Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1904, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 15, Image 15

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CHATTEU enlsry end Jewelry loan. Foley
Loan Co., 1&04 Ferness st- X-tlt
LOST. Saturday or Sunday, ring with; three
keys on it. on trunk and om door key.
also one flat key. Chrnr will appreciate
It very much If finder will return to Pee
office. TIT r
LOST-rrtrtsy, email black Clasp purse,
containing; 111 and chanse, at Union na
tion, or Dodge street car line; reward If
returned. J. Q Carpenter. Msdlson hotel.
Lost MI IS
A. C. VAN B ANT'S school. 711 N. T, Life.
Nab. Bus. at Shorthand CoL. Boyd theater.
(Should be read daily by all Interested, a
changes may occur at any Urns.)
ioie,n minis tor tue tvee tmdlng liar
n, Uwt, will close (PROMPTLY In all
cases) at lb Uenerai foeioltlce as fol
low; paroila-poet walls close one hour
earlier than dualug time auowa below
Parceia-post malls for tier many cloaa at
p. m. May tt and .
Renular ami auppieoianiary inalla cloee at
foreign station tcuroer of West and Mor
ton atreeia) bait hour later than cloning
time shown below, texcept that supple
mentary nta.Ua for kurupe and Centra.
America, via Colon, cloee one hour later
at Voreign station).
Traaaatlaatl alalia.
SATURDAY (Kth) At C a. m. for EU-
HOPti, per a. a. St. Loula, via Ply
mouth and Cherbourg (mall for Ireland
must be directed "per a. a. St. Loula 1;
at :! a. m. (supplementary 10 a. m.j
lor fcXKOi'E. rr a. a. Ltrurla, via
Quecnstuwu; at .J0 a. m. for Bb.l-U1LM
atrect, per a. a. ! Inland tmall must be
, directed ''per a. a. inland" J; at :M a.
m. for ITALY direct, per n. s. Konlgin
Lulse (mail must be directed "per a. a.
Kontglii Lulse); at 1:8 p. m. for BCUT
LANX direct, per a. a. Columbia l mail
muat be directed "per a. a. Columbia' j.
After the closing of the supplementary
Transatlantic malls named above, ad
ditional supplementary malls are opened
on the plcis of the American. English,
French and Uermun steamers, and remain
open . until within tea minutes of the
hour of sailing: of steamer.
Malls (or (oath and Ceatral Aaaerlca,
Weat ladles. El.
SATURDAY (JSth)-At 4 a. m. for ARGEN
a. s. Arablstan; at S:S0 a. m. (supple
mentary .30 a. m.) for PORTO. RICO,
CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. a.
Caracas (mail for Colombia muat be di
rected "per a. a. Caracas"): at 9:30 a. m.
(supplementary 10:) a. m.) for FORTUNB
cept Cauca and Magdalena Dep la, rnd
OREYTOWN. per a. a. Valencia (njuJ
for Costa Rioa muat be directed "pi.' e.
s. Valencia"); at 10 o. m. for CUBA, per
s. s. Morro Castle, via Havana: at U tO
p. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Ollnda. via
Matanaaa (mall must be directed "per a,
s. Ollnda").
Malta porvrardedi Ovarian), St at,
cut Traatsaell.
CUBA Via Port Tampa, Florida, closes at
tnia oince aaiiy, except inureuay, ai ts u
a. m. (the counseling mails close here oa
Mondays, Yvedneedaya and Sut'iruaya).
UttXlCO CITV-Overland, unless specially
addressed for despatch by steams", closes
at this office dally, except Bunuay, at I'M
p. m and 10:30 p. elundaya at i.Ou p.
in. and 10:80 p. nj.
NEWKOUNDI.ANL -.except "Mvle-Post
Malls) by rail U .Sorth Byoney. and
thtnc by stsamsi, aluaea at this offlo
daily at i.lo u. m. (connecting malts o.oee
here every Monday, Wednesday and Sat.
JAMAICA By rail to B.n. and thence
l steamer, closes a tw onios at s.ev
p. m., Tuesday and Friday.
(lQL'ELON By rail to Boston, and thence
by steamer, closes at this otflce dally at
M n. m.
MALA By -all to New Orleans, and
thence by steamer, closes at this offloe
dally, except Sunday, at J1:0 p. m. and
1)0.30 p. m., Sundays at fl'01) P. m. and
10:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here
londnys at 10: p. m.).
COSTA RICA By rail to New Orleans, and
ihencs bv atasmer. closes at tbla offlce
dally, except Sunday, at 11:80 p. m. sad
110:30 p. m.. Sundays at 11:00 b. m. and
10:30 p. m. (connecting mall closes here
uesdays at 100 p. m ).
IREQISTERED MAIL closes at :00 p. m.
prevloua day.
Traaspaeiae Malta Forwarotfl Over
laad nailr.
The schedule of closing Transpacific malls
is arraigeu on tne preaumption oi ineir
uninterrupted overland transit to port
of sailing. The final connecting mails (ex
cept registered Transpacific maira which
ciese 0 p. m. previous day) cloaa al the
general postofflce, New York, aa follows:
, Ban Franclaso, close at :10 r m. May
4th, for despatch per s. Manposu.
cisco, cloee at 6:30 p. m. May tfith. for
despatch per U. S. Transport.
HAWAII, JAPAN. CHINA nnd sneclrvlly
addressed mall for the PHILIPPINE
ISLANDS, via San Francisco, dose
at :S0 p. m. May 17lh, for d'spatch pet
s. s. Doric.
