Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1904, Page 7, Image 7

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4 5a
(Should be read dally by ail Interested, at
, 'hangee may occur at ar.y time.)
rl;n mulls for the week endlns; June
4 14, will clone irhuMlTLV In all
tui'ii at in i.anrral 'osiollice aa fol
low: parccla-puat malla clan on huur
earlier than cluslns; Urn snown below
Parcels-pout mulls for tier many close at
p. m. May .
liffcuiur auu upplmentry malli el"ee at
Foreign utaJuii (corner of Watt and Mor
ton streets; t.t'.t hour later than cloning
time hIioT.ii below, teacept tuat Supple
meatary mall for Europe and Central
America. lu Colon, tluv on hour later
at foreign statlcnj.
Transntlaatlc Malla.
TUESDAY (llHi)-At S:30 a. m. for Ef
Kurt., per . a. ivronprlnz Wllhtlm, via
l'i insula, Clicrnr.urg and Hremrii; ul ":.W
a. m. lor jn r. i Ji LKbANUti diwl, per
a. a. Noordsm (mall must be directet ' per
a. a. nooianr ), at :u a. m. lor ii ali
airert, per a. a. Blolllri iiiirII must he il
recteu ' per a. s. blcllltO; ni O.Jii a. m. tor
iiai.i uirect, per . a. 1 rmz iiskut im-in
muxi ue oiiectem 'per a. a. film uskji
WfcUM,BIAa' tint) At AM . m. for Hie
KOi'K, per a. a. Oceanic, via y uenti. n
Till KMjAK Urn At 7 a. in. fur KKANCK
aWl Ut.KI.AM) ITA1. . Kl'AlN. FOIL
. TL'DA L,, it HK fcOII'i', Wlta.l'A
and DKITirtli IM)iA, per !. a. i.a i'ou
rain, via Havre (man lor other turn of
fcurope mutt ie directed "per s. a. La.
louralne ).
BATlKuai (One-Atla. m. for KfROI'E,
per n. a. Oermatro, via Cnerlmuig nnd
Moiitriiiinnion imau tr.uoc Le directed "Her
a. a. (t-rmanlc"j: at :3u a. m. for hl!
HOl'K, per s. s. l.urania, vl.i guectiatnwii,
at H: a. m. ior Ut-WILIM direct, per a.
a. Vaderland (muJ inusl bo directed ' Ter
a. . Vaderlmm ) at t.'Ji a. m. for HCUT
LA.NU direct, per . a. Kthlnpla (mall
in u tit be ulrecteu per a. a. n.unopia ,
After the closing of the aupplcrnentary
v' Tranaailanilc mails named above, ad
ditional aupplcrnentary mulls are opened
I on tl.e pl.ia of the American. fciigllsh.
rench anu ijemian steamers, and ramata
m Ulllll , V.lti.111 till IIIIIIUICI V4 hllV
f j uour oi sulling cf steamer.
Malla for Sontfcv and Ceatral America,
Wnl Indie. Etc.
MONDAY (3otli. At 1): p. m. for I'ORTO
rUAl A, per b. wn IJllle, Irom ronton.
IVKavAi At u:iw a. n. iJl' Nc.V-
K(Ji . DLAIsli, per, a. Hllvia. .
WEL)M'SL)A1 0W. At a. til. (sup-
elementary 10; a. m. lor CluNTKAl.
AMEH1CA (except Coota lMcaj and
Yucatan, via, Colon (mail ior Guatemala
must be directed per a. a. lucatan ;
at 1 n. m. tor IlL'ATAN and CAM-
PECiliO, per a. a. L);.K' ' must ue
aireciea - per a. a. uumsry y,
THLKBUAi (2d). At a a. m. for CUBA
YUCATAN and CaMI'IvCH F., per a. a.
Keperunsa (mall for otner parts tit Mexico
muat be directed "per a. b. tiHpi'ranin");
at 13 m. for ARGENT INK, LKUUl Al
and PARAUUAY, per a. . ArabiBtan;
at 12 in. (upplcmenlary 2:.) p. in.) lor
iiAiiAMAB, per a. c. Annua; at p.
CiUALHibOL i'K and BAKU A Dots, per
a. a. Ktrurla (limit for Hrltlh, Dutch
and JYench (Jilnna munt be dlrectd
"tier m. h. I'JtrnrlM." i.
F1UDAY (itdj. At 8:a. m. (supnlemontary
l:30 a. m.) ror INAUIA and HAt ii, per
a. a. Alone; at J p. in. for NBWFOUND
LANi, tier a. n. Siberian, from i'hllu
delphiu; ut 1Z:3D p. ni. (Bupiilementnry
p. in.; for ST. 1HOMAS, T. CKOIX,
. GUIANA, per a. a. Manna (mall for
Oremida and Trinidad muat be directed
per a. a. Manoa ).
SATURDAY (4lli). At 8 a. m. for BER
Ml'DA. per b. a. Trinidad; at H:'M a. m.
(eupplementiiry 9:30 a. m.) for CU
RACAO and VKNEZUKUA, per a. s.
Zulla (mall for Colombia must be di
rected "per a, a. Zulla' ); at 9 a. m. for
I'ORTO RICO, per a. a, Coamo, via Sun
Juan; at 9:30 a. m. (Bpplementnry 10:30
m.) lor COR'll.'NE 1HMNU,
MAICA and COLOMBIA. excent
auna ana oitiaamemi upb is. rer a. a,
Sarnla (mall for Costa Rica, must be di
rected "per s. a. Barnla"); nt 9:30 a. ni.
for BRAZIL, per a. a. Tennyson, via
I'ernambuco, Bahla, Rio Janeiro mid
Panton (mall for northern Brazil, Argen
tine, i rnsnay ana t'nrnKiiny must bo di
rected '"per a a. Tennyson"); at 10 n. m.
ior iuba, per a. a. Mexico, via Hav
n A 1 i n, r.l.'V A Til 'T 1 1 I k.. I
au a. urenuun.
Maila Forwarded Overland. BtOi Ex,
cept Traaapaclfle.
CUBA Via Port Tampa. Florida, cloaca at
this office daily, except Thursday, at 6 10
a. m, toe connectinsj mails ciuse oere on
. , Monoiys, vveanesaays auu Bai-iruuys;. ,
alUXlCO C1T It -Over land, unless iDtolall
addressed for despatch by steams", aioaee
at tnia omce aauy, except ouuuay. at i. mi
p. an. and 10:80 p. n. Bundaya at 1:00 p.
m, and 10:10 p. m.
HEWFOUNDlANI .except Ml-PoBt
Mails) by rail to Worth Sydney, and
thenca by steamer, cluaes at thla offloa
dally at 4:80 o. m. (connecting mulls cioae
nere evary Aionaay, weoueauajr ana eat
9 A MAICA By rail to B-a.'m, and thenoe
by steamer, eloaaa a tnit omce at t.W
p. m., Tuesday and Friday. ,
JilQUKLON By rail to Boston, and thence
by steamer, closes at thla office daily at
:su d. m.
ala-b rail to New Orleans, and
tnenca r ateamer. ciosea at tins omoa
family, exoept Bunday, at 11:30 p. m. and
Iiv.ou p. nt.a Bunoays at li.'JV P. m. ana
10:10 p. in. (connecting mall cloaea her
londaya at 10:30 p. m.l.
COBTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and
thenca by ateamer, close at thla office
dally, exoept Hunday, at U JO a. m. aad
110:10 p. an., Sundays at 1:00 p. m. and
10:30 p. m. (connecting mail closes here
'uesdays at 10 10 p. ra ).
IRBOIHTERED MjUL closes at :00 p. to.
previous day.'
trravBsaaalfia Malla Forwarded Over.
. laad nally. .
