THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1004. SPECIAL NOTICES Advertleeaseats for the eolaasa win b takes aatll IS sa. (or the ftnliif edltloa aad antll a. m. for Rates, 1 l-2e a irarl flrat lasertlon, S a word thereafter. IVothlac taken for leaa thaa 24e far the first laser tloa. These advertlseaieBta aaat he ra. e.a' Advertisers, fcy reajarattaa- aam- bered cheek, caa have anawera ad dressed to a aaaiherad letter la ear f Th Bee. Aoswer ao addreeaed will k dellrered oa reeatatloa l th ekeek only. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Business Shorthand, Touch Type writing, English. Mail lessons in all tranches. Catalogue tree. B 337 C.TMNF WALK. c per foot; cheaper J I Vy 1 i- tnan ouoa; macadam drive .. ik. O. Van Court. Vtvi Wirt. 'Phone Ixjo'i. K 824 Jl FRONTIER TOWEL SUPPLY CO. TL 1413. K M mi JeK to! RATE TICKETS everywhere. P. H. Pbllbin, 10 aiuui kuti opp. Union kiauou. ' T,us. M and ibi. R TRY KELLY'S TOWEL SUPPLY. Tsl. TREES, Oman, Nursery, 18th and Dougla. Tel. emit. kvtliio mm QTflVCQ""' snd repaired. Jackson w 1 J V LVO Kroa. A l esu. Hi W.. lutn. lei. L-W. M-rw At f OMAHA Sato and Iron work make a ape ciaity ot ur aacapes, BliUUers, doors aJid sal, a. AnUreeu, Prop., ItM S. lutn at. a rt kit Champ. Carp. Clean. Co., 718 8. 14th. T. 665. H 83 ri"-vSR. NICKEL Plating. Ora. UVJLLrt,un, vjo,, ijttt narney. 'i el. 363 CITY SAVINGS BANK paya 4 par cant. - . . R Ji EAGLE boan Office; reliable, ticcomraodal Ing; all buainesa confidential. 11 Dougiaa. , . Ht ANTI-MONOPOLY Oarbeg Co. 621 N. loin. lei. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., moving and storsg. 214 N. lata. Tel. 1186. H-W i rrwc:viiTH c. r. heflin, k n. a.wiMi win. lei. 2874. K 831 Plarrri Carpet Cleaning Works. N. A. EieCtriC chrlatanaon. &ta N. auto. Tel. 1663 R-832 ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. clean cesspools, vaults, removes garbage, dead animals; reduced prices. Z1 N. 10. TeL 177 R-833 PUBLICITY DESIGNS WHEATON. In the Be Bldg. H-8S4 SIGN painting. 0. H. Cola, 1302 Douglas. R 83 ti ALL KINDS carpenter work; repairing promptly, attended to. - J. . T. Ochiltree, loth and Lake. R 870 . . SPECTACLES, Si; examination free; 33 daye only. U. 8. OpUclana, sol N. 16th. ! CARPET cleaning. J. Wood, 2018 Clark. Tel. A1J47. R M166 STANDARD niters. Huber. Tel. 8913. 1301 Farnam. R 691 J22x FURS stored and repaired reduced prices. G. E. SbukeHTtU 8. 16th. R-M963 M29 FERFIELD .Piano Co., Bee Bldg. ; no In terest;' boneat .values; easy terms. Tel. 70L . . ... . R 845 H. W. M'VEA, Plumber. 1134 N. th. TeL r7. R M469 STOVES STORED 1307 Douglas. Tel. 860. Omaha St. Rep. Wks. R M424 DR. BLABAUGH, Dentist, N Y. Life bldg. R MoM BICYCLES! BICYCLES! OMAHA BICYCLE CO., 16th and Chicago, R-M3W BARGAINS Uncalled for suits and trouaera. KIT Farnam. upstairs, r. 6. Ask for Forman. R M 884 BUSINESS CHANCES WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange your property or business quick, see J. fa. Johnson. 841 N. Y. Life. 'Phone L-2270. Y-M464 GOOD BUSINESS CHANCE Let us tell . you of a profitable Investment of a email . amount of money that will yield you good returns. Caa be taken care of In L addition to your regular work or busi ness. Address The A karoo Co.. Omaha, Neb. . Y-M36D 33 (HOLES-ARM STRONG CO.. 728 N. Y. Ufa. Tel . Y-47 ABBOTT-COWAN CO.. 1st Nat. Bit. Bldg, can get you In or out ot buaineaa. Y 341 QlWfl VP PRIDE OF HASTINGS So d- CMlVrsCgar. Cushlng & Gauvraau. DIatb. 1 ... Y-M31IJ. DRUG 8TORB tor sale, stock or atook and building. In the beat little town In aouth y east Nebraska; good reasons for selling; cheap rent. Address M 8, Bee office, Omaha. . , Y-M730 87x UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY. tIDO a month easily made to take up the greatoat paying proposition ever known; espertenoe not necessary; something new, legitimate, clean; no gambling, mining, patent, Block or long drawn-out affair; no canvassing; personal interview only ranted; don't call unlesa you have I1U0 Invest See J. H. Coloney. Drexel hotel. Y M716 2tx JTOR SALE, cheap, IB-room. Si a day hotel; only hotel In town of 1,200; good business; beat of reasons for selling; for particulars address H. A. Settles, North fiend. Neb. . , TT-M342 27 .WILL Invest .35,000 la mercantile or manu facturing buelneae, with aervleee; inuat be an attractive proposition, with un questionable referenoea; owners only answer. Addrsas L Hi. Bee. X o4 26x FOR SALE! Good grocery and meat bual neas. In good location; owner wants to retire. B. Newman, 2213 Farnam. Y 694 2 WANTED, stock of general merchandise of from 86,000 to 810.000 or exclusive dry goods, well located for business; none but the owner need answer. Address M , Bee. Y-M735 SO WANTED Capital to manufacture an Omaha Invention of apeclal Interest to all stockholders In our packing houses, amelters. rallroada and power plants; will aave you thousands yearly; U. 8 , Can ada and Great Britain patents. Owner, 1712 Douglas St. Y M761 36x OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, tit N. Y. Life bldg. T. 14 Ml DR. GRACE DEEGAN, 833 N. Y. Lira. TeL Fayette Cole, oateopath. 