Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14

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pU." f lrtr . r'f ir ?--! vey
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rrr,k -T, J l;"1'r.f
Ml -, r "r llu H-ji:Vt.f, T.
ly f f f4 fcir
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' Iff t h; .'Air
fim fork Z & !" K" . liiWHr.t.
t ,t-i:k.n it:)V.xr:r.
''en.eNi. ''!'. r 'ir g i r
JIl'fll ' f r-fit
fcy i-f, ,' vr c'4l 'ir'.n.
'I UK tlt.K ft.liUUHHt r',IAfA
KiATtMr.m tr rw;Ti.A-TU)X
ijt t,f firkka, l-fi) ftnty
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I aaa mmhI4 aM rarv4 op(a....
Mat totaJ aataa a,I
Vat ara la 9A
(i til. II. TACUVC.tL.
Hulafll4 In my .' anl mrn to
tU,rm t tM 24 day "f M;y. A O. r4.
al) M. t. UtSHO ATK.
W''ary J'uil!.
. it ) ffMtii that ti Vat;kra of tbe
Mat ar al tl figMtr of tLe at
t i j. . .1 i
KotirotMtklfi 1 orprM-J. Ko wr bU
fH'-ra aiw kicii wlw w-r dlaMf wl atvl
tlrlrra Into fort Arthur.
ManlfMitl Torn Major corialdna t)t
1'i-ru N'rfal h'l a an lnbi1Unr
ii4 ttj Kr(i Nortual aclvoi a dtv
ti!:. .
(,'halmun Joi of th 6taocntU! oa
tloiial romoiltt't mltftt t wllllnf to
rontlniia to kvrr la that iMHty trot
like tli I4 ion H, "no on hn akl br
i 1 n
If th JapauM war ahonM rtal!7
work a mnoral of tb arbitrary wtrlc
tlona atnoiig t)i Jwa Id Iluaala It will
not bava ben fouxbt In rain no matter
bow It cola.
t- i,
It baa tMMn fltrurwl out that England
pnyt out alrnoat U,om&)0 a rar for
tbo nmlntman' of IU Wu and otbr
royal dlifTilUrfaa. ipiibllra may 1 x
ptiNlv but royalty com blghrr, '
a.... . ,
Tlia Itaa'a war nawa arrlr la unxt
In thcaa parta. Aa uaual In thta
a In itvary iAwr fonturm that n-flm-ta
ntarprlaa, Tba IIm la4a wblla Ita
would ba rornpvtttora follow la Ita waka.
Wlin a public offlr gta Into tb
nowapapara b Dover knowa wlwu u
will Im out of them. Ill applla with
a murli for-a to Rtata Hnpr.iittilnt
of Inatructlofi Fowler a a It lora to otlirr
iun In public llfn.
MIL...,, . . I. 1
Home muMty old antiquarian baTa
Juat dug up a prcblatoiio cornet In the
vicinity of Home, aald to Im inoro than
8,fK)0 yean old. We all aympntlilae with
the nMglhor even though they litre
beMt a long tJtue diod. ;
n l . . ii a
Queeu Ml haa gone btu-k to Honolulu
empty-ha ruled. Oongreea may, bowerer,
eipc't llie plviaure of her company at
'AVaiililiigton every aalon aa long aa the
pvuaoect for her claim for tba crown
appear protulelng.
-s m. . i .'i I'-.'m '.i
The ryjmiiifrctnl agenclea are becoming
orncular. Accirdlng to Dun A Co.'a
for.'CliaUT VH'iiiiMldfialile export luialriraa
1 under cobihUlfrntloii and there I con
In lit hope 4 lint auhatniillal coutrocta for
tiuctural wyrk will be placed In the
no dlatant future."
.. .:.. j
New Knglaiul em'iua to be getting the
tmat of It lit the nauilug of Uie new but
tleahlpa ad crulaera tu be a1dd to the
American navy. Wt preautne that la
Ufte'of the peniulHllea that attnrhva to
the privilege of furnlxhlng a eicrctni-y
f tho navy hnlllng from New Kugland.
i i
Harper Weekly epr-wia tlie opin
ion that If It be doomed Iridlapc unable to
pick a running mate for Prcetdcnt
Xtooaovelt out of I II I nolo, 1'iirlo Joe Can
non ebould Imve had the nomination
forced uion Mm. The inun 'who eay
that diNa not know Unci Jo Cannon.
No fore bill for hhn.
a: ,.L.L!i-L-.i
ltoibnd Uud and OiOncra homo
It end douMlee offer great temptation
to people of pcculuttv dlepoaltlou, but
;ecutatlon I a twoedged wenpon that
I aa likely to cut oue way aa another.
