THE OMAHA DAILY BEE; SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1904. 12 CONVERTING A PARENT BY MARVIN DANA. Ten miles of electric railway separated i of bright told, bad bn pulled dawn Arthur Brent from Alio LeAhrep end hap- I promptly at t o'clock, but Mr. Lathrop pieces. They had been engaged with the full eon nt of Mr. Lathrop, cashier of the Ban Baratoo bank, until the project of connect ing the town with the Park hotef had arisen, and on this project, a petty ten miles of Iron track, had their happiness been wrecked. Lathrop had aever believed In the Park hotel scheme, and he had been so lacking in public spirit ss to rejoice openly when It falleU to draw the expected patronage from California tourists, who declined. In this dsy aad aga of progress, to make the 1,000-foot grade on tie backs of patient. but not ovor-rapld burros. It was at this Juncture that Arthur Brent, superintendent and manager of the mu nicipal eleetrlo Ught plant, had suggested the eleetrlo road to tho mountain peak, and had tried to Incorporate a company to Install tho read. The matter had oome before tho directors of the Ban Baretos bank and tho loan had been secured In the face of Its cashier's most' strenuous objeo tlons, which added fresh fuel to his anger against tho young man. And the engage' ment had been broken OS. for Alice was the only daughter of her father, and ho a widower. Brent, certain of her lore, and comforted by her assurance that If ho could win her father's eonsent the engagement should bo renewed, throw himself body and soul Into tho new project, and now the great nay had come the car was to make Its trial trip up the Incline, with half a doien prominent dtisens, including Mr. Hall, president of ths bank, and the mayor, as Arthur's guests. All the town was at the foot of tho Incline to see the start all save Alice and her father. Orleving that she could not accept her lever's invitation to share Id his hour of triumph, she stood In the vtne bowered window of her own room watching the Interesting scene through a pair of strong field glassea Bhe saw ths crowd sway about ths car, gay with flags and flowers; she saw ths crowd part and she car start across tho levsl traot beyond ths town, then up tho mountainside, until It looked like a vart-hued fly creeping toward the Park hotel among tho clouds. Then a ''mist came before her eyes, and she won dered why a girl of JO, very much In love and very fond of life and the good things thereof, should be forced to choose between duty and a newer, stronger love that was very, very sweet Indeed. And all ths while, In tho narrow bank. Henry Lathrop beat over his papers and oowled becaasa of a town gone mad over a foolish fancy of a foolish youth. But the car made Its trip without In cident and plunged down for another load. Back and forth It ran like a merry shuttle, all through tho beautiful spring day, each time taking a fresh party of merrymakers to tho mountain's summit, for tho manage ment Of tho Park hotel Was celebrating tho Innovation and tho promise of big patronage during tho tourist season. There 1 was to be a dinner at night, followed by danolng, to which everybody who was anybody had been bidden, without money and without price. And on each trip Arthur stood at tho right hand o his motorneer, with a keen oyo on the roadbed, tho brakes, tho slight set variation In tho schedule time of their running. At i o'olock" ho announced that tho ear waa now starting on its last trip until after dinner, but by this time tho major -part of San Baratoi' population had al ready reached the hotel. As tho car rounded the curve toward the Incline, Ar thur loaned over the gate and oast a lingering glance In tho dlreotien of tho Lathrop home, standing quiet la tho golden sunlight amidst its well-kept grounds. It waa hard to feel that his success was in reality a barrier between himself and AUce. "What that old gentleman needs," mur mured Arthur between sst teeth, "Is a 'change of heart Ho needs to bo converted to modern Ideas. He's a Clam, a barrier In tho progress of flea Berates, that's what ho lsl" tuddenty realised