TTTR OMATIA' DAILY PER; FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1004. AFFAIRS AT SOUTU OMAUA Brown Tu Pwpl Witctti ta Unnioally Eiciting Episod. BABY FAILS DOWN AN UNUSED DEEP WELL Reseae4 I'nfcnrt tram th Bottom, Fifty Port Below' tbo rfaec, by Fireman bam Cal . lahssu ' There wa all kln4s of excitement In Brown park yesterday afternoon, when It became known that the 2-year-old aon of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lnltner had fallen Into a well fifty feet deep. After nearly an hour' work the child waa rescued with scarcely a scratch. Mra. Laltner, who Uvea at Nineteenth and O streets, took her son Frank to the home of her mother, Mrs. John Meyers, Eighteenth and 8 streets. While the mother of the child and the grandmother were busy the child crept too close to a well that la open on account of being filled, and fell In. The screams of the child as it fell attracted attention and the people who rushed to the scene had hard work from preventing both Mrs. Laltner and Mrs. Meyers from Jumping In after the child. When dug the well was about 100 feet In depth, but ' Is now being filled, ' Ashes, manure, etc., are dally dumped Into the hole, bo that when the child struck bottom It landed on a soft bed of manure. Dennis Callahan, one of the members of the fire department, happened along. He aaw at once what was needed and hurried to fire hall No. 8 and secured a long rope. This rope was tied around his body and a dozen men lowered him Into the well. Ha was hauled up with the child In his arms. When Mrs. Laltner saw her baby safe and uninjured she fainted. A doctor was called and make an examination of the Infant and found that beyond a severe shaking up It had not been Injured. Before nightfall ' the well was securely covered, so to prevent similar accident In the future. Library Board Meeting;. " A meeting of the South Omaha Library board waa held yesterday, with Miss Jans Abbott, the librarian, present. It was the first meeting of the board that Miss Abbott had attended. She was most cordially re ceived and made an excellent Impression on the board. Contractor Welse, who U constructing the library building, was al lowed 11,100 on estimates given by the archi tect. Wolfe, Lovett St Co., who are. putting In the electric wiring, were allowed 1426. Miss Abbott was directed to purchase a list of supplies. After the meeting-Miss Abbott stated that she would commence at once cataloguing the book on hand, and as soon as possible would commence cor- ' respondence with publishers lh relation to the purchase of new books. High School Work Delayed. Work on the high school building Is being delayed by the scarcity of brick. Building stick for the lpterlor wal has not arrived from Kiittenbrlnk's, and It will be several lays before the kiln opened yesterday will be cool enough to handle. There Is plenty of pressed brick for the outside faolngs, ' but the laying of the outer walls cannot progress further until some of the Interior walls are laid. Members of the board think now that It will 'be January 1 before the building is completed. Another Spatial Council Meet las;. ' The city council held another special ses sion last night and passed the ordinance for the paving of O street from Twenty second street to Twenty-sixth street. As "soon-, as- the ordinance 'was passed' It was ' Signed by Mayor Koutsky and will be pub lished today.- Bids for the paving- will '. then be considered. Every effort Is to be made to have this street paved by the time the O street viaduct Is opened. Murdoclc Wants Sncarestlona. At the last mass meeting of citizens held for the purpose of Issuing bonds for im provements a committee was appointed to look for a site for the proposed city halL A. H. Murdock, as chairman of this comr mtttee, stated yesterday that the commit tee had decide to ask through the press fo- suggestions. "What Is wanted," said Mr. Murdock, "Is suggestions for sites, with the price attached, and also estimate KELEfON construction coat and trousers of Ballybo Homespun or Kirschbaum American Serge. Kirschbaum Summer Clothes keep their shape and stylish ap pearance, their