TUE OMAILA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1904. y ' VI bV 7 Km 1 P MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS MONEY. tt you are annoyed by numerous small bills - tha t hiiva mrfi nt n la t pd durtnar tha winter It mlglif b an advantage to you to secure Tnoney from i and pay them, and then pay ua In weekly or monthly payments until you get out of debt. We loan on furniture, pianos, lira stock artf other chattels and we males loans to salaried people upon their own agreement to re pay. Our rates are as tow aa any and a great deal lower than some. Our service Is quick and without publicity. If ru have oeait witn us and are pleased, tell others. ajiu i 'u are aiapieaseo, fell us. ... Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 111 Hoard of trade Hid. Tel. Z... (Established ISM.) 3u) South Mth SL ' X-Sltt MONEY!... MONEY! Wh; LOAi aOMI TO i swt.ioW realuiug In tn cay ana hoiamg a pe.iua-' neat position with a responsible tun). ON PLAIN NO'lai, Nu r.NiJOitolLKS, and at the lowest rates on 'Una lime, easy payment plan. We also loan ON FLKNilLKE. WliHUui REMOVAL. fiunos. etc.. at the sajns iow rales and asy terms. 11 not couveulent tor you to can at our oruce, WKiTK OH i'HONE fS AND AGENT will call on you to explain our system and arrange loan at yuui' itmuunce. Air uusiness connuenuai. TlilU J. A. HljliuN CO., SUITE 111, VAJwIUN BLOCK. TliUtPHUMl. lbJ. A. Al.W a A 8 H - Ton can establish a ckilDIT with an old k.l.iahlb; nrm ana secure money wherever you need It. . ) We will advance you enough' money to vajr sit rwui wcvl. mat jrvv. will owe It ail In ons placs. where you cet courteous treatment. Our easy payment plan has astonished peopls who had pievlousiy borrowed o other losn companies, on aecour t of our liberal rates. Wa make loans on BALAIUES FURNI TUHJu, PIANOS, LiVK ttTQCtt, eto. RhiLiABLE iJ. n-M raxton iiiovk. x-Msa If you are FINANCIALLY EMBAHrtAtiSEL), oome and have a CONFUjlENTJAL I at It With us. BTAK LOAN CO.. b4 FAXTON HLK. MONEY LOAN Phoenix -Cradle Co., U ax ton Hlk. X-M ..' MONST iO LOAN ON rURNITLHK. PlANOB, LIVK STOCK, DIAMONDS, SALARIES, ETC. Wl charge nothing for making papers. Lowest rates aad easy terinj. ALL BUSINESS IS PRIVATE. Tel. B241. OMAHA CHATTEi LOAN BANK, 1404 Farnam, bU, upstairs. v'Phone Aflll X-Mtt) MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE and others with security; eaay payments! - largest business In 4 principal cities. T Tolmaa, room 441V Chamber ot Commerce ' bldg. .- , : X-aU 3 P. C. YEAR "FROM I10O to tfi.OUu loaned on your peronu l7nole at Pi.K CUT Pa,K YEAR. All good loana wanted. Call or write and get "" my system. W, L. Eastman aV Co., UOt Farnam. Omaha, i . Jt tit LARY and collatsral loans. Templeton. Hi Bee Bldg. TeL 2804. . , X-I1I at half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbenow.'rooni 216 at 108 B. 16th St. Tel. B-2804. X 814 f 'MONEY loaned on' pianos, furniture, Jew- , , elry, horses, oows, eto. C. F. Reed. 319 3. ia, si i X-III6 lllh ' CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans.' Foley Loan Co., 1604 Famnm St. X tit ' MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE : FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. i Thomas, First Kat'l auk aid.. Tel. Wi vV-fils. . . PRIVATE money. Sherwoo4,.Ki7 N. Y. Life. 4 TO 6 P. C money. Bemls, Pax ton block. PRIVATE money, r. IX Wead. is Doug-las WANTEDi- eMy loans and Warrants. W. i sarnant umitn co.t juuu s arnam st. W-8S S MONEY TO LOAN, f ayna Investment Co. WANTED, real estate loans and warrants. R. C Peters t Co., Bee bidg. . W 824 per cent loans. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. r : rSSsr cil Y loans, L.. D. Holmss. 7U N. Y. Ufa CLAIRVOYANTS OYLMER, palmist. TU N. Sd. . Tel. B-S241 BUSINESS MEDIUM, 718 N. 17th St. - ' &M2XS JclX '" "legal notice. . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bids (or the construction of ditch in Dodge county, Nebraska, known as the Bowman ditch, will be received by the county clerk It Dodge county until 1ft o'clock a. m. June 19U4., Said ditch to' be constructed ac cording to the plans sad tspecitloatlons .of the county surveyor, which are now on Ala in the ofrloe of the county clerk. The K party or parties to whom the contracts are awaraea mum give onnas in the sum of t&X). for faithful performance of con- ra rt and 11 Stii In m. i i r. h, " ......... . . , i laborers and mechanics. Each bid must V ta accrimikHnlfld with & tr-1 ifm ph.rl. some Fremont banit In 4he sum of lu0 payable to the county treasurer of Dodge county, to be forfeited to said county in rase the party awarded the contract falls to promptly enter into satisfactory con tract. Sealed bids to be addressed