that a shsdow heavier than that cast by curtains had come be tween him and tho light Very stealthily the door had been opened. and as quickly and stealthily closed. To ward the absorbed cashier two stooping forms had crept on noiseless shoes, until they roes suddenly In front of tho low screen that separated them from the cash ; ler. ' Then, as Lathrop looked up, one of the men raised a heavy stick and struck sharply, fiercely over the screen. The blow struck the caehler squarely on the head. He reeled back Into his chair. and one man darted through the door which divided the counting room from the corridor where customers filed past the various windows. The other bounded over the broken screen. Lathrop, In a moment of returning consciousness, made an In stinctive movement toward the drawer and. tasking Into his eyes, she gave a groan. That last mils she most make afoot. Bhe patted his head, oven In her despair, and cried "Good boy," as shs sped up the trail, which now followed closely tho eleetrlo railway roadbed. But before she had covered a rod the dull whirr-whirr of oncoming wheels made her stop and stare up tho grade The single car of tho Ban Baratoo and Park Mountain Railway company was plungiag toward her. Arthur stood beside tho motomeer, and behind him. In tho doorway, stood Mr. Hall. They hsd been Inspecting ths car In tho shed at the head of the grade, and Arthur, recognising her figure through the glasses, had realized with love's quick la ss the car plunged down to where Alice stood, wsvlng frantically and shouting hoarsely, the motorneer applied the brakes. The car stopped with a Jerk which almost precipitated Mr. Hall through the door. As she sprang on the car Alice panted out the story of her father's Incarceration, with its pitifully Imaginary details, and Mr. Hall turned whits and dlssy not for the possibilities of loss to the bank, hut at tho thought of his old and tried. If whim sical, friend, slowly suffocating la tho steel vault. , Tho motorneer let the brake fly without waa Alice who suggested that Artiror carry ths newt to her father. Tho Id cashier, looking pathetically absurd In his turban of bandages, shook hands warmly wlth Arthur and stroked his whiskers with satisfaction as hs heard of tho capture. "1 hope they get the maximum penally. Ood,'to leave a man to smother slowly In that black vault. Ten minutes more, tho doctor tells me, young man, and It would have been all over for Henry Lathrop. . Arthur did not answer. Tho old cashier looked dreamily through his vine-draped window. How sweet and cool was tho air that drifted through nature's delicate green screen. "Arthur, you can ask tho little girl to name the day. I don't believe the road will over pay, or the hotel for that mat ter, but you know how to act In an emer gency" "But It was Alice who rode up, yon must remember, Mr, Lathrop." Interrupted Ar thur, unwilling te see ths bravery of his sweetheart forgotten. "Tea, but precious little good would her pony ride have done If yon hadn't let Hall drop down In your dinky little car. Don't say any mors, young msn. I know when I'm beaten. Now go hunt up tho little FUTURE OF OCEAN LINERS Traffio of tho 6th ia tho Infancy of ltd N DoTo'dprnoat. PRESSING NEEDS Of COMMERCE OUTLINED ratter eed Mere Pewerfel Tessels for IWaalagr aad Kesrala TreJBe Ships Ob Tkoaa4 Feet Leas Predicted. L. I NIlaill' IlfflllM ' If.r ' W$mt&0-"" ':' ''''''' ' v!'!jl ' AND AS THE DOOR UNCLOSED SOMETHING FELL OUT FROM THE DARKNES h. where a loaded pistol always lay, but an other blow and another rang upon tho cashier's skull, and he fell an Inert mass with blood ooslng slowly from his head to the rug In front of hlr desk. At 4 o'clock Alice Lathrop, clad In a trim, dark green riding habit and a natty white sailor, stood on the upper step of tho porch, looking anxiously down tho tree-lined eve nue. .It had been a long, hard day for the girt, aad her father's suggestion to Join At 4 o'clock Henry Lathrop sat alone la horseback ride at 4 o'clock hod the bank, looking over some naoera Hs promised tho one relief la uts dragging waa alwavs ths last to