good fit and their good looks. Ask for Kirschbaum Summer Suits (Warranted). Good stores everywhere, $ 1 0 to $20. Insist on seeing th Kirschbaum label) inside breast pocket of coat. For Sale in Omaha by Berg-Swan son Co, as to the probable cost of a building such as sems to bo desired." Suggestions of this nature may be sent to Mr. Murdock- office and will be received until Saturday afternoon when the committee meet. Meat Trie Adratee. With the advaneo in the price of live stock at the stock yards tne packer have made a raise to retailer on dressed meats. For corn-fed beef the packers now want cents, which Is an Increase from CH'SI cents. Retail butchers now charge 20 cents a pound for porterhouse and from 18 cents to 20 cent for sirloin. Packer hav also increased the price of cut meat 203 ctnts a pound. Pork chops sell for 10 cents a pound. Mutton Is scarce and sells for 11 cents, while lamb are selling for 12H cents a pound. Retail dealers say these price will continue for aome time. Cattle Belli Dipped. Over 700 head of cattle wer dipped at the stock yards yesterday. A solution of lime and sulphur Is used. It Is expected that from this time on all of the cattle sent to the country will be dipped. Gen eral Manager Kenyon of the Stock Yards company has made arrangements for the dipping of all the cattle that may be sent to this market. The dipping of cattle at this market only commenced a short time ago, but purchasers of feeders seem to desire It. In the dipping all of the govern ment regulations are being compiled with. Treasurer Calls Warranta. City Treasurer How has Issued a call for city and School warrants. The war rant called should be presented to the treasurer on or before June 10, a Interest ceases on that date. General fund war rant up to and Including 2610 are called, water warrant to 1121, treet repair to 666, Judgment to 846; all outstanding police war rants, all outstanding school warrants. Bom sidewalk warrant are also included In the list. Laatlna-Iy Impressed. Few people forget our store when once a customer. They notice at once our careful, courteous treatment. Impressed lastingly with our fair and square business ways, readily recognizing many advantages gained by trading regularly at such a store. They discover a good, round saving In money, too. We save you from 6 cents to 26 cent on each prescription, and the sav ing Is much greater when you consider our better quality in finished prescriptions. We may save you a long sick spell or save your general health. That's more still Wade and Butcher raiors In 60 different style. Tou take no risk in any style. We guarantee them all at $1.26, 11.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.60, $3.00. We guarantee our 25o, 35c, 50e, 60c and 76c shaving brushes not to loose bristle. Others at 10c, ISc, toe. Strops, the best at 36c, 60c. 60c, 76c. $1.00. Mugs, 10c, 26c, 36c. Hones, 60c and 75c. We sell every thing to make shaving easy. D. 8. CLARK, the Leading Druggist. Mao-la City Gossip. Joseph Koutsky leaves today for Ruskln, Neb., to be gone until Tuesday. C, E. Mnn of Johnson, . Neb., la , her visiting his sister, Mrs. i. a. naiu Miss May Stover of Sheridan, Wyo., has returned after a yis!t with Miss Clara 'xomDrmK. Mrs. James V. Chizek has gone to Rich' field for a week' visit with friends. Clara Tombrlnk. 1318 North Twenty. fourth street, has gone to Fremont to at tend school. The new Business Men's club will meet this evening at the parlors or tne Boutn umana ciuo. George Casey announces the arrival of twins, Dotn gins, at nis nome, xwemy first and J streets. E. O. Mayfteld came up yesterday to make arrangements tor tne removal pi nia family to Kansas City. Miss Maud Honey of Gandy, Neb., I in tne city, tne guest oi Mr. ana Airs. y. a. Honey, Twenty-iourtn ana J street. Postmaster Etter announces that the postofnee will close at noon on Friday ai the carriers will participate in the semi centennial celebration in Omaha, - , The Keystone) Bxpress, The popular low-fare train on Penney! vanla line leave Chicago dally at 10:06 a. m. and haa coaches and sleeper Chicago to New York, without change, for