THE OMAIIA DAILY DEE; WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 100. (.RUN AND PRODUCE MARKET OaaU Hai Very Li'.t'e drain in Btors or Motinj In. NO GRAIN TO COME FROM FARMERS First Tent Red Wheat aa the Mar ket Ullaola Begins Cattlag Bradstreet Estlmatea Deereasei ' OMAHA. June 14, The Omaha mtrwi ua very utile grain 01 ku sun aUnti' in store i.uuiti or com ing in unity, i lie lOiai etocaa in puuUc nwuse have dwmdleu, owing to uia snip ping out oeioru me new Kit .cneouie came lino enecl. oniana nan ai.uso ouaiiele o( wneat, 1, ja uunm of corn ana tl.'M buiaen oi outs, ui the corn the conn act sioc naa awuiUlea to so. .-o ousuels. Since trie l;isi movement oi corn, wmcn abruptly terminated Wltn tne new ncheuuie, the re ceipts have ueeu ilgul. luuny whs per haps aimobt Uio smaueai aince tne ex ciiange opened, oeing omy 1 car of wheat, a ot corn ana 1 oi oatu. The tasn men uo cot loo a for mucn belter business beioia tiia miudle of July at least umehs auuie tnlng uniorseen pula up tne price ot coarsu grain. 'lhe terminal markets will have to ab sorb some ot this advance In rain," said b.. C. Twamlty. '"lhe farmers will not take It all. lhe tables tor a day or two have been almost wltnout camples. Mighty little grain Is moving from first handa. 'lhe farmers will not Bell v. Bat they have until the price goes up. They have been used to our market when tne rate was lower ar.d will riot adjust themselves to the new condition fur some time. Aside from this circumstance little movement can be expected tmm the farmer Just now. lie has sold all the grain he has to spare and the rest he will hang on to until the new crop Is safe. We have received some not very good reports from western Iowa and from the Platte valley. The rain and cool woather have kept the corn down to six or seven Inches in some sections and the weods are getting a start. A few lny like today will, however, go far to remedy this." 8t Louis wired this morning; a snmple of new Texas wheat had been received, which, aside from a little, rould be made Into No. 2 red. Several cars of this were said to be ready for shipment this week. A later report said the grain was tougn there. Cairo reports cutting begun In that section. Goou weather meant a large crop. The Minneapolis mills resumed f grinding today and wheat went up a cent n consequence. Bradstreet's estimate this week Is not as potent ss Inst week. The wheat decrease Is 2,707,OuO buheU, Europe having taken 100,000 bushels from the American decrease. Corn Inorensed 878,ijo bushels and oats decreased 181,000 bushels. The range In prices of Omaha grain for future delivery and the close Monday and today were aa follows: firmed "Wheat July Bept Corn June July Sept. Dec Oats May July Bept A asked. Open. High. Low. Today. Mon. 82 K2 81 81 SA 82 73 t 43 87 73 W 73A 73 44 46 431 37 4S 45 '4 .43 37 454 A ,45'-4A 43 H 87B 40 B 37A 4 Mi 4i 42 . 87 40 B 37B $7 37B 37 31 B 81 B B bid. Local Cash Grain Market. Spot business waa limited today to one car of wheat. The offerings were limited and trade Indifferent. Receipts and ship ments were: Wheat, 1 car in and 1 car out; one week ago, 10 and 12 cars. Corn, 2 cars In and 4 cars out; one week ago, 17 and 28 cars. Oats, 1 car In and 1 oar out; one week ago. 6-and 3 cars. WHEAT No. t hard. S4386c; No. 3 bard, S3S6c; No. hard, 7274c. . CUKN No. , 4oc; ..o. 3, 41(Si42c; No. 4, 4041o; no grade, 36c; No. 2 yellow, 44c; No. t yellow, 43c; No. 2 white, 43c; No. 3 white, ltfc. ; OATS No. 2. 40c! No. 3. 38c; No. 4, 87c; .No. 2 white, 41c: No. 3 white, 8 Vic; No. 4 white, 40c; standard, 40o. I The cash sales amounted to 3 cars wheat, ) car oats and 6 cars corn, i Note from the Exchange Office. Omaha stocks of grain In public ware houses: Wheat, 82,086 bushels; corn, 146.422 bushels; oats, 27,909 bushels. Omaha con tract corn amounts to 90,726 bushels. Of this 22,039 bushels is In Merrlam & Holm quist't house and 67,687 bushels In the L'nlon .elevator. i tsuchange- visitors were' 8. Keekler arid T. Harris of Manly and J. Dander of Pitts burg. ' Omaha inspections of grain amounted to 16 cars. Of wheat 2 oars graded No. 4 hard and 1 car no grade. . Of corn 6 cars graded No. 3, 2 cars No. 3 yellow and 1 car no grade. Of oats 1 car graded No. 4, 1 ear No. 4 white and 1 car no grade. 'i , Grain Market Elsewhere. ' Closing prices of grain today and Monday at the markets named were aa follows: UlltAUU Closed Today. Mon. ... 84B 86 .. BtHaA 81A Wneat ( July r September Corn r.July ....... j September wheat July i September Corn ! July September Wheat July September Corn . . . July 48J 4M . 49 ,A 4A KANSAS CITY. ...74A 75 A .. 70A 71A .. 46V.B 46 .. 43B 44 A ST. LOUIS. 84 62 48 47J beptemoer Wheat- MINNEAPOLIS. July Oaptember Wheat July September Wheat July September 9SB 93 A 81A 81A DULUTH. ... 93B 94B A 81V 82 B NEW YORK. 91 92 84B ho1 CHICAGO GRAIN AMU PROVISIONS Foatarea of the Trading; and Cloalng Prlees on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, June 14. Bright sunshine for the harvest fields brought out liberal offer ings or wneal today, ueinojia. nowever was light and the July option closed at a loes of lc. Corn Is down ".- oats are of lc. off ao, and provisions 15.'u36o Henliment In the wheat rit was bearish from the start. Initial prices for July being down 4To to v to t4iHo. Prlees were further weakened by private advices from Paris estimating 12 per cent Increase in the French crop over fart year. After selling down to 8oiMc, July closed at e4ift4o. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 9tt,l0u bushels. According to Braul street's, the world's available stocks decreased 1,700.000 bushels. Primary receipts were &J6.800 bushels, compared with 246, 6a bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, puluth and Chicago reported recelpta. of 14A oars, galnet a like number last week and 232 cars a year ago. favorable weather had a bearish effect ?n corn aa well aa on wheat, but another actor of possibly eu.ual Importance was the large Increase in private and public stocks. Weakness of wheat also aided In forcing down corn price. July, opened a shade to So lower, at 4Vt849o to 4c; sold down to 44itt4trc and closed at 48ViN8c. Ical receipts were 114 car, with 36 of contract grade. Outs yielded only a trifle, despite the weakness in other grades. After opening E hanged to a ahade lower, at S!o to Wa, July ranged between S9ti &o, closing at 3o. Local receipts were 1SB cars. IVovlslons were weak on selling by some of the largest holders. The market closed at the bottom, with September pork down 26o, at 12 60. September lard wna off 16c, at 86.1). Ribs were down 2K-. at f 7 32. Es timated recelntu for tomorrow: Wheat, 14 cars; corn, 266 cars; oats, luS cars; hogs, WjOuO head. The leading futurea ranged as follows; Artlclea. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. I Yee'y. Wheat 87if787 87 86 4 82 80 86 7 82 80) 81 b July a Sept. b Sept. Cern June July Sept. Oats June ; July ftept. Deo. Pork Julv ai h 8UbJ 47' 47' 4S 4ii';. 