The Omaha Daily Bee. BUSINESS MEN FIND THE BEE'S MARKET PACE UNEXCELLED. 190 IS PRESIDENTIAL YEAR THE BEE KEEPS YOU POSTED ON POUTICS ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 3871. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. OMAHA, EMDAY MORNING, , JUNE 10, 1904 TEN PAGES. DEATH TO UNIONISM Haw 81ogan of tha OitisaoY Alllaioa la tho Cripple Ortek DUtriot of Colorado. HESITATE AT NOTHING TO CARRY PLAN Allianca IatHM a Standing Throat to ill Wag Earnen In that District BELL DISCUSSES VICTOR RECORD OUTRAGE Bay Eo Will Try to Arprsiand the Van Who Planned Infamy. BELL FORCES UNION MINE JO CLOSE Implies tkat Miners Alone Art Re sponsible for Reign of VIolenea ml Wholesale Dcportatleas Arc to Occur. CRIPPLE CREEK. Colo.. June . "Death to unionism In the Cripple Creak district" Is tha new slogan of the Cltliena' alliance. Which haa aent a decree broadcast that very parson connected with any union here must either sever hta or her connec tion with" such organisation or leave the district. The latest aland of tha anti-unionist a was vaguely hlntod at two days ago, but the movement on the part of the alliance aeemed ao absurd to 1,000 or 4,000 unionists In the camp and ita enforcement fraught with so many difficulties that It waa not taken seriously. Tyson 8. Dlnea, Denver attorney and one of the executors of the Stratton estate, la here in conference with the Citlaens' alliance leaders and It Is announced that fee la here preparing a form which will be presented to every merchant and business man and other employers of labor In the entire district, pledging them not to employ any person who la affiliated with a labor Union. No person who works for a living; will be zempt and the absolute .annihilation of unionism In this county Is predicted by members of the Citlaens' "alliance and the Mine Owners' association. . This la considered the most drastic step yet taken by the alliance since It secured the tipper hold In the district and ita en f orcein en t will affect 1,000 men and women now affiliated with tha various unions. Among the unions that will be affected by the new movement are clerks, cooks and waiters, bartenders, carpenters, electricians, trainmen and stone and brick masons. The unionists assert they will light the move ment to a flnleh. ' Pinnliti to Punish Criminals. -General Bell Issued the following signed Statement today regarding the raid on the Vlotor Record office and the destruction of the newspaper plant: - "I cannot be too emphatlo In my con demnation of this unameiican attack. Such action aa thla reflects upon the mili tary, because martial law prevails. Aa military commander I am solely respon . albja foi Uia-laaln to t tola crime if it la possible.' - "I art aware that Editor Kyner was bit terly denoun cad. and threatened ' and no cusedi of selling out when his editorial ap peared asking the Western Federation to call off the strike. The socialistic clement cf the federation were the ones who took the principal stand in this thing. How aver, whoever the perpetrators of this crime may be, they will land in the bull pen If apprehended." "Da you think that union miners recked your office because of your editorial on Wednesday advising the strike be called off T" Editor Kyner was asked today. "I unquestionably do not," he replied. "I do not think the editorial waa the cause of this at all. We had hints and rumors of a plan Jo wreck the office three daya ago, be fore this editorial was published. I asked Major Naylor, the city marshal, for pro teotlon. Ho waa willing to give it, but said ' it would not be necessary and not to fear. Aa a matter of fact the union men agree With the' sentiment In my editorial. After Ita publication all the union men I saw com mended my position and many came to me for that special purpose." F. W, Langdon, the linotype operator who waa driven out of the Record office at the point of rifles, says that he will not leave the district aa ordered. He will send his family away, however. The other em ployes of the Record also say that they will remain In the city. Orders Portland Mine Closed. Adjutant General Bherman M. Bell, com mander of the Teller county military dis trict, today ordered the Portland mine, whtoh employed union men, closed down. The order follows: MILITARY HEADQUARTERS. VICTOR. Colo.. Juue 8 Scale 20: PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the governor of the state did by proclamation issued on the 7th day of June, lftH, declare the county of Teller to be In a state of Insurrection and rebellion, and the territory comprising the said county as now under the rule of military law and now being held and controlled by the military of said state; and. Whereas, a reign of lawlessness,' violence and crime has existed In said county for Several months Inst past, Inaugurated, en couraged and carried forward by certuln eVIl disposed persons, resulting In whole sale asasslnatlons of many peaceful and luw-abldlng clllsens; and, Whereas, said reign of violence and crime till exists In said county so that the peace of the community is threatened, lives and property of the citizens Is menaced and mob rule and violence now threatens to overrule the law; and, Whereua, the Portland mine, situated In said county, is and for a long time has been engaged in employing and harboring lais-e numbers of dangerous, lawless men who have aided, encouraged und given com fort to those who have been so guilty of Bald crimes and outrages, so that said mine Ivan become and now la a menace to the welfare and safety of the good people of said county snd a hindrance to the restora tion of peace and good