TTTD " U?T.U1A" UATTTa Hw cta JTrrrAT, Jtrrrn n, jm, THE VIAL'S SECRET OMAHA, June 10. Yesterday's temperature: Maximum, 78, minimum, 62, Saturday we look for the weather to be cooler with showers. o) Ls uJ BY O P. STERNS. (Copyright, by F. F. Btearno.) The hour had com wherein lower New Tor draws down the cover of Its roll-top end bustles away toward the elevated read ltd uptown dinner, In the laboratory, Ounnlson, aestatant ohamlst to that eminent analyst Dr. Merrl weather, bad concluded the prooeea of cleaning up for the night He had allpped vat of hla apron and Into hla overcoat, and was about to switch oft the lights, when I Merrlweather came from hla tiny private office. "All dona, r Ounnlson eyed with wiled distrust the bottle ta the doctor hand. "If there la anything you wlahi me to d " he began, perfunctorily, "Not Mot tonight! I-t ma seel You're going over to Jersey City la the morning, nrwnt raT" "To report to those Oraydoa mining peo ple yen, air." "AH right. Oo atralght over there from borne. That will bring you back bar to the laboratory by noonf "Easily, I should thin." "Wall that's time enough.' Uarrlwaathar plaond the bottle on the table and seated himself upon the distilled water carboy. "Vary likely X shall have left when you gat baoto-Johnson's add works, over In Green point, have managed to gat Into soma sort of a muddle again. Oo to work on this stuff aa soon as you oome In. I want to report It tomorrow night" Ounnlaoa reached for the bottle and ax mined It. "Solution Bromide of Boda, ha road. "Bread Brother. Manufacturing Pharma cist. What about It, doctor? Bomeooe getting suspicion of Brand Brothers' prep arations r "Not quit. It Just earn a in from th coroner's office for analysis "The ooronra offloaT" Ounnlson opened bis eye. "Nothing leas. There's a thrilling mys tery In that bottle. The label, aa you see. Informs ua that It contain bromide of soda a harmless sedative, of course. The last man who took a dos of It died within six hours!? "And tby think- "That the stuff's morphine tnatead of bromide, and that the old fellow was dosed to death with it." "Purposely?" Merrlweather shrugged hla shoulder. That young sawbones, Carney, who brought In th thing, spent a solid hour pinning the yarn to ma - Th late la mented was aa old ohap uptown. He'd bean confined o his bed for months, Z un derstand, but they hardly expected him to go off Ilka thla He had all sorts of money and no relatives, save a niece an orphan who went to tak care of him and hla house, something Ilk a year back.1 "And they suspect the niece?" "Carney does, and I Imagine that he ha Implanted that belief pretty firmly In th coroner's oflloe. It seems that about I o'clock this morning someone routed Carney out of bed, and he found the old man's butler on toe steps, with a hurry oall for medical aid. The family physician Is out of town. "Well, before long he was examining th poor old chap. None of the women had had sufficient strength to move him he lay stretched on the floor, just as they had found htm. He was Just breathing and Carney went to work to revive him, but It ' was no go. The old man died within ten or fifteen minutes,' . . "And what led Carney to think that it Was morphine poisoning? "Ha say that he knew It for morphine poisoning on the Instant. To all appear ance the old man bad risen from bed and tiled to orosa the room, but he must have fallen and carried down the medicine table nth him. Plates, gliuswm ctei thing were smashed to bits, with the single exception of that bottle beside you. Carney asked en of th maid about It She had been helping the nlaoe with her nursing, and she recognised It at onoe. Bore' where the due begin to bristle, Ounnlson. . The maid told Cornea? that tha family doctor hi name' Keogruder bad bee in during tha tracing. Tba old man had. suf fered considerable pain an day, and II&o grader wished to loare som morphine for him. He asked for bottle In which to dis solve som tablets, and, according to th maid, th nlee gave him that one. Later on. While tha maid was la th room, th sick man