TITE OMAIIA . DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, C, 1904. n ilia AND PRODCCE MARKET Bothlng- Hcrl bat Uttpjstt f Eoathwtit era iamkgelo Whetb FLOODS, CLOUDBURSTS AND TORNADOES Lral rub Market Malatalae Oood . Ptlo-M.ch Wltt, Cora aaa Oats Are Bold b .. -Sample. OMAHA. June t. 1004. Ths grain markets are full of crop flam Bge reports out Of the southwest. Kansas City sends the following: Oxford, Kan., heavy ruins; Arkansaw river overflowing; White river higher than for thirty years yeara and thousands of Here are under water; Cow creek, near Burling, one mile wide; Outline, a tornado, and a second In Logan county,- making great dmusKe to wheat; Lincolrr and Fort Scott, cloud bursts; Sallda, Kan., thousand of acres of wheat and rrrn deutroyed; Lawton, Okla homa City, Enid and Muskogee, great dam age by high winds and overflow; Okla homa, along Cottonwood river, Inundated for a width of several mile, fifteen at the Junction with the Neosho; Florence, Kan., five Inches of rain; lola, " three feet of water In streets, and thousands of acres spoiled. These reports must Bend the wheat up, for they have started a heavy buying from the southwest, which will be followed from other sections. The market. In addition, has received a boost from the Istest estl mate by Jones, who Is more bullish than ether exrerts. Jones thinks the condition of the winter wheat In the southwest re quires serious consideration. May, he thinks, . has brought no Improvement In condition, and the yield east of the Rockies will be 0,000.000 buahels below the crop of last year. Texas he gives but a naif crop, and Oklahoma a small one. The Ohio valley he Uriels sennatlnnnlly small. The weather has been tixj cool to give the spring wheat a good Start. Another expert finds Oklahoma In a bad way and limits the good crop there to five counties .In the northwest. These will have a crop of 70 per ent of that of last year, while the rest VIM not run more than 10 or 20 per cent of 190i, with much In the west loo poof to cut. . . The Pacific coast reports' a late heavy demand for flour from Japan. This may affect the flour situation considerably. It the war Is continued for some months the demand will Increase steadily, and unless supplied abroad will bring the Purine coast at least, and probably Minneapolis, a relief from the present stagnation, The range In prices of Omaha grain for luiure ueiivery ana me cioeo rxiuuy uiiu toaay were as ioiows: Closed- Opened. High. Low. Today. Frl'y. Wheat July .. Sept . Corn June .., July ... Sept. . 82 B 48 46V4 48 46tf 4ft B Oats June ... July ... Sept A asked B hid. Local Cash Oraln Market. The elevator buyers and the broker were busy about the sample tables this morning and business was good. The market re mained firm at the prices of Friday and the weakening In Chicago did not affect the local demand. Receipts and shipments were: Wheat, 9 cars in and VI cars out: one week ago, 6 and 13 'cars. Corn, 47 cars In and 34 cars out; one week ago 83 and 36 care.. Oats, 9 cars. In; one week ago, ' 8 care In. Representative sales of cor lots, by sam ple, on track, Omaha: Hard Wheat No. 4. 1' car, T6c; 1 car, 7Bc (burned); no grade, 1 car, 72c Mixed Corn No. 2, 1 , car. 48ci No. 1 6 cars, 47Hc: .1 car, Ha . Yellow Corn No. 2, 2 cars, 4ffl4o : No. 8, 1 ear, 48a . White Corn No. 8. i cars, 48Vte, , White Oats-No. 8, 1 car, 40fcc; No, 4. J car, 40Hc; 1 car, 40c WHEAT No. 8, 9lc. nominal; No. 8, 80c; No. 4, 76fr82o, nominal. er CORN No. 8, 4i(648c; No. 8, 4748c; No. e4. 46a46o: no grade, 40c; No, 8 y allow, 48a; 'No. 8 yellow, 484c; No. 8 white, 48c, nom inal: No. 8 white, 47c, nominal. OAT8 No. 2. c; No. S, STOcj No. 4. S R37o: No. 8 whlte43c; No. 8 white, 40(3 -Uo; standard, 42c Oats quotations are nominal. "Kotea from the Kxehangre OIBeea. Omaha stocks of grain in regular ware- : houses ace as fallows: Wheat,-61718 bush- ;el; corn. 4W,3R2 bushels; oats, 26,663 bush els. . Omaha contract stocks of mm are Si:3,3fl6 bushels, divided between Merrtam A Holmqulst's elevator' (112,075 bushels) and .Hie union eivva.ior (2i,u ouineu). . ... " Visitors to the Omaha exchange were J. W. Jackson, Loom Is, H. B. Shaw, Chloogo; 'W. J. Wlpston, Mexico; J. R McCarthy; Elkhom, and L. Y. Evans, Mlhneapolls. - 'Omaha Inspections of grain were 62 cars. r wneax, 1'car granea mo. z hard, 8 oars - io. s nara, cars no. nara ana 1 car no grade. Of corn, 6 cara graded No. 8, 17 cars No. 8, 8 cars No. 4, 8 cars No. 2 yel lpw, B ears No, I yellow, 1 car Nat 4 white and 1 car no grade. - Of oats, 1 car graded No. 8 white and 4 cars No. 4 white. A." Grain markets Elsewhere. i The closing prices of gram today and Friday at the markets , named, were as follows: ; cniCAaa.. ...i 1 Cloeed-. Wheat . ,.' Today. JYld'y. ' July ........,...".,....,.., 8SB rju September , 82WA SU'Z Corn ... . . , . . .. ... ; July 49a ' siua Septefnber .-41iA 49iA ; - . Kansas citt. . lineal- - - ' - July ' Sautember .Corn i . .... 71 v juiy ...... ' September .... 4514 .... 434 464R 44B ST. LOUIS. .Wheat a July . September Corn July September 86HB rrus 4S 46B 49U 47i4A MINNEAPOLia , "heat July 8RHB 9BA tali bi'AB . Kept ember. Wheat , Juiy September Wheat. ..July v September ' " ' DULUTli, NBW YORK. 83 M B !iB bHU . OMAHA WBOLE14LH MARKETS. Condition at Trade and Quotations on Staple and raaey Prod ace. EQQS Receipts, liberal; market steady: Tresh stock, HVjO. . LIVE POULTRY Hens, 9c; roosters, . aoeordlng to else, 6(ac; turkeys, 13c; ducks. Do: geest ic. .. BUTTER Packing stock, 11c; choice to fancy daliy, l4ui5o: sepaiator, 19U20o. FKEaH FIHil-Troul, 10c; Pickerel. Boi J Ike, 10o;' perch, 7o; bluelsh, 12j; whlteflsh, c; salmon, 14c; redsnapper, llo; lobster. ; green, 26c: lobster, bolied. 80o; bullheads, lie; catfish, 14c; black baaa, 20c; halibut, lOu; crapplea, 12c; roe shad, $1.00; buffalo. 8c; white buss, lie; frog legs, per do., sou. RAN-Pe ton. 81.0t). -HAY Prii&s quoted by Omaha Wholesale .Lea lore' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 'BOO; No.'!, 17.60; medium, 17.00; coarse, t60. Kye straw, 85.60. These prices are for hay of good color- and quality. Pemaud, fair .and receipts light. , r TROPICAL FRU1T8. . "ORANGES NayeU. choice, large else, 3.00; fancy navels, all slsts, 83.60; Mediter ranean sweets, choice, all vises, 83.00; Jaffaa, all sisi-a, 12.75. . LEMONS-Californla fancy. 800 to 860, .J3.7644,0O; choice, 13 50iS.7. CALIFORNIA FiaS Per 10-lb. carton. too; Imported Smyrna, 8-orown, 12c; 6-crowi ,lc: T-crown, 16c. ) BANANAS Per medluro-alied bunch. 82.00 :.ti2 60: lumbo. tl.7ViS.2S. . VATLS Persian, per box of 80 pkgs.. 7100; in 60-lh. boxes, 6c per lb,; Oiluiilai istufred, per bVx. $2.40. PINEAPPLEd-la crates of 84 to 42, par crats, 83.60. s. . FRUITS. APPLES-New York Baldwins. 