The schedule of closing Transpsclflo malls
la arranged on the presumption of their
uninterrupted overland transit to port
of sailing. The final connecting malls (ex
cept registered Transpacific main which
close 6 p. m. previous day) close at the
general postoflfce. New Yorx, as follows:
HAWAII, via flan Francisco, close at t:J0
p. ni. May 80, for despatch, per a. a
CHINA and JAPAN, via T acorn a, rloaea
at ISO p. m. June 3d, for despatoh per
a. . Hyson.
PINB ISLANDS, via Ban Francisco, close
at :w p. m. june t ior oespatcn per a
s. Siberla-
CHINA nt JAPAN, via Vancouver an
Victoria, B. C, close at :30 p. m. June
7th, for despatch per a. a. Empress of
Japan. (Merchandise tor U. B. Postal
Aaency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded
via Canada).
WAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Fran
claco, close at 0:10 p. rn. June 11th, for
deapatch par a. a: Verltula. (If the Cunard
steamer carrying Brltl! mall for New
Zealand does not arrive in time to eon.
riect with this despatch, extra mails clos
ing at e:w a. in., : a. m. and :r. m. ;
Sundays ut 4:30 a. m.. I a. m. and 4:10 p,
m. will be made up and forwarded until
the arrival of the Cunard steamer).
fjPPINE ISLANDS, Via San FranciBcd.
jwAmo at 6:30 p. rn. June 17th for despatch
y . per a, a. uopuo.
west), and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van
couver and Victoria, It. C, close at t.M
p. m. June Utti, for despatch par a a
clsoo, cloae at eMO p. m. June Mth, for
dtxriatch per U. B. Transport.
fan Francisco, close at 6:10 p. m. June
Htli for despatoh per a. a. Mariposa.
at present forwarded via Russia, Instead
of via Japan, the usual route.
NOTE Unless etherwise sddressed, Weat
Australia Is forwarded via nmrope; and
New Zealand and Philippines via Bun
Francisco the quickest routes. Philip
pines specially addressed -'vla Canada"
or "via Europe" tnuet be fully prepaid at
the foreign ratea. Hawaii la forwarded
vli San Francisco exclusively.
Jo.t omce, New Tork, N. T.
May 27, 1904.
inaster, Sheridan, Wyo., May 27, luo4
Sealed proposal In triplicate will ' be re
ceived here until 10 a. m. June , Iim
for furnlsning and wotting up Wall lackers
In One Double Barrack kullillna at Fort
MacKenxie. Wyo. Plans, specincallons and
other In urination may be round at ottices
of the DtMt (juartermastera at Denvtr,
Omaha, Chicago and Bt. Paul, and ut this
otllce. V. B. reserves the riant to accept
or rejsct any or all proposals or any part
thereof. Lnvelope containing proposals
Should he endorsed "Proposals for Lock
ers." addrtssed Capt. Tb". Kw,,be. Q. M.
oatf-n-.ltinAN. WYO., MAY tl. I904.-THF.
j'openlng of bids for wnter pliie line In
f iheiidau county. WynmliiK. uintcr my sd-
iininriii ok May i. i put. is tivieuy pubt-
Eimed from June s to June i.', lwt, 10 a. m
aut. Thus. Hwobe, (j. M
msster. Dea Moines, Iowa, May 17, l!'04.-
oeaiea nrnposais. in iripiioate, will be re-
ceiveo nere until n a. m., standard lime,
June 20. 104. for ennstrartlon. tililminnir.
hestlng, eiectrlo wiring, bowling alleys and
gymnastic apparatus, gymnRsium erd post
exrnange Donning at fort Des Moines,
Iowa. Inform itlori furnished on snnllrn.
tlon. U. B. reserves rlaht to accent or re
ject any or all bids or parts thereof. En
velopes containing proposal ahould be en-
oorsea. "2'roposaiH ior , and addressed
Major it. u. lurner, y. M
i . M27-3-30-31-J1T-19
ler, Biiermnn, y yo., JMny Zi, 1ISI4 ea lea
proposals In trlplk-nte will he received here
until Pi a. m. June in, l(Xi4, for constructing
a brick gymnssiurn and tsist exchsnue
Dunning at run .viackenzln. wyo. Plans,
pi' inuaiioii. ami uiner iniormsiion may
be found at offices of the Depot Quarter
masters at rienver, umnha, bt. Faul ana
( riicapo. nnu at this office. U. 8. reserves
the right td accept or reject any or all
proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes
coniaining propose is should tie enaorsea,
"Proposals for Gymnasium," addressed
11MAIIA, isoh., May i. iw-l. Healed pro
posuls. In trlDlicnte. siiblect to the usual
conditions, will be received here until 10
ft. m., central standard time. June 4, 1904,
for constructing brick building at Fort
Crook. Neb., for use as a swimming pool.
Full Information furnished on application
to this oftlce, where plans and specifications
may be seen, or to the quartermaster, Fort
t took, Neb. lYoposnls to be mnrked "j'ro
posals for Swimming Pool," and addressed
to J. IS. SAWYER, chief quartermaster.
Quartermaster. 612 Dooly building. Salt
Luke City, Utah, May 24. 1904. Pealed pro
posals. In triplicate, will be received here
until 11 a. m.. standard time, June 14, 1904,
and then opened for wall lockers for two
double Infantry barracks, now under con
struction at Kort Douglas, t tan. 1 ne Did
ders will state in their bids the time in
which they will complete th(f work. Full
Information and blank forms of proposals
furnished on application to this office. Plans
and specifications may be s?en here. United
States reserves the right to accept or re
ject any or all proposals, or nny part there
of. Envelopes containing proposals to be
endorsed "Proposals for Wall Lockers" and
addressed to Captain Snm I V. Ham, Qusr,
termaster M?-30-Sl.Tnel-1t-1S
Chicago, Rock Island A raclflo.
Chlr.xa Dtrlliht Limited a i 65 m
s en . u.jrllgnt Lcl..
(tilcaio axtrM
a T OO 11a a 16 pis
. .11 : IS am : pa
Le stolnes Bxprk s 4 90 pra bll:60 in
L6ico Ful Express a 1:16 pm il:lt a
Rocky MonnUIn Llmlt.d .. T:I0 m s T:M pa
uncoln. Colorsda Borings. Da,
T.r. Pueblo end al s 1:0 pa s 1:06 pa
rei.a, beii(orDl sds uklsboma
..a 4:10 a all ra
tit lou Paclfle.
T Or.rl.nd Llmltea
IB Kut Mill
Tb C'allfSTllls KanMM
a 40 sffl s 06 pit
....a 1:10 am a I:N pa
Th. Alleatla Spacla.,
s I M pa
The fortians-Chlrase Bpeclal... 1:10 pa a 0 pa
lh A l lan 110 Bipra t:Mpa
TbB Colorado Special all:lpa S 1:40 aa
Lta Cblcago fcp.cUl 1.4U a
Incoln, B.itric ana Btrens-
buig Bxpraas b 4:00 pa bl!:4 pa
Columbu Local b 1:00 pm klJu
Chlciitfo A Nortbwoatora.
Faat Cbioato a 1:40 aa s T:M aa
Local Cblcage - all:10 an
Mall .'. a 1:10 pa 1:1 pa
ixital Bloux Clt
parllglit 8t. Haul ,
Daylight CUIcaga .......
Llmitad Chioas
Faat Chlcaao
b U pa
. . t:n ara al0:0u pa
..a :oe aa all JO pa
..a 1:1 pa s :li aa
..a 6 (0 put a 4:44 pa
..a 4:16 pa
..a t:l pa a :06 aa
a 1:16 aa
a 1:40 pa
local Chicago
mi su raul
Bt. Paul Kxpraat
faat Mall
Local sioui Cllr
.b 4 " pa a I 10 aa
horlolk ana Bannt- 104 am bl0:U aa
Lincoln and Long I'm a.u am bid. 14 aa
uaadwooe. Hot springs aaa
Lincoln a 1:M pa s 1:10 pa
Caap.r and Wromlug auprcaa. . .d 1:40 pa 1:10 pa
Uaailnga. Suparter sua Albion.. b I. W pa b 1:10 pa
Chicago, Milwaukee A Bt. Paal.