called his nlec for something or other, and that prepossessing young woman Very calmly gave him a tablespoonful of tha stuff. Kaogruder had Instructed bar to administer It by half-teaspoon ful doses." Xo 70a do yeu suppose a young girl could commit oold-bloodad murder Ilk thatr "Th eld tnaa was) gala-recked wl pee vish and vary frequently swore point blank at the girt Maybe she's one of these hys terical mortal who go Irresponsible after a prolonged strain. Such as this nursing must have been. Then, too, the old fellow had willed all his money to her. and Carney say thnr' a stack of It. Bhe may have needed some. Ounnlson was breathing rather heavily, Dr. Merri weather arose and yawned. He turned to leave the laboratory. -The assist ant cheralst slid from bis stool and started after him. "Dr. Merrlweatherr EhT" "Whatwhat did you say th dead man' nam was?" "Golden Philip Oolden, I believe, lie was a retired broker, or something of th sort lived up on Madison avenue. The door dosed behind Merrlweather, Ounnlson gripped the table tor support and choked back tha sharp cry that had almost esoaped him. Edltha Oolden, the niece In the case, happened t be Gunnison' dearly beloved fiancee! Shade were drawn at th Oolden noma. 'A silent maid escorted Gunnison to tha library and there he waited, awed at tha uncanny stillness of the big house, Vary shortly th curtains parted and a slim girl entered) beautiful but haggard and pathetically weary of sales, , "It Is all ever," she said. "Tea, little girl, If all over.' Ounnlson gathered bar Into his arms and for a llttls time ah sobbed on hla shoulder, Prasontly she allowed herself to be drawn down besid him on the ooueh. Bobby, dear, It's so good to hav you hare," she sighed. "But why dldu't you sand for me during th deyT" " I don't know. I Z think Z wasafraid. " "Afraid r' Ounnlson amiled with Under Incredulity. "Tea I wanted to see no one, not oven you, Bobby, I I was afraid, and ' Bar Voice died away and the girl stared aoroa th room at the fireplace. "What Is It, chlldf Ounnlson asked, gently. "Bobbyl" Bdltha.'H sya were wide with terror as she faosd him suddenly, Bar vole dropped to a whisper, "Z never meant to tail a soul never till tha very day died! But Z oan't-Z can't help It X can't bear It alone any longer, All day Z hav felt eomehow that th servants knew thatr-" "Knew what?" "And that doctor last night, too he said nothing, but when he left he stared at me o strangely. Be must hav seen It he must hav found It out He'd be sure to know a doctor would know at once wouldn't he?" Bh clutched his hands and he felt that she was trembling, violently, "Bobby U-l killed Uncle Philip I" "Ed! tha I" Ounnlson' heart seamed to cease beating.- "I did I I know Itt Z killed html" she moaned, clinging to him Ilk a frightened child. ' "Hush! Tou don't know what you're saying, Edltha. Bom of this Infernal pack of servants will hear you, and'' "Oh, I'll bo quiet," Edltha hurried on, the words tumbling forth excitedly, "but -I must tell you Bobby. I must I'll go mad If I .don't Lat night Dr. Macgruder j came In for a few minutes he was leaving the city. Uncle Philip begged him for something to ease his pain, and the doctor took some morphine tablets from his hyper dermio case and asked me for a bottle to dlBsolve them. I gave him on of those bromide bottles poor Uncle Philip needed so much of th stuff to quiet him that we hav empty bottles all over the house. There was a half-empty bottle of bromide on the table, too, and after he had fixed the morphine Dr. Macgruder handed It to me and cautioned me to label It at once, before I cos fused it, with the bromide. Then be hurried away, for he had barely time to make his train." "Yes?" Ounnlson forced from dry Hps. "I put the morphine bottle at th edge of ytho table .and apart from the other, and went to mydesk In the next room to write th label. Oh, Bobby, I was up all the night before!" she pleaded suddenly. "Oo on, Edltha." "I suppose it was simply criminal, but Z was so utterly fagged that while Z was writing my head began to nod and