THE OMAHA DAILY KEE: FRIDAY, JUNE 10. 1904. Hie Omajia Daily Bee. XX ROBE WATER, EDITOR. . JTJstLISHED EVERY MORNING. . , TERM3 OF SUBSCRIPTION. Pally Be (without Sunday), One Tear.. 14. 0 Daily Bee and Sunday, One Tear .W Illustrated Bee, One Year 2.M Sunday Bee, One Year -W . Paturdny Bee, Ona Year 2.00 Twentieth Century Farmer, One Year.. 1.00 DELIVERED BY CARRIER. ' Dally Bee (without Sundav), per copy 2c t Dally Bee (without Sunday), per week. ...llfl Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week.. ,17a Sunday Bee, per copy 6c Evening Ree (without Sunday), per week. 6c Evening Be (Including Sunday), per i week . ....... .10c Complaint "of ""irregularity "in delivery should be addressed to City Circulation , Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Building, Twen , ty-flfth and M Street. Council Bl.ifTs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago 140 Unity Building. New York 232 Park Row Building. I Washington (Ml Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to newa and edi torial matter should be addressed; Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft express or postal order, ray4le to The Bee Publishing Company. Only -cent at amp received In payment of , mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not acceptnd. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, Douglas County sa.: i Oeorre B. Tzschuck, secretary or The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, j nays that tbe actual number of full and 1 complete copies of The Dally. Mornln. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during tha month of May, V.HM, was ns follows: 1 20,009 17 W,SO 1. SS.MMI Is 80,000 S 2,T0 . ll ....S,91 4 29,730 20 JH,4tl t ....80,070 21 8O.3S0 2S.H40 22. 20,100 : T ,. .80.080 a 20.9T0 S 2,T0 24 20,700 30.1HO 25 20.H4U 10 80,100 M 2D.HUU Jl ,.,.20,rMK 27 2O.710 ' 12 ...30.730 28 29,940 U .'...2UMM 29 ..27,100 14 ..20,940 20 SO.WtO U v.t.2a,02 .. 81.: 29,7SO is ....jMi.aio Total. B11.SB0 Leas unsold and returned eop'.es.... 1 0,020 Net total sales 901,821 Nat average sales.. 20,001 GEO.' B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed in my presence and aworn to before ma thia 3lat day of May. A. D. 1904. (Seal) Id. B. HCNOATB, i " Notary Public. . Old Omaha is still quite young. The June rise Is coming on schedule time. c . San Domingo looked at Colorado and then quit illghtlng. Former Acting Mayor Zlmman la now In position to write a book entitled "Mayor for a, Day." ' ' i The singularity of plurality la shown when Utah women organize a society for the propagation of polygamy. Four inches of snow at Lead vi lie would indicate that Colorado can keep cool under adverse circumstances. We are glad to know that the assess ment of that baronial castle was not the teal cause of, Mr. Joalyn's grievance. ' i r What is ptiEEling the Jacksonlan club .now that the kitty has been scared pway Is how to raise the funds to pay 'the ice man. On the blackboard of the Bchool board the Janitors permanent list appears to be listed higher than the teachers' per manent list If President Stlckney will bring that mammoth elevator along he will be wel come to participate in the old settlers' celebration. Russian military , experts say they are in doubt as to what Oeneral'Kouro patkln will do, and they may know as much about it as the general himself. . , The Nebraska seml-bentennlal celebra tion Is a public celebration. No special invitations are required nor should any one interested stand on ceremony. When Morocco accedes to all of the demands of Raisouli and thus puts a premium upon brigandage, Trance can not begin its benevolent assimilation too soon. Today belongs to the old settlers. To morrow belongs to the current genera tion which is to complete the work be gun by the founders of Nebraska fifty years ago. Adjutant General Bell, of Colorado deplores the wrecking of the Victor Record office, but it is noticeable that be sent no men with rifles after the perpetrators of the outrage. Henry Watterson looks with dread to the time when the office of presi dent may be sold to the highest bidder, but Colonel Watterson will have to ad mit that the first attempt in this direc tion has met with failure. As a., royal jollier King E J ward can hardly be called a success. Ills friendly words to the Irish called out a protest from the Ixmdon Times and now the Spectator fears be will say too much when he meets the kaiser. The grand jury has adjourned without finding any substantial grounds for those well denned rumors, but parties whose political stock in trade is made up chiefly of well defined rumors may be depended upon to continue to circulate them. It is bard to part with some tradi tions. We are told, for example, by Uncle Bill Bnowden, who claims to be the oldest inhabitant at this time, that the late A. I). Jones was not the first postmaster of Omaha, although he car ried letter in his bat