Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1904, PART 1, Page 5, Image 5

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Emslaai Tk HoVhanoei 01 Japanese
Carrying Va- Into Europe,
Preparations far Defease More K -tensive
Tku These Takes
Against Great Brltala During-
tke Crimean War.
ST. PETERSBURG, June 10. Remote as
now appear the chance that the Japanese
fleet (wlll ever be In a position to venture
up the Baltic and make a demonstration
against the Russian capital, or that a
European power will be drawn Into the
war, Russia evidently Is taking nothing
for granted. The possibility of the fall ot
Port Artbufor a disaster to -the Baltic
squadron, after the latter sails for th
far east, have been considered and no pre
caution will be omitted to protect St.
Petersburg against attack. The fortifica
tions of Riga (in the southern part of the
Oulf of RJga)(and Reval (at the entrance
of the Oulf of Finland) have been strength
ened, solo new guns of the latest pat
terns have been mounted In the fortres of
Cronstadt and a chain of water batteries,
running out on either side of the shores
of the Gulf of Finland, will guard the en
trance to the mouth of the Neva.
Tills system of fortifications was suffi
cient to discourage the attack planned by
the British fleet during the Crimean war.
In addition, however, shore batteries have
been constructed near Cranlsnbaum (on the
Oulf of Cronstadt, nineteen miles from St.
Petersburg) and Sestroryetsk (on the
Bestra river and seventeen miles from St.
Petersburg), probably as a precaution
against landings, as it la believed the forts
are able to stop the advance of a hostilo
fleet. The approaches to Cronstadt are
also being mined and merchant ships are
being forbidden to enter the port without
a pilot to conduct them through the mine
Appropriates Central Basin.
Owing to the extensive work In progress
At Cronstadt in connection with the prep
aration of the BalUo squadron, the central
basin, heretofore reserved for merchant
hips, has been appropriated by the navy.
Rigid regulations are enforced against any
one approaching the fortifications. The
Grand Puke Vladimir, commander of tho
military district of St. Petersburg, has
Just completed an Inspection of the shore
The Russian rules for the treatment of
prisoners of war were promulgated today.
They are of a most humane character, fol
lowing the moat advanced ideas on the
subject of the care of prisoners. A war
bureau for the collection and distribution
of every possible kind of Information con
cerning prisoners has been established by
the Russian Red Cross society, under the
presidency of Prof. De Martens, professor
of International law at the University of
St. Petersburg and recently president of
The Hague court which decided the Pius
fund claims.
The Novoe Vremya editorially scouts the
Idea fostered by a section of the British
press that the fall of Port Arthur will end
the war.
The government la considering the ques
tion of Increasing the scale of pensions for
soldiers' and sailors' widows.
The only radical Innovation Is the In
clusion of a clause providing that the
Japanese merchantmen can be made pris
oners of war, which Is in retaliation of
the act of the Japanese In holding as pris
oners the crews of captured Russian mer
chantmen. ,
The rank and file of Japanese soldiers
receive the same rations) as Russian sol
diers. The officers In charge of prisoners are
particularly commanded to see that the
food of the Japanese corresponds as nearly
as possible with what they have been ac
customed to In Japan. They will also
receive the pay and will do the woik which
Russian soldiers do. Japanese officers who
are captured will be allowed a fair amount
of pocket money.
(Continued from First Page.)
In the vicinity of Feng Wang Cheng. The
Japanese outposts, composed as usual of
infantry and cavalry, supported by artil
lery, have shown themselves rather aggres
sive during the past few days. They have
succeeded In reoocupying Salmatse, which
Russian detachment has evacuated, fall
ing back upon a hill In the Feng Choul pass.
But It does not appear that General Kurokl
has yet decided to abandon his waiting at
titude. He rests on his position as a men
ace to General Kouropatkln, whom he thus
obliges to remain at Llao Yang Instead of
advancing south, for fear that he would
soon be out off from the sole base from
which he can derive auppllua,"
Three Killed and Twenty-eight Are
Woanded In Fight at Slu Hub.
nAoninuivn, June iu. tne louowlng
cablegram has been received at the Japa
nese legation from. Toklo, dated June 10;
General Kurokl reports that a detach
ment of our troops oocupled Balmchlp on
June 7. Our casualties were three killed
and twenty-four wounded. The enemy left
on the battlefield twenty-three killed be
sides two officers and live men who wert
mad prisoners. General Kuroki's army,
co-operating with the foroes that landed at
Taku Blian, occupied Slu Kuen m June 0,
driving the enemy toward Tomucheng and
Kal Ping. The enemy consisted of 4,0o3 cav
alry and six guns. Our casualties were
three men killed, one lieutenant, one sub
lieutenant and twentyight men slightly
Horweslaa Steamer Seised by Japaa
Goes Before Prise Coart.
