Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 12, 1904, PART 1, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE tftfAIIA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY. JUNE 12, 1004.
v--k V
.f .' :
(Mme. Yale's
Almond Blossom
Cleanses, softens, purifies, whitens
fcrd beautifies the skin. Soap and water
bnly cleanses superficially. Mme. Yale
ays: A little Almond Blossom Con
flexion Cream should be applied every
time the face and hands are washed,
it removes the dust, soot, grime, smut,
nd smudge from the Interstices of the
skin and makes the surface smooth as
velvet. A dally necessity at home and
abroad; a treasure when traveling by
land or water, er when on an outlog of
any kind, and particularly prized at a
easldo or mountain resort Protects
the skin from cutting winds, burning
rays of the sun and every Injurious ef
fect of the elements. Prevents and
cures abnormal redness of the nose or
any part of the face, and that purplish
bus duo to exposure to cold, also chap
ping, chafing, cold sores, fever blisters
and all irritation of the skin. It is tho
greatest known specific for burns; takes
the fire out more quickly than anything
else, soothes, heals and prevents scars
nd suppuration. Indispensable for
use of Infanta and every member of the
household. An exquisite natural beau
tlfler. A gratoful application after shav
ing. Excellent for massago purposes.
iNow In two sizes; Mme. Tale's Almond
Blossom Complexion Cream is sold by
Drug Dept., Boston Store
Our Special Prices 45c and 80c
The Greatest System of
Transportation in America
is composed of
These lines operate
through the
' and
Connection with all ftteamship Line
to andiron New York. Boston.
Baltimore. Philadelphia and Norfolk
Stop-overs allowed on all tickets at
8t. Lou 1b, Niagara Falls, Lake
Chautauqua, Washington, ''
D. C, and other points.
General Passenger Agent,
Chief Assistant Gen. Paos. Agent,
Broadway and Chestnut St.,
"Charges Uaa Hum AM Other,
Treats si feres of
A rtodlcal Biprt.
Years EiperUoos.
It Years In Oases.
Nearly M.OoS Cases Cared.
l Hrdrvc.le, aueoa ruwi. .vr.-
1m. Merreea DoWlltj. Un- ol Streams an vn
u u4 ell tana mt earn" !.
Miuil lj aIU lH
mm US sv mo m mn.
.Every Woman
tat llstNhssLae.. Stlfl thOuld stIIOW
AlHtui lit wonuon'ti
MARVEL Whirling Spray
i new
ft tmm -t.M H tt.
ir n ciin
nut euuulv the
HAH ft. I.. HO
uh.i hi.i ml&uid la'
VialnirO lMKik-r4. ItftTee
full iu.rtimit&i. miui tlirt ! Hit In
t Far a mwmm
t or sale by
I'lilt'aKO Ktn. ; So. OmsJitt, 24(h unU N bta;
t ouncil ttlutTa. sta and Muln bis. e
uiui t utA, uta ana ivoukuis cuoeu
Popular Oondao.or Esnders Wsll ths Orstt
Compcssr't kn;o.
Enthnslastle Audience Eieeedi tka
Limit of tho Cootor'a P4lc
1b Its Demand tor Eafores,
bat Gets Esoilh. i
It was with the wondertul musle of Rich
ard Wagner that Innes and his band and
the festival aingera conjured at the Audi
torium Friday. The splendid Interpreta
tion of the work of the great genius fell
on sympathetic ears. The audience of
more than 4,0u0 could not get enough of It
Every number was encored repeatedly, and
It was necessary for the musicians to re
spond with additional music twlcs and
Hires times before the enthusiasts would
quit Insisting. Honors were shared gen
erously all around. From the first bars
of the stately overture from "Tannhauser"
until the last grand ensemble the auditors
were all attention all Imbued with appre
ciation and a desire to show It.
The supreme majesty of Wagner's music
was shown to splendid advantage In the
"Tannhauser" overture, the climaxes being
reached In splendid fashion and the In
tricate harmonies delicately woven. Fol
lowing an arrangement carried out through
the evening, Inness responded in most part
with popular music to the demands for
encores and for the first he gavs his own
composition, "Love Is King."