order; Now, therefore,, by virtue of the power conferred upon me aa commander of the military forces in said county, and as a military necessity. It Is ordered that said mine be at once closed snd all persons fcund therein or thereabouts who are dan- trous to the community be arresiea ana eld until further orders. (Signed) SHERMAN M. BELL, Hales with 1Mb" Hand. The Portland Is the only large mine In tha district that has continued in opera tion since the explosion at Independence on Monday which killed or maimed more than twenty nonunion miners. The Portland Gold Mining company, through its president and manager, James F. Burns, who Is not a member of the Cripple Creek District Mine Owners' association, conceded ths de mands of the union men when the strike Was Inaugurated lust August, and has teadlly given employment to about too men. General ' Bell also. Issued the following proclamation, of which over t.OuO copies were posted: VICTOR. Colo., June 1 1904. To the Peo ple of the Slate of Colorado: It having Veen made to spprar In the commander of the military forces in the district that eer tula depredations have been committed, that property has beau wantonly destroyed aud tbe laws ef Uie state violated, notice (GonUauad aa fleaood Pa4 WARNS SOLDIERS AND SAILORS Mast Ei Care In Matter of ril. 't for Rosebud o " Land. (From - T Correspondent.) WA8HINQTC r' 'une . (Special Tele gram.) The ge land office continues to perfect arraI. nts for opening the Rosebud countrSi 2, today it was an nounced that blaT trms for use of sol diers and Bailors may desire 'to em ploy an agent tc" le registration for them have been re 1 from the govern ment printing office and are now ready for distribution. These forms may be ob tained on application to the commissioner of the general land office at Washington. In this connection it may be well to warn veterans against alluring advertisements. At leaBt one of such character has been CH'led to the attention of the land office officials and the attorney warned. With re gard to what may be dona by an ex-eol-dler or sailor in regard to employment of an agent or attorney Is thus set forth In the president's proclamation: Registration cannot be effected through the use of the malls or employment of an agent excepting through the use of the malls for employment of an agent, except ing that honorably discharged soldiers and sailors entitled to the benefits of section 23u4 of the revised statutes of the United States, as amended by act of congress approved March 1, 1901, may present their sppllcatlons for registration and due proofs of their qualifications through an sgent of their own selection, having duly executed power of attorney, but no person will be permitted to act as agent for more than one soldier or sailor. No person will be permitted to register more than once or in any other than his true nam. 1 Mr. Thomas O. Dawson of Fort Dodge, who has been for nearly seven years sec retary of legation at Rio Janeiro, Is In Washington. "Tom" Dawson was recently appointed United States minister to San Domingo and today called at the State department to receive his final Instructions. He will embark for his post on the first steamer sailing from New York. Mr. Daw son will relieve Minister Powell of the conduct of the Dominican mission, Mr. Powell retaining the position of minister to Haytl. It Is ' Assistant Secretary Loomta' Intention, profiting by his own experience as minister in southern coun tries, to afford Mr. Dawson an opportu nity to Bee as much as possible of San Domingo before he takes up his residence permanently at the capital. ' To that end he will ask the Navy department to have one of the American naval captalna take the new minister aboard his ship and visit every one of the principal Dominican se ports before he settles down at San Domingo. POSTMASTERS GET AN INCREASE! Salary at Omaha Jumps from Fou to Five Thousand. (From a Staff Correspondent.) ' WASHINGTON, June 9. (Special Tele gram.) In ths annual readjustment of sal aries of presidential postmasters these changes are announced today: Nebraska Increase: Omaha, $4,000 to $5,000; Fairbury, 12,100 to $3,200; Lincoln, $3,600 to. $3,00; York, $2,300 to 12,400. Iowa Increase: Charlton, 12,100 to $2,200; Des Moines. $3,900 to $4,000. Decrease: West Union, $1,800 to $1,700. . Applications to organise national banks In' Nebraska wera today approved" aa fol lows r The Harvard National tank of Har vard, with 126.000 capital, by P. H. Updike, J. H. Yost,' Theodore Grless, 8. J. Rice and E. M. Ben ft son; the First National bank of Edgar, with $28,000 capital, by C. A. Voor hees. P. H. Updike, Edward P. King. C, M. Ferree and George H. Van Antwerp. Rural carriers appointed for Nebraska routes: Blsdln, regular, Percy C. Grand staff; substitute, James E. Moorey. Wav erly. regular, Calvin L. Fisher; substitute, William N. Sweet. Additional jural route ordered established July 16 at Daykln, Jefferson county, Ne braska. Route embraces an area of four teen square miles, containing a population of 250. F. E. Davis haa been appointed post master at Wheatland. Laramie county, Wy oming, vice Ira O. Middaugh, resigned. DOMINICAN REVOLUTION ENDS Admtrsl ilsjsbee Announces Openlnsr of All Ports of Republic WASHINGTON. June 9.