HAWAII, via Ran Francisco, close at :M
p. m. May 30, for dcHpatch per s. a
CHINA and JAPAN, via Tacoma, closes
at 1:30 p. m. June Id, for drsputoh per
s, s. Hyson.
PINE ISLANDS, via Hun Francisco, closs
at 6:30 p. m. June 6 for despatch per s.
s. Siberia.
CHINA end JAPAN, via Vancouver and
Victoria, B. C, closs at 6:30 p. m. June
7th, for despatch per s. a. Empress of
Japan. (Merchandise tor U. S. Postal
Aitsncy at kthar.ghal cannot be forwarded
via Canada).
WAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Fran.
ciNro. rinse at 8:30 p. m. June llth. for
despatch rr a s. Ventura. (If ihs Cunard
steamer carrying British mall for New
Zealand doc not arrive In time to con
nect with this deapAtch, extra malls clos
ing at s:30 a. nr. 9:30 a. m. and 6:3" p. m,
Sundays kt 4:10 a. m.. 6 a. m. and 6:20 p,
m. will be made up and forwarded until
the arrival or the Cum-rd steamer).
West), and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van
couver and Victoria, li. C, close at (.30
&m. June 1Mb, for despatch per a. s.
at pres'iit forwarded via Russia, instead
of via Japan, the usual route.
KOTE Uliieas otherwise addreaaed, Weat
Aueiraltu In forwarded via bur ope: and
New Zealand and Philippines via Ban
Francisco the quickest routes, Philip
mines sneciallv sdtlressed "vlu Canada"
er "via Kurope" must be fully prepaid at
the roielxti rates. Hawaii la loiwardeia
Via Sa
n Francisco exclusively.
nctsco exclusively.
pnt omee New Yorlr, N. T.
May io, m
muaier. Doe Moines. Iowa, May 17, U04.
Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be re
ceived here imill ll a. in., standard time,
June 10, llk4, tor construction, plumbing,
heating, elttct-lc wiring, bowling alleys and
gnuiutlu appurkitua, gyniiiueium and post
exchange building at Fort Dre Molties,
Iowa. Inform ..Hon furnMied on applica
tion. V. s. reserves right to accept or re
Jict any or Mil bids or parts thereof. En
velopes containing propuaula slwuld be en-
Si,J.rf'?'o''l!uft'"u" or -T" i addressed
Major R. B. Turner, g. M.
, -MJ6-30-B J1-1T-16
ter. Bl.orlU.ui. Wyo., May f7, lStf-Sraled
propiKtals In tilpllcuie will be received here
until 10 a. m. June Ju, iim. (or constructing
a brick gymntialum and pist excliarike
building at Fort MackmnU Wyo Plans
specirlcjtiona and other Information may
be found at ottlces of the Depot quarter
masters at Deliver. Omaha, it. Paul and
( liiisso. and si this office U. I. reserves
the right to ucvepl or reject anv nr all
proposals or any part thereof. Envelopra
rmitatiiliis uronuaala shouUI Iia ,iH... i
rropoial for (.ymiijalum." addressad
Sll KRIDAN. WTO . MAY fj Iwa-Tiis
oxiiiiig of bids for water pipe Hne In
F 1 1 i i, i ii ii county. Wyonilns;. umler my sl
vertlsement of May 19. IK. Is herehv post-
B'lK l fn.m June II (o June , l:n4. 10 a. m.
apt. Thus. Saobe, (J. 11
Davis sells drugs.
LefTert'e glasses it
Stockert eells carpels.
The Faust cigar, I cents
Peterson sharpens mowers 430 w. B. W.
Full lint fishing tackle. Morfan A Dickey.
Tel. U4. Caae Stora Blue Ribbon beer.
Pictures for wedding gifts. Alexander's,
333 Broadway.
For wall paperin. painting, picture fram
ing, sea Berwick, 111 Main St. Phone A-20.
Park Commissioner J. J. Brown Is In
Mercy hospital, eufterlng lrom pneumonia.
Mrs. Brown la still at Colfax Springs.
8herlff Canning took D. W. McCreury to
the state hoepital for dipsomaniacs at
Mt. Pleasant, to which Institution lie was
committed by Judge Wheeler lor one year.
Jap-A-Lae Boor finish. Morgan A Dickey.
Members of the Council Bluffs Retail
Grocers and Butchers' association will
cloee their stores at noon Memorial day
and keep them closed for the balance of the
The funeral of Marie Jorgenson, who
committed suicide after her arrest with
Peter Born, will be held Sunday afternoon
at 3 o'clock trom Culler's undertaking
The West End Improvement club will
Invite the committee of the whole of the
city council to meet with It next Thursday
night to discuss the question ot paving
Roy Wilcox, president of the High School
Athletic association, Is carrying his lei t
arm in a sling, aa the result ot a fail from
the porch at his home Thursday evening,
which caused a dislocation of his shoulder.
Members of encampment No. t. Union
Veterans legion, are requested to meet
Sunday morning at Woodmen of the World
hall to attend divine services at the First
Christian cnurch, with Abe Lincoln post.
Grand Army of the Republic.
On Invitation of Rev. A. D. Burl ft. the
members of M. Alban s and Concordia
lodges and Blurts company No. 17. uniform
rana, Knights of Pythias, will attend serv
ices tomorrow evening at Trinity Methodist
church, when Rev. Mr. Burlff will deliver
an address on "Pythian Knighthood."