Chlcaao Darllxht itsia all: 11 a
Chlcage v-aat Kxpr a 1:44 pa s t;iu pa
uv.rlana Liaiua a J pa a iu ais
t Main Kapreas....
Illinois Central.
, a 1:44 am a i.l pa
Cblcage giprasa
Chicago, Minneapolis
Paul Limit
.a T:H pa sll:H pa
4 PC s 1:01 aa
Mlnna?oll 4k fit. Paul Kx..h t:40 am biOiH pa
Mlasourt Paeltto. -
BU Loult Biprask...t
K. C. A St. Lnals Bisra..
.sl:41 aa a 4 40 pa
.ali:46 pa 1:00 aa
World's Fair Bp.clal ll:W(a U:M am
Chlcaao Croat Western.
iu Paul and Minneapolis Lmtd.a 1:10 pa a f :14 am
su raul ana Miuncapuiia u.,.iiw la s i w pa
Chicago Limited ......a 4:60 pa al0:ao aa
Chlcaao kapreas a 4.4 aa a 4.H4 pa
V abasia.
t. Leuls "Cansoa Sail" Bx...s 4:40 pa a 1:14 sa
lb iuis Leuti tee. atiuffaj a 1:14 an i:w pa
Chicatjo, Bnrllngton at lu!aer.
Chicage SpeeUl 1:uo aa s 4 44 pa
Chicago Vaatlbuled Kapra a 4:00 pa a 1:44 aa
Chicago Local ...a 1:14 aa sll:(Mpm
Chicago Limited ...a l:ia pa a Ii40 pa
Vast Mall 1.41 pa
Kansas City, St. Joseph A Co. Blasts.
sUaaa City Day Bursas a 1:U am a 4:04 pm
Su Lout r,u 4: pa all:w4 aw
Kanaa City Might Kxpreas alli44 pa s 1:4 aa
... am Jh Ml..aal ni...
Wrmor. Dm trio and Llaoela. .a 1 :4 sa bll:0t pm
K.bruka Kapreaa s l:4e aa a J:4 pa
Danes LiaUaa 4:i pa a 1:44 aa
black Hill a Pugat Bound Ba.aua pa a 1:4 pa
Colorado Vaailbulad flyar a 1:40 pa
Lincoln Fast Mai; 1:41 pa au.u pa
Fort Creoa and hlalUunouth.-.b 1:10 pa bunat sa
iHllnw and Facia Junction... 7:4 pa a kill aa
u b..iM. lun.llu. M'Mlk . .
Wlil..a m - - - , ... .......
Mlssoarl Paelflo.
Leave, Arrlva.
Mab. Local. Tl Weeping Watar.b 4:10 sa all:M pa
Cbleaao, St. raul, Mlaa. k Onaaaa.
Twin City Paansr k 1:10 a b 1:11 pa
llous City FaaMuger s 1:00 pa X1:M aa
Oakland Local b 1:44 pa kl.Ui
a Dl)r. b Dally azoent gandar. d Dally eseeei
Saturday a Dally aacapt Monday.
cg;.;?ag:;3E gerale
fYenoh Line, New Tork to Paris. Big Dajrak
amUing Ever Thursday at 10 a, ca
La Lorraln Jua I La Champagn....Jun 44
Ls Uaacogu Juu. It La Lerrain July I
La savoia June 13 La Oaacogn July l
Now. aodors. aiaantlo Iwln-aor.w ssd apra
ataamcra: naval' man-of-war dlaciplla.
Compauy ..atlcul.d ttalns, HaTr-! 4 hour.
Agauts Harry It. MoorM, 1401 Vkrna Su. Louis
Ha, Fint Nat'l iiauk, C. A. lautberlard, U44
Farnaa St., Rook lalaud My.
aMCHoa uni xi. a ataai STSAMiturs.
fspcrtor aocommodallooi. Bicellant aalalne. Tha
sfttrt el paaMiisw cararaiiy onldrad. Slsgl
r round trip Mam N.w Tors and ScmcS.
Kogliah, Irish and ail principal SandlnaTlas aa
ostinaatal polhla at sitrutlva rat. lor na
( Toura. For tlck.ta or saoeral Intormatloa apsll
( any local agent H Ik Anchor iun mt tm
HaNDaKSO.N uhus.. Ow'l a a mut. Cklcaga, ilk
Fuel Company Informs V'tah Strlkera
There Is Nothing la Sltnatloa
to Arbitrate.
SALT LAKE CITY, May 28,-Negotla-
tlons that have been pending between the
Utah Fuol company and representatives of
the United Mine Workers of America for
a settlement of the ooal strike In Carbon
county have been broken off, the coal com
pany officials Informing the mine workers'
representatives that there was nothing to
arbitrate. The company officials assert
that the mines are working with prac
tically full forces. Union ofrlclals have de
cided to continue the strike.
Jap Report of Hot Flghtlna to Take
Enemy's Stronghold.
WASHINGTON. May IS.-The Japanese
legation this afternoon received the follow.
lag dlaputch dated at Tokio:
The attack on the eneniv at Nanahun
Hill commenced st 2 35 a. m. of the 2Ath.
The enemy's defensive works were of al
most permanent nature and their artillery
roralated of flftv iriina of various nHiirH,
mil two null k-flrfng artillery companies.
i v. xniLu sen capture.
AU EpxulttiT aid Cnh Grain Mtrktti
Ars Very Dnli.
Large Receipts Continue to Come (or
Omaha Market aad Price Holds
l Well Holiday
OMAHA. Mar SR. 1904.
The grain markets were exceptionally
dull this morning. New York. Uumth and
Minneapolis nau already begun their Mem
orlal dav susnenalon. nnd In the nthee mar
kets the prospect oi no buslnees until
Tuofday duterred speculation, 'ihe wheat
feDeculators have tieen srnwtne les e.m.
bullion In sentiment and the jmallness of
tne siocks makes them afraid of tho short
side. 8o the market Is dull from that
reason. Corn weakened under the unusual
riicclpts the Liverpool loss of -.d and the
fine weather. Chicago had ts curs of
rorn. The general opinion of tha trada ls
no new buainess will come in from tha
outside until there Is material dumage to
wneai or a gooa movement or new wheat
so that Chicago and1 other markets may
have storks to trade on. The supplies are
now su iigiu tney admit oi easy manlpula
tion and scare the outsiders.
Minneapolis reports all flour mills closed
down at 8 o'clock this morning and will
not resume until Wednesday. The flour
aemanu continues poor. The millers give
as a reason for not shutting down alto
gether that they are getting a high price
ior nun ieeu anu also nave ample water
power now which they will not have In
June. 8o they say It pays "hem to grind
and store and not to m-Alt until June Th
Minneapolis stocks of wheat have decreaaed
uuring the week 843,387 bushels.
The ranee in nrti nf Omaha rrnln fne
future delivery and the rloaa Kilrliv
mm ivuuy were as lutiowa;
Open. High. Low. Today. Frld'y.
May 82 B 12 H
July hi u u ii
Brut 11 A 72 A
May 49 B 49 A
June 46 A 40 A
July 44Vs 44Vi 44V 44'A 44HB
Sept 42' 11 42VB
May I! B I! n
July 37"i 17V4 17V . 87V4.H 37HU
Bept 30 U S0V4A
A asked. B bid.
Local Cash Grain Market.
Cash business was fairly lively this morn
ing and the heavy receipts of the last few
days have not weakened the market aa
much as some other markets have been.