48t,.49' 47V 4!Xf?4HCI 49 1 W 48! 49 ....I 41 41U Sft; 31 32 33 :S2iB32 82 1! 75 13 96 90 1 06 T 88 7 60 12 75 13 00 90 11 S2! 13 86 12 66 I 12 60 12 76 12 D6 Sept rd July T21 76 1 87 Rept. tllbs . July f V7j 90 j It) I 7 US J 81 J T 16 f T 15 7 85 7 62l 7 82' 7 8: 7 62 N 8. a Old. b New. fCash quotallcins were as follows: 1 'LoUK Market was steady; winter pit- en U. 14.7034 80; straights, 4.4VtM ): spring patents, H I"a4.40; airalghta, 88.90Q4.80i ba kers. 826603.80. WHEAT No. t spring, 99ec; No. 8, 98c; No. 8 red, $1.0110. CORN No. 8, 4o; No. 2 yellow, 60o. OATS No. 2. 4oc; No. I white, 40ia44c. i A RLE Y Oood feeding. 8Mjlc, fair to choice malting, 4Hia. BEBD No. 1 flax. 81.01; No. 1 northwest ern, 31.08. Timothy, prime, ILK; clover, contract grade, 110 75. PROVISIONS Mens pork, per bbl., 818.80 G'12.4&. Iurd, per IjO lbs., M7u4.72. Short rins, sides (loose., ti iXX(jr.28; short clear sides (boxed), tSTSfi'TOO. Receipts and shipments yesterday at this market were aa follows: Recelpta Shipments. Flour, bbls 17.800 80,700 Wheat, bu 28.6110 28.900 Corn, bu 664.400 864.700 Oatn, bu 120.860 91,800 Rye, bu 4.000 Barley, bu 28.900 $.400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was easy; creameries, 13til7c; dairies 11xj16c. Eiggs, easy; at mark, cases included, 144?14c, Cheese, easy, 7 60. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET (notations of the Day oa Varloas Commodltiea. NF7W YORK. June 14. FLOCR Receipts, 18.74S bbls.: exports, 9,460 bbls.; Market barely stendy and dull; winter patents, 2S.10 il 5. 40; straights, 34.866S.00; Minnesota pat ents, 850id.85; winter extras, 63.864.W0; Minnesota bakers, 83.864.10; winter low grades, 83.163.80. Rye flour, quiet; fair to choice. 34.0U4i4.26; choice to fancy, 34.260 4.60. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western. 31.1(1.12; city, I1.12&1.15; kiln dried, 32.96 m . RYE Nominal; No. 2 western, 76c nom inal. BARLEY Dull; feeding. 46c, C L f., New York; malting, nominal. WHEAT Receipts, 55,000 bu. ; exports, 18,. 878 bu; spot, ensy; No. 2 red, iominal, ele vater; No. 2 red, 3110 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth. 9106 f. o. b. afloat; .o. l nara, Manitona, nominal, i. o. o. afloat. Heavy declines occurred In wheat. The market closed weak, at "j3o net de cline. July. 91 S-l(Vg82o; closed 91c; Sep tember, 84 3-164ri,c ; closed 64c; Decem ber. K3(fi4Ac: dosed 73c CORN Receipts, 81.7X bu.; exports, 20.555 bu. 8pot market, ensy; No. 2, 66c ele vator and 66c f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 67c; No. 2 white. 6jc. Option market sus tained a bad break. With last prloes 5i lv.c lower, July clnsed 63c; September, 68i1i4c; closod 53c. OATS Receipts, 61,000 bu. Spot mnrket, qinet; mixed oats, 20 and 32 pounds. 406''47c; clipped white, 36 to 40 pounds, 5H(63c; nat ural white. 30 to 32 pounds, 4flig6iki. FEED Steady; spring bran, 320.66, June shipment; middlings, 320.65, June shipment! city. l.on-S 24.60. HAY Hteady; shipping, 75c; good to choice, 95o. HOFB Steady; state, common to choice, 1903, 2g3;c; 1902. S32Sc; olds. 9314c: PactAa coast, 1903. 244T30e; 1902, 23260: olds, 914c. HIDES Steady ; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 18c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas (dry). 24 to 30 lbs., 14e. LEATHER Steady; acid, 23(26c. WOOL Firm; domestle fleece, 28032o. TALLOW-Steady; city, 4c; countrr. 4V4'ff4'4c. RICE Quiet; domestic fair to extra, 8 5c: Japan, nominal. PEANUTS Firm: fancy, hand-picked, 6c; other domestic, 876c. PROVISIONS-Pork. steady: family, $9.50 10.50; mess, 88.00IS.50: beef hams, 820.00a 21.50; packet. 39.00G9.60; city, extra India mess, 813 00Q15.00. Cut . meats, steady; Pickled bellies. 86.T6T26; pickled shoulders, 16.50; pickled hams, $9.0010.00. Lard, firm; western steamed. $7.06; refined, steady; continent. $7.10; South America, 87.60: com nound, $5.75g.75. Pork, firm; family. $14 00; short clear, $13.26(314.75; mess, $14.00 (&15.0O BUTTER Steady: creamery, common to extra, 13318c; state dairy, common to extra, 13i55l7c. CHEESE Steady; state, full cream, col ored, 707Tc; small white. 6OT,c: large, colored. 7V4J7c; large, white, 67o. ECUS Weaker; western, extra, 17(S18c; firsts, 16?rl7c. . POULTRY Allre, dull; dressed, weak; western broilers, 2628c; fowls, 12c; turkeys. 14Q150. St. Louis Grain and Provisions. . ST. LOUIS. June U. WHEAT Lower; lenga liquidating; No. 2 red, cash, elevator, nominal; track, $1.061.07; July, 83S3c; September, 80(geoc; No. I hard, bSiIc. CORN Lower ; No. 2 cash, 46c; track, 47 C4Bc; July, 4Cc: September, 4646o. OATS Lower; No. cash. 40c: track, 41 42c; July, 87c; September, 81 c; No. I white, 444j440. FLOUR Dull and unchanged; red win ter patents, 84.80QH 90; special brands,' 10O 26c higher; extra fancy and straight, 84.88 4.60; clear,' $3.603.80. SEED Timothy, steady, 82.Bftff2.70. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.40. BRAN Gradually declining; sacked, east track. 86c. HAY Easy to Arm; timothy, $7.0014.BO; prairie, fe.OCMHO.OO. IRON COTTON TIES 82c. B A GG IN G c. " HEMP TWINE-, ' PROVISIONS Pork, steady; jobbing, $12.35. Lard, lower; prime steamed, $6.05. Bacon, higher: boxed, extra shorts, $8.26; clear ribs. 38.00: short clear, $8.25. POULTRY Easy; chickens, 8c; springs, 1416c; turkeys, 12c; ducks, 8c f geese, 8c. I BUTTER Light demand; creamery, 14 18c; dairy. llt15c. EGGS Steady, 13c, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 7,000 8,000 Wheat, bu 39.000 60.000 Corn, bu 106,000 . 866,0U0 Cats, bu... 70,000 27,000 . i Chana-ea la Available Snppllea. 1TEW YORK, June 14.-8pecial cable and telegraphic communications received by Bradstreet's show the following changes In available supplies as compared with last report: Wheat, United States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 2,807,000 bushels; afloat for and In Europe increased 100,000 bushels; total supply decreased 2, 707,000 bushels. Corn, United States and Canada, east of the Rockies decreased 878, 000 bushels. Oats, United States and Can ada, east of the Rockies, decreased 181,000 bushels. The leading decreaaea reported thla week are 213.000 bushels at Omaha; 185,000 bushels at. the Milwaukee private elevators; 100,000 bushels at the northwest ern Interior elevators; 69,000' bushels in Manitoba and 71,000 bushels at Nashville. Stocks at Evansville Increased 68,000 bushels. ... i Kansas City Grala and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, June 14. WHEAT Mar ket higher; July,: 74ii74T4c; September. 70 U70c; December, (0g70e; cash. No. 1 hard, 87ty90c; No. 3, 8437c; No. 1 red, $1.02; No. 8. ftficiitl.Ol; receipts, 53 oars. CORN Higher; July. 46c; September, 43343c; December, S83V; cosh. No. i mixed. 4'"amc: No. 4H9!4c; No. 2 white. 50((fwe; No. 8, 48tH9o. OATS Steady; No. 8 white, 41342c; No. S mixed, 4iK5. i BI'TTtJR Creamery, 1315c; dairy, 12o. EGGS Weak; Missouri and Kansas new No. 2. whltewood cases Included, loss off, 13c; case count, 12c; cases returned o less. ' Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu .......42.400 6.6D0 Corn, bu 25.610 . 