TITE OMAIIA DAILY TIEE: TTIUnsnAY, MAY 2(. 1904. 1801 LOUISIANA PUKCHAtCCSNTSNNIAL(iaOS.19M) Leeralfif that France wi endeavoring to HiNUuMini and tearing that tstr privileges on the river would be lk" ewer, tha aoathweatera settlere became itinirM. Thle lad PraaMrat Jefferaea, In yen, to eeae Robert 8. Livingston to France ta bar New Orleans lfyn SlUt TSV r SIX, ( .MTHE Yli 2w!kI - Vrr llfff l l in fili'ilP'ii (t5, i ". ii! ! i'ii'iI 1 . hi lift inii e" y 'nil (in Sr. Ill Hi 11,1 M jr!lHl!lliii,Lr- ''' Makes a Holiday of Monday i Pnde.Soap Carefblty made of pure ingredients. The favorite soap ; for people who have a care for their clothes. Gives best satisfaction for all laundry purposes. Ask your dealer. Swift C& Company,' U. 8. A. Makers of Swiff s Washing Powder I SHADOWS DRIVE HER CRAZY Woman Graatai Situation at Dodge Hottl ' WhiU Iitane. MARVCLOUS RACE ON NARROW LEDGE tiu Baek and Forth on Perllons . Footing;, bat ta Finally Snvetl nd Restored to Be ,". !. Temporarily erased through nervous dis orders, Mra. Olivia Boyd, rooming at the podge ' hotel, yesterday evening climbed Out of her room on the second story onto a ldg About, elgljt .Inches la. width and creamed for halp. "a crowd quickly gath ered and not understanding the situation called to the. woman to climb through tha window to safety. Their advice seemed to drive the unfortunate woman Into a greater State ' of distraction and she sped from no , end ' of the ledge to tha other surprising those below with her marvelous aure-footedness and daring. To add to the terror of the woman many of the Inmates of the hotel began to open their windows to see what waa the matter and no sooner did she see a window open than she would run ta It, screaming at the top of her voice. Kvecy moment the crowd expected to see her fall and hastily obtaining blan kets, held them under the ledge ta catch her In case she did. Finally a policeman sailed to her to be calm, and, seeming to BORAXOLOQV ! . . You might Bay that Boraxoloy is a soap and water science. When you talk to people about wash ing scientifically they may smile if they don't know. If they do know, they'll simply see that their sup ply of BORAX is all right, and look happy. The ques tion , of washing is a ques tion of chemistry; of hard water or soft water. Borax softens water and thereby doubles its cleansing power. For toilet, bath, laundry, whenever you us soap and water ada a little Borax. But get it purs 20-MULE-TEAM BRAND. 1- or sale at drug ' and grocery stores every where, in J i and 1-lb. packages. The iuams AMERICAN GUM." rUTTOU FRtE la purchucra of M-Kluia-Taua " guru. At or atal K bOX TO ina c. ta iKmpi rwioc mmwm vo. nm lata, lafcata. I ge-MaJn-T aajo-Oo Trade Mark. ,,,0 be reassured by his presence, she climbed back Into the hotel through one of the windows. ' ' ' ; Trembles Jnat Commenced. Her troubles were not ended, for under no Circumstances would she go back to her room, saying that the place was peopled with shadows who talked to her and slandered her. One man In tha crowd said: "Take ber there by force." No sooner did she hear this than all her old terror re appeared, and, fighting like a demon, she broke from the men, after knocking two of them down. She fled to one window and stood there panting and moaning. The man who had advised force, under the impres sion that the woman was going to throw herself out. Immediately gave chase. With a loud soream she Jumped from the win dow, but fortunately came onto a fire es cape, When she saw the man appear at the window she desperately swung herself ever, holding onto the fire escape with her handa. The people below shouted to the man to go back, and when be had left the window she allowed herself to be caught and taken to the -police station without any further trouble. At the police station she Suddenly - dropped over and aank into a sound sleep and the police -surgeon discovered that she bad taken a large amount of chloroform liniment which she kept for neuralgia. After working stead ily on her for some time all danger from that source was removed, and the woman was given a bed In the matron's depart ment. Conld Give No Reason. Later In the evening when she had calmed down she said that she, did not know why she had taken the drug or climbed out onto the ledge. At times she talked