Kecelpta r.nd shipments were: Wheat, 0
cars in nnd IS out: one eea nn. d and
27 cars. Corn, 33 cars In and 36 cars out;
one week ago. 4G and 1 car. Oats, g cars In;
one week ngo, 2 cars in.
Representative sales of car lots by sam
ple, on track, Omaha:
Corn, No. J 8 cars, 46V4c; No. 2 yellow, 8
cars, 48Vic; No. 8 yellow, 1 car, 48c; 4 cars,
47Hc; No. 3 white, 1 car, 47VfcO.
White oats. No. 4. 1 car. 4uc.
WHEAT No. 2 hard 0tfI92c: No. S hard.
6t',ti87e; No. 4 hard, kJio. Wheat quota
tions are nominal.
CORN No. 2, iSfilSttc; No. 8. 45W?47c;
No. 4, 4fyi4c; No. 2 yellow, 4V348V4c; No. 3
yenow, iiwiiwc; in o. i wmte, wotac,
(nomlral); No. 3 white, 47V&C.
IIITQ NTrt 'i a?o- ft Vxff'MI' Mrt 1 flA
(inc.; No.-2 'white, 43c; No. 3 white, 401c;
standard. 42c. Oat quotallona are nominal.
Omaha eitocks or grain in puniio houses
are: Wheat. 11,646 bushels; corn, 200,2H3
bushels; oats. 24.738 bushela. Contract corn
In public houses amounts to 144,92v bushels.
Of this 119,620 ls In the Merrlam llolni
quist elevator and 25,389 In tha Union ele
vator. Notes from tba Eachanajo Offices.
Exchange visitors were E. E. Shumway
of Denver and T. A. Bryant of Bt. Louis.
A proposed change In the regulations of
the exchange has been posted. This pro
poses to require all grain man to make a
return of all cash transactions by 1:16
o'clock and places a penalty of 16 for non
compliance. 1
Omaha Inspections of grain were 76 cars.
Of corn 16 cars graded No. 2. 29 cars No.
3, S cars No. 4, 6 cars No. 2 yellow, 12 cars
No. 3 yellow, 8 earg-No. 1 white, 1 car No.
& whLLr and 1 car no grade. One car of
wheat; traded No. 2 hard winter and 2 cars
of oats No. white.
Grain Markets Elsewhere.
Clostnar nrices of grain today and Thurs
day at me markets named wore as follows:
Wheat Today, FrL
July oo'stt t-A
September bo
Corn ... .... .
July A 4Y1A
September tuft 47VB
July TOSfc 7B'
September 70W 70A
Corn .....
juiy y
September 41 43
July M'iU
September SO7 MiA
July I'-bB 47
September 4oV 46T4A
July , 3B s,A
September Hl 8IV4A
July rtfta :i4ii
September M filViU
July vr&A n
Condltloa of Trade and Quotations on
Staple and Fancy Produce.
EOOS Receipts liberal; market steady;
fresh stock, 16&15V4C.
LIVE POULTRY HenS, IVifflOc; roost
ers, according to size, &8c; turkeys, 13c;
ducks, 9c; geese, 6c.
liu'il Kit racking stock, iuvjc; cnoice to
fancy dairy, lVulbo; separator, 19(if0c.
FRESH FISH Trout, 12c; pickerel, 10c;
pike, 12c; perch, 7c; blueflsh, 12c; whlteflsh,
12c: salmon. 14c: redsnanuer. lie: lobster.
green, 2c: lobster, boiled, 30c; bullheads,.
lie: catnsn. 14c: niacn Dasa. nuc: naiiDut.
10c; crapples, 12c; roe shad, 86c; shad roe,
36c; buffalo, 7c; white bass, 11c; frog legs,
per dos., 85c.
nitA-i-er ton, im.
HAY Prices Quoted bv Omaha Wholesale
Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland,
IS. 60; No. 2, $H; medium, 17.60; coarse, 17:
rye atraw, 15.60. These prices are for hay of
good color and quality. Demand fair and
receipta light.
ORANGES Navels, choice, large slse.
13.0U; fancy navels, all siaea, 13.26; Mediter
ranean sweets, all sizes. 12.76: Jaffaa. all
sizes, $2 76.
LEMONS California fancy, 800 to 360,
$3.60tt3.76; choice, 13.262)3. 60.
CALIFORNIA FIOS Per 10-lb. carton.
60c; Imported Smyrna, 2-crown, 12c; 6
crown, 14c; 7-crown, 16c.
H ANANAS Per medium-slsed bunch, $2.00
412.60; Jumbo. $2.76rd3.26.
DATES Persian, pi
per box of 30 okas.. $2:
In 60-lb. boxes, 6c per lb.; Oriental stuffed,
per- box, $2.40..
PINEAPPLES In crates of 24 to 42, per
crate, $3.60.
APPLES Oregon fancy Ben Davis, rer
box, $1.60; New York export Russets and
Baldwins, $4.
r3 1 KA wlJERRIEis Missouri, per 14-qt.
cuse. 12.26.
CHERRIES California, per box. $1.50(3
POTATOES Colorado, $1.20; Dakota, Der
bu.. 1120: new Texas Red slock, in
sacks, per bu.. $1.25111.35. '
NAVY UEANB Per t., 1Z.15'JZ.ZS.
ONIONS Bermuda, per 60-lb. crate. $2: In
lacks, per lb., 3c.
CAHHAUK California, per id .ic; south
ern, per crate, 12.50.
ci't cmueks fer aor., kxb '.
TOMATOES Per 6-basket crate, fancy.
$3.00; choice, $2.60.
rlAilKM Kb-I'er 00s. nuncnes. wc.
LETTUCE Top lettuce, per dos., 40a
TURNIPS Southern, per dos., 4&o,
BEETS Southern, per dos., 75c.
CARROTS Southern, per dos., 76a
PARSLEY-Per dor., 40c.
BEANS Wax, tier bu. basket, $1.00ai.26;
String, per bu. basket, $1.00il 25.
SPINACH I'er bu., home grown, 6o3)o.
ASPARAtlUS Per dos. bunches, 40c.
GREEN I'KPPKRS-Per -baa ket crate.
KCHi PLANT Per dos.. n.
Sy CASH Florida summer, per doi., 75a
PEAS-Per bu. box, $2.
CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream.
11c; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block
Swiss. 16c; Wlscouslii brick, UVtc; Wiscon
sin llmberger. 13c.
maple HI UAH Ohio, per lb., inc.
HIDES No. 1 areen. 6c: No. 2 areen. Re-
No. 1 suited, 7c; No. t salted, 6c; No. 1 veal
calf. 8 to 12 lh.. Wc: No. 1 veal calf. 1' 10
15 IM., 6Ujc; dry salted. 8f(12c; sheep pelts.
"4f(27c: horaehldes. 11 60(32.60.
NL'TS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb
15c; hard shell, per lb., 14c: No. 1 soft shell
per lb., 13c; No. 1 hard shell, per lb., 12c;
scans, large, per lb., 12c; email, tier lh..
luc: peanut, per lb.. 6c: rnsted i.enn.ita i,
Ilk. oi CUU walnuts. LWUhc; tick-
ury, per lb., 11c; almonds, soft h!l, per
lb., Lc; hard shell, lr; snelibarks, per bu.,
black walnuts, per bu., Il.i'o.
Featares of Ihe Trading; and Closing:
Prices on Board of Trade.
CHICAUO, May 2S. lowrr cuhles and
Continued favorable weather depressed
wheat prices today, final tigures on the
July delivery being down Sc. Corn Is off
He, oats show a loss of Hii-c and provis
ions are 2Vc higher to nc lower.
'1 lie weather and entiles caused moderate
selling of at the start, resulting in a
slight decline, July being off -,Sc at sfd
'ic. Weakness in corn hud a depressing
effect and during the lat hour especially.