to C. O. Roe, county clerk, Fremont, Neb. The board reserves the rlht to reject any and ail bids. C. O. ,1K)E. County Clerk. ' ' ' -'-. MMd 6tm OCHAlf BTKAaltUirB. cc:.:?ag::!2 cfi;En.iLE fc TRANS ATLANTIOUt f '". i-ew imi to run, bis uays a a mtwwmg aHimuar mm aw m am. la Lorniut Jssa La Lhampasne. ...June II La Gafrtiocna Juua 'II La Lamlaa Jul f La Satota June M La QjaKaioe July 14 Maw, swears, gujaatn twla-Kcaw aa4 aaaraai Stamatara; oaval aAwara sian-al' eaf StMlplloa. ' CaiuiMur'a aMisulaS belai, knn'vH 4 asun. ' As'Sts fcuurr K. Maaras, iswl anwaa ti., Lale raaaa. Pint Kai l Baufc. C. A. Jtuutarlwa, uu araaa SC. hova laiauS . , AMCMoa ura k aaran. STBAMsairs, BW TOSK. LOKDONPBBBT ANO SLASOOW. f htm YOkK. OlBHALTaK AND NAPLU Siparlar aoaataaMSailona Bsesllaat eelslse. Tke SUalart af aaaxaaar carefully oenl4e4. Sisals Knua4 Iris tkkaU Salwaaa Maw Xws and asu. fliak. Irlak aa4 ail arlaalpal udloaTlau aa4 . eaatlnaatal pulnta at attraollva ratas. Saa4 lar Baal s4 Taara. For tickata ar eDrml lalonaatlaa eai Is "T local aaaat at Ua Aaabar Lisa er ta , . MSNDBSSON BROS.. Oaa'l Aeraia. laea. 111. SEARLES & SEARLES Omaha. Nst. CURES GUARANTEES Quicker snd for LESS MO NEY than other SPECIALIST. cures all special diseases ol uiao kluuey. blaiidsr aad ulseaaee ot eooija E!cod Pcisaa "raJ,!: mouth, tanna throaC balr and avebruwa 1 faMliig out) disappear .coinplstely forever. 1 Vf y4n Vatns ruutured, eulsrged snd knot Lb.fcu.l TIIH ty veius cured without uut tng, pain or loss of time,. Never falls. juUkaai curs la the orld. , wk, Hsriaus kfjj rw'-a.r'vtv; J eWbluiy, eny deeUue. lacjt ul vigwr . aad (sireuBth. ' Traaunent by mall 14 years OT gUC- iCk.bb'UL PRACT1CU IN OMAHA, CvT ; w ui ilia at.il i lu u u a NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. r: - 1 11 " 1 1 i . . Cdb NCI L BLUFFS. B1I50R MENTION. . t Davis soils drugs. Leffert's glasses fit etnekert sella carpets. The FBust cigar, i cents. Peterson sharpens mowers. 420 w. B. W. Full line fishing tackle. Morgan Dickey. Tel. 134. Case Btors Blue Ribbon beer. Pictures for wedding gifts. Alexander's, M3 Broadway. Mrs. emlth, wife of City Auditor P. J. Bmlth, is visiting in Denver. Tlgredla temple, Hathbone Bisters, will rnwt in regular session this evening. The trial of the Bmlth-Ryan will case will be begun in the dun tot court today. For wail papering, painting, picture fram ing, see Borwlck, 211 Main su Phone A-4.V The First precinct, First ward. Improve ment ciuh will meet Friday evening at the city building. Rev. J. G. Lemen, manager Of the Chris tian home, has gone to California for a vacation trip. There will be a special meeting of Ex celslor M.tHonlc lodge this evening for work In the third degree. Louie Hrosher and Bessie Hamilton, both of Omaha, were married yesterday in this city by Justice Ouren. Jap-A-Lae floor finish. Morgan A Dickey. The funeral of Peter Myllne will be held this afternoon at 2 o'clock trom the family residence, 21W Uouth Tenth street. Intel -mcnt will.be in Falrvlew oerhetery. . Employes-of the postoffloe. " have formed a base ball team and will try conclusions Biitmay aiternoon with the t. X. McAtee teum at i'entn atfeet and Eighth avenue. A. Whltolaw of this city has been ap pointed by Judge McPherson as receiver tor the firm ot F. Oault A Co. of Extra, uKainst which bankruptcy proceedings have been commenced In the federal court here. Cooper A: Plunket and Miss Agnes c. Leleit were married last evening at the home of the bride on Eleventh avenue. The groom is a, well known motor con ductor, while the bride Is an operator in the local telephone exchange. The Ulsters of Mercy of St. Ftancln academy are arranging for a reunion- in ceieoratlon of the opening of the nrW auditorium of the institution next Monday evening. Many of the graduates and other old students of the academy are expected to be present, as well as patrons and friends of the institution from this city and Omaha. . ... The funeral of the late Arlelgh Haney was held yesterday afternoon from the residence or his mother. Mm. W. U Rui. 224 Noith First street. Burial was In Wal nut will cemetery. Rev. W . J. Btratton, laator of toe Uroudwav Methodist church. conducted the services. The members - ot rami grove attended in a body, and these acted aa pallbearers: Elmer Long, Bert eaunaere, isiie vyneu, rranK rl&polje, Ed Clementson and Lewis Dwlniieli. Plumbing and beating.