Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 09, 1904, Page 4, Image 4

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Tiie omaiia Daily "Bee
Pally Ree (without Pundny). (m Year.. $4. 00
Polly and Sunday, On Tear 00
, Illustrated Bee, One Year.. 104
' Bundar Bee, One Imf 2.00
Saturday lifm. On Y pa r 1.00
Twentieth Century Farmer, One Tear.. 1.09
Paflv Bee (without Fundav). Der cony....
Pally He (without Sunday), per week. ...Ma
laJly Be (including Sunday), per week... 17c
Bundar Be, per copy to
Evening bee (without Sunday), per week, (a
livenln llee Unoludlna Sunday). Der
week .10c
Complaints of Irregularity In delivery
should be addressed to City Circulation
Omnha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall
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ullding. Twen-
ty-nrtn and M street.
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Chicago 140 Unity Building.
New York Park How Building.
Washington 601 Fourteenth Street.
Communication! relating to news and dl.
tonal matter ahould be addressed: Omaha
Baa, Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
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Only 8-cent stamp received In payment of
mwi aoouusts. eraonai cnecas, except on
ironj or eastern excnangea, not oeeeptoa.
State of Nebraska. Douarlaa County, e.
Oeorg B. Trachuoa, aecretary of The Be
Publishing Company, being duly iworn
ays that the aotual number of full and
complete coplea of The Dally. Morning.
Evening and Sunday Be printed during th
inuaio oi amy, isov was aa iouowb
1. . .30, 30
IT..- so.eno
IB 80,000
4 '. .20,730
t ao.ero
.. ...X8.S40
T ao.eso
9 MVl90
M 80,100
11 JMM
U 20,OO
14.. S0,O
14. 80,010
it so.uio
20 20,40
U 80,Sfi0
22. 90,190
. 80,970
24 80,700
17 29,710
'28 29.940
28 87,100
SO. 29,830
!..., 20,780
. Total Ollnu
Li unsold and returned copies. ... 10,020
Net total sale...,
Nat average sales,
Babacrtbad In my preaonce and aworn to
wiurv oi tuta sisi oar or aiay, a. ihui.
Notary Publlo.
The czar says he has confidence In his
troops, but what he la confident they will
do Is not announced.
ife fear Member Lower will not have
the pass word to the next secret meet
ing of the school board combine.
Bt Petersburg sends word that It ex
pects a fight soon In Manchuria quite a
natural expectation under existing con
dltlons. The Auditorium Is open. ' Now for
a campaign to get the location at
Omaha of some of the annual conven
tions of the big national organizations.
Spaniards of Manila have decided to
celebrate the Fourth of July, showing
that a Spaniard sometimes knows a
good thing when he sees enough of It
It Is safe to assume thai the campaign
' will not really open la Illinois until the
politicians have more fully recovered
' from the effects of the Springfield con
vention. '
Colonel Bryan seems to have fared
better than 'Mr. Hearst In Colorado.
Colonel Bryan got what he wanted,
whllt Mr. Hearst had tho door shut In
his face. . ' -
With dynamiting, train robbery and
vigilance committees rampant in Colo
rado It would seem that that state needs
a large Infusion of common sense and
respect for law and order.
It never rains but It pours. If this
keeps up, Omaha will soon be better
equipped with new and modern hospi
tals, public and private, than any other
city of Its size in tho country.
When called upon to choose between
facing the "false foreign doylla" and the
deep blue sea the Chinese soldiers who
killed Correspondent Etzal stuck to the
boats and headed for deep water.
Viceroy Alexleff promises the Chinese
that there shall be no more fighting in
Manchuria which shows bow sarcastic
tho viceroy can be when he refers to the
army under the command of his rival,
General Kouropatkin.
Wyoming ranchmen should wait until
tho echo of Victor's dynamite dies away
before starting explosions on the Union
Pacific fish pond at Sherman hill. Dyna
mite is much too common west of Ne
braska's western lino.
Charles M. Schwab announces his in
tention of putting new blood Into the
United States Shipbuilding company.
Blood is thicker than water and Its ef
fect may be bettervfor the concern, If
not so good for the promoters.