NAOASAKA. June 10. The Norwegian
Afgi, which arrived at Nagasaka June 4
from Cardiff with coal and was arrested
for unknown reasons by the Japanese
June T.' has been takrn to Base bo for dis
posal by the prise court. The apparent
reason for. Its selsure Is that It cleared
from Cardiff for Singapore for orders, but
Us cargo Is said to bave been secretly
destined for the Russians. Owing to the
"It feels so uncomfort
able. Food distresses me.
I get blue and despondent.
,1 fear It Is my heart. But
my doctor says It's my
stomach." And what did
your doctor tell you to take?
Ayer's Sarsaparilla? Quite
likely, for he knows.
Vhen tho liver is wrong, everything
is wrong. Th digestion is weak. The
, disposition is weak. The nerves are
weak. Nothing acts well. Just one of
Aver's Pills e. h nivhtwill nuke these
wrong things, right.
lUaMM. 4.fcAYElCa,UweU,IUi.
Millinery for
The stylish new millinsry for
and prnctical character the millinery for this) season is partlcu-
larly noticeable. As usual B.-andla shows tne greatest variety of
effective) models. Summer's most charming effects moderately priced
Iff .V"".
Neat hats of late shapes for every
made of popular straws nicely trimmed
an excellent bargain, at
Ladles Trimmed Hats at $1.50
Pretty new shapes and styles for summer wear ad- 1 . jffc
mirable in point of style latest trimming a great jj J Q
bargain special for Saturday, at Il-r v
Street and Trimmed Hats
The most arli3tio summer hats
In the very latest shapes all
the popular models for street
and semU
dress wear
$1.50 and $2 Utitrltnmcd
btraws, chiffon and maline,
ehirred and black, white and
Stylish new duck bats smart
general wear big variety, at
Bunches pf Flowers
All the latest flowers for trimming roses,
"poppies, panslas. foliage, etc., rt
and large bunches IUC"AwjC
Basement Specials
- Extraordinary Offers for Saturday.
Late up-to-date hapea ready to f A
trim your choice 1UC
Straw Sailors Good fl C n
wear hats, at, each. . .1JC
Trimmed Street Hats A
big variety for every day
wear your
choice' - '
at ...
Aggl's Inability to deliver the coal at Port
Arthur, it . added, Its cargo was brought
to Japan for
First Armr Reeonnoltere Road and
Has Sharp Fish to at Small Towns.
FUSAN, Corea, June 10. The nVst Japa
nese army has recently been engaged In
most Important operations. For two days
past four columns have been reconnolterlng
the roads toward Llao Yang, Hai Cheng,
Balmatzsa and 8lu Yen, and have occupied
towns on those roads, dislodging- the Rus
sians, numbering several hundred, from
each, after sharp fighting. The Japanese
casualties were sixty-five men killed or
Koaropatktn Expects to Advsvaeo
Whea Soldiers Hits Arrived.
LIAO YANO, Thursday, June 8. General
Kouioputkln Is expecting reinforcements,
which, as ,soon as they arrive, will ad
vance frdm Llao Tang, and Important de
velopments are expected.
Persistent reports are in circulation of a
battle at Port Arthur, that place being at
tacked by land and sea, Nothing definite
Is known, however; except that an attack
made by the Japanese did not succeed.
' Hessians Are Looking? Lively.
LIAO YANO, June 10. The suddenly In
creased Japanese activity In the neighbor
hood of Slu Yen, west of Feng Wang
Cheng, Is believed to be rather In the
nature of faints to distract attentlor. from
Port Arthur, whither It Is believed more
than half of the enemy's forces havt gone,
than a serious forward movement. Kuro
ki's bombardment of the coast In the vt
clnlty of Kal Chou probably has the same
end In view, but developments are closely
watched at headquarters. General Kouro
patkln Is In a position to act promptly In
the event of developments of real lm
Chinese Undersell Japanese.