-The Navy de partment received a cablegram from Ad miral Slgsbee, dated Monte Chrlstl, last night, which says: Custom house here will begin the trans action of business June 9. All ports of Santo Domingo now open to commerce. Revolution . now ended. PORT All PRINCE. Haytl, June 9. News received here today from San Domingo Is to the effect that the situation In that republic Is grave. The government troops hnve sustained a severe defeat before Monte Crlstl on the north coast. WORKING ON YOUNG CASE Nan Patterson Said to Have Been Present When Revolver Was ' Bonarht. NEW YORK. June 9. In his Investiga tion of the mysterious death of "Caesar" Young, the bookmaker and turfman who was fatally shot while riding In a cab with Mrs. Nan Patterson last Saturday, Assist ant District Attorney Rand today had a Ions consultation with the widow of the dead mnn. Mrs. Young, who has been stay ing at New Rochelle since her husband's death, went to the district attorney's office today accompanied by a woman friend and John J. Mlllln, who was Young's business partner. . Leaving the district attorney's office the party, which hnd been Joined by Dr. Rlg glns, house physician at Hudson Street hos pital, who attended Young In the last few minutes of life after the shooting, went to the grand Jury room. It was said today by the polloe that they have positive evidence that the revolver with which Young was killed was bought from a pawnbroker on Friday last, the day before the tragedy, by a man who waa ac companied by a woman. It was understood that the pawnbroker haa seen Mrs. Patter son and hnt Identified her aa the woman who was with the purchaser of the re volver. ANXIOUS TO SETTLE STRIKE Mine Owners, It Is Said, Wllllns; to Make Concessions and Meet las; Is Talked. TRINIDAD. Colo., June 8.-A delegate meeting of all the locals In district No. It, United Mine Workers of America, embrac ing Colorado. Wyoming, Utah and New Mexico, has been called for June 20 at Pueblo to discuss the existing coal strike and decide whether or not the fight shall be continued. The decision to call a delegate meeting waa reached at a meeting of the national organisers tow In the district and the dis trict officers. The Impression prevails in some circles that ths operators have agreed to make a number of concessions if tha miners will put as and to iUt trufSle - MARINES LAND AT TANGIER Unuaad They Guard tha Bern of Wifa of Belgian Miniiter. SULTAN GRANTING DEMANDS OF BANDIT Work Proceeding Slowly So ns Not to tnduly Excite Inhabitants and Show Weakness of Ruler. TANGIER, June 9. The American consul hss sent two unarmed marines to the resi dence of Countess de Bulsserat (formerly a Miss Story of New York), wife of the Belgian minister. The countess is living In an Isolated house, and as the count, her husband. Is at Fes, the marines were sent to her house aa a precautionary measure. These are the only American marines landed here. The sultan's troops at Tangier have re ceived orders to proceed to Fes. Thus an other of Ralsull's conditions have been granted. The sultan apparently is grant ing the bandit chiefs demands piecemeal ao as not to unduly excite the Moors or emphasise his humllltatlng position. Letters received from Perdlcnrls, the kid naped American, aay he Is suffering from sickness and a doctor of the United States cruiser Baltimore is under orders to pro ceed to see him. Negotiations for a safe oonduct are proceeding. - The negotiations for the release of the captives are progressing slowly. The United States consul general, Mr. Gummere, says he doubts whether Ralsull will give a safe conduct to the doctor of the Baltimore, to go and return. If he goes h3 will be accompanied by the ahereeft of Wax an only. The situation remains unchanged here and in the outskirts of Tangier. The new pasha has been received favorably. It is rumored at Fea that the French government has proposed to the sultan to adopt measures to assure the police se curity for the population at Tangier. Admiral Chadwlclx Reports. WASHINGTON, ' June 9.-The Navy de partment received the following cablegram from Admiral Chadwtck, dated Tangier, June i: - ... The minister of foreign affair has. in structions from Fea, Morocco, acceding to all demands of. Ralsull. Thla is supposed to refer to the Moroc coan minister of foreign affairs who has received his instructions from the suftan of Fes. Another cablegram, received from Ad miral Chadwtck, dated Tangier,, today, says: t In explanation of the cablegram of yes terday afternoon relating to landing of marines the Belgian minister la absent. His wife is the daughter of General Story of New York. The house is isolated. Hay Instructs Conanl Gummere. Secretary Hay - cabled Consul .General Gummere at Tangier Instructions for deal ing with the brigand Ralsull, the point of which Is a positive Injunction to refrain from committing the United States govern ment' to any guaranty of immunity for the brigands or In any way to take any action that would amount to the recognition of the right ( hrlirsmdaKa and 'UarsMrm.ll In Morocco.; This attitude will be adhered to regardless of consequences to Perdlcaris, A cablegram received at the State depart ment late thla afternoon "from Consul Gen eral Gummere at Tangier dated today states that negotiations for the release of Perdl carls and Vaxley are still In progress, but that the sultan's reply to Ralsull's demands aa to ransom have . not yet reached the bandit PARIS, June 9. Information reaching the Foreign office leads the officials to believe that Messrs. jrerdloaris and Varley will be released during the next few days, as the negotiations 'are tending toward a satis factory adjustment. FRANCE IN EARNEST WITH TURKEY Foreiarn Minister Serves Notice Regarding- Outrages la Armenia. PARIS, June 9. Foreign Minister Del casse made a statement In the Chamber of Deputies today giving a summary of the official investigation Into the atrocities in Armenia. The question came up on the request of a socialist deputy that France make a ' naval