Tho inspection of the records of the
adjutant general's office by an' expert
accountant demonstrates conclusively
that General Colby was not a book
keeper, no matter what other qualifica
tions hs may have brought to that po
sition. t Is a fine thing for a city to possess
handsome auditorium like that Just
dedicated to Omaha, but It devolves
upon us to make full use of the facili
ties It affords for all sorts of large gath
erings and popular entertainments. It
will not do to have such a large In
vestment lie Idle any more than abso
lutely necessary.
Tax Commissioner, Scribner of ths
Union Pacific still Insists that the value
of stocks and bonds of component parts
of that road, held aa treasury assets,
cannot be estimated. " If the company
were to throw them on the' market
there would be no difficulty in estimating
their value. The same elements that
would determine the price on the stock
exchange can be used to base sn esti
mate, even though these ' securities are
not for sal
A movement has been started by the
manufacturers of Philadelphia with a
view to promoting the- success of the
republican party la this year's election.
At a recent meeting of their" organiza
tion In that city It was decided to enter
Into politics and to make an earnest
effort for the election '- of President
Roosevelt It Is contemplated to have
a meeting of manufacturers, national In
character, early in September, at which
will be urged the Importance to Indus
trial prosperity of continuing the repub
lican party In power. '
There are the best of reasons why this
Philadelphia movement should appeal to
the manufacturing Interests throughout
the country and receive their actfve and
earnest support. The democratic partjf
has resumed its traditional warfare
upon the principle of protection and is
again demanding" a "tariff for revenue
only" an impossible policy ', If the
United States Is. to retain its position as
the foremost Industrial nation of the I
world. The St Louis convention will
undoubtedly reaffirm the position taken
by the democracy In 1802. It will de
clare for such a revision of the tariff
as would Inevitably result In paralysis
to the industries of the country. A
victory of that party this year would
most certainly bring about a repetition
of tho business depression that followed
Its success twelve years ago. We should
again, have the suspension of hundreds
of Industries and the consequent Idle
ness of hundreds of thousands of peo
ple now employed. Wages would de
cline, the consumption of commodities
would decrease, wont and suffering
would abound. Injury would result to
all interests, but the chief sufferers
would be the wage earners, many 'of
whom, as was the case during the last
democratic administration, would have
to depend for subsistence upon charity.
Ail who remember that period, as most
of our people must do, will sincerely
hope that the party responsible for the
therrt?ondltlons will not win in the elec
tion of 1904.
The manufacturers of Philadelphia
are eptirely Justified In the movement
they propose to Inaugurate and they
should have no difficulty In enlisting
the co-operation of . manufacturers
throughout the country. The move
ment is In the Interest of national prog
ress and prosperity. It Is In the Inter
est pf labor and of the agricultural pro
ducer. The certainty of a of
me democratic assault npon tariff pro
tection has already had - a. depressing
effect upon industries. . What would
ensue should that party be successful
next November1 can easily be foreseen.
Even though tho .sepate would still be
republican business confidence In the
future would be shaken and there would
be a slackening of enterprise and a cur
tailment in Industrial Operations. This
Inevitably follows a decision of the
American people adverse to the princi
ple of protection. The manufacturers
of the cotmtry can, if united, exert a
powerful Influence and It would seem
that none of them can doubt the wis
dom and expediency of maintaining the
policy under which our industries have
grown to inch splendid proportions and
the United States attained the first place
mong manufacturing nations. ' '
A good deal of Interest is being mani
fested In democratic circles In 'regard
to what action the Pennsylvania dele
gation will take at the St Louis con
vention. The sixty-eight unlnstructed
votes of the Keystone state constitute
a quite important factor and whoever
is so fortunate as to secure them will
have a valuable advantage, for the del
egation will exert a good deal of influ
ence In creating sentiment In the con
vention. The leader of the Pennsyl
vania democracy, Colonel Janes M.
Guffey, Is one of the strongest men In
the party and It Is understood has ab
solute control of the delegation, which
of course will vote as a unit
No one knows how Guffey now stands
In regard to the possible candidates. It
has been reported that he does not favor
Parker and had entered Into a combi
nation to throw the vote of Pennsyl
vania against the New York Jurist.
