Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 04, 1904, PART 2, Page 16, Image 16

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InfarUud Bret Attacks Keepwr
8tm Littl GirL
Affair Cob from ftaloea Man's Pra
luatloaa Asalaat BnUri, IT. lac
MaatU? aa OnarJLaa af
the Flaoa,
If mr one man due a pit for another
and thn fell Into It hlmeelf,' Jacob Hanson
Is that man.
Hanson owns and operates an unpreten
tious wot goods emporium at Eighth and
Hickory streets. In this city, and while
disclaiming to be of a particularly timid
or retiring disposition, made up his mind
that the first burglar or holdup man who
should attempt to get his money would
be handed a package that would make the
nam of Hanson strike a chill to the hearts
of robbers wherever It should be heard.
Bo, after thinking the matter orer for
aereral days and nights, Mr. Hanson pro
vided the door to the back room of his
saloon with a spring lock. To this was
attached a rope arrangement that ran
through the floor, along underneath It to
the bar, them up through the floor. The
whole thing; was fixed so that with his
foot the man behind the beer could maks
that door Into the back room snap open
with the speed of a catapult.
Hanson then. Incidentally, bought the
fiercest and biggest dog that could bo pro
cured. It was cross between a big Dane
and a mastiff and was all that It was rec
ommended to be in the line of meanness.
This brut was given possession of the back
room wtth the spring look and rope ar
rangement and then Mr. Hanson leaned
his rotund form against the nether side of
his mahogany and waited with much assur
ance for the appearance of a man with a
gun and an evil and covetous disposition,
erloas Bide of It.
Nona came. But the meat bills that dog
was responsible for were a caution, and
right at this point Is where the funny part
of the story ends. Friday night the dog
got out of hi prison In some manner that
cannot b explained and bolted for the
outer air and Hanson followed swiftly In
pursuit. But he wasn't quick enough to
avert trouble, for th first person the dog
met was a little girl. The savage animal
sprang at .her and had knocked her to th
ground Just as Hanson came up and
by dint of a rain of savage
blows and kicks he distracted the
dog's attention from his first victim before
aha had sustained any material Injury.
Then the beast turned on his master and
fastened his fanga In the muscles of his
right arm near th shoulder. Hanson's
struggle were not sufficient to dislodge
him and his cries of agony soon brought
half a dozen men to his aid. Blows and
kicks had no effect and then one of the
men rushed Into the saloon an.d returned
with a large butcherknlfe, which, however,
was found to be so dull that they could not
. cut the throat of the Infuriated animal.
Bomeone procured a revolver, but owing to
the continual struggle of the dog and man
no one dared use It for fear of killing Han
son, who was last becoming unconscious
from pain and loss of blood. Finally some
one procured an axe and with It knocked
the beast on the head and at length killed
him. Hanson was taken to his saloon aid
a physician at once summoned, who found
upon examination that his arm was fright
fully lacerated and It was at first feared It
would have to be amputated.
Dr. Williams, who dressed and cauterized
the wound, is awaiting developments be
fore taking any further steps. .
Mam Who Deliberately Enters Game
' with Coafldenoa Ueaharu
Thai Fat.
City 'Prosecutor Lee holds that a man
who is robbed of his money by confidence
men Is not deserving of sympathy If he has
entered Into an agreement with either of
. them to get the third man's money, which
he finds is o often th case.
The oas in point was that of a 'young
man named W. W. Meach of Sterling, Colo,
He claims that In a ooln-matchlng game
with I Casey and Sam Johnson he lost
$05 Thursday afternoon. Meach was on his
way to se th Louisiana Purchase exposi
tion and stopped off at Omaha between
trains. He wandered from th station as
far as the Tenth street viaduct to get a
bird's-eye view of th city. Casey aocorted
the Colorado traveler and soon was on th
top seat of theyoung man's ' confldenea
Casey had traveled alona and knew whereof
he spok whan he said It waa enough to
nake a man drink.