demonstration against Turkey In order to stop the Armenian persecutions. M. Delcasse said Tie received on Monday a report from the French am bassador at Constantinople giving the re sult of the Investigation of the French consul sent Into the ' Sassoun district. It showed there had been a number of bloody combats, and villages had been captured by the troops and destroyed. But It was Impossible to estimate even approximately the number of villages destroyed or the number of people killed. Some accounts say twenty-five villages and others say fif teen villages were destroyed. There was no doubt the uprising resulted In killing of many rebels and also in the death of many peaceful peasants. But the presence of the French, Russian and British con suls was beginning to restore confidence. The facts In the case had been exagger ated, but they were none the less deplora ble. The porte maintains In Armenia an administration of such character that In surrection is the only recourse for the pop ulation. Continuing, M. Delcasse said: "I have in formed the porte that the time for repres sion Is over and that it must beware of what responsibility it Incurs. The French government will not cease to do Its whole duty." WANTS UNITED STATES TO ASSIST Sir Charles DHko Thinks This Country Should Mix In Congo A Ha Us. LONDON, June 9. During the discussion of the" Foreign office estimates in the House of Commons today Sir Charles Dllke (advanced radical) raised the question of the administration of, the Congo state. He discussed the report of Roger Casement, British consul In the Congo state, and ad vocated an appeal to the United States to act with Great Britain In the matter, point ing 'out that the United States was respon sible for the creation of tha Congo Free state and saying he believed such a co operation would be pregnant with good results. Sir Charles .asked if. In the face of facts admitted by tha Belgian, govern ment, the time had not come to "sweep away all the difficulties and force the gov ernment to act by stronger measures than mere words and dispatches with reference to this horrible scandal." Other speakers supported Sir Charlea' suggestion to appeal to the United States. Travis Out of the Game. LONDON, June 9 Walter J. Travis, tha American champion, dropped out of the open golf championship contest at Sand wich after today's round, under the rule whereby players with a score of twenty behind the leader are eliminated. Travis soore todsy wss $8 and yesterday 88, a total of iy. Thomson (professional), yester day's loader, Is sUU ahead with a total of 1U. ' - LEVI Z. LETTER t IS DEAD Chicago Capitalist, Father of Lady Curson, Passes Away at Ba Harbor. BAR HARBOR, Me., June 9. Levi Z. Letter of Chicago died of heart failure to day at the Vanderbllt cottage here, which the Letters had taken for the summer. Mr. Letter hsd not been well for a long time, but up to yenterday he waa able to take his usual drive. A weakness of the heart developed shortly after midnight and death occurred at a. m. Mrs. Letter and two daughters were by the bedside at the last. Mr. Letter waa 70 years old. He waa the father of Lady Curson of Kedieston, wife of the viceroy and governor general of India, of Miss Daisy Letter, whose beauty has been the subject of note In English court circles, and of Joseph W. Letter, speculator and Investor. As soon as It appeared that Mr. Letter was seriously HI messages were sent to the son and today other members of the family were notified of the death. It was stated today at the . Letter cottage that pending the arrival of Joseph Lelter the time of the funeral would not be settled. It had been decided that the service would be held In Washington, D. C. The Letters are well known here. They have been among the summer residents for a number of years. The drive taken yesterday by Mr. Lelter covered a distance of about twelve miles. Mrs. Lelter accompanied him and remarked on his good spirits! He spent the evening walking about the estate. The attack which seized him during the night was similar to others which ha had experienced and for which he kept remedies prescribed by his physician constantly on hand. Mrs. Lelter did not consider the trouble serious and ad ministered the Usual medicine, but when the remedy failed to have the desired ef fect the daughters ware summoned and a doctor waa sent for. Meanwhl'e repeated doses of the restorative brought no re sponse on the part of the patient and be fore the doctor arrived Mr. Lelter was dead. CHICAGO, June 9 Levi Z. Lelter was one of the most prominent of the pioneer merchants of Chicago. He began his ca reer in this city in 1S55 as an employe of tha dry goods firm of Cooley, Wadsworth & Co., later becoming a partner In the firm. In 1SGS Lelter and Marshall Field bought tha controlling Interest in the dry goods business of Potter Palmer, the firm becoming one of the most prominent In the west. Letter- retired from the dry : goods business In 1881,: since which time he has devoted much of his attention to the Im provement and -management of his exten sive business properties' and corporation Interests. - '; PREPARING; FOR .CONVENTION Republican . Leaders at ' Cfclcaaro ' Making; Ready for the Big ; Gathering;. ...... CHICAGO, June 9. Interest is . crowing In the . republican, national convention, which assembles 'sere a week from Mon day next. RepablfosTt leaders already, here are arranging- the taMans for the 'conven tion and hava.tbjpgs pretty well under way. It has been 'to far agreed that Jo seph M. Cannon, speaker of the house of representatives, will be permanent chair man of the convention. Hon. Ellhu