This, however, is emphatically denied
by Guffey, who states that the Penn
sylvania delegates will decide as to who
of the candidates they will support
when they meet at St Louis. As a
careful politician he proposes to thor
ouffhly investigate the situation, so as
to be reasonably sure of getting at the
outset on the winning side. On the
other hand, some of the less cautious
members of the delegation have already
declared for Fat-ker, and It Is .thought
that most of thein favor him, though
there is no authority for such an opin
ion. There appears to bo no doubt that
some of the loaders opposed, to Pnrker
have been laboring to induce'Guffey to
Join them, but with what result will
probably not be known before the meet
ing of the national ' conventions The
man who secures the vote of the Penn
sylvania delegates will have a very
good chance of being, nominated.
i u- .' j .a '
many Gbrmkuns ru i ttiostit.
Thirty-two of the forty-five states will
elect governors this year, which will
dd much to political Interest In those
states, the gubernatorial contests gen
erally promising to stir up the peoph?
more than the presidential or congres
sional elections. It is remarked that
the more Interest that can be excited
the better are the prospects of repub
lican success. Inasmuch as political
leaders always calculate that member
of the majority party are more apt to
become careless and Indifferent than
are those who are among the outs and
who are anxious to get In.
Eleven states will choose governors
for terms of four years, etghteen states
for terms of two years, two will elect
governors for ono year and one state,
New Jersey, will elect a chief executive
for three years. Of the thirteen states
I whera no gubernatorial election la to be
held only One, Maryland, can be classed
as doubtful 'and likely to be Influenced
mainly by local conditions, and the a1
sence of any big state contest In Mary
laud is regarded by some as favorable
for tho return of that state to the re
publican column next November. It Is
suggested that should Senator Goraihn,
who Is now dominating the democracy
of Maryland, fall In his efforts to con
trol the democratic national convention
and dictate the platform of his party.
the loss of prestige he will suffer ft con
sequence may be a factor In determining
the political status of Maryland in the
national election. That Mr. Gorman
will not control the St Louis conven
tlon can be very confidently predicted
but he will perhaps exert a considerable
Influence In the framing of the plat
" The election of thirty-two governors
of states assures an active time politl
cally in ,t hose commonwealths, or most
of them and this arousing of popular
interest will very likely bo to the ad
vantage of the ticket that will bonom
(natcd at Chicago in all the states which
are normally republican.
It is to be hoped that the well de
fined rumor that the State' Board of
liallroad Assessment proposes to make
an Intelligent guess . at the value of
railrouds by a horizontal raise of -83 per
cent In their assessment this year over
last , year's assessment is not well
founded. A horizontal Increase ofVthe
assessment no matter what may be the
percentage, will not conform to the re
quirements' of the constitution,' or , the
letter and spirit pf the law.
'The constitution requires the property
of railroads to be assessed on the same
basis of valuation as every other class
of taxable property. The revenue law
enacted by the last legislature requlrf
the board to assess railroad property
according to Its value, taking Into con
sideration Its capitalization, earnings
and tangible assets. . A horizontal In
crease of 85 per cent may be equal to
the true value of the tangible property
and franchises of some railroads, but
It may also be' either too high or too
low if applied to other railroads.
It Is the manifest duty of the board
W'to assess every railroad and railroad
system by Itself, according to its capl
tallzatlon, earnings and tangible prop
erty, irrespective of what any other
railroad or railroad system may be as
sessed for Any other course would
Justly Invoke Intervention by the courts.
The principle of raising or lowering as
sessments horizontally may be applied
when It comes to equalization of the re
turns made by the various counties. If,
foe example, horses are assessed at $5,0
a head In one county and (20 per head
in an adjacent county, the aggregate ap
praisement -of horses in each may be
lowered or raised to conform with" the
prevailing market prices bf "horses. This
would apply to cattle, grain and other
assessable chattels, but It cannot be ap
plied with Justice and equity to the
original assessment of railroads by the
board. , . . , ,
From the practical point of ylew the
proposed cnlform; Increase at a fixed
percentage would be no better than the
old method of assessing railroads in
lump, taking as the basis the assess
ment of the previous year. It would
not be even an Intelligent guess, be
cause every intelligent man knows that
some of the Nebraska railroads have
been assessed way out. of -proportion
to their true value, based on earnings
and capitalization, while others have
been assessed approximately nearly In
proportion to the assessment of their
taxable property. The franchise value
of most of the railroads In Nebraska
equals or exceeds the value of their
tangible property, while the franchises
of several of the minor roads have Only
a nominal value, because the net earn
ings exceed by a very Small per cent the
operating expenses and Interest on their
bonded debt
The South Omaha Police board Is
about to . Inaugurate ' a purification
crusade against the female 'occupants
of apartment bouses who are not known
to bo married, and It Is announced that
the police will be Instructed to make
a thorough search of .the apartment
houses for women suspected of Immoral
practices. Whether this movement vls
to be f success, or -failure depends
largely upon the method pursued. Ex
perience has shown that attempts of
this kind open the way for blackmail
and have a marked tendency to demor
alize the police without affording perma
nent relief from the abase complained
of. The proper way to repress and such
press apartment house Immorality Is to
prosecute the owners of the buildings
and parties, who rent buildings for Im
moral, purposes, . When these peoplo are
given to understand that they will be
held responsible for the good behavior
of their tenants they will be less liable
to rent buildings and apartments for
vicions and unlawful purposes. '.