Casey said he knew th way around town
and Meach admitted that ha was In strange
territory, ' but would Ilk to lmprov hi
acquaintance with th city. f
Th men then started on a little flyer
about town to see th many improvements
going on, when they met Johnson. John
son was from Colorado and waa delighted
to meet anyone from that state. Meach
was in the bands of his frlenda A coin
matching game was proposed as a little
' ' diversion. All agreed to this and tha game
waa started In a saloon In tha pmscrlbed
district. Maaoh won and lost and lost and
won. The a takes grew as th momenta
passed until Meach lost all he had. He
ays Casey gathered In tha money and
left and that a peculiar senna of loneliness
came over him as ha saw th fleeting form
of Casey. J ohnneo than gave Match $3
back. Maaoh want to th aollc station,
and In short order th three coin matcher
war arras tad. -
"And," says Prosecutor Lee, this man
Meach entered tha same with aa nuh
petit laroeny In his heart as either of th
other men and I Intend t prosecute such
as he as well as the confldenea men."
The three men war arraigned together In
police court and th oas was sat for Sat
urday morning.
tract Hallway Oaaajpaay Will It a saw
These Travolta Whll Doing;
Other Work.
V "The Harney street railway Una Is to b
rebuilt. The old cable tracks wherever
remaining are to b replaced by new rails
as Is being done on tb Dodge street Una.
This work ,was begun this morning at
Twentieth and Dodge streets and the sec
tion from Twentieth to Twenty-fifth will
be renewed at onoe. This high ground is
better for work now during the rains than
the low places, so the company will con
centrate It fore on this part of th tracks.
From Twenty-fifth and Dodge street on
to th and In Prospect Hill th line la of
practically new construction, the old por
tion from Dodge to California having been
relald when the line., was extended out
California street. There remain the old
cable tracks from Twenty-fifth on Dodge
to Tenth on Harney. This work will uot
be hurried and th Dodge line and South
Thirteenth street will have preoedenoe la
good working waathur. Work has not been
- begun on th latter line because of the
heavy rains. The greater part of South
Thirteenth Is low aud. would be too muddy
for work. Since beginning work oti the
Podge line the track has been practically
relald from Cuming to Thirteenth and
Dodge straola.
Fararer Who Dotraodcd Aanorleau Ks
proa Oosaooay I Boat to Pvsul
Arraated about a week ago, Oeorg W.
Hendrtrka was Thursday sentenced to four
years In the penitentiary after being In
dicted by th county grand Jury on a
charg of forgery. Within half an hour
aftor the grand Jury returned its verdict
Hendricks waa taken from the city Jail
before Judge Day, arraigned, pleaded
guilty and given this sentence.
Hendricks Is the man who. with a re
ward of $500 for his arrest and conviction,
walked into the local American Express
company's office lost week and got an
order for 50 cashed by the clerk. oVnr
whose head hung the criminal's picture
and the announcement of the reward.
Hendricks escaped without being detected,
but was apprehended later In the"" day by
Officer Heelan and taken to the city Jail.
The man made no effort to resist arrest
and frankly confensed his guilt not only
that, but narrated other crimes he had
committed, telling of his hobby to hold up
express companies whenever possible.
Some 1600 was found upon him, and this
he was anxious should be returned to the
proper partlea
To Oat Rid of a Troablesome Corn.
First soak It In warm water to soften It;
then pare It down as closely as possible
without drawing the blood, and apply
Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice daily, rub
bing vigorously for five minutes at each
application. A corn plaster should be worn
for a few days to protect it from the shea
As a general liniment for sprains, bruises,
lameness and rheumatism, Pain Balm Is
Dooorah Cltlsea Shocked by High
Prieoa and Past Street Car
- la Omaha.
"Say, mister, may I ask you' a civil
question?" Inquired a rather verdant speci
men of the genus Hawkey at the Mer
chants hotel of George Orlggs of JXie Smith
Premier company.
