Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1904, PART 1, Page 2, Image 2

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    r t
, ! .1 J.I, ,1 H-
TEL. ttt.
Trost -. thyself J every
heart -vlaralrs that
Iron siring,'
Pretty, prnctldnt fettles with the proper details which
makes a stylish garment. .
Bhirt Waist Suits, In extra line taffeta (Ml, plain en changeable, ftavy nd
black cnrclts vefy choice tv!r-s at ..
Bhlrt Waist nil of nhe pure Whits Unen at 110.00 and tli.SO each.
Bhirt Waist Suits of 'very fine black Hwrt. very pretty stylo. VW eneh.
Bhirt Wnlst Suit of fine white lawn at si.OO. 17.W. NTS and $10 .00 each.
lions trVSses-Klmol:4 fttwj skirt f pretty black and white lawn, at $1.18 and $1.W
eaCHmiMS'VnirperrWCh are extra welj rhade, out lull and wide, eatra well made,
$1.00. tl.IO tl.ti encri. ' . , -
Wash Pcttlco.-it, Cut very full-In a!l the best washabje matertala-1100, 11.60 and
11 ? START A DEPOSIT ACCOt'NT at Thompson, Belden A Cd.'S nd h.v your
purchases charl against It. We pay, i per cent Interest annually, compounded ouar
terly, on theae deposits, .....
Kll?Slfa,lQJlL12JilnJ W
V. M?C A. Building. Corner
certain quarters Mere that Kournpntkln la
bout to take the offensive and that an
engagement with Kureki le Imminent. But
so far as can be ascertained there Is no
olid foundation for thin. Jt Is unques
tionable, however, that the railroad I
pouring troops Into Manchuria at the rat
of almost 2,500 a day, and It will not be
long at the present rate before the Rus
sian commander-in-chief will be at leant
on eo.unl terms with any force the enemy
Can bring against him, ,
The goner ft I staff Is keeping very dark
about the whereabouts and purposes of
the Cossacks reported to be working
round Kurehl'a rear find the number of
raiders operatlhg In Corea.
Minister Itarnshl's RccrII to Japan
r' May Heal HH ProBlCm.
8ijoTJlj, Core, June S.-9 p, m. While
there la no absolute Confirmation of the
report that Japanese Minister Hayashi is
to visit Japan soon, yot It Is believed to be
probable, as the Japanese government Un
doubtedly wishes p consult hint.
jOWIng to long diplomat residence
in Corea, Minister Hayaahl IS regarded a
a roost competent authority on prevailing
conditions In Seoul. The Japanese legation
baa already submitted to the home gov
ernment suggestions on a future policy to
be pursued by Japan towards Corea,
(Colonel Mlarirnoto, of the emperor of
japan's household, is expected to visit the
Japanese army In Corea soon. II will
personally report to the emperor and carry
to the soldiers inspiring and complimentary
messages from the emperor.
,. lt is reported that three Cossack bodies
are moving on Ping Tang fspm toe east
fdast of Corea.
' Japanese Loss at Nanahaa.
TOKIO, June 8-:S0 p. m. The total of
the Japanese casualties at (he battle of
Nanshan hill, oh May 9), IS 4,904. They
or divided as follow: Thirty-one officers,
Including one major ahd flv sergeant
majors, and 713 noncommissioned offloerS
TheBoys's Young Men's' Store of Omaha
S3 05
1 T PATH td buy the
Boys Clothes here
not an old garment In the
Store. Saturday ybu part
buy suits worth $G.oo, in
s II Sty lea, I to 10 roars
at $3 06.
Oun young mews
x BC1T3 are the
tnlk of the town. Spe
cial values for Satur
day in single or double
brensteil styles,. U to
19 years, at $10.00.
Cravenette Coats,
for boys and young
men, from the best
manufactures, at tea- "
sonable prioes,
i 1
A x
ai ir m m m i
wniTB ron rATAi.oorH,
Omaha Cc Exposition Cdupott
. A Trip to St. Louis'
Ose Vole fW.
' CUT Ting OUT-DaiMMtt at JBae pftSS br mail M "KxpoatUsa BvrtlriMit.H
umaha, Bee, Omaha. Nebraaka,
CUT OUt tH coupon.
Omnhn Deo . Hxposltlon Coupon
A Trip to Ste Louli
.Vote! fr.
AddrstA .
lead 1st to (aaajo).
