TITEOMAIIA DAILY DEE; ATimDAY, MA Y 29. 1904. 1 QR11M kSb PRODUCE MARKET Omaha Exoatar Eat Mora Than a Eua drad Oara of Corn. SNOW PREOtCTS LARQf.ST OAT ACREAGE Cora larawit Brlaa; Mack BiiImm to Saaval TakleaCrala Gee log LaeaJ Is u4 ta -kUovator. OMAHA. Mar 7, 1804. For the first time tu lt history tne Omaha Grain exchange received moie th..n hundred eara of corn. Tha number waa 111. Chicago received 304 cara anu the es.i mate there for tomorrow are hi c.rs. Other market also report heavy receipts. A division of opinion baa developed among araln men aa to the continuance if tl.e movement. Soma of them are bullish In sentiment and feel tha biggest part cf It ha been past, while othera think, it will continue for two or three weeka. Many local grain men think Nebraska corn will Dot come much after a day or two. Bnow la out with a bearish report. He gives the winter wheat prospect aa con tinuing to Improve, with the fields standing snowing a materially bolter promise for larger increase than waa expected In the Ohio, valley and a moderate Increase In the Mississippi and Missouri valleys. The total breadth la probably the largeat ever known. The crop la a little late, but growing vary rapidly. He finds the so Increase over laat year on tha corn acreage promises yery heavy, aepedaily la Nebraska. Indiana and Ohio. to be Iowa. The German government crop report from May 16 show aa lnoree.se of 1 point In rnditlon of winter wheat. This makes It Points better than It wa- I... ..UP. The winter rye has simply maintained It vonuiuun suic ,apni 1 la A m.Uli The end of the Buffalo elevator strike has helped to make kualneaa dull In Chi cago cash grain, and Incidentally also In Omaha. The opening of Business there has released considerable groin cied by eastern house, and this will supply their demand for some time and consequently cut off the extra business Chicago has been getting. The seaboard, which ordinarily has the demand for the surplus. Is taking little. The range la prln of Omaha grain for future delivery aad the close Thursday mad today were as follows: Closed Open. High. Low. Today. Thura TV naai. May K n 92 82 73 9 B 82 B 73 B July ...... .. Bept. Corn May 47 47 43 41 A 48 B 46 A 44 B 44B 46A 42B 42B wune July Sept. 46 45 43 m 4jats May Jul July slept. A asked. M bid. Local Cask 4rJa Market. The cash bualneas in corn was brisk to day. Although nearly fifty cara were of fered on the sample tables, the better grades were steady at Thursday piioes.or only weakened about a half oeuL The poorer grades were In some cases 2 cents weaker. N. B. Updike was the principal buyer and nearly all of tke corn taken went for local consumption or to the ele vators. Receipts and shipments were: Wheat, 23 cars In and 18 out; one week ago, 3 cars In and 6 out. Corn. 119 cars In and 22 out; on week ago, 33 cars In and out. Oats, oars In; oa week ago, 4 car In. Representative sale of car lots by sam ple on track. Omaha: Mixed Corn No, 3, I car at 48c; No. 8, 10 oars a 47c, 1 car at 46o and 1 car at 45c; No. 4, 3 car at 46o, 1 car at 46c; no trade. 1 car at 40c Yellow Corn No. I 1 car at 48c, I car at so; no. , i car at too. Whit Cora No. 3, 1 car at 47c; No. 4, 1 ear at 47c WHEAT No. I hard. 80092c 1 Nc I hard. mAt4TT, Ik?.. A Sn.n. t V . mmu, a. w. iivi u, wifw, num quota tions are nominal. CORN No. i 4848c No. 2, 45ai47c; No. 4, 4646c; No. 3 yellow. 4848c; No. t yellow, 4o; No. 3 white, 46SSc, (nominal); No. 8 whit, 47c OATS No. . 42c; No. 8, 88S39c; No. 4, 36 ?37c: No. 3 white, 48c; No. 8 white, 40ffl4lo; Btandara. 42c Oat quotation are nominal. ; Note fvaaa the Biekasgs offleea. '' Omaha stock of grain In public house are: Wheat, 11,446 bushel; corn. 260,298 bushels; oats, 34,738 bushels. Contract corn tn publlo houses amounts to 144,829 bushels. Of this 119,620 Is in the Merrlam at Holm qulst elevator and 28,339 in the Union ele Tator. The grain committee waa called to pass on ceVn offered on May contract today and which was objected to aa not on grade. Exchange visitors were C. J. Fisher, St. Louis; W. J. Martin. Bouth Ban Francisco; J. W. Boggess, Mason City, la. Grata Markets Ellsawkar. Closing price f grain today and Thurs day at the market named ware a follows: Wheat- Today. Thur, July . IcV "- . 80 ."47A 4A . dm 47A . 75 715 . 744A 7vB September Corn July .... ..... ...... September KAHBaJI CI II. Wheat July ..,........ September Corn July . . ,W....I.MW.H. September -- ST. LA0UIS. 44 43B Wheat July .. .. S44B 84A. .. 80A j beptemuer a . Corn N July ........... September MINNEAPOLIS. Wheat- . July ....... September "..fcv- Wheat- iuly .....-. .. .. eptember NSW TOBJC 47 47KA 46A 46 9.1SB m 81A tlA SB tS3 n iumb Wheat July ........... ... 3iA am KBW YORK GKNBBLal. MAKbLBT AaotaHo f tke Day aa Vartoa Oonsaaodltlea. NEW YORK. May 37. FLOUR Receipt. .348 bbla; the market was dull at un- cnangea prices; jsinneaui uturi, 84.0U(i4.80; winter patents, 85.1m.40: winter straights. 84.804aa.lt; winter extras, U 8 4.00. Rye flour quiet; fair to good, 88.9UV 4.15: choice to fancy, 4 ltxiM W. CORNMS3AL Steady ; yellow weetern. 81.08 fjl 10: cliy. 31.1VW1.12; kiln dried, UOOatlO. , RVB-Dull: No. 3 western, 70o, spou BARLUY-Cull) feeding, 48c, c t f. Now .York. WHEAT Raoelpt. 2,000 bu.: exports, 17, 423 bu. ; spot market steady; No. 3 nominal, levator; No. 3 red, 81.14, nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, I1.08H. f. o. b., afloat; Nc 1 hard, Manitoba, nominal, t. o. b., afloat. The close showed Wnta net advance; May closed at Wc; July, 81V,1V. closed at lSo; September, W4 tjMSkc; cloeed at Sifto; Deonmber,. t2'4 tic: closed at 8Jo. CORN Receipts, 46,160 bu.; exports, 3.436 bu.; spot market easy; No. 3 6234o. ele vator, and 6Hc f. o. b., afloat; No. 3 yellow, aoo; Nc 3 white, 80o. Option market waa weaker owing to prospective heavy receipt at Chicago and closed Vifro net lower. May, 69VtiiftH: closed st 69Vfca; July, MVmvto; dosed, &f5o; September, Uo; closed at 6c. OATS Receipts, 48,000 biu; exports, 11. tM bu. I spot market steady; mixed oata, K to 33 U s., 4&Vr6o: natural white, 80 to 81 lbs., 4txuH9o; clipped white, 36 to 40 lbs., umic. TAUiOW Quiet: city f per pk). o", country (i.kga. free), 4V4ti4H. HAY Steady; shipping, 4670o; good to Choice, 861tl7V4o HOPS gteudy: state, common to choice, 113, ZHk; inbi, tvu Ac; olds, 84140 ; Pa cific const, olds, fctrfo. HIDEft-Steady; Galveston, 26 to 28 Iba. ,'SLT?-1," dr"- 24 to Iba. 14c. I.BATH ER Steady; acid. tlffli.'So. RICE Steady; domeatlo, fair to "extra. IfctioKic: Japan, nominal. PKOVlSlONS-B-ef, quiet; 0: beef hams. 88 0ud0 0ft; . - inrfla meea, 811 0ifl6 00. Cut l.irats. dull; lilckl-d bellies. 86.2fc:76; pickled hams, 8otel0.00; pickled shoulders, 38 &o. Ird, firm; western teamed, 86 ; refined firm; continent. 