all classes of passengers. Ask for ticket reading over the Pan Handle route. For full Information call on or address Thomas H. Thorp,. T. P. A. Penn. Line. Omaha, Neb. Fare for this train a low as via any other Una, . Every article from A. B. Hubermann'a jewelry store is under absolute guarantee. Photo, 60o and up. iXll Farnam street. FIRST AUDirORlCM CONCERT lanes' Band, Soloitti acd Fnlirsl Qonrt Hake Strong Attraction. THOUSANDS LISTEN TO EVENING PROGRAM ft a a- Time and Popalar Air Mingle with Claaalo Compoeltlona and Splendid Solo Combiner with at agnlflcent Chora. There Is nothing In life without speeches. That is in America. Few people really like to hear them, and few really like to make them. But there is an uneasy feeling among the audience during such a time as this Auditorium opening until It has had its round of oratory, and been dismissed to do Its own will. The management does not feel that fitting demonstrations have been made until the speaking Is accom pliahed. But when the last word haa been spoken the entertainers and the entertained beam upon each other with the smile of duty well done, and there follow relaxa tlon and enjoyment unmarred by any sense of duty shirked or the proprieties grieved. So it was with the opening concert last night, the presentation and the serious matter of Tuesday had been fitly gone through; everybody sat back easily and listened with Idle and self-approving pleas ure to the music of the festival. The great thing about Frederick Nell Innes Is that he Is a sure enough American. The rag-time rhapsody is to him no foreign silliness of sound to be scoffed at. He plays It in the real rag cadence and knows It has a legitimate a place in the library of muslo as have the great works of the masters of composition. For this particular reason Mr. Innes Is very popular in Omaha. He playa the rag-time and other muslo of the sort for encores with prodigal liberality He Is not like ftlvela, who bit the blood , from his tongue In mortification when such a tune drew the longest applause in the Capitol avenue tent. The great stage of the Auditorium was a picture last night with the blue of the bandsmen and the flashing of their Instru ments, set in the background of white dresses of the women singers of the festival ononis. The basse and tenor were seated to right and left. The chorus numbered 600 and with the instrumentalist quite well filled the platform. Beginning of the Band's Work, The first number on the program wa the 'Kalsermarsh,' of Wagner. This wa a band piece with the exception of the finale, in which the chorus Joined. This heavy muslo gave the leader an opportunity for Interpretation and showed his musicians fully capable bandsmen. The chorus did not show conspicuously. One of the two encores which followed In answer to the long and loud applause wa a medley of national airs, which contained "The Star Spangled Banner." The audience rose be iHtlngly, although in a manner which showed It had not fully naturalised this English-like custom. The delightful "Sere nade Boccoco" of Meyer-Helmund was the second number, and was greeted with the fervor of an old acquaintance, It being one of the frequently repeated numbers of the Royal Italian band. An encore showed to a marked degree the drill and precision of the Innes musicians. Edwin C. Rowden then made hi first appearance here, singing Schumann's "The Two Grena diers." His 1 a pleasing bass and hi tasteful singing won him much applause. He however was heard wfth difficulty at the rear of ihe hall. He sang the bright star song .from Tannhauser. for. an encore. Lisit's "Second Hungarian Rhapsody" was excellently rendered by the band, although there might be said to have been lacking something of that Intensity which we have learned to expect from the Hungarian muslo. Chorus Gets a Chance. "A Torrent in Summer" gave the festi val cboru it first opportunity. It sang unaccompanied. J. H. Sims, who directed, was applauded a he took his place. The music of this number was perhaps bet' ter suited to the individual voice of the member of the chorus than some of the Wagnerla muslo and the effect