84.00. STRAWBURlUEo Missouri, per M-quert case, $1 T6. HLliltlES California, per box, tlXJ , VEGETABLES. POTATOES Colorado, li.30; Dakota, per bu.( 81.1a); new Teaaa Ho stock, la sacks, per lb., 8o. NAVY bEANS Per bu., 82.164fJ.26." ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-iu, irate, $186 f Loulxlana. lu sucks, per lb.; 2W ' CAUUAOE California, per lu.. 8Ho southern, per crate. 42.60. CUCL'MUKRS Per doa,60c .... 82 B .... 7S54A 41 47A 46J 4SA. .... 4B .... . lOMAiUCO rvr v-uMKvi i:inin, fancy, 13 26; t-holce, 8260; Texas, 4-Uutket crate, ii.no. ' RAni8HF.S Per dos. bunejies, S0a LE'rTUCt.Top lettuoe, per dos., ll0c, Trr'll'1 Southern, per dos.. 4oo, lit fcTo houthoru, per dos., 46c. CAHROTS-houthern, per do., 7&o, PAKtU H;V-.l'or dos,, 400. ' ,.. ' -LiuAiso Wax. per bu; box,' lAoor Vrtng, tr ba. box. M.00. . kU'LSAClWcC pu.k ima trom K2P ASTARAfjra p.. Arm hnrehea 40n. .' URfcKN PEPPERS Per 8-basket crate BE. j SQUASH Florida summer, per do., 75c rtiAt per tu. nox. ti MISCELLANEOUS. ' nrKKRE Wisconsin twins, full cream. lie; Wisconsin Young America, lie: block Hwles, iso; wiamiuna !nck, U'ric; Wlsoon sin, nmoerger, J3. MAPLE 8LQAH Ohio, per lb.. lOe. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 8 green, 6c: mo. i ssiiea, vc; iso. i saitea, sc: no. A.ir fl n 1 Ik. & I . XI 1 ' a i v u . , v j Mtjn., eTgv, 1 1 J. . t i a i v-.it, 12 to 15 lbs., 6Hc;, dry salted, sheei pelts. J4Ji27e: horschldes. I1.504M .80. NL'TS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb t r . V. r. ahAll - IK 11a, V,. 1 . -1 ... 1 1 ...v., una., mien, T? f ,. . rv. per lb., l.V; No. t hard shell, per lb., 12J pecans, large, per IB., jzo; small, per id., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 6c; roasted peanut per lb., He; Chill walnuts,. 121 34c: large hickory nuts, per lb., 11a; almonds, soft shell, per lb., loc: hard shell, !3fl; shell barks, per bu.( 12.00; black walnuts, per bu CHICAGO GRAIN AM) PHOVI9IOSS Feataree of the Trading; and Closing Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAOO, Hune 4. Influenced by heavy realising snles all grain wns weak here today, notwithstanding severe rainstorms in various sections. July wheat closed at a loss of lo. Corn Is down lldc. oats were off c. and provisions 1 -n-'. July ran Red from Wa"o. up at SflWi'ko. .Fear fur the future of the corn crop so far as the effect on the corn croD of. heavy rains west Is concerned seemed to hare largely abated today snd there was no lack or offerings at tne opening, irver nlsht enthuslnsm on flood talk of yester dav, however, gave July a start at 4c lower to He higher at SOTfiSlc. From this point prices followed the trend of wheat, weakening under profit tnklrtg by large and small holders until the rally to 4!H'?i 49T4jC, lljlV: under yesterday's flnnl figure, local receipts ' were more liberal than anticipated, 53 enrw, 56 grad ing contract, ana this fact contriDutea to the weaker tone. In oats, as in wheat and corn, profit taking wns the dominating disposition. The close showed a loss in juiy or thc at w-vi 69tsc, a shade above the bottom and a re cession from iVfi4o at tne opening, Loral recelDts Were 118 car. Trade In provisions was only moderate and the feeling was easier; Free offerings and a limited demand neutralised the er feet of an Improved hog situation, and the market roiiowea tne tendency or grams. September pork closed 12'Ac lower at 811.73. Poptemher lard (howed a loss of 7Ho at $i.67. September ribs were down Ic at is. so. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Articles. I Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y Wheat a July b July a Sept. b Sept. July Sept. July Sept. July Sept. Sept. 904fTi P0 89H 89 84'i 81" 82831 83 BoisMii ""isivi 49 4S v wvi ""if 81 11H 11 R0 11 86 '11 83 6 47H 6 47H 6 62V4 6 66 6 70 8 75 6 87V4 6 92H S9S 8WS4 8H . 88V, sayt 1 I 48 4949(&; 48 48i4 1 42 41 ' 39HI39'a'' 4094WV4 ' 81 31 SIX 11 41V, 11 62H 11 70 11 70 11 75 11 90 6 40 8 42H 6 47H 6 67H 6 67Vi 6 69 8 68 8 67 6 77 6 85 6 87 90 No. 2. a Old. b' New. FLOUR Market was firm: winter pat ents, 4.iiM.(Mi: straigiKS, m.vxsioo; spring patents, tt.3"'o 4.70; straights, $3.90iq4.30; bakers, 22.663.30. WHliAT-No. 2 spring, 94iff97c; No. 8, 90 hw; no. t rea,' ji.wmi.uu. CORN-No. 2, 49c; No. 2 yellow, 60c. OATS-No. 3 white, 424Bc. RYE No. 2. 75o. IiARLE;Y-Oopd feeding, 8842c; fair to Choice malting, 4'fio6o. 8EEDS-N0. 1 llax. $1.00; No. 1 north western, 11. 06. Timothy, prime, 88.00. Clover, rontrart grade. flO.to. PROVISlONS-MesH pork, per bbl.. 811.45 11.50; lard, per 100 lbs., f6.86i6e.87; ahort ribs aides, (loose) K60Q6.75; ahort clear Bioes, tooxeai i5or(i.7. Receipts and shipments at this market yesterday were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 8.700 18.690 Wheat, bu 16,600 19.800 Corn,, bu., ,.... 653,600 . 442,100 Oats, bu 163.700 802 900 Rye, bo..... 3.000 4,000 uariey, du. 15,900 ii.sjo On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 133J 17o; dairies, 12Slfto. Eggs, ateady. at mark, cases Included, 14-)iii6c. Cheese, easy, 8$9o. St. Lonla Grain and Provisions. ST. LOUIS, June 4 WH RAT Steady, on realizing saies; iracK, i.wai.i;; July, lc; CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, 48c; track, 49 60c; July, 48c; September, 46o. OATS Lower ; No. z canh, 41c; track, 42 5'42c; July, 87c; September, 81c; No. 8 wniie, x4cci FLOUR Moderately active: red winter patents, 86.OOfU5.10; special brands, I63&0 nigner; extra rancy ana straignt, HwaLw; clear. 84.OOM1.J0. TIMOTHY SEED-Steady 22. 40 176; prime, higher. CORNMfcAL Steady, 8Z40. ' BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 940 9Bc. HAY Easy; timothy, 89.00e:il.60; prairie, 86. 00& 10.00. IRON COTTON .f IES-82C HAGOINO 6c. " .'HEMP TWINE 60. ' .. PROYISIONS-Pork,-- lower; Jobbing, 811.62; lard, lower; prime steam, 86.92; bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts. 17.15; clear ribs, 87.62 J short clear. 87.87. POULTRY Steady; chickens, c; Springs, ncatttei turkeys, lie; ducks, 6c 1 geese, 8c. BUTTER Slow; creamery, 18(3a8c; dairy, 10414a. BUGS Dairy, 13c, , case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 9.000 6,010 Wheat, bu.. 23,000 ' ' 62,000 Sorn, bu 113,000 77,000 ate, bu 49.000 46,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS' CITY; June '4. WHEAT Steady; May, 77c; July. 71c; September, 72c; cush. No. 2 hard. 890c: No. 8, 85ij 87c: No. 8 red. 81.03'jl O4; No. 3, 98o&l 01. CORN Lower; May, 45c; July. 4:lc; September, 37c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 48c No. 3. 48c: No, 2 white, 4d449c; No. 8, 48o. OATS Steady ; Mo. 2 white, 42343c; No. 2 mixed. 