coherently, but at others she would Shudder and moan that the shadows In her room were slandering her. She said that she waa to have'' been married next week to a piano tuner who travels through tha state and was working at her trous seau when ahe lost her mind. ' Tha authorities at the hotel say that ahe Is a dressmaker and has the reputation of being very Industrious and painstaking. She never bad any visitors with the excep tion of her fiance, and did not mingle with the other guests at the hotel. There la no quarrel between herself end her prom ised husband. Mrs. Boyd told the police that ahe suffered from nervous diseases for some time and her Insanity is put down to that cause. She formerly worked as a dressmaker In Colorado, ooming to Omaha thla spring. DAHDRIFF CAUSED Bf. A GERM. A Hew Discovery that Kills the Germ and Prevents Baldness. Pretty nearly all the hair preparations for dandruff have some merit In allaying Itching of the scalp, and In being a fairly good dressing for the hair, but there Is only one that recognises what causes dan druff, falling hair and baldness, and that destroys the cause, a little germ and that la Newbro's Herplclde. This germ eats Its way Into the scalp. It digs up tha scalp Into little white acales. Unless It Is de stroyed there's no . permanent stopping .of falling hair and euro of dandruff and, bald ness. Newbro's Herplclde kills the germ. "Destroy the cause, you remove the ef fect" Sold by leading druggists. Send 10 cents In stamps for sample to The Herpl clde Co., Detroit, Mich. Sherman & Mo ConneU Drug Co., special agents. Annenneemente of the Theaters. This evening at the Boyd theater the public will get Its first chance to Judge of the ability of John M. Sullivan, the new leading man of the Ferris Stock company. Ha will head the cast of "Thelma," a play based on Marie Correll's novel of tha same name, this being the bill for the remainder of the week. Mr. Bulllvan has made a very good Impression by his part In "A Glided Fool." and It la expected that he will con tinue this. The play Is a romantlo drama of modern times and Is aald to he a power ful one. Mortality Statletlcs. The following births and death have been reported to the Board of Health dur ing the twenty-four hours ending at noon, Wedneaday? Births Edward . IJty, H77 Cuming, boy: William S. Winter. 421 Center, girl. Deaths Anna Kis.man. Vet Dorcas. 3a. Throngb Sleepers. Chicago to Toungatown and New Castle, via Pennsylvania lines, leaving Chicago dally at T:N p. m. Ticket agents of connecting lines will sell you through tickets. Thoo. II. Thorp, traveling passenger agent, room M, U. 8. Bank Bldg.. Omaha. Neb., will give you full particulars. Ji K. Wedding Rings. JEdholm, Jeweler. AFFAIRS AT SOUTII UMIIA ar SBsssaMssn Hua Matting of Oitiiam Dicnisei Bona Eond froprtltiots- VARIOUS IMPROVEMENTS ARE DEMANDED Parks, Sewers, City Hall and Other Sag-gestleas Are Given Consid eration and Rapport by v Varlons Advocatea. The mass meeting called for last night to discuss the proposition to voto more bonds was attended by about forty resident. Colonel C. M. Hunt was called upbn to occupy the chair and II. M. Christie 'acted as secretary of the meeting. W. C. Iimbert, city attorney, opened the proceedings by advocating a system of parks, a city hall and a better sewer sys tem. He stated that the money now paid for rent on the present city building would pay the Interest on the money Invested In a city building. John F. Schults, speaking as a member of the Park board, advocated the purchase of grounds for parks. As for a city hall, Mr. Schults said that he thought the city needed one and that there was no doubt In his mind but such bonds would sell. Myles E. Welsh, a former member of the city council, advocated the bonding of the city for sewer purposes and for a city hall building. I C. Olbson was heartily In accord with the propositions Insofar as the city's finances would permit. Henry C. Murphy, when called upon, sug gested that it would be better If lights and water mains were laid In certain portions of the city, than to buy ground for parks at this time. A. H. Murdock said that the people of South Omaha wanted improvements, but were not willing to pay for them. He favored bonds for a city hall, as he asserted the city has no suitable place now to