The Omaha Sunday Bee. ifBsXaZBSQi PAGES 1 TO ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, . 1871. OMAIIA, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 12, 1904 FORTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. -3aav3NviwTwTVP'Tvi Li S 1 EMPEROR ALL RIGHT i Blories tbat Ho is in Feeble Health Meat with a Potitirt Den aL VISITS ON BOARD GOELIT YACHT NAHMA Cffii.-rt tad', Grew Al AaartEHad Bo By mptomj of Illness- ON CONTRARY VIGOR PERSONIFICATION Voice Perfectly Na'.url and Ho Effort te Talk. APPEARS TO BF. IN BEST OF SPIRITS Drinks ohlnsr While on Hoard bat Mineral Water Flavored with the Natural Juice of ' Frail a. (Copyright, 1904, by Press Publishing Co.) SOUTHAMPTON, Eng.. Juno 11. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) With the sole object of ascertaining on first hand authority the actual truth re specting Emperor William' condition, your correspondent haa made exhaustive inqui ries among the officers and the crew of 11 r. Robert Goelot'a yacht Nahma. which has Judt arrived here from the Mediter ranean. The emperor visited the Nahma. more than once nnd lunched aboard at (Syracuse, Sicily, a few wteeks ago. Captain Harvey, who has known the em peror seven years, said: "The stories of Emperor William's ill health are all lies hatched by financial cliques for their own purposes. When I saw him In Sicily the emperor was as well as you or I. We had him aboard five times. He was the same healthy, happy looking man on each occasion and was taking an Interest In everything In life, as he always did. When leaving his 'maj esty asked me whether he should see me at the Kiel regatta. That Inquiry only hows you that he Is not oppressed by any kind of Illness." It Is very evident by the way one and all spoke that the emperor was a favorite aboard the Nahma. All maintained, when questioned separately, (hat he Is perfectly fit The steward, who stood behind the emperor's chair at Syracuse every time he bad meals aboard, sold: "I waited on the emperor, and every time he laughed, chatted and Joked, as though he had not a care In the world. He was the life and soul of the company. Not only that, but he enjoyed the good things with the appetite of a schoolboy. He drank no spirits nor wine, but only - mineral waters, flavored with natural fruit' Juices. You would never think he had been 111, If you had not seen It In the papers." Your correspondent made very particular Inquiries of all. hands about the condition of Ihe emperor's voice and how he used it. All declared that triers was nothing wrong with the voice; that It was perfectly clear and strong, and that he spoke Just as freely as anybody else. . The unanimity of these witnesses was remarkable.. But they denied that they had.feeti advised, or warned against' saying anything tending to confirm current reports., ', . ( . SEEKS A MODIFIED DECREE A.aaerlan Bishops De Not Wish Women ' Excluded from Church Choirs. (Copyright, 1004, by Press Publishing Co.) ROME. June ll.-(New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Mgr. Fal conlo, apostolic delegate In the United States, arrived here from Naples, where he was mat by Mgr. Kennedy, rector of the American college, and several other pre via prefers to lire with his Franciscan brethren, at the convent of St. Antonio In the Via Morulana. Hs will probably be received by the pope and. Monday wUt be a visitor to the propaganda, where many questions are awaiting him. Among the most Important business he will discuss with the pope Is that of a modification of the decree on church music; as far st- least, as the church In the United States Is concerned. Mgr. Falconlo Is convinced that the abso lute exclusion of women from the choirs In America Is Impracticable. He bears a collective letter from the American arch bishops on the subject. As soon as Mgr. Falconlo hss bean enabled to express his views, the vacnft dioceses of the United States are to b filled. CROWN TO BE MAGNIFICENT Diamond to Blase from Statue of Im. snaealate Conception, at ' St. Paters. Copyright, 1904. by Press Publishing Co) . ROMK, June ll.-(New York York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) The dia mond crown which the pope will solemnly place on the statue of the Immaculate Vir gin In Bt. Peter's next tecember, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the . definition of the dogma of the Immaculate conception, promises to be one of the most splendid pieces of Jewelry In the world. The pope himself hss given some magni ficent Jewels and In ths last few days the presents of Jewels - received by the com mittee have been very generous. M. Mos tar de Ravesteln hss ivn va ring con taining five splendid dlausouee, and the 'Neopolltan Duchess del Call haa sent a Jeweled crows, a ring, a broach and two diamond earrings. . Miss Mslrle of Gand haa sent a diamond cross; Miss Neve of Brussels, Belgium, two magnificent dia mond buckles, a pin snd two Him", whlls the Children of Mary, In the famous In. stltutlon of Itelniet, have collected a large number of unaet diamonds. CCMES BACK AND-KILLS WIFE Sot K.