After selling off 10 R.iS'&HoiiiC, July closed ut
Sc"iC. May ranged leiween ftio mid 9iWo.
cloxiug ut 96 nc. Cleiirnnc8 of wneat and
flour were equal to 6,ix) bu. Primary re
ceipts were 9o,"uu bu., ns ng.ilnst a holiday
a year sgo. Minneapolis, Oulutn and Cri
men reported receipts of 64 cars, against
92 curs last week.
Pentlmi iit In tern was decidedly bearish.
The market closed almost ut the lowest
point. July xipcned VaVi'' lower at 4, Ha
47SC, sold down to 46ic and closed at 4.c.
Local receipts were b4 cars, with 92 of
Contract irritde.
Oats were under similar bearish Influ
ences. After opening a shade lower at
SfSfcC, July declined to SMc and closed at
8sc. lyocal receipts were 172 cars.
'1 ho provision pit was practically deserted
and business almost at a standstill. The
easier tone In rrnins offset a firm hog ma
ket and caused slight losses. July pork
closed ic lower at 411.274. July lard was
off 2Vc at $6.47Vi and ribs were up 2e at
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat, 4
enrs; corn, 4el curs; oats, im cars; nogs
44.SHO head. "
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles.l Open. High. I Low. Ciose.l Yes'y
a July
b July
a Sept.
b Sept.
La rci
9CJ.1 984
7 ,87f('4
eoTii W"1
y. 1..
IMiuW 8741 K6-i
I'J'VtfSb'.BiHiiii-n.KDXfl :
tVa:) 80v..80V4fll
464 46
46, 47
464 46VuvH
1 I
4,4-aa,1 4,-
47u 474.47 a 4
41Va 414
fix 1.4. ?J1V tn'm.
11 97tJ 11 S'lx
11 30
11 66
11 80
U 65
I 11 25
I 11 60
I 11 U 11 !A
6 474
6 474
6 6741
6 674
6 76
6 474
6 6241
6 624
6 674l
6 674l
6 6741
6 75
6 60
6 bft
6 56
6 76
6 66
6 724
No. 2. a Old. b New.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Market was steady: winter pat
ents, $4.7H'4.s0; straights, $4.4tj4.6u; spring
aients, 4 s'!T4 iu; siraiguts, aj.isru'i.iu;
bakers, $2.65'n3.30.
WHEAT No. 2 spring, S2397c; No. 3, 85(3
97c; No. 2 red, $1.0561.0.
corn .no. 2, 474c; No. -t yeuow, vw
OATS No. 2, 41V4'41Hc; No. 2 white, 43c;
wo 3 white, 418I43C,
RYE No. 2. 72c.
BARLEY Good feeding, S8S40c; fair to
choice malting, 46,a&6c.
dirirriCI XTA I nn 41 Va I nnrlh
western. $1,064: prime" timothy, $3.06; clover,
contract grade $10.75.
PROV IHIONH Mess pork per nni., tn.mji
11.26; lard, per 1K) lbs.. $6.4ii6.424; short
ribs sides, (loose) (6.374)6.60; short clear
sides, (boxed; $6,4246.60.
i tie roiiowing were tne receipts ana snip
ments yesterday:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 24,lii0 28,700
Wheat, bu 14.000 10,900
Corn, bu 352.000 661.200
Oats, bu 142.700 130.4110
Rye, bu 4,000 2.9O0
Barley, bu 24,zw b.suu
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market wns stonclv : erennorlrs. 13V'(
174c; dairies, llOc. Eggs, steaa at mark,
cases included, loQluVaU. cneeae, siesay,
St. Lonls Grain and Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. May 28 WHEAT Lower:
x- a -.,.1 aou ..1,.., t,- nnn,tnoi. ,.n.i.
$1.07til.09: July. 844c: September. 80W2 No!
2 hard, 9lfr97c.
CORN Lower: no. 1 cash, 4w; track,
49(S494c; July, 46Tc; September, 454c.
. " 1 , 1, kf. m van,,, , ( ll.b.,
414y42c; July, $7c; September, 904c; No. 2
wnue, 444c.
flour Market rainy active; red winter
atents. $5.00(i5.10; special brands. 15ir25e
higher; extra fancy and Btralght, $4.70su(4.9fi;
clear, $4.00&4.10.
BEEO Timothy, steady, $2.402.75.
CORNMEAL Steady $2.40,
BRAN Easy; sacked, eastrtyack. 96980.
HAY Strong for best; timothy, $3.00&15.00;
prairie, 16.Odrq9.cio. -i ?
litOIN III 11 UN liLS-KIS, .' ...
PROVISIONS Pork. Io-wer: Jobbing.
$12.76. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, $6.06.
bacon, steady: boxed extra shorts. 17.124:
clear ribs, $7.60: short clear. $7.75.
POULTRY Steady ; chickens, 04c;sprlngs,
20(5'2.V; turkeys. 11c; ducks, 8c; geese 6c.
BUTTER Slow: creamery. 14h84c:
dairy. 10015c.
EGGo Lower, 124c, case count.
Flour, bbls 3.0(0 8,000
Wheat, bu 18,000 73.000
Corn, hu...... 117,000 28.000
Oats, bu 3S.G00 40,000
Kansas City Grain and Provision.
Lower: May. 86c: July. 7:ki'aii54c : Sentem.
ber, 70H'&70-'Vac: cosh. No. 2 hard, SiflSo;
No. 8, k2i4c; No. 2 red, $1.03; No. 3, $1000
1.01 reoelpts, 87 cars.
CORN Lower; May 46c; July, 434c; Sep
tember. 4144c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 474c; No.
3, 46c; No. 2 white, 48c.
OATS Lower; No. 2 white, 46(247c; No. 1
mixed. 44it46o.
HAY Firm; choice timothy, $10.50(511.00;
RYF-Steady, 67c.
BUTTER Steady: creamery, 13(fJ15c:
dairy, 12o.
EGOS Steady; Missouri anil Kansas,
cases returned, 12c; new No. 1 whltewood
cases Included, 13c
Wheat, bu 29.600 44,000
Corn, bu 64.000 31,300
Oata, bu 7.000 1,000
Philadelphia Prodnce Market.
Steady but aulet: extra western ereamorv.
lSUc; extra nearby prints, 20c.
EGGS Steady, fair demand; fresh nearby
nnd fresh southwestern, 174e, loss off;
fresh southern, 164c. losa off.
CHEESE Firm; New York full creams,
choice to fancy, old, 741l8Vic; fair to good,
Liverpool Grain Market
easy; No. 1 California. 6s 104d; futures
closed quiet; July, 6a 4H1; September, 6s
CORN Spot, steady; American mlxcM,
new 4s 64i: American mixed, old, 4s 64d;
futures closed quiet; May, nominal; July.
4a 83id.
Dolnth Grain Market.
DULUTH, Minn., May 28 WHEAT In
store. No. 1 hard, 95'4c; No. 1 northern,
944fec; No. 2 northern, 91c; to nrrlve. No.
1 hard, 964c; No. 1 northern, 954c; No. t
northern, 2Sc; on track. No. 1 northern,
93MlW4c: No. 3 northern, 904fii3'i,c; May.
94-Tkc; July, 934e: September, 814c
OATS On track and to arrive, 41a
Mllwnnltee Grain Market.
Weak; No. 1 northern, 99c; No. 3 northern.
66'ii17c; old July. 870874c asked.
RYE Weak; No. 1, 77iS7So.
BARLEY Steady: No. 2. 63e.
CORN Steady; No, 3. 4Wilo; July, 47o
Wool Market.
