THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, JUNE 2. 190. CITY "COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Effort to Car Many Cpoial Psv'iig Tix OriJioDC9i Under Wiy. HALF MILLION DOLLARS IS INVOLVED Clr Attorarr Ha Plaa kr Which lie Hopes to Rented r Defect la Record that Has Proves Cost I r. An ordinance wrts Introduced st the rHjr council meeting Tuesday bjr whlen City Attorneys Wright and Herdman hope to save the municipality between HOO.000 and 1600,000 In special taxea for paving. The measure seeks to repass lomt twenty eight levy ordlnancea for aa many pav ing dlatrtcta, all of them originally put through at apeclal meeting! prior to 19Xl. In a oaae to evade taxes Involving all the twentyelght dlatrlcta the point has been raised that the ordlnancea were pasted at special meetings which were defective In the call or In the notice given to mem ber Whether the curative ordinance Introduced last night will withstand at tacka In court remains to be teen, and It la the opinion of lawyers that It will go to the highest tribunal In the state be fore It la finally adjudicated. Many other special levy ordlnancea were paused the same, way, and the legal department will Introduce curative meaaure as rapidly ns possible. Councilman Zlmnwn's ordinance con cerning the laying and relaying of street railway tracks aa related to paving waa Introduced, read the first and second time and referred by the president to the committee on judiciary, of which he la chairman. Councilman Evans raised a alight objection, saying the document hould go to the committee on paving and sewerage, but Zlmman contested this point. Tavsa for Street Railway. The ordinance provides that no tracks hall be laid or relald without a permit from the ojty engineer, for which there hall be no cost. All paving removed from along the-tracks, outslds, must be replaced In aa good condition as found and with like materials, all under the direction and to the satisfaction of the city engineer. In ' order to protect the city, the traction company must file a bond of $10,000, which will be forfeited If the city has to make the repair In de fault by the company, the cost being taken from the bond money. All the pav ing work must be done within thirty days after the streets are torn up. Ordinance providing for new fire hyd rant at the following location were intro duced: Thirty-eighth and Chicago, Thirty eight and Davenport, Thirty-eighth and Dodge; Thirty-eighth avenue and Chicago. City Attorney Wright announced the ap pointment of A. O. EUlck a assistant In his office at a monthly salary of 1126 to assist In - the scavenger law work. Mr. EUlck la ' a young lawyer of democratic politics Mayor Moore sent In several vetoes, among them being refusals to sign author ity for ihe Balfe engine bouse plumbing bills and the wholeaale market house or dinance. Neither was sustained. In his letter saying he would leave the city, the mayor tersely remarked without Inti mating hi destination: "I shall be gone until I return." A resolution was adopted providing for the quarterly sitting of the council aa a ipeolal board of equalization on levies for , leveral. small Improvements June 14, IS and 16. ' Hans Albert, violinist, Orpheubi'tOhlght. FOR THE AUDITORIUM BALL Committees to Look After the Bis; Dedication Affair Are Finally named. - About twenty-five gentlemen Interested In the success of the Auditorium ball met at the Her Grand hotel last night, Among them were F.-A.. Nash, J. E. Baum, C. B. Hayward, John I Kennedy, J. F. Car penter, F. . H. Davis, John 8. Brady, W. J (WO t ..v i .i:- BORAXOLGGY History repeats itself Every season the cKlorilerous moth ball makes its ap pearance and so do the moths Some folks say that the reason they are called " moth balls " is because moths like them But moths don't like Borax Do you know strange to say very few people do that a little Borax sprinkled under a carpet or in the clothes when you pack them away will absolutely kill all moth life? Try it The moth will be a myth in your house after that Be careful to get the purest and best Borax. Ask for 20-MULE-TEAM BRAND. For sale by druggists and grocers in 14, Vi and 1-lb. packages. Tfa famous " AMERICAN GIRL PICTURES FREE to Purchasers of 20-Mufc-Tsao. Borax. Al stores or seat ft LB. BOX TOP and ic to lUms. fictile Coast Borax Co Nrw York, Chicago, San Fnodaco. s . - S0-MuWTUa-Oar M. Burgess, b. t. ' klpllnger, ' Charles II. Plrltens, F. E. fianborn, E. O. MeOIIton. Arthur Smith. Vance Lane, Arthur Bran dels. Jnwpri Harden. W. Farnam Bmlth, Rome Miller and F. W. Judron. Several committors were appointed to stimulate an Interest In the dedication ball, not only In Omaha, but throughout the sur rounding town and