108 Pastoo block. MRS. JOHN R. MUSICK. Osteopathic Phy. sldan; office. Douglas block. Tel. SSa. Dr. FarwelU specialty ntrvoua dlaeaaea. 604 Pax ten. 767 FLORISTS HEX 8WOBODA, 1418 Farnam. M7 U HKNDCRaON, lalS Farnam. Send tot prloe list of out Bo were and plants. -7T Al fRin lONACUlUE, J1V im Farnam, WANTED MALE HELP MOSHER SHORTHAND la a vast Improvement on the old Pltmanie eyetems. Position writing slant, and shad Ins; are eliminated. Students master It In half th time and make better atenogrphera. The expense Is less and the position to be had, lar Letter, investigate It. Catalogue free. Addreas, , OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE ' 17th and Douglas. MEN to learn barber trade, free railroad fare upon our failure to convince you of mis being the BEST, largest ana oniy re liable, moat practical barber college in tnis aection. write tor catalogue imoj. Western Barbers' Institute, Omaha. NM. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY -Able-bodied unmarried men between ages of il and So; cltlrens of United Slates, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write Engliah. For In formation apply to Kecruitina uram, jm and Dodge Bts., Omaha, or Lincoln, Neb. B M152 LARGE eastern plant manufacturer wants responsmie man or nrm w ie ex clusive Omaha and Nebraska agency; manufacturer will do extensive adver tising for agent'a benefit. The paint Is A iraaer wnerever mtroaucea. Auuiees n w. Bee office. m B Wl WANTED, first-class barber at once. F. W. Baade. Schuyler. Neb. B 0i AMERICAN Barber college, Omaha, .Neb. Write for free catalogue; It tella every thing. 8686 28x A LIVE man of good address out of em ployment can secure permanent position nu gooa wages, reierencea requirea; experienced solicitor preferred. Apply at W. A. Hixeiibaugh. SoO Ware Blk. B-318 WANTED Wagon teams to haul dirt from grades at 36th and Poppleton ave. Inquire on work. D. M. Owen Co. B-M3T4 YOUNG MAN WICh fair business ability, milling to work to orerare for srood Gov't Position. Entrance salary, SS00. Gradual rromotinn. permanent, tiox l, ipair Rapids, la. B M394 x WANTED Men to lesrn barber trade: few weeks completes; splendid demand for fraauares; can nearly earn, expense oe ore finishing. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 1302 Douglas 8t. B-M484 27x WANTED By a large corporation, a bright boy 17 or 18 years old to run ad dressogruph and do other office work; must write a good ham's salary to com mence, S26 per month; advancement rapid If ability merita. Address M 6, Bee office, in own hand writing. B 697 25 WANTED Architectural draftsman. Ap ply Fisher & Lawrle, architects, Paxton block. B 693 WANTED A first-class barber at one. 'Phone C. W. Shuey, Syracuse, Neb. B M71 26x WE NKED COMPETENT MEN To fill positions as .managers, accountants, advertising men. salesmen and bookkeep ers; also technicul and executive men, high grade exclusively. We have office In twelve cltlee. Write for, plan and booklet. HAPOOODH (Incorporated). !1( Chemical building, St. Louis. B CLOTHING MAN; one who can sell goods. take care or biock ana tnm winuows; permanent position. Write to 8. Goldberg.- Nebraska City, Neb. B M753 26 WANTED A receiving clerk. Apply 1807 Douglas. u nu WANTED, firemen and engineer for elec tric light plant, write l. l. Bennett. Trenton, Mo. B M770 2x STENOGRAPHER Young man for work In railroad omce. - Address yi is, nee. B M766 28 DRUG clerk wanted for mining camp In Colorado; one that can register ana apean German or Austrian preferred; good wages for a good man: must be reliable and competent; give reference, wnges ex pected, etc. Address M 16, Bee. . . B M768 28 . WANTED, boy or girl about 16 years to demonstrate In a window, people s store. B M76Q.26 WE want a stenographer and bookkeeper experienced In- the grain business;, a druggist and Jeweler; a flour salesman and a draughtsman at once. We also have many good ponltlons open In other lines. Call or write for list of vacancies. WESTERN REF. BOND A88'N 840-841 N. Y. Life. B-M771 2 WANTED FEMALE HELP (0 GIRLS. Canadian office, Utb and Dodge. A GIRL for general housework; no wash ing, md rara ave. v zvx WANTED Ladles to learn hair dressing, manicuring or facial massage; 4 .weeks completes; 812 to 320 weekly made by graduates; splendid demand. Call for write Moler College, 1802 Douglas St. C M4S5 27 GENERAL housework girl; no washing nor ironing; gooa wages to gooa gin. in 8. 