tj6.25; fair to choice mixed, 83.76'ij'o.ou; native lumbs, S5.006.50; western lambs. 86.76ij41.60: surlnir lambs. S5.0Vjf7.45. , - , Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. June 16. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,600 head. Including 1,400 southerns; best strong, others steady to loo lower; quarantine steers sold for 85.70, the highest price paid on the local market since 1&U2: choice export and dressed beef steers, 86.76 (gj6.4o; fair to good. 84.60ij6.60; western-fed steers, S4.60ifjti.uu; stockers and feeders, 83.00 (04.70; southern steers, ti.2wij45.U0, southern cows, S2.26((j4.O0; native cows, t2.&oi4.75; nic live lienors, m.ixxuo.du; duiis, e-.vo(a4.a; calves, 32.6o4i4.50. HOGS Receipts. 9.000 head: market opened weak and closed strong; top, 84.97; tiuiK ot saies, 4..o(()i.!(-'; neavy, 4.&oa 4.97H: packers. S4.75liu4.9o: Ulna and llarhta. $1.26(0"4.87. teHEEP AND I.AM Bt Receipts, 6.000 V. . . ,1 .1 ' muflfA Im3v t . bIau.' In.l.a lo.ioJ'7.o- western lumbs, 85.2u4j7.0O: feci ewes, S4.o&f.26; Texas clipped yearlings, 34.7o(tf)u.OO; Texas clipped sheep,; liuvarie unit icoucib, eo.wiu.w. Kew York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. June 16. BEEVES Re ceipts, !.55 head; good dry fed steers, firm to loo higner; grass cattle, steady; fat bulls and good fat cows, steady; medium cows, 10c off; steers. f5.5'fj6.fi0; oxen and stug, S3.2Wu6.50; bulls, $3.ak,j6.10; cows 1.75'o4.ji; exports, 30 head cattle and' 2,ao0 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts, 6,783 head; market slow; opened 26'u35c lower and closed 6ou off; veals, S3.604j6.60; choice early, S5.otxu6.76; feneral sales, So.154j5.6o; buttermllKs, : VK(p .60; city dressed veals, lower at 64j8c; country dressed, weak at 4(8c. HOGS Recelpta, 6,546 head; market steady; state hogs, 86 .l64j6.40. SHEEP AND. LAMBS Receipts, 6,815 head; market heavy; sheep, dull and lower; good handy sheep, steady; good to choice lambs, 104j16o off; common lambs, 2T4j60c lower; sheep, 83.0Oift5.0O; culls. 82-60; lambs, 86.754j8.40; yearlings, 85.36; culls, S3 . 6. Bt. Loals Live Stark Market. bt IRITIS. June 16. CATTLE Receipts. 12,000 head, Including 5,0uU Texans; market steady to lower; native shipping and ex port steers, eo.oo'y.w, uirsnrti um mm (.iPhor steers. l4.7V(i.l5: steers under l.OiiO lbe., S3.764j4.25; stockers and feeders, 3.6U4j) 4,ot; cows and heifers, S2.6Uy4.S; canners. 31.64j2.5o; bulls, e2.604); calves, tt.Ujji 6 60; Texas and Indian steers, 33.004ju.2o; cows and heifers, S2.7r,?J3.76. HOOS Receipts, v.uuu iichu; maraei steaoy to 6c lower; pigs and lighta, S4.154j4.85; packers, 14 3oVl.93; butchers and best lirnvy, S4.904j'5.06. HiikKH AND LAMBS Receipts. 7.500 head; market Bteady; native muttons, 83.50 4jX.on; lambs, S4.754f7.Oo; culls arid bucks, J.vo4j4.uo; siockers, S2.6o4j-3.ou. took In Sight. Following are the receipts of live stock for the six principal western cities yester day; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 3,H7 l! 8i3 S2 ChUago 21.000 33,Ouo 18,iK Kansas t,lty o.o s.uw o.m St. lxiuls 12,ii0 8.000 7.6O0 St. Joseph 2.6.0 1.847 1.1M bloux City 200 6.0cO Totals 45.3UO 65.25 83,081 Sloas (My Llva Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, June 16. (Special Tele- train ) CATTLE Receipts. 2u head; mar et steady; beevea Stbuaoilu; cows, bulls and mixed, 82 3o4k5 .00; stockers and fenders, S3.ou3.6; ytarllng aiivi culvts, S3.0Vij3.lw. 1 144 4 40 1 114 4 44 1 144 4 40 1 MO 4 40 1 IM 4 14 1 IM) 4 64 I HI 4 64 HOOS Receipts, 6.000 head; market 5 lower, S1.6U4-4..4. bulk, S4.6.Zj4.75. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 15 METALS TIB underwent somewhat of a recovery . today with Ion1on csbling an advam-e of ) to a.119 Ins for spot and of l.'s 6d to 111, 17a 8d for futures, while the local market was quiet at 3'-'S.H?2.46. Copper advance! lo to A' 68 2s 6d for spot, and 8s 6d to CM for futures In the Ixindon market. Her copper Is ateadr: lake. 312.3ti'l2.76; elec trolytic at 812 .5tgl2 62 and casting at ll.12Val3.2S. Lead was quiet and a little, lower; apot, 84.IW4 .30 for Jobbing lota out of store. In London lead dec Ined Is 3d. to 11 8s 9d. Spelter was unchanged at 21 15s In London and at 84. '.Vn 87 In the local market. Iron closed at Ms 11 In Glasgow and at 42s 4d In Mlddtesboro. Locallv Iron Is unchanged; No. 1 foundry, northern. Is quoted at 814.50fit5 .00; No. 2 foundry, northern, at 314 MjH W; No. foundry, southern, and No. 1 foundry southern, soft, at 313 251S.75. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSKPH, Mo.. June l.V CATTLE Recelpts. 2.500 head: sternly to 1V lower; nntlves, 34.264fHS6: cows ami heifers, 31.7 tjfv.l.".; stockers and feeders. 33.00ij4-0O. HOOS Receipts, 6.647 head; tnnrket steady to oc lower: light, 84.76'?j4.S6; medium and heavy, 34.82115.00. SHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,9!0 head: market sternly to weak. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June 15 -COFFEE Mar ket for futures opened steady. Sales wero reported of 6.000 bags. Including July, at S.7Mi8.85e; August, 6!V; September, 8.flO( .06c; December, 1.4i5.46c; March, 6.56jp 6.65c; May, 6-9iV.i6.85c. TOO MUCH RAIN IF SPOTS Contlaaed Molatarc, Followed by Hot Days, Bakes Crnst of Soli. The Burlington crop report, Just Issued, covering the last week, says: "Moisture has been abundant In all parts of our territory. In some places too much, In connection with cool weather. One or two warm days In eastern Nebraska have Improved the soil. After frequent and heavy rains, however, these warm days have a tendency to harden the top of the ground. Heavy rains continued In the northern and Black Hills districts during the week and added considerable to tho damage already dons to the roadbed In that territory. "Small grain has progressed slowly on account of 'continued wet, cool weather. In some localities wheat and oats are rather short on account of continued cool weather. . Wheat, oats and rye have be gun to head, and neither rust nor bugs are doing any damage. so far. "Early planted corn In southeastern Ne braska did not In all cases grow. About one-third of the early planting on low ground Is said to have been replanted east of Table Rock. Generally speaking, the stand of corn and color are good. It is a fact, however, that In many places the corn Is weedy because rains have been so, constant that It was impossible to culti vate this crop as much as It Is usually cultivated during ordinary dry weather. Corn is still ten days to two weeks late. With the hot,' dry weather that we may reasonably look for during June and July, corn probably will be advanced as far ai usual by the beginning of August. . "Meadows and pastures In eastern Ne braska and Kansas are in fine shape. The ranges In the west and northwest are also In excellent condition. The alfalfa crop Is being cut and reported generally In good shape. The fruit crop