636; South America, 87S!: eomnouinrt J6 VfxU dO pork, stMidy; famllv lis short clears. $lS f14: mees. til 7T4j13.2S. . HUTTFR Firm: creumery. common to extra, lN"ri8e; state dairy common to ex tra. lVH?to. CUKKSRWteady: stato full mum, small colored, 71,tl'3; arnall white, 6if7c: large white and colored, .v7Vc. KOCSS Weak; western aturage aelectlona 1-Ol'I.TRY Alive firm; spring chick ens. u23c; fowls. 14", turkeys, 12c: drecNi steady; western foals, Uo; turkeya lijiiol Ralatk Crala Market. tUTUTTH. May 27. WHKAT-In stores Nc 1 bard, 8tVc; Nc 1 nortUern. 94c; Nu. nirvm man a monm ago. The aprlng wheat acreage la larger than It waa Ian year and the wheat Is In very fine condi tion. The oat acreaea estimate .hn. . 3 northern, aiSo. To arrive: No. 1 hard. "ic; Nc 8 northern. 93lc: Nc 3 northern, 82'c. On track: No. l northern. 8fS6V; No. 3 northern, 8iycVc; May, 94Vo; July, OATSOn track and to arrive. 43c CHICAGO CRAI.f AlfD FROYiaiOHS Faataro tke Traala aad Clostav Prleee Board af Trade. CHICAOO, May 27. A sudden scramble or snorts sent tne price of Mar wheat up 2c Juat at the close today. The spurt in May strslghtened up a drooping general market In wheat, the July options closing c ever yesterday's final quotations. Corn show gain of 88c. Oats are oft a trifle. Provisions are practically unchanged. Under the Influence of seasonable weather and generally encouraging condltlona for crops everywhere the wheat market opened easier, the July delivery being down Wao at s-i mic. Murine; the last half-hour the May dellr ery became oulte active, the crlce advanr Ing sharply. Deferred futures benefited by this activity, the market becoming quite firm. After selling off to 85'tc July rallied to X6c. closlna- at the ton. May ranged between 94c and 9M0 and closed at the hlih Dolnt. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to d.9u0 bushels. Exports of. worst ana nour ior ine wren, iiruruuiK m Jhradstreets. were eoual to l.a3.() bushels. Primary receipts were 2tf,G00 bushels, com pared with 2M.600 bushels a year ago. Min neapolis Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts or li cars, against hi car last wee and 13 cara a vear aan. Sentiment In the corn market wa qnlte bearish. July opened Hc lower at 4.7y 4Kc. so d down to 47T4o and closed at 4ic Local receipt were 363 car, with 40 of aon- tract grade, Outs wer quiet, but moved over a nar- iw ranaa. Fine crowing weatner naa I tendency to weaken the July aad Septem ber deliveries, but May held quite Arm. After opening unchanged to He lower at 2Vo3r!40 July ranged between 88Hc and 8tno. closing at 88)38140. Looal reoelpU were 77 cars. Provisions were strong early In sympathy with higher prices at the yards, but the market became easier on profit-taking, all of the gain being lost. July pork olosed 2Ho lower at 3U.32H. July lard was un changed at 36 do. kids were on va,o at 36.66. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 10 cars; corn, 618 cars; oat, 149 car; hogs, 12.000 bead. The leading futures ranged aa follow: Artlcls. Open. Hlgh. Low. Closs.l Yes'y. lu-at May a July b July a S'pt. b Sept. July Sept Ctp May July Sept, Pork . July rJSft" July Sept. Bept. 98H 9T4 87'iTis!87Ti Wt 8SU 82 31 ij k7s,0tj 47 7 4Xt4 47), 414! 80 U 32 U 35 U 60 6 50 (60 11 60 660 67 6 65 6 67 a 72 7ft No. 2. a Old. b New. FLOUR Market fairly active end frrcea steady; winter patents. 84.70 -.8!.':tralant 4.4tK(4.H0: spring patenta, 84.304.40; straights, 83.90(94.10; bilkers', 32.6 t3 30. WHEAT No. I spring, 82S7o; No. 3, 8S9 sju; 10. a rea, ai.txxfpi.tm. CORN No. 2. 48c: No. I vellow. 4turtfAr OATS No. 3, 4;iSt2c; No. 8 white, 42 ?c. RVE3 No. 3, 73c BARLEY Good feeding, 8340o; fair to Choice malting, 45r6Hc. SEEDS Nd. 1 flax, 1.00; No. 1 north western, 31.0S; prime timothy seed, 33.06; Clover, contrnct. mill. 310 7B. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 311.10 "t-a. jaro, per iuu 10s., vi.twu-' Short ribs, aides (loose '.:7iit.ti0; short cltar Sides (boxed), 36.266.60. The following were the receipts and ship ment yesterday: Receipts Shipments. Flour, bbla.-,. ........... Wheat, bu ;.. Corn, bu Oats, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu ...27,300 .. 83,600 ..237,600 ..136,300 .. 8.000 82.300 42,900 131.600 115.800 6.4O0 32,600' 7,000 On the Produce exchnnee imlnv th. lint. ter market v tead ; crento- re, 13" 17o; dairies, 12016c Eggs, steady at mark, cases Included, l&tfl5. Cheese (new goods), 7?&0c t. Loo Is Grata and Provliloas. ST. LOUIS, May 27. WHEAT Higher; No. I red cash. In elevator, nominal; on HCSck',W06108J Ju'y- ! September. e04c: Nc 3 hard, 8497c CORN Lower: No. 3 cash, 4Se; on track, 4960c; July. 47c: September 4646c. OATS Weak; No. 2 cash. 41o; on track, 42(&42i4e; July.N37o; September, 30o; Nc 1 white, 44&!46d. FLOUR Moderately active; red winter Satents, 6.(kxu6.10, with special brands 15ca io higher; extra fancy and straight, 84.70(3 4.96; clear, 34.004.10. SEED Timothy, teady at 32.402.78. CORNMEAL Steady at 32.40. BRAN Strong; aacked, east track, 31.00. HAY Strong; timothy, 9.0014.60; prairie, 6.00g9 00. IRON COTTON TIES-83C BAGGING (Pfo. ' HEMP TWINE 60. PROVISIONS-Pork. easier at IU.82. Lard, unchanged at 36.00. Bacon, atendy; boxed extra shorts, 17.12; dear ribs, 37.60; Short clear, 87.76. POULTRY Steady; chicken. 9o; springs. 202So; turkey, lie; duck, ic; geese, 60. BUTTER Weak; creamery, 1413c; dairy, loffilSc EGOS Steady at Uo, rase count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 6.000 8. 000 Wheat, bu. 22,000 49,000 Corn, bu 111,000 " 44.000 Oats, bu 68.000 86,000 Kaaaaa City Graia aad Frovlsloas. KANSAS CITY, May 27. WHEAT Lower; May, 8o"!c: July, 76c: September, 70My70c: cash, No. f hard. S8fS9c; No. 3, UQMo; No. 8 red. 31.03dl.u4; No. 3, 11.03. Receipts were 92 cara CORN Lower; May 47o; July, 4S 4To; September, 42V;$42c; cash. No. 3 mixed. 4kr4c; Nc 8. 47Q47o; No. I white, Sm4i62c;No. 3, 60c. OATS fcltead No. I white, 4748c; Nc t mixed. 45&H6- HAY Pholce timothy, 310.50igai.00; choice prairie. M.60. RYE 7c. BUTTER Creamery, 1816o; dairy, 12c EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, cases returned, 15o; new Nc 3, whltewood oases included, 13c nooeipi. Dnipnxenra , 73.&IO 82.800 68.400 40.0O0 6,000 8.000 Wh 'Su bu... Corn. VV, LU. ........ Mlaaeaaolis Grata Market, MINNEAPOLIS. May 27. WHEAT May, 94V4c; July, K)c; September, 81c. On track: No. 1 hard, 96So; No. 1 northern. 9C.o; No. 2 northern, 68440. FLOUR First patents, 88.10(36 ; seoood patents, 35 Otnij.i.lO; first clears, 38.00; second cixars. 83.60. I BRAN In bulk. 317.00017.60. Wllwaake Qrala Market;-s MILWAUKEE Mav 37 WH K AT Mar ket ateady; No. 1 northern, 99c$l; No. 3 northern. 97rnc; old Jtilv. 87(tf70 bid. RYB-Weak; No. 1. 