TIUG OMAHA'.. DAILY BEP; TUESDAY MAY 24, 1901. 11 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES , . - TWO-STORY imlMIrir, Vil and the second floor l&Os-lO Hjwaro. V. li. Bushman. i I toi IN TUB PEE BU1LDINO. handson suite, entrance right In front of the elevator, so-uth exposure, bard wood flnlah and floor, price per mouth, $3. A nice small office, fourth floor, $10. A food slxed office with lare vault, run ning water, on nfth floor, $30. Heal, light, water, janitor rervl- Included In rental prlo of all rooms. It C. P.tara A Co . Rental Agents. Otomh'I Floor, Bee Building. 1U DESK room. 414 Bee Bldan 1-301 STORE ROOM, 17 8. Kth St. Inquire of Clark Powell, UK Capitol are. I-T4J . FINR NEW 8TORH BT-ILPTN'G 14(4 Douglaa street, 22 M3 first floor with akyllght In roof; swell front: fine ce mented basement; the two upper floors re t2xH0 each; stairway from street near all car lines", fine location. Will rent floor accurately. THE M'CAOUR INVrBTMITNT CO., 1W DODOE fiTREET. I-M3S6 FDR RENT, (food paying hotel of about 15 room. $70 per month; vncent June 1. PAVKE INVESTMFNT COMPANY, Main floor N. T. Life Bid I M704 ? LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED C. JARL, 711 So. 16th street. it1M Je 19 S3. B. LAWRENCE, 2703 Leavenworth. Thone L1676. 414 Jell P. MELCHOIR machine work. 13th and Howard. M-TUel0 WANTED-T0 BORROW. if 11,000, per cent, five years; frst wortgnse on good security. Aduie M 4, Fee. M712 80x P0ST0FFICE NOTICE. (Should bs read dally b a:l Interested, as changes may occur at any Ume.) ioe.Mii inaii lor toe t-udliig Ma; 28, Iloi, will cloaa (FitOjU'TLY In all cases) at luu oeueraw x'usiuiiice aa fol lows: i'arceis-post niolla cloaa one hour earlier than tloalra, Vole shown below , Parcela-poat intus tor usrmauy cloaa at a p. m. Way U and JO. Regular and supplomsnlary malls close at Foreign stailou tcornae of Wast and Mor ton atrsela) half hour' later than closing ' time shown below, lescxpt tnat supple mentary mails for Jvurope and Ceutrat America, via. Colon, close ana hour later at Foreign-atatluuj.' - - I'raneatlaatlr Halls. TUE6DAV (lth At 4:30 a. m. for KU-Hui-K. per s. a. Kaiser WiihB.ru aer Orosee, ia Pb'mouth, C'heruour and ' bremen; at 7;2u a. m. for NEiriLH Lamjcv oirect, per n. s.p Itynaam unail must bo ulruytej "per a. a. ityudam")i at s:30 a, in. .'or ITaY direct, per s. a. Cltta dl Napoa (mail must te uirectea "per s. s. .( iiih dl Na,ioil").- WLDNKSDAX (26th) At 8;i a. m, fov ELROui, per s. s. Majcsac, via gueena town; at 11 a. in. for Un.NMAKK direct, per s. a. United Slates (:nall must be directed "cer f. s. United Btatea"). THUKSDAI (i!6th At 7. a. in. for FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY, SPAIN, PORIUQAJ,, TUilKET, EUYPT, OREECQ and BKJT13H INDIA, per a. a. La Savole, via Havre fnuil for other parte of Europe fuust be directed "per s. a. La Savole"). FRIDAY (Z7th)-At p. m. for AZORES lauAnva, per a. s. canvplo, from Bos ton. . "dw ' i SATURDAT fflth) At 6 av m. for EU ROPE, per s. a. St. Louis, via- Ply mouth and Cherbourg (mall for Ireland must be directed' "per a. a. St. Louis"); at ;80 a. tn. (supplementary 10 a. m.) for EUHOl'E, ter a., a. Ltrurla. via Queenstown; at 8:30 a. m. fir BELOnjM. direct, ptr a.: s. Finland (mall must be dlreoted "per a. s. Finland"); at :0 a. m. for ITALY direct, per a. a. Konlgln Lulne (mall must be directed "per i. s. Konlgln Lulae"); at p. m. for. SCOT LAND dlreot, per m. s. Columbia (mail must ba directed "pet s. a. Columbia").- After ' the closing ot " tha' aupplemsntary Transatlantic mails named , above, ad ditional supplementary malls, are opened on the pirns of tha American, English, Frsnch and Oerman, sfeamera. and remain open until within ten minutea of the nour ox sailing or steamer. ;n , H alia for Soath asd rante-al Anierloa, Wast Indlca. Kte. TUESDA1 (24th) At ;30 a. m. (supple mentary 14:30 a. m.) for cenetral AMERICA (except Costa" ' Rica) and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS, per a. s. Al llanca, via Colon (mall for Guatemala must ba directed "per a. a. Allianca"); at 10 a. in. for HAITI, per a. a. Prins Wlllem V. (mail for Cape Haiti. Port da Pais, Curacao, Venesuela. Trinidad, Brit ish and Dutch Uulana must ba dlreoted "per a. a. Prlns Wlllem V."); at 1 p. m. for YUCATAN and CAMPECHE, per a. a. TJomo (mall must bo directed "per a. a. Tlomo"V. WEDNKHUAY (2Bth) At 11 . m. for AR- UENT1NJS, UKUUUAt and rAilAu U A X , er a. s. Merchant Prilioe: at 13 m. for ARBADOS and NORTHERN BRAZIL, per a. a. CeerenseV via Para and Manaos. THURSDAY (HJth-At 1:30 a. m. for BRA ZIL, per a. a. Bellagglo, via, . Per nam buco, Rio Janeiro and Flortanopolla (mall for Northern Braill, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay must ba directed "per a. a. Bellagglo") ; at 4 a. m. for CUBA, YUCA TAN and CAMPECHE. per s. s. Mon terey tmatt for other porta of MEXICO must ba directed "per s. a.' Monterey"); at I ft. m. for BERMUDA, per s. s. Pre toria; at a. tn. for MAVAGUEZ (ordi nary mall only), per a. s. Porto Rico (or dinary mall for other parts of Porto Rico must ba directed "per a. a. Porto Rico"). FRIDAY (27th)-At 1 a. m. for ARGEN TINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per , a. a. Hypatla; at-7:30 a. m. for. NEW FOUNDLAND, per s. s. Silvia; at 1:80 a. . in (supplementary 10:30 a, m.) for IN- I AGUA. HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per a, a. Adirondack (mall for other parts of Colombia, via Savanllla. must be dl- . rested per a. a. Adirondack"): at 12 m. iaupplenientary U:'m p. m.) for BA 1AMAS, per a. a. Orlsaba, (mall for . Ouantanamo and Santiago miat oa dl i' reeted ' por a. s. OrlaabT). A TURD AY (loth)-At 4 a. m. for ARGEN TINE, URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. Arablstani at 4 30 a., m. (supple mentary :30 a. m.) for PORTO RICO, CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. s. - Caraoaa (mail for Colombia must ba ol v raoted "per a a. Caraoaa"): at :30 a.' m: (supplementary 10:80 m.