Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 05, 1904, PART I, Page 7, Image 7

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Bottled Goodness
MHvraakeq's Banner Brew
It Isn't taft that eonnU, It's
quality Quality that tnd
pat, at all times, for honest
crlticiam. The unprecedented
popularity of Blats Wiener la
da to IU pronounced lndi
VtdBailtr that iodescrlb3tls,
honaat flavor tht always
meana "B'ata" that delUhV
ful Blats Wittier ".meek"
that loea strsifht to the
pot Drink It for beer
character For health' cake
drink it. Aik for it down
town. Send a cat home.
Akwera th aie
ooo oio
(non-intoiu) TONIO
TeL I OS I. 1412 ItauxtaeSl
. '
- a a a mi
sUDE from
i Hava a flaw
i peculiarly their own.
Quaker Maid By la
abaolntahf pur. For
! medicinal sursosss It
i la unequalled. Oneele
i at th leading cat,
' drug stores and bar.
WhslMils Llqnor
'f M I 'i
Cure Catarrh
By Breathing
lacrmaa A McConnell Drag Co., Cor.
1011, and Dodare St., Oirlm,
Offer to Retarn Hoarr 'If Hromrl
Treatment Falls to Care Catarrh
Without Btomaeh Doilag.
If for a few minutes four times a day
you breathe Hyomoi, all catarrhal germs
will be destroyed and the Irritated mucous
membrane restored to health.
With every Hyomel outnt there Is a neat
inhaler which can be carried in the purse
or' pocket. Hyomel breathed through this
contains the same healing: balsams that ars
round to the air upon the mountains, where
catarrh is unknown.
pasaases of the Acad, throat and nose and
makes a positive and permanent cure of
catarrh. ' . -
The complete outfit coals but $1 , while
extra bottles of Hyomel can be obtained
for too, making; It one of the most econom
ical of treatments Tor catarrh.
The Sherman McConnell Drue; Co. be
lieve so thoroughly in the merit of Hyomel
thnt they guarantee to return the money
If It fails. This Is certainly the strongest
evidence they can give of their faith' In ths
Hyomel treatment. It enables anyone to
use Hyomel without risk of spending money
for nothing.
Aek Sherman ft McConnell to show you
a Hyomel outfit and explain to you whnt a
elmpla and easy wny It Is to relieve and
cure your catarrhal troubles.
tMes ion
Valuable) Proscription by Which Any
Man Can Nlakn) Hla Own Remedy
to Ouro Hlmsolf at Homo Sent
Froo to All. Wrlto for It.
For th retura of that youthful tarllng of man
hnoa , a promlmnt Detroit phralclun and anU I
la nosanaloa at a r!l aalch ke um and
Ml w teifc
W ' liii
ta til ewa slnlT prlrat practlc ita th ot
Urlllns attta Tuouzh Oia rar k aa
IU qul ha awr bra touaa . allh It lao.
aanoa t tuk man a. broufht atout lh curat
b m much lxi(4 for. V :lor wlllluilr
nida lIU iwmuU cutlralr tn t. aui maa wt
nt him tor It. and tn7 will On H a 1ft of
UitU T.laa. u I oo4 tor Mittal rwka. lo
mbIio4, MrirNuut, k batik, - ralMloaa, rarioo
laok of (oroa, proatatlo iruubi, alkbt ata,
tnablllty aud tb tua.y otbar uiijanaMMos a4.
tiuua that bttall lb nualtr' laitrtxl rt
ruait as lmiudtau aorlal ImIIds. w.raith aa4 ld
aatur. foniM aHir blood to too inuacular IIwim,
too ut tkanoH lytntm aid uM kodllr ca
Sa.oc. U makf th aiaa of a $ooi a at a,
aad Ik rouos uaa aiala asr tor aoclatr and at
for Bu.niaea aud paruotkood, Satlafaatorf mult
ar produaad la a oar' w, and a aarf.1 cur la
a t, racardla of as, ar tk eaua of
your ooditioa.
If rou Md nteh a ramodr amd four nam and
iddraa Udar t th Dr. Kaans Mad. Co. XX Hull
Ids . Dotroh. ktlcb.. aad la aa Nunaraod aaraloaa
douor will at oaoo aod f tb raolo. aa
raaaloau. bmlalnln la eatall a bat lusradloata M
a aad kaw ta compouad tbaat that aar woak
aiaa aaa sura hlniaalf In hla wa kon wltltout
Wlaf uadar culieatloa t uur. H ooaia
run aotbins and lb auooar roa aril tb aeauar
aa will b carod.
vc madder
liiuble f chics.