19,200 Oats, bu 8,000 ' 6,000 Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILADELPHIA. June 14. BUTTER Steady; nearby prints, 19c t western, 19o. EGGS Steady ; fresh nearby and fresh western, 19c, loss off; fresh Southwestern, 18c; fresh southern, 17c. CHEKflE Hteady, moderate demand; New York full creams, choice to fancy new, 8(0V4c; fair to good new, 37c. Milwaukee Grala Market. MILWAUKEE, June 14. WHEAT-Dull; No. 1 northern, 988Wo: No. 2 northern, 9Urtifl7Uc: old July. 8586o. RYE Weak: No. 1. 75e. BARLEY Dull; No. J, 63c; sample, 87 g68c CORN-Bteady; No. 3, 8839o; July, 48c. Minneapolis Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. JRne 14 WHEAT July, 93c: Bentember, 81c: December 78c; ort track: No. 1 hard, 96c; No. 1 northern. 94. c; No. I northern, 92e. FLOUR First patents, $5 00fl10: second patents, $4 90U6 00; first clears, $3.60)3.60; second clears. $2.46. BRAN In bulk. $15 00; ehorts, 216.60. Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL, June 14 WHEAT-Spot, ensy; No. 1 California. 6s 8d: futures, dull; July. 6s 2d; September. 6s 8d. CORN 8Ht, quiet; American mixed, new, 4s 6d; American mixed, old, 4s d: futures, quiet; July, 4s 4d; September, 4s 2d. Dnlath Grnla Market. DULUTH. June 14,-WHEAT-To arrive: No. 1 northern, 94c; No 2 northern, 94c; on track: No. 1 northern. 94ft4c; No. 2 north ern. 9"92o; July, 93o; September. 81c. OATS To arrive and on track, 41c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. June 11 SEEDS Clover, cssh, $6.16; October, $6.7U. Prime alslke, $6.26; August, 860. Prims timothy, $1.46; Sn teniber, 31.47. Coffee Market. NEW YORK, June 14 COFFXB The market for futures opened steady at un changed prices. Sales were reported of l:!M bags, including July at 6(09Oo; September. 6wit.l5c; December. letf4.suo March, 6,6.J;i May, i.71sj80c SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Bstpts 6ndi BeouritlM Into i Ooeiition of Iidiffrnoa, APATHY TRIFLE MORE EXAGGERATED Effort te SU Caasea aa laalajalfleaat Drift of Prloes wltk No DeSaed Carrent la Any Dlreo- -lion. NEW YORK, June 14. The stock market relapaed again today into an aggravated conoitlon of apathy and Indifference, and waa without feature except fof a rally at the close. Yemerday'a reaction effectually blighted the hopes of a revival of specu lation which bad been gradually aroused by last week's slow upward movement of prices. It became quite as manifest today, however, that the traders were- to reap little advantage from the price move ment, as the selling spent Its force. The consequence was an insignificant drift of prices wlthont defined current In any direc tion. A plan to list Manhattan and Interbor ough in London was suggested and there were old stories set afloat ot a compre hensive merger of the New York and Brooklyn companies. The weekly bulletin on the crops Issued by the Weather bureau at Washington at noon was abundantly enoouraglng on the progress of wheat and cotton, and the slight tone of conservatism on the corn crop was not alarming. Re action followed with some special pressure against the coalers. This was due to spe ciilo reports that proceedings against the coal combination had been determined upon aa a result of the Investigation con ducted by the Interstate Commerce com mission. Reading waa carried slightly below last night on the reaction. The market rallied quite vigorously lata in the day, led again by Manhattan, which rose 3. A number of the active railroad atocka also moved up a point or more and the market closed strong. The rally was helped by rumors which circulated In the board room that a settlement had been arrived at out of court of the Northern Securities dispute. The Inquiry for bonds was broad and resulted In moving many long dormant Issues, but sales were effected In some cases at concessions. Large blocks of eorae of the standard investment bonds changed hands. Total sales par value, $2,96,UOO. United States bonds were unchanged on call. The following were the quotations on the Stock exchange: Sales. Hlarh. Low. Close. Atchison 14,400 7 70 71 do pfd 1,900 94 93 91V. 119 161 81 88 Baltimore 4 Ohio .... 2,u00 79 do pfd 100 91 Canadian Paclflo 1,800 119V Central of N. J 100 161 Chesapeake A Ohio .. 600 81 Chicago & Alton 200 88 do pfd . Chicago Q. W 800 18 'is 168 141 Chicago & N. W 900 169 C. M. ft St. P 16,000 142 do pfd C. T. & T do pfd 400 14 C, C, C. & St. L Colorado Southern.,.. 100 16 do 1st pfd 200 49 do 2nd pfd Delaware & Hudson.. 1,100 156 D. , L. A W 100 270 D. & R. a - 100 20 do pfd ... Erie 5,800 24 do 1st pfd 400 68 do 2nd pfd 800 ' 86 Hocking Valley ....... - 300 67 do pfd ,i 100 80 Illinois Central 900 130 Iowa Central 800 16 do pfd ;. - K. C. Southern 100 20 do pfd 100 80' L. & N ;.. 1,900 lost: Manhattan L 16,900 148 Met. Securitiea 2,000 ' 80 Met. St. Ry 14,200 114 M. & St. L....... ... M., St. P. a Ste. M. 200 62 do pfd ... Missouri Paclflo ....... 4,800 91' M., K, A T 100 li do pfd 1,100 36 N. R. R. of Max. pfd New York Central 1,800 111 14 20 '28 68 108 144 79 118 62 16 f6 Norfolk & Western 600 do pfd Ontario 4V Western Pennsylvania ...... P.. C. C. & Bt. L.... .13,800 26 10,500 115; 14 15 eg Reading : do 1st pfd do 2nd pfd RockIsland Co do pfd -. St. L, A 8. T. 2nd pfd St. Louis S. W do pfd 18,400 100 200 2,100 200 700 , VP 46 , 200 13.100 2,100 2,100 .200 100 ssisoo 100 800 400 '600 800 700 Southern Paclflo Southern Railway do pfd Texas A Paclflo . T., St. L. A W... do pfd Union Paclflo .... do prd Wabash do pfd W. A L. E Wisconsin Central.... do pfd Mexican Central Adams Express American Express .... U. 8. Express Wells-Fargo Express. Amal. Copper Am. Car A Foundry.. do pfd 7,800 49 'ioo '70 900 26 Am. Cotton Oil do pfd American Ioe do pfd Am. Linseed Oil . do pfd Am. Looomotlve , do pfd Am. 8. A R do pfd 26' ' .7 7 I . 24 19 63 53 - 126 78 48 29 189 10 67 Am. Sugar Refining .. Anaoonda Mln. Co.... Brooklyn R. T 3 Colorado Fuel A Iron 'GOO 190 iw" '206 'to" 'to" 800 158 156 100 n 11 300 68 68 ''766 '21 'ii '66 'in" 'in" ' a ea a a '66 '42" " i'i6 'is"' '" 200 6 800 79 79 200 6 6 1,100 60 59 '166 "6 '66 1.400 9 9 9,200 64 54 Consolidated Gas ... Corn Products do pfd Distillers' Securities. General Electrlo Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump .'. do pfd National Lead North American People's Gas Preaaed Steel Car ... 1 158 Hi 68 SO 70 21 M St 28' Pullman Palace Car 218 6 41H 16 76 84 w4 0 18 "ft 54 Republlo Steel do pfd Rubber Goods ..... do Dfd , Tenn. Coal A Iron . U. S. Leather do nfd , U. S. Realty , ao pin U. 8. Rubber , do pfd U. 8. Steel do nfd Westlnghouse Electrlo IM 87 262.800 shares. Western Union Total sales for the day, Itoatoa Stock (caotatloaa, BOSTON, June 14 Call loana, I0'S per cent; time loana, 8S4 per cent. Offlclal closing or atocka sni nonna: Atctataoa adj, . Waatlnc. eamaaa ... Tf do 4a Max. Central 4a. Alcalaon do pfd Boatoa A Albany Boaton A Main. Boaton Ktavatad Pltcbburf pfd . . Umm Central ...l ... 