Mr. Shaw's beautiful voice excited In
tense admiration in "The Melsterslngers,"
his singing being filled with noble feeling
and expression. He gave a well known
aria from "Martha" by way of encore.
"Parsifal" Is Popalar.
The "Parsifal" music brought perhaps
the heaviest applause of any of the 1 in
strumental work done. Innes gave Meyer
Ilelmund's "Serenade Rocco" for the first
response and "The Gondoliers" as the seo
ond, and it was only by standing firmly
on his rights that the bandmaster was al
lowed to proceed without further altera
tions in the program.
Mr. E. C. Rowden rendered the difficult
work in the "Valkyries" most Impressively
and sang "The Evening Star," from "Tann
hauser," in addition.
It was the second time that the chorus
and band, directed by Mr., Stanley, gave
"Hail, Bright Abode," from "Tannhauser,"
but the piece was as warmly received as
before, critics saying that the chorus did
the best work last night so far. In the fes
tival. "The Night's Farewell" was sung
after the applause had compelled It.
The second part of the program was re
ceived no less enthusiastically than the
first, the band having to play three times
after the "Vorspeil." Mrs. Partridge's su
perb soprano was magnificent in the "Elsa's
Dream" song, and much against her will
the audience and Innes forced her to sing
"The Last Rose of Burrimer" In a way
that will not soon be forgotten by those
who heard.
Proa-rama for- Today,
This afternoon the children's chorus,
under tho direction of Miss Fannie Arnold,
will be the feature of the program, and
several hundred school children will sing
the songs they have been rehearsing for
the occasion. Mrs. Partridge and Mrs.
Whistler-Mislck will be the vocal and Mr.
Kryl the instrumental soloists for ' the
afternoon. The program for the afternoon
Overture Orpheus Offenbach
(a) "Serenade" Moskowsky
tb) "Haby Polka" Bial
"JJcjir Heart" Mattel
Mrs.- Grace Mlsick.
"The nhie Danube" (concert waits)....
Three Bongs ..
(a) "Gently Rest" Kucken
(b) "We Meet Again Today, Boys"....
tc "Stars of the Summer Night"
, ,. . Woodbury
Children's Festival Chorus and Band Under
the Direction of Miss Fannie Arnold.
"Children's Toy Symphony" Haydn
"National Fantasia" Kryl
Cornet Solo by Kryl.
(a) "Amra" (Intermesso) Krause
(b) "Love Is King" (march) Innes
"I'm a Merry Zingara" Balfe
Aria for Soprano by Mrs. Partridge.
"America" (festival fantasy) .Innes
(Introducing the ' children's chorus In a
number of the best known national and
patriotic songs and ending with "Amer
ica," the audience being respectfully in
vited to rise and take part In tho singing
of the national anthem.)
This evening will be "popular music"
night, and the festival chorus will join ths
soloists and orchestra in rendering some of
the lighter airs and songs. The program
Festival Overture, '1812" Tschalkowsky
"Early One Morning" (English folk
song) Dunhil!
Festival Chorus, Under the Direction of
J. H. Slmms.
Airs from "The Prince of Pilsen"...Luders
"Du, Du" (air and variations)...., Levy
Cornet Solo by Kryl.
"Bonnie Scotland" (popular fantasy)...
(Introducing some well known Scotch songs
and concluding with "Auld Lang Syne"
for Festival chorus.)
"Hymn of the West".. John Knowles Pains
Festival Chorus and Band, Under the
Direction of Ben Stanley.
(Written and composed especially for the
official opening exercises of the Louisiana
Purchase exposition. Its second public
performance. By the kind permission of
President D. R. Francis and the executive
committee of the World's fair.)
Overture MiHrnon Thomas
Aria for Contralto, "O Don Fatale".....
Mrs. Mlsick.
(a) March A Deed of the Pen...Nelf Moret
(b) Intermezzo, "Hiawatha" Nell Moret
Scenes from "U Trovatore" Verdi
(Introducing the grand aria for soprano.
Mrs. Partridge. "II Halen": for basso. Mr.