-tn.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA and COLOMBIA.. ex- - cept Cauca and Magdalena Dep'ta, and GREYTOWN, per a. a. Valencia (mall for Costa Rica must be directed "per s. a, Valencia"): at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. a. Morro Castle, via Havana: at 12:30 p, m. for CUBA, per a. s. Ollnda, via Matansaa (mail must t directed "per a. . a, Ollnda"),-. . Mall rerware Overlasil, Bta4 Ki, a eest Trsaapasiis. - . r?rrxt kvi. Pn,t rn,mL vlorii3a. filoaea at J 1I.J. A.ilu . - . , 'V h 1 1 1 i.t M V 4 t 1R Sti a. m, (tba counactliuj malls close her on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays). HEX1CO CITY Overland, unless specially addressed f deepatch by BUams". ctoaes at this office dally, except Sunaay. at 1:10 p. ta. and 10 M p. aa- Suudays at l&i p. . m, and W JO p. m, . KEWKOUNULaND (except rl-Posf Walls)-By rati to North Byoney. and thanco by ateamar, closes at this offloe dally at 4:10 u. m. (connecting mails oioae . here every Monday, Wednesday and Sat urday). Jamaica By rail to B-sn. and thenoe b steamer, cloeea a uis oflice at 4. at p. m . Tuesday and Friday. . M1QUELON By rail to Boston, and thenca by ateamar, closes at this offlco dally al I N p. m. . BELIZE, PUERTO CORTEZ and GUATE MALA By rail to New Orleans, and thenoa by steamer, olosea at this offloe dally, except Sunday, at 1:0 p. m, anJ 110 W p. ni Bjndays at 1:U0 p. m. and 10:10 p. m. (connecting mail cloaea hsre londays at Jn.3o p. ju.V. COSTA UICA-Uy rail to New Orleans, and thence by ateiiir, closes st this e&Ve dally, except Sunday, at II 40 p. ra. and Iio.) p. m., Sundays at II CO p. m. and 10:40 p. m. (lonnsctlng nuUl cloaea hers 'ueedys at (:o 3J p. ta U IREU1MTERED MAIL ttiuees at p. fa. previous day, fraaspaeise Malta Perwarde Ovor lead tally. The schedule of closing Tranapaelflo malls la arraaged on the prsuinitloa of their uninterrupted overland tianalt to port of sailing. The final eonnectlug malls ex cept registered Transpacific, main which Oloao 4 p. in. previous day) close at the general poslolrce. New York, aa follows: TAHITI rad MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Frsnclsco, close at 4'M r -n. May I4ih. for deniatch tier a. a. Hintnu HlLIFflND ISLANDS. Via San Fran. claco, dose at 4.30 p m. May 17 th, for dfHrtatrh oar IT. 4V Tranaoort HAWAII. JAPAN, CHINA and areclallv addra.d piall for the PHILIPPINE )U LANDS, via San Franclaoo, cloae at 4.30 p. m. May llh. for dapatch iwi a. a. Doric. HAWAII, via Kan Franalaoo, eleee at 4:14 o. m. May 30, for despatch per 4. a Alameda. CliLNA and JAPAN, vU Tacoma, cloaea I P0ST0FFICE NOTICE K. at t.to p. m. June Sd, for despatch per riyson. HAWAII. JAPAV. riTlVA tna WWTL.IW. PINE ISLANDS. Via Ban rrsndsco. cloea at p. en. June s for despatch per a. a. Siberia. CHINA n1 JAPAN, via Vancouver and Victoria,, B. C, cloea at $: p. tn.- June fin, iKt urrjfunui pr w. a. CTTiyrvnFf VI Japan. (Merchandise for V. fcv Postal Aeency at Bbangbai cannot be forwarded via Canada). NF!W ZKALANO. AfSTRALIA (except Wll, NASW CALEDONIA, SAMOA, HA WAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via Ban Fran. Cisco, cloe at 1:30 p m. June 11th, for despatch per a. a. Ventura. (If tha Cunard steamer carrying British mull for New Zealand does not arrive In time to con nect with this despatch, extra mails clos ing at 4:30 a. m., :30 a. m. and C:Wp. m.; Sundays ut 4:30 a. m.. t a. m. and 4:30 p. m will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the fSinard atenmer). riJI ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA (except West), and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, close at 4:30 p. m. June 15th, for despatch per a. a. Mount. MANCHURIA and BARTEHN SIBERIA at present forwarded via Russia, Instead of via Japan, the usual route. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via hnirope; and ww Zealand and rnnippinea via van Francisco the quickest routes. Philip pines specially addressed "via Canada" or "via Eurone" must be fully prepaid at tha foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via, Ban Francisco exclusively. . CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Poataaaster Post Office. New Tork. N. T. May 20, 1904. . - , GOVRENIWENT NOTICE CHIEF" QUARTERMASTERS OFFICB- Omaha, Neh., April 26, 104. Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will he received hers and ny quartermasters ai tne posts nameo herein, until 10 a. m., central standard time, May 28. 1904, for furnishing wood, cost and charcoal during the fiscal year ending June 30, lK, at Omaha Q. M. depot, - U UnKln.n - A MUk..H V' , 1,1 1 v 1 ...... 1 1 . '.i i. , ' v. timutniw, , , TT braska, Jefferson BarrackSj Missouri, Forts Ijfnvviiwiirin biiu miry, ivanpan, r oris u. A. Russell. Mackenzie and Washakie, Wy oming, Fort Des Moines. Iowa, and Fort Meado, South Dakota. Proposals for de livery et other places will be entertained. V. S. reserves right to reject or accept any or an proposals, or any part tnereor. Information furnished on application here, or to Quartermasters at stations named. Envelopes containing proposals should ' he marked "Proposals for Fuel," and ad dressed to Major J, fj. BAWIKR, c. q. M. An SO M30 21 23 21 OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER MASTER, Cheyenne, Wyo., May 14, 1804. - Sealed proposals, In tripli cate, subject to the usual condi tions, will be received st this -office until 2 p clock, p. m mountain time, Juno 14, 1104, and then opened, for furnishing and Installing wall lockers In two (single) field artillery barracks at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. Pinna and specifications may be seen at this office; also at the office of the chief quartermaster, Chicago, Denver, New York, Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul. The United States -reserves the right to accept or reject-any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing bids should be endorsed "Proposal for wall lockers at Jort D. A. Russell, Wyo.," and addressed to l.'optaln v. o. Moott, quartermaster, u. b. a., in cnarge oi construction. t;ney enne, Wyo. M24-26 J 10-11 OFFICE CHIEF QUARTERMASTER. Omaha, Neb., April 27, 1104. Sealed pro posals, in Triplicate, sunjeot to tne usual conditions, will be received here untlt 10 a. m., central standard time, May 27, 1904, for construction or a frame gymnasium build ing at Fort Robinson. Nebraska. Full in formation furnished on application to this office, where plans and specifications may De seen, or to tne quartermaster, yon kod Inson. Proposals to be- marked "Proposals for Gymnasium Building' and addressed to j. Hi. bawiisk, cruet uuartermaster. A30M-aO-21-23-J4 RAILYVAY TIME CARD imiOlf STATIOit-lOTjI ,AHP ,11 ARC Y. Cfcleajgo, Jtocjc Island PaclMo. '." ' UgT. ' " . . bsaee. Arrtys., Cblesse Dariltht LltnltM..... ...a I K aa a :W am Cbic.ao barlisst Looal a t ia k f W srn Chlesso Bipre.i ll:lf sa s 4:04 pm tin Molsae Pxren.. i,..:M fa klLM.en Chlessa Fast BrMa,.....,..i..s 4;tai li:s : .ij.-.ji-i.i,l..iW14t.U-n - t'-. Roeky Mm,nuls LlmlU0,......ia T4 sas,s f:af pat uincoin. Loioraao spruaa. j. i . ' rrr- Fwiblo and Mt. a 1:44 sa a I qi pa Tm. Calllernls as4 Oklahsaa Flyer ... r a 4H4 Sa- sUXS pa luloa Paciae. Tks Ovsrlsna Limited a 1:4 sa s t:M pis The y. Mall ...4...... a 1:40 sat a t:M a Tk California Bxprsss.... 4ip) a Jh AtUnllo 8pclw , ,l:Hla Th Portluia-Clilcsaa RpMUl.-, t:9 SB 4 M m Tk Atlsatie KprM........ :M II Tk Colorado Sposlsl 11:M a I 4 The Chtcass tpcia a 1:44 aa Clneola, Baktrloa and - gtrems- bur gmpnas k 4:04 a bll:l sa Columbus toal b 4:00 pa k 4.14 aa Chleago A orthv.')tra. tsst Ckioase .', ,.1 l:M ta afiHaa eal Cklese .ail M a Mali a 1:14 pa a 4:M pa Lsoal Sioux City s t:4 pa lyillhl St. faul..., ,....I:RS S10:M pa psriistat Cbloago ....a l:o aa alli4 pa Uwtiwl Chlo 1 Ml ra a 4-.14 aa rM Cblcais a ;M pa a :el pa looal Chiuaie .. .....a 414 pa ...... rt St. raul ......a 4 il4 pa at:04aa St. Paul KxprsM a;a r atall 'J:4pa Local gloux Citr l.b pa 4:10 aa Kcu-lolk aa BooMtae- a 1:04 aa kit M aa Uniolo sad Long rino ;.e :4 aa blt:l4 aa buileoed. Hot" -gprlaga aad Llaaola 1:4 pa s 1:1 pa Cipr sa4 Wromlat Cxra...4 l:M pa s 1:14 pa tUKluxa, geporier an AlbUa. b t.o pa k 4:14 pa t hleaajo, HUwttkM ak St. PuL - I'bleste IMfllfc 4 JtH ta all til pa Cbla fast kipnss ,... 4: pa 1 IK w 0terlji4 Liultea ............... j l:4 pat a 4:1 pa Di Motaae vgiprsas.. .......... a M sa a 4:1 pa llllaols Coatpat, ' Cbloas Bxpresk I:M pa aMiM pa thicajw, lilnueapells a PC raui LlmllfS V:44ps a '4 aa MlaoaapolU A 81. Iaal s..k JiM aa . ki:4 pa Missouri Paelflo, ' Si. ljotit Kxproa ......al:U aa K. C. a StLaalf express. sll:4 pa World's rlr SeMuU a pa (lileaaru titmmt Mestoraw - . St. Paul sad MUsaapoils lAtl.a 1:1 pa bl. rul any SUaaMpolls bl,lt:Uu khicaio Llai.US i 4:4 pa tblcaso fcxiimse 4-e aa Wabaaku U Leua "Caaaea pall" b...ll:s)M tu Luuis Leual tea. etiufla) a 1:14 Sal M pa 0 aa 4 aa 11 aa f pa x aa M aa a SUHLlaQTOSI tTATIOS IOTU PtaSO Cklcago, B,urllag1oa 4alay. . Lais- . 'arrive. Cklaase ' tpsetal i.i.. l.s sat 'a 1.4 pa Ckioass Vaiibule4 ipraas.....a 4:s4 pa a :el aa Cktcaao Local m 1:1 aa alias) pa Cblcaso Uaue4 a t:M pa a t: pa VaM. aaU .-4i4 pa Kansas City, . Joseph Jb Cm. Bla4ta. Hum city lay ipisss.'....s lill aa 4:04 pa St, Loala r.foi a :i pa all aa Kaaaaa City NisM axprsaa !. pa a 4;4 aa Uurllagtoa A Mlaaoavl Blvor. Wraara, PMtrios- aae Luwla..a 414' Sa kil o pa aMka aaprMa a M aa a l: pa Ixavor UaiuNl ,,.,a tn pib a 4 aa pieab Hills a P aeaaa aa.aUil pa b 4:wt pa Coioraoo Vaiibul4 yiyr a t:M pa Uuuvla rut Mail . 4 4-41 pa ail a pa yort Oroea a4 ruiumeutk....b 1:14 pia bm.tf aa b.liou aa yaclbo Juuotioa...a I M pa 1 141 as tkellavue aa iadiao Juaeuaa., 1.x aa .., VVGBITEB DEPOT 15TH Mi WEBSTER Hlaaoarl PaelSo. ' J " ' ' ' lan. arrfee."!' Nab. Leail. via Waeetag Water. b il all XI pa ( kloaajo, 4. Paul, Mlaa. A iasalMiv Twla Cr Paawassr IIHia b 1:14 pa Sioux til ruMUiw a 1:04 pa all: aa Oakiaal Looal , k 4.44 pa k 4.1 aa a Pally, k Dally axaspt gaaoSf. 4 Dally aaeest tateriUy. s Ually exaept Meaaay. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS. cc:.:?AG5:!H'cfr:fniE TKARtATLAHTIOUK -French Una, New York to Porta Sis Days. avalUugs atTory Tuixreday a to a, as. Ls Tourains J una 1 Ls Sarels June tt Ls Lorralue Juaa La Cbaoipaxoe. ...Juoa II La tlaavusu Juaa It La Lwraut Julf I M, aodara, giaatio tvla-eara a4 sxpraas aaaaiara; aav.l uuiowa1 aap-ei-var lisoiptiue. kouyauif's aMluule4 Uaioa, hTr-arl- 4 boara. aiw-Uum K. ktueras, iwu rrmm Sc. Loala blaaaa, rUt Kail bank, a A- AsUMMur. UU laraea M., Eaab iaUa ay. amcmoa unm v. a pxaa, rrmAxuaipa, PAW VOPK. LOWDOwuaagT ANS SfcAoaow. MPW TOAst, OUSXLTil AMP Man. Buporler saaa4al iese. asasllaM ealalaa Tba aoaalsrt at paen.aa s eejefuily, aeiiakanx, :aiaa r rua4 Ulp ua-ia batsaaa Hm fare aa tin 11 a, taallaa. IrUb aa4 ail prlaatpal gauaiaerlaa aal ai,iiaal plnta at attraauta rmtaa. a.a4 Pwa sC Tvaf. rue tlabata oe saaoral lalainllao asvbl it aor ine.l sai tse Aa.aat I laa aa aa ataMataastMi bausv. kail ease a. aaiassx ak NEWS QF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL P1IJOR MEJITIOJ.. Davis sella drugs. Leffert'S glataes fit. ' Stockert sells carpets. , The Faust elgar, i cents. ' " Peterson Sharpena mowers. 420 w. B. W. Full Una flahing tackle. Morgan Dickey. Pictures for wedding gifts. Alexander's, 233 Broadway. For wall papering, painting, picture fram ing, aeo Borwlck, 211 Main st. 