- Elxby st Boa. Too Lata with Injunction. Frank M. . Compton and Oeorge Rleder began suit In the district court yesterday to enjoin Colonel W. F. Baker and ths Board of County Supervisors from further con tinuing with the work on Bennett avenue. Ths plaintiffs claim that work on the thoroughfare is done In such a manndr as to prevent the natural flow of . surface water and to causa It to back lip on their land. j The hearing on ths application for a temporary restraining order was set by Judge Wheeler for Monday. Colonel Baker, chairman of ths Board of County Super visors, when -apprised of ths suit, stated that all work contemplated on Bennett av enue had been, completed and that, there fore, tt was rather late in the day for any one to bring injunction proceedings. Colonel Baker admitted, however1, that .ths re moval of a eertaln culvert gave Messrs. Compton knd Rleder 'grounds for complaint,' but ha had given Instructions that ths cul vert bs replaced. Real Estate Transfers. Thess transfers wsre reported to Ths Bee May 36 by the abstract, title and loan office of Squire tt Ann Is, 101 Pearl street Paris DeWItt and wife Emma, to C. M. Rnblnann. Inta IS and lfi In block 6. town of Oakland, w. d :f 1.100 Ueorge w. Fletcher ana wire to ilenry . A- unutn, eft lot t, oioog i, Mar tin's resubdiv. of blocks 1 and 4. Macedonia, la., w. d... 300 W. D. Harlan and wife to T. J. Young, Int ft bloaa: IX town or Ida na dti ii la. w. d 125 Council Bluffs Real Estate and Im provement company to Maigarst L. McOee, lot 4. In Auditor's subdlv. nf waat 4HM feet of outlota 1 and 1. ' . . i , j m - a ' ana in uacaaoii auu.. w. u. .- , aw Hans Paterson and wife to Lars i. Larsen, lots 6 and C block a. Burns' add., w. A , . SIS H. .Mendel to L. X: Goodrich, part , block 20. town of Neola. w. d 4,600 ick 20, town of Neola. w. d 4.1 ry A. Bmlth and wife to Georgs . Fletcher, lot 1, block 4, In Mar-..! i's renubdlv. ot blocks 1 snd 4 ' j i-.'a T- - - T 14 itenry w. tin IV i" r . . . T , ana Maceaonia. w. u ... 'HUV John E. Btallard to Hattls E. Stallard, sVi seH ai-itt-44, w. a iv Eight transfers, total SHLUO Hafer sells lunmber. Catch the Idsaf Sidewalk Cases fp. ' ' WIlllBm Welch, charged with .violating the city ordinance by keeping bis transfer wagons on the street instead of In his barn. was fined H0. and costs In police court yes terday. The fins was suspended, however, on Welch agreeing -to place his, wagons slsewhers by May 30. , - In the case of Sennits & Hill, charged with a similar violation Ot ths ordinance, the evidence was' taken and Judgt Bdott deferred Judgment for a week. Ths case against C. E. Hathaway , on a similar shargs was continued for ons week owing to the absencs of Mr. Hathaway from ths city. , . .' Firemen la Tratnlagr. Last year the Council Bluffs team which was sent to the Iowa State Firemen's tournament st Sioux City was handicapped by Its unfamlllartty with the skeleton fire house work In some of ths contests', and to ren edy this Chief Nicholson Is arranging to erect a skeleton house sn which the team can train before going to ths stats tournament, which will be held June U-M in Des Moines. i . -: Ths Council Bluffs team will be entered In the paid state Are department raee, hitching contests, free-for-all and ths hub-and-hub race. Chief Nicholson Is hopeful of bringing home some of the prise money. Bfarrtaa-e Llreasee. " . ' Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age Casr A. Plunket, Council Bluffs XI Agnes C. Leffert, Council Bluffs , 22 Slchurd Strosa, Omaha .. n arte Becker, Omaha ' 20 Louie Brosher, Omaha & Bessie Hamilton, Omaha go TUB 4I.Y ABSOLUTIST MODgmg BlVSINiSSS AMD KOHH1L COL- ' LKQ I" THS WBIT. Students may enter any time. Bxoellsat places to work for board. Tuition very reasonable. W1te for sample copy ef our College Journal. Write or ceil fur informa tion. - . r. MILLER, Pres. Masonlo Tample. . 'Pboes BC14, LBWI9 CUTLE3 I KoamciAH I 1 Ttsrt tl. O WaaJB tw n ta, I MEAT INSPECTOR IS NAMED In Addition ts MsiU H Mmt Intpeo't a Lot of Othsr Tilings. SIDEWALK DISPLAY ORDINANCE PASSED Paving ol Lower Broadway Is DIs easiea,' but Failere to Present Petition Prevents Any Action Being; Taken. After an ordinance had been passed ere atfng ' ihe office and' defining the duties, Jacob Lundby was appointed meat and fruit Inspector by the city council Isst night, Lundby's full title as set forth In the ordinance is Meats, Fruit, Milk, Vege tables and , other foodstuffs Inspector of the City of Council Bluns. mis salary will be C0 a month, half of which will be paid by the city and half by the Retail OroCers and Butchers' association, which selected him. In addition to Inspecting meats, fruits, vegetables, ' etc., ths in spector Is required under ths ordinance to make monthly Inspections of all dairies In the city and vicinity and report their condition to the city council. He Is aliso required to inspect and examine from time to time all milk brought into the .city for sale. The ordinance prohibiting the obstruction of