26th ave. C 64 28x WANTED, woman second cook, 820 per month; dining room girl, 815 per month. Address commercial notei, jhci.ook. inpo. C MTU 2 GIRL experienced in office work; state ref erences ana salary requirea. Aaaress M lf, Bee.' C M734 27 WANTED A young girl to serve Ice cream. Apply w. ManaeiDerg, za noor peoples Store. C 766 WANTED, girl to help In housework: no washing; gooa wages. Telephone Ked 616, South Omaha, or address M17. Bee. t C M764 26x WANTED, blight woman over 21 Id travel for manufacturer; lis per week and ex penses; expenses advanced; salary weekly; chance for advancement. Card Sec., 356 Dearborn St., Chicago. C-M76S 26x WANTED SITUATIONS EXPERIENCED retail grocery salesman wtuii uusiwuii. Auuni n iv, one. A 721 28x AGENTS WANTED WANTED-Canvaaslng agents In every county 10 solicit auDscriptions to Itibi TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER; steady employment with assured good in ' come; agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily 360 to 3100 per month. Ad dress Century Farmer Solicitors'. Bureau. Bee Building. Omaha. J 218 PRINTING PRINTING Hlght Oradg Work. Ivlrcriri t P?" block' corn" LYNGS 1 AD t lth St. and Capitol Ave. W69 HIGH CLASS printing at lowest prices. A- t IWi . " 830 J. M. SIRPLESS. Reliable Printer; as tab- llaliea M years, ah m bi.( umani. wis Printtnrr Job printing. Best work la city, ril flUng ouaranteel lfill Capitol Ave. 438 KRAMER A CHANDLER. QWICK PRINT' ER8, 1103 Farnam. To deliver work when promised Is our hobby. Mild GARDNER PRINTING CO., removed to , rooms 3 and 8, Dally News bldg. 'Phone A-2U4S. M717-J8 WANTED TO RENT WANTED An eight to ln-room houaa, lurnlshd: weal Farnam district ore. (erred; period three to aix montlia. Apply Byron itaea cowpany, ill Bu. uih at. K-M8U WANTED To rant flrst-elaae 8 to 13-room furnished house lor the summer- West Farnam district preferred. 8.V. Farnam Smith dt Co., UM Farnam St., Omaha. K-871 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITERS A C. VAN SANT'8 school. Til N. Y. Ufa. - sni Ma ) 8horthaa4 CL. Boyd theater. The easiest way to succeed is to follow the ex ample of the successful ones they advertise THE BEE FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS HOYAL HOTEL, European. 16th at Chicago. DEWEY, European hotel, 13th and Farnam. E-2 11.25 PER WEEK, Do ran houae, 422 S. ISttJ E-866 VIENNA HOTEL, 1011 Farnam; fine rooms, ladles' cafe, private dining r.; open nights. E 866 LARGE, wsrm room; stsam heat. 19u Capitol Ave. E-M720 NICELY furnished rooms, third floor. 1J2 Dodge St. E 867 THE FARNAM, 1Mb and Farnam gtsj APARTMENT HOUSE FOREMEN lue Chatham; luxuriously luruluhed rooms and smoking parlors; appointments first class. 110 a Uth St., opposite MlllarJ hotel. , B 4. NORTHWESTERN HOTEL, newly fur nished. 61 N. 16th. E M360 Je3 NICE front room. 82 week. 1717 Web ster. E-M343 Jel7 THE SH ELTON, 25TH AND DODGE. 'Phone fU2t. Desirable rooms, single or ensulte. E M4u 26x NICELY furnished rooms: reasonable. 1010 Davenport. E 2 TWO nice cool rooms; modern; very rea sonable. 1426 N. 17th. E 418 NICELY funnHJhed south lront double room. 1812 Dodge. - E M667 26x 25th St., near Merriam, first-class room for one or two gentlemen; no other roomers; telephone, etc. Address M 11, Bee. E 728 26x TWO nicely furnished front rooms; strictly modern; large porch and lawn; rates rea sonable. 1836 N. 17th. E 661 26x ELEGANTLY furnished south parlors; also housekeeping rooms, 2234 Farnam, top floor. E381 2x ONE to three partly furnished rooms, mod ern; can be arranged for light housekeep ing; no children; reTerences; 2701 Wool worth ave. E6C6 25x SUITE of four unfurnished rooms; refer ences. 2408 Cass. E400 26x THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping; man and wife. 'Phone 1180. 2G03 N. 17th ave. E389 26x LARGE front room; also small room; porcTi and lawn. 'Phone L2793. 623 N. fcth. ' E399 25x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Furnlahed rooms, steam heat, with or with out board, jrfidland hotel, 16th tt Chicago. ' F W THE MERRIAM, 26th and Dodge, 'phone K6; nice, light, airy rooms; ensulte and single rooms; terraced lawn; veranda en tire length of building. F 206 BOARD and room. 84; meals 15c. 1618 Dodge. F-M861 THE ROBE, 2020 Harney; newly furnished rooms, good board; rates reasonable. F M4S6 JeS 1818 DODGE, two nicely furnished parlors, with board. "Phone A2407. F M863X NICEbY furnished rooms and board. 2310 Douglas. F M401 27 O. M E. TEL. til. MESSENGER AND BAGGAGE. . F M397 Jel9 FURNISHED rooms and board, 34. 260 St. Mary's ave.; F-M4S0 Je20 NICELY FURNISHED rooms and board, strictly modern, rates reasonable 1617 Cass. .'... F-M68B J a PRIVATE Xamtly. 608 8. 25th ave. F-683 FURNISHED rooms, board. 'Phone L07. 710 8. 18th. F660 26x- FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms: board If desired. 1661 N. 18th.. F387 25x FURNI8HJED rooms, with board; walking diets nee. 2108-Douglas. F143 26 x NICELY" furnished front room, with board; choice location and shade. . 2216 Farnam. F447 2ax FIRST-CLASS board, by day or wek. 1813 Chicago. F404 26x NICELY famished, Urge room for two rentiemen: win give noara ii ? 