40 Advantura I Allouaa Ivi Aml-anuU4 41 Aaiaria Ziaa 4v ... tl1 ... at ...I40VI ...141 Atiantio , TV, uingnam Oal. A Rola... .....441 , 14 4 MVt II 1 I T 1 IV aula 4 11 Ult v "4 147 l4Uj:0BUnnlal TV4Coppar Kanga .. N. V., N. H. A H..1M Par Marquati 71 iair waai Uomlnloa Coal . Union Pacta Aar. Ars. Chaa. d pfd .......... Anr. Pnu. Tuba.. Amr. tuasr da aid A mar. T. A t Amar. Woelaa do pfd Dominion I. A t... Bdtaen Eloo. lilu.. . 44 Franklin . II V Orancr . 11 Isle Morale .... . IH Mm Mining .. .14 Michigan .IM' Mohawk .1114, Moat, a A C. . mv. Old Dominion ,. . 71 IObomU . 7H Pa.-rot .MlV Qulnor .UIV, Bhaanra . II to (Tamarack , 10 Trinity . U!u. A Mining... ,11 U. A OIL . 44Va Disk . iVIotart . t Iwiaoa . 14 Woltartee Owml k.aou-la ... Mas. Blaotrt do pfd Maa. Uaa I nlMd Krutt to Had Pboa Maoh.. o af V. A Stal do pfd 1 84 I V 1 Favelga Klaaaelak PARIS, June 14. Buelneaa on the Uourae today oontlnued inactive throughout. Rus sian Imperial is closed at 80.46. Rio tlntoe gained I francs. The private rate of dis count was 1 per cant. LONDON. June 14 Money waa In good demand and the aupply was more plentiful, owing to the release of the Japaneee loan Installment. Dlacounta ware firm. On tba Stock exchange the market waa idle. Con. sols were dull, but reoovered at the eioaa. Americans opened eaay and below parity, at which they ware idly steady. Ituliea quently there were aome Improvement to above rarity. The market closed dull. BERLIN. June 14. Trading! oa the Bourse waa llMeea. American ralla Ware depressed owing to the Near York ocean steamship eompanlea entering upon a rate war. , Hew York Money Market. NEW YORK. June U-MONEY-On call. easy; highest, 1 pe r cent; 10 Pr cent; li 1 Per cent loans, earn wast, 1 per cent; ruling rate, 1 per cent; last loan. 1 per cent; cloelng bid, 1 per cent; offered at 1 per eent. Time loans, easy and dull; sixty and ninety days, 2 per cent; sis montns, per rem. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-34j4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANG E Steady, with actual buslnesa In bankers' bills at $4 87209 4.8726 for demand and at $4.862Vfj4.8630 for sixty-day bills; poeted rates. $4.86 and $188; oommercial bills, $4 8bl0fc4.fcf.15. SILVER Bar, 66c; Mexican dollars, 44o. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, quiet. The cloelng quotations on bonds are as follows t V. S. nt. t. MI 60 coupon aa Is, ri So eouaon 4a new 4a, reg.. do coupon ao aid , rag... do coupon AtcMson sea. 4a.. do sit, 4s Atlantic C. U 4a.. B. A O. 4a do Central of 0. U. do let Ino Cfim. a Ohio 4Si. Chloaio A. lm. C, B. A Q. a. M ..104 Manhattan a. g. 4a...lW ..104 IHn Central 4a 44 . .10t do Ut Inc 13 ..104 Minn. A St. U 4... H ..Ul M , K. T. 44 ..UlVi do 3a 774 ..104 N. R R. of M. a. 4a. T4 ..101 N. T. c. . ma loo-a ..JWH N. J. C. f. ta Ul .. il No. Pad no 4 104 .. 6H do la 7I4 ,.10JVi N. a w. a. 4a "4 .. KA O. 8 L 4a par.... K"4 ..l'v'a Pann coav. Ia M .. 71 IRaaillni gan. 4a 100 .104 It. k 4 I. K. c. 6a..llts 74 lit. L. ft 8. F. t(. 4a. 13 a IHt. L. g. w. IS Il4 C, M. A 8t. P. f 4a. 104 Raatard A. L. 4a,... 4 C. A N. W. e. 7a....lS Bx. Pacific 4a 1 C, R. 1. A P. 4a ... 4 So. ttallvar 6 Ill do eol. la 7"H Tciaa A P. la 117 C.C.C. A It. I, g. 4a. r4 T., St. LAW. 4a.. T04 Chlcaso Tar. 4a. .. 7411'nlon PaotBc 4a.. ...104'a ... M ... T4S .. .1144 ... 17 ... MH Con. Tobaooo 4a. Colo. A So. 4a... 41V, do conr. 4a MvtlU. I. Sum! Id as. P. A R. O. 9S Waaaah la Erla prior Han 4a.... do deb. B do sen. W. A L. B. 4s Wta, Central 4a Colo. r. A I. a la. F. W. A D. C. la. .114 Hocking Val. 4Vka 1U to L. A ;4. tint. 4a 101 vj ft i. red. London Mock, Market. LONDON, June 14. Closlug Contois, money , 90 iN. T. Central... . eni Norfolk A W.... . SH do pfd . 7tVOntarlo A W..,. ..Ill V, .. 17V. .. 7 .. It .. ii'a .. 10 .. I4'4 .. 41V, .. JSVi i. ilV( .. 14V, .. 41 .. 17 .. 4V, .. JV, .. 66 V, .. 17 .. .r'4 do aocouut Anaronda Atchison do pfd Baltimore A Ohio Canadian PaalAa . Chaa. A Ohio Chicago tit. W... C. M. A St. P.. , Pannarlranla 1S Rand Mlnea ... Kaadlni do lat pfd.. do Id pfd.. 80. Railway .. do pfd So. Parlflo .... Union Paclflo do pfd V. 8. steal.... do pfd Wahaah do pfd ...121 tt ... 81 ... 14 ...14SV, ... 19Vi ... tot ... T1V, ... t4j ... 40 ... ...1M4 DeHeera Denier A R. O.... do pfd Erla do lat pM do ti pfd Illinois Central .... Loula. A Naah M.. K. A T SILVER Bar, Spanlah 4a ... 46 Vi Arm. 13d per ounce. MOINKH-ff(fz per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; for three months' bills, 2igr2 per cent New York Mlnlngr Storks. NEW YORK, June 14. The following are the closing prlcea on mining atocka Adarna Con Llttra Chl.f I Alloa Uraece Brunawlck Con .. Comatock Tunnel Con. Cat. A Va.. Horn &tlrar Iron SllTor LadTllle Can ... OnUrlo I7 IM I 10 14 14 II 100 ... 10 ... 14 ... I ...110 ...185 ...175 ... 8 Orhir Phoanlx Potoat Baraft Slarra Narad Small Kupaa . Standard Bank Clearings, OMAHA, June 14. Bank clearings for to day were Jl.iSfe.862.5S, a decrease of $134.- 171.06 from the' corresponding day last year. Wool Market. BOSTON. June 14. WOOL The Interest in the local wool market la now centered In the new domestic goods, which are con stantly arriving from the wast. The trading in these wools, however, has been slight, Sartly on account of the ruling firm prices, o far as New England is concerned the now crop is practically cleaned up In Utah, Wyoming and Idaho, with Oregon and Montana now under way. Pulled and ter ritory wools are quiet. There Is little In terest In foreign grades. Leading quota tions follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania, XX and above. 8334c; X, 2021c; No. 1, 32o; No. 2, 81 Q 33c; fine unwashed, 2Z3c; one-quarter, three-eighths and one-half blood, un washed. 26Zft!8c: fine unwashed delaine. 84ifl 36o. Michigan, X and above, 2337c; No. 1, ajigwo; mo. v, aBr-Tc; nne unwasnea, iitt 22c; one-quarter, three-eighths and one half blood unwashed, 3Q26c; fine washed delaine, Kl32c. Kentucky, Indiana .etc., three-elahths and one-ouartar blood. 254 26o; braiil, 22S23o. Idaho, fine, lttdflSc; heavy nne, 14'tfibc; nne meoiHm, I74i)inc; meaium, 18319o' low medium,, 18aiJrc; Wyoming, fine, 1516c; heavy flne..jt(aloo; fine medium. 21c; Utah and Nevada, nne, lfSlSa; heavy fine. 1A&140 ; fine medium. 16jl7c; medium, 19&20a; low medium, lfi'tfclc; Dakota, flno, 16Qil6c; fine medium, 16A'18c: medium, 1B9 juc; new meaium, ' i'aJuc. Montana, nne choice, lSlik; fine average, - 17(jlSo; fine medium, choice, lgUto; average, lo17o; staple, l'2i20c; choice, lftgWo. FT. LOUIS. June 14. WOOL Steady: me dium grades, combing and clothing, 1S9 23o; light fine. 16lSo; heavy fine, UQlte; tub-washed, HQtSia. Cotton Market. NE7W YORK. June 14.-i-COTTON-Bpot closed dull; middling uplands, 12.40a; mid dling gulf, 12.66c; sales, none. NEW ORLEANS. June 14. COTTON Futures, steady; June, 1103c bid; July, 12.13?j12.i5c; August, H.3011.81c; September, 10.1710.18o; October, .6T'rWo; November, 8.6(H0.60o: December. 