Root, late secretary of war, . will be the tem porary chairman and will organise the con vention, - turning the body over to Uncle Joe all ready to go to work. Ex-Governor Frank Black of New York will have the honor of placing President Roosevelt's name before the convention. Mr. Roosevelt will not be present when he Is nominated. Ex-Senator Edward O. Wol cott of Colorado will place Senator Fair banks In nomination for the vice presi dency. This is as far as the nominating speeches are known. It is agreed by all that Secretary Cortelyou will be named as chairman of the national committee. He has the support of the president and no opposition to his choice haa been mani fested anywhere. Unless the contests before the committee on credentials require more time than ex pected the convention will continue for three days. The session will probably be short, of only two or three hours' duration. The first day will be devoted to the tem porary organization and the announce ment of the committees. Adjournment will then be taken until the following day, when the committee on cre dentials will report . and the convention will be permanently organized. After the platform framed by the committee on resolutions Is adopted the convention will nominate the president. The program con templates nomination for vice president on the third day, June 23. Secretary Elmer Dover of the national committee has nearly completed the list of contests. The total Is between twenty-five and thirty. Contests as to the entire dele gations came from Wisconsin, Texas, Dela ware and Louisiana. The majority of the disputes are from congressional districts, the south sending a large majority. STRIKE IS NOT EFFECTIVE Manna-era of Steamship Lines Work Is Proceeding aa Usual. ay NEW YORK, June 9. The strike of the marine firemen on the coastwise steam ships, which Is said to have been started yesterday by the Atlantic Coast Marine Firemen's union, seemed to csuse a diver sity of opinion today. While the union officers sild that 1,000 men are already out and that boats of the Ward, Porto Rico, Red D and Mallory lines would be unable to run, the officials of these lines practically denied any strike at all. 'The union yes terday Issued a strike order against nine coastwise lines. Besides the rour men tioned, the others were tha Savannah, Old Dominion, Clyde, Panama and Morgan lines. At the Red D line about a dozen fire men are said to have struck yesterday, but according to Superintendent Dalles, their places were quickly filled. The line which the officials aald would be most seriously crippled at present Is the Ward line. The officials of that line, how ever, denied any serious trouble, and at the offices of the Porto Rloo and the Mallory lines It was said that ths effect of the strike order had not been felt. BOSTON, June 9. The Clyde line and Merchants and Miners reported todsy that their business hsd not been delayed as yet by the strike ordered by the Atlantic. Coast Firemen's union. The firemen of the Joy line steamer Dominion struck about a week ago, but after slight delay the places of tha men were filled. The company expected to have new men ready to take the places of the firemen on the other Joy line boats running to this port today. Up to this forenoon less than thirty fire men were out la Boston. READY FOR THE NATAL, DAY All Plan for Bami-Oentannlal Calibration Art Entirtly Made, DEMONSTRATION WILL BE THREE-FOLD Grand Military and t'lvle Parade, Ex ercises at Auditorium and Old Settlers' Reunion at Orphenm , ' tha Program. Semi -Centennial Progran, Weather Psrtly cloudy; showers In north and east portions. Military and civlo Parade 2 p. m. Exercises at Auditorium 3.30 p. m. Reunion at Orpheum e p. m. Everything Is In readiness tor the big semi-centennial celebration of the organi sation of Nebraska as a territory today, on which the local committee have been working for many weeks. Hon. Henry D. Estabrook. the orator of the day, arrived In the city yesterday, accompanied by his wife, and they will be the guests of Mrs. Estabrook's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Campbell, for several days. A special committee which waa to receive Mr. Estabrook failed to connect and Mr. Estabrook said he was glad of It because he knew the way about town himself, having been raised here and lived here for the greater part of his life. He made an appointment to Inspect the Auditorium during the day and to give suggestions as to the locations and ar rangements for the speakers. The celebration planned by the com mittee will take a three-fold form. A grand military and cilvc parade, partici pated In by all the uniformed organiza tions, the guests of the city and territorial pioneers, will form to start at i p. m. and traverse the principal streets of the city. The parade will be followed by the formal exercises at the Auditorium at which Dr. George L. Miller will preside and Innes' band will contribute the musical numbers. In the evening at 8 o'clock the old set tlers' reunion will be held at the Crelghton Orpheum theater where Judge George B. Lake will be the presiding officer. The de tailed program will be as follows: Military and Civic Parade 2p. m. FIRST DIVISION. ( Marshal, Captain II. E. Palmer. Aide, Harry V. Burkley. ' Aide, Clement Chase. Platoon of Police. Commanding General Department of Mis souri and Staff. Band, Thirtieth U. 8. Infantry, Staff, Thirtieth U. 8. Infantry. Battalion. Thirtieth U. S. Infantry. Military Order Loyal Legion. Omaha Guards. Thurston Rifles. - Dodge Light Guards. Omaha High School Cadets. Grand Army of the Republic Veterans. SECOND DIVISION. Assistant Marshal, Thomas A. Fry; James M. Hendrle, Walter S. Jardlne, Fred Mets, Mel Uhl; Aides, Charles N. Robinson. Gould Diets, Charles H. Pickens, George F. West, Luther L. Kountze, Henry J. Penfold, Charles M. Wllhelm (Board of Governors Ak-Sar-Uen.) Band. Omaha Musical Association. Mounted Escort, Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. Quests of Honor (carriages.) .THIRD DIVISION. . Assistant Marshal, Charles L. Saunders.