SEOUL, June 10. A force of Russian
troons tlie atrenrth af whlnh ts nnt known.
Is reported to have arrived at Cen Yong
and to be moving west. A Japanese mer
chant, who has returned here from the
north, says the small merchants who have
been following the army are practically
bankrupt owing to the Chinese underselling
them and that the majority are returning
to Japan.
Pealstt Chinese Gaard.
CHE FOO. June 106 p. m. The Asso
ciated Press correspondent at Teng Chou,
8 Man Tung promontory, reports that the
Chinese guard there has been punished
by the officials of Ten Chou for falling to
report the presence of a Russian vessel
laying mines among the Mlao Tao Islands.
TECrMSEH. Neb.. June 10.-Speclal.
Harry P. Custer and Miss Ollle Miller, both
of Falls City, were married at the home of
Mr. and Mrs J. K. McDowell In this city
at 4 o'clock last evening. The ceremony
was performed by Kev. F. P. Blakemore In
the presence of a small company of rela
tives and mends. The groem Is a prom
inent young business (nan of Falls City,
being engaged In the printing business. The
bride has been a teacher In the high schools
of Falts City for several years snd Is a
very popular young woman. ' She Is the
daughter of Colonel Pen Miller of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Custer returned to Falls City
today and they will go to housekeeping
there at once.
PA PILLION, Neb.. June lO.-(Speclal )
The marriage of William Uhe and Miss
Myrtle llofliaw was solemnised at noon
yesterday at the home of the groom's
parents. Rev. Elft ldt oindatlng. The couple
was supported by Henry Frlcke and Miss
Marie Uhe. Close to s hundred guoets sat
Summer Wea.r
summar 1 here. In dainty efteota
A Great Special
Ladies' Street Hats, 39c
day Rummer
Children's and Misses' Hats
A great variety of ng- hats
for children and mioses
pretty girlish styles
'.. 50c io $3.98
Hats at 25c and 50c-
tucked and C. SCll
at JUC
styles for outing and
Thouuands of bunches of flow
ers -all the most popular va
rieties on bargain .
table will go at, hi
per bunch ....
down to an ,
alateIy mfter th,- f ofThe
contracting- parties are well, known throua h-
Sroora s parenU being
. imucnu or me count.
LOQAN, la.. June 10. soli
day evening at o'clock at the
of the bride's parents, on Fourth street, Jn
Missouri Valley, occurred the marrlaere of
Pr,co of this place to Jessie Clark,
Rev. Williams of the
church officiating. The young courle have
"" P tneir residence at Logan.
Partly Cloady for Nebraska and Poa-'
lbly ffnowers Today la East
and goath Portions.
WASHINGTON, June 10. Forecast for
Saturday and Sunday:
For Nebraska Partly -cloudy "Saturday:
probably showers liy east and south por
tions; cooler In west portion; Sunday, fair.
For Iowa Partly cloudy Saturday and
showers and cooler In west portion; Sun
day, portly cloudy and cooler and showers
In east portion.
For Illinois Fair Saturday; . fair and
warmer In north portion, showers and
cooler at night or Sunday; fresh southeast
to south winds.
For North Dakota Showers Saturday and
cooler In east and south portions; Sunday,
fair, warmer in west portion.
For South Dakota 8hpwers and cooler
Saturday; Sunday, fair, ' warmer in -west
For Kansas Fair Saturday; fair in east
portion; Sunday, fair, cooler In east por
tion. For Missouri Fair, warmer In east por
tion, showers in west portion Saturday;
Sunday, cooler, showers In east portion. 1
For Colorado Fair Saturday, cooler in
west and north portions; Sunday, fair,
cooler in southeast portion.
For Wyoming Fair and cooler Saturday;
Sunday, fair.
For Montana Fair and cooler Saturday;
Sunday, fair and warmer.
Laeal Roord.
OMAHA, June 10. Official record of tem
perature end preclTMtiuion ciinijai J with
the corresponding day of the last three
years: 18. ima. ioi
Maximum temperature .. 75 S3 96 91
Minimum temperature ... 64 60 66 67
Mean temperature 70 64 80 79
1'reclpltation T .00 .00 ' T
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day singe March 1, 104:
Normal temperature TO
Departure for the day 0
Total deficiency since March 1 M
Normal precipitation .19 Inch
Deflciency for the day .19 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1..,. 11.01 Inches
Excess since Murcn l a Inch
Excess for cor. Deriod. 1903.... .70 Inch
DeHclency for cor. period, 1902.. 1.88 laches
Reports from Statleas at T P. H.