-n Me Was la City la til His Little Daaanter Gits Him Away. (Copyright. 1904, by Press Publishing Co) FOGG1K. June U (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram) Gcrardo d'tCmtlto, who emigrated to the United Slates two year ago. returned se cretly the other day and killed his wife wnoin nf prririwn hi nave surpnsea in company with another man. No one knew tbat d'Emlllo had rutin back until his S-year-old daughter gave the clue and hs wns srrested. It has been established that the woman was Innocent snd that the mur- Lderer bad planned bis crime to get rid of be aad bmwtz another sej&sa In Anerioa. SOCIETY HEARS OF POLITICS Coant Bonl de Castellans Intro daces a New Fad la ' Paris. (Copyright. 1904. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, June 11 (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) A mischievous newspaper pokes fun st a recent assem blage of those highest In literature, art and society In the palace of Count Bonl de Castellans, who married Miss Anna Okmld of New York. "What was most remarkable about this select political circle," said this wicked newspaper, "was that the men's snd not the women's costumes were chron icled. For Instance, Carotus Dursn wore his famous waistcoat of velvet; Francois Oppee had on Impeccable redlngote, and so on and so on." ' - Be this as It may, the gathering was re markable In that Count Bonl Introduced a new thing In Paris, Introducing politics to fashion. His guests listened to a lec ture by Maurice Talmoyr on "The Rule of Free Masonry In the French Revolution." Count snd Countess Stanislaus de Castel lane. Count Gabriel de la Rochefoucald, Marquis d'Harcourt. Viscount and Vis countess de" Jane, Prince Pierre de Car-mnn-Chtmay, Duke de Luynes, Count snd Countess Je Kersalnt, Marquis and Mar chioness de Talhouet-Koy, Count and Countess de Chabrlllan, Count Henri de Scgur and Countess de Sommeyre assured Mr. Talmoyr that his discourse edified them vastly. PROVOST IS A HARD WORKER Has an Income, However, , Commen surate with the Labor He Performs. (Copyright, 1904, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, June 11. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Of all the army of modern playwrights there Is none more clever or popular than Marcel Pro vost, the celebrated, French novelist and dramatist. But he Is an example of a man who haa won his way to the top, by the hardest kind of toil. With him life has had but one purpose and that is the word work.' His latest effort at dramatisation was "The Feeblest," lately produced at the Comedie Francalse. Like an of the other plays writ Jen by him In recent years, it has been remarkably well received. M. Prevoat has a natural gifj for letters. He Is a man of tremendous energy, and writes all of hta plays at a great speed. For eight or even ten hours a day ho will work as if his life depended on It, turning out reams of manuscript. At such times he has a way of forgetting that there Is such a thing In the world as food, and no one has the temerity to disturb him. Few authors of the present day enjoy an Income anywhere near that of M. Prevost. He lives In princely style In Parts and has a. beautiful estate In the country, where he goes for seversl months In the summer. M. Prevost Is always crowded with orders from his publishers. CROKER IRRITATES PEOPLE Interferes .with Ttma Honored Prlvi-Ira-es on Estates Owned bjr Him. (Copyright. 1904, by Press Publishing Co.) WANTAGE. England. June ..H.-KNew York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Richard Croker has got Into hot water here by asserting landlord rights never at tempted by any of his predecessors In the title from time Immemorial. There has been a pretty footpath from here to Letcombe, passing through fields. It Is much , shorter than the road. . Mr. Croker haa acquired , the land through which this footpath runs and haa rolled it In on both sides with Iron railings five feet high, so this charming walk now looks like a bird cage. It la causing widespread annoyance. . The mole Inhabitants may as semble some night and level Mr. Croker's railings. He has brusquely refused to con sider the suggestion that they be removed. Another act of so-called "vandalism" Is the turning of Challow hall, one of ths prettiest old country houses In the neigh borhood, Into a brick kiln, because some body advised him that the clay there Is good for msklng brick. This will prove as great a fiasco as his creamery project His son, Frank Croker, arrived this week. There are three fine motors at Moat house now. One Is of ninety horse power, suita ble only for racing. , SHOWERS JEWELS ON CHILD Birthday Party Proves Good Invest ment for Mrs. George Keppel. (Copyright, 1904. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON. June 11. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram ) Little Violet Keppel, Mra George Keppel'a eldest daugh tr, was JO years old fast Tuesday, and ths birthday party given by her mother was "tremendously smart." No royal child ever received such presents of -Jewelry of every kind. King Edward sent a string of fine, well matched pearls. Turquoises mounted In every form, rings, bangles, brooches, earrings, necklets and pendants were showered upon the child. In the drawing room two tables were heaped with presents. The Jewelry was glvn by friends of Mrs. Keppel, snd their children, who were also present, took elaJorate French dolls and mechanical toys. PRINT FROM TELEPHONE TALK Wonderful Invention Bald to Been Patented by au Italian. Have (Copyright, 1904, by Press Publishing Co.) BRU8SELB. June ll.-(New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) M. Mal cottl, an Italian engineer, resident of this city, haa Invented an Instrument which he calla a telecrlptograph( and which will re produce In print all conversations held or the telephone. He has already secured patents In seversl European countries and In the United States, where he intends to Install his ser vice with ths sid of some telephone com pany. The Inventor claims that his In struments will work over any ordinary HONORS AMERICAN ARTIST French Government Bays- Plot are Painted by a Yoaug Artist. (Copyright, I04. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. June 11. (New York World Ce blegram Special Telegram.) Ths French government has bought for ths state a picture painted by a young American, Miss Maria Powers, now being exhibited at the salon. This distinction carries with It per manent exhibition . of work at the Lux embourg or other slate galleries. DRESS P'-STIR .V Mrs. -cD Alter Wears tho Giwn Which Attract! E Mush Attention. STARTLING NOVELTY IN FEMALE ATTIRE Woman Ho Leu Admired Than the. Gown Among tht Smart 8eU ENTERTAINED IN THE ROYAL CIRCLE lira John W. Mackaj to Give Tint Fart SinOf Husband's Death- MRS. ROSS WINANS GIVES A Bit BALL Americans Doing; a Large Amount of Entertaining In the British Metropolis Daring the Present Season. (Copyright. 1904, by Press .Publishing Co.) LONDON, June II. (New Work World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Mra. John Jacob Astor Is creating a furore in the smart world of London. She has been Invited to all the royal parties given In the last fortnight. Her dresses eclipse any thing seen in London ball rooms, and her wonderfully perfect back and shoulders are the envy as well aa the admiration of one and all among the fair aex. Sensationally low was the gown she wore at Devonshire house. Some pronounced It Improper. At the back It was cut right td the waist line, and in a broad curve which quHe revealed the whole width of the shoulder right to the waist Crowds of people ' surrounded her, and for . the whole evening she had a , circle of ad mirers. People who did not know her stared hard and a posse of duchesses won dered who the new rival waa Mrs. Astor's gown bore the test of the leveled lorgnettes and the eyeglossess, for It was a ouperb creation by Worth of dull gold cloth, through which ran shimmering lines of glittering threads. Her neck looked like alabaster and twisted and colled upon her throat were priceless Topes of strung pearls and diamonds. . At Lady Farquhars on Tuesday night, when both ths king and the queen dined and afterward stayed to a email dance, to which the most exclusive people In Eng land were Invited, Mrs. Astor magnetised even the eyes of royalty. Never has Worth sent out such an advertisement as the dresses worn by this New York woman. There la great consternation and wonder ment as to the cost of the gowns and the value of her Jewels. Mrs. Arthur Paget was Indeed proud of her compatriot, as all eyes were leveled at her. Mrs. Paget was superb In silver cloth with some mauve chiffon veiling on the shoulders. Although she looked ex tremely well, Mrs. Astor, of course, car ried off the palm for beauty and dis tinction. . .. , Mrs. George Vanderbllt was also at De vonshire bourse. So was Jady js'aylor Ley land and the duke and duchess of Marlbor ough. Mrs, Astor was Included among . the guests of the king and the queen at laet night's state ball In Buckingham palace. Mrs. Mackay to Eatertala. Mra- John ' W. ' Mackay has arrived In London for the season and Is at Carlton house terrace. She has announced that she will soon give a house party there. This will be the- first entertainment the widow has given since her husband died two years ago. Although the, invitations say a "small party," Mrs. Mackay's hospitality Is too well known to everybody to question the magnificence of the concerts she will give. Mrs. Mackay attended the big Catholic bazar at Princes and spent $1,030 there. She met the "duchess of Conrtuught, who opened the baaar and chatted with the duke for a few minutes. Then she walked around the stalls with the duchess of Nor folk, Mra Ross Wlnans took Clorldges' hotel Wednesday night for the big ball she gives every year for her young daughter, who Is very rich. The young woman waa In white lace and black velvet, with a double co qullle of diamonds. Mra Wlnans received the guests, assisted by her daughter; In white