Rowdon; "The Miserere" duet, Mrs. Part
ridge and Mr. Shaw, and concluding with
the famous "Anvil Chorus" by the Festi
val chorus, band and electric anvil corps.)
Sunday night will be "oratorio night,"
when Mendelssohn's "Hymn of Praise"
will be given. One week from tonight
Innes will give one of his famous concert
dances, the floor being cleared after ths
regular program Is plsyed.
(Continued from First Page.)
Most of the men have families. They
say that their wives and children wished
to come with them, but that ths militia
beat them oft with their guna. The miners
here say that there are to bo more miners
deported from Colorado to Coolidgs, Kan.
Tho sheriff has called on tho governor of
Kansas for protection.
Shej-lff May Not Stop Them.
TOPEKA, Kan., Juno 11. A telegram was
reeclved at tho governor's office today
from Sheriff John Brady of Hamilton
county, apprising the governor of tho com
ing of the deported Colorado miners Into
Kansas. No Instructions were asked for,
but H. W. Brlent, executive clerk, In
charge during the governor's absence In
St. Louis, referred tho matter to tho attor
ney general's office for advice. Acting on
the advice of that department Mr. Brlent
warned Sheriff Brady that tho "attorney
general advises no aggressiveness on your
It is the opinion of tho lawyers In the
attorney general's office that Kansas has
no legal right to stop ths deportation of
miners Into this state.
General Passenger Agent Black of the
Santa Fo road said today:
Our special train from Victor. Colo., con
talulng deported miners was run to the
state lino, two miles weat of Coolldgo,
where ths men Wore unloaded, Tho Ucon
then departed for the west. Three of tse
miners went east to Cooildge; the others
passed over the state line afoot Into Colo
rado. The latter finally reached and
stopped at Holly, Colo., the big Salvation
Army station.
Kansas Bars Minora.
LA JUNTA, Colo., June 11. The special
train bearing seventy-six deported miners
of the Cripple Creek district passed through
La Junta today, stopping only long enough
to change engines. About 100 cltisens were
at the. depot.
A Kansas representative stepped forward
to Interview the officer In charge. A sol
dier roughly pushed him back at the point
of a six-shooter, and when the speaker
attempted to explain his mission Informed
him that no Information would be granted,
which was confirmed by the officer In
charge, who appeared at this juncture.
A special from Holly, Colo., a town near
tho Colorado-Kansas boundary, says ths
tralnload of deported Cripple Creek miners
stopped half a mils west of the state line
and that the prisoners were unloaded from
the cars and ordered by Colonel L. W.
Kennedy, the officer in command of the
guard, to "hike" to the east and remain
outside Colorado. A volley of shoots. It Is
said, was fired In the air by the troops be
fore they boarded the train and returned
to ths west. The deported men were met
at the state line by Sheriff Jack Brady of
Hamilton county, Kansas, and forty depu
ties snd were turned bsck. The unhappy
miners straggled Into Holly, where food
was furnished them. Later many of thorn
started to walk to Lamar, Colo.
Tho train later was met at the state's
boundary lino by Sheriff Brady of Collldge,
Kan., and a large posse of deputies. Sheriff
Brady forbade the Colorado officers to
dump their prisoners In Kansas. After
soma parleying the train turned back. It
is presumed tho prisoners will now be
taken to New Mexico or Texas.
Kansas Is in Donbt.
ST. LOUIS, June 11. Governor Willis J.
Bailey of Kansas, who Is visiting the
World's fair, stated today in regard to the
report that the striking Colorado miners
were to be deported Into Kansas, that he
knew nothing officially of the matter.
"You may say, however," continued the
governor, "that if the miners are coming
to Kansas as peaceful and law-abiding
citizens, looking for employment, that they
will be made welcome.
"Should, on the other hand, a body of
lawless men seek to Invade Kansas, Kan
sas will take care of them. I believe that
we are able to enforce the laws of our
state, snd If the occasion arises we will
do so."
Kansas Offers a Harbor,
Governor Bailey said regarding the mat
ter: "I have been officially informed relative
to the action of the Colorado authorities.