'Phone A-S20. Jap-A-Laa floor finish. Morgan A Dickey. The regular conclave of Ivanhoe cemt mandery, Knights Templar, will be hold this evening. Judge Scott of the superior court will make an assignment of caaaa for the May term this afternoon. Building permits were Issued yesterday to William F. Bock for three one-atury frame cottages on East Pierce street, to coet d0 each. The Woman's Home Missionary society Of the Broadway Methodist church will meet this aiternoan at tha-homo of Mrs. T. H. Ofoutt, on Oakland avenue. , James P. Enrlght, local storekeeper for the Chicago A Northwestern railroad, ls In Chicago attending a meeting - of tba Railway Storekeepers' association. ' Charles R, Hannan, who ls now located In Boston as financial agent for the Swifts, was in the city yesterday tor a short while looking after his business Interests hare. Tha case against James L. , liasklne, Charged with breaking Into his brother's house, was dismissed in Justice . Ouren's court yen ter day for want ot prosecution. Mrs. A: M, Jackson has gone to Los Angeles snd other California- points for an extended sojourn. She will visit her son. Dr. Jackson, now lobatad In- New hall, Cal. i James Elliott, a wall known railway mall clerk between this city and St. Paul, died Sunday at his home In St, Paul. He had been running between tha two cities for twenty years. Ex-Alderman Casper, 'who was one of the first In Council Blurts to adopt the auto mobile, has purchased a large touring car with a capacity for four or more paa sengers. , The' new purchase is on tha- road from Jackson, - Mich., where It wua made. Spencer w. Way of Banta Barbara, Cal., is seriously ill at the home ot his sister, Mre. W. W. Hart, on Willow avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Way were visiting at tha St. Louis exposition when the former was taken III. Mr. Way's condition yesterday waa said to b critical. The tenth annual commencement of - the high school of- Macedonia, this county, will be held tomorrow evening at the Methodist church of that thriving little burg. The graduating class will comprise five students. Rev. J. F. Davis will make th address to the class. Frank Katxenstetn, charged ' with as saulting James T. Jones, a deaf man, was discharged In Justice Ouren's court yes terday. The evidence showed that during an altercation between the two men Jones attempted to strike Katsensteln with a hoe and the latter knocked him down in self defense. That the' money promised , by Andrew Carnegie for the new library building, or at least part of lCJs-on deposit and at tha. disposal of- tha library board ls shown by .a certificate which Secretary. Stewart received yesterday. This - eon I flea te -call for the payment of tl.luO to the architects and has to be presented at the bank in Hoboken, N J-. through which all pay ments for his libraries are mads by Mr, Carnegie,- ..- - '" - - - - Frank D. Price of Chicago and Helen M. Anderson of McPherson, ' Kan. were mar- 5 led in this city yesterday afternoon by ustlce Ouren. The groom Is a traveling representative of tho John Vr'Farwell company of Chicago; and as his 'business keeps him away Irom home most of the tlrrle 'he sent word to Miss Anderson to meet him here which she' did. They, will make their. "homo at Red; Oak, la., .lor the present. ' J : ?. ''-. . ; j cnurcn, ano wire and Kev. T. j. htookcs, rector of Oraca church, left yeaterday for Des.Mones to. attend tha annual , conven tion' el the Bplsoopal diocese of iowa Mrs. T. J. Foley , and' Mrs. Robert Mullls, as delegates' from St. Paul's, and Mrs. O. H. Jackson and Mrs. H. O. Andrews, dele gatea from Oraca -. church, ,-nlso "left yes- terday for Dee Moines -to attend-tho an nual convention of tha Woman's auxiliary. Chief of Police Richmond and City .Clerk Zurmuehlea were 'In East Omaha yester day . confesrtng With the management of Courtland Beach relative to the appoint ment of special officers for tttat resort during the summer. Aa Courtland Beach Is on Iowa territory, the special, officers have to be appointed by the Council Bluffs authorities, while across tha -Ttver they also looked Into the matter of securing a building in tba vlolnlty of Courtland Beach to serve as a temporary Jail dur ing the time tho resort ls open. N. T. Plumbing Co. "Tel." 260J night,' F-37.' Real Estate Transfers. ' ' These transfers wers' reported to The Bee May 23 by tha abstract, title and loan office of 8d.Ulr4 A Aunts,, 101 Pearl street! John 8. Alley et al to O. R. Harten- non, tot 13, Diocx so, naiiroaa aaa.. Council. Bluffs, a. o. d. ' 21 Martin Nelson and wife to O. W. Baker, lot 17, block 30, Bayllss' Id . Add.. Council Bluffs, w. a.... -100 Hortye Everett and wife to Henry-". Alois, lota x ana s, uiocx a. xtvereti a add.. Council Bluffs, w. d 800 John E. Jefferls et al to William R. ' Jefleris, part lot 14, block 4, jack- son s add.,, and Jot In ne4 iwW fcO-. lo-ao, w, a ... 1.1. ,eov Harriet L. Jefferls to William R. Jef- . . feria, lot ( la ne sw4 30-75-43, and, lot 14. block 4, Jackson s -add., w, d. - 283 H. a. MoOee and wife to Altha For- - rest, lot 3, block 1, Muilln's subdlv., ' s. w. d... 80 Council Bluffs Savings bank to Fred Rapp, trustee, lot , block 17, How- ara 1 ua., w. a. ...... r.. ..,...., , xvu John F, Wlloox and wife to L A casper, lot 7, block l, prospect Place add., w. d 100 Sarah Read and husband to Nancy Hraden, part lot -1, block 11, Mace donia. w. d 12S Laura M.,.Waro toC. W.- F. Durham, . . love a ana 10, uioua, , central suit- UT...W. U , OUU Martha E. Halladay and husband to u. A. Miner, wi swk lb-70-40. and V7f il-iwri, w.. a. ,....-.... X,OUU E. Maude. Hatch to Martha E. Halla day uudlvVi interest In se 17-, ' 74-40, w. d., ....... 