Tills eeupoa. When unon fMknltxl by a t
unca 10 vutts for nat 111 puld, MM) votes
A A subaorlptioa cannot te prapald until the amount due to date has beett bald,
S I'spcil at at Uttiao ti (uaU ta "KaptatiUao Uvpartmaut," Umaha baa,
u OmaJut, Mab,
Bet, June I, 1904.
Dainty Summer
Shirt Waist Suits
Sixteenth and Douglas St
J1 .ijJ1? i
and men killed i 100 officers, Including one
oolonel, nn major and twelve sergeant
majors, add I.) nor. com Missioned Of
ficers and men wounded. '
Report from General stoessel Resents
t, pctersbargr by laoltect Roftt.
BT. PETERSBUftC-. June $.-:36 p. rn.
The Ttusslan losses In the fighting at Kin
Choli are offletally Stated to be thirty offl
oers and 700 men killed or wounded. These
figures Were given on General weasel's
report, wtitcn hat reached the Wur office.
It is dated May 28. The method of Its
transmission to Viceroy Alexleff is riot
disclosed, but It Ik presumed It was taken
by a Chinese Junk to New Chwang. Evi
dently It wao written under stress, as It
Was hastily' penciled. The scount says
the attack began May 21. and culminated
on the evening tf May . Th real fight
ing was practically confined to May 25 and
May K. the Japanese remaining quiet thS
twa previous daya. General Steesael re
ports that owing to the- abscne of the
Support of the Warships against the Japa
nese artillery Art at the time of the Anal
assault on the Russian position OH Nanshan
hill during the evening of May, he at I
O'clock gave the order to blow up the
guns and retire. '
The general explains that thS order waS
only partial! executed, as the enemy's
flank movements necessitated promptness
lit retreat, Which he says waS carried out
with great coolness, thus accounting tor
the amallneas of the Russian losses', Gen
eral Btoessel also says 'the anamv's losses
must have ruh fat into the thousands, the
Japanese mortality in ntormlng Nanshan
hill being frightful
General Etoesael pays a high tribute to
the Russian troops and refers in ,terms of
Warmest pralae to the skill and courage
displayed by General Fock, whom he rec,
dmmfehdg for the Bt. George croes. Jl doe
riot mention" that Fock was wounded, from
Which the general slatT Msjmed that the
report to this effect Was U A true.
As General Btoessel especially praises a
feglweht Which Was not lit General Foek'l
ft tTft BPfiCtAL offer of
Boys' Suits at this
priee should interest
thoso who .really ap.
preeiats good, mrchan
dise at a modest price-"
II styles, alt el sea and
worth K.60, at t.Uk
VOt-tJtl MBN'B
I Graduation Suits,
In black or blue,
handsomely fullered,
right up to the min
ute In style, 11 to 1
years other get $18.00
and $llM. We get
Auditorium CBnt-ert
or yUiton Street Case
pall Park tickets fr9
with Suits.
IBlB tlttfOI.AS.
prepaid aubaorlptloo ta TUB BSUa,
for each dollnr paid. sta.
division "the general Staff concludes there
from that Ave regiments, of about 11,000
men were engaged oU the Rusoiad side,
HSMla Caa Ho Hwter Caaaaala
with It Trensi on the Peninsula.
NEW CHWAhO, Juno .-Every effort
on the part of the Russia ni to communi
cate with the southern part of the Ll0
Tung peninsula has resulted In failure.
Tlio Japnes are In control pt All avenues
of communication and they allow no mes
sages to pasa. With the exception of the
authorities, the Russians In New Chwang
are dally growing more depressed at the
An officer of high rank who has rcfved
here from Mukden spoke as follows con
cerning General ICouropatkln:
He Is awakening to the fact that the
Jnpsnese are worthy of praire. He de
clares that their recent Operations prove
them to be among the greatest strategists
In the world, and to thi must oe atJdol
great drrlns. capacity for work and Sb.lity
to stand punishment. The general rlld not
believe this before, but now it has been
The mills at Harbin' are being work'ed
day khd bight In grinding Manohurian
wheat thd their dally output is sstlmated
at 750,000 pounds of flour.
The Russian authorities are encouraging
the farmers to plant larger crops than
ever before, They are hot depending on
the TrshMlbem railroad for the trans
portation of supplies.
RfftstAftg ABUKbott nnuKir party
PH of Kin Choa and Landlow Jap
anese Kotaforcemants rhanara Plans,
FAIUS, June 1 A dispatch to the Temps
from Bf. Petersburg ssys that It appear
thit the Russian relief column of SO.OTO
men, mobilised fbr the succor of Port
Arthur, has abahdoned its project owing
to the fall of Kin Chou and the landing of
Japanese reinforcements.
