19 TIIE OMAHA DAILY BEEl BtTNDAY, MAY 29, 1604. SPECIAL NOTICES be takea aatll IS m. tor fa vealag edltloa aid aatll . . foe the rain ail lantar dllloa. Rates, 1 l-2e m word Bret laeertlea, la word thereafter. Nothlag takea far leae tkaa Sftr tor tka Brat laeera Ilea. The dTartlataa(a ssast be ram aseeatlvely. karaal eheclc, aaa fcava aaiwtri ad ef Tha Baa. Aaawara aa addressed rill fee delivered aa preoeatatlea at MISCELLANEOUS JIM JONES STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER. Old Jim Jonas, tba auccanful business man, who laft acbool at 9 and built bla present, futura and bualneee on a. founda tion compoeed of mighty little theoretical education and a whole lot of practical "plcked-up" . business facta, doesn't care two snaps of bis fat fingers bow mush Latin or Greek you know. Tbat rou know tbe Greek and Latin doesn't prejudice him against you, but what he wants you to know Is real busi ness. He wants you to hare tbe sense of business Dromomess ingrained In your character. He wants you to possess the discipline and the practical, frllleas train ing that will make you actually valuable to Jim Jones' buslne He wants bla stenographer to anderstand that business la real and live that mis takes mean loee of money and, meaning that, are not to he made that promptness and accuracy and unerring speed are ab solutely necessary to the proper movement of business. He wants his bookkeeper to be more than a mamemaiicai moonine 10 do equipped ta a vast improvement on the old Pltmanie with a systematical character and an at- systems. Position writing slant, and shsd tenUvenesa that will enable Jim Jones to Ing sre eliminated. Students master It In Instantly know, by a consultation of his books. "where ha Is at" to ha tralnad for business In a business way. Most Jim JntiMiAi must Ilk tha tin, nt stenographers and bookkeepers that the practical business training of Boyles Col lege produces or surely we wouldn't have been able to fill over 300 responsible posl uons recently witn our grsauates. Boyles College, H. B. BOTLES, President, Omaha, Neb. CATALOGUE FREE. CTQNip WALKS, 6c per foot; cheaper wl' than wood; macadam drive ways, ju. Van Court, lvl Wirt. 'Phone l'"KONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY CO. Tel. W . R M764 Jei CUT RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. II. Phllbln, 160S Farnam and Opp. Union station, 'ieis. 7M and 1673. R Ue TRT KELLY'S TOWEL UPPLY. Tel. 8630. QTPlVPQ'tored and rspaired. Jackson OlUVtOwl)l, fc fegg, 711 N. 16th. Champ, Carp. Clean. Co., 718 S. 14th. T. 666. CC I SILVER, NICKEL Plating. Om. JJlLJ muting Co., laoe Harney, 'lei. U)6. . . nMi CITY SAVINGS BANK pays 4 per cent. . r a EAOLE Loan Office; reliable, accommodat ing; ail Business conndeatlal. 1401 Douglas. . ,. . It dJV ANTI-MONOPOLY Oarbage Co., 631 N. Wn. Tel. 177S. . R 461 EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and LOCKSMITH ?X w N- R-tm Cln4.l Camet Cleanlna Works. N. A. i-IC.11 1U Christanaon, juaTN. Joth. Tel. 16 . Kr-m ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO, cleans cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead autuiaisj rcoucea prices. n in. in. i tt.iiu.i it-tag PUBLICITY DESIGNS WUSATON, la we oea oiag. xv eM SIGN painting. B. H, Cola, 1108 Douglas. K Mil ALL KINDS of carpenter work; repairing promptly attended to. 1. T. Ochiltree, 80th and Lake. R 370 -SPECTACLES. 81; examination free; 8u uays oniy. u, a. urtlctaoa, 801 JH, 16th. R W CARPET cleaning. J. Tel. A-1847. Wood, 8016 Clark. it Mine STANDARD Filters. U01 Farnam. Huber. Tel. 8918. Irlini stored and repaired reduced prices. O. B. Shukert, 818 8. 16th. R M63 mi PERFIELD Piano Co., Bee Bldg.l no In- terest; honest values; easy terms. Tel. it 4S H. W. M'VEA, Plumber, 1184 N. Kith. Tel. . 747, R-M458 STOVES STORED UW Douglas. Tel. Wo, Omaha Bt, Rep. Wks. . R-M124 DR. 8LABAUQH. Dentist. N. T. Life b'dg. ; R-MHM BICYCLESl BICYCLESP OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago. R-M307 BARQAINSTTncslled for suits '.and tAroil,,r" ,UT Farnam. upstairs, r. 6. Ask for Forman. R MJS'4 SIDEWALKS AND CEMENT FLOORS ' ATv COST . . , . ' M'WILLIAM BROS. 4J1-I Paxtoa Bik. Puone iuO and 8106, R-tn a EXPERT accbuntants and auditors. ' We open, close and strsighten out books, so counts, eto. Strlotly conhdentlal; ref renues. Writ us.' Address M 34, Ree. R-164 x WANTED TO BUY tllONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN. 8!2 N. Y. JWie, pays highest price for books. Tel. Soke WANTED, to buy, vacant lot near 2ilb. gud N M814 tt WANTED Second-hand cash register; give aoacrlptlon and prlve. Address M ao. Hee. I N-Mbi7 x WILL PAY good price for furniture of e or T-room nouae, and rent hous. Ad drssa hi 21, Bee. N-M13 I9x WANTED, to buy, seoond-hand runabout, must be In good condition and clieuu: Pt cash, Audrsss M Kl, Pe. N-MSC8 Jlx WANTED To buy a first-class lurr.ber yard. Olvs full particulars. R. Mather, Cedar Kapids, Is. N lib 29 "' WANTED TO BIT T. HOUSE for moving. Muat he n fslr rondilloa and price reasonable. (late Slae, location and price. Address M 28 Lea N-MSSO U WANTED We have huvr for 8S no resl- danoe near t'relgiiton collegs. What hsve you gotr ine rwew pnuw-cburch