Hafer sells lunmber. Catoh the idsaf
Maccabees to Have Plcalo,
The Knights of the Maccabees of Council
Bluffs have arranged to hold a plcnlo at
Avoca on Sunday, June 1. The Rock
Island will run a special train from this
city and will maks a reduced rate for the
round trip. Besides a number ot other
amusements there will be a base ball same,
drill contests and a program of race and
other athletic events. There will be plenty
of muslo furnished by a Council Bluffs
band and William Newman's Juvenile band
of Avoca. The Maccabees hare a large
membership in Council Bluffs, so an at
tendance of about 3,000 at the plonlc Is an.
Plumbing- and heating- Plxby A Son.'
Impleaaaat Firm lacorporavtea.
Artloles of Incorporation of the E. Chil
dren Bona Manufacturing; company, which
succeeds to the cultivator and agricultural
Implement manufacturing- business of B.
Children A Sans In this city, were filed for
record yesterday,' The Incorporators are
P. R. and W. C. Children Of this city and
E. O. Anderson of Omaha. Council Bluffs
Is to be the principal place of business, but
under the crtloles of Incorporation the firm
has the privilege of establishing branch
factories and warehouses elsewhere. Ths
capital stock Is placed at 1300,000, of which
$71,000 must te paid up.
Bary the Hatehst.
With the, close of the school year the
senior and junior classes of the high school J
have decided to end tneir class rivalry ana
to bury the hatchet. Ths Interment of tha
hatchet and the smoking- of the pipe of
peace will be carried out, accordins to pres.
ent plans, with elaborate ceremonies Mon
day evening. The two r.laeei will have a
parade, which will terminate at what was
styled during ths warfare between tha two
classes Mount Gibraltar, this being the
name given to the high bluff at- the back
of the high school. Here, with due cere
mony, while the braves assemble around a
hug bonfire, will ths hatchet be buried.
Oreetlas;a for General Dodare,
fteneral Orenrllle M. Dodge was greeted
last night by a number ot his old soldier
comrades who, headed- by McFadden drum
corps, called on him at the Dodge home on
Third street. General Dodge arrived from
New Tork yesterday morning and during
hla stay In Council Bluffs will be ths
guest of hla brother, N. P. Dodge and fam
ily. Desk noons for Rent.
Thirteen by six feet, ground floor, front
ing Pearl street, large show window and
good location. 10 Pearl street, Council
Students may entsr any time. Excellent
places to work for board. Tuition very
reasonable. Write for sample popy of our
College Journal. Write or oali for Informa
tion. B. P. MILLER. Pres.
Mssonla Temple. 'Phone Bali
muster, Sheridan, Wyo., May 37,
Sealed proposals in triplicate will be re.
calved here until 10 a. m. June 13. )9i4.
for furnishing- and setting up Wall Lockers
In One Doable Barrack building at Fort
MacKensie, Wyo. Plans, speolrtoatlons and
other information may be found at omcee
of the Depot yuarwrmastsre at Denver,
Omaha, Chicago and St. Paul, and at this
olTlce. U. 8. reserves the right to accept
or reject any or all proposals or any part
thereof. Envelopes containing proposal
should be endorsed "Proposals for Look
ers," addrcesed Capt. Tb. Swob. Q. M.
OMAHA, Neb., May 4, 1904. Sea led pro
posals. In triplicate, subject to tbe usuel
conditions, will be received here until 10
a. m.. central standard time. June 4, 104,
for constructing brick building at Fort
Crook, Neb., fr use aa a swimming pool.
Full Information furnished on application
to this office. Where plane and specifications
may be seen, or to the quartermaster, Fort
Crook. Neb. PrniMisals to be marked "Pro-
f oes Is for Swimming Pool," and addreeeed
o J. E. SAWYER, chief nuartermastsr.
Ma-1-27-ai-SO-3) M
Quartermaster, III Dooly building. Salt
Lake City. Utah. May U, 1904. Mealed pro
posals, la triplicate, will be received here
Until 11 a. ni.. standard time. June 14, 104,
and then opened fin- wall lockers for two
double Infantry 1rracks, now under con
structlon at Fort Dmialaa. Utah. Ths bid
ders will state in their bids the lime In
which they will complete the Work. Full
Information and blank forme of proposals
furnished on application to this erne. Plans
nnd specifications may te seen here. United
Pistes reaervee the riant lo accept or re.
j'ct any or all proposals, or any psrt there
of. Envelopes containing propossls to be
endorsed "1'roixieals for Wall lackers" and
edilrtaaed to CaptalS Ham'l V, Ham, Quar
termaster. M23 HMUuel U-IJ
W sNssf C&iiLffifcJSa. 'Wsaaasst,
Ocu-.o 1 Elnfft A'tnuni Tathr Ho Part it
Prutnt CoalroTi gy.
Dr. V. L. Treyaor, Oaa Of Board,
Tklaka methlaa; Is WraasT, vat
Admits He Does Hot Kite
Wkat It la.
The attack at present being waged ca
President MacLean of the Iowa State uni
versity is belnf watched with treat interest
by ths Council Bluffs alumni of that Insti
tution, who number nearly 100. Thus far
the Council Bluffs alumni hare taken no
part In the agitation, preferring to await
further developmenta. The feeling among
the local alumni Is that the Board of Re
gents Is perfectly cspabls of taking proper
action In the matter If necessary.
. Assistant County Attorney Hess, aa
alumnus of ths State university, in discus
sing ths matter yesterday, said: "While
there has been more or less newspaper
talk charges against President MacLean
appear to lack definite form, and aa far a a
I can see nothing tsnirlble has been urged
against him which would warrant any ex
traordinary action on the part of the
alumni at this time. In any caae the mat
ter ts one. In my opinion, for the Board of
Regents snd not the ttumnl to deal with."
