THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: BATUIU7AT, MAY 28, 190. V I t Ladles' Neckwear worth SOc . 15c 23c J!o) Ladles' Flowers for, Decoration Day $1.00 Jasmine Buds at IOc. Bought 10,000 Jaamine buds from the Wells-Fargo Ex press Company. This ia a rare largo white flower very fragrant and Bold in the east at one jCIv dollar. On sale today, entire HQJJC dozen at ,--- Great Sale of Summer Underwear For L.adlo. MImi and Children. Ladles' Summir Vests white and fancy col ors, noe ribbed and all orer lace, worth each, iqs riDoeu nua an 10c Ladles' Lisle Thread Vests Low neck, ehort sleeves & eleeveles, also ladles, laoe trimmed paots, 25o values, at ueeveies, aiso 15c Ladies' LUle and Silk Finished Vests trimmed with vai laces, silk ribbed and crocheted, size worth up to 60c, crocheted, also extra vests and pants "T) th up to 60c, at .. iBshr Children's fine ribbed rests and. (Misses' and boys' gang rests, pants lace trimmed pant- A and drawers-long and I all atses IWv short sleeres, 25c quality. ,Uv Great Sale Of Hosiery Fast Black Hosiery for ladies' men, boys and girls, fine heavy rib, plain lisle and all-over lace, many worth f fl f C 25c pair, on tables, at.... Ladies' and men's imported hosiery, gauze, lace C lisle drop stitch and all over lace, a pair.. Ladies' $1.50 and $2 Shirt Waists at 75c A. splendid lot of new shirt waists, this summer's pretty styles, dainty lace and embroidery insertions s9 made in the new summer wash fabrics, A worth f 1.50 and up to $2, each, at U r S J I mr Pa Ml n 11 II 11 VL Swell 5hlrt Waists at $1.25 Absolutely new styles the pret tiest sheer summer fabrics a specially pretty assort- f J C meat, at $1.00 Shirtwaists at 39c Thes r far better than the, ordl nary moderate) priced waists made In fancy lawns, Ct vestlngs, ata, prettily trimmed and worth up to $1, atSM Jap Silk Waists at $1.98 The newest ideas in Jan silica will be rery popular , thU summer, at p slim 1.98 Watch Our Windows nti i 1 1. : 3 t z. 7 Watch Our Windows Four Per Cent Interest Paid J. L. Brandeis & Sons, Bankers Checks on All Banks Cashed BIG ELEVATOR WILL GO DP Inmeni Plant to Be Erected by Iowa Bebmka Grain Goapany. BURLINGTON RIGHT-OF-WAY THE SITE Knelld Martin U the Frohakle Presi dent o( Cmpur ui Floy 4. Campbell la slated torn ' Ma MQfc ' The Iowa-Nebraska Grain company has completed arrangsment with the Burllng ton railroad whereby a mammoth grain w elevator will be built near the right-of-way of the railroad this summer. Land has been secured and all arrangements are completed looking; te the erection of the buildings at the earliest possible date. Just where the elevator will be erected has not - yet been made public. Floyd J. Campbell probably will be man ager of the elevator and the grain company building when It 1 oumpleted. It U un derstood that several local capitalists, among them Euclid Martin, who probably will be president of the oompaay. are In terested la the deal. The elevator when eompleted will be ene of the largest In the west and will be used for the transfer and storage ef grain which ts bought along . the lines of the Burlington In Nebraska. The exact capacity of the building has not yet been decided. The decision te erect the building was reached some time ago, but owing te a difference of opinion as to where the build ing should be located between the proepee tlve builders and the railroad work has been postponed. All of the details of the contract between the railroad and the builders probably . will be arranged' Best Monday or Tuesday. cities In the west for a number of enter prises. It surprises me to think there Is no large canning factory here. Tanneries should certainly come here In the near future, and they later undoubtedly will be followed by leather working