--.v Ajde. C. H. Rlepen. -' Aiue, James L. Fuxton. Band, Omaha Musical Association. . , Shrtners (In uniform rank.) ' Scotlhh Clana (Clan Gordon). Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Woodmen of the World (uniformed teams.) Boys of Wooocraft. W. O. W., Combar.y L, Eleventh Regl- ment, W. O. W. Guards, Co. Bluffs. Improved Order of Red Men (In r.-galla ) Ancient Order United Workmen (uniformed teams.) National Letter Carriers Association (uni formed rank.) Letter Carriers, South Omaha. South Omaha Cavalry. - - FOURTH DIVISION, ' " Assistant Marshal. Fred B. Lowe. Aide. H. T. MeCortnlck. Aide. O. C. Redlck. Band, Omaha Musical Association. Bohemian Turners (uniformed rank.) Tel Jed Sokol. Modern Woodmen of America. . I Automobiles. All organizations must be In position and report, to the marshal of the division to which they are here assigned at 2 o'clock sharp. The parade will move at 2:15 and those not in position In time must fall In the rear. ORDER OF MARCH. South on Sixteenth to Douglas. East on Douglas to Tenth street 1 and south to Farnam. West on Farnam to Nineteenth and south to Harney. East on Harney to Fifteenth and south to Auditorium; Exercises at Auditorium 380 p. m. Muslo Innes' Band Prayer Bishop A. L. Williams Introductory Remarks Hon. George L. Miller, President of the Day Official Address Hon. John H. Mickey, Governor of Nebraska Commemorative Address Hon. Henry D. Estabrook, Orator of the Day Music Innes' Band OLD SETTLERS' REUNION- P. M. G. M. Dodge, "The Pacific Railroads." Edward Rosewater, "Pioneer Journalism." J. M.. Woolworth, "Bench and Bar of the 60s." G. W. Doane, "Early Legislature and Legislators." J. E. Boyd, "Pioneering on the Plains." Charles F. Manderson, "Itemlscences." John L. Webster, "Transition from Terri tory to SUte." Henry W. Yates, "Early Banks and Bankers." E. Wakeley, "First Views and Impres sions of Nebraska." Notes of the Celebration. This afternoon will be a general half holiday throughout the city. All the big retail stores, alt the public offices, all the banks, . railroad ' headquarters, freight houses and Union Paclfio shops will be closed. The committee wants tt understood by all that there are no admission fees or charges of sny kind for the exercises, either at the Auditorium or at the Crelghton Orpheum. The officers and officially In vited guesis have been Invited as guests snd a section will be reserved for them at the Auditorium, but all the other seats several thousand In number will be free to the public The official programs will be diatrlbuted at the Auditorium without charge. In the evening at the Crelghton Orpheum all seats will be free, but one section will be reserved for the territorial pioneers and Invited guests. Owing to the Inability of Guy C. Barton to serve. General Charlea F. Manderson has been made chairman of the reception committee. Inaamuch as almost all of the veterana of the Grand Army of the Republic ars also territorial pioneers, no place was designated for the Grand Army of tha Re public In the parade, but Captain Palmer has made a place for' those who are will ing to march at the end of the first division. Immediately after ths high school csdets. The vstersns will form at Sixteenth snd California. Ths commander of U. S. Grant post has Issued a special call for his mem bers to he present. Report at City Hall. All officials and Invited guests will report at the city hall at 1:15 p. m. to members of the reception committee, who will pro vide them with carriages In which they will participate In the parade. This Includes all the vice presidents of the celebration and ths men and women who were residents of (Continued on Second Page NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Partly Cloudy Frldayi Showers In North and East Portions! Warmer In West Portion. Saturday Fair. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Hour. Des;. Hoar. De. S a. m a. m T a. m 8 a. m S a. m . MS 1 p. m. . . , p. m TT HI a p. tm Tfl 4 p. m TT II p. m T8 41 p. m TB T p. m T4 ft p. m T3 ft p. m Tl . . . . (IT en lO a. m 7" 11 a. m T T4 RUSSIANS TAKING OFFENSIVE Advancing; Alonar Railway and Are In Semt-Clrcle Around Fesg Wans; Chenr. (Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 1904.) LONDON, June 10. (New York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to The Bee.) A special dispatch to the Dally Mall from Fu Sou says that the Russians, who are apparently taking the offensive, have reached Sul Ling and are advancing along the railway to Slamatsze. They are being heavily reinforced. The Russians are now In a half circle around Feng Wang Cheng, from Slamatsze to Liao Yang, a soreen of Cossacks cover ing their front. The northeast roads and passes are strongly held. CHINESE HELP THE JAPANESE Desert from Their Own Army to Flht for Mlkatfo. (Copyright, by New York Herald Co., 1904.) TIEN TSIN, June 9 (New York Herald Cablegram Special Telegram to The Bee.) From tha Ku Pel Kou toward Ping Chuan the crops are good and the people are quiet, in the ring unuan district proper, though the . crops are poor and prices high, the district is overrun with soldiers, who are living on the people, who are restless. The soldiers are baoiy equipped, lack