r TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1904. s' SPECIAL NOTICES Advertisements for luese column ertll le tk 111 12 m. for the rTnlif edition and natll N p. m. for fne mora las and !? edition. Rates, 1 1-2 a word (lt Insertion, la a word thereafter. otnln taken for less than 20e for the first lner tloa. These advertisements mast be ran eoaseeatlrelf. Advertisers, by reqaestlac a nom bered eheek, can bare answers ad. dressed to a a am be red letter la rare Of Tbe Bee. Answers so addressed will be delivered on presentation of MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Business Shorthand, Touch Type writing, English. Mail lessqns in at tranches. Catalogue free. B-223 CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere, p. J I. Phllbln 1606 t'uium and Opp. Union station. Tela. 784 and U72. Rtii TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tel. iUJO. R 22b r.ni I SILVER, NICKEL Plating. Om. VJUi-L' Hating Co., In Harney. 'A el. 2uo II siJlr -tlTY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. R 229 EAGLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodate Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas, R 2 Jo ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co., 1G21 N. lb. Tel. 1778. R-231 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storage. 214 N. 16th. Tel 1186. R 232 PUBLICITY DESIQNB WHEATON, In the Bee BIdg. R 36 SIGN painting. 8. H. Cole, 1302 Douglas. R 23a spectacles. examination free: days only. U. 8. OpUclans. 308 N. 16th R-237 8TANDARD Filters. UOl Farnam. Huber. Tel 3913. R 691 J22 PERFIELD Piano Co., Bee BIdg.; no In terest: honest values; easy terms. Tel. TOL . B 238 H. W. M'VEA, Plumber. 1124 N. 26th. Tol. 2747. R-240 BICYCLES! BICYCLES! OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16 tn and Chicago. i R M3"I BARGAINS Uncalled for sultl and correct trousers, 1617 Farnam, upstairs, room 6. Ask for Forman. R M384 IfITPE Stammering and Stuttering. VUIC J. Vaughn, Ramg bid., Omaha R M392 CITY STEAM LAUNDRY 211 8. UTH. ' 'PHONE 264. Why carry your soiled linen? Our wagons call and deliver same. Bills collected monthly. R 222 J29 BOSINESS CHANCES ABBOTT-COWAN Co., 1st Nat. Blc. Bldg. can get you In or out of business. Y-24S EHOLES-ARMSTRONG CO., 723 N. Y. Lite. Tel. 48. Y 244 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick, see J. H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. TPhone L2270. Y M4t4 QMnVP PRIDE OF HASTINGS 6c cl gar. Cusliing AGauvresu.dlstb. X M&32 jys SPLENDID location In new town for a good general mdse. store. Address Lock box 24, Randolph, Neb. Y M831 16 tt.000 WILL BUY a 90x24 frame laundry, a barn, three lota and also a small house. I have run tke laundry 18 years and there Is no opposition. The place is also good for other business. Poor health. Is the reason for selling. Address P. A. Hansen, Red Cloud, Neb. Y M866 llx .WANTED, to lease or- place on royalty patened article that will sail in every home cost 7o retail, 60c to1 $1. Best of references given and required.-Wm. Mad gett. Hastings, Neb. Y 16 2 WOULD like to correspond with a few responsible men who can Invest 2600 or more In an honorable and highly profita ble enterprise. Don't wasts time writing unless prepared to invest at least $5u0 If found satisfactory. JU B. Kuhn, Mollne, 111. Y-M102 18x FOR SALE Book and stationery business, . invoice about $300; best paying business in Black Hills; reason for selling, change In business. Address J. F. Carwfle, Dead wood. 8. D. Y M287 Jy 14 GREAT BUSINESS CHANCE. Men to. take up the greatest paying propo sition ever known; experience not neces sary: clean, legitimate, no risk, no can vastting; very little capital required. Be tween 9 and 4, room 126, Thurston Hotel, Omaha, Y FOB RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-8TORY building, 1612. and the seoond floor UOtt-10 Howard. W. H. Bushman, ' . I sa IF A GOOD light is needed, we can show you a north front office on the fifth floor a splendid room, at the moderate pries of 220. R. C. Peters 6 o., ground floor Bee building. I 622 BTORK ROOM, 617 8. 18th St. Inquire of Clark Powell, 161 Capitol Ave. 1848 A 110 office In the Bee building carries with it all of the conveniences and advantages in tbe way of heat, light, Janitor service, all night and all day and Sunday elevator service. A 110 office is now vacant. Call at once. R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor. Bee building. I S28 FINE NEW STORE BUILDING, 1406 Douglas street, 22x132, first floor wKh skylight In roof; swell front; fine ce mented basement; the two upper floors are 22x80 each; stairway from street: near nil car lines; fine location. Will 'rent floors separately. THE M'CAOUE INVESTMENT CO., 1606 DODGE STREET. I MS A PHYSICIAN or dentist will find a chotoe of two desirable rooms In the Bee build ing: Boom 604 la divided Into a good-sited wait ing room and a private cilice. It is dl recMlv In front of tbe elevator. The price Room tit la likewise divided. It la on 'the second floor and has a very pleasing ap proach from the broad corridor facing the court. Tbe price Is 116 per month. R. C Petsrs 4k Co., ground floor. Bee building. l-o21 PRINTING PRINTING i LYNGS I AD f High Grade Work. Crouimo block, corner of 16lh St. and Capitol Ave. 246 KRAMER 4V CHANDLER, QUICK PRINT ERS 1103 Farnam. To deliver work when promised Is our hobby. M248 Drirtrinrr Job printing. Best work in city, riinung Guaranteed. 