Dr. V. L. Treynor, who was recently ep
pointed a member of the Board of Regents
of the State university, la of the opinion
that when the board meets In regular ses
sion June 13 the protests against President
MacLean will probably be considered and
possibly some action taken. That there la
something wrong at ths university Dr.
Treynor srvs Is plain, but he does not say
that Dr. MacLean Is responsible for it. In
Dr. Treynor's opinion the entrance exami
nations at the university are too strict and
that this accounts chiefly' for the alow
growth of the Institution when 'compared
with other western colleges.
President MacLean Is expected In Council
Bluffs this evening, as he Is to deliver the
buccalaureate address to the senior class
at the high sctiool auditorium Sunder
Work to Bo roauraeaeea la Tint
peelUe fcy Charter.
Word was received here yesterday that
the Council Bluffs. Tabor A Southern Elec
trio Railway company had lucoeeded In
floating Its bonds In ths esst. This means
that the company will be In a position to
begin ths work of construction of Its line
In this city by July L the time specified In
ths charter ordinance.
Although ths deal has not yet been eon
summated it la stated that ths company
intsnds to purchase ths city mills property
at the corner of Washington avenue and
Bryant street for ita local depot.
Talk ( a C'osmty Pair.
Charles Test Stewart baa taken tha Initia
tive In a movement looking to the organisa
tion of aa association, tha purpose of which
will be to assume tha resoonaibiiitv af hnM.
Ini a eounty fair at the Vnlon thriving
park in this city. Mr. Stewart Is of ths
opinion that vnder proper management and
with first-class attractions a county fair
would attract thousands of people, not only
from Pottawattamie county, but from tha
adjoining counties, to Council Bluffs.
For several years a county fair haa been
held under tha auspices of tha Pottawatta.
mis County Fair association nt Avne hut
It has to all intents and purposes been a
fair only for tha eastern cart of tha
county. A fair with superior attractions
in a city tne site of Council Bluffs, It Is
believed, would be patronised by the entire
Union Driving park Is admirably adapted
for tha holding of ft county fair, and, in
fact, several years ago a number of very
successful falra were held there. The
buildings at ths driving park were, how.
ever, blown down during ft storm a num
ber of years ago and elnoe then tha holding
of county falra thers has been abandoned.
Tha movement started by Mr. Stewart Is
In ita inolpiency, but in the event of such
an association being organised new and
suitable buildings will be erected at the
Will Kaaw Hove It Gaea.
Ed Cavanaugh and Frank Foots, who
drove a team of emaciated horses into
town Thursday from Creaoent City with
a load of fish, which they atand charged
with having seined in the Boyer liver, and
were arrested for cruelty to animals, are
like the wretched animals which they
drove, experiencing what it feels like to
have to subsist on ft slim diet.
In police court yesterday morning Judge
Scott, after learning the frightful condition
of tha horses, sentenced Cavsnatlgh and
Foots to ten days' imprisonment with ft
bread and water diet in default or a Una
of U and costs each. The caae against
Cavanaugh and Foate in Justice Oursn's
court, in which they are oharged with Un
lawfully seining, will be continued until
they complete th bread and water sent
one. Ed Klsssl. tha awner ot ths team, waa
evidently afraid that If he cams to town
ha might get arrested also, so yesterday
afternoon be sent another man In for ths
Tha great Wallace Show, so appropriately
styled the "Highest Class Circus In th
World," has completed all arrangements
for Its sxhlbitUia, In Council Bluffs on Fri
day, Juno I.
The Wallace Show haa been reorganlied
thla year-and scores of nsw novelties and
features will be seen for the first time In
this country under th Wallace tents.
In past seasons th Wallace Show has
been so largo that It waa th equal of any
similar enterprise In magnitude, and this
sssson It will be even more bewildering for
the laymen, for It has bees vary materially
Many more cars havs been added to ths
Wallace trains. It may ha readily seen
that the Wallace Circus proposea to retain
Ita place In the very foremost rank of
tented amusements. Not only ts this true
regarding Its slse, but also of Its per
formano. Several exclusively new and
original feattiree hava been secured, and
though th Wallac show haa always pre
sented a first-class performance. It prom
lees to present an unusually attractive
Disease Maaletjeal Water Warlta.
Municipal ownership of waterworks ws
the principal topic of discussion at the reg.
ular aaeetlng last night of tha First pre
clnet. First Ward Improvement club. Tha
discussion developed th fact that th
members ar divided on this question, some
favoring, whilst others srs opposed to
muiilclpsl ownership oa ths grounds that
It would b productive f political graft,
The members present, however, were
unanimous In their demand for a reduction
of rates.
A eus-s-eettoa which met with much favor
was that the club Invite the members of
the South End and West End Improvement
clubs to meet with it at a near date and
participate in a general discussion ot mu
nicipal questions of interest to all. An in
vitation will accordingly be sent to theae
chibs to meet with the First warders on
their regular meeting night in June.
Lease Claft R"' at Manama.
The Council Bluffs Fish and Game Pro
tective association last night decided to
lease tha clubrooma on the second floor ot
the Ben Marks' Casino building at Lake
Manawa. The lease of the clubrooma car
ries with It the exclusive use of the dock
In front of the building.
The sssoclstlon. which haa a large mem
berehtp and ample funds In its treasury,
haa been seeking to secure suitable head
quarters at the lake for the last year. It
had nothing but a boathouse and negotis
tlons with the motor company for addi
tional facilities st the lake fell through.
The association will fnrnlah the club
rooms st once nnd expects to hnve In com
mission a number of new boats for th
member within a few weeks.