leave. n I hours. They wore to ride over to Baa the first to arrive. This waa nst eaUrely a Oebrlel and have dinner with Cousin Alice matter of habit aad seatlftisnt. but of rray, ana aireaey xne (.masse roau-ei necessity, for ho alone, beside Mr. Hall, the president, know tho combination Of tho great vault. The vault now stood open, for he . had Just entered It In eearsk of ths papers, Tho blue ourtalsi, with their bands ?nnn The World's Greatest Skin Humour. Affects Every Age and Condition. MawaaasBsa , The Only Sure Cure Is Cuticura. If there wero ae aooifcv external kin disease kaewa, ecttaaa weald bo ft sufficleat laalotlo a omanUad. It per vades all classes, aad descend Impar tially through geserastoR, Wallesoato are eonataatlj enveloped In It, ethers bars it eouiaed to ssmU fetches U the ears, on too scalp, ea the breast, oa tho palms of the heads, oa the limbs, ete., but everywhere Its dirt lac tire feature 1 a swell watery bile be, which dischargee an acrid laid, ceacUg heat, la lam na tion, aad interne ItcMag, ecellag aad 'crusting. ' Tho CuUecra treatises Is at once agreeable, speedy, eeeaoeateal s&d oota prohoaslvo. Bathe tho sshoSi parts freely with hot water and CsUeura Boep, to cleanse the serf ace ef orosto and scales, and softs she taiokeaed cuticle. Dry. without hard reJbblag, ' and apply CuHcarft Olaesteet to allay Itching, Irrluaeft aad tadasesaattoa, t and soothe aad heal, aad, issUy, take ' Cuticura Resolvent, or 111 ht, to cool aad cleasse the blood. This treatasoftt af fords In teat relief, permit rest aad loop in tho severest ferees of scsema and other Itchier, oarolsf and scaly humours, sad points to a oooody. per manent and ocoooasloal care of tor. tnrlBg, dlsSgartag hoseoore, ee semes, rashes aad laflaasttoe. from In fancy to age. whoa afl other reatedleft aad Us best physicians tall. asrew h - aw ban all work had tied her father's horse and hsr own pony to the pest, aad had seated himself patiently on the block to await the coming ef his master. Alice could net understand the delay. Her father was the soul of punctuality. he was ' net alarmed, only vexed. She glaaeed at her waist, where a tiny watch waa Inset la hsr belt. Four Ifteen said the little timepiece. She sprang to hot pony's back and Chlng Lee weko up. 'Give me Xing' bridle," she said, lm perleusly. "and I will lead hun down to ths bank. No doubt some silly men are keep ing father, aad ths sight ef Us horses will drive thsm away." Shs dismounted at the bank, surprised at the ill en oe and the fact that no group of men steed talking en the steps la true California aelghborUaees. Then she tied her herseo te ths post aad ran lightly up the steps. A strange sOeoee brooded over tho empty rooms. Tether! ratherf otto oaOed ohoerily, bat with aa odd feeling la her heart It waa so quiett Perhaps ho had gone Into Mr. Hall's private room. Then suddenly she caught sight ef the broken soreen. She sprang forward. The chair at her father's desk was overturned, and there, almeat'at hsr feet, lay a piece of his watch chain. She bent over tt and something caught hsr eye which made her turn white te the Hps. A pool of blood! And from the pool ran a trail of drops, straight te the door of the vault! Ail memory -Of tho day's tmhapplneaa faded at sight ef It, and tho old love, ths first love, that of a child for father, welled up In her heart. She dung herself upon the mighty steel door, but there came ae answer to her cry. Out In the street, a man lounging on the postern ce steps heard the cry and came running toward the bank. In tho doorway hs met Alloa, her eyes wide and horror stricken. "Stand aside," she cried. "I am going for Mr. Halt No one else can open tho door, and father's In there." Shs flung herself en tho back of her sure-footed mountain pony, and as she Blat tered down ths street men the few left In the town on this memorable afternoon came running toward the bank, so quickly had her alarm been echoed by tho lounger on the postefflce steps. And high above her, safe In the Park hotel, sat Mr. Hall, chatting with Arthur. If they only knew, shs thought, how quickly tho little