When It cornea to Inrcatmcnta with
anbatnattal aaaiirnnc of wfe returna,
the opiHirtunltlc prevented iljjht here In
Umnha khuuld not 1 jmaaad by for any
will o' tU-wlp.
a jj. ti'i's "-' j a.1.1-
FrteoU of Jii'lfff I'nrkxr are com
plnlnliuf bec.tti of the luko-wnrmnea
eahlbltxd towanl hla cetHlldnejr In att
errtl etntea where they Ihouaht tbey bad
a titflit to etpm't euthuaUatlq eup,Krt
Terhep (Vilcnel Itrrnn lll now rerer
bU apellntU'ii and biatoed of calllug
1 1'arkar the bumau iiuaalioit mark, e
plnju the growtog coolueea oa tba theory
the Ha la Uuiuaa Ickilo.
rw pfUtMl Ujy,r haa cwM
Vm m?'-i-&',T lb rrwt rer
tVta f.ijtrX t e4c!t of a d !.
ti'fjiv riw f tfc po.'itwi km 1
rWd In thst vt. TVT tlut
;i : f:r In w, im Urr and In tes,
. .
! f -'t tjt sre sra tLinjr " wi:i rvrt 6 wlhf be rrra
reoA aa ar-r 7, aaake krre t a ea4
or ylaj fW-''
It t-n utynrr4 in H nra-r-aa
tljst aa a -'j nn f fb rt
vl'.tory yf fe n B.e'Jji' ft5va tfcat
Krea'V A. .',afB wrV'A b K'U tt
u-tt rri!irrtMV rrS.Ai' tm
tnayf ! Je4 C. T. WckJuaon wH
-f;'-r tb r ' aa a rrt.t.iB rtft'Att
t ,r tha d.'rv-t Jylaf.ip rx oropiad
lr iUti Hn.L It la a!eo fonr-
; a-J'wJ tt,t a prw.!nnt ton)tr of
IU eerie ftVn. who ierr4 ao!y
frjr yr ego to lyt a dVm'Tat;
nnWiftt from Im cony to tie
;atatr wlti fall kAowiedg that
tfca.'r ei''tl'n wjVl reilt In tte el
turn of two dwi'raf to the tnlf4
isfaa Tif, wiu r4T tie eopp'jrt
of th adi.'IerjiJVe for a eat la the nit
If prrvn efcovid rarry It wnVl
Ubllah a nvit extraordinary cod of
etlifa. Jn p'!!il-a a In Inalnaee tt i a
eeJI gro)r4e4 prlnrlpl that fraad elti
U-a all cntracta. Uut In polltlr aa in
tfiraine a contract faJrly and bnat!
K:1 mntitA twT,j t rrodiatl by
eltUar perfy. One of tb ftuidametital
rnntpla of all pofltleel orgenlMtlon H
tfiat aft-r a fair flgtit neatly rondnrted
rilrfrlH mi at eti built to the will of
th tnaj'rlty. Tbla appllea not orjly to
tlve rank and tile of very party, hot
frvre eepctiIJy to the men who expire
for the enpport of tbe partis with
wlil'-h tbay are affl.lated. If It were
otht-rwlao a party Dominatio would he
a rop of aand.
In political perUne, every candidate
for office wbo preaent bla name ta a
convention la In honor bound to anpport
Ma rompilUr If be I fairly norolnatad
and a violation of thl part of the polit
ical code conatltotea the rank eat pollt-
leal traeaon. Coining down to brae
tack a. It I a aad r-ommentary on the
fa'-flon that profeaeea to stand for blgi
moral atandard In that tba man, wboee
name waa praeted to a rcpuhlfran con
veriflon aa lie candidate for the mayor
alty, but who failed to eectir the nomin
ation aought for blia bocaua hla friend
failed In tbHr effort to bay the del.
r;nte n-w-dwl to make np a majority,
and who nbeqnentry accepted the
nomination a popullet should m lnted
for the regnlar repnbllcaq nomlnitlon
for mayor without apparently chocking
the aenalMlitle of reputable atralght
It ia a moat lamentable example of
py'tjra. degeneracy to talk about a roan
who had entered tba lleta aa a eandldtta
for dlatrlet Judge in tba republican Judi
cial convention laat fall, and waa fairly
and aquarely beaten by a dedal re ma
jority and then became the candidate on
the democratic mongrel nonpartisan
Judicial ticket, ahould within lesa than
eight month be given countenance and
encouragement from republican who
profee to be honorable, td enter the
Hat again aa a competitor in tbe toext
republican Judicial convention. Kurb
political polygamy would break up any
ui 1 .1.
rnA$rc aid rna taticab,
The breach between the French gov
eminent and the Vatican appear to
have reached a stage wblcb preclude
compromise. The friction bad Ita origin
some time ago In the peseag of the aa
ocintlon law in France, under the
operation of which many Catholic
school were closed by tba government
It waa Intensified when on hla visit to
Ilome 1'resldent Lonbet Ignored the
Vatican and recognised tbe king of
Italy a the sol sovereign In Rome.
Thl gave great offense to the church
authorities and the pop sent a protest
to the powers. A soon a the French
government " Informed of the natnre
of the protest It recalled Ita ambassador
to the Vatican and, this action haa been
sustained by an overwhelming vote of
the Chamber of Peputlea, clearly evi
dencing the strong feeling there Is In
France against tba papal claim of tem
pore I power.