04 8. 33d St. F406 26x FOB SALE HORSES. WAGONS Sacrifice Sale HIGH GRADE VEHICLES. Our Immense stock consists of Buggies, . r 1 ..a. tV. w . Carriages, maeionsVy nnnauuuiB, ru elclans' Stanhopes, Traps, Cabriolets, Buckboards and DeHvery Wagons made by . The Racine Wagon and Car nage Co., Racine, wis. Wc have 28 vehicles which we pur chased rrom me catuey ,-uiuuiau.u.. lng Company at about 60 cents on the dollar. These vehicles will be placed on sale as long as they last at prices ranch lower than similar goods were ever sold at before. Johnson & Danforth. Manufacturers Agents, Sattley Building, S. W. Cor. 10th and Jones bts., , , 'PHONE 337. ' Entrance from west side of viaduct. P-764 36 HORSES for sals; Id-hand harneaa and ve hicles cheap. Meloulor's Stables. 6011191 h Family horse, carriage, cheap.SamBurna. 10 BUOGIES. wagons and all kinds of rigs worth. P 818 SELLING out buggies, wagons, karnosa. at cost. Anderson-Millard Co 16' Capltot. PB 644 w all WAGONS! Delivery wagons!) Don't fall to see them. The largret assortment In the west at Wholesale prices. Johnson Danforth, 8. W. cor. 10th and Jones sis. r Mwfcl A NEW ninabout top buggy to trad for . . . .... . . u tnm nnvina nora. on n. iim. r i GENTIJBMAN'S roadster, 6 yeare old, nacer, very speedy. 1114 Douglas. Dietrich Wallace a atablea. P-M.M 30 WANTED, at once, an ANo. 1 solicitor. 40 Broad, up stairs, Council Bluffs, la. P 43 FOR SALE, either separate or together, N. P. Munterfering a i-heatnut-sorrel pacer, lan, buggy and harness. Inquire Betia Bros.' barn. 16lh and Capitol ave.. or room 14, Wlthnell Uock. P-M700 VETERINARY DENTIST J. W. Boouet, 414 8. 14th, P-M701 J 23 FINE depot carriage, beat make and la An condition; also light top buggv. har . eto. Address M H Bee. f-UlU i BEE PRINTS THE MOST PAW WANT ADS. WANT ADS BRING BEST RETURNS. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE INSURE YOUR HOME IN - THE STATE Insurance Company Of NEBRASKA. Home Office Room 1 N, Y. Life Bldg. FIRE, LIGHTNING. TORNADO JAMES E. BOYD. Pres E. A. CL'DAHY, Vice Pres. LUTHER DRAKE, 2d Vice Pres. i A. J. LOVE. Secy, and Tress. PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. HOMES Only a few blocks from Hanscom Park, a 7-room residence. In first-class repair, furnace, barn, full lot. Price. 32.20. Cottage of 6 rooms In Council Bluffs; bar gain; 8300 cash, balance easy payments. INVESTMENTS On North 24th street, in good location, S stores with flats above; rental. $72 per month. Price. Su.600. One of the best corners on Farnam street, brick building, gilt-edge property. Price, 836,000. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., . 1320 Farnam Street. RE 723 H Four Home Bargains H .LOOK AT THESE TODAY 8020 'California St., a well built 8-room house, has city water, sewer, gas and bath; good location. Price reduced to Xi.wa. 27(1 California, a good 7-room house, nicely arranged, 4 rooma on first floor, 3 sleep, ng rooms and bath on second floor, fine shade. Owner says to cut the price to S3 300 1(K!6' N.'x 83d St. (Bemls Park), a well built C-room house; has city water, gas, bath and sewer, large chicken house, trees, on Harney car line S-,160. Our NEW HOUSES, on N. 24th St, be tween Locust and Blnney, will be open for inspection every day this week be tween 4 and 6 o'clock; all ready to move Into; will make the price and terms right. If these do not eulUw have others. HASTINGS, & HEYDEN, 610-611 N. Y. Life B16g. HE 729 25 QPAftQ 821 N. Y. Life Bldg., vJL-.rno Real Estate and Insurance, offers tor immediate sale 7-room house and barn; excellent repair; paving all paid; on Bristol St., one block north cf 24th, .for 31,800, on easy payments. RE 767 27x FOR KALE tf-room modern house, with tarn, 32,100. See owner and house. 1413 N. 36th St. RE 736 Je8x MY ARTISTIC HOME The "Gem of Clifton' Hill," a paradise for professional man; price cut to 82,800; will rent for 325; part down, balance easy. Some, see it at once. 4316 Grant 81. Rev. . M. Dillon. RE-M6J7 NEW MODERN HOUSE 2309. CALIFORNIA ST. 4,000.00 ' 8 rooms and larfre hall, best of plumbing tind gas flxturos, large bath room, laun dry, fine yard, artificial stone sidewalks mound house. Immediate possession can be given. t rt- ' GEORGE & COMPANY 1601 Farnam. , RE 468 TWO brand new. cottages, modern except turnace; erraji.ww ana tne otner fz,fw. P.HrMER A CHASE. Builders of Modern Houses. RE-731 Ulus. your property. Baker Bros. Kng. Co. RE-74 ACRES IN BENSON . ' Desirable. Tracts for Country Home. Tea acres With bearing fruit, all nicely .needed to alfalfa, l,u0.0O. . Five acres, some fruit, . three blocks from oar, 'Sl.20u.0U. Two acre sa pavement, a fine garden tract, 860.00. , Benson & CarmichaeI, , 843 IPaxton Block. ' RE 843 THE ROSEBUD RESERVATION Is open to settlement.. Send fifty cents to Rath man dc Keller, BonesteeL 8. D., for in formation and large map showing topog raphy of country. RE 716 Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE. 812-813 N. Y. Life. Tel. 811 RE M327 ENGLISH & CO., PAXTON BLOCK. On of the finest 8-room modern rasideneee In Wast Farnam dlatrict, 82.200. RE 7J MUST BE SOLD. Party leaving for California says get me any fair offer for my 9-roorrf, all modern house, not far from Mr. Korty's residence. Price ssked, 88 750. Harrison & Morton REAL ESTATE, 812-818 N. Y. Life. Tel. 814. RE 416 CHBA8-WiIliarnson Co., utftWd. RE-873 ROSEBUD RESERVATION MAP. 85e. D. , W. Forbes, Boncsteel, B. D. RE M2S8 REED HOTEL. We csn offer tor a short time the Reed Hotel, South Omaha, 66 rooma, well equipped with steam heat, eleotrlo lights, baths, etc.; building alone coat about 316,000. Price 88.000. W are sole agents for this property. .W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. 1320 Fsrnsm street. RE-M280 MISSOURI LANDS. W. J. Clemens & Co., Clinton, Henry Co. Writs us your wants. RE M361 JelSx A MAP OF ROSEBUD reservation for the asking. Write or call for one today. Oag Belt Lna Co., 214 first Mat. oanK Diag , Omaha, Neb. HE-M7M IRRIGATED LANDS on Union Paciflo In Nebraaka and Wyoming, 316. Uinta Irri gation Co., Omaha, Neb. RE M633J21 FOR BALK. , Nearly new 4-room, 2-story cottage, Han acorn' Park district, two blocks from east side car line; Just the place for married couple or Small family; porcelain hath, nickel-plated fixtures, lawn and shade. 1636 8. 27th. 83.0W); reasonable terms. Also 7-room cottage lust off Pacific on 81st St.; good repair, barn, shade and nlcs lawn; 83.400; after first payment balance can be paid month I v. KENNY REAL KS'f ATE AND INV. CO.. Room 3u0, Bee Building KK C-M706 26 DO YOUWANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch tell the farmers and stock rasters about It. The best way to reach them Is through THE- TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER ' FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CLOSE IN We are offering a large corner lot, close In, with two-story building containing five stores snd five flats above, for the very low price of 86,000; well rented sno a big snap. Thomas Brennan, Room 1 New York Life Building. W. H. Crary, manager real estate dept. RE-M737 2? $2,150 Will buy the biggest bargain In Omaha to day; In the Vtalnut Hill dlatrlct, 6 fine living rooms, with elegant bath room, new nicaei plumbing, new gas nxtures; hoise nicely nanered throughout, hiah ceilings, plenty of windows, mantel ana grate In parlor; new butler's pantry, wlih swinging door; hot and cold water; cis tern, with pump, on kitchen elnk; nits refrigerator room; good cemented cellars one-half block from car line. MARK the or lot, 75x140 to alley, with gcod barn; splendid place for gardening ar.d raising cnicaens. Payne, Bostwick & Co., 801 N. Y. Life bldg., Solo Agents. KE-7il 26 CHOICE BUILDING LOTS 8300 for each of threw lois, Moores A Wal lace's Subdivision, - 27th Ave., 1-etwen Grand and Lake 8ts. Cheap und choice. Water, sewer, gas, cradea stieet, cir eervice, nice neignDornooa. very cneap. bou tor c-eaulirul BeniiM Fark lot. 32,600 for two lots, south nnii east fronts, SUOxlw, natural trees, beautiful site for one nouse or tnree or lour nounes. Others Everywhere All Prices. GEORGE G. W ALLACE. BKOWN BLOCK KB- TM M t REWARD! You will be amply rewarded by buying our Dcauurui s-room nouse at u uarney; an elegant reception hail, mantel, hall seat, electric lights, gas, fine furnace, cement walks; owner will sell on payments. THE BYRON REED CO. RE 730 28 HOMESTEADS. In Rosebud Reservation. South Dakota. Open for settlement about July 1. 1904. Send 81.00 for ottlglal map and book of instructions uow to utr A llaiji. FRANKLIN PUB. CO.. Omaha RE M833 WE CAN SELL YOUR FARM. WRITE for details of our apeclal plan. Fletcher Real Estate Co., 801 N. Y. Life Biag., umina, immigration agents "Bur lington noute. Hbj MY13 MS SAVE THE EXTRA EYPENSE If the person who advertised in one of the local papers on Sunday under a certain number will place, the ad In The Bee he will not find It necessary to send postal cards to people, calling then attention, to It". EVERYBODY BEADS The Bee WANT ADS. . RE-M740 27x A CLOSE IN BARGAIN 133,500 A modern 8-room house at 714 N. 19th st.; east front on tne Boulevard; nice walking distance from the business center. It you are looking for desirable property at a very reaaonabla price, this will be a good opportunity ior a cnarming noma, uo not delay or allow this to pass without in vestigation.' s. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, First Floor N. Y. U Tel. 1781. RE-M738 27 HERB YOU AREI EIGHT-ROOM house near Uoth and Rees sts., south front, full iot; live large fin ished rooms oa first floor, three laige partly finished rooms upstairs; 'owner wishes to leave town ana will make big sacrifice. Price only 31,800; part cash, balance on ' easy terms, motitnly pay ments. . BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. ' RE-M7S6 27 60 ACRES, rich high bottom farm in Holt county, mo., common improvements, but choice tiact of land. 4 miles from Mis souri river; for a special bargain come and see this farm; 340 per acre. J. it Adkins, Craig, Mo. RE M749 7x 40 ACRES, fine large burr-oak, hickory and Cottonwood milling timber, best In the county; a bargain; timDer win more tnan pay for the land If milled: 346 per acre. J. R. Adkins, Craig. Mo. RE M760 27x 11,600 Buys a 6-room modern cottage, except fur nace, fine bath and closet, 30-foot lot; will rent for 317; nesr 20th and Ohio sts. SHRIVER, 1023 N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M768 26 ELEGANT HOME CHEAP Party promoted and leaving the city at once offers his elegant 810,000 residence for 17,700. Ask us about it immediately. HARRISON & MORTON, 812-813 N. Y. LIFE. TEL. 814. RE M766 MEDICAL LADIES Cblchstrs English Pennyroyal Pills are the- best. Safe, reliable. Tak ne other. Send 40 tamps, for partloulara "Kellsf for Ladi," in Utter, by return mail. Ask your druggist. Culcbesier Chwnlctl Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. MAGNET PILE KILLER. IT CURES. At druggists, si. HOMEOPATHIC medicines, wholesale, re tall. Sherman A MoConnell. Omaha, -800 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women, from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address, with stamp. Dr. Pries, liillVa Dodge St., Omaha. . t 801 PRIVATE hospital during confinement; babiea adopted. Mrs. Uardels, 2216 Charles. Tel. A-2SJS. -602 PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sanitarium, 728 1st ave.. Council Bluffs, la, 626 DR. HOSTETTER has removed to the S. W. corner of 20th and Leavenworth sis. Tel. 778. -402- JeS PRIVATE home during confinement; babies adopted. Mrs. ur. iving, top noor, sua , 16th St. Tel. 8660. -324 Jel4 LOST REWARD1 A' liberal reward Is offered for Information leading to recovery of two palms (valued for old associations) taken April 28 from T. R. Kimball's porch, corner St. Mary s ave. and 26th st. For return of palms 310 cash will be paid and no questions aaked. , Lost Ul 25 LOST. Saturday or Sunday, ring with three keys on it, one trunk and one dour key, also one flat key. Owner will appreciate it very much if finder will return to Bee office. rTJ7. LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED C. JARL. T13 Bo. 16th street. M-7M Js 10 E. E. LAWRENCE, 2703 Leavenworth. 'Phone L1876. 416 J0I8 P. MELCHOIR machine works. ISth and Howard. M-7Ue 10 WANTED-T0 BORROW. 81,000, 8 per cent, fire years; first mortgage .... mftul .uurllH. A rlr.a U A. Bee. M713 SO PERSONAL ACCORDION AND SUNBURST PLEATING, RUCHING. GRADUATING DRESSES A SPECIALTY. GOLDMAN PLEATING CO. too LxikUuta blK. tel. ltus. U Muse Jeiv WANTED Information of the whereabouts of Annie Shaw, from Glen Arn, County Antrim, Ireland; dead or alive. Address Joseph Shaw, 1106 Braddock ave.. Brad dock, Pa. L' 616 25x DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. t liU Farnam. UNtS DETECTIVE Capt, Cormack. 617 Karbach block. Tel. A-3tsO. " S83 WILL the relations of Harry Carlton Aus tin, who lett New York about 13 years ago, please communicate with the under signed. Mrs. 11. C. Austin, Ceiurnl De livery, San Francisco, Cal, L' 444 24x DRESSMAKING. In families. Miss Sturdy. 2606 Davenport. U-MMl MUSICAL Thos. J. Kelly, voice, Davidge block. U Accordeon pleating. Cheapest, beet, quick est Mrs. A. c Mark, Lib. and Done las Uv LA BOOK. Isdles' tailoring, 613 Karbach block. U-88ti TRY KELLY'S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE 310. U 844 PANTORIUMcfe- 'u-ssi Stammering cured. J. Vaughn. Ran,Bb' ELJTE Parlors. 616 8. 10th. 2d floor. U-SSS VIAVI." way to health. 350 Be br.lhllng. U 880 PIANOLAS for ent: 1 months' rent al lowed on purchase. Schmoller A Mueller, mi Fat nam. Tel. 1626. U W2 TUB, vapor red alcohol baths, 'to 8. 13th st u-s THEATRICAL masq. ostums. Lltn. 1018 Farnam. U 8 DR. C. H. DE LONG, Dantlst, 363 Boa. 11-46J J5 EXPERT piano moving, lowest - price. Uchmoller A Mueller. 1313 Farn. Tel. ltzS. BEST photos from 83 to 310 per doxen and a 14x17 or 16x20 photo not crayon Included In each dosen FREE. Frames If desired at very low prices. Stonecypher. photog rapher, 1313 Farnam st. Tel. 3523. U 823 LODGES, dancing club or meetings of any kind can secur a hall In the Bee build ing, with splendid accommodations; ele vator service all night, electrlo light, plsno, etc'. Apply to R. C. Peters aV Co., ground floor. Be bldg. U 841 CRYSTAL Ice Co., 1306 N. 24th. Tel. 2028. U M460 JelU THERE are at least 20 reasons why svery man should agooke the Monogram 60 cigar. The flrat is; It is equal to any lOo cigar on the market. W. F. Htoecker Cigar Co., manufacturers, 1404 Douglas. U 896 Mip.M PT1 f treatment baths. Mine. Smith, 113 N. 16. 