Field Marshal is to !!. Charge of
' Jap Forces,
JiONDON, Juno 4.-A dispatch from ToWo
to the Dally Express aays that Field Mar
shal Yamagata has been appointed com-mander-lh
chief Of nil the forces lrt the
field. Ho Is expected to proceed to the
Llao Tung region shortly.
Fiorhtlna; u th Peitlnsnta.
MUKDEN, June $. For two days past
rumors have been current I of severe flght
Ihg On the Llao Tung peninaula. Details
re lacking, but the fighting has been
officially admitted. The Russla-hs have
pushed through south to Wan Fang Tchg
on the railroad while the Japanese occupy
the country from the shores of Corea bay
Inland to the vicinity of Blu Yen.
Russians Pay for Goods.
SKOUU June I. The Russians In - the
province Of Hammgyung are said 10 be
Using rouble hotSR in payment for goods
taken. UeeveS Khd grain commar.U fair
prices. Ths above Statement hardly corre
sponds With the continual talOi of It otliij?.
Twenty thousand dollars worth ha. been
sent to Shanghai via Nagasaki fof settle
rhent by the RUsSO-ChlneSo bank.
Japanese Cae Coteitfl's Arrest.
SSOUL, June 1 A Corenn mJnr hrtd an
adjutant, euspected of being HisSian spies,
have been arrested An Japanese representa
tlohS and are now tn prison at Seoul. The
Coraart authorities refuse to take further
action, claiming that the evidence against
th army cfflcers Is Insufficient to definitely
convict. ,
Jiexleff a train ! nj Grace.
PARIS, June S.Th Koho do Perls' St,
Petersburg correspondent rafflrtns his In
telligence previously tlgraphed that the
ar, adopting Viceroy AlexlcfTs views, or.
dered -General Jfouropatklrl to send 46,000
men to the relief of Port Arthur.
(Continued from First Page.)
hldh duery he repllcoT that he guessed ft
iruco WaS oft until :33 this morning.
rumors of the. High,
During the night rumor WascUrrent In
the down town district that the Injunction
against Denntson'a arrest was useless and
that Marshal Christian would have a per
fect legal right to arrest him and take him
across to the Iowa sldo on the etm.gth of
the requisition papers. People vho were
Interested tn. the case, hearing the rumor,
nailed to see the marshal, and not finding
him at the Paxtoh hotel. Where he Is stop
ping, jbmped to the conclusion that he was
looking fbr Dennlson. Denntson, Who Was
walking" about the streets, laughed When
tbld of the afriif. ,
"I don't think they Will go as far SS
that," HB Said. 'The .'.nJUHctlort Will hot
allow them to rret ms and if the crrest
Is attempted toh!ght,lt Will be ft clear caJe
of kidnaping."
fcimer Themaa, when asked If thero Wa
to bo n attempt to take Dennlson across
the river tonight, Said: , -
"f h Injunction Is useless In the face of
the requisition papers, but t do not thlriH
Marshal Christian Will arrest -Dennlson to'
Pennsylvania Judge Refasea New
Trial tn Suit Rroogbt by FOrnS
Itkt Printer. .
BriAVErt, Pa,. June 1 Judge Wilson
handed down a dealslon today in thS fa
mous Slander suit brought sgainst Hon.
John tVanarnaker by former state printer
Thomas Robinson of Butler, Pa., refusing
new trial. This is ft victory for the
former postmaster gsneral, as itr. Robinson
avked tor the heW trial.
1 the lUlt grew Out of charges made by
Mr. VVnhamaker during his canvass tor the
sehStcrshlp Several years tigo arid IhvOIVed
what wfts known S the ''Clrk book kcan
dat." The Jury returned ft verdict for
Strattolt IndepeHdettco Carporatlan
Cnks Itecover B4t,0o,6oo la
Salt RrOtiht at it. Louis.
Bf. LblftS, Juhe I.-A lult'igalrtst the
estate of VYi Boott Stratton, the late Colo
rado multlmllllontlrej Was brought in th
United State circuit COUrl of apbenla from
the United States court at Denver today.
