V . THE OlfAHA DAILY DEE: BAT UK DAY, MAY 29, 1004. ON THE STROKE OF TWELVE DV SARGENT RICHARDSON. (Copyright, 1904, by T. C. McCIure.) "Not because ali a fair In love end war, but because everything goes In the rotten Bouth American republic," murmured Dave Henley, aa he coolly tore open the tote addressed to bis native eesistant. "Now, In the state, no man" He broke olf abruptly, and under the tan t hie clear-cut race crept an ugly, purplish-red tint. "Come at a quarter to twelve tonight the old south wing. Lollta." He repeated the word mechanically, nee, twice. Then, very deliberately, he tore Into minute pieces the note written by Lollta, daughter of fienor Matanya, min ister of finance, to Carlos Aqullla, first as sistant to David W. Henley, manager of the Henley-Oraves Construction company, engaged In Introducing a water system Into the capital of Ban Crura, Incidentally the resident representative of the company offered dally prayers that the present party might remain In power until the contract was completed and th'e lat Instalment was paid. That was one reason why Henley had turned color at sight of a note from the daughter of a man In power to a man whom ha suspected of secretly conspiring with the disaffected party. There la always a disaffected party In a South American republic, and It require only the light leader In the right place at the right moment te put It Into power. ' Henley had questioned the wisdom of re taining Carlos after ha had discovered the native's sympathy with the Insurrection ists, but Carlo Aqullla was the only man In all the Ood-forsaken republic who knew on thing about the foundations of rock, gravel and quicksand which underlaid the city with the same uncertainty that marked Its government. But there waa another reason why Dave Henley had flushed at sight of the note, and that was Its writer. Ha returned to his plans and specifica tions, but over the ruled psgea ran the words: "Com tonight Lollta." What did the girl knew of Carlo and how much did she care? Had the asked for this midnight meeting In hopes of winning him over to the cause? Henley knew that there could be but one price at which the loyalty of Aqullla could be bought the lov of Lollta. Dave ground hla teeth at thought of It. Carlos at this particular moment -was up In the foothills, swearing plcturesqtiuly at the native' foreman, who had ordered a blast set seven rods from the right spot. He would not return before dusk. Henley rolled up his papers, locked his desk and his office and strolled out to call on the head of Ban Cruca's secret service. That ilght aa Carlos Aqullla, his throat parched from heat, dust and much pro fanity, rode slowly toward the city a small body of soldiers appeared suddenly at a sharp bend In the road. An hour later. In a gloomy courtroom Aqullla waa formally arraigned for having made "riotous and In flammatory speeches" at a meeting of in surrectloolsts In a neighboring village three nights before. In vain the first as sistant of Senor Henley swore by hla patron skint, and all the rest on the church calendar, that on the night mentioned ha had ridden with hla chief to the new aqua duct west of the elty. Senor Henley was not to be found to prove the alibi, there fore must Aqullla await his coming In that section of the beat lie devoted to state pris oners. Carlos was too angry to not that ha waa treated with unusual courtesy for a polit ical prisoner. He knew that the charge was trumped up, for, though he had been aiding th Insurrection lets, he had covered his tracks too well to be followed by stupid officers of tb cause. And then there waa Lollta! Only the night before, when he had pressed her hand In th dance and had a eked for a word alone, she had whispered, "Perhaps tomorrow by night." Ferhaps ah had sent htm a message! Perhaps at this vary moment she awaited his coming! And at this very moment Dave Henley, in th guest room of the secret service chief, waa calmly, deliberately donning a fresh duck suit, a soft silk shirt and a stunning tie, warranted the newest things In th States. And over the house of Senor Matanya, mtnlster of finance,, brooded a calm that 1 was portentous. Oddly enough, and for v th first Urn m Its history. It waa empty, save for the master and his young daugh ter. Th old caretaker at their . country home was celebrating her saint's feast day, and all the servants In th city house had .been hidden. Not only had they received , permission to attend, but they had been Merer of a rarely large gift from th Id. retainer. In the dinning hall th minister and his daughter lingered over th evening meal, which, for th girl's part, waa untasted. "It Is such