There may be Incompetent teachers
la the Omaha public schools and. teach
ers who have outlived their usefulness,
but If they are to fe dismissed it must
be not Jiy star chamber proceedings,
but by regular and fair methods. There
are some teachers in the Omaha public
schoofs who ought never to have been
given the places they now hold, having
been appointed or promoted solely be
cause of their political pull, or per
sonal relationship to members of pre
vious boards, subsidized In this way
by the late superintendent Some of
these should be gotten rid of, no doubt.
but they, too, are entitled to fair play,
open and above board. The time was
when teachers In our public schools
were terrorized by fear of offending an
arbitrary superintendent but It Is to
be hoped that their freedom of opinion,
and of speech Is now regained. The
dismissal of school teachers merely for
talking out of school la an arbitrary
proceeding which the patrone of our
school win never to fen U.
The deep alienee of Budyard Kipling
may be attributable to the fact . that he
cannot sympathize will "the bear that
walks llks a man" nor rejolca with
race which, according te hia Idea, should
bw a part of the "white man's burden.
If It Is true that it bss cost the city of
South Omaha $170 for guarding the bal
lots of the late city election by reason
of the Koutsky-Hoetor contest the fact
presents only another strong argument
In favor of the voting machine.
Marae Ileary'a Wild Dream.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Thousands . of Nebraska cattle were
drowned in th recent floods.
. Th Lraa Sala the Better. '
New Tork Tribune.
' Th Nebraska democratic platform enuro
crates many things th party "would" do,
It Is wisely silent about the things It has
Separation Teade ToWavrd Peace,
' New Tork Tribune.
Mr. Bryan has expressed the opinion that
the democratlo factions "cannot get to
gother." Perhaps, on the whole, this Is
fortunate. If they should get together in
their present mood. It might be necessary
to call th police.
acceaa la Co-operatlom.
. Buffalo Express.
England's co-operative aocletlea did
total business last year of 146,000,000, with
profits' reported at 86 per cent. The success
of th system depends on safe, sound man'
agement, and the English seem to hay
mastered th subject -
CampaigalnaT lor the Vice Presidency.
Minneapolis Tribune.
Th John I Webster press bureau sends
out an address prepared by the Nebraska
delegation to the national convention, urg
ing hi claims as a candidate for vice presi
dent It will not be the fault of a carefully
planned preliminary campaign If. Mr. Web
ster doesn't land the coveted honor.
Halllna- the End of Fnalon.
Philadelphia Record (dem.).
Bryan democrats In the east are getting
circulars' printed in Lincoln, Neb., calling
for a populist national convention on July
4 next. The Inference is that if th populists
do not Ilk he. results of the St. Louis con
ventlon they will put up a ticket of their
own. This. Is highly encouraging. In 1802
they did not Ilk the democratlo candidate,
nominated Genera Weaver and gave him
more than a million votes, but th result
was a democratlo victory. In 1896 and 1800
they thoroughly approved the candidate
and th platform Of the democratlo party,
which was defeated ln consequence.
Toadyism In Its Worst Porn.
St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
That was & luat criticism of some St,
Louts people offered by a member of the
German commission to the exposition when
he expressed his amaaement. that so much
ado should be made over Alice Roosevelt
who, he said, received more popular at
tention and adulation than a princess would
receive In Germany pr any other monarchlal
oountry. The Alice' Roosevelt episode Is
merely the culmination .of a series of sim
ilar vulgarities brought about by the pres
ence in St. Louis of princes and representa
tive of the European and oriental nobility.