1611 Capitol Ave. 242 J M. 81RPLESS, reliable printer, estab lished 12 years. 203 So. 13th St.. Oinoha, M29 J j 14 CLAIRVOYANTS GILMER, palmist. 716 N. 23d. TsL B-S245, BUSINESS MEDIUM, 712 N. 17th sL S M76 Jy9x MK& CARRIE SMITH. SOVEREIGN LADT QUEEN OF CLAIRVOYANTS; satisfaction or no pay. 807 N. lMh. B 220 lx MME. MOSKVA. 'Clairvoyant ; your past, prewent and future revealed; don't full to rail and see her, she is superior to all her followers. S14 No. 16th. 8271 16x SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING A. C. VAN BANTS school. U7 N. Y. IJfe. 7 ACHt UILK letters, aaYOlupvsi adarensed. WANTED MALE HELP A TEN WEEKS' SUMMER SCHOOL at the . OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE lTtli and Douglas, opens Monday morning, June 20. Publio school children and those desiring a dusi ness course, Shorthand, Typewriting. Telegraphy or penmanship, should send for particulars at once. I ADDKEao ROHKBOUGH BROS. B 682 WaNVLD FOR U. S. ARM" Able-bodied unwarned men beiweeu ages of 21 and uuseiis of Lulled Slates, ot good tnarucier una temperate liabiia, who can speak, .tau and wriio English. For In formation, upp.y to Ket.ruiU..g oificet, Llh and Douglas out., Oinaua, or Lincoln, Neb. B Ml3 WANT ED Wagon teams to haul dirt from grades at 36th uud Puppleton Ave. lnquiiu cii work. D. M. Owen Co. B-M3T4 WANTED, two carpelnters; 26c an hour; steady work. Address Jos. Sniesinger, conu actor. Xulau, fseo. B Mjo WANTED, men to learn barber trade by the Moler system. Eight great college lit leading clues. Few weens completes. Can neauy earn expenses before com pleting. Call or write for caianlgue. mloler Barber College, 13u2 Douglas St. B M1U0 17 x A GOOD POSITION is always open for a competent man. His difficulty is to lind it. We have openings for high grade men of all capacities executive, technical aid clerical paying from l,eO to flO.ouO a year. . Write tor plan and booklet.' offices in twelve cities IIAPUOODS (incorporated;, 816 Chemical building, St. Louis. 11 STOUT boy to learn trade and drive wagon, $6 per week. Iron Works, 611 S. 16th. B '262 16 WANTED Brlaht bov with common , school education for mork In railroad onice; good chance for advancement. AO dress N, 47, Bee office. B M2G6 16 WANTED Nonunion railroad ' telegra phers. Apply room 10. Victoria hotel. . B M264 16X ARE YOU satisfied with your present po sition ana salary T we nave gooa ones open. Call or write for list of vacancies. Western Re. & Bond Ass n, 840-641 N. Y. Life. ' B 278 14 ANY person to distribute our Samples; 218 weekly; steady. Mgr. Empire, 3ti Grand boutr; Chicago, 111. B M284 16x 270 permanent salary with commission for energetic people; special, aesiraoie worx; state age. Southern Guaranty Investment Co., Sioux City, la. B M282 18x DON'T WORK FOR OTHERS. BE YOUR OWN B08S. LEARN THE REAL ESTATE BUSINESS And start in for yourself; we make you our special representative and teach you trie business by mall; we furnish large Hat of solaole property and assist you to earn from $2,000 to 25.000 annually; write for free booklet and particulars. H. W, Cross & Co., 247 Tacoma Bldg., Chicago. B M281 16x AN experlencedvbookkeeper, salary 176. Call at once. weniern rteierence ana nana association, 840-841 N. Y. Life bldg. B M280 16 WANTED 26 men to work on brick yard and tenders on brick buildings, uesnier Brick Yard Co. B M298 . WANTED FEMALE HELP 10 GIRLS. Canadian office. 16th and Dodge. O. K. American, German employment office; oldest, most reliable in umana, 1524 Dodge. CT7 J30X WANTED Girl for general housework. 1618 Madison avo. uhwi WANTED Experienced second girl; refer. ence required. Airs. i. ij. kounise. ui Bouth 38th street C-M786 WANTED, girl for general housework. 635 Park ave. c Mm4 17X WANTED Cook and laundress; wares M0 a week. Mrs. Charles Mats, ot boum 28th St. ' C OH 16x WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing. manicuring or facial masssage; one years apprenticeship saved by our method; two to six weeks completes; positions guaran teed; diplomas granted; catalogue Just out; write today. Moler College, 1302 Douglas St. C M109 17x WANTED, good second gir. Mrs. Marsh, 04 Pine St. C M187 16x WANTED Woman as second cook, $20 per month, board and lodging. Address com- nierclal Hotel, McCook, 1, JN6D. V249 If WANTED-OIrl for general housework, $5. 8S06 N. 24th st C 258 14x GIRL for general housework, 8 Jn family. 1128 Bouth 81st. C 246 16 WANTED Girl for general housework In small family. Mrs. u. c. xrimoie, sm Farnam. C 274 16 LADIES $30 thousand copying letters; no 111 A m.hj. nw I,,ml.tiln0 n A A rammmm stamped envelope for particulars. Select Toilet Co., Dept. B 17, Chicago. C M287 lftt ; WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED-Posltlon as engineer or hard ware and Implement salesman; familiar with trade. Write. State salary. Ad dress, L, Box 8, Brlstow, Neb. A 22 14 WANTED Sewing In families. N 66, Bee office. A 230 20x FOR SALEHORSES, WAGONS HORSES ' for sale: 2d-hand harness and ve hlclas cheap. Melchlor's Stable. 