Curt In
48 Hours"
rark Can.
aulc baar. rh I f irwl
a. ly- 1 auui 1
frre f 'tw-l' i. t '.irni.lci'.
Sunday morning in Trinity cathedral
BUhop Worthlngton will prench the ser
mon to the graduating class of Brownell
hall. The bishop arrived Friday morning
from his eastern homo with this purpose
In view and also his remt-annual business
conference on the condition of the parish
and of Clarkson Memorial hospital. His
nomine will perhaps end ths present situa
tion of the cathedral with no dean and
most of those divines whom the bishop
had recommonded declining to accept the
call. The bishop. It Is. understood, will
present a new list of names for the con
sideration of the vestry. The principal bus
iness of the hospital will be the considera
tion of th building fund. It Is essential
th hospital should be enlarged and a fund
Is being attempted for this purpose.
The Sunday morning sermon Is the first
of the ceremonials which attend tho clos
ing of the church school. Monday morn
ing In the gymnarlum of the school take
place the exerclees of the junior class.
Trom 11 to 1 o'clock of the same day the
work of the students In the art depart
ment will be exhibited and In the evening,
beginning at i o'clock, the musical de
partment gives Its annual recital. The
Alumni association also meets. at this time,
and scholarship Is to be provided by th
members. The bishop will celebrate the
early communion In St. Matthias church,
nd the congregation of that church will
join with Trinity for the graduating serv
ice. The choir of the cathedral, under J. W.
Lampman, has prepared a special. program
for the occasion. At this service takes
place the annual presentation of medals to
ths choir boys. The music follows:
Organ Prelude First and second move
ment (roiu second Organ Sonata
rrocesslonal Hymn Holy, Holy, Holy..,
Venlte v. Hubinson
Te Deum In E-flat Barrett
benedlctus Anon
Anthem The Sun Shall Be No More..
School Hymn Lord, Thy Daughters
1'ray Thee
Re?p'nB Oakeley
Tenor Bolo Comfort Ye Handel
Kecesstonal Hymn Savior, Blesped
Savior Marley
Organ Potlude Coronation March
I Kretsrhmcr
I The musical program for the graduation
' exerclees of the hall held In St Matthias
! church Tuesday morning at 10:30 Is aa
' follows:
, Processional Priest's March from Atha-
11a Mndi'lssohn
lord's Prayer (adopted) ...Jo Barton
Magnificat C. O. Kettle
Hymn Ancient of Days J. A. JefTrys
Address Rt. Rev. George Worthlng
ton, S. T. P., L.L.. D.
Gloria Patria C. O. Kettle
Anthem Not Unro TJs. Oh. Iord
,...8lr J. Bene-llct
Gloria In Kxcelsls . C. Zeuner
Benediction Hymn Sweet Savior, Bless
Us H. F. Homy
Recessional Lord, Thy Daughters Pray
The ..: H. R. Fuller
Rev. John Randolph Smith of Trinity
church has returned to Omaha after at
tending ths general conference of the Meth
odise Episcopal church at Los Angeles.
"It was a splendid conference," said Mr.
Smith; "splendid. But they took away our
episcopal residence, which Is bad. The
bishop did not really live In Omaha, but It
meant a good deal to have our city the
head of a jurisdiction. Ths conference did
not replace one of the bishops retired, so
that we now have one less than before. So
some one of the - residences had to be
abandoned for at least four years. If Iowa
and Nebraska had pulled together we
should have taken the bishop and left Buf
falo without. ' But the Iowa people were
working for Des Moines and we for Omaha
and wo both gained nothing. They have
about fifty-two Votes and we have eighty
seven, while only ninety-four are neces
sary. The territory of the Omaha bishop
was divided between Denver and Minneap
olis. But it was a splendid conference."
Mr. Smith left Baturday afternoon before
the final session and so arrives before ths
delegates, who are expected early next
The semrtees of Kountse Memorial con
gregation will be held tomoprow In Crelgh
ton hall at Fifteenth and Harney street.
A special musical program has been pre
pared for the evening service. The muslo
Anthem Sing; Praises to the Lord
Solo In This Celestial Dwelling. ...Mosart
Mrs. K. P. Baker.