Men and women have fought and scram
bled to get a glimpse of foreign notables
without regard fo'r.Oielr feelings or our own
obligations of courtesy.
He Won Id Turn a Probability Into a
Certainty of Nomination.
New Tork World,
The strongest argument m advocacy of
Judge Parker's , nomination for th presi
dency has been furnished by the character
of th opposition.
Divining with quick Instinct Ms strength)
his conservatism, his JuclloJal mind, his
distaste for experiment and his, reverence
for constitutional methods and precedents,
every honest visionary who Is In the party
for lack of a more suitable asylum has
toutly opposed him. The socialists, the
anarchists, most of the remnants of the
populist forces, are united In decrying
Fortunate also baa Judge Parker been in
earning the flattering enmity of a "less
respectable clementthe men who are to
politics for what they can got out of it
The clamor of the purchasable against him
has almost drowned the rest of the chorus
of dissidents and detractors. .
But as convention after convention Is
held and It becomes apparent that , con
servatism will prevail at St Louis, there
Is danger that th friends of conservatism
may themselves become divided. In th
absence of a word from Judge Parker to
cheer his friends the talk of "dark horses"
revives; and It Is a disquieting feature of
such talk . that so many of the names
considered as possibilities are sounworthy
of being coupled, even In suggestion, with
the presidential office.
Judge Parker, ".heref ore, could easily ren
der the party a service, while turning his
own nomination from a probability Into a
certainty, by a strong and satisfactory
statement of principle.
Memorial, Day Sf lain format ion Ex
plicitly Corrected.
Philadelphia Record.
Ever since Memorial day there 'has been
- flood of misinformation regarding th
cause and purpose of the civil war. Th
common Idea seems to be that It was waged
by abolitionists to free the slave. Not
Infrequently orators and writers represent
that it was a war for righteousness, for
civil liberty, and occasionally some orator
is so far "inebriated with taa exuberanoe
of his own verbosity," as Beaconsfleld once
said qf Gladstone, - as to say , that the
sanctity of the American home was at
stake. In fact, most of th oratory in
spired by the anniversary betrays an ex
treme poverty of historical knowledge,
On th part of the south th war was an
attempted dissolution of the union. On
the part of the north It was to maintain
tho union. It Is Impossible to state th
Issu more clearly than President Lincoln
did In the following words In an open let
ter, dated August 22, 18G2, addressed to
Horace Greeley, In reply to his criticism
of the conduct of the war:
As to the policy I 'seem p be pu rati
ng.' a you say, I have not muant to
leave any one to doubt ' I would sav th
union. I would sav it In the shortest way
under ' the constitution. The sooner th
national authority can be restored th
nearer, th union will b 'th union a It
waa' My paramount object in
till struggle la to sav th union, and la
not either to sav or destroy slavery.. If
could save th union without freeing any
lave, I would do it; and If I could sav It
by freeing all th slave, I would do It;
and If I, could sav It by freeing soma
nd leaving others alon, I would also do
that. What I do about slavery and th
colored race I do because I believe It help
to save the union; and what I forbear, I
forbear becausa I do not believe It would
help save the union,"
Nothing could t mors sxpilclt than that
A Side l ine ( Twlk Bearlnar 8
vrhat the Contrvey.
Th fighting race" has as yet made n
definite claim to any of th Japanese
commanders who are whipping th Rus
sians with painful regularity. Lieutenant
General O'Ku took a little suspicious and
mat be Investigated In due time. Other
nations strive to "Cipk In reflected glory
by claiming a winner or two. Several
French soldiers, survivor of th Chines
expedition of 1SS6, are responsible for the
statement that General Kurokt, who Is
leading the Japanese force In Manchuria,
Is In reality half French. His name, they
say, Is properly spelled Curtqtie. Accord
ing to th story of these soldiers, a French
officer, Captain Curlque, while serving In
China In 1856, married a Japanese girl.
A son was born to them, who was given
the Japanese namo Kurokl, corresponding
to the French Curlque. This son is Oen
era! Kurokl. Captain Curlque died last
year In France. Until the last he corre
sponded with his son, who has since become
A writer hi Medical Talk says th Japa
nese believe, in fresh air and plenty of It,
both night and day. They are not at all
afraid of the night air and ridicule the
American Idea that night air is harmful.