900 Fred C. Hoist and wife to Karl F. , tvarrer, .pari w nw 7-74-41, w. O. 400 Thirteen transfers, total 117,111 Plumbing and heating. - Blxby eV Sop. - -Work oa Sehoal Batldlasj. - A special meeting of tho Board of Edu cation will . ba hold this afternoon at I o'clock In Secretary Ross' offlco to consider bid for tha heating plant for tha Avenue B schoolhous. . Hollenbeck Bros., who hare tha contract for raising tha old portion of tha ' building, ' commenced , work, yesterday and Wlckham Bros., who have tha gen eral contract for tha construction 6f tha addition and tha remodelling of tha old por tion, . have commenced hauling material They cannot do any work, however, until Hollenbeck Broa. get their Job completed. Hafer sells lunmber. Catch th IdeaT THE OM.Y AB80LCTEX.T MODERI BUllslKlg AND IOIM4L COL LEO ! THE WEST. Students may enter any time. Excellent placea to work for board. Tuition very reasonahla Write for am mole oodv of out Co Ua a Journal. Write or call fur tnforma- tloa. E. r. MILLER, res. Masonlo Templa 'Phono BUI mWI9 CUTLER PfOWrjCTAPa. SJL, Cs saal Lusus, BLUFFS. DEATH DUE TO HER OWS ACT Coronir,4 Jar is Cm of lln. Uorgn Bring! in Vardiot of 8ulc!ds. NO NEW LIGHT ON THE OCCURRENCE Father laatracta Undertaker ta gead Romalaa af t'aortanafo Vfomaa to Her 'Old Homo for Barlal. That the woman came to her death by a self-inflicted pistol wound was tha verdict of tha coroner's Jury at the Inquest held yesterday afternoon by Coroner Treynor over May Morkn, who died early Sunday morning at' the Woman's Christian Asso ciation hospital. Tho witnesses were Police Ctflcers Busso and O'Neil. City Physician Tlnley and W. O. Worth, the barber who roomed with tha woman. Worth, who gave, his testimony In a somewhat diffident manner and appeared to bar particularly anxious to conceal his relations with the dead woman, denied having had any quarrel with Mrs. Moran, but thought aha was worrying because her husband would not live with her Thla was, tho' only reason he could ascribe for her wishing, to take her life.' At first he said ha bad been rooming with Mrs. Moran since last December, but In answer to the question of one of the jurors admitted that he also roomed with her when sha occu pied apartments on South Main street H told of the woman's husband visiting her Friday, May 13, and said that they quar reled then. ' Ha said ha waa tha only "roomer" Mrs. Moran had. Regarding the shooting -Worth sold ha had an Indistinct recollection of someone opening his door and aaylng "good-bye," but he was sleepy .and paid little atten tion ,to It A few seconds later he was startled by the sound of the shot and hast ened to the woman's room, only to find the doors locked. He then dressed and noti fied tho police. In answer to a question of the jury he said he had' aeen the re volver with which Mr:' Moran shot her self in her possession since last December. The officers testified to breaking In tha door of tha womain's room and finding her lying acroaa the bed. Dr. Tlnley testified as to the nature of the i wound and to hav ing assisted at the post mortem examina tion held by Coroner Treynor yesterday morning. Contrary, to ; the statement of Detective Callahan,! w.ho examined the woman's apartments after the shooting, the bullet was found In her brain Instead of In the celling. .- The body will be sent today to tha woman's former home In South English, la., ' at the request of her father, W. L. Stull, who telegraphed Instructions yester day to Undertaker Cutlef;,'' MARTI ' rk14IJHV..-cAa'B OBf TRIAL Evidence of. State . A.bont . AH " at Adjournment: At Court. Tha trial of M. F. 'Martin, af well known' resident of t)riiaha,,n' ' jainr indictment cnarging , mm witti lOomroitting perjury, was begun in tho' dlntrtt&JoouYt thla morn ing.' The' evidence for the state waa about all In when court adjourttta fbr th day. The) perjury s kllegedi,6 h'aJVe.beeri com mitted by MarVIn during,. Iho'.oourse of the trial of a suit In the district -court here some time ago, In which Martin was plain tiff and John : Hutchinson and others of Loyeland," this;' countytTere defendants. The . suit was over , - .roadway through property of tha defendants leading to Mar tin's land. , Mrs, Mabel E. Wright" wap granted a divorce from. Pearl O. -Wright and the cus tody of their minor child, on th grounds of failure to support. They wers married January 27, ,1903, Wright's share in the transaction being to avoid prosecution on a .criminal charge. . Ho wag subsequently ar rested for. trying to avoid the responsibili ties of the marriage and at that time com promised matters by agreeing to pay so much a week toward the support of his wife and baby. He kept up the payments for a ahort' tm only. ' - The; trial of J. L. Prfc'a, charged with forging a- cheek, Which -was assigned for yeaterday In the district court, was con llnued at the request of the defendant, who claimed he was unable to securs tha attendance of an important witness at thla time. Motions for new trials gvo been filed In the suits of Jennie L. Mathls against tha Aetna Life Inauranc company, and Oeorg Ouderktrk against the Petersen Scboen hig company,-In the first case by the de fendant company and In tha second by tha plaintiff. .. , ...... Mrs. , Mary F. Hayes brought suit In th district court yesterday" for divorce from Captain W. A. Hayes., who was committed soma months ago to -the State Hospital for Dipsomaniacs at Mount Pleasant, hut mad his escaps and returned to his home here. Hayes was . arrested last week., charged with intoxication and .disturbing th peace of his family, hut succeeded In securing his release and the suspension of a J50 fins by furnishing a bond In th sum of 1200 for his good behavior., In addition to th dlvorc Mr. 'Hayee asks for the custody of their minor children, an Injunction restraining her husband from visiting or interfering with her and judgment for half of his pension. Captain Hayes' pension. It Is al leged in the petition, was granted- him under an act of congress, providing that In cases of divorce half of the pension shall go to tha divorced wife of tho pensioner. Yoobst Lowlax Ooea to Pea. John Lowing, the Chicago boy bandit, sentenced to ten years la. the penitentiary for his share In holding up and robbing Saloonkeeper Mortenson, wag taken,. to Fort Madison yesterday morning by Sheriff Can ning. The lad appeared perfectly uncon cerned and seemed aa happy aa If he waa going on a pleasure trip. Instead of to th penitentiary. -i .,;... The boy's father, Anton Lowing of Chi cago, was tn the city Sunday' afternoon and visited his son at th county jail. . Th father was much distressed," but the boy soon regained his composure. Mr, Lowing left Chicago, under the Impression that his son's trial would not b held until Mon day, and waa not aware that the boy bad been' sentenced to the penitentiary unyi his arrival here. During his short stay In th city Mr. Lowing, in company with Rev. Henry DeLong, visited tha gray of hi son Martin who shot himself when he saw 'escape was Impossible. Mr. Lowing returned to Chicago on an early evening train Sunday. - UtaTk Scaaol Eleets Editor. Elmer Flaiier was elected dltor-ln-chlf yesterday of th Echoes, th high School paper, for the ensuing aohoot year. He will be assisted by Mlaa Nell Mayna as local editor and Russell Nlabola will look after the business and of th paper. The Otr-r rm''.'VM were" Ry Clay for edl-U- -' i - zet Manderaoa for locai .w. .... ..