whan Z bad finished Z fell fast asleep at th Out-of-Town Visitors Are hospitably invited to make themselves AT HOME at the biggest of Nebraska's big stores BENNETT'S. It's tho second biggest thing in Omaha. We. will allow the Auditorium the first place for size, but BENNETT'S (though second in size), la FIKST in your money, saving lnatlncts. Now, isn't it? Sensational Hammock Sale The largest, best selected and most substantial assort ment of Hammocks that you'll find In Omaha every imag inable dealgn In woof or warp or color. We piirchaaed an Immense quantity got a rock-bottom price we share the advantages with you hammocks: of all descriptions with pillows sad valances, up from UOlv Eierj Hinsuck told till carry $5.00 wortb of Grten Trading Stamps wit It. PORTIMO GOODS DBPT-JHAIl ri'OOB. Manufacturers' Sale of Ladies' Neckwear Saturday Saturday we will place on sale 1,000 sample pieces of ladies' neckwear bought from one of the largest manufacturers This immense purchase are his sample", bought by us for cash at less than one-fourth wha they cost to make. They consist of Tab Collars, Turnovers, Handsome Yokes. Collars nnd Ties to match, liortha effects, Crush Linen and soft collars in Linen, rsiik ana motion and many other new styles, The values In this lot run from V5c to $4.50 go on sale Saturday as cheap aa 15 cents and .run to, each. ..... i,uimH,M Extm Special! Be sure to attend the great cotton goods sale new going on one hundred pieces very fine Embroideries, worth 29 cents yard baturday yard .... 15c GROCERY Hooey en. red on all rour Grocery pur efaaaes, end stamps with ererrthln tl.00 worth Oreen tfradlns; Stamp vtth three pksra. Biscuits .. ,UV CJIERSH. " Hand Cheese, each r ....., .JH0 Nuefchatel Cheese. ech w Royal Luncheon Cheese, Jar.. lOe 1 mi (Imam fmmmmmm'mu'''m c Trading Stamps With each pound New Terlr, Cheese.. ..t.fil"Jfc COPFBEB. Comes dally from best dairies. Itlo coftee, Dounu, Uoraeaiho Coffee, H.00 worth Oreen Trad In Stamps With each pound paoknare Bennett's b' 28c urns eeieA7BU pound....... ....Lo WVS way w - tir-v- -agrii "s Potted Ham, can. .....,.. .......4a Oil Bantlnea. can... ...... ..............6a French Mustard, Jnr. ............... ,.10o nfJTTKR. Cornea In dally from best dairies, fresh Country Butter, pound. .......13a tiennett's Cypltol Creamery, lb tio H "9 worth oreen Trading ind Stamua wltlt one rxi X? 12ic CAKDT DEIT. &V wo. til Green Trad1n Btajnps wun eacn pfcg. Lemon Drepa. CUi AH. DVJlfT. 12.50 worth Green Trad. lng Stamps and "Tlbl," a Manila cigar, 25 In box... Wm 1.20 Meats Meats JVeah Dressed Ciilciens....... Fresh Dressed RnnMers, 74f3 head and fet oil.;......... " .85c ,.50c Choice Tou riff Mutton, Legs. T)ln searllnca. tier lb....... . ........ W M ...10c Mo eGnulne Bprlntr Lamb bind quarters eael" t Fore quarters ax each yearling, per lb. Matton Chops, pound .., Pork ttutts, pound. . No. 1 Sugar Cured regular Itams, Rex or Vinubestar ' f bread. ...... MorraH'i Iowa Prid Col orraH'i Iowa Prid Co IOC Beet ItenAlma op Cottage Hams, pounlt.KWH.uKi Lard Lard lSpounds Leai L&ra QQ 8-lb, pails of Silver Leaf or 1Efl Rex brand MJi 6-lb. polls of Sliver Leaf or ,IE Rex brand .....'OC 10-lb. calls of Silver Leaf or CQn Rex brand OOC 3-kalla of Compound 22c Everybody's Shoe Place Tan Vlcl Kid Lace Shoes Regent-i TJ Ol at Y...... '- Black Vlcl Kid Lace Shoes worth $3 00 1.Q3 Ladles' Patent Colt Oxfords, Goodyear welt 4 Q1 I worth 3.0O-at IJ Ladles' Vlcl Kid, gore front Princess worth A60 1.69 J Children's Shoes and Slippers worth H.60- Q8C DOUBLE GREEN TRADING STAMPS WITH ANT OF THE ABOVE ITEMS SATtXRDAY UNTIL NOON. mtm VACATION NOVELS Books by popular authors, popular sub jects a huge assort ment of good books handsomely bound in cloth what you want we have. A sensation for fl I Saturday ll At (he Book Ctalle Male. Floe WALL PAPER GREAT CLEARANCE SALE IN "WALL PAPER ALL THIS WEEK. ALTi SPRING! GOODS AT ONB HALT OB ACTUAL VALUE. THIRD FLOOR, Special Sale of Fine , Japanese and , China Mattings Extra heavy, long straw, Jolntless China Matting regular 25o and t&Q values on sale Saturday. 