601 S. 18th P 478 A NEW runabout top buggy to trade for driving horse. 811 H. 16th. P 176 VETERINARY DENTlST-rJ. W. Boquet. 614 8. 14th. ' P M701 ja Dr. W. C. Langdon, VETERINARY HOS PITAL, commodious, up-to-date. 2411 N.lo. P M388 JeSO UATirmade Runabouts, Phaetons, eto., nrtlx Lftt LOWEST possible prices. Also painting, trimming, repairing and rubber tires. WM. PFEIFFER (phone 3748), 2620 Leavenworth. All work GUARANTEED. P M782 Jy- THE FROST BAND, or tires, on wagon wheel stick. 14th and Leavenworth. P Vt HAMBLETONIAN STALLION BANNOCKBURN. Stands 16V4 hands high, weighs over 1.200 lbs. PEDIGREE aired by a grandson; first dam a granddaughter of Hamble tonlan loth. I will race him against any stullion in Nebraska, wagon and driver welching no less than 850 lbs. BANNOCK BURN Ts the surest breeder I ever saw. He will stand for stock at 4021 N. 16th St. and R. R. tracks, Omaha. - A. THOMP. BEN. P M384 8600 FINE double-seated carriage for sale st a sacrifice; will show carriage at 16tk and Douglas 2 p. in. Tuesday. P 226 14x BLUE-GRASS pasture for horses and cat tle; good water. Harry F. Clarke. Belle vue, South Omaha. 'Phone Red-662. P-2M II AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents In every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; steud yeniployinent with assured good In come; aftents in the eouulry with horse and bUKKy evpoclaUy desired. Canvassers make canity $u0 to lu0 per month. Ad dreu Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee Building. Omaha. J 212 AGENTS wanted to represent Chlcsgo Arm In Omaha; wideawake man. acquainted with large advertisers, to sell patented sdvertixtng sign; great seller; liberal rommlsKton. Answer with references, room Mo. u0 Washington St., Chicago. J-MJtl 16 XKlc-) Portraits to A rents, beet of WllUlCoaic work guarantred, at prices to suit. GEO. HOLMES, 812 North 16th. J Mi 20 CITY solicitors, both axea, no books; hours t to 4. 2112 Douglas kl J M2 lbx. WANTED At once, ten canraseere, either male r female. TUe WUllams Studio, lav Farnajn. sV 0 itU U Why does TJve Bcc 'pyblisk 50 per cent more real estate adver tising than its nearest competitor? Why does The Bee always lead in paid want ads? The 'answer'-i$ simple Bee want ads bring best returns FOR RENT FURNIShko ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL. KuroDean. 16th 4k Chlcax I E 2bS DEWEY, European hotel. 13th and Fa mam. E 268 $1.26 PER WEEK. Doran house. 422 S. 18th. E-270 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladies' cafe, private dining r.; open nights. E -"71 NICE furnished rooms, 3rd floor. 1120 Dodge. E 272 THE FARNAM, 18th and Farnam Sts. E-2-73 APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN ine Chatham; luxuriously furnlsned rooms and smoking panors; appointments first class. 110 3. 13th St., opposite Millard hotel. , E 2.4 TWO nice cool rooms; modern; very rea sonable. 426 N. 17th. ' E 118 NEWLY furnished cool rooms; east front; walking distance; see them. 616 S. 22d. E MM 17x TWO south front modern, reasonable; board optional. 'Phone A2693. 2406 cans. E 814 Jylt) FURNISHED ROOMS; modern. 017 S. 16th top floor. E A1214 16 THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping. 615 N. 20th st.; 'phone A-2384 E M2C7 16 FURNISHES)' ROOMS AND BOARD Furnished, cool, outside rooms, with or without board. Midland hotel, 16ih and Chicago. F 27a THE MERR1AM, 26th and Dodge, .'phone so; nice, llgnt, airy roomx; euxuites and single roomu; terraced lawn; veranda en tire length of building. F 271 BOARD room, $4; meals, 16o. 1618 Dodge. F-277 O. M. E. TEL. 611. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. yMJDi Jel9 FURNISHED rooms and board. $4. 2608 SL Mary's Ave. F M430 Je20 NICELY FURNISHED rooms and board, strictly modern, rates reasonable. 1617 Cass. F-M680 J21 NICE, clean room on bath room floor, first class board and accommodations. 2323 Harney. F-783 FURNISHED rooms and board. 706 S. 18th. F M807 18x UTOPIA Desirable rooms and board. 1721 Davenport F-M863 Jy NICELY furnished, front rooms; board; modern; summer rates. 618 S. 18th. F-227 14 SUITE) of desirable modern furnished rooms, with first-class private board, In large modern residence In Kountie Place; paved street; 16 minutes' ride from post office; fine lawn, shade; private entrance, telephone; will rent unfurnished If de sired. 2018 Wirt t.; 'phone 3975. F MW8 16 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THREE very desirable rooms for light housekeeping, -ieu wb. 024 . ""-. Q M874 TWO nice rooms, office or housekeeping. 