c. Kuoin I N. Y. Life. N-164 t WANTFT. horse, about 1 100. Call or ad. ia laW. t.Ut, wwutli Omaba. NKA 80 WANTED MALE HELP Nebraska Business College, A. C. Ong. A. M.i LU B Pro.! A. 3- Lowry. Prln. COLLEGE Your Salary is Determined by What You CaaDo. There are many people finely eduoated, rereed In Greek and Latin, who by rea son of their education not being practical are not able to make as good salary as some of our gradustes who are but fifteen and sixteen years of nge. The Superintendent of the Philadelphia public schools says: "Boms of our students, not yet out of their teens, are making more money by shorthand than the Principal of the High School. We Must Educate to Meet the Demands of the Times. The Nebraska Business College has expended thousands of dollars In equipping the Institution with the best of everything In order that young people might enjoy advantages equaled only by the leading commercial schools of the east. "Compari sons are odious," but If you will rail st our office, and investigate what we are dnlne-. or send for a catalogue, read and compare, vou will aDoreclate true merit, our capacity for doing thorough work, and the Over 90 Per Cent Our methods, discipline and oourse of who enters our school becomes qualified and is assisted to a position. Our records show that over SO per cent succeed. Does this not mean something to those who are Interested? Again we say "Comparisons are odious," but It Is well for the facts to be knows. Do We Assist Our Students to Positions? Ask the hundreds whom we have assisted. The management has full charge of this nart of tha work, and manv dnvs. one - ates to positions. Every possible effort Is food positions for those just leaving school, but In offering higher salaried places o those who have been out a few months or years. Last week we called a young man from a 17 place to a position that pays years aco was assisted to a 11.000.00 a year old. students. It pays to get Into the right 160 Schools Adopted Pure Gregg Shorthand Last September In addition to the hundreds alreadv uslna It. The Nebraska Business College la the only school In Omaha that makes a specialty of Pure Gregg Shorthand. The principal is a graduate of the author's scnooi for Gregg teachers, and young people who wish the lest system of shorthand, as taught In the best scnooi In the west by the best shorthand teacher In Omaha, will do well to call and aee the management I 01 me im. a. u., tne scnooi mat maxe a suceas or every student. jtspy1' iur vataiugue uia cuuegv marami NEBRASKA BUSINESS COLLEGE, The School that Secures Positions for Its Graduates. MOSHER SHORTHAND I hair the time and make better stenogrphers. I The exnense Is less and the DOSltlons to be had. far better. Investigate It. Catalogue A fl areas. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 17th and Douglas. MEN to learn barber trade, free railroad rare upon our failure to convince you or this beinr Wia Ht'.flT liriMt and onlv re liable, most practical barber college In this section. Write for catalogue today. Western Barbers' lnstituts, Omaha. Neb. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMT Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of a and 86; cltlrens of United Slates, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For In formation apply to Recruiting Officer, 16th and Dodge fats., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. u M1U1 LARGE eastern plant manufacturer want responsiDte man or nrm to taxe .ex clusive Omaha and Nebraska agency; manufacturer will do extensive adver tising for aaent'a hanpflt Tha nalnt la a leader wherever introduced. Address H 46, ee omce. B 1 WANTED, first-class barber at once. F. w. Beads. Schuyler. Neb. B V A LIVE man of good address out of em ployment can secure permanent position and good wii. rafrpnce raouired: experienced solicitor prsferred. Apply at a. liixenbauxn. tug Ware bik. . - . . B tig WANTED Wagon teams to haul dirt irom graaes at sstn and poppieton ava Inquire on work. D. M. Owen Co. B MI74 , TOUNO MAN WICh fair business ability, willing to work to prepare for good Gov't ruiiuon. entrance salary, vim. uraauai Promotion. Permanent. Box 1. Cedar Rapids. Ia. tx WANTED Balloon man' for the Fourth of Juiy. wnte Henry Bit tier, Deshler, Neb. a sum six MANAGER, with capital, to take Intereat Davs Onlv Handsome fancy vest made to measure witn ai suit oraer. Absolutely Free See our window display. British Woolen Mills Big Tailors, 1408 Douglas. B-M818 WANTED Men everywhere; good pay; to ui'inouta circulars, aavertiaing matter, tack signs, eto, ; no eanvaaslng. National agv. Bureau, Chicago. B ftlool ix WANTED Immediately, a man to do wooa work and biacksmithing; none but nrsi-ciass man, and no boozers, need ap ply. m. . sjcown, Nebraska city, rvso. u-uhi six A RESPONSIBLE salesman wanted to represent New York concern In the re- tall carpet and furniture trsde, on com mission basis. Room 1202. 108 Fulton St.. New York. B till 38x DETECTIVES wanted everywhere; ex perience unnecessary: rare opportunity; always ousyi worx interesting; ror par ticulars aaaress Slaters Lietective Agency, 132 Nassau St., New York City. JO SUB ZVX DETECTIVES Every locality, good salary, sxperienoe unnecessary, jrinnerion s u. S. Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wis. B 9a KX YOUNG mant money may be earned; ar- tistio employment at noma gliding cick- ete; write for particulars, Inclosing ? tamped addressed envelope, L. J. rsotl, it W. 126th st, New York. B-B1S 2x 830.00 .WEEKLY easily' earned (position permanent), distributing circulars, sam ples, etc.; send 4o for particulars. Com mercial Advertising Association, rnnaaei. phla. Pa. B tx ENERGErriC workers everywhere to dls- irmiie circulars, samples and advertising matter f good pavi no canvasalna. Co operative Advertising Co., New York, & MM JRfK . WANTED Show esse salesman pn com mission throiia-hout the United States: makes gnfd lde Jlne; write with refer ences, experience, etc, The Reld Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mieh. B 642 2x ARE YOU SATIS FIKT1 With' your present position or snlaryT Tf not. write u ior pmn ana Doomet. we have openings for managera secretsrles. advertising men snd sslesmeni also tech nical, clerical ana executive men of all kinds, hi aril grade exclusively. Offices In twslve different cttirs. HAPGOOPH (In. eorporated). 91 Chemical bidg., tit. luia u WANTED Ten men In each state to travel. tack elans and distribute circulars and samples of our goods; 110.00 per month, is oo per flay ror expenses. Kuniman Co. Dept. S-10, Atlas block, CbU-nxo. 868 2vx Learn Show Card Writing And ypu can command a good salary any where, or make big money In business for yourself: our course of hand-nalnted lea- sons Is something new and the most prac tice! ever offered; If you want to learn a good paying trade write us and we 11 tell you more a bout It. OMAHA SHOW CARD CO., Oil Psxton Block, Omaha. B 184 21 WANTED, blacksmith helper ;one that can w.,r tin ma uuur. v. tt. woosier, Falrbury, Neb. B Maul 81x WANTED, a man living outsld of Omaha, i'i iiittijapv pwni'il uini'a ascn s ccuutmi Salary l,rX per year 8." esah bond, and snod rsfereiicee retiulred. Addreea, T pastry Paint Co.. Chicago, 111. CIVIL Service examinations will soon bs held fur railway mail clerks, ii.iin,. m pliers, poatufflee and custom houaa po aUUms, tiHklLvepera, observers and many othura. Ws instruct a largs share of those appointed. Information and sov- erninent questions free. Columbian Cor. reapondenoa Collage, Washington, P. C. B 8J0 and expenses paid weekly to a re liable man to travel ana collect in neb.i eaprrttnee not neceeeury; eelf-addreasej snvriope'ior reply. AOOrese tept. 1 a Laarbvru, Chlcao 4 Si WANTED MALE HELP 17th and 'Harney Streets. NOTES. high efficiency of our teaching force. Assisted to Positions. training are such that practically every one half his time In alven to assisting gradu put forth in this direction, not only in finding 1 126. A student who was In school ten Doaltlon. We do not loee slant of our school. e to nm HOLER Barber College. 1.101 Douglas St., wsnts men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes; practical experience qualified teachers; tools given; wages Saturdays: diplomas granted. Positions guaranteed. Call or write, B M972 Je3x A POSITION NOW OPEN. Manager. 12,000. Bookkeeper. 31.2UO. Sftle man, 11,500. Technical, 12,000. Write for free lint of positions. Iluslness Oppor tunity uo., i union uquare, n. i. B 953 ISx AMERICAN Barber college. Omaha. Neb Write for free catalogue; it tells every thing, B Mill 4X WANTED, nonunion railroad telegraphers. Apply room 10, Victoria hotel. B M197 30x WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 GIRLS. Canadian office, 16th and Dodge. C Maai A GIRL for general housework; no wash Ing. 636 Park aye. C M391 29x GENERAL housework girl; no washing nor ironing; good wages to good girl. 117 S. ffilh ave. C bi 29x WANTED Girl for general housework; small family; no washing; references re quired. Apply 416 N. 20th St. C M790 2x WANTED Experienced cook. A. MeShane, 2036 Dodge. Mrs. John C 863 80 ACTIVE Catholic lady to work at home: $36.00 paid for 11 days' trial; promotion it satisfactory. Address John Engwall, Lakeside building, Chicago. C 6 29x L.ADTES make 118 nor weak rialivarino- and collecting In home town. Send stamped envelope for particulars. T. B. Reeder Co., Benton Harbor, Mich. C 897 x LADIES 830, thousand writing short let ters. Send direct to us, particulars, stamped .envelope. Flesh Food Co., 62S Iron Bik., Milwaukee, Wis. C 98 29x I4ADIE.9 830 thousand copying letters, no mailing to friends or furnishing addresses stamped envelope particulars. Select Toilet Co. Dept. 24 Chicago. C 893 29x 830 CASH 'per thousand letters:, pay advance: materials furnished free, write today. World Supply Co., 8003 Penn St, oi. miuii, jao. c bsh zsx LADi wanted; money may be earned; ar tistic employment at home gliding tick ets; write for particulars, Inclosing stamped addressed envelope. L. J. Noel, ioi w. lain si., Mew xorK. c i ix we furnlh all materials and pay from 37 to 313 weekly. Send stamped envelope to itoyai to., a m, Aionroe at., cnicago. C 106 23x WANTED A vounr ladv of aood acoear ance and character for company and to assist In housework; fair wages and transportation. For particulars, write oare Box 148, Gordon, Neb, C 74 29x WANTED Ladles to learn halrdresslng. manicuring or facial massage. 