Chorus The Heavens Are Telling
From Haydn's T'Creatlon"
Miss Foley, Messrs. Spoerrl and Rey-
nard and choir.
Solo The Good Shepherd Llddle
Miss Mary Stapcnhorst
'R. J. Spoerrl, Clifford Daniels, E. N.
Bovelll and William Reynard.
Solo How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me,
Lord? Mletzka
Miss Ora Clayton.
Duct My Faith Looks Up to Thee
, Bassford
Misses Foley and Stapenhorst.
Solo Lead, Kindly Light Shepherd
Miss Edith Foley?
Anthem Sing Pralaes to the Lord
The Junior union of ths Memorial Baptist
Church hss been so officered as to be In
close touch with the Senior union. Th
meeting Of the readjusted society will be
under the presidency of Mrs. Ecclea, snd
the leadership of A member of the Senior
union. 'V
Muslo at talvary BaptUt church:
Orgnn Andantlno Merkel
Anthem The Lord Is Gracious Ward
With solo by Mrs. Noble.
Organ Postlude Stern
Organ-Prelude Deshayes
Hymn Anthem Day is Dying in the
xt Sherwln
Organ Grand Choms Lemalgre
Anthem Tarry With Me ......Davis
With duet by Miaa Johnson and Mr. Joseph.
Said one who attended th conference:
"Dr. J. W. Jennings, the efficient presid
ing elder of the Omaha district was a con
spicuous figure in the sessions of the gen
eral conference .at Los Angeles. Although
serving hla first term as A member of the
hlghost tribunal of the church, ha was
recognised and spoks with clearness and
conviction upon a number of th most Im
portant measures before th body. II
proved himself a tireless worker and road
many frlonda among the delegates,' both
ministerial and lay. He was prominently
mentioned for ths position of book agent
at Chicago and would have been elected
easily had th senior member. Dr. II. C
Jennings of Cincinnati been elected to th
Eplsoopacy, as his many friends confidently
expected. In a neat speech Dr. Jennings
withdrew his name for consideration tor
the offtc. Tb church ha Its y upon
this faithful and capable administrator
and In th not distant future h Is sure
to receive th recognition his servlosa
The muslo at th First Baptist church
will be:
T Deum Geibl
Dual-Love Divine! All Love Excelling
Mis Gamble. Mr. Ilaslaton.
Evening Hymn , Rhelnberaar
Anthem Jerusalem, the Gniden
TrinFather. Lead Ma bv Thy ilsiid
(aelHhxaxar) Outterfleld
Mlaa Uamble, MI 'S Bishop.
Mr. Huarllun.
At th Second Presbyterian church to
morrow morning, preceding the sermon by
th pastor. Rev. Newmsa Hall Burdirk,
tb Prssrtarlaa slat flunday school raiav
sionary. Rev. J. B. Currens, will tell
briefly of his work In the state, after which
th annual offering for the Presbyterian
board of publication and Sabbath school
work will be received. Mrs. H. A. Connett
continues to sing at this church both morn
Ing and evening. Tomorrow evening the
final sermon in ths present course of ser
mons will be delivered. The subject Is
"Deetlny," and the aim la to show that
both reward and punishment hereafter ars
essentially the fuller development of char
acter formed hers and Its Inevitable re
sult. At the morning service the choir will
sins; "I will Magnify Thee O Lord," by
Emerson, and Mrs. Connett will sing Tenny
son's "Harbor Bar," as arranged musically
by Louemma Newell. In the evening the
choir will sing Adams'. "Father of Mer
Muslc at Seward Street Methodist Epls
copal church:
Organ Prelude Theme from Symphony.
Rfsponse Oh, Father, Hear Us.... Leslie
Anthem I Will Magnify Tljeo .... Ashford
unertory serenade, "Lovu t Dream ..
Patten s Orchestra.
Solo Babylon Watson
John Edward Keyes.
Postlude The Nightingale's Hong.... Zeller
Pstten's Orchestra.
Orenn Preludo Juden Gounod
Anthem tiof Uy Now the Light of Day..
Response Jesus Give th Weary. .Barnaby
Offertory Meditation Lloyd
The pastor of Hanscom Park Methodist
church, Clyde Clay Clsnell, ha returned
from his three weeks' vacation, spent on
the Pacific coast, and in attendance at the
general conference In Los Angeles, and
will occupy his pulpit both morning and
evening Sunday. The official board of the
church granted the pastor a leave of ab
sence to attend the conference and de
frayed all the expenses of the Journey, as
a testimonial of their pastor.