deeds that th women of your rare did before yon, Lollta," said th min ister with calm finality. "Tes, father," murmured the girl, obedi ently, but her vole shook and two tear stole down her cheek. "But I never saw anyone die and I shall remember It al ways." "You will not see him die and you will not remember anything save that through you the republic of San Crusa waa saved. Men Ilk Carlo Aqullla are more danger ous than thoee who talk loudly and do little, who long to carry th gun, hut know naught of the art of Intrigue." "Tes, father," said the girl, through force of habit. But she heard nothing that he said, for suddenly there had come be fore her a vision of a dance and a man unlike the men of her own race on who stood so straight that he looked down upon her by full a head, who fee waa fair and who wore no black, pointed mus tache. She recalled the next time they had met and the neat and life grew tweeter with each turn of memory' paga. She waa weary of the empty, honeyed phrases of her father's political frlenda She had learned to care for this north erner, who laughed with his eyee when he pralned with his lips. And she clasped her hands tightly In her lap and wondered carrying with bar th light shad by tb candle. Sternly her father ordered her to draw near, and, unwrapping the package, be climbed one more on th chair, matched th package Into a corner of th clock, ad justed what looked like a plee of dull, pliable wire, shut th clock ease and stepped lightly to th floor. "There I nothing left but to wait" She shuddered at hla words and drew back Into th shadows, while he tried the door and windows. Then he led her back to th library and calmly drew forth a card table. Lollta shook her head. "Not tonight for In less than an hour, I I shall aend blm to hla death and he has done nothing to me." Her father's lips set In a firm, narrow line, and he eyed her sternly. "It Is not the- daughter of a Matanya who speaks now. It la a coward, a woman t say, what does this meant Thl la no melodrama, you know." She clutched his arm, and aa she spoke her eye traveled, fascinated, to the clock. "Carlos waa a traitor to tb cans. He wss to die. It Is the will f my father, and every door la guarded should I weaken. Behind that door (pointing to the on lead ing Into th new part of the house), stands my father. To him I must go alone and not before five minute to 12. Were you to leave this room they would shoot you for Carlos the aame height, th tame clothe'' She clung deeperately to hla arm, while he looked down at her uncer tainly. It seemed so like bally nonsense, he was saying to himself. Then once more ahe looked at the clock. Another minute had been ticked off. She flew to the door leading to the other part of the house and shook It like a mad Wt w0 V ;(' ' IKI I V mm' Igggl rajf , a.. .SSSbi THERB WAS A QUICK, BHARPBEPOR T, A LEAP OF FLAME, AND THE CLOC K TICKED NO MORE. what he would think If h knew! 8h waa aroused by th scraping of her father' chair. "We will retire to th south wing," he was saying. Th south wing! Her breath cam in short, faint gasps. They crossed the dimly lighted reception hall and passed through the drawing room and the library, where a great metal lamp threw weird shadows over her father' high, carved desk; then through the un llghted, silent passage which led to the south wing. He threw open a narrow door and they stood within the original :esldence of the house of Matanya cramped, low-celled and narrow. From the living room, stair led to sleeping rooms above, and at the further end aa Iron-barred door led Into the kitchen, where the mother of Lollta had cooked many a simple meal. Opposite the staircase waa another barred door, which led Into the gardens. Since the death of Lollta' mother the rooms had not been used. Often the power ful minister of finance had determined t pull down the wing, which served only to remind him of th day of poverty and struggle. But It was just aa well, for now the old aouth wing waa to have a. mag nificent, a spectacular fate. V He closed the-door behind them. Lollta clasped her hands over her heart and leaned against the wall. For on the silence of the room ther waa borne to her a sound the rhythmlo, regular tick-tick of a clock. Her father held aloft a flaming candle, and now she saw It, a big, Inartistic, oak wall clock, fresh from th states, and ut terly out of the atmosphere of this half Spanish apartment. Her father drew a chair Under the clock and, bidding her hold the candle, he opened the caee, placed hla ear eloae and listened, aa a doctor to the heart-beats of his pa tient Then he compared hi watch with the clock and smiled. The new timepiece bad not varied a second In twelve hours. Next be took from his pocket a small, bulging package and laid It carefully on the chair. Lollta looked at It with wide yea and quivering lips, and draw back. (tu: TTfWmiS THE BLOOD Hot Spring An Vtsltoet For RHEUMATISM At!D IIEURALGIA to Thar are ol tatted idee of urate poison, which Arst thiusee te blood Ua At treat expense, but the retnltt are aneertala the ebanioe Ua harden a seiua la the Jotnta aad tlMues. 