4 weeks completee. Praotlcal experience; quoit fled teaohera: dlnlomas aranted: bos! tlons guaranteed. Call or write Moler College, 1302 Douglas St. C M971 JeSx GIRL for general housework, three In family. 1128 South 81st. C-M983 80 WANTED In a small family, a neat seo. ond girl who haa had experience with children. Inquire after i o'olock at 628 80. 37th st. C 11 1 1 t WANTED A refined. eduoated young woman who can instruct two young chil dren In German and aeslst (n upstairs work. Apply A. D. Brandela, Boston Store. v WANTED a sewing girl at 713 N. 18th St C 146 ZX WANTED Cnpsble milliner Interested In paying business proposition. Lock hox lS. Omaha. C-M178 31 x WANTED Housemaid at 3620 Farnam C-M179 81 X streft. WANTED SITUATIONS HOUSP7KEEPER An educated southern woman desires charge or gentleman household, practical knowledge of cook ery; musical; best references. Adress, Mrs. Mason. Old Orchard Station, St. Louis, Mo. , A 820 29x YOUNG MAN-Posltlon In real estste or Ineurunoe oroce; experienceo; bookkeeper: no objection to leaving olty. Addrees M 82. Bee. A 116 29X A GOOD all-round butcher or meat cuttter would like work. Ad areas wm. Knes, Eeward, Neb. A 303 2x YOUNG woman, ex-school tescher, wants situation as risrk in general store, small (own; good references. Address L 40 Bee. One wno answered this ad. please write a ga Im A-M171 8x AGENTS WANTED WANTED Canvassing agents In every county 10. solicit subscriptions to 1HUJ TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; stesdy employment with assured good In come; agents In the country with horse and buggy espaolaliy desired. - Canvassers make ruslly 80 to 8100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, lire Building. Omaha. J 21 AGENTS 8M to 860 weekly profits; we send proor; reaa in dark, name plates, num bers and signs; send fur sample; your rams en postal will do. Wright Supply ,1 T.t,ir!woid HI- J fill 2b J-013 $ GOLD WATCHES FREE Ladles or gents. 80-ysar. guaranteed gold filled American wutchas; write for talalogue and par ticulars. Acme Jewelry Co., lu Fulton St, New York. J-fl0 tx WANTED Hustling sgnts to sell "fire powder, a nre extinguisner even me poorest can afford; sells at sight; special terms and territory given. Address Mo Cumber Extinguisher Co., Ada ma N. Y, J-807 X MEN AND WOMEN LOOKING FOR POSITIONS placetotW AGENTS WANTED Are You Satisfied With Your Present Position? DO YOU WANT A BETTER ONE? We want men and women with BRAINS and ABtLITT to aeoept GOOD position Below Is our list of VACANCIES. Can you fill any of them? LIST OF VACANCIES: 4 Al piano salesmen. 1 Hdwr, and Implement specialty salesman. 1 Dry goods salesman. 4 Soda dispensers. 1 Expert salesman for printing house. 1 Furniture and carpet salesman. 1 Cutlery salesman. I Trimmers and designers. t Good hotel clerks for out of City, t Al lumber salesmen. 5 Grocery salesmen. 1 Sten. and Bookkeepers for out of city. We have positions turning up every day and If you are open for a batter position call and see us. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Our Investment depsrtment Is devoted to the work of bringing together capital and legitimate business chances. We give special attention to the needs of those who wish to Invest money with services. Have You Anything to Sell? Have You Money to Invest? . ' See Us. WESTERN REFERENCE D BOND ASS'N. "MAN (40-841 N. T. Ufa, Omaha, WANTED Bright hustlers to introduce the newest Imported article on the market. Sample 10c; loo per cent profit. Import Novelty Co., SI Union Square, west, New York. J-809 2x AGENTS WANTED at once on a commis sion; dealer in mail order specialties; send stamp for information: It will pay you handsomely. T. E. Proctor, 4718 Woodland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa, J &02 29x AGENTS oan make $10, day selling Emory Grinding Machine. Wonderful Invention 1,200 revolutions minute, grinds knives, scissors, etc. Lasts forever, every house hold needs it. Home Grinding Co., Chi cago. J-m 2DK $4 for selling 26 Champion Flat Iron cleaners. Everybody wants one. Address, The Atkens Company, P. O. Box 842, Omaha. J-tfSJ 2Sx AGENTS make 600 per oeat profit sslllni "Novelty Sian Cards." merchants buy li to 100 on sight. 800 varieties. Catalogue rrre. .tfuiuvan io., lis juapiewooa eve., Chicago, III. J-21 2Sx WE start you selling diamonds; don't fall getting our noerai oner; a aauy sure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y. Mention paper. J 986 t9x AGENTS wanted for dry ce apparatus: positive cure ior itaemorrnoias or rues; money maker. Waldex Co., 101 Beckman St., New York- J-80 i AGENTS, sell the biggest money-making tire extinguisners; write ror special start ing offer, with free material. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. J-48 29x AGENTS WANTED Chance of a lifetime to one man only In each state with a few hundred dollars snd references; monopoly of legitimate business; enormous profits; without risk; highest Indorsements. Hull, to n-ast aa oi., jvaw iora. j tux LADY AGENTS to pressnt article of excep tional merit; Invaluable to womankind; big profits. Korectlv Co., W Dearborn St., Chicago. J-W4 29X LADIES 830.00 wekly at home as local manager; experience unnecesasary j no traveling. Address Madam Le Moyne, 37 E. Bd St., N. Y. J-41 2X AGENTS WANTED Sell our 11 bottle Sar saparllla for 36c; best seller; 200 per cent profit; write today for terms and terri tory. F. R. Greene, lis Lake St., Chi cago. J 940 tlx BIG MONEY In squabs; tney sen (or 13 to 88 a dosan: cheaply raised in only four weeks; write for our free book about this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., 383 Atlantlo Ave., Boston, Mass. J AGENTS, our men make 33 to 310 per day fitting glasses; our 24- cage fkkis r;xis BOOK tells all about It. Write Jackson- lan Optical College, College Place, Jack son, Mich. . J LATEST FOR LADIES Hsndy hat fasten ara and . snap lock skirt fastners coin money for agents; complete sample line 25 cents, . Nassau Mercantile uc, uept. v, Mills Bldg., San Franclsoo. WANTED Men and women to sell coffees, teas, spices, etc ,to the family trade In communities of from 1,000 to 10,000 popula tion; only such as wsnt permanent em ployment need apply; cash commission psld; energetlo persona can make big weekly earning. For further particulars address Bodenheimer corrse tt Yea ca Bt Louis, Mo. J GOOD, dressy sgents for the Rhonemue reteni tg improver ana soc wpiiurir combined; make pants hang perfeotly straight over bowed or crooked legs; sails to every drossy man; worn with perfect comfort; Invisible; will fit any leg; agents make from 38 to 860 a week. Write for free booklet and agents terms. 8. F, Rhonemue A Co., Springfield, Ohio. u J 069 fix FREE New Illustrated catalogs; lightning sellers for agents; lames- specialties; skirts, corsets, pettlooats, handy hat fast eners; all new roods. Fair Mfg. Co., 274 Wisconsin St.. Raclns. Wis. J 107 2Bx MINUET Skirt and Waist Holders, offer largest profits, easiest sales: exclusive terltory: sample free. Wheeler as Bald win, Randolph and 6th, Chicago. J 101 29x PORTRAIT MEN, yoti will Inereaea your sales, protsct yourseir .against lossee Dy dealing with an artist of 2U years' ex perience: high grade orayon, sepia water cmors; oesi won Tor ine isaai munajri deliver ruarantead er money returned) samples free. The Siegfried Studio, New Era building, Chicago. j ius rrx AGENTS are making 88 to 88 daily selling our patented "New Idea" bnears, cutlery and kitchen specialties; good guarantee. U. S. Cutlery Co., Fremont, Ohio. J AGENTS wanted. to eel! our celebrated 14Rt Gold Plate Fountain rens, nana enasea holder. Waterman feed, oomplate, with box and filler. Send 2&o for sample. Spe cial dosen and grons prices. Liberal In ducements to active men. Pen Co., 103 Beekmaa st., New York. J-T6 fete Bio pBnrrr sei.ling tailoring . FROM OUR SAMPLES. Wa furnish the finest line ever shown, con taining over KK samples ror maae to measure suits, overcoats, trousers, rain, coats, fancy vasts, smoking jackets, bath robes snd duck clothing. We make FREE OF CHARGE with every suit or overcoat costing lit (K) or over, an elegant vest that retails at 83.60. Tf you are a hustler, write ?t once for outfit and exclusive territory or the coming season. SAM LBOPOlJD A CO.. CHICAGO. ILK J-f 16 HX AGENTS Live men to sell office and sta tionery spsciaitles to business men; big rrotlt. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend, Ind, J SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesmen, visiting clothiers and (umistiers oa crarkerjae else line; vest pocket sample; liberal commission, Write far aitmpls and contract. Parkee A Co., IMS Webster Ave., N. Y. 808 2ka 8AI.KBMEN on eomn ilaaton aarntna hun- dreda of dolars selling our fireproof paint v marriianis; one minute teat witn pocket sample secures order from most skpeticat. Salamander Paint Co., 2u Franklin Ave., Bl. Loiila READ SALESMEN WANTED 1 Bookkeeper and Steno. 1 City saleamsn for muslo house. 1 Sash and door estimator. 1 Drug and soda clerk. 6 Ladv canvasaara. I Operators for grain and brokerage house. 2 list salesmen. I Managers. 1 Paint and oil salesman. 1 Expert draughtsman. I Al men stenographers. HUNTERS." 8 WANTED Two traveling salesmen, 176 per month and expenses absolutely guaran teed. Premium Cider Co.. St. Louis. Mo, -81 89x CAPABLE saleamsn to cover Nebraska with ample line. High commissions with advance of 8100 montnly. Permanent po sition to right man. Jsas h. Broun v-o., Detroit, Mich. i x WANTED Experienced rosd salesmen for Nebraska ana Dakota territory, xveguiar or side line. W. J. ixirack, sales man agar, Iowa City. Ia. 6 2Sx SPECIALTY salesman Two exceptionally good positions open with large esiamisnea Cleveland house; salesmannhlp, energy and business ability will make position permanent; general mercantile trade; high commission contraot with $2f weekly advance while traveling. Merle, Smith A Co., 90-M Prospect St., Cleveland, u. 2e a TRAVELING Salesman An active. ener getlo man for Neb. territory; staple line; house old, established and responsible. Sales Mgr., 1 Grlswold St., Detroit. Mien 831 (9x RELIABLE man to aot as betUng commis sioner; no interference with other busi ness; gooa compensation, cox n, at. Louis, Mo. S28 iSx a to sell our first-class 11ns of