7579c. BARLEY Steady; Nc 2, 63c; aample, 409 60c. CORN Quiet; Nc 3. 4961cj July, 47o asked. V Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 27. BUTTER Fair demand; nearby prints, 30cr-westem prints, 17c. EGGS Fresh nearby and fresh south western, 17o, loss off; fresh western, I80; southern. ISHc. CHEESE Firmer; creams, 601c Liverpool Grata as4 Prevlsleas. UVFRPOOL, May r.-WHEAT-Spot. easv; No. 1 California, is 10d. Futures, dull; July. e4Sd: September. 6s 4d. CORN Spot, firm; new American mixed, 4s 6d; American mixed, old, 4s 7d. Futures, steady; May, nominal; July, 4s 8d. Toledo teed Market. TOLEDO, May 27 SEEDS Clover, cash, 86 20; October, 36.7'.'; prime alslke, 86.16; August alaiks, 8640 bid. Prime timothy, 31.46; September, 31.47. No market Satur day and Monday. Peoria Grata Market. PFJORIA. Mav 27.-CORN-Hlghsr; No. 3. 48c; No. 4. 42ViH9c wuimti- Evaporated Apple ad Dried Fralta. NEW YORK. May 37. EVAPORATED APPLES Market continues quiet, but the more attractive grade are steadily held. Common are quoted at 'i64c; prime, 6W SVc; choice. 4tii1c: Jncy . 7'jf?o. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRIITS-Prune remain easy; prioee range from to to 64.C. according to grade. Apr loots show rather an easier tone with the approach of the new sex son, and ths prices are still maintained. Choioe are quoted at Hll0c; extra choice. luV.fl0S4o; fajicy, Ufilto. Peaches are moving out fairly well and rule firm; choice are quoted at 77c; extra choioe, JJio; fancy, 9i0c 8H MH 86H 87 tj'V. 87 8;1, 86 t3H 8H 86-5, 81l S3Wfr 81H non aovk 47 ! 47 4TtH8 4g 47H i7H'ii 47H 46 41 42 42 SS.1i 38T4 ass t 30ai 30 11 42H 11 42 11 25 11 65 . U 65 11 62 65 6 66 6 47 72 C72 6 66 60 62 62 6 77 6 67) 70 NEWYORK STOCKS AND BONDS Volnmo of Bollisf Exoftdiag-ljr Light acu Pric? Eink. STAGNANT DEMAND FOR BUSINESS MONEY Oateonso a( tk Crops Regarded as a (abject of Paramoaat Import aaos la the Stook Market. NEW YORK. May 27.-The volume of seiung in toUiiy s stock market was ex checiiigly light, but waa enougn to Incline the baiance toward luWer prices. The mar ket did not quite reacn the record for oull nees touched earlier In the year, on March 10. when tne aggregate shares sold only amounted to it.iov. iodays total of 119,uu0 shares leit Utile to chooso between them, 'the imminence of a three days' holiday, added to the general discouragement of the speculation, was the cause ot the ag gravated apathy of the market. The promise of a growth In cash resources of the banks to tne extent of nearly Iuj.ooo, OUO stimulated no Interest In stocks. Ot tills amount the eubireaeury has contrib uted tl.Mo.ouO aa tha residue of the 88,tXo, (.) paid to the banks last week on ac count of the Republic of Panama and alnoe depleted by the lecall of government de posits. The flood of currency from u In terior, estimated to have amounted to up ward of 3,oo0,uu0 In favor of New York, Is given an almost sinister import on account of the Inference of stagnant demand for money In bualneaa. The receipts of na tional bank note for current redemption at Washington also amounted to 31,376,vr3 for tha day. The amount of gold bars available for export tomorrow proved to be only 660,Guo, but exchange continued strong and ap proached the level of profit on shipments of coin. There wa a drop of half a penny an ounoe in the prloe of gold In London, wbloh probably marked the passing of the Paris demand for gold In that market, as sterling continue to advance In Paris. This gives color to the discussion of a fosslble movement of gold from New York o London direct. The probable inability to meet charges on the Detroit Southern first mortgage 4 per cent bonds caused a slump In these low-priced stocks and had a dis turbing effect on sentiment. Reading's report of 3332.500 Increase In net earnings for April yielded the slock a gain of point. Other report of rail road earnings were unfavorable, but were of scarcely more effect. No benefit wa felt by the market from the favorable re ports of the New Haven strike. Late cov ering by the day's shorts let trivial net conditions. Total sale of bond, par value, 31,006,000. The stock market ha fallen back onto a lethargy this week. The tendency toward congestion is shown In many ways. Currency continues to flow In large volume to the reserve centers. Export of upward of 360,000,000 of gold since the first of April has passed without a ripple In the money market. The current redemption of bank note at the treaaury la running at the rate of nearly 31.000.000 a day for May. Money has become almost a drug In the market. The Investment de mand for home securities has continued al most Imperceptible. The large subscrip tions to the Japanese, Russian and Cuban loan, aa well aa to the New York City bond Issue, are proof of the large accumu lations of capital awaiting employment. The difficulty of finding employment for capital Is evldenoed In the discussion by bank and trust companies of a reduction In the interest allowed on deposits and the actual reduction by several companies. The labor trouble this week in the New England and the Long; 'Island sound trans portation fields has- brought up th prob lem of future settlement growing out of the retrenchments still to be effected. Some direct effect on railroad earnings re sulted from the strike, and an Interruption to business in the territory affected was reported. Some growth In the export In Iron and steel products Is noted, but the shrinkage In domestic demand is un abated, according- to trsae aurnomiee. The nnestlnn arises how far the nerlod of business expansion has left over extension of outlay and obligations In business and Industry in general to be provided for by a presumed continuance of the hlrh level of business activity and trade which the event Is now disappointing. Ihe number of small hanklnr eatahllshments through the coun try which are suspending at short Inter- I vals is a feature or me situation wimu Is not HkM, Insignificant as are these es tablishments or Individuals. The outcome of tne crops ror mis year :s regarded, however, as a subject of para mount Importance in the stock market. Bonds have fluctuated narrowly ard nn eartelnlv In the same wav as stocks. Unltel States 8s registered have declined and the 4s point on call during tne ween. Yesterday s quotations on ine new xura Stock exchange were as follows: Bates, nign.iow.uiosn. Atchison 2.200 69 a 68 rf(i . ...... .. 