THE OMATIA DAILY REE: 'TUESDAVr X JUNE 14, 1004. Telephone 8H. WE CLOSE SATURDAYS AT I P. M. V "Begun is half done 1 There is more real style and newness in these pretty mixed dress goods than any we have ever sold before at this price. They are an exact ropy of goods that have never sold for less than $1 to ?1.23. Every piece of goods in this special lot ia choice, new 4nd stylish. i Regular 50c Quality. Our Special Price , i Tuesday 29c u Yard. They come in a pretty line of mixtures with a dash of bright color peeping through here and there. Handsome soft finish. Undoubtedly the greatest bargain of the season. Investigate Our Deposit Account Department. TMK1P3 Y. M. C. A. Building. Corner criticism on the part of foreign naval ex perts of tne battleship type after the do atruction of the Russian battleship, Petro pavlovsk. and the Japanese battleship, Ilatsuse, the subject was given the most , careful consideration, the decision being In ; favor of the continuance of the construction I of battleships. CONDITIONS AT PORT ARTHUR Chinaman Bar that People at that Place Arc Feeling Rather Gloomy, - NEW CHWANO, June 18. A Chinaman who waa smuggled -by the Japanese Into Port Arthur to act a a spy, and who escaped from there seven days ago, was arrested at New Chwang last night. He told a correspondent of the Associated Press that the Russians were working a bo iun;o vi man uaj iuia nig nc repairing j the warships. They expect that the Work ' will be completed In a fortnight. Tour: cruisers under Golden hill, at the entrance of Port Arthur, have theifguns trained to assist in repulsing a land attack. The channel Is partly cleared, but ' Admiral Togo's blockade Is effective. The spy estimates the- total strength of the Russian forces, Including the sailors, at less than 80,000 men. There are many sick and wounded. There Is food sufficient for two months. All the Chinese foodstuff fias ween seized by the authorities. Two armored tralp. on board of which r mounted guns landed from the Russian battleship Retvisan, recently ran to a point ; near to the Japanese lines and opened Are. i The Japanese replied and their shells badly I damaged the train, though it managed to I return to the Russian lines. The stern of the sunken battleship Petro pavlovsk is visible at low tide. The Russians at Port Arthur are gloomy, though hoping that General Kouropatktn will send an army south to assist the gar rison at Port Arthur. Admiral Togo Is stopping many native boats attempting to land foodstuffs near Port Arthur. Forty-two Junks from Che Foo hav been sent to Tung Chou Foo. The Chinese guilds are petitioning Lieuten ant Genera Stoessel, the commander of the Russian military foroes at Port Arthur, to permit their members to leave. A flour mill belonging to Chi Feng Tal, the richest Chinaman In Port Arthur, is grinding wheat brought from Seattle In a French ship, which is still at Port Arthur. An enormous amount of damage was done to the new town by the Japanese shells. The Chino-Russla bank la totally de stroyed. The coal supply at Port Arthur la low. It is estimated at only 2,400 tons of Cardiff and 3,000 tons of Japanese coal. MICHAEL. DAVITT ON SITUATION Irish Investigator Say that People Are e,tet and Loyal. ST. PETERSBURG, June 18. Michael gyrttt. who is now In St. Petersburg in I In the labor and industrial con dition of Russia, in an Interview today with the correspondent of the Associated Press, said: ' .from the Immediate object of my lslt, I have been greatly interested in the attitude of the masses in Russian toward the world. Their attitude la of greater Im port. In view of the stories publlshej abroad to the effect that the war la un popular and that the country is on the verge of revolution owing to discontent. I have visited every working quarter of St. Petersburg, the extensive Soloemotenskoe region, the Narvaskaia district, and such plaoea as the Potllloff company's locomotive and steel wnrki mnlnvinv in Arti r Interviewed the workers outside the fao torles, In the churches, parka and places .. of public entertainment, but failed to And anything except quiet confidence that Rus- I sla is bound to win In the end. The gov- I' ernment Is decidedly frank in Us dissemina- 1 r Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. The BEST HOT wwm (i AO p J' l 'i'hv' ''.l'- i ', ,.J H TSEflrtt .,f I I ' I W A. IP's