However, I may say that if the miners
behave themselves they will not be mo
lested. If they form Into an armed mob,
they will be treated as an armed mob. If
they act as peaceable citizens they will be
treated as such. And to all law-abiding citi
zens the state of Kansas offers a safe
"I have no opinion to express In regard to
tho merits of these reports, but on the
general proposition Kansas welcomes all
who come there for the purpose of be
coming citizens and obeying the laws. Un
til they have violated some law It is pre
sumed that they would be law abiding clti
sens, and we believe we are abundantly
able to maintain law and order. I believe
Sheriff Brady made a mistake In turning
the miners out of the state, unless they
had commlted some unlawful act Doubt
less he believed he had good reasons for
doing whst ho did."
Governor Bailey stated to the Associated
Press that ho will return home to Kansas
tonight, leaving here at o'clock. He said
that while he does not fear any serious
trouble ho has decided to return to his
home state during the present phase of the
Colorado miners' troubles.
Qoleter a.t Orlpplo Creole.
CRIPPLE CREEK, Colo., June 31.-Peace
is coming f Cripple Creek if General Cher
man Bell, military commander of Teller
county, can accomplish all that he has
planned to do. It will corns through the
forcible expulsion of all persons who owe
allegiance to the Western Federation of
Miners or who express sympathy with the
miners' unions. With the exception of the
Portland Gold Mining company all the
large companies and nearly all the pera
tors, who are organized as the Cripple
Creek District Mine Owners' association,
requlrs miners to surrender their cards as
members of the Western Federation of
Miners and take out cards in the Mine
Owners' association before giving them em
ployment. Union miners who renounce
their federation will be permitted to re
main. In the camp If they have satisfactory
Several hundred men arrived at the mine
owners' headquarters for cards yesterday
and 'today, but few were Issued, as the
rule to investigate thoroughly ths record
of each applicant will be enforced. Tho
mines are rapidly resuming work, and by
next Monday ail except the Portland will
be In full operation, employing only non
union men.
No radical steps have yet been taken
to enforce the agreement of the business
men in general to employ no members of
unions connected wtlh the local trades as
sembly, the American Labor union or kin
dred organisations. Order having been
restored. Sheriff Edward Bell today largely
reduced his force of special deputies. Since
the recent deportations, following the
heglra of many strikers to avoid arrest
and Incarceration, there remain In the
county, jail between 100 and 126 prisoners
against whom criminal charges will be
filed. It Is said, about 100 In the Victor
armory and Cripple Creek Mining Exchange
hall, many of whom are marked for de
portation. Women Are a Problem. .
Ths womsn side of tho situation has been
one of the moat ttoublesome to ths mili
tary authorities and ths citizens' commit
tee. Nonunion workmen have been ac
customed to receive insults snd jibes from
women in sympathy with the strikers, but
none of these have been arrested or driven
out However, the surest ticket a man can
have for deportation is a wife with a loose
and virulent tongue. Some men ara sent
away only that their wives may follow
District Attorney Trowbridge has ap
pointed S. D. Crump as his deputy in place
of J. C. Cole, who was forced out of office.
As attorney for the Mine Owners' asso
ciation, Mr. Crump has directed affairs
through ths strlks and reorganlsatioa
The cltisens' committee has modified Its
plans in reference to securing resignations
from county officials, some of whom fled
from tho district to avoid sn interview
with the committee. County Treasurer
Duncan McNeil, whose name was Included
In a published list of exiles, Is in ths city
and Is discharging ths duties of his office
without Interference.
Dee-ted Mea Leave State.
DENVER, Juno 11. A number of miners
snd cltisens of Cripple Creek have arrived
here, bound for other points where they
oaa obtain work and remain unmolested.
In one party were former Sheriff J. M.
Robertson, who was deposed from office,
and about a dozen others.
Many of tho men were enroute to tho
southern states to go to work In tho mines
CRIPPLE CREEK. Colo., Juno 11. Gen
oral Sherman Bell today made the follow
ing statement for publication:
"I have indisputable evidence In my pos
seaalon whioh will lead to tho conviction
of a number of union men for tho murder
of tho .nonunion miners who wore killed
In the Independence depot explosion. We
have between thirty-five and forty men In
the bull pen who will swing for this crime.