sidewalks with displays of merchandise except between the hours of 6 a. m. and 7 p. m. and limiting the space for such dis plays to eighteen inches was passed under a suspension of the rules. Ths ordinance providing for the setting aside of Fourth avenue between Twenty third and Thirty-seventh streets aa a "car. riage boulevard" was laid over after ths second reading, there being some question as to who would put, the street In proper condition and keep It 'in repair. When the ordinance was prepared it was understood that those persons desiring to use the street for a driveway would attend to this and that the city, would. not be at. any expense. Another ordinance which was passed un der suspension of the rules changes the curb line on the north side of Broadway between Bryant" street and what is known as the "angle," near Main Street, from thirteen to seventeen feet from the lot line. President Skinner and several members tit the West End Improvement club were present with a view, to presenting the petitions for ths paving of .Broadway te tween. Thirteenth and Twenty-seventh streets. They had, however, forgotten to bring the petitions with them, so that mat. ter was Informally discussed, 'although it was agreed that the committee of the whole of the council should meet with' the com mittee from the club at a near date and go over the ground. Attorney Emmet Tlnley, on behalf of the Council Bluffs Street Fair and Carnival company, requested and was granted per mission to ocoupy ths same streets for, ths street sfalr as last year. Regarding .the removal of the motor tracks orl Sixteenth Street to the Union Driving park Attorney Tlnley stated that the company was pre pared to take them up provided ths light to reconstruct (them In case the travel to the park demanded It was reserved to the company. The olty solicitor was Instructed to draft a resolution covering this point. A resolution - was adopted requiring the Burlington railroad to plaoe two oulverts at the. Intersection of Eleventh avenue and Seventh street; the Bock Island snd the Milwaukee a like number of culverts each at Thirteenth .avenue and Seventh street and the motor company one at Twenty fifth avenue and Sixth street and to enlarge its present culvert at Seventeenth street and Avenue A. No bids wsre received for ths dredging of Indian Creek and It was practlcally.de otded that the work will have to be done by day work,, under .the supervision of the city engineer's office. - -' Residents, on Turley's Glen petitioned for sewer, water and gas mains on that thor oughfare between Third street and Park avenue. A similar petition was received from residents on Logan street and both were referred to- the committee of ' ths whole. A petition for' sidewalks on both sides of Eighth avenue, between Main and Sixth streets, met wlfh a cold reception and was ordered laid ot) the table. W. O. Lester was granted permission to engage In the selling of liquors In Cut-Off. K. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260; night, F-4K7. Athletes Have Wsim Time. There was a warm time at the annual meeting of the High School Athletic association- yesterday afternoon. Several of the students' who had not received Invita tions to the reception tendered the Atlan tic High school track team after ths recent field meet here had their fighting clothes on, A motion was Introduced to require the Individual members of ths board of control of ths association to stand the. ex pense of the reception in place of the asso ciation Itself. . Ths motion was responsible for about the warmest discussion st any meeting of the association sines its organi sation sand While the sentiment wa against the members of ths board of con trol for Ignoring severs! of the members of ths association and not sending them Invi tations to the reception, the motion was finally withdrawn and a truce declared. The election of officers resulted as fol lows: President, Oeorge McDonald; vice president. Will Cutler; secretary. Imon Pierce; 'business 'manager and treasurer, James Nlcoll; track captain, Herman Nor gaard; sergesnt-at-arms, Loren Andrua. With .ihe exception of secretary and sergesnt-at-arms the officers were elected by acclamation. Pierce was elected secretary by a votes against 4S for Mary Wadsworth and And rue wss elected ' sergeant-at -arms by a votes against 8 for Tom Harden, O'Hnnley Declines Piece. Robert O'Hanley, who was selected to act ts manager of ths "stamping; bureau" of the Fire Underwriters' association of this city, of which organisation he was elected secretary and treasurer, decided yesterday that he could not afford to accept the po sition and so notified the board of dlrectora. The