We have been asked to keep it strictly confidential that there la a 000-barrel a day flouring mill in sight of Omaha, but we divulge no secret when we say that its erection will be hailed with a good deal of satisfaction by every man and woman interested in the growth and prosperity of this city. protest itco dimochats.' That there are many democrats In New York who are opposed to Parker has been made evident since the action of tbe-AIbany convention Indorsing biro a lid fresh testimony to this effect is fur nished in the call, for a state conven tion to be held June 18 for the purpose of sending a delegation to' St Louis to protest against nominating rarkrr. The democrats Identified with this move ment some of whom have long been prominent in Empire state politics, de clare that Judge Parker could not carry New York if he were nominated with the present Influence back of him. In their call tbey characterize the platform of the convention that instructed for Parker as meaningless and warn the national democracy "that a candidate who has no principles, or does not de clare them, and stands on a platform of platitudes, cannot carry the state of New York and does not deserve suc cess." They further any, that common honesty requires that the national dem ocratic platform shall express the pur Iose of the party 'clearly and so define its policy ' with reference, to present Issues that It cannot be misunderstood. How Important this movement will prove In its effect upon the chances of the New York jurist cannot be clearly foreseen, but the signers of the call are men of force and influence and as they are undoubtedly In earnest it is most reasonable to assume that their action will command the serious attention of democrats throughout the country and cannot fall to make an Impression upon the delegates to the national conven tion. It Is not to be doubted that these protesting democrats, who assert that in the action of the Albany convention the section of the state which furnishes democratic majorities is misrepresented, reflect the views and the position of a very considerable body of voters. There fore when they unqualifiedly declare that Parker with the present influence back of him could not carry New York the statement is ono which the demo crats cf the country will hardly be dis posed to ignore or treat with indif ference. Even with a united and harmonious party behind him in his own state there would be no certainty of Judge Parker carrying It. Any serious defection, such as is now being manifested, would as sure his defeat in New York. It is needless to say that this consideration will have great weight at St Louis should the anti-Parker element in the Empire state carry out the purpose it has announced and which there is every reason to believe it will do. This move ment Is very likely to stimulate the opposition to Parker in other states and to Induce some of the delegates who are now Inclined to support him to revise their judgment as toy the expediency of doing so. At all events the Parker chances are distinctly injured by this movement the more so from the fact that the men identified wiyi, t do not Indicate a preference for any one of the pos-lble candidates. They go no'farther thai: o protest against the action of the Albany convention. and announce their opposition to the candidate who refuses to state his views' pn national ques tions, declaring that "when be asplrea to a political office and seeks to assume the leadership of a great party his silence Is an insult to the intelligence of the American people." , ADVMHT VP TUB VOTIKQ MAC H11IK Polk county, Iowa, and the city of Des Moines, have decided to substi tute voting machines for the paper bal lots, and the contract has been let for fifty-one machines at an expense of f25,00G Wblle this may seem a very large sum, the Investment cannot fall to effect a very large saving in the long run in the conduct of elections. A battery of fifty voting machines would be more than ample for Omaha and South Omaha. They are now di vided into eighty-eight voting precincts with five election officers at each pre cinct, drawing $3 a day. The use of voting 'machines would also curtail ma terially the expense of registration. In stead of eighty-eight registration boards there would be only fifty, and possibly a less number could readily enroll all the voters now registered in the two cities. Most desirable of all would be the promptness In securing correct returns and the avoidance of frivolous and costly election contests on account of alleged ballot box stuffing and tally sheet padding. In case of the adoption of the Minnesota primary election law there would be a still greater saving effected by the use of machine voting in place of ballot voting. Under the Minnesota law the day set apart for registration Is also primary election day for voters of all parties. When a voter presents 'himself for registration