ThS chss is end Which thl Stratton Inde
pendence company (limited) seeks to re
cover $t.(Wi,00n from the Bt rat ton ' estatei
The company Alleges It paid Stratton
$1U.IMB,000 for a mine Which proved to bo
ortli only $U00. The decision at Den
ver was in faVor of the estato ami thS
appeal Is breught to St. Louis,
Offended at Action of the Faeftitr
!l(ua oir (be Class Go 6k
BOiSEMAN, Mont., June S-A strlko 0
oured today among the graduates of the
State Agricultural college. When tho Com
mencement etsrdses were Snout to begin,
Of ten graduates, nine iStured to take llielr
dlplumas. Herbert Retse bring the Only
one to gradual. The trouble arose over
the refusal of the faculty to grant di
ploma to Jerome Lock
Deaillork lo E'rubl cn CoiTsnUon ft
8prin fi.ld Eroko-
Combination Proves Successful
in Seventy-Mlnth Ballot aad Ends
Long Contest for anbern.
torui Candidate.
SPRINGFIELD. III.. Julie $.-By making
a combination with Charles S. Deneen, L.
Y. Sherman, llowland J. Hamlin and John
H. Pierce. Governor Yates today broke
the deadlock In the republican state con
vention and brought about the nomination
of Dene.n for governor. The nohilnatldn
Was made on -the seventy-ninth ballot,
which stood: Yates, 1; Lowden, 64; De
neen, J67H! Warner. 21.
The combination was the result of ft
series of conferences which were held lust
night and this morning snd which were
participated in by Yates, Deneen. Hamlin,
Sherman and Pierce. The agreement had
not been consummated when the convert
Hon met at 10 o'clock this morning, and
tho Yates and Deneen people forced a re
cces Until f p. fh.- Then the parties to th
combination met and finally agreed upon
Dehean as the candidate.
When the convention reconvened Yates,
Hamlin and Sherman withdrew their names
from , the consideration of the delegates
and urged their friends to vote for De
neen. When the seventy-ninth roll call was or
dered and Adams County led off with "one
Vote for Yates and nineteen! for Deneen,
the wildest excitement prevailed. As the
call prooeeded It became evident that tho
now combination In Illinois politics would
win, but the original lyowden men for the
most part remained firm and went to de
feat with him.
tovrden Makes a Motion.
When the call Was completed Lowden
moved to make the nomination unanimous
and Chairman Cannon declared the motion
Carried. All of the pent up enthusiasm of
the delegates manifested itself as Deneen
came to the platform and briefly thanked
the convention for tho honor. In response
to the demands of the assemblage Colonel
Lowden made an address pledging his sup
port to tho ticket.
The convention then took up tho nomi
nation of ft candidate for lieutenant gov
ernor, but the leaders of the new combina
tion were not prepared for ihls snd a re
cess was taken until 8 p. m. Meantime the
parties Who had homlmifeJ Deneen met at
the executive mansion and prepared a slate
for the remainder of the ticket
At the evening sesrlon the making tip of
the Ucket was rapidly proceeded wltht
L. Y. Sherman of MoDonough was nom
inated for lieutenant governor; James A.
Rose of Onlccndi (preseht Incumbent) for
secretary of statoi Len Small of Kankakee
for State treasurer) J. C. McCullotigh of
Champaign (present Incumbent) for state
auditor, nnd W. H. Stead of Ottawa for
sftorney general.
The following nominations were mads
for university trustees: Mis. Mary B,
Busey, Champaign; Charles Davidson,
Chicago; W. L. Abbott, Chicago.
. The ticket went through according to tho
state agreed upon at the executive man
sion conference except In the case of B.
H. Chlpcrneld, whom W. H. Btead ds
feated for attorney general.
The following were elected by the con
tention to be members at large of the
State central committee! Homer J. Ties,
Jamea S. Neville, Solon Ft.!'.brick, 3. B.
McFatrlck, Edward it. Wright, Clarence
Gluck ahd Scott Cowan.
At 11:46 the convention adjourned sine
die. ' -
Texas Towa Damaared bp Tornado
Whlea come with
rteavp Rata. y
DALLAS, Tex., June . At 6 o'clock this
rhbming during a cloudburst, accompanied
by tornado, water cams through the root
and sixth f.oor of tho Western Union. tele
traph office here, flooding the dynamos and
completely soaking One section of the
switchboard. The damage, In the Western
Union oftco was practically remedied by
7:30 a. m. Throughout the city, however,
a great many wires ' were down.