directors, W. H. Binder, E. H. Lougee and W. S. Cooper, met yesterday afternoon and appointed Miss Mamie Taylor to the position. The association will maintain an offloa In the Baldwin block, which will be In charge of Miss Taylor. ' Jtasr Care Instead of Pen. D. W. McCreary, who admitted passing a check which J. I Pries Is charged with forging, will escape ths penitentiary by going to the State Hospital for Chronlo Inebriates at Mount Pleasant. McCreary ascribed his fall from graos to drink snd Judge Wheeler yesterday.,' after consulta tion with Assistant County Attorney Hess, decided ta commit hlra to Mount Pleassnt for ous year. While ths crUutaal charge has not been dismissed It will not be pressed In the event of McCreary reforming. LtrMalasT strikes Hotel. During the storm yesterday afternoon lightning struck and demolished a chimney on the Grand hotel annex. The heavy rain caused Indian creek to raise within a foot of the top of Its banks and for awhile it looked af If the creek would go on one of Its periodical ram pages and flood the adjoining territory. The water, however, subsided after reach ing close to the danger mark. , Iowa Bias Absconds. AMES, la., May' 2B. (Special.) W. O. Bpratt, one of ths highly respected cltl sons of thlo city, has suddenly taken his departure, leaving a large shortage In his accounts with the firm he has been In the employ of for the last fifteen months. Ho has been employed aa a clerk In the gro cery department of the Ttlden Bros, ft Co. large general store hers. When accused of the hhortage ha confessed of taking a large amount of cash, be. having charge of the store In the early part of the day. The same day that It was discovered he dis posed of his fine residence property at a great sacrifice and left for parts unknown. As yet he has not been located,' but an effort will be put forth to bring him In the clutches of the law. His shortage will probably amount Into the hundreds of dol lars. Gnlpln Likely to Recover. BOONE, la., May 25. Indications are that Curtis Galpln will survive the wounds Inflicted upon him, by a hidden assailant on Monday night. He passed a quiet night and unless complications set In he will recover. He has not yet been sble to give the police any clue as to whom he Suspects of having fired the shot Despite the promise of Oalpln's recovery, the police and friends of the young' man have not given up their search for the would-be assassin. Chief Moyer scouts the story that a rival lover laid In wait for Galpln, and still holds that In his belief robbery was the Intention and that the assault was com mitted by a tramp. ' He pronounces the statement that he has good clues as ficti tious, although he admits that several un important ones are being followed up. Atlantic High School Commencement. ATLANTIC, la., May 25. (Special.)-The commencement exercises ' of the Atlantic high school will be held June 10. Dr. Ed ward A. Stelner of the chais of sociology at Iowa college, Grlnnell, will deliver the commencement address. There are twenty two graduates, nine boys and thirteen girls. Rev. J.: George of the Presbyterian church will preach the baccalaureate sermon. Missouri Valley Merchant ASala-na. MISSOURI VALLEY, la., May 26 (Spe cial.) U. W. Senseny of this city made an assignment of -his racket' store for the benefit of his creditors. Assets are about 600, .liabilities 12,000. He had been- ten years In business, but failed once before In Mills county. The cause of. the present failure Is dull trade, duo to! crop- failures of the last two. years. . Fatal Fight of . Fwraera. SIOUX CITT, la., M.y SB.-As the result of a pitched battle six milea west of here In South Dakota, Clarence Chtlleau is dead and bis brother Albert isying in a, Sioux City hospital. John St. Pierre; who con fessed he did the shootlri&'lln Jail here. The tragedy was the resul ot n otcV feud. All three men are farmirs, . ' -f-t . '..i Mlasonri Valley Schools. MISSOURI VALLEY,. Ia,'. May K-8pe-clal. Missouri Valley public.' rchools hold their annual commencement exercises In the opera house Friday evening. There Is a graduating class of ten.' Prestation of diplomas will be by the president of ths board, J. 8. McGavren. '' " ' Heavy Rains nt Onawn, , . ONAWA, Ia., May 26. (Special Telegram.) A little over three Inches of rain has fal len here since yesterday, making 7 87 Inches for May. Last May's . record, was - 14.71 Inches,, which IS the high water mark tor twenty-four years. Tonngr to Deliver Address. ATLANTIC. Ia., May 2S. (Special.); Colonel Lafayette Young, editor of the Des Molnesapltal, will deliver the Decoration day address in this city, May SO. - - , Gees -nrona Bad ta 'Worse; : Always true of ' oonstlpatlon.. ti '.begins many maladies, but Dr. King's New Life Pills cure or no pay. Only -28o. ' For salt by Kuhn ft Co. FORECAST OF THE . .WEATHER Fair for. Nebraska Today, - to Be Followed by Warmer ' Weather. r .'