cltlea within 1C0 mite of Omaha. All the railroads will carry passengers to Omaha and bark to their homes within a radius of ISO miles for one fare for the round trip on June and 7, and It Is believed that a large number of people will come to Omaha to take In the ball. A number of tlrketa have already been aold to people In Lincoln, Sioux City and other cltlea. An Impression has gone out to some ex tent that this la to be an Invitation event. The gentlemen managing the ball wish to have this Impression corrected. All re spectable people will be welcome at this dedication ball. There will be plenty of room for seating those who may not care to engRge In dancing, but the price of the tickets will be the same for those who dance and those who may not wish to dance, or $5 per couple and $1 for each ad ditional lady. Refreshment will be served free of charge to all who attend and the muslo will be furnished by Innes aad his entire band. Tickets have thus far been sold only by the hustling committee, but this afternoon the ball tickets will b placed on Sal In Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffs, so that people may secure their at a dosen prominent and convenient place ticket without delay or Inconvenience. Anaoaneemeat of the Theater. Beginning this evening and continuing the rest of the week the Ferris Stock com pany will present at the Boyd theater Bronson Howard' great society drama, "The Banker' Daughter." Thl sterling old play (till retain Its power over mind and heart, and the company now taking hold of It I well qualified In every way to give it Intelligent presentation. Mr. Sullivan will appear as John Strebelow, Miss Pavey aa Lillian Westbrook, Mr. Owen a Count do Carsjac and Mr. Harry Long as Harold Routledge. , The usual matinee will be given on Saturday. Joseph Oahm, Omaha's leading pianist and teacher, and Hans Albert, the famous violinist, will give a piano and violin re cital at the Orpheum theater this (Thurs day) evening. The advance sale has been very large and there 1 no question that Omaha' representative musical and so ciety people will turn out In full force to welcome these popular musician. The program will be excellent and sure to please everybody. This will be Albert's first ap pearance In Omaha In five years. The concert will commence at 8:15 o'clock. Han Albert, violinist, Orpheum, tonight. ANOTHER GERM DESTROYER. Herpiclde I Death to Dandruff Genu. The germ burrow Into the scalp, throw ing up the cuticle In thin scale, called dandruff, or scurf, and digging at the root of the hair where It saps the hair' vital ity. First come brittle hair, then luster less and dead-like hair, then falling hair, and, finally baldness. Nine-tenths of the hair troubles are caused by dandruff. With out dandruff hair will grow luxuriantly, as nature Intended. "Herpiclde" kills the dandruff germ, leaving the hair to grow unhampered, as It does With the American red man. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to The Herpiclde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., special agent. 'Striking; Indiaa Nomenclature. "Muskoka," "Clear Sky Land," "Mag netewan," "Smooth Flowing Water," "Ka wartha," "Bright Waters and Happy Lands" are Indian words that fittingly de scribe soma of the most delightful spots' for a" summer's outing on the American continent, ' Descriptive literature, timetables, eto., will be mailed free on application to Ad vertising Department, Grand Trunk Rail way System, 13S Adams St., Chicago, Geo. W. Vaux. A. O. P. St T. A. Han Albert, violinist, Orpheum, tonight, A Death Blow to Malaria. Eleetrlo Bitters kill and expel malaria dlaeaaa germs, will prevent typhoid, and cure fever and ague, or no pay. Only 60c. For sal by Kuhn Jk Co. - - - wr4--4 "Mrmwi itiif TrtwU Martu Affairs at south dm ah a City Council Holds a Short bit Bnditii flstticn Laft iTtniDg. AGREE TO COMPROMISE BACK TAX CLAIMS Pew People Attend the Boad Mas Meeting;, bat Committee oa Parka and City Hall Are Appointed. While a lot of business was transacted the session of the city council last night was much shorter than usual. City At torney Lambert mad a report on a num ber of tax claims and advocsted the ac ceptance of offers to pay the principal, leaving off the Interest. These recommen dations were adopted. I.. C. Gibson, who Is agent of the prop erty occupied by the City Emergency hos pital, complained that the city was not complying with It lease. When thl fif teen acres waa leased and a building erected the city agreed to have a certain portion of the ground cultivated. This has not been done this year for the reason that a portion of the property has been under water most of the time since the Ice went out of the river. The city attorney