Friday evening at the Young Women's
Christian association, south branch, Mr.
Bailey gave his talk on "Pilgrim's Prog
ress," illustrating with stereoptlcon views.
Seventy-five persons were present and
many were the expreHsIons of delight at
the nature of the entertainment. "I must
read the book again," or "I'm going to
read that book right away," was heard on
every side.
The musical program st Trinity Metho
dist Episcopal church for morning and
evening is as follows:
Choral Response
Duet The Blest Abode Mendelssohn
- Mesbamcs Olsen mil Johnson.
Solo Prayer Toste
Mm. John Randolph Smith.
Anthem Oh, Taste ami See Marston
Double Quartet.
Solo Flee a a Bird Dona
Miss Alice Fawcelt,
The Southwest Presbyterian chapel will
have children's day services Sunday even
ing. The church Is starting In on tu
summer work in fine condition. The build
ing has been repaired and tb Interior
decorated, and Rev. Thomas C. Osborne
will tomorrow begin Sunday morning serv
ices, which were discontinued several years
Rev. W. H. Morgan of Central church,
Newark, N. J., will preach In Trinity
Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morn
ing. Ho Is on his way home after attend
ing th general conference.
In South Tenth Street Methodist Episco
pal church Rev. E. B. King and Mrs.
King will sing during the morning service,
and in the evening Mr. King will preach.
Friday evening the farther Lights of th
Immanuel Baptist church will give a can
tata entitled "The Rainbow Fete, Being
th Contest of th Flowers for the Honor
of Representing; the United States of
America." Fifty young; women, suitably
costumed, will tak part.
Music at Grace Lutheran church:
Organ Prelude Theme to Twelfth So
nata Beethoven
Solo One Sweetly Solemn Thought......
Miss Fannie Baird.
Postlude Triumphal March ...Land
Prelude Consolation Mendelssohn
Postlude March PontlfWcalie Gounod
Prof. Mertes will have charge of the
music In the People's church Sunday,
The choir of St, Barnabas' will sing
Eyres Holy Communion In E flat at the
11 o'olock celebration. Th in trot t will be
"Let the Words, of My Mouth," Hugh Blair,
with boss solo by Mr. F. L. Howell, and
the anthem. "I Will Sing of Thy Power,"
Sullivan, by choir. Tenor solo by Mr. Will
McCune. '
Miscellaneous Anuoaaeetaeata.
South Tenth Methodist Episcopal Ser
vices at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.
Trinity Danlsh-Norwelgian Evangelical
Lutheran, Twenty-ninth and T, South
Omaha No services Sunday.
First Presbyterian, Seventeenth and
Dodge, Edwin Hart Jenks, D. D., Pastor
Services at 10:80 a. m. and S p. m
People's, Charles W. Savldge. Pastor
Morning subjeot, ."Big People;'' evening
subject, "Ths Seventh Commandment."
Unity, Seventeenth and Cass, Rev. New
ton Mann, Minister Service at 10:30, ser
mon, "Treasures, Earthly and Heavenly."
Trinity Methodist Episcopal, John Ran
dolph Smith. Pastor Services at 10:30 a.
m. and 8 p. m.; evening topic, "Th SLmpl
Our Savior's Danish-Norwegian Evangeli
cal Lutheran, Twenty-si xb and Hamilton,
Rev. George Henrlksen, Pastor No services
Knox Presbyterian. M.. DeWltt Long, D.
P., pastor Communion service in the morn
ing. Evening theme, "The Rainbow Round
the Throne.
Plymouth Congregational. Rev. A. J
Folsom, Pastor tservloes at 10:M a. m. and
8 p. m. Bible school at noon. Christian
Endeavor at 7 p. ni.
Church of the Covenant, Tweaty-aeventh
end Pratt, Rev. R. T. Bell, Paator Morn
ing servioe, 10:45; Sabbath achoel at noon;
evening service at 8.
North Side Christian, Twenty-sixth and
Grant, H. J. Kirachsteln Pastor Morning
subject, "The Martha Spirit": evening sub
ject, "The Unpardonable Bin."
Church of the Living God, 1624 Douglas,
Frank Draper, Pastor Preaching at and
J:i, topic, "The Seed of Abraham Which
Bhull Bless All the Families of Earth."