- ' -' - ... i . . i " WASHINGTON, May 25. Forecast: For Nebraska and South Dakota-Falr Thursday and Friday; warmer, Friday. For Iowa Rain Thursday and cooler in east portion; Friday, fair and. warmer. For North Dakota Fair Thursday and warmer In northwest portion; Friday, fair and warmer. r For Kansas Rain Thursday and cooler In southeast portion; Friday, fair. For Montana Fair and warmer Thurs day and Friday. For Colorado Rain Thursday and cooler in west portion; Friday, rain and warmer. For Wyoming Clearing Thursday, with rising temperature; Fridayi warmer. For Missouri Rain snd cooler Thursday; Friday, fair and warmer In west portion. Local Record. . '' ' ' OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA, May 26. Official record of tem perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day of the past three years: 1904. l$oi. 1802. iWl. Maximum temperature... H 11 W M Minimum temperature.... 64 40 M 41 Mean temperature 6 69 61 Precipitation 2. So .04 .17 .00 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day since March IHA: Normal temperature V Deficiency for the day , ( Total deficiency since March 69 Normal precipitation .is inch Eii-mi for the dav 1.36 Inches Precipitation since March 1 t toinchea Excess since March 1 .14 Inch Excess for cor. period. 1906 33 Inch Deficiency for cor. period, 1902... t.U inches Reports front Stations at T P. If. I . - , -Hi-Pi. 1 1 CONDITION OF THE " j c ' WEATHER. ' 1 . i i' ?maha. cloudy altinllne, cloudy Kjl.lk Mull. ..I ...... .. 64 64 1.6S 4d . 4H ,4 .. 4 6o .40 ,. tt 44 .12 . 4e til .20 .. U 44 .(a - h lit ,14 ,. 6.' U .us ,. So M .00 .. 1 W .00 4N in .01 74 bo .00 .. t-i 74 .) t 4H .DO . fci 64 .00 . I! 62 .00 . 7 64 .04 . . ....... . , u u . . Cheyenne, raining Salt Lake City, cloudy , rtapia tJlty, clouuy Huron, cloudy w , Wlllkton, part rloudy.... Chicago, cloudy Bt. IxjiiIs, cloudy Bt. Paul, cloudy Davenport, cloudy Kansas City, cloudy .... Havre, clear ...... .. ..f . Helena, rli-n- H).r r tl i... (J , Mile'. '.. . a. 4. ..-.-dll, Luca! Forecaster. RAISE SALARI OF BISHOP BWaSSawawatBBSmi Iowa EpisoopaMans Mafce it F1t Thcu-.nd ' 4 ' Dollar. Per Year. MAKING TEST OF VETERAN OFFICE LAW Da Moines Alnmnt of Mate fnlver. slty JCeep Ont of Present Strife Regarding the Presidency of the Institution. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, May 25. tSpecial Tele-gram.)-The Iowa Episcopal convention In creased the salary of Blahop Morrison $l.0ue a year, making it $5,000, allowances during the year having already Increased It to nearly this amount. The principal business of the convention was that of adopting the committee report on Sunday school work In favor of a ten-year regulated curriculum for the Sunday schools and uniformity in regard to the lessons In all" parts of the state and all classes. The proposition was debated most of the afternoon and finally adopted. The following delegates and alternates to the general convention In Boston In Octo ber were selected: Clerical, J. E. Cathell of Des Moines, Oeorge E, Walk of Cedar Rapids, J. C. Safe of Dubuque, C. H. Rem ington of Fort Dodge; alternates, W. D. Williams Of Iowa City, N. 8. Stephens of Davenport, W. H. Frost of Ottumwa, T. W. Jones of Lyons; lay, George F. Henry of Des Moines, Bamuel Mahon of Ottumwa, J. J. Richardson of Davenport. E. H. Lock wood of Harlan; alternates, J. H. Smith of Cedar Rapids, N. P. Herrlngton of Oska loosa, T. W. Place of East Waterloo. J. H. Terrell of Ottumwa. ' The old standing committee was re elected entire and trustees of St. Luke's hospital. Tb women's auxiliary elected an honorary president, Mrs. T. N. Morrison of Davenport; president. Miss Susanna Weare of Sioux City; secretary. Mrs. F. W. Lor Ing of Sac City; treasurer, Mrs. Simon Casady of Des Moines. Too Old for Reform School. Application was made today for a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of a girl, Pearl Just, now at the State Industrial School for Girls at MitoheMlle, who is claimed to be paat the age when she may be lawfully de tained there against her will. She was sent to the school by Judge Bishop, now of the supreme bench, In 1899 from this city on complaint of Mrs. Babcock, police ma tron. 