8.69fi.e0c: January. iM&e.tSo. Spot quiet; sales, 260 bales; or dinary, &c: gooa orainary, in 15-itso; low middling, li -18c; middling, 12c; good middling. 12 7-lSc; middling fair, 12 ll-18c; receipts, 1,001 bales; stock, 131,828 bales. 8T. LOUI8. June 14.-COTTON Quiet: middling, 12c; sales, none; receipts, 493 bales; shipments, 69 bales; stock, 12,437 bales. LIVERPOOL, June 14 COTTON Spot quiet; prices 20 points lower; American middling fslr, '.88d; good middling, .74d: mldd'.lng, 6.64d; low. middling. 6.60d; good ordinary, 8.86d; ordinary, 6.18d. Futures opened easy and closed steady; American middling, g. o. o., June. 6.46d: June and July, 6.40d; July and August, 8.33d; August and September, 6.10d; (iep'ember and Oc tober, 6. Odd; October and ITovembnr, 6.37d; November and December, 6.30d; December and January, 6.27d; January and Febru ary, 6.26d; February and Maroh, 5.26d. Metal Market. NBW YORK. June 14.-MKTAI-Tln was again lower under a light demand. In London prices declined 16a, closing at 118 10 for spot and 117 16s for futures. Locally spot tin Is now quoted at $26.75 28.26. Copper was lower abroad, declining 2s 6d to 66 12s 6d for spot, while futures closed at .16 Us 8d. Locally copper was a shade steadier, closing at $12.a2HiQn2.75 for lake. $12.6n12S2 for electrolytic and $12.12812.l2 for casting. Lead declined Is Sd to 11 10s In London. Locally lead was quiet at $4.26rT4.86. Spelter was un changed at 21 16s In London and at $4.769 4 87 In the local market. Iron cloned at lis 3d in Glasgow and at 42s 8d In Middles borough. Locally Iron is quiet. No. 1 foun dry northern Is quoted at $14 6?jiK.00; No. 2 foundry northern at 414.00814.r1; No. 1 foundry southern and No. 1 foundry south ern soft at $13.26(3.76. Pig Iron warrants are weak, with aellers at $9 00. BT. LOUI8. June 14. MKT ALS Lead, unchanged, 84.12. Spelter, dull, $4.60. Otla and Rosla. NEW YORK, June 13. OILS Cottonseed, steady; prime crude, nominal; prime yel low, S8c. Petroleum, quiet; refined New York. $8.06; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $8.00; In bulk, $6.10. Turpentine, quiet; re fined. 66S67c. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good. $3.07fi.3.10. OIL CITY. Pa., June 14. -OILS Credit balanoea. $168; certificate, no bid; ship ments, 85.406 bbls., average 67.114 bbls. runs, 16.831 bbls.. average 73,000 bbla.; ship ments, Lima, 64,8'. bbls.. average 67.757 bbls.: runs, Lima, 11,247 bbls., average, 63, 669 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa June 14. OILS Tur pentine, firm, 68UO. ROSIN Firm; A. B. C. $2 77: D. 12.82: F. $2 87; F, 82 92: O. 38.87) H. 83.07H; I, 83 82; K. 83 42U: M. $3 67; N, $3.87; W O, $4.12; W W. 84.67 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlta, NF3W YORK, June 14. EVAPORATED APPLFX4 Market without change; demand 1 moderate, but prlcea are firmly held, with common o tinted at 436o, prime at 6c, choice at 4Vfto and fancy at 7c. CALIFORNIA. DRIED FRUITS-Prunea appear to be moving a little more freely; quotatlnna range from 2o to 6c, accord ing to grade. Apricots are In light supply; prlcea are conAdently held; choice are quoted at 8'10e; extra choice, lo4?10o; fancy, 1113c. Peerhee also are firm; choice are quoted at 7&7c; extra choice, 7c; fancy, 10n. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, June 14 DRY OOODS Prices of dry roods genera'ly have been reduced, the reduction ranging all the way from o to 2a Fruits and Innedale bleached muallna have been put at 7Ho and 7a re spectively, the largest break which ha aver occurred In theae goode. 'Other Unea revleed inrlude prominent tickets of bleached gooda, tick, denims, plaids, eto. It la honed the revision will result in In creased business. Peoria Market. PTOORLt, June 14.-CORN-6teady No. 8, 4fe; No. 4. ifMo. WHIBKY-eteedy, on basle af $1.28, MAUI LIVt S10CA MARKET B9t f rtdes ef Bf Ctttl Btrong, bat Otbars Wak. TOP HOGS BROUGHT fIVE CENTS Aaetber Light Raa at Skeep aad Lanaba aad wltk t'aatlaned Liberal Deaaaad tka Market Rated Active aad rally Steady. SOUTH OMAHA. June 14, 1804. Receipts were: cattle. Hoge. Sheep. Oftlclai Monday .....1,870 t.i'l UZ Othcial Tuesday 8, 7 JO 13,645 1.0H Two days this week... $.390 19,816 1.400 Same days last week.... 7,318' 2u.37 1233 Same week before f.414 18.8M .uU Same three weeks ago... 7.4U ii.iil 9.U8 Same four weeks ago.... 6,914 21.1X6 6,771 Same days last year 18,068 28.288 8,613 RECKI1TS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with comparison with last yar: iM. lxt. Inc. Dec. Cattle .i 42o,76 441.647 U.782 Hcgs L217.818 l.m.SSj 102.7i)8 h"-D m,m 682.436 134,187 Aveiage prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for the last several days with com parison: Date 1 1804. 19t38.1902.U01.19O0.18$9.r898. $ 87 2 (3 4 a Mair 11 3 6l 4 44 May 18... May 19... May 20... 8 69 4 29 4 24 4 24 8 2 a 4 83 4 24 4 11 4 13 4 29 V 4 10 4 14 4 21 4 12 4 03 4 10 2 66 I 66 a May zi... May 22...; May 28... May M... May 26... May 26... May 27... May 28... May 29... May 80... May 31... June 1... June 2... Jim a 16 $ 6t $ 62 $ 68 a 8 601 B $ 60 8 17 3 67 8 60 t 66 $ 69 June 4... June June June June June 6.. 2 Ml 6... 3 68 4 01 i bit X s 3 60) $87 3 611 3 i 7 8 June 10. June 11... June 12... June 13... June 14... Indicates Sunday. The offlclal nunibei of cars of stock brought In today by eaoh road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'a's. C. M. 4 St P. Ry... 1 16 .. 1 Wabash .. I 1 .. .. Missouri Paclflo Ry... 6 4 .. U. P. System 28 SO $ . U C. A N. W. Ry 10 F. E. A M. V. R. R... 33 61 X C, St. P. M: A. O. Ry. 16 13 B. & M. Ry 49 23 .. 1 C, U, A U. By 4 10 K. C. A bt. Joseph... 112.. C, IV I. & P., east... 10 C, R. I. A P., west... 8 t .. .. C. Q. W 8 1 Total recelpta 160 182 18 The disposition of the day recelpta waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the nuin- per or neaa indicated! Buyers. Omana Packing Co Swift and Company ... Cudahy Packing Co..., Armour A Co , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 410 2. 026 .1,122 . 900 . 786 8,631 4,068 624 279 Swirt and Co., K. C Armour A Co., K. C Armour A Co., B. C , Carey A Benton 2 274 47$ Hill A Huntxinger 6 Livingstone A Root 64 . L. F. Hubs 40 Wolf tt Murnan 64 .... 