ammunition and have no money. . They are utterly lacking in con fidence In the Chinese officers and desert to the Japanese at the first opportunity so as not to fight Russia under Chinese com mand. From Ping Chuan to Chan Yang the crops are bad owing to too much rain. The people are suffering. There la absolutely no .traffic and whole villages and hamlets are deserted save by the soldiers and are falling into ruins. At Chan Yang are 1,230 Infantry and 700 cavalry. Theso are divided Into forty squads, occupying as many sta tions. The soldiers lack ammunition and equipment. Throughout the Chao Yang district the people are restless from con stant friction with the soldiers. There are many Japanese in Uie region fomenting ag itation and enlisting the former robbers. From Choo Yang to Kin Chou the crops are fair, but, being nearer the war dis trict, the people are more restless. There are many Japanese hereabouts and much Japanese money Is In evidence. The distri bution of General Ma's troops is as follows: Ku Pel You, 1.500; Ping Chuan, J. 600; Chlen Chang, 1,000; on the road to Chak Yang and Kino How, 1,000, and at Yang, 2,000, Thesa troops, -arar scattered over 150 miles. General Ma baa outside the wall 2,000 cavalry and 6,000 infantry, and 600 more are. scattered along the railroad. . All these are badly equipped and totally unreliable. They distrust their officers and are strongly pro-Japanese. Many Japanese officers are in the region enlisting the Chinese as truer rllas. JAPS SWEEP COAST WITH BOMBS Troops Concentrating; Southward, According; to Official Report. ST. ' PETERSBURG, June 9. The em peror has received this report from General Kouropatkln, dated June 8: A Japanese squadron of six vessels which wns later reinforced by eleven others ap peared on the west coast of Liao Tung pe ninsula June 7 in the afternoon, ttix of the ships were of the first class, the others of the second and third class and torpedo boats. The squadron cruised In sections, bombarding various points east o' Knl Chan and Senyuchen, directing their fire on our posis ana puirois wherever thesj appeared. i The squadron censed firing nt 7 p. m. nnd steamed away southward. Our losses are none, nor did we suffer any material dam age. Blx ships reappeared south of Kwan Tela Tung and lowered boats. Six other ships bombarded the coast near Senyuchen and the town Itself, but there was no land ing. Japanese troops are concentrating south ward with a front extending more than ten miles from Pulantlen to pass Fan Tsla Ttlng In the valley of Tassakho. A Japanese force of two companies of In fantry and a squadron of cavalry advanced June 7 northward from Feng Wang Cheng into the Ta Fame Hung. district, driving in the Cossack outposts. A detachment of Chasseurs and a company of infantry hast ened from Uallndi to aid the Cossacks. The Japanese abandoned their attack, having lost one officer and a noncommissioned o fil ter captured, nnd several men killed. We had ao casualties. Outposts of Cossacks on the main Lino YAng road were driven in June 7, but re inforcements forced the Japanese to retire. Our loss during the fighting, which lasted until 7 p. m. wns Captain Llatchkn and two soldiers killed and five soldiers wounded. FEAR OF CHINESE IS INCREASING Russia Makes Evasive Reply to Note from Peking;. , ST. PETERSBURG. June 9. Russia has nswered the communication of China call ing attention to the Interference of the Russian military authorities with the na tives of villages In Manchuria on ti e suggested In these dispatches June 6, ask ing for specific Instances. Recent Russian advices regarding the agitation among the Chinese are more dis quieting. This is the rase with the news from Kwan Tung, province, where, it Is pointed out, the Boxer rebellion of 1900 was started at about this time of the year. It was announced from St. Petersburg June t that the Russian government claimed that the natives were not molested except where they aided or abetted Chi nese bandits., WANTS CHINESE TO PAY INDEMNITY Slstear of Correspondent Etsel Will Pile Claim for (UMKOttO. ' DENVER, June .-Mrs. Mary Dtzel, mother of Lewis Etzel of Denver, the war correspondent who was killed by Chinese soldiers, will file a claim against the Chi nese government for (30,00ft damages. The case has been put In the hands of at torney who will seek the aid of the State department at Washington In enforcing the claim. Mrs. Etsel and Miss Anna Etsel, the mother and sister of the young man, have received a telegram from Francis B. Loomis, acting secretary of state at Wash ington, stating that tha consul at New Cliwsng haa been Instructed to arrange for the transportation ef ths body to this country- Denies Story of Explosion. ST. PETERSBURG, June . The admi ralty authorises a denial of the report, pub lished In Paris from Bebsstopol, that a serious explosion has occurred on board tha Russian cruiser Smolensk. UNDER HEAVY FIRE Big- Attack at Port Arthur Begins from Land and & and it Baging ritrealy. OPERATIONS BEGAN YESTERDAY MORNING Oha Foo Dispatch Baft Banian Foroai Hat Drawn Bainforotminti from Daliy. ST. PETERSBURG IN FEVERISH SUSPENSE Indiffaranoa Waan Away and Crowds Wait to Hair Fata af Garriion, JAPS MAKE FIERCE ATTACK ON SAIMATSZE Russians Los One Hundred Men and "Rlre Slowly Owing; ta the Su perior Xanken" mt tha Enemy. INDIANAPOLIS, June . A special cablv received by tha Indlanapolla Newa from ita staff war correspondent at Che Foo, dated June 8, says: The long-contemplated attack by the Japanese on Port Arthur began early this morning. The Russian forces around the be leaguered city were reinforced by the troope which had garrisoned