eleetrlo car could bring aid to her father. Perhaps It was already too late, Shs struck the willing pony a vicious out and. In surprise, he darted up the old burro trail te tho Park hotsl. A mile and still another. Ths grsde was terrlflo, and tho pony began to falter, but Alice showed no meroy. On and on they went, now and then stumbling, the pony panting, his sides foaming and bis syes bloodshot. Half way up the grade aad still the pony held a pace that spoke well for his powers ef endurance. Three-quarters, then a mile from the hotel and the pony staggered and fell. Alios sprang to Jter feet, raised his hose waiting for an order from Arthur. Tho boss' girl was la trouble and there was no time for words. "Take tho rear brake, Jim," said Arthur. 'I'll tsnd to-this," and aa tho motorneer started for the rear of the car Arthur, with set face and firm hand, took control of the car. Down ths mountain they rushed at express train speed. 'Mr1. Hall clutched the window ledge nervously aa ths car yffmped and Jolted la rounding a curve, but Alloe sat with straining eyes, her one solace, tho dangerous swiftness of their descent. Half a mile below waa tho steepest grade on ths little 21ns. There tho track dipped sharply and near ths bottom swerved ab ruptly. Arthur, who had let the car run beyond prudent limits, tightened the brakes Just before the car reached tho drop. Tighter and tighter he wound the chain and for a moment the check on the wheels held the ear from any increase in hpeed. It was running entirely of Its own mo montum, but even this was too fast a pace on tho brink of a might drop. Arttiur shouted for Jim, but already the mstorneer hsd prepared for ths drop and was tight ening bis brake. Then there came tho sharp crack of breaking metal and the car seemed to fall forward. The momentum, started by the mad flight sn the lesser grade, wss too much even for iron brake chains. Tho car bounded forward as through space, struck the curve and then with one awful jolt aad sway fastened itself back on the rails. Mr. Hall had sprung to his feet, terror stricken, as ths car mads its leap. Now he sank back trembling In bis seat, shamed by tho calmness of Alice. Her faith la Arthur was unlimited. The gleam of truth at his suocess whoa they. struck tho rails unmistakable. Ths remaining dlstaaee, three miles and half, was svsr straight, smooth track. Arthur let the ear spin at Its best rats of speed. Into the town they aashsd, break ing all the elaborate rules and regulations formulated by the town council to govern tho speed ef tho new eleetrlo Una As they turned Into tho main street they could see the restless, helpless crowd around the bank deer. Alice stood up. her gaso strained oa the bank door. No, it was not possible that anyone could have opened the vault. He must be still In Its awful blackness. Did he know and feel hie oncoming doeanf Was he dead or altvof The crowd parted sj Mr. Hall sprang from the car te the pavement: and sped up the bank steps. At his heels were Alice aad Arthur. As Mr. Hall turned the combination aa ominous silence fell upon ths watchers. At last the bank president's head fell frons the knsb to the handle below It. One pull and tho deer sprang back. And as ths doer unclosed, so ssmsthlng fell ont from tho darkness within, some thing that had beea huddled up against the pitiless barrier. With a cry of anguish Alice fell beside the motionless figure, but Arthur's hands drew her gently away. "Let tho doctor com first, Alice." ho whispered, and led her gently away. Ths doctor was leaving tho bank. Ths townspeople stood rsspootfully. If eurloualy, around ths gate. Skull not fractured," said the doctor briefly. "Badly bruised and suffered more from asphyxiation than from ths blow. Ten minutes more and hs'd been dead." The throng wanted to cheer for the Ban Baratos Eleetrlo Railway company, which had brought rescue to one of Its leading cltlsens, but restrained Itself and trooped back to the oar to hear tne account of the thrilling ride. Alias's terrlflo ride Pp the grade had aomshow been forgottea by everyone savs Arthur. Three days later