In presenting the position of the gov
ernment to the chamber, Premier
Combes declared that the action taken
meant thst the government will not al
low the pnpecy to interfere In It inter
national relation "an.d that we Intend
to have done once for all with tba super
annuated Action of temporal' power,
whlrh disappeared thlrtyfonr year
ago." Huch a declaration front tb prim
lulnlater of a Catholic nation, Indorsed
almost unanimously by the representa
tive of tho people, 1 a severe bl6w to
tbe Vatican, whleh still holds that the
kingdom of Italy is not an accomplished
fact, that Home Is the capital city of
tbe state of the church and tbtt the
pope- la tbe only legitimate sovereign In
Home. Tb attitude of the French gov
ernment la an unqualified denial of
these claim and pretentious and from
nd other source would ucb denial carry
so much weight.
What the ultimate effect of tb rup
ture may be upon the relation of
Franc with th papacy cannot be
clearly foreseen. Propositions looking
to tho serration of church and state
and to ttie termination of th concordat,
which more than a century ago waa
forced npon Plue VII by Napoleon, wer
rejected by the Chamber of Depntle by
large msjorlties, the premier being op
posed to extreme action at present, but
theee quest Ions will not be lost sight of
and It 1 a safe prediction that In the
not remote future there will be a aepa
ration of stale and church In Franca
and the concordat will be terminated.
The late electtona showed that the
French radicals ar increasing in
slreugth, and while they have not hith
erto attacked the concordat, perhaps
chiefly ant of reejMct for Ita arlglA, ax-
wt'T.g fAWm are Cke'y to toad t-ra
t dsMfrd that it be sdl
The aetata rve tfcat iaa de-reled be-tw-n
rrsfcr aad tb VaUraa la tse&t
featjj fjt yrVl wVla tr.tra4. It Bkie
a t"t of laSeYce oa tbe pert of &e
iattr la Italy sa il ss Franr and
pT'AmUj also ia AcetrVs Iiery. for
Bjore than say obr uOnt ia vyA-ra
Uts Fraax Le baii the bulwark of
the t-speey. It la tberafore a eerlofl
matter for tt.e VaU'-an to th
frtnd'.lp and errp-pfrt of thst Catb'lc
natloa and It la y to uid-rr,a vi the
ki aAMode with r-tirh P1m X asd
hla rwTfj r tare refrdd the pro-
eewEaga of tfce Frerj'h r,rrranT!C
t ... . J
tut aie'i T Aitrnrn.
Tt bews trim the far e at la bwn-
lag Wly Jntereating. It ! s that
tl ne mergetlc peratlons sre UkJ-ig
pie on the Llao Tnng penlsauia a-d
that some deapertte CglVnt Las brn
dona, with equal ictrepVllly on both
s'dea. The Japaneee soUier sre Jnatify
lir a.'l that ha lin prei:ctd of tbelr
ttlor. while the Kusaiana diaplay fie
cr rt re for wbirti they have always
le-eti ftnied. The wtr hat reached a
point when we may Vr fvr almoet drd.'y
rejorts of sangnlnary eDgs gemnta.
with appalling accouiiU cf killed and
wounded. If thre has been any douU
that the conflict la to be protracted and
bloody it mutt he dlaalpated by the latest
The eiege of Port Arthur ha b-sun.
fhrw long it will last no one can fore
se. That stronghold presents a tre
mendoos taak for the besiegers. It was
not easily captured from the Chinese ten
years sro and slne It paed Into the
hande of tbe Kusslans It has ben made
many times atrrnger than before, flys
tematlc efforts bare hen made to ren
der It absolutely Impregnate by tbe
adoption of every offensive and defenelve
Vies sure known to the ay-li-nce of mod
ern military etiglneerlng. It is certain
that the exlatlna defenses of Port Ar
thur ar of tbe most elaborate and for
midable character and according to the
statement of a Russian naval officer the
number of troops there exceeds 25,000.
while the place has enough provisions to
last a year. It la believed that not lea
than 150,000 troope will b needed to
take tbe stronghold by storm, but ss this
Is a Buselsn estimate It Is safe to dis
count It somewhat. It Is stated that the
Japanese commander will have an army
of 100.000 for operatione agalnet Port
It Is evident that the Japanese hav
decided that they must at any cost ae
enre possession of Port Arthur and that
thl must be accomplished, if at all,
within a short time, or before Russia
can add to Ita naval force or materially
In creae Ita army. In pursuing tbla pur
pose tbe Ja panes ar undoubtedly pre
pared to make whatever aarrlflce tbe
formldabl task may call for and It is
a sen red that tba loss of life In tbe siege
of tbe ao-called Gibraltar of the east will
b enormous.
The death of Senator Quay removes
from tb Held of American polltlce a
strong character, a man who wielded a
greater Influence and authority in the
political affair of Pennsylvania than
any on sine th time of Kimon Cam
eron and who won national recognition
by hla capable management of tbe re
publican campaign of 1884. While in no
ens a statesman, Mr. Quay wa r.-.ost
thoroughly a politician vigilant, adroit
and resourceful and not alwaya over
scrupulous a to th mean to the end,
though doubtles in thl respect not so
bad a bl more bitter enemle charged.