Calvary Baptist, Twenty-fifth and Hamil
ton, Thomas Anderson, Paator Service at
10:30 a. in., followed by Lord's sapper;
Bible school at noon; evening service at 8.
Castellar Street Presbyterian. Sixteenth
and Castellar At 10:30 service Lord's sup
per and new members reoelved; evening
service at 8. Th pastor will conduct both
First Congregational, Nineteenth and
Davenport, Rev. Hubert C. Herring, D. D.,
Pastor Services at 10 JO a. m and turn.
Sunday school at noon. Christian endeavor
at 7 p. m.
First Cburoh of Christ. Solentlst. Twen
ty-fifth and Farnam Sunday school at t:iS
a. m.; morning servioe at IU lesson toplo,
"God the Preserver of Maa;'4 Wednesday
evening at 7:a.
Walnnf frill M,lbilit tVlunn.l
first and Charles, O. H. H!n, Pastor
aiurnnii eervioe, iu:to, ineme, "unjan a
Translation ;" evening, $ o'olock, theme.
-Bing unto tne uom. -
Southwest Presbyterian, Twentieth and
Leavenworth, Rev. Thomas C. Osborne,
Pastor Preaching at 10. to a. m.; Sabbath
school at t p. m.; Christian Endeavor at
l p. m.; evening service, a
Immanuel Baptist, Twenty-fourth snJ
Rinney, Dr. R. Kerr Eorlea,, Pastor Morn
ing at-rvioe at 10. W: Sunday school at noun:
Young people's union at (:1ft p. m ; evening
service at I; Junior union at I JO p. m.
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian, Fortieth and
Nicholas, Rev. A. 8. C. Clarke, Pastor At
10:20 a. in., "Getting Right With Ood." At
7.46 p. m., "Ptslbilltti-a." Sunday school
aa noon, tnns'inn .naeavor at s:4d p. m.
Grar Baptist, Tenth and Arbor, B. F.
Fellmun, l'Dstcir Preaching at li;6 a. m.
end I p. m. br the pastor. Morning theme,
' Tlie Gte of Heaven." Bible school ni
noon, ourtf Pt ogle's prsyer meeting at T.
. St Matthias', Rev. Philip Dsvldson. Rec
torHoly communion, a. m ; the morning
service will be omitted; evening service,
?:). Tuesday morning, holy communion
at 7:80 a. m : sraduatloa sitrrlras
uihviu nail vaV a B
Citj Oovioil Eat Oal'ed kfestin; to Pass
on Two Ordiiknota
Hallroad Gets I'ortloaa of Streets
lader Its New strartnre 'Which .
Penults Gonatractloa of
Mere Switch Travrka.
A called meeting of the city council was
held last evening. All members Mth ths
exception of Adkins were present. Th or
dinance declaring the necessity for the
constructitn of a viaduct across the trscks
at Thirty-sixth and L streets was passed.
Along with this ordinance wont one vacat
ing certain parts of the streets under the
proposed viaduct for the use of Burlington
trackage. As soon as the council had ad
journed the mayor attnehed his signature
to the ordinances snd they will both come
Into force as soon sa the necessary publica
tion has been made
Ths passage of these two ordinances
means that the city a ill acquire a viaduct
1,000 feet in length and thirty-four feet in
width over a grade crossing that has
caused more or less trouble for years. By
the building of the viaduct the Burlington
road will secure a crossing right to a
couple of 'unused streets and an alley. This
ground so secured will be used for the ex
tension of sidetracks In the west Burling
ton yards.
An ordinance for tho paving of Q street
from Twenty-second to Twenty-sixth was
Introduced and read for the first time
There was a petition read for the paving of
Thirtieth street from Q to Y. This was
referred to the street snd alley commit
tee. The next meeting of the council will bo
held on Monday night, June 6.
Balldlna Permits.
In spits of the fact that the city en
gineer has no time at present going around
hustling building permits, three prospective
builders called at the city offices yester
day and secured permits. Thomas Peter
son Is constructing a 11,000 dwelling In
Corrlgan addition. Thomas. Dunscomhe
has purchased property on Drew's hill and
Is putting up a home to cost about too.
Fred Schmidt is also building on Drew's
hill. His permit calls for a $000 house. A
number of minor permits were also Issued.
Deserter Martin Taken to Fort. Crook.