"Certainly, what la it?" poljtely replied
Mr. Orlgga
,"What ought a fellow to pay for a cigar
"Depends upon your taste. Ton can get
them from three for a nickel up to 28
cents apiece. Ought to be able to got a
fairly good on for I or 10 cents." '
"Well, I bought on down at a store
here and they mad ma pay a dim for
It And it was a little bit of a thing, only
about three Inches long, and didn't last
me mora than fifteen minutes. By Jlng,
yilng are high here, ain't they? Say, doe
tbem street cars run all the time? They
must make lots of money. I'll bet that
there was twenty folks on the on I cum
up from the depot on. They don't rid as
easy as steam cars and I expected to ee
them run over lots f people, they go so
fast They are the first street cars I
ever saw In my Ufa I live in Dooorah.
They don't have street cars there."
When it I Fro of Dandruff, it Grow
Hair preparations and dandruff cures, aa
a rule, "are sticky and irritating affairs that
do no earthly good. Hair, when not dis
eased, grow naturally, luxuriantly. Dan
druff is the cause of nine-tenths of all
hair trouble, and dandruff Is caused by a
germ. The only way to cure dandruff Is
to kill the germ; and, ao far, the only hair
preparation that will positively destroy the
germ 1 Newbro's Herplclde absolutely
harmless free, from grease, sediment,
dye matter or dangerous drugs. It allays
Itching Instantly; makes hair glossy and
soft as silk. "Destroy the cause, you
remove the effect" Sold by leading drug
gists. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample
to The Herplclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sher
man & McConnell Drug Co., special agents.
Another Hen's Pants
This' Tine It's Fine Pants.
A. L. Werner & Co., 706 Broadway, are
known aa the finest pants makers in the
U. S. Werner made pants are sold almost
exclusively by th most high-toned stores
of Greater New. York, Philadelphia, Bos
ton, Baltimore and Chicago. On acoount
of the 'unseasonable weather, as well aa
present business conditions In th east.
Mr. A. Lk Werner himself decided to close
out his spring and summer production in
Omaha. W were lucky, Indeed, to secure
Werner made pants to sell at th below
mentioned prices. For $1.90 w offer choio
of Werner mad pants that retail In New
York and Chicago right now at $3.00; every
possible Improvement Is there. Among
them you will find pur all wool blue serge
pants, every seam, every button absolutely
guaranteed. Werner mad pants, sale
prtc $2.60 and $3.00, can be compared only
with such pants aa tailors make to order
for $4.00 to W 00.
Men's Suit Bargains.
Our $7.60 and $10.00 men's suit are th
talk of th town; mad by n rut-clans
houses, lined with the best trimmings, made
by skilled mechanic, they compare favor
ably with suit that you pay. $5.00 mor
for. For swell dresser w can recom
mend th Alfred Benjamin mak of aulta
at $1160, $u.M, WM and WM; no other
mak Is) as good, Specials.
Lien's JU.-SHk Neckwear.
Pure silk four-ln-hand teck ties, with
string or shield style, hundreds of stylish,
up-to-date colors to choes from, worth
titQ, sale prlo ISo.
Men's Hose, 7ic. '
These are a big snap; they com In sky
blue, cardinal, pur whit with black fancy
figure, light gray and also tan, with or
without fancy embroidery, not a pair worth
las than 15o a pair.
One Dollar Union Sulfs.
The same as furnishers get $1.60 for; they
com in natural, black, pink or blue.
Silk and Mohair Shirts.
We carry a full Una of Silk and Mohair
Shirt with or without collars. Our prioes
on these,' as on everything else, always a
little cheaper than you find the same Qual
ity aUawber for.
Our 31.90 Kats
In all tha latest shapes are tha Identical
Hats you pay hatters $2 60 for. If you want
a Ov dollar quality bat for $3.00, try a
"Young". W control the exclusive sale
tor th Young Hat In Omaha.
1519-1521 Douglas St.