II waa essentially a "bo us" and the ma
chine ha built np about him in bis state
became almost invincible. Alwaya faith
ful to bla friends, he created a following
that wa ever loyal to him.
Aa a senator of the United State Mr.
Quay took no conspicuous part In legis
lation, but be waa an earnest supporter
of the policies of hi party. A a mem
ber of the senate committee on teni
toriea, Mr. Quay took great Interest In
tli question of the admission of the
territories to ststehood and made a per
sistent effort In the last session of the
flfty-seventh congress to eccure the ne
cessary legislation for their admission.
He very rarely addressed the senate or
engaged In debate, but he gave careful
attention to hla duties and was a good
worker In committee. Mr. Quay served
throughout the civil war, attaining the
rank of colonel, II made an excellent
record aa a soldier, receiving a congres
sional medal of honor.
While not to be classed among our
greatest political leader, and although
frequently employing methods that could
not be commended, yet Matthew Stan
ley Quay had uncommon ability for
party organisation and management and
among the republicans of Pennsylvania
there la no one of equal capacity in
the respects to take his place.
t-i. lj- -u m
Tb commission authorised by con
gress to Investigate and report what
legislation, If any, Is desirable for th
development of th American merchant ;
marine, haa entered upon tb work and
Intend to make the Investigation aa
thorough a possible. The commission
I composed of ten senators ond repre
sentatives, six being republicans and
four democrats, all of them having
more or less familiarity with tbe sub
ject which tbey are to Investigate, It
la not a one-Idea commission. All, or
nearly all, of th chief policies that
have ever been suggested for the res
toration aud building up of a merchant
marine bar their representatives
within It membership. The Inquiry, It
I stated, will go a long way beyond
th familiar qneetlon of aubsldy, There
wtll b especially thorough considera
tion of the policy of discriminating cus
toms duties and tonnage tax, which Is
aald to have been growing In favor In
and out of congress. It wss nnder this
policy that tba American merchant ma
rina grew to atreugth and prosperity
freoi IT9 owird. t-ct to order to re
tJt it tbere kx.A bare to be a re
adjatsxt of Japorttst cocaatercial
treat. -e as4 tl j pnrrst e,a
It Is a orvg itk-r the laTeetJga
tAO wVl edd ULttertaliy to j-r-xr.t ta
foccj Vju 00 tl t't rt ntay
et-ve t etia;;ia pct:ic Ictereet in the
q:tyn of Vv'.A:z.f cp aa American
tberciaat kaXi. which la ee of far
rtter iaporttiK. in its reiatioa to
tL future of IL frra trade of the
j "entry, than is cainwaly nodrTt.od.
! GraCfylnx as haa b-en the ero-e-th
In rer-ent year r.t ozr fore: -3 com
merce, it la tyi to 1 doubted
that it would have teen greateT
If e were not eoa.peid to oe
forehrn ship, and beside we should
hare kept at bore for service among
oor own people tundras of miL'looa of
dollar that have been pi id to foreign
hip owners. Tbe practical aepet of
the qo-atlon erTybrj- ran rJ"y un
derstand, but the problem of providing
s remedy 1 dlScuJt, as the long" dia
cuaelon of the querflon shows. It wi:i
b solved, bowerer. sooner or later, and
the inquiry by tbe congressional com
mission may help to this.
atk run rnt hati'j.ial ticzbt.
There la no reason for apprehending
that the republkan factional fight In
Wisconsin win endanger the national
ticket. The two factions have the same
electoral ticket and it wiil be chosen,
perhep by folly a large a vote a wa
cat by the perty four year ago. when
McKlniey had a plurality of over 100,
000. There are soggeations of trading
with the dcroofTaU, which might en
danger the national ticket, but although
the fight between tbe faction Is un
doubtedly bitter, the feeling will not be
carried so far ss to Jeopardize the
cbolc of republican electors. Governor
LaFoIlette is as sincere a republican
as there Is in his state and as earnestly
desirous of the success of the republi
can party in the nation. Jt la most
Improbable, therefore, that he and hla
supporters would make any trade that
could prove injurious to the national
ticket The leaders of the other faction
are no leas devoted to the party at large
and can be depended npon to do nothing
that might take Wisconsin out of the
republican column.
Democratic hope respecting that state
baa Borne be sis so far aa atate officer
are concerned and It la not Improbable
that the republican may lose one or
two congressional districts, but that the
republicans will carry the atate for the
national ticket there la not the slight
est reason to doubt.