8. A S 117 Other buyars 282 .... .... Totals : 3.782 13,626 1,077 CATTLE Receipts ot cattle were quite liberal thla morning, though not excessive, and a fairly active market waa experienced without any great change In prlcea If nvihlnr tne chnlneat arradea were atrons while common kinds were weak. Tire bulk of the offerings was disposed of in good season. , i There were quite a number of good cattle in sight this morning aa will be seen from the sales balow. a uaw top for full loads hnvlnnr been nut on the beef steer market. All Uia better grade ot heavy steers could be quoted in good demand at steady to strong prlcea, but when It oaine to tka com moner cattle the market waa not so active and a number of salesmen thought they had to take a little less money than thai ume kinds brouaht yester day. In other words, buyars were Inclined to widen the range oi prices oy paying more for choice grades aad leas for the commoner kinds. That, however, is to be expected at thla time of year when graasers WUl soon oegin to arrive iu uiun .g wavu the ahort tea Oorn cattle. The sow market was active and steady on the better grades of corn feda and every thing answering to that description was dis posed of in good season. W hen it came to the commoner kinds trading waa less active and the market. If anything, a little lower. Packera did not seem at ail anxious for grassers and those they did buy they got for leas money than the same kinds rouarht yesterday. It was a little late before all the common to medium cows rllnDoaed of. aa In many instances salesmen had a hard, tlmi to get even a bid on that Olass. Bulls, veals and stags sold in practically the same notches they did yesterday. - There were very few stockers and feed ers on sale and the market on desirable sruriu could nrobably be Quoted steady. Common ilglit stockers were very slow sale and If anything a little lower. The demand from the country does not seem to be par ticularly oris, representative saiea No. 4.. 4.. U.. 17.. A. Pr. No. At. Pr. 10T7 4 17.... II.... 14.... II. ... 14..,. 10. ... 44... III. .. 14.... 4.... 44.... II.... tl... 17.... 41.... ).... K.... 14... 14.... 14.... 44.... 14.... 40.... 40.... 11... 81.... 11 I.... 44.... 17 ... . 41.... 1011 1141 I 44 I 74 S' ui I 10 4 74 6 1$ 1 N 6 II 6 40 6 4 I II $ H I (4 I 4 I 44 I 40 I 40 I 14 8 44 8 44 i W I 44 I 41 I U 6 40 6 i 40 I 40 I $0 I 44 I 44 I 44 I 41 6 44 nut 104T 1114 1144 1410 11 14S7 1411 1111 1404 1040 14l 1111 1V7I 1441 U04 1414 1411 nil net 1140 ......1144 Ill 1417 Ill 1440 1404 1414 13(1 I 74 6 Tt I TI I 70 71 41.... II..,. II.... II.... S:::: Ills) .Ml !!!!!!!.'iIhj Ilr toil 1UI 1441 1144 1KI Ill I 40 8 40 I 40 4 10 I M I 44 I 16 4 I 4 ! I 10 i 0 I lv I M I 44 I 44 I 14 I Ov I 00 00 0 ot 06 II I It 4 81 6 14 6 10 I 14 I 10 i 16 I I 40 6 6 41 I 41 $ Tt 4 80 4 90 I 16 4 9 4 W 4 14 4 II I w 4 44 4 40 4 40 4 10 4 40 4 10 4 4 4 44 4 41 4 40 40 4 40 4 T4 4 14 4 44 4 4 11 4 II 4 1 I 10 4 M 4 K 4 It 4 H 4 14 la 4 40 4 40 I ft I 4 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 40 I t I 40 I..... 11 II 44 II 17 8 X4 M II 11 40 40. .A, 10 It I II 11 1 t 41 M 84 II II 6 7 IT IT 4 19 II 1 11 I 1 II 14 .... n .... 740 ....1014 Ibvl ....1114 ..,.1111 .,..1011 ....lotii ....1076 ....1144 ....1441 ....loal .,..1071 .... rOO .,..1111 ..1114 41. ..1441 "aTUiuKs AND HEIFERS. 40 4 40 .1077 .1041 .. 178 .. B44 ..1011 .. 414 .. 714 ..1041 19... 17... H... II... II... .... Til ....looo .... Ml .... 174 ....1110 f 40 4 44 4 TO 4 T4 , 744 4 90 II. .1144 BTPEHS AND COWb. . IM 4 14 a. 971 441 441 871 1060 , 100 1000 1041 107 mi 1171 1041 WO 1010 71 If m 1011 1144 1014 1110 1041 1141 44 1140 Ill 444 464 Til $W 4 44 10..., 14V .... 1114 , Ill 1111 1041 1114 lvaO 1140 i 40 .....laoi , 1111 117 10H0 117 1144 1014 1040 MH) 1171 i 104 ,.... 1120 IH 10UI 1M i 1410 1141 114 Ill 116 41 401 974 1440 IM 11M IVtO 1710 , 1410 i 1M0 1470 1!M) 144 144 IM) , Ill 110 110 140 140 UUVYB. 3 00 880 I 10 I 40 I 44 3 74 I 40 I 40 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 1 4 1 4 10 4.. 4..' I...... 3...... ll..'i'i.' o!i.'.'.'.' 11... I... II... 8... 1... 7... I... 8... I... II... 1... 1... I... 8... I... 11... 10... 11... 1... f .,, II... 1... 1... 1... 4 1 4 I 4 II 4 1 4 90 14.. HEIFERS. 8 40 Itt 4 1 4 1 4 M II.. I... 4... 4... 10.. BULLS. 114 1140 110 1440 1040 1110 177 1440 1110 8 71 " 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 10 4 II 4 10 1. I... 1... 1... 1. I CALVES, V IM 100 104 114 11 I 00 4 4 4 40 4 74 00 6 0 I at 8 88 I. i-M. ........ io ) ae fcsf 6 31 7 12 a M I 21 4 80 6 86 7 07 lit 123 4i 7 1$ 47t 20 4 62 ( 17 ( 73 t 11 4 47 6 7 12 b f lo 646 4 27 7 U I 73 4 41 6 18 7 03 $ M I 08 6 18 T 66 I 68 I 08 4K 619 708 1 61 01 4 3i B t 06 i 67 $ 04 4 83ia 6 (M ft t4 488 S93690 4 99 4 46 I V 4 17 6 80 4 49 6 72 7 01 6 03 (86 6 70 7 0 8 l! 4 90 4 68 ikO 7 10 6 o 48a 4 49 7 UI t 711 4 83 463 8 93 S704 4 4o 6 07 7 07 4 83 4 49 6 9 7 13i i 70 b 4 64 I 86 V 11 71 4 83 6 76 7 2u ( 70 4 91 4 63 6 77 t 16 5 Tl 4 84 4 OOf I V 11 6 Vbi 4 . 4 W 8 80 b 7g 6 02 4 bV.t 84 7 21 I 6 lv 4 74 ,,, 0w 7 2 t 831 4 78 6 03 7 36 6 91 6 00 6 99 7 88 89 4 92 4 81 6 07 7 38 6 86 4 W 4 84 b 7 31 6 81 4 86 2 M 8 06 lllj $ 67 8 64 8 71 8 66 13 78 l nt IX I IN IH 1 rx I 44 I M IM 1 STOCK ER8 AND FEEDERS. 3 44 I 0 1 I II I T4I I 00 . Sll 8 7 4 441 I 4 II 44 8 4 1 440 40 81 4M 8 40 t 441 8 4 t 141 IN HOGS TTiera were nearly ! cars of hogs at the yarda this morning but In spite of that fart the market held up In very satisfactory manner. At the begin ning hogs sold around 2c higher and aome sales of the better gradea showed an advance of as much as a nickel. After packera had their more urgent orders filled, however, the market slowed down and packera were then offering only about steady prices with yesterday. Salesmen naturally wanted the morning prices, and aa a reault trading was slow and the morn ing well advanced before a clearance wna made. The bulk of the early sale went from 64.80 to 8416, with choice loads from 64 86 to 84.98, with a top at 86.00. The top InnH wan very crime and averaged pounds. The light and common loada went from $4.77 down, nepreaeniaiive saies: No. At. In. rr. t. At. 8h. Pr. 44 IT ... 4 tt t IN 96 44 17 4 8 Kl Ml 14 141 4 4 T 41 Ill IN 1 1T1 ... 4 T It 91 90 4 16 II 918 4 74 91 IM ... 4 H 44 "4 140 4 74 44 141 90 4 44 44 IN 40 4 TI , (I IM ... 4 II 11 144 110 4 71 10 li ... 4 N M 1K4 ... 4 TI 17 UT 18 18 TI 14 190 4 71 I Ill ... 4 M 41 100 ... 4 7 Tt Ill IK IM TO IN IM 4 TI 4 til 40 It ' 97 Ml 40 4 74 44 IN 140 4 4 TI IM 40 4 77 II Ill 10 4 W T4 Kl ... 4 T1 TI 114 40 4 H 1 tot ... 44 Iff 10 4 M 44 0 ... 4 40 , T 4 ... I 14 TO 144 40 4 0 17 Ill 40 4 tt 44 04 40 4 M 14 HI HO 4 15 li 140 4 10 14 IM 40 4 M 11 Ml 40 4 44 M IIT 40 4 44 II Ill ... 4 M 41. 114 N (IS 1 Ill 120 4 10 40 Ml ... 4 H II Ill M I 10 TI 140 IN 4 SB 71 lit 900 4 40 T4 HI 10 4 H 17 Ill ... 4 80 II M4 M 4 N TO In 16 4 go a. l ... Ill 77 Ill 140 4 10 T. 10 110 4 11 TI tl! ... 4 10 16 IM ... 4 16 TI 10 ... 4 10 71 K M 4 44 70 ttt 140 4 10 IS til 10 4 44 I 101 ... 4 M TT IM 140 4 16 44 144 M 4 40 II Mt ... 4 14 M lor 40 4 10 14 144 40 4 41 42 117 ... 4 10 TI IM M 4 44 41 101 40 4 W 41 10 ... 4 46 64 1IT ... 4 10. It JS4 140 4 It II 110 40 4 10 11 124 ltO 4 14 H1 44 4 10 It 10 ... 4 46 44 107 ... 4 40 4 HI ... 4 16 70 II ... 4 Hi ? TI 140 110 4 14 11 Mil ... 4 41 V4 .' 14 IM 40 4 M 17 til ... Ill' 41 1(0 340 4 16 T4 Ill 10 4 It 14 134 ... 4 46 II HI 4 12 Ha 77 141 10 4 41 IT Ill too 4 lt6 10 Ml 100 4 I14 70 .Ill 140 4 MH Tt 141 ... 4 I7S N 140 100 4 tl II 144 140 4 I7tt I 114 10 (Ut), 91 ttt ... 4 17 St N Ill 40 4 I2H ' 11 141 90 4 7V4 44 114 10 4 42S4 47 144 ... 4 74j 13 110 (00 4 124 II Ill ... 4 174 41 111 40 4 I2M 90 141 40 4 17 70 117 M 4 13 41 260 ... 