1606 Farnam. inquire room . G M217 16 FOUR unfurnished rooms; private house- J ky hn,i..l,Mnlnff nltnwed 240R Cans. QM177 18 LOST LOST, lady's gold watch, blue face, mono--li r Retnrn to cashier First NaUonal bank and receive reward. . . .. Lost M226 14 . LOST A pocket book containing money. A liberal reward will be paid for its re turn to The Bee office. Lost 15 LOST In a 16th at store, $96; return to Dr. Gllmore and receive liberal reward. v , Lost M269 14 LOST, or purloined, from wagpn between A ..... V. tfmAh MntlinV Q Knil t lurv uu ovw.i v, .,. . , noon, two carpet remnants: finder ee warded If roods are returned at once to Mr. W. R. Bennett, main floor. Bennett's. Lpet-M280 17 LOST Plain old, open-faced watch, with bead fob, -somewhere between '19th and Chicago and postofTlee. Reward if re turned to room 41, Douglas block. Lost M283 lo MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE FARM and city loans, low rate. W. H. Thomas, lril nui nu rf 287 4 TO 6 P. C money. Berals. Paxton block. PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1B20 goulag WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1820 Farnamst- MONEY TO LOAN, Payne Investment Co. W 801 WANTED, real estate loans and warrants. K. c. peters et.yo xee uiua. w" I per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1804 Farnsm. WANTED TO BUY 8HONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN. 822 N. Y. Life, pays highest price for book. Tel 3036. SECOND-HAND rubber tired buggy; must be in good condition; $20 down, balance in paving mining stock. Address K . 43. Bee Office. N M324 yx FIVE TO TEN acres of orchard land with in 10 miles or vmana. vuuiw. manna price and particulars, A 83. Bee Office. N MJ28 22X WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED house or flat, family of three adults, until September 1. Address, with full particulars. L 66. Bee. JC 6Slx THEATRICAL couple, no children, want suite of furnished rooms within 10 blocks of business center. Address K 13, Bee Office. , K-M326 20x LADY in government employ wants an alrv, cool room, with or without board, In private family having no smnll children; Address, stating price and references. G 43, Bee Office. K-M330 tlx USTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 616 N. Y. Life bldg. Tl4 DR GRACE DEEGAN, 831 N. Y. Life. TeL 2os. -328 MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathic Phy sician; office, Douglas block. Tel. 2823. 3o0 Dr. Farwell, specialty ne-vous diseases. 604 Paxton. 41 FLORISTS HESS'dt BWOBODA. 1416 Farnam. j L. HENDERSON, 1618 Farnam. Send for price list of cut flowers and plant. ALFRED DONAGHUE. JBJ. 16U7 Farnam. TeL UiS. SALESMEN WANTED Balesmen visiting drug and randy trade to carry our Natural Pre pared Palm as a side Una; sell from : 1.. . . . . w.-i . . - t n A m w.nll ir a money makee for you. Aderjas The )f.,ii Ca D Mnlnea. Ia. ii-Sd la : FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WEST HARNEY ST., A very choice 8-room, new, all-modern houre; fine reception hall, mantel, elec tric light and ana; 4 nice bed rooms; fine nickel plumbing; laundry In baaument; good furnace. Hefore buying a place let us show you this. $4,?00. PARK AVE. HOjV.E We have an elegant 9-rrom, sll-modern hoLFe Just completed; finished In quarter sawed oak; hus an elegant reception hall, with "koKey" ncok. book shelves, tine mantel, electric light and gas. "Nuft said." Owner will sell on payments. $6,750... . ' THE BYRON REED CO. . RE 277 15 H New House, H $$00 Cash, Balance monthly payments, will buy the new 6-room house that has Just been completed on 27th ave., K block south of Lake; fine, high ground, clone to car; house has city water, sewer, gas, porce lain bath, marble washstand, larse rooms, east front. Price $2.3.0 Another ft-room, modern house, on Ames ave., between 24th anil 25th, for J2.6.0 6- room house, on Manderson, between 24th and 2&th, all modern. Just being com pleted, for $2,9I0 7- room, modern house, Just completed. In Bemls park, on Myrtle ave., between 3?d and 34th, for $2.WX) Many others. Call and let us show you what wo have before you buy. Hastings & Heyden. E10-511 N. Y. Llle Bldg. Phone 1606. RE 2V0 15 OMAHA HEIGHTS Large Lots for $40. Ten minutes' walk from Ames ave. car. Can give you a many a you want In a bunch. $5.00 and $5.00 per month. A. P. TUKEY & SON. Board of Trade bldg. RE 254 16 SOME FINE CHANCES TO MAKE GOOD MONEY ON INVESTMENTS NOTHING SURER THAN REAL ESTATE ALL BARGAINS $12,000 For touxiBV leet, large brick build ing, three stonos, three flats, two small buildings, costing twice the amount askeu to builu; annual rental Income. l,26U per year; aoundaul room to build 3 or 4 more buildings. ,00O For luoxlou feet, with fine, . 8-room house, all In tine repair; rental in come per year, $l,0su; good location. This price is very reasonable. 6,000 Lot 06x142. It has four 4-room flats, in good repair. They are always rented and bring $884 per year. 3,800 Ten-room house, 81st and Mason; rental. $264 per year. LOOK THIS UP IMMEDIATELY. 2,200 Nine-room house, 22d and Popple ton ave near new freight depot. SNAP. 2,200 Double frame house, between 8th and 10th on Hickory i rental, $3U0 per yeac -. 1,800 For . a 6-room cottage, with city water, gas and sewer connections, on 24th,- bloc south of Leavenworth. 1,000 Four-room house and kitchen, city water 111 bouse, near 83d and Parker, H block ' from, car line. Have got one of the best bargain that can be oif ered In the northwest part of the city, considering else ground and building and especially the location. If anybody wants a SNAP In the next few days, klnaly call for price and term QUICKLY, as the owner 1 VERY ANXIOUS to sell. SOME GOOD PLACES TO BUILD A beautiful acreage lot overlooking the Country club golf grounds and Krug park; can be subdivided Into 6 lota 60xl2i. This can be bought at A BARGAIN. 