: B
: 3
Omaha, cloudy
Valentine, clear .. ,
North Platte, clear
Cheyenne, part cloudy...
Bait Lake City, clear....
Rapid City, clear. ........
Huron, part cloudy
Wllltaton, raining
Chicago, clear
St. 1-ouls, clear
ttt. Paul, part cloudy...
l'aeniort. part cloudy.
Kansas City, cloudy
Havre, part cloudy
Helena, clear
Bismarck, clear
(Jalveston, part cloudy..
X" Indicates trace of precipitation.
U A.
VY&LbU, Local forecaster.
hirt Waist Sale
New Shipments of beautiful waists
from SweetserPembrook, on
sale for the first time
New style waists, dainty lawns
and Swisses, beautifully embroi
dered and lace Insertions, nar
row and wide tucks, the large
full sleeves,
made to pell
at $1.25
and Sl.ftO each.
Saturday ....
Sheer summer waists, hand
somely trimmed, tucked and
pleated, the new Bulgarian trluv
intnga, wide lace
edge Berthas,
worth $2.60
each, this
sale at
Summer waists, elegantly finished and prettily trimmed,
also a large assortment of high class tailored waists,
in wash materials, new trimmings, large
Berthas, etc., $3 and $3.60 at
WOH CLASS Charming new Swisses, lawns and tailored
SHIRT WAI5T3 linens, pleated front and back, wide Ber
thas, daintv laoe insertions, eto., latest 190-1 effects for summei
j l I I'
Ladies Summer
for Saturday, in
our jacket sec
tion on 2nd
floor at ?3.50.
These stylish
coats are ac
tual $7.50.
$8.50 and $10
Saturday ....
Proieoution Motis lo Let Ptrtiti Btsw in
Ihjir Own QrM.
Kea-ress Is Rearrested on a nm
the Civil alt lo Recover 8o
OOO Alleged Silence
Nrnrw YORK. June 10. Mrs. Hannah
Ellas today was discharged on motion of
Assistant District Attorney Rand at the
conolueion of the tesUmony of John R.
Piatt, the old millionaire who caused her
arrest for extortion.
John R. Piatt, the plaintiff, proved a dis
appointing witness. To questions bearing
directly on' the charges on which the
woman's arrest had beea maae am an
swered repeatedly:
"I don't know."
His helplessness and his apparently un
reliable memory surprised mose wno at
tended his examination. He did not remem
ber whether ho had given Mrs. Ellas large
sums of money during the last ten years,
as charped, and did not remember signing
certain papers in connection with his
charges against her.
The ordeal was a trying one for tne-oia
man and his replies became scarcely
audible toward the last. As soon .as he had
left the witness chair Assistant District
Attorney Rand said:
"Tour honor, I think the parties to this
miserable scandal-ought to be allowed to
stew In their own grease. There Is no evi
dence before you that will possibly serve to
hold this woman on a charge of extortion.
I recommend that she be discharged."
Rearrested oa Second Charge.
The magistrate thereupon discharged the
woman. Immediately afterward Mrs. Ellas
was rearrested on a writ in the civil suit
originally brought against her by Mr.
Piatt to recover $685,000. She wag released
a few minutes later on $20,000 ball, and was
escorted by detectives through the crowded
corridor to the street, where her carriage
was waiting. ,
When Mr. Piatt, feeble snd trembling snd
apparently daaed, was helped from the
building the crowd hooted and biased.
Mr. Plntt was the first witness. He said
he was 88 years old and lived In New York
since 18G5. He first met Hannah Ellas at
the time the volunteer firemen came on
from Ban Francisco, about fifteen year
Some time ago he agatn met -the woman
at a Third avenue mnsssge establishment
through an advertisement, and had kept
up the acquaintance since, his relations
with tier had been of a tender character
and Tie had bought for her a house snd had
given hen, large sums of money.
Piatt Afraid of Keareas.
Mr. Piatt would not give a direct answer
to a question as to whether he had paid
the woman more than $600,000 since Jan
uary, 1PM, but did remember that he gave
her $7,600 lost month. This payment was
made, he said, because Mrs. Kllae told him
she was being sued and would have to go
to court and expoae him unless the money
was paid.