We ere only waiting to carture two or
three more men before we tell what our
evidence Is. There will be no deportations
May Be Another Flh.
VICTOR, Colo.. Jjne 11. Another battle
possibly Is being fought In the mountains.
Early today Major T. E. McClelland snd
a detail of sixteen men went to Clydo.
eight miles east of Victor, to round up
thirty-five miners reported to be entrenched
In the mountains near there. Having failed
to hear from the major, General Bell Is
becoming apprehensive. There Is no tele
graphic communication with the camp.
"I ordered Major McClelland to take no
chances and shoot down the first man that
resisted, hence I fear It has been a repeti
tion of the battle of Dunnville," said Gen
eral Bell. "Of course Major McClelland
may have captured the men and In lieu of
railroad communication may be walking
them to Victor. However, as the miners
sre said to be heavily armed, I am fearful
lest a battle has taken place."
CRIPPLE CREEK. June ll.-Generai
Bell was in consultation for two hours
today with the citizens' committee that has
been Investigating the records of the Im
prisoned union men, and upon whose
recommendations deportations are ordered.
"We have decided upon a few who must
go," said General Bell, upon leaving tho
committee room at the Alliance headquar
ters, "but I do not want to send them out
until we have sifted out all the candidates
for release and imprisonment. We will
send out all future deportees on one train
probably Sunday. This will save the ex
pense of more than one special train."
The committee today made the significant
mistake of tecommendlng for deportation
some of the men who had been sworn In
as deputies.
Nearly all the union men remaining at
Alliance headquarters after yesterday's de
portation, numbering forty, were taken to
the county Jail today. The mine owners
say they will be charged with various
grave crimes. Fifteen men remain at the
old prison. Some will be deported and
some released. There Is also a squad at
the Victor armory, variously estimated at
twenty-five to seventy-five, awaiting de
portation. Expressmen In this city and In Victor are
doing a rushing business in hauling trunks
to the various depots for ths deported peo
ple, and also of the people who propose to
deport themselves. Much furniture is being
Merchants Forced to Sign.
The mine owners and CitlzenB' Alliance
have retained Attorney John M. Waldron of
Denver to prosecute the prisoners who will
bo tried for murder, attempt to kill and
rioting. The plan Inaugurated In Cripple
Creek of refusing employment to all union
men in any branch of trade In any way
affiliated with unions allied with the West
ern Federation of Miners has been carried to
Victor, where committees of the Citizens'
Alliance are obtaining the signatures of
business men to the boycotting agreement.
(Continued from First Page.)
was to marry Paderewskl She has a box
at the opera and drives a splendid span of
horses in ths park. Her sister, Hope Tern
t)le. the wife of Andre Messager, Is a noted
song composer. Mrs. Lewis gives $60,000
a year to the London hospital ana leaves
a sum of money to be distributed among
the noor In every town she visits. She was
much younger than her husband, who left
her everything absolutely, amounting to
more than $15,000,000. She should not be
confused with Mrs. "Joe" Lewis, formerly
Fanny Ward. .
Lincoln Leasjne of St. Louis Remem
bers Both McKlnley and
CANTON, O., June 11. Simultaneously
today floral wreaths of similar design were
placed on the casket containing the body
of the late President McKlnley in the
vault of West Lawn cemetery here and
on the tomb of President Lincoln at Spring
field, 111. The Lincoln league of St. Louis
provided both wreaths, following an annual
Mrs. McKlnley personally attended to the
placing of the wreath on the casket in
West Lawn.
SPRINGFIELD. 111., June 1L Two hun
dred members of the Lincoln-McKlnley Me
morial association, composed of men who
voted for both Lincoln and McKlnley for
president, arrived In Springfield from St
Louis this afternoon and were met at the
station by local members. The visitors
took cars for Lincoln's monument where
appropriate exercises were held.
Ten Deaths at One Town In Three
Honrs Is Worst Record.