1 also have elegant lots in Benson, closf to street cars; lota are 60x127 and can of bought at-$160 to $226 each. Will build a house on any of the lota that may be pre ferred Al LUB1, J. A. LOVGREN 636-7 Paxton block. RE 838 PRICE CUT TO $2,700. Rev. Dillon, who leave the city, now offor his modern home for the above amount if taken at onoe; part down, bal ance easy. 4316 Grant street. RE 441 TAKE YOUR ROSEBUD CON TRACT QUICK On June 10 we shall Increase the price of our excursion trip trom Omaha to Bone steel and return to 'TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS - On all contract closed before the 10th day of June we will make the rate TWEN TY DOLLARS for the round trip, which includes railroad fare, sleeping accommo dations, meals, making-out papers and every assistance necessary to complete registration lor a homestead. GAS BELT LAND CO. ti4 fiiujx National bank, omaha. RE 11.124 ACRES IN BENSON Deslraole Tracts for Country Home. Ten acres, with bearing trull, ail nicely seeded tov alfalfa, tl.uwv.OO. Five acres, some fruit, three blocks from car, $1,200.00. Two acres on pavement, a fine garden tract, ou.w. Benson & Carmichael, ut2 Paxlun iiiock. RE 843 FOR SALE Farm of lO.Ouo acres in Custer Co., Neb., nine miles lioiu Broken Bow on Burlington route, and livo nnica troin ' uconto on Union racillu; well watered by bouth Loup river and six never tailing wens, wiin wlndiiuiis, all under leuuv, Willi good ten-room house and siieds; ouv acres under cultivation. A great bargain. Write lor terms. N 40, Bee. RE M8C0 16x THE ROSEBUD Reservation la open to settlement. Bend bv cents to Rathiuan A Keller, Bonesleel, ti. V., for Information uud large map showing lupogtapny of country. RlC 27 A FINE RANCH (central Nebraska) ot 1.2B0 acres, for sale or trade for tuna; good frame Improvements; three wind mills, 11 inlies lancing, 110 steers, 4 horses, machinery; price, $lu,u00. At'dres box 21k, Burwell, Neb. RE M871 lex FOR SALE 20,000 acres of the finest wheat or graas land In southwestern Ksnsas; sull rich blask loam and level; price, $40,0u0, or will sell In lots of ltki acres for $2.60 per acre. Addruss J. P. Chapman, 418 Main street. Canon City, Colo. RE 886 18x Illu. your property. Baker Bros. Kng. Co. . RE 286 IRRIGATED LANDS on Union Pacific in Nebraska and Wyoming, $16. Uinta Irri gation Co., Omaha. Neb, RS MOJ Ja DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or .ranch Ull the farmers and stock ruivrs about U. The beat way to reach them i through ' THE TWENTIETH CENTURY ' FARMER , This Bgrtcultacal weekly goes to 60.0n homes of farmers and slock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sll at a reasonable price you will nnd a buyer mums- tbem. Tha cost of " nuvertlamicnt iT-rlil I cent mi word in ihuail Us as Ltt per Uu.k Utolla Ui l.o. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ACRESI ACRES! ACRES! We are the specialist on small tract of 6. 10 or 20 acres near Omaha, South Omaha, Benson or Dundee. We have 5 and 10-aere tract high and sightly, all In blue grass, north of Country club and near Benson, Ideal location for country homes; orchard or garden land, $0 per acre. , SOUTH OMAHA E acre on west Q, new house, fine Improve ments; big snap at $4,600. 6 acre In South park, no city or Dougla county taxes, hltth and sightly, $1,000. 6-acres rich garden land, running water all year, 21.CKO. 10 acres on west L street, all In alfalfa, im mediate possession given. N. P. DODGE & CO., 2512 Q STREET. 1614FARNAM. RE MJ92 16 HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSION TO Oklahoma, Texas and Pecbs Valley, New Mexico. Improved and unimproved farms, good soli, abundance of water for Irrigation, splnndid climate. In the Pecon Valley for from $15 to $; per acre; in northern Texas from $4 to $1 per acre. Why not Join one of our excursions which leaves on the FIRST and THIRD Tues days of each month? Write for our FREE v booklet on the L southwest ami Information concerning lands ana special nomoseeKers rates. AUENTS WANTED. C. U TALMADGE, 619 Qulncy bldg., Denver, Colo. RE M289 15 H $500, $SS0 and $600, H Fine, Large Building Lots in Bluff View Addition, Just north and east of Kountxe Place, fine view of the river, lakes and bluffs; city water and sewer In front of every lot; 9 lot on paved street, paving paid In full; 10 minutes' ride downtown; eght lots sold and five houses will be started this week. Buy where all the houses will be new and modern. These are the best values of fered In Omaha; reasonable payment down, balance $10 a month. Hastings 6k Heydeh, 610-611 N. Y. Lite Bldg. Phone 1606. RE-271 16 WALKING DISTANCE, $3,750, 8-room house, alt modern but furnace, at 714 North lifth St., a nne home on the boulevard, east front and only short dis tance from business center of ciiy. Tin house is in excellent repair, rooms large luui well arrauguu. 11 B uio uevi wuaru bargain to be had. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. L. Tel. 1781. RE 272 16 A MAP OF ROSEBUD reservation tor the ' asking. Writ or call for one today. Ga Belt Land Co., 214 First Nat. bank bldg., Omaba. Neb. i RJ 281 (-ROOM house and lot, Inquire J, G. John son, 816 tt. 26th. RE M668 18x BOULEVARD. Choice, east-front lota, near two car lines, wfth water, gas, sewer, large native for est trees, front on boulevard, 100 feet wide; kept up by the park board; no paving or sidewalk: tax. frlce only $800. LU limited. HARRltoUN Sk MORTON, SU-tia N. Y. Life. ' TeL 814. RE 82J-- ACRES. ! Near Omaha auu boum Omaha, choice and sightly, tract ot 146 acre owned by eastern client. This desirable property could be sold to great advantage oy sub dividing into 10-aore tracis. land across the road having sold a high as $2u0 per acre. It Is the owner desire to close out this tract to one purchaser at once and price has been reduced to $110 per acre. This 1 your opportunity. W. Farnam Smith & Co. uai D'ariuun eireet, RE fcii CUAd. Uilliorro-.r. r" 1st Floor ii ttiiuii toiit vvs., u. a. bk. bidg RE 284 TWO brand new cottages, modern exoept furnace; cne (L800 and the other $2,41. BHIMER A CHABE, Builders of Modern Houses. HE 784 SNAP FOR SOMEBODY, Ten-acre fruit farm with good improve ment, five acre in grape and 80U fruit tree bearing. Owner must sell. Price, only $4.0uo and term easy. Investigate this without delay. J. B. Piper, 212 Bee Bldg., Omaha. , RE 261 14 FOR SALE Ten sections ot the finest wheat land In Canada In the Moosejaw district, from two to six miles from rail road station, and only eight miles north of Caron on main line ot Canadian Pa cific railroad. Farmers are now raising from 80 to 60 bu. of wheat per acre and from 60 to 120 bu. of oats per aore. One year's crop will pay for land and improvements. Will sell in bulk or divide in sections. $30 round trip rate to land. Write for term. Address N 41, Bee; RE MSol lox FOR RENT HOUSES THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. 11. goods. Storehouse. 1120-24 N. 18th. Office, lull. Farnam. Tel. 1668-83. D 288 PAYNE-BOSTWICK & CO., choice houses. bul-603 New York Life Bldg. 'Phone 1016. D 288 HOUSFSi" Parts of the city. The llUUOtJo, F. Davis Co.. 608 Bee Bldg. D 2Su WE MOVE pianoa Maggard Van Stor age Co. Tel. 1480. Oftlce 1713 Webster st. D 281 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker bk. D 281 nuuacatet(iri 4 Co- Bt), Buiuimg. D 283 FOR RENT-No. 1641 Park ave., opposite park, modern brick dwelling, 9 rooms; MrlSl Pr month. Inguire at 1115 8 82d st. J. M. Richards. D M764 U,4S 8' f-room, porcelain bath, gas, lawn, 820. D Mfo8 CS.N'IAIJ modern, T-room house; Tlxard. 220 N. 23rd. D M477 10-ROOM house, near 28th and Farnam, only $32.60. Bemia, Paxton block. D 443 FOR RENT The nine-room residence st the corner of 38th and Farnam; modern In every particular., Inquire at 1608 Har ney street. Omaha. Neb. D-616 2664 Harney St., good 8-room modern brick, walking distance, $36.00. GARVIN BROS., luo4 FARNAM ST. D-M-767 NEW HOUSES 417 N. 18th. 8 rooms, $46 00. , 638 So 24th St., brand new modern brick of 8 rooms, HO OC. ' GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAMJITV FOR RENT Elerant -room modem house, best location. $J0. Thomas Brrnnan. N. , T. life building. I 276 FOR EXCHANGE FOR 8AI.R OR EXCHANOU-A fine mill inery stock, in a good Iowa town. Ad dress N. M Bee. Z-M 28 PATENTS AND PENSIONS H. J. COWaiU-Psunn Ne ft unless VMmm fnk. U A XiX.. tMmmhm Tel r.A. FOR RENT HOUSES 9 ROOMS, modern, close In $.". 9 rooms, modern, large yard and barn. 135. HARRISON 4V MORTON, 81$ N. Y. Life. Tel. 34 D M7 2716 DEWEY, 9-room, choice, $36. i D-911 FOR RF-NT. 2019 Leavenworth, 12-r. house, mod. ex. fur nace, $35. 8J20 Burt. 6-r. cottage, city water, yard and shade. J12.50. 1H N. 24th St., 6r. flat, sink, toilet, bath, $14. 2907 lavenworth, 4-r. cottage, mod. ex. fur- nnce, $25. 2909 lavenwortn, 7-r. cottage, mod. ex. fur nace, $30. 80tS 8. 29t st., 7 rms, 1st fl., mod. ex. fur nace. $30; 7 rms., 2d fl., mod. ex. furnace, $27.50. 2911 Leavenworth, store 60x22. $r: 6 rms. above store, mod. ex. furnace, $20. McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO. 1506 Dodge St. D-279 16 PERSONAL ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. SEND FOR PRICE LIST AND SAMPLES. GOLDMAN PLtAllNG CO. 200 bUbOutH iii-A.. T 1834. DR. ROY, Chldropody, R. 2 A 8, 1606 Farnam DETECTIVE Capt. Cormack. 617 Karbucli block. Tel. A2s!(2. U-t7 MUSICAL Thus. J. Kelly, voice, Davldge block. U 8 BEAUTIFUL young brunette, blue dress, red belt, straw hat, red trimming, i6in st, car, Farnam si.; 6:3o Friday evening; gentleman dark suit gave you Beat; may we meot N 14 Bee office. U i Hx Aocordeon pleatlne, cheapest, beat, quick eat. Mrs: A. C. Mark, lith and Douglas. L We A. TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE !JU. b 310 PANT0R1UM-M'- "VI A VI," way to health. 850 Bee Bldg. U-414 INFORMATION desired of Henry A. Mo Evoy of Decatur, 111., by hi slater, Julia C. Mulan, tail Front at., Decatur, ill. U U8 14x PIANOLAS for rent; 8 month' rent al lowed on purchase. Schmoller & Mueller, . 