Industries, such as shoe factories. You -have every . thing here to make tanneries and leather working Industries a success. I believe that It will not be long until announcements of the location of business enterprises here will be made which will astonish the peo ple. We have them under way now, and all that la required to get them bare Is a UtUe time." are Aid te Loag 14 fe. Eleotrlo Bitters give an aotlve liver, per fect digestion, healthy kidneys, regular bowels, fine eppetlte, or no pay. BOo. For sale by Kuhn Co. THINKS OMAHA GREAT POINT . Barllarte Industrial Cexaanlsslone Considers Tale City perlo laoeatlea. W. H. Manse, Industrie eotnmlaaloner of the Burlington, is In the city. The business of Mr. Manas Is to arrange for the loca tion of industries along his line of road. In speaking of the work which la being done In this department ef the Burlington Mr. Manas aald: "We have one of the most complete sys tems of gathering Information about In dustries which Intend moving or engaging In business of any line In tbe United States. We are subscribers to a number of press clipping bureaus and all of eur employes, both east and west, have In structions to be en the lookout for firms which Intend to move or erect new build' tags. Ia this and other ways we gather a large quantity of Information each week. which It Is my business to follow up. "I believe Omaha, In the near future, will be one ef the most fruitful fields tor tbe location of new enterprises. I know ef a large number at the present time which will almost certainly choose this city as the dual location of business. The nature of these enterprlsee are varied. Vtaiaha, BOTH SIDES WIN AND LOSE Plaintiff and Defendant Get Verdict Which Awards These Me DsasgM, The Jury In the ease ef A. X Hansoom against the Western Real Estate Truatees and others, which has been en trial In the United States circuit court for the entire week, returned a verdict for the defendant on the claim of the plaintiff, and a verdlot for the plaintiff on the claim of the defendant Plaintiff sued for 112,000 damages by the collapse ef a building en Douglas street, near Fourteenth, last August; on the ground that the eeUapee ef tbe adjacent building caused the collapse -ef his build' lng. Tbe defendante filed .a counter suit for a similar amount and hence the ver dlot, which gives neither side anything. Three blank forme of verdict were sup plied the Jury, one for the plaintiff, one for the defendant and one for neither. The Jury was out but about fifteen minutes and returned the verdict for neither, er vir tually for both, which makes It practically a standoff. Upon the conclusion ef this ease the petit Jury was given a reoees until June I. when the criminal ealendar will be called. Such of the present panel of the petit Jury as wished to be exoused for the term, were excused and a new panel will be drawn next week to finish up the work of the term. CAl'Sg) Or FALLING HAIR. DsstrsS Which Is a Geraa DUeaee Kill the Sorae, Falling hair Is caused by dandruff, which la a germ disease. The germ In burrow ing Into the root of the hair, where it de etroye the vitality of the hair, causing the hair to fall out, digs up the cuticle In little scales, called dandruff er scurf. Tou can't stop the falling hair without killing the dandruff, and you can't cure tbe dandruff without killing the dandruff germ. "Deetroy the cause. you remove the effect" Newbro' Herplclde la the only hair preparation that kills the dandruff germ. Herplclde Is also a delightful hair dressing. Bold by had lng druggists. Bend 10 cents la stamps for sample te The Herplclde Co., Detroit Mich. Charm an a MoConnell Drug Co., special agents. Tbi) Bee Want Ads are the beet Business Omaha Clothing Co, 1314 FAR NAM STREET Saturday Bargains ,..,. mm ..i,,,, ipu, .1 Ml. J, .iiu.ieun. , ... mm Regular $1 and $150 Shirts, choice - EIVS PAI1TS--Worth $2.00 Qfl $20 and $350, choice - XjUn 25c Fancy Hose, pair, 10c 50c Underwear, garment, IQc John B. Stetson Hats, $2.75 BOSTON GARTERS , ....120 GENUINE GUYOT SUSPENDERS 350 PRESIDENT SUSPENDERS . nc.35c 25c Hook-On-Bows, made out of fine silks. .. .e,telJa. 