the bank thieves were oaptursd by the sheriffs posse, and it r girt I'll be bound she's not far from tho ether aide ot that door." And with a mist veil before his eyes the cashier of the Ban, Baratos bank once more looked through the screen of vines to the beautiful, balmy out-door life that had suddenly grown so marvelously good to his sight. Getting- e Oeod Start. "Miss Sophie," beloved benefactress of half ths peer of Now Orleans, . sat at hsr desk writing, when an elderly woman who bad made many previous demands upon her was ushered In. "O, Miss Sophie." she said, breathlessly, "I want te borrow ft dollar please, right away." "What do you need tho moaoy for. En garde T" "Well, new you see, I'm going te gst mar ried, and I need it for- the lloenso." "But If tho man you are to marry cannot pay for the license, how Is hs going; to sup port youT' "That's Just what I want to explain to you. Miss Sophie. Tou see, tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and wo are coming to your free dinner. Then yon always give us somsthlng to take heme, and In the evening the King's Daughters are going te have a basket distribution, and wo shall each get one That will keep us a week easily, and by that time we'll bs on our feet." Touth's Companion. Jna. "What so rare as a day tn . JuneP I quoted, profoundly moved, as I was, by the radiant beauties of nature. 'An V in June Is constd'ble skuroet" pouted Madeline, In her earnestness, falling unconsciously Into tho rich, sonorous dia lect of her Puritan fathers. And then, her eyes cast shyly down and the delicate color suffusing her oheek, shs oonfeesed, with many a deep-drawn sfgh, she did love oysters, whether raw or fried. Puck. Whatever tho commercial or econotnlo view of ship subsidies may be, there Is little question but that ocean steamers have already reached the limit of slse and speed at which they can bo operated profit ably without some Income beyond what they thenvelves can earn. A recent In teresting compilation of facts ss to ocean tonnage and the development of ths mod ern transatlantic liner predicts that ths unsubsldlsed veesel of the future will probably be about 600 feet long, with sev enty feet beam, a draft of not over thirty Ave feet and a speed of about sixteen knots created by engines of 15.000 horsepower. These dimensions are considerably smaller than thoee of several ships already in com mission or under way. The most striking example of the huge modern steamer is the Baltic, now being completed at Belfast for ths New Tork and Liverpool service of the White Star line. The Cunard company already has in mind an even larger vessel, to be built and operated with funds received under Its agreement with the British admiralty, but at present the Baltic Is the biggest in the world, end experts say that It cannot be exceeded without a dead loss in operation. Its length Is 725 feet t Inches, its beam 75 feet and its depth 49 feet, which gives It a displacement at load draught of about 40, 000 tons and a gross tonnage of 23,000, with a cargo capacity of 28,000 tons. Past and Powerful. Engines of a horse-power of 13,000 will give it a speed of between sixteen and one half and seventeen knots an hour; It has "accommodations for 8,000 passengers and will require a crew of 360 men. The cost of maintaining such a ship as the Baltic at its highest efficiency is some-' think enormous, and it is only by sacrific ing speed thst it can be done at all' eco nomically. The mere powerful the engines the more coal is necessary to run them at full efficiency, of course, and coal bunkers seriously cut into tho cargo space for which the size of the ocean liner has been In creased to Its present great proportions. It Is said that a steamship 600 feet long propelled at a speed of twenty knots re quires 19,000 horse power engines, which consume 2,228 tons of coal in a single trip across the Atlantic. To show how rapidly the cost of operation Increases with a slight increase of speed it is only necessary to consider that If such a vessel as has Just been referred to had a subsidy of 846,000 an nually a ship 690 feet