and the membera of the finance committee will meet with Mr. Gibson and endeavor to ad lust matters to the satisfaction of all con cerned. E. T. Miller asked the council permis sion to make an entrance Into his proponed building from the east end of the O street viaduct. The communication went to the committee on vladucta, streets and alley for consideration. Favorable report were received from the Judiciary committee on the Burlington viaduct ordinance, viaduct to b built across the tracks at Thirty-sixth and L streets, and also on the ordinance vacating certain portions of streeta which will be tinder the proposed viaduct Both report were adopted without any discussion and these ordlnancea went to the second read ing. An ordinance regulating the Junk and second-hand dealers was sent to the clerk and read for the first time. It was referred to the Judiciary committee. After the transaction of some business of minor Importance the council adjourned for one week. Another Bond Mass Meeting;. Lew than three dosen people attended the mass meeting at the city hall last night, the meeting being called for the purpose of hearing reports from a committee ap pointed to And out Just how much money the city could vote for certain Improve ments. Colonel C. M. Hunt occupied the chair and Harry M. Christie acted a secretary. John F. Schulti, as chairman of a spe cial committee appointed at the laat meet ing, reported that city hall bonds could be Issued to any amount. Sewer bonds can be Issued to the amount of 1100,000. Of this sum 102,000 haa already been Issued. Park bonds to the amount of $50,000 may be Is sued by a vote of the people. A proposition from the South Omaha Land company to sell Syndicate park to the city for $20,000 was read. This park now contains about forty acres. When called upon for a talk David Ander son deprecated the small attendance at the meeting and asserted most positively that the citlsena should take more Interest In city affairs. David Anderson made a motion that th chair appoint four committees, one to se lect a location for a park In the southwest part of the city, one to select a park sit in the southeast part, one in the northwest part and a committee to select a Site for a city hall; for park sites one member to be from the park board, one member of th city council and one cltlsen. Chairman Hunt, when this motion had been carried, selected Dworak from the council, McCrann from the park board and F. J. Franek a the cltlxen member for the southeast sec tion. For the park In the southwest por tion the committee 1 Councilman Me Cralth, O. D. Maberry and Walter Slate. In the northwest portion of the city the park oommtttee la mad up of Councilman Queenan, John F. Schult of th park board and Thomas Gillespie. In th selection of a city hall site thl committee was announced: Martin Jetter, John Condon and A. H. Murdock. When these committees had been named and approved David Anderaon made a mo tion that the chair appoint a committee of ten to attend the next aesslon of the legis lature to ask that certain changes be made In the city charter giving relief to the city In the matter of voting more bonds for im provement. Nothing waa done about vot ing additional bonds for a sewer, as thl cannot be done until th present city char ter Is changed. , The meeting adjourned subject to the call of th chairman. Heek Island Improvements. A very prominent railroad nfUM.i in peaking of the report that the Rock Island road waa about to do great things In the southern portion of the cltv. sum- "Ac cording to It agreement with the Union Pari no Railroad company tha Rnrir T.i.r, la not permitted to construct a depot or maintain any yaras or Importance within one mile of the Union Pacific -tnn in South Omaha. This contract 1 tin in force and will remain In force for some time. Consequently the people of South Omaha cannot look for any great Improve ments In Rook Island depot property In Al bright for om time to com." Illness Cause Despondency. Owing to continued illness. Edward Tnn. per, employed at on of th packing house, trlod to commit suicide at his home, Six teenth and S streets, yesterday afternoon. saving ma Doardlng place about 4 o'clock Popper walked off a abort dlatann in k. direction of the river. When near a clump oi ousnes n snot himself in th head with small caliber revolver. The huliet glanced and the wound 1 considered noth ing serious by th physician attending him. rvuuco oi me attempted suicide waa aent to polio, headquarter, but no action taken by the officer a the wound Inflicted l only a slight on and friend agreed to take car. of the man until he rets mu hi. lit of despondency. D. Slabaugh la In charge of th case and h says th wound Is of slight