GUAYQUIL, Ecquador, June 11. News
has reached here of an outbreak of bubonic
plague at Paita, Peru, on the border of
Ecquador and Peru, and is causing a great
panic. Ten persons died of the plague
within three hours on June 10. The disease
Is rapidly spreading. The Board of Health
Is acting energetically to prevent tho in
troduction of the plague here.
The Ecquadorlan gunboat Cotopazlan
and three steamboats are now cruising
aljag the coast' to stop vessels coming
from Infected ports.
KatlTes or Mush Fear Massacre.
WASHINGTON, Juno 11. United States
Consul Norton, at Harpul, reports to ths
Btate department that regular Turkish sol
diers In large numbers are In all parts of
tho vlllayate of Mush, where tho revolu
tionists aro under arms. The soldiers are
unable to come In touch with the rebels
and have become so exasperated that the
natives are In deadly fear of massacre.
Appointments br Governor.
PIERRK, 8. D., June 11. (Special.) Gov
ernor Herreld has appointed as game and
fish wardens M. By Ocumpaugh of Dead
wood for Lawrence county and William
Moses of Bellefourche for Butte county. He
has commissioned Major Surgeon T. J.
Wood of Huron ss surgeon general, of the
National Guard, with rank of colonel.
Pale. Thin
Pale cheeks, white Hps,
and languid step tell the
story of thin blood, impure
blood. Doctors call it
"anemia." They recommend
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Ask
them and they will tell you
Just why it makes the blood
so rich and red. Ani'.Hwt.
Anemic people aro almost alwaya
constipated. Their liver Is sluggish.
They have frequent attacks of sick
beadache, nausea, biliousness. Just
one of Ayer's Pills each night will cor
rect thesa troubles.
J. C AVE! CO. LsvMl. I
Great S
High G
Every person who desires to buy a high-grade Piano or a fine Organ,
should not fall to take advantage of our big remodeling sale.
We are confident thnt the equal of our present bargains has never been
offered. Only six more days to make
Piano In the world; the- STEOEH
SONS, and our celebrated Omaha
Three $o00 Tianos
Six $4o0 Pianos
Six $400 Pianos
Eight $330 Pianos
One $250 Piano $118 00
Square Pianos and Organs, nil makes, $ 10, $15, $20 and up. 13.00 cash and 25c to T5e per week.
Seven different makes. Including the SIMPLEX, CECELIAN, PLAY A NO, APPOLETTE and the) celebrated
TIANOLA, the only Self-Player endorsed by the World's Greatest Pianists, Paderewskl, Mcxtzkowskl and Rosen
thal. Prices range from $125 to $300. Payments to suit We ship pianos and players anjrwhere In the United
States. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Write for catalogues, prices and bargain list or pay us a
visit of Inspection.
1313 Farnam Street, Omaha.
BRANCH STORES-Lincoln, Neb.. Sioux City. la..
Mayor Kou'.ikv Not fisd of a!a of Paving
Bonds by Bpitzir & Oo.
Work of Paving; on Booth ' Twentj-.
Fourth and Railroad Avenue Will
Now Be Pushed Without
I'nnecessaxjr Delay.
Mayor Koutsky was In receipt of a letter
yesterday to the effect that Spltxer & Co.
of Toledo would accept the South Twenty
fourth street and Railroad avenue paving
bonds. This Issue is for to9,000. As the
Issue was made under a recent law, there
wag some apprehension as to whether the
Issue would pass muster. Spltzer gave the
city a premium of $600, and has now given
notice that the bonds will be taken. Only
one or two trifling matters, such as the
proofs of publication, are needed.
Last night the mayor said that he would
notify Dan Hannon, the contractor, to get
ready and go to work on Monday or Tues
day at the latest, as he is confident from
the letters he has received that the bonds
are sold at the price bid. These' bonds run
twenty years and bear Interest st the rate
of 6 per cent.
With the sale of the bonds and the com
mencement of grading, the street railway
company will start the laying of double
tracks from Q street on the south to the
county line. Alt that has been holding
this work back has been the opinion of
j attorneys on the bonds. Now that the
i issue Is declared valid, it Is expected that
the contractor will proceed immediately to
do the grading, curbing and paving. Of
the cost of these Improvements the street
railway company will pay $14,000, the abut
ting property owners $20,000 and the city at
large about $40,000.