long with a desired speed of twenty-three knots would need 8337,000 annual subsidy If It was to bo equally profitable to run. By the same ratio of development a twenty-five knot steam ship, 7U feet long, with 82.000 horse power, would oost 86.000,000 and require a yearly subsidy of 8760,000, while the addition of one more knot In each hour's run and of thirty feet to tho vessel's length would bring tho subsidy roqulremsnt above ft,- 000.000. Speed tho Great Coaslderatloa. Tho transatlantic steamship lines are rap idly taking a position comparable with that of the transcontinental railroads. It is not merely a matter of getting across ths ocean safsly nowadays; the trip must bo made in the shortest possible time and with tho greatest degree of comfort. In many re gards, of luxury. Ths steamship companies, having about reached tho limit in ths de velopment of their ocean equipment if they are to make enough .money out of their business so that it will be at all worth while, have begun rearranging their routes so that the railroad connections at either end will help them out In shortening the time of transit. The American line, for ex ample, won Its recent contest with ths Cunard lino In carrying the United States malls not merely by having swift ships, but by shortening their course all it could. landing tho malls at Plymouth Instead of Southampton. By special railroad arrange ments It was possible te save several hours la this way. An Illustration of tho development of the modern liner, we may take as types ths Cunardor Umhria, built In 1884, and ths German steamship Kaiser Wllhelm II. of reoent date "A yearly increase In length of about 19.8 feet and In speed of .184 knots appears. All tho different stages of this growth are represented in the fleet of tho International Mercantile Marina company, which Includes the vessels of practically every lime to England except the Cunard. Aa Baorsnovo Fleet. Afloat aad on the stocks It has Ut ships. varying In tonnage from 8,809 to 88,009. Of these fifty-two were built 'more then ton years ago, so that tho number has In creased more than U0 per csnt In a decade, while 791,151 tens have been gained, which Is more than twice the aggregate tonnage In Ust, Progress has been, however, to ward Increased carrying capacity for both passengers and merchandise rather than In tho direction of speed. In all this development the rate of ad vance has not been uniformly maintained; the last- shis te be built has been by no means tho swiftest or the largest. For ex ample, the two most reoent additions to the transatlantic) fleet, the Celtic la 1901 and the Cedrto in 1998, both White Star liners. are only seven teen-knot ships, though above 80,090 tone In displacement. The newest ship to ootne to Boston, which first appeared as BORAXOLOGY Boraxology is the science of healthy and health is largely a matter of deanlinesse It may startle the unboraxed part of the community to hear it,, but as a matter of fact people who don't use BORAX aren't really clean, simply because you can't wash anything clean in hard city water, no matter how much soap or elbow grease you use BORAX softens the water and gives it cleansing power When you wash anything add a little Borax to the water. You'll get twice the result with half the effort Great care should be taken to get pure Borax, as imitations are worthless and often injurious. Ask for 20-MULE-TEAM BRAND. At drug and grocery stores everywhere in 54, Yz and 1-lb packages. - The famous "AMERICAN GIRL" PICTURES FREE to porefcaaers el "20-MuIe-Team Borax,' At stores or sent for BOX TOP aad 4c. la strays Pacific Coast Borax Co New York Chlcaro, San Fraacuco. Twenty Mole Teas Oar Trade Mark. the Columbus of the Dominion lino and Is now the Republio of the White Star line, is a li. 000-ton vessel with sixteen knots speed, while the tonnage of the Leyland liner Hanoverian is 12,000 and its speed fourteen knots. It is, therefore, not to be supposed that ths rate of progress the last twenty years will be Indefinitely maintained, but It is ex pected that ft general average may sooner or later be established, as