moment, th real danger being a fever which 1 threatened. Delegation Leaves Tonlarat. J. M. Guild, secretary of th Bout a Omaha Live Stock exchang, haa completed th. list of visitors from thl exchange to th Nebraska Stock Growers' association meet ing at Alliance on June j. Th. arrangement for th trip are now complete and ysstsrday afternoon Secre tary Guild announced the program. The delegation, will leave Omaha tonight at 11 o'olock over th. Burlington road, and reach Alliance at noon on Thursday. It 1 tha Intention of th. delegation to spend Thursday and Friday at Alliance and tart on th. return trip Friday night. In order that Omaha may be reached on Sat urday night. Th. delegation la mad. up aa follow: S. J. Acker, J. T. Frederick, J. C. Dahl msn, C. H. Howard. B. F. Carpenter Gorge Burke. W. B. Reed, F. It. RVdlnal ton. V. V King J M. Cook J. D. fcirby A mo Snyder. Al Powell. H. B. Ta w ft' A- h Uuchanan. N. H. Br7ion." 6' tJ- "CVJ?-"' In'rwpn. Jsme au ian iw omim, .-. W, ttprr H ai rf Smith O w awm, m . . v.. rvru jri'ii, r . je. Woicnf t r1 H Trf60,1' ruc WuochTRoy Jscket: vie, H. L. Carpenter. W. B. Cheek J M SiUH;v?r.t,ockWhe,,1"ri 3r- J' Th Mendelssohn Mai. quartet, composed of Messrs. J. M. Guild. D. II. Wheeler, Jr., J. H. Slmm and C. S. Haverstock. will accompany th delegation and assist In the entertainment all along the line. Get Hock Pile Sentences. Each of the dosen vagrants wio at tempted to break out of the city Jail Mon day night were brought before Judge King yesterday afternoon and given thirty days on th rock pile. On of the vagrant told the Judge that It waa tha fear of going to hard labor that Induced the gang to try and break out. Another said that It was an easy Job to cut out the rotten plaster In tha walls after a knife had been obtained. The present Jail has always been consid ered unsafe, but with the heavy rains of the month psst the north walls, where the Jail windows open onto an areaway, the mortar has become softened, so that it Is no trick at all to make an ooenlng. More than likely the windows and tha areaway will b. covered with heavy wire netting In order to prevent articles being passed In and also to avoid escapes. It such thing Is possible. To Abolish t'se of Cannon Crarkers. Councilman Queenan haa submitted an ordinance to th. city council prohibiting th. sale snd use of cannon and dynamite firecrackers. In talking of this ordinance last night Mr. Queenan said: "I intro duced this ordinance early ao aa to give dealers a warning not to purchase dyna mite cracker. The use of such firecrackers 1 dangerous and If a city ordinance will put a stop to the sale I propose doing my part toward it." Other member of th council Incline the same way and there seems little doubt but the ordinance will be passed and signed without delay. Itcdneed Rates to Atlantic City, 10. J. On June 1 to 4, Inclusive, the Chicago Great Western railway will sell round-trip tickets to Atlantic City at one fare, plus $2, account of annual meeting of American Medical association. Return limit leaving Atlantlo City. Stopover Ulowed at Phila delphia, Baltimore and Washington on re turn trip. Fur full Information apply to 8. D. Parkhurst, general agent, 1512 Far nam street, Omaha. Neb.. The Sanative, Antiseptic, Cleansing, Purifying, and Beautifying Properties of Assisted by CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Cure, are of PricelessValue. For preserving:, purifying:, fccAutif ring: the kin, for cleansing: thesctlp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stopping: of fall ing: hair, for softening:, whitening:, And soothing: red, roug;h, and sore hands, for baby rashes and cha fing?, in the form of baths for an noying: irritations, ulcerations, and Inflammations of women, and many sanative, antiseptic pur poses which readily suggest them selves, as well as for all purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery, CUTICURA Soap and CUTI CURA Ointment are priceless. Sal4 Ikr.athsul th. wH. CWlMrtio.,. ft., Otal. vi.M, Me., Knolfiai, . (j" f douM M. i fttU, t Hu U Pail : BoMa., I ColnnbM A.t Polt Ir a Chm. Crp., tolt PMrlMM. S-T Urn to." B.w ?