OSIeera for Coartlaail Beach,
Chief of Police Richmond yesterday ap
pointed the following special officers fcr
duty at Oourtland Reach: William J.
Roach, Norman J. Miller. M. B. Shonqulst.
Henry Kncpher. O. E. Beswlck and P.. E.
Adams. The dry of Council muffs will be
st no expense, as these special officers
will be rnlil by the mannitenient of th
reeort. The men will go on duty todiy.
Former Sheriff L. R. Cousins and George
I Martin, who wna county jailer under
Sheriff Cousins, have been appointed deputy
sheriffs to serve at Tjtke Manrtwa. tlielr
salaries being pnld by (he park manage
ment. Like the special officers for Court
land Beach, they go on duty today.
N. T. Phimbln Co. Tel. 150: night, F-6G7.
Real Estate Transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Pee
May IT, by the abstract, title and lnan office
of Squlr A Annls, 101 Pearl street:
A. C. Jensen to Peters Jensen, n
seo and sVk ncV 2O-76-40, und ne
ls-76-MI, q. C. d 1.00
H. A. Hough, trustee, a' 1 wife io
Charles West, part n 4 e4 SK
76-44, w. d 175.00
John Roane and wife to William C.
Bowen, lot 3 and l lot 3, Roan's
sub of outlnt 18, original plat, and
block 8, Jtidson's 1st add to Ncola,
w. d 1,560.00
Edwin B. Maglll to Mattle L. Magill,
lot 11, block 3, town of McClelland;
lots 6, 6, 13, 14, block 1: lota ti, 7,
10. 11, block 3, lots 3. 7, block 4,
Great Western add, Minden, q.
c. d 1.00
Charles R. Glovsr and wife to S. C.
Foote, lots 6, 6, 10, block i:3.
Crescent, w. d y.... 1M.00
Christopher Armstrong to June
Armstrong, lot 3, block 2, Wil
liam' ' 1st add, w. d 1.00
Administrator ot John M. Phillips
estate to J. U Hathaway, lot Ul,
block 16, Ferry dd., t. d 80.00
County treasurer to Mary L Ever
tt, lot J. block U, Railroad add.,
t d 1.11
Bame to same, lot 1, block 36, Rail
road add, , t. d - 1.36
Same to same, lot 1, block 4, Can
tral sub., t. d 1.0J
Same to aama, lots 10, 21, block 8,
Wrigth'a add., t. d 1.84
Bame to same, lots 7, 3, block 61,
Riddle s sub., t. d R. J
Same to aame, lot 16, block 60, Rid
dle's sub., t. d 11.96
Same to same, lot 11, block 48, Rid
die's sub., t d 2.61
Sams to same, lot 12, block 87, Rid
dle s sub., t. d i 64
Bame to same, lot, 2, block 6, Twin
City Place, t. d 1.03
Same to same, lot 10, block 4, Twin
City Place, t. d.. 1.34
Same to same, lota, 18. t, block 2;
lota 13 to 17, block 7, Twin City
Place, t. d 1811
Bame to same, lota 2S to 28, block
89. Railroad add., t d 6.00
Same to same, lot 8, block 89, Rail-
l J - . . . 1 A
roaa auu. i. u , .w
Bame 'o aame, lots 8, 10, block 4.
Evans' Bridge ndd.. t. d fc.80
Same to same, lot 12, block 32, Bay-
r lias A Palmer's add., t. d 68.01
Same to same, lot 14, block 34,
Kauroaa ado., t. o .to
Same to same, lot 8, block 6; lot
10, block 8, Railroad add., t. d.... S.M
Bame to same, lots 6, 6, block 17
Burns' add., t. d 7.11
Same to same, lots 12, 10, blook 21,
Omaha add., t. d 1. 84
Bame to same, lots 20, 23, 28, blook 4.
Wright's add., t. d '9.78
Same to same, lots 10, 12, blook 4,
Wright's add., t. d...... 8.50
Bame to sama, lota 1, 1, 3, block 17,
Baylies' 3d add., t. d .
Bame to same, lota 14, 16, 11, SO,
11. 22, 23, 24, block 83, Railroad
add., t. d K... .4
Same to aame, lot 3, block 1, Oak
Grove add., t. d. 23.81
Bame to same, lots 7, 6, block 11;
lots 10, 11, u, block 18, Bryant A
Clark's add. t. d ,. 18.88
Bsme to same, lot 1, 8, block 6,
uurns ana., t. a t.iM
Sam to same, lot 4, . blook 17,
Everett's add., t. d 7.24
Same to aame, lots II, 14, block 17,
Beers' sub., t. d 151.80
Bame to same, lots 18, 16, 27, 28,
block 16, Benson's 1st add., t. d.. 11.40
Bame to same, lota 2 to 11, Inc.
block 10, Railroad add., t. d 6.30
Bame to aame, lots 1 to 24, Inc.,
block 24, Railroad add., t. d 13.72
Thlrtyelght transfers, total..,. 82.416 92
Almost Klght and n Half Inches Doth,
ere loss Iowa Farmers.
ONAWA, la.. May 17.-(8peclal.)-Th
last rain hat made thing pretty wet on
th Missouri bottom! nnd It begins to look
aa though some of th land that waa too
wet for cultivation last year will not be In
crop this year. -The total rainfall reported
for May Is already 81 100 Inches. The aver
age rainfall for May for twenty-four years,
as kept by Observer Parkins, Is 4 40-100
Inches. Eight inches of rain hava made al
together too much moisture and It will be
some days before farm work can be re
sumed. The petitions for th Monona-Harrison
ditch are being generally circulated and
signed, and will h presented at the June
meeting of the Board of Supervisors. A rs
monetranc ngalnat the ditch Is also being
circulated. Juet whnt effect the prenent
wet spell will have remnlns to ha seen. Tha
genersl sentiment seems to be that some
msans of drainage must be provided to en-
aura a crop on considerable of the low
Missouri bottom land, but there are some
objectors to the propoeed ditch.