Dr. Kelper, who, priding himself on
being "on of the old guard of demo
crat who since 1857 haa never missed
casting a rote for tbe success of hla
party," placed bla thumb and index
finger on the ""public pulee" of the
World-Herald with pen In hand and
poetry In bl vein, must bare been
stunned by the Injection of the follow
ing paragraph Jn tbe middle of hla
Inflammation began on my face and
spread all over my body. My eyes wer
swollen snd seemed butting out of their
sockets. I wss in a terrible pllarht snd
Buffered the moat Intense pains throughout
my body. The doctor aald that my raaa
was a very Severn one. Under his treat
ment, however, tha inflammation did not
diminish and tha palna whlh shot through
my body Increaaed In severity. A few daya
afur I had discontinued the service of a
physician a friend from Maine, who waa
vlaltlna ma, sneke very highly of Pink Pllla
for Pal People. After using six bottles of
tha pills I wss up and around tha house
attending to my household duties aa well
as ever.
A regular practitioner who offers thl
prescription for the IM of the body
politic Is liable to he disciplined for vio
lating tbe medical code.
Three nominee on the democratic
electoral ticket of New York bare with
drawn a a result of an Investigation
by legal authority Into their eligibility
or ineligibility by reason of being ofll
cially connected with national bonk.
The conclusion wa reached that It I
not safe for tbe party to take a chance
of having any of It electoral votes abut
out of the electoral college on a techni
cality. Ktrange that this point is a a
rule overlooked at the time nominations
are made. Tbe same situation haa
arisen every four years In some state
where nominees for presidential elector
have had to be pulled off the ticket as
a result of this neglect, although tha al
leged disqualification Is one that haa no
defensible reason behind It and la be
yond the understanding of the ordinary
Great ado is mndo at fit. Loul over
the action of the exposition guard that
made Mis Alice I(ooser1t pay an en
trance fee because he did not know that
the wo th president' daughter. That
Incldont forcibly recalls a remark one
made by Adellna I'attl when astonish
ment was expressed In her presence that
the Jewels of the Madonna In one of the
cathedral bad been carried away by
thieve. "Robbers," excKlmed Madam
Pattl. "are no respecters of Madonnas
any more than of prima donnas." Gate
keeper at exposition evidently do not
respect the daughters of presidents any
more than they do daughter of other
people, when It come to collecting toll.
Th latest Indictment of William Ran
dolph Hearst la that he haa organised
a newspaper trust with the proprietors
of several Chicago dallies and raised tho
price of hla Huuduy red light edition to
new agenta In defiance of the Bherman
law thnt prohibits combinations In re
strnlnt of trade for the purpose of rais
ing the price of necessities. The only
defense William Kandolph Hearst will
bo able to mnke 1 that bis orange
colored wares have not yet bucuiue one
of the necessities of life.
' 1 LU
The etartllng announcement i made
that Oeorge Oonld Is shout to enter
politic. It ha ben suspected thst
Ueorg Oouid ha been In politic for
atacy year. Jest V5 ease a hi father
n tfr Ura. and Jaet the aaaae aa
the rUrrlniaik, IHi:. TanderhCU aed
the other ra"road magnate have beev
slne the tln tilt Jay Oatf teet!d
that wtth detaomte be was a dasomit.
1th r-nt:van a rpxta tad w:th
t7ee&trker a greeshacker. t"t "always
for Erie "
Some Misaocrl democrate r so brat
epon rwitehicg Jos?h W. Folk off from
the rebercatorUl track that they are
wtiUtg to tacrifcr him aa a presldenCa!
nominee. Mr. Folk doubt appre
ciate their disinterested consVleraUoa
and value it at tu true worth.
Tkc Master Th.
stm-tM Journal.
Exa-ratlra ailiity la tfca baFr fc-alty ef other 9f 1 do yrur work foe yo.
raar Dial Thtao-
Ir.itlanapcUs Naws.
With H.ifi.'Sf' as tba raiaa ef the
aerVrultoraJ presorts ef UJa coustry far
jA wa t 'jo t bcair so cacb about tarn
mortt- ta wa ooca OA. 0 Cfccrfa2.
Irlrt at SlhbrUaa.
WaaUtctoa Post.
The cA aaylAf tLal "ooa baJf of
world Art aot know what tb otbar ba t j
la tfoir.c ' cot bold gooi stoa lb
sia.bMatjnot of tba rural frea dtUrary
a4 tb AijfXrju cf tbe t!tpboc la tba
rurai diatrtcU.
Wby bo to Salt Latkt
O.lcago CbroDicla.
Tbe etacle of tbr wlvea wp(;f orcr
tha Wtr of a lata "trotnlociit ciutaa of
Ia Mulnas must m&Jca tbe ooojaj ttea Id-
veaUcatina: tbe caa of 8&tur Bmoot of
VtaJi, who baa ona wife, feel aa IX tbey ha4
beta aot uron a fool's errand. '
Low Wmm la Rasa la.
World a Work.
In no other country of Europe are wa
so low as In Ruaala. American workmen
can earn twice and even three time aa
much. The averaa monthly waaea paid
la tbe departments of Moecow and Vladimir
are as follows:
Men. per week H aft to tt M
Women, per weak (St
YcMitha between l and 17. per week I Vt
utria oeiween u aaa 1 1, par weea
CWidran ofboth aei.'pVr week.::".::: I
Ria af lrtary Owrtalywau
New Tork Sua.