V?.:V' . ' T.'' .ALSVTLU I WiX:& XS CANDY ' CATHARTIC , .ygg , PREVENT 'ALL SUMMER COW EL TROUBLES j ilDcbrah Kinerl Spring. ;vlv;vNt2-f CotincllDlaffa Iowa . Bee, June 13, IK Special Bargains for Tuesday Sixteenth and Dottglai Stf tlon of news. Official bulletins are posted everywhere and they are read attentively by small groups. Frequently sailors and soldiers are among them. The news is dis cussed by the bystanders, but always ?uietly. There la no trace of excitement, n fact, the war seems to arouse less public Interest than the news received dur ing the South African war. One reason may be the distance of the fighting from European Russia. Certainly the war Is not affecting the general current of life. Busi ness everywhere la progreeslng as usual and the people are following their ordinary routine. The only sentiment is full faith that Russia ultimately will win. Th stories published abroad that M0 persons were executed at Mobcow recently, that wholesale srrests'have been Imposed at Moscow and -sanguinary . conflicts bare oc curred at Odessa, are all, so far aa my inquiries show, pure inventions deliberately set afloat for the purpose of injuring the Russian loan abroad. . HOLDS FOODSTTFF CONTRABAND Russia Will Not Change Aetloa at Instance of Great Britain. ST. PETERSBURG, June IS. 4:45 p. m. Russia will not heed the British represen tations In regard to the action of the Rus sian government In declaring rice and other foodstuffs to be contraband of war. The Russian position in relation to foodstuffs being contraband is as anounoed. ,by the Associated Press when the declaration was Issued. It covers only full . cargoes, des tined for Japan, where the' assumption, Is that they are designed for the use of the enemy's army. In effect the Novoe Vremya oontends that ' Russia' '.: position Is exactly analagous to Great Britain's during the Boer war, ' '' notwithstand ing Great Britain's protest' ' ajralnst foodstuffs being declared contraband at the time of the Franco-Chinese war In 1886 and the Japanese-Chinese war of 1894. The Novoe Vremya expresses pleasure at the statement from Washing ton regnrdlrg the submarine boat Protec tor, which was shipped recently from New Tork on board the Norwegian steamer For tune, presumably bound for Japan, saying: "The United States, notwithstanding tne agitation In the pro-Japanese prese, re mains strictly neutral," ' The Russian consul at Che Foo reports the persistence of rumor there Of a sea fight near Port Arthur. The Russian prese, while displaying con siderable Interest in King Edward's visit to Kiel, expresses the opinion that It will not have important political consequences. CHINESE ARB CAUSING TROUBLE News at General Knrokl'i Headquar ters Not of Alarming; Natore. GENERAL KUROKI'S HEADQUAR TERS IN THE FIELD, June 18, (Via Fusan, Corea.) According to Information here the only hostilities now occurring at the front are dally encounters between out posts, resulting In the loss of a man or two every day. A few Russian prisoners are being brought Into Japanese headquar ters, but no Japanese art ebelng captured. This Is taken to ehow that the Japanese are getting the best of the encounters. Chinese are giving trouble by cutting the telegraph wires nightly; they probably are In the pay of the Russians. . The work of keeping General Kurokl's army In supplies of all kinds continues to be performed with excellent result and Is beyond criticism. The conduct of the Japanese soldiers Is Irreproachable and their spirits are high. . Corea Needs Radical Reform. SEOUL, June 18. The Japanese prews In Corea, voicing the sentiment of the Japa nese residents of the country, Is urging the home government to adopt radical measures with, regard, to Internal condi tions in Corea as the only possible safe guard to their growing Interests. The press exhorts M. Ha yaa hi, the Japanese minister to Corea, who left yesterday for Toklo. to make strong- representations to the Tcklo Col WEATHER MEDICINE There are many things to drink mnuy do uot quench the thirst niAny are uot good for you you are safe lu ordering DEBOMil :. Jl Ginger Ale To be sure you are getting a i pure frm in?! nave ine.n pour It a t'eborah bittle. Ivbui ih Cil I'obuiah Ginger k- won t spoil your appet dinner like lie cream sua stomach like phosphates w 'ou ollllous-llke beer. It to siomach and quenches the an Ideal mmmpr Hrlnk k- won't