he is furnished a blank ballot of the party with which he affiliates and at once de posits the ballot after he lias marked It This does away wlh the possible chance of repeating. Incidentally the Minnesota plan insures a free expression of party sentiment and saves the party organization the expense and trouble of drumming up voters and conducting sep arate primary elections. AO KMPLUrMBMATST.,LOUlS. Working men and working women, and people in quest of employment gen erally, should keep away from St Louis unless they are prepared to meet 'with disappointment Thousands of men and women who imagined that they would find lucrative employment In the expo sltlon city are now stranded there and ninuy of them are in dire distress. Long before the fair opened St. Louis was the Mecca of the unemployed from all sections of the country. The sup ply soon became much greater than the demand, and many of those who had confidently expected to secure soft berths were glad to accept menial posi tions at nominal wages. A large num ber of those who were able to pay their way back to tbelr hornet hive returned poorer in pocket "t richer in expe rience. Many thousands are now seek ing employment In Chicago, which, be ing the nearest and most promising of the larger cities, is generally the point of retreat "When the disappointed come here," says the Chicago Inter Ocean, "they are willing and anxious to do anything, and the crowds that gather dally around the newspaper o Aires wait ing for the editions to come from the press scan every line In the 'Help Wanted' columns. Especially Is the number of women and girls who are searching for work unusual. They are storming the restaurants asking to act as waitresses, but willing to go Into the kitchen if necessary to clean the pots and pans or scrub the floors." There are, doubtless, many men and women In this section of the eonntry bo have been anxiously waiting to save up money enough to go to St. Louis in order to strike paying employ ment To those a word of caution should be sufficient Keep away from St Louis. PER CAPITA CIRCULATION. According to the treasury statement the volume of money in circulation con tinues to Increase at the rate of from $12,000,000 to $15,000,000 a month, which may be taken as a fair indication of the increase in trade and commerce. At the beginning of the present month the per capita circulation was $.'K).09, based on an estimated population of 81,752,000. Tills is a little less than the per capita circulation a month ago, the decline be ing due to the large withdrawal of gold during the last weeks of May. With a circulation of over $2,500,000, 000, which is steadily Increasing by ad ditions to the gold supply and to the na tional bank currency, there Is manifestly no reason for doubting that the supply of money is adequate for the legitimate business needs of the country. The Ne braska democratic platform says that de mocracy "would secure to the people a volume of standard money sufficient to keep pace with the demand for money." Can there be any question that we now have such a volume for every legitimate demand? It does not appear that any where the merchant or manufacturer who Is entitled to credit cannot get what money he needs for his business and at reasonable rates. This money is "stan dard," every dollar of it worth one hun dred cents and on an entirely sound and secure basis. The currency situation, as shown by the official figures, is alto gether satisfactory. PAYIKO INC GOVERNMENT. The first payment on the loan of $4,600,000 made by the government to the Louisiana Purchase exposition will become due June 15 and the manage ment has been notified by the secretary of the treasury that it is expected the payments will be promptly met other wise he will take charge of the receipts and collection of tickets, as required by the terms of the loan. Secretary Shaw has also suggested to President Francis that something be done by the manage ment to stimulate attendance at the fair, which thus far has not been so good as was reasonably expected. It seems to be the quite general opin ion that the weakest point in the man agement of the exposition has been the Inadequate effort to attract public atten tion to it An eastern paper observes that the chief defect is that the fair has lacked a, competent bureau of publicity and that its merits, which Ought to have been spread to the four corners of the globe for six months before it opened, are now known chiefly to the few peo ple who have actually visited it. There was some advertising done, but it was not on a very liberal scale when the greatness of the enterprise is considered, and it was not persisted in as it should have been. It is perhaps too late now to remedy the defect, yet the advice of Secretary Shaw that something be done to stimulate attendance should not go unheeded, if the exposition is not to be an utter failure financially. Another