-, Partfjr, aa IMMt-Cj." J o ft BONER Especially Mothers 1511) and Farnam Sts. The Light Weight Suits We are showing tins reason nre for ahead of anything on display in this city. We hear it every day from new patrons that they didn't know it was possible to get such clothing ready to wear; and we say right here, it isn't possible to get such clothing made to order, for the best made of custom tailored goods lacks that nwing of style and grace thata put in our clothing by the best cutters in America, and that means the best in the world. Just give us a chance to fit you out in a nice summer suit and let us prove our claim. New Serge Suits, $8.50 to $16.50. They stand far ahead of any other suits ehown you at. the same price. imuiuLiDuu.ii i ii iiiiaMiniiri in- it" Ti iiiiMiiii i nai i i.i i i t n rin inn mi 111 it Tirrrf iwr i -- i (liw Iotm. Trip IsSis Tickets to above points on sale daily, June 1st to September 30th inclusive. Return limit October 31st Also Special Summer Tourist tickets to the Fishing Resorts of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan and Iowa, on sale d,aily during the summer months, at very low round trip rates. Circuit tours of the Great Lakes. Steamer reservations and all details arranged in advance. , . Further information regarding any of the above rates will be cheerfully furnished at Illinois Central Ticket Office, 1402 Farnam Street, Omaha, or write, W. H. BRILL, Dist.Passenger Agent, ri 4 CONFECTIONS 1520 FARNAY Every Woman Is laLereited ana tnouia snow snout the wonaertui MARVEL Whirling Spray The new Tat-iiil Sjriur. lnjtc tl.loal 11 iltaatM lala-U,. 4at TOT iranM H. If tie annot auDnl tha jn.aii.Ki., acrepi no nthr. hut annri aLamD fo" lllu-trawil hook-atiM. H1tm full particular. and rtiiwtl ma In- ' 1 farli Uvw. lurk. t or sate Dy BCHAKFER'S DRUO STORES, 16th and Chicago Bts. : 80. Omaha, Mth and N bis; Council Bluffs, 5th and Main Sts. KUHN & CO.. l&th and .Douglas Strset. MEN AND WOMEN. 17 an Big U fr unnatural di-hara, Inflammations, Irritation, or ulcratioas ct mil. o a maaibraas maala raataftaa. faialan, aaa aoi ana ruiaiRutmcALCa. cant or aolioaous. D1HCINNATI. ET3 -H by JrwslstS, U.S. a. Jt. I f an in P'aiu w .n-a VJ .J.sreaa, vrapaiu, w 1.00. or lhottl. ai.7. Or.ulax Mat oa ntsss). MA V mm 'vC "V:i trWJZ w : f . Chicago . .v . . . &20.00 St. Paul ..... 12.50 Minneapolis . Duluth see Omaha, Neb. For the table Cream Ices Fancy Cakes Wedding Cakes Ice Forms Salads Bon Bons Etc., Etc. IBS Chargies Lmm All Dthon. DR McGREW SPECIALIST. Traatt rsrakt sf DISEASES OF MEN ONLY A nodical Bxpcrt. 28 Yosts Eipwleoco. IS Yrars In Omaha. Nearly M.OW Cssst Csrss. Varloooala. Hrdrocola. Blooa Polaon. trtotura. aiaot, Narrou Dcbllttr. Laaa of streasta and VIU tty and all forma of aaroni. Traaunant by mall. Call or wiita. Offlo. ini til a lit ., UuLaaa. K DEPUTY STATE VETERINARIAN. FOOD INSPECTOR. H. L. RAWACCI0TTI D. V. S. CITY VETERINARIAN. Office and Infirmary, 28th and Mason Sts. OMAHA, NEB. Telcphono 630. fflomatra'sJoap is Gnatrcljoold A mother's health is reflected in her child. . , A sickly woman cannot bring a healthy child Into the world. In fact the health of hundreds of thousands of women is undermined by menstrual irregular ities bearing down pains and suffering from all kinds of female weakness that it is impossible for them to bear children at all; but Wine of Cardui is working wonders for American women in correcting the troubles which cause barrenness. Wine of Cardui strengthens the organs of womanhood and makes child bearing possible for every.wife. It makes her desire a child, because it makes her a perfectly healthy and normal woman. It cures menstrual irregularities, banishes thepain and" relieves the suffering of bearing down pains, eradicates leucorrhoea and restores perfect womanly health. ' Wine of Cardui is a medicine that any woman can take with benefit in the privacy of her home. It fits htr for every duty of life. Will you commence tha treatment today? All druggists sell $1.00 bottles. No. 806 Tease, Ave., Houston, Tx., May 14, 1903. 1 was without children during the first six years of married life, suffering with painful neriods and other achna and pains. I was a poor excuse tot a wife, as I was not able to be up ' . 4V,.. v.. i , lima anrl lil onw weaker and weaker. Wine of Cardui changed me into a different woman in five short months, made ma robust and strong, ready and willing to awuma yC -, , the burdens and duties of married life. I am CroZ, tJKdKJ today blessed with a fine baby who ll the pride Hw of our home and this ii all due to your medicine. uui , VioavFaasiDsaT, Bovrrua Morass' Oia. I5iii and Farnam Sts. Two Piece Suits, . $5.00 to $15.00. Made of the new light weight materials Tropical worsteds, homespuns and serges. TO- . . 12.50 1G.50 J Women's $2.50 Welt Oxfords There Is much more comfort In a welt sole than the thin turn th fset never get hot from the pavements and the foot always rests on ths sole. These oxfords have a light flexible welt sole that at once shapes to the foot wide foot-form last, low, flat and military heel Blucher cut medium round dress toe. We have six different styles of these oxfords In width from A A to E. DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Omaha's tlp-to-rnf. Sh Hiuii XSliai -UnfjiUW'i" " mi '"' ' . Mir? - ii t-.i