40c. HAY Higher: choice timothy, 810.600 11.00; choice prairie, $8.5On.00. EOGS Form; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 12c; new No. 2, white wood cases Included 13c. BUTTER Creamery, lS4rl5c; dairy, 12c Receipts. Shipments. Wheat bu 16,0"0 4.40 Corn, bu 24.800 4O.0U0 Oats, bu 7,000 8,000 Metal Market. NEW YORK, Juno 4.-METAL8 The 11m Ited movement in motals today developed no new features. Copper was quint and easy. Lake, $12.87; electrolytic, $12.62' 12.87; casting, $12.3Vif12.&0. Tin, dull. spot. 27.12tl27.37. ' Spelter, -easy; spot, M.45. Lead, $4.35'u4.40. Iron, unchanged. War rants, $ 12. ST. LOUIS, June 4. METALS Lead, lower at $4.1u. Spelter, weak at $4,62. . I Philadelphia Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA, June 4. BUTTER Dull; prliita, lc lower: extra western creamery lKc; extra neurby prints, 19o. EtitJS Steady; fair demand; fresh near by, 18o. loss off; fresh western, 18o; fresh southwestern, lijc; freah southern, 17o. CHEESE 3ulet and steady; New York full creams, choice to fancy old, 8a9c; choice to fancy new, 8fc8c; fair to good. 7(t7C Mllwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE, June 4. WHEAT Dull; No. 1 northern, $1.00; No. 8 northern, &8i 96o; old July, 8ac. RYE Dull; No. 1. 70'OTe. BARLEY Steady ; No. 8, 63c; aampla, 40 tbOC. CORN-Dull; No. 8, 60(u51o; July, t9 4STo bid, ' Unlnth Grain Market. DULUTH. June 4 WHEAT In store! No, 1 northern, btiTic; No. 2 northern, 94o; to arrive: N), 1 northern, 97c; No. 8 north ern, 96T,c;' oh track: No. 1 northern. 97o; No. 8 northern, Wc; July, 96c; Septem ber, ' 83o. OATS On track and to arrive, 42c . 1 11 in. - . Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL, ' June 4-WH EAT Spot, easy No. 1 California, 6a 10d; futures, BUiaily; July, 6 4d; September, 6a 4d. CORN Kpot, ' AiiHirloan . mixed, ' tiew, steady. 4s 61; American mixed, old, quiet. 4s 64; futures, dull; July, is 4Td; Svptom ber, 4a 81d. Peoria Market. . : PFORIA. June 4.-CORN No. 8, 46c; No. I .'j w d. A - n V.. UlM rt n M fnm flolaheil gopda. . ' Toledo Heed Market TOLEDO,' June4.'-SITKnaC1over, rash. tH2U. kitked; ttober, 86.3 ptluiO autlke. NEW YM STOCKS AND BONDS QuoUt!oD8 Art Abiolntely Uoobangtd from W.k Ago. STOCKS STILL STAY STAGNANT Bonds Are Harrow and ' Dell Mews .Has !e Inflaenee aa the Market at , Aay ' . point, ;"-' - .E. J5RK- ,un would be dlffl- iLto flnlR Ktock. tne ctlv "t that J lT". t rh"n? 5 Point from Friday tL ,h ,F-)l-ir'n t" in" wrr 'r"ded tU -th.'.e dnyB hollday Which followed. losses are mixed. Prices have vv, in iar 1 mm tne level of eratlng the wooWn hhr,JZ. ".,"r 11.. .I.,,. i. . , , , , iic mantel . . uiutuecieu oy news. The gov ernment report on cotton today goes to confirm I h ..I 1 . ' - the unofficial wtimai.. .v.. f',1"'' "l recora crop of that product. At the same time continued rains and cool weather In the corn belt will have their Influence on that crop. The cotton ""i i-niHinea practical v Immnv.hL' snd yet the season is a problem whose so lutlon Is the parnmout factor In decldini .o .urBe 01 ine present stagnant stock market. The doubt over the grain crop may offset the apparent prosperity of the cotton crop, or more assured prospects as to the outcome of all crops may be awa ted In the determined apathy of the stock market. - . The bank statement did not refleot all or the expected gain in cash and the loan contraction wsb not as large as expected. But Wall street has been drawing unfa vorable inferences rather than otherwise from the accumulation of Idle bank re serves, so that the day's stagnation can hardly be attributed to this cause. The cloning1 was virtually Inactive. Total sales of bonds, par value, 8545,000. The bond market is narrow and dull, tnited States 3s registered, have advanced , the 8s coupon and the old 4s , the new 4s registered and the new 4s coupon , while the 2s have declined per cent on call during the week. Yesterday s quotations on the New York Stock exchange were as follows: Sales.Hlgh.Low.Close. Atchison 600 69 69 . 69 ao pfd , Baltlomore & Ohio do nfd 92 78 sou 600 78 78 Canadian Paclflo .. Cent, of N. J C. & O 100 117 117 117 ... ..... ..... 156 Chicago & Alton ... 00 prd , C. O. W. '. 8. 6 N. W C. M. & St. P 900 14 14 14 168 1.600 140 139 139 176 do rifd Chi., Ter. & Tran.. do pfd C. CT. O. A St. I... 100 'ioo 200 100 14 Colo. Southern do 1st pfd do 2d nfd Del. & Hudson 100 163 168 153 Del., Lack. & West s) V. & K. O do Dfd Erie 1.800 do 1st pfd 1.000 do 2d Dfd UA Hocking Valley do- nfd Illinois Central 100 129 129 129 Iowa Central 100 14 14 do pfd v.; K. C. Southern do nfd Louisville & Nash .... Manhattan L Met Securities i.,.. .... Met. Stret Ry 200 110 110 Minn. 4 St. Louis M., St, P. A 8. Ste. M. 100 62 63 do pfd , Missouri Pacific M., K. & T 300 89 89V do pfd N. R. R. of M. pfd... n. y. c :. 200 Ui 114 114 Norfolk & Western... . 10O 64 64 do-Dfd : Ontario 4 Western. 1. 4,000 23 224; Pennsylvania 1.800 113 113 P.. C . C. & St L Reading ... 16,600' 45' 44Tj ao isi pia iuu iv rs do 8d Dfd i "200 A3 63 Rock Island Co... 700 20.- 20V do pfd St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. 100 43 43 St. L. S. W,,.. 100 10 10 t do Dfd . ..... Southern Paclflo 1.300 45 . Southern Railway .... 200 do pfd , Texas & Paclflo 200 Tol., St. L. & W ao pia Union Racine ......... 1,600 83 83 do Dfd ..... ....j Wabash .....i ...v ,.... do Dfd W. 4 L. E. Wisconsin Central do pfd Maine Central .'. 1,000 7 6& Adams Express Co., Am, Express uo. ..... ..... U. S. Express' Co ' Wells-Fargo Kxp. Co; Am. Comer 800 .49 . 49 Am. Car & Foundry.. ..... ..... , uu yiu ., . . .... Am. Cotton Oil .... do pfd ...... American Ice 100 '. 64 do pfd ..... too ; . Am. Linseed Oil T 4 M ..... 18 '80 62 62 97 97 do pfd Am. Looorootive . do nfd Am. Bmelt & Refln'g. 6O0 600 do pfd Am. Sugar Refining.. Anaconda, Mln. Co... B. R. T Colo. Fuel A. Iron...... sou ia i i 71 900 47 47 46 ..... 28 700 . 203 203 203 200 10 10 10 Consolidated aOs ..... Corn Products do prd Distillers' Securities do pfd 200 General Electric .... International Paper do pfd International Pump do pfd National Lead ....... 10010 "IOO '83 2.100 North American ; Peoples uas Pressed Bteel Car .... t 600 ' dn nfd ... Pullman Palace Car Republic Bteei do pfd , .' Rubber oOods do nfd '..4 ' Tenn. Coal & Iron .... ..... U. S. Leather do nfd U. a Realty .... do pfd U. 8. Rubber ... 100 ..,.,.' 700 4U0 100 , 1.600 8.200 do Dfd U. 8. Steol do pfd West Electrlo . Ii.l.pn TTntr,n Total sales lor tne oay, u.duu iiuna, Boston Stock CootaUlona 'nnarnM. June 4 Pall loans. 84?S Der cent; time loans, 3J4 ter cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Atchlaon tdj otiiAdventur ... it .. B ... 4 .. to ..4M .. 19 .. 41 .. M .. t .. T .. I i.. IVa .. 1 14 .. M ;.. in .. u .. IS .. 10 .. S do 4a lOUltiAUouet .-19 Amalgamated , . 