he Omaha Sunday I EDITORIAL SHEET, j PAGES 11 TO 20. r-ciufli,sai'',c'',iii,il,vaiac"i HP Bee. FTABUSriED JUNE 10, 1ST1. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKMVO, MAY 2D, 1004. v COPY F1VK CENTS. . "- " , : . - " -------- - - ii I I i n'"! I i 0 mm IIH I i .hi. mm n . .. . i nun i i mi . i -.. - ' i ihii in ' I I I I I nw " i i i mil m n .1 .m 11 ' iiymin mi 1 " '" 11 ' . 111 1 u ' "" ' ' ' rtmMi ' -- -n ir-iim irami mWm.i hii.iiiiimmii.imi muni urn 11 n imhhbmiiiiiii- mmi nuMMiiii 1111 (11 mmmmi MM.i.ewn im mi m . i niiwui'Ljji nn rii li. 1 1 imrii in ji i"ieai,. wwiii. u i'..mh Mwr.fcirt.T.in..MM nmm w.i... 'mujju jtCi-9-tnw.. '(t .ilwwt 9r3irtfMaRX wr.-xe. natth je.v m &. i.tnra xiwfc jgmu . a K-my Silverware Dept. Wcd&na'9Gi,, TE3 nrnrn TKc Sale of Shirts U' 0" 3 ii. Men'R ami HjV Shins, benight in Nw York for cfteh At 50c on tho dollar, is oonrinnod Monday. This pftle fcogan rriday morning find inrlndos iho product of the host Khirt makers in the 7nited States AMI son lms., Ton and Ideal brands. Soft, ootlavs, attached and deiaohei collars. 50e values, men's and boys' .-.rt5c $1.00 valuoR, men's and boj-s'. ......... .50c S1.25 values, men's and boys' .0C HanAom black tnmp1r4 -rtnr Ofcks, r"atbW!ral ermc and u M M vj. mnvompnt, fully pwrnnrffrt- 1 . il l I i f -' Vf Monday ... - VT y-i' gi-...!!, iL.I1P..ai..Kii.W.i.Mti..liyri.-..lll. And $10.00 of lUUf firor-n SHoVem tnro-n In. CJt " Your judgement is a parcel of 'your fortum"--$HAKESPRARH This is the weightiest advertisement in this newspaper today. Weightiest because of the masterful advantages that arc involved in trading at BENNETTS. Read this page carefully cr hur riedly, ss the humor dictates, but DGS'T MISS BENNETT'S MONDAY. Remember the claims of your Green Trad ing Stamp collection book we know you cannot forget this and use up these Green Stkker Sensations. Paint Jrrtlo a-r' Tm fcpt. mil-ruble tor t' pretty d siena ind f-voentionallv r f TiiKb quality OsT" JL $10 In Little Orrr-n StioVors fhtww-n In. 1.50 vah:es, men's and boys'. . . . .SOc i ii i ji -.i The Auctioneers Began the Sale of the Mammoth Stocks of the Sweetser, Pembrook Co., the Great Dry Goods Jobbers of New York City, Last Moivday It nsant that a million and a half dollar stock was ts bs sacrificed. Our Usw York buyer was on the ground and secured about Twenty Thousand Dollars worth cf the choicest bargains, Including Silk Dress Goods, Imported and Domestic Wash Cress Goods, Swisses, Prints, Calicos, Ginghams, Linens, Hen's, Women's and Children's Hosiery, Underwear, Handkerchiefs and Swiss Curtain lets. The first carload of this huge nurchaso reached Omaha by freight-express Saturday noon. It will go on sals Monday morning. If you have a dollar for a bargain, uso il now it will be as big in purchasing power as $5.00 when you finish THE CREAM OF SVEETSER, PEMBROOK OO.'S GIGANTIC AUCTION SALE AT BENNETT'S TOMORROW HORNING SILKS From ilia Great Swoatser Pombrook Auction Stock 600 piece 20,000 jurde. Monday morning at 8 'clock the gTMtett al of stlks evr tieard ot In the history of 0raah4 Hill be held at Bennett'e btg Bilk department We hare dlTtded thla entire pur chase la two lota. IX)T 1 TOR iJ XAIU-Oonileti of line Clln nd Japanese Mike, ITatlee and nenallnea, RurahAft, Twills, fancy striped Loulnenee and TatteUs not a yard worth lew than Bfte many as fjp blh as 85c, nil at oe price 'iC Monday, yard. ......,' LOT 2 Oonslats of plain Taffetas In nil color, In cluding black-Htuaranteed to wear black Feau de Bole, black Japs, black Chinas, colored saline and Loulsenes. fancy silks In plAtd, atrtpes, checks and 11 the new designs In this en&eon's choice styles and hundreds of other etyles. Widths 18 to 27 Inches, and vry yard worth $1.00 ffl to $1.75, in thla big tale, tjlin ' yard, Dty.............w.i Uosh Goods front tho Great S70ot3or-Potnbrook Auction 5c 1,000 pieces fine Organdies, lights 4nd darks New Tork price lBo BennetTa price, yard. 6,000 pieces fine Imported wash goods In Striped tis sues, heather linens, batistea, dlmttloe, r etcn Ki Inches wide. New York price llJC 2Q yard, Bennett's price, yard... V 400 pieces fine Imported white goods la checks, stripes and pUln goods, worth to 60c yard. Bennett's price, yard. . . . . WASH GOODS From tho Sweoisor-Pom brook Auction Finest of Wash Goods at 10c Yard 2,000 pieces extra fine importeit wRh from 30 to 43 Inches wide, every make, Including aulttnfra, Goods that are worth 7c a yard In New York. Bennett's price, yard. CAL10OS Thounands of pieces of fine Callcoa, lights and dark,' yard......,. ............ go, run faRhlonable IQc .41c Ginghams from tho Swootser- (Qg uslins from tho Sivcotsor-Pomhriiok Auction BO Inch Bleached Mnsllns and Cambrics, cheap at 8c and 10c yard, Bounett'a price, yard 4c 200 pieces fine Japanese Drapery Rllku&nes, In a .beautiful asaortmeut of colore, f cheap at 10c yard, Bennett's price, fjC Pembrook Auction 200 piece very fine brees GlnKhama. ii New York price 15c yard, Bennett's ilof price, yard, only... ...,,,,,,,',.., ,v,w3Uj Curtain Swisses 8,000 yds. 8fl-ln, White Curtain 8wl. The very finest theer quality with floral and dot pat- if terna, worth up to 'Mc yard, 11 Bennett's price, yard. .......,..... ...... laaaaw Women's Hose FROM TI1B BWEBTSKU PKMBUOOK f AUCTION 10 canes women's black cot- II If ton Iloao. to sell at 25c, 12 and.... I1U Children's lloso FROM Tltrt BWEETSEtt PBMBUOOK AUCTION 8 caaes children's black Btocklnga, to Sell at 10c, 15c and. Women's Gauzo Vests FROM TI1BI BWEETSER PKMBHOOK AUCTION 7 cases to sell, at, 17o and 10c 10c Handkerchiefs FltOM TTIM BWEETSEIt -PKMBHOOK AUCTION 1 case Imported embroidered Bwlsa I land kerchief a, to sell at , I5c Colored Dress Goods Values Extraordinary Seme Choice Plums Picked from the Sweetscr-Pem-breok Stock. New choice np-to-dare pvoda that we purchased at a nominal price. We will ploce them on cale Monday at a fraction of the original cost. 40 to !S4-inch Ficilians, Voile. MlnMrela, lOnnvaa, Ktamlnes, Groniten, Mohairs, Twine Cloth, Me-lane-ea, stripes and dotted Brillianilnea, light weight Tweeda, Creies, Batistea, Bergea and Cheviots. Actual value from 73c to $1.25 yard. Yours Monday, at, yam. ... ...... . 49c 4S-lnch llermolRe Crepes and all wool Crash Suit ings, In greys, grey mixed garnet, French blues, brown, tana, greens, cadet and cream. Good value at $1.50 the yard. uouday, at, yard... 75c Attractions in the Women's Ready-to-wear Dept. I lawn, 1.95 MISSE8 GRADUATING DRESSES White organdies and Point de Eaprit rTicea $4.Ki, $3.95, $2.l5, - $2.25 . and. t t u i m ...... WOMEN'S nOTJSB WnAPPERS Light shade ot organdy, lawn, percale and batiste, worth up to $2.50, att . . . . , , . , , 98c Two-Pioco Silk Drossos 9.90 12.50 BVulards dark and light shades and pongees. at ............... FINE HAIR BTRtPE TAFFETAB Brown, blue, grey aud green, at PLAIN AND CHANGEABLE TAF- In nr FETAH, navy, green, gun metal and 111 black and white at uuIUlUU BLACK TAFFETA SUITS ELEGANT it rtn HTY IEN Prices $22.50, $19.90, II Mil $10.75 and. .................,.,',...,, WW OIq Drive, in Lace Hits and Glovos FROM TltE BWRETBEH-PEM BROOK AUCTION 60 dofen Lace Mitts and Gloves, In white. eifnm. hlnrk nnit nurultlna kiiiIip aim.1 A - 1 " - .nu.. riir t l n im evening lengths fresh, clean goods Imported for ium sen run h nne Trade, to sell as high as $2.00 a pnlr. We put them on sale Monday, at, pair........ 75c Enormous Bargains in Men's and Boys' Underwear, : Hoso and Handkerchiefs Secured at tho Swectscr Pombrook Sale in Now York at Our Own Price. Salo Begins Monday horning. 