Gets Good Poet la West.
AMES, la., May 27.-(Spclal.)-J. II.
Frandson, an old Story county boy, has
been elected and accepted a position aa
dairy chemist with the Haselwood company
at Portland, Ore., and left for that place
ysslerdsy evening. Mr. Frandson graduate!
at the Iowa State college in 1102 and for the
lest two years has assisted Dr. Weems In
the depsrtment of agricultural chemistry.
The position he ha been elected to fill la
sn especially desirable one, and Mr. Frand
son Is well qualified to fill It satisfactorily,
Hasrlaow Caaaly Naaday ftehoels.
IOAN, la.. May 17 (Special. ) Th
thli ty-nfth annual convention of th Jlarrl
aon County Sundny school association will
b held at Woodbine June 7 and 6. Ths fol
lowing persons sre on ths progrsm: L. Ti.
Wlllett. O. Mi-Kelvle, M. P. Brace. Anna
Little, Ada Mtlllman, A. A. Hart, Maude
Logan. F. M. Smith, F. i. Howe, J. Mac
A Ulster. P. C. Htlre, H. W. Lawrtace. J. tt.
Wliklns. Mrs. K. C. Longman, Hess I Me
Blroy, B. Hill est Mrs. A. B. Hssbrook.
Be Want Ad ar Buslnss Boosters,
)i Voint.'-rt. Doije Ltt't Expire
Wl'.b'i a Ytar.
Dr. Dlsbraw ! vrelghtoa, Mesn
Makes Fight Agalast Belac Takea
t Stat ! Waahlagloa
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, May 27.-tSplal.)-It la
learned that In cse the Rock Island Rail
road company loses control of the Dee
Molnea tt Fort Dodge road when the lease
expires next winter It will be prepared to
parallel the road, lo make a connection
with the Rock Island s Gowrle-Slbley line.
A survey Is being made along ihe line ot
the Fort Dodge through Dallas Center, Mln
burn. Perry and Grand Junction, ostensibly
for an electric Interurban road. But th
promoters of the line originally Intended
going west from Dallas Center Into a coun
try where there would tw good business
and no opposition direct. Now the diver
sion of the route to exactly parallel the
Fort Dodge road Is takeit to lie a notice on
the part of the Rock Island re'T'a that in
case some other load gets tbe line they
will be prepared to parallel it st once and
have their line In operaiton almost as soon
ps the lease expiree on the present line.
A meeting of the Fort Doug company will
be held in thla city next wcelt, when It
Is expected It will be developed whether or
lyit ihe Rock Ialar.d will be abll to buy
ttie stock from the brokers who have been
accumulating It the last few years. It wss
msde known over two years ago thst these
brokers had Secured a majority of the Fort
Dodge stock and were preparing to extort
a big price for the line. It waa then stated
by a Rook Island official that his company
would never pay an exorbitant price, but
would parallel th road oheaper than to
buy the old one. While the promoters of
the Inferurban say that they are securing
right-of-way for their own purposes it Is
believed they would be quit willing to dls
posed Cf it at ft profit to th Rock Island
Dr,-Ilsbrow Appeara aad Explains
Dr. Dlabiow of Crelghton, Neb., appeared
before Governor Cummins this afternoon
for th purpose of resisting the application
for ft requisition to taks him to Washing
ton. He was accompanied by Attorney Me
serve of Crelghton, who wss familiar with
the case. Jla showed to the governor that
th indictment against him at Unilingham,
Wash., was th result of a trade or deal
In retard ta the sale ( a liquor cure, In
whirh the parties the., u.t n .t ;hey had
not got all that they . ...'gained for, but
thst It was a matter of judgment- only,
Tbe present turn ot affairs, he alleges, I
In th nature of a persecution. The case
had been tried twice on requisition applica
tion in Nebraska and than ths Washington
authorities waited until th doctor passed
through Iowa, when he was arrested. Tha
governor refused to honor the requisition
Qallty at. Forgery.
A requisition waa Issued on ths governor
of Wsshlngton to bring back to Oskaloosa
W. T. Allen, who la accused of having
forged ft sewing machln not for 838 and
Indicted for th aama,
Mra. J. A. Dlckerhoff of tbla olty haa
been found guilty of enticing- two girls
from Lamoni, la., to her bom In this olty
for Immoral purposes. Her husband is now
on trial for the aame offense. -The girls
wers not aware of tha purpos of tbs Dick
rhoffs when they came here.
Sew Bask at Wellsbnrg.
The article of Incorporation of th Wells,
burg Savings bank of Grundy county were
filed at th stat capital today. Th capi
tal I $30,000 and the Incorporators George
Wells and J. C. Lusk. Th article of In
corporation of the Cedar Fall Mutual
Telephone company were filed, capital 2S,.
000, by N. H. Harrl. president, and F. O.
Jackeon, secretary. Ths River Heights
Land company of Mason City was Incor
porated, with 320,000 capital, by C. H. Mc
Nider and i, O. Nelson of Macon City. The
Readlyn Savings bank of Brewer county
was Incorporated, with 110,000 capital, by
II. W, Myerhoff, president, and othsrs.
Notice to Freight Lines.