82 77 90 117 166 8 ft 169 139 176 14 60 20 158 366 19 66 B. & 0 1,000 .7714 77 117 117 80 30 14 14 140 139 14 li is ii 60 60 a 19 ii 23 22 68 66 83 33 129 129 IO714 107 143 143 77 77 110 109 I4 El lii iwi 66 bb 21 21 118 113 43 43 20 20 do Did Can. Pacific 400 Central of N. J Chee. at Ohio (00 Chicago & Alton do pia hicago Ot. Western . at N. W .. M. St. P do nfd.... 600 Chicago T. A T ooPf4..... aoo LOOO '206 200 Colo. Southern do 1st prd do 2d pfd - Delaware & H Del.. L. W... D. A R. O "'166 '1466 6,700 800 do pfd Erie do 1st prd do 2d nfd nocaiuK v oaiw. .... do pfd 111. Central 200 Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. A N 200 Manhattan L 100 Met. Securities 200 Met. St. Ry KM Minn. e Sr. L. M., St. P. 4 a St M do pfd Mo. Pacific 1.100 M.. K. & T 200 do pfd UtiO Nati R. R. of M. pfd N. Y. Central 200 Norfolk A W 600 do Pfd ...... Ontario tt W 1.200 Pennsylvania 4,1M P., C. J. at bi. L, Reading 4,000 do 1st pra do 3d pfd Rock Island Co t. 1,20 do pfd St. L. & S. F. 3d pfd...... St. L. 8. W 300 do Pfd 3,700 So. Pacific 1,700 So. Railway M 100 do pfd too Texas 4k Paolflo 0 Tol., St. L. A W 900 do pfd l.OOO Union Paclfto 3,"0 23 87 do Dfd boo Wabash 400 15 88 do nfd LIUO W. A Lake Erie Wis. Central do Pfd va Mex. Central 7U Adam Bx Amer. lvx It H Em Wells-Fargo Ex A mat Copper 7.806 io Amer. car at J)' do pfd...'. Amer. Ice do pfd Amer. Linseed Oil... do pfd Amer. Locomotive... ioo ii 9 do prd Amer. Smelt. A R... do pfd ' Amer. Sugar Ref.... Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A I Con. Gas Corn Product L100 304 100 do pfd Distillers' Securities. Oen. El ec trio Inter. Paper 156 166 86 65 do era Inter. Pump do nfd Nat l Lead No. American Paclfto Mall People's Oas Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman P. Car Republla Steel do pfd Rubber Quods, do pfd Tenn. Coal A I 100 26 16 24 206 tjo fio 3TU U0 6 4 4 U. S. leather do prn U. B. Realty do prd IT. Rubber do pra U. & Steel do pfd Weetlnich. Electric. Western Union Total sales for th day, 119,000 Shares, 14 100 77 T7 77 N U S3 88 0 nil 0 79 7 7'i ft '4 6 4 L600 got; 8,Z tuJ l' W 14 14 110 4rt 84 1.1 00 94 9 9 Il.7u0 64 53 M If UK PORT OF TUm CWaOAHlOO HOC8ES. Traaaetlea af tk Asastetated Baakt Darlaa- tk Past Week. NEW YORK. May 27. The following table, compiled by Bradstreet. shows ths bank clearings at the principal cities for the week ended May 36, with the per centage of increase and decrease as com pared with th corresponding week laat year: CITIES. Clearings. Ine. Deo New York Chicago Roston Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburg Ban Francisco Baltimore Cincinnati Kansas City ........ New Orleans Cleveland Minneapolis Detroit v Louisville OMAHA Milwaukee Providence Buffalo Indianapolis St. Paul Loa Angeles St. Joseph Denver Columbus Memphis Seattle Richmond .Ul.Ctt5.847.4S 18. t 14S.S1,157 7 4 112.80ii.065 4 1 101.lM.8o3 201 62.1.M.174 11.0 40.089.07! 26 4 26.041.119 2 0 17.728.675 16.9 22.340,760 6 6 M.6PJ.7B6 10.8 - 13.S5S.6S8 H.l 11.323,188 13.7 10.t71.8fc 2.0 9.117.647 74 10.798,877 7.9 7,60S,733 3.7 7.3H2.2X) 10.8 4.441.8U0 6.8 6.6S0.045 0.8 6.2x7.223 17.8 6. 034, CM 6 9 5.032,106 16.1 4.0S7.117 0.3 3.971.614 16 3 4.154.500 16.6 3.416.892 7.6 3.6.9v3 6.9 4,21.522 9.5 1 4.102.261 7 6 t0i&5 16.7 4.114.638 0 9 2.732,071 t.9 t.Srtf.2B 11.3 1668.163 4.0 1416,728 0.4 , . 14S0.0S5 ...... O.T 1168,01 1.7 ...... 3.453.641 6.1 3. 667.946 3.3 1813.336 30.6 ...... 1068.724 13.6 1067,508 10.9 1.996,191 6.7 1.901.013 16.8 L846.467 14.4 L4K1.5S6 15.1 1.687,085 17.1 1.296. 671 S 1.1K6.979 19.7 L43S.328 8.4 788.826 11.7 99,966 196 1.373.011 16.0 1.166.501 15.3 1.146,867 82.1 L181,604 18 6 960.009 26. t 1,863.193 26.6 723.421 9.2 752.915 0.1 854,614 8 1 617,761 35.6 296,000 46.1 716.1S1 M L009.086 1.3 878.100 23.6 891.082 39.8 637,568 10.6 622.683 6 4 689.686 29.1 414,614 9.1 672,848 88 .8 880.113 7.3 891.4m 6 9 484.000 7.1 860,668 163.1 44R.6K7 18.8 406.915 3 8 8K2.642 18.7 472,009 11.8 4U8.2O0 81.4 829.807 15.4 8r.2,2R6 80.8 888.744 13.7 163.857 IS. 7 152.042 29.6 2W.804 16.1 , 156.211 12.7 188.678 28.7 9.656.310 16.1 6.694.000 1.093.014 14.3 867,654 31, 820.791 .030 14.6 736,443,087 7.6 Washington Savannah Albany Portland. Ore Fort Worth Toledo, O eait taxi city Peoria Atlanta Rochester Hartford Nashville Des Moines Spokane. Wash Tacoma Grand Rapid New Haven Dayton Norfolk Springfield, Mas.... Worcester , Portland. Me Augusta, Oa Topeka nioux uity Syracuse Evansvllle Birmingham Wilmington. Del Knoxville Davenport ., Little Rock Wllkesbarr Fall River Maoon Wheeling. W. Va... Wichita Akron Chattanooga npnngneia, 111 Kalamasoo. Mich..., Youngstown Helena Lexington Fargo, N. V , New Bedford . Canton, O Jacksonville, Fla ixweu Chester. Pa Greensburg, Pa Rock ford. 111 Blnghamton . Springfield, O Bloomlngton, 111 Qulncy. Ill Sioux Falls. S. D.... Mansfield, O Decatur, 111 Jacksonville, 111 Fremont. Neb tHouston Galveston Charleston. S. C... Cedar Rapids Totals. IT. S Outside New York.. CANADA.' Montreal 14.582.519 37.9 13.386.415 11.1 4.350.109 6.8 1.631.725 4.1 1,702.488 6.4 1,181.149 24.4 1,172.346 8.6 977.878 23.0 67r,,043 7.3 773. 2W S68.848 16.4 Toronto Winnipeg Ottawa Halifax Quebeo Vancouver, B. C Hamilton London, Ont. . . St. John, N. B Victoria, B. C. Totals .7::" .It 40,802,7461 1 20.0 tNot Included in totals because containing other Items than clearings. Not Included in totals because of no com parlaon for last year. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. May 27. MONEY On call, easier, 14&'1 per cent closing bid, offered at 1 per cent. Time loans, easy; 60 and 90 days, 2'u2 per cent; 6 months, 3ijJ per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 3Vtil per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Strong, with actual business In bankers' bills at 34.8715 4.8720 for demand and at 34.8524.8530 for 60-day bills; pouted rates, 34 86 and 34,88 commercial bills, 34.86&4.8o. SILVER Bar, 65c; Mexican dollars, BONDS Government, weak; railroad, heavy. The dosing quotation on bond are a follows: C. . rat. Is, rg. do eoupoo do Is. ng do ooupoo da bow 4s, rog., do eoupoo do old 4s, re.. do eoupoa Atchison ga. 4s... do adj. 4s , Atlantlo C. A. 4., B. A O. 4 , do 1 Central ot Oo. ss .14 Manhtttaa a . 4s.. .104 .104 M.i. Central 4a 44'4 .UV do 1st ins 11 .104 Minn. A St. L. 4s.... 44 .Ml at., K. a) T. 4s 100 .111 da Is HVi l'MVN. n. n. of M. e. 4s. T ...lo N J. C. . is .111 . 04 ' .111 .11 . n ...101 ,.. t ... 44 ...101 ... 44 ...107 N. Y. C. f. Ia..., N. J. C. (. to Mo. PaaUo 4. , do 1 , N. A W. a 4s O. . L. 4s A par., do 1st Ino .. 74 renn. oeav. is. Cbea. A Ohio 4 104 Hoodlas (CO. s..J. Chlcaso A A. IMS... It bu a L at. o. M..U4 C, B. A Q. n. 4s.... 4.8t. L. A a F. fg. 4a 1114 C. M. A 8. P. (. 4s.. 104 st. U l. w. is 11 C. A N. W. o. Is. ...117 a, B. L A P. 4s.... do aol. Is 0 C.C.C. Bt. L. g 4s.. 100 Seaboard A L. 4s.... 71 Bo. Psollo 4s H So. Railway U lli Texas A P. Is U Chloaso Tsr. T ;t., St. L. A W. 4a.. Coo. Tob&ooo 4s.... Colo. A 8o. 4s D. A S. O. 4s Brio prior Ilea 4s.. do ga. 4s P. W. A O. C. is.. Hocking Vol. 4s.. L. A K. uaU 4s.... Offered. . to Union Paolflo 4a 104 . 