7T r-CuHt COnSTIfATIOl I TJjJEJJgW TREATMENT BY ELIMINATION I n n 1 r i r l , rt PROMPTLY RELIEVES PAIN saseass jLaji u w r ' " i r 11 r tr i r i ti Is Inexpensive aad givee aeaalte leeolta. Tha EUmlno Remedies to Right to the) Root of th Disease aa abaolately remove the seat. their the Uretee are ao.IU.alr aa MmutuUi exaalied from the No other ejedkclne or Metho. of troatateni tbl. aad It eotu onlf dollar or two to beeure r the SLiaia aiethud, whil. It m m.mMf hneUrwlt to vlolt UdI 8rlu. but. atk four 4ruaMt or wrue to lor our huuhiat.lt letaraote Is ear veextarfel diwoiery. 'lui eoote suthtu aa will thuw oa the road to aoatih., EUmlno Modlcln Co., Dos Moiooa, la. i an w piiuno iuim i tor one uocue ok r.ununo ana ' B TKR It m.. how MUCH BBT. For sal by E. T. Tatea ProDrietsr. I I lta and Chicago tu., Omaha, 'Phones TtT and TS7. Uih and M etc.. Sooth t I Omaha, 'r has Mo. 1. ith Ava and klajn St.. Council Bluffs, 'fhon sna a you lmllvrr1 free. BCUAi-i-'Elt 8 CUT I-BILJO PHI'O STORl.a. who does not lov her country and her father's people. Th Republic of Ban Crusa Is prosperous. Th president Is a father to its people, but they do not understand, and such men as Carlo Aqullla will drive them to their doom. It Is one life against a thousand, and th man "la nothing to your ; There was a note of Interrogation In his voice, and Lollta shook her head. "Nothing, father but a man should have the right to live and breathe" ; "And start a revolution in which hun dreds of peaceful men and women will lose their lives T For your country for the wives and children of our soldiers, Lollta! Remember that to you they will owe their lives, their homes their happiness!" . Bo when the new clock from he state pointed to 11:35 they entered the south wing. Her father led her to the door open ing from the garden and banded her the rusty key. "Remember, at five minutes of twelve you leave by , the passageway. Three knocks, soft as a child's, and I open It. This key you bring to ma" He kissed her broad forehead and with out another word he left her alone. On the table th candle flickered and flared bravely, but the girl, huddled In a high-backed chair, sat, like a bird fasci nated, listening listening for the footstep she knew must oome. At sound of It, outside the door, soft as a woman's, stealthy as a thief, she drop ped the key with a great clatter; then with a quick prayer, she picked it up, thrust It into the lock, turned It with a hand grown suddenly cold and firm, and threw open the door. "Toul You I" Bhe staggered back against th wall. And Dave Henley, dusting dead leave and twig from his Immaculate duck suit, stepped lightly Into the room.- , "I hop you don't mind much," he said, with an easy smile, as he stood, hat In hand, before her. "Mind muchT" 8he raised her hand before her face to shut out sight of him, A gust of wind roe sighingly and swept th door shut Tb key clattered from her finger and Henley, bending to pick It up, did not hear another key click In th outside door, or a bolt slid. Then, too, aa h looked up be caught a womanly sorrow and pleading In th girl's y which mad him for the In stant blind and deaf to all else. He handed her th key, and she took It with half a sob, thrusting It Into the bosom of her dress, "Carlos was er detained and a he didn't want you disappointed, thought er there might be something Important, he Just asked m to drop around and her I am. I hop you don't car." For answer th girt burst Into sobs, swaying uncertainly In her grief. It was evident that she oared very muck and for Carlo! But even a tb thought drove relent lessly Into hi brain, the drew hereolf up, wheeled on her tiny heel and stared wildly at th clock. It was fifteen minutes to It Again shs turned and thla tire eh dashed up th stairs, pulling frantically on th barred door. "Oh, I say." said Henley, looking up at her In frank anger, "this is a bit too rough. Tou know I'm no oad. If I don't belong to your people. If you'll kindly give m that key I'll out out at once." OoT Tou would gof'th girl said, In low. tens voloe. "1 would glv my life If you could. But It is locked everything la locked! If I glv you this key and you leave by that door (pointing t the door through which