614 ! America ghu . tl AtlanUo .l4o tilngham .14 (a I. A Heels., Hex. Central 4a., Atohlaon do ptd Boston A Albaur. Boston A Maine.. n..tnn Elvate4 . r tchbura ia vvr lex. Central !Dlr West ... N Y., M. H. H...1I? lUomlnloo loal Union Paclflo 82 Fraukllo old T4 I Isle Kojale ... Amar. Vnau. Tubs.... 4 iMaaa. Mining Amer. Bucar Ml.ni ...ltftUlirtlchlgaa do pfd Amar. T. A T Amar. Woolen .... do pfd Dominion I. A 8. Edison Klee. Ills.. General Kleotlia .. Mass. Electric ... do ptd Maaa. Oca I'nlte fruit United Sho Mach. do p4 V. g. Steal do pfd Westing,' eonxoioa Bid. ,..114iMohawK .126 Mont. C, A C . 10 . 74 . old Dominion Osceola Parrot ., qutnev 164 Shannon .. It iTamarack Trlulty .. :::::::: .. ,'V, . Mining. IIS ,,loe V. s. oil. .. Vlotorts . ., tt 1 Utah ..... ., t I w moo a , ., HlWoler1na .. T I 4 Id Iew York MietoeT Itoeka. NEW YORK, Juno 4. The following are ths closing prices on mining stocks: Adama Cos Ultle Chief ... a ...171 ...414 ... It ... IT ... II ... I ... II ...tuO Altoe Breeo Brunswick Con .. Conastook Tuanei Cos. Ce4. A VS.. tiers Silver Iron Silver iMdvllla Con ... ... 40 ... 10 ... 14 I ...11 ...lit ...lie ... I Ontaiia Ophlr Thoenlx Putaj Savage Sierra Nevada, Small Hores tkundard. ...... ForetaT Klaanelal, BERLIN, June 4. On the bourse today most of the quotations were lower. Iron and coal shares were offered because of re newed fear ot American Iron competition. LONDON, June 4. Money was in quiet demand In the market today and supplies were not ovaa abundaot. Discounts were firm In view of repayments due to the li.nk nf K'nialMtid. Tradlnur cm the stnnlc exi iiarge .m UXrljr tiMMiuk; j.eea ago at any time, but the light selling for the three day's holiday which followed by equally light covering' of shorts Tes terday and tndnv. h .,i,.. f... bo 00 b4 7. ". o .... 166 10 10 .... 66 83 S3 72 80 19 1 82 95 26 26 25 67 210 y." 7 .... 15- 76 83 6 .... ..... SO 6 ' 6 6 611 69 59 15 15 66 ,60 66 9 9 9 6311 63 63 r163 80 tlons were firm, but at the week'B end stagnation prevailed. Consols recovered; home rails were Irregular. Amerloans opened stmdy. Foreigners were mostly dull. Japanese were exceptionally firm and Russians were easier. There were in quirers for Cuban loan. PARIS, June 4. Trading on the bourse today was Inactive and calm totje pre vailed; Russian Imperial 4m closed at 89.70. Thn private Tate of discount was 2 6-14 per cent. . New York Money Market. NEW YORK. June 4.-MONEY-On call, nominal: no loans; tlm loans, easy; sixty and ninety days, 1Vu2 per cent; sis months, Si3 fr cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3S'4 per cent. RTKHt.I(1 EXCHANOE Firm, with actual business In bankcra' bills at 84 8700 for demand, and ai 4.oo6 ror n-ony Din posted rates, $4 864 W and $4.88; commer cial bills. $4 84t,4.85X,. Rtl.VKR Bar. n6c; Mexican dollars. 44 lONI8 Government, steady; railroad, Irregular. The closing quotations on bonds are as follows: VJ. 8. rf. ! reg KhH Mnhttn c. g. 4...imv4 flo coupon ...105 Mcx. Oantral 314 ao u, re( do coupon .... do nw 4a, rg do coupon do old 4a, rg do coirpon . . . . ...H ...104 ...lSt4 do lnt lnc Minn. A Bt. L. M , K -A T. 4a. aa ...iati do 21 77 ...KX14 N. ...lot in. R. R. of M c. 4a. 74 T. C. f. m M Atrhlann ftn. 4a.. lOI'N. 1. C. . 6a 130H do !). 4a Atlantic C. L. 4a.. Ht No. Paclflo 4a 104 V, SHI do lis lOlH'N. A W. e. 4a.... Kit O. 8. L. 4a A par 17 iprnn. conr. 14 Kradlni ten. 4a.. 104Hlm. 1 A I. M. . . 71Va B a o. 4a do 34i Central of OS. is.. do lat Ine Chra. A Ohio 44a.. .114 Chicago a A. IVta.. Tt St. L. A 8. F. Ig. I. 81 C. B. a u. it. 4a.. St. L. B. W. la M C m. s. p. g. a..io Seaboard A. L 4a.. tott C. N. W. e. 7a.. ..118 C. R. I. P. 4a.... So. Parillo 4a So. Rallwar (a US 4 do col. (a 7iM Triaa A P. la lir. C.C.C. - A St. L. g. 4. H Chieats Tar. 4a.. 14 ! liiton 'paolflc 4a lot I o, & W Am 71, Con. Tonaooe 4a to do conv. aa. 67 Colo, a So. 4a 82 V. 8. Steel td la.... 73 Wabaah la 1134 do dab. R (74 W. A L. E. 4a (9H P. R. O. 4a M Brta prior lien 4a.... 114 do can. 4a. s&lk P. W. A D. C. la....K4V wia. cantrai 4a to Hoiklnt Val. 4Ha... .1071 L. N. tint. 4a 101 Offered. Colo. r. A L 6s.... MH London Stork Market. LONDON, June 4 Closing: Consols. Sioner WHiN. Y. Central. ...117H ... do account wt Norfolk A W... do Dfd Anaconda er. Atchlaon 70 Ontario A W 3W do pfd 95 Pennsylvania 6flV Baltimore A Ohio.... 80 Hand Mines 10 Reading 8.. 12 Canadian Paclflo .12U . los . 14 .1411 4 . 1 . to Chea. A Ohio... do 1st pfd Chlcaso Ot. W. do !4 Dfd It C . M. A Bt. P. So. Railway 1014 rxBmrt do pfd l D. A R. Q So. Paclflo 4U do Dfd Union Pacific do pfd ! U. B. Steel do pfd 11 Krla 24 do lat pfd... do Id prd... 69 86 ...:.U3 10 Illinois Central Wabaah Lioula. A Nash. do pfd 34S M , K. A T 16 BItVER Bar, quint, 26 5-lCd per ounce. MONEY lWrJ2 cer cent. The rate of discount in the open market for short bills Is 1-16 per cent; for three months bills, 8 1-10 per cent. t Clearing; House Averages. NEW YORK. June 4. The statement of averages of the clearing house banks of this city ror tne nve aays or mis ween shows: Loans. $1.03t.5C6.2UO: decrease. 43 918,200. Deposits, $l,0M,7P8,9OO; decrease $154,600. Circulation, 837,28':,CKi0: Increase, $280,400. Legal tenders, $79,887,200; decrease. $l,318,10a Bpeclb, $2:'i5,b73,4ii0; Increase, $3,- 148 uou. I'.oorv-e, iwi uju; increase, z,- 029,900. Keserve required, 5274.birj,i2o; de crease. 138 060. Surplus. $.11,700,876: increase. $2,068,650. Ex-United States deposits, $37,- buo.ouo; in c reuse. i,b4,2.'o. Dank Clearings. OMAHA. June 4. Comparative statement of bank clearings for the week: 1904, 1903. Monday ...-Holiday Tuesday $1, 457.632. 29 81.675,12.66 Wednesday 1.663.348.1 1.1P9.272.64 Thursday 1.B42.679.26 l,8r.l,8S667 Friday 1.450,781.18 1,302.771.68 Baturday ;.' 1,291,248.01 1,360,217.68 An Increase of $626,429.89 over the corre sponding week last year. NEW YORK OEtERAl MARKET Quotations of the Day on Various ' Commodities. NEW YORK, June 4.-FLOUR Receipts, 13,400 bbls.; exports 10,773 bbls.; rrtarket steady and active; Minnesota patent, $5.10 6.35; Minneapolis bakers, $4.(HXg4.20; winter patents. $6.1016.40;'. winter straights, $4.Xtf 6.00; winter extras, 83.36g4.00; winter low grades, $3.16iS'3.80. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, $3.i?il4.16; choice to fancy, 84.1694.50. CORNMEAL Steady; yellow western, f.l(xal.l2; city, fl.12aul.15; kiln dried, 88.9601 10. . : - RYE-Blow; No. 2 western, 70o. spot. BARLEY Inactive; feeding, 40o, c, t t, New York; malting, nominal. WHEAT Receipts, 6.000 bu.; exports, 19, 460 bu. Spot, market barely steady; No. red, nominal In elevator; No. 2 red, $1.14, nominal, f. o. b afloat'; No.- 1 northern Duluth. 81.06, f. o. b.. afloat: No. 