44 . M . Sbj .101 .101 .! do oost. 4s M U. 8. Steal M 4s.... 11 Wabaah U Ill do dab. B IT W. A L. E. la n Wis. C antral 4s 0 Cola P. A L a is.. 10 Bostaa atock aaatatloaa BOSTON, May 17. Call loans, 33 per oent; time loans, 4&6 per cent. Omolal Closing 01 sioca anu dudui. Atchlaoa ad. 4a. l Wasting, eemaua ... 71 Adv.utura 1 Allouas 4 Amalgamated 40 Amarlcaa alas ...... 9 Atlantis f Ulnauam 30 do 4s Max. C astral 4s, Atoataea do pfd Bosloa A Albanf, Bostoo A Maine. .. Boaton ElaTatod ., Pllahbur pfd ..100 .. M ..844 ..114 :.i40 ..ut Cal. A Hoc la 440 Centennial 1 Coppor Hango 41 ku. Uaulral 1 N. T.. N. H. A H..l Dalr Wast 81 Pare MarsuaU 74 jUonlsloa Cpal Union raoiao Amar. Arts. Cham, do pld Amar. Pna. Take.. Amar. Suaar ......i a. nj (Miai.H . 14 Urancr . 11 lala Rorala ... . 4 Mass. Mlalag . .llaMioblsaa . t . 8 . 4 . a . 4 do pld neoaws Amar. T. A T 12 Mout. a A C. Amor. Woolso 10 Old Dominie .. do pld 74 Osceola Dominion I. A 8 1 Parrot Bdiaoa Blao. Illu !M Sulncr , Oanaral Eiactrts lai Hhannoo Mass. BlooUlo H Tamarack , o pfd 11 Trinity , Maas. Uaa 40 V. S. Mlslag..,, United rrult 110 U. S. Oil , United Shoe Maca.... 44 I'teh , Aa nfd 1 Winona , u :::::::: M to :::::::: P :::::::: ".S M :::::::: P V. A Steal WolTortB do pfd Bid. Asked. "Assessment paid. Undos Stack Market, LONDON, May 27. Closing: Oonaola. awney do sooouat 0 1-14 Ml-li N. Y. Control. Norfolk AW., do nfd Anaconda Atchlaoa H. do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadlas PaelBO .. Chas. A Ohio Chlcaia Ot. W ... C. M. A Bt. P... OaBaars O. A R. O do pfd trio do 1st pfd do Id pfd Illli els Central ... Louis. A Kaen..... M., K. A T .. 1 .. to .. 44 .. ..lau-a .. n .. ..lta .. 1 .. lo .. .. 15 .. k) .. ' ,.UI ..lios .. 14 Ontario A W.. .... :::: S3 .... Tb .... 81 .... lt .... 81 .... M .... .... 44 .... B6 .... 4 .... .... 44 .... 14 rannaylvasla Rand Mlaas M. KaadlDf do lat pfd.. do td pfd.. So. Railway .. do pfd Be. Paella .... Union Facias . do pfd 0. a. Stool..... do Bid wabash do Did ..... Bvaala 4 81 Ex-dlvldend. SILVER nsr, ateady, 2611-164 per ounoe. M ON E Y itf'J lf pe' oent. The rate of discount la the open market for short bills Is t'jt 1 16 per cent: for Uire month' bill. 1 1-1648 Kr eenkr Coadltlaa a( tka Treaasrf, WASHINGTON. May 27. TfKiay's stata nent of th treasury balance In th gen eral fund, exuluslve of the 4iuO.u00.OuO gold In the division of redemption, show si AvalmMe cask balance, 6iui,ao,oT4; guld, t78.U. 0M1UA LIVE SIOCA MARKET Cattla BtoaipU LlghX and Bteera Sold BtroDf to a Dima Eifhsr. HOGS ADVANCED FIVE TO TEN CENTS la Skeep or Lambs oa Bala Tkia Mara, las;. SSTerytktaa; Betas; Direct t raaker Market Akaat a taar ter Blgker for tk Week. SOUTH OMAHA, May 27, 1904. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .... 2. Its) 6.1.ti 4.78 Officlai Monday .... OUiclal Tuesday ... Official Wednesday Official Thuraday .. Official Friday .... 6.256 17,146 4.ST0 .... 4.mJ 14.310 3&7 .... 1.904 t.TjO . 841 .... 1.146 8,369 74 Five days this week.... 14,506 Same days laat week..,.16.(3 fame days week be fore.. 14. 131 Same three weeks ago...l7,&6 Same four weeks ago,...26,So4 bam days last year 16,874 54.P96 6.i,J 34.5o5 47,7:6 60,7i'l 66. 486 U.M0 14 434 13.417 lb.6.2 31.4ml U.&U KiiClr"i8 FOat THIS YkJtR TO DATtt. The following table shows the receipt of cattle, hog and aep at Bouth Omaha foi the year to date, with oompariaona with aval aar, 1304, Csttl 389.J07 Hogs 4, 061.767 Bhsep Ul.li 1803. Ino. Pee. 31.000 3.31 8V8.083 101.737 403.613 U3.376 Average prices paid for hogs at South Omaha for the laat ssveral day with com parison: ate. 104. .liKLIA80LiKXkrxB.p88a. Mar L- 4 831 o May I...J 4 801 441 34 I 61 4 16 a is o 76 73 7 61 i 71 t 18 8 66 in 3 8 3 94 May 3 . May i.... Mar .... J J6 i 68 4 UC f all 73 6 17 t 34 12 o a n 3 86 7C61 64 3 68 o I 47 68 3 62 May J.... May f.... 6 64 4 63 as 4 88 4 44f I 84 8 88 May May 8.. May 10., May U., Mav fa 6 63 7 M i 44 101 I 69 8 66 3 62 4 4T 4 68' 4 64 a tal T 08 6 461 6 U 8 88 8 96 7 47 6 61 6 16 4 64 46 14 3 63 I 97 6 46 4 88 4s 6 11 8 44) 4 13 May U., May 14., 41 7 Oo T 12 7 12 7 47; 7 13 o a 17 6 31 6 23 8 68 o 8 67 3 63 3 40 8 691 8 66 3 65, a 3 62 4 35 6i1 4 60 4 62, 4 6- 6M 6 71 4 33 o 4 36 4 44 4 28 4 26 4 24 2 63 e 4 83 4 26 4 17 4 18 4 'J May 16., klnv 1 6 32 4 36, o 6 27 4 21 6 66, t 68 May 17.. a 72. 6 30 May 18., May ., May 30., Mav 21 6 731 o S 73 6 11 T 12! 10 4S 4 41 4 3 82 63 488 4 46 4 27 7 U 7 03 108 7 08 7 05 a 6 96 4 IS 6 C3 t 63 6 61 8 OS! 6 081 May 22.. a is May 23. May 24.. May 26., May 26. May 37. 4 19! 6 01 8 46 3 63 3 58 3 6. 6 a 6 04 6 04 4 88 6 04 6 61 o I 60 I 93 6 77, 4 87 40 Indicates Sunday. The official number nf cara of stock brought in today by each road was: CttlaHon.Sheen.H'a'a C, M. A St P. Ry... 3 4 Wabash 1 .. M Missouri Paciflo Ry... 5 2 .. ., Union Pacific system.. 9 26 .. 1 C. N. W. Ry 13..., F., E. A M. V. R. R..U 36 v. 1 C, St. P., M. O. By I 13 .. .. B. e M. Ry 10 13 i 1 C, B. A Vl. Ry 4 .. M K. C. ft St. J 1 I .. C, R. L ft P., east.. 1 C, H. I. ft P., west.. 1 Illinois Central 1 Chicago Ot. Western. . I 1 U6 Total receipts ....52 The disposition of the day's receipt was as follows, each buyer purchasing the number of head indicated! Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1,059 Swift and Company 282 1,700 Cudahy Packing Co 613 2,318 6 Armour ft Co 261 2.4K8 846 Omaha P'k'g Co.. St. J 800 Swift. Kansas City 821 Armour, fl'oux City 803 Van Bant At Co 38 .... ... J. B. Root ft Co 3 U F. Hubs 8 .... ... S. ft 8. Co 19 ' 469 Other buyers 100 Total N.218 8.S87 873 CATTLE There was only a small run of cattle here this morning and as all the f lackers as well as shippers seemed to have Iberal orders to fill they were out early In the morning and bought up everything In sight at stronger price. Trading wa active from start to finish and it was only a short time before everything In the yards was disposed of. The beef market could safely be quoted active and strong to a dims higher. Any thing desirable sold without much trouble at the advance of 610c, but some of the Inferior grades did not show quite that much Improvement. Trading, though, was brisk all around and a very satisfactory condition from the salesmen's standpoint. As compared with the close of last week the general market Is right around a quar ter higher. , 1 The cow market was also active and stronger this morning, as there were only a few on sale, and in fact there did not seem to be enough to meet packers' mora urgent requirements. They bought every thing in the yard tn a hurry at strong prices. A compared with the close of laat week prloes show an advance of about 10y 15c on the better grades. Canners, though, and common cutters have not shown much of any improvement. Bulls, veal oalves and stag all met with ready sale this morning at strong price. Thar wer only a few odd bunches of stock cattle on sale, so that in reality not much -of a test or tne situation was made. Anything desirable, though, sold freely enough At steady prices. Repre sentative sales: BE.r BTJSJEKS. . No. A, rr. Ns. A. Pr. 1 lit 4 IB 1 1110 4 IB 1 1110 4 IS 4 UM 4 M II 441 4 44 41 1114 4 44 M 401 4 64 11 1100 4 44 1 szv 4 ae at jai 4 to 1 411 4 40 11 U64 4 44 14 1084 4 44 W 1144 4 Pt 4 fWl 4 4 N 11M I 04 11 10K1 4 44 IT HOT 4 04 11 1110 4 T4 40 14(1 I 04 It 1101 4 TO IT 1110 I 14 II 1041 4 TO 1 1U1 I 10 II 1141 4 TO 10 1240 I 11 41 104 4 T4 14 1MI I 14 14 1150 4 T - I , 1110 I B4 14 1124 4 M II ltd II 1 1111 4 10 4V 14H I It 14 1011 4 14 1 1WT I 44 U Itrs 4 44 BirJcxiB Aflu ncif inrto. ft 137 4 10 IS U4 4 48 1UV4 4 OU M 1114 4 Bl U W08 wvJJa-"- " AJ WO. t..M.. ...... t44 8 x4 11.. .... .. 