wa most pleasing. The four part were of equal merit and the chorus well balanced. The applause was moat hearty. After the intermission the other leader of the chorus, Ben Stanley, raised the baton over the band and singers for the "Hall Bright Abode," from Tannhauser. The chorus ang with precision and volume and fully sustained the Impression first mad. In Bohumlr Kryl, the Bohemian cornetlst. Omaha found one who could to far to make Its cltlsens forget Bellatedt. In Levy' fan- taste, "Russia," and In two encores he showed himself a brilliant- artist. HI run and trills were of the smoothness of oil and the tongulng was such a to be a reve lation to the average tooter on this Instru ment But it wa in hi pedal note that he most surprised the audience. He did what Pryor did on the trombone, and pro duced note far below the scale of the cor net In ordinary hands. Mrs. Emma Partridge, the soprano, sang "Ooean, Thou Mighty Monster," by Weber. Her voice was very effective In this heavy muslo and filled the Auditorium. She re ceived prolonged applause. Innes played again the old favorite, "Love I King," and the Intermeaso, "Anna," used Tues day night. Then cam the concluding num ber, scenes from "Lohengrin," . Including the wedding march and the King's prayer and finale. The band, the chorus and th soloists, including those who had appeared and Mrs. Grace Whistler Mlslck, contralto, and Alfred D. Shaw, tenor, all took part In this dramatlo muslo and achieved some fine climaxes. Attendance) Wa Good, The first of th concerts began at t o'clock in the afternoon. Being the first rather an Informal affair, the attendance was rather light. In the evening fully 4,000 people entered the doors. The afternoon muslo was rather more of a popular na- tur than that of the evening. The soloists were Mr. Mlslck, Mr. Shaw and Mr. Kryl. The programs for today follow) AFTERNOON. Overture Galatea Suppe Two characteristic dances (a) "On Tiptoe" Hosmer tb) "Salome" limine Aria from "Faust".. ..dounod Mr. n.. u. Kowaon. Airs from "The Chime of Normandy". Planquette "Henry VIII." (Ballet Music) Bt. Baens "The Leviathan" (Concert Polka) Kryl Cornet Solo by Kryl. Overture Zsnsetta Auber Aria from "Tannhauser" Wagner Mrs. Partridge. (a) "Venesuela" (Dance) Wells (b) "Francgesa" (Military March).. ' Oanne Sesond Polonaise Llsst 6cenes from "Lucia" , Donlsettl EVENING. , Military night, "War and Peace," a musi cal allegory. In which Is described by the aid of well known national and patriotic airs the events Immediately preceding and during the war of th states, by costumed brlgHde. of Anvil Beaters, Roinere's Mili tary band, Clayton's Drum and Fife Corps. The military pageant by the Omaha Guards, the Thurston HI tie and the South Omaha cavalry. PRECEDING THE ALLEGORY. Feetlval Overture Lassen "Nobll Blgnor" (from "Th Hugenota "). . . ( Jvi u Y3rb&r Mrs. Grace Whistler Mlslck. Second l'ul'Hialne Llstt Mortality Statl.tlca. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Hoard of Health dur ing th. twenty-four hours ending at noon Thursday: lilrthw Ifenry Kht, Second and Popp! ton. alrl; X. C Rich, North Twentieth, girl: William ChrlTOian, am Couth Elev enth, girl; Henry R. Ron a f era, mr, North Eighteenth, boy: Pete Cloburg, M5 Maple, rlrl; John NU.-on. 271J PaclQc, boy: U H. Campbell, 2W Htokorr. boy. Deaths Isabella ChrUtenaen, 1171 South Third. 2; Jennie Lennehan. ml Clark. IGNORE DEMURRAGE CHARGES Western Oar Service Official Are Sol Asked Conalder that Sabjeot. The regular annual meeting of the West ern Car Service sssoclatlon wa held at the Millard hotel yesterday. Matter of Interest to tbe various western lines were taken up and discussed, but no change In the rules governing the associa tion were made. The coal dealers have not as yet filed a remonstrance with the association against what they term ex orbitant demurrage charges, consequently this question did not come before the association. Those present were: G. W. Loomls, rep resenting the Kansas City, St. Joseph & Council Bluffs railway and the B. St M.; H. C. Nutt, representing the Burlington at Burlington; H. O. Strickland, Superinten dent of