1A" at, per yard low JAPANESE COTTON WARP MAT TINGS In fancy carpet patterns, small stripe and check mattings worth up to 4ta yard go on sale at, yard, 30, 23c, 22c, 20C IVs yards samples of Vel vets, Axmlnsters, Body Brussels, Wilton Vel vets and Royal Wilton Carpets worth up to f3 per yardon sale Baturday , OA each And $6.00 In Green Trad ing Stamps. Furniture Dep't. 3d Floor. SSI All 50c Sheet Music, Saturday Only at 25c And $2.00 in Green Trading Stamps. Clothing Event Extraordinary Five hundred Young Men's Suits $ia00, $12.50 and $15.00 vat ues, placed " on sale Sat urday earning at' 5 Iiorznwoa saTtwiIs ttf new goofls, coupld Trfth the laieuess ol he (pri season and undesirable WeatlieK, compil Tig to make thfs itraordi'nary offer, dome earty Saturday morning -and secure $15.00 1 $15.00 $15.00 v $12.50 Fancy Cheviot Boo Mi Tweeds Plain Black end Caeatmere and .Ues 11 to 10, eleo tWtCl" tWy- Woiwteo Melton - desirable , of laUortoJi-aU vk , patterns, latest U, so and tt sisee ell alses ttyla all stsae $5 $5 $5 $5 $12.50 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 Fancy Cheviots Slack and blue Black Worsted Fancy Worsted, large assortment of Br and Wor lur 6 u 0 largo steds all slses,' Si .round crown sacks range of patterns pattar&s all slses 16, JO all slses . all sizes . $5 $5 $5 ' $5 1 Hat Specials for Saturday Sale , BM young man's Panama Hats. In tha rouge, worth 1 ne te $16.00, at ....'J'VD Men's Porto 1 ff Rlcan. . and....... W Children's Yard Haul Rr Wo, 9o and OC Boys' Pajamas 85o Worth up to 1.26; sizes 4 to 16. SHIRTS Another Bljr Shirt ' urhase. ...6pc tboa value go lMJttaS Slg odd and end lot of wear, sold as high aa n- COO, gO IU.M.U... n.u. Kaufman's Orchestra Next" to Inues and His Band Saturday in a Special Program, 7t30 to 10:00 P. M. desk. I must have been there more than an hour before unola called me." I was sleepy .na ytATcuuLQ xbjz locia cisxpi'ic ab, i-vyn tub dzuts and completely confused for a while. Elian was In the room the seconf. waitress, you know and she had been trying to quiet him, but he Insisted on having me give him a dose of the bromide. He was so Impatient and overwrought that I hurried over to tha medicine table, ptoked up tha bottle and poured out a tablespoonful. Ua took it, and then" "And then?" Edltha shuddered. , "I went Into my room and fall asleep across the bed. I think that It was a little past 8 when the crash aroused me. Uncle had left his bed and fallen and over turned the medicine table.. Everything on It was broken." "Everything?" ' . "I think so. We sent William for phy sician and be brought Pr. Carney yeuag man. He said that nothing oould be gone. Oh. Bobby, think ef Itt I must have seUeO that morphine bottle In my excitement Instead ef the bromide and J killed poor unclel I never realised what had hap pened until I found the label i my desk this morning! Ounnlson, during tha narrative had re gained some degree of composure. Palpa bly, She knew nothing ef Carney's grew some theory or of the unbroken bottle. He turned to tha girl with what, under the circumstances passed for a confident smile. "Edltha, haven't you excited your self a great deal about nothing? J don't be lieve you aver confused those two bottles." "But If I dldn't-lf I gava him tha bro-mlde-wbr did he die?" "That might have happened any other night, little girl. Macgruder has alwaya sutd that, you know. Ills heart was weak. When'a Macgruder coming back?" "Tomorrow night" "Then you may be quite sure that he'll explode that foolish notion of yours, Edltha. He'll tell you that a bad heart was respon sible.' 7 hope so. But-oh, If I only knew!" cried tha girl. The Oraydon mining matter could not be postponed, so Ounnlson did not reach tha laboratory, with Its fateful bottle, until 1 p. m. the next day. Merrlweather had loft The office boy was holding tha place in solitary glory. Ounnl son entered tha laboratory and closed tha door behind him. On the table, as be had left It the pre vious evening, stood the bottle, lie snatched tt up angrily, and raised his ana as IT to dash the thing to bits. Tliat would sothe It Either the bottle held tnerphlne or it held bromide of soda death or life. 