The storm broke over Dallas at t o'clock
this morning and continued with treat
force Until 5. lvain had ' fallen In torrents
all night, accompanied by ft heavy wind,
whldh flhally (eveloped Into cyclone pro
portions. The principal darhhge done aside
frorrt that suffered byMhe Western . Union
Telegraph Company Was tho wrecking of
several Small houses In the outskirts. As
faf ai known ho one Was hurt. When the
Western Union building was struck ft pahld
ensued among the force at Work id the
operating room. Fortunately nb ohe Wa
hurt. AH 'wire Communications With the
outside wfte cut off for Several Hours and
Was only partly restored lit I o'clock. At
8:43, however, the city WoS again shut out
from tho Outside WOrld.
It Is believed that more or less damage
)iasoeen don lrt the outlying country.
ARKANSAS CITY. Kan.. June .-A tor
nado struck Qlencoo, ft town of low Inhabi
tants, in Payne county. Oklahoma, today,
A .
If rod ar A thinker1 rbtlf brain wears
way id SYopottlon as you ties it knd this
Waste must be ICbullt by food (there's no
other way)( elt thd brain groVI dull hd
II a poor instrument
In orape-Nuts food all tho elements rc
quired for this brain building ars found In
the most liberal proportions, the parte of
grains that supply th PhosphStc of Potash
and Albumen being especially selected In
Nats food and trial 10 days
brain-Weary of nervous
will show any
wreck ft great
There's a reason, as trial proves.
Get the little book.
"TtiS Road te Well.
Jllle," in such pfeg.
a Most important Trouser Sale
Men's Yacht and Optimo Straw Hats in newest f A A
Weaves, at $2.00, $L5Q. . vU
fewest Negligee Rolls, in faring and conservative brims.
Panama Hats. $5 and $8.50.
Man 's Crtf Ha 4a Jn every propp had- ot b"own
rICIA 5 wSUll 11X&9 tun, iwuirai and black grand
values at SI, SO, $2.00. $2.SO arm $J.OO ,
dtmollshlhg five residences and destroying
tho Methodist chuich; Several persons
wers hurt, ofte seriously. Much damage
Was dbns to fafrrt ptopertyi
JOPLIN. tod., June 1 BeVeral houwH
Wers unrdbfed In Joplln, trees were up
rnhted ahd rnSnV booths arranged for th
anrtJal carnival were wreckod by ft severe
wind itdfm. whil a torrent of rain tuat
followSd flooded-the downtown atreets, fill
ing baaementS and causing mors or less
other damage. The storm Was general
hrmiffhout southwestern Missouri and
mUCh tlamago Was done in tho country.
gnaws Stockmen Ills Bill la for tne
Band of the Majority la Sec
tion Affected,
AtLiANCfl. Neb. June .-Speclat tele
gram.) The storm that appeared to awell
and break at the feet of Congressman Kln
Kald as a result of the peeoh of S. P.
Oelatour at the jfebraska BtocK Growers'
convention In this city yesterday, Wherein
he touched upoh tho bill bearing the con
gressman's name. ended Very abruptly and
decidedly In a calm .When the congressman
today gave ft reason for the faith and ths
actions asjt result of that fasti that wtu!
th him, tie began by declaring that his
object has eVef beert to look to the Inter
est of the greater number" ahd that he had
that interest he need only refer those In
terested td the fact that thS bill was
fathered by the multitudes, as evidenced
by the r.yingS Of the Country bress and
the hundreds Of letters received by him
frdrh peoplS Ih every nook ahd corner of
ths section affected. More than this, tns
Blxth district republican convention, held
about that time, hot Only endorsedi but re
quested, that the Whole Nebraska delega
tion support ths measure.
His detailed history of tho bill from Its
Jhcrptidft Wss not only a vindication of tns
unjust ehstges against him IH the purpose
he had in view, but as Well a veriHcatlon
of the truth he so well impressed upon
his hearers that he had only In mind ths
whdle people. He concluded by saying that
there must be merjt In ths measure, for
evert now some of his political opponents
are seeking credit for the Whole or some
phase of ths bill. BUrelyt he said, this
would not be the fact If It Were ft villain
ous act. v
Ths judge's address made for him many
strong friends, and there Is no question but
ho is triors popular In the northwest than
ever before.
ThS stockmen adjourned today to meet
rioxt year at ft time and place to bs set
by ft commit te with this matter In charge.
Th following officers were elected for
the ensuing yesrt President. J. M. Adams,
Potter. Neb.) vice president B. B. Lowe,
Hyannls, Ntb.i secretary-treasurer, JE. M.
Searles, Jr., Ogalalla. Neb.
Resolutions thanking the retiring presi
dent, R. M. IIamptonfor his utlilng ef
forts In behslf of the' association were
heartily endorsed, as was a recommenda
tion that the cattle breeders and feeders
of the entire State 6f Nebrhska Organize
fbr mutnal protection and for the pur
pose of promoting favorable legislation to
ths live stock Industry.