the Omaha, representing the North western, Nebraska and Wyoming division and Northwestern proper; W. C. Winter, representing the Omaha; J. R. Webster, representing the Illinois Central and the Omaha Bridge & Terminal company; J. B. Smalley, representing the Rock Island, with headquarters at Falrbury; Superintendent Bell of the Great Northern at St. Paul, representing that line; W. D. Lincoln, rep resenting the Union Pacific; M. Loftus, representing the Missouri Pacific and the Kansas City & Northwestern, After a half-day session the meeting adjourned until next year. Announcements of the Theaters. Benjamin Shoengold as leading man, with a competent company from the GUckman theater, Chicago, will present "Alexander," in Yiddish, at the Krug tonight. Notices In the Kansas City and St. Joe paper In the highest terms of this company when It played in those cities recently. "Alex ander" is an opera in four act and deals with a love story In which a young prince of Jerusalem in disguise wins the love of a princess, also in disguise. They thwart the plans of the villains, who plot to break off their marriage. The same company will present "A Jewish Priest" Sunday matinee and "King Lear" Sunday night. Again this evening and at a matinee and evening performance tomorrow the Ferris Stock company will give the Jolly comedy, "AH the Comforts of Home," at the Boyd theater. On Sunday afternoon the fourth week of the engagement will begin with "Stricken Blind," a powerful play of the heart-Interest type. This will be the bill for the first half of the week, and on Thursday the well known Clyde Fitch com edy of western life, "The Cowboy and the Lady," will be put on. NEW WORLD'S FAIR TRAINS Via Wabash Leave Omaha 7.45 a, m., Council Bluffs t a. m. dally, arriving World's fair station 7:55 p. m., St. Louis Union station 7:51 p. m. Leave Omaha 6:30 p. m.. Council Bluffs 6:45 p. hi., dally, arriving World' fair sta tion 7 a. m., St Louis Union station 713 am. Returning, leave St. Louis Union station 1 a. m.. World's fair station 9:15 a. m, dally arriving Co. Bluffs : p. m., Omaha, I p. m. Leave St. Louis 7:30 p. m., World' fair station 7:45 p. m. dolly, arriving Council Bluffs S:05 a. m. Omaha 8:80 a. m. Only line with station at main entrance of World' fair grounds. Compare time with other line.- Your local agent can sell via Wabash. For all Information and beau tiful World' fair Jolder: call at Wabash City Office, 1601 Farnam St., or address HARRY E. MOORES. G. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. The Foar-Track New for Jane. The June . number of the Four . Track News Is full of matter Interesting, not only to travelers, but to the general reader. Its table of contents Is unusually long and Its contributors Include a number of well Known writers, ine pleasures oi summer are dealt with under various titles and In clude tales of the Adlrondacks, of the Great Lakes, of the west, of the moun tains and of the seashore. There is also much which will entertain the foreign traveler, and the general reader will find entertainment in other articles not per taining exclusively to travel. There are the usual Interesting departments, poems, bits of humor, etc., and the Illustrations are exceptionally attractive. From the New Tork News bureau, May 19, 1904. Rational Prohibition Couventlpn Indianapolis. Ind., June tt-JO, The Chicago Great Western Railway will, on June 26 and 27, sell round trip tickets at one fare, plus 12.25, to - Indianapolis, Ind. For further Information apply to S. D. parkhurse, General Agent, 1513 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. Photos, BOo and up. 1311 Farnam street. NATIONAL Pn3a m ii FIGHT OYER THE ORDINANCE i Eailroidi Jurist on Original Hstiur sad Bcelpsrs Want Theirs C0UNCILMEN ARE AT SEA OVER MATTER la the Meantlmd Omaha Jobber Say They Are Loalaa, While Kansas City and St. Joseph Profit. The railroads are taking a hand In the fight In tbe council to have passed th anti-scalplng ordinance desired by the commercial Interests. It had been said that the transportation lines were behind the measure and declined to grant Omaha stop-over privileges