484 4 44 ..1111 4 0 ..1064 4 44 ..1000 4 14 ..1114 4 14 ..1004 4 14 ..1400 4 14 ..144 4 14 U 414 I 1 I " " 1 lis) I T4 1 1 140 I Tl 4 , 10T4 4 40 4 U loot 4 04 1 1 1110 4 44 3 1 11TI 4 04 HEIFERS. U 444 I 44 T DUUA 1 1844 6 44 1 L 1414 8 40 1 r tug 3 lo 1 : CALVES. 1.. 114 4 6 1 i 444 4 44 8 ....8144 8 88 ....11M I 46 .-...1446 4 00 .... U0 6 44 .... 140 4 M 1 U 4 SB STAUS. l, 1M 4 14 BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 11 441 I aw 1 M0 4 4 4 140 I PO 771 4 04 1 IN W IT IK 4 14 HOGS There waa not a heavy run on sale this morning and as th local demand wa In good shape and report from other ncinta favorable the market ruled active and rxtyiOo higher than yesterday. The mar ket seemed to improve a in morning aa vunued and th close wua right around a dim higher. Owing to th activity on th part of all th buyers everything wa dis posed of by 10 o'clock In the morning. The bulk of the good weight hogs sold from 84.46 to 34.60, with prime loads selling; from 64.50 .to 34.60; the light and common hogs sold from 34. 45 down. Today 8 advance carries ins maraei io the high point of the week to date, and In fact prlcea are fully a nickel higher than the were at the close of last week. A compared with a year ago. however, the market l aooui ii.su per nunarea lower. T4nraaentatlve sales! Ma At. I" At. ga. rr. ..Ml ..4 44 ,.141 114 4 44 ,.144 It) III ,.lul luO 4 44 ..Ml 44 4 44 .14 40 4 44 .141 44 4 44 .134 144 4 44 .131 ..4 4 111 8 4 44 ,.ll 40 4 44 .111 ..4 44 .la 144 4 44 .147 140 4 41 ..til 84 4 44 .14 ..4 44 .110 44 4 47 M 4 4TS4 .147 .. 4 4. ,.141 124 4 47 17.. 14.. ...141 ....11 ....114 ....1U ....111 .. IN 44 4 M .. 4 44 .. 4 44 .. 4 44 40 41 84 T4 4 46 74 Tl 44 40 T4 Tl 44.. lot 844 4 4 ....1M 40 4 40 ..,. 8w4 4 44 ....141 ..4 40 .... 84 4 4 .. 4 41 114 4 41 ....ISO W 4 41 ....! 400 4 41" 4 4 41 S4 Tl 14 4 4 4114 111 B0 44 14.. TV. 44.. 44.. 1.. II.. 44.. 14.. 11.. Tl.. 14 811 4 4 41 ...VI B ts 1.4 44 4 44 41 lit 14 4 44 41 14 44 4 44 ,. SB 4 47 .Ml 4 4' tl Ill ! 4 44 .161 4 4. Put SUB 4 OB la! Bt 4 44 ..Ml 144 4 47 ..141 4 4 41 ..til 1M 4 41 14 Ill 4 4 48 II 140 .. 4 44 . .111 140 4 40 TT..M....1M SB 4 44 14 14 10 4 44 " T4 luO SB 4 44 Tl Ill 40 4 4i fa, 816 40 4 44 4 40 tl .141 .14 44 4 4u .. 4 Io 10 4 40 44 4 44 41., 41., tt 144 4 48 141. ...... 81 KIM 74 II 4 4 T4 1 140 4 44 It 14 1M 4 41 TS IM ..4 44 44 114 W 111 T....,.11T 140 4 44 14 114 4 4 41 4S......K4 140 4 M 11 1U 4 4 44 41 Ill SO 4 44 O . 110 10 4 41 to .HI .. 4 1 U Ill 144 4 a 14 140 .. 4 40 ) 1'4 .. 4 44 II 1ST PS 4 M 10 Ml 40 4 44 44 IM 40 4 4 41..' ft M 4 41 II HI .. 4 40 44 U4 .. 4 44 41 T ..4 10 44 II N III 14 40 4 11 Tl !? 40 4 44 44 14 40 4 M 11 t 40 4 44 I tt 40 4 M 4 tl 14 4 44 40 II .. 4 41 BS 904 40 4 45 Tl 141 .. 4(1 74 114 40 4 a II ft .. 4 M 40 HI 40 4 41 41 14 44 4 44 41 I M M 4 44 SHEEP There were eeversl cars of sheep r ported thl morning, but they were con slaned direct to local packers so there Is nothing particularly new to be said of the market. It la very evident, however, that packers ore nnxlnus for supplies and If is safe to quote the general market right around a quarter higher for the week. The better grades of sheep In some cases may be a little more than that, while lambs on the other hand. If not strictly choice are bareiv that much higher. Tha market, thmish. la In a good healthy condition, with prices generally a quarter higher than a week ago. Quotations for clipped stock: Oood to choice lambs. 3.258.5'; fair to good lambs, 3." 5(7.nn; good to choice wnoled lnnihs. 88 76-ff7.25; fair to good wonled lambs. 86 50-fl 6 75: a-ood to choice yearlings or wethers, $5.6fvrf.7n: fair to good yearlings or wethers, 85 0tflV.50: good to choice ewes. 35.fJ0tff6.86; fair to good ewe. 84.7o4i6.0U. Kepresenua- tlve sales: CHICAGO LIVE 8TOCK MARKET Cattle Bt ram a, Bheea B toady 4 Begr Five 4a Tea Cents Higher. CHICAOO. Mar 37. CATTLB Rclps, L609 head; market strong; good to prime Steer, 35.25436.76; poor to medium, 84.4ttf 6 36: Blockers and feeders. 33.&4M.75: cows, fl.76fl4.6X: heifers, 32.6tja.OO: oanner. I1.7W 190; bulls, 32 60&4.25; calves, t3.&6mX.7o; Texas fed steers, M.bWlfUO. HOOS Receipts, I7.oot) head: estimated for tomorrow, 12,609 head; market 64;'10o higher; mixed and butohers, Itatob.!; good to chnle heavy, 34.7("(4.80; rough heavy, 34.504J .66; light, 4.50iyi4.6o; bulk Of ale. 34 6oiy.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 4.000 head; market steady; good to choice weth- I5.2wai6.60: fair to choice mixed, 34.00 fifi.00; western sheep, 34.75ti5.60; native tT. V. - ltikU,4IA. v.a.An l.mh. tit 1k. rtt riT, spring lamb. ti.6O7.60. New York Live Block Market. NEW YORK. May 27. BEEVES Re ceipts, 1,643 bead. Market steady to a ehitde lower; bulls and cows, steady: steers, 84.75 Eo.60: stags, 85.00; bulls, $3.504.60; cows, ,O04f4 50; cables quoted live cattle slow at ilVu-1'0 Per lb-j few top lllc, drttased weight; sheep, dull at 1214o, dressed weight; refrigerator beef, steady at &!o er id. unipmems today, x,iw quuneis ui eef: tomorrow. 1.200 cattle and 7,4-2 quar ters of beef. CALVES-Receipts. 962 bead. Market slow and 25o lower than Wednesday; veals, 34.00 ;1 6.26; mixed calves, 33.26; ally dressed veais. ao per in.; country nressea, txoto. UUS Keceipts, I,1M neaa. mauui mr tat hogs. 35.15; light Ohio nogs, 40-w; mixed western, 34.65. . , , SHEEP AND LAMBS rteceipia, head. Market weak; winter lambs and spring lambs, 26o lower; sheep, 335tV86.u0; no choioe here; winter lambs, $5.6146.16; eprlna- lambs, 36.60ia-8.a6; on aca cnoica. Kaaiai City KANSAS CITY. a Stack Market. May 37. CATTLE Re- cetpi. 