satin and pearls. Everything was done In the most elaborate scale. One of the most striking figures In the room was Mrs. Elnstoln. resplendent in wonderful diamonds and a gorgeous gown. She brought her daughter, in white satin, with a broad satin bow in her hair. The Elnstelns will give a dance next month In their fine house at Buckingham Gate, which they have rented for the season from Lord Errol. Mrs. Frederick Bell, who rented Princess RadslwlU's house on Belgrsve square last year and was known as "one of the two Mrs. Bells," Is engaged to be married to an Italian. She wintered in Florence and gave a series of big,, parties there. Mrs. Paget played social godmother to the lady last season In London and many well known people got to know her quickly. For some time she waa confuaed with Mra. Isaac Bell, James Gordon Bennett's sister, and some funny, mistakes are related of things that happened. Mrs,, Vanderbllt, mother of Cornelius Vanderbllt, and her daughter are here, also Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbllt. The Roxburghs, Mrs. John Drexel, Mrs. Rockefeller, Miss North. Mrs. Rhlnelander Stewart and her young daughter are at Clartdge's. . Mrs. Selgel, who Is a new addition to so ciety here, already Is a good deal about, and now that Mrs. Paget Is back she will be seen much more. Mrs. Law, who has taken a house in town, Is also a success. Her' young de butante daughter goes out a great deal for a newcomer. WeddlasT Causes a Flatter. English society is In a flutter over a rumor of the approaching marriage of Mrs. "Sam" Lewis, the multimillionaire and philanthropic widow of the money lender, who has a private Income of 1300.000 a year. Mr. Hill, the fiance. Is 17 years old, and Is well known ss a gay young dancing man. He has no money. He went about a good deal some time ago with a certain lady of title. . Mra Lewis Is popular and her charity and good nature have secured her an enviable social position. Her house, on Grosvenor square, Is a palatial home. The furniture and the treasures within It are worth the proverbial king's ransom. The story has not yet been published here and there la general regret at the rumor which, un doubtedly. Is true. Mrs. Lewis snd Mr. Hill dins out every night together at restaurants. No attempt Is made to conceal their close friendship. Mra "Sam" Lewis Is extremely hand some, though very stout. She Is devotsd to iuumIo and charity. It Is said her ambition jCuoUnaed on Fgyutfl Page f NICE QUESTION OF REVENUE District of Columbia May Try to Tas Homes of Foreign M la later. (Copyright by New York Herald Co., 1904.) WASHINGTON, June U.-iNew York Herald Service Special to The Bee.) Within the next few days the commission ers of the District of Columbia must decide whether a legation property when owned personnlly by a minister Is entitled to ex emption of taxes as It is when owned by the country represented. The controversy haa come up over the legation property of Sweden and Norway. Ths assessor of the district has already de cided to advise In the result of hjs Investi gations that the request for exemption be not granted. However, the matter has been referred to the district commissioners. They will deal with It with the utmost deference to the distinguished foreigner, since It Is regarded as an affair Involving international courtesy. Two years ago Mr. Grip, the Swedish minister, applied for exemption of taxation of the legation property. In the preceding December the residence at 21"9 S street, N. W., had been purchased and the deed made out to "Mr. Grip, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary." The assessor In Investigating the matter learned that the deed was so drawn that the property was held by Mr. Grip "for his heirs and consigns forever." The assessor passed the matter along to the commission ers and they asked for an opinion from the corporation counsel, who advised that the property be exempted whether In the name of the government or the minister. This was done nnd the property has been exempted for the Inst two years. Last week, however, Mr. Grip sold the property to Mrs. Delia C. Ellwood, using his own name In the transfer and making no mention of his government. ' The same day he purchased a corresponding prop erty about three doors down the street. It was said that he profited several thousand dollars on the deal, thmiRh the transfer named only a homlnal difference of 10 cash. Mr. Grip has asked that the exemption of the taxes be transferred from the old property to the new, and the assessor, as stated, will advise that It will not be granted. The Chinese legation Is the only other legation that owns Is property In Washington. CAUSE OF BRAZIL'S TROUBLE Somethlnar Abent tbe District Over Which It Has Argument with Pern. (Copyright by New York Herald Co.. -1804.) WASHINGTON. June ll.