They believe that nature has provided for
very hour of th day and night Just
th kind of sir that 14 most beneficial
It may literally be said that the Japs
really eat air. They go out in the morn
Ing, Just aa the sun Is coming up, and
take In great draughts of air. Their houses
are so constructed that the air has free
access day and night. Their dwelling
places are made of bamboo, the partitions
re of paper, and the windows consist of
oiled paper. In the coldest weather they
live In these houses and If they feel chilled
they simply add more bed clothing at
night and more garments In the day time,
They pay no attention to a draught.
They will sit In the doorway on a chilly
evening with a perfect draught sweeping
through the house. No cold Is taken, be
cause they are accustomed to this sort of
exposure. In the evening and in the early
morning they often walk barefooted
through the dewy grass.
An air bath for the body they consider
one of the luxuries necessary for health,
They will walk In the forest with little or
no clothing on, or at night entirely nude,
will walk under the trees near the open
ground around the house. Their clothing,
always loose and flowing, admits air cur
rents to pass up and down th body m all
sorts of weather
Although these people revel In the night
air and have no fear of draughts, yet colds
and pneumonia are little known among
them. Physicians in Japan are not nearly
so numerous as in the United States. The
Japanese live perhaps a more natural and
hygienlo life than any other people on
earth. They are frugal in their diet,
bathe frequently, give much attention' to
physical exercise, and simply envelop
themselves in fresh sir and sunshine. They
have little If any need for drugs or doc-
tors, fend are today one of the hardiest
face of the . earth.
Give a Japanese 100 squar feet of ground
to surround his house and he will tranB'
form It Into a chain of hills mingled with
lakes and estuaries, crossed by rustle
bridges, with an Island or two and a water.
fall, a dense forest almost nine yards In
diameter, here and there a summer house
large enough to hold a wax doll, a bit of
glade, a touch of mall and a grotto. An
American will turn the whole tract Into an
expanse of grass bordered with a row of
sycamores or maples, and if there Is any
interruption at all In this rectangular lawn
It will be a clump of rose bushes or an urn
with soma member of the cactus family In
it. The Japanese converts his ground into a
landscape. The American would never go
to such pains unless hs has several hundred
ores. The Japanese garden on the hill at
tht fair grounds is worked out like Japa
nese embroidery with the greatest patience,
but what a regeneration and glorification
of back yards there might be with this
Japanese garden as an example. In one
place a, gorgeous flowering bean, in another
a dwarf evergreen, in another a crag over
looking a Illy pond, here a hill and there a
dale, all In miniature. It would make th
commonest bit of ground look ilk a paint
ing. But there arises one specter In all
this Imaginable landscape beauty to In,
spire a feeling of hesitation i Wouldn't the
pools and ponds and lakelets breed mos
The talk In St Petersburg and other
Russian cities, of the probability of the
cxar going to the seat of war Is said by"
the Paris Temps to be' due to a newly
discovered relic of St Berafln. Last
July, it will be remembered, the remains
of St Berafln of Sarof were carried Into a
church specially built for their reception.
Father . Berafln, as he was commonly called,
died about seventy years ago In the desert
of Sarof and was burled , near tUs hermit
hot Some little time after his death a
well not far from his grave was discovered,
whose water had curative qualities. The
church, after due Investigation, concluded
that the well was holy, and th aalnt whs
canonised. Lastyyear th emperor and all
the Imperial family were present at the
removal of 'the saint's remains. The csar
himself snd three grand dukes carried the
precious burden to the place prepared for
and It was the caarlna Peodorovna
who, by the way, of late has become very
pious wno oesignea in arapory, ana tn l
decorations which mark the new place I
where the bones of the saint lie.
Here is on of the predictions Said to
have been mad by St Berafln: "During
the year following the removal of my
ashes hence to a church a terrible war
will be let loo upon Russia, and it will
causa much suffering. Th csar will go to
that war. I will go with him, and w will
tear to pieces th apron of England."
X nis preaiuuun iiroi uciiiv iv ugui jbbi
July. It was discussed In several court
circles, and great Importance was attached
to th promts of th saint to accompany
the csar to the front As to the "apron of
England" which la to be torn to tatters,
that does not "necessarily mean war with
England. la all probability th "apron"
means Japan, by which England Is shielded
in Its war against Russia.