calendars, advertising specialties and druggists' la bel and boxes, during 11104. Our line Is so complete that every merohant and manufacturer In each town can be seen) our goods are Ural-class and atrlotlv up-to-date; our house has been established 20 years and Is well and favorably known; oornmisslon 16 to 26 pr cent; an energetic salesman can easily make from 860 to 8100 per week: first-class men only wanted. Address V 32, care Lord eV Thomas. Chi cago. M8 29x A COMMISSION lblg ' enough to produce heart failure for traveling men with X olden tonguea and established routes, ddress Side Line, Box 663, Cincinnati, Ohio. 367 38x WANTED Salesman to sell line of union made, high, grade overalls on commission: only eight samples. Address Standard Mfg. Co., 1810 Mala St., KansasCIt Mo. SALESMEN 'Local or traveling, to sell fire-proof safes to business men and farm ers; experience unnecessary; quick sales; big profits. Address Alpine Safe Lock I Co., Cincinnati. O. 863 x WANTED.' by old established house, ex perienced traveling salesman for Ne braska. Good pay. Permanent, position to ngnt man. urawer o, unicago. . 108 9 SALESMAN John Sexton A Co., Importers of teas and oorreea and wholesale grocers 18 to 12 State St.. Chlcasro. want experi enced, honest, energetlo high-grade men to sell farmers and other largo buyers We era the largest grocery houee In America enraged, an, thia buainees and th originators of honest and modern methods of conducting It. We handle the finest goods and guarantee quality and quantity or every article; no capital requireq. st elusive territory riven. In which an rstsb llshed trade Insures fine Income. We are Farmers Headquarters in Chlesgn. 103 ax WANTED, salesmen who can sell "Blue Sky"; bewitching, enticing, winning. Mar fled. Commission: exDenses advanced to those with suocessful record; new: 34oo weekly being made. Specialty, Dept. BT, P. O. Box 356, Chicago. III. -8 ZSr WANT hustler, man or woman, to sell Alaska oil stocks. Reply M, Koe. "earns. wasp. (s wx WANTED Experienced specialty salesman for patent bowling ausy. tooa proposr tloiv for hustlers, no snsn. Exclusive ter ritory. American Box Ball Company, Indianapolis, ind. mvt Ji SALESMAN wanted. We want tp employ a first-class traveling saleamsn. We wsnt sn up-to-date hustler cansble of earning sx.auo to te.uuv a year, AQureas, si a. "ire Bee. sou zvx WANTHIM. exnerteneed traveling salesman with established trade In central and southern Iowa by stationery, fancy goods and toy nouse. Aaaress mu, nes omca, WANTED TO RENT WANTED An eight to ten-room house, furnished! west Farnam district ore- ferred; period three to six months. Apply Byron ieea vompany, is oo. mn st. K M861 WANTED To rent first-class 8 to U-room furnished house for the summer: West Farnam district preferred. W. Farnam i Smltn co,, uw sarnam st, umana. K-871 FURNISHED house or flat, family of three adults, until eepiemnnr i. Aflorens, witn full partieuiara, u so. nee. K Mix WANTED At once, room and board for man and wire for two or three months. Ststt price and location. Address M 83, BS. WS Zi WANTED At ones, two or three furnished rooms for light housekeeping; man and wife only. State price and location, Ad dress M 08, Bee. K 140 it UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT FOUR rooms, parlor floor, modern. 1908 a. asm. u-sagtx UNFURNISHED rooms, modern, 'phone; reieronces requirea. iu n. mm. O-.M809 29X TWO nlos rooms, office or housekeeping. ls farnam. inquire room a O M848 tx t-ROOM apartmsnt modern. 814 S. 22l 3716 DEWEY AVE., first floor and bath, 326; desirable coupie. u mm TWO unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. 1611 cumtng st- uu je ix 3716 DKWEY AVE., first floor and bsth, sat j QaMrabie coupie. u aes ONE floor of three-story brick flat, no N. it i a. u M2i svs THE WANT ADS. WHEN YOU HAVE A FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROT AL HOTEL, European, 14th Chicago. Mt ai DKWII, Europeaa hotel, Uta aad Fernsra, H.S PER WXSK, Do ran bouse, 49 8. Uta. B 668 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 rani am; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.j opeanlghta. LA ROE. warm room; steam Oapltol Ave. beat. l B-M739 NICELY furnished rooms, third ttooHH jvu oh THE FARM Aid, llth and Farnam APARTMENT HOUSE FOR MEN 'His Chatham; luxuriously turnished rooms and smoking parlors; appointments Orst- . class. U0 8. Uih St., opposite Millard hotel. E 474 NORTHWESTERN HOTEL, nlebed. 41 N. 14th. rewly fur- K MX. Je8 NICE front room, tar. week. 1T1T Web-E--Mi43 Jel7 NICELY furnlshad rooms; 1810 Davenport reasonable. K M3U 2 TWO nlca cool roome; modern; very rea sonable. 1426 N. 17th. B 418 CHOICE housekeeping rooms. J9U,JXM FRONT room. Phona A3883, ttl S. 18th. NICELY furnished front rooms, 'phona, everything modern. 1311 Chicago. E MSOs X9X PARLOR floor, furnlshad, housekeeping. 1488 N. 1Mb. B MJ 38 aniXOi ironi room, SUSW sniaw -'" porcTwd lawn. 'Phona L3m23 K Hh. NICELY furnished rooms; very reeaorm bla 116 Webster. &-M803 3 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, mod era. 'Phone A2384. 616 N. &nn. E-M808 3 NICELY furnished room, 84 month. 