Fifteen years ago Ocorge Bruce Cortelyoa
was a teacher In tba schools of the City at
New Tork. Thirteen years ago be was a
clerk In th office of tbe aurveyor of tb
port of New Tork. Nine years ago ba was
a clerk In th PoatoClca department, where
President Cleveland found him. Bla years
aco h was appointed secretary to tba
crtaldent. A little mor than a year age
he was mad secretary of commerce and
labor, and now It Is proposed to elect blm
chairman erf th republican national com-
ml t lee. Mr. Cortelyou Is not quite 42. or
about three years tba Junior of President
Edacattoa Wlthaat Katwrt.
O. 8. Mar den, ia gucccaa.
When a boy tell ma that be Just yearns
for an education, that be longs to go to
oollg, but that he has no one to help him
aa other boys have; that, if be bad a rich
father to send him to college be oouid
make aome tiling of himself, I know per
fectly well that that boy does not yearn
for an education, but thai bs would simply
like to hav it If it could be gotten without
mocn anon, lie a oca nor ton, tor u mm
Lincoln did. Wben a boy. today, says that
bs cannot go to college, though deaf, dum.b
aad blind girls manage to do It, I know
that b ba such a knack of seeing dlffl-
cultiea that he will not only mlee college.
but will probably also miss most of what
Is worth while In Ufa
Th Oospel at Cesnsnoa Seas fee Or-
falle'a Wackta.
Th gospel of common sens has never, to
knn.lMte... been ao well and aptly ap-
piled In ths exposition of trades unionism.
Its defects as well ss It virtues, as In a re
cent sddrca to worklngmMi by President
Mallm of tb New Haven railroad. Th
speaker took tbs ground, ss he had a per
fect right to do, that he wss sa much of a
worklngmari as any of thoss whom h ad-
reased: that he spok as on who knew
from long, personal sxperlence of th dlffl-
eultlss, snxletles snd burdens whicn every
one must encounter who esms his dslly
bread. II polnud out frankly the weak
nesses of the unions, tt tb ssms Una ss
frankly sdmlttlng their sdvantagea where
Drooerly aulded.
This Is the ag of th worklngman, Mr.
Mellen said, snd also the age of large op
portunities for every man who brings to
his work sn elert mind, sn earnest soul
and a fslthful spirit. Modern Industrial
conditions are such, tha stress upon th
men st the top Is so exacting, that ths Ut
ter soon war out, and th call Is con
stantly for new man to nil tha places qf
the old. Hut the man wanted for these
higher branches of service are not ths fir-
brands, th trouhl bredere, the talkrs,
hut rather the quiet man who works while I
others do the talking; thoss who are raucn
interested In their work aa their wagee;
and auch men, when found, need no help
from any source to secure either recogni
tion or increaaa of pay. Speaking directly
to members of th union President Mellen
aald that h wished them to understand
thst he regurded th unions ss a condition
that has come to stay, snd thst he desired
hla men generally to Join them. Ha did not,
however, regard these labor organisation!
aa an unmixed blessing. Said he:
They tre a good thing for tn arone, in
lnmnlnt man, for tn walking aeiegai
and th omcrs. hut are unnecessary for
th man who hss ths stuff an? courage
within himself to carve his own wsy in tn
world. Therefor, when I say unions ao
much good I mean they help the lama, the
halt and ths weary, at tn expepae ot tna
really competent. Divested of all ciap-
taan. th union Is simply a means or svsr-
sglng wages, snd sn employer views It ss
such. It Is a device for making thoss who
ar willing to work csrs for tnos wno
wsnt to 'soldier.' "
The chief trouble with unionism. Presi
dent Mellon said, wss It letoleranca Its
conduct towsrd thoae who differed with It
had been too often thst of the religious
bigots of ths old tlms who burned thos
whom they could not convert. H advised
thinking, sober-minded, eonservstlvs work
Ingmen to Join unions and tndeavor to
domlnst their councils, which sre now too
often controlled by hotheads, by anarchleta,
floaters snd demagogues. The danger to b
apprehended from the unions, hs said,
grows out of ths spsthy of ssna snd rea
sonable men In their membership who re
main st horn snd permit llre-eatar snd
self-seekers to speak snd set for thorn.
It Is ss foolish and a useless to try to
suppreaa tradea unlona on tha ona hand as
It Is to endeavor to abolish trade eomblna
tlonk on th other. Both are here to re
main as surely sa tha tldea are to .flow
and tha only sensible rule for right-minded
man to follow la that advlaed by President
Mellen. Join auch of these comblnatlone
aa your Interests dlrtats and do your part
In overcoming their ovlla and enlarging
their benefits.
vrrtxaai tT at twb mrtT.
6er!'aa ttat a-." mm trfaar MarSL
SM Okt (V a- wVj e W-
A ay aS-rt Vt 5 fVt
tr-aa:va rv e a-rtLtafT tu
truth ar Ixim'j wimM. yartapa. r3t
few Tar n: B-.w ta r- eaw
ekwrfc: lrt Ur e a rrtral aa traa ai
rmtM rBcraa fans. A tba cwra
3 not Here are M awM tm.