thing that has operated to keep people away from St Louis is the belief that has obtained that visitors were sub jected to extortionate charges.' There has undoubtedly been exaggeration as to this, but the reports have been very generally accepted and have necessarily had an unfavorable effect upon the at tendance. It appears probable that the exposition management will not be able to promptly meet payments pn tbe government loan and In that event it will be the impera tive duty of the secretary of the treas ury to take charge of the receipts. This would be a somewhat humiliating cir cumstance for the management but should have no detrimental effect upon the fair The official circular Issued by the Union Pacific railroad on June 2, 1804, embodies Information that may be in structive and useful for the guidance of the State Board of Railroad Assess ment The gross receipts of the Union Pacific system, including the Oregon Railroad , and Navigation company's lines, for the month of April aggregate $4,159,027.25, as against $4,002,305.30 for the same month in 1003, and the expenses for the month of April, 1004, were $2,373,253.21, as against $2,380, 402.40. This shows an Increase in gross receipts of more than 20 per cent Over the same month of the preceding year. For the ten months ending April 80, 1004, the gross receipts of the Union Pa cifl system were $"10,110,002.02, as against $41, 645,052 82 for the same period of the preceding year, wblle the expenses for tbe ten months ending April 3a 1004, were $25,122,242.65, as against $22,003,215.73, making a surplus for the ten months ending April 30, 1004. of $20,087,849.07, as against $18, 742,737.00 for the ten months of the preceding year, or a net Increase for the ten months ending April 80, 1004, of $2,245,112.88. While these figures in clude with the Union Pacific system its auxiliary lines west of Salt Lake, r which are reputed to be earning a great deal less per mile than the Union Pa cific proper, tliey clearly Justify the assumption that the Union Pacific rail road hns been earning a great deal more for the last year than during the preceding year and Is, therefore, much more valuable as a going property than It ever has been. Former City Attorney Murdock of South Omaha has extended an invita tion to all parties who have suitable city hall sites to make known at what price they are willing to part with them so that he may be able to ascertain the probable amount of city hall bonds to bo Issued. If Mr. Murdock would explain why he is so deeply Interested In bond issues, or rather why he was so deeply Interested in a former bond issue, he would disarm the suspicion of some Soulh Omaha taxpayers that there Is a deal on with bond speculators. There Is reason to believe that Jim Hill and his associates do not look with disfavor on the proposition to take Mr. Knox out of the attorney general's office and place him in the United States sen ate from Pennsylvania. They might fare no better at the hands of his suc cessor in the cabinet, but they are sure they could fare no' worse. The Japanese minister to Cores says that Japan must rule the Hermit Kingdom while maintaining the fiction of Corean independence. Some people think Uncle Sara has a somewhat sim ilar problem not far from the gone of the proposed Interoceanlc canal. The Great Endorsed. New York Tribune. Ex-President Cleveland has twice de clared himself in favor of Judge Parker's nomination. Is It to be another case of three times and out? The White Man's Burden. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The white man's burden In Thibet is esti mated at (1,600,000 a month, with a prospect of speedy Increase. But Mr. Bull feels pretty solid again, now that tbs Band yield of gold is nearlng the old figures. What the Shlpbatldera Want. Philadelphia Ledger. From the hearings before the maritime commission it appears to the general public that the shipbuilders can think of but one way to build up the merchant marine, and that la to get the taxpayer to add to his taxes. lfethln the Matter with Kuui. Chicago Record-Herald. For stealing 2300,000 a Kansas bank cashier has been sentenced Jo thirty-five year In the penitentiary. Kansas deserve a good deal of respect for this, and If her governor doesn't pardon him at leaat ona world's record will have to be -marked up for tha Sunflower state. . -i . " Blissful Hoars of Parkerlaa alienee. Pittsburg Dispatch. It was Oliver Wendell Holmes who al luded to that blessed succession: And Silence, like 'a, poultice, comes To heal the blows'' of sound. Who, after eight Hears of Bryan, would begrudge the democracy the blissful hours of peace and quietude? As political strategy does not the late' fixator' Quay's injunc tion sUll obtain: "DeBeaver, don't talk." Manifold other considerations could be cited herewith, but those not absorbed "by democratic prospects must praise the judge for his altruistic