$1 Made
St 49c
Ladies' 75c Neckwear 15c-25c
Thousands of pieces of the finest neckwear in the dain
tiest and prettiest Btyle for spring and summer this
complete line includes lace stocks, embroidered stocks,
Special Handkerchief Sale
Thousands of high class handkerchief on sale tomorrow for the first
time ladies' Swiss scalloped embroideries, ladies and men pluln all
linen embroidered and veneered
handkerchiefs, drawn thread hem-stitched
handkerchiefs, etc. beautiful little
novelties, worth up to 50c each, at
A Great Sale of Ladies Hand Bags
Saturday will be the greatest bargain, day in leather goods ever known
our sales of purses and hand bags have been extraordinary In the past
but tomorrow's values are absolutely the greatest we have yet offered
Peggy from Paris bags, fiat Iron bags, beautiful carriage bars In all the
most beautiful and fashionable leathers lined with moire silk cut glass
smelling bottle, card cases and change purses and saj f
mirrors fitted Ir.side hundreds of stylos many M
worth up to $4.00 each, at asltV U V
Summer Underwear
Ladies' sleeveless and short sleeve vests white and
fancy colors silk ribbed and lace trim- f As f
med lisle thread and cotton, at..-. iUiIJv
Ladles' lace and ribbed fancy lisle
vests, silk mercerized, elso "IP
extra ale vests and pants, Z,7C
worth Wo, at
Ladles', men's and children's hose i
fast black and fancy. UleA I-
Maco cotton and all over llJC'ldC
lac, worth up to 260, at..' wv I
Pillow Top Handkerchief Also plain white and A1
fancy oolored Handkrchlfa- jfreat variety at 2l"U2V
Ladies' Fabric Gloves Lisle and silk gloves, in all sizes, black,
white and oolored, worth up to 75o pair, 10C-19C-39c
& t aa
Novelty Styles in Ladies' Belts.
Latest Ideas in pleated peau de sole
and taffeta, with gun metal, cold,
jeweled and peacock buckles,
worth 1 and 82, yfl.Q- 7fc
Tfi' I Sl
Bargains in the Drapery Dept-
Immense bargains are being- received dally from the
great Sweetser-Pembrook Stock.
$1.00 values In ruffled Swiss, full size,
every pair perfect Saturday, pair, 'ttxs
$S.O0 ruffled SwisB nirtains, figured or
plain, full slse, fancy colored ruffled
border, special, per pair, 76a , .
Made now draw Interest for the entire month. Accounts
opened for one dollar or more. . ' "
J. L. Brandeis , Sons, Bankers.
,uory EM
Investigate- It Pays.
Omaha. Nab.
Quicker and for
than other
cures all apeolal dlaeaiei
ul men kiiiuy. bludier
Blood Poisoa " ZT'&b. K
mouth, tongue, tnroaL hair and eyebrow.
(falling out) disappear ouutplaialy forever.
vancosi yum ujs-?:"::::
ting, pain ur lues of Uina, Never falia
(luukwt cure la h world.
Weak, Hmm iiu 1:."'
aebiili), caiur oecliua. lata ul vigwr aal
Trodimont by mail. ' 14 years or 8UC
bar ut lilh aud iAiutflaa.
I l-Li VZllrrtL
American v
large embroidered yokes,
beaded collars, faggoting
stitched collars, etc,' worth
up to 75c each
Misses', children' and boys' rests,
pants and drawer all sizes, ribbed
;;d,.w. ioc-12K-I9c
Imported hoalery gauze cotton, French
Hal and all over lace-ladies' r
5nd Ten " Jlh.,.on.6d . ?C
foot hose the 60o kind. at... "
Crushed Leather Belts, in fine
French kid, white champagne,
tan, brown, blue, green and black,
Z in. wide, worth $1.00, JJg
Handsomely figured couch covers,
full size, Saturday, $1.25 each.
Heavy brass extension rods, with
gold or silver trimmings, now on sale
at lOo each.
508 Douglas St.
We Have Auditorium Tickets
And Are Selling 'En Too, Want One?
We will deliver on to you on receipt
Of $5.00.