City Engineer Beat says that by pushing
the work the street can be paved this sum
mer. A great deal of course depends upon
the arrival of material. Purlngton brick
from Galesburg Is to be used, the block
brick having been decided upon. In case
the brick can arrive promptly the roadway
to the county line will be paved by the
end of August.
Kontaky Wants Inspector.
Mayor Koutsky is looking for a man who
can act as building and plumbing Inspec
tor. He asserts that the council desires
him to combine these two offices. "There
is need of both a plumbing and a building
Inspector," said thexmayor last night, "but
I have not been able to secure a 'suitable
man for either place. If It can be done, I
would like to combine the positions, but I
cannot find a plumber or a builder who
will take the place." Continuing, the mayor
said that the plumbers needed looking
after and also builders. He cannot make
an appointment until some one competent
expresses k willingness to do the work
for the compensation offered. As both, are
fee offices, builders and plumbers say that
they have no time to waste on a position
of this kind Just now when they have all
they can do at regular scale prices.
Exchange Sfeetlnsr Postponed.
Ths meeting of the South Omaha Live
Stock exchange, to have been held yester
day afternoon, was postponed until Monday
afternoon. At the meeting Monday the
matter of solicitors Is to come up and it
Is expected that- some charges of viola
tions of the present exchange rules will be
made. t has been alleged that some of
the commission Arms here employ solicitors
st St. Joseph' to work In the territory
tributary to this market, snd thus aid their
business, to the detriment of firms who do
not do this.
Mrs, Leitners Death.
Those who were acquainted with Mrs.
Antonio I.eltner of Eighteenth and O
streets, who dropped dead yesterday while
attending the funeral of her cousin, Mrs.
Kranolls, expressed great sorrow last even
ing after the body had been prepared for
burial and placed In a casket at the family
homo. The deceased was In front of the
church, Twenty-second and U streets, and
was walking from a carriage to the church
entrance when she was stricken. As soon
as possible physicians were secured, but
death came so suddenly that the doctors
were not able to do anything. Deceased
was 64 years of sge. She was well known
In the section of the city where she lived,
having resided here for some time. The
funeral Is to be held from the family resi
dence at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. In
terment at Laurel Hill cemetery.
Stambaaarh Speaks at Spring-Held.
Rev. W. V. Stambaugh, pastor of ths
Lefler Memorial church, left last night for
Springfield, Neb., to deliver the annual ad
dress to the members of the high school
graduating class. These exercises will be
held this afternoon. In the evening Rev.
Stambaugh will deliver the annual memo
rial address to members of the Knights of
Pythias. As Rev. Stambaugh will not re
turn for Sunday services Charles Marah,
secretary of the local Young Men's Chris
tian association, will occupy the pulpit In
the morning and John Dale of Omaha will
speak In the evening.
Markets and Stores Closed.
An arrangement has been made whereby
the meat markets and grocery stores will
not be open at all on Sunday. Formerly
stores remained open until U a. m. or noon.
your selection. The list of pianos Includes the STEIN WAY,
but now there Is to be no Sunder ocenlnr
at all, at least during the summer months.
Those desiring supplies are warned to make
purchases today.
Maglo City Gossip.
The police have been bus for a couple of
nights running In tramps found sleeping in
Dana Morrill, president of the Board of
Education, has returned from a trip to
Sioux City.
K. O. Mayfleld has returned to Kansas
City after a couple of days' stay with
friends here.
Mrs. C. E. Andrews of New Tork City Is
here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moore,
1016 North Twenty-third street
The city offices, banks and stock yards
closed at noon yesterday to permit em-
E loves to attend the semi-centennial cele
ratlon In Omaha.
Children's day will be observed at tho
First Presbyterian church on Sunday, June
iz. An extended program nas been pro
pared for the occasion.
Sons have been born to Mr. and Mrs.
William Thompson, Eighteenth and M
streets, and to Mr. and Mrs. James White,
Twenty-flfth and Y streets.