on World's fair ex cursion tickets, but the officials have not come out openly for the ordinance before. Now councllmen say they are being ap proached by them and urged to vote for "the same ordinance as passed In Kansas City." According to the councllmen the lines will not be satisfied with the substitute ordi nance prepared by the scalpers and the promise of the latter that they will not den! in the World's fair transportation, The original ordinance proposed is wanted or nothing, and until It Is passed and put In operation the railroads say they will not grant stopover privileges In Omaha. Jobbers say they have lost much business already because their customers have not been allowed to drop off and see them and make purchases while here, and that later on when the merchant from western towns begin to attend th fair In number th loss will mount Into the hundreds of thou sands of dollar and that the profit will belong to St. Joseph and Kansas City. Contest In the Council. The contest in the council has devoloped into a fight of the hottest kind and it cannot be ascertained how a majority of the members stand on the question. Some of tho councllmen have not decided which way they will vote, but all of them are Inclined to lend an ear to the scalpers, who plead that their business will be ruined If the railroad ordinance is put into effect. They say the proposed law, which forbids dealing in any reduced rate, contract, transportation, Is Illegal, but that while they are fighting It, the railroads may compel them to close their doors by in junctions, and in ' any event they are bound to suffer heavy loss from the ticket on hand which cannot be used, all being limited In time of validity. The ticket brokers sny the ordinance was contrived by the Western Passenger association to be used 'to back up a na tional anti-ticket scalping law, which the association will try to have passed, pro vided that a number of cities can be pre vailed up to pass the ordinance. Mean while the scalpers will be injured and dis couraged In the pursuit of their business. Several of the councllmen favor letting the Jobbing Interests take their chances, saying that they can force the road to give stopover privileges here If they exert sufficient Influence. Awful L,os ot Lite Follows neglect of throat and lung dis eases, but Dr. King's New Discovery cures such troubles or no pay. Wo, $1.00, For sal by Kuhn St Co. LIQUOR DEALERS CONCLUDE Cloae Three-Day Session and Remain In City for Little Additional . Pleasure'. , . e. ' The eighth annual convention of the Ne braska Retail Liquor Dealers' Protective association adjourned sine die at Osthoff hall yesterday, to meet again next year In Omaha on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June. The delegates, nearly 400 in number, expressed themselves as highly pleased with their reception here and at the closing session passed a resolu tion thanking the local entertainment com mittee for the kindly manner in which the visitors were received. Most of the dele gates will remain In Omaha until Frdtay, having been given a set of keys to the city by Mayor Moores. During the three days' session of the liquor dealers the old set of officer wa re-elected, various report read, change In the constitution and bylaw made and topic ot general Interest to th business discussed. A tour of th city in street car and attendance at 'Boyd' theater were among the entertainment features. notice t By request of Omaha Seml-Centennlat, freight houses on all lines in Omaha will close Friday, June 10, at 1 p. m., and will be kept open Saturday, June 11. to I p. m. Bnildlna- Permits. , Permit for new construction have been Issued to Agnes Borwlck for a fl.OOO frame dwelling at 2518 South Twenty-fourth street and to B. 8. Freeman for a 1,000 addition DITTO You can "ditto'. Unoecla' Biscuit with every meal with every sort of meal whenever you are hungry BR EAKFAST LUNCH DINNER " SUPPER "H BETWEEN TIMES BISCUIT COMPANY Men's Underwear Flvo very conspicuous values for the men Friday. This line of underwear conies up to our regular standard of quality. Seldom do such underwear have an equal saving attached to the price. .... Men's Furnishings. F Good quality unbleached Balbriggan UDder vwear, satin faced drawers and pearl button 4Jr trimmed shirts 25c garment. "JP Fine finished fancy drop stitched bulbriggan jft T C underwear, In pink, blue, white and ecru, an 7 excellent garment for service 33c garment. 