That the Cossacks are formidable an
tagonists earnest b denied," says th He
view of Reviews. "Ther, is, In fact but
on thing that can be said against them.
They are Ignorant 90 per cent being unable
to read or write. The Cossack has but two
Ideas that of the force and sower of bis
horse and-arm, and, that-of blind. Im
plicit, subordination. He does not think.
U has no Initiative. He Is not resourceful.
His scouting Is merely a matter of blun
dering along. In sufficiently large numbers
to stumble on what he is seeking. A dosen
intelligent scouts could cover aa much
ground as a regiment of Cossacks. But he
can fight. It was th Cosaack who ended
th brilliant career of Charles XII of Bw
dea. It was th COsaack, as much aa th
terrible winter pf 1811, who rolled back Na
poleon from Moscow. It was tb Cossack
who retrtaved th honor of th Ruaslas
arms In th Turkish war of 1877. The ys
of th military profession ar turned to
ward ManehurUy where h Is now to b
pitted against the soldier of Japan, the
parvenu among military powers. The lat
ter I deficient In cavalry, hut pas a light
Infantry admirably organised, capable of
marches of almost incredlbl length and
wlftnea. Intelligent, crafty and animated
by a patrtatUin that I almost a religion. .
is worth your
It has been rioted by a western sage that
alt women reformers think that only the
men need reforming.
Commander Dillingham of the cruiser
Detroit must be a remarkable, man. He
has persuaded the Dominican belligerents
to make peace, without getting hurt him'
General Meckal of Berlin, formerly mlll-
tary Instructor of the Japanese army, has
recetved a telegram from General Kodama,
chief of the Japanese staff, saying: "The
Talu victory 4as won by officers you In-
1 structed."
Dr. Baernrelther, former minister of com
merce, and Count Mervelft, former gov
ernor of the provinces of Tyrol and Silesia,
wilt sail for New Tork June 10. They will
tour the United States and Canada, to
study vdur&tlnnal institutions and to visit
the chief Industrial centers.
Congressman C. F. Scott takes Issue with
another Kansas congressman who said he
could live as cheaply in Washington as
anywhere else. ' "It costs the man with
a family easily twice as much to live In
Washington ss in Kansas," deolarea Mr.
Scott. . And then he adds as an after
thought: "At least this deponent could
afford to present a chromo to someone who
was able to show, him a way to, make It
otherwise." . i ;
Burg-eon General Wyman. of the Publlo
Health and. Marine hospital service at
Washington, has been notified that As
sistant Surgeon Claude C. Plgrce, repre
sentative of that service at the city of
Panama, has been appointed health oflloer
for that city by the Panama authorities.
The appointment Is considered an im
portant concession to the United States,
as It will result In the adoption of Ameri
can methods In protecting the canal sone
from outside infection.
When the members ot the Celt to club
of Newark, N. J., visited the graves of their
departed members on Decoration day the
final resting , place of Thomas Dunn Eng
lish, for years an honarary member, was
found, to be neglected. It was located
after some difficulty In a corner of Fair
mount cemetery and the Incident vividly
recalls the "corner, obscure and alone,"
I which was written by the author in de-
scribing the fate, of Sweet Alice In his
noted lyrlo "Ben Bolt." The grave was
overrun with grass and weeds. The club
will raise funds to provide a monument
and care for the plot
Jane Wonder whv this man advertises
for married barbers?
John Oh. married barbers are sometimes
men who have learned the folly of talking
too much. Indianapolis Journal.
Th western women fairly mobbed Miss
"Oh, maybe It was some of those New
Vnrb women who climbed through A cnnl
hole last aprlng to sea that New York wed
ding." "Indianapolis Journal.
What did you this of Maude's gradua
tion essay?" asked the father.
It waa lovely, answered me moiner.
tng hftt wajr e wm never be able to
discharge a cook In such a manner as to
be understood." Washington Star.
A Solrltuallst called on the csar venter.
day and asked perm I sal on to materialise
a denarted Port Arthur soldier, who had
valuable Information.
"Never mind him." said the csar. ' "Ton
Just muterluliza a few victories for us and
Bargains ar ber
Orchard s Wilhelm
Carpet Co.