100 dozen boys mMIum weight Jersey ribbed Shirts and Drawers, 35c rallies. w.i .QC 200 dozen men's and boys fancy honey-combed Shirts and Drawers, COc values, v. 23c 300 dozen men"s balbriggan nnderweai" Shirts and Drawcre 7Bc values k..K,..u,..jLOOC One hundred dozen Union Suits dollar and a Quarter values. . i ... . . . . . . . -. 09C Mens black and brown Hose twenty-cent Values. .nnii-.uki.M.'iu.iukk 1 100 Mens fancy Hose twenty-flre-cent values two iair 25c each. ....... .v.-..v ,Gc Mens fancy Hose thlrty-flve-cent values three pairs DOc each. 20C Mens Handkerchiefs fancy and plain white ten-cent valnes.,..i...i.i44ii.i(5c Men's Handkerchiefs fancy and plain White lBe values three for 25c each vik.-..JOc Mens Handkerchiefs fancy and plain white 25C values two for 25c each 4.iin:vvi4i(3f Clothing Department. PERFUMES ! PERFUMES! Ars you a freg-nlar patron of our Perfumery counterst Von will And the latest products and stveetest concentrations of tha famed per fumeries of England, France, Italy and America. Sdonday W4 will fclve double Green Trading Stamps with nil bulk Perfumes. lbrook'8 Parisian Hose, Locust Bloosom or Parisian Violets, o. Plvar's Bafranor or Le I'rfle, etc., per ounce. .......... Violets Vee-0-Lays) Ambre Royalo, per ounce Rnatman's Chinese Incpnae, per ounce Double Oreen Trading Stamps with Violet's fine Toilet Soap, Heliotrope-, Vlolette, Foln Coupa box of three, TB! per cake H!o Rubber Bpnnaes Ideal completion or akin sponge tn four Bices up from Klo '. TBo Jluealan Colgate's La Frano Roae Toilet Water four atzes 74o, i&c (So and..-. CARPET DEPARTf.1Er.1T THIRD FLOOR Special sale of Grass Mattings, In plain geen, hluea and red, as wbU etrlpe patterns a. cool, sanitary floor covering regular 60o quality apeclal tor one week per yard M feet Brussels Rug -small Persian effeota very deilrb!e patterns for aleeplns room or study special tor Monday at each tx9 feet and xlO- Rus-two odd lines of Emi, about 15 patterns In aU Russ in thl lot worth up to 116-all sell Monday at jour choice.. ....... 8x1 Kashmere Rue-s-rerersabla looks like body brusseli warranted fast colors Persian snd Turkish patterns speVlal for Monday- as fancy 35c , 7.40 . 10.40 . 1000 GROCERY PI Thrmimnd Two-Pound Cana PraNNurm HRRAjafAUT ctiFFicia This Im tha, miauuiy auid alnoa tha brand IWas Jntroiluoed. TWJiiOVtt THOUSAND POUNDS. 2-pound Can. 40c A Tea Sens&tlen $. wsrth Oram TTadlnf Mtarnpa with aaote hair lb. paukag liannetfa PoroelaJn KtSn. ...34o gfco. worth Qrm TrsUng -fif? 1 ) tampa with aaoh Jar Pra- aaartd 20c rionday Only. !"" IL", ?f " cannot be duplicated Tor less than M m. Odd Run n thla lot worth up to ixi.ao-ln designs suitable tor parlor, back par- in In low or dining room Ui tloral. Persian aod medallion afteot-aoh...Tr. IUiU Velyeta, Beatt- 26.00 We are showlnir a full and rompleta Una o f Body Brussels, Wilton olx and Royal Wilton Rugs tn aU tha new design, aud eoloitnaa prices from titQ to ..... . ... . Jc-;!f-.; 1 , s. n." V it I'J.VJJ 1 B mMtt SBJalalt al C MILLINERY! MILLINERY! The how white Chip Hats trimmed mid set off most charmingly with owl heads, glided crows feet, gilt quill ends novelties In trimming that are quito new. rlrst showing in Omaha. See them. Monday ws will aiaka a spaalal discount ef TWBNTT- TT-FrvH PkR CENT on VI rot's, Pouyanes and all other tm porta4 pattern hats, giving you a charm In choice ernry posalbls aaibltlon mat, every test abundantly f ratified. Thee superb orea tloiia at ON B-FOURTH OFF. SiiQQt limb Evory 50c pioco of Music laoooQDavsc' nU m i'iii'I Vsaj s? And S2 in Groon Trading Stamp ii Monday Only. Socond Floor. IS ..."'a. . UM worth Oreen Trading- Btiunya with Mh pounl Nrw Tork Full 4f)a Cream C'baeaa .. aW ;" Hcnsy Special .00 worth Oreen Trading Stamp with aaoh Jar Vurm jj Mm 4 6 Caniy Dspt. 0o worth Oreaa Trading SJtampa with aaoh Jir aa te , f Caudles aaM ' t U V ?5c Cir Dspirtniant Twin City 3 (parked In boa), for Amorom. lHttron'a Hlxh Orada Hmokina Ti tj io, former -rlc i.,0 lb., C" now Ivt ounoea for US " .