BOSTON, May 28. WOOL-Pulled wools
firm, with trading quiet; old territory wools
firm, sales chiefly in small lots; Idaho, fine,
1344rl5c; heavy fine. 13Cul34c; fine medium,
lfcovloc: medium. 16317c; low medium, 17a
18c; Wyoming fine, 144frlfic; heavy fine, ll
b!24c; fine medium. l.Vylflo; niediuni, 18'(j
19c; low medium, lfc(('19c. ltah and Nevada
fine, 14fl54c; fine medium, 154160; me
dium. Ualtfc: low medium, 19120o. Dakota
fine. 15(ii 16c; nno medium, 16Sln4c; medium,
lf'4jlic; low medium, 197j2(V'. Montana fine,
choice, 184jl9c; fine, average, 17618c; fine,
medium, choice, lKilftu; average, KUo;
staple, IS 19c; medium, choice, JKijjlK).
8T. LOUIS. May 2a. WOOIFli in. ac
tive; medium grades, combing and cloth
ing. 17-3230; light fine. 15 917c; heavy fine.
12ll4e: tub washed, afilic.
LONDON, May 28 WOOL The market
during the week wss firm, though Inac
tive. Arrivals for the series numbered
124.902 hales. Including M.OOt) forwarded
direct. Imports for the week were as fol
lows: New Bouth Wales, 4.920 bslos; Vic
toria, 173; South Australia, 2.077; Tasmania,
1.929; New Zealand. 100; Cape of Good Hope
and Natal, 7,127; elsewhere. 895.
Dry Goods Market
week ended slowly In the dry good mar
ket, with no activity In any direction, and
developments In the price sltustlon are,
awaited by the buyer. Little change In
prices was reported, nlthough a rmall
amount of regular print cloths was re
ported sold at 3.c. but nnrrow odds have
been selling on this baxls fur some time.
Peoria 4.ral Market.
PEORIA. May 28 CORN-Dull and easy;
No. 1. 4ic: No. 4, 42.4T4240.
Bef &teri fenirallr k Quartet Eighir
Than a Wek Afo.
Demand for Sheep and Lambs Mock
Better Thnn for Some Time and
with Moderate Receipts Prices
Advanced a Qaarter.
SOUTH OMAf7A. May 28, 1904.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Official Monday 2.16U 6,1n2 4.7,S
Official Tuesday 65 17,146 4.370
wmci-11 weiinesilay 4. Ml 14, lid 2.3S7
Official Thursday 1,904 6.290 H
Ofllcial Friday 1,145 8,869 974
Official Saturday 11,733 IS3
Total for the week.... 14,606 66.034 13.113
came flays last week 15.191 7 It
Same days week before.. 14 175 4n 4S6 12.957
Same three weeks ago. .18.012 66.0.17 19.159
bame four weeks ago...2ii,419 70.H72 22.5S0
name days last year 16,906 67,675 11.611
The following table shows the receipts of
rattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha foi
the year to dale, wltli comparisons with
last year:
1904. TO Ino. Dec.
89.707 8:6.94S 7,241
Hogs ,
1,073.405 973.227 100,168 .
n ..1 nm im 1.1 n,j
" . ii im paid ior nogs ni duuui
Average prices
UniAlia for th. I..I r 1 .7 .. . arltK r. ,t,
Date. I 19Q4. 19O$.l02.19O1.11900.;i899. 1898
Jifay 1...
May I.,
May 8..
Jtfay 4..
May 6...
May 6..,
May 7...
May i..,
Mny 8...
May 10.,
May a.,
May 12.
May 13..
May 14.,
May 15.,
May 16.,
May 17.,
May 18.,
May 19.,
May 20.,
May 21..
May 22..
May 23.,
May 24..
May 25..
fit q v ret
6 831
6 7a!
901 5 64
7 6l 6 Tl
7 011 I 72
5 261
( 18
$ 611
I 651 1 tO
8 66 1 87
1 68 3 9:1
3 62 3 95
I 64 $ 91
1 90
3 69
3 66 3 89
I )!
1 62 1 97
$ 66 4 19
3 6S 4 85
4 :j
8 67
1 63 4 a
2 60 4 46
3 69 4 !
$ 66 4 26
S 66 4 2
8 6!
8 62
8 65 4 33
3 62 4 26
3 68 4 17
3 55 4 18
3 60 4 JO
4 08
4 68
4 654
0 75
6 72
6 171
6 341
6 69W
4 & k
7 01
7 001
7 081
4 65,
4 674
5 671
a I
5 21
i 10
6 12l
6 16!
6 691
6 63
( 641
6 651
6 611
4 64
7 07
6 64
t 66
6 16
6 46,
a 9
a 16
f 41
7 (H
7 i:
7 12
6 ft
6 71
4 604
4 624
6 3
6 121
6 361
6 66
6 21
7 07 ! 6 691
a 23i
6 20
6 31
7 131 6 7:
4 6241
5 73!
5 73
5 631
6 11
7 121
6 10
4 46
4 41!,
4 K
4 3241
4 331
4 38
4 46
4 4941
6 27
7 11
5 08
6 08
6 1,
6 18!
6 191
7 03
7 OS
7 08
5 63
6 61
6 67
6 61
6 01
6 04
5 93
5 77
7 IX
6 04
6 041
4 99
May 27!,
May 28.,
6 96
6 97
B o
5 63
e 72
5 9:
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
. Cattle.Hogs. Sheep. H's's.
C. M. & Bt. p a .!
Wabash 1 .. ,,
Missouri Pacific 3 2 ..
Union Pacific system art 1
C & N. W 27
F., E. & M. V 61
C, St. P.. M. & O.... .. 13
B. & M 28
C, B. & Q f
K. C. & St. J 1
C R. I. A P, east 2
C, R. I. & P., west 2
Illinois Central 2 ,. ..
Chicago G. W S
Total receipts S 159 1 2
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer Durchaslng the
number of head Indlcatedi
Cattle. Hoas. Sheen.
Omnha Packing Co 1.441 ....
Swift and Comnnnv a. sua 26
Cudaha Packing Co 2.52-4 ....
Armour & co 2,991
Armour. Kansas City.... 257
Armour, Sioux City 1,450 ....
Other buyers 113
Totals 112 11,709 283
CATTLE There were practically no cattle
on sale today with which to make a test
of the market. For the week receipts have
been Just a trifle smaller than for last
week and as compared with the corres
ponding week of last year there ls a falling
off of about 2,000 head. The demand has
been fully equal to the supply and In fact
has been a little In excess nnd as a result
an active stronger market has been
experienced all the week. ' .
'ihe beef sieer market can best be do
scribed by calling It fully 26c higher than
It was at the close of last week. There
have been a good many cattle of good
quality on sale and packers have taken
hold of them exceptionally well, as high ns
$6.30 having been paid, -file commoner
grades of cattle may not have been quite
as brisk ns the good to choice, but still all
kinds are right around a quarter higher
than they were a week ago, Packers evi
dently have had a good outlet for their
products and each day's offerings have
been bought up in good season. The week
is closing wllh u good, strong undertone
to the trade. Good to choice steers may
be Quoted from 16.U0 to 16.40. fair to rood
$4.70 to 16.00 and the less deslruule grades
irom $4.00 down.
The supply or butcher stack has been
very light ail the week, but owing to the
hlgn prices at which good cows and heifers
huve been selling for some time past, as
compared with the prices paid for steers,
there was not as much Improvement- on
the she stuff. The advance on the bettor
grudes, though, could safely be put at
HKfilie. while canners nnd cutters have
shown practically no Improvement, the de
mand for that class being apparently rather
limited. The same as usual, buyers are
afraid to take hold of the cattle showlntr
any signs of grass, as they never kill Out
satisfactorily this early In the season.
Good to choice cows and heifers may be
quoted from $4.00 to $4.60. fair to good from
$3.00 to $3.90 and. canners and cuitsrs from
11.75 to 13.00.