-4 tllcalcji- lag busi- nees) manager. Fisher was elected by & vote of 72 to 7, Miss Mayna by 17 to (8 and Nichols by 104 to S3. Parade an Decoratloa Day. Charles M. Harl will deliver th oration at tha unveiling of tha fnlon Veteran legion encampment's monument on Me morial day. Tho old soldiers are now plan ning to have the regular Decoration day parade and it will form at o'clock In the afternoon at the corner of Bayllss park and First avenue. Th lln of march will be on Broad way. and Pierce street to Walnut Hill cemetery. The Woman's Relief corps has been given the use of the armory at th tomer of Tearl street and Fifth avenue by the Dodg Light Guards In which to prepare th wreaths and flowers for Decoration day. Members of the corps have been notified to be at the armory Saturday morning at S o'clock. Marriage Llreaaea. Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Jesse P. Francisco. Council Bluff 28 Cora Williams. Council Bluffs 26 Frank D. Brlce. Chlcngo 24 Helen M. Anderson. McPherson. Kan.... 23 H:irry Foffinbarxer, Madison county, la., i Kffie Earp. Madison county, la 24 M'LRAlf READT FOR IK VE9TIGATI01 lows t'nlveeslty Presldeat Expresses Himself Resrardlasr Rumors. IOWA CITT, May 23. (Special.) "If the Davenport alumni, or any other body of alumni, wish to Investigate conditions At the State University of Iowa, I will be very glad to have them Investigate. I have not seen any alumni who wished to Investlgnto, but nil that I wash Is that any who desire to Investigate matters here will make a thorough investigation," said President C. E. McLean today, when shown a newspaper report, that Davenport aiumnl wera to In vestigate matters at th university relative to alleged trouble between the president and faculty. The material upon which the rumors of trouble at the university rest Is shown by the story, that Prof. Samuel Calvin, pro fessor of geology, had resigned because of friction with President McLean. Prof. Cal vin did not resign his professorship. What he djd was to resign the position of state geologist so that he could devote more time to his university work and have his vacations free for private business. Prof. Calvin Is enguged In developing a placer gold mine in British Columbia and deslrea to use his private time, so much aa he can avail himself of, In this work. "My vacations for many years have been teken up with state geological work," said Prof. Calvin today. "I have resigned this in order to be more free to devote my time to my university work and my vacations to private' business. My resignation has no connection with my university work or re lations. It could tiot have, save that I will be more free to devote myself to my uni versity, work.' ATLAJITIO HAS TEMPERANCE RALLY Aatl-Saloon League Orsjaalsea to Work Cass Coaaty. ATLANTIC, la., May St. (Special Tele gram.) A mass meeting of the temperance workers of the county was held at the Toung Men's Christian association rooms In . tbl city today. Rev. I. N. .McCash, of Des Moines, president of the State Anti Saloon league, was present and the morn ing session waa taken up by. an address by Mr. McCash and a few of the local orators. - At the afternoon session. .a league. ws formed embracing 4 he entire county and the following officers were elected: County president, William. M. Setnons; first vie president, agitation department. Dr. Hill; second vloe president, legislative - depart ment. Sllaa .Wilson; third vice . presi dent,, law enforcement . department; J.. E. Glass, fourth vice presi dent, pledge signing, Mrs. Pet tit; secretary, W. B. Crewdson; treasurer, C. W. Bavery. Township superintendents were named as follows: J. D. Peterson, Brighton; J. W. Butler, Pymoea; William Pratt, Benton; Charles Major, Grant; Frank Conine, Washington; H. A. Disbrow, Grove; A. J. Hows, Franklin; John Robeon, Lincoln; H. A. Olfford. Cass; Bert Marker, Bear Grove; O. L. Edwards, Union; Orin Stone, -Mas-sena; Mr, Howdale. Pleasant'; . Ftts Saemlsch, Noble; William McKee, Vic toria. No appointment was made for Edna township and the executive committee waa Instructed to fill the vacancy, that town ship being unrepresented In th meeting. MISSOURI MAS TOO MUCH MARRIED Woman from Crestoa, la.. Claims First Line on Title. WARREN8BURO. Mo., May 2S.-(Special Telegram.) Mr. Miller, a farmer who moved to this county from Iowa, was ar rested here today on the charge of bigamy. His present wife claim h married her In Splckardsvllls, Mo., about four years ago, she being a Miss Lucy Huntley. - The woman who claims to be) hla wife by a prior marriage resides at Creston, la., and Is th mother of four children. She had lost track of her husband until recently, when ah received Information that ha re sided near Warrensburg and waa married again. . She communicated with Prosecut ing Attorney Morrow and hla arrest fol lowed. - IOWA BOY BANDITS GO TO PRiaON Yoataa Who Served Time fa Reform . School Go te Pealtantlavry. DES MOINES. Mar 23. James Sullivan and William Hayes, aged respectively U ana it, were sentenced to seven year each In the atat prison at Fort Madison today. Sullivan and Hayes are reform aohool graduates and leaders of a gang of boy