Aatl-CIerleal Sentiment la Franee
Shows Itself la tho
(Copyright, 1904, by Press Publishing CO.)
PARIS, June 11. (New Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Tho first pro
duction of Peter Q&Ido's comedy "Elettra,"
the other day, was tho oauss of a great
anti-clerical disturbance and tho play had
to be stopped.
Marx, tho actor who represented tho
Cathollo hero of tho play, was not even
allowed to finish his speech, and tho au
dience cried: "Down with tho Jesuits.'
A similar reception was given to tho
third and fourth acts of the play.
Force Private Yacht to Bo Detained
Four Days la the Dar
danelles. (Copyright. 1904. by Press Publishing Oo.)
PARIS, Juno 11. (New Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The yacht
Nemesis, now belonging to Baroness de
Forest, has Just been held four days In
the Dardanelles because It carried two
diminutive Hotchkiss signal guns. The
Turks evidently regarded It as an armed
cruiser and a special appeal to the sultan
was necessary to obtain a release.
C Children have a hard time in the
summer mainly because they eat the
wrong things and too much of them.
L "FORCE" with milk or cream is the
safe food And the little ones like it
as well as we do.
Bright, shining, merry eyes anean mora thso a bsppy disposi
tion thy Indicate a sunny digutlon.
"FORCE" takes sunahlna right to the spot!
Not only ara the elements of "FORCE" scientifically combined
and properly balanced for a perfect food, but the mtchautcal pro
coaaea of dlgaetioa are pertly done In advance, so that ths
dlgcstivs orgeua era spared Just that inucb effort. " "
-.J : ' i, -.
f 'v .tttvtt. i.jium Jf1 O I 111,
-Aa i
20 years.
Piano, fully guaranteed for
Six $323 Tianos..,. $235.00
Five $300 Pianos -......$185.03
Tour $275 rianos..........Mr. $165.00
Two 275 rianos.......... ...,$1 4800
Telephone 1625.
Council Bluffs. la.
"Alexander, tho Crows Prlnoo," at tho
Km sr.
Benjamin Schoengold's company, which a
few weeks ago presented a series of plays
in Yiddish at Washington hall, last night
offered the Jewish population of Omaha an
other of tho same and was rewarded by a
fair-sized audience.
The play Is a mixture of eomlo opera
and heavy drama, and at times) hilariously
funny, and then again as sonsatstkal as
ths veriest thriller. The leading roles were
taken by B. Schoengold as Alexander and
Miss Ida Bloom s.s Naomi, the maid he
eventually weds. The fun was provided
by Mr. snd Mrs. ;'acobson, who give a
correct presentation of the amusements of
tho menial- classes before the fall of the
Holy City, and which Include a 7ery mod
ern cake walk.
Pope Awakes and Servant Who Is
Supposed to Guard Him
Sleeps Peacefully,
(Copyright, 1804, by Press Publishing Co.)
ROMS, June 1L (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) It is the cus
tom .t tho Tatlcon that a lay attendant
mokes his bed across the door leading to
tho pope's apartment. In order that no one
may enter In the night. The other morn
ing Plus X awoke earlier than usual and,'
as It Is his custom to dress unattended
and even to shave himself, ha was ready
for his morning walk In the gardens long
before tho sleeping servant had had time
to rise, make the bed and disappear.
t the sight of the pope, the sleepy
servant was profuse In his apologies, but
Plus X reassured him and bade him to
oontlnue to sleep.
Movements of Oeoaa Vessels Jane lO.
At New York: Arrived Conoplc, from
Boston; Campania, from Liverpool and
Queenstown. Sailed Celtic, for Liverpool.
At Queenstown: Arrived Cretio, from
Boston, for Liverpool; Lucanla, from New
York, for Liverpool.
At Rotterdam: Arrived Noordam, from
New York.
At BouIome: Arrived Koentaren Louise.
from New lork; Noordam, from New York.
At t opennagen: Arrived tteigravla, from
New York.
At Chrlctlnnsand: Bailed Hell! ft'av.
for New York.
At Southampton: Arrived Noordam.
from New York.