"Then you were afraid of hert"
"I gave her the money to keep things
Worseaa 45. Jones.
00 i Norman C. Jones of Manltou, one of the
03 i pioneers of Colorado Springs, waa Instantly
i ...
killed at 10 o'clock -this morning ty a Den
ver As Rio Grande train in this city. He
waa walking upon the track and evidently
did not hoax Uts approach of. tbs train,
imn iimiiu Ml Ml I USUI H .U '
Manufacturer's Overstock of very stylish taf
feta. Peau de Soie and Covert Coats.
A big sale of the popular silk and
covert coats for summer wear They
come in eton, blouse and box effects,
also the popular reefer and corset
coat effect, very stylish for dress, sum
mer wear, etc an extraordinary vat-
.50 yp
rwusnnJ.,HLsi' mi 1. ll.iM.IliuafgBBMMggBmMllllilAlB
being hard of hearing. Mr. Jones was
one of the most widely known characters
of the community. He was the discoverer
and the original owner of the Cave of the
Winds at Manltou, and has been In almost
constant litigation in order to recover own
ership of It since it passed out of his hands
many years ago. He was constantly talk
ing about his alleged claim and had received
the common appellation of "Windy" Jones.
C. P. Dewey, Capitalist.
TOPEKA, Kan.. June 10. Word has
reached this city of the death of C. P.
Dewey of Manhattan, in Wheeling, W. Va.
Mr. Dewey is rated as' s two-time mil
lionaire. He has extensive Iron mining
Interests in West Virginia, Ice and rental
incomes In Chicago, a 100,000-acre ranch
in Rawlins county, Kansas, and over 11,000
acres in Riley and Geary counties In this
state. In Manhattan he owns muoh town
property, including1 the electric light plant
and the telephone system. Anotherenter
prlse of Mr. Dewey's Is the. Beach hotel
at Eureka lake. He came to Kansas twenty
years ago from ' Chicago. He leaves s
wife And son, Chaunoey Dewey.
Mrs. Mary' E. Blair.
Mary E. Blair, wife of Judge Joseph H.
Blair, died Thursday evening at 9 o'clock
at the family residence, 1618 Chicago street.
Mrs. Blair's death was caused by a drop
sical ailment. She became a resident or
Omaha during 18S8 and was born in Massa
chusetts. Relatives living at Crystal Lake,
111., have been notified of the death. Serv
ices w)ll be held at the home at t o'clock
Saturday afternoon and the remains will be
placed In the receiving vault of Forest
Lawn cemetery. Mrs. Blair wina e years
of age and is survived by ner nusoana,
there being no children. Her husband for
merly was one of the Douglas county dis
trict Judges.
John Armstrong.
SEWARD, Neb., June 10.-(Speclal.) The
funeral aervlces of the late Jonn Arm
strong were conducted from- the English
church In Oermantown on Wednesday aft
ernoon. Mr. Armstrong had suffered for
three weeks from blood poisoning and
other complications, which resulted In his
death on last Monday. He was a com-
Daratlvely young man. His wife and little
ones are benefl carles of a policy of $3,000
In the Modern Woodmen of America,
Hllten B. Clark.
LEAVENWORTH, Kan., June 10. Milton
B. Clark, a pioneer banker of this city and
father of Mrs. Flower of New York, form'
erly Miss Hilda Clark, the prima donna.
died here tonight as the result of an oper
ation for appendicitis. Mr. Clark, who was
77 years old, began his banking career in
John McCoy, Pioneer.
KANSAS CITY, June 10. John McCoy,
a pioneer of Independence, Mo., is dead at
his home In that city, aged 8 years, in
18S0 McCoy reoelved from the government
. .contract tot carrying the flrat mall that
was started across the plains to Santa Fe,
Tta laaUOaattaalai caiearatiaa
Caartlaad a Corker.
The seml-oentennlal day celebration at
Courtland Beach attracted a crowd esti
mated at 1,000. more or less. Fully tOuO
people gathered about Russell's tank when
ha made the thrilling dive. It still remains
the cap sheaf act of all sensation "Red"
Cunningham, the aeronaut, had s narrow
escape from death. His balloon had hardly
ascended to as altitude of 100 feet when It
split Its entire length end dropped the dar-
Ina- parachute lumper into tne top oi
eottonwood tree, from whence be fell by
easy stages to the ground. He waa badly
shaken up, but no serious damage was
dona. Nordln's brass band and the Backer
Ladles' orchestra were very attractive fea
tures. as was the Washington Star quartet
At Courtlaud Heach there Is something
doing ovary minute.
in?. na n rn ft. ft?.