2 fir., H. 3. U-626J-7X STEINWAY pianos ar sold exclusively Ivy Uchmoller & Mueller, 1313 Farnam St. U-S3 . Dye Works. Up Uermaniari;- 8d & Dye Works. Up-to-date oyer, ill Tel. 3627. U-M357 A YOUNG business man, musical, well edu cated, spesRing Anglian, urencn, uerman, Italian, has his own ouslness, nice home, Uoeires scqualntance of educated, musical, lcvlug young girl or lady of means; one from good family, who also knows some thing of cooking and timekeeping and lovts a home; ooject, matrimony. L 68, Uee,offlce. U 813 25x 'PAPA says he can't shake 'em off" Hute son's New Patent Rimless Eyeglass; al most Invisible. Huteson Optical Co., 213 6. Uth st., Paxton block; factory on the premises. U 400 FENCING lessons glvsn to ladles or gents you a superb figure, fine complexion ar.d great strength. Professor, P, O. box 223; mahs. U--MS86 Je7x Fr7CMi Quickly cured. B. J. Scan- nell. 609 Ware Block. U-M715-J23 NURSES' COLLEGE, Denver, Colo., opens June 30th; six weeks course; diplomas; has no equal; write. U M767 J7x HANDSOME widow, very wealthy, owns oeautirui noma ana large income, wants immediately good, honest husband. Ad dress Mrs. A., St. Nicholas hotel, Chi cago. U M762 26x ROSE PRESSING CLUB. 76c a month. Tel. 1978. 414 N. 16th st. U-M761 Jeffi FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 2D-HAND safe cheap. Deright, 1118 Farnam. 100 KINDS of Mineral Water. Sherman 4t atcconnau Jjrug CO., Oman a. t FOR SALE, several scholarships in a flrst- Class stanaara scnooi in umint, compris ing complete course in business, snort hsnd. and typewriting. Inquire at Be mce. Qi&t FOR SALE, will sell at a discount a schol arship in one OI tne oest umana ounineaa colleges. Addrass F 16. Ba. Q-MW TELEPHONE poles; long fir timbers; cnap caM:a.n vuw. sw W M69s HEAVY Drum mo nd make top buggy cheap. Also gooa also narrow at y vaiu. auua son at Danforth, S.W. cor. 10th and Jonas. Q M236 Jel4 NEW Stelnway Pianos are sold only by u l 11 m. w ... I f . 1.13 Parnam. TI 1K2& IKilwviin mm, www.wa. - - -" : HOG, Poultry. Lawn, Farm and Railroad wire sncs-, wire nwn, TeLlWO. Q-MM1 JyK 2D-HAND safe, Bwarta, Hatter. 114 8. JJth. 8AM' L BURNS closing out refrigerator. v ' LARGE stock cf new and second-hand automobiles. 1. . reu..-u, vwmim. Neb. W-388 Jei STOCK YARDS SADDLERY CO., .IL,.I . 1& w.A H.tlil HARNESS and SADDLES; vorthlng ooa- Sluereu; cammv9'91, ... uim. hana-maoe; umuu ai.ui,. uhwiuhwh iw axla arcase and whip. J. Q. BLEbSlNU. 831 N. 35th, 80. Omaha. Q Maw SMOKal Audltoilum Brick, to cigar. WB D tV KIT" Sewing machinsw, 75o WNk. r - ( . n ..II tyv m 1 c eaitva g-wsi bm-s tot very mfcbln maoufactur!. nuwnu-uauu uiaviiiugg Yrom 36 00 to 310.00. Nebraska Cvci Co.. 'Phono 1463. Corner 16th and Harny. eis MY dlsmond ring, cheap; In pawn at Dia- , i,..n t Arm 1 ...... I ... ' , I. ... 1 1 IIUIIU WW.WW, .V VWSJW, .lie. ,. show you. Q M400 CLOSING gas fixtures at cost. Sam'l Burns. WMast jell FOR BALE, rails of all weights; also switches, irogs ana cars ior siaetracas and tramways, locomotives, steam shov els snd contractors' tools. Ws raaks a specialty of cutting rails to any length desired. M. Mltabkun Co.. Detroit, Mich. tj M313 FOR SALE New and second-hand auto mobiles, f. w. Bacon, ttaum iron i o., Omaha, U 2K FOR SALE, cheap, a fine Sohmer grand piano, augntiy useo: easy terms 11 ue sired. J. C. Acton, Fremont, Neb. Q M677 J 21 SODA fountain. KJcbmond, Deright Co., i7. . - (. rn j.vj nrrm , . urn..... ... FOR SALE Cheap, Ink barrels. Apply press room, Me building. w a PATENTS AND PENSIONS H. J. COWGILL patent No f unless successful. l . Uth, umana. bi', o 1 PATENTS guaranteed. Sues Co., Omaha, PEN;ONaV-B. F. Moore, 143 Fsrnam, THIS FOR THAT FURNISHED house or flat, family of three adults, until September 1. Address, with full particulars, L Si, Bee. K 6Mx WILL trade sewing machine for type writer. Neb. Cycle Co., lath and Harney. Z-M700 IF YOUR old furniture don't suit, ws will exchange new for It. .Tel. 771. Z-M733 M20 8300 AUTOMATIC Kegtna musjo box. fancy case, to exchange for piano or pianola Address K 13. Bee. Z M781 M.8 8350 FISCHER FIANO for 3757 will trad for 2d-hand furniture. Enterprise Furni ture Co., 102 S. 14th. Tel. 22S. Z 753 10-IN. DISC records taken In exchange for new records. Columbia phonograph Co, 1611 Farnam. &-7 1 WHAThave you to exchange for a ptino? Prrflcld riano Co.. Bee Bldg Tel 71. Z-72 UNIQUE Journal, new Ideas, sales and exchangee. Sample, 4 cents Mutual Exchange. 1313 Howard. Z 3 JeS PHOENIX BICYCLE to exchange forborne or tne money you pay the street car com pany, Louis Fiescber. lttfi Capltoi avenue. Z-M4J WEBER piano, slightly used, trsde for hnaa JI W . .- .. - ay XI Wl 1. 701. iw,--,, bhiu IfUKKT- X4-JIII I, PCf UKIK. 1 CI. z -M2ro W H AT will you trade for a flrst-cl-ias Radiant Home (larue slse) hard coal burner? Been used only a short time. Address L 53, Bee office. . 