bandits who have terrorised neighborhoods in the vlolnlty ot th city within th last three months. Their robberies and petty thieving embrao within that length of time more than thirty cases, from house breaking to highway holdups. IOWA FARMER COMMITS 41ICIDB ParaJytto Bads Life by- Baaa-lapr at Hla Rsm la Paste Coaaty. CLARINDA, la., May 23. (Special Tele- gram.) John Maxwell, a middle-aged man. a farmer by ocoupatlon, committed suicide by hanging himself In tha barn on his farm la Buohanan township. Page county, Sunday forenoon. ' H had been strloken with paralysis, waa partially helpless and could not speak. It 1 believed hi mind had become deranged. Ha ls survived by his wife and children. BOQUS BUTTER NOT LABELED St. La wis Kaua HeavUy Plaed fas- Bell. lag; Oleoxaarsravlao for tho Gowala ao. ST. LOUIS. May H-Oeorga Ihrter of St. Loul pleaded guilty today In the dis trict court to coloring and selling oleo margarin without labeling t as such, and waa fined $1,000, Porhva ysxvosw S Wasaoa. Eleotrto Zattar Invigorates th fmal system and care nervousness, headache, baeaach and constipation or bo pay, too. For sale by Kshn at Co. Th Be Want Ad ar th best Builneai Boo tare. GETTING RECORD STRAIGHT Oorernor Cummin VLttt Argument for lows BegimtnU at 8hiloh. THREE WIDOWS DIVIDE. THE PROPERTY ew Lavr Regarding Soldier aad Ap pointive Offleere 'CaaalaaT Censld. arable Troable to Taoae Wit Have Places te F1U. (From" a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, May 23. (Special.) Gov ernor Cummins will return home from Plilloh tomorrow. He wont with the Iowa members of th monument commission -to meet on the scene of the battle the mem ber of the national commission which has charge of the Construction of - monuments on th battlefields and to preeent to them th facts regarding tho Fifteenth and Six teenth Iowa regiments of volunteers In that battle. The members of the cotnmls slon participated In the battle and gave Information In regard to the movements of their regiments on the field which con tradicted the official history as the com missioners have approved It. The governor delivered an argument of nearly, three hours in relation to the matter and the member of th ' Iowa commission believe that he demonstrated to the satisfaction of all that the two regiments named really took part In th fight. The evidence and the argument will be transcribed here and be forwarded to 'Washington for the pe rusal of th president and secretary of war. The history of th two regiments as It ls found in tho official records does not corre spohd with the facts because the two regt- monts were fresh on the field and had not keen placed under any brigade commandei, hence their record was not kept. Three Widows Divide. Three widows of El L. Dubois met today after th funeral and settled to their mu tual satisfaction an estate claimed by all three. Dubois was a ditch contractor and but little known In this city. After his death three widows appeared. He had been living with one here for about two yews. another came from New Orleans, where she had married hm a number of years ago, and, the third halls from Denver, where she had been married to him twenty years ago. Neither one knew of the other until they met at the funeral. Dubois was an ugly man and a hard drinker, but seemed to have success with the women. The es tate amounted to about 111,000, but a part of It belonged in fact to bis last wife. F-ach of the others received In settlement a small amount and departed. It appear that Dubois was a Oerman and had been a toldler before coming to this country. He had done work in various American cities and at one time had been quite wealthy, oldlers May Want Places. A problem ls before th state labor com missioner' in the matter of appointment of a factory Inspector. Re waa authorised by th last general' assembly to select an Inspector and hope to have on ready for Work .the first of the week. But there are a large number ot applicants for tha place and' among them several ex-soldlers, who are claiming th plaoe by reason 'of their being soldiers, under the new Iowa law, which requires that preference be given sol diers In appointment to positions. The commissioner ls much in doubt as ,'to whether, ho has a -right to appoint anyone other than an old soldier ao long aa there ls an old soldier' seeking the place. The same question confronts tha State Board of Control In the matter of appointment to fill the places of superintendent at the State Orphans' home and the State Indus trial School for Boya Plana for' Consolidation. Stat Superintendent Rlggs has arranged to go to Greene county, on Invitation of the school patrons there, to talk over the mat ter of school consolidation with special re gard for the wants of Dawson township, near Patton. The school patrons there ere desirous of effecting consolidation of their schools for economy and better results. He will attend a meeting there May 11. . Fifty-six applications have been made to the clerk of th supreme court for. exami nation for the law certificates before the stat law Qorotnlsslon next week. -. Wanted In Nebraska. A requisition was granted by the gov ernor today for the return to Nebraska from Missouri Valley of Edward Spadea, who Is Indicted In Cass county, Nebraska, for grand larceny. It is said that he stols 100 yards 'of cloth and "a suit of clothes from Gideon Franxen. The papers being In proper form the requisition was granted.' New Bank Organised. The articles 0f incorporation were filed today with the secretary of state for the St. Charles Savings bank ot Madison county, with $10,000 capital; J. G. Olmsted proldent and W. A. Trl cashier. The article were filed for the Northwest ern Saddlery and Leather company of Sioux City, 126,000, by William and Louisa Nep per; also th Sioux City Saddlery company, 125,000,' by Fred Bardes and Frank Berger. Tha McClelland improvement company of McClelland, Pattawattamle county, became Incorporated