U UJ UJ itl lav
Waist Suits for Summer
Iretty new effects in wnh slurt waist suits made of
chambrays, cotton foulards, lawns, etc., figured and
plain up-to-date styles, at ...........
New Ideas In Shirt Waist Suits Shirt
waist sulta that launder per
fectly pleated fronts broad
shoulder effects new M Q
skirts and sleeves l& Vfl
blq values, at evr
Hlfh Class Wash Sulta-Dainty new
effects broad shoulder effects
styltsh pleated skirts new lace)
insertions stylish trimmings,
worth up to $25, at
Eton and blouse styles dress
and walkimr effects all lush
cost garments voiles,
broadcloths, etc.,
Cravcnetto Coats
Ifew ideas In rain coatei abso
lutely water proof shoulder
canes belted backs, button
trimming worth
112.50 will go
Silk Walklnar klrt a Nov
elty Absolutely new this sea
sonultra fashionable exclu
sive styles
Dennison's 20 in. Tissue PJ
Napkins new colored "pf
designs rer 100 w
7c and 10c Ink Tablets 7 1
plain or ruled, note, P2tJ
25c Books at 7Jc-Modern authors library-sou uuwui v
lar fiction 100 new titles recently added books are Hl
iar nCUOn iw uo clei typtt on fln. woven paper. 2
large and very attractive, at( eacu v........
Three Specials In Drapery Department
Saturday we place on sale 200 pairs of ruffled bobblnet and Swiss
curtains, 3 yards long, 45 inches w de -worth up to Qgc
pall? ail gO Caiuiuaj, ttw,
Couch Covers 3 yards long.jtll
colors worth f3.uu. 1)
f . . .
Dsslsn Order on Larger 8oale on Promlm
of tke Fiturs.
till Hack compiaiai -
Weather la Unseasonable and tHat
Payments Ara Somewhat
NEW TORK. June 10.-R. O. Dun & Co.'s
Weekly Review or Traoe uunurruw
Current trade conditions are wKhout
chaaigo and collections continue slow as a
rule, Dut more is gruwiua v
future and dealers are exhibiting an In
clination to prepare for fall and winter
on a larger soule. There la still much cota-
)lalnt that tne weatner is uii,oju.
or distribution and payments are not
prompt Reports regaroing iuo
trades are almost uniformly favorable,
structural work Increasing as the season
sBfd V nU!l 0 p
Railway earnlnge, now practically com
plete for April, show a loss of only 2 per
cent compared with last year and surpass
the corresponding monin ui uj .".""""V""
year. The decline in tne con u
continued without Interruption since
M"sthprioes for Iron and steel produots
are maintained in most cases, mainly be
cause of agreements rather than the sup
port of consumption. The supply Is lim
ited. Only rew buslneea of Importance waa
V.rnUhed bv several large orders for cars.
which provide a demand for plates, ana a
desultory movement of structural steel for
railway bridges and buildings at Balti
more. Other lines of nnlehod steel are
!!mi evidenee of weakness Is noted in
hides, both domestic and forlegn. although
actual change In quotations are email.
Similar lndirterence la noted in the leather
Jt. ,0ni,firtiirrs operating cau
tiously. Belting butts and harness leather
axe bbth about 1 cent lower. ewer new
"ntraou are received at shoe factories
ahd the situation is without special fea-
lur. . . , ., ... .V In th.
ti... a,.. , J"7 aealnat 220 last week.
. rr m Yt 1 0 1 TillllirtM LUMP ...
lA the preceding week and 216 the corre-
i, uui vaar Failures in Can-
I "hT, fait week. 17 th
preceding weea; anu n
rtont.n Ldta-areiy va
n4ti af Crops.
NEW YORK. June 10. Bradstreef s to
morrow will say:
Trade and Industry are quiet as whole
and Interest centers largely on P"
ress of the crops, i nis ",,"m A
not clearly dnned as yet and spotted con-
dluona are in viaem... '""' 1
eral trend In the direction of Improvement.