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, f. o, b., afloat. Options opened stronger on the crop and weather situation, but Immediately reacted, and for the rest of the session reflected heavy pront-taKing sales, ana an absence 01 de mand from shorts. The close wns Vtlc under the previous day: July,- 93'694c, closing at 93c; September, 86V&S6 ll-16c, closing at 86c; December, K5iixbuc, closing at 86o. CORN Receipts, 12,900 bu.; exports,! 8,346 bu. Bpot market flrm;No. 2, 68c "In ele vator and 69c f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 60c;- No. 8 white, 606. Option market closed nominally fuc net lower; July closed M 66c; ' September1, closed at 64c. OATS Receipts. 64,000 bu. fepot market steady ; mixed oats, 26 to 82 lbs.. 454Uc; natural white, 30 to 82 lbs., 484j.4$c; clipped White, 86 to 40 lbo., bOWo. HAY Quiet; shipping, 6W?0c; good to Choice, 6c. I'HOPS Dull; state,- common to choice, 190S, 26fjf35c; 1902, 23j26c; olds, 914oi Pa clflo coast. 1903, iw'o; 1902, 2326c. RICE Dull; domestic, fair to extra, z3 6o; Japan, nominal. TALLOW Steady: city ($2 per pkg.), 4c; country, (pkga. free), 4(34o. HIDES Steady; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 18c; California. 21 to 25 lbs.,, 19c; Texas, dry, 24 to 80 lbs,. 14o.-- . . LEATHER Steady; acfd, 2325o.' WOOL Steady: domestic fleece, J84M2C. PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family, $9.60 (SlO.uO; mess, $8.0tKU8.60; hams, $20.00if21.60; packet, $9.00010 00; city, extra India mess, Il3.00'(16.00. Cut meats, Blow; pickled, bel lies, io.60nt7.0O: pickled shoulders, $0.60; pick led hams, 89.0O0el0.(Xi. Lard, barely steady; western steamed, $0.75; refined, dull; con tinent, $il.8oii'7.60; compound, $5,754(6.87. Pork, quiet; family, $13.75; .ahort clear, $13.00; mess, $13.0U'u 13.60. t Oils and Rosin, NEW YORK, June 4. OILS Cottonseed, steady; prime crude, nominal; prime yel low, 28o. Petroleum, New York, $8.01; Baltimore, $810: Baltimore. In bulk, $5.20. Turpentine, steady, 67(ri57o. ROSIN Steady; strained . common to good, 83.05. . . .' . , j, OIL CITY, June 4-OIL8-Credlt T)al ances, 81.62; certificates, no .bid: shipments, 90.366. bbls.; average, 71,726 bbls.; runs, 80.136 bblH.; average, 84,676 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 78,880 bbls.: average, 63,320- bbls.; runs, Lima, 63,341 bbla.( average, 69,650 bbls. SAVANNAH, June 4. TURPENTINE lTirm; 63c. ROSIN Firm; A. B. C, D, 82 00; E, 32.r,; P. 32.70; Q, $2.85; H, $2.90: 1, U10; K, 83.40; M. $3.66; N. 83.85; W, U. 84.US; W. W, $4.45. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, June 4. COTTON Fu tures, steady; June, H.30c, bid; July, H.S6M 11.87c; August, 10.7tHJ10.77c; September, 10.12 10.13c; October, .71&.72c; November, 10.00 ti'10.62c; December, lOttVlOeic; January, .64(u 9.65c, Spot, easier; sales, 4,9"0 bales; ordinary, 911-16c; good ordinary, 10c low middling, 11c; middling, llc; good mid dling, U18-16c; middling fair, 121-16c; re ceipts, 6i6 bales; stook, 143,403 bales. ST. IXU1U, June 4. COTTON c lower; middling, llc; no sales; receipts, 76 bales; no shipments; stock, 12,076 bales. NEW YORK, June 4. COTTON Futures closed steady; June, 11.12c; July. 11.86c; Au gust, llo; September, 10.28c; October, 8.87c; November, 9.87c; December, 9 87c; January, 8 83a Spot closed quiet; middling uplands, 11.75c; middling gulf. 12o; sales, 100 bales. agar and Molasses. NEW YORK, June 4. 8UOAR Raw, fair refining, 8 7-16c; centrifugal 90 test, $ 16-16c; molasses sugar, 3 8-10c; refined, steady: No. 6, 4 56c; No. T, 4 60c; No. 8. 4.46c; No. 9, 4.40c; No. J0c, 4.36c; No. 11, 4 8oc; No. 12. 4.26c; No. 18. 4.2oc; No. 14, 4.1oc; confectioners A. 4.4oc: mould, 6.80c; cut loaf, 6.660; crushed, 565c; powdered, 6.06c; granuluted. 4.95c; oubes. 6.20c. MoLASdl'H 4Jtle'; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, 31y87e. NEW ORLEANS. June 4. flUOAR Strong; open kettle, 2(68 8-16c; open kettle centrifugal. 8t8c; centrifugal whites, 4Vtt 4c: velliiws 3S!&3 6-lc; sei-onds, 23c. MOLaSBKS Nominal; open kettle, 2"tt c; centrifugal, li0l6c. Byrup. nominal, 8u.2&c Coffee Market. NEW YORK, June 4. COFFER Opened heavy at unchanged prices and ruled gen erally quleu but eaxed off slightly before the close on light liquidation In the ab sence of prompt buyers. The close wes. steeuly, net uncnaniro iu 9 iwniis mwi-r, B;iles, 16.760 b.'ig". Including July at 6 !c; September, I oW : Douilcr, 8.06c; LMttfcti, t.86ci M, t-Uxx I1.1H1 LIVE STOCIL MARKET All Doainbl Fat Ctttla Twenty to Tilrty TiTa Hightr for tbt Wtik. HOGS ALSO BETTER THAN A WEEK AGO a Sheep And Lambs Have Been In Very Light Receipt All Week and Prices Show rrartloally No Change, Good Staff Belling Freely. SOUTH OMAHA, June 4. 1904. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday Official Tuemlav Official Wednesday .. Official Thursday .... Official Friday Official Saturday .... .. 4.55 .. 4.064 .. 1.823 2.031 690 Total this week 15.022 Same days last week. ..14, 611 Same week before 15.191 Snme three weeks ago. ..14,175 Same four weeks ago. ..18,012 Same days last year.... 24.543 7.33$ 13.113 14.727 12.9.7 19.1 9 6.792 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, with oomparLspn with last year: 1M. W. Inc. Dec. Cattle 4fi4.864 420,568 15,699 Hogs 1,139,641 1.030.631 109,010 ..... Sheep 654.866 623,46 131.46S ..... Average prices paid for bogs at South Omaha for the last several aays with torn, parlsom Data I 1904. 1903. 1902. 1901. 1190O.ri899. 18W. May 18. 6 3: T 1 6 661 6 21 3 67 3 631 8 601 May 16.. May 17.. May 18.. May 19.. May 20.. May 21... May 22... May 23.. May 24... May 26.. May 26.. May 27.. May 2S.. May 29.. May ).. May 81.., June 1.. June 3.. Juno 8... June 4.. 4 60 4 62 4 62 4 47, a 36 7 07 6 69 i 23 4 21 4 48 27 7 13 a K 7 E 20 6 73 s 11 59 4 29 6 31 7 12 610j 8 651 4 20 3 65) 4 26 4 4b 6 27 7 11 7 0.1 7 03 7 08 7 06, e 6 91 6 971 8 73 e R Oft 6 18 6 181 J jo1 a 1 6 04 6 93 6 0? 3 6 4 83 4 25 4 17 4 It 4 20 4 08 e . 4 10 ( 631 t 081 8 t 4 86 4 8.': 4 83 6 61 6 67 6 61 e 5 60 6 S3 t 01 6 04 fi 04 8 66 8 62 3 6S 4 SI 4 99 3 5 4 40 4 49, 6 77 6 72 e B 9S S 60 7 01 e 6 70, 7 09 K K9 4 90 8 60 3 6; 4 B3 6 801 7 10 6 OS 4 86: 4 4 4 63 j 5 93 7 11 e 7 07 R Tl 4 U 4 88 3 57 4 14 6 70 x tun i 4 4S 6 07 5 931 e t 70 6 71 4 83; 3 r,-.i 4 12 3 59 4 03 t lii 7 13 7 16 4 64 G HZ 4 83 4 10 Indicates Sunday. ' The official njmber of cars' of s'.ock brought In today by each road was: Cftttlo. Hogs.Slieep. C, M. ft Sir. P 19 Wabash 1 Missouri Pacific. 14 .". - ... Union Pacific system.' 24 6 C. A N. W 8 F., E. & M. V 84 C, St. P.. M. & 0 16 B. 0 M 2 26 C, H. & W 8 K. C. & St. J 14 C, R. I. & P.. east . 4 C. R I. & P.. west .. 1 Chicago Oreat Western 8 .. Total receipts. 81 127 6 The disposition of the day's receipts wns es follows, each buyer purchasing the num- Der ot neaa inaicatea; Cattle. Hoirs. Omaha Packing Co SJ1 Swift and Company ii l,!'8i Cudahy Packing Co ,, 2.294 Armour & Co 8 2,897 Cudahy, from Kansas City 6O0 Armour, from Sioux City 1,141 Uu I la or Cilne 7 Degan , 4 Totals .' 