'VThlch? Neither be nor any other mortal could tall without analysis. Ounnlson had resolved never to learn. But suddenly a new aspect of the case flashed ovur him. Suppoee that he did ahat tor the thing. Might not the very act later loom up aa a tranaparent damning Uiok? jj 'r'lT ""'Mf1' T."tT"ftp"r'lr or otherwise, tha bottle must not break. He replaced it upoa tha table with the utmost care. For an hour he paced the floor, trembling at times la an agony of Indecision. Ha dared not destroy the stuff. Care ha an alie it? The chemist uncorked the bottle with a firm hand, selected a clean test tube and poured out a little of the liquid, water white and enigmatic. He reached far one of the reagent vials on the shelf and paused again. Buppoaa that It should prove to be mor phlne. What then? Tha news would be transautted through Carney to the coroner, An Inquest would certainly be held. Carney would give his testimony, Ellen, the maid, might positively Identify the ' bottle and son's hand. Merrlweather had analysed It yea, and reported It as wall I "IVhatwhat did yoo flndr the assist ant chemist managed to ask. . "Bl-yahl". Merrlweather yawned and stretohed, and te Ounnlson the eperation censuraed heura. "Why ah there was nothing under the sun la that battle but a dilate solution of bromide of seds, Merrlweather turned back to his desk and hunted for a olgar, aa he talked. "I tell you, Ounnlson nothing personal la this, of oeurse-tf there is ene thing worse than a young oheirilat, It's a young doctor. This Carney chap must have a head full ef dime novel romance that he's trying to fit Into avaryday Ufa. Positively, from what ha himself told ma yesterday ehr V4SkaH sat tVe a.II..J (W a . . swear that her mistress had given of Its ' T'.. "Z . w k contents ta oMn JL.a "t"bment that he was alone la the contents te Oolden. They would call It muraer. j.nen mey would Jock for a mo Jve and And It In Oolden'a Willi Almost with loathing Gunnison sprang iway fro ls the table and the bottle. The afternoon grew and waned. Gunnl on tramped ea and oa and on, neediest ol one passing hours, wrestling with his prob lem; now maddened with tha uncertainty, now cursing himself for not undertaking the analysis. Tha closing of a door caught his ear. In n Instant hla brain had cleared. Tho emergency was upon him. Merrlweather had returned. And, on tha spur of the moment quite a simple solution of the ilflloulty ' appeared to Ounnlson. Ha . glided across tha laboratory, un corked the bottle once more, quickly In verted It over tha sink and watched the ilquid disappear down the drain. He hur ried back to his desk, drew forth a note book and hurriedly sat down a spurious record of tha analysis. Ha produced a re port blank, tha report for the coroner, and inscribed In a neat hand tha Information that a bottle submitted for analysis by one Or, Carney had bean found to contain a solution of bromide of sods, free from adulterants, The chemist mopped tha perspiration from his forehead, bathed hla burning face m cold water, smoothed his rumpled hair and, picking up the report walked to tha door of Merrlweathar'a offlca. Tha doctor was at hla own desk, writing away under the Incandescent bulb. "I'm through with that stuff from tha coroner's office," Ounnlson said, rather hoarsely. 'Eh 7" Merrlweather whirled about In his chair. "That bromide of soda bottle." "lshawl Have you been working cm that, Ounnlaoar "Tea. I " "I meant to tell you rather, to leave a note for you, about that," said Merrl woa'ther. "I went at It myself this mora- trig made an anlyals out of aheer cu riosity." The report crumbled audibly ta Ounni- office. Below, In the street Ounnlson was posti ng frantically through ' tha crowd. An 'cho of tha night before dinned In his t ars "but If I only knew I" And he sao rifloed tha tees and the ribs and Ignored .he anathemas of the pepulaoe, ta the .pped of his transit; for she could know-now. CHINAMAN