Th state executive council has caused to
be served a notice on the managers ot fast
freight lines doing business In Iowa that
thuy must make their annual reports this
year better than before. These reports
were required for the first Urn a year ago
and war unsatisfactory, though the coun.
oil mad an assessment against these com
panies on th meager reports received.
The last legislature passed an amendment
to ths law and will require further In
formation from tha companies. Thoy are
notified that they must report the actual
business dona in the stats and Interstate
business In detail. Most of tha oompahlea
operating refrigerator and stock car lines
take the ground that as their curs merely
pass through the state they ar not sub
jeot to assessment, but the stats will try
to scoui tuxeg from them.
Located at Hook Rapids.
Adjutant Uensral Dyers returned today
from Hock Rapids, wber he authorised
the mayor of the town to organise a militia
company. It will take the place in the
Fifty-sixth regiment formerly held by a
company at Hampton. It will hava a good
hall for an armory and will build ft nsw
armory at ono.
Th plaue of th Glen wood company In
the Fifty-fifth regiment will be taken by
a company at Ames, the home of General
Lincoln, who commands the regiment, but
this company has not yet been authorised.
lusaraace Company Litigation.
Suit was commenced In ths United States
court here today by Robert C. Rice and
other of Galesburg, ill., against the
Northwestern Life Insurance company of
Minnesota to compel a division of the
prom mad by th stock of th North
western Life and Savings company of this
city before It absorption by the Minnesota
company and to have a receiver appointed
to close out tbs business. Tha claim lit
niads that ths business was secured on
mlarepreeentatlen and that th certificate
holders are entitled to a division, Th suit
represent a large amount of in business
done by this company.
Gcrraaa ona-reftalloaal Coafereace
Arts la 'Line,
AVOCA. Ia May 17.-Bpeolal.).-The gen.
eral confereno pf tbe German Congrega
tional church haa been in session here. This
coafereace embraces th eiitlr United
State and delegate and pastors bar been
In attendance from aa far sast aa New
Rev. J. F. Orov of Chicago Is president,
Dr. Anton Ilueleler vice president snd Rev.
William H. Dorn, B. I) , of St. Ixml sec
retary pro tern.
Kev. Prof. Orov opened the cn't rm
with sermon from the text, Elijah i h i
"The gtrophet's vision of Clod's splilt: rmv
Ing ths chin ch." . Rev.' John Hlo- k o
iSJO, penmsneot secretary, read Hie m.u- 1
10 Per Cent Discount
Graduation Presents
Commencing this morning tnke ntlvnntHge of the 10 per
Cent discount on all (trnttnation Presents. Anything you se
lect in Our large and vnriM stock Is subject to the Above Hs
ctunt off the regular price, which are all marked in plain
figures. Any article we sell will make a line gift, a we only
carry a firstlaM stock and strirtly up-to-date. Come in to
our store, examine our stock closelyevery article will reveal
some exceptional advantage. Sjn'ak t.f quality our gootls
speak for themselves. YV take pleasure In offering a few sug
gestions by naming articles, any of which will make ft beauti
ful present
tlnmoa4 Rlnas, ttraorhea.
Bracelets, l.oeketa,
Chains, Fobs,
rnrf Tina, Caff t.luks,
field Petia, Desk sets,
Optra disuses, t mKrellaa,
Sterling Toilet Sets,
ftlaaet Itinera, Fob Ckatlaa,
Values in every instance are positively tnpreccdented,
and this occasion is indeed a fortunate event (or those who
contemplate purchasing ft Craduution Clift.
ViV iiii li l wpji ' .!
I sT A atai am ft
Turk Chops.
3 pounds
Pork Loins,
per pound..,
Rolling neef.
per pound...
IV rk Lutts.
per pound...
Pot Roast.
per pound.,.
- 74c
. 64c
. 25c
. . . 10c
Good Stenlt.
4 pounds
Round Stenk,
pr pound
Rib Itnast. honed and rolled, fif
nor nmiml VJ
Spar Ribs,
per pound...
Dftllver to Arty part of tho Olty.
Telephone 46 COUNCIL DLUFFS 037 W. Broadway
We hav Just received a new stock of high grade Russia. Calf Shoes, especi
ally In ths tan style, twhlch are becoming very stylish. If you want a gtod
comfortable shoe that Is serviceable get our up-to-date low shoe, any eljlo
you may desire. Our shoes stand at th head of th beet class made; give us a
trial, w ar satisfied wa can please you. Price given below are th lowest
that can be made:
Men's Itussia Calf Lace, welted soles 3.50
Men's Tun Vici, welted boIcs 3 50
MenSi Hussia Calf Oxford , 3 50
Boys' Russia Calf Lace, sites 24 to 2.00
Youths' Russia Calf, sizes 13 to 2 1.75
Ladies' Tan Vici Lnce, turned soled 3.00
Ladles' Tan Vici Lace 2.E0
Lrtdies Kusaia Calf Oxfords 250
Misses' Tan Laco. 1.75
We Make a Specialty of Fine shoe Repairing.
utes Of the lest gene ml conference, which
wer approved of.
Rev. Prof. J. F. Grove read a paper on
"The Prospective Federation of the Protes
tant Methodist, United Brethren and Con
gregational Churches of America." The re
spective bodies number: United Urethren,
fSO.000; Protestant Methodist, 1W.00O; Con
aregatlonallst, (WO.OOO. The sentiment of the
conference is in fsvor of ths federillon.
Rsv. ll. R. llooch read a paper that was
well received on "Essential V'nlty of tho
Christian Church."