-i 1. n ... ... -,.. ... t. Clg lot of Trimmed Uta4llvded Into four lota f-ot one, four ninety-eight lot two, three furly-ntne lol tliraa, two dollarsand lot ... ... ..... ... ...... Btreet Hats worth as high aa four dollar-. tha most of them enslly worth three dollars- at nluety-elsht taenia and , 1.00 25c 1 All assortment of Flowers lit -per bunch- rt jfh only IIUC And $2 Worth Little Oreen Stickers thrown in. a-TY -OS a. lit CV sJWWbik i.lssbs8l A J yf' f.fCHS And 12.00 In CROCKERYI CROCKERY! Largo elw fanr-y shape Bowls and PlMiers Aurea sieakius new ehoiie per Pttlr.i....i..iiii..y yO Plain white china Tpbcups and Saucers cleg) thla ri ware tiups and Baueers ach ...;....... i4i4 i4 ; .(JO nlch Cut Glass 8-lnch nowls raw tleRljns and 1 rj) nn apletidld outtlnt our regular prloa !-Monda only ss UU Cut Olass value we have ever offered. Do lug our large aud elaborate Hue of Cut Olass. ilf gallon Watpr Pitchers, assorted cdl-Talur-s op to BOo cbolca of little Qreeu Stickers thrown la 25c mm, Mason Fruit Jar Cap per do&en And tt In Little Oreen Btlckers thrown In. 1 .' ' 1 Va!l Paper! VallPapor! tiprlag aeofloa ii advanced, wo har quito a number of patterns in small lota to clean out Yours cheap. White Illanks, op from 3c Gilts and Oliininers, up from. . . , . . . 7q L'uiboasi'd Oolds and Tajttrles tip from 5fj Itooin ilouldinr, up from, per foot. .... ...... 2o Wall Taper (Jleaner, 1 lb. cons (Jq Double Oreen Trading Stamps Monday and Tuesday. 3rJ Floor. Automatically True When you want aoouracy In a plrtura thera la only ON0 sura way to secure It by a photograph! A drawing- mnde on careful measure ments nwy or may not be accurate) a photograph muat be. ( In tha Sams way when you want an aoenrata fit in a shoe thera Is only one sura way to secure it Don't trust to tuck on rt test f no-la by ordinary maurewvn., bU uoe ! eonitrwitd from an "X-ray" photograph, Tha "Drothr Dodd" Bhoa fits tha foot as no other shoo e-rer eaa, beus In shaping It 1 have been guided entirely by "X-ray" pho tographs of the foot This explains Uia marraloua fit of a "Dororthy Dodd. Slneerely youra, Dorothy DocJd. u Oxfords $3.00 end f,2.00 a-' u 24c mm ONE-THIRD OFF ONE'THIRD OFr. We will (rive a sp"lnl discount of one-third off on all Whfta China Vases for Monday only. Blue Willow IWiplft-e Mniier Bets flflJO talue 0.08 IN THE ART CALLERlEG i !eeo b4 'loot EtTHEFI HUNT'S OHINEBE BOYS llryeon's popular (Jlrls In Ked, ppoclal Monday, only .... . fJQo And 5.00 yworth of Oreen Trading Stamps with either. 300 beautifully framed pictures (by above artists) In trowu veneer frames, red bead ornaments, oval opening, a food bargain at 11.03. P f Bale prioe UJw And $5.00 or SO Oreen Martrps Throwo In. N A limited numtwr ea saU No orders Ukea. ; 'n- insnsnarwrV Visit our Art OaII;r , De Kooia and Uurut Wood I) tp'ay - :i-ee mJ n or Tho Right Things In IlABDUABi at Talking Prices Three Panel Fn4ey Doors natural A wood finish, v 1 1-8 In. thick. Screen Four Parrel Screen Door, made of kiln dried pine, 1 1-8 Inch thick, eorered with best quality wire cloth, H) ftC iisAa sarwoaa ajss) N Vug Extra Fancy Screen Door i i-8 Inch thick, eorered with bet quality black wire cloth, tery handsome A rP"0 "Sunshine" Ready Mired Paint strictly high fl grade-wlU go at a.!. .... VaKJJ v J JAP A LAO girea a magniflcent finish to floors or wood woik, wears like Iron, f small can, at .... 4 " X - - a,