In our atock reduction sale of lace curtains and curtain ma
terials you will find many bargains, freshness of stocks, tbe
newest of patterns together witn the price concessions should
bring you here during Oils sale. . ; ' '
Curtain Swiss
We call your attention to our 42-lncb curtain Swiss oeually sold
sold at 80 cents per yard, special this stock reduction n 1.
$3.50 brussela, Irlsb Point anl Cluny lace carta Ins. These
were extra good value at their former prlca and are genuine
. bargains at our stock reduction sale price, 3.75
per pair... i
17.60 cluny curtalna, brusaels and Arabian. X 7 5
stock reduction sale price, per pair ;
$25.00 Baiony brussela. new styles, special reduction 7 CQ
ate price
25o extension rods, stock reduction ' J Qc
sale price............
Odd lace curtalna. worth up to $2.00 per pair,
one lot only, special, each....
What does the
mean in you?
Light, whole
some Bisctrit
made with
or unwholesome food
made with an alum
baking powder? s
while to inquire.
TH give yon the popcorn privilege In
Hoorayoffosrlsky park this summer."
Cleveland Leader.
Weary Walker Tm ashamed o' yr!
Sawln' up wood fur klndlln'l
- Ragsou Tatters Aw, g'oni DIs Is locust
Weary Walker Wat's dot got ter do
wld It? . ,
Uagaon Tatters Why, you chump, dls
Is de kind o' wood dat policemen's clubs
la made out of. Philodelphal JTcss.
Romulus and Remus were' having a pil
low flRht. When the wolf, who would not
be kept from tho door, happened In.
"Don't fight," snld the wolf, adinonlsh
inglv. "It's naughty."
"This is only a shnm brittle," feald Rom
ulus, as Remus hit him again.
This cheap wit was too much for the
wolf, who went out and made Koine howl.
Chicago Journal. - ... ,
- S. W. Olllllan In Leslie's Weekly.
Come hear the story, children, of tlia man
who never kicked.
Who drifted 'round th earth a . hapless
Jerelict, "
Until the angels took ' hlm to bis happy
noire on high '
He'll have no cause for kicking In the
blessed by-and-by.
For quite a' while thl easy mark iiad
lopped at cn,o hotel.
Till every employe had come to know him
very well;
They fed him on cold victuals and his room
was never, clean
They all Imposed upon him Just because he
wasn't mean. f y- -
He' stood, without a murmur, these Indig
nities a while, . .
Thon asked his little reasoning, and' paid
It, with a smllo. '
He Kently warned his many friends, who
thenceforth shunned the place
The ruined landlord, never grasped ths
status of the case.
His wife, a winsome woman, caught th
eyes of all the men.
Who ogled at her freely, never caring
wnere nor wnen;
They knew how very placid was her hus
band, and they knew
He'd never, never make a can. Ho matter
what they'd do.
One day their brvaths wer taken in & way
you d least expect
He'd filed a little paper that . wa-logally.
Then, ere they'd finished gasping o'er this
I wuiiurr, n, Lmuuiiio
' The highly proper husband of another win
some uame. .
The dally press hud slammed him In a way
that waa a -sight;
Why not, when he was easy and would
never make a fight? "',i ,
Encouraged by his silence, they progressed
from bad to worse
Until the merest mention of his name was
with a curse.
The vials of their wrath Were checked one
morning when they oarne4
To their chagrin and terror that the man
gled worm had turned. '
He'd bought a rival paper and had cut th
price a lot.
And otherwise prepared himself .to make
the battle hot.
In time this patient person grew uncon
scionably ill: , ...
Ha calmly fixed himself to die, andjald
his doctor bill.
He didn't even murmur when the lawyer
stuck him hard '
For shaping up the business of his form
nd lumber yard ...
E'en when the undertaker did his old em
balming trick
With some inferior fluid be was game he
didn't kick.
Tho angels saw htm coming, and each
trumpet Mew a Mast
Whloh meant: "The antl-klcker's soul la
homeward bound at last I"
That, children. Is the story of the man
who never kicked;
Who drifted 'round the world a while a
hapless derelict. 1
If you would -et a welcome such his
ftf-vnnfl the skv
Tou'd best postpone your kicking till th
blessed by-and-by. . v
a plenty for surplus
must jo.