Yesterday afternoon Chief of Police
Brlggs took George W. Martin, a deserter
from Company G, Twenty-second United
State Infantry, to Fort Crook and turned
him over to the officers there. Martin ds-
serted when the Twenty-second was or
dered to the Philippines the last time. He
stated at the city jail that he had served
three years In the islands and did not de
sire to return. Chief Brlggs and Detect
ive Elsfelder will receive the customary
reward for capturing a deserter.
Armoar Offices Closed.
The offices at ths Armour packing plant
were practically cloaed at noon yesterday
In order to allow the force to attend the
funeral of C. L. Baylor. A number of beau
tiful floral offerings were sent to th resi
dence of th deceased by th office em
ployes and nearly all attended the services.
A.- F. Carpenter, manager of th office fore
at the Armour headquarters in Chicago, la
here and has taken temporary charge of
the office. So far there has been no inti
mation as to who will be sent her to suc
ceed th lat manager.
Board of Review,
No appointments have been mad yet for
members of ths Board of Review, It Is
understood that neither th mayor nor city
treasurer will make any appointments un
til the meeting of the council on June 18.
Th law says that the Board of Review
must alt between the 15 and 26th of June.
Mayor Koutsky has sn opinion that' the
law means what It says. Therefore, the
board will convene on June 1 and ad
journ sin die on the evening of June 24.
Last year there waa some trouble about
the board holding a session fnr Into the
night of June 26. Such a condition will not
prevail this year.
Magle City Gossip.
John F. Rltchhsrt has returned from a
trip to Chicago. , a
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Melchcr will return
from Iowa today.
Ralph Hall of C hlrn go Is hers visiting
friends for a few dnys.
Miss Augusta Burks leaves today for
Pun lap, la., to visit friends for a couple
of weeks.
Rev. Thomas Stephenson of Pueblo. Colo.,
will preach at the First Baptist church on
Sunday morning.
A meeting of the members of Phil Kear
ney post No. 2 and tha Woman's Relief
corps is called for tonight.
Arrangements have been main for tho
Amphlon club to slr.g at the First Meth
odist Episcopal churth on Sunday evening.
Omaha View on Street Railway Ex
tension aad West Oainha on
Peat of Weeds.
Tne street allway committee of the
Omaha View Improvement club had very
little incouragemont to rtpoit to that club
last evening a a result of Its recent con
ference with the street railway manage
ment relative to the extension of the
Harney street line to Maple street on
Thirty-third street. All hope has teen
abandoned of getting the extension this
year, but the committee did get some as
surances that the extension would come
some time In the future. The club decided
to keep the street railway company con
stantly tn mind of Its wishes.
Some assurance was given that a number
of sidewalk improvements aie on the verge
of accomplishment and that a few needed
street grades will be made as soon as th
weather permits.
The special committee on hall reported
dial plans have bceh formulated for the
building nnd that the subscriptions to the
building fund are In an encouraging shape;
that tho full amount will be subscribed
within the course of another week or two.
The committee Is now prospecting about
for a lot upon which to erect the building
and expects to submit its llnal report at
tho next meeting.
The West Omaha Improvement club met
at Forty-second nnd Dodge streets last
night to talk over the weed question and
the best means of vanquishing the mag
nificent crop of weeds now putting in an
appearance on the vacant property In that
district. The meeting was mado addition
ally Interesting by a smoker. In honor of
the addition of three or four new members.
These smokers are becoming frequent fea
turss of the club and add much to the
enthusiasm and attendance.
. , - a a - - ' .
The People'a Fnrattare
A Carpet Co.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
Charles 8. Robel, manager of the Inter
national Christian institute, will address
the men's meeting Sunday afternoon at
4 o'clock.
Arthur Jorgensen, former office secret-try,
assumed his new duties as boys' secretary
on June 1 and plans are already being
made for special boys' work during the
summer. A tent will be conducted by the
association at the high school 'encampment.
Information about the Visitors' World's
Fair hotel, the Inside Inn, tho Christian
Endeavor hotel. University Park encamp
ment, Grand View Fraternal hotel, tho
Hotel Epworth and applications for private
residences and dormitories, or printed mut
ter concerning the fair In, general will be
gladly given at the Omaha asoclatlon.
On account of the success of tho summer
review school last year for the conditioned
elthth grade pupils, the educational com
mil tee has decided to again continue this
school, and the following plans will bo
carried out. The school will be open on
July 1 and continue eight weeks. Tho hours
will bo from 8:80 olock to noon. The
course of Instruction will be for boys who
have failed tn some eighth grade study ami
for those who wish to review eighth grade
work. The association has secured aS In
structor Prof. M. E. Graham, who. had
charge of the school last year. Of the
thirteen pupils who entered last year Mr.