spoil your aDretlU for ii sour your te or make ones the thirst hal ,pPy, rinrcfy government in this matter. The revival of the report that Tl Tong Ik. formerly In the Corea n cabinet, who was deported to Japan In February because of his pro-Russian tendencies, is to be permitted to return to tbe country. Is a matter of gratification to the emperor. CHINESE ARE GREATLY WORRIED Ktllla of American Correspondent is Caaalnar Government Tronblc. NEW CHWANG, June 13. The Chinese government 1 apparently greatly worried over the; death of Lewis Etiel, the cor respondent of the London Daily Telegraph, who was' shot and fc'Hcd recently by Chi nese soldiers off the'Lfao Tung coast. . The affair la being energetically Investi gated hy United Htatos Consul General Miller and Viceroy at Tuan Shai Kal sent Taltao- IJ'i - here- 1o net In th i.uUter on behalf i of the Cblnoae govern ment. Taitao Liu served at one time as secretary of the Chinese legation at Wash ington and subsequently Chinese consul at New York. He is now taitao of Tien Tsin. ARB RECEIVING A SQrADRO A DAY Russian Army at Mao Vans; Is Being Strengthened Rapidly, LIAO YANG, Sunday, June 12. The army here Is Increasing rapidly, a fresh squadron arriving daily. ' There la no fresh news from Port Ar. thur, nor .ha any confirmation of seiioas events having occurred there been re ceived. On the contrary, according to the beat Information, everything is going well. The officers and men here are Very en thusiastic over the driving back of tho Japanese on the road between Feng Wang Cheng and Hai Cheng, June 8. Only a comparatively short distance sep arates the Japanese and Russian armies and the soldiers are all anxious for active operations to begin. Empress' Envoy Is Pleased. HARBIN, June 13. M. Popoff, the special representative of the dowager empress, who I Inspecting the work of the Red Cross, expresses great satisfaction at the sanitary conditions her and the absence of con taglous diseases. There are only two cases of spotted typhus here and these are re covering. ' M. Popoff la starting for the Amur river to inspect the system of float ing hospitals. Japanese Prepare to Move. CHE FOO, June 13. 7 p. m. Chinese who have Just arrived here from Pltsewo say the Japanese stationed there have re loaded all of their provisions and ammuni tion for transportation, with, the inten tion apparently of moving them southward, down the peninsula. The Japanese fleet, It la said also,' is cruising dally between Tall en wan and Kin Chou. i Japanese Lvia Well Sabscribed. NEW YORK, June 18. The first day's subscription to the second domestic loan aggregated 143,000,000, says a Times dis patch from Toklo, In Toklo,' Osaka and Yokohama alone, the emperor again sub scribing 810,000,000. The total Issue Is 850, 000,000. Russians Retire. SEOUL, June 18. 6 p. m. According to Corea n official reports received here, the Russian forces which were at Nln Tbng, have retired to Chang Jin. NINE MILLION ACRES Government Lands for Homesteaders, In western Nebraska near the Union Pa cific railroad in section lots of C40 acre each, for almost nothing. The salubrity of these lands Is something remarkable. Dis tance from railroad Is from three to thirty miles. There . will be a grand rush of homesteaders. This Is the last distribution of free homes the United State government will ever make In Nebraska. Write for pamphlet telling how the land can be ac quired, when entry should be made and other Information. Free on application to any Union Pacific agent or city ticket of fice, 1324 Farnam street. 'Phone 816. SPECIAL RATES CADETS' Encampment, Missouri Valley, ' Iowa. Ticket on sale daily till JUne IS at 81.20 round trip. Tickets good on special train June 16th, 81.00 round trip. -A delightful spot for a day's outing. Nine trains each way every day. City Office Northwestern Line, 1401-1403 Farnam St Northfleld Has Celebration. NORTH FIELD, Mass.. June 11 Exer cises in celebration of the silver anniver sary of tho founding of Northfleld seminary were held here today. They wore also a feature of the opening of the summer sea son of conferences. Addresses were deliv ered by R. W. Moody and P. W, Moody, sons of the late Dwlght L. Moody, who .uuiiuu mo i-turitiueiu summer scnoois. There was a large attendance of visitor. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair and Warmer for Nebraska, Iowa and Sooth Dakota Today and Tomorrow. WASHINGTON, June 18. Forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday) For Nebraska,- Iowa and South Dakota Fair and warmer Tuesday; Wednesday, fair. . For Oklahoma, I. T., Arkansas and Mis souri Fair Tuesday and Wednesday. For Illinois Generally fair Tuesday and Wednesday; variable winds. ' For Indiana Partly cloudy Tuesday; probably showers In the morning in north ern portion; Wednesday, fair; warmer In north portion; variable winds. For Colorado Fair Tuesday; warmer In east portion; Wednesday, fair. For Wyoming Fair Tuesday; warmer In east portion; Wednesday, fair. For Kansas Fair Tuesday, warmer In north portion; Wednesday, fair. Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, June lit. Offlrlnl record of tem- rerature and precipitation compared with lie corresponding day of the three years: 1!4. 1903. W2. ln. Maximum temperature.... 69 78 7 W Minimum temperature.... 67 63 M 63 Afna temperature 63 M 71 71 retipltatlon 02 .00 .04 .00 i.eord of temperature and preolpltatlon Omaha for this day since March 1, He'C .urnial ttuip rgture 73 jJclolency fur the day , 10 total denclenev since M.'iroh 1 1(4 Normal precipitation 18 Inch Tendency for the day 17 inch Total rainfall since March 1 11.03 Inches Iflo(encv since March 1 82 Inch Kxcess for cor. period, 1008 13 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1903... 3. IW Inches Report froas Station at T I. M. S3 S as PS : E S 'i e i 3 g i 3 i S i p i : - : S : i ; 3 : S9 9' .H 70, Til Ml. ...I .O') Ml 3; T Sill r2 .00 60 70 .00 72 71 k 7i .ul 6 76) .00 2i Mf . 6 T4l .(W 741 Ml T 7'j a; t 7(l 7-' .00 H' 761 .on 641 .701 T h M T CONDITION OF TUB WEATHtK. Omaha, clear Vil'nilnp. rlenr North Platte, cloudy t'hfyenne, irt cloudy Bait Lke t'lty, clear Rapid t lt . dear Huron, cioudy WllilKton, cloudy Chicago, c'outly St. lxiuis. vl"nr Hi. 1'huI irt cloudy I'uvenpoei. cloudy..., Kn."i ia "ity. i !ivir Ilvre, pMtt cloudy len i. i Ion Jy Hi?marck, clir , Oalvfstun, clear , X Indicates truce of precipitation. U A. WfiLe'Jl. Forecaster. MAY BE FREE WEDNESDAY Ion Perdioirli and Sup'on L'7 Bs Ks le'4 hj Bandit BaisonlL SULTAN HAS GRANTED HIS DEMANDS Friends of Itaadlt MaTe Been Re leased from Prison as Evidence of Good Faith of the Rnler. WASHINGTON, June 13. If H &oe well Perdlcnris will be released next Wednes day. It Is estimated that It will require thla length of time for the mission which has gone to his relief with the ransom de manded to reach the brigands' camp. M. Jusserand, the French ambassador, was at the 8tate department today and had a talk with Secretary Hay about the Moroc coan situation. The ambassador has heard (from his government that the sultan will grant the brigands' terms, and Indeed some of Ralsoull's men who wsre In prison hav already been released as an evidence of the good faith In which the terms are be ing met. It Is possible that some of the released brigands may have been sent with the mission, i The French government haa been active In the conducting of negotiations for Per dlcarls' release and this government will express its appreciation of these effort a soon as he is free. Miss Roosevelt to Re Bridesmaid. Mis Roosevelt left today for Philadel phia, where she will be bridesmaid at the wedding of Miss Whelan.' She will after ward go to Hyde Park.. New York, to be bridesmaid at the wedding. of her cousin, Miss Helen Roosevelt. WESTERN MATTERS. AT CAPITAL Lands Withdrawn on Account of Irrl ". Ration Project. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. June IS. (Special Tel, gram.) The secretary.' -of -the Interior to day approved the., a-atectlojis of public lands made by th -Union Pacific Railroad company In Douglas and Lander land dis tricts, Wyoming, amounting to 7.161 acres. The selection Is known as clear list No. 7. On account of the Shoshone Irrlgu.inn project the acting commissioner of the land office . today directed the register and receiver at Buffalo, Wyo., to withdraw from all form of entry land In townships fifty-eight,' "north range ninety-five and ninety-six, west. The Lander,' Wyo., land officials are also Instructed to withdraw from disposal the following lands In their district on account of the above .mentioned Irrigation project; Townships fifty-eight, north, range ninety-seven and mlnety-etght, west; town ship fifty-nine; 'north, range ninety-nine, wet ; . . Rural routes, ordered established July 1: Nebraska Broken "Bow, Custer county; one additional; area covered, forty-two square miles; population, 670. Endlcott, Jefferson county; one route; area, twenty six square miles; population, 500. Hub bard, Dakota county; one route; area, forty-one square miles; population, 450. Steel City, Jefferson county; one route; area, fourteen square miles; population, 824. South Dakota Winifred. Lake county; one' route; area, flfty-two square mile; population, 412. Rural carriers . appointed for Nebraska routes: Madison," regular, Charles C. Craig; substitute, ; William C. Craig. Iha vale, regulars, Chauncey C. Miller and An drew J. Waskom; substitutes, Willi A, Carpenter .and Jqseploe Norrls.- . , Miss Mollle Speas has been appointed postmaster at, Ferimson, Marshall, county, la., vice Seth Smbh .deceased. .. ay Yet Be aaved. All who have severe lung trouble need Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. It cure or no pay. 60c, 81.00. For sale by Kuhn A Co. HYMENEAL. Leech-Snmmcrs. BEATRICE, Neb., June 18. (Special.) Saturday evening at 8:30 In th presence of relatives and a few friends, Mr. Harry Leech and Miss Leah G. Summer were united In marriage. Rev.. J. . W. Merrill officiating. The wedding was, solemnised at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Pethoud, the latter being a sister of the groom. The young couple will make their home In this city. F. I. Cash. WEBSTER CITY. Ia., June 13. (Special Telegram.) F. I. Cash, one of the oldest settlers In Hamilton county, died this morning, aged 73 year. He came to Web ster City in 1869 and was the senior member of the tailoring firm of F. I.. Cash Ac Bon. The funeral will .be field Wednesday, . FIRE RECORD. Bnlldlnar in "Wisconsin. SUPERIOR, Wis., June 13. -Tho business portion of Spooner, Wis., was destroyed by fire today. Call for-Bank Statement. WASHINGTON, June IS. The comp troller of the currency, today issued a call for the condition of national bank at th close of business June 9. Cut it Off Short for 10 days and find out For Sure if coffee is really causing your trouble. You say, "noiiHense, there's old 1M1I Jones, dank coffee for 50 years " Never mind him, remember you're not Bill Jones. You re You and want to be well, and if you'll out out the drug coffee for 10 davs and use well boiled POST'OM in its place, our word for it, you'll reap a great reward. . There's a Reason Get the little book "Th Road to Well vllle ' to tech pkg. T3 BEGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT TO CONSTANTINOPLE lie Will Soil Out i v. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER WITHOUT Sale begins today continue a few days at piece, either rug or bric 1712 Farnam Street, This collection has no connection with tho stock of rugs shown In this store during May. PEABODY IS ANGRY (Continued from First Page.) tlves of various local unions and of the mine owners and the Citizens' alliance, at which good feeling waa shown, on both sides, th employer agreed to .make a full and frank statement concerning their atti tude toward all organized labor. A com mittee today Is preparing a draft of such a statement, which will be submitted to the central committee for approval before It I made public. It may. be ready for publication tomorrow. Employers say that no radical action will be taken except as to the Western Federation of Miners and allied and kindred organizations. The statement will declare that the domination of the Western Federation of Miners will not be longer tolerated In the Cripple Creek district. Will Deport Other. The walking' delegate and the boycott also will be declared against In .decisive term?,.,,, The,, District Trades, annenibly,, as now 'constituted, employer say, muBt ,be, abandoned. On the other hand,' the em-, ployers of labor will place themselves on record as against any lowering of the ex isting scale .of wages and hours. Matters seem to be settling down grad ually and the bitter spirit of animosity which ha prevailed between various classes of people seems to be abating ma terially. More reason and fairness are being shown in discussing the strike situa tion in all ot It phases and causes. About 125 men are In the bull pen nt the present time. A list for deportation has been made out to be presented to Gen eral Bell. The total number who will be sent out today or tomorrow