There has been a fairly good demand
for bulls and prices are, If anything, a
little stronger. Choice grades now sell up
to $4.10 or possibly a little better. Fair to
good sell from &1.60 to (3.90 and the less
desirable grades from 13.60 down. Veal
calves aro just about stead), top grades
bringing $5.25.
The supply of stock cattle has hesn rv
limited all the week and with u fairly good
demand from the country tho market may
be quoted active end strong on all de
sirable grades. Qood to choice cattle sell
from 14.iv to $4.40, fair to good $3.75 to $4.00
and common kinds from K.75 down.
HOGS There was a heavv run here hta
looming for a Saturday, but the demand
irorn packers was liberal and an active
and stronger market resulted. The ad
vance nnounted to about 24c, as compared
with yesterday's general market, aulei
going an tn way rrom steady to 6a
hlKher. Trading was very active, so that
everything was sold at an early hour.
The bulk of the hog-s sold at $4,474 and
$4.60. with the choicer loads largely from
$4,524 to $4.60. The light and common
stuff went from $4.46 down. Triors was
Tactically no quotaDie cnango in the mar
et from start to finish, practically every
thing changing hands In a comparatively
short time.
Today s advance carries the market to
tho high point of the week, making a net
fain over the close of lust week of 610o.
11 fact, prices are at the highest point
reached since May 18. Receipta this week
have not been excessive, ns there Is a
decreaso as compared with last week
amounting to about 9.U00 head, and us com
pared with the same week of last year
the decrease amounts to about 10,000 head.
Prices eased off on Monday and Tuesday,
but sln that time the tendency has
been upwurd, with the demand liberal from
all quarters. Representative sales
X. AT. 8a. IT. No. At. lb. Pr.
II 40 .. I 60 76 ill 10 4 10
11 140 .. 4 00 71 til 60 4 60
64 174 10 4 40 74 104 0 4 60
40 103 144 4 40 43 124 60 4 60
78.' 116 .. 4 424 12 114 40 4 60
74 141 .. 4 424 '"6 - I 0
tl X .. 4 41 49 Ill 40 4 64
71 126 40 4 44 64 Ui .. 4 60
W tot 60 4 41 41 tit SO 4 60
71 14 40 4 44 47 g 110 4 60
71 J.l .. 4 44 44 117 60 4 60
71 144 140 4 44 64 Ul 60 4 60
16 1B0 0 4 44 11 41 tUO 4 60
U ( 110 4 46 70 246 40 4 40
41 iH 40 4 46 IC 2.17 1WI 4 60
II 100 10 4 44 46 213 160 4 60
71 104 .. 4U 47 il 40 4 40
44 110 110 4 46 14 " 140 4 60
II tot ,, 4 44 44 j::4 .. 4 60
40 111 .. 4 44 , HI 140 4 60
47 116 40 4 a 74 221 to 4 60
it 1H6 160 4 44 10 U6 40 4 60
II 114 400 4 44 14 Ill 110 4 60
46 IKS .. 4 44 67 114 40 4 60
II 107 100 4 41 11 227 .. 4 60
75 Ut .. 4 45 61 tut .. 4 64
16 fit 144 4 44 43 171 40 4 60
II Ill 160 4 41 14 40 4 (0
71 "7 60 4 44 1 l . 4 60
tl lol 10 4 46 " !U M 4 60
74 214 .. 4 46 '4 2'if .. 4 60
47 127 40 4 46 14 14 4 60
V tM 140 4 474 61 11 lu 4 614
14 (24 40 4 47 " 47 Iiai 4 624
74 Ml .. 4 47 4 61 .. 4 624
44 Kit 10 4 474 44 IU 40 4 614
71 Jul 140 4 474 ' s4 luO 4 624
61 IU lo 4 47 4 40 K.0 .. 4(24
40 Ml 140 4 47 4 1 ' 40 4 624
71 124 120 4 47 4 44 14 120 4 424
64 I6 10 4 174 41 144 IM 4 614
76 ..,..,.114 .. 4 47 4 4 141 60 4 62 4
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bo sheep
on sale
"o morninir, mo
no further test of
elpfs li.v. kIT" "jade. For the week re
'Pta 'mve hern about normal for the time
" " iimrsrsir
a In
out 1 linn i ,n" smaii gam or
j T-a r. m.r. I... i .. ... ,. . .
ear, nj v"r ,n" same week of isst
ier I- .1... wh,i cti wnn issi weea.
There 1. J ? lP.g 0,1 pf "bout hd
!,.,. ,',.no,.h'nr "w to be said of the
sterdsv f0?11'0" o What was reported
her tfian Jh.v Quarter
good omi., .""JJ " "ee ago. oneep
tin mn .L' some cases may te a
rime 1 7 ln"' Im1s. Unless
inat . .. A; '""'" advance amounts
just shout 2oc. The demand seems to
re,.rt!.''rHl.P,'.Por1lon"' n h"-e has been
boenT,;'rn-.urw"r everything that ha.
U 1 1 PIT ' I HnKa M ...
ho . K.V. '"rLr"rpci stock: Oocxi to
TV STMwi i f u wooieu inrnos. .HKjy
. -r. . '" f yesrnngs or wetners,
fJiftiSM'. f"lr ood yearlings or wethers,
ilr ;V - -?.J1 to choice ewes. $5.0ijrS.25;
ive sales: 'Wes' ,1Rlic-- neprcsenta
'.t western lamb 53 g M
Stock In Sight.
Following are the recelm. nr 11... .t.b
for the six principal western cities yes
terday; ' CnttlA 1T. ok...
South Omaha 11 2S3
Chicago . 81x1 12'no a.ciio
Kansas city po 2,000 2,:kj
St. Louis 2o 2 r.rti Mm
St. Joseph 75 6 264 .....
Sioux City 3u0 5,600
975 40,1X12 5.783
Nominal, Sheep Steady
Hosts FIto Cents Lower.
ceipts, 300 head. Market nominal;
good to prime steers, $5.26(56.76:
Poor to medium, $4 4O&6.20: stockers and
feeders, $3.254.75; cows, $1.75U4.60; heifers,
$2.50(j5 00; ennners, $1.76$ 2. 90; bulls, $2,500
4.26; Texas fed steers, $4.6036.10.
HOGS Receipts todav. 12.000 head: esll-
mated Monday, 42.000. head. Market steady
in nw,f. K.,, . 1 T.f A T.
f:ood to choice heavy, $4.6VJ'4.7'04; rough
leuvy, J4 (km 4.60; light, $4.oviu4.66; bulk of
saies, 4(j(xa4. i0.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, H.000
head. Market steady: lambs steady; good
to choice wethers, $5.2Sy6.60: fair to choice
mixed, $4 00a6.00; western sheep, $1.76fifj.60;
natlvo lambs. 35.00'ri6.60: western lambs.
$6.40fe.6; spring lambs, $5.607.60.
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
V 1 VO A a PITV Mntf O" TO A
celpts, 100 head, Including 60 southerners!
market unchanged; export and dressed beef
steers,. $4. 9O0JO.&0; fair to good, $4.26(54.76:
western-fed steers, $4.25(jiiu.ii6; stockers and
feeders. 13.2TVa4.7o: southern steers. $3.6(f
6.0(; southern cows, $2.604.00; native cows.
i2.5(Kft'3.60 nauve heifers, J.frWJ.oo; uuus,
$'2.75a4.00; calves, $2.764,75; receipts for
tho week. 24,000. .
HOG8 Receipts, 2,000 head; market
strong: tou. $4.60: bulk. I4.45ra4.56: heavy.
I4.60r4.60; packers, $4.454.66; pigs and
lights, 4.uu(q4.o; receipts, ior wees., si.wm.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2 V)
head: market strong; native lambs, $5.5ix
7.00; western lambs, $5.2f7.fX: fed ewes,
H.5)ef5.25; Texas clipped yeariingr. Ji.w
.76: Texss clipped sheev. $4.6y4.iiu; stock
ers and feeders, $3.75&4.60.