keep Its records nor a place where the city officials can be accommodated. , Walter J. Elate, one of the heavy prop erty' owners in the western portion of the city, said that the city needed a better sewer system than It now has, and he ad vocated spending money for sewers In stead of parka and a city hall Just now. Martin Jetter was asked for an opinion and he asserted that the city needed parka, a city hall and sewers. He favored all of the proposed bond propositions. ' . David Anderson told about the danger of annexation. He said that annexation was to come sooner or later and that the peo ple of South Omaha might Just ss well get some Improvements while they have the chance. He favored a city hall building, a sewer to the river and the purchase of parks. N. D. Mann and T. 3. Nolan spoke briefly, both favoring the Improvement proposi tions. Richard O'Keeffe, county commissioner, talked on sewers when called upon to speak. He said that larger sewers wers needed the most of all. He for one was willing to vote bonds for sewers, but he did not see the necessity Just now for a city hall or parks until the health of the city was property looked after. In con cluding his remarks Mr. O'Keeffe said that he favored the council securing the services of a consulting engineer to lay out a plan for sewers In this city. . A few others spoke briefly, mostly about parks. Before the meeting came to an end Mr. O'Keeffe offered a. motion that the mayor and city council be asked to em ploy a consulting engineer for the purpose of making plans for a ooraplete. sewer sys tem In South Omahai " ";- Ansraat Star Fonnd fead.' Testerday afternoon Mrs.' S. B, Christian son, who keeps a boarding house at Twenty-sixth end O streets, found the dead body of August Skur In his room. The police were notified and Undertaker Brewer was summoned. , Upon looking over the re mains ths undertaker found that death had been caused by a bullet wound In the right temple. A revolver was found on the floor beside the bed. Suicide is the natural solu tion of the death. Skur' waa a Flnlander end until recently had been employed on the railroad repair force at the stock yards. When last teen Monday afternoon Skur was on his wsy to his room. No ef fects were left, as the purse which Skur had carried for some time was empty. Coroner Bralley has been notified. The body la at Brewer's morgue. Want Street Name Changed. A petition addressed to tha mayor and city council is being circulated asking that the name of L street from Twentieth street west to Twenty-fourth street be changed to Missouri avenue. The petitioners, affirm that the streets are so closely connected and that the change in names frequently causes confusion. As It street runs obly from Twentieth street west to the city limits there Is hardly any chance of a change of name, although the counoll may be Inclined to listen to the petition , on account of the confusion that might follow In case the Walnut Hill line of street cart Is run through to ths Sarpy line. Workmen Enjoy Annlveranry. Lest evening members of Ancient Order of United Workmen lodge No. 66 celebrated the sixteenth anniversary ' of the order in this city at the temple. There was a large attendance of members and the program as previously printed was carried out fully. Refreshments were served In the upper hall after the lodge had completed Its cele bration In the auditorium. Those who at tended stated that the occasion was one of the most enjoyable of the entertain ments given by thla lodge this year. Board. Postpones Meeting;. Chairman Maason of the Fire and Police board announced last evening that tha meeting of the board called for last night had been postponed until tonight. While there la aome business to come up before the board, the matters of most importance pertain to the Issuing of liquor licenses. So far only two druggists have filed ap plication and both of these licenses have been granted. The police board lntenda looking Into this matter with a view to Prolt Teeth la a Caod Mouth are Ilka Jewels well sat. Our beat man and women have made Soxoooirt tha Standard. BEST ra. TEETH Th Tonlo Par Excellence). till. tA Wine Cordis! l The best specific remedv snr .Malarial and Typhoid -Colds, Influonxsj, Yo. StKnOQT . a . i tuuu toi ' frt seeing that all druggists who