silence. Relief from too much talk la delightful. BRYAN OS PARTY LOYALTY. Cnrloas Admission fey Hint la His Reply to a finest Ion. Baltimore News (ind.). Mr. William J. Bryan, In the current issue of the Commoner, publishes the reply be sent to a letter recently received from a citizen of a western state, asking him to state whether he proposed to bolt or would vote the ticket "no matter what platform was adopted and no matter who was nom inated." Mr. Bryan does not evade the question, and he answers It in a very proper and sensible manner. . "While a democrat presumes," says the editor of the Com moner, "that his convention will write a platform and nominate a ticket that he can conscientiously support. It Is not a conclusive presumption, and I do not be lieve that any one ought to be asked or expected to aay that no matter what a convention doea he will support the ticket," Mr. Bryan follows . this up by pointing out that It is only by Individuals reserving a certain degree of freedom to reject their own party's action that any significance is given to political campaigns. But after thia general remark comes a particular observation, which 1 of curious Interest, as to the relative position .of tbe two wings of the democratic party. "You will notice," says the twice chosen leader of tbe regular democracy, "that the eastern democrats never pledge themselves to support the ticket, and there la no rea son why western democrats ahould hold at a lower value their duty to give to their country their best conscience and 'their best Judgment at the time when action la required. Because eastern democrats re fuse to make promises and assert their right to Independent action after the con vention, their opinions are now being con sulted, while it is not thought necessary to consult the opinions of those who vo ciferously announce that neither their con victions nor their Interests need be con sidered, but that they can be counted upon to hurrah for anything in the platform and to change their own opinions whenever the eastern democrats decide that the time has come to change." Here Is something that Cleveland demo crats, and anti-Bryan democrats generally, who are going to the St. Louis convention as delegates will do well to paste in their hats. It contains more than one point that la extremely pertinent in connection with the past and the future of the party. In the first place, it suddenly elevates the democrats who bolted Bryan from their fa miliar position as "traitors", a position which no one has done more than Mr. Bryan to place them in to the lofty rank of citisens who "give to their country their best conscience and their best Judgment at the time when action is required." It la safe to say that If this view of the anti-Bryan bolt had been put forward from the beginning very few of the southern and western democrats especially tbe southern democrats would have lashed themselves Into that state of hostility and hatred to Mr. Cleveland which w have heard so much about. But a still more interesting point Is to be noted as a consequence of this deliverance of Mr. Bryan, When he complains that tbe democrats who consti tute tha bulk of his following have no In fluence In party councils because they "vociferously announce that they can be counted upon to hurrah for anything In the platform," what becomea of the claim that has so long been dinned into our ears that (,000,000 democrats declared for Bryan, while only a handful were against bimT BITS Or WASHIKGTO LITE. Minor Scenes and Incidents Sketched on the Snot. Lyman L. Kebler, chief of the drug lab oratory of the Department of Agriculture, Is conducting In behalf of the government an Inquiry into the adulteration of drugs. The statement Is made that from 60 to 75 per cent of the medicines dispensed by druggists are either willfully adulterated or of Inferior quality. Mr. Kebler thinks that a certain standard of strength and purity should be established for all Im portant drugs, and a federal law passed providing for the punishment of persons who sell medicinal compounds that fall short of the required standards. Mr. Keb ler recently obtained a dosan samples of laudanum and an analysis of them revealed a variation of BOO per cent. This could not be due to material variations In the crude product, for all opium Imported Into this country is examined by the custom house officers, and if it contains less than 9 per cent of morphine it is virtually excluded by a duty of $6 a pound. Tincture of nux vomica was also found to vary widely In strength. Adulterations at the present time, however, are for the most part con ducted on scientific principles, or else con sist In selling goods merely of Inferior quality. The modern adulterator Is usually well versed In the most recent discoveries of science bearing on his particular prod ucts, and If his manipulations are disclosed along certain lines he Immediately