118 N. Jiith. E M787 38 LARGE front alcove room, suitable for two or three gentlemen: strictly mode. Phone AXA 1821 Douglsa. E-M838 FURNISHED south rooms, modern, 'phona. nau uougiaa. uanna sua SUITE of rooms, furnished, modern. 131 8. 36th. E-MS34 30X NICELY furnished room for rent 363 Cal , itornla. B-864 X TWO very desirable rooms. (23 N. 33d St. E 885 80x MODERN furnished rooms, one unfur nished; board If desired: walking dis tance. 'Phone L-2681, 820 8. 2ist St. E 868 ONE to three partly furnished rooms, mod- firn; can be arranged ror lignt nouseaeep ng; no children; references. 2701 Wool worth ave. E 996 2x PLEASANT furnished roomi modern; tele- hone; on oar line; private lamuy. ii hermaa ave. E 968 29 PRIVATE family, nloa, quiet location. elegant lawn, walking distance; couple young gentlemen preferred: references re quires use x-ara wiia ati. B-M159-30X FOR RENT rurnjshad room, modern, 710 H. 17U, jo M1DO avx FURNISHED eoutb room, suitable for two, l&si jeavenwonn. cj oiuso sia NICELY furnished front room, double, rea sonable. 626 SO. i'lat st ke-MOT U LARGE well furnished room for three or four. 626 mo. 2 lt St. U M1M IX NEWLY furnished front room, modern, boor a optional, bjs bo. his sve. B-M1S8 31 NICELY furnished front room double. 181) Dodge. le-nin six NICELY furnished room for transients; I first flat. 713 B. letn. MZUS IX NICELY furnished rooms: reasonable. 1K18 Dodga avAuw ia JUNE 1, front room, modern rrlvata family. 610 N. ad. IS all Jeix T20 NORTH JSrd, nicely furnished Jlngta room or young gentleman. ; Hi tut xex FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Furnished rooms, steam beat with or with- I out Doaro. jaiaiana note, isca es t:mcao. THE MERRIAM. th and Sedge, 'phone bo; nice, iignt, airy rooms tansuites ana ?l?!?AtKHZtfW; VrKiB" tire length of building. FM . . ' at, i. a- taia BOARD and room. Hi al. ZL13 rooms, good boat-di rata reasonable.. F M4ti je6 1816 DODGE, two nicely furnished with board. 'Phona A240t. F . O. M E. TEL. 611. MESSENGER AND BAGOAOE. F-Mav7 Jail FURNISHED rooms and board. 84. 3608 Bt Mary's ave. F-M430 Je3 NICELY FURNISHED rooms and board, strictly modern, rates reasonsbls. 1611 Cass. F-MW J PRIVATE family. 609 a. 86th ave. F-431 NICELY furnished front room and board. 1812 Chicago. F-M804 UiX NICE cool rooms In a newly furnished flat: single and double) gentlemen preferred. 'Phone. 8234 Farnam. r-MT9 89 ELEGANT front room. Howard. Phone F22R3. KIT F-M799 It ROOM, with hoard: references. 818 B. 16th. mm m FOR RENT June 1, front suit of rooms, 1 single room; the very best of board; beautiful lawn: garden private home: references. 627 Park ave, F 4.4 FURNISHED rooms, good board. 'Phone LJUTS. Tie B. im. atass su FIRST-CLASS table board, 622 N. lth. tr sttna ix FURNISHED front and bark aouth parlor, witn ooara; mooern. iu uousiaa . F-M831 29x FURNISHED front psrlor, modern: 'phonal suitable (or two; ooaro. juii Dousriae. F-M882 tiX FOR WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS First- class rooms ana accommodations; pri vate: Bell phone, single or psrtles; rea sonable; rsferenoes; 4 car lines to exposi tion or 16 minutes' walk. Write or call. Mrs. Wm. Mehl, 6037 Bartmer, St, Louis. , E ROOMS with board. 12 per day and up. direct car to iair; engagements maue ahead. 620 N. Spring, near Olive, St. Louis, Mo. . F 909 39X ROOM and board for two. Ill So. tetbet. V FURNISHED front room, with board, suit- abis lor two gentiemeni monern aetscned house, lawn and shade, 3316 Farnam. FURNISHED front room and board. 6X8 ao. z. w mi six ONE aouth frontroom, wlth flrat-class I board, till Caas. Tel. Aim. F-M1H 80 I NICELY furnished large parlor with board, mooern conveniences, walking aistance, rates reasonsbls. 3o20 Hsrney street. F-il6 Jelx FT'RNIPHFD rooms, hoerd If desired, nlcel quiet neighborhood- 904 B. 88rd. F-ni OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 616 If. Y. Life bldg. T. IW4. Nl DR. ORACX DEEOAN, 883 N. Y. Life. TeL sues. e Fayette Cola osteopaUi, 809 Paxtoa block. MRS- JOHN P, MUS1CK, Osteopathic Phy sician! omce, uougias Divca. ti. aao. -934 pr. FarwaU, epeoialty berreus diseases. 604 1 rax tun. THIS FOR THAT WILL trade sewing machine for type. writer, rao. cycle Co., lain and llarna. Z ii.w XO-IN. DISC records taken In exchange for ,JW i9aomm- Columbia Paonograpb Co., l&a Farnam, L-lii i1A.T.hy ,0 exchange for a piano Perneld Piano Co., baa btdg. Tel. 7m. . Z'iU UNIQUE Journal! new Ideas, salee and ex. liinHo"walml'e. 40. Alutual jychany, I PHOENIX bicycle to exchange for some of muntf you pay iua street car com. ytij. miiui xieecaer, UU4 Capitol ave. i6-M4uS WEBER piano, slightly used, trade for nurse auu ouggy. UK)m 7, Bee bldg le ftft- ; -Mi8 IF THERE la nothing In this column vou want put aa ad. U and you will ao get It 'rltf IF YOUR old furniture don't suit we u exchange new for It Tel. 771. Z mm 300 AUTOMATIC RBOINA muslo boxT fancy case, to exchange for piano or pianola. Address K 13. Bea Z-Mili PHAETON and surrey for exehenge. JSij Farnam. Si 27 J FINE 11-plece dining room set nrw: win sell or trade VVOl IJV " v' wKain. enter- f""' 1 uimiura io., Hit O. Min. Tel. 2JW1, Z-870 HAVE YOU encumbered property that you want to trader Wa have a proposition to rnaka to owners only. Address m ix B ZSW x 88,000 Fine a-eneral aback, win i-w. r im ehl . In good land, balanoe cash. '1i,2?r0.c Want hardware up to arm a, hama w i. ,i w vmw,i II Ilia. stock Card wars. a. R. Nahra.i,. Want mnnA farm ."J,,1 laM. Wilt .w one-half In merchandisa, balaaoa long time at 8 nar nant 18.