generally Is prom ising, the crop of cherries being especially large." Eecker's famous Ladles' orchestra at Courtland Beach. Cheap Round lrlp Rates for Vacation Trips From Omaha via Chicago Oreat Western Railway, 812.60 to St. Paul or Minneapolis; 316.50 to Duluth, Superior, Ashland or Bayfield. Equally low rates to all summer resort points In Minnesota. Tickets on sal every day to September 80. Good to return to October 31. Two magnificently ' equipped trains each way dally via shortest line. For further information apply to S. I). Parkhurst, General Agent, 1512 Fa mam St., Omaha., Neb. P3.30 OMAHA to CHICAGO and Back via ILLINOS CENTRAL R. R., June 13. 17, 18, 19 and 20. City Ticket Office 1402 Farnara fit, or write W. H. BRILL. D. P. A., . Omaha, Neb. Special Sunday Rates, to Great West ern Park, Manning;, la. For tha months of June, July, August and September, on every Sunday except July 8, the Chicago Great Western rallwajr will Bell round-trip tickets at one far IV Great Western park, Manning, la. For fSJPa ther information apply to 8. D. Parkhurst, general agent, 1613 Farnam at , Omaha, Neb. End of Week Eacnraloa to C.tar Lake, fa. Via Chicago Great Western lallway. For trains Friday night and all trains Satur day of each week round trip tickets will bs sold at one fare to Clear Lake, la. Tickets good returning on any train until the fol lowing Monday. For further information apply to S. H. Parkhurst, general fit'ent, 1512 Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. It you have any thing to trade, advertise It in the This for That column of The Bee Want Ad Page. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record Juno 15, 1004, ns fur nished by the Midland Guarantee ami Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnam street, for Thejtee: Sheriff to Winona Satrfngs bank, lot 39, Sunnyslde add 8 1,050 Jane F. Urown to John T. Cranshaw, Ii 44 feet lot 8 und 0 11 feet ot n 44 feet lot 7, block 198. city 1 II. 1). 1'rentcel and wife to Philadel phia Mortgage and Trust company, lots 8 and . block 1, Wood Place 1 John O. liurger and wife to Mabello C. Getten, lot 9, block 4, Reed's 6th add 4,6oO Borah R. Knight and husband to George P. Stebbins, s 88 feet 22 feet lot 2, block 22, city 1 Tukey Land company to Warren L. Hamilton, lot 1, block 1, Leseentln's Saratoga 150 Georgia Valentine to Lester C. Mudge, lots 10, 11 and 12, block 7, Isabel add 1,200 Tukey Land company to Mabel C. Getten, lot 21, block 10, Clifton Hill.. 1 Union Trust compuny of New York to John T. Yates, lot 2, block 12, Shlnn's add 600 Ernest Wlndhelm and Cora Wlndhelm to Bridget O'Brien, n 60 feet W 142 5-10 feet lot 23, Kountze's 2d add. 1,600 Harriet U. Pritchett and husband to Charles B. Denney, trustee, s lots 1 and 2, block 115. city 15,000 Leonldas P. Funknouner and wife to William R. Morand, e 46 feet lot 1, lioggs A Hill's add 2,750 Charles F. Lure and wife to Willis M. Ward, lot 21, block 6, Monmouth Park 800 J. M. Flnley and husband to Arthur J. Miller, n 44 feet lot. 16, block 6, Reed s 1st add 7,200 Jane K. Sanford, executrix, to Alice S. Otis, lot 7, block 68, city, premises and t Jacob Levy and wlfs to Pstrlck Hoc tor, lot 10, block 1, Jetter's add to South Omaha 10 Updike Commission Co. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS1. Buslnnss bandied promptly In all markets. Office. 863 Bee Building, Telephone 2456. O. W. UPDIKE. MANAOFR. Ten free trips to the World fair. Si coupon on page two,