-(New York Herald Service Special to The Bee.) The constantly recurring trouble between Braill and Peru Is of worldwide Interest. A great wealth ofVubber Is there. Both Braill and Peru seek to develop the riches of the In terior region of which even they know lit tle of. Acre Is so Indefinite a region that when Bolivia entered Into the treaty with Braill It had ,to transfer Its dispute with Peru over a part, jr supposed part, of that reglou. vti' is ,?hat is bothering Braill and Pet ii iov. The statement and dis patches In regard to the subject treat It aa If the whole territory was well known and was of easy access. Actually the only access Is. from the Atlantic through long voyages and from the Pacific over moun tain walls and across difficult trails till the navigable streams are reached. Just what the purposes of (he Brazilian government are with reference to the Acre territory acquired from Bolivia by the treaty of Petropolls is not known. The export duty Is an Important source of revenue. It Is presumed thst a profitable Income will be hsd in granting concessions to exploit that territory. It Is expected that enough will be obtained from this source to provide the $10,000,000 Indemnity paid to Bolivia and also the amount which will be necessary for the construction of the rail way around the Maderla falls. A very valuable conceaslon for exploiting rubber In southern Peru Is owned by an American mining company, whose conces sion piobsbly will take It up to the rubber regions of the' Mad re de DIos river and possibly even to the borders of the present disputed xone. It Is building roads through the tropical forests. A German steamship company made ex plorations a little north of this region some time ago. but did not follow them up. Recently a number of commercial societies In France hsve sent expeditions and have explored a wide territory. DOMINICANS ELECT GENERAL Many Ballots Taken Before Any of Candidates Secures Re. quired Vote. (Copyright, 1904. by Press Publishing Co.) ROME, June 11. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The chapter of the Dominicans held here for the elec tion of a new general to succeed Rev. Father Fruhwlrth, whose term has expired, after many ballots elected Very Rev. Hyaclnthe M. Gormler, who was for many years the procurator general of the order. A good number of, the provincials ad vocated the election of an American and the name of Father Murphy of San Fran clstio received much favorable considera tion. AMERICAN VEIL IS DISCARDED! French Fashlou Goes Back to Style of be Slxteeath Ceutnry. (Copyright, 1904, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, June 11. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The American veil, which has so long and so successfully drsped the hats of Parislennes, has been superceded. A scarf of tulle or silk muslin falling from the back of the hat to the hem ot the gown and gathered gracefully on the shoulder Is Its legitimate successor. It recalls the French fashions of the six teenth century when from women's tower ing conical head dress a long floating veil depended. This was caught In her shoulder knot, whence It fell free again. FRENCH BISHOP IS RECALLED Priests of His Diocese Aeesse Illm f Bclnst Member of .Masonic Fraternity. (Coryrlght. 1904, by Press Publishing Co.) ROME, June 11 (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telesrram.) Mgr. I Nor dex, bishop of Dijon, France, who was accused by several of his priests of being a Free Mason, has betn deposed from office by tbe pope. His position as head of the diocese had become untenable and the Vatican duMd t 'ruaU llux aud to give him. a titular sea j DUMPED INTO KANSAS Sertnty-Six Deported Yiotor Miners. Left Deititnto Upon Opto Fraiiia by Militia, HELPLESS DRIVEN FROM PILLAR TO POST Eui Biok Into Colorach br Armed Kansas Sheriff and Forty Deputies. DROPPED Orr TRAIN AT DESERTED SPOT Fartwtll of ths Military Onardi is a Volley of Shots. FURNISHED FOOD BY SALVATION ARMY Unparalleled Exhibition of Heart leas ness Marks Departing; Scenes of Colorado's Brlarada of Law aad Order. SYRACUSE. Kan., June 11. Ninety-one deported Victor, Colo., miners, sent out from their state on a special train In charge of half a hundred militiamen, were liter ally dumped from the train today and left destitute upon the prairie. With a parting vol!e, fired Into the air, the militiamen deserted their charges and returned west. Later the unfortunate miners were turned back to Colorado by an armed Kansas sheriff and forty deputies. The miners had bezn placed on the train, which was a special made up by the au thorities in control in the disturbed Colo rado town, and In charge of well-armed militiamen started for the east late yester day. At La Junta, Colo., where the first stop was made, the cars were closely guarded. Tho miner were not permitted to leave the cars, nor were any of the hundred or so men who gathered at the station allowed to communicate with them. When a point half a mile west Of the Kansas state ' line was reached early today a halt was made. It was a deserted spot on the wild prairie, with no railway station, eating house nor farmer's house within several miles. ' Told to Go Kast. Without delay the men were disembnrked, the engine was