J.. ' ,',." .. ,.,, h anoarently weak
ening, la still detrimental to many lines of
buslneas along the northern border. In por-
Clnraltn rilXirdefS STOWlnC Otlt
ol the unionlstlo troubles have affected
buslneas, but -the situation Is apparently on
the mend. Railway earnings reflect the
smaller movemeni vi unBiMrw, ... -
decrease of 8 6 rer cent from a year ago.
,1'i.u i . . - there has come an ex-
nanslon of export trade In a number of
manufactured lines, notably Iron and steel,
leather and lumber, but foreign demand for
our cereals snows no iiujiruruniouv.
ii- umI. r .kw of sale at Boston,
New York and Philadelphia. The textile
Industries are quiet Wool Is firmer be
nM stocks are practically exhausted
and the new -wool bought at the weat costs
. w -
Until July 1st we will make 12 of our
Imperial Ovals for $1.00. It will pay you
to investigate.
Open Sundays from 10:30 A. M. to 4 P. M.
1406 Farnam St. Opp, Pax ton Hotel.
9Lmmatnx:imK!'i i:;All-llll-llliriJlLlggasww-''i' j n .iLmr
1 I Ul I WSr
Walking Skirts at $3.98
A very pretty walking skirt
new pleated effects latest
cloths and colors 98
SaLle Basement
White Woven Envelopes
special, twenty-five
for . . . . . '
Fine Grade Tissue Toilet Tl
Paper 8 oz. rolls p2ftj
worth 10c, at,.......-r
a. m A. A A t ..fetAnfi:
All of Our 25c Curtain Rods-r
go Saturday, at, 1C
Boston reports improved order de
mand In shoes for summer, esp ea -j
Uvlty being shown in russ lines, father
Is rather tirmer at the east and buff hidos
hae advanced. Philadelphia reports busl-
ness In lumber 80 per cent behind last
The Iron trade, as a whole, is very dull.
ProdueUon 1- being curtailed. bul : stocks i in
creased during May. Holders show llttlo
dlHDoaltlon to follow' the market downward.
Vfheat, including flour, exports for tho
.b endina: June aggregated 1.14Z.WI
firea1 y.aWfnKi
&aln?t &,f"lalt" season .m.WW
.S4.14 bvhel. in
kia hilshels airalnst l-7,16 last week, 834,81
aKres:ate 6882.816 buebels, against ,68.210.
6& "ult aeaiVrnT 24.687.884 In 19oS and 16,680,-
1M: failure, in th. United States for
f h week endlna- June number 171, against
1M list week, fsi in the like week In 1908.
106 1802? lfe in 1801 and 180 In WOO In
Canada failures for the weea numoer in,
M ag-Unat 20 last week and 18 In this week
year ago
Freight Handlers th Vailed Slates
Slay Be Called front
NEW TORK. June 10. Lawrenoa Curran,
leader of the striking rreigui nanuicm,
after a protracted conference with promi
nent labor men here, has ueuea a staie-
. i. - 4it --it nut the frelsrht
mem "
handlers from New York to San Fran.
clsoo unless the strike Here la settled
within the next three days.
Curran estimated that more than ccoou
would be affected If the new strike is or
dered. "I will give the railroad and steam.
shiD companies now fighting the rrergnt
handlers and fireman three days," ho said.
to grant the demands of both organise.
tlons or acoept arbitration. If, after that
time, our demands ara not granted, i win
call out every freight handler between
here and San Francisco." '
Missouri Lamber Tar.
WARR1CNSBURO, Mo., June 10. Flro to.
day destroyed Clark's lumber yard and
three frame buildings, occupying a block
of land In tho dlatrtot. Loss, 1160,000. For
a time the Are threatened the business
district and Sedalla was asked to send aid.
Before the Sedalla tnglnes could reach
here, however, the flames had been placed
under control.
Blase at Chicago,
CHICAGO, June 10. Fire today partly de.
stroyed the plant of tho Vulcanite Roofing
company, Campbell and Ogden avenue.
Several ox plosions wrecked the walls and
spread the flames, which threatened the
building of the Standard Brewing company.
The brewery, however, escaped. Loss,
(,000. '
Pastor's Resldenee at Basin.
BASIN CITT. Wyo., June 10. (Special. )
The home of Rev. B. W. Mecura, pastor of
the Baptist church, together with its con
tents, was destroyed by Are. The Inmates
had a narrow escape from tteath in the
9 fc