100 2ix IF THERE Is nothing In this column you want, put an ad. Inland you will soon set it Z M SHRIVER 103 New York Life Buldlng. For Exchange Equity In 9-rooin modern house, barn, etc.. In Hanscom park district, for cottxgo in north or west part of city. CO-foot lot, two cottages. In northwest part of city, for dwelling In the vicinity of 80th and Leavnwnrth sts. 160 acres In western Nebraska for a small cottage In Omaha, 40-acre fruit farm near Omaha for resi dence In Omaha. Z M769 3 FOR KENT HOUSES THE Omaha Van and Storage Co. pack, move and store H. 11. goods., DW-24 N. Uth. Utile. ;iUVi Farcam. Tel. U68-868. ' D 87 PAYNE-BOSTW1CK ft CO.. choice house. 401-603 Nsw York Life Bldg. 'Phone lula, D Br 6 HO I IVPQI" sll parts of the city. The VJ U OCOo. F. DavU Co., uOd Bee Bld. D-a.J WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van ec Stor age Co. Tel. 14V6. OUic 1713 Webster bt. D 7H HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. D-878 HfllKP In all paru of the Uty. R. C. I1UUOLJ Peters Co., Bee Building. , D toli I IQT your houses for sale or rent with L N. Hammond, Paxton Block. D 3J NICE S-room flat, facing Hassccm Purk, 833. 'Phone 613. D M884 No. 1028 Bo. 30th ave., 11 rooms, oak finish, laundry, best of condition. No. 1031 So. 80th ave., 10 rooms, 3-tub laun dry, oak finish, all modern Address W. D. Mead. Jr.. York. Neb. D-M651 3715 DEWEY AVE., first door snd bath, S25: desirable oouple. D M86tt GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 210 8. 35lh ave., 8 rooms, mcdern conven iences, newly decorated and painted, nice U.wn and shade HO. 2664 Harney ot.. good 8-room house, lawn; Walking distance 436. 12-room, modern house, barn, large lawn, shade; clone in 350. - IU7 S. 82d. 8 rooms, modern 337.50. GARVllJ BROS., 1604 FARNAM ST. D Oil . FOR RENT No. 1541 Park ave.; opposite park, modern brick dwelling, 9 rooms; price 340.00 per month. Inquire at 111 8. 82 St. J. M. Richards. D 269 FOR RENT Elegant S-room modem houss, (1st and Cass sts., 336. Thomas Brennan, New York Life bldg. D M367 FOR RENT A suite of 2 nice rooms In the Davidge building. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1802 FARNAM ST. D 688 27 2C27 Spruce St., 6 rooms, city water, 816. 813 Park ave., 7-room cottage modern ex- cent furnace, will put in first class shape. 327.60. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO., 1320 Farnam Street, Omaha. D M4E7 FOR RENT 1401 Jackson St., 6-room flat, 827. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. D M465 FOR RENT. Three nice houses In Hanscom Psrk dlatrlct. One 8-room all modern, good repair, south front, on Mason near 3lst, 835 and water. One second floor 8-room flat, s paint hall entrance, (eparate furnace room, elegant building, not having appearance of a dou ble house, facing park, 838 and water. One 6-room 2-story cottage, modern, except furnace, porcelain bath, nickel-plated fixtures, nice lawn, shade. 1636 B. 27th st 328.60.' KENNY REAL ESTATE AND INV. CO., Room SOO, Bee Building. . D M70S26 ROOMS, modern, with barn, 8 blocks south of "end of West Side car, 2617 . 82d ave. -830. . HARRISON 4V MORTON, 818 N. Y. Life. Tel. 314. D-722 26 NICELY furnished 10-room house for rent during July snd August to couple without small children; unquestionable references required. Address M 13. Bee. D M732 80 1948 8. UTH, 7-room, porcelain bath, gss, 1 awn. 3 X D M7M) FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES TWO-STORY building, 1512 and the second floor 1608-10 Howard. W. H. Bushman. I-80S IN THE BEE BUILDING. A handson suite, entrance sight In front of th elevator, south xpoaur, bard wood finish and floor, price per month, 840. A nice small office, fourth floor, 810. A good siscd office with large vault, run ning water, on fifth floor, 80- Ht, light, water, tanltor service Included In rental price of all rooma. R. C. Peter . & Co., Rental Agants, Ground Floor, Be Building. t bi -f- DESK room, 414 Bee Bldg 1-801 STORE ROOM. 617 8. 16th St. Inquire of Clsrk Powell, 1516 Capitol ave. 1-743 FINE NEW STORE BT7ILD4NQ. 1406 Douglae street, 22x138 first floor with skylight in roof; swell front; fine ce mented basement; the two upper floors ar 22i0 each; stairway from street: near all car lines; fine location. Will rent floors separately. THE M'CAOUE rNVFBTMENT CO., 1506 DODGE BTHEET. I-M386 FDR BENT, good paying hotel of about 86 rooms, 870 per month; vacant June I, PAYNE 1NVESTMKNT COMPANY, : Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg 1-M7H 2 FOR RENT Desk room. 412 Bee Bldg. I M744 3 LAW AND COLLECTIONS E. F. MOREARTY. Att'y.. 437 Paxton. Tel. A-2638. 838 JOHN M. MACFARLAND. New York Lit bldg.. rooms 304 snd 319. Tel. 1663. M3U4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT POUR rooms, parlor floor, modern. IWi B. 28th. . G-M651 THREE modern housekeeping rooms, pi. 704 8. 36th. G-M707 Kx WANTED TO BUY 0HONFELD. ths ANTIQUARIAN, 822 N. Y. , 1 i fa. ,.-. .. 1 . .... 1 .1, T .. 1 N MT STENOGRAPHERS F. J. SUTCLIFFK. I(fl4 N Y. L. Dpnst. Uona. convent loos. TL S576. M 334