with $2,000 capital, by L. H. Bolton and John Sullivan. Th Launa & Monona Fanners' Telephone company of Clayton county Increased It capital from 2,5O0 to $5,800. Telephone Companies Dellaojoent. Th stat executive council ha been try ing fdf weeks to secure reports for taxa tion purposes from all the telephone com panies of tha stat and ha eecured about 1,000 of such reports. But the secretary finds that . about'as many more ar de linquent and have been ao for twenty-three days, and he threatens to apply the penal ties of th law for th neglect. The com panies ar subject to, a fine of $100 for' each day delinquent and this would make over $1,000,000 due the state If the fines are im posed by the stat executive council. Sold State Property. The atat of Iowa today sold to th school board of East Des Moines th property known aa State aquare. which has been held by tha stat for many years and is unused. Th. school district will roak use of th block for high school purposes. The price paid waa 13,100. Fatal Fireworks. Kiplosloa. CAMDKN, N. J., May 2J.-One man, two boya and six women were killed snd six men snd two girls seriously Injured by an explosion which occurred today In the fire- Dr. Lyon's PERFECT TooiliPoudor AN ELEGANT TOILET LUXURY TJsad by people of refinement tor over a quarter of t century PR ('AS ID BV werke fnctory of Jose Pcalona. on ma buu skirts of this city - Three tWo-story stif one two-story buildings were wrecked by the explosion. Joseph Scalene, the pmprletnr of thai place-, was subsequently arrested and held, pending sn Investigation as to the ciusn of the explosion: The etplostort Is enld to have occurred In the mixing room. .. Ten free trip to th World s Fala eh week.' See coupon on page two. MDQWWE tsiivr a-'"" 11 Court Good health and steady nerves by drinking , . ' i Ghlrardclll's Ground ' Chocolate . Delicious and satisfying, ' Nutritious and , gratifying. Always fresh. Always ready for use A SKIN OP rtKALTTY IS A JOY FOREVER, R. T. FELIX nontAl D'K ORIFNTAL 1 CREAM, OK UAQ1CAL BEAUTiriEK tt'ij . B4moTasTn.liirtfi1ea,rracBlftat diaaaaea, and ctr.r blflxnl,li on LfauU, aim laflcadetaollon It - us atnod tua tcftl of 6fi aear. ana M to tiarmleti ws iwte it to ba turo It ta properly mad. A (anai'.t rir, niMtntar. frit et similar name. Pr. L. A. Rayre said to. a lady of tbe haut con (a patient 1 'll joa ladlef arill ua tham. I raoemmead ' Bourtud'i 6rwn ' as th least harmful of all tba skin praparatttma." yr sals by all Drugglait and raacy Ooous IMalais In the tJ. ., Canada, aad Europe. fERD. T. HOPKINS, Proi'r. 37 6r.it Jonst tt, N. t Th million ports of tbe skin ahootd have a chao.ee to breathe freau sir as-well aa the Innxa. . v ' . rtrei.them the opportnoity. ''"-"'it la truly hytlenlc, as It Is - made only from pare Irlsa. linen yarns. " ' vta sals ar WILLIAMS & SMITH CO, MRS. J. BENSON Every 7onan 1 uwetuoa ana tnouiq enow - spbout lh wonderful MARVEL Whirling $pry vac .mi Bjrrtatfw. jntr&. 4 MurHon. HMt hvf. Mt-Moit Convenient. ItUwaVMM iMltDUf, ttber. biii wnd sunup fo !llUtrsiUd iHtok alr Tt live. ffnll nartlcularaand dliectlona in. valnablr to ladira MIRVKLCO.," 1 Park new. Its Vera. For sale by SCHAKFER'S URITO STORES, 16th and Chicago Sis.; 80. Omaha, 24th and N fcts; Council Bluffs, 6th and Main Sts. KUHN & CO., 16th and Douglas Streot Charge Loss Tha) All Othora. DR. McCREW SPECIALIST. Trstt((anaf . DISEASES' Or MEN ONLY A riadlcal Expert. 2S Year SxperUaea, -1 $ Ytat la Oeaaha. Naariy M.0 Cse Cera. Vadeooala, Brdraoeia, Blso Polsso, gtrlotar. Leas of etranata aa Vital. - 01aa, Narroua Dablllty, iur an all tonaa af eunmW i lan aaa IWUnavt or suU. Call ar writ. Beg Me Pffloa erar HI S. Ittk St, OmaM, Xab. . GOVKHXMEST KOTlCxtf. OFFICE CONbTRC'CTlNO ' 'qUAKTAr MASTER, Cheyenne, Wyo., May 24, 1304. Sealed proposals. In tripli cate, . subject to the usual , ouiull tlons, will be received at tlis. ultlce until 1 o'clock P. m. mountain time,. June 14, 1904, and then opened for fie construction and erection, complete, at Fort U. .A, Hur sell. Wyo., of a- crematory it a otpaclty of not less than one t6n tier hour, to gether with a suitable building to en close same-. Bidders must submit, with their hid, plan and specifications. In tripli cate, of the crematory and building they propose to erect, instructions, blank forms of proposal and full Information furnished on application to this offloe. Bids uudor my advertisement of March' 28 IHOafor crematory, have been rejected. Tha 1nUed States reserves the rlflit to accept or re- iect any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing-tide should be en-, dorsed ' Proposal for Crematory at Fort D. A. Bugsell, Wyo.," and addratsed to Captain W. S. Foott, quartermaster, U. 8. A., In dharge ut construction, Cheyenne, Wyo. M34-S6 JeiiO-U LEGAL. NO'UCB. a . . iiAv -.il w 1 v-ra 7" :-' T 01 -3 jtrufcT-.-v stheg&A cfoimiweai' mm ! raar arac.1.1 H. , ft If ha oannut supply the . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notice Is hereby given that sealed bid for the construction of a dtrb in -Dodge county, Nebraska, known aa tha Bowman ditch, will be reoeivad by the county clerk of Dodge county until' 10 o'olock a. in, Juaa t, 18o4. Said ditch to be constructed o cording to tho plans and speclticallons of the county surveyor, which are now on file In the office ot the county qlerk. The party or parties to whom the contracts are awarded must give bonds In the sum of Ii0 for faithful perforiaanoe of con. tract, and $1,X to secure the payment of laborers and mechanics. Kach hid must be accompanied with a certlQed check on some Fremont bank In the aum of $100 payable to the county treasure of Dodge county, to be forfeited to said county Tu case the party awarded tha contract falls tn promptly enter Into satisfactory oou ttact. feiaaled bide to ba ad-Jresaad to O. O. Roe, oounty clerk, 'Frmaonl, Nab, Thf board reserves tliw rltfht to reiect any ana all bids. C. O. -V., C: 'v Terk. .... , aX.kl IW -