1313 Farnam. Tel. 1626. U 316 TUB. vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th st, U 6 STEINWAY piano are sold exclusively by Schmoller & Mueller, 1318 Farnam St. U-81S riarmonio Dye W'ks. Up-to-date clean- uer mania dyer. us. ia at. r.i. W Sl "PAPA says he can' snake 'em off" Hute son's New Patent Rlmieas Kvealaas; al most Invisible. Huteson Optical Co., 213 tt. itstn St., paxton block; taotory on me premise. u FP7FMA Quickly cured. B. J. Scan CiVlt DKlli tog ware Block. U M15 J23 THERE are at least 20 reasons why every man should smoke the Monogram 6c ci gar. The first Is: It is equal to any 10c cigar on the market. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., manufacturei, 1404 Douglas. U-321 M A flNUTlf treatment A baths Mtne. JVIVI1MC 1 IV- Smith, 11 N. 16. 2 Or. R. 2. U 2 jy-sx EXPERT piano moving, lowest prices. Schmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farn. Tel. l&A U 322 YOUNG man, with means, good appearance and position, desires- acquaintance of young lady of respectable family; object matrimony, otaclpllne. General Delivery, xorktown, va. I , u mu iu BALLOON ASCENSIONS Fuinisuea by the reuaole Sam Murphy Balloon Co., 2801 Miami St. Tel. 30u4. U um ADVICE TO MEN Don't pay 10c for a - cigar when you can buy our MONO GRAM for 6c the best cigar ever put on the market for the-- price. W. F. Stoecker Cigar Co., m&nulacturars, 1404 Douglas. U 732 Dressmaking. Mln Sturdy, 2606 Davenport U-1.9 A BUSY doctor, age 35, handsome and worth $100,000, wants a good sensible wife. Address Doctor, 109 Central ave., Minne apolis, Minn. U 138 14x AN unencumbered American gentlewoman 27, Independently situated, stylish, pleas ing appearance, personality, good, Jovial companion, desires joining small select farty St. Louis fair, European summer rip; reference exchanged. N 68 Bee office. U 161 15x dX C. H. DeLONG. Dentist. 362 Bee. TeL B-3246. U 781 Jy6 DR. 8LABAUGH, Dentist, N. Y. Life Bd. U $42 A YOUNG man (27). residing In beautiful, heilthy portion of Mexico, desires ac quaintance of refined young lady, of good . appearance; object matrimony. Adores L 28, Bee office.. U 108 14x A REPUTABLE young man wishes to make the acquaintance of refined young lady of mean who oould invest money In business; object matrimony. Principals only apply. Address I. 66, Bee office. I . - U 44 14x A GENTLEMAN .of means would like to make the acquaintance of a young lady of about 20, wish a view to matrimony. N 46 Bee office. U-S80 14x An orphan boy. Catholic parentage, not old enough to work, ha home with family of limited means, needs some assistance to advanoe education already well begun, so as to make him self-supporting. A schol arship In business college would be much appreciated by his friends. Anyone will ing to help, please address for Interview, A. M. D. O., care general delivery post office, Omaha. U 236 16x CONCESSIONS FOR SALE-WIner, Neb.. July 4, 1904, we will have Gollmar Bros.' big railroad circus, hose race open to the world, three companies of state mllltla will be encamped, giving drill and sham battle: the First Regiment band will furnish the rnuslo with seventy places. For concessions apply to committee. A. J. West, chairman. U M244 2 PRETTY widow, worth $86,000, beautiful home, Income of $5,000, want honorable. Industrious hushnnd. Addeesa Mrs. A, fit. Nicholas hotel, Chicago. U 262 14x THE beautiful park at Bennington, Neb., will be open this season for picnics and public gatherings. For particulars ad dress the Secretary Bennington Park As sociation. U M268 17x JUDGE MACOMBBR will rent his fur nished cottage near Arnold's park. Lake Okoboji, for the seaaon. Write him at CreMton, Iowa. U 276 14 WILLIAM BAGGET, son of Frederick Bneget, write to your brother and sister, 18J6 Lorain St., Cleveland, O., for Infor mation of advantage. U M286 16x ' WORLD'S FAIR ROOMS. Why ry $1.60 for a cot when you can get comfortable rooms for $1 In strictly prl vnte family on two direct lines of cars and within fifteen minutes of tbe grounds? Write now and engage ahead. 4973 Lotus , ave., vBt. Louis. U-M283 16x p"p vision, headache and nervousness IVJUrVcur, f,y wearing accurately fit ted spectacles and eye glasses. No charge for examination. Dr. Richards, 116 8 lrtih. V M284 16 MEDICAL HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman A McConnell, Omaha. DR. FRIES treat successfully all diseases and irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Plies. 1611 Dodge L, Omaha. PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babies adopted, Mra. Gardela, 2216 Charles. TeL A2tlA - PRIVATE home durtng confinement; babies adopted. Tbe Good Haroarluut banltartum, 728 1st in. Council Bluffs, la. a PRIVATK bom during nonftss nt; tabs t'4oIIUt. !. i v. SwJUC up sw. w u l nt- Int. 421 Jets THIS FOR THAT WILL trade sewing machine for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co.. 15th and Harney. Z-$3i 10-IN. DISC record taken In exchange for nw records. Columbia Phonograph Co., 1"01 Farnam. 23.1$ W 'HAT have you to exchange for a plino! Pertleld Piano Co., Bee bldg. Tel. 701 PHOENIX bicycle to xe for some of the money you pay the street car com pany. Louis Flescher, 1623 Capitol sve. Z-398. WERER plaro. slightly ur,ed, rsde for horse and buggy. Room 7. Be Mdg Tel. 701. Z-M?29 IF THERE Is nothing In this column you want, put an ad. In and you wilt con t It. z-183 IF TOUR Id furniture flon't mlt. we will exchange new for It. Tel. 771. Z M813 $30f AUTOMATIC RMINA mtisle box. fancy rase, to exchange for piano or plnnola. Address K IS. Bee. 7. FTTAKTON and surrey for exchnnre 1TI1 Farnam. Z 827 J? FTNV1 11-plece dlnlns; room set; cost $7X1 new; will sell or trade; bargain. Enter prise Furniture Cc, 102 8. 