will be be tween fifty and seventy-five, if the list which has been prepared is not amended by General Bell. The destination of the next party to be deported has not been officially announced and will not be until the train Is wen out side the district It is understood, however, that th men will be taken either to New Mexico or Utah. Lieutenant Cole and a squad hav been coutlng In the neighborhood of Dunnvlllo with a view to locating the men who were not captured ' by the military after the fight last Wednesday. Soldiers , who have returned say they were shot at from am bush, but were unable to locate th per sons who fired the shots. Arrest Federation' Attorney. A number of arreets wera made today, the most Important being that of Frank J. Hangs, attorney for the Western Fed eration of Miners. The arrest waa or dered by General Bell. Mr. Hang waa brought from Victor, to Cripple Creek and placed In the bull pen. Strict orders were given that he be not allowed to communicate with anybody. General Bell said In connection with the arrest that It was necessary for pence, quiet and good of the county of Teller and the state of. Colorado. The contemplated withdrawal of troops ha called out a pro test from the Citizen' alliance and Mine Owners' association, and it is likely that Governor Feabody will be asked to con tinue the aoldlera in the field for an In definite period. The citizens say that mar tial law ha had a salutary effect and they fear that If declared off at present many of the deported men will return. Saloons were permitted to reopen today. Would Pnsh Them Off the Earth. SALT LAKE CITT, Utah, June 13.-A special to the Deseret News from Price, Utah, the center of the Carbon county coal fields, says that If any of the union miners of Victor and Cripple Creek, Colo., are brought into Utah, Sheriff Wilcox will run a special train to meet them and take them back into Colorado. VISITORS GREET MRS. EDDY Head of Christian Science fhorrh Presents Mother Chnreh with Casket. CONCORD, N. II., June 13 Christian Scientists, who had come rrom the annual convention of the mother church in Bos ton to Concord today, inspected the new First Church of Christ, now building here through the gift of more than ino.OOO by Mrs. Mary Baker Kddy and gave Mrs. Kddy, their leader, a greeting of affection as she took her dally drive through the streets. Th visiting Scientists wer grouped on th green in front of the high school building and the Unitarian church and aa Mr Eddy' carrlag approached the throng K. P. Bate of Boston, president of he mother church, addressed Mr. Eddv In the num of the communicants of the faith throughout the world. Mr. Eddy replied briefly and tendered to him a cas ket containing a loving token for th LsMiZmoI AND A b on n T u at 8:30 a. m. and 2:30 same hours. If you - a - bric, attend this sale bound with burnished brass. Is , to be opened at th annual business session of the church In Boston tomorrow. Mrs. Eddy expressed herself aa being agreeably surprised that so large a num ber of church members were able to com to the city, the Invitation having been Issued only yesterday. MISCALLED "HAIR TONIC." Host Hair Preparation Are Merely Sradp Irritants, of No Value. Most hair ' preparations are merely scalp Irritants, miscalled hair tonics! When hair is brittle, lusterles and begins to fall out the dandruff germ is getting In It deadly work at the root, capping the vitality. Since science discovered that dandruff is a germ disease there has been only one prep aration put on the market that will ac tually destroy th dandruff germ, and that la Newbro' Herplcide. It quickly reduce scalp fever, destroys the germ, and the falling hair stops and hair grows luxuri antly. Ask your druggist for Herplddo. It allays Itching Instantly and permit tha hnlr to grow,' Sold . by leading druggist. Send'loc In stamps' for sample lo'The Her plcide Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Co., special agents. Tires ot Life's Troubles. SIOUX FALLS, S.- D., June 13.-(Speclal Telegram.) L. W. Tenney. 