(OO-l3,0p0 fine genera! atock; resldmira tronertv UMA Win ........ - 1 ' . ifl'2SlSr!?SrV 'l,ock- Want good'und. WiSS-!6.00 Implements, Buildings 14.009. rvani gooa land. 4??f,nr, t$ok' olng 330.000 annually. Wsnt good land, $16,000-Flmir mill property. Will assume U ywtSiitMnZ ?2.n, . " '7 Preu'" to John C. Nulk Falls i A-t-MAWJB-ej acres, near town, In alps Co.. Mo., clear, title narfat. m'.b. your offers, ft.. M. Bettesworth. Cedar Rapids. Ia. ' Z-108 29 TO . EXCHANOE-Merchandlse. fsrma. lands, hotels, elevators, flouring mlllla, business snd residence properties; over 4.(00 propositions for exchange; can match most any deal. Send me full description of what you have to exchange. Robert Mather, established 1876, 3d St. and Sd Ave., Cedar Rapids. Is. . E 112 28 TO EXCHANGE for Iowa or Missouri farm, 88,000 stock of hardware and Im plements; rare opportunity. Box M, Cedar Rapids, la. Z 113 19 TO EXCHANGE, for a etork of general merchandise, a fine Iowa farm! ssnd de. scrlptlon stock. Room 4, Weller block, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Z 114 29 WHAT hare you to trade for a 6-aere tract. All In bearing fruit. Good house end outbuildings. Just outside the city limits. Address M 84, Bee. Z DO you wsnt a Kansss or Missouri forrnT, Have you anything to trade Do you k.1.1 III 1 ll . ,.,..,, ,,,,,,, hi it n a in,i onniKim stock or any kind of business T I have It for sale and exchange. James H Rice, Ottawa, Kan. Z-12T 2x WOULD take half value or more In pmehe residence for Montana ranch and town property. Address M 86 Bee. Zl ISx FOR EXCHANGE, 37.000 stock dry goods. new. in gooa town, ror gooa land; might assume soma encumbrance. Fletcher Real Estate Co., 801 N. Y. LIFE BLDG., OMAHA. Z-168 29 HAVE a good music bog to trade for horsa and barn ass. Address L 28, lire. . 91-816 JelK WILL trade fox terrier puppy for Irish ottcir. Address L6S. Bee. "A 401 Jelx ," MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS MONEY. If yoa are annoyed by numerous small bills that have accumulated during the winter tt might be an advantage to you to secure money from us and pay them and then pay us In weekly or monthly payments until you get out Of debt We loan on furniture, plaJRos, live stock and other chattels and we make loans to salaried ply. w" ' " - Our rates are aa low as any and a great deal lower than some. (5ur servlfe Is oulck and without publicity. If you have dealt with us and are pleased, tell others, and Ifjra , dUpsedeJ us. (E-ubu11' Bit& Ju'lhfe St. JL 10 MONEY! MONEY! WB LOAN MONEY TO ANY PERSON racial eg m the olty aad holding a perma nent position with a resDonslble firm. ON PLAIN NOTE, NO ENDORSERS. ana at the lowest rates, on long time, easy uavment clan. Wa also loan ON FURNITURE. WITHOUT REMOVAL, Pianos, eto., at the same low rates and easy terms. If not convenient for you to calf at aur office. Pianos, eto., at the same low rates and call at aur effiee. WRITE OR 'PHONE US AND AGENT will call on you to explain our system ana arrange loan at your residence. All business confidential. THE J. A, HUTtON CO;, SUITE 614. rAJllIMM WMJCH.. T6WHUMS IW7. . X-M706 If you are FINANCIALLY IMBARHAHBED. came and have a CONFIDENTIAL talk with us. STAR LOAN CO., 64 PAXTON B1.K. X M829 MONEY LOAN Phoenix Credit Co, . W i-axloa Bik. . X-U MONEY TO LOAN ON rURNITURE. PIANOS, LIVE STOCK, Tii . ii, ivna u.i i ali'i w-v , We charge nothing for making papers. ALL BUSINESS IS PRIVATE. Tel. B2418. OMAHA CHATTEL LOAN BANK. 1404 Farnam St., Upstairs. 'Phons A2113. A MDKS LOANS. ON SALARIES, FURNITURE, PIANOS. LIVE STOCK. ETC. PAYMENTS AND RATES TO SUIT YOU. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 307-3US PAXTON BLOCK- TEL. 1411. X-M798 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with security: easy payments; largest bunions in ttf principal cities. Toiman, roots 440, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. X-K13 3 P. C. YEAR FROM 8100 to 81.000 loaned on your personal note at 3 pa.R C'.NT PUK VEAK. All good loans wanted. Call or write and get toy system. W. L. avaslman Co., Ilu8 Farnam, Omaha. X-9U ' i '"17... ...V , I - . , Wf . - . . iuda t. - - " MONEY to loan oa furnlturs. horses, eto.. si ns;i usual rates, ur, rriDienow. room 2U at 3t) g. lith at Tal. B-HM. Xti4 MONEY loaned en pianos, furniture, Jew- elry, horses, oows, eto. ja. iui c. . ntua. aia lain. "jt-IU CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loan Foley Loan Co., 1M Farnam at. X tii LOST Lot, In the crowds at Bennett's, Satur- oay aujui a:m, 10 one 01 ma pasaansar elevators, a lady's marqulss ring set with 6 turquoise and pearls all around. Lady who picked It up will please return tha ring to Mr. W, R Bennatt, main floor, Bennett's. Lost-Mad sVx LOUT Friday, small black olasp puree, rontslnlna til snd ehsnss, at Union eta- tlnn or Dodge street cer line; reward if returned. I, Q CarpenlerMadison hotel. 4 ' - a '