turns his energies In another direction. Conse quently he Is always one step In advance of the analyst. The Indians all knew the late Senator Quay as their friend. A few months ago a pretty Indian girl from some western reservation Journeyed .to Washington to secure the kindly offices of Senator Quay In procuring a pardon for her brother. He had committed murder. Senator Quay listened to her story and then asked: "Were there any extenuating circum stances connected with the shootingT" "Yes, my brother killed at 600 yards," said the maiden. This brought a ray of hope to the sen ator. He thought that any man who could kill at 600 yards would appeal to the presi dent Attorney General Knox was visited. Mr. Quay said: "I have never asked you for anything since you have been In office. I now want something. I desire a pardon for thia Indian." The case waa carried to the president, and he was told of the extenuating cir cumstances. There were probably others than his fine shooting, for the Indian was pardoned. The ornithologists of the Department of Agriculture have been making an Investiga tion of the economlo value of the Bob White, as a result of which it Is now an nounced that that bird is "probably the moat useful abundant species on tbe farms." Field observations, experiments and ex aminations show that tbe Bob White con sumes large quantities of weed seeds and destroys many of the worst Insect pests with which farmers contend, and yet It does not Injure grain, fruit or any other crop. It Is calculated that from September 1 to April 80, annually. In Virginia alone, the total consumption of weed seed by Bob Whites amounts to S73 tons. Some of the pests which it habitually destroys, the report says, are tbe Mexican cotton (boll weevil, which damages tbe cotton crop upward of 115,000,000 a year; the potato bettle, which cuts off 10,000,000 .from the value of the potato crop; the cotton worms, which have been known to cause 190,000,000 loss In a year; the cinch bug and the Rocky t mountain locust, scourges' which leave desolation in their path, and have caused loss to the extent of 1100,000,000 in some years. The report urges measures to secure the preservation of the Bob Whites In this country. Tbe Waahlngton police are most polite and obliging. They will hunt up and re store missing husbands as well as children. Recently a woman went to a station house and said to the sergeant: "My husband has not been home to his dinner, and everything Is getting cold. I wish you would make him come home." Whereupon a detachment of coppers went out sleuthing for the recalcitrant husband, found him playing poker in a room over a tailor shop and sent him home double quick to his dinner. "Placed on file" Is the record made at the Navy department of a thousand and one suggestions received for Improving the effi ciency of the service. And It is safe to say that these suggestions will be permitted to remain on file undisturbed until it is neces sary to .clear away the accumulation of useless material In the department, when they will be sent to the refuse heap. The department is also In receipt of suggestions from tha same class of Inventors, and one southern genius Is represented In his claim for attention by an ex-secretary of the navy, who has asked that expert considera tion be given to a monster balloon which shall be carried amidships, directly over the smokestacks, from which the balloon Is to obtain its gases.' The idea is that the balloon will be released on occasion and sent aloft for obaervation purposes, and. If opportunity presents itself, to make an attack from above on the ships of the enemy. Tha plana are accompanied by Il lustrations showing what would happen if a shell struck a vessel under suoh circum stances. The Navy department Is also re ceiving from numerous quarters plans and suggestions prompted by the disaster to tbe British submarine boat. It was reported In the dispatches that one man In the boat waa released by being fired from tha torpedo tube, and it occurred to various Inventors that some such thing might be done for all the occupants of a disabled submarine at the bottom of the sea, the difficulty being In getting the last man out. The Inventors accordingly ap plied themselves to figuring out how the last man might get out of the boat and reach a place of safety. Naval officers say that If the means of escape existed for anyone on a submarine under such circum stances it would be a simple matter to have the last man escape in the same way as his companions. There are enough electri cal appliances to make a project of that sort possible. The inventors who have written to the department appeared to think that the Incident was surrounded with many difficulties. It Is said In the navy that those who go down In the sub marines probably realize that If anything happens to make return to the surface im possible their fate Is sealed ss tightly as