'an old resident of Sioux Falls, late this afternoon shot and killed himself with a revolver. The deed was committed In a barn, where th body was found. Tenney for ome tlm was engaged In the manufacture of tomb atones in this city. Later he was In th employ of a local savings' association. Re cently, It appears, his personal affairs have not been In a condition satisfactory to himself and h became despondent, with the result that he decided to end it nil by taking hi own life. Coroner George H. Fulford summoned a jury, which this venlng returned a verdict to the effect that Tenney committed suicide as the re sult of despondency. Tenney leave a widow and several children. Man- Teachers Attend. STURGI8, S. TXt June IS. (Special.) The Tri-county .Teachers' institute, which con slut of teacher of Meade, Butte and Pen nington counties, I In session .here. The ser.slon Is very -instructive and Interesting. The program, U being carried out faith fully and. those in charge are much encour aged. It la the largest gathering of teach ers ever held In the Black Hills. The re cent heavy etorm" throughout the Black Kills prevented many from attending thl institute, but A great ninny more will bo present during, the week; ns the Instltut will not close until June 17. - ; CR0UI1D Refresh Your gues with Ohkardelll'5 Ground Chocolate The Food and Drink -For Brain and Brawn. Mai luiUnth. IP YOUR HKin Ik iiay, BtrnakMl or DlMtrtiMl, It eaa be ruUiiM lu an bMutlf ul voiut by Tiie Imperial Hair Regenerator lbs rknairlrdl TANI'Thd TTATR i ol.iiHlNU fr bo; w hlnwkM Hair. Colore are Aurtilt ; rMllv pulled. It u einuut badeiMtMl. NauiiiUnfliaireokjrv. ' frqe. . ('oirejrtuuniie emioaftuUiU, lwtalCkakMfi.U.litW.Utt.jMw Vsra MM MM 1Mb. (slliWO m It ttata OWING TO HIS RECALL ilis Entire Stock of fo) JU ra RESERVE AT fMl and 8 p. m and will are in need of an art at ui This Ought to Convince Sherman A McConnell Drna; Co., C'or , nor Sixteenth . sod Hodae Streets, Omaha, Will pay for Hyomel Them, selves When It Fall to Core Ca tarrh. "if I only knew-it to b true, I would not hesitate a moment." This I a thought the average person has when read ing the claim of some of the medicine that ar advertised a cure for catarrh. - The results from the use of Hyomel ar so remarkable In the cure of catarrh that they seem beyond belief. The fact, though, that Sherman it MeOonnell Drug Co., cor ner Sixteenth and Dodge streets, . Omaha, on ot the best known druggists In this section, hav so much, confidence In the power of Hyomel to cure catarrh that they ell It under their personal guarantee to refund tho money If the purchasers can ay that it did not help there, ought tu Convince the. tnost akepUca,-tht, Jiyomol can be (elled upon to cme ail . eatarrhal trouble, no matter how ierlou or . deep ueated. .- .. . - : Th complete Hyomel outfit, .connlstlrg of a neat inhaler that can bo carried In the purse or pocket, a medicine Cropper and a bottle of Hyomel, costs only one dollar. Additional bottle of Kvomel ran be pro cured for fifty uents, making It the must economical of 'realmeuta. , Catarrhal colds, which are so common at this season of the year, have been cured In a day. VJld casoa of cttnrrh that havo became chronic ar frequently cured In a week or ten day. Now Is the time to begin the use of Hyomel, remembering that Sher man V McConnell Drug Co., corner Six teenth and DodaT street, Omaha, pell every package on a poattlv guarantee ,to refund the money If It, fall to cure. Everybody who entered th building containing the INFANT INCUBATORS at th Omaha exhibition, remember' the doctors' .advice to young mother. , MoUubo; tout CABINET was used in the Incubator building simply because Its milk producing qualities wai and Is today better than any other beer brewed. Order a case. It come In quart or pints. A small glasa full occasionally will bring quick results. . . Sold on Dining and Baffet Cars. Fred Krug Brewing Co. Omaha's Modal Brewery. Telephone) 420. OMAHA m ' y. -ililILI. Incurs rure,am w ane aw a Btuul tinpitua, v - . ...4 T-f M Ik. . lullf ! Prmanatly - , Imi. Wins-Boy) 8m a ,'i 141 ! I ,MMW Sold by Druggists, at h rdra direct. Dri Iter rasa-Bora. r SMtUla. mxprrm Mtld. u...l. Nq.ii. sili rrmtm. kv moatll. IHIIB in mam mm.-- -.- -- Sj-fe Dorma-RFI Cw 'Ctualaaatl. SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE CRU8 STORE A Ml' (I ISM Kit TV. BOYD'S Woodward & 4th Big Week ;, Aler. Tha I-crrla Stock Co. Tonight and until Wedtie4uy THICKR III-lD. Thur. and Itnl. Week 1IC'H KKHKIH. hi THIS TOW BOY and the I.ADV Trice 10a, lfc, XSo. Mm. any seat loo. BAKED Individual Chicken Pie Tuesday Dinner at the CALUMET i ding a -jaw- a mother church. Th casket of roaewood, j t