Bat aw awrfe rwrtral Mi Vt etarl ifl
CMeaa m-wm tbrar tmrm trvm
erttvsaat mt Ckf.afJa-'ry t timal as4 fer-
Tat b3af la tt aa tba a!y mrm t
IrxSSaaajwfia Krt: Tfce rt Praae.y-
rtaa tkr-rfc baa always r W wr-
lyjrt t h'jr vimtSfa. Its
Mr-..rUa Krm Wmi iwtf t VrT b.
at tfca mtr'ir It if wei -rw to e-ver
vpo tba Urr rJt cf m-t !
of rtwajw to aaatat oTt'-a
X ta tt cewar sa4 srer imr-Jt f
tba c-J-.ttry- All eaeoaaa W Otia swat rM
Kaaaaa Oty Bvu. A eetf-ewe'vet
aiwl -l-v-l tmu eVra-rauaa waa
"waMiytB-- tba r'pt
trr ctarcb. Af'ff tba serrVr be aalbH
fTort" -Waal.- aurwrrwl tba sua
alowly. 1 U tall ya; IU U ye ta kli
tarab-. n tin a, ef IV.
iw a . wia e a..
roller-! tba toft tracks aH Habt. bra ba
firra4 'em ail day ta tbe arrec Oae-
Kaw Tork TrtVone: A wall kao-wn Pret-
eatant EpfcwopaJ bUfcT la a ir-a-Jt a-4dra j
made a plea for a mora tttmvugtJr 4
ct4 mlrlwrr E-Jt wbea be cooaiders tb
fact tut tha General TbeotV!aJ aemt
aary In tbla city, wt.icb Kaid Ka itau!
eommencesietit a few days aa-o. Ss ri-a
coursa of Ita oaef ul actfrtoeo has grA
oated almoat 1JM rtodenta. forry-wr of
whom berama Mlv?j. cre!y be no
suRldant raaaon far tabic a Bwlaacboly
view of the opporTarJtlea for Uaorvtb
training and cultart, at laaat ta bis ewa
Chicat- Chronic!: Rather than ba saw
aatlonal preacher Rar. Edward Everett
Knapp has resifBed tba pas'-ocate of tata
Central Baptist church of Brooklyn. Empty
benchea Sunday after Sunday oonrljyrd
Mr. that h waa not preachlna; tbe
sort of aermens that could draw the pe'p
He told bis friends that be would tear, tbe
cnurcn teror ne wouia resort to tea-
donal methods to attract an audtervre. His
friends urged hint to keep on Jut a t
had been going, but It Is said that be Las
become disheartened at tb growica; Eat-
leaeneee in tba church and Is determined
to resign.
I Th Bhangaal liar seema to nava trsns-
terrea "is headquarters to im r oo. tnereoy
iprovtng bla eontributkma ta tbe gaiety ef
I The spectsele of three wires weeping st
I the bier of their husband In Des Moines
I suggests that Utah hasn't a monopoly of
I subdivided conjugality,
A thousand old pianos furnished material
for a bonfire on the beach at Atlantic Oty
Tbs passion for light music must b In
dulged re girdles of coat.
An automobile in Kansas City, unable
to climb a nearby hill, revenged Itself by
butting Into an undertaking shop and scat
taring a bunch of mourners,
"To wear a straw hat. even on state oc
casions." exclaimed a Boston authority,
"ta Indeed a sign of sanity." When Boston
(paka he who hesitates Is rip for a padded
i mm
Lfoyal sons of ths Blue Grass state' btv
reason to rejoice over tb record run ot
th Kentucky across tb Atlantic Tbs
battleship took something stronger than
Hunters around Elgin! in., made a kill
ing of 1.J2S crowa laat week. Tbe harvest
Is believed to be sufficient for tbe coming
feast at gprlngflcld. when the deadlock is
A Detroit Judge rules that a man has a
right to spank his wife If she la disobedient.
Inexperienced theorists often expound doe-
Is a bachelor.
Ao Illinois Jury solemnly upheld the terms
of a will dictated by a spirit st s seance.
Nowadays th average mm sees "the ghost
walk" so frequently that confidence feeds
on faithfulness and familiarity.
A soft ana war oft turns the edge of wrath.
"I hate to asntenc a man tp the penit
tentisry," said a Kansas City Judge. "Not
half aa much aa I hate to go," replied th
culprit The sentence planned was cut In
An amateur Caaey at Pawtucket, R. I.,
whacked the ball over the fence and Into
a cable slot of a big mill, throwing the
cable off the pulley, stopping the machinery
and giving 780 hands a half day off. Great
Is Casey of Pawtucket
Tba big chief of th Tku Indiana haa
Intrusted to P. M- Mullen, register of th
land offlcs at Junesu, Alaska, a Bna totem
pole, to be forwarded to President Roose
velt, ft la a characteristic of Omaha men
to execute their commissions promptly, and
Mr. Mullen msy be depended on to uphold
tha reputation of hla home town, eape-
claily sine a real totem will Increase the
confusion Of th democrats durlna tha
wUa'I CHTTAL 1 glasses tntod with our CRYSTAL
Hr. $3.50 fe...."..... $ 1-50
And $10 worth Green Trading Stamps. I And 15 worth Green Trading Stamps.