8,8uO head. Including 250 southerns; market strong to 10c higher; export and dressed beef steers, 84 9uUo.50; fair to good, RBofijS; western fed steers, 34.50462a; stockers and feeders, 33.2ai.70; southern steers, 83.5O4ie.00; southern cows, $3.60&4.uO; native cows. xa.otKai.oo; native neuers. w tj-o-SO; bulls, 32.75ia.u0; calves, 2.7&86.00. HOGS Receipts, , 7,8o0 head; market, 68 7o higher; top, $4.60; bulk of sales. 3l.4tij 4.56; heavy, I l.b'.'U'4.60; packers, $4.4&4.6o; pigs and llghi i, Routt. 50. SHEEP A.NO LAMBS Receipt, 3,200' head; market steady; native lambs, 80.60 6.00; western lambs, $5.2o1.0U; fed ewes, 34.7oJTC.25; Texas clipped yearlings, xi.tAKiji 6.60; Texas clipped sheep, 4.&Otf't.iW; lock era and feeders, 33.50(4.50. St. Louts Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. May 27. CATTLE Receipts, 1,600 head, including 1,100 Texana; market ateady to strong; native snipping anu nort steers. 86.tXxfi6.75: dresaed beef and butcher steers, 34.25&$.25; steers under 1,(00 lbs., 34.00I&M.85; stockers and feeders, 33.69) 4.36; cows and heifers, 32.2o4.60; canners, 31.75&2.60; bulls, 32.50tf3.50; calves, 34.005.00; Texas and Indian steers, 33.0O4i'5.OO; cows and heifers. 83.boC't4.26. HOGS Receipts, 6,600 head; market firm, higher; piga and lights, 34.10i3H.60; packers, 84.4(4.70; butchers and best heavy, 34.60 4.75. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 700 head; market strong; native muttons, 3f2o lambs, 34.6007.50; culls and bucks, 62.50.O0; stockers, 32.00(0.00. ' St. Joseph LI Y Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, May 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 612 head; market frglSo higher; na tives, 34. 654)6.75; cows and heifers 32.25 6.25: stockers and feeders, 336ii4.50. HOGS Receipts, 6.373 head; market 60 higher; light, 84.403t.62: medium and heavy, 84.47fi4.60. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 41 head; market; firm; lambs, 650. Sloax nty Live Btock Market. SrOUX CITY, la.. May 27.-(Speclal Tela- fram.) CATTLE Market trong; beeves, 1.004116.00; oows, bulls and mixed, 32.30lQM.0Ol stockers and feeders, 33.00ii't.OO; calve and yearlings, 32.753.76j receipts, 800 head. HOGS Receipts, 6,(00 head; market strong to 60 higher, selling at ri.3wg4.4t; bulk, 4.36!(j)4.tO. Stock la Sight. Following are the reoelpts of live stock at th six principal western cities yesterday: vaiue. nogs, oneep. South Omaha Chicago Kansas City St. Louis .... St- Joseph .. Bloux City..., Total .... .1.146 8,300 974 17,000 4,000 7,600 8,2-H) 6,609 700 6.371 41 6,000 60,041 1,911 ...I.60O ...2.300 ...1.600 ... 613 Metal Market. NEW YORK, May 37. METALS Th London tin market wa unohanged for pot, which closed at 124 10s, while fu tures advanced 2s 6d, cloning at 126 17s 6d. Locally, tin was a shade lower, clos ing at 327.65ip;27.86. Copper waa firmer In London, closing at an advance of 7s 6d to 56 18 9d for spot and of 6s 94 for fu tures, which are quoted at 57. In the looal market copper was quiet; lake, 8l3.6v013.12; electrolytic, I12.7ti 13.00; cant ing. 112.61112.75. Lead declined Is 3d to 11 lis 3d in London, but remained un ohanged locally at 34 454 60. Bpelter was unchanged at 22 In London, but declined 10 point to M674600 In New York. Iron olosed at 61s 3d in Glasgow and at 43s 6d In Mlddlesborough. Locally, Iron Is quiet nd rather easy In tone; No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at 814.7616.25; No. 2 northern foundry, 3112514.76; No. 1 south, ern foundry and No. f southern foundry soft, ai3.60gJlS.7S. Pig Iron warrant wer nominal at 39 26. ST. LOUIS. May 27. MET A LB Lead, dull at $126. Spelter, lower at $166. Forelara FtaaaelaL BERLIN, May 27. Exchange on London, 2Gm 40pfg for checks; discount rates for short bills, 3 per cent; for three months' bills, I per cent. Trading on the bourse today wa most stagnant. I'ARia May 27. Th tone on the hours today wa heavy at first, but Inter Im proved and at the close the market wit firm. Russian Imperial 4s closed at 90.08. Rio Tlntos gained 7f. The private rate of discount waa 2 6-16 per cent. LONDON, May 27. Discounts were easier owing to firmer continental exchanges. Trading on the Stock exchange wa dull. Consols were easier, but olosed firmer. Home rslls were the center of the heavi ness. Americans opened Idle and feature less, nominally recovered to a fraction above parity and closed quiet. Foreigners were quiet and firm. Japanese were harder and Russian receded. Kaffirs declined. wwm V.rlc Mlalaar llorha. NEW YORK. May 37. Th followln S ar in cioaili ivM w.i iinia mvb ASams Co . 80 . 24 Little Ohlaf .. 6 ..rr ..42S Alice Braer Brosavlck Coo .. Ontario ,.. 10 ... 10 ,.. 4 ,..1M ,..1H ,..1M .. I Orhir Pkoaolx Pntnal Con. r.l. A Va... Hatrace .. u .. 41 .. 14 .34 Horn BiiTor tra Sllrae Blerr NaTadA Small llMa . Laa4Tllla Con 8tao4ar4 Assessment paid. Dry Goads Market. NEW YORK. May 27. DRY GOODS The market la without partlculur change, but shows considerable quieting down preced ing th hollduy. A good many prfc an nouncements, whloh were looked for this we'k, have been postponed until after the holiday. Total Imports of dry good and general merchandise at the port of New York for the fk ending today wer Yalued at $ll,4Jf7,04o: Coffee Market. NEW YORK. May 27 COFFEE The mar lt for futures opened steady at an advance of 63IU points. fcfil-B were reported of Sx.lnO buga. Including My. at 6.4ic; Jure, 6. (: July, t.tk bopleiubor, 6.u6 wc; uo- Novembtr, 6 00c; Decern March, 6.36)4.45c; April, OMAHA WHOLKSALR MARKETS. Caaditloa af Trade aad tiaotatloa oa Staple aad Kaaey Fredaee. Enas Receipt liberal; market ateady; fresh stock, 15'Ul5o. LIVE FlSlILTHY-Hen. IHfiilOe: roost era. according to all, 643c; turkey, 13o; ducka, 9c; geese, 60. Bi;TTKR I'scklng stock, 10c: cholc to fancy dalr-, lii 15o; eparator, liMfaoc. r ur.tu MSM-Troui, 1; pickerel, loe; ike, 18c; perch, 7o; blueflsh. lie; whlteflsh. rlke, 12c; salmon, 14c; rednapper, 11c; lobster. green, 16c: lobster, boiled. 30c: bullheads. He; catfish, 14c: black has, 20c; halibut. l"c; crappiea, 12o; roe shad, 85o; shnd roe. 36e; bufTalo, 7c; whit basa, 11c; frog legs, per doi., 850. B RAN Per ton. 319, ' HAY Price quoted by Omihl Wholesale Healers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 3S50; No. 3. S; medium. 87 SO; coarse. 37: rye straw, 3560. These prices ai for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair and receipt light. TROPICAL, FRUIT8. N ORANGES Navels, choice, large site, 83 Ou; fancy navels, all alsea. 81.25; Medlter ranean sweet, all sixes, $2.76; Jaflas. all Ises 32 75. LEMONS-Callfornla fancy, 800 to 800. $3.608.75; choice, 33 2i'4T3.50. CALIFORNIA FIGS Per 10-lh. carton, 6O0; Imported Smyrna, 8-crown, 13c; 6 crown, 14c; 7-crown. Tfc. BANANAS I'er mrdlum-slsed bunch, $100 C2 50- lumbo. $2.753,26. DATES-Perhlaii. per box of 30 nkgs , 32; In 60-lb. boxes, 60 per lb.; Oriental stuffed, per box. 32.40.. PINEAPPLES In crate ot M to 42, per crate, 83.60. FRl'ITS. A PPI.K8 Oregon fancy Ben Davis, per box, 31.60; New York export Russet and Baldwins. 