reversed and the militiamen re boarded the train Colonel L. W. Ken nedy, the officer In command of the guard, instructed the miners plainly that they were not wanted In Colorado and told them they had better go east. Half a dosen of the soldiers fired a volley Into the air to Intimidate the men and the train started west with the militiamen, leaving the miners to make their way to some habitation as best they might. The men started east afoot, but were met by Sheriff Jack Prady of Hamilton county, Kansas, and forty armed deputies, who ordered the men back to Colorado. Three of the miners had already started east r.foot. The others retraced their steps at the command of the Kansas officers along the railroad track westward. After a long weary trump they strnggled Into Holly, Colo., a small, town near the Colorado Kansas boundary, where they 'wore fur nished food at the. big Balvatlon Army sta tion located there. Despite the emphatic command of Colonel Kennedy the men, after a rest, again took up their Journey west and started over land for Lamar, Colo. Soldiers Were 111 Matured. DENVER, June 11. A. special to the Post from Holly, Colo., says that with a parting of rifle bullets fired over their heads by the militia and deputies to warn them to "hike" eastward as fast as their legs could carry them and never again set foot on Colorado soli, ninety-one union miners from the Cripple Creek district were un loaded from a special Santa Ft train on the prairie today, one-half - mile from the Colorado-Kansas state line, and left to shift for themselves. The exiles were disem barked in haste and without ceremony. The guards and deputies were tired out and in 111 humor from the long, tedious trip from the Teller county cold camp and were In no mood to extend any special cour tesies br kindness to their unfortunate charges. Sheriff Stops Train. When the rpeclal bearing the deported men was within a half mile ot the Kansas line It was stopped by Sheriff Brady of Hamilton county and forty deputies, who notified Lieutenant Cole that under no cir cumstances would the train be allowed to cioss the Kansas line, and fur '.her that the unionists were not wanted in the Sunflower state. Sheriff Brady was emphatic ana Lieutenant Cole assured him that the train would proceed no farther. Then the order to quit the train waa given In a hurry. Sheriff Brady called for the leaders of the unionists and notified them that they must not cross the Kansas line. "Hurry up there, . you fellows," cried Lieutenant Cole, when the train stopped In the midst of the alkali aand dunes that dot the prairies in the vicinity of the east ern part of Powers county, near the Kan sas line, "we haven't got any time to waste out here." No time was wasted. The special, which consisted of an engine, a combination bag gage car and smoker and two day coaches. hsd no sooner come to a standstill than the car doors were- unlocked and thrown open and the order given by Lieutenant Cole tor the exiles to leave the train. Without Light or Food. "SUP lively, you fellows, atep lively," admonished Deputy Benton, who was In command of the civil force of the expedi tion, and In less time than it takes to tell It the three car were emptied of their un fortunate and unwilling passengers and was started on Its way back to La Junta. The men were dumped on the cheerless prairie, without food or water, for the soldiers and deputies. In their haste to get horns, had forgotten to unload the small stock of commissary supplies the train car lied when It left Vtctor. The exiles were a cheerless lot Indeed. Without even a light and miles from the nearest habitation, they huddled together in groups on either side of toe Santa Fe track and discussed their plight. Sheriff Jack Brady and his deputies were on hand to prevent the deported men from remaining In Kansas. When the train stopped the militia lined up on each side, ordered the miners to keep walking up the track and fired their guns off. Warned to mova eastward on pain of being rearrested and severely handled and notified by the Kansas authorities that they would not be allowed to seek refuge In that state, the spirit of the men broke. Many of them fnally walked back westward on the rail road to Holly. The miners say that In embarking in Colored, yesterday they were driven Into the flare like cattle. They are expecting transportation from Denver, so that they may return tonight. They reemed to be wall supplied with money and peaceable. .Continued, ba Fourth. Paey THE BEEBULLETIN. Forecast for Nebraska Fair Sanaa? and Monday. Pass, 1 Rmperor William In Good Flealth. Mrs. Astor'a Dress Causes Sensation Deport Miners Into Kansas. Russian Officers In the Park. 9 Insist Military Wrecks Property. Omaha Center for Indian Supplies. 3 News from All Parts of Nebraska. 4 Innea Gives Klnht with Wagner. Affairs at Sonth Omaha. 5 Throw t.taht on the Corn Corner. Iowa Man Itot a Counterfeiter. n Past Week in Omaha Society. T Honors for m Frontier Hero. Services In Omaha Churches. H Conned Staffs and Iowa Mews. Good Day for Matinee Raves. Freight Traffic Men Play Ball. 10 Omaha Drops Game to Des Moines. Chicago Wins a Sensational Game. Miscellaneous Sportlnsr Kvents. 