646 9.086 CATTLE There ware not ennuch cattle here to make a market this morning and for the week receluia show but lime change from- last week. As compared with the same week of last year, though, there Is a decrease of about 10,iu0 head. It will be remembered that during June of last year cattle receipts were exceptionally heavy for the time ef year. The beef steer market this week hna been a source of much satisfaction to all concerned, prices moved steadily upward every day, with the exception of Friday, when packers acted a little bearish, but closing prices are all the way from 20 to 35 cents nigner lor tne week on all desirable grades. There seems to be a- liberal de mand for both choice heavy cattle and choico light to medium weights. In other woras gooa cattle 01 wnatever weignt sen to good advantage. Even the commoner grades of steers have void well this week, though of course they have . hardly im proved as much ts the choice olios. Onod to choice cattle may be quoted from $5.60 to tj.7t &nd strictly prime cattle would doubtless sell riKht around $0.00. Fair to good cattle sell from Ij.OO to 15.50 and the common to fair from o4.25 to $490. These prices are ngnt close to tl higher than those In force a year Ago. , The market on cows and heifers has also been In very satisfactory condition and tho choicest grades have improved about as much as the steers, t'tock that shows any signs of grass, however, no matter If -of good flesh, have shown, no improvement, and canners and cutters have been neg lected all the week and are certainly no more than steady. Commission men- are cautioning r their shippers to watch the market on Kramers clopely. as packers are apt to pounu prices on mat class at moHt any time, Oood to choloe heifers sell from $4. 60 to 84.85 and something fancy would bring around $5.00. Good te choice' cows sell from 84.00 to $4.60. fair to arood from i3.au to ,4.uo, Detter grancs or -grass cows n .good flesh from' $3.00613.50" and canners and- cutters from $1.76 to- $3.00. ' The market on bulls is 26&35c higher for the week. Oood to ohotce grndea sell from $4 to $4.50, fair to rood from 83.60 to $4 rind common graaes irom . ia.au aown. vni calves are a little higher, the bulk of them now selling from 84 to 80. 60. Receipts ot stockers and feeders have been exceedingly light all the week and until Boom r riuny ine maraet neia up in good shape. The medium-priced cattle hnve been selling witnout mucn trouble, but some of those that speculators paid from $4.25 to $4.40 for have been moving very slowly and the market Is decidedly weaker on that clans. It seems that the demand from .the country for those high-priced cattle Is rather limited. Good to choice rattle have been selling from $4.15 to $4.40. fair to good from $3.90 to $4.15 and common grades from $3.90 down. Representative Sales: BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ; t... lie 8 26 COWS. 1 444 I 15 1 10M) 8 Tt 1 iouo $ u 14 ;m t 30 J HEIFERS. 1 (60 I 70 1 tTO 4 10 . 3 ViO I 10 CALVES. 1. M 4 00 . 4 IN (N HOGS There was a fairly liberal run of hogs in sight this morning, but the demand from all sources was In good shape and the market ruled fairly active and 2ii6c higher than yesterday's average. The bulk of the offerings was disposed of In fairly good sea Bon, but toward the close after packers had their more urgent orders filled the market glowed down a little and the closed was weak, part of the advance being lest. The hulk of the hosts sold from 84.50 to 84.66, with the ohoice hogs going largely from $4-65 to $4 S. with Jirlme loads from $t.65 to 4.7b. '1 ne ton price was piua nr at vt-rjr prime load of red hogs weighing 286 pounds. Tho common and light stuff sold from $4.60 down. The supply of hogs this week has not been at all txcesilve at this market As com pared with UjKt week there Is a falling off amounting to about 10,0o0 head and as coin pared with the same week last year there Is a decrease of about 8.000 head. The mar ket has fluctuated buck and forth to some extant, but the general tendency has been upward and prices have averaged consid erably higher than last week. Closing prices are about 2!Wo higher than the close of last week, but the market last week cloeed at the high point for that week. Representative suies: B.420 .J 11.916 l.7n 15. 1 Li" 11.3-4 813 ll.tio& 1,4.19 9.110 1.607 66.096 66,m4 72.890 40.4-6 65.037 61.250 No. At. so. rr. 17 171 ... 4 46 U... ll 100 4 60 Tl' lot 10 4 M It.. 171 t0 4 M fl til 4 to II loo ... 4 M Tt. tut to 4 tt tt til Ml 4 tO 11 11 4 10 la KW 40 4 M Tt 1 tt 4 tt tl Hi to 4 to tt 104 MO 4 10 - 140 X l0 4 W tt tut 1M 4 to M 114 ... 4 U tl. ...... .lit 10 4 11 tt M 1W 4 t 14 1st to 4 tl tl lz 110. 4 II as HI to 4 tl II tit to 4 tl 10 HI ... 4 tl 43 Ill 40 4 61 tO Ill tO 4 11 1 110 110 4 12 M 17 tO 4 52 Tl 221 tO 4 t."4 t 17 110 4 l: Tl ISO tO 4 12 tt too tO 4 12 T7 IJt 120 4 tl Tl Ill 110 4 12 71 314 to 4 I: 04 121 44 4 12 Tl l 10 4 -' 7... ill 1M 4 t2 t,v...M.M, let. 4 t?W, lu Ill 40 4 (2 S. t:4 ... 4 12 71 tvl W tU No. At. Bb- Pr. M tit ... 4tt 40 137 tO 4 M ft 1.10 10 4 M tl i tuO 4 at 11 Ml 40 4 44 Tt Ill 40 .4 U K 0 X I tl tt 274 ltO 4 I tl ...2.14 10 4 tt 06 141 tO 4 it Tt 121 ... 4 13 Tt 114 140 4 tt K 140 ... 4 tt fl ti'l W) 4 tt II 120 160 4 tt TO tot 110 4 tt 74 m leo t tt tt m to 4 h 14 IN 120 4 M 4 1'Jt to 4 tt Tl ttt to '4 It tt Ml 140 4 tt 47 241 140 4 II TT 1J ltO 4 61 41 till 40 4 It M 2M SOO I 67 10. tAI a 4 17 74. .T 140 4 17 tt 140 120 4 17 tt IM) tO 4 t7 Tl Ill 110 4 47 11 l-ll to 4 it tl 21.7 40 4 e7 tt IM 110 4 67 TC 1.14 leo 4 67 tt tbl tO 4 17 C4 171 too 4 IT Ti k..t;t to 4 to T4..:.."..1T " DO 4 t0 f.4. ...... 1.I SO 4 SO t......t 40 4 4 tl a 7 47 U n .. res rw 4 M ...st 40 4 to 74. r. On... ... t4. .. M.. to 40 40 4 1 .ra in 4 (.1 ...141 ,..t4 ...ft) 4 to 4 41 t T4 ..W7 1 i 4 tl 4 U ,..r-t II. .I4 4 tt BIttrr-lThr vere nrwvnl TSTfl sTiMfi re ported this- morning, but they were thin stuff billed through to go on feed. For the week receipts have been snout 6.0O) heart snort of last week, but about the ttrat as fcr the snme period Inst year. Regarding the market there Is botrt'ng new to be sn'd In addition to what baa been reported tlirci-gh these columns for the'lact few days. There Is an active demand for all desirable grades of killers at prices rang ing just libou' the same as those In torce a v-ek agti. The fnct that receipt; r 1 n msll Indlcntee. that the supply of fat stuff In the territory tributary to this market is Just about exhausted. , Quotations for clipped stock: Ootid to choice lambs. $6.2Tl.nO; fair to good lambs, ri.&fr8 00; good to choice wooled Ijmbj. ? 