St. Lonls Live Stock Market.
RT. LOUIS. Mav 28. CATTLE Receipts.
200 head, Including 25 Tcxnns; market
stendv to firm: native shipping and export
steers $5.0Cj5.80; dressed beef and butcher
steers, I4.iuwn.ib; rteers uncier ins.,
$,1.7.r)f('4.85; stockers and feeders, $3.004.35;
cows and heifers, $2.264.60; canners, $1.75
12. 80; bulls, Iz.ooig.c.Ho; calves, at.vsjiii.zn;
' and Indian steers. $3 1536.00: cows
and heifers, .10i4.2.
HOGS Receipts. i.6(W nean: , marget
steady; pigs and lights, $4.10c4.6o; packers,
$4,5044.70; butchers and best heavy, $4.60
market steady 'native muttons, $4.O0f5-65;
lambs. a5.00ifi7.75: culls and bucks, $2.60J
4.00; stockers, $2.00(g3.00.
ltevr York Live Stock Market.
steady at 7684c' for native sides. Cables
. l.U
. J.I
Why Stay Home
from the Exposition?
A few votes will bring you a trip
to the World's Fair at St. Louis in
The Bee Exposition "Elections." Get
your friends to help you.
It doesn't take much work to get votes. All you
have to do ls to tell your friends you want their votes
and they will gladly help you. Remember, you get
520 votes on each yearly Omaha subscription 600
outside of Omaha.
The ten persons receiving the largest number of
votes at the close of eacli "election" will be furnished,
at The Bee's expense, as prizes, each a free trip from
Omaha to Bt. Louis and return, to be taken any time
during the exposition.
No restrictions are placed as to where the party lives
as a candidate for one of the exposition trips.
No votes will be counted for employes or agents of
The Bee.
All votes must be made on coupons which will be
published each day in The Bee.
Prepayment of subscriptions may be made either
direct to The Bee Publishing Company or to an author
ized agent of The Bee.
No votes sent in by agents will be counted unless
sent in in accordance with instructions given them.
The vote from day to day will be published in all
editions of The Bee.
Tho "election" will close
each Saturday at 3 p. m.
Votes may be deposited at the business office of The
Bee or sent by mail. No votes sent, by mail will be
counted which are not in the Omaha postofflce for deliv
ery at 2:30 p. m. on the day of closing.
Exposition Dept..
Coupon Pare I. OMAHA, NEB.
unchanged. Fxfioffa: tftday. I.Jtjo head ett
tie and 7.412 quarters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, none; city dressed
eil. slow, 8c.
SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts. 1.677
read; market slow: good to choice stock
about steady: common and medlnm grades,
weak and nsrd to sell: sheep, $3 Oivjj 1 ;
common to extra prime winter lambs. $175
fi5; spring lambs. $7, 0111 . 6 ; dressed mut
ton, slow. k4"!i1o4c: December lambs. 11 i
l.V: dressed sp;lng lsmbs. 13iil6c.
HOGS-Receipts. 1,022 head, Including 148
for the market.
"ton City Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. Ia.. May 28 -cSpeclnl Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 800 head; mar
ket, steadv; beeves. $4rttif.15; cows, bulls
and mixed", $2.3uu4.on; stockers and feeders,
$:! fi4 mi; calves and yearlings, $2.76. j3 75.
HotIS Receipts. 6.6141 head; market. 6f
Mrher: selling at $4.26714.66; bulk of sales,
$4.4Mi4 50.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 73 head; market unchanged.
IIoi IS Receipts. 8 264 hesd; market steidr
to weak; light. $4.4oC50; medium and
heavy. $4.4iVu 4.60.
SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts.
Foreign Financial.
BERLIN". Mny 28 The tone on the
Bourse today slightly Improved. Exchange
on London SOni 40 pfgs for checks.
LONDON. May 28. Though supplies nf
money were more abundant In the tnnrkpt
today tho demand was brisk. The harden
ing of Paris exchange and the Increase In
the demand for gold weakened discounts.
Business on the Stock exchange was quiet,
and prices were steadier. Ollt-edged se
curities were In good Investment demand.
Consols were Improved. Americans were
Idle at the opening and later mndn a nom
inal, partial recovery from psrltv. The
default in the Interest of Detroit Southern
created a bad Impression. Ornnd Trunk
attracted attention In anticipation of an In
cretse of $100.0") In the April statement,
which Is expected Monday. Japanese were
buoyant. The amount of bullion taken Into
tho Bsnk of England on balance today was
PARIS. May 28. Frlcos on tha Bourse
toduy were heavy, the Russian reverses
causing a reaction. Later there was an 1m-
Iirovement and stocks closed firm. Russian
mperlal 4s closed at to. Three per cent
rentes 97f 10c for the account. Exchange
on London 26f 124c for checks.
London Stock Market.
TONDON. May 28 Closing:
Conaola, money W4 N. T. Central....
do account Norfolk ft W
Anaconda 4l do pM
Atchlaon 704 Ontario A W..'...
do pfd 9& I'fiiQaylvanta ....
Paltlmoro A Ohio.... MVKana Mlnea
Canadian I'aclna Ho j ltaadlm
... 5oS
... ti
... 124
... ti
... IJ4
... It
... los
... 4
... 44
... n
... 4
... M4'
... 14
... 444
Che. A Ohio
... ""fel no 1.1 pm
... 1', do ill pfd
...m'ilgo. Railway ,
... 19k do DM
Chicago Ot- W...
C, M. A Bt. P.
L. A H. O
do pfd
do IM pfd ...
do 2d pfd....
llllnoli Central .
l,ou!a. A Nanli..
61.. K. A T
... H So. Tarlflo
Vnlon Taclftc
. i4
. M
do pM ....
U. 8. Steel....
do pfd ....
Wahanh ......
do pfd
144 fjpantfth 4a
SILVER Bar, quiet, 25 11-16J per ounce.
MONEY (til per cent.
The rnte of discount In the open marker
for short bills ls 2'tK 1-16 per cent; for three
months' bills, 22 1-16 per cent
Nere Tork Money Market.
NEW YORK. Mny 28.-MONEY-On call,
nominal; no loans; time loans, easy; sixty
and ninety days. 24ft"21 per cent; six
months. SitfS1 per cent; prime mercantile
paper, 8V4C(i4' per cent.
STERLING 12XCHA NGE Nominal, with
actual business in bankers' bills nt $4.8715(tl
4.8730 for demand and nt $1.8526414.8530 for
slxtv-day bills; posted rates, $4.86a4.8S; com
mercial bills, a4.85Q4.IC4.
Exports of specie from New York for tho
week were $1,021,332 silver and $2,OS7.S02 gold.
Imports of specie at New York during the
week were $725,915 gold and $2,404 sil"cr.
Dank Cleaajng for tha Week.
OMAHA, May 28. Comparative statement
of bank clearings for the week:
1904. 1008.
Monday $1,367,224.68 $1,344."2.91
Tuesdav 1.247.688.24
Wednesday 1.297,446.97 1,145,284.45
Thursday 1.224.687. f7 1.186, 278. 69
Friday 1,1141,613.73 1.224.683.01
An Increase of $38,956.09 over the corre
sponding week last year.
Condition of the Trrnsary.
WASHINGTON, Mate 28. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000.00(1 gold
reserve, In the division of redemption,
shows: Available cash balanoe, $163,376,373;
gold, $67.611.010. . . - .
Elgin Batter Mnrkct.
ELGIN, 111., Mny 2S. Butter was quoted
today on tho Elgin Board of Trade at
174c, at which price tho market was
3 noted llrm. The weekly output for the
lstrlct was 743,200 pounds.
Omaha Daily Bee. g
... p