We also btve the greatest BED bug
Killer that ever happened; there is no
sense of being bothered with these measly
HHts when immediate relief is at hand.
Come in four sizes; Pints 160, quarts 26c,
ona-lialf gallon boc, gallon V"c, and a pint
oil omii with a long spout, free with one
half gallon or gulhm size or 6 extra with
t.lnt i.r quart. AVE Ol'AKANTEII SATIS
WATIl to bugs.
Kver h-ar about Ellmlnatum? IT
It falls.
U. T. YATEft. rro.
( and Chicago sjta, Omaha. 'Phoaaa
iid 17 Mih and N ata, ttuuth Otuaa.
u Ho. I. kih Ave. and Main ML,
toll bluffa 'Phaa sa All guod aa-
17 aud
S' .
-wwa,uii dwu. rnaaf I n yuvy.
iteietl to elUtac Mur alisalutaut U
JTHo per quart bot-
tla by
the caie.
GltMoi't.Rrflpn JUiCo
$7V4o per quart bot
ue by the oas.
X most delicious beverage, effectually
quenching thirst and cooling the system.
A product prepared from New York Con
cord Grapes in th famous Chautauqua
grapa belt. Its distinguishing features are
embodied In Its absolute purity, its de
lightful flavor ar.d It natural color. These
essential properties combined with th ex
cellent process of preserving and bottling,
whereby all th desirable requisite of th
fruit 1 retained, render It TUB ONLY
GRAPH JUICE .which possesses all tha nu
tritious element af the grane in the most
convenient and palatable form. Imparting
mat aeairaDie iruity lasie, true to me
fruit from which it la made.
It Is In reality THE FOOD DRINK. Its
strengthening and vivifying powers are al
ways In evidence, owing to Its exceedingly
pleasant and agreeable qualities, no home
should Da witnout iu imo swiaj function
complete without it. This healthful and
delicious beverage served FREJ tomorrow.
(Saturday), the enure aay.
Of Interest to You.
Basket Fired Japan Tear
par pound ..... .
Table Peaches
par can .. .
Table Pears
, 15c
. 15c
per can
Malta Ceres
per packag
. ...
per package ,
Strictly Fresh, Eggs
per dozen
Choice Country Butter Cr.OOr'
per pound lOW'AUW
Bhredded Wheat Bus cult 1(c
per cackaKe
' Exponents of Good Living,
28th and Farnam St.
Grocery Tela, U29-133L Market TeU. TM.
Johnson Sl Goodlett Go.
PHONES 1075 AND 4T48.
PROFITS, but QUALITY Is our first con
sideration. From ua you can always de
pend on getting th bust lor your money,
UNEEDA BISCUIT Fresh and ' ifr
crisD. a boxes for lJ
Per box .vC
GELATINE Knox's, plain or - iCir
accldulated, per box IVfw
MASON JARS Best quality porce- ACn
lain tops, pints, par dozen vW
MASON JARS Best quality porce- Cnr
lain tops, quarts, per dozen JJ
RADISHES Finest home grown,
Fresh and crlBD. 4 bunches for J
LETTUCE-rFresh, crisp, good slse, Kn
4 bunches for f. OW
ASPARAGUS Green and tender, . lOr-
S hlo- hnnnhe for
CAKES 8-layer white cakes, money cannot
buy better quality nut, caramel, orange,
chocolate or cecoanut, CXCic
each - ou"
STRAWBERRIES Extra fin Missouri
stock prices still lower.
BREAD Ours has no equal. Try It
CERO FRUTO Fin breakfast er
food, per package tW
BUTTER Fine, aweat country, ifin
tier lb..
sweet, per lb
15 lbs. for...'.
ter, par lb
Johnson & Goodlett Co.
SOth and Lake Sta.
Greoerlaa, Meat aai Bakery.
Boys 'and Girls
SI.50 Shoes
$LU will buy a pair here that
w know win plea you a pair
that will fit wall, look wall and
wear wall.