76ft7 26: fair to good wooled lambs, $6 frfvg 6.75; gorni to choice yearlings or wethers, $S.Vfrf.75: fair to good yearlings or wethers, $:.or5.60; good to choice ewes, $6.00(3i.2a; fair to good ewes, 8i.754f6.00. Represent tive soles: CHICAGO LITB STOCK' MARKET Cattle Nominal, Hogs and Sheep Nom inal and Receipts Are Fair. CHICAGO, June 4. CATTLE Receipts, 800 head; market nominal; good to prime steers, 83.Stii6.25; poor to medium. 84 fcef 65o; stockers and feeders, $3.2f4.76; cows. $1.73gt.5C; helTers, $i.2HN.7: canners. $1.75 G2.76; bulls, $2.2tf4.W, calves, 12.txiji6.6G. HOGS Receipts today, 12,000 head: es timated Mondny, 4.0iiO head; market steady to strong; mixed . and butchers, H ft?? 4 82; good to choice heavv, $4.7r'ii4.S.; rough heavy, $4.604.75; light, 34.56if4.76; bulk of sales, $4.66414.76. SHEEP AND 1-AMPS-Recelpts, 8,000 head; market steady; lambs steady; good to choice wethers, $5 2VU5.50; fair to choice mixed, $3.7Ti!iii.OO; western sheep, $4.u('iru.50; native lambs, 86 004.50; western lambs, $5.606.65. Kansas City l.lvo UtoeVr Market. KANSAS CITY, June 4. CATTIE Re ceipts, 200 head. Including 60 southerns: market unchanged; export and dressed beef steers, $5.35(16.05; liilr to choice, $4.5") 4f5.25; . western fed, 34.26tf6.60; stockers and feeders. $3.25(4.70; southern steers, fZ.frYtf 6.00; southern cows, ' $2.25'a4.no; native cows, $2.5iVfi4.iTO; - tifltlve heifers, $4;0vd5.85; bulls, $2.75(j4.25; calves, 2.75'U4.75. Receipts for the week, 23.500 lieud. . HOGS Receipts. 8,700 head;, market So higher; top, $1.70; bulk of soles, $4.50tf4.65; heavy, $4.6U4.70: pgekers, $4.60174.66; pigs and lights. $4.0o4.55. Receipts for the week, 45,4o0 head. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 100 head; market nominally steady; natlvo lambs, $6.26(,7.00; western lambs. $5.25('if 7.25; fed ewes. $4.75a6.76; Texas clipped yearlings, 36.00iifi.76; Texas clipped sheep, 4.SV(r4.80; stockers and feeders, $3.6O4j4.60. Receipts for the week, 17,500 hoad. Bt. fOnls Live Stoolc Market. BT. IX3UIS. June 4. CATTL.E Receipts, 600 head, Including 400 head Texans; mar ket steady; native shipping and export Steers, $5.0iif6.(K); dressed beef and butcher steers, It.tfKjio.tib; steers unaer i.uwi poumia, cows and heifers. $H.25ti.00: canners, tl-uW 8.40; bulls, $2.8Mf3.S0; calves, t3.80oj'8.75; Texas and Indian steers, $3.606.2; cows and heifers, $3.1(i'4.2B. , HOGS Receipts, 6,600 headi market Bteady; plgv and lights. 84.40tf4.60; pack era, $4.60(84.76; butcl-.era and heavy, 4.0 4.80. SHEEP AND LAMB? Receipts, 600 head: -market steady and strong: native muttona, $4.00ar.f: Iambs, $5.0rva i.25; culls and bucks, l3.i'.((i6.0Q; stockers. 82503.00; Texans, 83.00S4.66. Itew Yorlt Live Stork Market. VFW VOTIK. June 4 nEEV28 Receipts. 801 head; no sales reported; dressed beef steady: exports today, 854 cattle, 30 shoep and 6.6H3 quarters ot peer. CALVES Receipts, none; no trading; feeling steady; city dressed, steady at 6c. HOGS Receipts, 2,660 head; feeling steady. " SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.309 head; market steady to a shade easier: 2 cars, mainly sheep, unsold; sheep sold at $4.0ta6.6O; a few choice, $5.60; bucks, $3.00 1.00; yearlings. $6.00(&'7.tJO; lambs, $7.60-o'8.60; dressed mutton, steady at 8410c; dressed yearlings, llfel3c; oresseu lanius, . ii.c. Slonx Cltr Live fltoVlt Market. SIOUX CITY, Iau June 4. (Special 1610 gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 400 head; mar ket, strong; beeves. $4.W660; cows, bulls and mixed.- $2.60rti4.60; stockers and feed ers, 83.004i4.26; calves And yearlings, 83.00 4.20. " ' HOGS Receipts, 4,000 head; market, oVfflOc higher; selling at $4.40(4.tiu; duik 01 suies, $4.60(84.66. ' ' St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., June 4. CATTLE Receipts, 494 bead; market firm; natlvea, 85.8S. . . HOGS Receipts. 4,115 head; market strong to 6c higher; light, $4.5o&4.60; me dium and havy, $4.55rti4.77. SHEEP AND LAMUS Receipts, none. Stork In Sight. ' Following are the receipts of live stook ror the Six principal, western cities: South Omaha .......1. u,i IV 12,000 8,700 6.500 4,116 4.000 1,607 8,000 100 600 Chicago Kansas City ... St. Louis St. Joseph Sioux City , Totals 3,384 39,425 E.107 :.' Cotton '.Market. LIVERPOOL, Juno 4. COTTON-Spot in fair demand; prices 2 points higher; Amer- ICtlll nill'UliliH IUU 1 ' ewv. .,i..-.....n, 6.82d; middling, .74d; low middling, 6.fi"U: good ordinary, 0.40a; erumary, .iu. u- .. r.r'A ...in. taffH InAAll Ollleit fi Tl 1 1 IIHVH UJIHOU . . steady; American middling, g. o. c, June, .61d; June and July,-6.43d; July and Au gust,-s.wa; AUgusi una ofuieiiii"-! , September and October, 6.74d; October and November, 6.64d; November and December, rim nAf4miMv and January. 6.43dl Janu ary and February, 6.42d. . Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. June 4. EVAPORATED APPLES The market remains unchanged . . . . n.,A,A.l B, '.".1. i - nrdiiu itt Wlin COIIIIIIUII 11 . " v " , 6ii6c; choice at 66c; fancy at ic. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-Prunes remain quiei wiir pricew nuieuis . 'j pretty well .cleaned up; ohoice are quoted Ot HWaiuCi rxiie. tuoii-r., i74. 'Y,, '1 while the demand Is light, ; rices show a firm undertone. Choice are quoted at Til 7c; extra choice, 7rySC; fancy, 9(310c. Dry Goods Market. virw vriKK. June 4. DRY GOODR-i The market has closed quietly. The auction sales of Sweetser Pembrook & Co. s stock has been conciuaea ana a miueirieni oy ih. rrimmltteri in charge will be Issued some tlmo during tho early part of next Week. Wool Market. an TiTTtfl Juno 4. WOOIi-Steady ! me dium grades, ' combing and cloihluk. 18?j) 23c; light fine. hV&lBo; heavy fluo, ligl6c; tub wasneu, iivvuu. MAN WITH CELLULOID NOSE Wants to Smoke, bnt Afraid to Try, for Fear Ills Nose Will Take Fire. (Copyright by New York Herald Co., J904.) NEW YORK, Juno 4.