'Xt 12o 50c, 75c and fl.00 CUFF BUTTONS, pair.. .19c 25c pure linen Handkerchiefs, 10c or 3 for . ... . . . . ... .250 f L00 MONARCH SHIRTS . -75o 12 and 12.50 Soft I OR and Stiff Hats - U&V Men's Clothing 1 lot Men's Suits... IS.OO 1 lot Men's Suits $8.98 1 lot Men's Suits S9.M Men's H8.50 Suit 111.00 Men's 118.00 Sultw..... U2.S0 Men's 120.00 Suits .......tUM Boys' Suits 1 lot Suits $3.00 Boys' Suits , $4.00 Boys' Suits. Mo $14$ oee$l98 ma g KIT No Security- No Interest $1 Each Week Will Dress You Well. Goods Pslivered en First Payment. WE GIVE GREEN TRADING STAMPS Cut Price GRAND iillinen Sale SATURDAY. V HAT in the House . AT lavestlgala It Pays. COST. 1508 Deuglas Street BOSTON Meat Grocery Go's Green Trading Stamp Specials for Saturday and the rest of next week. 00 in Oreen Trading; Btampe with each . IK U,u.h . mnA Java ooITm at.... TOO SLOe In Oreen Trading Stamus with each I lb. oan Mocha and Java coffee for.. (1,00 rvi i T'.a nir fltamna with .U P. H pound of Santos coffee at .. " tCOt In Oreen Trading Stamps with each pound of Ceylon or Gunpowder tea at 70o I&.W in Oreen Tradlns Stamps with each Seune oi jeyea, auiiuu swmm w unpowder tea at eoo tCOO In Oreen Tradlns Stamps with each POUCH OI OBUU !-" j,vnm. .... i aa . - in T m i I n v fit Amr. with each k hotu Watemroof shoe polish at.. iOo 11.00 In Oreen Tradlns Stamps with tbe folio wins articles l Each 16o packase Keaay ttiim a- " . itv K.ifftri aiioaaiaLe. .... . Anna MPH . f ..... . ....... 80c oana peas at 0o cans tomatoes at $ dosen packase mstohes at. lbs.'rioe or prunes 260 Saturday Meat Specials Pork loins Pork roasts Bpare rlt-e Ml bs. leaf lard for.. i. .vv. av. - ik.UIU. ta.f rruiAta. Choice veal roasts.... Choice mutton roasts. I lbs. pork chops for.. Sugar curea bacon... busar cured hams.... Bait pork .... To tun ...................Aw ::::.1c Good Urd, 4 lb, tor ......... vu e M seee-eeeeeee s eee TO , Uo , 3bo FOLLOW TUB CROWDS TO TUB Boston Meat & Grocery Co., 113 ti. ICth ;t. 'Phcno 1089 A PRCMATURnORAYNESS r U ;. UMteeO (JwM U Ht e4o or irW. UatlBe eue Imtm ttie tikir rinaii. twrt put (iof. Convince Yourself Confine your purchasing of groceries and meats here for one month and we are thoroughly confident the results thus ob tained will Impress you much more favor, ably than any argument we possibly could advance. These three essential features should merit your thoughtful considera tion QUALITY. PRICE, SERVICE. . Diadem Butter, per pound ............. ..Ha Idlewlld butter, per pound Xto Choice Country butter, per pound &)o SMITH'S Green Trading Stamp Specials 1X0 In stamps with our bottle Ketchup J6 1 .00 in stamps with S bars OrandpVs ' Wonder Soap 250 fl.00 In etampe with one-half pound ' an Ginger 1 I .00 In stamps with one can Baklnn PowderTT. .00 In ttampe with one can Peaches, JLjrloou or Pears fl .00 in stamps with one bottle OUves J j .Mlnstarnps with one Jar of Mae a I M In tamps with t bokee Keystone $1 Gelatine 100 r 1.00 In stamps with one can eorned beef 150 fi .001 n stampa with ( pounds sago -50 1 .00 In stamps with $ bars toilet el soap . 