At the evening service Prof. O, II. Kraft
of Chicago Throlcglcnl soinlnnry preached
the sermon. "The Apostnllc rthortatlon to
the Church: (1) Offlrs of the Elders. (2)
Duties of the Riders."
Key. Wllllom Hugo Porn of Bt. Lmtls
read a ptiper on "Argument for ths Im
mortality of the Soul."
in the first place he spok of th univer
sality of th belief In a hereafter In tha
pnsra.ii religions, miottng expressions from
th Kgyptlnn (l.oon Tt. C), the Zoronslrlnn
(1.W) R. C), the Greek and Roman (M0
It C), the old German (?xi n. C.) and ths
Jewish religion (l.ono n. C). The second
argument he deducted from snology. The
transformation from one life into another
in nntttre was proof that also man pfter
death commence! a new life
fifty Years an Odd Fellow.
SILVER CITY, Iu May H7,-(Seclal .)-
Ths members of Mlver City l de No. 401,
Independent Order nf Odd Fellows, with
their families, held a reception and Inn-
quet at the opera house lust evening snd
In Connection therewith very pltuneiitly
surprised E. P. Lendnn In honor of ths
fuel that he hna been an honored membrr
of the order elrv 1M, a period of fifty
year. At the proper time sir. Landon waa
called upon the etnge and In a few appro
priate remark Prof, J, R. Graham, on
behslf of the members of the order, pre
sented him with sn elegant armed ro'ker
and gold-headed ran appropriately In
scribed. Mr. Lindon wse completely sur
prised, but feelingly thanked the brothers,
after which all proceeds I to the enjoy
ment of th repnet prepared for them by
the women. Music for the necsslon wns
furnished by Hpelhrlng's 1.
Atlantic Merchants Ittaanls.
ATLANTIC, la . May 1 V .-(Special.) -An
organisation whs fnrmed In this city laat
night under the mime of the Menhsnis
Association of A tin title, with the follow
ing officers: President, J. II. Marliill; vies
president, J. R. (loss; secretary, ?.. II.
N'ebe; treasurer, James rilUr. The meeting
was enthusiastic. The objects srei To
work for the betterment of Aliunde, look
to ths si-ciirlim of niiumf ui t urlnjf tstub
llrhmcnts fur the city un.l the ctauihih
inent nf an !ci tiic railway lo count ct with
Ihe main tiuiii lines across the t;tlc A
commute is appointed to dutft cm;litu-
tluu m. J l.uv Ancuhcr imtlli will be
Rold Wslesea, Bead Chelae.
Cat nlaea Vases,
Celnaae Bottles,
Sterling' Pea Holder.
Ullt ar Bronse I leeks.
Sterling Bun Ben Dlbe,
Cola Purse, 1
Hat Pine, Heart rina.
seTVM' '
Vent Stesk,
per pound
VchI liiew,
per pound
Vml Roast,
per pound
Lnmb Htew,
per o,ind
BUInned Hams,
pet- pound
Rest Bsctn,
per pound
Kettts tendered
8 pounds .......
Pest Sflt Pork,
per pound
per pound
Leaf Lard,
18 pounda ,
Lard. 25C
r;z . 8c
held this evening snd it is thought thii
association will start oft with a mcmbsr
ship of fifty.
Acqnltted of Serious Charr.
ATLANTIC. Is., May 27.-Spclal.).
Jtillus Westphnten, who was accused of as
sault by Augusta Btahl, was discharged by'
Justice Pressnall yesterday evening, the
Justice holding that there was tint sum lent
corroborative evidence to convict.
In m Class All Aloae,
No other pills on earth can equal Dr.
King's New Life Pills for stomach, liver
and Mdiieys. No cure, no pay. 90c. rot
rale by Kuhn Co.
Tornadt, at Pleaaaat Grove Kills Man,
Injures Wile ana Uemollshee
TORONTO, Kan., May ST. In ft tornado
at Pleasant Orovs, southwest Of here,
rmvld Felllnghttm waa hilled and hla wife
badly Injured. The Pelllngham hnus wns
demolished. All th streams ar bank full.
Clark. I'nrvlrr.
HCRON, R. D., M.iy IT.- (Special. V-Tuee-rlsy
evening occurred the marriage of Grace
R. fowler of this nltv nnd Will H. Clark
of Montevideo, Minn. Tha ceremony wns
rorlormed by Rev. T. If. Toungman of tho
Mrthodlat ohtirrh, at the home of the
bride's sister, Mra. Rarl Howard. Asldo
from the Immediate relatives, s few friends
wllnraed the ceremony, sfler which tho
coupln departed on the northbound ex
press for Aberdeen, and nfter visiting
friends in Minnesota towns will tske up
their residence In Montevideo, whrre Mr.
Clark la teller In a bank.
YORK. Neb., Msy 37.-Bpeclnl.)-At the
home of her parents, on Nebraska avenue,
Miss Edith lionnell of this city and WIN
llnin A. ft liars i,f Burlington, Colo., were
married by Rev. O. W. I'lfer. After the
ceremony refreshments were served. Mr
snd Mis Peiiars left todiy for a short
wedding trip and will miku their futuie
home at Burlington, Colo.
Millinery stock Damaged.
ATLANTIC, Is . May l7.-(8iecl.:l.)--A
lire broke out this morning on the secon l
Moor of the building adjoining the Cltlsens
bank, near the corner of Third and Chest
put streels. It wns checked by the flro
deprtrtmett. With IK t lo dumuse, rxcept to
the room whtrj It started Miss Boyla's
millinery store occupied tlie moms t.elow
and the looms and ivi'ila were l,.ft
weru ile- iel by water. 1 be OtUUl cf the
1W is L t e-w i.