he had entered) you'll be hot Uk a dog!" Bhe cam tearing down the step and toed before him, wild-eyed and panting. woman. The answer waa silence, and now for the first time Henley felt a vague sense of uneasiness. "Would you mind telling me just how I am to diet" He had tried to pass It off half as a Jest, but the horror in the face turned to htm made him regret hi light words. It was a stern reality after all. "You will hate me hate me," sobbed the girl, "but I was to leave Aqullla In the room alone on a pretense and on the stroke of 13 a lltte machine In that clock would go off and and " "Exactly," said Henley, his vole quit even and firm, "an Infernal machine. When th hammer strikes 11 It will also strike the percussion cap. Quite up to the average diplomacy of a Bouth American republic. It' rather a nasty way" "Senor Henley," tobbed Lollta, clinging to his arm, but still glaring1 at the clock. "It Is seven minutes of .We will go to gether to the door and I will cry aloud to my father who you are" "And he won't believe a word of It Thanks. I prefer a scenic explosion to a tab In the dark. Tou mutt gr " he said, suddenly, and with a at range light In his eyee. "81 x minutes!" "No. No!" she sobbed, dragging him to ward the door. He braced himself firmly. "Just one thing, Lollta, before you go. Had you any any Idea of drawing me Into thlaT" "No, nol See! I kneel to you" and suiting th action to th word ahe dropped at hla feet Almost roughly he picked her up and carried her to the door. "I am glad of that because because well, I rather thought I loved you." With a half boyish gesture he bent ever and kissed her. then tried to raise her hand to give the signal. Instesd, her finger closed convulsively on his arm. "You love me you love me" she whis pered almost Inaudihly, as the clock ticked off the fatal seconds; "then I will not go! It Is better to die with him you love than to live without him." For an Instant Henley forgot the clock and the fatal cllrk-tlck-tlrk that tolled off life-beats for them both. He held her close to his heart and all else In the world was barred out. Then It came hack, th In sistent tick-tick; and he whirled round to face the clock' dial. Four minutes of 12! Suddenly he pushed th girl far behind him and something In his demeanor made her obey hi gesture. He had straightened up. Th clear-cut features, so dear to her, stood out In marvelous profile between her and the candle light. Three minute of ill HI hand slid round into hi hip pocket. Something bright and long and narrow shone at th end of hi Arm, slim hand. There was a quick, sharp report, a leap of flame and th clock clicked no more. He had struck It mainspring to the heart. He turned, and In the girl's ayes waa that which mad him tremble. He had read of sudden shook causing Insanity. She stood, her' gas glued upon the hands which would never turn sgaln. "It I coming, coming, tha stroke of twelve," she whispered. Henley gathered her close to his heart. "The clock will never strike again. Th machine can't go off, dear heart. It Is broken! Broken! Do you understand?" Shudderlngly, the crept closer to him. "Never strike again?" she murmured. "It's all right, dear girl; It's all right! Why, I came from Waterbury where they make docks I" Th next morning th superintendent .md manager of th Henley-Orave Construc tion company, strolled Into court and proved tha much desired alibi for his first assist ant Together they strolled back to the office of the company. There, behind closed doors, Henley looked at Aqullla narrowly. "Lucky for you, old man, you were locked up last night. There are ugly rumors around the palace this morning about an attempt to blow up Senor Matanya's home. You're a good civil engineer In your way, Carlos, but you are liable to make the Henley-Oraves company unpopular with the government I think you'd make a better soldier!" Aqullla' eyes brightened. "81, senor," he answered with quiet en thusiasm. . "Well, there' war on between Russia and Japan. The Japanese are little people and they might be glad of your help. I've a letter here to a friend In Japan, a man who know everybody. I think he can put you next to real war. Want to go?" "SI, senor," replied tb South American, hi eye flashing. It cost Henley his share of th first pay ment on the new aqueduct, but he counted it wortn while. The departure of Carlos Aqullla Increased the chances of completing the contract, for the rumor o an attempt on the life of tha able minister cf finance and hi charming daughter had strength ened th cause and prolonged the life of the party In power. Then there waa Lollta! 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