00 In stamps with half pound ' chocolaU .'aw i.OO In sUmps with two pounds apricots i.OO In stamps with two cana sliced ' smoked beef 200 Double Oreen Trading Stamps with all purchases Saturday. TEA SPECIALS Jfj .OOIn etampe with one pound B. F. c .00 In stampa with one pound Cey 0 Ion Tea !7. W C t In stamps with 1 lb. Ensllsh J Breakfast Tea M lbQ J .00 In stamps with 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea .....V. H- E. T. SMITH &CO., 140T Dena-laa St. Pkese 164. pmiM .n i i ii'imrami Shoes for the Girls and Boys Our flM shoe for boys and girls Is an ..extra good value. They are made of a better grade of leather, with better linings and better put together than any ahoe we have ever seen sold at that price. - They wear weU. feel easy and look nice; It will pay you to try a pair. We have everything else for boya and girls foot comfort for summer: Tennis ehoea, slip pers and Oxfords ties In all the popular styles, and at the lowest cost iS&803lA2a)i 111 .. lb 100 OH h;uj i mil MUmm., iz-oi wawaeieeei Adriatlo Fiira per pound .. Vigor, per packet ge Malta-ceres, per pacKare qq Halaton's Breakfaat Food, package.,. .120 DaM ftlUKBi ff 1MIB. Utr jjwVWm.asH. eeeeeeee. i-t." JeU-O. per package t 1 VEGETABLES Our vegetables always appear attractive and Inviting, not only because they ere most carefully selected, but because they are never exposed to the wind and dust, and are absolutely clean, and eur prices a trifle lower than others. Tender Aspsragus. tnree bunches for.. 10o Freeh Spinach, per peck loo Slender Cucumbers, eaoh - 6o String Beans, per quart IOo Wax Beans, per quart 10o Crti-p Kadlehes, all you need for do Choice .Lettuce, all you need for to Nice Rhubarb, all you need for 60 New Poutoe. per reck " SPXUNO CUiCXKNa. BFR1NO XjLMU. SommerBros. Exponents of Good Living. 28th and Farnam Streets XuNTllrt. awmrl uf heir eilurMl frae. 3 tettM) bit MMtuiu... JPxtvaur etnigeS,' lamui tatMMM. mm. coon w. tu at, iwvitrfe Ps L RAtUCCIOTTI, D, f. Se CrTT TarrERIMAIttAJf.' Mei and IuOraaary. SJU and Mason Bta, 4TBE93CENTr STOREi FLAGS For Decoration Day Monday, May 10th, Is Decora tlon day. It's none too early to think of your decorations. We have a full assortment of Flags. In muslin, wool and cot ton bunting, all at our special prices. Rare are some of them: mall, 8x3, per dee..'. ,8e nasrs, 1-8x4, per oa...Jle Flase, 4xS, per doeea..lOe Tlasre, XlxclS, per elesext.aSe Imts; STx43, veh..,..Ml3e Fiaa-s, BSxSe, each, . . , . .toe Flass, Ox, eax. , . ,M.aSe Fleers, SOxTS, eaoh. .... ,8Se 7 Hi w ' TO 0L0RAD0 ANDRETUnjt union pacific STZXT XXAY from ! e joth, iaclBelTe, with Seal mm limit Oct. 1 lt, I, from MiMoeri klni (CoaaeU i attain luut CUy UclselveJ 1 smts poexf mdm) cesds eear Cbti laaalre of CTTT TICKET OFFICII, ISM FARlfAM ST. 'Phone tie. Great Rug Sale Saturday. See Other Ad. in THB RKUABLB STOHK. Great Silk Sale Saturday. See Other Ad. A Good Clothes Exposition. A display of the best gouds the market produces is what you will find in our iminensi: clothing department. Exclusivr ness and elegance define the i-ol-lection of KEADY-TO WEAK GARMENTS found here. They are not to be compared to the ordinary ready made or custom made suits. THEY A1JE FA IS SUPERIOR. IN FACT ARE ONLY EQUALED IN STYLE FIT AND WORKMAN SHIP BY THE BEST CLASH OF CUSTOM MADE SUITS and the price is less than half of what these would cost you AS A SPECIAL FOR SATUR DAY", we are showing a line of suits unequaled in Omaha at the prices we ask: $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 Perfect in fit, elegant in fabric, hand tailored throughout and with that individuality of style so much sought by the dressy 4 MAC C At0 SEE THESE GOODS SATURDAY". TRY THEM ON, YOU. CAN'T HELP BUT BE SATISFIED. For Your Vacation Trip, Be sure you secure a TRUNK GRIP or SUIT CASE that will stand the racket. WTC CARRY THE BEST GOODS produced in this country and at reasonable prices. If you want to save money, see our lines before buying. We have: Trunks ranging in price from $2.75 to ....... i.O.OO from 1 r0 in ... ' . - ... $18.00 IO U. t VOOCS loulllg i i v. v . v.. Grips, ranging in price from 50c to .