12 Condition of Omaha's Trade. Grand Jury Reports Ten Bills. 14 Amusements and Music. 1(1 Sporting- Review of the Week. 10 Court's Ruling on Denalsoa Case. IT Sultan II an Great Secret Service. Many Babes Among; Immigrants. 18 Kdltorlal. 2A to 40 The rilottrated Bee. Temperature at Omaha Yesterdayi Hour. Dear. Hour. Dm. Ba-m (fit 1 p. m 77 8 a. ni 418 . a p. m 79 7 a. m 04 Up. m TO H a. m (Ml 4 p. m TO a. ua ..... . TO Bp. m ..... . 7 to a. m T p. n. T7 11 i. m T4 7 p. m 7u 12 m TO SATOLLI IN BALTIMORE Cardinal Will Celebrate Early Mass In Cathedral and Have a Dinner at Blight. BALTIMORE. June 11. Cardinal SatollI, accompanied by Mgr. O'Connell of the CaUiollc university at Washington and his private secretary, arrived In this city from New York today. He was received at the railway station by Rev. S. W. Fletcher and P. C. Oavan, repreeentlng Cardinal Gib bons, and jiiven In a carriage to the car dinal's residence, where he was enter tained at dinner by Cardinal Gibbons. Cardlnnl SatollI remained as a guest of Cardinal Gibbons during the night. He will celebrate early mass tomorrow at the cathedral and In the afternoon will be en tertained at a dinner which will be at tended by a number of persons of prom inence snd church dignitaries, returning to New York tomorrow night. . LIVELY MARKET FOR COTTON July Option Advances Forty-Five Points on Active Buying; at Hw York. NEW YORK, June 11. The cotton market was active and excited today, such as the trsde grew accustomed to last summer. Before the session .was an hour old. July was selling well' above VT cents, reaching 12.30 centfi here and about 12.70 cents In New Orleans, an advance In the local mar. ket of 46 points. The highest pornt was reached In ths last half-hour, when July sold at 1.48 cants, October at 10.14 cents' snd December at 10.07 cents. These prices represented a net gain from the low Jevel of tbe week since last Monday of about 140 points on July and of 60 to 70 points on the new crop months. The close was steady at a net gain of 180 IS points. TRAIN ROBBERS SURROUNDED Men Who Took Cash from Grande Mnst Swim to Escape. Rio GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colo.. June U. Sheriff Adams haa returned here and re ported that the Dsnver & Rio Grande train robbers are completely rurrounded In a patch of brush at the east side of the junction of Divide creek and the Grand river. A posse of 100 deputies were pick eted about the place and he expressed the belief that It was fv possible for the men to escape except by rTimmlng the Grand river. An attempt to do that, he ssld, seemed almost certain death, as the river at that point Is nearly half a mllo wide and has a tremendous current. TRACKS ARE0UJ IN KANSAS Cottonwood nlver Itlses, Dolna Much Da mane In Neighborhood of Emporia. KANSAS CITY, June 11 A special to the Star from Empnrln, Kin., says that the Ccttonwood river here is still rising and Is only two feet lower than during the un precedented flood Inst June, when many farms In the vicinity were flooded with water over the first floors of houses. Many ot these forms are ajraln Inundated. The Missouri, Kansae & Texas tracks south of here have been washed out and the Indications are that no trains on that road will reach Emporia for several days. Sev eral rural mall routes have been abundoned because of the high water. CERVERA'S SLAYER RELEASED Proserutlnar Attorney Satisfied tbat Bass Killed tbe Hull FUhler la Self Defease. ST. LOUIS, June 11. Assistant Prose cuting attorney Dalton. after going over tho transcript of the evidence taken at the Inquest over the body of Don Manuel Cer vera, the Lu'.l fighter, who was killed by F. Carleton Bass, the American matador Wednesday, decided tonight to release Bass. The evidence showed to his satis faction that Bass acted In self-defense In shooting Ccrvera, who waa rushing on him with a butcher knife when the shot was fired. NEBRASKAN STEAMS WITH OIL Vessel Bearing; Good Name Makes Record from Sew York to Golden Gat. BAN FRANCISCO, June ll.-Nlne thous and six hundred and thirty-four barrels of oil were consumed as fuel In bringing the freight steamer Nebraska n to port from New York. The trip occupied fifty-two days and ten hours. The oil burning appliances were never out of order. This la looked upon as re markable. In view of Ihe fart that the voyuge of the Nebraskan Is the longest ever made by a vessul deveudent wubUx Upon oU fur fuel. ' COMPELS A RETREAT Promt Posititn of General Kooropa'.kin it Had Untectbls. anunuBhaanua JAPANESE GET AROUND LEFT FLANK Threatens to Cat ITnidn toad and Hai tian List of Eetreat K0UR0PATKIN REQUIRES MORE FORCE Unable to Mve Forward or Even Ho'd Hit Own. RESENT ANY TALK OF STOPPING WA.R Tho More Defeats' They Snffer the Greater the Necessity of Re storing the Prestige of Russia. (Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 1904.) ST. PETERSBURG, June 1L (New