4 17 H 44 140 10 4 ! Tt 144 ... 4 I7V TI Ill IM 4 14 II Ill M 4 17 4 121 140 4 IF? T4 116 ... 4 17 II 130 10 4 114 17 141 110 4 I7U 7 121 M) 4 2L, Tt 146 ... 4 87 74 Ml (40 lit II. ...... .144 110 4 87 T4 HI 140 4 11 tl 1ST ... 4 40 T 117 M 4 11V 44 S 10 4 N 4 II 180 4 414 TO 91, 140 4 M 44 141 ... 4 83 "4 II tN 140 4 0 T4 IM ... 4 tit 17 94 ... 40 n in ... 4 h tt in ... 4 io T7 121 140 4 44 II 119 90 4 N T4 901 tO 4 I2M II Ml ... 4 90 41 110 ... 4 12 II 14 140 4 90 Tl 114 90 4 124 ' ! 940 10 4 N M M4 UO 4 S2H 44 !! 110 4 90 Tl Ml ... 4 MH 90 246 ... 4 MMj 11 111 49 4 42Va 41 161 40 4 4I I 141 ... 4 824 44 1ST 0 4 IIV4 Ti Ill 40 4 UH 4 Ill 90 4 tv TV 10 40 4 IIS 41 101 It IS 4 121 10 4 UV4 10 17T 16 H 91 ... 4N ... 4 M 117 10 4 IIS4 17 184 110 74 111 10 4 I2S4 II IK 1 90 10 4 I2S4 17 94 ... 4 N ...111 4 81 St 97. 4 Po 17 Ml ... 4 I2S4 44 11 10 4 96 7 Ill 40 4 Its! 46 80 v . 46 46 121 40 4 I2V 44 Ill 84 4 94 .1.12 110 4 U 41 146 ... 4 96 4 117 10 4 46 II IM ... IH II .Ill 140 4 16 If 174 tO 4 M It $76 ... 4M 97 IM tO 4 7Vi r.i ut ... in II........ 114 40 4 46 BHHBP-The situation In aheen waa un. changed this morning, recelpta again being light, with part of the offering consigned direct to local packera. The demand was cf liberal proportion, ao that everything that had any kill to 4t waa picked up In A hurry at good, steady prices. Packers claim that they are unable to get anything like enough stock to supply their trade, but at the same time they seem to have little demand for common stuff, aa their trade calls for the better grades. Quotations on clipped stock: Good to chaloe- lambs, M.00QP6.60; fair to good lambs, $6.6004.00; good to choice wooled lambs, $6.6H&4.76; fair to good wooled lambs. $1.0040 4.60; food to choree yearlings or wethers, $6.00$.86; fair to good yearlings or wethers, $4.76i6.00; good to . choloe ewes, $4 i'.fct.EO; fair to good ewes, $4.0U4.26. Representa tive sales; No. Av. Pr. 6 western cull ewes 93 t 00 10 western cull Iambi 3 8 00 10 Western cull lambs 38 4 00 10 western cull ewes 110 4 00 109 western ewes 96 4 00 26 western cull lambs 63 4 00 78 western ewes il 4 85 4$ western ewes 121 (00 168 western lambs , 64 J 00 86 western spring lambe V ,60 6 western ewes lie 10 8 western lamb 75 6 00 37 western lambs 63 40 Chicago Live stock bjabket Market Steady, Hogs Fire Cents Higher aad Sheep Higher. CHICAGO. June 14. CATTLE Receipts, 8.000 head; market steady; good to prime steers, 86. 756. 66; poor to medium, $4. 75'.? 6.76; stockers and feeders, $3,0044.76; cows, $1.754.76; heifers, $2.6o4i6.28; canners, $1.75 It 2.76; bulls. $2.60(94.76; calves, $3.006 26. HOOS-Receipts. 17,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 8,5u0 head; left over, 8,631 head; market 6c higher; mixed and butchers, 34.96ft6.10; choice to heavy, $S.00d!S.lo; rough heavy, $4 9tft6.00; light, $4.8b2j6.00; bulk of sales, $4 9G&6.05. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8,000 head; market 10c higher; lambs, lOo higher; good to choice wethers, $4.76iiS.26; native lambs, 66.00i.8&. T4evr York Live Itoek Market. NEW YORK, June 14. BEEVES Re ceipts, 76 hood; no trade In live cattle; feeling steady; Uverpool and London cables uoted live cattle slow at 1012c per lb., ressed weight; refrigerator 6eof lower at 8'rtf18o per lb.; exports today, 756 cattle 1,174 sheep and 4.600 quarters of beef, CALVfcM Receipt. head; market dull; veals. $4.6Wfiu,86; buttermilks, nominal; city dressed veals slow at eo per lb. ; country dressed, 64ic. H0O8 Receipts, 1.3S8 head; none for sale alive; nominally firm on Buffalo advices. fell EBP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 6,08$ head; good handy sheen, quiet and steady, others dull; good to choice lambs opened steady, closed slow; sheep, $3.0ia6.00; culls. -s.DfU'-o; lainoa, ao.wiaii.ou: one oar onotoe, 62; cuiis, as; tew yearlings, $i.DO.00; culls, $3.60. ). Kaaaaia City Lire Stock Market. ' KANSAS CITT, June 14. CATTLE Re celpta, 11,000 head. Including 1,600 aoutherns: market steady to 10c lower; export and dressed beef steers, $6.76&4.40, the highest price paid this year; fair to good, U.WJ 6.60; western fed eteers, $4 6f-6 0O; stock ers and feeders, $3.0034.60; southern staers, $3 60b6.2; southern cows $126ff4.00; na tive cows, $3.6004.76; native heifers, $3.(04 (.60; hulls. $2.64.26; calves, $2.6034.60. HOGS Receipts. 18,000 head; market strong to 6o higher; top. 85 00: bulk of sales, 34.7Mi4.!; heavy, $4.866.00; pack ers, $4 XtfH 85; pigs and lights, $4.26(34.80. BHEEP AND LAM BB Receipts, 3,000 head; market steady; native lambs, $6.38 (17.00; western lambs, $6.2637.00; fed ewes. $4 7636.26,' Texas clipped yearlings, $6.00 (40; Texas clipped sheep, $4.26(34.76; stock ra and feeders, $8.00-4.00. St. Inle Lire stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., June 14.-CATTLER oelpts, 10.000 head. Including 7.600 Texans: market ateady to lower; native ahlpplng and export steers, $6 40.60; dressed beef and butcher steers, t4.86aii.16; steers under l.OuO Jounds, $3. 7544.26; stockers snd feeders, 3 6OQ4 60; cows and heifers. $2 26f8.46. top for fed heifers; canners, $2 26ja.!&; bulls, $26034.26; oulvea. $4 00o.60; Texas and In dian steers, $5.0O&6.2&; cows and heifers, 38.flOifM.00. HOGS Receipts. 7.600 head; market steady; pigs and lights. $4.J5'fl4.'0; packers. $4.7604.95; butchers and best heavy, $4.9071 (.07. BHEEP AND Rece lots. 4.000 head; market strong; native muttons, $3 50; lambfl, $6.00iu7.10; culls and bucks, .6004.60; stocksrs, $lAofi3.60. St. Live Stoek Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. June 14 OATTT.T- Recelpta, 2,690 head; market ateady to strong, othere alow to loc lower: natives. $4 2&&6.60; cows and heifers, tl. 7605.36; stockers ana reeanrs, xg oo4.00. HOGS Receipts. 6.8a head; msrVet strong to 6c higher: light. 31T734.87; medium and heavy, $4 826 00. SWEEP AND LAMBS Recelpta, 1.931 head; market steady to 10c lower; spring lambs, $7.00. leas Cltv Live lloek Market. SIOUX CITT. June 14. (SDeclal Tele. fram.) CATTLE Receipt. 40u head; mar et ateady; beeves, 84.60410 86; cowa, bulls and mixed. $3.O4.60; Blockers and feeders, $3 (WAM 00; yearling and calve, 33.0043 90. 1HM rtecaipt. B.000 iieafi; market 60 higher at $4 4644.86; bulk. $4.76934 80. Stoek la Sight. Following are the reealpta of live stock for the six principal western clilca sier day: Cattle. Hog. Sheen. South Omaha 3,7. Ill's 1.0.7 Chicago 8.' a.iaio Kansas City ll."m 13 '10 t.tX) St. Louis 10 7 "y 4 00 St. Joseph i.6.l (.93 1,961 6IOUX City 4"0 6.1XO Totals S2.T10 SJ.UM 1S.0J8 OMAHA WHOLE" ALB MLARKRT Coadltloa at Trade aad Qaotatioas aa Staple aad raaey Freda, EGGS Recelpta, liberal; market, steady; fresh stock, 14c. LIVE POULTRT Hens. o; rooster, according to sise, 6fJc; turkeys, 13c; ducks 9c; geeee, (c: broilers, 1'tr.JOc. BUTTER Packing stock, 11c; choli-e to fancy dairy, 12rS14c; separator, 17j?i;ijc FRESH FIBU Trout, lto; ploeu v- 8-1 r'lke, loc; perch. To; blueflsh, 12c; wMie":v 4c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, lie; L-tisior, 6reen, fc; lobster, boiled. 