$15.00 t Straw Hat Special. Men's, boys' and children's straw hats worth up to 75c, Saturday, 5C. Wc & 15c. DON'T PAIL TO SEE THEM. nn si Yes. I am at 1611 Farnam Street. s. r rjr HE SELLS STATIONERY. I Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota or Klssoar, We will pay tbe freight on all erdere of flO or more to any point In either of the above named, states until further nwtice and as we sell. 11.00 Uquosone, at tl.OO Peruna, at o il.OO Temptation Tonlo, at o il.00 Kalamasoo Celery and Sarsa- parilla fl.00 Hossack's Sarfiaparllla 860 1.00 ChrlsUanson' EmuUlon Cod Liver OH 6O0 Doan's Kidney Pills o tiCO Chester's Pennyroyal Pills X J1.00 Butler's Female Kesulator uar- anteed eC SI 00 Woman's Friend, a full month's treatment Vlir tw Wo Hind's Honey and Almond Cream.. o too Pocxonl Ka Powder. tlo tbo M.nnen's Talcum Powder J6! ibo Hire s Root Peer (conoentraUd).... lfcfl 25o Cutlcura Soap 2? 11.00 Palne's Celery Comround Tlw tl.OO Cnrystal Tonlo .......Tio You had better take advantage for this offer I If you hare rheumatism we rue ran tee to cure It with ELIMINATION: If you have any blood trouble or Irregularity of the heart. ELIMINO will cure you. KL1M1NET8 euree eonatipatlon. CUT PRICE DRUQ ATORB B T. IATKS, PYop. llth and Ch lease Bta, Omaha. 'Paewse SGIIAEFER'S in ana w a ana ri bis Boutn Omaha, 'Phone No. 1. tih Ave. end Main Sc. Ceunoil Bluff 'Pbene Ut. All aoode de livered I" either tfty abeeluteir free. Ordinary Shoe Stores Ordinary shoe etoree sell ordinary ahoes at extra-ordinary prloea u 00 and up. The Kesent Shoe Co. sell extra-ordinary shoes at ordinary pricnW W and 12.60. We manufacture Man's Shoes exclusively and soil them dlreot te the wearer. The oelehrated ONIMOD Well Soled and SOLD RIOMT 3.50 $2-50 a ad Always Regent Shoe Co. 20S So. 15th St TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER . The Best Vans rapes1. Johnson & GooJlett Co. PHONES IB TO AND 4743. IF YOO WIIX carefully look over our list and study the values we tilur, you can not help the conclusion that OLK KlOltl is the place where your do.lars will go in furthest, and vhere you :11 fcet thu must solid satlstactlon. The Quality of our Bread and Cakes is not excelled enywhero. Try them. That's the way to tell. PcCCIAt.9 KOR IATVHUAY. BUTT EH Idlewlld Creamery, Qe pfr It g' POTTED HAM-Verlbest b'and, 71 e DiCViLiD HAM VeriUMt brand, '-' HAM V ere beat irand, 71, 13c 9c small size. ter can.. COKNi BEEF Veritet b'a.d. 1-lb. cans JAM S Cu r. ier Bros.. 1-lb. cans, trawberrv or rassberrv. Der can. PICKLKH Quart Mason Jar a, line Mixed Pickles, eheap at oc per ;ar, ' Saturday SALT Hb. sacks bast table Salt, per saok OATMEAXr-4 pkss. Quaker Oats for .... CXRO FRUTO Fresh new gwdii, per pk.. CAKB.B- er white He ...5c .25c ...5c .Wc ...5c .10c a Our fine Cakea fir BREAD None eo good. RADISHES Finest and freshest home grown, 7 bunoliea for A 8 HA RAG US Oreen. tnndereat kind 1 niom bunrhel for. LEAF LARD 16 lba. $i,00 PORK LOINS c5"lFo'RNiA'"HAMSSu'gar''ourei per lb LAMB STEW, IK STRAWBERRIES-Quallty and price will be right. , ... 'Phone your orders as early as posslblo. Johnson & Goodlett Co. BOth and Lfce Its. Greeerlee, Meats and Bakery. 7c .6c .3c Satisfying Soda goda tastes different at every fountain It taatee best at ours. The materials we use are the pureet and frtfshest money can buy; and then, we know "Just how" to put them together. Special Candy Prices 17 Stlrks, candy Maronmaiiowa, Dox Pop Corn Brittle, box Peerleas mixed Eureka mixed Aaiiorted Chocolate Creams. Oolf Sticks Flowing Licorice Drops, lb. jjncoi icee, id I packages, Oura SPECIAL ON PIPES. HO Pipes, worth tbo Saturday, cholc for ...Co .. 60 .. to ...o ..IOO ..2So ..40a ..Ko ..2f.o ..10a .9o la my opinion, is one of the best located Boor tars.