-New York Herald Service Special to The Bee.) Physicians in the Harlem hospital do not like to tlUnk of what would happen to one of their pa-, tlenta If he should, In a moment "of thought leBsnesa, attempt to light a cigar. He has been cautioned againet such a raah aot, aa the surgeons are of the opinion that such g proceeding would be attended with un pleasant consequences. H4 baa an artifi cial nose of celluloid. Up to the present time they have been unable to figure out a fireproof device to protect the patient from harm in the event of flames coming near him. How the man came to lose his nose Is a secret he guards well. Known only as "John Doe," he has been under treatment t the Institution for an affliction of the re maining section ot his proboals. Pretend ing to be hard of hearing, he has success fully parried all of the surgeon's questions concerning himself, and he has become known at the hospital as "the nan of mys tery." In the matter of dress the man differs from the usual patient at the dispensary. His clothing Is of good quality and hs seems In prosperous circumstances. At various times he has shaken off the reti cence that Is one of his characteristics and he has told tho Burgeons enough to con vince them that he comes from a wealthy family. Ha Intimated that the reason he selected the hospital fof treatment was be causa Ids friends were not likely to dls- ...m tn 4 si ...117 IM 4 II ...11 1 4 II rover him there, ai the institution la tlf uated In an out-of-way quarter. He tialuf the hospital for treatment at regular In tervals. - "The man ts a pusile to us all." anld two of the surgeons yesterday. "He keeps hie secret well and none of us has been able to learn anything about him. I gather from the bits of information that he has told that he waa once an Inveterate smoker. I believe he lost his nose as the result Of a dog'l bite. He has admitted that the cel luold nose deprives him of the enjoyment of a Bmoke, a detail which he keenly de plores. If the man should attempt to light a cigar with that contrlvmnrf on hla face It would bo disastrous. We have cautioned him agalost such an act of folly." IMMIGRANTS MUS1M.AVE CASH Commission Formnlatea ftnles Regard ing Admission to This Country. (Copyright by New York Herald Ca, 1904 NEW YORK, June 4.-(Now York Herald Service, Special to The Bee.) A set cf rules Is being prepared by the Commission of Immigration, specifying the circum stances under which- immigrants must have In their posfesilon on arrival greater of less sums of money In order to be admitted to the country. On'the ground that they, have beooma public charges miuiy aliens iiave, Jn tha last six months, been sent back to Ellis island for deportation. It Is this circum stance which has caused the commlsslou to act. Hordes of Immigrants arrive her without enough money to carry them to their destination, and .are compelled to telegraph to friends for funds to conttnut their Journey. Heretofore Immigrants held for lack of money hnve been allowed to ask their frirnds for as little as 85. Ths commission has Issued an order that In cases whero it Is necessary for an Immi grant to telegraph to friends for money each telegram shall request $10. and In proper cases $20 or $26. Only In exceptional cases shall the amount asked bs as low as $5. This order has created some anxiety among the agents of ths societies of dif ferent nationalities who are stationed at Ellis Island to look after the Inter.-sts ot their people While tho Increase . Will. It Is believed, serve to hold up many undesir able Immigrants, some of th'e agents say that tt will work hardship to others -who are of a desirable class. It Is stated by some of the society agent that these people are warned before 1 wav ing -home rot to carry any money with them for feor of losing It or being robbed. Thin Is to be as rmich an evidence of good faith on tho part of the relative as for the necessary expenses of ths Immi grant on routo. Often the relatives cannot understand why this demand la made and the Immigrant Is held several days at ths Island ' while correspondence phseB 'back and forth explaining the situation. All this time the steamship comparilcg, who- are re sponsible fos these aliens coming here, are required to pay the expense of their de tention on the Island. The rules being prepared by the commis sioners of Immigration are for Ihe guidance of inspectors In such cases, and they will disseminate - the Information therein throughout Europe bo far as possible to guide prospcctlvo Immigrants. WANT POWDERLAT THE HEAD Knights of Labor Look ta Former Or and Master to Lead tha Orgranlsatloa. BOSTON, June 4. A movement Is under way In Knights of Ibor circles to have Terfnnce V. Powderly, formerly general master workman of that organisation, as sume the leadership once more. Mlohael J. Kennedy, socretary-trennurer of district assembly No. 30 of this city, Is authority for the statement that Mr. Powderly has Ttven asked to toko, charge of affairs and he fias intimated that if his election ts unanimous he will accept.. Arrangements are being made for a big .mass meeting ' in Boston and today the former leader was invited to como here and deliver on address. ' REAL, ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record June 4. Vs furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust com pany, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnara street, tor The Bee: William D. Edwards et al to Lucy Reiff, lot 16, NeUon's add 8 4,600 Sven P. Nelson to Anna Johnson, lot 3. block 7, Walnut Hill, and other ' . bind i L600 Atwell L. Burr and wife to National ' Life Insurance company, part of lots 1 and 2, block 191, city - 1 Wilson T. Graham and wife to Alice . M. Brown, lot 8 and part ot lot 4, block 2, Parker's add 1,080 James A. Sunderland and wife to Los- , ter T. Sunderland, lot 15, block 8, . Hansconi Place 8,008 Albert H. Meads and wife to John W. Paine, part of lot 2. block 6, Bhlnn'e " add l Benjamin F. Troxell and wife to John w. Paine, same 8,000 George F. Gllmore, trustee, to B, Kate George, lots 21 and 22, Yates & ReedTs add .TT X Edwin S. Alar at on ond wife to Alloo M. Ilnward, lots 15 und 16, block 2, Briggs' Place 1800 The Byron Reed company to Conrad . , . Wnsslierg. lot 20, block 4, Campbell's add , X. William A. Saunders and wife to Jos eph C, Mooeo, lot 8, Franklin square 8,009 Frank Tl. Heed and wife to John'Hus sle Hardware company, sublot 3 ot tuxlot 10, In ne sec. 10-15-13... 1,000 Annie W. Wright and husband to Ed Win H. Farrar, lot 81, block 115,. Dun dee Place 400 South Omaha Land cnmpnnjslo David A. Carpenter, lot 12. block Y43, South OTinha a...,....,...;.... 100 James Hnrnett andwife to Annlo E. Rush. HUblot 13 of lot & Capitol add. I National. Life Insurance company to . John I. Redlck, Tjart ol lota 1 end 8, ' block 191 8,000 V. Farnam Smiih Go. STOCKS BONDS INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1320 Farnam St . Tel. 106 We buy and sell South ' OmahaUnlon Stock Yards Stock. The Merchants. National Bank of Omaha, Ncb- U. 8. 8exrlirr Capital tad Surplus, $600,009 ftUM mutm. Km. tat i wwa, r. Ana. LUTBE8 DfcAKt, Ca alter. VANS T. I AM. TOM. At. CSaMe. mt luai esTlaewsele- Stleaa, laallektssls tanas. iroralsa gMkaasa fessM aaal nl. LartUrs tt Credit Best ot Use vsrUt. Issued, available la alt ltst-e pmJ4 aa Tlsee OattlSuatas tt Dsgsett. leileexiaue sae promptly a&a anaaaaiilisU. w e ran sew te Updike Commission Co. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Business bandied promptly ta all markets. Office. 863 Bee Building, Telephone 8468. " O. W. TJPLIKK. MANAORR. Ten free trips to the World's '. Sea coupon orl page two. (