the boat In which they are imprisoned. Taklna; a Large Contract. Indianapolis Journal. They tell us the value of tha year's farm products In the United States is approxi mately $4,600,000. Thus the gentlemen who at sundry times dream of forming a great co-operative monopoly to control the prod ucts of the farm may make some esUmate of the else of the Job tbey are so fond or undertaking. Keenlaar In Its Reputation. Kansas City Journal. Among those who were granted new trials by tbe Missouri supreme court yesterday by reason of legal technicalities were three St. Louis boodlers, three of the Webb City "fake" foot racera and a Kansas City man who cut his little child's Ureal Fifty Years ssn"- Improves iho flavor and adds to iho hoallhfulncss of tho food. RICE baking powder co ohioaqo. FOR A SARTORIAL CAMPAIGN. Clothes ns a Factor In Electing; Pres. ldents nnd Vice Presidents. Kansas City Star. The one point in connection with Judge Parker's candidacy which seems to have defied all attempts at concealment Is that he Is well groomed. Whatever may be the effeot of such an admission on the demo cratic heart and mind, it la conceded on all hands that the Judge is the glass of fash ion and the mold of form. It would be Im possible, of course, to keep this fact a secret, since the managers of Judge Parker have insisted only on surrounding his views and principles with mystery, and have ven tured no restrictions on his external mani festations. The revolt ' of many democrats from Bryanlsm may, It Is believed. Indicate a growing Impulse favorable to the Idea of personal embellishment, for which Judge Parker stands. Mr. Bryan's slouch hats and alpaca coats have become a bit passe during the progress of two campaigns and the natural human instinct tor variety and change might be gratified with beneficial results to the democracy by the exploita tion of a sprue dresser like Judge Parker, who looks like a president, anyway. Meanwhile the development of the boom of J. Lee Webster of Nebraska for the vice presidential nomination chows that the republicans are not disposed to neglect the faotor of estheticism In the nomina tion of their ticket. With all due respect for the sterling and rugged qualities of Theodore Roosevelt his most ardent ad mirers would not think of claiming that he could compete with Judge Parker as a sartorial paragon. To drop into plain lan guage, the' president 1 ' a pretty bad dresser. A man less distinguished and able than himself could scarcely afford to be as careless as he Is In the details of his toilet. But with a running mate like Mr. Web ster, with his prismatic waistcoats and a general wardrobe adequate to all of the re quirements of a national qampalgn, the democrats, even with Judge Parker as their leader, would have no advantage Over the opposition. There is no use for either the democrats or the republicans to maun der in this age of the world about "Jef fersonlan simplicity," for that is all pant. In society, in business, in politics, good clothes and personal appearance count for a whole lot. With Parker growing stronger every day and J. Lee Webster constantly Burning more plausible proportions as a vice presidential candidate, the prospects for an animated and' Interesting campaign on the Issue that clothes help to make the party could not be brighter. PERSONAL NOTES. Already St Louis has become the Mecca of 82 per cent of this summer's honeymoon couples. Senator Raines of New York Is now the governor of the state, pro tern., and for the next few days the Raines law ought to be enforced if It la ever going to be. The shirt waist man may not stay in the employ of the St. Louis exposition or of any of its concessionaires. All the attendants have been requested to wear their coats. The first library in the south devoted exclusively to negroes Is about to be erected at Galveston, Tex., through funds bequeathed by the late Henry Rosenberg, a philanthropist of that city. Edward Aughlnbaugh, who waa the first prisoner taken by John Brown's men In the memorable raid in Virginia In 1869, has been in the drug business In Indianapolis almost continuously since the war. Harry S. Cummlngs, the colored law yer who has been selected to make one of the speeches at the republican national convention in Chicago, Is a member of the Baltimore bar, and waa educated at Lincoln university. When a boy in his father's office George J. Gould learned the telegrapher's art, and he has kept It up ever since. A private wire connects Georgian ' Court, his home In Lakewood, N. J., with his office In Broadway, New York, and aa Mrs. Gould also understands telegraphy they are able to chat whenever Occasion demands. First among a late batch of candidates to pass physical examination at the An napolis Naval academy was C. W. Adair of Xenla, O. Midshipman Adair Is a striot vegetarian and has not tasted a particle of animal food for Over two years. He does not even