'The accusation cams from Americus Fast, better known as Emma Clark, and the girl was accused of being incorrigible. Now her mother, Emma Whiting, has claimed for the girl the right to be re leased, but there was no evidence to show that she was of age. The suit was brought to establish her age, and when thla Is shown an order will Issue that she be re leased. It has been very seldom the courts have been resorted to for relief' of persons thus Incarcerated. . May Man damn s Governor. S. E. Whltcher of Manning, who Is here attending federal Court as a Juror, was. a candidate for appointment 'tis an oil In spector In the place of W. J. Scott of Ida Grove. He now threatens to bring suit to compel the governor to appoint him In place ot Scott on the ground- that the, law T"nuirtng a 'preference of old soIHlers ap-' plies In his case. Whltcher Is a" soldier and Scott is Hot. 'The governor reappointed all of ths oil Inspectors save In three places Council Bluffs, Creston and Daven port. There are contests on at each, of these places.- Hugh Plckell of this, city wss designated as chief oil Inspector after July 1 next. '' '..i Threshed Over Deanlsoa Case. . Governor Cummins for the first time had the ease of Thomas Dennlson called to his attention' today, when application was made for a requisition to bring him to Iowa to stand trial on an Indictment In Harrison county for aiding in the taking 6f: the dia monds Frank Shercltffe had stolen. County Attorney Fallon of Harrison county ap peared with the papers, and for Mr. Dennl son Messrs. Parker and Wright appeared, hot so much to resist as to Insist that the proceedings should' be regular and the pa pers conform to the Iowa requirements. Governor Cummins heard the case and took until Friday to decide what he will do. .' University Meetings Held. Meetings of former students of the State university are being hel4 all over the state and in some Instances these meetings at once resolve that President MacLean shall be removed because of the disaffection of some members of the faculty. In other cases the alumni have become more con servative and are In favor of an Investiga tion to determine what the trouble Is' and who should be censured for the dissensions. The alumni in Des Moines generally re mained away from the meeting and only a handful attended after the matter had been freely advertised, and those who attended contented themselves with appointing a Committee to Investigate and lay the matter before the Board of Regents. Thus far the regents have bad no Information regarding the trouble. . Laune Back. This ailment Is Usually caused by rheu matism of the muscles and may be cured by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm two or three times a day and rubbing the parts vigorously at each application. If this does not afford relief, bind on a piece of flannel, slightly dampened with Pain Balm, and quick relief is almost sure to follow. Bee Want Ads are Business Boosters. FIRE RECORD. Stahlo at Dakota City. DAKOTA CITT, Neb., May J6. (Special.) Lightning Hast svenlng about t o'clock struck the barn on the premises of Mrs. A J. Kramper, occupied by Herman Bier mann, two miles southwest of this place. Ths building was burned to the ground. Mr. Blermann succeeded In getting out his eight head of horses at the risk of his life. The building was owned by Mrs. Kramper and was recently erected at a cost of two. Mr. Blermann's loss In hay, feed, etc., Is about 1400. Ths building was Insured. Good Cress Aro Promised. MITCHELL. S. D., May .-(8peclal.)- The crop conditions In this section are ths beat that have existed In a good many years. Over 76 per cent of the corn Is three or four Inches above ground snd Is making a fine growth. The condition of wheat ts highly satisfactory to the farm ers. The cool weather' this spring has caused the wheat to stool In the best pos sible shape and It Is growing very strong and a thick stand on the ground. A beavy rain visited this section last night and to day, ths preoipttatioa amounting to 0.09 of an Inch, and making total of 1.24 Inches for the month. All grains are doing splen did under thess conditions. Dakota Orators at Mitchell. MITCHELL. 8. D., May . (Special. )- Ths Interstate oratorical conteat wtll be held In this city on Thursday evening,' June t, la the Corn palace. This Is the result of ths eentests tf North Dakota and South Dakota, the former being held several months ago and the latter last week at Huron. South Dskota will be represented by James Crowthers of Mitchell. (who won the state contest, and Miss Treadway of Tankton, who was second In the contest. The names of the North Dakota orators have not been certified to the committee as yeti there being some misunderstanding as to who was the winner. Tvarhera for Mnrgts Schoola. BTURGI8, S. P., May 5. (Special.) The organisation of the Board of Education of this city has ben' completed "by the elec tion of W. A. McMichael as clerk. The board has selected R. H. Tucker of Lin coln, Neb., as prlnlpnl for the next term cf school. Tho Misses Cook, RebbV, Beard shear and Osmotherly were re-elected ss teachers and two new ones (Miss Bcrvla Babcock of Iowa and Miss Marguerite Thomas of Spearflsh) were engaged. The selection of an assistant principal was de ferred. An extra teacher may, be added for tho next term. ' Robbers Swore Bank Roll. ' SIOUX FALLS, S. D;, May 25.