ISAP0TAT0 KING Wing- Chlae- ef Los Angeles Made Twenty Thousand on Seed ( Crop This leasee. A bland, gray-ptgtelled old Chinaman on Apablasa street Los Angeles, has become tha potato king of California. Some ef tha aourad white ranchmen who claim there la no money In farming may take an un friendly Interest In tha fact that shrewd old Wing Chlng will clean up about 120,000 out of his spud orop alone thla season. Ills success Is due to brains. He's canny and wise. No ona knows exactly how many ranches Wing Chlng has In his own name, and how many mare In southern California he virtually owns by the mort gages that are plastered thereon; a good many; at any rata Old Wing Is, In fact a sort of private bank all te himself. His Immense busi ness Interests ha manages from a funny, dingy little store In the smelliest part of Chinatown. Ha la locked upon with awe there as a bloated bondholder. He Is, In fact, the most progressive Chinaman In the quarter. When the Chinaman go broke, they go to Wing Chlng; he has a mortgage on everything In "Little China." Te see old Wing Chlng, such a bleed, suave, honey-worded old chap, you never would pick him te be tha man who first had the nerve to defy the dreaded high binder societies and practically put them out of business. They used to live en black, mall levied en rich Chlneee merchants, who paid the tribute to keep from being hatch eted. At last they went to oM Wing Chlng and. told blut he. must pay Ulbata, . too. He told them to go to thunder or whatever the Chinese phresa la Bade them hatchet him if they dared. And he went u ti ne te hated, Seeing there was really noth ing but a growl to tha fellows, other mer chants followed hla example, and the high binder prefaasloa has ceased to yield a liv ing la Chinatown. Wing Chlng alwaya acta as treasurer for the Chlneee when they contribute to Fiesta funds and to their own festivities. How he keeps the acoeunts of all these things good aass only knows. In his store there are four or five Chinks constantly making tur key tracks ever strips ef paper, and are presumably his bookkeepers. Ona ls a po lite, fat younger brother. like'wtost of the other vegotable farmers, -he, has a high standing among the whita business men. His . various farm enter prises have- been the financial salvation of several of the early day families here, whose estates had fallen Into decay. At least one old Spanish estate has been tarned from a waste strip of land Into a fertile garden Of rich earth by the hard working Chinks. Wing Chlng and other Chinamen are aid to be Ideal tenants. The white land lord never loses track of rent day. The Chinaman la there every time In the early morning with the cash. Overdue rent Is a thing unheard of among those who rent to them. This ls not all. In many eases in fact, it la almo.t the custom tha China men pay the taxes on the land aa well as the rent, and pay promptly. Los Angelea Ttmea Experiences In llpelnar. Two energetic, hardworking little busi ness women had finished their meager luncheon at a restaurant They were fig uring out the amount of their checks, and decided that they owed 20 and 25 cents, respectively. "Are you going to give a Up?" the Ilttla ona asked. "I'm tempted not to." returned the other. "The nerve and Impudence of these horrid men waiters are becoming unbearable." "I shall never, never tip again," said the little one, firmly. "Testerday I wa not hungry and my check came to 30 cent. I put down an extra nickel. At first Mlator Waiter seemed not to notice It, but as I was about to leave the table he said, most Impudently: 'Do you want thia carfare bit; I don't' I suppose he thought I would nut take It back, but I did." "It was oa Monday, I (hlnk, that I had my experience," said tha other woman, "r asked tho waiter to bring me small change for a dollar bill. Ho brought me four quar ters. " Is that email enough for your ha) sneered. " Tea, ir small enough for ma,' I napped back, but It Unt small enough for you to get a tip,' and I soiled out" New Tork Tribune. Bee .Want Ado bring tha beat returns.