5. Extra good quality, medium weight balbriggan and fancy lace weave, with long and short sleeves, white, blue, straw and ecru colored, best value ever 6hown special, 50c garment.' 3Tk Jean Drawers Best quality elastic seam Jean U C drawers, cut wide and full, with elastic ankles, the regular 50c kind special at 39c. f"k Extra fine quality Egyptian cotton and fancy m 0 0 colored mercerized combination suits, beauti iJr P fully finished and properly shaped, regular $1.50. value, at 90c suit, all sizes. to a frame dwelling at 1061 South Twenty ninth treet. ED GORDON IS CONVICTED Found Gnllty of Bobbin; Poatoffiee sit Newcastle Miller aad Brink Plead Gallty. Edward Gordon wa convicted In the United BUtee district court of robbing the poetofflc at Newcastle. The amount stolen was 1200. , J. F. Miller, charged with opening and appropriating ths contents of a certain let ter addressed to one J. T. Miller of Omaha, was brought before Judge Munger Wednes day evening and changed his plea from that of not guilty to guilty. He was held pending sentence. James Brink ef Lyons, Indicted for rais ing tl to 110 bills and trying to pass the same, was brought before Judge Munger Wednesday evening and changed his plea of not guilty to guilty. Brink has been out on bond since hi indictment. He, with Gordon, convicted of the Newcastle post- office . robbery, and Brink, confessing to counterfeiting, were remanded to the Douglas county Jail to await sentence. OMAHA to CHICAGO and Back ' via ' ILLINOS CENTRAL R. R., June 1. 17, 18, 19 and . . City Ticket Office 140f Farnam Bt, or writs . yr. H. BRILL. - D. P. A., ' Omaha. Neb, Attaatloa, Red Men. All tribes of Omaha and South Omaha and elsewhere In the state, and all visiting members of the Improved Order of Red Men, are requested to meet promptly at 1 o'clock,- p. m., on June 10, at Red Men hall. Continental block, Omaha, to form In line for the military and clvlo parade of that day. By order, of the committee of Red Men Military Order of the Loyal Legion. The commandery has been invited to par ticipate In the parade Friday. Companies will assemble at Webster and Sixteenth t treats at 1:30 p. m. Those having carriage are requested to bring them. . FRANK B. BRTANT, Recorder. ' Geo. A. Custer Post, G. A. R! Attention t It Is desired that as many as are able to march will turn out tomorrow at 1:30 o'clock to participate In the semi-centennial parade. Meet at Sixteenth and Cali fornia streets. JONATHAN EDWARDS, Commander. A. B. Hubermann, only direct diamond importer in the wat Cor. 13 th and Dcugla. Photos, SOq and up. 1311 Farnam street C: wwwwmii w rmmmmmiflS ,.,., USUr Your Summer Vacation May be most agreebly spent at the delightful resorts reached by the Northwestern Line The Black Hills, the Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota Lake Regions and scores of other pleasure grounds are reached by the Chicago & North Western Railway with the fin est train service. Excellent service to St. Paul and Minneapolis, giving ready access to Lake Minnetonka, White Bear Lake and other Northern summer resorts. Fast daily trains make con nection with all lines east of Chicago. Special low rates are In effect from all points during the summer.. Tickets and full Information on application Ticket Offices: 1401-1403 fanum St, nwsso OMAHA. OR3LY , &(K8 HtTOitt CHICAGO AND RETURN June 16, 17, 13, 19 and 20 VIAflsjt Tickets and further Information at City Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam Bt, or wrlto . . W. H. BRILL, D. P. A. , ILL. CENT. R. R. Omaha,Neb. THE BEST BEER THE BEER YOU LIKE CABINET FOUR SYNONYMS FOTTIt - TWO - NAUQIIT That's our telephone number catch ltl You may need It tor future use. SOLD ON DINING AK3 BUFFET CARS TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER sad Saaajple Coyy, i