Tou cant beat the FRT
SCHOOL SHOE for girls and
boys, no matter where , you
go. They're mad of th best
leather, on th best lasts, and
In th best manner of any shoe
aold at th asm price.
The best $1-H shoes, the best
$2,00 shoes, and fine shoes. In
the latest atyles at right prices.
Saturday Specials.
W are still headquarter for Rumford'g
Baking Powder and In th futur will b
found in our Drug Department.
1-lb. can 25o
-lb. can .U
Sleeve Protectors (washable).- tto
Rubber Diapers 260
Heavy Plate Glass Mlrror.... -to to Mo
Mlks" Emulsion ...80e
CarLstedt'a Liver Powder fto
Mo Perfumes, par ouno Ho
too Rubber Complexion Brush lo
Men's Felt Hats,
worth up to $2.50
Saturday, 95c
ry fir ion
Swell Outing Suits
Ilave you seen our line of outing suits. We have the most
complete line 6hown in the city all the best fabrics nobbiest
patterns and latest styles at
S5.00, S7.50, $8.50, Sf 0.00 and
Men's Outing Coats and
' Pants- '
Odd garment from suits that, aold
up to $10.00, all oolors, all alzes a
larg accumulation that must be dis
posed of within the next few nays
great vatae at $2.60 to $4.00 per gar
mentSaturday, ert
special, per garment. a.JV
Attention Mothers
.We have aboul,000 pairs of boys' wash pants, in all colors,
and ranging in age from 3 to 10 years which we pur
chased at a great bargain they are regular 25c Q -values'and
will be on sale Saturday pair . ; rL-
3 JV
. BMMBMCBinMBaBiminBBaigigaaiiaiamBiMagaii
Whir Stay Home
front the Eiosiiion?
A few votes will bring you a trip
to the World's Fair at St. Louis in
The Bee Exposition "Elections." Get
your friends to help you. '
. It doesn't take much work to get votes. All you
have to do is to tell your friends you want their votes
and they wiil gladly help you. Remember, you get
520 votes on each yearly Omaha subscription 600
outside of Omaha,
The ten persons receiving the largest number of
yotes at the close of each "election" will be furnished,
at The Bee's expense, as prizes, each a free trip from
Omaha to fc5t Louis and return, to be taken any time
during the exposition.
Ko restrictions are placed as to where the party lfves
as a candidate for one of the exposition trips. ,
No votes will be counted for employes or agents of
The Bee.
All votes must be made on coupons which will be
published each day in The Bee. ' '
Prepayment of subscriptions may be made either
direct to The Bee Publishing Company or to an author
ized agent of The Bee.
No votes sent in by agents will be counted unless
sent in in accordance with instructions given them.
The vote from day to day will be published in all
editions of The Bee,
The ."election" will close
each Saturday at 3 p. m.
Votes may be deposited at the,business office of The
Bee or sent by mail. No votes sent by mail will be
counted which are not In the Omaha postoffice lor deliv
ery at 2-30 p. m. on the day of closing.
Exposition Dept., Omaha Daily Bee7 I
Coupon Pare 2- OMAHA, NEB. . i
Suit Case?
worth up to StO,
Saturday, $5.50
and $138.
It's Good
For a man to dress well. Clothes
may not make the man, but personal
appearance goes a great way toward
producing results In a business way.
Does not require paying of a big price
for your suit. You can secure a suit
here that possesses all the snap and
style of a custom made garment that
would cost you twice the price we ask.
Hand-tailored throughout by artistic
workmen, guaranteed by both our
selves and the manufacturers, perfect
in fit, fashion, fabric at
$10, $12.50, $15
and $18.
Call and see these suits. Try them
on. They will please the most fastid-
Thr Most Popular . Garments
of the Season.
Ia th rain proof overcoat, always
stylish, always comfortable. In sun
shine or rain, warm weather or cold,
something every man should own. We
have a complete line at U hO
$30.00, Hi. 50, Uo.00 and .. IO'u