You don't tska your watch to a butcher shop for rapalra then why hav
your eyea experimented on by incompetents or a "Jack of All Tradea? we ar
We have spent FIFTEEN TEARS IN
matter how complicated.
Consultation sad Bxamloatlon Fre.
Hutesoti Optical Co.
Exclusive Optlclane.
213 S. 16th 5trot, Paxton Block, Omaha.
Eatabllahod 1M. Wholesale and Retail. Faotory on Premises
Will Da Cloaad Monday Aftarnoort Daooratlon Day
If ther It anything In our Una you want for that day (k It la th
morning Dofor 12 o'clock. ,
a s. wiLctox,
Kt ra ?"
aw ?raa eat kas fcrtcwK-
Ttu katiptf: as a.-ar
tavax ta'ti
R:rr ara a ac7 sir
Tu hVjr f vra Va4a t Ve-e m h
TV mutM V rmtM trwt wee gmm
Awftwarf tMm Arm fjr timm aitsaan
i rata.
Tt le arwjfte
a ar-.k.
' HrrKfT Is tb trrtart taw
1 lX trw.
, Xa aoax raw in tan 1 a yT T Ji
j '"T
f Srt a
j tr
' fT
I eraC saa ph-i Vt rba
' '- a lnu
fj OAmmAm aa
ta wwtk a b-re4
; s)f-ta4 atartyra
P " freerts tbatr tiwsV ive-r
' -
tbey are
W4J wtrb Tw?var.
Wiaw tic rfl arrts
wa tbe
j tb :-Mr
. " 7?.
ba la atat
baaj-t fvj m lilia1iig
1 0.ia TrftnatA
' w
ro wr, stic ruiuiraiti
j C'?rIA1 a acta tr Icm vwa
Ka. M rn tamM
"A P rirrTr m pastor aaj- be tms
f'-"-S tba OaJ veroaa and snarr r.
'"- a ear ,v n b akCOker aba baar
-Cirreian l'hit. lrr.
HXs.8 la t a ba-nO or a ea-urme
J We'l. aba waa a ar-vsera cba tea
ti I saw fewgwrrq, JwjjtmX
.t rest th k be ratwer I'kaa aae
Cb. & entuugb ta imisaaa I t yexrr
trarrge ta Osurr 'n. bat I oa t
tblak ! brave try to oorrww ary snim ii
ii-ust iuia. Ctuet rWt.
Bry o Maude as exgag? Wei I'sa
orry far tbe sua m- 4-jrml fcaww Lb
nrat tfcta about kepSr faevaa.
ramc . Cffa. yea. aa Auea
Betty I d tk t smvw wfcat
tin Tb tt tbur H t ret a saa to
keep faouaa f or. Harr a L-ear.
Kae-rbr Wa BraggatT aurprJe fce
be waa nomhsated fw rte g '.' itw '..;
Wagratiy vrvri4? I t.'au4 say x
n'fcy. be was ao takes abate that ba ai
saoat forrot tba uca of tnMut Ka
rrrparwa im ac
er.gad tax eoeka tm VwtiT. On
Toeaviay and fcer oa Wedaeatday , baw
rr r j wouid she tare T
Jofcsny Ncse New Tork (tea.
Minna Irvteg In Leslie 'a WaskJy.
Where cedars flanked tbe vtVage rrrcrt
Like sentrtea dark ard tall.
Two aoi41ers iamberei! aad by ett
Beneath Jk graaay pa II
Ore from hla moaay atooe prwiateww
That ha bad fought with Lea.
And one had marched tbe weary re4
With Sherman to tb saa.
There came a band of ret erase
Upon Memorial day
And planted roaea on th blue.
But left unmarked the gray.
But when returning to the spot
Another year, behold!
Their comrade of the battlefield
Rebuked tbem from tbe mould.
Tha rosea rooted In hla dust
Reached out their tender spray
Through starry n!ht and dewy dawn.
And sunny golden daya
They ahowertd with petals and prftsts
That green and alien t place.
An-1 folded both th sleepers there
Wltbio their sweet em ferace.
Each grlssled hero barred hfs head.
Ard evry furrowed cheek
Waa brightened by a tear that told
Tha thoughta that none could speak;
And so upon Memorial dsy, 1
In sunshine or In showers.
Since then thry deck alike tbe gravs
Of blue and gray with flow era.
Strongest in the World.
When a man
owes money
la tho vary time ha nds
tho prDtoctlon of (
Life Assurance '
write or telephone for In
formation e to the Equitable
policy that afford greatest
protection at least coat
The Cquitable
Life Assurance Society
H. D. NbELY, ngr. lor Nek
Merchanta National Bank Building. ;
- Olt
Ws solicit th
W hav machinery tor drpllcatlng any lens, ao
m atiagers