Graham succeeded In placing ten In the
high school.
Go-Carfs and Carriages
r , i.
I . - i ;.
The Refrigerator that's moohnnlcally
r 'offset that embodies all the bet
improvements has seven walls, min
eral wool lining that will pny for it
self In a single summer In the ice and
food It savss- tne uurnrj i
nr coml'lnes nil invno
fnturifs ppeclnl $!0
Refrlci-rator Monday .
The celr-brctel lleywood Go-Cnrts
best of workmanship rubber tires
enameled gearing patent axles pat
ent adjustments fine grade of
of Bedford cord up
holstering worth
twelve dollars Mun
IRON BEDS Special this week. Iron Bed, spring, mattress and pair
of pillows the complete set, worth 12.i
INGRAIN CARPETS In many patterns and choice colors oil wool,
worth 75c, nt
BRUSSELS CARPET This season's selections-worth up to 1.25
at t
LACE CURTAINS We carry a full line, a large asortment of all
Hrudes Monday a beautiful pair worth t-'.oO
DANGLER GASOLINE STOVES Warranted the best on th mar-
ket every stovo tested before deli very upward from
i i no ic ina
firetty colors nnd lawns, trimmed with ruffles,
nsertlon, tucks and pleats
CZ For excellent $1.75 Wash Waists trimmed with Insertion and
UOC tucks.
for several lines of three dollar
Cheap at
a wm9 r
I O waists trimmed with embroidery and pleats.
e yB ej For beautiful Jap Silk nnd Sheer Lawn
a& a J Waists, values wortn up ;o h ou.
Big Sprrlal in Men's Clothing Tomorrow, Monday, we will place on solo
all our nobby, up-to-date Suits, In blacks, blues, fancy mix- Q 5C
tures, plaids, etc., that ore worth ?15.0l), 18.00 und iJsUmJ
$20.00, for only
We Serve D1k Times of Ice Cream on th Second Floor for Only 4c.
Charts Las Than All Other,
. A rtedlcal BxBtrt. '
2S Ysars Experience,
IB Ytars la Omaha.
Natrlr M.004 Csms Cars.
arloo.l, Hrarao!. Bloo rolaoo, mature.
Blk Narroa. Debility. L of Btraastk aa Vila,
sur ana all forau of ehronlo dta...
TraatmaDt r 'mall. Call or writ. aaa BBS,
Oft erar fli. M oaeaa,
What To Eat BniS2
Bend for 'copy. 10 eents or tXOu a rear.
Rnliable Hea.Ua AafloVsa, Table BVunm.
uevar -avast
ta. good
Bend for 'copy. 10 eents or tXOu a year.
Jests. Foema.
friend to brlarhtan tout leisure
menta. Pull of novel suggestions for
Ta lawa HrlB Banatta aars "On aas
1 ha sHalar as kapaUr tt Uaa taaatMs
war faadan of tale warthr Bablleatloa.'
WHAT TO HAT (Mnatht Maw teal
wuBJagrea as. aa ruin aa
For Menstrual Suppression
:atss& pen -tan-got
M a ball I box, ft. re 14 ta (tt&aaa u.rm.1
alcCeaoall Drua Co. Mall tdara ail. TraM aussll
TV, L aw.-' H. 1
humbly 2) imu
W pa I:'
7.45 A. M. 6:30 P. M. Lv. Omaha Arr. 8:20 A. M. 9:00 P. IU.
8:00 A.M. 6:45 P.M. Lv. Council Bluffs , Arr. 8:05 A.M. 8:45 P.M.
7:35 P. M. 7:00 A. M. Arr. World's Fair Station Lv. 7:45 P. M. 9:15 A. M.
7:50 P.M. 7:15 A. M. Arr. St. Louis Lv. 7930 P.M. 9:00 A.M.
ISM Sill&l
Sold June 6, 13, 20, 27 Good 7 Days
(TO BffhSL
On Sale Daily Good 15 Days
All Wabash trains run to World's Fair Station, saving time, much trouble and
extra car fare. For beautiful World's Fair folder and all information call at City Office,
1601 Farnam, v or address
HARRY E. M00RES, Gen. A. Pass. Dept., Omaha, Neb.