at Datny and Kin Chou. The Russian vessels In the harbor with their great guns aided the land forces In repelling the attack. The fighting still goes on. St. Petersburg- la In Suspense. ST. PETERSBURG, June . Among tha rumors that fill the city tonight la one on better authority than the average that General Kouropatkln la himself moving southward from Liao Yane;. It Is not pos sible to authoritatively oonftrm the report. The public takes hold eagerly of every scrap of Information or misinformation concerning events in the far east. Everyone is alert for official newa of a serious attack on Port Arthur, which It ta felt cannot be long delayed. St. Petersburg Is displaying more Interest In the fate of Port Arthur than any event since the first naval reverse. In spite of the calm with which the au thorities a month ago aald that Port Ar thur would probably fall or be abandoned In the course of the campaign, Russians find It hard now that the event haa be come an Imminent possibility, to assume an Indifferent attitude toward ths garrison now fighting In isolation. Tha public ta show ing a sentimental Interest In the retention of the fortress entirely Independent of its rsal strategic value. ( Except for a brief message of mysterious origin from Rear Admiral Wlthoft, both the people and the official world are quite In the dark concerning events In southern Liao Tung. Every foreign - dispatch Is studied, enlarged, distorted and verbally transmitted. Crowds larger than usual are before the bulletin boards. They have been standing for. houra waiting for the. latest -Information, commenting animatedly on the significance of such message. The feel ing continually voiced Is for definite, newi to allay the suspense. V " ' i :- ., General Kouropatkln telegraphs to th emperor under data of June 8: "A Japanese brigade attacked a Russtaa detachment occupying Salmatze on June 7. Tha Russians retired slowly because of tha enemy's great superiority, toward Fanohu lin pass. "Our losses were two officers and 100 sol diers V.llled or wounded." rind Sunken Vessels. TOKIO, June 9. Official reports ahow that the first section of Talienwan bay haa been completely cleared Tit mines. Sixty two have been found and exploded by the force under Admiral Kataoka. Two Rus sian ships were found under water about 1,200 yards west of Sanehan Island, one of which is believed to be the cruiser Boyarin. Other sunken vessels have also been found southweht of the same Island. Admiral Togo reports , that on the night of June 7 he sent eight small torpedo boats from the battleships of hia squadron to make a reconnoissance off Port Arthur. The boats went far tnelde the heads and were exposed to the Russian fire. One sailor and one petty officer were killed in the operation, but the boats escaped un damaged. Admiral Kataoka reports that on June 6 he landed men on San Shen and Taku islands In Talienwan boy for tha pur pose of making a reconnolssance. They found many of the buildings there were only partially destroyed. In the hospitals some supplies were slso found. JAPAN HAS DIFF1CI.LT PROBLEM Mast Dominate Cores and Maintain Fiction of Independence. SEOUL, June 8. (Delayed in Transmis sion.) M. Hayashl, the Japanese minister to Corea, who Is leaving this country shortly for Japan, summed up the Corean situation as follows: Up to ths present I have attained my mum object, that of keeping the Corea na quiet. From time to time I have made suggestions regarding- our future course here. To be successful we must hate in trol, which Is only obtainable when Oi-e is the .weight of dominant power advice given. The lack of this will reaoer the services of any foreign adviser uxeiess. Heretofore there has Leon no dotlr.ltlon of Imperial and mlnutteritl functions. There must be a government, and pal.'ice In trigues must end. The uelei army of Corea must be reduced, the onVI: must , be paid a living wujte and BQue:l'ig must be stopped. When complaints are enter tained and acted upon extortion wilt .;ease. There must be education of the tjiper sort. The majority of the C'nroar.4 ho speak foreign languages and hav L-cv ed ucated abroad are absolute!) rllhint ad ministrative ability and stand for little, save speculation. The educational reform will take many years. It Is also nacosary to formulate comparative mining tenuis, tlons to avoid friction between Amer.can, British. Japan and other foreign capital ists. The Coresn government must b com pletely submissive to Intelligent stipnils'.oa and must le backed by force sofft-riHiit tj preclude repudiation of its administration. Thus the Corean government Would be effectually dominated hy such Influenre. Japsn Is confronted hy a most difficult firoblem to-malntoln the friction of Coiia n the balance while practically establish ing a protectorate, and yet avoid asmimlnf the responsibilities of a governing power. CONDITION OP COREAN RAILROAD rnlted States Consul Travels Over lew Line from Seoul. SEOUL, June 8. (Delayed in Transmis sion.) The Associated Press correspondent has Just accompanied United States Consul Morgan and secretaries on a seventy-two-mile run over the Ceoul-Fusan railroad. For a distance of twenty-two miles from Tong Tong to Po Suwon there ta a regular dally passenger service, but for forty-five miles further to Shun Wl only construction trains run after the first ten miles. This distance Is practically completed. Beyond that were found bridges four to six, of sixty-foot spans, with only their piers fin ished and In msny esses merely coffer dams constructed preparatory to laying masonry work. Tha Una at these points leaves tha embankment and crosses tarn-