80c: bu. Iliearfa 0; catfish, 14c; black bass, 2V; baJInut, 10c; crapples. 12c; roe shad, $1.00; huffolo, (c: white baas, llo; frog legs, per do., 8V). BRAN Per ton, $19.00. HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland. $8.00; No. 3, $7.60; medium, $7.00; coarse. $U0. Rye straw, $6.60. These prices are for hny of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipts light. TROPICAL TRUITS. ORANGES Navels, choloe. Urge slxe, 83.00; fancy navela, all sices. 83.60; Mediter ranean awaeta, choir, all liiea,; Jaffns, all sixes, $2 7613.00. LEMONS OTiforma fancy, r0-S00-3, 88.76414.36; choice, $3 6.M 78. CALIFORNIA FHJW Per 10-lb. carton, 6O0 ; Imported Smyrna, i-croan, j.V; fa crown, 14c; 7-crown, 16c. BANANAS Per rnedltimi lard ranch, 3.tVfi2.60; jumbo, $3.7f12S. DATES Persian, per box of 80 fkga , $200: In 60-lb. boxes. 6c per lb.; Orienta.'. stuffed, per box, $2.40. PINEAPPLES In cratea of 04 to C, per crate, $360. FRUITS. STRAWBERRIES Missouri, per 24-ausrt case, ll.50ai.&; Oregon Hood rivers, $i.N 1.60. BLACKBERRIES Arkansas, per 34 ats., 82.2,(2.50. CliERRIEB California, per box, $1.60 1.76, 0(X)8ERERRIE8 Su-qt. case, $1.75. PEACH EdTexas, per 4-baaket crate, $l.X4fl.6o. CANTELOUPE Texas, per crate, $160 S.76 WATERMELONS Per lb., crated, $c; each. i0j40c. VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, $1.20; Dakota, per bu., 81.20; New Texas Red stock. In sacks, per lb., 8c. NAVV BEANS Per bu $2.16(3)2. B. ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate, 83.00; Louisiana, In sacks, per lb., 2c CABBAGB California, per lb 324c. CUCUMHERS-Per dos., 60e. TOMATOES Texas, 4-basket crates, 80.76. RADISHES Per dos. bunches, 20c. LETTUCE Top lettuce, per doa.. 800, TURNIPS Southern, per doa., 46c. BEETS Southern, per dox, 46c. CARROTS Southern, per dos,, 75c, I PAR8LEY-Per dox., 40c. ; BEANS Wax, per bu. box, $2.60; per . -bu. basket, $1.00. String, per bu. box, (J.00; per -bu. box, 86c. SPINACH Per bu., home grown, 35340c. ASPARAGUS Per doa. bunches, 400.- GREEN PEPPERS Per 6-barket orate, $2.00. SQUASH Florida summer, per doa., 76c. PEAS-Per bu. box, $1,00. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, lie; Wisconsin Young America, 12o; block Swlas, 16c; Wisconsin brick. 13c; Wlsoon sln llmberger. 13c. MAPLE SUGAR Ohio, per lb,. 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, 60; No. I green, 5c: No. 1 raited, 7c; No. S salted, c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 9c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry salted, 8012c; alieep -pelt. 247j'27o; hnrsehldes, $l.GOu2.60. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 18c; No. 2 hard sholl, per lb., 12c; cecans, large, per lb., 12c; email, per lb., 10c; peanuts, per lb, Ac; roartad peanuta, per lb. io; Chill walnuts, 12tfl8c; large hickory nuts, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft shell, per lb., 15c: hard shell, 11c; shell barks, per bu.. $2.06; blaok walnuts, per bu., 94.26. 1 tagar aatl Molaeaea. NEW TORK, June 14. SUGAR Raw. quiet; fair refining, 3c; centrifugal, 08 test, 3o; molasses sugar, 8o; refined, quiet; cruahed, 6.6O0; powdered, 60; granu lated, 4.800. NEW ORLEANS. Jnne 14. SUGAR Mar ket strong; open kettle, 8(8il I-I60; open kettle,, oentrlfugal, 83c; centrifugal wWtes4i4c; yellows, ec- MOLA85SE5-NomlnaI; opeu kettle, '.10(3 26c; centrifugal, 104150. ,, nail way Mall Clerks Meet. MILWANKDK, June 14. The annual con vention of the International Association of Railway Clerks convened here today with about 100 delegates In attendance. Presi dent D. W. Richmond In his annual ad dress recommended Immediate action of the question of amalgamation with the national order of railway clerks. . Enjoins Ticket Scalper. CINCINNATI. June 14.-Judge Ferris, in the superior court today, enjoined all brok ers within the Jurisdiction of that court from dealing in nontransferable time limit contrsct or special railway tickets to the exposition at St. Louis, or the natlonnl reunion of the Elks at Cincinnati from JullStoia Discos Children. PORTLAND, Me, June 14. After a brief bualnesa meeting of the national conference on education of backward, truant and de linquent children today, a symposium was conducted by F. F. Chaplin, superintendent of the Lyman school for boys, Westboro, Mass. The attendance was greatly in creased over that of the opening day.- REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. DEEDS filed for record June 14, as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1414 Farnam atreet, for The Bee: John Power and wife to Christian' Rlasi and wife, part lot '14, Kountsa's 1A add I 1,400 Robert M. Stone to Belle N. Stone, lots 1 and 4. R. M. Stone's sub 1 William C. N orris to Muxy A. Avery, . lot 88, Bluff View 60O E. D. Waldrr.m and wife to Ellery R. Hume, lot 12, block 83, Carthage.... 100 F. mlen Hutchinson to the Oennan town dispensary and hospital, part of lot L block Z14, city 78 Emlen Hutchinson to Insurance com pany of North America, part of lot I, block 1114, city 75 Eiiileu Hutchinson to hid ward 8. Huok lef. part of lot 1, block JU4, city.... 75 South Omaha Investment company to 1 Frank T. FltsBinimons, part of lot 86, block 3, McUavock A O'Keefe.... 400 William 1. Connall and wife to Im perial Investment oompany, lofs 1 to ft and other lots In Grlffen A Smith's add and other property 80,600 Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust com- fianv to George S. Homier, part of ot 'Oi, Millard A Caldwell's add l,20tf South Omaha Land company to Peter Woxmak, part of lot 4, block m, South Urn a ha. 20Q Church Wlntlier to Jorgen J. Jansen, 1 part of lota 7 and 8, block 18, Wilcox' Sd add 400 James F. Kunel and wife to Bridget Malone, lot 7, block 49, South Omaha 850 Thomas J. Ryan to Clara V. Rank, lots 8 to 17. block L Valley Grove add to South Omaha and other land 1 C's-ra V. Rank and husband to Albert H. Veeder, und lots 8 to 17, block 1, Valley Grove add to South Omaha und other land I Seme to some, und same 1 Walter L. Belby ajid wife to same, 1 lot 12, block 2, same , 1,700 Wllllarn Tlghe to sanio, und same.... I John A. Canning to ueorue W. and TMora Ollls, part tax lot 26, section ' 15-16-13 1,6M Clara E. Adams and husband to Mich ael Floersch, lot ( and part of lot 4, block 46, city 17,750 Ellery R. Hume to Henry Marrowlti, part lot 7, block 23, city 67$ Hugh S. Thomas to Robert D. and C. J. Duncan, lots 1 and 2, block 8, 1st add to Mount Douglas 7 Mary Jane Vernon and husband to C. Eugene Russell, part lot 14, block K, froapeot l'Uice ,, 1,2.0 The Merchants National Bank of Omah. Nb. U. 8. SaBkicT Csp.HI sod Surpliu, JKJO.QOO Hum Mutnr. fn. sen a wssb. v. raa. uieiS4ui(.c 4BM. riAW T. IAAU.TWI, AMt Uaklw. Saaaiv uaMUi ef Waa. aaakaia, corvar- atis. a4 tadtaaaaata a fa 9riaa kukt a4 ao)4 ltiar B4 Vnilt lau4. atallabl la all Bans a tk warl 4ara4 aJ4 Ttaaa Oruaoia t Dasaatt, LlHMtla Bill araaiutlr M4 ainiaml-atiy. V raa ! 11m naaiiaa.