14th. Tel. fM. Z 870 W ILL exchanaje second-hand phonopraph records for others; In good condition. Address N 65, Bee. Z M2?2x W ILL exchange second hand phonograph records for others In good condition. N 64, Bee office. Z MI22 RKAD this. 3?0 acres good land to ex change for something of equal value. Don't need the Innd and want to deal with you. Price, $4,500. Chaa. E. Hall. Or chard. Neb. Z 247 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. If you are annoyed by numerous small bill that have accumulated during the winter It might be an advantage to you to secure money from us and pay tbem and m.en pay us in weekly or monthly payments until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, piano, live stock and other chattels and we make loans to salaried people upon their own agreement to re pay. Our rate are a low as any and a great deal lower than some. Our service Is quick and without publicity. If you have dealt with us and are pleased, tell others, and If you are displeased, tell us. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. (Established 1882.) ttJi South 16th St. X-397 MONEY LOAN Phoenix Credit Co., 633 Paxton Blk. X-M9 LOANS. ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, ETC. PAYMENTS AND RATES TO SUIT YOU. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 807-8UB PAXTON BLli.' TEL. 1411. X M793 3 P. C. YEARsJ FROM $100 to $ft,uw Ironed on ui pcijiiul note at $ PER CENT PER YEAR. All good loans wanted. Call or write and get my system. W. L. Eastman at Co., 1104 , Farnam, Omaha. X 343 DON'T BORROW MONEY On Salary, Furniture or Piano UNTIL YOU SEE US. If you can call, write us or telephone 167. and we will send agent to explain und arrange loan at your residence. J. A. HUTTON CO., 614 Paxton Block. 1 X 443 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with security; easy payments; largest business In 49 principal cities) ' ' Tolman, room 440, Chamber of Commerce -Bldg. X-842 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loans. Foley l i. i . l, t , a. -v a it SALARY and collateral loans. Templeton, 212 Bee Bldg. Tel. 29t)4. ' X 811 MONEY to loan on furniture, horses, otc. nt half usual rates. Dr. Priubenow, room 215 at 208 S. 15th St. Tel. B2264. X-346 MONEY loaned on p:anos, furniture, Jew- ciry, norses, cows, etc. u. r . iteea, aiv 9. X 3 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. STAR LOAN CO., 644 PAXTON BLK. X M452 1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS ZD-HAND safe cheap. Deright, 1118 Farnain , Ml 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 266 FOR SALE: Several scholarships In a first-class standard scftbol tn Omaha, comprising complete course In business, shorthand and typewriting. Inquire at Bee t Clce. U 862 FOR SALE Will eU at a discount a sohol- , arshlp in one ot me ueat umana business colleges. Address F 16, Bee. Q M801 TELEPHONE poles; long fir Umbers; l. ..V.l1,.n .-nAA Otlt IVu.ffUa ' Q-M267 HOG, Poultry, Lawn. Farm and Railroad wire f ence, wire wonts, on ts. ism hi Tel. 168a Q-M268 Jy8 - ID-HAND safe. Swaits, Hatter, 114 6. 13th. , W 2 v WE RENT Sewing machine. 76a week. W repair and sell part for every machine manufactured. Second-hand machine from $6.00 to $10.00. Nebraska Cyole Co., 'Phone 1663. Corner 16th and Harney. Q 262 MY diamond ling, oheap; in pawn at Dia mond l-oan umce, hui uuugias; tney u how you. Q 263 FOR SALE New and second-hand auto mobiles. F. W. Bacon, Baum Iron Co., Omaha. 4264 SODA fountain. Richmond, Deright Co., FOR SALE Solid oak and mahogany top bank or cashier' fixture, In good condi tion, at a uargain. Auaresa u. u. ttose water, room 100, Bee building. Q 8-4 THE largest stock of DOG COLLAR FUR- MlBriliNuo, wniro, onr.fl i rjiua. AXLE UREASE and HARNESS OIL DRESSINGS In the state of Nebraska at the STOCK YARDS SADDLER V CO. J. G. Blessing, prop., $28-331 N. 261 h St., South Omaha. UNION SHOP. Q-M884 FOR SALE Cheap, a nne Bohiner grand piano, slightly usea: easy terms it ue sired. J. C. Acton, Fremont, Neb. Q M677 J2l FOR SALE Cheap, Ink barrels. Apply press room, llee DUiiaiag. x 6TEGER A SONS' Piano, In splendid con- Onion, oniy uii v. . ...ui . uui., win ell at a big bargain. Address, N 33, Bee. VI w 10-HORSE power bol'er and engine cheap; used S montns. ine iiaraie t'ompany. Kearney, Neb. Q-M187 Jyll FOR SALE Cheap, numbering machine. book rest, copy noicier ana letter scale, all In flrst-clasa condition. Inquire of K. K. Zimmerman, 111 N. Y. Llf Bldg., cure N. Y. Life In. Co. Q-M178 ONE good family cow; on surrey. mA Davenport. (J M241 l.ix FOR BALE A new Oliver typewriter, latest mocei. Element Chase. Itu f r nam. Q-M2C5 1U UW AND COLLECTIONS E F MOREARTY, Atfy., 437 Paxton. Tel. . JOHN M. MACFARLAND. New York Life bins'., rooms stM and I I Tel. ltv" ai WANTED TO BORROW WANTED Te borrow $800 to $600, home money, at 7 per cent, on resiosnce; umana tarotMrtx; aectirttr ample. A nnreaaMa, I