14. STRAWBERRIES MUaourL per 24-qL Case, 32.26. CHERRIES-Callfornia, per box, 31.60 VEOETABLK9. POTATOES Colorado, 81.70; Dakota, per bu.. 31.20; new Texas Red atock. In sacks, per bu.. ll.SRijyi.sa. NAVY BEANS Pr b., tl6(92.I5. ONIONS Bermuda, par 50-lb. erate, 32; in auks, per lb., 8o. CABBAGE Onilfarnla, per lb.,3o; south ern, per crate, 32.60. l'T"?'ITVIji.tjd d, A..- oRmLA A TOMATOES Per 4-basket orat. fancy. fT! 00; choice. 82 50. RADISHES l'r do, bunches. 20c. LETTCCK Top lettuca per do.. 40a TI;RNIPS Southern, per do., 43c. BEETS Southern, per do.. 75c. CARROTS Southern, per dos., 73a PA RSLE Y Per do.. 40o. BEANS Wax. per bu. basket. $1.00L26: string, per bu. basket, 31.0iXil.2S. SPINACH-Per bu., horn grown. ROdJflOo. ASPARAGl'S-Per dos. bunche. 40c. GREEN PEPPER8Pr 4-basket erat, FOG PIANT-Per dos., 31. SQUASH Florida summer, per dos., 7Bo. l'EAS-Per bu. box, 83. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Wisconsin twins, full cream, lie; Wisconsin Young America, 12c; block Swiss, ltic; Wisconsin brick, 13c; Wiscon sin limberger, 13c. CIDER Per bbl., 38 60; per bbl., 33.25. MAPLE SUGAR-Ohlo, per lb., 10c. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted. 7c; No. 3 salted, 4c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lla.. 9c: No. 9 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry salted, 8&12o; sheep pelt. 14i27c; horschldes, 31.604j2.60. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 15c; hard shell per lb., 14c: No. 1 soft shell, ' per lb., 13c; No. 2 hard shell, per ib., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.. lOc; peanuts, per lb., 8c: mated peanuts, per lb., oc; wnii wainuts, lzeiiaw, large hlcK- qry. per iu.. 11c; almonds, soft shell, per '"1 ":, nuru sneii, uc; sneiinara, per DU.. 32; black walnuts, per bu., 31.26. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 27. COTTON Future cltised Irregular; May, 12.65o; June, 12.67c; July, 11.80c; August, 13.85c; September, 11.22c; October, lo.hoo; November, 10.78c; De cember, 10.71c; January, 10.74c. Spot closed quiet; 7 points lower; middling uplands, 13.30c; middling gulf, 13.45c; sales, 754 bale. ST. LOUIS, May 27.-COTTON-Quiet; middling, lSoj sales, none; receipt, none; shipments, 123 bales; stock, 11,997 bales. NEW ORLEANS, May 27. COTTON Fu tures, quiet; May, 12.5012.70c; June, 12.550 12.75c; July, lll'tillKio; August, 12.23tfl2.25o; September, Il.034il1.04c; October, 10.68ul0.69e; November, 10.47S10.4!)c: December, 10.47a 10.48c; January, 10.5K& 10.63o. Spot, steady; quotations revised; sales, 1,950 bales; ordi nary, 10 7-16c; good ordinary, llSic; low middling, 13-Ho; middling, 12c; good mid dling, 13 3-lCc; middling fair. 13 9-16o; re ceipts, 1,381 bales; stock, 149,666 bale. Wool Market. ' BOSTON. May 27. WOOL Pulled wool firm, with trading quiet; old territory wool firm, sale's chiefly In imnll lots; Idaho, fine, 13gl&o; heavy fine, 13313o; fine medium, 16(&l6c; medium, 1617c; low medium, 17M 18c; Wyoming fine, 14(tT15c; heavy fine, 13 13o; fine medium, lbgf'.lOc; medium, 18 lDc; low medium, 1819c. lit ah and Nevada fine, 14fM54cj fine medium, 15i&16c; me. dlum, lSfa'lttc: low medium, 19t30c. Dakota fine, 156'16c; fine medium, lG3ltie; medium, 11-19c; low medium, 19d0a Montana fine, choioe, Uigl9o; fine, average, 17tjP18c; fine, medium, choioe, lai&19c; average, 16i317o: tnple, U'fi'lSc; medium, choice, lSiJfl9c. BT. LOUIS, May 27. WOOL Firm and active; medium grades, combing and cloth lug, 1823c; light fine 16Q170; heavy tine, 12614C ; tub washed, 21(S'32o. Oils and ftoala. NEW YORK, May 27. OILS-Cottonseed, firm; prime crud. nominal: prime yellow, 28c. Petroleum, steady; refined New York. 38.10: Phlladeluliia, 34.16; In bulk, 35.20. Tur pentine, steady. ROSIN Steady; strained, common to good. 35c. OIL CITY, May t7.-OILS-Credlt bal ances, 31.62; certificates, no bid; shipments. 64,707 bbls.; average, 77,303 bbls.; runs, 13,643 bb'.s.; average, 76.903 bbls. Shipments Lima, 61,271 bbls.; average, 60,120 bbla.; run Lima, 71.762 bbls.: average, 66.490 bbls. SAVANNAH, May t7.-01L8 Turpentine, quiet. 53' io. ROSIN-Flrmj A. B. C. D, 1160; E. 12.05; F. 82.70; O, 32.76; H. $2.86,1. 33; K. $3.26; M, 33.30; N, 13.40; WG, $3.66; Ww7 38.96. narar and Molasses. NEW YORK, May 37.-SUOAR-Raw. quiet; fair reilnlng, 3 7-16o; centrifugal, 96 test, $ 16-1 6c; molasses sugar, 8 8-16c. Re fined, steady; crushed, 6.660; powdered, 6.'": a-ranulated. 4.96o. NEW ORLEANS. May 17. SUGAR Strong; open kettle, 2H3 8-I80; open kettle, centrifugal, SiiSSc; centrifugal whites, 4i'jf 4c; yellow, 8124 6-160; seconds, 2H33u. Molasses, nominal; open kettle, aaX.c; cen trifugal, 10415c. Syrup, nominal, 203 2ic Th Be Want Ada ar th Beat Business Boosters. Limitation ot Joornailstlo Life. Schoolmate It must be lovely to be mar ried to a newspaper man. You get free ticket to all the theaters and opera, dont you? Mr. Scribbler Y--, but we never go. Schoolmate Why not 7 Mrs. Scribbler We haven't anything to wear. New York Weekly., Ten free trip to th World' Fair each week. Be coupon on page two. KMAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record May 27, 1904, as fur nished by th Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstractor. 1U14 Farnam street, for The Bee: Peter Plcqueur and wife to Alphnns and Leiinls Collins, lot 4 and 6, block 27, lat addition to Corrlgan Place $1,400 Lulon C. Gibson t al to Cecelia Parks, lot 3, block 26, South Omaha too Boulh Omaha Land company to Charlee W. Smith, lot 7, block T, South Omaha 400 Charles W. Smith to Lewi V. Wil liams, part f lot 7, blook 7, South (rniah 235 Alice A. Havemeyer to Cora La IClali. lot 16, Oak Hill 700, tumma c jonnson alia husband to Jennie Ashe, lot 10, block 4, Spring Lake Park 440 Herman Beal and wife to Joseph II. ituciuauori, itn ana pan ox lot a, block 126, South Omaha 400 Ellen Long to Margaret Doyle, lot 1, block 10, Parker addition 1,200 Charles Met and wife to Mary B. At kins, lota 6, I and 7, block 7, Jerome Park 4,600 Jake Klein and wlfo to Marth and Elal Petersen, lot 17, block 7, Brown Prk -400 Sheriff to John N. Haskell, lota $ and 4, block 116. Dundee Place 470 Frank O. Olaen and wife to Jullu Trltsnliks. lots 6 and 4, block t, W. L. Selby's addition 600 II"l.-n F. Nmlth and husband to Frank W. Fnrg. lot ( and 4, block 14. Wal nut Hill 200 Jacob Hess and wife to John Ander son, lot 1. block L 1st addition to Mount Douglas Th" Midway Investment oompaoy to Fanny Dragoon, lot 38. block 3, Pur sons A liorrr's addition 700 too 3.500 CharH W. Hall to Norah O. Dow, Ivt 7. block 16. oily tober. 6 vj6 95c; ber. 6.064J 16o; 6. 45c. i V