sell Uquor make application for license. A BIG CIRCVS IS C0M150. The Great Wallace Show Itas is noaaeed Its Pate for This City. The Great Wallace Show, so appropri ately styled the "Highest Class Circus In the World," has completed all arrange ments for its exhibition In Omaha on Thursday, Jane J. The Wallace Show has been reorganised this year, and scores of new novelties and features will be seen for the first time In this country under the Wallace tents. In past seasons the Wallace Show has been so large that it was the equal of any similar enterprise In magnitude, and this season It will be even more bewilder ing for the laymen, for it has been very materially increased. Many more cars have been added to the Wallace trains. It may be readily seen that the Wallace Circus proposes to retain Its place In the very foremost rank of tented amusements. Not only Is this true regarding Its slse, but also of Its per formance. Several exclusively new and original features have been secured, and though the Wallace Show has always pre sented a first class performance, it promises to present an unusually attractive program. The representative of Alfred J. Cam meyer, the great shoe merchant of New York City, will be at the Her Grand hotel Thursday and Friday, May 28 and 17, day and evening, with a full sample stock of his superior boots and shoes for men, women and children. Cammeyer Is the ac knowledged head of the retail shoe trade of America and aends hla representative from New York to show these superior goods that have given him this solid pre emlence. Come and examine for yourself and order some of these shoes. You are protected la your purchase by Cammeyer's guarantee. Gentry Brothers' Parade. The street parade presented by Oentry Brothers' Shows this season Is twice larger than before. It is composed of nine sections, each one complete in Itself. Numerous kinds of muslo are interspersed at Intervals in the pageant. Nearly every clime is represented by some of its baby animal potentates. Fine camels, comical monkeys, dainty ponies, pretty dogs and sagacious elephants make up one section which surpasses the parade of most shows to say nothing of the score or more of gold bedecked chariots and miniature dens. The consolidated parade of the Oentry Bros.' Bhows is a sight worth seeing and the little folks should not be denied this privilege. It will start from the show V Jl 0 lill makes the hair stow, stops falling hair, cures dandrua. Will not darken blonde hair. One bottle will eonvinee you that It It the most wonderful hair tonle on the market. At Druggists, 15, 40 and 75 Cents a Bottle (By maU, 5 oents extra (or postage.) Your druggist will secure It- for you within S4 hours 11 you deposijg the prjee, wlta.your order beal-stWeitco, 7-tl CORTLANDT ST., '''' NEW YORK Prog Sales Co.. Chicago, General Salea Agenta ' For sale locally by Hchnefer'a Cut n iMuw Store, Cor. 16th and Cbioaso Su. OUR-TWO-NAUGHT 420 There's only one thing to be remem bered. If you want the best four-two-naught. KEEP IT IN MIND That's the telephone number of Oma. ha a model brewery the telephone to call when you desire a case of THE BEER YOU'LL LIKE Quarts or pints order a trial case. On Sale on Dining- and Bnffet Cnrs. Fred Krug Brewing Co. Omaha's Model Brewery. Telephone 420. OMAHA. For None 5courinc Better- and Pollsblng- Will You Try It? AHArJ30 Ask Your It baa i Yellow Wrap. Grocer For It I peri PRICE ONLY II CEDT8 I! PI Quaker 1 1 -Maid j Rye i i IT HA5t TMIT. 1 !;! JRJ 'CALL ! i:: ? " j; i,i ' Becauea of Ks anel. ' , ' l ', V'i jVl lovne88. purity and ! if dLjJ-i aMcloua boquet, i i 1 "tent combined. ! ! !;! . . 'f.tv Recommended by ( 0 Bjbyslcieoa. j !1 It ! ! AS en leading bars, 8. BTBSCH A OO. i ) , safes sod drag stores. , Khsa Oitt, Hoi 1 1 ft n 5 grounds at 18th and Douglas sts., promptly at 10 a. m., Friday. May 27. Swamp Anarela Haat a Game. The Swamp Angel base ball team wants a anme on Its (rrounds at Twolfth and Ames nvenun for Pundav, May 29. or Monday, May SO. Addresa C. Plummer, 1014 Ames avenue. FEEMSM FROM GOfJSTIPATIOFJ IS PROMPTLY OBTAINED BY TAKING ON ARISING HALF A GLASS OF THC NATURAL LAXATIVE WATER, Hunya&Janos rOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION, ask tor it ay the run. NAME, HUNYADI JA.HOS. NOT SIMPLY HUNYAOI. Misses and Children