Says Ca rSilbf OrTareS to Par "
Expenses to Prnlse tlefrlg
crator Bervlca.
CHICAGO, June .-Before the Interstate
Commerce eemmlslon today, W. C. ildey,
managar of the Paw Paw, Mieh., Fruit
ers' association, testified regtudlng alleged
exorbitant charges for irlug rlrlirator
car. , One firm, it Was cliargi d. hsd a mori.
opoly i.f the prlviltigs of Xurrilsbiiig the
tars hi queUuii. Mr. Vlidey was followed
by D. W. Atkinson, a fruit growir of
nparlu, Mieh. A stir wus creJiJ wh -n
Mr. Atkinson temlned that a few days
previous to his coming to CI'ISS" 1" bad
received a letter from a refrigerator car
company eOvrlng i ( Mr, Atkiusua'a
1,500 pairs Paragon, Melrose and Reading Pants, on which
we otter great price concessions to make room for an un
usual shipment of Fall weight trousers, about to arrive
of these housers, snd there's no way to force the selling ex
cept by means of the pricing.
$2.50 cfT Reading:
reduced to.....
$5.00 Men's Para&ort
reduced to
$7.50 Men's Paragon
reduced to.
$12. OO Men's Paragon Trousers
reduced to
Th trousers are cut in nwWest peg top, oooeervfttlvo),
young chap, model and outing styles, frorrvnewest Imported
fabrics In stripos, chaoka, mixtures, In wood browns, eath
r mixtures) and gray, jlntk ahd bide backgrounds.
A Hundred1 Outing
Suits at $10.00
i and lined imported "Donegal' homespuns and
Tropical worsted?, singU and doublebreatd - styles
sensible summer suits, at $10.00,
Straw Hats
expenses to and from Chicago and his ex
penses while bere It Mr. Atkinson would
peak well of ths oompahy'g refrigerator
oar service.
Mississippi pinnSea end His Manager
Killed by Kaerrana Who As
No v L'eari.
QRKENYIIjLE. Mlus.. JunS l--ThlS Seb
tloh is much excited over the rrurder if ft
planter and his manages by negroes and
the ipnchlngs which followed today. John
Blmms, a prominent white planter Of Trail
una Tri.iiam Lato, cia manager, were
Mllod -by tWo negroes, In a dispute ever It
trivial matter. The hnaroes. Whose names 1
are Samuel Clark and Van Horn, escaped,
but Horn WAS captured latef and taken t.i
Leland, where he will b lynched today.
Clkrk was not raptured by th pos, but
t eturned to Trail Lak. whero he Was shot
and billed by Mr. CroW, ths bookkesper
for Planter Blmms. The posse which nr-
tested Horn shot and killed another negro,
named Mayfleld, probably thinking hs was
Maaev ef f arnrgic's former Partner
StaalS Children in KleW Yorat
and Starts West.
PtTTSBtfRd, Juno l.Lftwrsnei ti.
PhlppS, Who IS said to have kidnaped his
two Children from a New York' hotel, had
not ftrflved at his Pittsburg house at mid
night, so the sertans Said, and it is be
lieved hs has taketi another touts to Den
ver. Mr. Phlpps is reported to bs Worth
A member of the" firm bf Reed, Smith,
Shaw A Soal admlted tonight that legal
proceedings Had been Instituted by Mr.
Phlpps, but refused to divulge their nature
whether for a divorce or for possession of
the children, "
Mf. Phlpps, though bUrsUed by his Wife,
and caught p With lit th Pennsylvania
statltlh In Jersey Oty, has escaped witb
the children after ft Jjalnful scene.
Agnstana Branch Wants to Withdraw
from the tieiierst Council vf
the (iinrrn. .
MNDSBCno, Kan.. June S.-At tho Luth
eran Augiistaha synod today the presi
dents report Was thS feature. Ths Iowa,
Nebraska snd Kansas conferences lead In
their contributions to the mission fund.
Rev, J.- n. Klldnhl of Northneld, Mtnh.,
urged a closer union of all Luthftrsn forcfts.
Other addresses were marie by rr. M.
Wahlstroni of Bt. Paul Snd Dr. L. Holmes
or Mi-rlden, Conn. A petition waS presented
from the Minnesota conference asking that
tho Augtistana synod withdraw from the
general council of the Lutheran church id
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Btftftltlp; from inn fMdtlolt of T3 fret
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