allow himself soup, fish or butter, though many of his cult refuse to gd so far. Young Adair has a fine physique. All the qualities so much desired in a perfect table water ar most happily combined in ILDTWHA Its sparkling purity cannot be excelled. Londonderry has a peculiar frenhness of its own that places It In a clati by itself, and makes it incomparable with other table waters, In which so many disagreeable features are found. Herein lies the secret of it superior blending qualities with all wines and liquors. Londonderry is therefore especially adapted for the mixing of a High Ball," to which it lends a charm beyond comparison. THE RICHARDSON DRUB CO., 01 JACKSON STREET, IMSTRIBVTINQ AGENTS, the Standard BANK WRECKERS AND OTHERS. Polite Rascality Finds a Court Equal to the Emerarency. Chicago Record-Herald. J. E. Marceil was a Kansas bank cashier. He forged papers tq the amount of $300,000, thereby wrecking his Institution. Being found guilty, he has . been sentenced to thirty-five years' Imprisonment. He must serve eighteen years of that time before he can even be released on parole. Already he has put on the convict stripes and be gun to learn the tailoring trade as appren tice under an Imprisoned outlaw and bank robber, Emmet Dalton. Probably It waa the belief on the part of the court that Marceil had concealed the greater part of his stealings, hoping to profit by them after his sentence expired, that led to the infliction of the very severe punishment. Nevertheless, It Is clear that there was no Inclination whatever 'to view his offense with any sentimental leniency. His victims were Ih final analysis the de positors of the bank he wrecked.' and It waa easy to see that he had done more harm to more people than could possibly have been done by the robber with whom he must henceforth silently aasoclate. There has been a great development of publlo opinion In the last generation toward the sterner punishment of crimes of th:s kind. Nevertheless, there Is plenty of room for a still further development. The offense of the promoter Of a watered trust that collapses and thereby ruins the small stockholders, while the- promoter la able to get safely away with bis profits, is closely akin to that of the bank wrecker. In one case the innocent depositor suffer, in the other the Innocent shareholder. In the course of time, our criminal la.wa,,wlUtake cognizance of this fact. If such a develop ment of law had oome earlier the sharpers who operated in Wal) street during the merry days of trust flotation that culmi nated In 1892 would have had shorter shrift and fewer victims. POINTED REMARKS. First Umbrella Are you for protection? Second Umbrella No; apparently I'm for free trade. New York Sun. "Cholly Brokeleigh tells me his ancestors were early settlers here." "Yes? Well, ('holly isn't I'm bis tailor." Philadelphia Press. ' ! "What did that new arrival wantT" asked the recording angel. "He asked me if I knew Where he could get hold of four old halos," said St. Peter. "He save he wants to try and build an automobile." Philadelphia Press. "Some men," said Uncle Eben, "who kin tell you all about why de Russians Is flghtln' de Japanese has private quarrels on hand dat dey couldn' give an excuse foh to save delr souls." Washington Star. Patient What Is the matter with me, dortor? Tobacco heart? Physician (sniffing the atmosphere) Not at, all, sir. Cabbage heart Chicago Tri bune. Lady Caller But I thought children were not tolerated In these apartments. Hostess Ah, but, you see, we named the baby after the Janitor. Town Topics. Jane I wonder what make Mayme look' so sourT Edythe Her new lemon-colored shoes, I suppose. They are probably too smalL Chicago News. "I thought Rlchley Skinner waa quite a popular cltlsen of your town." 'Who told you that?" "Well, I was told he had won many marks of esteem from his fellow-cltiiene." "Yea, dollar-marks." Philadelphia Press. Victim I've paid this debt twice over, and youSknoW It. Why can't you let up on me now, for heaven's sake I Loan Shark Because I'm not In the busi ness tor heaven's sake. Chicago Tribune. "Why don't you do something to convince tha people that you are an enemy to the trusts rr "I'm afraid to go any further In that di rection." answered Senator Sorghum, "for fear I'll convince the trusts of the same thing." Washington Star. HER GRADUATION DRESS. Somervllle Journal. When Ethel roe to speak her piece On graduation day, She looKed upon a gorgeous class Of girls in glad array, And her young heart was filled with peace. And Joy, and happiness. Because she knew they envied her Her graduation lress. And so she made her little bow, KnA said her little say, The envy of the gorgeous class Of girls in glad array. No one recalls a word she said, But even now, I guess. Those girls could tell you all about rhat graduation dress. WATER V SHERMAN & McCCKKELL DRUtf CO. UTH AND DODGE. St U TAIL AGENTS. ( : i "a-