York Herald Cablegram Special Telugram to Tho Bee.) General Kouropatkln's dispatch announcing the Japanese occupancy of Sin Yen and Salmatsza Is recognised as strik ing a very eerlous note In the campaign and denoting clearly what had ben already In dicated a day or two ago In my telegrams, the necessity of the Russian force retliimr. The unexpected number of Japanese troop threatening the Russian left flunk makes it more than ever necessary for large re inforcements to render Kouropntkln oble to outflank the enemy, w,hieh Is now threat ening to outflank him. Until he has got such a force he cannot move forward. If the enemy connects with the Mukden road Kouropatkln must move back; This morn ing, with Stsu pass In the power of the Japanese, It Is freely admitted that the situation has taken a turn for the worse with the enemy thus occupying the princi pal strategic point on the road to Mukden. You must read with the utmost suspic ion telegrams dated Che Foo, Shanghai, IJao jYang and Mukden, and especially thoee purporting to come on the Informa tion of Chinese fugitives, which are mainly a tissue of Imaginative pictures, painted cither to please the Japanese or tho Rus sians, as the ease mny be. Bound to Go Limit. Reports of violent attacks on Port Ar thur are necessarily untrue, since It Is known that the Japanese cannot possibly get their siege, guns In a position for a long while yet. The reports recently pub lished that after the fall of Port Arthur Russia wlil be prepared to accept media tion are totally untrue. Should the place fall It will more than ever bind Russia in Its determination to carry on the war to tho end. ' . 'Well be It understood, whatever may have been the opinion ss to the necessity or wisdom of the war's beginning, with the events of a disastrous nature that have Blnce taken place renders unanimous the feeling throughout the country that Russia must pursue the war to a victorious end. The report that. the submarine boat Pro tector haa been smuggled away from New port News for Japan excites the highest Indlgnatlona'here. As the Novoe Vremya puts tt: ' "America declared neutrality, vet It sends a submarine to Japan. We hope there will be an Immediate explanation of this disa greeable Incident forthcoming from the American government." ( . Ancry at English. The editorial published In the home edi tion of the Herald concerning the criminal action of the British press In fanning the flames is warmly echoed here, all the more aa lately the effect of the rebuff admlnla tered by King Edward appears to havs worn off and the English newspapers sre once again adding fuel to the fire they lighted. They are villlfling Rijssla in every possible way. treating its leading men aa Incapable creatures and throwing ridicule on Alexleff and Kouropatkln with stories which are untrue and founded on petty malice. The Novoe Vremya returns to the chsrge In the possibility ot the sale of the Phil ippines to Japan, reminding Its readers that the matter la being seriously consid ered by many leading American politicians, fjaturully. this Is not official, so the gov ernment denial mean nothing. Russians Retire lu Order. ST. PETERSBURG. June 11. Describing the fljiht at glu Yen a correspondent of the Associated Press says ths Russian forces were south of the town guurdlng the Slu Yen-Takushan road. The- artillery was strongly posted on the hills along the road from Slu Yen to Tyandupoodaa, ' with a mixed company guarding tha flank and another company posted on Ijooduopfy hill. The Rumlan transport train was at the village of Keuloonsl, guarded by Cossucka. The Japanese first appeared on the road between Uhnasa and Slu Yen, and moved on the Russian position In close formation. They were met with an excellently directed artillery lire and forced to retire with heavy loss. Meanwhile (he Japanese Infantry ad vanced upon the hill occupied by the Cos sacks to whose assistance three companies were successively csl)rd up. After a gal lant fiKht of two hours the Cossacks re tired, but It was a barren victory for the Japanese. The Russian artillery was turned on the hill vncated by the Cossacks and the Japanese found the position un tunable. The Japanese battery was tjulitkly silenced nnd fled out of range of the Rus slan shells. ' The Japanese finally turned the position held by the Cossacks on the hill eot of Slu Yen and forcd the Russians to retire. The movement was executed lit an orderly manner and covered by their nrtlllcry the Russians retired to Modyanka and thence through the hills to tha Hal Cheng road Think It Feint. The - view of the general staff Is that as the Japanese . column which reached Hlu Yen ' wr.s not fol lowed by either of the main armljs In southern Munchurla, the Japanese hnve no present Intention of advancing on Hal Cheng, but have soul forwuid a force as a feint, to menace and discourage as much as possible the dlspatoh ot a heavy Rus sian force down the Llao Tung peninsula. Neither does the general stuff, believe the eueuiy's ovluiuu at baLiuatsaa, evsu abould -