-(Speclal.) One of the boldest robberies to bo com mitted In thla elty for- some time- occurred Greater Wallace Circus Comes to Council Bluffs on Friday, June 3rd. -1T t A Vi Not One as NEW - It Stands UNEXCELLED Not One as GREAT v:l. It Stands UNEQUALLED World's Most Popular Shows Always in the Lead Wallace ' ; Largest Menagerie Ever Legitimate in All Departments Wallace' Array of Immense Novelties . y ; " Circus of the Most Gorgeous Kind-Wallace Every Feature New, Superior and beUgiifiiI THE SPECTACULAR Is a revelation of what wealth, perseverance and brains can accomplish In the dt-". reotlon of equipping, organising and presenting a gorgeous pageant. Every cage or -chariot la a work of art; every horse Is a perfect beauty; every animal la a per-' feet specimen; every costume is spotless; every rider is graceful; the. mualo Is lentirui ana or uie Deai in raot, me c aa-ao . i in v ah n. . ,v v wuvviv, jjjjBnCSi lOgTOK for J- If you feel the need of skilled medical attention, come to us and we will spar you ths penalties associated with private dlxeaaes and weaknesses of men, we will make a thorough and scientific examination of your allmonts, an ex amination that will disclose your true physical condition, without a knowledge of which you are groping in the dark. we will 'help you to escape from the slavery that Is holding you captive and depleting your manhood. You should not lose your grin on life because unreliable snd Inferior remedies hove fallsd to benefit you. Our epeclnl treatment for this clasa of troubles Is varied, and modified to suit each Individual caso, and is an abuolutely safe and certain cure, to which hundreds of cured men owe their sturdy health and happy condition In life. Don't allow dlseasa or weakness to take away all the pleasures of liv ing.' Life ls"Teautlful when you hive perfect health. We can stop the un natural dralna and losses which are a menace to your vlKor and vitality If you will consult us before It la ton late and your future career is blighted, thus tie prlvlng you of all your happiness and atrength. Our many yeura of sucoesxfiil experience, supplemented with an Immense practice, enables us to combat and connuer the illHeaines and weaknesses so prevalent among men. The man who haa youth In his heart, pure blood In his voins, smb)tlon, con ndence and nervous energy In his makeup, and who Is free from the rnntaml- ' rating effneta of private diseases or the (JeprraxInK Influence of mtrvous debility Is worth more to nlmeelf, to his family, his friends and the world than Is the broken-down millionaire with all his vtaltk In the bank. ' WE CURE and CURE QUICK Wo Don't I'ateb I P We Cure Quickly, Safely nnd Thoroughly Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Sypli ilis,l Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, ' self abuse, excesses or the result of sjeclrto or private disease. rOtltlMTlTinS FRCP If you cannot call write - for symptom blanket -wUHsULiailUil I iltt office hours, I a. w. tq I p. m. Sundays. 10 to 1 only. STATE MEDICAL INSTITUTE I 130$ Farnam St., Bet. 13th In the middle of the day In rluh room located on the second floor of a building t the heart of the business center. Th watchman, observing that the rooms wer empty, stepped to a nearby news stand t purchase a -paper. He was absent frnt the club rooms only two or three minutes but when he returned he discovered thsti bank roll, containing nearly X, wasgnnt Not the slightest trace has been found a the person who entered the room tftirtn) the brief absence of the watchrtinn and at stracted the money. Dakota Man Accidentally KHTed. ' MITCHELL. S. P., May Hi (Ppertal.H Filwn'rd Goldammer, " living" twenty-fly miles south of this elty, near Hillside, wa accidentally shot and killed by the prema ture discharge of a rein. A boy was load Ing the gun with a shell when It went ol and the charge entered his back, kllllnt him Instantly. The funeral services wen held today. He had resided In this countr. . twenty-two yeara. Decoration Day at Stnrals. STURDIS. 8. P., Msy 25. (Special. ) Next Monday la Decoration day, and tra occasion will be observed here this yesj more than ever. . m M. Vi Ol ) STREET PARADE tt.".A:::.- . Brace is worm going mils to nee, , . waMcaa uiia,uiuaui usiamplg .... snj 14th Streets, O.njHi. N ; l ! V