s School Shoes All we ask for our school shoes Is n trial. Then, Jf we can't save you money, we do not expect your trade. A specially prepared shoe plain kid, genuine box calf, with soft, pliable tops heavy extension soles-elther button or lace. ' -Children's sites 8H td 11 at' ' -Men's-slses, UH to at 12.00. i Mlsrea' sixes. Zhk to 6 at 12.60. .. One pair of these shoes will wear out two pairs of the ordinary kind we guarantee L , DREXEL SHOE CO., 1419 Farnam Street. Omaha's Up-te-DnU Sho Hemt "ejjjfl To Save Your Teeth by filling or crowning them with gold whenever it's possible to do so. We extract only as a last extremity. Our Gold Crowns and Fillings not only save the decayed and broken-off teeth, making them last for years, but they add to your looks and comfort In every way. Don't think of parting with your teeth until you are sure we cannot save them. BAILEY THE DENTIST 8rd Floor Paxton Bloek, Omaha, Neb. ONION PACIFIC Ths Overland BovU. It was the Route In '491 It Is the Route today, and Will be for all time to coma, an . THE OLD WAY MVS THE NEW WAY. " -.rt.'" ' ; TNI OVCSLANB LIMITCD." Tks famout Union Pacifie Train running ta Son Francisco in two ijKU from th Jtfuuourt Kiuer Inquire of CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1S4 FAHMAM STREET, 'hone (I. a sjBSJaBBnsajnaQQrZ23BKaSCISEa r. . .? i... Uieqialed Values Ladies' Uidermusliis, Silk Gloves &id Hosiery. It's certain that . when you see how high the quality is in these specials you won't hesitate to supply all your; wants for the summer. These values are iincqualed. We hold them up to you as the greatest values we have ever given you. Don't miss an item every one will' reveal some exceptional bargain. Specials in Ladies9 Dept. 60 dozen ladies' good quality muslin drawers, cut extra wide and nicely finished, trimcd with laco and embroidery, also plain tucked "with . Rri hemstitched edges special price .an-JC CO 36 dozen perfectly shaped, low dip front corset cov ers, beautifully trimmed with lace and dainty em broidery, good quality of styles special price 120 dozen fine, soft, jersey ribbed vests,, low nock, sleeveless, full silk taped and nicely ' finished special price , IUC CO CO 40 dozen ladles' extra DOUBLE FINGER white and fancy madras special price . . , 60 dozen ladies' plain black, cotton, lace lisle and a handsome assortment of novelty patterns of lisle thread hose, latest styles and best . values ever shown special price ...evIisJU Gold Medal Chocolate Bon- Bons Put Up in a New Way In a New Package These Bon Bona have gained an unviable reputatlon-r-Tbe demand bas been for a larger package We have It now. - Especially put np In a Gift Box bent by mall or ex press, prepaid, for $1.00. These Bon Bons are onr mike, and guaranteed by us. ' CATERER AND T" 1 ' ,' . l-r-sTi.Kl u.' . f MaJ:1U.UK5PHtT . . Decoration Flowers We have a fine lot of Cut Flowers, American Beauties, Tea Roses, Carnations, Ullies, Daisies, Sweet Peas and all kinds of: out-door flow- -ers at moderate prices. Hess & Swoboda, Florists. 'Phones 1501-L3682. '1415 -Farnam Street . 0 OvcnighU art committed Three days more of our Importer's surplus stock sale of lace curtains at 33 i-3 per cent less than regu lar value. You should not miss this opportunity of securing lace curtains at a saving of one-third. Orchard & Wllhelm Carpet Co. Every Woman MAtVCL Vthirliflfl Spray mi- il.jt Coii.aul.ul. if b. 4'iiih .apply Oie Sim ai.. m ui.r. Iui wn4 .lamp fa' DIui.lmI book- ..ai.. i.l I l..rllfliil.l. ..ut AllMtl Jit. Ill I.t. lo Imlif WAft4.Vi.CO, lr.lk', lark. ..rvvst'mivv'vu . Mr IruM to K. V V For sals by 8CHAlFER'S DRU(J BTORKS, 16th snd C'I.Kgo tta So. Omaha. Mtta and ti His, Council muffs, 5th and Main Sis. KUUN CO Uia aud luu.ils Street. ,ii .i .... MjiiiMPi imi , ii.ii mi- umJH Ll BS muslin, large variety, 'JCrt 4aftSl fine fabric silk, gloves, with. TirS, in black, ...45c 1520 Farnam Phono iii . CONFECTIONER , ... by ihtm who faQ to coma. Charges Less Taaa All ttuertV DR. McCREVV SPECIALIST. Trsst a jrne sf diseases) or MEN ONLY A HaetcaJ Biptrt. M Vaas Bxaerlaace. It Y ere In Osaaae Naarlf M.0M UM Cars. Blao Paaa, autaie. M af atrMaLh Stt4 VU mt akfaut llmi L aull. U.N rta. . Bas VSk Oftaa e K S. SL, OovMm, a. - ' VevrtooeMta, Nr4raMx UesL. Wll MM LXJaVlllly. kr U4 4Vll fa-TTM Trem t mm mt s