a settled standard. A Thonkand Feet Ur. With ft 900-foot lx teen-knot vessel as the ordinary carrier of freight aad passengers it Is predicted that for fast service, trans porting the malls and having high-priced passenger accommodations tho future steamship may reach 1,000 feet In length. which would give It a proportionate beam of 1U feet and a tonnage of from 36,000 to 40,000, or oven more. The horse power such a ship will require for making the speed demanded of it will be fixed by tho capacity of turbine engines, which la yet to be demonstrated. Another obstacle to the Indefinite physical growth of the ocean liner of the future la that Its draugth is neoeenarlly limited by conditions of channels anddocka. Tho latest product of the Oerman shipyards has ft load draught of twenty-nine feet and ft few British-built vessels exceed thirty-two feet. It Is safe to suppose that while harbors and waterways have been deepened la steadily Increasing numbers to permit tho movements of tho huge stsam craft of today there must be ft depth of channel beyond which governments will re fuse to continue excavations. It Is con sidered that a forty-foot channel Is suf ficient to float any vessel carrying tho cargoes which healthy commercial condi tions entail, and a ship that requires mora water than that for successful maneuver ing would bo likely. to find Itself without a possible pert of call on any ef the seven seas. Boston Transoript. DOCTORS Boo Want Ads bring tho nest returns. Tho True rtory. Tho prodigal son was eating of the husks. "Why do you do soT" Inquired his father. who had coma all tho way te took him up. "Because It's just like breakfast food!" waa the response MAad these crusts, why eat them?" They're practloally predicated." Realising that his favorite eon was a hopeless scientific food maniac, ho wired at once for them to release the fatted calf. New Orleans Times-Democrat. Photoe, Boo and up. 1311 raraam street, LongStrides ffiiBB WlillillO I i-l III 'v ii mss via MM. ( l I m - - av . aw m wr av . a n --vJBgwspaa Toitdi perfect health are made by drinking GhlrardeWs Oround Chocolate (The Drinlc that cheers. The Food that nourishes. Alssoyt frf to avew9ftaliy svsie! coat SEARLES & SEARLES Omaha. Nob. CURES 6UARANTEE3 Quicker and for LESS MONEY than other SPECIALIST. . cures all special dlseaies ot men kidney, bladder asd diseases ot worn a. Blood Poison ill'UA: mouth, tongus,vtareat. hair and eyebrows (failing out) disappear completely forever. Virlcosi Vilos ?;pc'rwH"u.k ting, pain or loss ot tlme Never fall kest cure in the world. tlog, Quid Weak, Merwus Msn lirXXJT nJrVZ debility, early decline, lack of vigor aad Strength. Treatment by mall. 14 years OF SUC CESSFUL, PRACT1CB IN OMASA. Oar aer of 14th and Douglaa, H2.30 TO ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS AND RETURN , VIA CHICAGO GREAT WESTERN tSOn Railway TWO "VS TRAINS EACH WAY DAILY. 8ftJLlmirdl foavfac at ft.30p.JlL, arrives at St Paul 7.20 and Min neapolis 8.00 the nexttnorolngt. 0C6 Day Expreoa leavinr at 7. J S a. m., arrives at St Paul 7.38 and Minneapolis e.10 p. m. Parlor Car. rualty lew teteo to all Resorts In Minnesota. For HokeU and Inforaatfen spplyat CTHt Tloket Office, 1619 ianiats 8k, or Union at tattoo, Owahe. 3 Iassrss Fan,Seft,Whlt Skla BtsntUal Coeipltxloft, EcMma and Tetur . Ab utr ud rrMDtly rovfi IlukbMu. ro i Plasle,aU4us.Baa rk mil if T. V& eiia Ltarma-ftoTtle Bop a tvs test tkts I letund, Sold by Oruggttts. or otay ss trotted direst Daraaa-ateyala, gl (tor kelUa express paid. aterate-BVayaie Keep, eeats, by aaall. mim tm ewe paohese, Ltf. ex ores paldU ffke Deraa-Bere4e Oaw CTtaalaeatt, SCHAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUGSTORE Omaha, Mebe.. aad ftosta Omaha. Nsftft eVifts" ITS TEN CENTS What To Eat iTO'Y pond for oopy. l owti or fl.oe a roar. KaUatiU Health Article. Table u ea. Jests, rosea. Clever Teaaia. A good frtoad s brighten yomr Ulsere mo ments. Pull ef novel suo7geiUas tee entertelrdna'. TW law UKk BIU f yT 1 1 Nl4 k saw J4 ! tt Ok WW m Mn mt Oil wttW Fabllauls." WHAT TO BAT (Mental Mss teat we timet ee as. aa twa